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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jun. 28, 1994 Number: 94-003534 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1995

Findings Of Fact Test Anxiety at the February 1994 General Contractor's Examination The General Contractor's Examination used in the licensing of individuals as general contractors is divided into three parts, each of which may be passed separately. Credit for passing any one portion of the examination is good for a period of only one year. An applicant for a license as a General Contractor is limited in taking any part of the examination to three times per year. If an applicant fails to pass all three parts of the examination in one year, therefore, the applicant must commence the examination process anew, as if none of the portions of the examination had been passed. On February 17, 1994, William T. Davenport, sat for the Contract Administration portion of the exam for the third time within a one-year period. At each of the two examinations taken earlier, he had passed one portion. The Contract Administration portion was the only part he had not yet passed. Mr. Davenport was anxious as he waited to take the exam. He fully realized that if he did not pass the Contract Administration portion he would have to start the examination process all over again. His concern was generated not only from the perspective of delay and inconvenience attendant to having to repeat the entire exam process, but also from the perspective of cost. Repeating the process would require him to pay the full exam fee after having paid already a full examination fee for each of three examinations in the year of his attempt to successfully complete the examination requirements for licensure. Different Approved Reference Lists The Construction Industry Licensing Board approves reference materials that applicants may use during the examination and issues a list of those materials periodically. The Reference List for the February examination covered the period between November 1, 1993 and February 28, 1994. On that list was a book Mr. Davenport brought with him to the examination: Practical Mathematics, 3rd Edition, Copyright 1972. As Mr. Davenport sat nervously awaiting commencement of the exam, a proctor removed Practical Mathematics from his desk indicating that use of the book was not allowed. Mr. Davenport relates his response to the incident in this way, (Tr. 26.) The anxiety was very high at that point. My concern was try to get through the exam and, when the book was taken away from me, I panicked, to be blunt. I just totally panicked. Unlike the testing period from November 1, 1993 to February 28, 1994, Practical Mathematics was not on the Reference List for the next period of testing, from March 1, through June 30, 1994. The later list, issued January 13, had been out for over a month at the time of the exam. It is likely the proctor removed the book in mistaken reliance on the later list. As it turned out, the proctor returned the book to Mr. Davenport either shortly before the examination commenced. As he did so, the proctor commented, "Well, I don't know." (Tr. 25.) Mr. Davenport did not use the book during the exam because, "[a]t that point, I was reluctant to use the book ... I didn't want the test to be invalidated and I didn't want to be challenged." Id. Not using the book proved to be critical to whether Mr. Davenport passed the Contract Administration portion of the exam. He scored a 68. A passing grade is 70. Had Mr. Davenport answered correctly question number 3, which was worth four points, he would have received a 72, a passing grade. The question involves applying a percentage. Mr. Davenport could not remember whether in obtaining a percentage it is necessary to multiply or divide. Practical Mathematics has a chapter on percentages. The chapter teaches that multiplication is the arithmetic method to use when obtaining a percentage. But Mr. Davenport guessed that division should be used. He divided by the percentage and, therefore, chose an incorrect answer. Question number 3 on the exam is one of the questions that Mr. Davenport challenged originally: A 2-man crew has consistently worked at a labor performance standard ratio of 0.85 to 1. They are selected for a job requiring 60 (standard time) man-hours to perform. They will NOT work more than 8 hours per workday. NO work will be done on Saturdays or Sundays. There are NO holidays during the time the work will be performed. According to Builder's Guide to Accounting, if the job must be finished NO later than Friday afternoon at 5:00 p.m., what is the last day that they could be scheduled to start the job? Thursday of the previous week Friday of the previous week Monday of the same week Tuesday of the same week Respondent's. Ex. No. 2. The correct answer is "(D) Tuesday of the same week." The Department's expert witness explained that the correct answer is reached by way of an algebraic formula. The formula is: "the labor performance standard ratio = x (the unknown) divided by the standard time man hours" and then that answer is divided by 2 since the crew is a 2 man crew. Applied to the problem, the formula is: .85/1 = x/60, with x, once known, divided by 2. Using the formula, the calculation goes as follows: .85/1 = x/60; multiplying both sides of the equation by 60, .85(60) = x; carrying out the arithmetic calculation, x equals 51; 51/2 = 25.5. It takes 25.5 hours, therefore, for the crew to complete the job. If, as the problem states, the job must be completed by Friday at 5 p.m. and the crew works 8 hours a day, then it will take the crew 3 full days and 1.5 additional hours to complete the job. Working backward from Friday, the crew will work 8 hours on Friday, 8 hours on Thursday, and 8 hours on Wednesday for a total of 24 hours. The crew must start on Tuesday of the same week to work the additional 1.5 hours required to complete the job. One does not need to use algebra, however, to solve the problem. One can simply obtain the number of actual hours needed to complete the job by applying 85 percent (the crew's labor performance standard) to the number of standard time manhours called for by the job, in this case, 60. Here is where Mr. Davenport needed Practical Mathematics. Not knowing whether to obtain the actual hours by multiplying .85 times 60 or dividing .85 into 60, he guessed, in error, division. Through the use of division, it appears incorrectly that the number of manhours needed is 70.588. Divided by two, to take into account that there are two members of the crew, it would take the crew 35.294 hours. If it took the crew 35 hours and a fraction to complete the job on time, the crew would need to start on Monday of the same week. "(C) Monday of the same week," is the answer chosen by Mr. Davenport. Other Distractions and the Site of the Exam The examination was conducted in the Tallahassee office of the National Assessment Institute (NAI). The NAI was under contract to the Department as the vendor to conduct the exam. At the time of the examination, the exam site was a room approximately forty feet by thirteen feet four inches in size. It contained nine tables, each 18 inches by eight feet. The tables were spaced 35 inches from each other. At each table were two straight-backed chairs. There were seven candidates present for the examination. The first and last tables were unoccupied. Each of the seven candidates were allotted 34 square feet of floor space to be occupied by the candidate, the chair, the table and materials used in the exam. On the east wall of the exam room were three plate glass fixed windows. Two of the windows are 48 inches long by 36 inches tall and one is 36 inches long by 31 inches tall. The glass is one-eighth inch thick non- commercial grade. The windows are acceptable under NAI guidelines. On the other side of the windows is a workroom that measured 15.25 by 17.5 feet. Through these windows the examination supervisor seated in the work room can monitor the performance of the proctors in the exam room and see the candidates as they take the exam. The candidates, seated to the left of the workroom, do not face the workroom. Rather, their right side is exposed to the workroom. If the tables are numbered 1 through 9 on Respondent's Ex. No. 1, beginning with 1 on the side of the room marked on the exhibit as "N" or north, candidates who were seated at tables 4 through 8 were directly exposed to the workroom windows. Mr. Davenport was seated at one of the tables exposed to the workroom windows, most likely table 3, 4 or 5, that is, one of the center 3 tables. During the exam, he could see employees through the windows moving in the workroom and hear noise from the workroom. There were four employees who were present at one time or another in the workroom. Three of these employees were also engaged in proctoring the examination. In addition to the visual diversion posed by the four employees in the workroom, Mr. Davenport could hear sounds emanating from the room. The doors to the workroom, open so that the exam supervisor seated in the workroom could hear what occurred in the exam room, also allowed sounds from the workroom into the exam room. The source of the sound was the printer working, the four workers conversing from time to time and other noises associated with an office work environment. Sight of the employees and noise from the workroom prevented petitioner from fully concentrating on the exam. Mr. Davenport was also distracted by the activities of the proctors while in the exam room. During the four hours he sat for the exam, three of the four employees he observed in the workroom were also acting as proctors. They left the workroom in a rotation in order to spell each other. During their shifts as proctors, the three monitored the exam room. Mr. Davenport felt distracted by the coming and goings of the three as they rotated in and out of the room. Although there was a table designated for the proctors at a corner outside the workroom across from table 3, they rarely sat there. They sat at one of the empty tables or walked beside the seated candidates, all the time carrying out the function of a proctor: observing the candidates during examination. The FCILB Examination Administration Manual, applicable to the February General Contractor's exam, details the responsibilities of proctors in sixteen separate counts. No. 13 reads: Proctors observe at all times and move quietly about the room. Proctors do not disturb or distract candidates during the examination. If speaking is necessary, a proctor needs to be quiet and brief as possible. Proctors avoid asking candidates to move chairs to get around them, standing too close or directly behind candidates, or rustling papers and talking to other proctors in the vicinity. Petitioner's Ex. No. 2, FCILB Examination Administration Manual, p. 2-5. Movement of the proctors was necessary during the exam because of its open-book format. It is incumbent on the proctors of an open-book exam to insure that candidates do not copy questions form the examination into their reference materials. Other Candidates Reactions to the NAI's Tallahassee Office Among the three proctors the day of the exam was Ms. Jean Love. Ms. Love is also the Office Manager of