The Issue Whether Respondent should be dismissed from her employment with the School Board of Dade County, Florida, upon grounds of incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, misconduct in office and/or absence without leave. POST-HEARING PROCEDURE A transcript of the formal hearing was provided the undersigned on March 21, 1985, and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law were timely filed by both parties. A subsequently-filed revision of Respondent's initial proposal was accepted without objection and considered. When a party's proposed findings of fact were consistent with the weight of the credible evidence admitted, they were adopted and are reflected in the Recommended Order, but to the extent proposed findings of fact were not consistent with the weight of the credible evidence, they have been rejected or, where possible, modified to conform to the evidence. To the extent proposed findings of fact have not been adopted or are inconsistent with the findings herein, they have been specifically rejected as irrelevant or not supported by the evidence. A ruling on each proposed finding of fact has thereby been made either directly or indirectly except where the proposed finding of fact was cumulative, immaterial, or unnecessary. Based upon observation of the witnesses and their candor and demeanor while testifying, all exhibits admitted in evidence, and the proposals and arguments of counsel, the following relevant facts are found:
Findings Of Fact Respondent was initially employed by Petitioner on November 15, 1982, at West Little River Elementary School. She suffered a non-school related accident and was absent approximately 121 days during the 1982-1983 school year. Observations of her teaching by her then-principal, John Johnson II, were unfavorable, but due to the prolonged absences, those observations did not result in any formal evaluations/recommendations. Respondent's requested leave for this period was granted and approved by Petitioner upon the basis of her severe electrical shock and back injury. Some of this period was classified as leave without pay. Petitioner also paid Respondent's insurance premiums for this period. Having thus condoned this absenteeism, Petitioner cannot now be heard to complain of it. (See allegations of Paragraph 18 of the Notice of Charges.) Principal Nicholas Rinaldi of Bay Harbor Elementary School hired Respondent as the teacher for its new "home-based" gifted program beginning there for the 1983-1984 school year. Although Principal Johnson would not have recommended Respondent for employment in the second year, he was not consulted by Principal Rinaldi. Principal Rinaldi told Respondent that she was limited to a $1,000.00 budget for purchasing materials for the program she was to develop. Principal Rinaldi understood that Respondent knew she was both to stay within this budget which is the standard limit at all home-based gifted programs and that she was required to get prior approval of her purchases from him. Apparently, Respondent grasped, the concept of a $1,000.00 "cap" but did not initially understand that she was to obtain prior written permission. After two orders were cancelled, she still had overspent by $60.00. She was then told specifically not to make any further purchases without the principal's permission. Thereafter, another order placed by Respondent was received at the school but Petitioner did not establish that Respondent placed the order after the cancellation of two prior orders and after Rinaldi's specific instruction not to order any more goods whatsoever. (See allegations of Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Notice of Charges.) Respondent was clearly informed that she needed prior authorization for phone calls. She did not get prior permission for five long distance phone calls made personally or by students at her direction. The total cost of these calls is 8.56, which is very minimal. All calls were related to classwork with the exception of one call for $.44 and one call for $.25, which were admittedly of a personal nature. Respondent reimbursed the $.72 after the fact when notified of investigation into the phone bill. (See allegations of Paragraph 2 of the Notice of Charges.) Twenty-five students are required for a home-based gifted program. Bay Harbor was one of three North area schools piloting a home-based program in the 1983-1984 school year. In prior school years, gifted children from Bay Harbor attended a center program physically located elsewhere. A center program places a team of teachers of subjects from various schools in one physical location. Eligible students from various schools come to the center for two days a week for the gifted program and they receive their basic skills education at their respective home schools in the remaining three days per week. In a home-based program, a school which has enough gifted students elects to keep those students physically at the home school. They usually go into that program for two hours a day, every day. Some subject or subjects are used to deliver the gifted program. Those subjects are then graded by the home- based gifted teacher, who in this case was Respondent. When he hired her, Principal Rinaldi told Respondent that mathematics would be part of the new "home-based" gifted program, but math was essentially unstructured in the beginning. Thereafter, Principal Rinaldi instructed Respondent to utilize the standard Dade County "total math program, (TMP). When the TMP program was selected by Principal Rinaldi in approximately, December 1983, his motivation was that he understood TMP provided a structure for math that allows students to enter at the level that they are individually and moves each at a pace commensurate with his individual ability. Unfortunately, because a home-based program does not select its students on their specific giftedness in content area, some students in Bay- Harbor's 1983-1984 pilot program were lower than others in math. Some were even below their grade level. Those above the grade level were becoming bored with the program and those below the grade level were in a constant state of frustration struggling to keep up. A failure on Respondent's part to communicate surfaced, and misunderstandings arose between Respondent and parents and students as to the nature of projects, when projects were due and the reasonableness of homework. Problems concerning teacher absences also arose. The more academic and less "time-out-of-school" atmosphere of a home-based versus a center-based program also caused problems between the Respondent teacher and students/parents and between the Respondent and her principal. Upsets among the students and their parents resulted in many students being permanently removed from the gifted program. Over a period of time, the decrease in enrollment threatened to destroy the Bay Harbor gifted program, the survival of which required 25 students. On January 4, 1984, Principal Rinaldi observed Respondent's class for an hour for teacher evaluation purposes. This resulted in a basically good evaluation with some areas targeted for improvement (instructional planning and maintenance of student records [P-7]). The crux of this targeting was the principal's perception that Respondent did not record sufficient grades and her student files were not arranged alphabetically with papers arranged chronologically within each file. This standard of record-keeping is personal to Mr. Rinaldi and not uniform among other Dade County principals. At the standard post-observation conference, the two argued over the evaluation and the exactitude required by the principal, and Respondent refused to sign the evaluation to acknowledge that she had seen and received a copy of the document. As will be related infra, this refusal to sign or initial merely for acknowledgment of receipt of documents became a constant and continuing refusal on Respondent's part whenever the issue came up. Six days later she refused again; on January 17, 1984, Respondent responded in four written pages defending her methods. As events unfolded chronologically thereafter what started basically as a personality clash of the principal's "irresistible force" authoritarianism and the teacher's "immovable object" obstructionism mushroomed to affect students, parents, teachers, and administrators. In early January, Respondent complained concerning the inclusion of math in the gifted program to a higher outside administrator Dr. Agerwald. Mr. Rinaldi objected to this contact. On January 11, 1984, Mrs. Vickers, Petitioner's Director of Exceptional Students Program, arrived to observe Respondent's classes. She prepared a "School Visitation Report." The report is basically positive but does comment that the gifted classes are too big and current IEPs (records) were not and should have been available in the classroom. On February 2, 1984, Vickers issued a commendation to Hay Harbor on quality of cumulative records for exceptional children. Mr. Rinaldi passed this commendation (R-19) on to Respondent with the note, "Mrs. Burton, please continue this fine record 2/6/84." On 1/23/84, he also commended her on quick responses to the Miami Module records-keeping requests (R-20). Petitioner's advisor to gifted teachers, Richard Huffman, was assigned to assist Respondent at the beginning of the 1983-1984 school year. He testified that in his opinion she was a fit teacher, but he was removed as her advisor at the end of January or early February. February 24, 1984, Assistant Principal Vince Vignola observed Respondent in the classroom for a full hour and rated her overall acceptable except that she needed more grades in math and had, lost a student "contract" which had never been signed. Principal Rinaldi called in Gary Rito, Petitioner's Director of Academic Excellence for help resolving the gifted class problems. On March 2, 1984, Mr. Rito met with Respondent, Principal Rinaldi, and Mrs. Laurence, mother of a gifted student. Respondent and Laurence, who teaches elsewhere in Dade County, exchanged sharp words. It was agreed to meet again on March 8, 1984. At that time, James Miley, Petitioner's Supervisor of Gifted Programs, was present. Respondent was given written notice of the meeting one day in advance. Respondent elected to continue in this meeting at the conclusion of the school day. At this time most of her concerns, as expressed to all others present, were with the number of subjects she was required to cover and with the content of the mathematics curriculum in particular. Mr. Rito explained that "gifted" symbolizes a "technique" not a "subject," that Respondent was to use this technique for teaching subjects of math, science (which Respondent should be teaching anyway), and social studies, and for teaching a health and safety unit which was taught for only one or two grade units. Respondent strenuously objected to the use of the TMP math program. Rinaldi and Miley concurred that it was reasonable to include math in the gifted program. Math was, in fact, successfully used in the other two home-based programs beginning in Bay Harbor's Division that year, but the programs utilized may not have been the TMP. Nonetheless, the following adjustments were agreed upon among all those present at the March 8, 1984 meeting: Principal Rinaldi agreed to relieve the academic excellence program of the TMP math program and increased their enrichment activities; Ms. Thomas, Say Harbor's 6th Grade math teacher, was assigned by Principal Rinaldi to help Respondent in math. It was later Ms. Thomas' assessment that Respondent did not understand the TMP concept; and Respondent was directed and agreed to develop four units of study in botany (2 intermediate and 2 primary) to cover the rest of the school year (9 weeks). These plans were to cover instructional objectives, classroom activities, student evaluation methods and homework assignments on a time line. A preliminary plan was to be shown by Respondent to Mr. Miley on March 20. This assignment was primarily the result of a request by Ms. Laurence and other parents requesting to see a sets of plans for purposes of deciding whether to leave their children in the Respondent's class or return those who had already been withdrawn. Rinaldi, Rito, and Miley felt the plans required by the directive would ease the primary problems of implementing the program and of parent-teacher communications and misunderstandings which had been growing, and also felt they were reasonable and necessary. Everyone was aware that withdrawal of Mrs. Laurence's child could reduce program enrollment below the 25 student minimum required. However, no one clearly expressed the belief that this directive was a prescription to improve Respondent's teaching performance, which had been found basically sound up to this point. 1/ The direction itself was for a reasonable and necessary purpose (preserving and improving the gifted program). However, despite Mr. Miley's opinion that the plans as initially directed were reasonable and necessary and despite Respondent's failure to object to the direction at this point, the initial scope of the direction was actually unreasonable under the circumstances. Mr. Miley postponed his scheduled meeting with Respondent from March 20 to March 23, 1984. On that date, Respondent had nothing to show him with regard to the required botany units she had been asked to prepare. Mr. Miley met with Respondent anyway and reduced the required units from 4 to 2 and extended the time for preparation until April 12, 1984. He also gave her a document entitled "Standards of Excellence" for use in the units she was to prepare and agreed to let Respondent continue with her present evaluation system. This adjustment, made in consultation with Respondent also rendered the scope of the direction to prepare the units reasonable. 