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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Brooksville, Florida Feb. 13, 1992 Number: 92-000975 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: This controversy began on July 9, 1990, when petitioners, David and Victoria Page, filed an application with the district office of respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), seeking the issuance of a permit authorizing certain construction activities (including the erection of a seawall) on their residential lot located at 3108 Gulfwinds Circle, Hernando Beach, Florida. The property faces west on the Gulf of Mexico, a water body designated as a Class III water in the State. The application was eventually deemed to be complete on October 24, 1990. After conducting a review of the application and an on-site inspection of the property, on January 18, 1991, DER issued its notice of permit denial. The notice identified the reasons for the denial as being petitioners' failure to give reasonable assurances that water quality standards would not be violated and that the project would be in the public interest. Also, DER cited expected adverse cumulative impacts if the application was granted. The notice provided further that if petitioners agreed to locate their seawall landward of the jurisdictional line, the project would be approved. In July 1991, petitioners amended their application to propose that the seawall be constructed even further seaward of the jurisdictional line. When efforts to resolve the case were unsuccessful, petitioners requested a formal hearing on January 17, 1992, to contest the agency's decision. Petitioners purchased their property in 1989. It lies within Unit 2 of Gulf Coast Retreats, a residential subdivision in Hernando Beach, Florida. The property is identified as lot 20 on Gulfwinds Circle and fronts the Little Pine Island Bay (Bay), which is a part of the Gulf of Mexico. Access to the Gulf is provided by a channel (six feet in depth) in the Bay in front of lot 20 and which eventually runs into the Gulf several miles south of petitioners' lot. It is undisputed that in 1985 Hurricane Elena passed offshore causing erosion to lot 20 and other adjacent lots. Consequently, the upland portion of the lot is now smaller than before the hurricane. However, petitioners purchased their property in that state of condition. Lots 19 and 21 are on the south and north sides of petitioners' property and are owned by the Steins and Budricks, respectively. Both neighbors have constructed vertical concrete seawalls in front of their homes. Budrick was issued a permit to construct a seawall on December 28, 1989, while Stein constructed his without a permit. However, Stein has subsequently filed an after-the-fact permit application and was recently advised by DER that the application was complete. At hearing, a DER representative expressed the view that the Stein application will probably be approved since his wall is landward of the DER jurisdictional line. It is noted that the Stein and Budrick seawalls sit back from the original property lines because of the erosion suffered during the 1985 hurricane and correspond to the jurisdictional line established by DER on their property. Another application for a permit to construct a seawall was filed by the owner of lot 18 in March 1992. Like Stein and Budrick, that owner proposed to construct his wall on the landward side of the jurisdictional line. Petitioners, who live in Kansas, desire to construct a home on their lot. They have proposed to place one hundred cubic yards of fill (limerock) on 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands on the western end of their lot and construct a 110-foot vertical seawall up to thirty feet seaward of the jurisdictional line. Thus, there will be dredge and filling activities in the Gulf of Mexico, a class III water of the state, thereby invoking the jurisdiction of DER. By law, DER is required to establish a jurisdictional line to show the landward extent of waters of this state, including the Gulf of Mexico. Such extent is normally defined by species of plants or soils which are characteristic of those areas subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters of the state. As a general practice, using a prescribed plant or species indicator list, DER makes an on-site inspection of the property to determine what vegetation, if any, is found on the property and is subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters. In this case, the dominant vegetation found on lot 20 was paspalum distichum, a plant on the species list subject to regular and periodic inundation by the Gulf waters. Accordingly, DER observed where the vegetation ended and used that point for the placement of the jurisdictional line. As a cross check, DER also noted the rack line, which is indicative of the landward extent to which the high tides rise, and found it to correspond to the vegetation line. It should be noted that the jurisdictional line established on petitioners' property corresponds with the line drawn on lots 18, 19 and 21, and if that line is used to construct the seawall on lot 20, the seawalls on all four lots would run in a straight line. Although petitioners objected to the jurisdictional line as established by DER, they offered no credible evidence to show that it was improper or should have been placed at a different location. On January 9 and 15, 1991, Richard W. Pugh, a DER field environmental specialist, conducted an on-site inspection of the property and adjacent waters. He also was responsible for establishing the jurisdictional line. Finding numerous adverse environmental effects that would occur if the permit was granted as proposed, Pugh recommended that the application be denied. This recommendation was accepted by the deputy assistant secretary for DER's Southwest District Office and a notice of permit denial was accordingly issued. The bases for the denial were that (a) reasonable assurances had not been given by petitioners that water quality standards would be satisfied; (b) a cumulative adverse impact on the area would occur if the permit was approved, and (c) petitioners had failed to give reasonable assurances that the project was in the public interest. In order to prove entitlement to a permit, petitioners must give reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated and that the project is in the public interest. In this respect, they offered no evidence to provide these assurances. This in itself supports a finding that no entitlement to a permit has been shown. Even so, the agency elected to present evidence on these issues after petitioners' case-in-chief was concluded. Findings of fact drawn from that evidence are set forth below. On April 6, 1992, a DER marine biologist, Dr. George H. Farrell, visited the site and conducted a biological evaluation of the composition of the benthic community in the intertidal and subtidal wetlands which would be impacted by the project. Based on his tests and observations, Dr. Farrell concluded that the project as proposed would have an adverse impact on marine and wildlife resources in the area. This is because the area has very good water quality, contains a high species diversity, performs an integral part in the food web, and serves a valuable nursery function for estuarine dependent juvenile fish species and a corridor function for migrating estuarine dependent fish species. This testimony was not challenged by petitioners and is hereby accepted. 1/ In granting or denying a water resource permit, DER is also required to consider certain statutory criteria found in Subsection 403.918(2), Florida Statutes, to determine whether a project is in the public interest. Although petitioners did not address these criteria, and thus failed to give any assurances that the project is in the public interest as required by law, testimony adduced by DER established that under petitioners' proposal, there will be a permanent loss of 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands due to filling activities. These wetlands are now used by fish and wildlife habitat and will no longer be available for use. In addition, the same area is used as a nursery area by a variety of fish species. As such, the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats and will adversely affect the fishing values and marine productivity in the vicinity. Second, because petitioners' proposed seawall will jut out from their neighbors' walls by as much as thirty feet, and the corners of the seawall in that configuration will result in erosion or shoaling depending on whether the waters are moving north or south, the project will cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Third, because the wall is being constructed of concrete and steel and is not temporary, the project will be of a permanent nature and thus have a permanent adverse impact. Finally, the ecological functions being performed in the immediate vicinity of the project are extremely important and the elimination of this zone will significantly impair those functions. Collectively, these considerations support a finding that the project is not in the public interest. DER has a policy of not granting a permit if adverse cumulative impacts may be expected as a result of granting that permit. This policy is derived from a statute (s. 403.919, F.S.) requiring such impacts to be considered in the permitting process. In the case at bar, DER reasonably predicts that if it granted petitioners' application and authorized them to construct a seawall which jutted out up to thirty feet beyond their neighbors' walls, it would be obligated to grant similar permits to property owners on adjacent lots. Because petitioners' application will have an adverse impact on the water quality and is contrary to the public interest, the granting of additional permits would exacerbate those impacts. When an applicant proposes to fill (destroy) wetlands, and the applicant is unable to meet the public interest criteria set forth in subsection 403.918(2), DER shall consider measures proposed by or acceptable to the applicant to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the project. In this case, no mitigative measures were proposed by petitioners. At hearing, petitioners' representative asserted that in June 1991, the Cabinet (presumably sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund) implemented a new "policy" which allows property owners to "recover and bulkhead" land previously lost due to avulsion and erosion. He further represented that such requests were to be filed within five years after the event (hurricane). Although petitioners were not the property owners when the event occurred, and more than five years has elapsed, in July 1991 petitioners filed a request with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to reclaim and bulkhead their property and that request remained pending as of the date of hearing. A copy of the policy itself (or rule, if any, implementing the policy) was not made a part of this record. Even so, there was no evidence to establish that the granting of that application would require DER to grant a water resource permit, and DER takes the position that the request has no bearing on the issue of whether a water resource permit should be issued to petitioners.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying petitioners' application for a water resource permit. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 1992.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57380.06
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003695 Latest Update: Feb. 17, 1987

Findings Of Fact Ben A. Posdal is the owner of property commonly known as 166 Brightwater Drive, in the City of Clearwater, Florida. On August 7, 1986, he applied for variances to construct two wooden decks on his property, located at the above address. The property which is the subject of the variance request is a building which contains four apartments, which are rented by Ben A. Posdal to various tenants. On August 28, 1986, the Development Code Adjustment Board (DCAB) denied the variance requested by Mr. Posdal on the grounds that he had not demonstrated a hardship and that he had not demonstrated that the requested variance would not violate the general spirit and intent of the Clearwater Land Development Code. On September 9, 1986, an appeal was filed by Ben A. Posdal from the decision of the Development Code Adjustment Board. The appeal alleges that the DCAB decision was arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable on the following grounds: Other properties allegedly are in violation of the back line setback regulations; The DCAB failed to give enough evidentiary weight to photographs he submitted; and Appellant allegedly is being deprived of the beneficial use of the property in a manner commensurate with the community. There are no physical conditions which are unique to the property. There is no particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical condition that would result in an unnecessary hardship upon the Appellant. Failure to obtain a variance would not impinge upon Appellant's use of the property in any way. The record on appeal contains competent, substantial evidence to support the DCAB decision. Nonconforming uses in the area of the subject property are legal nonconforming uses.

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001309 Latest Update: Aug. 08, 1989

Findings Of Fact Based upon the record evidence, the Hearing Officer makes the following Findings of Fact: Petitioner and his wife own residential property on the northwest side of Key Thargo in Monroe County, Florida. The property is situated on Florida Bay, a Class III Outstanding Florida Water. The area surrounding the Depkins' property is predominately residential, but there is some nearby commercial development, including a motel which is located on an adjoining parcel. A seawall runs the entire length of the shoreline of the Depkins' property. An L-shaped dock and a covered dock extend out into the water from opposite ends of the seawall forming a cove. The Depkins, who live in Key Thargo only a portion of the year, have a boat which they currently moor alongside the L-shaped dock in that area of the cove where the depth of the water is the greatest. The operation of the boat in this area of the cove has not caused any obvious damage to the bay bottom. Two of the Depkins' boats have sunk in stormy weather while moored alongside the L-shaped dock. Therefore, they now dock their boat at a marina when they are away from Key Largo. The Depkins propose to dredge a relatively small 600 square foot area of bay bottom, which they own, in the cove immediately waterward of the seawall. The depth of the water in this area of the cove now ranges from six inches to a foot and a half. The proposed dredging project would increase the depth of the water by two feet and thereby enable the Depkins to dock their boat alongside the seawall, a location they consider safer than the one they presently use for this purpose. The bay bottom which the Depkins propose to dredge consists primarily of bedrock which is irregularly shaped. Most of the bedrock is exposed, however, some of the depressions in the bedrock are filled with sediment. The remaining portion of the bay bottom is covered with sand which is inhabited by various living organisms. Approximately 50% to 75% of the proposed dredging site is covered with vegetation. The dominant vegetation is live algae attached to the exposed bedrock. Various species of algae are present, including red algae, which is the preferred habitat for juvenile lobster. A small portion of the site is covered by live turtlegrass. These few patches of turtlegrass are found in the depressions in the bedrock that are filled with sediment. Without sediment turtlegrass cannot grow. Algae and turtlegrass play significant roles in the production and sustenance of marine life. They have considerable value as a habitat and as a source of food for other living organisms. In addition, they help reduce turbidity and water pollution. If the Depkins dredged the proposed project site, all existing biota within the boundaries of the site would be eliminated and it is unlikely that the area would experience a complete or significant recovery. About twelve to fourteen years ago the Depkins dredged sand from the bay bottom near their L-shaped dock. Almost 30 years ago the owners of the motel situated on the parcel of land adjoining the Depkins' property undertook a similar sand dredging project in the bay. Neither of these prior dredging projects resulted in the long-term loss of any vegetation. If anything, the vegetation in these areas has increased. Unlike these previous projects, the project which the Depkins now propose to undertake involves the dredging of primarily bedrock, not sand. 1/ Revegetation typically does not occur following such dredging activity. It is the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, more likely than not, the Depkins' proposed dredging project, if permitted, will result in the permanent loss of vegetation and consequently will have a long-term adverse effect on ambient water quality, the conservation of fish and other aquatic wildlife, and marine productivity. Furthermore, if the project was completed and the Depkins were to begin docking their boat alongside the seawall, there would be an increase in conflict turbidity attributable to the movement of the boat in and out of this area of shallow water. 2/ No measures to mitigate these adverse consequences have been proposed or suggested. 3/ There are many other owners of bayfront property in the Florida Keys who, like the Depkins, are desirous of dredging an access channel to the landward extent of their property. The Department's current practice is to deny these property owners permission to engage in such dredging activity. Although in the past year the Department has processed only about a half dozen permit applications for dredging projects similar in size and scope to that proposed by the Depkins, there would likely be a substantial increase in the number of permit applications were the Department to announce, through its disposition of the Depkins' permit application, that it was henceforth allowing such projects. If the Depkins and these other property owners were permitted to undertake such projects, the resulting damage to the marine environment would be widespread. The impact would extend far beyond the relatively small area of bay bottom that the Depkins propose to dredge. The Department has proposed the following reasonable alternative to the proposed dredging project which would also provide the Depkins with improved access to their residence by boat: Extend the existing [L-shaped] dock offshore to a terminal platform located at a water depth of at least four (4) feet MLW and elevate the intermediate portion of the dock to at least five (5) feet above MHW to prevent boat mooring in shallower areas.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue a final order denying the Depkins' permit application. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 8th day of August, 1989. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division f Administrative Hearings this of 8th day of August, 1989.