the NAI's Tallahassee Office. She has worked for NAI for over two years. Before that she worked for eight and one-half years with the Department in examination services, during which she administered exams, including acting as a proctor for exams. In addition to the daily operations of the office, she oversees the administration of examinations, a function she fulfilled at the February General Contractor's exam this year. Ms. Love did not see any unusual or distracting activities on the part of the other two proctors and did not undertake any activities, in her opinion, that would have violated any of the responsibilities of proctors, including those quoted, above, from the FCILB Examination Administration Manual. The activities during the exam in the workroom, undertaken under Ms. Love's supervision, were normal activities undertaken every day at the NAI Tallahassee Office during and outside of times of examinations. Aside from typical office activities, such as conducting telephone conversations, scheduling candidates for tests, and doing paperwork that included hand-folding documentation, there was no unusual activity the day of the exam. The only event in the workroom that contributed at all to the sound of normally quiet office activity was the validation of a single candidate's check. No complaints about noise in the workroom during the February General Contractor's Exam were registered with the NAI Tallahassee Office. Nor did any of the candidates that day complain about the activities of the proctors. Ms. Love did not learn of Mr. Davenport's complaint until after he filed his challenge to the examination questions. While a proctor may have from time to time stood near Mr. Davenport as he took the exam, none of the proctors hovered over him or, in Ms. Love's opinion, did anything that would distract the average candidate. No complaint during the examination was made by Mr. Davenport. He did not complain about inability to concentrate on the exam until after he received the exam results. During Ms. Love's two years at the NAI Tallahassee office, no candidate, prior to Mr. Davenport, had ever complained about the testing environment for any reason. The comments she has received from candidates following exams have been solely complimentary. Over the last two years, the office has administered between 15 and 20 tests per month. Complimentary comments are made, on average, by one candidate per test. In the last two years the office has received, at a minimum, well in excess of 350 compliments on the testing environment from candidates. In contrast, Mr. Davenport's complaint stands alone as the only complaint about the office testing environment in the last two years at the NAI's Tallahassee Office.

Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED, in the alternative: That petitioner's request for reexamination or a passing grade on the "Contract Administration, Division I" portion of the General Contractor's examination administered in February 1994 be DENIED; or, in the alternative, If the Construction Industry Licensing Board is willing to overlook the petitioner's failure to challenge his grade specifically on the appropriation of the book before the examination in the petition for formal hearing and the Department's legitimate objection to the presentation of evidence on the issue, that petitioner be allowed to sit for reexamination and, if he passes the Contract Administration portion of the exam, be credited with passing the other two portions of the exam as well as if all three portions had been passed in one year. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of December, 1994. DAVID M. MALONEY Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of December, 1994. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 13 are adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 1, the first and last sentences are adopted. The remainder of the proposed finding, and in particular the reference to Linda Chaffin, test proctor, is rejected because it is either not supported by the evidence or argumentative in nature rather than factual. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 2 is rejected as against the weight of the evidence. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact Nos. 7 and 8 are rejected as unsupported by the evidence. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 11, the reference to Linda Chaffin is rejected. Ms. Chaffin was not identified by the evidence as the proctor who removed the book from petitioner prior to the exam. Respondent's proposed findings of fact are adopted, in substance, insofar as material. COPIES FURNISHED: William T. Davenport 336 14th Avenue, North Jacksonville, FL 32250 William W. Woodyard Assistant General Counsel D B P R 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750 Richard Hickok, Executive Director C I L B 7960 Arlington Expy., Ste. 300 Jacksonville, FL 32311-7467 Jack McRay General Counsel D B P R 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0750

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.111
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Dec. 10, 2002 Number: 02-004759 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 2003

The Issue Whether the Respondent, Harriet Parets, should be suspended from her employment for a period of 30 days based upon a violation of testing protocols in administering the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT).

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, is responsible for the administration and operation of all public schools within the Broward County School District. As such, its authority covers personnel and employment including the discipline of its teachers. At all times material to the allegations of this case, the Respondent, Harriet Parets, was employed as an elementary school teacher in the Broward County School District. The Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate Number 592721. Her certificate covers the areas of elementary education and English for Speakers of Other Languages. It is valid through June 30, 2008. Prior to the incidents complained of in this cause, the Respondent taught in the Broward County School District without discipline for six years. The Respondent was in her seventh year with the system when the allegations of this case arose. The Respondent had administered the FCAT on five prior occasions. During the 2002 school year the Respondent was assigned to teach fourth grade at McNab Elementary School (McNab). Her class was scheduled to take the FCAT on March 11-13, 2003. Prior to the dates of testing, teachers at McNab were instructed to view a resource video. The video instructed and directed the teachers in the administration of the FCAT. It included information not previously addressed by the video. Additionally, teachers at McNab were provided testing procedures to guide the administration of the FCAT. Teachers were to follow specifically worded texts in the directions provided to their students. A verbatim reading of the text was required by the FCAT testing protocols. Additional comments outside the text were prohibited. Teachers at McNab were advised of the importance of the FCAT results, the requirement of adhering to the testing protocols, and the opportunities available to the school should McNab students perform well on the FCAT. In fact, as McNab had received an "A" rating in the past (following good FCAT results), the school had received special funding tied to that performance. In connection with the FCAT testing at issue herein, McNab administrators took precautions to provide test administrators with the schedule of the exam dates, the materials needed to administer the test, and training in the proper administration of the FCAT. Testing protocols were reviewed. Proctors also received training regarding the administration of the exam. Each class was assigned a proctor along with the teacher who was primarily responsible for the test administration. In this case, the proctor and several students verified comments from the Respondent that deviated from the scripted instructions. Contrary to the scripted instructions the Respondent looked at the students' test booklets, told more than one student to re-exam their work for errors, and pointed out a wrong answer. The Respondent announced to the class as a whole that she was "seeing a lot of wrong answers." The Respondent was not authorized to make comments during the administration of the test. More important the Respondent was not permitted to assist by any means the students who were taking the FCAT. The Respondent admitted that she did not watch the FCAT training video (known in this record as the BECON video). The Respondent knew or should have known that she had been directed to watch the video. The Respondent admitted that she made comments to students that were beyond the scripted instructions provided in the teacher's testing manual. The issues of the Respondent's comments to the class and the level of assistance she had provided to students came to light when a student told her mother of the Respondent's conduct. The mother then contacted a school administrator to make the alleged improprieties known. After determining that the Respondent had assisted students in her class, administrators invalidated the test results from the Respondent's class. As a result of the invalidation, the school did not have a sufficient number of test results to qualify as an "A" performing school under the state guidelines. Had the results from the Respondent's class been included, the school might have qualified and received recognition as it had in the past. Following the investigation of the case, the school district superintendent recommended that the Respondent be terminated from her employment. After hearing comments on the matter, the Petitioner took the action at issue herein, the suspension without pay for 30 days. The Respondent timely challenged that proposed action.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order suspending the Respondent without pay for a period of 30 days. Further, before being permitted to administer the FCAT again, the Respondent should be required to complete a training course in the administration of the exam, including all testing protocols. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of July, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark J. Berkowitz, Esquire Mark J. Berkowitz, P.A. 524 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 200N Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Mark A. Emanuele, Esquire Panza, Maurer, Maynard & Neel, P.A. 3600 North Federal Highway Bank of America Building, Third Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 Dr. Franklin L. Till, Jr. Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-3125 Daniel Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 1244 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.569
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Inverness, Florida Sep. 19, 2014 Number: 14-004449PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lake City, Florida Jun. 27, 2003 Number: 03-002382PL Latest Update: Feb. 17, 2004