2/ On April 12, 1984, Mr. Miley asked for the required botany units and received nothing from Respondent. He returned to the school on April 13, and Respondent produced a series of goals and objectives essentially copied from the "Standards of Excellence" wherein she had identified part of a program for the primary students but none for the intermediate students. There were no classroom activities listed, no homework mentioned, and no time lines provided. Despite the extension of time, Respondent did not fulfill the required directive even in its reduced and consequently reasonable form. 3/ The units were not further amplified by Respondent before she left on April 20 and Mrs. Laurence's child was permanently removed from the gifted program. (See allegations of Paragraphs 5 and 7 of the Notice of Charges). On March 12, 1984, Respondent called Principal Rinaldi a liar three times in the presence of two other school employees. 4/ (See allegations of Paragraph 4 of the Notice of Charges.) Respondent later informed Principal Rinaldi that she perceived the March 8 meeting as disciplinary in nature. He had not considered it so. He accordingly removed a request for her signature from a summary he had prepared of the March 8 meeting and scheduled a "conference-for-the-record" for March 16, 1984. Conferences-for-the record are disciplinary conferences. The March 16, 1984 meeting was postponed at the request of the Respondent's union representative. A second request for postponement for emergency reasons peculiar to the schedule of that particular union representative (Ms. Perez), was not granted and the conference-for-the-record went forward on March 20, 1984, with Respondent accompanied by her union steward, James Collings. At this conference, Rinaldi discussed the same matters that had been discussed at the March 8, 1984 meeting, the incident which had occurred March 12 when Respondent called him a "liar" three times, Respondent's unsatisfactory attendance record that year, and the fact that her absences were having an adverse effect on the program. Respondent was specifically instructed by her union advisers not to speak at this conference. Certainly she did not deny the March 12 "liar" incident. When she did not respond to Principal Rinaldi's accusations and inquiries, he became agitated. Respondent had received prior approval for a half-day in-service conference (8:30 a.m. to noon on March 21, 1984) with Mrs. Vickers, Director of Petitioner's Exceptional Student Education Program. When she did not report back to teach at Bay Harbor that afternoon, Mrs. Macri, secretary to Principal Rinaldi made inquiries and Respondent's continued presence with Mrs. Vickers was confirmed, but not approved. This constitutes a 1/2 day's absence without leave. No substitute was procured since Respondent had been expected to teach her afternoon class. (See allegations of Paragraph 12 of the Notice of Charges.) On March 28, 1984, during a regularly scheduled parent meeting, the parents present expressed a great deal of dissatisfaction with various aspects of the gifted program, particularly math. Principal Rinaldi publicly attributed the problems in the gifted program to Respondent and Respondent retaliated by publicly stating that she did not believe TMP math should ever have been included in the gifted program and that she had no control over the inclusion of the math. The majority of witnesses actually present at this meeting found its entire tone and nature informative prior to Principal Rinaldi's comment. Even then, Respondent's comments may have been less than tactful but were hardly untruthful, unprofessional, irresponsible, or incendiary. (See allegations of Paragraph 6 of the Notice of Charges.) Respondent was tardy to the March 29, 1984 faculty meeting. Based on the contemporaneous memoranda and letter, Respondent's estimate of 3-4 minutes tardiness is accepted over Dr. Rinaldi's later estimate of 20 minutes. The causes related contemporaneously by Respondent are entirely reasonable. (See allegations of Paragraph 11 of the Notice of Charges.) At Principal Rinaldi's April 16, 1984 classroom observation of Respondent, he rated her teaching performance as unacceptable in 3 categories: preparation and planning, assessment techniques, and professional responsibility (P-18). Rinaldi testified that his negative ratings in preparation and planning were due to what were minor concerns on the January evaluation. However, as observed above in Fact Paragraph 6, the January evaluation actually concentrated on the principal's particularly harsh requirement that Respondent's student files must be arranged alphabetically with papers neatly arranged chronologically within each file. Since his perception of the adequacy of records is so intensely personal to Mr. Rinaldi and in light of interim commendations to Respondent for record-keeping, his April analysis of inadequate records of assessment renders the final evaluation "score" highly suspect. 5/ (See allegations of Paragraph 8 of the Notice of Charges.) Respondent was tardy to work and failed to timely sign in on March 26, 27, 28, and April 20, 1984. (See allegations of Paragraph 13 of the Notice of Charges.) Respondent was absent on April 17, 18, and 19. She requested leave for April 17-18 late but it was approved and authorized in advance by Principal Rinaldi for participation in religious holidays. However, these were absences without pay and pushed Respondent over the number of personal leave days to which she was annually entitled. Respondent was absent without authorization on April 19; this was an absence without pay. (See allegations of Paragraphs 14 and 19 of the Notice of Charges.) On April 20, 1984, Respondent protested, but finally agreed to meet with Principal Rinaldi in his office for a post-observation conference. Post- observation conferences are not normally considered disciplinary in nature. By this time, he had added Respondent's late notification of the 4/17-4/18 absence and her 4/19 absence to the prescription sheet as deficiencies. Respondent declined an oral dialogue with Rinaldi wherein she was invited to respond to the rating criticisms and prescriptions and offer alternatives and also refused to initial his notation that she insisted on responding in writing. Midway in this meeting, Respondent announced she was going to leave. Again, she would not sign to acknowledge receipt of the observation and prescriptions. Rinaldi instructed her that she was obligated to discuss the rating and if she left, he would consider it insubordination. Respondent left his office and the school and did not return to work as a teacher at Bay Harbor again. A formal reprimand issued partly as a result of this incident. (See allegations of Paragraph 9 of the Notice of Charges.) On April 23 and April 24 Respondent was absent without pay. April 23 was unauthorized leave. (See allegations of Paragraphs 14 and and 19 of the Notice of Charges.) With regard to the frequent' short absences, which total led 18 as of April 22, Respondent rarely if ever complied with the "Teachers' Handbook" guidelines for advance notification. Respondent originally felt that it did not matter what type of leave (personal or sick) was listed because she had no leave left anyway. Although many of these absences were for legitimate illnesses or injury of herself or a relative, there was either an on-going absence of lesson plans or a failure on Respondent's part to inform the principal that she had created plans since he last commented on there being none. Consequently, he often could not or did not secure substitutes. This resulted in wasted class time and interfered with classroom continuity. Some of Respondent's unauthorized absences were simply gifted programs she chose to attend without notifying the principal in advance. Respondent was also absent during the 1983-1984 school year for two lengthy periods, which, with all other absences, totalled 62 1/2 days. Medical narratives, admitted without objection, corroborate Respondent's testimony that the two lengthy absences were the result respectively of unanticipated allergic complications of a CAT scan (from January 30 to February 10, 1984,) and of surgery to correct acute sinusitis and recovery time from late April until release. One doctor released her from this last treatment On May 29, 1984; the other released her on June 8, 1984. During the period of time she was absent immediately following the April 20 "walkout" incident until approximately June 8, Respondent failed to adequately inform Petitioner of her proposed date of return. Certified letters sent to her post-office box were returned because Respondent did not pick them up and Petitioner could not send these to her by regular mail or by hand- delivery via a "visiting teacher" because Respondent had never informed Petitioner of her street address. The failure of Respondent to stay in touch, her failure to indicate when she could return to work, and her failure to indicate that her absence would be lengthy resulted in an inability of Petitioner to immediately hire a permanent substitute teacher. Therefore, the gifted classes had to "make-do" with a series of short term substitutes (4 or 5) until Mr. Rinaldi finally hired Mrs. Judith Dryanoff. This process created a lack of continuity in the classroom and more student withdrawals from the gifted program. The problem with multiple substitutes was compounded by Respondent's failure on April 24 and thereafter to have available substitute lesson plans. 6/ Because of Respondent's failure to leave any form of lesson plans or grade book, substitute Judith Dryanoff had to make up her own lesson plans for science and enlist the help of Janice Thomas for math plans. (See allegations of Paragraph 10 of the Notice of Charges.) On May 24, Principal Rinaldi signed Respondent's Annual Evaluation, not recommending her for employment in the next school year (P-22). When released by her doctors, Respondent was assigned by Administration to the North Area Office for June 11-15 and was expected by her principal to be at Bay Harbor simultaneously. She obviously could not do both. She was at the North Area Office for part of June 12 and at Bay Harbor for part of June 14. She was in neither location on June 11, 13, and 15. These days constitute absences without leave. (See allegations of Paragraph 19 of the Notice of Charges.) On June 12, 1984, James Monroes, a supervisor in Petitioner's Division of Personnel Control, ordered Respondent to begin the 180 hour course, Beginning Teacher Program, to start at 10:00 a.m., June 14, 1984, at Bay Harbor Elementary School. 7/ At 7:20 a.m. that morning Respondent confronted Principal Rinaldi in his office and called him "malicious, devious, incompetent," and "a sorry excuse for a principal." She accused him of personally taking her personal items from her room and of attempting to get her fired. 8/ Although she initially refused to come back for the program, she returned at 10:00 a.m. and repeated essentially the same harangue in the presence of Mrs. Thomas, the peer teacher selected to oversee Respondent's Beginning Teacher Program. Mrs. Thomas was called in by Mr. Rinaldi who had anticipated that a scene would ensue. Thereafter, out of Mr. Rinaldi's presence, Respondent invited Mrs. Thomas to sign a petition "to get rid of Mr. Rinaldi". (See allegations of Paragraph 15 of the Notice of Charges.) Dr. Huffman testified that Respondent also frequently yelled at Mr. Rinaldi in Dr. Huffman's presence prior to Dr. Huffman's February reassignment, and Mrs. Macri, secretary to Principal Rinaldi testified that she had heard Respondent call Mr. Rinaldi a "bastard" or refer to him as a"bastard," but the date of this incident(s) was not proven. On August 29, 1984, Dr. Richard Artmeier, supervisor of Petitioner's Division of Personnel Control, directed Respondent to be psychiatrically evaluated the next day to determine if there were any mitigating circumstances for her June 14, 1984 behavior. Respondent is obligated to submit to such evaluation by terms of her employment. After vacillation, Respondent refused to sign the written directive indicating its receipt and adamantly refused to see a psychiatrist. Finally, Dr. Artmeier directed her instead to report to the North Area Office the next day. Respondent did, however, actually go the next day as originally directed for psychiatric evaluation to Dr. Gail Wainger. Dr. Wainger was on Petitioner's "approved" list. In so doing, Respondent could not immediately comply with the directive to report to the North Area Office. Respondent reported to the North Area Office later the same day after her psychiatric evaluation. Petitioner accepted Dr. Wainger's psychiatric evaluation of Respondent, paid for it, and it was admitted at hearing upon Petitioner's motion (P-38). Since Respondent could not be in two places at once, she fulfilled the alternative directives reasonably by fulfilling them sequentially even if she did initially refuse. (See allegations of Paragraphs 16 and 17 of the Notice of Charges). The psychiatrist's evaluation is admissible under Section 231.291, Florida Statutes and has been considered. Upon that evidence, together with all other credible evidence adduced at formal hearing, Respondent was accountable for her actions. Respondent has never qualified for and has never been characterized as a teacher under continuing contract.
Recommendation It is recommended that Petitioner enter a Final Order dismissing Respondent from employment with the Dade County School Board and denying any claims for back pay. DONE and ORDERED this 20th day of June, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 1985.
The Issue Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2018)?1 Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(j)? 1 All citations to the Florida Statutes are to the 2018 codification unless otherwise noted. Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1.?
Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Richard Corcoran, is the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner is the head of the state agency, the Florida Department of Education, responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding Florida educator certificates. Ms. Bauduy holds a Florida Educators Certificate covering the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum. It is valid through June 30, 2025. Ms. Bauduy teaches at Gotha Middle School in the Orange County School District and did at the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint. During the period during which the alleged acts occurred, Ms. Bauduy taught students with autism. She has served students with disabilities of Orange County as an educator in ESE programs for 16 years. She taught at Gotha Middle School for 14 of those 16 years. Other than discipline for the incidents that are the subject of this proceeding, the District has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. The school has recognized Ms. Bauduy as an effective teacher. For instance, an evaluation resulting from seven days of in-class observation in November 2020 concluded that she was applying all four expected classroom strategies and behaviors. The Education Practices Commission has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. Gotha Middle School and Ms. Bauduy's Class During the 2018-2019 school year, all of Ms. Bauduy's students had disabilities that required more assistance and support than needed by students in the general population. Because of their disabilities, Ms. Bauduy's students required a modified curriculum that was less rigorous than the standard curriculum. The modified curriculum included social, skills, personal skills, and independent function skills. Teaching those skills helps students learn to manage their behavior and become more independent. All of Ms. Bauduy's students had Individual Education Plans (IEP). These plans identify a student's disabilities, their effect, and behavior that may arise from them. They establish goals for the student in light of the student's disabilities. And they identify strategies for helping the students accomplish the established goals. The demands of teaching students with disabilities required additional staff in the classroom to assist Ms. Bauduy. The school determined that properly caring for and teaching the children required a three to one student teacher ratio. The students' IEPs also required this staffing ratio. For that reason, the school assigned two paraprofessionals to assist in Ms. Bauduy's class of ten people. This was in addition to Ms. Edoo, who was assigned to student E.K. one-on-one. Thus, the proper staffing complement for Ms. Bauduy's class was four adults. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Gotha Middle School experienced chronic staffing shortages. One paraprofessional position in Ms. Bauduy's class was vacant the entire year. The school engaged a long- term substitute. That person often did not show up for work. In those instances, the school sought, often unsuccessfully, to engage fill-ins from a temporary staffing agency. In addition, the school usually did not provide staff to cover the paraprofessionals' breaks and lunches. Throughout the year, Ms. Bauduy had to juggle staffing shortages as best she could. During the representative month of September 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was short one adult seven full days and four partial days. On September 11, 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was down two professionals. When the paraprofessional staff took their breaks or lunch periods, the staffing deficiencies worsened. Ms. Bauduy repeatedly advised the administration about the staffing deficiencies, sought assistance, and expressed her concerns about not complying with students' IEP requirements. Her communications included a September 5, 2018, email advising that a substitute had not arrived, a September 11 email forwarding an email from a paraprofessional advising she was not coming in, and a September 26 email advising that a substitute once again failed to arrive and asking for assistance. In January 2019, despite the chronic understaffing, the school transferred two students, T.M. and N.A., from other classrooms to Ms. Bauduy's class. These students' disabilities were more profound and required more supports than the other students. They were regular elopers, required diaper changes, and required individual nearly one-on-one prompting for tasks. Among other things, T.M.'s disabilities required having someone hold his hand during transitions. Placement of T.M. and N.A. in Ms. Bauduy's class was not appropriate. Ms. Bauduy continued sending emails expressing her concerns and frustrations about understaffing. She also repeatedly, without effect, sought to get the school to change mandatory meetings to her planning period or after school because the meetings caused her to leave the classroom and exacerbated the staffing problems. Between October 25, 2018, and March 4, 2019, Ms. Bauduy sent 17 emails requesting full staffing and advising of staff absences. Ms. Bauduay could not rely upon prompt responses when she called for assistance or additional staffing to put her room back in compliance with the required student/adult ratio. Sometimes she received a quick response. Sometimes no one came. Often there was a 20 to 30-minute delay before assistance arrived. Even when management responded to Ms. Bauduy's request for a schedule of when behavior staff would be available to support her students, management's response was conditional. For instance, Laura Fogarty, ESE Curriculum and Instruction Team Instructional Coach, conditioned the schedule of available staff that she provided as follows. Please remember, however, that this schedule is in a perfect world. The behavior support team's first priority is to respond to radio calls and have other responsibilities that don't always make it possible for them to be in your room for the times listed below. They may also have to leave to respond to a behavior call when they are in there. Below is the ideal, if everything goes right and there are no behavior calls or other areas that require their attention. The world in which Ms. Bauduy taught was neither perfect nor ideal. Ms. Bauduy's testimony about staffing difficulties and insufficient responses to requests for assistance differs from testimony of school representatives. Ms. Bauduy was more credible and persuasive than the school representatives. Four of the reasons for this judgment are Ms. Bauduy's sincere demeanor, documents such as emails and logs consistent with her testimony, the admission in Ms. Fogarty's email that even scheduled availability of support was not reliable, and the corroborating testimony of a paraprofessional who worked in Ms. Bauduy's room, Lauren Mueller. K.C. K.C. was a male sixth grade student in Ms. Bauduy's class. K.C.'s IEP specified that K.C. should always be supervised. It stated, "He requires continuous supervision as he is very impulsive and responds aggressively and or obscenely." K.C. also had a Behavioral Improvement Plan (BIP). It too noted a need for intensive intervention to address inappropriate touching of and advances toward female students. The BIP provided, among other things, "If outside the classroom, one on one supervision must be provided." The BIP went on to state that K.C.'s transitions out of the classroom should be limited to necessary transitions and that a staff member should provide one-on-one supervision during all transitions. Ms. Bauduy was aware of the contents of the IEP and BIP. At each day's end, Ms. Edoo usually escorted K.C. from class to the transportation loading area, after escorting her assigned student to the transportation area. This did not happen on September 11, 2018. This was one of the many days when Ms. Bauduy's room was short-staffed. Because of a vacant position and a paraprofessional not showing up, Ms. Bauduy was down to two adults, including herself, of the staff that should have been in the room. This excludes Ms. Edoo who was responsible for providing one-on- one care for a single student. The afternoon of September 11 the substitute paraprofessional was to escort the students, in shifts, to the transportation area. The substitute took a student to the transportation area and did not return. This left Ms. Bauduy the sole adult in the room, responsible both for getting the children to the transportation area and supervising students in the classroom. Ms. Edoo called Ms. Bauduy on the radio and said to release K.C. Ms. Bauduy thought that meant Ms. Edoo was returning to the classroom and would meet K.C. in the hall. Although her room had a telephone and a two-way radio, Ms. Bauduy knew from experience a response to a request for help would be slow, if there even was one. Faced with confounding choices, Ms. Bauduy explained to K.C. that she would release him to go directly down the hall to meet Ms. Edoo. K.C. did not go straight down the hall to Ms. Edoo, and Ms. Edoo was not in the hall. K.C. went to the bathroom that opened on the hall. A student, K.M., found K.C. laying naked, save for his socks, on the bathroom floor, masturbating. This scared and confused K.M. He went home and told his mother about the incident. She called the school. The next day a guidance counselor met with K.M. to discuss the incident and reassure him. Shortly after K.M. left for home, an ESE clerk, Elizabeth Elkholi, saw K.C. naked in the bathroom, through the open door. She called for Shantell Johnson, a behavior trainer. Ms. Johnson did not wish to enter the bathroom because K.C. was naked. A substitute, Stephen Harnishfeger, and Deputy Luna, a school resource officer, joined Ms. Elkholi and Ms. Johnson. Between them, these four adults kept K.C. in sight. K.C. got dressed in a stall. Ms. Johnson escorted him back to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. Ms. Bauduy was not aware of this activity until K.C. was returned to her room. K.C. could have left the school grounds during the period that he was unsupervised. Eventually the substitute reappeared and declared she was leaving for the day. Ms. Bauduy convinced the substitute to escort K.C. to the transportation loading area before leaving. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay for this incident. T.M. T.M. was a student on the autism spectrum that the school transferred to Ms. Bauduy's class in January. T.M.'s previous classroom, Ms. Franklin's, was adjacent to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. On February 25, 2019, the school had again failed to staff Ms. Bauduy's classroom in compliance with the requirements of her students' IEPs. That day the school required Ms. Bauduy to participate in an IEP meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, during her planning period. The meeting took two hours, running through her lunch period and ending at 4:00 p.m. When Ms. Bauduy returned to the classroom, she realized none of her paraprofessionals had taken a break. So, she released them one at a time for a short break. While one paraprofessional was gone on break, the remaining one left the room with a student to go to the restroom and change a diaper. This left Ms. Bauduy alone with the students. At that time, Ms. Bauduy was providing directions to a group of students. She heard the door slam. She looked for T.M. and did not see him in the classroom. T.M. had slipped away from Ms. Bauduy's classroom out into the hall. He left through the classroom's only door. Ms. Bauduy immediately went to the doorway to look for him. She knew T.M. had a history of leaving the classroom but waiting just outside the door. She did not see him. Then Ms. Bauduy took a few steps outside the door of her classroom into the hall. To the left of Ms. Bauduy's classroom the hall met double doors just yards away that led to the outside and a nearby road. Ms. Bauduy was in the hall approximately 23 seconds seeking to ensure that T.M. had not gone to the left toward the double doors. During these 23 seconds there was no adult inside Ms. Bauduy's class room. She however was just feet from the only door. One of the students could have done something destructive or harmful. But the brief period of time that Ms. Bauduy was outside the classroom, her proximity to the door, and the very short distance she was from her students made that risk minimal. Ms. Bauduy saw the door to Classroom B104 close. This was T.M.'s former classroom, which was next to Ms. Bauduy's room. This reassured her that T.M. was safe. She ran back to her classroom. The students had spent the 23 seconds without incident. Then Ms. Bauduy called for assistance. A staff member came to return T.M. to Ms. Bauduy's room. When T.M. slipped away, Ms. Bauduy had no good choices. In the time it would take to call for assistance and wait for it to arrive, if it did, T.M. could have been out the doors and in the road. Ms. Bauduy's experience taught her that assistance was often slow to arrive and sometimes did not arrive at all. Stepping out in the hall to quickly see where T.M. went left the eight remaining students without direct adult supervision for 23 seconds. But Ms. Bauduy was just outside the only door out of the classroom. She made a reasonable choice, one that most reduced the risk of a bad outcome to T.M. and his classmates. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay because of this incident. F.O. F.O. was a student in Ms. Bauduy's class. F.O. was non-verbal and deaf. She was working on pre-academic skills. F.O. was a joyful and social student. She, however, was defiant. She did not like to be corrected. She wanted to be on her own, basically following her own schedule. When corrected, F.O. would shake her head, point her finger, and stick her tongue out. The school regularly delivered breakfast and lunch to the class. On September 11, 2019, F.O. ate breakfast around 10:00 a.m. After breakfast, F.O. and the other students had a short lesson and went to PE. After they returned to class, they had another short lesson. Afterwards, Ms. Bauduy gave the class another short break. Around 11:30 a.m., the lunch cart's arrival signaled the beginning of lunch to the class. The lunch service procedure began with placing meals on tables for students who could feed themselves. Then Ms. Bauduy and the paraprofessionals assisted students who needed help eating. F.O.'s lunch was placed in front of her. It was time for F.O. to pick up her toys and eat. She refused. Ms. Bauduy tried prompting F.O. several ways. Ms. Bauduy's efforts to persuade F.O. to put her toys up included gestures, pantomiming the desired actions, and modeling the actions by picking up some toys herself. This did not work. Ms. Bauduy took F.O. out of the classroom to see if a change in environment would help. Ms. Bauduy then took F.O. to the behavior specialist's classroom down the hall. But it was not staffed. They returned to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. There Ms. Bauduy tried to get F.O. to comply with simple directions like "put it down." F.O. would not respond. Also, F.O. continued to refuse to pick up her toys and eat lunch. Ms. Bauduy concluded that F.O.'s refusal to eat lunch was a defiance issue. Ms. Bauduy learned a behavior management strategy called "First – Then" in her applied behavior classes at the University of Central Florida. Ms. Bauduy kept a graphic depicting this strategy posted in her classroom. Other teachers and paraprofessionals in the school also used this strategy. It was a system where the "Then" was something the child wanted or wanted to do and the "First" was a task the child was resisting. After F.O. continued to play with toys and ignore her lunch. Ms. Bauduy decided to use the "First—Then" strategy by withholding F.O.'s lunch until she picked up her toys. She asked a paraprofessional, Ms. Lewis, to remove the food. Ms. Lewis refused. Ms. Bauduy then placed the lunch on a shelf so that other students would not eat it or play with it. Around 2:00 p.m., snack time, F.O. had put up her toys. Ms. Bauduy gave her the lunch. Ms. Bauduy's log for the day, sent home with each student each day, advised F.O.'s parents that F.O. would not listen or follow directions most of the day and that "lunch was delayed till she showed more compliance." Withholding lunch was not a proper use of the "First – Then" strategy. Meals are a regular part of the day and necessary for nutrition, although in this case the student repeatedly declined food. Withholding a meal, as opposed to withholding a treat, is not proper. Also, since F.O. was not interested in eating lunch, making lunch the "Then" was not a well-reasoned use of the strategy. Ms. Bauduy, however, did not withhold lunch as a punishment. But withholding lunch was not a reasonable behavior management strategy. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days for this instance.
Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1., and imposing a reprimand upon Respondent, Yolie Bauduy. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Findings Of Fact During the first semester of the 1981-1982 school year, David Michael Wolfe was absent 66 times from his homeroom class. His absences from other classes, each of which, like homeroom, met 90 times during first semester, ranged from 56 to 87. From January 28, 1982, till March 5, 1982, while he was still enrolled at North Miami Junior High School, David went still less frequently to class. Not one of these absences was excused. Mrs. Wolfe is very cooperative with the school authorities, but her daughter is absent more than David. David, who was born June 20, 1968, was referred to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services because of his truancy. On December 8, 1981, David and four other students missed their fourth period class(es) but were apprehended on or near school grounds by William G. Murray, an assistant principal at North Miami Junior High School. Mr. Murray spanked each boy, and sent them to class. Like the others, David never went to class that afternoon. In addition to corporal punishment and a court referral, the school administration employed both "indoor suspension" and "outdoor suspension," in an effort to improve David's attendance. Nothing worked. David was not disruptive in the sense of disturbing the few classes he did attend, according to Mr. Murray. He did, however, for the first semester of the 1981-1982 school year, fail all six subjects, also getting an "F" in conduct.
Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That petitioner assign David Michael Wolfe to the Jan Mann Opportunity School-North. DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of June, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Telephone: (904) 488-9675 FILED with the clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Mrs. Bonnie Wolfe 2260 Northeast 135 Lane North Miami, Florida 33181 Michael Niemand, Esquire Suite 300 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Leonard M. Britton Superintendent Dade County School Board 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and (j), Florida Statutes (2012), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a), and if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Based on the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses and other evidence presented at hearing, and upon the entire record of this proceeding, the following facts are found: Respondent holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 739881, covering the areas of Physical Education and Exceptional Student Education, which is valid through June 30, 2015. He has held a certification in Florida since 2005. Respondent is African- American. At all times relevant to the charges in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent has been employed as an In- School Suspension (ISS) Teacher at the CARE Program in the Calhoun County School District (District). The CARE acronym is shorthand for character, achievement, respect, and education. The CARE Program is a second-chance school for students who have been suspended for more than ten days, have been suspended for drug offenses, or who are currently in a juvenile facility. The first time a student is assigned to the CARE Program, it is for a 90-day term. If the student does well, he or she returns to their regular school. The second referral is for a period of 180 days; the third for a year. The CARE Program generally has approximately 30-40 students at a time. In November 2012, the program had approximately 31-32 students. The CARE Program is located at a facility that used to house a vocational complex, next to the adult school. Also housed in this complex is the In-School Suspension (ISS) class, where students serve in-school suspensions of less than ten days. Students are referred to the ISS class for behavior such as tardiness and being disruptive in the classroom. The number of students in the ISS classroom varies, because it depends on how many students have been referred. There is a limit to how many students can be in the ISS class, because each school has a cap on the number of students it can refer at any given time. Testimony varied as to how many students were present at the time of the incident giving rise to this case. The most reasonable and credible testimony indicates that on November 14, 2012, there were approximately 15-20 students in the ISS class. There was adequate room in the ISS classroom for the number of students in the class. Some time prior to the incident giving rise to this case, part of the complex where the CARE Program and the ISS class were housed underwent construction. As a result, several staff members working in the complex had tires punctured because of construction debris in the area. The District would reimburse employees for repairs to tires that were punctured if the employee submitted the documentation related to the repair. Respondent had requested two new tires, as opposed to repair of his tires. Although the record is not clear when Respondent made his request, there was some delay in any action being taken to address it. Wilson McClellan was the superintendent of the District from 2000 to 2004, and then again from 2008 to 2012, after which he retired. Mr. McClellan, who is Caucasian, was an educator in Calhoun County for approximately 25 years. He had worked with Respondent in a summer recreation program at some point before Respondent was hired by the District. Mr. McClellan had told Respondent that if there was an opening in Calhoun County, he would give Respondent a call and let him know. On November 13, 2012, Mr. McClellan was defeated in his bid for re-election as superintendent. The next day, he visited the CARE Program and spoke with several of the staff there, presumably to touch base with people with whom he had worked. He came to the CARE Program around midday, and class was in session. While he was there, Mr. McClellan went to speak with Respondent about Respondent’s pending request for reimbursement for his tires. While repairs had been authorized, no other staff member had requested new tires. Mr. McClellan told Respondent that he would need to submit documentation for the reimbursement for action by the School Board, as opposed to the superintendent, because Mr. McClellan did not feel comfortable authorizing the expenditure when no one else had requested reimbursement for new tires instead of repair of existing ones. Mr. McClellan knocked on the door to the ISS classroom and he and Respondent went into the small office adjacent to it. When he told Respondent about the need to submit the reimbursement matter to the Board, Respondent became angry and walked back into his classroom. Respondent told McClellan, in the presence of his students, that if he had a different last name and a different color, then the results would have been different. McClellan denied Respondent’s claim and left the classroom. Mr. Thomas’s classroom had an inside door, going into a hallway, and an outside door that led to a covered pavilion area with picnic tables. Also adjacent to the area with the picnic tables is Barbara Hathaway’s office. Ms. Hathaway served as the Dean of Students for the CARE Program, a position that functions much like a principal does in a traditional school. When Mr. McClellan left the classroom, he went to the area with the picnic tables. Ms. Hathaway saw him there and came out to speak with him. While Ms. Hathaway and Mr. McClellan were speaking, Respondent came out of his classroom and asked Ms. Hathaway to get someone to cover his class because he was “pretty hot” and needed to walk. According to Ms. Hathaway, Respondent was agitated and upset. She did not understand him to mean he was overheated based on temperature, but rather that he was upset or angry, and her testimony is credited. Without waiting for coverage for his class, Respondent walked away from the classroom and the area where Mr. McClellan and Ms. Hathaway were standing and up the sidewalk. Ms. Hathaway left to ask another staff member to cover the classroom and was going to walk back outside when she heard Mr. Thomas speaking loudly. She could not hear what Mr. Thomas said, but his tone was agitated. She noticed that the ISS classroom door to the outside was open, and the students could hear the heated conversation between their instructor and the superintendent, so she opened the inside door and told a student to shut the outside door. Ms. Hathaway thought from the students’ reactions that they were enjoying the interchange between Mr. McClellan and Mr. Thomas. She used her phone to call for a resource officer because she felt the situation was agitated and that someone should be present to intervene. After Ms. Hathaway walked inside to arrange for coverage for the classroom, Mr. Thomas had walked back down the sidewalk to Mr. McClellan. He repeated to Mr. McClellan that in this county, if he had a different last name and a different color, it would probably be a different result. Mr. McClellan became impatient and said, “shut up Ed, I am just not wanting to hear any more about that.” Mr. Thomas walked closer to him, glared and said, “if you ever say shut up again to me, I will be the last black man you ever say that to.”1/ Mr. Thomas is a large, imposing figure, and according to Mr. McClellan, he spoke in a loud, angry voice and “bowed up” in a threatening gesture; however, he was never close enough to the superintendent to actually strike him. While Ms. Hathaway could not hear the actual language being used, both Ms. Barbee, who came to cover the ISS classroom, and the students in the classroom were able to hear the colorful exchange. Ms. Barbee testified that she did not remember the actual conversation, but that there was “some cussing and hollering.” Her statement written the day of the incident indicates that Mr. Thomas used the term “f**k.” Likewise, P.G., one of the students in the classroom, testified that Mr. Thomas told Mr. McClellan, “don’t tell me to shut the f**k up,” and for him to “shut the f**k up.” P.G. believed the students in the room were shocked at the interchange.2/ After this exchange, Respondent once again walked away from Mr. McClellan and up the sidewalk away from his class. On both occasions, Respondent was five to six classroom lengths away from his classroom, and unable to monitor in any way the actions of his students. Ms. Hathaway, as noted above, was not present for this heated exchange and did not hear what was said. When she returned outside, Mr. Thomas was standing on the sidewalk up the hill from the classroom. She spoke to Mr. McClellan, who told her about the conversation with Mr. Thomas. What he told her involved the reimbursement issue and not any complaint about overcrowding. About that time Warren Tanner, the school resource officer, came around the corner. When he arrived, he saw Ms. Hathaway and Mr. McClellan sitting on a bench under the pavilion, and Mr. Thomas was standing at the end of the driveway at the end of the building. Mr. Tanner asked what had happened, and Mr. McClellan told him that Mr. Thomas had threatened him. Mr. Thomas walked back down the hill to where the others were standing, and Mr. McClellan told him to go home for the rest of the day. Mr. Thomas went into his classroom briefly, then came out and asked Mr. McClellan if he was sending him home for the rest of the day, and was told, “yes.” Mr. Thomas got in his truck to leave, then got out and asked Mr. Tanner if this was going to be a complaint, and Mr. Tanner told him, not at this time. Mr. McClellan returned to his office and called David House, the school board attorney. He related the events of the morning and told Mr. House that, in light of past behavior by Mr. Thomas and the current incident, he was considering terminating Mr. Thomas. Later that afternoon, Vicki Davis, assistant superintendent for the District, called Mr. Tanner and asked him to collect statements from those who witnessed or heard the morning’s events. Mr. Tanner got statements from Mr. McClellan, Ms. Hathaway, Ms. Barbee, and several students in Mr. Thomas’s class.3/ On Thursday, November 15, 2012, Mr. McClellan wrote to Mr. Thomas advising him that he was suspended with pay, effective immediately. Respondent had been the subject of discipline previously, and there had been concerns expressed about his behavior during his employment in Calhoun County. For example, in January 2008, he received a formal reprimand for allegedly confronting a fellow teacher in front of students in a loud, belligerent, and profane manner.4/ On June 3, 2008, Respondent received a second reprimand for allegedly leaving a magazine with an unclothed woman on the cover in the Health Building bathroom where it could be viewed by students. On January 13, 2011, Neva Miller, the principal of Blountstown Middle School, wrote a lengthy letter to Superintendent McClellan detailing several alleged incidents involving Mr. Thomas that caused her to “express concerns that I have as to the effectiveness and concerning anger control abilities of Edward Thomas.” A two-page document titled “Ed Thomas Issues Calendar Year 2011” was placed in his personnel file, recounting a series of concerns regarding alleged deficiencies in his performance. On February 23, 2012, Ms. Hathaway, as Dean of the CARE Program, documented an alleged incident involving a ninth-grade student.5/ On December 11, 2012, Mr. McClellan’s successor, Superintendent Ralph Yoder, issued a Notice of Charges for Dismissal to the Calhoun County School Board, recommending Respondent be suspended without pay and dismissed from employment by the District. The Notice of Charges stated, “Mr. Thomas has a history of engaging in insubordinate, hostile and confrontational behavior toward faculty members and administrators, which began in 2007 and culminated in an incident that occurred on November 14, 2012, involving the former Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Tommy McClellan. Mr. Thomas has been repeatedly instructed by persons in authority to correct his behavior, but he has failed to do so.” The Notice goes on to describe 13 separate incidents and references several others. Only the incident involving Mr. McClellan on November 14, 2012, is alleged in the Administrative Complaint, and Petitioner presented no evidence to prove what happened with respect to the other incidents. No findings are made concerning the validity of the other allegations in the Notice of Charges. It is considered solely to show that the District took action with respect to Respondent’s employment. Likewise, it is unclear what, if any, proceedings were conducted with respect to the Notice of Charges before the school board. Respondent acknowledged that his employment was terminated as of December 11, 2012, the day the Notice was issued.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order finding that Respondent has violated section 1012.795(1)(g) and (j), as well as Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a). It is further recommended that the Commission suspend Respondent’s teaching certificate for one year; that he submit to an evaluation for anger management by the Recovery Network on terms to be set by the Education Practices Commission; and that upon re-employment as an educator, Respondent be placed on probation for a period of three years, with terms and conditions to be set by the Commission. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of June, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of June, 2015.
