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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Nov. 13, 2012 Number: 12-003648PL Latest Update: Oct. 16, 2013

The Issue The issue in this case is whether, and how, Respondent should be disciplined for failing to take appropriate action regarding a middle school student who brought a knife to school.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educator Certificate 1063574 and is licensed in the fields of English, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Reading, and Exceptional Student Education. She began teaching at Bonita Springs Middle School in Lee County in September 2011, after the start of the 2011-2012 school year. During instruction in her fourth period class on February 13, 2012, Respondent heard a student ask another student, who was an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) student with emotional issues, "was that a knife?" The ESE student responded, "Drama!" When Respondent looked up, she saw the ESE student place something in her lap, out of Respondent's view. Respondent did not see what it was but saw a flash of silver or metal. The class started to "act up," and Respondent decided to diffuse the incident and quiet the class by telling the ESE student to "put it away." The ESE student then put the object in her backpack. When the class ended, Respondent approached the ESE student and asked if she had a knife. The student denied it. Respondent told the student, if she had a knife, that would be unacceptable, but Respondent did not pursue the matter any further at the time and allowed the student to leave for her next class. During Respondent's eighth period class, the last period of the day, Respondent asked her student-aide, who also was a student in her fourth period class, about the incident during fourth period. The student-aide told Respondent that it was a knife, like a small steak knife, and that the ESE student had been licking it. After speaking with her student-aide, Respondent sent the school's ESE director, who also was the ESE student's caseworker, an electronic message simply asking to discuss the student with her when she had a moment. No details about the incident were included in the message out of Respondent's concern that it would be a public record. Respondent did not receive a response by the end of the school day. The ESE director received the message after hours. The next morning, Respondent saw the ESE director at a teacher's meeting and explained the previous day's incident. The ESE director was concerned about the delay in doing anything else about it and immediately went to the school principal, who was in the cafeteria, as were several other students, including Respondent's ESE student. The principal immediately went to the student and asked if she had a knife. The student admitted she did and thought it was no big deal since Respondent did nothing about it the day before. The student later stated that she was depressed and was considering cutting herself with the knife. Respondent now understands that she did not take the appropriate action on February 13, 2012. However, she contends that there are mitigating factors to consider, and any discipline should be constructive (such as, additional training), not punitive. Respondent attempts to defend herself to an extent by saying she did not actually see the knife during fourth period. However, it is clear that Respondent heard students asking about a knife, and saw something silver or metallic that could have been a knife, and was aware of the student's emotional issues. In light of those circumstances, Respondent should not have been satisfied with the student's denial that she had a knife; she should have involved the school's administrators and resource officer at that point. When she learned during eighth period that the student in fact had a knife, she should not have been satisfied with an unacknowledged electronic message to the ESE director. Respondent also attempts to deflect some blame onto the school for not making sure she knew what to do about incidents like the one that confronted her on February 13, 2012. It may well be true, as she testified, that Respondent did not get a copy of the Parent Guide and Code of Conduct for Students, normally distributed to teachers at the beginning of the school year, which identifies a kitchen knife as a weapon and prohibits it. Petitioner attempted to impeach Respondent's denial of receipt of the document by citing a handful of student discipline referrals by Respondent that use incident types taken from that document. One incident type, albeit not used by Respondent in any of her referrals, was possession of weapons; however, the form does not define weapons. Respondent testified convincingly that she used the forms without reference to the source document. Nonetheless, she knew it would be unacceptable for a student to have a knife at school. When Respondent started teaching at the school, she was offered an opportunity to take the APPLES program for new teachers, which provides information and training on codes of conduct, including provisions to protect the safety of students and faculty. Respondent opted out, stating that she took the APPLES program during her previous employment in Collier County. While perhaps not handed to Respondent when she started teaching at Bonita Springs Middle School, the Parent Guide and Code of Conduct for Students was easily accessible from Respondent's school computer via a program called SharePoint that was a link on the home page. Respondent denies ever accessing the material from her computer. However, Respondent prepared a professional development plan shortly after she started teaching at the school in October 2011. It included a plan to train on how to download documents from SharePoint, but Respondent had not yet followed through on that plan by the time of the incident. Information also was available to Respondent in the form of an Agenda book that she was given. The Agenda book contained the school's rules, including one prohibiting weapons as nuisances and providing that they would be confiscated. It is not clear whether any of the information provided or available to Respondent would have told her what to do in circumstances where she suspected, but was not certain, that a student had a knife, and the student denied it. Based on the facts of this case, additional training is appropriate and actually is desired by Respondent. On the other hand, Respondent would rather not be reprimanded, submit to supervised probation, and pay a $500 fine and pay costs, as Petitioner proposes. Under the facts and circumstances of this case, Petitioner's proposal would be harsh, not constructive, and possibly demoralizing. The evidence is clear that Respondent will follow the rules she is given and take appropriate action in a situation if she knows what is expected of her. A repeat of the failure to act appropriately in a situation similar to the incident on February 13, 2012, is not likely.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission find Respondent guilty of violating rule 6B-1.006(3)(a), issue a letter of reprimand, and place her on a short term of probation conditioned on the completion of appropriate additional training. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of April, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of April, 2013.

Florida Laws (1) 1012.795
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jul. 25, 2017 Number: 17-004214PL Latest Update: Sep. 06, 2018

The Issue Whether Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent committed the offense(s) charged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what discipline is appropriate.

Findings Of Fact The undersigned makes the following findings of relevant and material facts: Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 1091499, covering the areas of Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is valid through June 30, 2016. The Commissioner of Education is responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding a Florida Educator's Certificate. Respondent is an experienced teacher, having taught for 22 years, the last ten in Florida. Respondent has a post- bachelor's degree in Special Education, and a second bachelor's degree in English, and a master's degree in Special Education. Respondent began his career teaching emotional behavioral students, and did that for a few years. He later worked at a residential school, then transferred to teaching those with intellectual disabilities, and later focused his time and professional efforts on autistic students. Respondent decided to teach Special Education students because he had himself been a Special Education student. The incidents complained of in the Amended Administrative Complaint are alleged to have taken place over a three-month period at Olympic Heights High School in Boca Raton, Florida, where Respondent was employed as the emotional behavioral teacher and provided math support. Respondent testified that students with emotional behavioral disorders that interfere with their learning, need a support system to help them learn how to better handle their emotional and behavioral states in order to learn. His job was to oversee that system and to direct a classroom where he could teach them those skills. In addition to his special needs classes, Respondent would "push into" math classes, to teach Special Education students that were in the general education community. In this case, Petitioner outlined several rule and statutory violations by Respondent in its Amended Administrative Complaint including: Violations of the Principles of Professional Conduct. Failing to make a reasonable effort to protect a student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental health and/or physical health and/or safety. Unreasonably restraining a student from independent action in pursuit of learning. Intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. The factual allegations underlying these violations were as follows: During the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent improperly and aggressively handled T.C., an eighteen year old, male student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADF). On or about January 27, 2015, when T.C. grabbed Respondent's coffee cup, Respondent improperly restrained T.C. by placing T.C. in a headlock. On three (3) other occasions during the 2014/2015 school year, Respondent pulled T.C. to the floor, squeezed his cheeks and yelled at him. Respondent would often put his hands on a student when unnecessary and yell at them calling them names. Further, in November of 2014, the Respondent left a student, P.M., unattended in the classroom for twenty (20) minutes while he used the bathroom facilities. Facts Regarding Aggressive Handling and Improper Restraint of T.C. Nicole Ben-Hamo was a speech pathologist doing contract work for the Palm Beach County School District at Olympic Heights High School, in Boca Raton, Florida. She testified that on January 15, 2015, she observed an incident between Respondent and T.C., a student. The incident occurred in what she described as "an amazing small classroom" (referring to its physical size). The classroom was full of other staff members who were in a position, she felt, to observe what she observed. Ben-Hamo saw what she described as "a little wrestle," when student T.C. "grabbed" Respondent's coffee cup. T.C. was tall, heavy, and a big guy. She observed Respondent move forward from behind T.C. to try to reclaim his coffee cup. She claimed that Respondent was standing up behind T.C. and both had their feet on the floor. Respondent reached over the shoulder of T.C. and around him as he tried to take back the coffee cup. Ben-Hamo later wrote a statement in which she claimed that Respondent's arm was around T.C. in a "headlock." Pet. Ex. 2. In her hearing testimony, she described the action as Respondent reaching with one hand to reach the coffee cup, and reaching around T.C. to restrain him with the other hand. In her prior deposition testimony, she noted that it was probably not the right terminology to say a "headlock," but said that Respondent was holding the student's head in a restraint while reaching for the cup. She conceded that she was not familiar with wrestling moves or any kind of move that would be called a "headlock." She testified that she does not know if that is what the move is called, or if it was intended to be a headlock.1/ Ben-Hamo tried to clarify that what she actually observed was Respondent's arm extending from T.C.'s clavicle to his neck area. She could not tell if Respondent was squeezing T.C. In both her deposition testimony and at the hearing, she indicated that she could not imagine that he was squeezing or trying to hurt T.C. In her written statement, given a day or so after the event, Ben-Hamo wrote that she did not believe that Respondent's actions constituted intentional abuse. Pet. Ex. 2. In an effort to further clarify what she thought she saw, Ben-Hamo explained that she did not think that she had witnessed intentional abuse. She felt that Respondent was trying to get the coffee cup back and calm the student.2/ Pet. Ex. 2. Ben-Hamo testified that the entire incident took a "short time" and that none of the other adults who were present intervened. Because she felt that the incident was not "proper interaction," she reported it to an assistant principal. Sarah Borah, the assistant principal; Sharon Dix-Stark, the ESE coordinator; and David Clark, the principal, all were called to testify by Petitioner.3/ Mary Beth Hall, who was present in the room, reported that Respondent sat next to T.C., as he often did. This was done to keep T.C. from jumping up to be disruptive or grab the food of others. While they were seated, she saw T.C. grab Respondent's coffee cup off the table. In turn, Respondent took T.C.'s hat, telling T.C. that "if you take something of mine; I'll take something of yours." Hall reported that nothing she saw about the interaction was extraordinary. She felt that by the time an investigator was called in "things had been kind of blown out of proportion" and the incident between T.C. and Respondent was more a matter of "perception." She felt Respondent worked well with the students. He was more "hands on" with T.C., with whom he got along well. Respondent served as a needed male role model to T.C. Hall recalled that Respondent and T.C. remained seated throughout the incident. Contrary to the testimony of Ben-Hamo, Hall never saw T.C. or Respondent stand during the incident. Hall gave a statement months later in which she used the term "chokehold." Pet. Ex. 3. However, she unequivocally explained at the hearing that she did not see Respondent actually choking T.C., using a chokehold on T.C., or restraining T.C. Hall testified, instead, that the two were "wrestling with their arms" over the items (the cup and hat) and reaching over and around each other, as would two children tussling for the same toy. They both remained seated during the incident and their respective desks never moved or were jostled out of position. Respondent never stood behind T.C. during the incident. According to Hall, the entire incident was two people sitting next to each other and wrestling with their arms. She used the term "wrestling" to indicate two people reaching around each other. Hall testified that she saw Respondent's actions as a means for him to teach T.C. not to grab something that did not belong to him and belonged to someone else. After what she described as a very quick incident, Hall reflected that Respondent got his coffee mug, T.C. got his hat back, and they both seemed happy after the incident concluded. Hall did not find it necessary to intervene in the incident, as there was no violence between Respondent and T.C. Hall observed several paraprofessionals in the room. None intervened, or put down their cell phones during the incident. According to Hall, T.C. was not harmed in any way. Hall testified that no noises or sounds were made by T.C. during the incident that indicated he was in any pain, distress, or discomfort. Hall never saw Respondent mistreat T.C. in any way. Respondent appeared to treat all children respectfully and attentively, and she never saw him use his hands improperly on any student in the classroom. Respondent testified on his own behalf. He felt he had a "wonderful" relationship with T.C. He described T.C. as a physically 18-year-old adult, who was large and strong. However, his emotional development was at the pre-kindergarten level. T.C. was over six feet tall, and weighed 250 to 260 pounds. T.C. was obsessive compulsive and had a short attention span. He had certain behavioral problems, which were accentuated because he never learned proper replacement behaviors for his maladaptive kindergarten behaviors. These behaviors were not appropriate for an 18-year-old. T.C. always needed to be escorted because he liked to run, look, investigate, and discover. Whether it was in front of a car or whether it was a trash can, he just always wanted to do things. For safety reasons, an adult was always required to be with him. Assistance was provided to help steer T.C. to more appropriate behavior and activities. Occasionally, T.C. would put Respondent's hand on his shoulder for Respondent to rub his shoulder. It was a method that Respondent used to soothe T.C., which they called "tickles." On the day of the incident, Respondent sat down next to T.C., who had finished lunch. Respondent placed his coffee cup on the dining table some three feet away. Without warning, T.C. lunged across Respondent to grab Respondent's coffee cup. He did not reach it the first time. Respondent began massaging T.C.'s arm and said, "Do you want tickles, or do you want the coffee cup?" T.C. calmed for a time, and then reached for the cup again. T.C. reached and got his hand on Respondent's cup. While doing this, he was leaning into or on Respondent's lap. He eventually reached and grabbed Respondent's cup. Respondent took T.C.'s hat from the windowsill, and asked if T.C. wanted his hat given back. T.C. reached for his hat with his other hand. As the incident unfolded, T.C. held the cup and reached over Respondent trying to grab his hat back from Respondent. The two were right next to each other, reaching back and forth. Respondent extended his hand out, so that T.C. would see that he was waiting for his cup to be exchanged. Eventually T.C. got bored of the cup and gave it back to Respondent. When T.C. gave Respondent the cup, Respondent gave him back his hat. The more persuasive and credible testimony regarding the classroom incident was that T.C. impulsively grabbed Respondent's cup while they were seated next to each other. Respondent then attempted to make a teaching point with T.C. about not taking the things of another, by taking his hat. In the process, T.C. and Respondent reached over and around the other in an effort to retrieve their item from the other. There was physical contact between the two, but it was not inappropriate, or unduly rough.4/ There was no credible proof that Respondent intended to harm, restrain, or injure T.C. Ben-Hamo's testimony and conclusions regarding the extent, type and nature of the contact and interaction between T.C. and Respondent is rejected as unpersuasive and implausible.5/ The undersigned finds that Respondent did not place or restrain T.C. in a "chokehold," "headlock," or other improper restraint. Based on this record and the circumstances, there was no clear and convincing evidence to support Petitioner's allegation that Respondent violated any