Florida Laws (2) 267.061380.06
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Sep. 23, 2008 Number: 08-004752 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 2009

The Issue The issue is whether an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) and a Letter of Consent to Use Sovereignty Submerged Lands (Letter of Consent) should be issued to Respondent, Palm Beach County (County), authorizing it to fill 7.97 acres of submerged lands for a restoration project in Lake Worth Lagoon.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings are determined: The Parties Trump is the owner association for a two-towered residential and commercial condominium building located at 525 South Flagler Drive in downtown West Palm Beach, upland and west of the project site in the Lagoon. Each tower rises thirty floors and together they have of two hundred twenty units. The first five floors are common areas including a lobby on the first floor, while a pool and patio are located on the fifth floor of the north tower. The property is separated from the Lagoon by Flagler Drive, a four-lane divided road with landscaping and sidewalks which runs adjacent to, and on the western side of, the Lagoon. There is no dispute that Trump has standing to initiate this action. Flagler owns, manages, and leases two multi-story office buildings located at 501 Flagler Drive on the upland real property directly west of the project location. Like the Trump property, the Flagler property is separated from the Lagoon by Flagler Drive. There is no dispute that Flagler has standing to participate in this matter. The County is a political subdivision of the State and is the applicant in this proceeding. The Department is the state agency with the authority under Part IV, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes,2 to issue to the County an ERP for the project, as well as authority as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees) to authorize activities on sovereign submerged lands pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 18-21. Background On October 29, 2007, the County submitted to the Department its Joint Application for an ERP and Letter of Consent to use sovereignty submerged lands in the Lagoon owned by the Board of Trustees. The application was assigned File No. 50- 0283929-00. After an extensive review process, including three requests for additional information, on August 12, 2008, the Department issued its Notice of Intent authorizing the County to fill 7.97 acres of submerged lands in the Lagoon with approximately 172,931 cubic yards of sand and rock material to create the following: (a) approximately 1.75 acres of red mangrove habitat including 1.52 acres of mangrove islands and 0.23 acres of red mangrove planters; (b) approximately 0.22 acres of cordgrass habitat; (c) approximately 0.90 acres of oyster habitat; (d) approximately 3.44 acres of submerged aquatic vegetation habitat; and (e) a 10-foot by 556-foot (5,560 square feet) public boardwalk with two 3-foot by 16-foot (48 square feet) educational kiosk areas and a 16-foot by 16-foot (256 square feet) observation deck for a total square footage of approximately 5,912 square feet. The Notice of Intent also included a number of general and specific conditions particular to this project. Trump (by timely Petition) and Flagler (by intervention) then challenged the Notice of Intent. They contend generally that the project unreasonably infringes upon or restricts their riparian rights and fails to meet the permitting and consent to use criteria set forth in Chapters 18-21 and 40E-4, as well as Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Section 253.141, Florida Statutes. Conflicting evidence on these issues was presented at the hearing. The conflicts have been resolved in favor of the County and the Department, who presented the more persuasive evidence. The Project The project area is a cove in the Lagoon, a Class III water body which extends within the County from North Palm Beach to Manalapan. The western side of the water body in the project area is lined with a vertical concrete seawall approximately 6.64 feet above the mean low water line. The waters immediately adjacent to the Trump and Flagler upland property are generally two to five feet deep along the seawall. To the east lies the island of Palm Beach, to the south is the Royal Park Bridge, which connects West Palm Beach and the Town of Palm Beach, while to the north is the Flagler Memorial drawbridge. The Lagoon is approximately 2,000 feet from shore to shore. The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) runs roughly through the middle of the Lagoon in a north-south direction. Currently, there is an artificial dredge hole in the project area around four hundred feet from the western seawall. The dredge hole, which descends to approximately twenty feet at its deepest location, is filled with muck, which can be re- suspended by wave energy into the water, blocking the sunlight necessary for the support of biotic life. The muck covers the natural hard bottom, consumes oxygen, and presents an unsuitable environment for benthic organisms. The dredge hole is too deep to support seagrasses. The project calls for filling the dredge hole to intertidal elevations, i.e., between the high and low tide elevations, for mangroves and elevations suitable for seagrass. In all, approximately 173,000 cubic yards of fill will be placed in and around the hole to build up three separate islands within the project footprint, on which the County will plant 10,000 red mangroves, which naturally grow between fifteen and twenty-five feet in height. (The County estimates that eighty to ninety percent of the mangroves will survive and grow to a height of at least fifteen feet.) The top of the islands, not including mangroves, will be just below the mean high water mark. The County also proposes locating planters along the seawall and oyster reefs along the southern end of the project. The planters are designed to extend out approximately twenty feet from the seawall and will be placed on sovereign submerged lands. The last five feet will consist of limestone rock. Mangrove, spartina, and seagrass habitats will provide a biodiverse source of food and habitat for other species, and occurs naturally within the Lagoon but has been lost over time. Oyster habitat is proposed for additional bio-diversity and to provide a natural water filtration function. From the County's perspective, the restoration project would be incomplete without all the habitats proposed. The planters will be at an intertidal elevation, planted with red mangroves and spartina, and faced with rock to reduce wave energy in the area. The oyster reefs are rock structures designed to rise one foot above mean high water line for visibility to boaters. The project also includes a boardwalk and attached educational kiosks on the south side of the project to bring the public in contact with the habitats. The County will maintain the boardwalk, empty the trash daily, and open/close the gates at sunrise/sunset. The County proposes a minimum ten-foot buffer between seagrass beds and the fill area. The project is part of the County's Lagoon Management Plan, which outlines the County's restoration goals within the Lagoon. The County has performed numerous other restoration projects within the Lagoon to re-introduce mangrove and seagrass habitat, such as Snook Island, which consisted of filling a 100- acre dredge hole, installing mangrove islands, seagrass flats, and oyster reefs. The Snook Island project restored mangrove habitat and recruited fish and bird species, including endangered and threatened species. Snook Island has remained stable, with no sediment deposition or erosion. The County intends to fill the dredge hole with native lagoon bottom sediment. A clam-shell machine will deposit the sediment below the water line to reduce turbidity. Sediment will be placed around the edges of the dredge hole, reducing the velocity of the fill as it settles to the bottom and encapsulates the muck, as required by Draft Permit Special Condition No. 19. The County will use turbidity curtains, monitor conditions hourly, and stop work if turbidity levels rise beyond acceptable standards. These precautions are included in Draft Permit Conditions 12, 13, and 14. The County will use construction barges with a four- foot draft to avoid propeller dredge or rutting and will place buoys along the project boundary to guide the construction barges, precautions integrated into the Draft Permit conditions. The County's vendor contracts require maintenance of construction equipment to prevent leakage. A similar condition is found in the Draft Permit. Both the intertidal and seagrass flats elevations at the top of the islands will be built at a 4:1 slope; elevations subject to wind and wave energy will be reinforced with a rock revetment constructed of filter cloth and rock boulders. Seagrass elevations will have no reinforcing rock because they are deep enough to avoid significant currents. Proposed drawings were signed and sealed by a professional engineer. The ERP Criteria To secure regulatory approval for an ERP, an applicant must satisfy the conditions in current Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E- 4.302. The first rule focuses primarily on water quantity, environmental impacts, and water quality. The latter rule requires that a public interest balancing test be made, and that cumulative impacts, if any, be considered. Also, the BOR, which implements the rule criteria, must be taken into account. a. Rule 40E-4.301 21. Paragraphs (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c), (1)(g), (1)(h), and (1)(k) and subsections (2) and (3) of the rule do not apply. Although Trump and Flagler have focused primarily on paragraphs (1)(d), (f), and (i) in their joint Proposed Recommended Order, all remaining criteria will be addressed. Paragraph (1)(d) requires that an applicant give reasonable assurance that the proposed activity "will not adversely affect the value of the functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters." Based on the project design, the filling of the dredge hole and capping of muck, the restoration of seagrass habitat, and the creation of mangrove habitat, the project will have no adverse impacts but rather will be beneficial to the value of functions for fish and wildlife. Paragraph (1)(e) requires that an applicant give reasonable assurance that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters. The County will be required to manage turbidity that may be generated from the project. In part, the turbidity will be contained by the proposed construction method for filling the dredge hole. As noted earlier, the native sand will be deposited using a clamshell-type arm to dump the sand under the water around the periphery of the edge of the downward slope of the dredge hole. This will continue around the periphery of the hole, building up a lip and letting it slide down towards the bottom of the hole, squeezing the muck into the center of the hole and beginning to encapsulate it. Once there are several feet of native sand over the muck to encapsulate it, the County will resume the filling at the target rate. Subsection of the BOR requires that the County address stabilizing newly created slopes of surfaces. To satisfy this requirement, the County will place the fill at a 4:1 slope. The outer edge of the mangrove islands slope back to a 4:1 slope and use rock rip-rap to stabilize that slope. Also, filter cloth, bedding stones, and boulders will be used. Because water currents slow near the bottom, the 4:1 slope for the seagrass elevations on the bottom will not de-stabilize. There will be turbidity curtains around the project area. Those are floating tops and weighted bottoms that reach to the bottom and are intended to contain any turbidity that may be generated by the project. Specific Conditions 12, 13, and 14 require extensive monitoring of turbidity. The County proposes to use a barge with a draft no greater than four feet. This aspect of the project will require a pre-construction meeting and extensive monitoring throughout the project. As a part of the application review, the County performed a hydrographic analysis which was coordinated with and reviewed by the Department staff. There are no expected debris or siltation concerns as a result of the project. The more persuasive evidence supports a finding that over the long term, the project is expected to have a beneficial effect on water quality. By filling the dredge hole and providing habitat for seagrass, mangroves, and oysters, the project will provide net improvement to water quality. The requirements of the rule have been met. Paragraph (1)(f) requires that the applicant provide reasonable assurance that the activities will not "cause secondary impacts to the water resources." More detailed criteria for consideration are found in BOR Subsection 4.2.7. The County has provided reasonable assurance that through best management practices, it will control turbidity. Also, Specific Conditions in the proposed permit require that water quality monitoring be conducted throughout the process. There will be no impacts to upland habitat for aquatic or wetland dependent species. This is because a vertical seawall is located upland of the project site, and no surrounding uplands are available for nesting or denning by aquatic or wetland dependent listed species. A secondary impact evaluation also includes an evaluation of any related activities that might impact historical and archaeological resources. There are, however, no historical or archaeological resources in the area. If resources are uncovered during the project, Draft Permit conditions require notification to the Department of State. Finally, there are no anticipated future activities or future phases on the project to be considered. Rule 40E-4.301(1)(i) requires that the applicant provide reasonable assurance that the project "will be capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being performed and of functioning as proposed." Trump and Flagler contend that the project cannot be constructed and successfully operated as proposed. Trump's expert witness, Joseph Pike, testified that there were ambiguities and conflicts within the plan drawings that would require changes upon build-out; either fill will be placed outside of the fill area, or the mangrove islands will be smaller than depicted. Mr. Pike also voiced concerns that a 4:1 slope would not be stable and might cause fill to migrate to existing seagrass beds. He further stated that the Snook Island project included 18:1 slopes, and he thought providing rock revetment only at the intertidal zone was insufficient. Mr. Pike acknowledged that he had used 4:1 slopes in lake projects; however, in a tidal project involving fill placement, he opined that a 4:1 slope was likely to "relax." He did not do calculations about what slope might hold and admitted that prior experience using similar slopes with the same type of fill might change his opinion. Finally, Mr. Pike noted that a portion of the dredge hole would not be filled and concluded that the project would not fully cap the muck. Trump's biologist, James Goldasitch, speculated that the water flow changes would cause sediment deposition on existing seagrass beds, possibly causing the seagrasses to die. He admitted, however, that the County's plans called for the creation of 3.44 acres of seagrass and did not know the amount of habitat created compared to the amount of habitat he anticipated being affected. The Department's engineer, Jack Wu, approved the hydrologic aspects of the County's plan, but Mr. Goldasitch speculated that Mr. Wu was more focused on shoreline stability than on depositional forces. Mr. Goldasitch never actually spoke to Mr. Wu regarding his analysis, and Mr. Wu's memorandum refers not only to engineering and construction aspects of the proposal but also to the criteria in Rules 40E-4.301 and 40E-4.302. Mr. Goldasitch believed the County's boardwalk will impact the seagrass beds by blocking sunlight, but acknowledged that the Draft Permit required the boardwalk to be elevated and portions to be grated. Both the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Department's expert witness concluded that the permit conditions for constructing the boardwalk, which are common, eliminated impacts to seagrass. Mr. Goldasitch further opined that the 4:1 slope might slump, but then deferred to the opinion of a registered engineer on this type of engineering matter. The County presented its professional engineer, Clint Thomas, who worked on the project design. Mr. Thomas explained that permit drawings are not intended to be construction-level in detail, but are merely intended to provide sufficient detail for the regulator to understand the project within the 8 and 1/2 by 11-inch paper format required by the Department. The County will ultimately prepare permit-level, construction-level, and as-built drawings. Permit conditions also require a pre-construction meeting. No fill will be placed outside the area designated for fill, and the 4:1 slope will start at the outer boundary of the designated fill area until it reaches the specified elevation. Mr. Thomas acknowledged that the plan view drawings depict a mangrove island too close to the western project boundary, but stated that the mangrove island would simply be placed farther to the east during the construction-level plan process. Islands will become smaller islands, but will not be relocated, and in no event will the fill area expand; the fill boundary is a very strict limit. There is no evidence that the County has ever violated a fill boundary established in a permit. The 4:1 slope was based on the type of fill proposed for the project and to maximize project features. Mr. Thomas has successfully used 4:1 slopes with non-compacted fill in the Lagoon, both at Snook Island in its as-built state and at other projects. The islands at Snook Island are similar to those proposed. Other areas in the Lagoon have held slopes steeper than 4:1 with the same type of fill. Therefore, Mr. Thomas opined the 4:1 slope would hold. In rendering this opinion, he explained that the currents in the project vicinity are only around 1.2 knots. Because currents slow near the bottom, the 4:1 slope for the seagrass elevations on the bottom will not de- stabilize. Mr. Thomas addressed the contention that a change in water flow velocity would cause sediment to deposit on existing seagrass. The oyster reefs are rubble structures that allow the water to flow through. If any sediment flows through, it will deposit on the north side of the oyster bar, rather than on the seagrass beds. Given these considerations, the evidence supports a finding that the project will function as proposed. Finally, paragraph (1)(j) requires that the County provide reasonable assurance that it has the financial, legal, and administrative capability to ensure that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. The evidence supports a finding that the County has complied with this requirement. In summary, the evidence supports a finding that the County has given reasonable assurance that the project satisfies the criteria in Rule 40E-4.301. b. Rule 40E-4.302 In addition to the conditions of Rule 40E-4.301, the County must provide reasonable assurance that the construction of the proposed project will not be contrary to the public interest. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-4.302(1)(a)1.-7. Rule 40E-4.302(1)(a)1. requires that the Department consider whether the activity will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others. Trump first contends that the project will increase the mosquito population. The evidence shows, however, that the mangroves will be placed below the mean high water mark and therefore no increase in mosquitoes should occur. Also, the design of the project, coupled with the local mosquito control program, should ensure that there will be no increase in mosquito population or a risk to the public health. Trump also raised the issue of an increase in trash along the boardwalk area or in the newly-created mangrove islands. The County presented evidence that there will be appropriate trash receptacles in the area as well as regular garbage collection. In terms of safety, navigation markers are included as a part of the project for safe boating by the public. The County consulted with the United States Coast Guard regarding navigation issues. Further, the project will not cause flooding on the property of others or cause an environmental impact on other property. Although a number of Trump residents expressed sincere and well-intended concerns about the project impacting the value of their condominiums (mainly due to a loss of view), BOR Subsection provides that the "[Department] will not consider impacts to property values or taxes." Rule 40E-4.302(1)(a)2. requires that the Department consider whether the activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. Subparagraph 4. of the same rule requires that the Department consider whether the activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational value or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity. The proposed activity is a restoration project for the creation of seagrass and mangrove habitats. As such, it is beneficial to the conservation of fish and wildlife and is expected to increase the biotic life in the project area. Besides providing additional habitat for fish and wildlife, the project will add to the marine productivity in the area. In terms of recreational opportunities, the project is expected to be a destination for boating, kayaking, fishing, and birdwatching. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has also recommended issuance of the permit with the standard manatee condition for in-water work. This recommendation has been incorporated as Specific Conditions 23 through 25 Rule 40E-4.301(1)(a)3. requires that the Department consider whether the activity will adversely affect navigation and the flow of water, or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. The nearest navigation channel is the ICW. The project is located outside of that area. Subsection of the BOR provides additional guidance on the evaluation of impacts of this nature. Paragraph (a) of that subsection provides that, in evaluating a proposed activity, the Department "will consider the current navigational uses of the surface waters and will not speculate on uses which may occur in the future." Trump residents indicated that in the project area persons are now picked up off the seawall and then travel to the ICW. Access to the seawall is possible from the east and south, although existing shoals currently limit the approach from the south. Large boats do not use the area because of shoals. In general, "[t]here's not a whole lot of boating activity in the project area." The parties agree that if the project is constructed as designed, boats will not be able to travel directly out from the seawall in front on Trump or Flagler to the ICW, as they now do. However, navigation in the area will still be available, although not as convenient as before. As to water flow, shoaling, and erosion, the more persuasive evidence supports a finding that the 4:1 slope will be stable and will not cause fill to migrate outside of the boundaries of the project into existing seagrass beds. The tidal flow will continue through the area after construction without sediment deposition into existing seagrass beds or destabilizing the 4:1 slope. There will be no shoaling or erosion. Finally, the project will be permanent and there are no significant historical and archaeological resources in the area. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40E-4.302(1)(a)5. and 6. In summary, the evidence supports a finding that the County's proposal is neutral as to whether the activity will adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare, or the property of others; that the County's proposal is neutral with respect to navigation, erosion and shoaling, and water flow, as well as to historical and archaeological concerns; and that the County's proposal is positive with respect to the conservation of fish and wildlife, recreational values and marine productivity, permanency, and current values and functions. When these factors are weighed and balanced, the project is not contrary to the public interest and qualifies for an ERP. D. Proprietary Authorization Chapter 18-21 applies to requests for authorization to use sovereign submerged lands. The management policies, standards, and criteria used to determine whether to approve or deny a request are found in Rule 18-21.004. In making its review, the Department reviews the rule in its entirety; it also looks at the forms of authorization (e.g., letters of consent, leases, deeds, or easement) to determine the most appropriate form of authorization for an activity. Trump and Flagler have raised contentions regarding the proprietary authorization, including whether the application should have been treated as one of heightened public concern, whether the proper form of authorization has been used, and whether their riparian rights are unreasonably infringed upon by the project. Heightened Public Concern Rule 18-21.0051 provides for the delegation of review and decision-making authority to the Department for the use of sovereign submerged lands, with the following exception found in subsection (4) of the rule: (4) The delegations set forth in subsection (2) are not applicable to a specific application for a request to use sovereign submerged lands under Chapter 253 or 258, F.S., where one or more members of the Board, the Department, or the appropriate water management district determines that such application is reasonably expected to result in a heightened public concern, because of its potential effect on the environment, natural resources, or controversial nature or location. On March 13, 2008, the Department's West Palm Beach District Office sent a "heightened public concern [HPC]) memo" to the Department's review panel in Tallahassee,3 seeking guidance as to whether the project required review by the Board of Trustees under the above-cited rule. The Department emailed the County on March 14, 2008, stating that the project would be elevated to the Board of Trustees for review to approve the entire Lagoon Management Plan. The County asked for reconsideration, concerned over timing restraints on grant opportunities. This concern is based on the fact that the County will receive grant monies to assist in the construction of the project and must have regulatory approval by a date certain in order to secure those funds. A second HPC memorandum was sent to the review panel on April 22, 2008. Part of the interim decision to elevate the application to the Board of Trustees concerned the boardwalk connection to the City of West Palm Beach's existing seawall. The City of West Palm Beach is the upland owner of the seawall, sidewalk, and Flagler Drive. On June 9, 2008, the Mayor of West Palm Beach sent a letter to the Department stating that the City "fully supports" the proposed activity, and that the County and the City collaborated on the design of the project, held joint public meetings, and produced a project video. See Department Exhibit Trump and Flagler argue that under the City Charter, the Mayor cannot unilaterally bind the local government to allow structures to be built on City property. Assuming this is true, one of the remaining conditions for the County to initiate the project is to obtain a "letter of concurrence" from the City of West Palm Beach authorizing the County to connect the boardwalk to the seawall. Therefore, the review panel ultimately concluded that the application could be reviewed at the staff level and did not require Board of Trustees review. The evidence at hearing did not establish that the application was one of heightened public concern, given the limited size of the project, its location, and the net benefit to both environmental and natural resources. Compare Brown, et al. v. South Fla. Water Mgmt. Dist., et al., DOAH Case No. 04-0476, 2004 Fla. ENV LEXIS 112 (DOAH Aug. 2, 2004, SFWMD Sept. 8, 2004). Therefore, review by the Board of Trustees was not required. Form of Authorization Trump and Flagler contend that an easement is required by the County, rather than a consent of use. The standard for obtaining an easement is more stringent than a consent of use, and an easement offers a greater interest in sovereign lands. Rule 18-21.005(1) provides the general policy direction for determining the appropriate form of authorization and reads in relevant part as follows: It is the intent of the Board that the form of authorization shall grant the least amount of interest in the sovereignty submerged lands necessary for the activity. For activities not specifically listed, the Board will consider the extent of interest needed and the nature of the proposed activity to determine which form of authorization is appropriate. This rule requires that the Department should apply the lowest and least restrictive form of authorization. Trump and Flagler argue that the County's project constitutes a spoil disposal site under Rule 18-21.005(1)(f)8., a public water management project other than public channels under Rule 18-21.005(1)(f)10., or a management activity which includes "permanent preemption by structures or exclusion of the general public," as described in Rule 18-21.005(1)(f)11. Each of these activities requires an easement rather than a letter of consent in order to use sovereign submerged lands. The evidence shows that the County's project is not a spoil disposal site. Also, it is not primarily a public water management project as there is no evidence that the project relates in any way to flood control, water storage or supply, or conservation of water. Likewise, there is no evidence indicating that the activities will prevent access by the public by exclusion. Even though many of the features (structures) of the project will be permanent, the project is intended to generally increase public access to water resources, as well as the islands, boardwalk, and kiosks. Besides raising the issue of heightened public concern, the second HPC Memorandum dated April 22, 2008, sought guidance as to whether the project required a consent of use or an easement. The review panel concluded that the project qualified for a consent of use, rather than an easement under Rule 18- 21.005(1)(f), because the County's project most closely fits the definition in Rule 18-21.005(1)(c)15. That rule provides that if the proposed activity involves "[h]abitat restoration, enhancement, or permitted mitigation activities without permanent preemption by structures or exclusion of the general public," an applicant may use sovereign submerged lands with a consent of use. Because the County's project increases public access not only to water resources in the Lagoon but also to the permanent structures being built, it more closely falls within the type of activity described in Rule 18-21.005(1)(c)15. Notably, all of the County's restoration projects in the Lagoon have been previously authorized through a consent of use. Finally, the review panel concluded that the project did not fall under Rule 18-21.005(1)(f)16., which requires an easement for environmental management activities that include "permanent preemption by structures or exclusion of the general public" because of the rule's focus on the exclusion of the general public. Riparian Rights The parties have stipulated, for the purpose of this proceeding, that Trump and Flagler have riparian rights, including view, ingress/egress, fishing, boating, swimming, and the qualified right to apply for a dock, that should be considered. Trump and Flagler contend that their right to wharf out (build a dock) from the seawall, ingress/egress from navigable water, and view will be unreasonably infringed upon if the application is approved. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 18- 21.004(3)(a)("[n]one of the provisions of this rule shall be implemented in a manner that would unreasonably infringe upon the traditional, common law riparian rights, as defined in Section 253.141, F.S., of upland property owners adjacent to sovereignty submerged lands"). For the reasons given below, the greater weight of evidence establishes that none of these riparian rights will be unreasonably infringed upon. Currently, while access is possible from the east and the southern approaches, existing shoals limit the southern approach. The boardwalk will further limit boat traffic on the south end, and boats would not be able to cross over the islands. Boat traffic will still be able to access the cove from the north end, and the restoration project will create a boating destination. Trump witness Pike opined that the County's project would negatively affect navigation between the upland parcels and the ICW because the project would eliminate the eastern and southern approaches and leave only the northern approach, which could not be used by both parcels fully. The County's expert, Dr. Nicholas De Gennarro, testified that, during his site visits, he observed boat traffic waiting for the drawbridges using the east side of the ICW away from the project site. Dr. De Gennarro noted that several existing structures are closer to the ICW than the proposed County project, which lies 220 feet away from the ICW. Thus, Dr. De Gennarro concluded that the project would not impact navigation in the ICW. With respect to ingress/egress, Dr. De Gennarro acknowledged that access to the Trump and Flagler properties would not be available from the southern and eastern approaches, but concluded that the restriction represented nothing more than an inconvenience. He noted that the southern approach was already a less preferable approach due to existing shoals. At present, there is very little boating in the area outside of special events. While the project would limit the use of boats directly over the one and one-half acres of mangrove islands, the project will provide a boating destination. Further, both the City docks to the north of the site and the temporary docks in front of Flagler's property –- both used for special events –- will still be available under the County's proposal. There is no swimming and very little fishing in the area because of the degraded conditions caused by the dredge hole. Accordingly, while the project will fill a small portion of water currently available, but not used, for swimming, it will greatly enhance swimming by providing a destination for swimmers. The mangroves planned for the intertidal islands are likely to reach a height of fifteen feet and will be interspersed with spartina. The seawall is located six feet above the water line, making a person's view at eye level already several feet above the water. Trump and Flagler's buildings are built at even higher elevations. Therefore, the mangroves will not substantially obscure the view from either property, even at street level where the view is already partially obscured by existing landscaping. The Lagoon is approximately 2,000 feet across. From north to south around one hundred acres of water can now be viewed from the vicinity. Since the intertidal islands only comprise one and one-half acres, the overall impact to the view of the water body is very small. The mangroves in the planters extending out from the seawall will be trimmed to one foot above the seawall; the County requested the condition and committed at hearing to trimming the mangroves if the City of West Palm Beach does not. County photographs show Trump and Flagler's present view of the water body and demonstrate the comparatively small percentage of the view affected by the one and one-half acres of mangrove islands. See County Exhibits 133a-e and 134a-d. The photographs also demonstrated that sizeable palm trees are already part of the existing view. Additionally, the County photographs depicted the small impact that trimmed mangrove planters would have on the view. The area obstructed by the mangrove islands and seagrass is negligible compared to the expanse of the existing view. Trump and Flagler offered no evidence to contradict the County's analysis regarding the scope of the impact on the view. Trump residents Dale McNulty, Dean Goodman, and Charles Lemoine testified that they personally would not want to view mangrove islands regardless of tree size or the size of the islands. Understandably, after years of unfettered view and an open expanse of water, they are opposed to any type of project in this area of the Lagoon. However, Mr. Goodman acknowledged that he would still be able to see the Town of Palm Beach from his unit. The evidence supports a finding that while the project will undoubtedly alter the view of the water from both Trump and Flagler's property, the impact on view is not so significant as to constitute an unreasonable infringement of their riparian rights. Mr. Lemoine stated that he had a forty-foot trawler that he would like to dock in front of his property. He currently docks the boat at a marina twenty miles north of the Trump property. He prefers to bring his boat in stern first and enter slips oriented north to south. He indicated that he can drive his boat in five feet of water, but prefers six feet; however, he also testified that he has brought his boat directly up to the bulkhead in front of Trump, which is approximately a two- or three-foot depth. The witness has seen sailboats and other boats moored near the bulkhead over extended timeframes. Mr. Lemoine speculated that Trump might seek a dock, either alone or in conjunction with Flagler, but admitted that Trump has never applied for a dock permit. He stated that Trump has had discussions about the possibility of a dock over the last fifteen years and speculated that a dock plan might include anything from the purchase/lease of the City docks to a lease of Trump's riparian interests to a third party. By contrast, Trump resident and former Board member Dean Goodman indicated "the idea was to provide an amenity [for] a number of people that are in the building that are boaters." Mr. Goodman stated that he hoped to be able to have a boat in front of the building someday, but did not own a boat in Florida. Association president Dale McNulty explained that, while informal discussions have occurred regarding the possibility of a dock, no official action had been taken. Mr. McNulty characterized the dock plans as being "sort of in the land of wishful thinking." Mr. Pike, while acknowledging that both parcels would still be able to design a dock for their property, opined that the County's project unreasonably limited the size and configuration of the docks possible. Mr. Pike initially admitted that a safe navigation depth for a forty-foot boat, or even a sailboat, was four feet below mean low water (MLW), but stated that he would prefer to design a dock with an additional two-to- three feet of water below the four-foot draft to avoid propeller damage. However, Mr. Pike conceded that he has designed docks for boats in four feet below MLW and ultimately based his own calculations on an assumption of a four-foot draft and one-foot cushion, or five feet below MLW. Mr. Pike also opined that a north-south alignment for boat slips was a preferred slip orientation. Given the bathymetry in the area and the documented seagrasses, Mr. Pike estimated that twenty slips could be designed for the Flagler property, rather than the thirty-four slips provided for by the County Manatee Protection Plan. He thought that a design might accommodate thirty to thirty-two slips for Trump, rather than the forty-slips provided for by the County Manatee Protection Plan. Based on the limitation on number of slips and configurations, the witness opined that the County's project would unreasonably interfere with Trump and Flagler's ability to design a dock. He admitted, though, that the numbers derived from the County Manatee Protection Plan represent a maximum number, rather than a specified or guaranteed number. He further admitted that other agency limitations may further restrict Trump and Flagler's right to dockage. Without a permit application or plan from Trump or Flagler, County witness Robbins concluded that the most reasonable assumption was an owner-oriented facility designed for the building owners/tenants. The County introduced a graphic illustrating areas available for dock construction, with sufficient depth for 35- to 40-foot boats (-6 feet NGVD) and with no seagrasses present. Rule 18-21.004(4)(b)2. limits ownership-oriented facilities generally to forty square feet for each foot of riparian shoreline, giving Trump the ability to apply for a dock that preempted a maximum of 16,000 square feet, and Flagler a maximum of 14,000 square feet. Under the County Manatee Protection Plan, Trump would be limited to forty slips; Flagler would have the potential for thirty-four slips. Mr. Robbins testified that, in his experience, a minus five MLW is a common depth for docks, but that elevations as shallow as a minus four MLW could be used depending on the type of boats and the dock configuration. Mr. Robbins explained that, even with the County's project in place and factoring in the other limitations, Trump would still have 61,842 square feet of potential space within which to design a dock. Flagler would still have 41,481 square feet of potential space, even considering the need to retain a path for ingress and egress from the Trump parcel. A more detailed analysis of the seagrasses might make more square footage available for dock construction. Dr. De Gennarro also evaluated whether a dock could be designed to serve Trump and Flagler's parcels. The vessel owner statistics for the County indicate that at least ninety-five percent of the boats registered in the County are thirty-nine feet or less; consequently, Dr. De Gennarro focused on boats forty feet or less. Dr. De Gennarro considered the water depths and the existence of subaquatic vegetations and concluded that the graphic presented by Mr. Robbins was conservative, but still provided adequate space for both Trump and Flagler to construct appropriate dockage, allowing thirty-eight boats for Trump and thirty-two for Flagler of varying size. However, Dr. De Gennarro concluded that a dock design of forty slips for each would also be possible, depending on the size of the boats. Dr. De Gennarro proposed that a single, double-loaded parallel dock design would be a good layout for a potential docking facility in front of both Trump and Flagler's property that would be protected by the County's proposed islands, provide sufficient water depths, and provide an attractive facility. He specified, however, that the single, double-loaded parallel dock design was simply one of "many" that might work in the given space. Dr. De Gennarro explained that the existing dredge hole would not be a preferable location for either a mooring field or a dock because the deep muck-bottom would drive up the costs for either type of facility. Accordingly, Dr. De Gennarro concluded that the County's project would not foreclose or even substantially restrict the ability to locate a dock in front of Trump and Flagler’s property. The more persuasive evidence supports a finding that neither the right of ingress/egress nor the right to boat in the vicinity is unreasonably infringed upon by the County's project. Trump and Flagler will continue to have reasonable access to navigation. The northerly approach preserved by the County's project will allow for boat traffic to safely navigate in the area. While the southerly and easterly approaches are eliminated by the County's plan, the evidence indicates that the two approaches were less preferable than the northerly approach because of the presence of shoals. Based on the above considerations, the County's project will not unreasonably infringe upon Trump or Flagler's qualified right to a dock. The fact that the project might preclude the design and permitting of a dock that would host very large vessels does not mean that Trump and Flagler's rights regarding docking have been unreasonably infringed. The evidence shows that substantial docking facilities of multiple configurations are still possible even if the County's project is approved. In summary, the County's application for proprietary authorization should be approved. Other Contentions All other contentions raised by Trump and Flagler have been considered and are found to be without merit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order approving the County's application for a consolidated ERP and consent to use sovereignty submerged lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of September, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of September, 2009.