The Issue Whether Respondent should be assigned to the school system's opportunity school program.
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto Respondent, Guillermmo Hernandez, was an eighth grade student assigned to South Miami Middle School. While in math class during November, 1988 through January, 1989, Respondent was disruptive in the classroom, tardy on several occasions and unprepared for class. In an attempt to ascertain the reasons for his behavior and to assist him, Respondent's parents were consulted, Respondent was consulted, and Respondent was assigned to detention and work detail. Again, while in home economics class during February through March, 1989, Respondent disrupted the classroom by his antics which on one occasion included piercing his ear and dressing as a girl. Respondent also chased other students, popping them with towels. Here too, his parents were consulted, Respondent was consulted and he was assigned to both outdoor and indoor supervision. Respondent is a disturbed young man who at first appears to be a class clown. He pushes a situation until is becomes a problem and then begs for forgiveness. Further, he does not appear to be learning disabled. However, after repeated attempts to help him, it is apparent that he is unable to control himself in a regular classroom and would benefit from a more structured setting such as the opportunity school program of the Dade County School District.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Dade County, Florida issue a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to school system's opportunity school program. DONE and ENTERED this 29th day of June, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. JANE C. HAYMAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of June, 1989. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime C. Bovell, Esquire 370 Minorca Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Mr. and Mrs. Juan Hernandez 6361 S.W. 33rd Street Miami, Florida 33155 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools School Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent committed the acts alleged and violations charged in the Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what discipline should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, on behalf of the Education Practices Commission, is charged with the responsibility of certifying and regulating public school teachers in Florida. Respondent is a teacher. At the time of the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent held Florida Educator's Certificate 1266409, covering the area Exceptional Student Education (ESE). Respondent's Background Respondent earned a bachelor's degree in special education from New York University and a master's degree in early childhood special education. From 1998 to 2015 she taught ESE in self-contained classrooms (classrooms dedicated to ESE students) in New York. Respondent moved to Florida and began working for Orange County Public Schools, where she was employed in February 2015 as an ESE teacher at Ocoee Elementary School (Ocoee Elementary). For reasons unrelated to this case, Respondent was moved to the position of behavioral specialist (a non-classroom position), but returned to ESE classroom teaching in the fall of 2017. Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) is a "best practice" crisis de- escalation protocol used district-wide in Orange County Public Schools. Respondent is CPI trained and certified. In June 2017, Respondent injured her shoulder and ankle at work while she was attempting to pick a student up from the floor. She returned to work after a few weeks of physical therapy. She continues to have pain in her shoulder and ankle. Respondent also suffers from asthma and recurrent nerve pain. By all accounts, Respondent was a dedicated and effective ESE teacher at Ocoee Elementary. She used her own funds to purchase supplies for her ESE students, including exercise balls for autistic students to prevent them from rocking in standard-issue chairs. Her evaluations from Ocoee Elementary were all "effective" or "highly effective." All of the witnesses who had occasion to observe Respondent in the classroom gave her high marks. There is no evidence that Respondent ever acted in anger or frustration with a student. She is accused of having done so in the incident at issue here. Respondent's Classroom For the fall of 2017, Respondent taught ESE students in a self- contained classroom at Ocoee Elementary. The grade level of her students spanned three grades, from second to fourth grade. The class size was approximately 12 students. The students were autistic and/or intellectually disabled. Paraprofessionals were assigned to assist Respondent in the classroom, including Cory Baker, Chanda Nguyen, and Michelle Hartley. The classroom had a designated "safe space," a small open area approximately three to four feet wide located between a large portable closet on wheels, a file cabinet on one side, and a wall on the other side. The safe space floor was covered with a soft mat and pillows. Posters on the safe space wall showed students how to breathe, relax, and decompress. A bathroom was located inside the classroom. The door opened out to the classroom. The door could be locked from the inside. Respondent and the paraprofessionals assigned to the classroom had access to an Allen key to unlock the bathroom door, but a disc had to be "popped" off of the lock to use it. Ocoee Elementary had a "crisis team" that could be called to assist when a student was in crisis, including removing the student if necessary. The crisis team included Juan Colon, who was the school's behavior specialist, and Isaac Bowen, a behavior trainer. The crisis team typically responded to a call for assistance within one to two minutes. The Incident with Student E.T. E.T. was assigned to Respondent's ESE classroom for the fall of 2017. He was 12 years old at that time. The other students ranged from seven to nine years of age. At approximately 5'6", E.T. was not only the largest student in the class, but he was also larger, and about four inches taller, than Respondent. E.T. was considered to be intellectually disabled. He was learning on a first or second grade level and his IQ was below 70. Some of the other students in the classroom were autistic, but E.T. was not. A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a written plan that identifies problematic behaviors of a particular ESE student and strategies staff should use to address them. E.T. had a BIP that listed three problematic behaviors: (1) noncompliance (that is, refusing to perform tasks, by saying words like "no," "this is stupid," making faces or squeaking noises, or simply walking away); (2) physical aggression (including aggressive posturing towards his peers and throwing small objects like pencils, erasers, and papers); and (3) elopement (defined as walking away from staff). On the morning of October 12, 2017, E.T. began engaging in disruptive behavior that ultimately required his removal from the classroom. The disruptive behavior began when E.T. crawled under the desk of one or more other students and grabbed crayons and pencils that were not his. Respondent attempted to de-escalate and redirect E.T. with oral instructions, but her attempts failed. Ultimately, Respondent called the crisis team for help with E.T. Mr. Bowen arrived at Respondent's classroom within a short time with two other behavior trainers. The rest of the class was taken to the playground. Respondent and Mr. Bowen sat with E.T. at a table to work on compliance tasks, and E.T.'s behavior and mood improved. Respondent and Mr. Bowen walked with E.T. to the playground to retrieve the rest of the class. Respondent, E.T., and the rest of the class went back to the classroom. Mr. Bowen and the other behavior trainers left to respond to another call. On the way back to Respondent's classroom, E.T. refused to walk in line with the other students. One of the paraprofessionals walked with E.T. and redirected him back to the line. Back in the classroom, E.T.'s disruptive behavior resumed. He grabbed pencils and crayons that were not his and crawled under the desks of other students. He also blew mucus out of his nose, spit saliva onto his hands, and wiped his mucus and saliva all over his body. Respondent attempted to redirect E.T., initially by ignoring his behavior. When that failed, she attempted to redirect him with instructions and incentives. This strategy also failed. Finally, Respondent asked two of the paraprofessionals, Ms. Nguyen and Ms. Hartley, to take the other students to the sensory room, an activity room located outside of Respondent's classroom. The class was removed in the hope that E.T.'s behavior would improve once he was denied an audience of his peers. Respondent asked Ms. Baker to remain in the classroom with her to assist with E.T. When E.T.'s behavior did not improve, Respondent and Ms. Baker called the crisis team again, but this time they were unable to reach Mr. Colon or Mr. Bowen because they were either responding to other calls for help or in a radio "dead zone." Respondent thought E.T. might respond better if he was allowed to talk with his mother, so she called E.T.'s mother and allowed him to talk to her on the class telephone. At that time, E.T. was under a table in the classroom pretending to be a turtle. E.T. feigned illness (fake coughing) and told his mother he wanted to go home. He also asked for potato chips to eat. The call terminated and E.T. refused to come out from under the table. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to coax E.T. out from under the table without laying hands on him, Respondent carefully pulled E.T. from under the table, making sure he did not hit his head. E.T. was not injured in any way in the process. Respondent then took E.T. to the classroom safe space. Once in the safe space, E.T. started to crawl under the portable wheeled closet. Respondent was concerned E.T. would injure himself in the process— legitimately so—and lifted him up and held him against the wall. E.T. made himself go limp to become "dead weight" and slumped down to the floor mat. Respondent lifted him back to his feet again and E.T. slumped back down to the floor. This process was repeated several times until E.T. reached on top of the closet and grabbed a basket of toys, causing the basket contents to fall to the safe space floor. The basket included toy train cars made of die cast metal. E.T. grabbed one of the train cars off the floor and threw it over the head of Ms. Baker, who was standing in the middle of the classroom. He threw another train car at Respondent, striking her in the head. Respondent stepped on one of the train cars and fell hard against the wall, pinning E.T. between her and the wall. E.T. said, "My chest hurts, my heart hurts," and "I think I am going to die." Respondent's shoulder hurt and she was short of breath. Having reached her physical limits, Respondent decided to remove E.T. from the safe space because she was concerned he would be able to reach other items on top of the closet, including a heavy paper slicer with a sharp cutting arm. Respondent's plan was to transport E.T. out of the classroom to the "calm-down" room, an empty classroom used to allow students in crisis to decompress. The calm-down room is located about 20 to 30 yards from Respondent's classroom. Respondent guided E.T. out of the safe space and toward the classroom door, with his arm under her armpit. This would be an approved CPI transport hold but for the fact that CPI transport requires two adults to transport a student in crisis in this manner, with each of the student's arms under the armpits of an adult on each side of the student. Ms. Baker—who was also CPI-trained—did not offer to serve as the second adult or provide any other assistance to Respondent while she was struggling to transport E.T. out of the safe space. E.T.—apparently unfazed by falling with Respondent against the safe space wall moments earlier—started to laugh and grabbed crayons off the desk of another student as he was being guided toward the classroom door. E.T. pulled away from Respondent and started walking quickly ahead of her. Respondent tried to maintain a hold on E.T., but was unable to do so without help from anyone (such as Ms. Baker, who continued as a spectator to Respondent's struggles). E.T. announced he was going to the bathroom and headed for the bathroom door. Respondent rushed to stop him, but tripped and landed hard against the bathroom door with E.T. Respondent was concerned—legitimately so—that E.T. could lock himself in the bathroom and create a mess or injure himself before the key to the bathroom could be accessed. Respondent applied all of her weight to the bathroom door, while E.T. held onto the doorknob, to prevent him from accessing the bathroom. Respondent held E.T. against the bathroom door, using her forearm against his chest. Respondent then struggled to lead E.T. away from the bathroom door and toward the classroom exit door, sliding with him against the wall. Natalie Hatch, a staffing specialist at Ocoee Elementary, and Mr. Colon entered the classroom door when Respondent was struggling to keep E.T. out of the bathroom. Mr. Colon immediately assisted Respondent to escort E.T. to the calm-down room using the dual-hold CPI transport position. On the way to the calm-down room, E.T. was crying and upset and he continued to wipe mucus and saliva on his body. In the calm-down room, E.T. tore paper and threw it on the floor. After about 15 minutes, he calmed down and Mr. Colon talked to him about the importance of following instructions. Ms. Colon asked E.T. to pick the paper off the floor and E.T. complied. Mr. Bowen also arrived and walked with E.T. and Mr. Colon back to Respondent's classroom. There were no further incidents involving E.T. that day. E.T. was not injured, physically or otherwise. The Findings of Fact regarding the incident with E.T. are based almost entirely on Respondent's testimony, which the undersigned found to be highly credible. The findings are also consistent with the credible testimony of Mr. Colon, who found nothing wrong with Respondent's attempt to keep E.T. from going into the bathroom by holding him against the bathroom door, nor did he find anything wrong with