statute, policy, or rule in the incident with T.C. regarding the coffee cup. Allegations Reported by Shannon Lewis Shannon Lewis, a paraprofessional, testified by deposition. Pet. Ex. 11. She described T.C. as being 6'5" tall and weighing 250 to 280 pounds. She noted that he had very little impulse control, and that when he saw something of interest, he impulsively went to get it. Lewis testified that one day when Respondent took T.C. to physical education class, T.C. wanted to put his tooth on the doorway when he exited the gymnasium.6/ According to Lewis, Respondent grabbed T.C. by one arm, then pulled him away and yanked him. She testified that Respondent put his foot behind T.C.'s foot, so that T.C. would have to go to the ground. According to Lewis, Respondent did that three times before he would relent.7/ Lewis testified that the students in the physical education class and two paraprofessionals, including Pedro St. Jacques and Illiana Girtman, were present when the incident occurred and saw it. She testified that St. Jacques was the aide assigned to T.C. Lewis testified that while T.C. was on the ground, Respondent squeezed his face and made his lips pucker and yelled, "No, T. No." No student or other teacher testified that they saw or witnessed the actions described by Lewis. St. Jacques executed an affidavit admitted into evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 3.8/ Resp. Ex. 3. However, he never witnessed anything inappropriate between Respondent and any students, including T.C. St. Jacques never witnessed Respondent throw T.C. to the ground and never saw him treat T.C. badly.9/ St. Jacques testified that sometimes it was necessary to approach T.C. in a different manner because of his size and to prevent him from getting hurt. It was sometimes necessary to physically guide T.C. away from whatever activity he became fixated on. St. Jacques never observed Respondent use any unnecessary or questionable force on T.C. in those instances. He knew that Respondent was working with T.C. to have him stop biting the door frames as he walked through the halls. He heard Respondent tell T.C. not to bite them and saw him maneuver T.C. away from them. No undue force was used by Respondent. Girtman was also present during this incident, according to Lewis. She was a paraprofessional with Respondent at Olympic Heights High School. She never saw Respondent touch a student in a way that she thought was unnecessary or improper. Respondent was always gentle with T.C. She never saw Respondent squeeze T.C.'s face or yell at him. Another paraprofessional, Alvaro Rodriguez testified. He was also identified by Lewis as being present during the door- biting incident. He never saw Respondent use physical methods or force on T.C. in a way that he thought was improper. He never saw Respondent pull T.C. down to the floor. He never saw Respondent squeeze T.C. by the cheeks or yell at him. Respondent denied that the hallway incident occurred, as described by Lewis. He testified that the banging of T.C.'s teeth on a piece of metal was part of his obsessive-compulsive disorder.10/ Respondent was not big enough to pull T.C. down to the floor, and never did so. When T.C. was agitated or running around, Respondent would ask him to sit, but he never pulled him to the floor. Respondent explained that sometimes T.C. needed gentle pressure on his arm or something to reinforce what it means to go down or to go in one direction or the other. Respondent denied that he yelled into T.C.'s face or yelled at him, and that T.C. did not respond to yelling, he only responded to quiet talking. Respondent testified that he never grabbed T.C. by the cheeks and squeezed. Respondent's testimony concerning this incident, and the testimony from St. Jacques, Girtman, and Rodriquez was more persuasive and credible. There simply was no clear and convincing evidence that Respondent improperly, violently, or forcefully threw or took T.C. to the ground, yelled at him, squeezed his cheeks or handled him in an inappropriate way. Further, the proof was insufficient to prove any unreasonable restraint was used by Respondent during this incident with T.C. Incident Involving P.M. Lewis described P.M. as a non-verbal and out of control student, who destroyed his home and wiped feces everywhere. Lewis claimed that Respondent decided to work with P.M. in his classroom one-on-one during lunch.11/ One day Lewis walked into Respondent's classroom and saw P.M. sitting on a yoga ball with no teacher in sight.12/ She then heard the toilet flush, and Respondent walked out of the bathroom. The aides were instructed that no student should ever be left alone. St. Jacques' statement indicates he (St. Jacques) was always assigned to supervise P.M. when Respondent was at the school, and that he (St. Jacques) was supposed to be with P.M. on the day in question. Apparently, P.M. was another student who needed full-time supervision. Evidently, P.M. liked to walk around the classrooms and would walk into Respondent's classroom on occasion. St. Jacques would always redirect him. When P.M. wandered into Respondent's classroom, it would only be for about 30 seconds. There was never a time that Respondent was responsible to supervise P.M. during his planning period, or at any other time. It was always the responsibility of the paraprofessional to supervise and attend to P.M. Even if Respondent was working with P.M., St. Jacques was responsible to be with him. Respondent testified, consistent with St. Jacques, that he never worked with P.M. without the aide present. He was never assigned to supervise P.M. in lieu of the aide, because that would have changed P.M.'s Individualized Education Program. Students were not allowed in Respondent's classroom during his planning period, except to be escorted to use the bathroom. Respondent testified that there were times that he would transition back from a class and P.M. would be in his room using his sensory equipment, but he would always be with St. Jacques. One time when he came out of the bathroom during his planning period, he observed P.M. in his room with Lewis, who sometimes covered for St. Jacques during the other paraprofessional's break. During the period of time that Respondent was in the bathroom, he was not assigned or supposed to be supervising P.M. He was surprised to see P.M. when he came out of the bathroom during his planning period. The allegation that Respondent failed to properly supervise P.M. and left him alone while Respondent used the bathroom was not proven by clear and convincing evidence. The more persuasive evidence at the hearing indicated that Respondent was not assigned to supervise P.M. at the time of this particular incident. The testimony of St. Jacques supports Respondent's version and this finding. Whatever Lewis saw, or thought she saw, was not persuasive or sufficient to establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent left P.M. unattended in his classroom for 20 minutes or failed to supervise a student assigned to him. Exposing a Student to Unnecessary Embarrassment or Disparagement Lewis further testified that there was an incident involving students who wanted to use calculators during math class. J.M. wanted to use the calculator, but Respondent would not let her use it. The student had to be taken from the room because she screamed and carried on when not permitted to use the calculator. Apparently, Respondent wanted her to learn to do math without a calculator. There were two other students who Respondent also did not allow to use the calculator. In response to the various requests, Respondent commented, "This is ridiculous. You guys are stupid if you can't do this without a calculator. You need to have life skills in order for you to be successful outside of the classroom." There was not a shred of proof offered or adduced at the hearing that Respondent "put his hands on" any of these students.13/ Furthermore, there was no clear and convincing proof that Respondent intended to expose these math students to unnecessary embarrassment. See Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996). Respondent denied that he ever called any of the students a derogatory name or called any of them "stupid." Lewis agreed that it was Respondent's role as the teacher to determine whether a calculator was used. She claimed that St. Jacques was in the room when Respondent called the girls stupid and heard him say it. St. Jacques' attested in his written statement in a contrary manner. Resp. Ex. 3. He said that he never witnessed anything inappropriate between Respondent and any students, including the girls involved in the calculator incident, J.M. and Rebecca. St. Jacques never witnessed Respondent mistreat the math students referred to by Lewis. Respondent was always respectful to the students and he never saw Respondent embarrass or ridicule any of them. Respondent testified that he treated the students in general with compassion and respect. He denied he ever called them names other than their own and never embarrassed any student or called them names because they wanted to use the calculators. Based upon the more persuasive and credible evidence adduced at the hearing, the allegations of belittling the math students and calling them "stupid" were not proven by clear and convincing evidence. There was insufficient proof to establish that Respondent intended to unnecessarily ridicule, demean, or belittle any particular student The testimony of St. Jacques bolsters Respondent's testimony on this point. The undersigned credits Respondent's testimony and finds it more persuasive. The undersigned finds that there was no clear or convincing evidence to conclude that Respondent's actions or statements to the girls regarding the use of the calculator, constituted a violation of any statute, policy, or rule.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint against Jeffrey Voner. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of April, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT L. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of April, 2018.

Florida Laws (5) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001456 Latest Update: Apr. 04, 1988

Findings Of Fact Introduction At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Blondell Williams, was a fifth grade teacher at Poinciana Park Elementary School (PPES) in Miami, Florida. She was under a continuing contract as an elementary teacher for petitioner, School Board of Dade County (Board). She has been a teacher in the school system since 1981. On March 18, 1987 the Board voted to suspend Williams without pay effective that date for "misconduct in office, willful neglect of duty and gross insubordination." Its decision resulted in Williams requesting an administrative hearing. She has remained suspended from her job without pay during the pendency of this proceeding. The charges are based upon three counts of alleged illicit misconduct as set forth in the Amended Notice of Charges issued on February 13, 1988. The alleged illicit conduct generally includes consumption of an alcoholic beverage on campus, sleeping in class, fraudulently obtaining a lunch, excessive tardiness and absenteeism, repeatedly failing to follow various orders, and demonstrating incompetency in the classroom. These charges will be discussed separately hereinafter. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages On February 2, 1987 respondent left campus during lunch hour to visit her father who was ill. When she returned, she was required to sign in on a roster which was in the reception area outside the principal's office. Williams entered the office area and went to the sign-in roster maintained by the principal's secretary, Delois Parker. Sitting next to Parker was Nena Brown, a system aide, and Mary White Blue, a teacher's aide. Williams was carrying a clear plastic cup containing a light pink beverage which she had brought from her car. The cup was then approximately one-quarter filled. After signing in, and while turning around, Williams accidentally spilled the beverage on Brown's leg and hand and on the carpet. Although Brown did not detect the nature of the beverage, Blue and Parker immediately detected the smell of alcohol. Another teacher, Silvia Munoz, then entered the room and also detected the smell of alcoholic beverages. At about the same time, Parker called the principal, Lawrence H. Crawford, out of his adjoining office to observe the incident. After examining the carpet, Crawford concluded that the beverage contained alcohol. Thereafter, he questioned Williams, who admitted she had drunk about a quarter of a cup of "White Mountain Cooler" taken from a bottle in her car. Crawford instructed Williams to bring the bottle to his office, and after examining the label on the bottle, he confirmed it was an alcoholic beverage. At hearing, Williams acknowledged that she had brought a cup of the beverage on campus during school hours and consumed a small amount. According to Williams, the bottle had been left in her car by a friend from the night before, but she denied knowing it contained any alcohol. This contention is not accepted as being credible since the beverage had an alcoholic odor, the label on the bottle reflected its alcoholic content, and Williams acknowledged she knew it was an alcoholic beverage at a conference for the record held on February 3, 1987. Accordingly, it is found that Williams was in the possession of, and consumed, an alcoholic beverage on campus during duty hours. However, the charge that Williams was "under the influence of an alcoholic beverage" while on duty was not established. Sleeping in Class On a warm spring day morning in 1986, the assistant principal of PPES, Terrance Armbruister, had an occasion to visit Williams' classroom. His visit was prompted by Crawford who had directed Armbruister to check out complaints that Williams was sleeping in class. After knocking on her classroom door, he unlocked it, entered and observed Williams with her head resting on her desk. He approached her but Williams did not move. Finally, she raised her head in a startled fashion as if she had just awoken. Armbruister then instructed her to wash her face and refresh herself. On or about March 28, 1986 P. J. Harden, an assistant principal in charge of curriculum at PPES, was monitoring the classroom next to Williams. The two classrooms were divided by a partition. Because of noise caused by students in Williams' classroom, Harden had difficulty monitoring the class. He pulled the partition open and observed Williams with her head on her desk asleep. He watched her sleep for approximately five minutes until a student shook Williams and awoke her. Williams apologized to Harden and promised it would not happen again. According to Harden, this was respondent's reply on every occasion that she was caught sleeping. On the afternoon of November 11, 1986 Harden again had an occasion to visit Williams' classroom while escorting a prospective teacher around the school. He found her asleep even though she was supposed to be teaching a class. To avoid embarrassment, Harden declined to allow the guest to enter the classroom. He then awoke Williams and told her to report to the principal's office. Harden stated that he found Williams sleeping in her classroom on a number of other occasions although he was unable to give specific dates. On each occasion, she was sent to the principal's office and an administrator would be assigned to cover her classroom. At no time did Williams ever give an excuse to Harden for her actions other than saying she had a second job which prevented her from getting a regular night's sleep. No Free Lunches The Amended Notice alleges that during school year 1986-87, Williams was guilty of "fraudulently obtaining and consuming school provided, student lunches." This charge stems from an incident on or about December 11, 1986 when respondent approached the cashier at the school cafeteria and told the cashier to give her a lunch without charge and to record it as being a free lunch given to a student. The cashier complied with Williams' instructions. By chance, the principal learned of this and confronted respondent with the charge. Williams admitted she had obtained an unauthorized free lunch. Her only excuse was that she was short of funds and had seen another teacher do it on one occasion. At Crawford's direction, Williams reimbursed the school for the meal. Excessive Tardiness and Absenteeism The school day at PPES began at 8:15 a.m. each day and lasted until 3:20 p.m. Teachers were expected to be in their classrooms by 8:20 a.m. so that they could greet their students before classes began at 8:30 a.m. Williams was aware of this requirement and was reminded of it from time to time by her supervisors. In addition, teachers were given thirty minutes for lunch. If a teacher left campus during lunch hour, he or she was expected to sign in and out on an attendance roster maintained in the principal's office. Even if a teacher left campus during lunch hour, the lunch period was still only thirty minutes, and any additional absence by a teacher required authorization from the principal's office. Williams was aware of this policy and understood that a failure to comply with these instructions was a violation of school policy. Under school policy, and in accordance with instructions in the teacher's handbook, a teacher was obligated to call the principal's secretary if he or she was going to be late to school. This call was expected to be made prior to 8:00 a.m. so that the principal could assign an administrator or other teacher to the classroom until the teacher reported to work. In addition, if a teacher knew he would be absent from school the following day, he was expected to telephone the principal's secretary before 2:00 p.m. on the day prior to the absence. If the absence was not known until after 2:00 p.m., the teacher was expected to telephone an assigned number between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. that evening, or at 7:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. This enabled the school administration to timely obtain a substitute teacher. Williams was aware of these requirements. During school year 1984-85, Harden was the assistant principal in charge of curriculum at PPES. His responsibilities included counseling and meeting with teachers who were tardy or absent. On or about October 19, 1984 Harden met with Williams concerning her "continuous" tardiness in reporting to school each morning. She was told that the school day for teachers began at 8:15 a.m. Despite this warning, Williams was late to work on October 19, November 29 and December 4, 1984. This prompted another meeting by Harden and respondent on December 4, 1984. Williams was given a memorandum advising her that she had to be at school by 8:15 a.m. each morning. At the meeting, Williams explained she had a second job which lasted late into the night and enabled her to catch only a "catnap" in the early morning hours. Harden instructed her to set her priorities in order and to adhere to the school attendance requirements. Because of continuing tardiness and absences from work, Williams received another memorandum from Harden on January 24, 1985. The memorandum cited Williams for leaving campus on January 12 and 17, 1985 without authorization and being late to work on January 17. The two held a conference for the record on January 31, 1985 concerning these problems. On March 7, 1985 Crawford sent Williams a memorandum stating that he had "serious concerns about (her) tardiness and (her) habit of illegally leaving the campus during the school