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.569120.57120.68253.1417.64 Florida Administrative Code (5) 18-21.00418-21.00518-21.005140E-4.30140E-4.302
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sebring, Florida Jun. 29, 2007 Number: 07-002883EF Latest Update: Nov. 07, 2008

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent, Daniel A. Reynolds, should take corrective action and pay investigative costs for allegedly controlling, eradicating, removing, or otherwise altering aquatic vegetation on eighty-seven feet of shoreline adjacent to his property on Lake June-in-Winter (Lake June) in Highlands County, Florida, without an aquatic plant management permit.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Respondent is the riparian owner of the property located at 260 Lake June Road, Lake Placid, Highlands County (County), Florida. He has owned the property since 2001 and resides there with his wife and two young children. The parcel is identified as Parcel ID Number C-25-36-29-A00-0171-0000. The southern boundary of his property, which extends around eighty-seven feet, abuts Lake June. Respondent has constructed a partially covered dock extending into the waters of Lake June, on which jet skis, a canoe, and other recreational equipment are stored. The Department is the administrative agency charged with protecting the State's water resources and administering and enforcing the provisions of Part I, Chapter 369, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated under Title 62 of the Florida Administrative Code. The parties have stipulated that Lake June is not wholly-owned by one person; that it was not artificially created to be used exclusively for agricultural purposes; that it is not an electrical power plant cooling pond, reservoir, or canal; and that it has a surface area greater than ten acres. As such, the parties agree that Lake June constitutes "waters" or "waters of the state" within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62C-20.0015(23), and is not exempt from the Department's aquatic plant management permitting program under Florida Administrative Code Rule 62C-20.0035. Unless expressly exempted, a riparian owner who wishes to control, eradicate, remove, or otherwise alter any aquatic plants in waters of the state must obtain an aquatic plant management permit from the Department. See § 369.20(7), Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 62C-20.002(1). An aquatic plant is defined as "any plant, including a floating plant, emersed, submersed, or ditchbank species, growing in, or closely associated with, an aquatic environment, and includes any part or seed of such plant." See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62C-20.0015(1). These plants are found not only in the water, but also along the shoreline when the water recedes below the high water mark. They provide important habitat for fish, insects, birds, frogs, and other animals. Torpedo Grass and Maidencane are two common species of aquatic plants or weeds. Applications for a permit are filed with one of the Department's regional offices. After a site inspection is made, a permit is issued as a matter of right without charge or the need for a hearing, and it is effective for a period of three years. A Department witness indicated that there are approximately 1,300 active permits at the present time, including an undisclosed number of permits for property owners on Lake June.3 It is undisputed that Respondent has never obtained a permit. A statutory exemption provides that "a riparian owner may physically or mechanically remove herbaceous aquatic plants . . . within an area delimited by up to 50 percent of the property owner's frontage or 50 feet, whichever is less, and by a sufficient length waterward from, and perpendicular to, the riparian owner's shoreline to create a corridor to allow access for a boat or swimmer to reach open water." § 369.20(8), Fla. Stat. The exemption was established so that riparian owners could create a vegetation-free access corridor to the waterbody adjacent to their upland property. The statute makes clear that "physical or mechanical removal does not include the use of any chemicals . . . ." Id. If chemicals are used, the exemption does not apply. Under the foregoing exemption, Respondent could remove up to 43.5 feet of aquatic vegetation in front of his property on Lake June, or one-half of his eighty-seven foot shoreline. By way of background, since purchasing his property in 2001, Respondent has had a long and acrimonious relationship with his two next door neighbors, Mr. Slevins (to the west) and Mr. Krips (to the east).4 Neither neighbor uses Lake June for recreational purposes. After purchasing the property, Respondent says that Mr. Slevin began to verbally harass and threaten his family, particularly his wife. When Respondent observed the two neighbors repeatedly trespassing on his property, including the placing of an irrigation system and a garden over the boundary lines, Respondent built a fence around his lot, which engendered a circuit court action by the neighbors over the correct boundary line of the adjoining properties. Respondent says the action was resolved in his favor. According to Respondent, Mr. Slevins and Mr. Krips have filed "probably 100 to 200 different complaints on everything from barking dogs, to weeding the yard to calling DEP." Respondent also indicated that Mr. Slevins is a personal friend of the Highlands County Lakes Manager, Mr. Ford. As his title implies, Mr. Ford has the responsibility of inspecting the lakes in the County. If he believes that aquatic vegetation has been unlawfully removed or altered, he notifies the Department's South Central Field Office (Field Office) in Bartow since the County has no enforcement authority. Mr. Reynolds says that a personal and social relationship exists between Mr. Slevins and Mr. Ford, and through that relationship, Mr. Slevins encouraged Mr. Ford to file at least two complaints with the Field Office alleging that Respondent removed aquatic vegetation in Lake June without a permit. In 2002, the Department received a complaint about "aquatic plant management activity" on Respondent's property. There is no indication in the record of who filed the complaint, although Respondent suspects it was generated by Mr. Slevins. In any event, after an inspection of the property was made by the then Regional Biologist, and improper removal of vegetation noted, Respondent was sent a "standard warning letter" that asked him "to let it regrow" naturally. According to the Department's Chief of the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, Mr. William Caton, Respondent "did not" follow this advice. In 2004, another complaint was filed, this time by the Highlands County Lakes Manager. After an inspection was made, another letter was sent to Respondent asking him to "let it regrow," to implement a revegetation plan, and to contact the Department's Regional Biologist. After receiving the letter, Respondent's wife telephoned Mr. Caton, whose office is in Tallahassee, and advised him that the complaint was the result of "a neighbor feud." Among other things, Mr. Caton advised her that the Department would not "get in the middle" of a neighbor squabble. At hearing, he disputed Mrs. Reynolds' claim that he told her to disregard the warning letter. He added that Respondent did not "follow through with" the corrective actions. As a result of another complaint being filed by the Highlands County Lakes Manager in 2006, a field inspection was conducted on July 12, 2006, by a Department Regional Biologist, Erica C. Van Horn. When she arrived, she noticed that the property was fenced and locked with a "Beware of Dog" sign. Ms. Van Horn then went to the home of Mr. Slevins, who lives next door, and was granted permission to access his property to get to the shoreline. The first thing Ms. Van Horn noticed was that the "lake abutting 260 Lake June Road was completely devoid of vegetation." She further noted that "on either side of that property [there was] lush green Torpedo Grass." Ms. Van Horn found it "very unusual" for the vegetation to stop right at the riparian line. Although she observed that there was "a small percentage of Maidencane" on the site, approximately ninety to ninety-five percent of the frontage "was free of aquatic vegetation." Finally, she noted that the dead Torpedo Grass on the east and west sides of the property was in an "[arc] shape pattern," which is very typical when someone uses a herbicide sprayer. During the course of her inspection, Ms. Van Horn took four photographs to memorialize her observations. The pictures were taken from the east and west sides of Respondent's property while standing on the Slevins and Krips' properties and have been received in evidence as Department's Exhibits 1-4. They reflect a sandy white beach with virtually no vegetation on Respondent's shoreline or in the lake, brown or dead vegetation around the property lines on each side, and thick green vegetation beginning on both the Slevins and Krips' properties. The dead grass to the east had been chopped into small pieces. During her inspection, Ms. Van Horn did not take any samples or perform field testing to determine if herbicides had been actually used since such testing is not a part of the Department's inspection protocol. This is because herbicides have a "very short half life," and they would have broken down by the time the vegetation turns brown leaving no trace of the chemicals in the water. Ms. Van Horn left her business card at the gate when she departed and assumed that Respondent would contact her. On a later undisclosed date, Respondent telephoned Ms. Van Horn, who advised him that he was out of compliance with regulations and explained a number of ways in which he could "come into compliance with these rules," such as revegetation. She says he was not interested. After her inspection was completed, Ms. Van Horn filed a report and sent the photographs to Mr. Caton for his review. Mr. Caton has twenty-seven years of experience in this area and has reviewed thousands of sites during his tenure with the Department. Based on the coloration of the vegetation right next to the green healthy vegetation on the adjoining properties, Mr. Caton concluded that the vegetation on Respondent's property had "classic herbicide impact symptoms." He further concluded that the vegetation had been chemically sprayed up to the boundary lines on each side of Respondent's property before it was cut with a device such as a weedeater. Based on the history of the property involving two earlier complaints, Respondent's failure to take corrective action, and the results of the most recent inspection, Mr. Caton recommended that an enforcement action be initiated. On August 11, 2006, Ms. Van Horn sent Respondent a letter advising him that a violation of Department rules may have occurred based upon the findings of her inspection. The letter described the unlawful activities as being "removal of aquatic vegetation from the span of the total adjacent shore line and significant over spray on to aquatic vegetation of neighboring properties on either side of [his] property." Respondent was advised to contact Ms. Van Horn "to discuss this matter." On May 15, 2007, the Department filed its Notice alleging that Respondent had "chemically controlled" the aquatic vegetation on eighty-seven feet of his shoreline in violation of Section 369.20(7), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 62C-20.002(1). The Notice sought the imposition of an administrative penalty in the amount of $3,000.00, recovery of reasonable investigative costs and expenses, and prescribed certain corrective action. On April 28, 2008, the Department filed an Amended Notice alleging that, rather than chemically removing the vegetation, Respondent had controlled, eradicated, removed, or otherwise altered the aquatic vegetation on his shoreline. The Amended Notice deleted the provision requesting the imposition of an administrative penalty, expressly sought the recovery of investigative costs and expenses of not less than $179.00, and modified the corrective action. After her initial inspection, Ms. Van Horn rode by the property in a Department boat on several occasions while conducting other inspections on Lake June and observed that the property "was still mostly devoid of vegetation." At the direction of a supervisor, on June 15, 2007, she returned to Respondent's property for the purpose of assessing whether any changes had occurred since her inspection eleven months earlier. This inspection was performed lakeside from a Department boat without actually going on the property, although she spoke with Respondent's wife who was standing on the dock. Ms. Van Horn observed that the area was still "devoid of vegetation but there was some Torpedo Grass growing back on the [eastern] side." She estimated that "much more" than fifty percent of the shoreline was free of vegetation. Photographs depicting the area on that date have been received in evidence as Department's Exhibits 5-7. Both Respondent and his wife have denied that they use any chemicals on their property, especially since their children regularly swim in the lake in front of their home. Respondent attributes the loss of vegetation mainly to constant use of the back yard, dock area, and shoreline for water-related activities, such as swimming, using jet skis, fishing, and launching and paddling a canoe. In addition, the Reynolds frequently host parties for their children and their friends, who are constantly tramping down the vegetation on the shoreline and in the water. He further pointed out that beginning with the house just beyond Mr. Krip's home, the next five houses have "no vegetation" because there are some areas on the lake that "naturally do not have any vegetation across them." Finally, he noted that Lake Juno suffered the impacts of three hurricanes in 2004, which caused a devastating effect on its vegetation. Respondent presented the testimony of Brian Proctor, a former Department aquatic preserve manager, who now performs environmental restoration as a consultant. Mr. Proctor visited the site in June 2007 and observed "full and thick" Torpedo Grass "growing in the east and west of the property lines." Based on that inspection, Mr. Proctor said he was "comfortable stating that at the time [he] did the site visit in June of '07 there was nothing that appeared to be chemical treatment on Mr. Reynold's property." He agreed, however, that the "shoreline vegetation was poor," and he acknowledged that it was unusual that Lake Juno was lush with aquatic vegetation in front of the neighboring properties to the east and west but stopped at Respondent's riparian lines. When shown the June 2006 photographs taken by Ms. Van Horn, he acknowledged that it "appeared" the property had been chemically treated. He was able to make this determination even though a soil test had not been performed. Photographs introduced into evidence as Respondent's Exhibits 1-4 reflect that on June 27, 2007, there was thick green vegetation on both sides of his property, although one photograph (Respondent's Exhibit 1) shows only limited vegetation along the shoreline and in the lake in the middle part of the property. The photographs are corroborated by a DVD recorded by Respondent on the day that Ms. Van Horn returned for a follow-up inspection. While these photographs and DVD may impact the amount of corrective action now required to restore the property to its original state, they do not contradict the findings made by Ms. Van Horn during her inspection on July 12, 2006. Finally, photographs taken in 2003 to depict what appears to be chemical spraying of vegetation and the construction of a bulkhead without a permit by Mr. Slevins have no probative value in proving or disproving the allegations at issue here. The greater weight of evidence supports a finding that it is very unlikely that heavy usage of the shoreline and adjacent waters in the lake by Respondent's family and their guests alone would cause ninety-five percent of the shoreline and lake waters to be devoid of vegetation when the inspection was made in July 2006. Assuming arguendo that this is true, Respondent was still required to get a permit since the amount of vegetation altered or removed through these activities exceeded more than fifty percent of the vegetation on the shoreline. More than likely, the vegetation was removed by a combination of factors, including recreational usage, mechanical or physical means, and the application of chemical herbicides on each riparian boundary line, as alleged in the Amended Notice. The fact that the Department did not perform any testing of the water or soil for chemicals does not invalidate its findings. Finally, the acrimonious relationship that exists between Respondent and his neighbors has no bearing on the legitimacy of the charges. Therefore, the allegations in the Amended Notice have been sustained. The parties have stipulated that if the charges are sustained, Respondent is entitled to recover reasonable costs and expenses associated with this investigation in the amount of $179.00. As corrective action, the Amended Notice requires that Respondent obtain a permit to remove Torpedo Grass from his property and to replant "126 well-rooted, nursery grown Pontederia cordata ("pickerelweed") at the locations depicted on the map" attached to the Amended Notice. Because the evidence suggests that some of the area in which vegetation was removed in 2006 had regrown by July 2007, the proposed corrective action may be subject to modification, depending on the current state of the property.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569369.20403.121403.14157.04157.07157.105 Florida Administrative Code (3) 62C-20.001562C-20.00262C-20.0035
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Mar. 20, 1998 Number: 98-001326 Latest Update: Mar. 01, 1999