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated standardized testing procedures while proctoring the SAT-9 Test for her first grade class, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate No. 467712, covering the area of Elementary Education. Her certificate is valid through June 30, 2007. Respondent has been a public school teacher in Florida for 21 years. During that time, she has worked as a classroom teacher in fifth and first grades at four different schools. At all times material here, Respondent was a first grade teacher at Niblack Elementary School (Niblack) in Columbia County, Florida. Respondent was the curriculum resource teacher at Niblack for the 2000/2001 school term, the first year Niblack was established. She helped organize the new school, selecting textbooks and other school materials. She assisted in the development of school improvement plans and the creation of the Parent Teacher Organization. Respondent worked long hours beyond the normal school hours to ensure the success of Niblack as a neighborhood school. She had good report with the parents and the community. After her first year at Niblack, Respondent returned to the classroom as a first grade teacher because she missed being with the children. Prior to the incident at issue here, Respondent has never been the subject of any disciplinary action. She has always received positive teacher evaluations. For the school years 1999/2000, 2000/2001, and 2001/2002, Respondent's evaluations reflect that she met or exceeded expectations. When school began in the Fall of 2001, Nikki Crawford was the paraprofessional assigned to work with the first grade students at Niblack. In the first week of classes, a conflict arose between Ms. Crawford and some of the first grade teachers, including Respondent. The initial conflict involved the scheduling of Ms. Crawford's time in each of the first grade classrooms. Eventually, Mark Crutcher, Niblack's Principal, and personnel at the school district level had to intervene in order to resolve the conflict. The purpose of the intervention was to clarify that the teachers and not Ms. Crawford were in control of the classrooms. The SAT-9 is a standardized test that is used to evaluate student performance. The staff at Niblack uses the test results as a guide to determine what the students learned over the past year, how they compared to other students nationally, and where the students should be placed the following school year. The test results do not benefit an individual teacher personally or professionally. The school does not receive a grade or funding based on the test results. The administration of the SAT-9 in the first grade is the first time that students at Niblack experience a standardized test. For the 2001/2002 school year, the test was administered in April 2002. The SAT-9 is a secure test that requires teachers and proctors to undergo training on test procedures. Amber Todd, Niblack's guidance counselor and testing coordinator, provided that training for the 2001/2002 school term. During the training, Ms. Todd gave Respondent a copy of the state statutes governing testing procedures. On or about April 5, 2002, Respondent signed a document indicating that she had received a copy of the test security requirements for the 2001/2002 administration of the SAT-9. Ms. Todd gave Respondent a document outlining the general testing procedures at Niblack. The document explained the mechanics of distributing and returning the tests to the guidance counselor's office. In regard to test preparation, the document listed spatial seating as one of several topics. The topics relating to procedures during testing included, but were not limited to, cheating and disruptive behavior. The document did not reference appropriate or inappropriate communication between teachers and students during the test. Ms. Todd gave Respondent a photocopy of the test security page out of the test manual but did not give her a copy of the test manual. However, Ms. Todd informed Respondent that she could review the manual in Ms. Todd's office. Respondent had prior experience in administering the SAT-9. She did not take advantage of the opportunity to review the test manual in Ms. Todd's office prior to the test in April 2002. Ms. Todd informed Respondent that the desks in the classroom needed to be separated. Ms. Todd and the test manual directed Respondent to read the script in the manual verbatim and to strictly follow the time allowed for each test section. Finally, Ms. Todd told Respondent and Ms. Crawford that they had discretion to redirect students but not to coach them. Respondent and Ms. Crawford could tell students to stay in their seats, to stop talking, and to pay attention. Teachers and proctors were allowed to tell students they were working in the wrong section, to erase the answers in the wrong section, and to go back to the correct section. Ms. Crawford was assigned to proctor the SAT-9 in Respondent's class in April 2002. When the test began, Respondent had not separated all of the students' desks. With the exception of a couple of desks that had been moved to one side, the desks were arranged in the normal classroom configuration with desks touching in groups of threes. The only other change in the classroom was that the seating location of some students had been rearranged. Respondent did not separate the desks because she wanted room to walk between the students during the test. The classroom was small and crowded with 18 desks. However, the most persuasive evidence is that Respondent did not make an effort to separate the desks to the extent possible. When Respondent began the first section of the test, she read the script of the instructions to her students. She read the sample question, which was in a story format, and the multiple choice answers as required. Pursuant to the test instructions, Respondent had to direct some of the students to erase their answers to the sample question and to mark the correct answers. Respondent then deviated from the script by reading aloud the first part of the first test question and telling the students to put their finger where the question began. She did not read the answers to the first question. Respondent did not improperly read any other portion of the test. Respondent was responsible for timing each section of the test. At one point during the test, Ms. Crawford asked Respondent how long the students had to finish a test section. Respondent replied that they had until 9:20 a.m. Ms. Crawford's testimony that Respondent began the timed test at 8:54, allowing the students an extra 6 minutes to complete the section is not persuasive. Students are not allowed to work on test sections that are not being timed. In other words, if a student begins to work in section 2 while section 1 is being timed, the teacher and the proctor should tell the student to erase his or her answers in section 2 and go back to work on section 1. During the test, Ms. Crawford informed Respondent that a student named Tyler was working in the wrong section. Respondent then told Tyler to go back to the section she should have been working on. Respondent's communication with Tyler was not improper according to the training provided by Ms. Todd. Ms. Crawford also had to redirect a couple of Respondent's students to erase their answers in the wrong section of the test and to begin working in the correct test section. A second student named Latrice put her head on her desk and closed her booklet within five minutes after a timed test began. Respondent did not believe Latrice could not have finished the test so quickly. Respondent picked up and opened Latrice's booklet. Respondent told Latrice that she could not possibly be finished and needed to go back and check her answers. Respondent also told Latrice she must have some of the answers wrong. Respondent made this statement to Latrice without actually checking to see if any of her answers were wrong. Even so, Respondent's communication with Latrice was inappropriate. If Latrice had finished the test and closed her booklet, Respondent should have taken the booklet without telling Latrice that she needed to keep working because she must have some of the answers wrong. After the test, Ms. Crawford informed Ms. Todd that Respondent had violated the reading portion of the SAT-9 test procedures by failing to separate the desks, by failing to properly time the test on one section, by failing to follow the script, and by improperly coaching two students. Ms. Todd then informed Mr. Crutcher about the allegations of improper test procedures. The Columbia County School District decided to invalidate the reading portion of the SAT-9 test for Respondent's first grade class. They did not invalidate the math portion of the test. The school district then administered a substitute reading test to the students. The Columbia County School District subsequently suspended Respondent without pay from May 21, 2002, through May 28, 2002. Respondent transferred to another Columbia County school for the 2002/2003 school term. As of the date of the hearing, Respondent continued to be employed by the Columbia County School District.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the EPC enter a final order, placing Respondent’s teaching certificate on probation for a period of five years. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Betty N. Goggins 1291 East Camp Street Lake City, Florida 32025 William B. Graham, Esquire Ginger L. Barry, Esquire McFarlain & Cassedy 305 South Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224E Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Marian Lambeth, Program Specialist Bureau of Educator Standards Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 224E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 1244 Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (3) 1012.7951012.796120.569