day." Another conference for the record was held on March 15. At the conference Williams again gave an excuse of having a second job as well as having problems with a boyfriend. She was told that she must comply with attendance requirements and not let the second job interfere with her primary job of teaching. On July 18, 1985 Williams received a memorandum from Harden for reporting late to work on July 17 and missing a homeroom assignment. The memorandum advised her to immediately remedy the situation and offered to help her if assistance was needed. Despite her poor attendance record, Williams was given an "acceptable" rating and recommended for employment in her annual evaluation rendered on May 17, 1985. There was, however, a comment that a "conference for the record for tardies" had been held during the school year. Williams' attendance and punctuality record did not improve the following school year. She was given at least five memoranda between July, 1985 and January, 1986 concerning her tardiness or absences. She was counseled by Armbruister on October 22, 1985 and specifically told to review the faculty handbook concerning attendance requirements. Armbruister spoke with her again concerning the same problems on November 12, 1985. Because the problem persisted, school officials felt compelled to hold a conference for the record on January 27, 1986. At that time, Williams attributed her difficulties to a second job, problems with a boyfriend, a "peeping tom" in the neighborhood who kept her from sleeping, and no telephone. She admitted she was wrong and indicated she would try to do better. Despite this meeting, Williams took an unauthorized leave at lunch on January 31. This prompted a conference with Armbruister the same day to discuss the latest incident. Williams was given a memorandum advising her to review a summary of the conference for the record held four days earlier and to follow the school's recommendations. In school year 1986-87, Williams' erratic attendance and lack of punctuality continued. As of December 16, 1986, which was roughly halfway through the school year, Williams was late or absent forty-three out of seventy- five workdays. Because of this continuing pattern, a conference for the record was held by respondent and Crawford on October 9, 1986. Williams was found to be deficient in the area of professional responsibility and placed on prescription until December 19. This meant she had to fulfill certain conditions by the end of the prescriptive period. Among other things, Williams was required to arrive daily at work by 8:00 a.m., to timely telephone the office about any absences, to submit a written statement explaining each absence, to report to an administrator or office staff member upon arrival to school each morning, to have up-to-date emergency lesson plans, and to read the teacher contract and teacher assessment handbook. In the month of January, 1987, Williams was tardy on eleven mornings and absent from work on six days. In February, she was tardy the morning of February 2. This was also the day that Williams brought the alcoholic beverage on campus during lunch hour. An emergency conference for the record was held the following day, which was her last day at PPES. Failure to Follow Orders The Amended Notice alleges that, during school years 1984-85, 1985-86 and 1986-87, Williams committed acts of gross insubordination, including . . . repeatedly failing to follow ordered procedures . . . for reporting absences, . . . procedures concerning her morning arrivals at school, . . . procedures documenting absences, . . . procedures concerning lesson plans, records and student report cards, . . . orders to stay awake while (performing) . . . assigned duties, . . . orders concerning tardiness after lunch, (and) . . . orders to not leave the school campus other than during her lunch period. After being placed on prescription on October 10, 1986, Williams was required to fulfill certain requirements enumerated in finding of fact 18. However, she failed to notify an administrator or office staff member upon arrival at school each morning from October 13 through December 15 except for the week of October 13. She also failed to submit a written explanation of her absences on October 27 and 29, November 3, 18, 24 and 25, and December 2 and 3, 1986. She failed further to timely advise the school of absences on October 21 and 29, November 24 and December 2 and 3, 1986. All such failures were in direct contravention of the written prescription. Although Williams contended such violations were not willful, it is found they were intentional. Other than a reference to Williams' failure to timely prepare lesson plans during an undisclosed part of school year 1985-86, and a prescription requiring her to prepare emergency lesson plans in October, 1986, the Board did not establish that Williams repeatedly failed to prepare lesson plans, report cards and other unnamed "records." Williams was observed sleeping in class on two specific occasions during the school years in question. On a third occasion, an administrator observed her with her head down on her desk as if asleep but could not say for sure that she was sleeping. Assistant principal Harden also said Williams was caught sleeping on a number of other occasions but did not identify the dates. There being only three specific times on which Williams was found sleeping, it is found that no direct disobeyel of orders occurred on the part of respondent as to sleeping in class. Williams was given repeated instructions since 1984 to be punctual for work each day. Despite these orders, she continued to be late on numerous occasions between September 1984 and February, 1987. She also failed to timely advise the school concerning her absences or tardiness on many occasions in spite of specific instructions to do so. Finally, after having received a number of oral and written directives, she nonetheless left school on several occasions for more than thirty minutes during the lunch hour without authorization. Incompetency Respondent taught a Chapter One class at PPES. This class is comprised of students needing additional training and instruction in basic skills such as reading and mathematics. It is smaller than a regular class so that the teacher may give the students added instruction and attention. Because of respondent's repeated absenteeism and tardiness over the course of the school years, the children in respondent's class were denied the continuity of their instructional program. This also meant the lesson plans could not be carried out as prepared on those days on which she was late. Therefore, the students continually received a reduced period of instruction. This in turn impaired her effectiveness as a teacher. Respondent's Case In 1982, respondent's father became gravely ill and was thereafter bedridden at her mother's home until his death in 1987. According to Williams, her mother cared for him during the day and Williams took her turn at night. She also visited him on occasion during her lunch hour. As a result, she was required to spend long waking hours during the night with her father and to overextend her lunch hour while visiting him during the day. Williams attributed her attendance problems and her falling asleep to the demands of her father. However, Williams never told her superiors of this problem nor did she obtain authorization to leave campus during lunch hour. Just prior to her separation from PPES Williams acknowledged to school officials that she had a drinking problem. She also agreed to attend a clinic for problem drinkers. At hearing she denied having such a problem and said her earlier admission was given solely for the purpose of saving her job. However, she acknowledged attending a drinking clinic for a few days in early 1987. At the school's request, she also took a physical examination in February, 1987. The results are not of record. Williams contended that other teachers were late but were not written up. However, no proof as to this contention was submitted. The Teacher Assessment and Development System (TADS) is the standard measure of teacher performance in Dade County. There was no evidence of any negative TADS evaluation of respondent despite her repeated tardiness and absences from school. Respondent's last TADS evaluation covered the period up to and including March 25, 1986.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty of misconduct in office, gross insubordination and incompetency as set forth in this Recommended Order and that she be dismissed as an employee of petitioner. DONE AND ORDERED this 4th day of April, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of April, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-1456 Petitioner: Rejected as being unnecessary. Covered in finding of fact 1. Covered in findings of fact 5, 17 and 25. Covered in findings of fact 12-15 and 25. Covered in findings of fact 12-19. Covered in findings of fact 12-19. Covered in findings of fact 12-19. Covered in finding of fact 9. Covered in finding of fact 3. Covered in finding of fact 25. Covered in findings of fact 25 and 27. Respondent: Covered in finding of fact 1. Covered in finding of fact 1. Covered in finding of fact 26. Covered in finding of fact 26. Covered in finding of fact 26. Covered in finding of fact 26. Rejected as being unnecessary. Accepted to the extent the same is covered in the findings; the remainder is rejected as being contrary to the more credible and persuasive evidence. Covered in finding of fact 29. Covered in finding of fact 29. Covered in finding of fact 29. Covered in finding of fact 29. Covered in finding of fact 29 Rejected as being contrary to the more credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected since respondent's deficiencies constituted incompetency. Rejected as being irrelevant. Rejected since respondent admitted knowing that the beverage was alcoholic in nature. Partially covered in finding of fact 3. Rejected as being contrary to the evidence. Covered in finding of fact 27. Covered in finding of fact 27. Covered in finding of fact 27. Rejected since respondent admitted having a drinking problem during her conference with Dr. Gil on February 3, 1987. Rejected since the Board's basis for dismissing respondent was based on other factors. Rejected as being contrary to the more credible and persuasive evidence. Rejected as being contrary to the more credible and persuasive evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank R. Harder, Esquire Fontainebleau Park Office Plaza Suite 2A-3 175 Fontainebleau Boulevard Miami, Florida 33172 Lorraine C. Hoffman, Esquire 2929 Southwest Third Avenue Suite One Miami, Florida 33129 Dr. Joseph A. Fernandez Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Room 418, Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Pierce, Florida Mar. 07, 2002 Number: 02-000973 Latest Update: Feb. 21, 2003

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in the conduct alleged in the Statement of Charges. If so, what action, if any, should be taken against Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made to supplement and clarify the factual stipulations entered into by the parties:5 The School Board is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in St. Lucie County, Florida, (including, among others, Parkway Elementary School, Woodland Academy, Westwood High School, Centennial High School, and Port St. Lucie High School) and for otherwise providing public instruction to school-aged children in the county. Among the School Board's instructional programs is its Hospitalized/Homebound Services Program (Program), which serves "students who are hospitalized [in St. Lucie County] or [otherwise] not able to come to school for at least three weeks." Instructional services are provided to students in the Program in out-of-school settings within the jurisdictional boundaries of St. Lucie County: at the hospital (if the student is hospitalized6) or at the student's home (if the student is homebound). These services are furnished through certified teachers who go to where the students are confined to provide them with instruction. "[M]ost [but not all] of the teachers . . . providing services in [the Program] are teachers who teach during the course of the [regular school] day . . . at [the School Board's] schools." In addition to receiving their regular salaries, these teachers are compensated at an hourly rate of $17.00 per hour for the time that they spend with the hospitalized or homebound students to whom they are assigned. They are also paid at that same rate ($17.00 per hour) for the time that they spend engaging in hospitalized/homebound "pre-planning" (up to a maximum of one hour per student assignment) and hospitalized/homebound "post-planning" (up to a maximum of one hour per student assignment). During "pre-planning," the hospitalized/homebound teacher (H/H teacher) engages in the preparations necessary for providing instructional services to the hospitalized or homebound student. These preparations include meeting with the guidance counselor and teachers at the student's home school to determine what instruction the student will be receiving and to ascertain the role, if any, the home school will play in the instructional process. "[O]btaining [needed] books and materials and creating [any necessary] lesson plans" are among the other things that an H/H teacher is expected to take care of during his or her "pre-planning" time. "Post-planning" time is for the H/H teacher to complete the "dismissal process," which involves turning in paperwork and "meet[ing] with the secretary in the [P]rogram." In addition to the compensation they receive for the actual contact they have with their assigned students and for their "pre-planning" and "post-planning" time, H/H teachers also get paid ($8.50, or one half of their hourly rate) "for their inconvenience" each time they make a scheduled visit to a student's home to provide instruction and no one is there (which happens infrequently). H/H teachers are to "reinitiate services" following such a student "no show" only "after contact ha[s] been made with the home to be certain that the student w[ill] be present." To get paid, H/H teachers must submit completed Hospitalized/Homebound Service Logs (H/H Service Logs) for each assigned student, documenting the dates and times they spent with the student, as well as their "pre-planning" and "post- planning" time and any student "no shows." On each occasion that they visit with a student, H/H teachers must enter on the H/H Service Log for that student the date and the starting and ending times of the visit7 and obtain (on the "Parent Signature" line next to these entries) the signature of the student's parent or other responsible adult present (as verification that the visit was made as indicated by the teacher). Because "pre-planning," "post-planning," and student "no shows" do not involve actual student contact, there is no requirement that (nor reason for) the H/H teacher to obtain the signature of the student's parent or the parent's surrogate to verify that the teacher's entries on the H/H Service Log of "pre-planning" and "post-planning" time and student "no shows" are accurate. H/H teachers are not compensated for the time that they spend traveling in connection with the discharge of their duties, but they are reimbursed for such travel, on a per trip basis, for their mileage in excess of ten miles. To receive such reimbursement, they must submit a completed Monthly Travel and Request for Reimbursement Form reflecting the dates of travel and, for each trip, "from where to where" they traveled, the trip's purpose, and the total number of miles traveled. The foregoing Program policies are of a long-standing nature and were in effect at all times material to the instant case. H/H teachers report to a Program Specialist, who oversees "the day-to-day operations of the Program." Billy Tomlinson was the Program Specialist from 1989 to 1994. Mr. Tomlinson's successor was Bennet Buckles, Jr., who remained in the position until the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year, when Brenda Washington became the Program Specialist. Ms. Washington was the Program Specialist during the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 school years. Ms. Washington was replaced by Talecia Jones. Karen Clover is the current Program Specialist. Immediately above the Program Specialist in the chain of command is the School Board's Director of Exceptional Student Education,8 whose immediate supervisor is the School Board's Executive Director of Student Services. The Director of Exceptional Student Education and the Executive Director of Student Services are administrators who have the authority to establish and modify Program policies. Sandra Akre is now, and has been since approximately 1998, the School Board's Director of Exceptional Student Education. Barbara Slaga is now, and has been since 1992, the School Board's Executive Director of Student Services. It is expected that any questions that an H/H teacher has regarding the Program will first be directed to the Program Specialist; however, H/H teachers are free to consult with Ms. Akre and Ms. Slaga, particularly if the teachers are told something by the Program Specialist that "seem[s] to be in conflict with past practice or what they have done before."9 The Program Specialist is a not an administrator, but rather is a "teacher on special assignment" responsible for seeing to it that Program policies are followed. The Program Specialist lacks the authority to permit an H/H teacher to receive compensation for more than one hour of "pre-planning" time per student (the maximum allowed under Program policy), even where "extraordinary circumstances" exist. Such a deviation from Program policy must be approved by an administrator. Among the duties of the Program Specialist is to train H/H teachers. A prerequisite to becoming and remaining an H/H teacher is participating in an annual training session conducted by the Program Specialist. This required training is "typically . . . provided at the beginning of the [school] year" and is "extensive." Each training session lasts "two to two-an-a-half hours [and] all the [Program] procedures and the rules" are covered, including the long-standing Program policies regarding H/H teacher compensation and reimbursement discussed above.10 The Program Specialist uses a training manual to facilitate training. The contents of the manual for H/H teachers are reviewed during training. A copy of the manual is given to each H/H teacher to keep and "use . . . as a reference." Training at the beginning of the 1999-2000 school year was jointly conducted by Ms. Washington, the new Program Specialist, and Mr. Buckles, her predecessor. The following school year, Ms. Washington conducted the training herself, using a new training manual that she had put together (2000-01 Manual or Manual). The 2000-01 Manual contained "more detail" on some subjects than the version it replaced. The following "Hospitalized/Homebound Procedures" were set forth in the 2000-01 Manual: Upon admission to the Hospitalized/Homebound Program, the referral form is generated from the Doctor and submitted to the Homebound office where it will be processed. A staffing will be held to determine eligibility for the program. As prescribed by rule 6A-6.03020(3) the IEP will be developed on an informal basis unless they are enrolled in ESE. If enrolled in ESE, then a school based staffing MUST take place. At this point a teacher will be assigned to provide the educational program. The assignment of the teacher will be determined by the ESE office. The number of hours for the student will be determined on an individual basis. The teacher is responsible for developing the Individual Education Plan as outlined in the flow chart. Our responsibility is for the delivery of subjects that are required in the educational program NOT necessarily the elective subjects. Elective instruction should be correlated between the school and homebound teacher. Elective subjects that are required for graduation will be given consideration.