The Issue Whether Petitioner should be granted the relief requested in his petition challenging the Department of Environmental Protection's Consolidated Notice of Denial [of] Environmental Resource Permit and Consent of Use to Use Sovereign Submerged Lands.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioner is a collector and wholesaler of various "saltwater products," as defined in Chapter 370, Florida Statutes.1 He possess a saltwater products license (issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 370, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 46-42, Florida Administrative Code), with a restricted species and marine life endorsement, which allows him to engage in these activities. Petitioner collects and sells, among other things, what is referred to as "live sand," a calcium carbonate sediment used in public and home aquaria as a decorative detoxifying agent. "Live sand" is found on offshore water bottoms in the Florida Keys (where Petitioner engages in his collection activities) and other areas in Florida. "Live sand" consists primarily of the calcified (dead) remains of Halimeda plants. Halimeda plants (generally on a seasonal basis) produce plates, which they ultimately shed. These plates, through various physical and biological processes, are broken down over time into smaller and smaller granules. Halimeda plants are very productive (in terms of the number of plates they produce), but they are found only in certain (not all) offshore areas in the Florida Keys. While the granules that make up the "live sand" Petitioner collects and sells consist of dead plant matter, thousands of micro and macroorganisms (in a cubic foot area), representing numerous species, live amongst these granules and therefore are also removed from the water as a result of Petitioner's collection activities. The microorganisms living in "live sand" include nitrosomous bacteria. The presence of nitrosomous bacteria enables "live sand" to neutralize the ammonia waste products of fish in public and home aquaria. Among the macroorganisms living in "live sand" are mollusks, worms, arthropods, and echinoderms. These organisms are an important part of the diet of other species, including protected species such as the spiny lobster (Panulirus argus), which itself is part of the food supply for fish in the area. Petitioner collects "live sand" by diving underwater and using his hands to scoop up and place in buckets the top layers of the bottom ("live sand") substrate. Such collection activities have negative environmental consequences that are not insignificant. They adversely impact water quality in the waters in which they occur and in adjacent waters inasmuch as they increase turbidity and reduce biological diversity. Excavation of the top layer of bottom substrate exposes the siltier sediment below, which, when disturbed, reduces water clarity and therefore also the amount of sunlight that penetrates the water. Furthermore, this newly exposed substrate, because of its anaerobic nature, is unable to attract a significant benthic community comparable to that found in the "live sand" that previously covered it. In addition, because these collection activities result in the removal of organisms that are important components of the aquatic food chain and in loss of their habitats, these activities have an adverse effect on marine productivity and, resultantly, on fishing and recreational values. The "live sand" that is the subject of the instant controversy is located in Monroe County within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary in state waters designated Class III, Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW).2 Petitioner first contacted the Department in writing regarding the removal of this "live sand" in May of 1997, when he sent the Department a letter which read, in pertinent part, as follows: REF: Collection of Sand for Use in Aquari[a] Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation, I respectfully request that I receive a letter of de minimis for the aforementioned activity. The sand is collected by hand using five gallon buckets. The collection occurs under water [at] a depth of approximately 20 feet. The sand occurs in an area devoid of marine grasses, plants and corals. No sand is taken from or near shorelines and no sedimentary resultant is produced. I intend to collect four five gallon buckets each of which contains 50 pounds of sand. This collection is to occur once a month. . . . By letter dated June 2, 1997, the Department acknowledged receipt of Petitioner's letter and requested that he provide "additional information" to enable the Department to determine whether it should grant him "an exemption from the need for an Environmental Resource Permit pursuant to Part IV, Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and an authorization to use state- owned submerged lands, pursuant to Chapters 253 and 258, F.S., to collect sand, by hand, from underwater." On August 28, 1997, Petitioner supplied the Department with an "addendum to [his] original request for consideration" in which he specified the location of his "proposed collection" of "live sand" as "Lat. N 24.31.29 - Lon. W 081.34.40. The Department deemed Petitioner's "addendum" insufficient to render his paperwork "complete." By letter dated September 23, 1997, the Department so advised Petitioner. Along with letter, the Department provided Petitioner with the following "revised request for additional information identifying the remaining items necessary to complete [his] application": Part I REVISED COMPLETENESS SUMMARY FOR SAND COLLECTION The proposed project will require an Environmental Resource Permit. The correct processing fee for this project is $500.00. Provide a $500 processing fee payable to the Department of Environmental Protection. In your letter received May 6, 1997, requesting a De Minimis exemption you state you intend to collect four (4), five (5) gallon buckets of sand each of which contains fifty (50) pounds of sand per month. A letter you submitted to the Department from the Army Corps of Engineers (dated May 9, 1997) states you will collect four (4) or five (5), five (5) gallon buckets three (3) times per month. Please indicate the quantity of sand you propose[] to collect per month. Part II CONSENT OF USE (Chapters 18-18, 18-20 and 18-21, Florida Administrative Code) For your information If the project develops to the point where proposed dredging will be recommended for authorization, payment for the removal of sovereign submerged land will be required at $3.25 per cubic yard, or a minimum payment of $50.00 prior to issuance of the authorization. Do not provide payment until requested by Department staff. [See 18- 21.011(3)(a), F.A.C.] Petitioner timely responded to the Department's "revised request for additional information" by letter dated October 10, 1997, to which he attached the requested "processing fee." In his letter, Petitioner advised the Department that it was his "intent to collect approximately 600 (six hundred) pounds of material each month." Following its receipt of Petitioner's letter and accompanying "processing fee," the Department sent letters to potentially affected parties advising them of Petitioner's "proposed [sand collection] activit[ies]" and soliciting their comments concerning these activities. The Florida Department of Community Affairs responded to the Department's request by indicating, in written correspondence it sent to the Department, that it had "no objection to the proposed project." The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also provided written comments to the Department. It did so by letter dated November 21, 1997, which read as follows: The following are comments from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) concerning the application from Jeff Frankel to collect live sand, File No 44-0128760-001. These comments reflect the consensus of both NOAA and FDEP Sanctuary staff. The harvest of live sand is viewed by the Sanctuary as dredging. This activity is considered neither fishing nor traditional fishing activity. Therefore, "harvesting of live sand" is within the prohibition against dredging, or otherwise altering the seabed of the Sanctuary and does not fall within the exception for "traditional fishing activities" as Mr. Frankel asserts. As such this activity should not be conducted in the Sanctuary without a Federal or State permit. The Sanctuary is opposed to permitting this activity in Federal or State waters for the following reasons: As stated above, it is a dredging activity which is prohibited.3 The Sanctuary exists because of the unique and nationally significant resources found here. These resources exist due to the dynamic ecosystem of which sand, and the meiofaunal communities found therein, is a major component. The Sanctuary is opposed to unnecessary alteration of the ecosystem particularly when viable alternatives exist such as harvesting outside the FKNMS in Gulf waters and aquaculture. Sixty-five percent of the Sanctuary seabottom is State sovereign lands. Removal of the quantities of substrate for commercial purposes does not appear to be in the public interest. Pursuant to the intragency compact agreement between the State of Florida and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration dated May 19, 1997, NOAA will not permit a prohibited activity in federal waters in the Sanctuary that is not allowed in the State waters of the Sanctuary. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this application. On January 8, 1998, the Department issued its Consolidated Notice of Denial [of] Environmental Resource Permit and Consent of Use to Use Sovereign Submerged Lands. In its Consolidated Notice, the Department gave the following reasons for its action: The Department hereby denies the permit for the following reason: The proposed project will directly impact water quality by removal of approximately 660 pounds of "live sand" from state-owned sovereign submerged land each month. The material collected consists of dead calcareous green algae (Halimeda spp.) and calcium carbonate grains. This substrate is important habitat for grazers and detritivores and it contains an extensive and diverse invertebrate community. . . . The project as proposed does not comply with the specific criteria within; Chapter 373, F.S., F.A.C. Rule 62-300, and Section 4.2 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District. The above impacts are expected to adversely affect marine productivity, fisheries, wildlife habitat, and water quality. The applicant has not provided reasonable assurance that the immediate and long-term impacts of the project will not result in the violation of water quality standards pursuant to F.A.C. Rule 62-312.150(3) and 62-312.070. Specific State Water Quality Standards in F.A.C. Rules 62-302.500, 62-302.510, 62- 302.560 and 62-4.242 that will be affected by the completion of the project include the following: Biological Integrity- . . . . This project will also result in the following matter which are not clearly in the public interest pursuant to Section 373.414(1)(a), F.S.: adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered species, or their habitats; diminish the current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity; adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity; the activity will be permanent in nature; adversely affect the functions and relative value of the habitat within the area of the proposed project. Therefore, the Applicant has not provided reasonable assurance that the project is clearly in the public interest pursuant to Section 373.414(1)(a), F.S. The request for authorization to use sovereign submerged lands is denied because the Applicant has not met all applicable requirements for proprietary authorizations to use sovereign submerged lands, pursuant to Article X, Section 11 of the Florida Constitution, Chapter 253 F,S., associated Chapter 18-21, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees. Specifically, operation of the activity is inconsistent with management policies, standards and criteria of F.A.C. Rule 18- 21.00401(2) and 18-21.004. The Applicant has not provided reasonable assurance that the activity will be clearly "in the public interest," will maintain essentially natural conditions, will not cause adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources or public recreation or navigation, and will not interfere with the riparian rights of adjacent property owners. In addition, the project is inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the "Conceptual State Lands Management Plan," adopted by the Board of Trustees on March 17, 1981. The . . . activity is inconsistent with Section 18-21.00401(2), F.A.C., the authorization to use sovereign submerged lands cannot be approved, in accordance with Sections 18-21.00401 and 62-343.075, F.A.C., because the activity does not meet the conditions for issuance of a standard general of individual permit under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., as described above. The Consolidated Notice accurately describes the adverse impacts of the "project" which is subject of the instant case (Project). Petitioner has not proposed any measures to mitigate these adverse impacts. If the Department authorizes the Project, it is reasonable to anticipate that other collectors of "live sand" would seek the Department's approval to engage in similar activity in the area. If these other projects were also approved, there would be additional adverse environmental consequences. As the Consolidated Notice alleges, Petitioner has failed to provide reasonable assurance that the Project would not degrade the ambient water quality of the OFW in which the Project would be undertaken, nor has he provided reasonable assurance that the Project is clearly in the public interest.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a final order denying Petitioners' application for an environmental resource permit and for a lease to use sovereign submerged lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of January, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of January, 1999.