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 27, 2003 Number: 03-001956 Latest Update: May 25, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner is entitled to receive an allocation of affordable housing funds from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation as a result of the alleged improper scoring of another applicant's application during the 2001 funding cycle.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony and evidence received at the hearing and the parties' stipulations, the following findings are made: Parties Petitioner is a Florida limited partnership that is engaged in the business of developing affordable housing projects. FHFC is a statutorily-created public corporation. It is the State's designated "housing credit agency," and it is responsible for the allocation of tax credits and the distribution of other funds for the development of affordable housing projects. FHFC is administratively housed in the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and it is governed by a nine-member board. Eight members of the board are appointed by the Governor; the ninth member of the board is the Secretary of DCA, who serves in an ex officio capacity. FHFC Programs The programs administered by FHFC include the State Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) Program and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Program (Housing Credits Program). The funds from the SAIL Program are used to provide low-interest loans to developers. The funds come from various sources of state revenue, and the loans are typically secured by a second mortgage on the property on which the affordable housing project is developed. The Housing Credits Program is governed by federal law, namely Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. The program provides dollar-for-dollar federal tax credits to developers that can be used over a 10-year period so long as the related affordable housing project satisfies the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code throughout that period. The tax credits can be, and often are sold or "syndicated" by the developer in order to generate the funds necessary to construct the project. Each state receives an annual allotment of tax credits from the federal government to be used in its Housing Credits Program. For 2001, Florida's allocation of tax credits was approximately $23.9 million, of which approximately $20.7 million was available for allocation. FHFC received requests totaling approximately $81.3 million in the 2001 funding cycle for the available $20.7 million in tax credits Some of the available tax credits are apportioned by FHFC into a "set-aside" for projects in small counties. Only projects located in small counties compete for the tax credits in the small county set-aside. For 2001, the small county set-aside was $1,739,586.90, and FHFC received requests for those funds totaling approximately $5.5 million. FHFC Evaluation Process Because the funds requested from the SAIL Program and the Housing Credits Program typically exceed the available funds (as was the case in 2001), FHFC has established a competitive application process through which the applications are evaluated, scored, and ranked. The applications are first reviewed for all of the "threshold" items identified in the application forms and FHFC’s rules. If an application does not have all of the threshold items, it is rejected. By contrast, the failure to include non- threshold items or the failure to provide complete, consistent, and accurate information in the format and location prescribed in the application forms results in the application not receiving the full amount of points available or the imposition of a penalty that reduces the overall score given to the application. Next, FHFC staff reviews all of the applications that were not rejected for omitting a threshold item. That review results in a “preliminary score” for each application, which is provided to all of the applicants. Then, there is a 10-day period in which applicants may challenge FHFC's preliminary scoring of their application or the preliminary scoring of any other applicant's application. Such a challenge is called a Notice of Possible Scoring Error (NOPSE). FHFC provides each applicant the NOPSEs relating to its application as well as a statement of FHFC's position on the NOPSE. The applicants are then given a period of time -- referred to as the "cure period" -- to submit additional documentation, revised forms or other information they deem appropriate to address the issues raised in the NOPSEs, FHFC's comments on the NOPSEs, and/or FHFC's preliminary scoring of the application. The additional submittals are referred to as "cures." After the cures are submitted, the applicants again have an opportunity to bring deficiencies in competing applications to FHFC's attention. The mechanism for doing so is a Notice of Alleged Deficiency (NOAD). After reviewing the cures and any NOADs, FHFC staff prepares a revised score for each application. This score is referred to as the “pre-appeal score.” Along with the pre-appeal scores, each applicant is given notice of its right to challenge its score through a formal administrative proceeding at the Division or through an informal proceeding before a hearing officer appointed by FHFC. Most applicants opt for an informal hearing because, as a result of the time constraints imposed by the funding cycle, those who opt for a formal hearing will not be funded until a subsequent cycle if they prevail at the hearing. After all of the informal hearings are completed and any scoring adjustments are made based upon the results of those hearings, the applications are ranked based upon their “post- appeal scores.” The post-appeal scores and rankings are approved by the FHFC board and are used to award the available funds. The standards and procedures for ranking applications for tax credits are set forth in the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP). The QAP is required by the Internal Revenue Code and it is adopted and incorporated by reference in FHFC's rules. Among other things, the QAP establishes the priority of applications which receive the same scores. That priority is established through two "tie-breakers." The first tie-breaker is whether the application is in Group A or Group B, and the second tie-breaker is a random lottery number assigned to the application prior to the final rankings. The group into which the application falls is determined based upon the Corporation Funding per Set-aside Unit (CFSU) amount identified on Form 10 of the application. Group A includes the 65 percent of the applications that have the lowest CFSU amounts. Applications in Group A receive priority over applications in Group B in the event that the applications receive the same final score. For applications in the same group with the same score, priority is given to the application with the lower lottery number. 2001 Combined Cycle Generally The 2001 funding cycle was referred to as a "combined cycle" because it combined the SAIL Program, the Housing Credits Program, and another program not implicated in this case called the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME Program), into a single application and review process. The application package for the 2001 Combined Cycle included 23 numbered forms, not all of which were applicable to every applicant. The applications submitted in the 2001 Combined Cycle, including those submitted by Petitioner and TWC, were reviewed and scored in accordance with the procedures described above. Relevant Forms Form 1 of the application is entitled "Applicant and Development Data." Page 10 of Form 1 includes the following statements: The Applicant and all Financial Beneficiaries understand and agree that full points will be awarded only in the event that all information required by each form is provided in accordance with the Application requirements. Failure to provide complete, consistent and accurate information in the format and location prescribed by the Application will result in a REDUCTION OF POINTS OR REJECTION OF THE APPLICATION as indicated on each form. Only information contained within the Application will be considered for purposes of points awarded or appealed. . . . . Form 5 of the application is entitled "Local Government Contributions." Page 1 of Form 5 states that: Each applicable verification form must have an Original signature by one of the designated signatories indicated on the appropriate verification form. Zero points will be awarded if Applicant uses the incorrect form or if the form is not signed by one of the designated signatories. Separate verification forms are included in Form 5 for the different types of local government contributions. There are separate verification forms for grants (Form 5, page 6), fee waivers (Form 5, page 7), loans (Form 5, page 8), tax exempt bond financing (Form 5, page 9), “other contributions” (Form 5, page 10), and exemptions from ad valorem taxation (Form 5, page 11). The verification form for fee waivers states that “[n]o credit will be given for fee waivers unless the computations by which the total amount of each waiver is determined accompanies this verification form in the Application.” That same language is not included on the verification form for "other contributions”; however, that verification form includes a sentence stating that “[t]he amount of this contribution was calculated as shown behind the tab labeled ‘Form 5, Exhibit .’” The verification form for “other contributions” also includes the following statement: THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATOR, CHAIRPERSON OF THE CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSION OR CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. . . . . OTHER SIGNATORIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. THE APPLICANT WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS CONTRIBUTION IF THE VERIFICATION FORM IS IMPROPERLY SIGNED AND/OR DOES NOT HAVE AN ORIGINAL SIGNATURE IN THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION. Form 6 of the application is entitled "Local Government Planning Efforts." Pages 2 and 3 of Form 6 are the verification forms for any affordable housing incentives being offered for the project by the applicable local government. Both pages include the following statement: This form must be signed by the MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATOR, OR CHAIRPERSON of the CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSION OR CHAIRPERSON of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. OTHER SIGNATORIES ARE UNACCEPTABLE. ZERO POINTS WILL BE AWARDED. . . . . The application and all of these forms are adopted and incorporated by reference in FHFC's rules. Applications Submitted by Petitioner and TWC Petitioner submitted an application for an allocation of $561,000 in tax credits and for an award of funding under the SAIL Program for its proposed Ochlocknee Pointe development in Gadsden County. Petitioner's application was designated by FHFC as No. 01-131CS. A competing application for $890,000 in tax credits was filed by TWC for its proposed Windsong II development in Columbia County. TWC's application did not seek funding under the SAIL Program. TWC’s application was designated by FHFC as No. 01-125C. Neither Petitioner nor TWC applied for funds under the HOME Program. Because of their locations, the applications submitted by Petitioner and TWC were competing for the tax credits available in the small county set-aside. There were also seven other applicants competing for the tax credits in the small county set-aside. Alleged Deficiencies in TWC's Application and Initial Scoring by FHFC Staff Form 5 of TWC's original application indicated that the project had not received any local government contributions. As a result, the original application did not include any executed local government contribution verification forms. Form 6 of TWC's original application did not identify any affordable housing incentives being offered by the local governments. As a result, the original application did not include any executed verifications forms for such incentives. As part of its cure submittals, TWC submitted a revised Form 5 and a revised Form 6. The revisions were made because TWC had received verification of local government contributions and affordable housing incentives. The revisions included executed verification forms for Form 5 (page 10)1 and for Form 6 (pages 2 and 3). The verification forms at issue in this proceeding were executed by Dale Williams; the title listed for Mr. Williams was County Coordinator. A letter signed by Mr. Williams was included along with the “other contributions” verification form (Form 5, page 10). The letter