* (*This does not mean that we will not provide instruction in elective subjects.) The guidance counselor must be an active participant in determination of the subjects to be covered. All Hospital[ized]/Homebound teachers must use the Hospital[ized]/Homebound Conference Form. It is the responsibility of all homebound teachers to meet with all of a student's classroom teachers and document how information will be transferred. After the conference a copy must be forwarded to the principal of the school. NEVER leave the school without obtaining a signature on the form from either the guidance counselor or principal. During the conference stress the fact that grades will improve because of one-on- one instruction. If they do not improve someone is not doing something correct[ly]. . . . 12. Assignments are to be returned on a weekly basis with communication reports going to the school along with a copy of the communication report forwarded to the Hospital[ized]/Homebound office. The "Hospital[ized]/Homebound Staff Responsibilities" section of the 2000-01 Manual provided as follows: Upon admission to the Hospital Homebound Program, each student will be assigned to a teacher. The teacher is responsible for: -Attend inservice and workshops as required. -Attend staffings at ESE office or home school as assigned. -Setting up appointments with guidance counselors, teachers and parents. -Completing necessary paperwork, including writing short-term objectives. Contacting home schools to determine courses/concerns as necessary. Act as liaison between subject area teachers and parents when needed; if a concern arises for a student in a particular class or subject area, the subject area teacher should first contact the parent. If the issue is not resolved, the Homebound teacher should be contacted for input. The specialist should be notified following the resolution by the subject area [teacher] and Homebound teacher. -Preparing and maintaining grade sheets. -Scheduling instructional time periods. -Keeping accurate attendance records. -Delivering and returning materials, textbooks, units, or tests. -Filling out FTE individual student schedules for FTE count. -Maintaining papers for school/parents to be mailed. -Administering state, local, and teacher developed test/assessments. -Completing Hospital[ized]/Homebound grade sheets. Conferring with student, parents, and school guidance counselors on course changes or adaptations. -Providing information to other subject area teachers about a student's medical problem, limitations, and education background. However, if student is in a hospital, all information is confidential. -Maintaining accurate weekly schedules and travel logs. Completing weekly Communications logs between Hospital[ized]/Homebound and regular education teacher. -In order for a teacher to claim pay for 1 (one) hour of pre-planning, it will be necessary to submit to us the Homebound Conference Form which shows actual attendance at school based meeting. -In order for a teacher to obtain pay for 1 (one) hour of post-planning, it will be necessary to sign off on Homebound dismissal with Janet Cooper. At the dismissal time, all paperwork must be submitted and at the close-out staffing it will be disseminated to the appropriate school. You have 24 hours after dismissal to have all paperwork turned in to the ESE Homebound Office. You must call and make an appointment with Janet Cooper. The "Guidelines [for] Hospitalized/Homebound Teachers" section of the 2000-01 Manual provided as follows: Welcome to the Hospitalized/Homebound Program of St. Lucie County. Your interest and willingness to help are appreciated, and we feel sure that you will enjoy the work you do with our students. You probably have many questions concerning this program, and we hope that these few guidelines will be of some help. Call the school counselor to schedule a meeting. Call the student's home and inform the parent/guardian of the meeting with the guidance counselor. It is best if the parent can meet with both of you. If they cannot, however, you can make an appointment with the parent to review the plan. Remind the parent or guardian that a responsible adult must be present at all times while you are in the home. This may be a relative or neighbor if the parents are unable to be there. It is recommended that an average of 3-5 hours per week be spent with elementary students, 4-8 hours per week with middle school students and 7-12 hours per week with high school students, but some situations may require more or less time. (Flexibility is the name of the game in this program.) In your initial conversation with the parent, you may find out whether the student has books and/or assignments and what he/she needs from school. Each time you visit the student, ask the adult who is there to sign your contracted teacher log. If the student is in the hospital, ask a nurse to sign it for you. Please follow the payroll schedule to assure proper payment for your services. You will be paid for actual student contact hours. Mileage is included in your stipend for the first ten (10) miles traveled on any visit to the student residence or place of instruction. We will try to assign students within a reasonable distance from your home. Please work with the students on regular school days, not on holidays or weekends. The School Board considers only those school days according to the official school calendar as appropriate teaching days. When you accept a student, you will be given a packet containing all forms and information that you will need. There will always be questions so please feel free to call. Our number at the ESE office is . . . . The 2000-01 Manual also contained the following "Hospitalized/Homebound Program Procedures for Completing Travel Forms": The following procedures have been established for completing travel forms: Contracted teachers are required to submit the travel form that coincides with the time sheet. Accounting has requested this requirement. Stipend teachers' travel can be accumulated and then submitted after the form is completed for the month. In the column "From Where - To Where" write from where you are leaving (ex: School Name or your home), then write the student's address (not name), next, where you returned to (ex: School Name or your home). You may write "home" because your address appears at the bottom of the form. As noted on the form "indicate clearly if round trip." You may submit trips to the student's school to pick up homework, meetings, etc. for the student. Indicate the mileage from point of departure to the destination, then point of return. In the column "Purpose" write the reason for the trip, such as tutor homebound student. If other than tutoring, please indicate the reason. When calculating mileage the following steps are necessary: Enter the total miles from your point of departure to the student's home then to your point of return. Write on the form under "Miles" the total miles for this round trip. Then, write the subtraction of 10 miles from the total. This will be the figure allowed for reimbursement. You must write round trip total per trip minus 10 miles for each day. If this is not indicated on your form that you subtracted 10 miles for each trip, then we will subtract 10 from the daily totals to calculate your reimbursement. At the bottom of the form, write the date you completed the form, your social security number, print your name and address, and be sure to sign. This form cannot be submitted without your signature and will be returned to you if omitted. If you have any question, please call Janet for further assistance at . . . . In addition, the 2000-01 Manual included copies of the following forms, among others: the Hospitalized/Homebound Conference Form, the Hospitalized/Homebound Program Record Weekly Communication Record, the H/H Service Log, and the Monthly Travel and Request for Reimbursement Form. On the top of the Hospitalized/Homebound Conference Form in the Manual was the following statement: The Hospital[ized]/Homebound Program is coordinating the education services for the student listed. To maintain parity with the quality education provided by the classroom teacher, the program will require a copy of course syllabi, appropriate textbooks, weekly assignments and evaluations. *If the Hospital[ized]/Homebound teacher is responsible for grading assignment and evaluations an answer key is required. The Guidance Department must determine if the existing course schedule is appropriate for Hospital[ized]/Homebound instruction. Appropriate modifications to course offering or content must be determined prior to plan implementation. The form had spaces for the student's name, address, school, grade, guidance counselor, and H/H teacher, the "date of meeting," the "subjects to be taught" by the H/H teacher, the signatures of the "classroom teachers" who would otherwise be teaching the student those subjects, and the signatures of the guidance counselor and the H/H teacher. There were also spaces to indicate, for each subject, whether assignments and examinations would be "transferred" by "PONY," the student's parent, or the H/H teacher and whether these assignments and examinations would be graded by the classroom teacher or the H/H teacher. The Hospitalized/Homebound Program Weekly Communication Record in the Manual had spaces for the H/H teacher to indicate the student's "academic average for the week by subject." The H/H Service Log in the Manual indicated on its face that it was a "record of hospitalized/homebound teacher services." It had spaces for the H/H teacher to indicate the "[d]ays(s) and time(s) of the week [the] student [in question] was served." In all caps and boldface type on the log was the reminder, "Parent/Guardian signature required daily," and there were spaces on the log for such signatures. The log also contained the following certification to be signed and dated by the H/H teacher: "I hereby certify that the above services were provided by me as indicated." Underneath the signature line for the H/H teacher were signature lines for the Program Specialist and the "administrator [giving] approval." The Monthly Travel and Request for Reimbursement Form in the Manual had four columns with the following headings, reading from left to right: "Date of Travel," "From Where - To Where (Indicate clearly if round trip)," "Purpose," and "Miles." On the bottom left hand corner of the form was the following "Note": Miles to and from school centers must agree with approved school mileage chart. Each date of travel must be reported separately. Respondent was among the H/H teachers who were trained and supervised by Ms. Washington during the 2000-01 school year.11 This was not the first year that she had taught in the Program.12 At all times that she served as an H/H teacher, Respondent was also under contract with the School Board to provide school-based instruction during the regular school day. Although she has been employed by the School Board since approximately 1981, she has not been a teacher for this entire period of time. From the commencement of her employment with the School Board until the 1994-95 school year, she held various noninstructional positions. During the 1994-95 school year, Respondent graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a degree in exceptional education. She obtained, and still holds, Florida certification in the areas of emotionally handicapped and severely emotionally disturbed. It has only been since the 1994-95 school year, when she taught a varying exceptionalities class at Parkway Elementary School, that Respondent has worked as a teacher for the School Board. At the beginning of the 2000-01 school year, Respondent taught at Westwood High School. In or around September 20, 2000, she was transferred to Woodland Academy, where she remained for the rest of the school year. Respondent returned to Westwood High School the next school year. S. S. is one of the students served by the Program. She is a sixteen-year-old girl who has Cystic Fibrosis. Because of her illness, S. S. "runs infections quite a bit" and often needs to be hospitalized for ten days to two weeks or more at a time. As a result, "she doesn't get much time home." J. S. is S. S.'s mother. J. S. "work[s] a tremendously demanding job" with long hours that often prevents her from being home before evening. Sometime after the beginning of the 2000-01 school year, in or around late September or early October of 2000, Respondent (who had already undergone the required annual training for H/H teachers) was assigned by Ms. Washington to be S. S.'s H/H teacher. The assignment continued until the end of the school year. During the 2000-01 school year, S. S. was a ninth grade student taking, among other subjects, English, algebra, biology and global studies. Her home school that year was Centennial High School. S. S. was hospitalized at St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, on seven different occasions during the 2000-01 school year. The shortest of these hospital stays was ten days. The longest was 19 days. Before each of these hospitalizations, J. S. gave the School Board notice (by telephoning either Respondent or the School Board's Exceptional Student Education office) that S. S. would be going into the hospital. At no time during the 2000-01 school year did S. S. have access to a functioning computer (either at the hospital or at home) that she used for schoolwork.13 The School Board provided S. S. with a computer that Respondent tried to set up in S. S.'s home, but the computer "never worked." During the period that Respondent was S. S.'s H/H teacher (and S. S. was at home and not hospitalized), Respondent did not visit S. S. every school day; rather, she visited once or twice a week. J. S. was present for only a "few" of these visits. She was under the impression that she did not need to be there when Respondent visited inasmuch as S. S. had "hit high school age." The longest Respondent ever stayed with S. S. during a visit was one and half to two hours. There were only one or two visits of this length. They occurred "at the beginning" when Respondent was attempting to set up the computer in S. S.'s home. The other visits were "short" and, for the most part, involved Respondent "just dropping off work" for S. S. When S. S. completed the work that Respondent had dropped off for her, she gave it to her mother or her sister to give to Respondent. Respondent provided S. S. with no instruction during her visits with S. S. except for "a little bit" of instruction in algebra.14 Respondent submitted completed H/H Service Logs (using the form contained in the Manual) on which she knowingly made false representations, with the intent to defraud the School Board,15 concerning the "services [she] provided" S. S. She did so to obtain compensation to which she knew she was not entitled.16 On many of the occasions that Respondent claimed, on the logs, she had been with S. S. providing "services," she, in fact, had not provided the "services" claimed. Respondent made these false claims knowing that they were not true and anticipating that the School Board would rely upon them in determining the amount of pay she would receive. J. S. was an unwitting participant in Respondent's scheme. J. S. signed H/H Service Logs presented to her by Respondent after being told by Respondent that Respondent "had been coming" to visit S. S. when J. S. was not home and that J. S. needed to sign the logs to indicate that such visits had been made. J. S. took Respondent at her word about these alleged visits and followed Respondent's directions. Some of the H/H Service Logs that Respondent gave J. S. to sign had the dates and times of these alleged unsupervised visits already filled in. Others did not. The evidentiary record contains twelve H/H Service Logs (collectively covering the period from September 25, 2000 to May 25, 2001) that Respondent filled out and turned in during the time that she was S. S.'s H/H teacher. On each, Respondent "certif[ied]" (by her signature) that she had "served" S. S. on the dates and times indicated thereon. There is a signature purporting to be that of J. S. on the "Parent Signature" line to the right of each date of "service[]" entered on each log.17 With one exception (the log covering the period from April 23, 2001, to May 11, 2001), each log also bears what purports to be Ms. Washington's signature on the "Program Specialist" signature line directly underneath Respondent's "certif[ication]." On the first log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from September 25, 2000, to October 13, 2000: Monday, September 25, 2000, for an hour, from 8:30 to 9:3018; Tuesday, September 26, 2000, for two hours, from 7:30 to 9:30; Wednesday, September 27, 2000, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30; Thursday, September 28, 2000, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30; Friday, September 29, 2000, for three hours, from 6:30 to 9:30; Monday October 2, 2000, for two hours, from 9:00 to 11:00; Tuesday, October 3, 2000, for two hours, from 9:00 to 11:00; Wednesday, October 4, 2000, for two hours, from 9:00 to 11:00; Thursday, October 5, 2000, for three hours, from 8:00 to 11:00; Friday, October 6, 2000, for three hours, from 5:30 to 8:30; Tuesday, October 10, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; Wednesday, October 11, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; and Thursday, October 12, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00. It was noted on the log that October 9, 2000, was Yom Kippur and that October 13, 2000, was an "inservice day." On the second log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from October 16, 2000, to November 3, 2000: Monday, October 16, 2000, for one hour, from 6:00 to 7:00; Tuesday, October 17, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Wednesday, October 18, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Thursday, October 19, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Friday, October, 20, 2000, for one hour, from 6:00 to 7:00; Tuesday, October 24, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Wednesday, October 25, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Thursday, October 26, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Friday, October 27, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Monday, October 30, 2000, for one hour, from 6:00 to 7:00; Tuesday, October 31, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Wednesday, November 1, 2000, for two hours from 6:00 to 8:00; Thursday, November 2, 2000, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; and Friday, November 3, 2000, for one hour, from 6:00 to 7:00. On the third log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from November 6, 2000, to November 24, 2000: Monday, November 6, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; and Tuesday, November 7, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00. It was noted on the log that S. S. was in the hospital on the remaining regular school days during the period. On the fourth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from