CFR (1) 15 CFR 922 Florida Laws (19) 120.57253.002253.03267.061373.046373.114373.403373.406373.4136373.414373.421373.427373.4275378.202378.205378.402378.901380.06403.031 Florida Administrative Code (9) 18-21.00218-21.00318-21.00418-21.0040118-21.005162-302.50062-312.07062-343.07562-4.242
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Oct. 23, 1989 Number: 89-005737 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 1990

Findings Of Fact Petitioner SFWMD is a public corporation of Florida. It is charged with the responsibility of issuing permits and enforcing orders relating to surface water management within its jurisdictional boundaries. Respondents Hubschman, as trustees, have full rights of ownership in 1,280 contiguous acres located in Sections 17 and 20, Township 47 South, Range 26 East, Lee County, Florida. These lands are known as Bonita Farms I and II. They are located within the jurisdictional boundaries of SFWMD. In their pre- developed state, these lands could generally be categorized as marsh and wetlands with cypress forest and some uplands in the northern half of the project area. After deciding to develop the acreage for use as pasture and farmland for small vegetable crops, Respondents Hubschman applied for a surface water management permit from SFWMD. The purpose of the permit was to allow the construction and operation of a water management system that would serve both farms. A system was designed to drain water off both parcels through a 62-acre retention area into a natural slough system which runs water into Kehl Canal. In order to create the system, the Respondents Hubschman had the following facilities designed for the site: internal ditches, dikes, pumps, a retention area and control structures. On April 15, 1982, SFWMD issued Surface Water Management Permit No. 36- 00315-S, and Respondents Hubschman were allowed to proceed with their proposed construction plan. A modification to the permit was issued on April 14, 1983. The retention area was enlarged from 62 acres to 88 acres by relocating the perimeter dike. The outfall structure was revised in that the two pumps and the weir were to be replaced by three 18" CMP culverts that would discharge the drained water by gravity flow from the retention area through the slough into Kehl Canal. The duration of the construction phase of its permit was a three-year period, unless the construction of the permitted project discharge structure or equivalent had been completed prior to that date. After the close of the three-year period, there was a dispute between the Respondents and SFWMD as to whether the permit had expired. The controversy was resolved through a compromise agreement. An application for the reissuance of Permit No. 36-00315-S was filed on October 13, 1986. Instead of reissuing Permit No. 36-00315-S, as requested by Respondents Hubschman, SFWMD decided to issue a new permit on May 14, 1987. As part of the processing procedures, SFWMD again reviewed and approved the entire surface water management system designed to serve the 1,280 acres of land proposed by Respondents. Because the additional work proposed for Section 17, the northern section was limited at this stage of development to the selective clearing of additional upland areas to create more improved pasture, the new permit directed attention to Section 20, the southern section of the land. The new permit advised the Respondents that if they wanted to propose additional development to Section 17, they were required to seek a modification of this new permit, Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00764-S, to include those changes. The Respondents applied for a modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S on July 30, 1987. The proposed modification sought to change the status of the development of Section 17 from improved pasture to small vegetable farmland on 639 acres. The surface water management system plan was modified to drain water in Section 17 to the reservoir on Section 20. The water would be directed via a series of lateral ditches and swales. A six foot high dike and one 27,000 GPM pump were also required. Two additional 18" CMP culverts were required at the discharge facilities to accommodate the increased outflow. The Modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S was approved and issued on June 16, 1988. The original Permit NO. 36-00764-S and its modification are similar to a contract novation because the new permits substituted new obligations between the parties for the old ones under Permit No. 36-00315-S. Based upon this approach to the situation, SFWMD allowed the construction work completed under Permit No. 36-00315-S prior to the Stop Work Order of August 27, 1986, to vest. The completion of the berm around the reservoir in Section 20, as set forth in the letter from Elizabeth D. Ross, attorney for SFWMD, on September 19, 1986, was also allowed to vest. However, if the vested matters were changed in the subsequent permits, they became revisions. The revisions take precedence over the vested matters. Otherwise, completed construction under Permit No. 36- 00764-S as modified, and post Stop Work Order construction remains in effect perpetually for the operation portion of the permit. In order to determine with certainty what was permitted when the Notice of Violation was issued on December 20, 1988, the parties would have to look to the project work actually completed on August 27, 1986, the specific construction approved by SFWMD after that date, the subsequent Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00764-S issued May 14, 1987, and its Modification issued June 16, 1988. The substantial compliance determination issued by Richard A. Rogers, P.E., Resource Control Department dated September 24, 1987, should also be considered as authorized activity. The Notice of Violation dated December 20, 1988, was issued to Respondent Samuel Hubschman, Trustee. He was advised that recent routine inspections indicate that current on-site activity was in violation of Special Conditions 2,3,4,7,14, 17 & 23 of Permit No. 36-00764-S (issued 5/14/87) and Special Conditions 5,16 & 22 of 36-00315-S (modified 6/16/88). A meeting to resolve these issued was suggested by SFWMD. Respondent Hubschman agreed to attend the meeting through his consultants. Both parties elected to attempt resolution of the Notice of Violation controversy through negotiations in a meeting scheduled for January 5, 1989. To demonstrate their sincerity, the parties agreed not to bring attorneys to the meeting. During the meeting, the parties resolved the controversy by agreeing to the following: SFWMD would no longer consider the project to be in violation of Florida law if the Respondents submitted certain items that would cause SFWMD to issue certain permits and modify others. The Respondents would promptly file an application for a dewatering permit so that the governing board could issue the permit at its March 9, 1989 meeting. The Respondent's contractor would make no field changes in the mitigation or excavation areas without first obtaining appropriate permit modification from SFWMD. Small jockey pumps were to be installed to pump water from the internal water management system into certain cypress and/or mitigation areas for the sole purpose of establishing wetland vegetation within the areas. Respondents were to apply for a modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified, to allow a single phase of mining for the entire affected area. The perimeter dike was to be made structurally adequate. Respondents were to submit an alternative proposal for the disposal of cap rock within ninety days. In the meantime, the contractor could continue to bury the cap rock within the mitigation areas. Both parties demonstrated their reliance on the settlement reached in the meeting by their subsequent actions towards completing and processing the applications for permit modifications and additional permits. Although the noted violations were not cured by these actions, the parties intended to reach a cure or to mitigate for present permit violations through new permit conditions. The preliminary staff review of the Respondents' application for modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified, was completed by March 31, 1989. The following information was requested by SFWMD staff: Revised engineering calculations which reflect that the permitted discharge structure is five 18" CMP culverts. An explanation as to why the 6.3 acre maidencane/juncus marsh designated as a preserve area and the adjacent western preserve area were excavated and otherwise disturbed by project activities. The scrapedown methodology for the replanting of mitigation areas. The Respondents' plans for the area delineated on the plans as pine, which is currently permitted as part of a cypress preservation area. Dike certification and reservoir certification. The above-listed information was required to be returned to the SFWMD within ninety days from the date of the written request. At the close of the ninety days, the information was not received. A second request for a response within thirty days was submitted by SFWMD on August 4, 1989. In September 1989, the Respondents attempted to comply with SFWMD's second request for information. Communications continued in regard to the filed application for modification of Permit No. 36-00764-S, as currently modified, into December 1989. After the thirty days expired for the response to the second request for information dated August 4, 1989, SFWMD filed the Administrative Complaint in these proceedings. After the second request for information, a partial response was received from Respondent Hubschman's consultants. The application continues to go through the review process. It has not yet been deemed complete by SFWMD. As part of the resolution of the Notice of Violation dated December 20, 1988, SFWMD issued permit No. 36-01023-W to Respondent Hubschman for construction dewatering, excavation of an irrigation pond, and water storage at the site. The permit was issued on March 9, 1989. Special condition No. 20 of this permit requires a 200-feet setback from the cypress mitigation area and the irrigation pond being dewatered. The setback is shown on Exhibit 10 of the Bonita Farms Dewatering Application which was made part of the permit. A copy of the permit was attached to the Administrative Complaint. No evidence was submitted by SFWMD regarding alleged violations of Special condition No. 20 which were allegedly observed and documented after the permit was issued, before the filing of the Administrative Complaint Respondent Bob Cadenhead is the contractor hired by Respondents Hubschman to construct the surface water management system. There was no evidence presented to show the connection of another party, Respondent, Cadenhead & Sons Construction, to the project.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Surface Water Management Permit No. 36-00315-S be deemed to have vested as to all construction activity completed under the permit which was not addressed in the subsequent permit issued by SFWMD. The completion of the berm, as set forth in Attorney Ross' September 19, 1986 letter, should also be allowed to vest. That Permit No. 36-00764-S and its later modification be ordered to supercede the prior permit in all matters specifically addressed. That the parties be held to their prior agreements to resolve pending permit violations through the permit modification process. That the alleged dewatering violation in paragraph 19 of the Administrative Complaint be dismissed for lack of evidence. That a specific deadline be set to reasonably complete pending application modifications. That all future enforcement action specifically comply with Rule 40E- 1.612, Florida Administrative Code, and remain separate from any permit or permit modification applications. That the parties create a new, active permit file with current drawings and a specific construction schedule. That the Administrative Complaint and Order filed in these proceedings be dismissed. That future agreements be reduced to writing and signed by the proper parties before they are relied upon by either party. DONE and ENTERED this 9th day of November, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. VERONICA E. DONNELLY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of November, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-5737 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact are addressed as follows: Rejected. Irrelevant. Accepted. See HO number 4. Accepted. See HO number 3. Accepted. Rejected. Improper summary. Accepted. See HO number 6. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony. Rejected. Irrelevant. Argumentative. Rejected. Legal argument. Accepted. See HO number 5. Rejected. Legal argument. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15. The argument presented in this paragraph is overly punctilious. It ignores the detrimental reliance of opposing parties to the agreement. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15 and number 16. Rejected. Legal argument and improper opinion. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 15 and number 16. Rejected. Matters presented were either not ripe for these proceedings or not proved at hearing. See HO number 16-number 20 and HO number 23. Rejected. Contrary to fact and law. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings. Irrelevant. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings. Irrelevant. Rejected. Not set forth in pleadings as separate from the Notice of Violation. Irrelevant. Accepted as fact, resolved by agreement. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony. Rejected. Improper opinion testimony. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 15. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 15. Rejected. Irrelevant. Accepted. Rejected. See HO number 15. Rejected. Cumulative. Rejected. See HO number 11-number 12. Contrary to fact. Accepted. See HO number 9. Accepted. Accepted. See HO number 16-number 20. Rejected. Matter is still pending. See HO number 16-number 20. Rejected. Resolved through agreement. See HO number 15. Rejected. Matter is still pending. See HO number 16- number 20. Rejected. Legal argument. Rejected. Not in pleadings. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant. Accepted. See HO number 21. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Speculative. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are addressed as follows: Accepted. See HO number 13. Rejected. See HO number 23. Contrary to fact and pleadings. Accepted. See HO number 14. Accepted. See HO number 15. Accepted. See HO number 15. Accepted. See HO number 20. Accepted. Rejected. Argumentative. See HO number 20. Accepted. See HO number 4-number 7. Rejected. Contrary to fact. The permit modifica- tion specifically required replacement of a pump with 3 culverts. See HO number 5. Accepted. See HO number 5. Accepted. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 7. Rejected. Irrelevant. See HO number 7. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 7 and number 11. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 11. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. See HO number 15. Additional matters were agreed upon which were not reflected in the letter. This is an incomplete summary. Rejected. Irrelevant. Rejected. Irrelevant to these proceedings. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Contrary to fact. See HO number 8 and number 9. Rejected. See HO number 8 and number 9. Contrary to fact. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Accepted. See HO number 23. Rejected. Contrary to fact. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: John J. Fumero, Esquire Office of General Counsel South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire OERTEL HOFFMAN FERNANDEZ & COLE, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6507 Russell Schropp, Esquire HENDERSON FRANKLIN STARNES & HOLT, P.A. 1715 Monroe Street Fort Myers, Florida 33902 John R. Wodraska, Executive Director South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680

Florida Laws (4) 120.57373.119373.129373.136 Florida Administrative Code (1) 40E-4.321
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002422 Latest Update: May 25, 1979

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following facts are found: The respondent Mariner Properties, Inc., also referred to herein as the "applicant", is the owner of South Seas Plantation, a vacation resort located on Captiva Island. This resort development comprises some 300 acres, with two miles of gulf-front beaches and four miles of bayfront. Located on the northern end of the Island is an existing large yacht basin or marina with facilities for docking boats up to 100 feet in length. While this marina does have slips for about eight small boats (under 24 feet in length), the facility is not well suited for the docking of small boats because of the height of the docks. Fueling services are available at this marina and an active search and rescue service operates out of the marina, with no charge to boaters in distress. A smaller boat basin exists on the southern portion of the Island, which basin was enlarged by the applicant pursuant to a permit issued by DER in 1975. The applicant has also been granted a permit to construct boat docking facilities within the small boat basin. Finger slips for about 43 small boats - - up to 24 feet in length, are planned, but construction has not yet begun. The small boat basin will not have fueling facilities for the boats. If the requested permit is granted, the rescue service which operates out of the larger yacht basin plans to dock one of its service boats in the small basin. The small basin will also serve as a refuge area for small boaters during a storm or inclement weather. In May of 1977, Mariner Properties, Inc., submitted its application to the DER to modify an existing permit by dredging an access channel to connect its small boat basin to the waters of Pine Island Sound. In its present modified form, the applicant requests a permit to maintenance dredge a channel 250 fee long, fifteen feet wide, to a depth of -3.0 feet, mean low water. Approximately 195 cubic yards of material will be excavated to construct this channel and the spoil will be unloaded on an upland area. The project will involve the destruction of almost 4,000 square feet of seagresses. Mr. Kevin Erwin, an environmental specialist with the Department of Environmental Regulation, made site inspections and performed a biological assessment of the area as it relates to the proposed project. It was his conclusion and recommendation that the application be denied based on the expected significantly adverse immediate and long-term impacts upon water quality and marine resources. Mr. Erwin was concerned with the elimination of almost 4,000 square feet of productive vegetated estuarina bottoms. Seagrasses provide an essential habitat to many marine species, act as an important nursery and feeding ground for young fish and shrimp, stabilize marine bottoms and contribute nutrients to the foodweb. The witness further felt that there was a potential for water quality violations within the channel. Mr. Erwin did observe cuts or propeller scars in the grass beds adjacent to the proposed channel. Such cuts or scars take a long period, up to fifteen years, to heal. He felt that boat traffic to and from the small boat basin should be restricted by a marked easement, as opposed to a dredge channel. Mr. Erwin's District Manager, Phillip R. Edwards, reviewed the subject application and observed the area in question. It was his oral recommendation to Tallahassee that the permit be granted. Mr. Edwards observed the seagrass cuts in the area adjacent to the proposed dredging project and concluded that more damage would result without a channel. While Mr. Edwards agreed that a potential for water quality standards existed, he felt that a channel would minimize the overall damage caused by boats continuing to travel over the adjacent seagrass areas. Mr. Forrest Fields, an environmental specialist with DER, reviewed the present application and Mr. Erwin's biological assessment of the area. He did not concur with Erwin's conclusion regarding violations of water quality standards, and felt that the applicant had given reasonable assurances to the contrary. Mr. Fields was of the opinion that a minimal channel would be less damaging to grass beds than the uncontrolled ingress and egress of boats utilizing the small boat basin. The public interest concerns of the basin being opened to the boating public and the basin being used by a rescue service without charge to boaters in distress were also expressed in the notice of intent to issue the permit prepared by Mr. Fields. Mr. Ross McWilliams, an environmental specialist with DER who reviews the work and recommendations of Mr. Fields, also recommended that the permit application be granted. Mr. McWilliams balanced the definable public loss which would ensue from the elimination of the 4,000 square feet of grass beds against the public benefit to be gained for the availability of the project to the boating public and the operation of a marine rescue service form the small boat basin. It was his conclusion that the proposed project would not be contrary to the public interest. A considerable portion of the testimony of this proceeding was devoted to the issue of whether a previous channel existed on the proposed site. Taken as a whole, the evidence establishes that the area which the applicant seeks to deepen is presently deeper than the surrounding grass flats. Aerial photographs received into evidence indicate by a straight while line some human activity and that the area in question has been used as a channel. All expert witnesses agreed that at least the shorewared 20 to 25 feet of the area appeared to have been disturbed. It could not be conclusively determined whether and when a channel had been dredged and, if so, the extent of the same. It is clear, however, that the specific area had been used as an access channel for the small boat basin in question. The area over which the applicant seeks to dredge is a shallow grass flat inhabited by turtle grass (Thallasia) and Cuban Shoal weed (Halodule), and is a very productive area in the marine ecosystem. The waters are within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, A Class II body of water. No rules, regulations or management plan have been promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources for the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve. The proposed channel is to be of a "box-cut" design with a flat bottom and vertical walls. Such a design is likely to create the need for frequent maintenance due to the possibility that the soft sides will slough inward. If further maintenance dredging becomes necessary, a permit for the same from the Department of Environmental Regulation would be required. If granted authority, the applicant would accomplish the dredging by utilizing either the "mud cat" type of dredge or a clam shell dragline mounted on a barge. Turbidity curtains will used to minimize the effects of loosening the bay bottoms and proliferation of silt by the dredging operation. All material excavated from the proposed channel will be deposited on an upland site. The petitioners in this cause either own or manage waterfront property within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, and utilize the waters thereof. They have adequately demonstrated their substantial interest in the proposed project.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue to Mariner Properties, Inc. a permit for the channel dredging project to the conditions set forth in Section III (B) of the Department's Proposed Order of Issuance executed on November 0, 1978, and subject to any forms of consent which may be required under Florida Statutes, Section 253.77. Respectfully submitted and entered this 11th day of April, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: David Gluckman Casey J. Gluckman 5305 Isabelle Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kenneth G. Oertel Truett and Oertel, P.A. 646 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ray Allen Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Secretary Jake Varn Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG and FLORIDA AUDUBON SOCIETY, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 78-2422 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION and MARINER PROPERTIES INCORPORATED, Respondent. / By the Department:

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.60253.77258.39258.42
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 15, 1998 Number: 98-003053 Latest Update: May 17, 1999

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Petitioner's revocation of Respondent's modified permit, authorizing a cross- fence on Petitioner's fee owned right-of-way, should be approved.