anything else he witnessed after entering Respondent's classroom. Ms. Baker stood in the middle of the classroom while Respondent struggled with E.T. Ms. Baker could not see all of the safe room interactions between Respondent and E.T., because her field of view was blocked by the closet and cabinet that formed the boundary of the safe space. Ms. Baker made repeated calls to the crisis team, but otherwise failed to offer any assistance to Respondent. Ms. Baker did not voice any objection to the manner in which Respondent physically interacted with E.T. The following day, Ms. Baker complained to administration that Respondent physically mistreated E.T. This led to an investigation of the incident and ultimately to Respondent's termination. Rejection of Corey Baker's Testimony Petitioner relies chiefly on the testimony of Ms. Baker to prove its case. For the reasons that follow, Ms. Baker's testimony was not credible and has not been accorded any weight. Ms. Baker's account of the incident differed from Respondent's in that she contends Respondent "manhandled" E.T. out of frustration, including: "snatching" him out from under the table when he was pretending to be a turtle; and repeatedly slamming E.T. hard against the wall of the safe room; and later the bathroom door. Essentially, Ms. Baker accuses Respondent of physically mistreating E.T. out of frustration with his conduct that day. Ms. Baker's testimony is rejected where it conflicts with the testimony of Respondent and Mr. Colon for several reasons. First, Ms. Baker 's field of view of the safe space was obstructed. No credit has been given to her testimony about what occurred when E.T. and Respondent were in the safe space together, because she could not see all of what happened there. That she would offer testimony describing events she could not have seen casts doubt on her overall veracity. Ms. Baker's credibility also suffers from her admitted failure to intercede in any way to aid a student she now claims to have been physically mistreated for a prolonged period of time. If, as Ms. Baker contends, Respondent "manhandled" E.T. while the three were alone in the classroom, then Ms. Baker should have attempted to separate the two or at least warn Respondent that she was being too rough; she did neither. Here is Ms. Baker's explanation for why she stood idle when Respondent and E.T. struggled: Q. So why didn't you jump into that space and help her lift him up? Why didn't you do something? A. Because, like I said, I do not feel comfortable with it being a blind corner [referring to the safe space] and already seeing stuff done that shouldn't have been done. If somebody came in, it would have literally looked like we were both just trying to take this kid out. In other words, Ms. Baker claims she did nothing to protect E.T. because she might also get into trouble. This explanation is rejected. It is inconceivable that Ms. Baker would sit back and do nothing if she believed Respondent was mistreating E.T. The rational explanation for why Ms. Baker did nothing to intercede to stop Respondent is that Respondent's actions were appropriate under the circumstances. Finally, Ms. Baker's credibility suffers from her embellishment of the incident, including the trauma she claims to have suffered after-the-fact. Ms. Baker testified that the incident was so traumatic that she had nightmares for a week or two afterwards. She went so far as to blame the stress of witnessing the incident for ending her relationship with her boyfriend. There was no evidence that E.T. was injured in the slightest. Indeed, as Ms. Baker admitted, E.T. laughed and continued to grab crayons that were not his after he left the safe space with Respondent. Ms. Baker grossly distorted the resulting trauma she claims to have suffered. For all of these reasons—and the undersigned's observation of the demeanor of the witnesses who testified live at the final hearing— Ms. Baker's account of the incident with E.T. is found to be grossly exaggerated and unreliable, and is given no weight.2 The OCPS Investigation Petitioner also offered the testimony of Acacia Vierbicky, an investigator for Orange County Public Schools (OCPS). Ms. Vierbicky was charged with investigating the incident involving E.T. after Ms. Baker complained to administration. Ms. Vierbicky testified that during the investigation, Respondent admitted to her that she "snatched" E.T.'s arm from underneath the table when he was pretending to be a turtle, and pinned him against the wall—face first—in the safe space. The Administrative Complaint does not allege facts regarding the manner in which Respondent removed E.T. from under the table as a predicate for any charges. Regardless, Respondent denied that she "snatched" E.T. from under the table and explained why she removed him from underneath the table. Respondent's testimony was credible and is accepted over Ms. Vierbicky's recollection of what she was told during her investigation. 2 Additional evidence was offered to impeach Ms. Baker's credibility. First, to suggest bias, Respondent and Ms. Baker were close friends at one time, but that relationship soured the summer before this incident occurred. Second, another teacher testified that Ms. Baker came forward with false allegations against her in an attempt to get her fired. Finally, another witness testified that Ms. Baker is prone to exaggerate events involving students in general. While all of this testimony may be true, it is unnecessary to rely upon it to reach the conclusion that Ms. Baker's testimony is unreliable. The characterization of whether Respondent "pinned" or "held" E.T. against the wall of the safe space with the weight of her body is not an important distinction here. What is important is that Respondent did so to prevent E.T. from crawling under the wheeled closet or grabbing dangerous items from the top of the closet. Holding E.T. against the wall under these circumstances—whether an approved CPI hold or not—was entirely reasonable to prevent E.T. from hurting himself or others. Ms. Vierbicky's testimony as to her recollection of Respondent's admissions is rejected where it differs from Respondent's live testimony.3 Crisis Prevention Intervention CPI is not the law; it has not been adopted by statute or rule. Petitioner offered the testimony of Kimberly Ann Smith, an expert in CPI and behavior analysis. Ms. Smith testified credibly that pinning or holding a student against a wall or holding a student with his arm behind his back is not an approved CPI hold. But, as Ms. Smith repeatedly acknowledged, CPI is a "best practice" protocol. As such, restraining a student with a non-CPI approved hold can be reasonable under certain circumstances even if it is not the "best practice." Ms. Smith testified that it is acceptable to physically restrain a student when the student may hurt himself or others. Ms. Smith also agreed that E.T. could have injured himself crawling under the wheeled closet and that throwing the metal trains presented a legitimate safety concern. The CPI training materials offer examples of approved holds that one teacher can apply to restrain a student, but these holds are not appropriate for a student 3 Ms. Vierbicky's investigative summary of the incident involving E.T. was admitted as an exhibit in this proceeding, as were the witness statements she collected during her investigation. Although admitted, these exhibits have not been relied upon here because they are largely hearsay. See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. It is also noteworthy that there are obvious material omissions from Ms. Vierbicky's investigative summary, including the failure to mention that E.T. grabbed and threw metal trains while in the safe space and the failure to mention the fact that E.T. was not injured. Thus, even if not hearsay, or predicated on hearsay, the investigative summary represents an incomplete assessment of the incident with E.T., and is unreliable for this reason alone. who is taller than the teacher. In fact, these holds should only be used on a student who is at least a head shorter than the teacher. E.T. is significantly taller than Respondent. Petitioner offered no evidence of a CPI-approved hold that would have been appropriate for Respondent to use under the circumstances she confronted with E.T. Petitioner also offered testimony from Ms. Hatch to show that Respondent did not use a CPI-approved restraint when E.T. was attempting to enter the bathroom. Ms. Hatch testified that when she entered the classroom, she saw Respondent holding E.T. with his face against the wall with his hand behind his back. This differs from Mr. Colon's testimony, which was that Respondent was holding E.T. with his back against the bathroom door with her forearm on his chest. Although Mr. Colon's and Ms. Hatch's recollection of the positioning of Respondent and E.T. differ, the distinction is not material. Respondent had a legitimate concern to keep E.T. from entering the bathroom under the circumstances, and her attempts to do so—although not a CPI-approved hold—were reasonable under the circumstances. For all of these reasons, Respondent's admitted failure to use CPI- approved holds to restrain E.T. is not evidence that she failed to make reasonable effort to protect E.T. from any potentially harmful conditions, or that she exposed him to a risk of mental or physical harm. Ultimate Findings It is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Respondent, in fact, made reasonable effort to protect E.T. from conditions harmful to learning and/or to his mental or physical health and/or to his safety.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of March, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRIAN A. NEWMAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Tobe M. Lev, Esquire Egan, Lev, Lindstrom & Siwica, P.A. 231 East Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida 32801 (eServed) Ron Weaver, Esquire Law Office of Ron Weaver Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 (eServed) Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)
Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence presented at hearing, the following facts are determined: I.B. ("student"), daughter of Petitioners, was a seventh grade student attending Henry H. Filer Junior High Community School prior to placement (which is here being challenged) in the educational alternative program located at Jan Mann Opportunity School. (Testimony of Eliot M. Berman) Between September 4, and December 30, 1979, the student engaged in frequent behavior at Filer Junior High which disrupted the classroom environment. Specific instances of reported disruptive behavior occurred on or about September 5, 27, October 5, 9, 10, 11, November 29, December 3, 10, and 30, 1979. Usually her behavior involved physical or verbal hostility toward her teachers and other students. Each incident was followed by conferences with the student's parents, vice principal, or guidance counselor. Between September 5, 1979, and December 30, 1979, 9 parental and 8 counselor conferences were held in an effort to modify the student's disruptive behavior pattern. The student is an aggressive child who becomes easily frustrated in a regular classroom environment, frequently rebels against authority, exhibits hostility toward and argues with her peers and engages in disruptive behavior in order to get attention. Several of her teachers have concluded that she is unwilling, or unable to adapt to a regular classroom environment. (Testimony of Eliot Berman, Respondent's Exhibits 1-2) Due to her disruptive behavior in the school environment, the student was twice placed for several days in the Filer Junior High School's Center for Special Instruction (SCSI)-on October 9, 1979, for disruptive behavior during exchange of classes and inflammatory comments to the instructor, and on November 30, 1979, for slapping a female student in Physical Education class. A child is placed in SCSI, in lieu of suspension from school, in order to receive special teacher instruction and supervision. The teacher-student ratio is increased to one teacher for each fifteen students, and a concentrated effort is made to modify a child's unsatisfactory behavior patterns and clarify his or her values. In this case, the student's placement in SCSI does not appear to have modified her disruptive behavior in the normal classroom setting. Her behavior not only detracts from her own learning experience, but interferes with the educational process of other children. (Testimony of Eliot Berman, Respondent's Exhibits 1-2) The student was frequently absent from her classrooms between August 27, 1979, and January 23, 1980. She missed Social Studies class-19 times, Mathematics and Language Arts classes-7 times each, and Life Science class-11 times. Such absences, in combination with her behavior problems, have seriously impaired her academic progress. (Testimony of Eliot Berman, Respondent's Exhibits 1-2) The student, in conjunction with her SCSI placement, has made a conscious effort to improve her behavior, but her disruptive classroom behavior has continued. (Respondent's Exhibits 1-2) The student's mother and brother believe that placement in the Jan Mann Opportunity School educational alternative program will not benefit the student and that she should, instead, be placed in a regular junior high school close to her home where her behavior can be more closely monitored by family members. The student does not share in her family's desire that she be placed in a regular school closer to her home. (Testimony of Mrs. A.B., E.B., and I.B.) Placement of the student in the Jan Mann Opportunity School educational alternative program will provide the student with an opportunity for intensive counseling, a better student- teacher ratio, and an opportunity to improve her self-esteem and basic educational skills which cannot be provided in the regular classroom setting. (Eliot M. Berman)
Recommendation While at Filer Junior High School, I.B. has been a disruptive, unsuccessful, and disinterested student and meets the criteria for placement in an educational alternative program. Accordingly, the School Board should uphold the placement of this student in the Jan Mann Opportunity School educational alternative program and deny the appeal of such placement by Petitioners.
Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Certificate Number 227135, regular, valid through June 30, 1982, covering the areas of biology, science and social studies. Respondent received a bachelor's degree in history, zoology and education from Parson's College in 1967, and a Master of Science degree from the Florida Institute of Technology in 1980. During the 1976-77 school year, Respondent was employed as a science teacher at Nims Middle School in Tallahassee, Florida. Respondent, a licensed professional photographer, also worked with the photography club at Nims Middle School during the school years from 1975 through 1978. On or about May 30, 1977, while Respondent was employed as a science teacher at Nims Middle School, two students, Linda McKenzie and Linda Underwood, were excused from their regularly scheduled sixth period classes to go to Respondent's classroom to look at laboratory animals kept there. At all times material hereto, Respondent aid the two students mentioned above were the only occupants of the classroom. Respondent and the two students engaged in conversation, during which Respondent discussed taking photographs of the two students. As the two students began to leave the classroom, Respondent placed his hands on Linda Underwood's waist and "French-kissed" her. Ms. Underwood was shocked and embarrassed, and quickly left the classroom. The incident was not reported to Ms. Underwood's parents, but was reported to school officials by Ms. Underwood several days after the incident occurred. Prior to the above-described incident, Ms. Underwood had called Respondent on the telephone at his home, and had also written him letters. None of these letters were introduced into evidence in this proceeding. Ms. Underwood apparently also made several telephone calls to Respondent after the incident occurred. Neither the content of these telephone conversations nor any other evidence of record in this proceeding is sufficiently clear to demonstrate that Ms. Underwood was so biased against Respondent to have fabricated her testimony. Having observed the demeanor of the several witnesses testifying on this issue, and having considered their interest, if any, in the outcome of this proceeding, Ms. Underwood's version of the incident is accepted as persuasive. While Respondent was employed as a science teacher at Nims Middle School, he drove to the home of Mrs. Juanita Jackson accompanied by two Nims Middle School students, Carlotta Wolfe and Lori Taylor. The two students were dressed in either bathing suits or shorts, and rode in the front seat with Respondent. had offered the two students a ride when he observed them walking, and was asked by them to drive to the Jackson home. Respondent did not know the purpose of the visit to the Jackson home. One of the students apparently requested that Mrs. Jackson's daughter be allowed to get into the car with Respondent and the other students, but Mrs. Jackson refused to allow her daughter to do so. Although Mrs. Jackson testified that she observed Respondent's arm on the back of the seat while Carlotta Wolfe was seated next to him, there is insufficient evidence of record from which to conclude that any impropriety was intended by Respondent, or in fact occurred. Respondent was granted a leave of absence by the Leon County School Board for the 1979-80 school year, and was reassigned to Godby High School for the 1980-81 school year. On August 4, 1980, Respondent met with William J. Montford, principal of Godby High School, and other administrative personnel. During that meeting Respondent was specifically warned about inappropriate and improper comments and behavior directed toward students. During the 1980-81 school year Ms. Kelly Moore was one of Respondent's students. On one occasion when Ms. Moore was tardy to class and was in the process of signing a late sheet in compliance with school policy, Respondent told her to put her telephone number by her name " case I get horny one day." On another occasion, when Respondent inquired and was told that Ms. Moore worked in the lingerie department at Maas Brothers department store, he observed to Ms. Moore that he "...could really get into panties, especially yours." Each of these comments was made in Respondent's classroom, in the presence of other students, and for no appropriate reason. Respondent denies making these remarks, but it is specifically concluded that the testimony of Ms. Moore is more persuasive concerning these incidents. While employed as a teacher at Godby High School, Respondent engaged in a conversation with Dorothy Bryant, Yolanda Jenkins and Kendra Green, three of his students. During the course of this conversation, Respondent told these students that he would like to take them out and get something to drink and smoke with them. During the course of this conversation, Respondent either used or agreed to the use of the term "orgy" in connection with the above-described offer, and wrote a mathematical equation on the blackboard, and inquired of the students "How many times can one go into three?" During the 1980-81 school year at Godby High School, Traci Lingel was another of Respondent's female students. On one occasion when Ms. Lingel sought a pass to leave Respondent's classroom, Respondent remarked to her "Just because I'm your teacher and because I'm older than you doesn't mean that we can't go to bed together." On another occasion, Respondent remarked to Ms. Lingel that he had met her sister, also a student at Godby High School, and that he knew that it was her sister because she had "sexy eyes" just like Ms. Lingel. Further, Respondent observed to Ms. Lingel that he would award her an "A" in his course if she could arrange a date for him with her sister. On still another occasion, Respondent inquired of Ms. Lingel's boyfriend if Respondent could blow in Ms. Lingel's ear. On other occasions Respondent told two of his students, Debbie McCauley and Leeann Nelson, during class periods that he thought they had "nice legs." In addition, Respondent on one occasion told Ms. Nelson that he would like to go to bed with her. On several occasions during his tenure at Godby High School, Respondent related to various of his students that he was "hung over," had gotten drunk the preceding weekend and/or had smoked marijuana. On at least one other occasion, upon sending a male student to Respondent's vehicle to retrieve some items left there by Respondent, Respondent told the student that a bottle of liquor was under the seat in the truck, and the student could take a drink if he wished to do so. This latter remark was made in the presence of other students. Respondent spoke on the telephone with another of his students, Theresa Tran, about taking photographs of her. Respondent inquired of Ms. Tran concerning her favorite alcoholic beverages, and remarked to her that he could take her photographs and afterwards take her out for a drink. Respondent also on one occasion remarked to Traci Lingel, another of his students mentioned earlier in this order, that he and Ms. Lingel could get drunk or high and he could take her photographs. Respondent received a written reprimand dated February 10, 1981, from his principal, William J. Montford, concerning his improper conduct with female students. Respondent was again reprimanded by his principal by written reprimand dated March 17, 1981. On or about June 6, 1981, a presentation designed to inform high school students about the dangers of drug abuse was made in Respondent's classroom. A student attending a drug abuse program outside Godby High School participated in the program to share his negative experiences with drugs with other students. During a break in the program, Respondent engaged in a conversation in which the above-mentioned student and a representative of the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association participated. During the course of this conversation, Respondent related that he obtained high-quality cocaine through his girlfriend from the New York or Boston areas, and that the quality of drugs so obtained was better than could be obtained in the Tallahassee area. Respondent's remarks to female students were often made openly in a classroom setting so that the students who were the subject of the remarks were embarrassed before their peers and Respondent's predilection for making such remarks became common knowledge among his students. As a result, many of his students were uncomfortable attending his classes. Because of the frequently open and notorious nature of his conduct as hereinbefore related, Respondent's effectiveness as an instructional employee has been seriously reduced. Respondent generally denies that the incidents related above ever occurred. There is, accordingly, a sharp divergence in the various accounts of these activities as related by several of the witnesses. In resolving these testimonial discrepancies, the Hearing Officer observed the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying and considered the interests, if any, of these witnesses in the outcome of this proceeding in determining which of the various versions of these occurrences were the more credible. Both counsel for Petitioner and Respondent have submitted proposed findings of fact for consideration by the Hearing Officer during the course of this proceeding. To the extent that those proposed findings of fact are not included in this Recommended Order, they have been rejected either as not having been supported by evidence of record or as being irrelevant to the issues involved in this proceeding.
Recommendation Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative Hearings, through its undersigned Hearing Officer, William E. Williams, held a public hearing in this cause on September 17 and 18, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida.
The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent committed the acts alleged in the Administrative Complaint and if so, what penalties should be imposed?