November 27, 2000, to December 15, 2000: Wednesday, November 29, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; Thursday, November 30, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; Friday, December 1, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00; and Monday, December 4, 2000, for three hours, from 6:00 to 9:00. It was noted on the log that S. S. was in the hospital on the remaining regular school days during the period. On the fifth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from January 3, 2001, to January 12, 2001: Wednesday, January 3, 2001, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Thursday, January 4, 2001, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Friday, January 5, 2001, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00; Monday, January 8, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 6:00 to 8:30; Tuesday, January 9, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 6:00 to 8:30; Wednesday, January 10, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 6:00 to 8:30; Thursday, January 11, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 6:00 to 8:30; and Friday, January 12, 2001, for two hours, from 6:00 to 8:00. On the sixth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from January 15, 2001, to February 2, 2001: Tuesday, January 16, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, January 17, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, January 18, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Monday, January 22, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, January 23, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, January 24, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, January 25, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Friday, January 26, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Monday, January 29, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, January 30, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; and Wednesday, January 31, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00. It was noted on the log that S. S. was in the hospital on the remaining regular school days (February 1 and 2, 2001) during the period. On the seventh log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from February 5, 2001, to February 16, 2001: Wednesday, February 7, 2001, for three and half hours, from 3:00 to 6:30; Thursday, February 8, 2001, for three and half hours, from 3:00 to 6:30; Friday, February 9, 2001, for four hours, from 3:00 to 7:00; Monday February 12, 2001, for one hour, from 3:00 to 4:00; Tuesday, February 13, 2001, for three and half hours, from 3:00 to 6:30; Wednesday, February 14, 2001, for three and half hours, from 3:00 to 6:30; Thursday, February 15, 2001, for three and half hours, from 3:00 to 6:30; and February 16, 2001, for a half hour, from 3:00 to 3:30. It was noted on the log that S. S. was in the hospital on the remaining regular school days (February 5 and 6, 2001) during the period. On the eighth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from February 19, 2001, to March 2, 2001: Monday, February 19, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, February 20, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, February 21, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, February 22, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Friday, February 23, 2001, for one hour, from 3:00 to 4:00; Monday, February 26, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, February 27, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, February 28, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, March 1, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; and Friday, March 2, 2001, for one hour, from 3:00 to 4:00. On the ninth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from March 5, 2001, to March 16, 2001: Monday, March 5, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Tuesday, March 6, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Wednesday, March 7, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Thursday, March 8, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; and Friday, March 9, 2001, for an hour, from 3:00 to 4:00. It was noted on the log that S. S. was not provided any "services" the week of March 12, 2001, and that she was "hospitalized" for the last three days of that week. On the tenth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from April 2, 2001, to April 20, 2001: Monday, April 2, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, April 3, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Wednesday, April 4, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Thursday, April 5, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Friday, April 6, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Monday, April 16, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 2:30 to 5:00; Tuesday, April 17, 2001, for two hours, from 2:30 to 4:30; Wednesday, April 18, 2001, for two hours, from 2:30 to 4:30; Thursday, April 19, 2001, for two hours, from 2:30 to 4:30; and Friday, April 20, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 2:30 to 5:00. It was noted on the log that the week of April 9, 2001, was "spring break." On the eleventh log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from April 23, 2001, to May 11, 2001: Monday, April 23, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, April 24, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, April 25, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, April 26, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Friday, April 27, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Monday, April 30, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, May 1, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Monday, May 7, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Tuesday, May 8, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Wednesday, May 9, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; Thursday, May 10, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00; and Friday, May 11, 2001, for two hours, from 3:00 to 5:00. It was noted on the log that S. S. was "hospitalized" on the remaining regular school days (May 2, 3, and 4, 2001) during the period. On the twelfth log she submitted, Respondent "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. on the following dates and times during the period from May 14, 2001, to May 25, 2001: Monday, May 14, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Tuesday, May 15, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Wednesday, May 16, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Thursday, May 17, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Friday, May 18, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Monday, May 21, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Tuesday, May 22, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Wednesday, May 23, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; Thursday, May 24, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30; and Friday, May 25, 2001, for an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30. On an area of the log where there were no printed words or lines was the following notation: "One hour planning." No date or times were given, nor was there any signature next to this notation.19 The evidentiary record also contains four Monthly Travel and Request for Reimbursement Forms (Travel Reimbursement Forms) that Respondent filled out and turned in during the time that she was S. S.'s H/H teacher.20 The first of these Travel Reimbursement Forms covered the period from September 25, 2000, to October 13, 2000, the same period covered by the first service log. On this Travel Reimbursement Form, Respondent claimed that she traveled from her home to S. S.'s home and back (a round trip of 33.5 miles) on each of the days that, according to the first service log, she "served" S. S.21 No other travel was reflected on the form. The second of these Travel Reimbursement Forms covered the period from January 15, 2001, to February 9, 2001. On this Travel Reimbursement Form, Respondent claimed that she traveled from her home to S. S.'s home and back on each of the days that, on the sixth service log, she represented she "served" S. S. She further claimed, on this Travel Reimbursement Form, that she made the same round trip on February 7, 8, and 9, 2001 (days that, on the seventh service log, she represented she "served" S. S). No other travel was reflected on the form. The third of these Travel Reimbursement Forms covered the period from February 19, 2001, to March 2, 2001, the same period covered by the eighth service log. On this Travel Reimbursement Form, Respondent claimed that she traveled from her home to S. S.'s home and back on each of the days that, on the eighth service log, she represented she "served" S. S. No other travel was reflected on the form. The fourth and last of these Travel Reimbursement Forms covered the period from March 5, 2001, to March 16, 2001, the same period covered by the ninth service log. On this Travel Reimbursement Form, Respondent claimed that she traveled from her home to S. S.'s home and back on each of the days that, on the ninth service log, she represented she "served" S. S. No other travel was reflected on the form. The evidentiary record also contains one H/H Service Log on which Ms. Washington "certif[ied]" that she "served" S. S. (as S. S.'s H/H teacher) on September 18, 2000, for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:0022; September 20, 2000, for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:00; September 22, 2000, for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:00; September 24, 2000,23 for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:00; September 25, 2000, for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:00; and September 26, 2000, for four hours, from 5:00 to 9:00.24 There is no "Parent Signature" to the right of either the September 18, 21, 24, or 26, 2000, entry. There is a signature purporting to be that of J. S. on the "Parent Signature" line to the right of each of the other alleged dates of "service[]." There is a notation on the log (together with an arrow) indicating that S. S. was "[r]e-assigned [to] Celestine Baker" on the Thursday of the school week beginning Monday, September 25, 2000 (that is, on September 28, 2000).25 The administrator who signed the log was someone other than Ms. Slaga or Ms. Akre. It was not until after the end of the school year that it "c[a]me to [Ms. Slaga's] attention that Ms. Washington had some service logs[26] related to [S. S.]." Ms. Slaga found it "very unusual to see" an H/H Service Log submitted by a Program Specialist. At the suggestion of Susan Ranew, the School Board's Director of Personnel, Ms. Slaga visited J. S. and showed her the service logs in question. J. S. told Ms. Slaga, after examining the logs, that "no services" were provided on some of the alleged dates of "service[]," including dates on which S. S. "was in the hospital in West Palm Beach." J. S. added that not all of the signatures on the "Parent Signature" lines on the logs were hers. When Ms. Slaga returned from her visit with J. S., she "pulled out all of [S. S.'s] logs," including those submitted by Respondent, and reviewed them. Ms. Slaga noticed that "some of the dates that were on [Respondent's] log were the same dates that Ms. Washington had [claimed] that she [had] provided services to [S. S.]."27 These were dates on which, according to what J. S. "had already shared" with Ms. Slaga, S. S. "was in the hospital in West Palm [Beach]." After obtaining information from St. Mary's Medical Center concerning S. S.'s hospitalizations, Ms. Slaga re- examined the service logs and confirmed "that there were days of service indicated by both Ms. Washington and [Respondent] that [S. S] had been in the hospital." Ms. Slaga "turned the information over to the [School Board's] Personnel [Office]." Russell Anderson, the School Board's Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, after consulting with the School Board's Superintendent of Schools, called in the law firm of Richeson and Associates to engage in "formal fact finding." During the "formal fact finding," Respondent was provided the opportunity to give "a statement of her side of the story." Through her attorney, she declined to give such a statement.28 At some point in time, Respondent telephoned S. S. and told S. S., if S. S. "were contacted by the School [Board] regarding [Respondent's] services," to lie and say that Respondent "came every day."29 Ms. Washington, unlike Respondent, did give a statement, which "was eventually turned into an affidavit." In her affidavit (which was received into evidence as Respondent's Exhibit 3, over the School Board's objection), after discussing the Program and procedures relating to the completion and approval of H/H Service Logs and Travel Reimbursement Forms, Ms. Washington went on to describe those "activities . . . related to [S. S.'s] involvement in the hospitalized/homebound program" in which she claimed she engaged on the dates of "service[]" indicated on her "service logs for the time periods of 8/22/00-8/30/00; 8/31/00-9/13/00; and 9/18/00-9/27/00." Some of the "activities" she described did not involve "actual student contact," such as "visiting different locations in St. Lucie and Martin Counties . . . in attempts to acquire a needed adapter for [an] Apple laptop computer so that [she] could provide the laptop to S. S." and attending "meetings at Port St. Lucie High School [S. S.'s home school at the time] concerning providing hospitalized/homebound services to [S. S.]." Ms. Washington further stated that, "[o]n 8/30/00, [she] went the [S. S.'s] home and installed a desktop computer and password" and that "[t]his desktop computer had the computer program 'Plato' installed on it so that [S. S.] could utilize computerized instruction." Ms. Washington added that, "since [she] had Plato installed on [her] laptop, [she] was able to monitor [S. S.] while [S. S.] worked on the desktop computer." Ms. Washington went on to claim that she did such "monitor[ing]" on the following dates: August 31, 2000; September 2, 2000; September 6, 2000; September 7, 2000; September 8, 2000; September 11, 2000; September 12, 2000; September 13, 2000; September 18, 2000; September 20, 2000; September 22, 2000; September 24, 2000; September 25, 2000; and September 26, 2000. These representations were false. There was no "computerized instruction." There was no "monitoring." Indeed, there was not even a "desktop computer" set up in S. S.'s home. These were all things that Ms. Washington had made up.30 Having described in the preceding portions of her affidavit the non-"actual student contact" activities in which she claimed to have engaged on the dates of "service[]" reported on the service logs she submitted, Ms. Washington made the following self-serving statements in paragraphs 21, 22 and 23 of the affidavit:31 I wrote the training manual for teachers in relation to the ESE Hospitalized/Homebound Program. Although page 9 of this training manual (#6) states "you will be paid for actual student contact hours" this does not prevent a hospitalized/homebound teacher or program specialist from submitting time on their service log for any activity related to a student in the hospitalized/homebound program. The Training Manual does not address all possible scenarios and is only intended to be a guide for teachers. The reference on page 9 of this training manual, which states "you will be paid for actual student contact hours" refers only to teachers/program specialists being reimbursed for mileage. I believe that it is proper for a teacher or program specialist to record on their service log any time that the teacher or program specialist spends performing any activity related to a student in the hospitalized/homebound program if that activity is performed outside the teacher's or program specialist's normal workday. Page 8 of this training manual provides that in order for teachers and program specialists to claim payment for 1 hour of pre-planning, actual attendance at a school based meeting[] is required. However, I believe that a teacher or program specialist is allowed to perform this pre-planning at [his or her] home, and that any time that the teacher or program specialist spends performing any activity at a school (outside [his or her] normal work hours) in relation to a student in the hospitalized/homebound program may be recorded on the service log. I performed the pre-planning for [S. S.] while I was in my office, during normal working hours. By mid-October of 2001, Ms. Washington had been suspended from her Program Specialist position and Ms. Jones had been assigned to take her place. While Ms. Jones was "in training," Mr. Tomlinson was asked to review and sign the completed H/H Service Logs submitted by the H/H teachers. Among the completed service logs Mr. Tomlinson reviewed was one submitted by Respondent, on which Respondent "certif[ied]" (by her signature) that she "served" J. A., a hospitalized/homebound student to whom she had been assigned, on the following dates and times during the period from October 1, 2001, to October 16, 2001: Monday, October 1, 2001, for two hours, from 3:15 to 5:15; Tuesday, October 2, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Wednesday, October 3, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Thursday, October 4, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Friday, October 5, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Monday, October 8, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Tuesday, October 9, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Wednesday, October 10, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Thursday, October 11, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45; Friday, October 12, 2001, for two hours, from 3:15 to 5:15; Monday, October 15, 2001, for two hours, from 3:15 to 5:15; and Tuesday, October 16, 2001, for two and a half hours, from 3:15 to 5:45. When Mr. Tomlinson received the log, there was a signature purporting to be that of J. A.'s mother on the "Parent Signature" line to the right of each date of "service[]" entered on the log.32 These signatures were forgeries (as evidenced by the misspelling, in each case, of J. A.'s mother's last name33). They had been placed on the log by Respondent, who did so because she knew that there needed to be a signature on the "Parent Signature" line next to each date of "service[]" in order for her to get paid for the hours of "service[]" she reported having provided on that date.34 Respondent was subsequently, like Ms. Washington, suspended without pay and recommended for termination. No showing has been made that, in being suspended without pay and recommended for termination, Respondent was treated differently and less favorably than any similarly situated teacher suspected by the School Board of having deceptively falsified documents for his or her own personal gain;35 nor has it been shown that she has been targeted for prosecution for any invidious or unlawful reason, such as her race.36

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the School Board issue a final order sustaining Respondent's suspension and terminating her employment as a professional service contract teacher with the School Board for having engaged in the deceptive and fraudulent conduct described above. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of December, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 2002.