Findings Of Fact The South Florida Water Management District (District) is a public corporation in the State of Florida, existing by virtue of Chapter 25270, Laws of Florida (1949), and operating pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, as a multi-purpose water management district. The District's principal office is West Palm Beach, Florida. In executing its multi-purpose, the District, as local sponsor for the US Army Corps of Engineers' Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project, acquired canal rights-of-way. The District's rights-of-way were acquired to enable the Corps of Engineers to construct the flood control project and to maintain the system after its construction. The District operates a proprietary-based right-of-way program to manage the various property interests of the canal rights-of-way. The purpose of the District's right-of-way program is, to the extent possible, to allow uses of the rights- of-way that do not conflict with the flood control project. The rights-of way are used by both public and private concerns, including adjacent property owners, governmental entities, and utility companies. Jesus G. Quevedo is a private individual. His address is 2615 North Federal Highway, Lake Worth, Florida. The property at this address was vacant when Mr. Quevedo purchased it, and he has owned the property for approximately ten (10) years. The District has fee simple title to a strip of land on the south side of the District's C-51 Canal, immediately west of the Federal Highway/Olive Avenue bridge (C-51 Right-of-Way). Mr. Quevedo's property is located at the side of and adjacent to the C-51 Right-of-Way. The C-51 Right-of-Way is also located within the boundaries of Spillway Park as established in the agreement between the District and the City of Lake Worth. Generally described, Spillway Park includes the District's fee simple owned right-of-way on the south side of the District's C-51 Canal, beginning at the west side of the Federal Highway/Olive Avenue bridge and continuing to the east side of the Dixie Highway bridge. Mr. Quevedo has no real property interest in the C-51 Right-of-Way. Prior to purchasing his property, Mr. Quevedo was aware that the District owned the C-51 Right-of-Way. Historically, portions of Spillway Park and the C-51 Right-of-Way, in particular, have been a unique and popular location for excellent snook fishing by the public. These areas continue to be considered as such. On February 11, 1993, Mr. Quevedo was issued SFWMD Permit No. 9801 (Permit), a right-of-way occupancy permit, by the District’s Governing Board. The Permit authorized him to make use of the District’s lands and works as follows: 20’ X 50’ BOAT DOCK WITH WALKWAY, BURIED WATER AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE, POP-UP SPRINKLERS, AND SODDING WITHIN THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF C-51 LOCATED IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THE OLIVE AVENUE/FEDERAL HIGHWAY BRIDGE. During the permit application process, but prior to the issuance of the Permit, Mr. Quevedo had discussed with the District's staff the erection of a cross-fence based on allegations of improper or criminal activities by members of the public. Subsequently, in November 1995, Mr. Quevedo again discussed with the District's staff erection of a cross-fence based on the same allegations but he also included a new allegation of public safety as to the C-51 seawall. Based on the concern for public safety, the District's staff recommended that Mr. Quevedo be granted a modification to the Permit for a cross-fence. On November 14, 1996, the District's Governing Board approved, as part of its consent agenda, and issued SFWMD Permit MOD No. 9801 (MOD Permit)3 authorizing the following: CHAIN LINK CROSS FENCE WITH 16’ VEHICULAR GATE ALONG THE WEST PROPERTY LINE WITHIN THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF C-51 LOCATED AT 2615 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY. The MOD Permit, as did the Permit, provides in pertinent part on its face the following: The permittee, by acceptance of this permit, hereby agrees that he shall promptly comply with all orders of the District and shall alter, repair or remove his use solely at his expense in a timely fashion. . . . This permit is issued by the District as a license to use or occupy District works or lands. . . By acceptance of this permit, the permittee expressly acknowledges that the permittee bears all risk of loss as a result of revocation of this permit. The MOD Permit, as did the Permit, contained standard limiting conditions, as provided in Rule 40E-6.381, Florida Administrative Code, and special conditions. The limiting conditions provide in pertinent part as follows: Permittee agrees to abide by all of the terms and conditions of this permit, including any representations made on the permit application and related documents. . . . This permit does not create any vested rights, and except for governmental entities and public or private utilities, is revocable at will upon reasonable prior written notice. Permittee bears all risk of loss as to monies expended in furtherance of the permitted use. Upon revocation, the permittee shall promptly modify, relocate or remove the permitted use. In the event of failure to so comply within the specified time, the District may remove the permitted use and permittee shall be responsible for all removal costs. This permit does not convey any property rights nor any rights or privileges other than those specified herein. . . . Having been granted the MOD Permit, Mr. Quevedo erected the cross-fence within and onto the C-51 Right-of-Way. The C-51 Right-of-Way is located adjacent to Mr. Quevedo’s property, as indicated earlier, and continues westerly to the permitted cross-fence. The C-51 Right-of-Way is enclosed by the cross-fence, preventing access by the public, and is located easterly of the cross-fence. As the C-51 Right-of-Way is located within the boundaries of the Spillway Park, the cross- fence is also located within the boundaries of the Spillway Park. During the time that Mr. Quevedo has owned his home, including prior to and after erection of the cross-fence, he, his family members and/or guests have frequently fished from the C-51 seawall and used the C-51 Right-of-Way enclosed by the cross- fence. Prior to and after the erection of the cross-fence, Mr. Quevedo and his family members have selectively controlled access by the public to the C-51 Right-of-Way at the C-51 seawall. Prior to the erection of the cross-fence, Mr. Quevedo chased members of the public off the C-51 Right-of-Way. Mr. Quevedo and members of his family also called law enforcement officers to remove members of the public who were located on the C-51 Right-of-Way, even if the members of the public were fishing from the C-51 seawall. After the erection of the cross-fence, Mr. Quevedo and his family members continued to engage in this conduct of selective access. Subsequent to the erection of the cross-fence, Mr. Quevedo had a member of the public arrested for trespassing. The person allegedly jumped over or went around the cross-fence to fish from the C-51 seawall in the C-51 Right-of-Way. With the existence of the cross-fence, Mr. Quevedo has prevented the general public from using the C-51 Right-of-Way, including the C-51 seawall. As a result, he has acquired the exclusive, private use of the C-51 Right-of-Way at the C-51 seawall, which is publicly owned land, and has, almost doubled the size of his adjacent property without the obligations and expense of acquisition, assuming he could acquire the property through acquisition. The District's policy is that public land should be open to the public. Contrary to this policy, Mr. Quevedo's cross-fence precludes access to the District's right-of-way (C-51 Right-of-Way), including the seawall, for passive recreational use. Similar cross-fencing, although not within the boundaries of Spillway Park, have been erected behind residences on the northeast, northwest, and southeast sides of Federal Highway, along the District’s C-51 Canal bank. The cross-fencing prevents public use of the District’s C-51 Canal bank at these locations. The City of Lake Worth made improvements within the boundaries of Spillway Park; however, it made no improvements, and does not intend to make any improvements in the future, at the C-51 Right-of-Way where Mr. Quevedo’s cross-fence is located or at the other private lots west of Mr. Quevedo's property. All of the improvements made at Mr. Quevedo’s cross-fence at the C-51 Right-of-Way have been made by him even though the C-51 Right-of- Way is located within Spillway Park. The original public safety rationale for authorizing Mr. Quevedo to erect the cross-fence blocking public access was revisited by the District. Additional investigation by safety experts (Risk Management staff) revealed that no unreasonable danger existed by allowing public access to the C-51 seawall at the C-51 Right-of-Way. In the absence of the public safety basis for closure of the C-51 Right-of-Way, such closure was contrary to District policy. As a consequence, the District’s staff recommended to the District’s Governing Board that the MOD Permit, authorizing Mr. Quevedo’s cross-fence, be revoked. After conducting two public meetings and receiving comments from Mr. Quevedo, members of the public, and the District’s staff as to the policy issue of pubic access to the C- 51 Right-of-Way, the District’s Governing Board determined that the C-51 Right-of-Way should be open to the public. Consequently, the Governing Board decided to revoke Mr. Quevedo's MOD Permit. Allegations of criminal activity within the general boundaries of Spillway Park and, specifically, in the C-51 Right- of-Way at the cross-fence area, were made by Mr. Quevedo as a basis to not revoke the MOD Permit and allow the cross-fence to remain. Such allegations have no bearing on the revocation of the MOD Permit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order revoking SFWMD Permit No. MOD 981 issued to Jesus G. Quevedo. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of March, 1999.

Florida Laws (6) 120.52120.569120.57373.016373.085373.086 Florida Administrative Code (3) 40E-6.01140E-6.34140E-6.381
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gulf Breeze, Florida Sep. 02, 2010 Number: 10-008893 Latest Update: May 08, 2012

The Issue The issue is whether to approve the City of Gulf Breeze's (City's) application for a Consolidated Wetland Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization to conduct a restoration project in Pensacola Bay.