was on the letterhead of the Board of County Commissioners of Columbia County and includes the words "County Coordinator" under Mr. Williams name and signature. The letter was designated as and included in the cure submittal behind a tab marked "Form 5, Exhibit A." The letter states that "Columbia County will provide the installation of roadway turn lanes at Branford Highway to service Windsong II Apartments for a contribution equivalent to a total value of $102,000." The letter does not include any calculations showing how the “total value of $102,000” was computed, and no such calculation was included elsewhere in TWC's cure submittals. There is nothing in TWC’s cure submittals that explained the nature of the County Coordinator position or stated that Columbia County does not have a County Manager/Administrator designated as such. TWC was not awarded four points on Form 6 because County Coordinator was not specifically listed along with “City Manager, County Manager/Administrator, or Chairperson of the City Council/Commission or Chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners” as an authorized signatory for that form. For that same reason, TWC also was not awarded any points on Form 5 for the $102,000 local government contribution referred to in Mr. Williams' letter. That contribution was worth 7.64 points. TWC was also penalized 1.5 points on Form 5 because no documentation was provided showing how the "total value of $102,000" was calculated for the local government contribution described in Mr. Williams' letter. These scoring determinations were made by Debra King, the FHFC staff person who reviewed TWC’s application and cure submittals, and they were concurred in by Ms. King’s “scoring partner.” Scoring Appeals by Petitioner and TWC FHFC completed the scoring process for the 2001 Combined Cycle on August 1, 2001, when it advised the applicants of their pre-appeal scores. TWC's pre-appeal score was 608.86, which included the penalty and point reductions described above. Petitioner's pre-appeal score was 620.5, which included a 1.5 point penalty for Petitioner’s failure to specify a unit of measurement on Form 7. TWC and Petitioner both requested informal hearings to challenge their pre-appeal scores. Those hearings, which are commonly referred to as “scoring appeals,” were conducted by hearing officers appointed by FHFC. At the informal hearing on TWC’s scoring appeal, FHFC conceded that Mr. Williams was an authorized signatory for Forms 5 and 6 because, as the "County Coordinator," Mr. Williams was the de facto County Manager/Administrator for Columbia County. FHFC also conceded that documentation relating to the computation of the $102,000 in roadway improvement being contributed by Columbia County was not necessary because it was a lump-sum contribution. FHFC agreed to re-score TWC's application in light of those concessions. The concession that Mr. Williams was an authorized signatory was based upon FHFC staff's review of the job description for the County Coordinator position and the organizational chart for Columbia County attached to TWC's Petition for Informal Administrative Hearing as well as phone calls that FHFC staff made to Columbia County after receiving that information to confirm that the county did not have a County Manager/Administrator designated as such. The concession that a document showing how the local government contribution was calculated was based upon FHFC staff’s review of excerpts from prior applications that were attached to TWC’s Petition for Informal Administrative Hearing. Those applications apparently received full points for their “other contributions” even though they did not include detailed calculations for the contributions; however, almost all of the excerpts showed at least a general breakdown of the items which made up the total shown on the verification form. As a result of FHFC's concessions, the hearing officer concluded that the TWC’s scoring appeal was "moot" and she issued a Recommended Order which contained no findings of fact or conclusions of law. The hearing officer's Recommended Order, which FHFC adopted in toto as its Final Order, recommended that TWC's application "be rescored to reflect the removal of the 1.5-point penalty to Form 5; to add 7.64 points to Form 5; and to add 4 points to Form 6." The net effect of that rescoring was that TWC's application received a post-appeal score of 622. Petitioner did not fare as well in its scoring appeal. The hearing officer made the following findings of fact with respect to the 1.5-point penalty assessed based upon Petitioner's failure to specify the unit of measure on Form 7: Form 7, Page 11, is entitled "Local Government Verification that Development is Consistent with Zoning and Land Use Regulation." On Page 11 of Form 7, there is a requirement to state the "Size of Parcel (acreage, number of lots, or square footage)." In its Revised Page 11 of Form 7 [Petitioner], in response to that requirement entered the numbers "9.99" without any accompanying unit of measure. It is clear from a review of other pertinent parts of the application that the appropriate unit of measure to accompany the number "9.99" is "acres." Further, its [sic] reasonable to conclude on the face of [Petitioner's] Revised Page 11 of Form 7, when read in conjunction with the entire application . . . , that the number "9.99" refers to acres. (Citations omitted). Despite those findings, the hearing officer recommended that the 1.5-point penalty be affirmed. That recommendation was based primarily on the following conclusion of law: The instructions on Page 11 of Form 7 require a unit of measure be appended to the number of units placed in the answer blank. While it may be true that such a result is particularly frustrating to the applicant in light of the reality that its omission has created no confusion or inconsistency nor diminished the accuracy of the application, [FHFC] has nevertheless adopted rules requiring strict compliance with regard to providing complete information in the format and location prescribed by the instructions on the forms. That rule cannot be ignored. Thus, the failure of [Petitioner] to include a unit of measure on its Revised Page 11 of Form 7 is an error that does result in a single 1.5-point penalty. FHFC adopted the hearing officer's findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendation in toto as its Final Order, and Petitioner did not seek judicial review of the Final Order. As a result, Petitioner's pre-appeal score of 620.5 became its post-appeal score. Petitioner's application was in Group B, and its lottery number was 68. TWC's application was in Group A, and its lottery number was 27. Thus, in the event that Petitioner and TWC received the same final score, priority for funding would be given to TWC. If Petitioner's application had received a higher score than TWC's application, then Petitioner's application would have been in the "funding range" and Petitioner would have received an allocation of tax credits for its project. If Petitioner had received the tax credits, it would have also received SAIL funding. The record does not reflect the total amount of tax credits and SAIL funding that Petitioner would have received; however, if TWC's application was moved below Petitioner's application on the final funding list (Exhibit R2), then $339,164.90 in tax credits would have been available to Petitioner after the higher-ranked applicants were fully funded.2 Additional Facts Established at the De Novo Final Hearing in this Case The $102,000 “total value” for the roadway improvements referred to in Mr. Williams' letter is reasonable. Indeed, the itemized cost-estimate prepared by professional engineer Greg Bailey in the design phase for the improvements was $106,064. The $102,000 in roadway improvements cannot be characterized as a lump-sum contribution. As Mr. Bailey’s cost- estimate shows, the improvements include 16 components such as paving, grading, and drainage; and a cost-per-unit and an estimated quantity is listed for each component. At the time Mr. Bailey prepared the cost-estimate, he was working for C&W Land Trust. Accordingly to one of the documents in TWC’s application (Form 7, Exhibit A), C&W Land Trust was the landowner from whom TWC acquired the property where its Windsong II project will be located. Mr. Bailey provided the cost-estimate to the county engineer for Columbia County for his use in evaluating bids submitted for the construction of the roadway improvements. The county engineer forwarded a memo to Mr. Williams on June 14, 2001, stating that the construction cost for the improvements “is estimated to be $102,000.00.” Requiring documentation to support the calculation of a local government contribution is important because it helps prevent an applicant from “gaming” the system in order gain an advantage in the scoring of its application. For example, where the contribution is based upon a per-unit amount, the calculations help to ensure that the number of units committed by the applicant as a basis for the local government contribution is the same number of units committed by the applicant in the application to FHFC. Documentation showing the calculation of the $102,000 local government contribution referenced in Mr. Williams letter is equally important because without such documentation there was no way for FHFC to determine during its review whether that figure is a reasonable estimate of the cost of the roadway improvements which are being contributed by Columbia County. It is necessary for FHFC to be able to make such a determination because the points awarded to the applicant for the contribution are based in large part on the amount of the contribution. At the time that TWC submitted the verification forms and letter signed by Mr. Williams, Columbia County did not have a position called County Manager or County Administrator. The County Coordinator position was the de facto County Manager/Administrator. The County Coordinator was appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to "administer all programs and to ensure that County government operates efficiently and effectively." The County Coordinator reported directly to the Board of County Commissioners and, among other duties, the position supervised all department heads (except the head of Public Works Department) and provided "direction, leadership and supervision to all County Department heads." Presently, Columbia County has a County Manager and Mr. Williams serves in that position. The job duties for the County Manager position are virtually identical to those of the County Coordinator position. Indeed, even though text of the position description no longer excepts the Public Works Department from Mr. William’s supervision, the county’s organizational chart still shows the Public Works Department outside of Mr. Williams chain of command.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation issue a final order which determines that Petitioner is entitled to an allocation/award of tax credits and SAIL funds in the next available cycle. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of March, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S T. KENT WETHERELL, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of March, 2004.