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57447.203447.20990.60890.60990.610
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Key West, Florida Dec. 22, 2008 Number: 08-006398TTS Latest Update: Jul. 22, 2010

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner, Monroe County School Board, has “just cause” to terminate the employment of Respondent, Maryeugene E. Dupper, as a teacher for Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Petitioner, Monroe County School Board (hereinafter referred to as the “School Board”), is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the School District of Monroe County, Florida. Article IX, Florida Constitution; § 1001.32, Fla. Stat. Specifically, the School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Respondent, Maryeugene E. Dupper, has been a classroom teacher with the School Board since August 2000. She began her employment as a substitute teacher and was subsequently employed as a full-time teacher at Poinciana Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as “Poinciana”), where she worked with profoundly handicapped students. She remained at Poinciana through November 2006. Throughout her employment at Poinciana, Ms. Dupper received good performance evaluations, although they did decline over time. On November 17, 2006, Ms. Dupper transferred to Gerald Adams Elementary School (hereinafter referred to as “Gerald Adams”), where she taught a Pre-K Exceptional Student Education or ESE class for the first time. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, Ms. Dupper was employed as a teacher pursuant to a professional services contract. 2006-2007 School Year. From the beginning of her employment at Gerald Adams, Ms. Dupper evidenced difficulty implementing the curriculum in a meaningful way. In particular, Ann Herrin, Principal at Gerald Adams, whose testimony has been credited, found that Ms. Dupper was having a difficult time establishing the scope and sequence of lessons and effective classroom management techniques. Among the deficiencies Ms. Herrin found with Ms. Dupper’s performance was the lack of progress notes for her students. Ms. Dupper failed to keep any notes indicating that she had performed any formal evaluation of her students. When Ms. Herrin asked Ms. Dupper how she could tell whether her curriculum was successfully reaching each student, Ms. Dupper simply replied that “I am a teacher and I just know.” After conducting two formal observations and a number of informal observations of Ms. Dupper, Ms. Herrin, in her 2006- 2007 annual teacher evaluation concluded that Ms. Dupper “Needs Improvement” in Management of Student Conduct, Instruction Organization and Development, Knowledge of Subject Matter, and Evaluation of Instructional Needs. Ms. Herring used a Teacher Annual Assessment Plan Comprehensive Assessment Form for this evaluation. Overall, Ms. Herrin rated Ms. Dupper as “Needs Improvement” noting that “Curriculum content is lacking – making the learning environment unacceptable and unmanageable.” Subsequent to Ms. Herrin’s evaluation of Ms. Dupper, Ms. Herrin issued a Professional Development Plan for Ms. Dupper dated May 30, 2007. Ms. Dupper, who had been provided assistance throughout the school year by Gerald Adams administrative staff, was offered guidance in the Professional Development Plan intended to improve her performance as a teacher. That guidance is accurately described in paragraph 9 of the School Board’s Proposed Recommended Order. At the beginning of the 2007-2008 school year, the School Board instituted a new curriculum for use by Pre-K teachers. That curriculum, the Galileo Curriculum (hereinafter referred to as “Galileo”), is a computer-based program which includes lessons plans and benchmarks and goals for teachers to use in assessing student performance. Although Galileo includes a means for teachers to keep track of student progress, Galileo is not a student evaluation instrument intended for use in “testing” student progress. 2007-2008 School Year. During the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Dupper was observed on October 11, November 8, and December 18, 2007, and on March 20 and 26, and May 6 and 22, 2008. Despite efforts to provide Ms. Dupper with professional assistance and making several changes in the teacher’s aide assigned to assist her, Ms. Dupper’s performance remained inadequate. Ms. Dupper was provided with assistance by teachers at Gerald Adams, including a “mentor," and by the head of the Exceptional Student Education department and an Exceptional Student Education Program Specialist. Ms. Dupper was observed on one occasion by Ms. Herrin when every student in Ms. Dupper’s “learning center” left the area while she continued to “teach.” One student stood on a table dancing, uncorrected by Ms. Dupper. On two occasions, a student left Ms. Dupper’s classroom altogether and were taken back to Ms. Dupper’s classroom before she realized they were gone. On nine different occasions during the 2007-2008 school year, Ms. Herrin requested a discipline plan from Ms. Dupper. No plan was ever provided. Ms. Dupper’s use of Galileo was minimal during the 2007-2008 school year. The system contained a checklist, by domain or skill, which was intended for use by a teacher in determining whether each student was learning the listed skills. Ms. Dupper rarely used the system, however, only logging into the Galileo system 19 times. Nine of those times were on the same day and four were on another day. Other Pre-K teachers utilized Galileo an average of 100 times more than Ms. Dupper. Ms. Herrin’s 2007-2008 annual evaluation of Ms. Dupper, dated April 4, 2008, found that her performance had declined and was “Unsatisfactory.” Ms. Herrin found Ms. Dupper “Unsatisfactory” in Management of Student conduct, Instruction, Organization and Development, Knowledge of Subject Matter, and Evaluation of Instructional Needs. Ms. Dupper’s performance in Professional Responsibilities also declined due to her failure to complete Individual Education Plans on time, incomplete and inaccurate progress notes, and her failure to follow suggestions for improvement. The 90-Day Probation Period. As a result of her continuing decline in performance, Ms. Dupper was informed on April 9, 2008, that she was being placed on a 90-day probation period pursuant to Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes. She was informed that her deficiencies included the inability to manage student conduct, lack of lesson planning, inadequate knowledge of subject matter, lack of student progress evaluation, and inadequate professional responsibility. Ms. Dupper was given suggestions for how to improve her deficiencies over the summer break, suggestions which Ms. Dupper did not follow. While on probation, Ms. Dupper was also offered an opportunity to transfer to another school, an offer which was not accepted. On June 6, 2008, at the request of Ms. Dupper’s union representative, a second annual evaluation was performed by Ms. Herrin. While Ms. Herrin found some improvement, she found that, overall, Ms. Dupper’s performance was “Unsatisfactory.” Ms. Dupper was on probation during the 2007-2008 school year a total of 62 days, excluding holidays and “professional days.” During the summer months between the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 school years, Ms. Dupper, who was not teaching, failed to follow any of Ms. Herrin’s suggestions for personal improvement opportunities. The first day of school for the 2008-2009 school year and the commencement of the 90-day probation period was August 11, 2008. Ms. Herring formally observed Ms. Dupper during the third week of September 2008, and on October 2, 2008. Assistant Principal Willis observed Ms. Dupper on October 8, 2008. Ms. Dupper’s performance and use of Galileo continued to be unsatisfactory, despite continuing efforts of the administration staff to assist her, as more particularly and accurately described in paragraphs 30 through and including 35 of Petitioner’s Proposed Recommended Order. Additionally, Ms. Dupper continued to fail to prevent her very young students from leaving the classroom without her knowledge. Excluding non-school days, Ms. Dupper was given more than 120 days from the commencement of her probation period until her probation period was considered ended in October 2008. By the middle of October 2008, Ms. Herrin concluded that Ms. Dupper had not evidenced satisfactory improvement in her teaching skills. Ms. Herrin’s conclusions concerning Ms. Dupper’s unsatisfactory performance as a teacher, which were not contradicted, are credited. The Decision to Terminate Ms. Dupper’s Employment By letter dated October 30, 2008, Ms. Herrin recommended to Randy Acevedo, Superintendent of the Monroe County School District, that Mr. Acevedo review documentation concerning Ms. Dupper’s 90-day probation period and make a recommendation pursuant to Section 1012.33, Florida Statutes, concerning her continued employment. Ms. Herrin provided Mr. Acevedo with the following information for his review: Attached please find a copy of the professional development plan and this year’s observations conducted by Assistant Principal, Grace Willis and me. The remaining documentation for the 2007 and 2008 school years have been submitted to personnel. I have also attached the follow up documentation, the review of the 90-Day plan and the observations that outline the deficiencies that still remain. This teacher’s performance remains unsatisfactory. Petitioner’s Exhibit 7. Missing from the information provided for Mr. Acevedo’s consideration was any information concerning student performance assessed annually by state or local assessment. By letter dated November 14, 2008, Mr. Acevedo informed Ms. Dupper that he was going to recommend to the School Board at its December 16, 2008, meeting that her employment as a teacher be terminated. By letter dated November 18, 2008, Ms. Dupper requested an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, to challenge her anticipated termination of employment. The School Board accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation at its December 16, 2008, meeting, suspending Ms. Dupper without pay, pending a final determination of whether her employment should be terminated. Student Performance Assessment. The Florida legislature has specified in Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes, a “Student assessment program for public schools.” This assessment program is to be considered in evaluating student performance as part of a teacher’s evaluation. The assessment program, however, does not apply to Pre-K students. “FLICKRS” is a state assessment tool intended for use in evaluating Kindergarten students. FLICKRS allows schools to evaluate whether a Kindergarten student is actually ready for Kindergarten-level work. FLICKRS is not utilized by the School Board to evaluate the progress of Pre-K students. The School Board has not developed any means of annually assessing the performance of Pre-K students. As a consequence, the decision to terminate Ms. Dupper’s employment by the School Board was not based upon any annual assessment of her students’ performance.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order: (a) dismissing the charges of the Administrative Complaint; (b) providing that Ms. Dupper be immediately reinstated to the position from which she was terminated; and (c) awarding Ms. Dupper back salary, plus benefits, to the extent benefits accrued during her suspension, together with interest thereon at the statutory rate. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of July, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Scott Clinton Black, Esquire Vernis and Bowling of the Florida Keys, P.A. 81990 Overseas Highway, Third Floor Islamorada, Florida 33036 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Acevedo, Superintendent Monroe County School Board 241 Trumbo Road Key West, Florida 33040-6684 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321008.221012.221012.331012.34120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002715 Latest Update: Jul. 14, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Michael Fort, at times pertinent to the charges in the Administrative Complaints, held teacher's certificate number 514033, issued by the State of Florida Department of Education (Department). That certificate authorized practice as a teacher in the area of music education. The Respondent was employed as a teacher at Lake Weir Middle School in the Marion County School District. The Respondent was under an annual contract with that school system from November 23, 1983, through the 1984-85 school year. The Respondent's last annual contract expired on June 7, 1985. The Respondent's teacher's certificate expired on June 30, 1985. Some time prior to the expiration of his teacher's certificate, the Respondent applied to the Department for its renewal. That application still pends before the Department. In October 1983, the Respondent had a minor student spend the night at his apartment. The minor student had previously been a close friend of the Respondent and had socialized with him in the past, including spending the night at his residence on other occasions. The Respondent had entered into a close, friendly relationship with the minor, Darien Houston, by frequently letting him stay at his residence during periods of time when Darien Houston's parents were fighting or otherwise engaging in domestic discord, which apparently was very disturbing to the student. Darien Houston, although a student in the Marion County School System, was not a student of the Respondent. Indeed, the Respondent was not yet employed by that school district. In any event, during the course of the evening in question, while they were sitting near each other watching television, the Respondent placed his hand on the student's leg and the student requested that he remove his hand. The student at the time thought Fort was joking or had no serious intent by this action. Fort then went to bed and the student went to bed, sleeping on the floor in his jeans in a sleeping bag. Some time later that night, the student was awakened and realized that the Respondent had undressed himself and undressed the student and had proceeded to place his hand on and fondle the student's penis. He thereafter attempted to roll Houston over onto his stomach in spite of Houston's objections. In response to the student's objections, the Respondent made a statement to the effect, "Do you want to do it with me?" The student continued to object and to retreat from the Respondent's advances. He retreated to the bathroom where he locked himself in and remained for the remainder of the night. The student was embarrassed because of the incident and elected not to report it to school officials or others for approximately a year and a half. However, Houston did tell his best friend what had happened, who in turn informed Houston's mother of the incident. Eventually, Houston's brother informed another individual of the occurrence, who then informed Mr. Springer, the principal at Lake Weir Middle School, of the incident. Darien Houston, a student there, was then called before Mr. Springer, who investigated the matter. Houston related the information about the subject occurrence to him, in approximately May 1985. Thereafter, the criminal proceeding against the Respondent related to this incident and the instant administrative Prosecutions ensued. The matter became public knowledge among students at Lake Weir Middle School, who teased Houston about the incident, causing him great embarrassment and humiliation. The occurrence was widely reported in local newspapers. Sometime in May 1985, while a teacher at Lake Weir Middle School, during the course of a puppet show being Presented in a sixth grade classroom, Respondent stuck his hand down the back of a minor male student's pants between his underwear and his trousers. This action by the Respondent shocked and embarrassed the student, although it was not established that any bystanders, of which there were a number present, observed the incident. The student, Patrick Hammer, was embarrassed to tell anyone of the occurrence, but ultimately informed his teacher of the incident by writing a note to the teacher concerning it. Other students at the school ultimately became aware of this and teased Patrick Hammer about it, causing him embarrassment and humiliation. In approximately May 1985, the Respondent attended a party at a local hospital. The Respondent was in the company of three minor male students who were then enrolled at Lake Weir Middle School. The students, Steve Hall, Richard Slaughter and Eddie Ericson, or some of them, were drinking beer from a keg or draft dispenser at the party. Steve Hall's mother, who was employed at the hospital, was present at the party and was aware that her son was drinking beer. All three of the boys later left the party and went with Mr. Fort to his apartment. While en route, the Respondent stopped at an ABC Liquor Store and purchased approximately two six-packs of beer. After purchasing the beer, the Respondent took the three students to his apartment where the students swam in the swimming pool and, in