Findings Of Fact Background This dispute involves a challenge by Petitioners to the third phase of a restoration project by the City designed to preserve the Island and protect its historical resources. The project site is located in sovereign submerged lands adjacent to the Island on the southwest side of the Highway 98 Bay Bridge which traverses Pensacola Bay connecting the Cities of Gulf Breeze and Pensacola. The Island is not a true island, but has always been connected to the mainland by a strip of land referred to as an isthmus, which meets the shoreline at Lot 36 of an older subdivision known as the First Addition to Casablanca Parcel No. 1 and platted almost sixty years ago. The isthmus juts out from Lot 36 into Pensacola Bay in a northwesterly direction for several hundred feet before making a 90-degree turn to the southwest where the Island then runs roughly parallel to the shoreline for around a half mile. See Joint Ex. 5-7, 14, and The Island, isthmus, and shoreline form the boundary around a small body of water known as Gilmore Bayou, an ecologically important and pristine salt marsh area. According to aerial photographs, at its widest point, the Island appears to be no more than a few hundred feet wide. Petitioners reside at Lot 37, which is just northeast of the isthmus on the shoreline. The rear part of Lot 37 faces Pensacola Bay and the City of Pensacola to the northwest. Lots 36, 35, and 34 (running to the southwest along the shoreline and facing Gilmore Bayou), are owned by Patricia Moreland, Robert Ozburn, and Intervenor Paul Tamburro, respectively, all of whom testified at the final hearing. Except for Petitioners, the project is supported by virtually all of the residents of the area as well as numerous civic organizations. See Joint Ex. 33. On July 14, 2008, the City filed with the Department its Joint Application for Works in the Waters of Florida, which would allow the City to complete the third phase of the project by (a) planting native submerged vegetation over approximately three acres of sovereign submerged lands, and (b) placing approximately 16,000 cubic yards of fill material and planting native emergent vegetation to stabilize the fill material on sovereign submerged lands at the north end of the Island. See Joint Ex. 3. The Department has authority under chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code chapter 18-21 to approve the application. After an extensive review of the application, on August 9, 2010, the Department issued a Consolidated Notice of Intent to Issue Wetland Resource Permit and Consent to Use Sovereign Submerged Lands, which authorized the proposed project. See Joint Ex. 4. The proprietary authorization (letter of consent) was issued under the authority of rule 18- 21.005(1)(c), which identifies a number of activities that qualify for a letter of consent. In this case, because of the range of proposed activities, the project could qualify for a letter of consent under subparagraphs 8., 15., and 16. of the rule. On September 1, 2010, Petitioners filed their petition challenging the proposed agency action. While their initial pleading raised a number of issues, and cited two rules as a basis for reversing the agency action, these allegations have been substantially narrowed over the course of the proceeding and are now limited to the following: whether the project constitutes management activities associated with the protection of a historic site, thus qualifying for a letter of consent under rule 18-21.005(1)(c)16.; and whether the project unreasonably restricts or infringes upon their riparian rights of navigation, boating, swimming, and view, as proscribed by rule 18-21.004(3)(c). They also question whether Intervenor has standing to participate, but that issue is not dispositive of the primary issues in this case. Petitioners do not contest the issuance of a Wetland Resource Permit. Finally, Respondents and Intervenor question whether Petitioners have standing to initiate this action. The Project Site The project is located on sovereign submerged lands adjacent to the Island, a "naturally occurring sandy beach," as that term is contemplated in rule 18-21.005(1)(c)8. This is true even though portions of the "sandy beach" have eroded over time. The City owns the entirety of the Island. See Joint Ex. 14 and 15. This was not disputed by Petitioners. The Island is a public park, natural preserve, and historic site that is owned and maintained by the City exclusively for public use. Deeds by which the property was conveyed to the City require that it be forever used as a natural preserve and maintained in its natural state. See Joint Ex. 14 and 15. The Island and the area immediately adjacent thereto have a long and significant history dating back to the 1700's. Throughout the 1700's and 1800's, various portions of the Island were used as a careening facility for the repair and maintenance of large vessels. A marine railway was also built. In the late 1800's, a quarantine station was constructed on the Island where people who had contracted yellow fever were isolated. A cemetery exists upon the Island containing the remains of many who perished from the yellow fever epidemic. Also, there were many shipwrecks at the Island, of which some of the remains still exist. Accordingly, there are historic resources and artifacts such as shipwrecks and human remains on and around the Island. The Island has sustained significant erosion over the past 70 years. The northeast shoreline has eroded some 450 to 500 feet during that period of time. There has been a significant loss of vegetation and land mass. Without protection, the Island is in a perilous condition and subject to a permanent breach. The peat bog underlying the Island is vital to the stability of the Island and has been greatly damaged. It requires protective measures, such as those contemplated by the proposed project in order to assure its preservation. Due to the effects of hurricanes and storms, the erosion has substantially increased during the past decade. The erosion has caused the unearthing of and damage to historic artifacts and the salt marsh in Gilmore Bayou. There are clearly visible remnants of the former marine railway on the Island, which are being weakened by current weather events and require protection in order to preserve them. Caskets from the cemetery as well as human bone remains have been unearthed and additional damage will occur without protective restoration efforts. If the erosion continues, there will be more damage to the historic artifacts and the salt marsh will be destroyed. The Project To prevent further erosion and to protect the Island and Gilmore Bayou, the City has applied to the Department for three separate phases of a project to stabilize the shoreline. The first two phases of the project involved the construction of an artificial reef breakwater and the planting of shoreline vegetation. See Joint Exhibit 7a. They have already been approved by the Department and are no longer in issue. The first and second phases were challenged by Petitioners but the cases were eventually settled. See Case No. 09-4870, which involved the second phase. The third phase of the project is being conducted primarily for the maintenance of essentially natural conditions and for the propagation of fish and wildlife. This phase can be described as follows: restoration or nourishment of a naturally occurring sandy beach as contemplated by rule 18-21.005(1)(c)8.; habitat restoration or enhancement as contemplated by rule 18-21.005(1)(c)15.; management activity associated with protection of a park as contemplated by rule 18-21.005(1)(c)16.; management activity associated with protection of a preserve as contemplated by rule 18-21.005(1)(c)16.; management activity associated with protection of a historic site as contemplated by rule 18-21.005(1)(c)16.; and management activity associated with protection of habitat restoration or enhancement as contemplated by rule 18- 21.005(1)(c)16. While the project implicates each of the above provisions, the application and proposed agency action indicate that the letter of consent is granted on the theory that the project is associated with protection of historic sites. See Joint Ex. 4. The third phase is also designed to minimize or eliminate adverse impacts on fish and wildlife habitats and other naturally occurring resources. The project consists of the placement of 16,000 cubic yards of fill material in the area between the existing artificial oyster reef and the shoreline to restore and replace conditions that previously existed. The fill will consist of beach compatible sand that will be approximately six inches to a foot above mean high water. This phase also involves the planting of appropriate native wetland vegetation in the fill area, which will help stabilize the fill. The planting of vegetation in the third phase is separate and distinct from the plantings authorized in the second phase of the project. The project is needed in order to prevent further damage to a public park; public preserve; threatened, endangered, or special concern species of vegetation/habitat; and historic artifacts. These protection efforts were requested and recommended by the Florida Department of State. Petitioners contest only the propriety of the fill materials and the planting of the emergent stabilizing grasses on the fill. The fill portion of the project is located a significant distance from Petitioners' property. The closest portion of the project is estimated to be at least 550 feet from Petitioners' property, while the bulk of the project will take place between some 750 to 1,200 feet from their property. The Proposed Vegetation Planting In the third phase of the project, the City proposes to plant and establish emergent grasses (those that grow in water but partially pierce the surface) and sea grasses, all of which are appropriate native wetland vegetation on the Island. The proposed emergent grasses are Spartina alterniflora (also known as smooth cordgrass) and Juncus roemerianus (also known as black needle rush), which will be used for stabilization of wetlands. The proposed submerged seagrasses are Halodule wrightii (a type of shoal grass) and Ruppia maritime (a type of widgeon grass), which will help stabilize the fill. The smooth cordgrass is native to the Island. It will be planted in the fill area to prevent the fill from eroding. It is expected that once they mature, the height of the plants will not exceed two and one-half feet. Due to the water depth in the area, the shoreline slope, the sediment supply, and the wave action, the smooth cordgrass will not spread outside the proposed project area. Also, it will not interfere with navigation, boating, swimming, fishing, or view. The vegetation will, however, help fishing in the area. The black needle rush is also native to the Island. It will only grow to approximately two and one-half feet in height due to stressful conditions caused by the salt content in the water and wave action. It will not spread beyond the proposed project area and will not interfere with navigation, boating, swimming, fishing, or view. Like the smooth cordgrass, it will enhance fishing in the area. Both Halodule wrightii and Ruppia maritime are native to the Island. Both have slow growth rates, which when coupled with the "high energetics of the system," will hinder their ability to spread outside the project area. Neither seagrass will hinder navigation, boating, swimming, fishing, or view. They will afford a greater opportunity for snorkeling, recreation, and fishing; they will serve as a nursery habitat for finfish and shellfish; they will increase the habitat value of the area; and they will improve water quality. Petitioners submitted no evidence to contradict these findings. They also failed to submit any evidence that the fill material or grasses would spread into any riparian area that might be appurtenant to their Lot 37. The above findings are reinforced by the results of a separate project known as Project Greenshores located across Pensacola Bay from the Island. Project Greenshores involved the restoration of wetlands using dredge material to restore islands that are then protected by the construction of a breakwater and are stabilized by the planting of the same grasses that are proposed for the Island project. The two projects are in relatively close proximity to each other and have essentially the same environment. One difference, however, is that Project Greenshores receives a small source of sediment from stormwater outfalls, which means that it has a higher chance of grasses growing than does the Island. Even with the increased sediment, the grasses at that project have not spread beyond the project area, they have not interfered with navigation, boating, swimming, view, or fishing, and they have enhanced fishing in the area. Historical Artifacts Petitioners contend that the project does not qualify for a letter of consent under rule 18-21.005(1)(c)16. That provision authorizes the Department, acting on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, to issue a letter of consent for "management activities associated with . . . historical sites . . . provided there is no permanent preemption by structures or exclusion of the general public." As noted above, the Island has a long and significant history dating back to the early 1700's and there are historic resources and artifacts on the Island. See Finding of Fact 10, supra. When there is an archeological site issue in a permit, the Department typically relies on information from the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 18-21.004(2)(c)("reports by other agencies with related statutory, management, or regulatory authority may be considered in evaluating specific requests to use sovereignty lands"). Here, the Department relied on information from that agency, which indicates that there are archeological resources at the project site. The Department of State also recommended placing fill over the artifacts to protect them, which will be accomplished by the proposed fill. In addition, the Department relied upon information contained in a survey conducted by Mr. Empie, a registered professional surveyor, to generally show where those artifacts are located. See Joint Exhibit 5, also referred to as the Empie survey. The evidence supports a finding that the project is for management activities associated with historical sites. The record shows that there is strong public support for the project. See Joint Ex. 33. Although many of the artifacts will be covered by the fill, the fill will actually protect them from damage, destruction, theft, and removal. By protecting them, future generations will be able to enjoy the artifacts. No "structures," as that term is defined in rule 18- 21.005(1)(c)16., are part of the project. Therefore, the project will not cause permanent preemption by structures. Contrary to Petitioners' assertion, the project will not exclude the general public from the fill area. The City contemplates that other activities, such as underwater snorkeling, will encourage the public to utilize the project site. The evidence supports a finding that the project qualifies for a letter of consent under this rule. Riparian Lines The Empie survey provides a reasonable depiction of the various riparian lines in the areas adjacent to the proposed project. See Joint Ex. 5. A professional surveyor with the Division of State Lands, Mr. Maddox, agreed that it was a reasonable depiction of the angle of the riparian lines and a "fair distribution of riparian areas," including that of Lot 37. The only property owner adjacent to the Island is Patricia Moreland, who owns Lot 36 and has resided on that parcel since 1956. As noted above, the isthmus meets the northwest boundary line of Lot 36. By executing a Letter of Concurrence, Ms. Moreland conferred upon the City all rights, both proprietary and riparian, that she has with respect to Lot See Joint Ex. 16. Petitioners contend that they own riparian rights appurtenant to their Lot 37, which is to the east of Lot 36. The City and Intervenor dispute this claim and contend that Lot 37 does not adjoin any navigable water and thus there are no riparian rights appurtenant to Lot 37. Assuming arguendo that Lot 37 adjoins Pensacola Bay, it is still separated from the project site by riparian areas appurtenant to the Moreland property (Lot 36) as well as the riparian areas appurtenant to the City property, i.e., the Island and isthmus. The Empie survey, which reasonably depicts the riparian lines in the project area, shows the project site as being approximately 300 feet inside the existing breakwater, which is shown as being no closer than 48.9 feet away from the westernmost riparian line appurtenant to Lot 37. See Joint Ex. The primary portion of the fill site is located around 370 feet from the closest point of the western riparian line appurtenant to Lot 37. Id. No portion of the project is located within 25 feet of the Lot 37 riparian line. Id. Petitioners presented no evidence disputing the riparian areas identified on the Empie survey or otherwise identifying the areas of riparian rights appurtenant to their property. While they engaged the services of Mr. Barrett, a professional land surveyor to prepare a boundary survey, the purpose of the survey was to show that Lot 37 adjoins Pensacola Bay, rather than depicting the riparian areas appurtenant to that lot. See Petitioners' Ex. 1. Infringement on Riparian Rights Rule 18-21.004(3)(c) requires that "activities [in submerged lands] must be designed and conducted in a manner that will not unreasonably restrict or infringe upon the riparian rights of adjacent upland property owners." (emphasis added) Petitioners contend that, even though they do not routinely use their riparian rights, the project will restrict or infringe upon their riparian rights of boating, swimming, navigation, and view. To make this determination, they assert that the appropriate test under the rule is mere infringement, and not "unreasonable" infringement; however, this interpretation is contrary to the plain wording in the rule. The main living floor of Petitioners' residence is approximately 50 feet above sea level. The emergent grasses will be located no closer than 500 feet from the edge of Lot 37 and 600 feet from their residence and are expected to grow only to a height of no more than two and one-half feet. The concern that the grasses will impair Petitioners' view is without merit. Although Dr. Cope initially believed that fill or grass would be placed or planted "all the way up to and abutting our lot 37," this interpretation of the City's plans was incorrect. A photograph taken from his back yard indicated that he could view the northeastern corner of the Island where new vegetation or fill might be placed, but the photograph depicted an area outside of the Lot 37 riparian area. See Petitioners' Ex. 18. While Dr. Cope initially stated that the new emergent grass would "clearly degrade the view from both the house and the shoreline," he later acknowledged that the project would not have any effect upon his view of Lot 37's riparian areas. There are a boathouse and dock in the waters behind Petitioners' house. However, Petitioners submitted no evidence to support their suggestion that the project might cause the water behind Lot 37 to become more shallow and adversely affect boating and navigation. Contrary evidence by the Department and City was unrefuted. Finally, Dr. Cope stated at hearing that he has never been swimming in Gilmore Bayou or Pensacola Bay and has no intention of doing so. His wife offered no evidence that she ever intends to swim in those waters. In summary, the activities undertaken in the project area will not unreasonably restrict or infringe upon Petitioners' riparian rights of swimming, boating, navigation, or view within the meaning of rule 18-21.004(3)(c). Petitioners' Standing Respondents and Intervenor contend that Petitioners lack standing to bring this action for two reasons: that they do not own Lot 37 individually but rather as trustees, and the petition was not filed in that capacity; and that Lot 37 does not adjoin navigable waters. See § 253.141(1), Fla. Stat. ("[r]iparian rights are those incident to land bordering upon navigable waters"). As described by the City's real estate expert, in June 2010, or before the instant petition in this case was filed, the Copes executed two deeds for estate planning purposes, which resulted in "legal title [being] owned part by Dr. and Ms. Cope as to one-half life estate and for Ms. Cope as to one-half for her life estate [and] then the remainder interest is vested in the trustees [of the D. Nathan Cope or Cynthia Russell Cope revocable trust agreements] for the remainder interests." Put in plainer language, this meant that the ownership of Lot 37 is now divided as follows: an undivided 50 percent is owned by the wife as to a life estate and by the wife's revocable trust as to the remainder interest, and the other undivided 50 percent is owned by the wife and husband as to a life estate for the husband's lifetime and by the husband's revocable trust as to the remainder interest. Therefore, there are four entities or persons with an ownership interest in the property: Dr. Cope, Mrs. Cope, Dr. Cope's trust, and Mrs. Cope's trust. The City presented expert testimony regarding the chain of title of Lot 37, beginning in June 1952 when the subdivision was first platted, and running through June 2010, when Petitioners conveyed the property to themselves as trustees of two revocable trusts. According to the expert, the subdivision plat in 1952 reflects a narrow strip of property (described as a hiatus strip) separating the entire subdivision, including Lot 37, from the waters of Gilmore Bayou, Pensacola Bay, and Woodland Lake, a nearby body of water. The strip was a park that was dedicated to the public. See Joint Ex. 1. In 1962, the developer conveyed by quit claim deed the entire strip to the record title holder of each lot in the subdivision. At that time, Lot 37 was owned by the Blaylocks. The expert found that each conveyance of Lot 37 that occurred after 1962, up to and including the Copes' purchase of the property in February 2008, did not include the hiatus parcel. Therefore, he opined that title in the strip property continues to remain with the Blaylocks. Besides his title search, the expert further corroborated this opinion by referring to a topographic survey of Lot 37 prepared in June 2005, see Joint Ex. 2a; a title insurance policy on Lot 37 issued in 2008 when the Copes purchased the property that specifically excludes title insurance for the hiatus parcel; and a recent Santa Rosa County tax bill describing the property without the hiatus parcel. In response, Petitioners contend that the hiatus strip never existed or the 1952 plat is invalid because it failed to comply with section 177.08, Florida Statutes (1951), which required that "all land within the boundaries of the plat must be accounted for either by blocks, out lots, parks, streets, alleys or excepted parcels." Because a dispute over the exact boundary lines of Lot 37 exists, this issue must be resolved in the appropriate circuit court. See § 26.012(2)(g). For purposes of deciding the merits of this case, however, it is unnecessary that this determination be made. Intervenor's Standing Dr. Tamburro currently resides on Lot 34, which faces Gilmore Bayou, and jointly owns the property with his wife. He uses the Bayou to boat and for other recreational purposes. He also uses the Island to swim, walk, and boat. The preservation of the Island is important to him since it serves as a barrier island in protecting his home during storm events. Although Dr. Tamburro's wife did not join in his petition to intervene (but appeared as his counsel), he still has a recognized ownership interest in the property.1

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order approving the City's application for a Wetland Resource Permit and Letter of Consent to Use Sovereign Submerged Lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of April, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 2011.

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.569120.57120.595120.68253.14157.10557.111 Florida Administrative Code (2) 18-21.00418-21.0051
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