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.569120.57420.504420.507420.5087420.50997.64
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Feb. 09, 2005 Number: 05-000504PL Latest Update: Sep. 17, 2007

The Issue The issues presented are whether Respondent provided prohibited assistance to examinees in a Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test in violation of Subsections 1008.24(1)(c) and 1012.795(1)(c), (f), and (i), Florida Statutes (2002), and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A-10.042(1)(c), (d), and 6B- 1.006(3)(a), (4)(b), and (5)(a), and, if so, what penalty should be imposed against the teaching certificate of Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate Number 685117 that is effective through June 30, 2007 (teaching certificate). Respondent is certified to teach elementary education, including math, science, and social studies. The Brevard County School District (District) has employed Respondent as a teacher for 14 years. In March 2003, the District employed Respondent as a fifth-grade teacher at Gemini Elementary School (Gemini). At Gemini, Respondent proctored the math and science portions of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for some fifth graders. A student identified in the record as L.H. was upset after the first day of the FCAT exam. She told her mother that night that she felt like she had cheated because of assistance she received from Respondent during the FCAT. The next day, the mother of L.H. reported the allegation to administrators at Gemini. The administrators immediately replaced Respondent as a proctor, conducted an investigation, invalidated the test scores of 26 students, and subsequently transferred Respondent to Endeavor Elementary School (Endeavor). While the results of the investigation were pending, District employees conducted a public meeting to allow parents to voice their concerns over the invalidation of FCAT results. District employees did not address the specific facts surrounding the invalidation of the test results due to the pending investigation. However, the matter gained public attention as a result of the actions of District employees. District employees rely, in part, on FCAT scores to determine whether fifth-grade students progress to the sixth grade. In March 2003, Gemini fifth graders generally needed a passing score on the FCAT to progress to the next level. The District also needed to test at least 95 percent of its fifth- grade students or face applicable sanctions. The invalidation of the FCAT scores did not prevent any of the 26 students from progressing to the sixth grade. Nor did the invalidation of the FCAT scores prevent the District from testing 95 percent of the students in the District. On May 17, 2005, Petitioner issued an Amended Administrative Complaint (Complaint). The Complaint alleges, inter alia, that Respondent violated Subsection 1008.24(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2002). The statute makes it a violation for Respondent to knowingly or willfully coach an examinee during the FCAT or alter or interfere with the response of an examinee. Respondent signed an FCAT Test Administration Security Agreement (security agreement) indicating that she had read and understood the statutes and rules related to the administration of the FCAT. A test manual and training that proctors received before the FCAT directed Respondent to read test directions to examinees and provide no additional help. No finding is made that Respondent failed to follow test manual and training directions. The Complaint does not allege that Respondent failed to "follow test administration directions specified in . . . test . . . manuals. . . " within the meaning of Subsection 100824(1)(f), Florida Statutes (2002). Evidence of what transpired in Respondent's examination room in March 2003 consists of the testimony of five students and the written statement of another student, all of whom Respondent proctored. Incriminatory evidence consists primarily of the testimony of four students. Two students testified at the formal hearing, and two testified by deposition. The rest of the incriminatory evidence enters the record as a written statement from a fifth student completed in April 2003.1 Exculpatory evidence consists of the testimony of a sixth student who testified during the formal hearing. The six students are identified in the record, respectively, as T.M., L.M., S.O., J.C., L.H., and W.D. They were approximately 11 years old in March 2003. The five students who testified were approximately 13 years old at the time of the formal hearing, and approximately two years had passed since they took the FCAT. None of the students were enrolled in Gemini at the time of the hearing. For reasons discussed in the Conclusions of Law, it is legally insufficient for incriminatory evidence to merely show that Respondent provided assistance "by any means" or "in any way." The testimony and written statement must be clear and convincing that Respondent committed a specific act that is statutorily prohibited because it coaches an examinee or alters or interferes with the examinee's response (prohibited assistance).2 Incriminatory evidence must satisfy two standards to be clear and convincing. The two standards have been judicially differentiated as a qualitative standard and a quantitative standard.3 The qualitative standard requires incriminatory evidence to satisfy several requirements. The five students who testified and provided a written statement for Petitioner must be credible. The memory of each student must be clear and lack confusion. The content of the testimony and written statement must describe what was said and done during the FCAT examination precisely and explicitly and must distinctly recall material facts. The testimony and written statement must be direct, unequivocal, and consistent.4 Incriminatory evidence opining that Respondent assisted an examinee is conclusory if it is not substantiated by precise and explicit details that are distinctly remembered by the student and are sufficient for the trier of fact to independently determine whether the conduct of Respondent provided prohibited assistance to an examinee. Conclusory testimony fails the qualitative standard, is not clear and convincing, and invades the province of the trier of fact by denying the trier of fact an evidential basis to independently determine whether the specific acts committed during the FCAT amounted to prohibited assistance.5 Incriminatory evidence must also satisfy a quantitative standard. The sum total of incriminatory evidence must be of sufficient weight that it produces in the mind of the trier of fact a firm conviction, without hesitation, as to the truth of the factual allegations in the Complaint.6 The trier of fact bases the remaining findings on a determination of whether it is clear and convincing from the testimony and written statement of the six students that Respondent provided prohibited assistance to an examinee. The trier of fact first weighs the incriminatory evidence to identify evidence that satisfies the qualitative standard (qualitative evidence) and then determines whether the qualitative evidence satisfies the quantitative standard. The testimony of S.O. was credible, but the trier of fact was unable to assess the credibility of T.M. and L.M. by observing their demeanor and candor. The content of the testimony and written statement is conclusory. The incriminatory evidence lacks the precise and explicit detail needed for the trier of fact to independently substantiate the conclusions of the students. S.O., T.M., and L.M., each stated in conclusory fashion that Respondent provided assistance to the respective examinee on one question in the science portion of the FCAT. However, none of the students distinctly remembered their respective question; the answer each provided; or the details of the conduct or statements of Respondent.7 It is less than clear and convincing that the answer each student provided was any different from the answer the student would have provided without the alleged assistance from Respondent. The conclusory statements by S.O., T.M., and L.M. are tantamount to opinions on an ultimate issue of fact without precise and explicit details required for the trier of fact to independently find that the statements and conduct of Respondent concerning a specific question and answer provided prohibited assistance. Such conclusory evidence effectively invades the province of the trier of fact. The testimony of J.C. is sufficiently specific to satisfy the qualitative standard for clear and convincing evidence. J.C. testified that he asked Respondent what a waxing crescent moon is, and Respondent stated it is a one-fifth moon to the left. However, J.C. testified by deposition, and the trier of fact is unable to determine the credibility of J.C. by assessing the demeanor and candor of the witness. Moreover, it is less than clear and convincing that Respondent provided J.C. with the answer to the question, coached J.C., or altered or interfered with the response of J.C.8 There is no evidence that the response J.C. provided to the question was any different from the response he would have provided in the absence of the alleged assistance from Respondent. The testimony of L.H. is credible and sufficiently detailed to satisfy the qualitative standard for clear and convincing evidence. L.H. testified that Respondent answered an inquiry from L.H. by stating that the test question has nothing to do with the sun and the moon and to take away all the answers about the sun and the moon. L.H. testified that only one answer remained. The testimony of L.H. also provided sufficient detail to enable the trier of fact to make an independent finding as to whether the effect of the alleged assistance was to coach L.H. or to alter or interfere with the response given by L.H. The testimony of L.H. is the only evidence from Petitioner that satisfies the qualitative standard for clear and convincing evidence. However, the testimony of L.H. is not quantitatively sufficient to be clear and convincing evidence. For reasons stated in the Conclusions of Law, the testimony of one fact witness that is not corroborated by other clear and convincing evidence is not legally sufficient to be clear and convincing. Even if uncorroborated testimony were legally sufficient, the testimony of L.H. does not satisfy the quantitative standard for clear and convincing