his presence and with his knowledge, drank the beer that the Respondent had purchased. It was not established that the Respondent bought the beer with the specific intent of giving it to the students but, by his own admission, he offered no objection to the students' consumption of the beer in his presence at his residence. On May 12, 1986, the Respondent pled nolo contendere to one count of attempted sexual battery and one count of lewd and lascivious behavior. He was sentenced to ten years probation, fined $200, ordered to undergo mental health counseling, to complete 100 hours of community service and to refrain from any custodial or supervisory contact with any person under the age of 16 years. Respondent's arrest, the circumstances surrounding the charges and his plea regarding the above incidents received widespread publicity in the local media and was known to students, faculty and other School Board personnel and the public at large. On or about April 10, 1985, the Respondent received a letter from Nick Marcos, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services with the School Board of Marion County, informing him that he would be reappointed to a position as an annual contract teacher with the Marion County School System as soon as he had been issued a regular or temporary teaching certificate for the 1985-86 school year. On or about May 16, 1985, the Respondent submitted a reapplication for a temporary certificate to the Florida Department of Education. On or about August 9, 1955, Respondent received a letter from R. S. Archibald, District School Superintendent, advising him that he had been suspended as an instructional employee of the Marion County School System, pending a meeting of the School Board. Thereafter, on or about August 19, 1985, the Respondent received a letter from Jim Ergle, as Chairman of the School Board, advising him of the Board's decision to suspend him without pay based upon the above-described arrest and charges. In the April 10, 1985 letter, the Assistant Superintendent had informed him that he had been recommended for reappointment for the 1985-86 school year, but reminded him that he would have to renew his teaching certificate to be eligible for reappointment. Upon his application for renewal of his teaching certificate, the application demonstrated that all requirements for renewal had been met. His teaching certificate expired on June 30, 1985. The renewal application was never acted upon by the Department, although it informed Mr. Fort, sometime prior to August 1985, that his application was in order and the certificate would be forthcoming. His suspension without pay was predicated upon the charges pending before the Circuit Court for Marion County concerning the alleged sexual battery and lewd and lascivious conduct, and the letter informing Mr. Fort of it did not indicate that it was at all based on his failure to renew his teaching certificate. The School Board employed the formal suspension process against the Respondent, although his express annual contract had already expired, in an abundance of caution because a grace period is normally allowed teachers to re- apply for renewal of their certificates after expiration and because the Board allows a grace period for reappointment of a contract teacher after the expiration of a teaching certificate, provided the teacher provides evidence that the certificate has been properly renewed. The Respondent was paid for all services rendered by him to the Marion County School Board through the last day of the 1984-85 school year, which was also the last day of his employment pursuant to his last express annual contract. He has never taught in the district since that time.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by the EPC permanently revoking the certificate of the Respondent, Michael Fort, and that he be finally dismissed by the Marion County School District and forfeit any back pay. DONE and ORDERED this 14th day of July 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: William E. Williams, Esquire Rex D. Ware, Esquire 111 North Calhoun Street Post Office Box 1739 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Philip J. Padovano, Esquire Post Office Box 873 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Sydney McKenzie, Esquire General Counsel Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Karen B. Wilde Executive Director Education Practices Commission 215 Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of July 1987.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Park, Florida Aug. 18, 2008 Number: 08-003986TTS Latest Update: May 04, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be suspended from employment for twenty days without pay for misconduct and unprofessional conduct in violation of School District Policies 1.013 and 1.014, Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.001(3) and 6B-1.006(4)(b), (5)(a) and (5)(h), and School Board Bulletins #P-12542-CAO/COO-Count Day and Class Size Reduction Review, and #P-12519-CAO/COO-Florida Department of Education Student Enrollment Procedures.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board (the Board or Petitioner), operates, controls, and supervises all public schools within the Palm Beach County School District (the District), as authorized by Subsection 1001.32(2), Florida Statutes (2008). The District School Superintendent, Dr. Arthur C. Johnson (Superintendent Johnson) is responsible for the administration, management, and supervision of instruction in the District, as provided in Subsection 1001.32(3), Florida Statutes (2008). Respondent, Dr. Gwendolyn Johnson (Dr. Johnson or Respondent) was the principal at Independence Middle School (Independence) during the 2007 to 2008 school year. In her thirty-five years with the District, Dr. Johnson was a principal for eight years, an assistant principal for eleven and a half years, a guidance counselor for approximately nine years, and, before that, an elementary and high school occupational specialist. At Independence, Respondent's assistant principals were Kathleen Carden, Martest Sheffield, and Scott Duhy. Although the projected enrollment was 1174, not the minimum number of 1201 required to justify having a third assistant principal, Dr. Johnson requested and, on May 15, 2007, received approval to keep the third assistant principal, Mr. Duhy, subject to reaching or exceeding the required enrollment by the time the count of students was taken on or about the eleventh day of school in the fall. The increase over the projection was possible because Independence was the 2007 receiving school for students whose parents transferred them from D- or F-rated schools under No Child Left Behind Act. For the 2007-2008 school year, Dr. Johnson assigned primary responsibility for maintaining a count of the student population to another one of the assistant principals, Dr. Carden. In addition to determining the number of assistant principals, the enrollment count is used by the District to determine other staffing, including the number of teachers, and guidance counselors assigned to each school. Attendance at Independence was reported by teachers each school day on bubbled attendance sheets. The sheets were scanned each day and the data stored in a computer program called the Total Education or Resource Management System (TERMS). The sheets were returned to the teachers who used them to record attendance for a two-week period before signing and submitting them, and receiving new computer-generated biweekly attendance scan sheets. On August 23, 2007, the District notified all principals, including Dr. Johnson, by memorandum (Bulletin # P- 12519-CAO/COO/FO/FTE), that any student who had never attended any period since the first day of school must have a withdrawn code entered into the TERMS program by August 27, 2007. Dr. Johnson e-mailed the Bulletin to her administrative staff and convened a meeting of that group to review it. Her secretary also e-mailed a reminder of the requirements to the staff on August 27, 2007. Teachers reported students who never attended school from the beginning of the year, the so-called "no-shows," by making handwritten notes or by drawing lines through the student's name on the attendance sheets, expecting those names to be removed from their rosters. Students who never showed up were not bubbled absent on the attendance sheets. A student aide in the student services office scanned the sheets, so the school's data processor, Angela Jones, did not see the teacher's notes and make changes in the computer. Once teachers kept getting biweekly attendance sheets with the names of no-shows and transfers on them, they started e-mailing or otherwise notifying Ms. Jones who began to keep a running list of no shows and transfers. Ms. Jones was not allowed to enter the withdrawal code in TERMS until authorized to do so by either Dr. Johnson or Dr. Carden, as shown by their e-mails. Rather than following the instructions in Bulletin # P-12519 to withdraw all no-shows by August 27, 2007, no-shows were treated like transfers and were not withdrawn until the student's new school requested their records. Dr. Johnson's claim that she was not aware that procedures outlined in the District's Bulletin of August 23, 2007, were not being followed by Ms. Jones and Dr. Carden, is not credible. She was present at the meetings in her office and her conference room, well after the August deadline, during which Ms. Jones continued to receive instructions to wait for approval to make withdrawals. On August 31, 2007, the District notified all principals, including Dr. Johnson, by memorandum (Bulletin # P- 12542-CAO/COO) that the District's enrollment count day was September 7, 2007, and that the count would be taken from TERMS. Dr. Johnson sent an e-mail to all teachers to count students, as directed in the Bulletin of August 23, by only including students who had been in attendance at least one period since school began on August 22, thereby excluding no-shows from the count. Prior to 2007, this would have been the enrollment number that the school faxed or e-mailed to the District. For the first time in 2007, the number used by the District was the number taken from TERMS summary enrollment screen that included no-shows at Independence. The District also relied on that data for its Full Time Equivalent (FTE) survey and report to the State Department of Education (DOE). The FTE count is used to determine per pupil funding by the State. The actual number of students at Independence on September 7, 2007, was 1188 but the number taken from the TERMS database and reported was 1214, a twenty-six student discrepancy that was later, after an audit, reduced to twenty-four. In October 2007, Dr. Johnson falsely verified the accuracy of the FTE survey that was, subsequent to the audit, determined to be an over-count of 23 students. Dr. Johnson testified that she verified the accuracy of the count relying on the work of Dr. Carden, Ms. Jones, Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Carol Lee, and ESOL Coordinator Ann Costillo. She denied attempting to fraudulently inflate the number to gain or maintain resources allocated by the District, but she knew there was a difference in the numbers based on a September report from Dr. Carden. She also knew that, if the teachers followed her instructions regarding how to count students, the "actual" number of 1214 from TERMS, written in by Dr. Carden, had to be incorrect. TERMS data also was uploaded to another program called Grade-Quick. When it was time to give grades at the end of nine weeks, Ms. Jones no longer had the ability to alter the rosters and teachers were required to give a grade to each student on their roster. David Shore was the Grade-Quick technical support person at Independence. At the suggestion of Dr. Johnson, he sought advice from the District's technical support person, Bruce Roland, who told him to have teachers give each no-show student a grade of "F" to avoid an error code. The uploaded grades for students who did not attend Independence, according to Mr. Roland, would be deleted from the District's mainframe. Fearing other consequences of giving "Fs," including the possibility of generating letters to parents whose children did not attend Independence, and doubting Mr. Shore's advice because he was relatively new in his position, some teachers refused to give "Fs" to no-shows. After discussions with Dr. Johnson, Mr. Shore instructed teachers to give a grade of "C" instead and to be sure also to give a conduct grade. One teacher apparently found a way to give a conduct grade, but no letter grade, to students who were not enrolled in her class and to somehow avoid a computer error code. Some time during the fall semester, anonymous complaints concerning the enrollment at Independence were made to the State Auditor General's Office, who referred the matter to an auditor in the District's office. In December 2007, the audit confirmed that the count at Independence was incorrect largely because no-shows and withdrawals were not withdrawn timely from the computer in TERMS before the District's initial count on August 27, 2007; before the District's eleven-day count on September 7, 2007; nor before Dr. Johnson twice verified the accuracy of the FTE count in October 2007. Dr. Johnson made no effort to make corrections, after she admittedly was aware of the errors in October, November, and December. Dr. Johnson blamed teachers who were unprofessional, racist, and disgruntled over her more strict adherence to the attendance rules for teacher planning and professional development days, and over proposed spending of A-plus money. She testified that they deliberately failed to bubble no-shows as absentees. That assertion contradicts the testimony of her witness that the proper procedure was followed by teachers who drew lines through the names of no-shows rather than bubbling them as absent. It also contradicts the instructions she gave in a memorandum to teachers, on October 5, 2007, telling them to write codes next to students' names on their rosters, NS for no- show, WD for withdrawn - If a student was present at least one day..., T for transfer, and A for add. Her memorandum instructs teachers to give the information to Ms. Jones on October 11, 2007. Ms. Jones said she did look at rosters for FTE reporting and she did make corrections. She too says her count was accurate at the time unless teachers withheld information. The teachers' rosters were maintained and, from a review of the class rosters, the auditor concluded that the error was made in not correcting TERMS to comply with teachers' reports. Dr. Johnson also blamed her supervisor, Marisol Ferrer, for sending a less experienced manager, Joe Patton, to attend a meeting, on October 11, 2007, with her of the Employee Building Council, a group that included some teachers who were antagonistic towards Dr. Johnson. It is true that only later did Mr. Patton recall that, after the meeting and after Dr. Johnson left, some of teachers told him there were problems with the student count at Independence. At the time, however, Mr. Patton did not tell Ms. Ferrer or Dr. Johnson about the comments. Dr. Johnson testified that, had she been told after that meeting on October 11th about the problems, she could have corrected the numbers before she submitted her verification of accuracy. She did know that Dr. Carden showed her two sets of numbers on September 7, 2007. Although she testified that she believed the fluctuations were normal because students come and go during the day for doctor's appointments or for other reasons, Dr. Johnson took no further steps to determine if that was in fact the cause of the discrepancy. After Dr. Johnson and Dr. Carden instructed Ms. Jones to begin making withdrawals after the October FTE report, some of the withdrawals were backdated showing the no-show students' withdrawal dates as the first day of school, August 22, 2007. The District submitted corrections to DOE before the deadline for incurring penalties, ultimately reducing the FTE count at Independence by 23 students.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida, enter a final order suspending Respondent for twenty days without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of April, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of April, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Frederick W. Ford, Esquire 2801 PGA Boulevard, Suite 110 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Sonia Elizabeth Hill-Howard, Esquire Palm Beach County School District 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, C-302 Post Office Box 19239 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-9239 Dr. Arthur C. Johnson, Superintendent Palm Beach County School District 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, C-302 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-9239 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2500

Florida Laws (6) 1001.321003.231012.221012.33120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Nov. 22, 2000 Number: 00-004741PL Latest Update: Dec. 22, 2005

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's teaching certificate should be disciplined.