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the head of the state agency responsible for certifying and regulating public school teachers in the State of Florida. At all times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent has been licensed in the fields of elementary education and exceptional student education. Her Florida education certificate number is 840291. Her certificate expires on June 30, 2010. Respondent was employed by the Bradford County School District from 1994 to 1996, from 1998 to 2001, and finally from 2004 to 2007. She has worked as a substitute teacher, a parent specialist, and a teacher of varying exceptionalities. At the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was the principal and teacher at Believer's School of Learning (Believer's School) in Bradford County School District. Believer's School was a charter school, for grades K-3, meant to give alternatives to traditional public school. Charter schools fulfill various purposes such as improving student learning and increasing learning opportunities. With respect to the Believer's School, a special emphasis was placed on low- performing students and reading. An "exceptional student" is defined by Section 1003.01(3)(a), Florida Statutes, as: ny student who has been determined eligible for a special program in accordance with rules of the State Board of Education. The term includes students who are gifted and students with disabilities who have an intellectual disability; autism spectrum disorder; a speech impairment; a language impairment; an orthopedic impairment; an other health impairment; traumatic brain injury; a visual impairment; an emotional or behavioral disability; or a specific learning disability, including, but not limited to, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia; students who are deaf or hard of hearing or dual sensory impaired; students who are hospitalized or homebound; children with developmental delays ages birth through 5 years, or children, ages birth through 2 years, with established conditions that are identified in State Board of Education rules pursuant to s. 1003.21(1)(e). Respondent had Exceptional Student Education (ESE) students in her school. Believer’s School was required to follow federal and state guidelines with respect to ESE students. Those requirements include keeping complete, current and accurate records with respect to exceptional education students. These recordkeeping requirements are required by federal and state law and are necessary for the school system of Bradford County, of which Believer's School was a part, to remain eligible for federal and state funds allocated to pay costs associated with educating exceptional students. In accordance with Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 6.03028(3), Respondent was required to prepare an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for each ESE student attending Believer's school. Rule 6A-6.03028(3) states: (3) IEP Requirements. An IEP or individual family support plan (IFSP) must be developed, reviewed, and revised for each eligible student or child with a disability served by a school district, or other state agency that provides special education and related services either directly, by contract, or through other arrangements, in accordance with this rule. Parents are partners with schools and school district personnel in developing, reviewing, and revising the IEP for their student. An IEP is necessary to evaluate the student's educational level, to establish short and long-term educational objectives, to develop alternative ways to accomplish those objectives, and to record the progress of the plan and establish a means for review of the student's educational progress. The proper preparation and maintenance of an IEP is a basic responsibility of the Respondent for exceptional education students at Believer's School. An improperly prepared IEP is potentially harmful to the learning of an ESE student because services and accommodations must be listed on the student's IEP before they can be provided. IEP’s are created by an IEP Team during a meeting involving the parties as set out in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-6.03028(3)(c) as follows: (c) IEP Team participants. The IEP Team, with a reasonable number of participants, shall include: The parents of the student; Not less than one (1) regular education teacher of a student with a disability... Not less than one (1) special education teacher of the student, or where appropriate, not less than one special education provider of the student; A representative of the school district who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities, is knowledgeable about the general curriculum, and is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the school district. . . An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results who may be a member of the IEP Team as described in subparagraphs (3)(c)3., or (3)(c)4., of this rule;. . . Upon completion, the IEP is signed by the regular education teacher, the ESE teacher, the local education agency (LEA), and the parent or guardian of the student. The LEA is ultimately responsible for what goes into the IEP. If something is in the IEP it is because the LEA determined that it was feasible to carry out. The ESE teacher examines the psycho-educational reports and the specialized needs of the student. He or she often provides strategies to the regular education teacher to use with the ESE student. The regular education teacher is the most familiar with the curriculum being used for the student’s grade level. He or she provides insight as to how that curriculum can be adapted for the ESE student. Members of the IEP Team for an ESE student are supposed to be teachers and individuals associated with the student’s current grade level and involved in the student's education, in order to provide accurate curriculum and services for the student. The IEP Team is supposed to review the child’s test scores or have access to the child, know about the curriculum being used, and what types of accommodations an ESE student of the particular grade level would need. By signing the IEP, the individual team members are stating they met to discuss the ESE student, to develop goals and objectives and services for the student, and that they will follow up on making sure those goals and objectives are met. IEP's are updated on an annual basis. The annual IEP conference is mandatory, and failure to provide such a conference is a violation of federal, state, and School Board rules and policies. Failure to hold such a conference deprives the parents of the exceptional student any meaningful participation in determining the student's educational goals and may deprive the child of the assistance to which he or she is entitled. It also jeopardizes continued state and federal funding of the School Board's exceptional education program. Respondent was instructed, as were other teachers of exceptional students in the school district, that every IEP must be reviewed at least once a year through an annual IEP conference. Respondent was trained in how to prepare IEPs by the Bradford County School District on July 19, 20, and 21, 2005. Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-6.03028(3)(b) requires that the school notify parents of an ESE student that an IEP meeting is scheduled prior to the IEP Team Meeting taking place. This notification is more than a formality; it is meant to insure meaningful participation by parents or guardians in the IEP process. Rule 6A-6.03028(3)(b) states as follows: (b) Parental participation in meetings. Each school district shall establish procedures that provide the opportunity for one or both of the student’s parents to participate in meetings and decisions concerning the IEP for the student. Parents of each student with a disability must be members of any group that makes decisions on the educational placement of their student. Procedures to ensure participation in meetings shall include the following: Notifying parents of the meeting early enough to ensure that they will have an opportunity to attend; and Scheduling the meeting at a mutually agreed on time and place. A written notice of the meeting must be provided to the parents and must indicate the purpose, time, and location of the meeting, and who, by title or position, will be attending. . . . * * * A meeting may be conducted without a parent in attendance if the school district is unable to obtain the attendance of the parents. In this case, the district must have a record of its attempts to arrange a mutually agreed on time and place, such as: Detailed records of telephone calls made or attempted and the results of those calls; Copies of correspondence sent to the parents and any responses received; and Detailed records of visits made to the parents’ home or place of employment and the results of those visits. To comply with Rule 6A-6.03028(3)(b), it is Bradford County School District’s policy to send out a Parent Notification Form 10 days prior to an IEP team meeting. A few days after the first notification was sent, a second notification is sent to the parent. After the two written notifications are sent, a phone call is made to the parent of the ESE student. Student S.B. began school in the Bradford County School District when she was in pre-K. She was identified as a student with developmental disabilities. In 2005, she was living in Richmond, Virginia, and found to be eligible for exceptional education services as a student with a developmental disability. Upon return to Florida, S.B. was enrolled in Southside Elementary on March 17, 2005. In May 2005, an IEP team met, determined that S.B. was a student with specific learning disabilities, and developed an IEP outlining the services required for S.B. Without those services, S.B. would not receive a free appropriate public education as contemplated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), or Florida law regarding the provision of exceptional education. IEPs for exceptional education students are required to be completed every year before the prior year’s IEP expires. S.B.’s next IEP was due on May 17, 2006. On February 13, 2006, S.B. enrolled in Respondent’s charter school, Believer's School of Learning, approximately three months before S.B.’s next IEP was due. There was apparently some delay in providing S.B.'s May 2005 IEP to Respondent, but the length of the delay is unclear. In order for a school district to receive the extra funding for its ESE students all the ESE students’ IEP’s must be current by "FTE week." FTE week is when the schools determine a final head count of all the students that are in attendance. The FTE week for Bradford County School District in 2006 was October 13, 2006. All the ESE students within the school district had to have their IEPs in by that date or the schools would not receive the extra funding associated with that student. If S.B.’s IEP was not turned in before October 13, 2006, Believer's School would have only received its normal funding only instead of the additional ESE funding. As of the last week of September 2006, Respondent had not completed the IEP for S.B. In late September, Respondent called Verdell Long, and asked for some assistance in preparing an IEP for a third grader. On September 28, 2006, Respondent met with Verdell Long, at Bradford County High School, during Ms. Long’s lunch break, for assistance with preparing an IEP for a third grader at her charter school. Verdell Long was a high school teacher at Bradford County High School who had worked with ESE students, with a focus on mental retardation from grades K-12. She had assisted Respondent with IEPs in the past. She understood that she was assisting with a “sample” IEP to be used as a model. However, it was Respondent’s intention to use the product created as an IEP for the student S.B. The day of the meeting Verdell Long’s computer was not working so she could not access the IEPs she had on file. She asked another high school teacher, Dr. Vivian Haynes to assist in the meeting. Dr. Haynes was an ESE teacher at Bradford County High School in September 2006. She was very experienced with preparing and writing IEPs, having just completed a doctoral dissertation which included copies of third and fifth grade IEPs. Dr. Haynes had not previously met Respondent. Dr. Haynes brought several blank “dummy” IEPs with her to the meeting in order to have examples to show Respondent. The IEP prepared at the meeting included the various components of an IEP, such as the measurable goals and objectives for a third grader, but did not include the demographic information on any student. The document prepared at the meeting did not have a student’s name or test scores on it anywhere. Respondent did not bring the student S.B. or her test scores with her to the meeting. However, neither Ms. Long nor Dr. Haynes expected to see individualized information because they did not understand that an IEP for an actual child was being prepared. Verdell Long signed the IEP as the ESE teacher, Dr. Vivian Haynes signed as the LEA, and Respondent signed as the regular education teacher. Neither Verdell Long nor Dr. Vivian Haynes was contracted with Believer's School by the Bradford County School District to provide services as an LEA representative or an ESE teacher. Both Verdell Long and Dr. Vivian Haynes believed the purpose of the meeting was to construct a model IEP in order to assist Respondent with properly preparing an IEP for an ESE student. Neither expected the document created at their meeting to be submitted as an actual IEP for S.B., or any other student, and neither considered the meeting to be an IEP team meeting. Neither Verdell Long nor Dr. Vivian Haynes was shown a Parent Notification Form indicating that their meeting was to be an IEP team meeting. Neither would have signed the IEP if they had seen such a form because they did not believe that an IEP team meeting was being conducted. After the meeting on September 28, 2006, Respondent took the IEP form prepared with the help of Ms. Long and Dr. Haynes, and inserted information specific to S.B. She then submitted the form as S.B.’s IEP and turned in to the Bradford County School District. Submitted with the IEP form was a document which purported to be the Notification of Meeting Form for the IEP team meeting. Only one notification is referenced. The form was dated September 15, 2006, and identified Dr. Vivian Haynes and Verdell Long as participants in the meeting, notwithstanding Respondent's acknowledgement that she did not meet Dr. Haynes until September 28, 2006, and did not know until that time that Dr. Haynes would be participating in the meeting. The form also indicated that the IEP meeting would take place at the Believer's School, as opposed to the Bradford County High School, where the meeting between Respondent, Ms. Long and Dr. Haynes took place. There is no other indication of other attempts of notification. The signature line reserved for a parent or legal guardian is signed by a Rudolph Williams and dated September 29, 2006, the day after the meeting took place. Respondent claims that Mr. Williams is S.B.'s stepfather. However, there is nothing in the Bradford County School District's records to indicate that Mr. Williams is a parent or legal guardian of S.B., and school district officials were not aware of anyone by that name living in the home. By her own admission, Respondent did not keep "official records" for any of her students, including ESE students. She was not particularly concerned with who signed the IEP, because she apparently considered it to be simply a matter of paperwork to be filed with the School District. In her view, the person responsible for ensuring that a child is receiving the appropriate education is her teacher, regardless of the directives in the IEP. She felt that some of the things identified as required simply could not be done at a school her size. She did not consider the role of the LEA and the ESE teacher on the IEP to be all that important. To her, the real responsibility for the child's education lay with the teacher who worked with her on a daily basis. S.B. was later withdrawn from Believer's School and now attends Starke Elementary School. Believer's School has since closed and is no longer operating as a charter school.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered finding Respondent to be guilty of the violations alleged in Counts Two through Seven and dismissing Count One of the Administrative Complaint; imposing a fine of $500; suspending her certificate for one year and placing Respondent on probation for a period of three years. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of October, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of October, 2009.