evidence because it is in apparent conflict with exculpatory testimony from W.D. W.D. testified that Respondent refused to assist him during the FCAT and did not assist anyone else.9 The testimony of W.D. conflicts with that of L.H. if they took the FCAT together. Respondent was the proctor for L.H. and W.D. on the first day of the FCAT. Petitioner did not place W.D. in a different room from L.H. by clear and convincing evidence.10 Evidence that supports a reasonable inference that L.H. and W.D. were in the same room, although not a preponderance of the evidence, is sufficient to create hesitancy in the mind of the trier of fact and preclude a firm conviction that Respondent committed specific acts prohibited by Subsection 1008.24(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2002), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.042(1)(c) and (d). If it were determined that Respondent violated the preceding statute and rule, it is less than clear and convincing that the violation was an act of "moral turpitude" or "gross immorality" within the meaning of Subsection 1012.795(1)(c), Florida Statutes (2002). No applicable rule defines the quoted terms. However, rules applicable to teacher dismissal proceedings provide definitions that are instructive. The evidence is less than clear and convincing that the alleged prohibited assistance was a base, vile, or depraved act within the meaning of moral turpitude in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.009(6). Nor did the alleged prohibited assistance satisfy the definition of immorality in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-4.009(2). In relevant part, the alleged violation did not impair Respondent's service in the community. It is clear and convincing that Respondent continues to be an effective employee of the District within the meaning of Subsection 1012.795(1)(f), Florida Statutes (2002). After District employees investigated the incident and invalidated the test scores of 26 students, the District did not terminate the employment of Respondent. Rather, the District transferred Respondent to Endeavor. It is clear and convincing from the testimony of District personnel, administrators at Gemini, fellow teachers, parents, and students, and from previous job evaluations, that Respondent has been and continues to be an excellent teacher. Respondent brings out the best in students. Respondent has a wonderful rapport with students, instills in students the desire to learn, and inspires the imagination of students. Respondent emanates genuine enthusiasm in the classroom as well as a fun loving attitude. Respondent goes out of her way to make sure that children with learning problems achieve their goals and gain satisfaction. Respondent is very good at explaining difficult subjects to students. Respondent tutors students after school. Respondent is able to identify and focus on unique qualities in each student. Respondent does not display bias or prejudice toward any student. Respondent uses a reward system for classroom discipline that is effective and ensures an attentive class. Respondent is very calm in the classroom. Respondent never loses her temper or yells at students. Respondent is professional, consistent, structured, fair, compassionate, nurturing, and punctual. Respondent is intelligent, reliable, and dedicated. Respondent spends a great deal of time preparing her lessons and for her work with students. Respondent teaches math, science, and social studies and is a valuable asset to the District. Any notoriety surrounding the events in March 2003 arose from the action of District employees. For reasons stated in the Conclusions of Law, Petitioner cannot penalize the teaching certificate of Respondent on the ground that the alleged prohibited assistance became notorious through the actions of District employees. The alleged prohibited assistance did not violate relevant standards of professional conduct within the meaning of Subsection 1012.795(1)(i), Florida Statutes (2002). The evidence is less than clear and convincing that Respondent possessed the culpable intent required in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(e), (4)(b), or (5)(a). L.H. was very upset over the events in March 2003 and over the criticism she received from other students for complaining about Respondent to school officials. However, the evidence is less than clear and convincing that the alleged prohibited assistance failed to protect L.H. from conditions harmful to the learning or mental or physical health or safety of L.H. within the meaning of Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a). There is no evidence that public scorn threatened the safety of L.H. or interfered with what L.H. learned at Gemini. L.H. achieved her educational goals and progressed to the sixth grade. Nor is there any evidence that L.H. suffered any identifiable mental or physical impairment as a result of the alleged assistance from Respondent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order finding Respondent not guilty of the violations charged in the Complaint and imposing no penalty against the teaching certificate of Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of August, 2005.

Florida Laws (9) 1008.241012.791012.7951012.796120.52120.569120.57775.082775.083
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 29, 1997 Number: 97-004493 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against the Respondent's license to practice nursing, based upon alleged violations of Sections 464.018(1)(h), 464.018(1)(I), 464.018(1)(j), and 455.227(1)(q), Florida Statutes, and if so, what discipline is proper.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of pharmacy pursuant to Section 20.42, Florida Statutes; Chapters 455 and 465, Florida Statutes. The Respondent, Fred Leon London, III, a 48-year-old male, and at all times material to this matter, holds active nursing license numbers PN 1089021 and RN 2804642. Respondent has been a registered nurse for approximately five years. In October of 1995, Respondent was employed as a registered nurse at Columbia Park Medical Center in Orlando, Florida, working the 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. shift. On October 4, 1995, the hospital, at which Respondent worked, had a discrepancy with one of its narcotic systems called the Phyxis machine. The discrepancy was reported by Respondent. A search was conducted to locate the missing drugs and the narcotics could not be located at that time. It was determined that Respondent and one other nurse were the last two nurses who operated the machine. Pursuant to hospital policies, the Respondent and the other nurse were asked to submit to a urine screen for the purpose of determining if they had ingested any drugs. The Respondent submitted to a urine screen as requested by his employer on October 5, 1995. The urine screen was performed by Smith Kline Beecham Laboratories. The test results performed on behalf of the hospital and the subsequent voluntary test taken by Respondent on October 13, 1995, cannot support a finding of fact, since the reports are uncorroborated hearsay. Following the in-house investigation, the Respondent was terminated from his employment and a report was filed with the Board of Nursing. The missing narcotics were subsequently located the following day. They had been misplaced, but not tampered with. They were returned to inventory. Respondent was referred to the Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN). Respondent participated in a psychosocial assessment on October 12, 1995. Respondent has no prior criminal or disciplinary history and denies that he used marijuana or any other controlled substance on October 4 or 5, 1995.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Nursing find the Respondent not guilty as to Counts I, II, III, and IV of the Administrative Complaint, dated August 4, 1997, and that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 1998, at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Craig A. McCarthy, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Dr. Xavier C. Pinellas Qualified Representative 211 Broadway, Suite 115 Kissimmee, Florida 34741 Pete Peterson, General Counsel Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 6, Room 102-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 1317 Winewood Boulevard Building 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Marilyn Bloss, Executive Director Board of Nursing Department of Health 4080 Woodcock Drive, Suite 202 Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.5720.42455.227464.01890.803
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Mary Esther, Florida Oct. 24, 2000 Number: 00-004352PL Latest Update: Jun. 14, 2001

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Sections 231.28(1)(c) and 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes (1997), and Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and 6B-1.006(5)(a), Florida Administrative Code, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida educator's certificate No. 539913. This certificate authorizes Respondent to teach art, early childhood education, and elementary education. Respondent's certificate is valid through June 30, 2002. Respondent has thirteen years of experience as a certified fifth-grade teacher at Florosa Elementary School in Okaloosa County, Florida. At the time of the hearing, the Okaloosa County School District employed Respondent under a continuing contract. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) currently is administered to third, fourth, and fifth grade students once each year. The test is designed to determine whether students meet certain academic levels in Florida's Sunshine State Standards, which range from level 1 as the lowest below-average score to level 5 as the highest above-average score. The test is also used to provide a "report card" for each school, based upon the number of students who score level 3 or above. At all times relevant here, student performance on the FCAT had no positive or negative consequences for individual teachers. Respondent participated in the administration of the FCAT in 1998 as a field test. Neither the school nor the students received the test results in 1998. Respondent also participated in administrating the FCAT in 1999, the first year that fifth-grade students received their scores. Susan Lowery was the school district's Director of Student Services for the 1998-1999 school term. Ms. Lowery's position included serving as the district's Director of Assessment Testing. As such, she was responsible for ensuring that each school site followed correct testing procedures. Prior to the administration of the FCAT in 1999, Ms. Lowery attended training sessions at the state level to learn the proper testing procedures for the FCAT. Upon her return to the district, Ms. Lowery trained the individual school test coordinators on the FCAT testing procedures. Sonia Weikel was the school counselor at Florosa Elementary School for the 1998-1999 school year. Her duties included serving as the school's testing coordinator. Ms. Weikel first participated in Ms. Lowery's FCAT training session then conducted a training session at Florosa Elementary School for all the classroom teachers, including Respondent. During her FCAT training session for the 1998-1999 school year, Ms. Weikel explained to Respondent and her colleagues that they could answer questions concerning test instructions but they were not to assist students in answering questions on the test. Specifically, the classroom teachers were not supposed to interfere with the natural responses of the children during the test. Ms. Weikel directed the teachers to inform the students of the test schedule, and the specific start and stop times. This was necessary because the fifth-grade test consisted of two 45-minute sessions on the morning of the first day and two 40- minute sessions on the morning of the second day. A short break between the two test sessions was also scheduled. However, if all the students finished a particular test session in less than the allotted time, the break time for an individual class could be adjusted as long as testing in other classrooms was not disrupted. Ms. Weikel instructed the teachers to maintain test security by making sure that students did not look at each other's test booklet. The students' desks were supposed to be at least three feet apart. Ms. Weikel told the teachers to make sure that the students were working in the correct test booklet. As the teachers scanned the room, they were advised to ensure that the students were following prescribed directions. During the training session, the teachers were reminded that it was a crime to interfere with a student's responses. This information was contained in the testing manual and the security paper that individual teachers, including Respondent, were required to sign.1 See Section 228.301, Florida Statutes, and Rule 6A-10.042, Florida Administrative Code. Ms. Weikel used a hand-out containing an outline of the testing procedures for the 1998-1999 FCAT. The outline stated as follows in relevant part: TEST SECURITY-PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES: Copying or reading the student responses during testing or after testing. Mishandling of secure material--Breaks in number codes, Destruction of materials. Reading test items. Interpreting a test passage or item from the test. The outline also reminded the teachers to read certain pages in the testing manual regarding test modifications for special students and test booklet directions. Sometime prior to Ms. Weikel's training session, the teachers at Florosa Elementary School were given a copy of the testing manual. This was done so that the teachers could familiarize themselves with the specific testing procedures and student instructions set forth by the developers of the FCAT.2 Based on the instructions she received from Ms. Weikel, and after having read the teacher's instructions in the testing manual, Respondent understood that she was responsible for the following: (a) circulating around the room to ensure that the children were working in the right section; making sure that the students followed and understood the test and the test instructions; (c) making sure that the students were bubbling in the answers in the correct manner and not indiscriminately; (d) ensuring that a student was not falling too far behind other students; (e) making sure that a student was not spending too much time on one item; and (f) ensuring that a student was not hurrying through the test. Each classroom was assigned a parent volunteer to act as a proctor for the 1998-1999 FCAT. Kimberly Clark was the proctor assigned to Respondent's classroom. Ms. Clark assisted Respondent in administering the FCAT on the first day, February 2, 1999, and for the first 40-minute test session on February 3, 1999. Some of Respondent's students requested assistance as Respondent circulated around her classroom during the test on February 2, 1999, and during the first test session on February 3, 1999. Respondent told the students that she could not help on the test. However, she verbally encouraged the students with comments such as "you can do it," "go ahead," "go back and reread it." Respondent used non-verbal cues when communicating with students during the test. These cues included gesturing and pointing with her hands to redirect the students to the test booklet. In addition to gesturing with her hands, Respondent would nod her head when encouraging students and shake her head when telling students that she could not help them. On a few occasions, Respondent pointed toward a particular question in the booklet that some students had inadvertently passed over because of its placement on the page. The question was small in size and placed at the top of the page. The remainder of the page was filled entirely by another question. Respondent circulated in the room and alerted several students to the question that was skipped, telling them to go back and not skip it. A new student was placed in Respondent's class on or about February 3, 1999. This student had never taken the FCAT and was not prepared to take it on the date in question. Throughout the administration of the FCAT, this student would frequently close his test booklet and stop working. Respondent used verbal and non-verbal means of communication, repeatedly telling the student to go back in his book, to reread the questions, and keep working. Prior to the break in testing between the two 40- minute test sessions on February 3, 1999, Ms. Weikel visited Respondent's classroom several times, observing no testing irregularities. On each such occasion, Ms. Clark signaled to Ms. Weikel that everything was fine. On February 3, 1999, Ms. Weikel visited Respondent's classroom during a time that appeared to be an early break between the two 40-minute test sessions. Ms. Clark informed Ms. Weikel that everyone had finished the test and that the proper times had been observed. Respondent did not post the stop and start times for the test on the blackboard as required by the testing manual. Instead, she posted the testing schedule on a legal size paper. She also wrote "10 minutes" and "5 minutes" on the blackboard as appropriate to remind her students of the time remaining to complete each test session. Respondent knew that the children could not rely on the school clocks to follow the prearranged test schedule because the clocks were not synchronized. Therefore, she used an egg timer to time the FCAT test sessions, ensuring that her students would be provided the correct amount of time to complete the FCAT. If students are not allowed the correct amount of time for a section of the test, their tests must be invalidated. None of the tests in Respondent's class were invalidated for timing irregularities. Additionally, none of the tests in the surrounding classes were compromised because Respondent's class started or stopped a testing session a few minutes earlier than scheduled. While Ms. Weikel was visiting Respondent's classroom during the break between the two 40-minute test sessions on February 3, 1999, Ms. Clark reported a suspicion that Respondent appeared to be assisting students on the test. Ms. Clark's suspicions were based on her observations of the physical movements and gestures of Respondent. Assisting a student with a question on the FCAT is considered cheating. Such assistance would require invalidation of the student's test. None of the tests in Respondent's class were invalidated for cheating. After hearing Ms. Clark express her suspicions, Ms. Weikel sought the assistance of Kathleen Ball, the assistant principal. Ms. Ball met with Ms. Weikel and Ms. Clark briefly. Ms. Ball then decided to relieve Ms. Clark of her duties and to serve as Respondent's proctor for the last 40-minute test session. When Ms. Ball entered Respondent's classroom, Respondent informed Ms. Ball about the question that several students had overlooked at the top of one page. Respondent told Ms. Ball that she had told the students to go back to the question.3 Ms. Ball stood in the back of Respondent's class when the testing resumed. Ms. Ball observed Respondent walk up to a student's desk and bend over, putting one hand on the back of his chair and one hand flat on his desk. Respondent gave the appearance that she was reading a test question. Ms. Ball approached Respondent and said, "Ms. Mulhearn, we're not allowed to read the test questions on standardized testing." Respondent then left the area, stopped circulating among the students, and went to sit at the front of the room for the duration of the test. During the hearing, Ms. Weikel testified that it was appropriate for a teacher to point out a question that a student had overlooked or skipped on the test. According to Ms. Weikel, the FCAT testing procedures have been tightened considerably in recent years, with increased restrictions on the amount of assistance that teachers can give to students. During the hearing, Ms. Ball testified that it is recommended for a teacher to circulate during a test to make sure the students are moving through the test and not stopping and spending too much time on one item. According to Ms. Ball, if a child spends too much time on one question, the teacher should tell the child to keep working or not to stop. Respondent's expert, Rebecca Spence, Okaloosa County School District's Chief of Human Resources, expressed a similar opinion.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission dismiss the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of April, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 2001.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0426B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Sep. 10, 2018 Number: 18-004715PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
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