Findings Of Fact At all times material here Respondent was, and continues to be, an employee of the Hernando County School Board (HCSB) as a member of the instructional staff. Respondent is employed under a "professional service contract." The origin of these proceedings occurred on December 5, 1996, when Respondent was arrested for allegedly engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct with a male, minor student. Apart from the allegations raised in this case, Respondent has been a satisfactory and effective employee of HCSB. Respondent began working for HCSB in 1989 at Powell Middle School as a science teacher with regular classroom duties. He eventually became the technology resource coordinator at Powell Middle School. As such, he no longer had regular classroom duties. Throughout his teaching career, Respondent frequently tutored and mentored students who needed help. Even without regular classroom duties Respondent continued to help students. Such help continues today. In fact, Respondent is known and respected by peers and parents for the mentoring and tutoring he gives to students and the success he has had with troubled students. Beginning in January 1995, Respondent served as director of an after-school program at Powell Middle School. HCSB and the local YMCA sponsored and funded the after-school program until sometime in the Spring of 1996 when the program was discontinued. Respondent was in large part responsible for the successful creation, organization, and operation of the after-school program. The after-school program began immediately after each school day and continued until 5:00 p.m. The program was staffed by Powell Middle School staff and other adults who taught different classes. Some of the after-school activities, like swimming lessons, took place on the premises of the YMCA. The after-school program participants enrolled in the off-campus activities rode a school bus from the school to the various activities in remote locations. Respondent directed the after-school program initially from his classroom in the science building of Powell Middle School and, subsequently, from a room used as a computer lab, adjacent to his former classroom. A number of school administrators and teachers were constantly walking in and out of the areas where Respondent worked each day because supplies for the after-school program were stored in the computer lab storage rooms. After school, teachers frequently visited Respondent's work station unannounced. Janitors and work details were on the school premises until 11:00 p.m. Bathrooms and a refrigerator for staff were located near Respondent's work station. Respondent's classroom in the science building had large windows along the outside wall. There were windows between the computer room and Respondent's classroom. There were windows between the computer room and another classroom in the same building. The only area which had any possibility of privacy was a walk-in storage closet in the computer room. The doors to the science classrooms, the computer room, and closet were never locked. During the summers, Respondent spent his time working at Camp Sangamon, a camp in Vermont for boys of all ages. He began working at the camp in 1980 as a regular counselor. Later he served as head of the activity trip program. Respondent worked as the camp's assistant director for about eight years. In the Summer of 1995, Respondent lived in a cabin with older boys who were counselors-in-training (CITs). However, he spent almost all of his time in the administrative office taking care of paperwork, planning activities, and supervising programs. He never went to his cabin in the middle of the day unless he was specifically looking for a CIT. Respondent's cabin was on a main trail through the camp in close proximity to other cabins and a basketball court. People were constantly walking by the cabin, especially in the middle of the day during a free activity period. The cabin did not have a lock on its door. It had large windows with no screens, which were usually propped open with a stick. The panels that formed the walls of the cabin were separated by approximately one inch. The spaces between the panels left the interior of the cabin visible during the day. As assistant director, Respondent could arrange for Florida boys to attend the camp at a reduced rate. Over the years, he made these arrangements for several boys. Respondent met C.B., a seventh grade student at Powell Middle School, in 1995. C.B. was a very troubled young man. He regularly skipped school, lied, and ran away from home. His home life included physical and mental abuse. His relationship with his parents was poor. His grades were very poor and he was on a track for dropping out of school. In 1995, C.B. was not one of Respondent's regular students. He was a participant in the after-school program. Initially, C.B.'s stepmother called Respondent to check on C.B.'s attendance in the after-school program. The stepmother and Respondent discussed C.B.'s problems, including his attempts to run away from home. During subsequent conversations, Respondent offered C.B. a scholarship to attend Camp Sangamon for three weeks in the summer of 1995. C.B.'s family was pleased that he would have an opportunity to go to camp. They accepted Respondent's offer and made final arrangements for C.B. to attend camp for three weeks at a reduced rate. When C.B. arrived at camp in 1995, he announced that he was going to stay at camp all summer. Despite his initial positive attitude, C.B. had trouble adjusting to camp life. He had problems interacting with other campers. He sometimes would curl up into a fetal position and cry uncontrollably. Respondent often helped C.B. get through these episodes. With help from his counselors and encouragement from Respondent, C.B. stayed at camp for eight weeks. Gradually, Respondent learned of C.B.’s troubled home life and felt sympathy for him and wanted to help. During the summer of 1995, Respondent assisted C.B. with the completion of a science project. C.B. had to complete the project in order to be promoted to the eighth grade. Respondent's cabin was always open with CITs coming and going. There was no reasonable expectation of privacy in the cabin at any time. C.B.'s testimony that, at Respondent's request, he masturbated Respondent's penis in the cabin during a free activity period just before lunch is not credited since C.B.’s multitude of statements regarding multiple alleged incidents of sexual activity between Respondent and himself were highly inconsistent and consisted of changeable details which showed the implausibility, if not impossibility, of such activity occurring. In fact, all of C.B.’s allegations suffer from this infirmity. After returning from summer camp, C.B. went boating with Respondent and several other people. The group enjoyed snorkeling and water skiing. However, C.B. and Respondent were never alone on a boat. C.B. was in the eighth grade at Powell Middle School in the Fall of 1995. Even though he was not in one of Respondent's classes, C.B. often received passes from his teachers to visit Respondent's classroom during the regular school day. C.B. participated in the after-school program activities both on- and off-campus. There was some indication that C.B. was not permitted to go home after school unless someone was present at the home. Respondent regularly drove C.B. home following the close of the after-school program. Respondent worked one-on-one with C.B. to improve his grades. Respondent also worked one-on-one with other students during the same time period. He set up a program for C.B. that required C.B. to obtain the signatures of his teachers on an attendance and work form. Two to three times a week, Respondent visited C.B.'s home to tutor C.B. C.B. also was tutored by Jen O’Connor during the after-school program. C.B.'s grades improved markedly and he made the honor roll during the first grading period of his 8th grade year. Respondent encouraged C.B. to set high school graduation as a goal which would cause C.B. to be the first in his family to remain in school and graduate. C.B. testified that during the after-school hours of the 1995-96 school year, he twice complied with Respondent's request to masturbate Respondent's penis on school grounds, either in the science classroom or the adjoining computer/storage room. This testimony is contrary to the greater weight of the evidence and again lacks credibility. On October 20, 1995, Respondent took C.B. to Disney World as a reward for his academic success during the first grading period. The Disney trip was an incentive for good progress which had been agreed to earlier that year by C.B.’s parents. Respondent and C.B. traveled in Respondent's pickup truck and shared the expenses of the trip. C.B. left with enough money to buy a one-day pass to one of the three Disney parks. Respondent and C.B. arrived at the Disney World parking lot before the amusement park opened. They parked in front of the ticket booth around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. Other cars were also arriving. Parking attendants and people waiting to enter the entertainment area were in close proximity to Respondent's vehicle at all times. Disney was running a special promotion for Florida residents. For a small increase in the price, a Florida resident could purchase a pass to all three Disney parks for a year. Respondent wished to go to all three parks but could not do so unless C.B. was able to take advantage of the Disney promotion. Respondent and C.B. paid their entrance fee for all three parks with Respondent providing the difference in price. They entered one of the theme parks as soon as it opened for business. The evidence did not show that there was anything inappropriate about the ticket upgrade or Respondent making up the difference in price. The purchase of the pass was in no way harmful to C.B. With so many people around, there was no privacy or expectation of such in Respondent's truck. C.B.'s testimony that he masturbated Respondent's penis in the Disney World parking lot is not credited. During the 1995-96 school year, Respondent arranged for C.B. to attend a counseling session with a guidance counselor at Powell Middle School. Respondent made the appointment because he suspected that C.B. was the victim of abuse at home. On February 5, 1996, C.B. and his father had an argument. The father lost his temper and punched C.B. in the face and ear. C.B. did not go to school the next day. The school resource officer noticed bruises on C.B.'s face the following week at school. He reported his observations to an investigator from the Department of Children and Family Services. C.B.'s father admitted to the investigator that he hit C.B. in the face. The authorities took no legal action against C.B.'s father. At the end of his eighth grade year, C.B. was promoted to ninth grade and would be attending Springstead West High School. At the time, both C.B. and his parents expressed great appreciation over the help Respondent had given to C.B. That summer C.B., with the permission of his parents, again attended camp at a reduced rate. He went to Vermont early so that he could earn money working at camp before it opened. During his stay at the camp, Respondent "fronted" C.B. the money to buy a portable CD player, CDs, and some articles of clothing with the understanding that C.B. would repay Respondent later from the funds C.B. had in his camp account. In fact, C.B. did repay Respondent for these items. Additionally, Respondent permitted C.B. to use his credit card to order and purchase items from a catalog over the telephone. Again C.B. paid Respondent back. There was no evidence that these purchases were improper or harmed C.B. Mrs. Peady O'Connor, one of Respondent's friends, also went to camp in the summer of 1996 to work in the kitchen. C.B. stayed at camp all summer, returning home with Respondent and Mrs. O'Connor on August 16, 1996. There was no evidence the scholarships to camp Respondent provided during any of the summers at question here were improper. If anything, the scholarships benefited C.B. and the other boys who received them. Immediately upon his return to Florida, Respondent began having trouble with his truck. He took it to the shop on Saturday, August 17, 1996. He spent the rest of the day with a friend, Jackie Agard. Respondent did not go boating that weekend. School started on August 19, 1996, for the 1996-97 school year. Respondent returned to work at Powell Middle School as the technology resource coordinator. C.B. attended ninth grade at Springstead West High School. C.B. would occasionally contact Respondent for help. On Tuesday, August 20, 1996, Respondent leased a new sport utility vehicle. It did not have a pre-installed trailer hitch necessary for towing Respondent’s boat. The next Saturday, August 24, 1996, Respondent spent the day with friends from out-of-town. He did not go boating that weekend. On August 29, 1996, Respondent purchased a trailer hitch. He intended to install the hitch personally. That same day, Respondent and Chuck Wall, a scuba diving instructor, met with C.B. and his parents. The purpose of the visit was to sign C.B. up for scuba diving lessons. Respondent agreed to pay for the lessons as he had for those of other young people. Again, no evidence demonstrated that such lessons or the payment for scuba lessons were inappropriate or in any way harmful to C.B. On Saturday, August 31, 1996, Respondent took some of his friends to dinner and a movie in his new vehicle. He did not go boating that weekend. Respondent's boat was parked at the home of his parents all summer while Respondent was in Vermont. It was still there when Respondent installed the trailer hitch on his new vehicle on Labor Day, September 2, 1996. On September 3, 1996, Respondent took C.B. to his first scuba diving lesson. After the lesson, Respondent, C.B., and Mr. Wall took Respondent's boat to a marina at Crystal River. After launching Respondent's boat, Chuck Wall had difficulty getting the boat to run because it had not been used for such a long time. Respondent left his boat at the marina for the rest of the fall boating season. The greater weight of the evidence indicates that C.B. and Respondent never went boating alone. There was no inappropriate sexual conduct between C.B. and Respondent on Respondent's boat. On Saturday, September 7, 1996, Respondent took a group of students to Disney World. The trip was a reward for the students' involvement with a video yearbook project sponsored by Respondent. C.B. did not participate in the activity. The next Saturday, C.B.'s scuba diving lesson was cancelled. C.B. did not go boating with Respondent or have a scuba lesson that weekend because he was on restrictions at home. Respondent was invited to and attended C.B.’s stepmother’s birthday party on September 17, 1996. On or about September 18, 1996, C.B.'s parents became aware that C.B. was responsible for long distance phone calls to a girl that C.B. met at camp. The calls totaled about $300.00. Initially, C.B. had hidden the bill from his parents. C.B.’s stepmother discovered the bill. After a confrontation with his parents over the telephone bill, C.B. ran away from home. For the next few days, C.B. was living with friends. There was no evidence that Respondent knew where C.B. was staying or that once he discovered his whereabouts that Respondent withheld that information from anyone. Respondent was eventually asked to help locate C.B. On September 21, 1996, Respondent went to C.B.'s home. C.B.’s father asked Respondent what he thought should happen with C.B. regarding living at home. Respondent suggested that C.B.'s parents let C.B. live with the O'Connor family for a short period of time. He also suggested that C.B. receive counseling and agreed to arrange for the therapy. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor and their son and daughter were close friends of Respondent. They are good, decent people. The son, Sean O'Connor, was away at college. The daughter, Jennifer or Jen, still lived at home. C.B.'s parents agreed to let C.B. live with the O’Connors on a trial basis provided that C.B. remain on restrictions within the O'Connor home for a period of time and pay back the telephone charges he had incurred. The O'Connors did not live within the Springstead West High School District. C.B. did not want to talk to his parents. Therefore, Respondent and the O'Connors worked together to provide C.B. with transportation to and from school. Further the parents did not provide C.B. any money for lunch while he was at the O’Connors. Again it was up to both Respondent and the O’Connors to provide C.B. with lunch money. C.B.’s parents were aware of the need for transportation and lunch money but did not offer to provide or provide any of these needs while C.B. was at the O’Connors. In fact, C.B.’s parents did not attempt to visit C.B., communicate with C.B., or be otherwise interested in C.B.'s well-being during his month long stay at the O’Connors. Respondent also purchased C.B. a beeper to facilitate communication between C.B. and Mrs. O'Connor. All of these provisions were reasonable for C.B. There was no evidence which showed these items were improper gifts on the part of Respondent or could reasonably be anticipated to cause harm to C.B. On the contrary, these "gifts" were beneficial, if not necessary, to C.B. After moving in with the O'Connors, C.B. was allowed to attend a football game. He did not meet Mrs. O'Connor after the game as he had been instructed. The police found C.B. and turned him over to C.B.'s stepmother. As soon as he got to the gate of his parent's property, C.B. got out of his stepmother's car and ran away again. The police eventually found C.B. at the home of his stepbrother's girlfriend on October 2, 1996. C.B.'s parents told the police to release C.B. to Respondent's custody. Respondent took C.B. back to live with the O'Connors. October 7, 1996, was an early release day at school. Respondent, C.B., and another student left from school to look for a lost anchor. Later that evening, Respondent dropped off C.B. at the O'Connors' residence then proceeded to take the other student home. October 8, 1996, was a hurricane day for the school district. Mrs. O'Connor was at home all day. Respondent and C.B. were never alone in the O'Connors' home. There is no persuasive evidence that Respondent ever performed anal intercourse upon C.B. at the O'Connors' home or at Powell Middle School in the storage closet of the computer room. During the time that C.B. lived with the O'Connors, Respondent arranged for C.B. to attend two counseling sessions with a school psychologist. On October 23, 1996, there was an ESE staffing meeting at Springstead West High School regarding C.B. The meeting was related to C.B.'s special education program. At some point prior to the meeting, the assistant principal was asked to investigate the fact that C.B. was living at the O'Connors and attending a school outside the zone in which the O'Connors lived. Normally, the principal would not be at a staffing meeting. He did not participate in any decision regarding C.B.'s education. Both Respondent and Mrs. O'Connor were invited to attend the meeting by C.B.'s stepmother. All three people attended the meeting along with appropriate education staff. The meeting grew heated over the issue of out-of- district attendance with Respondent becoming exacerbated with the principal and calling him a "liar" and addressing the principal forcefully while getting up out of his chair. The principal became verbally forceful with Respondent. Eventually, both calmed down. Forcefully stating a position is not coercion and the evidence did not show that either Respondent’s or the principal's behavior was either coercive or oppressive, especially since the principal later was instructed by the Superintendent to apologize to Respondent for his behavior during the meeting. During the meeting, C.B.'s stepmother decided it was time for C.B. to return home. She was prepared to take C.B. home that night after the meeting. She asked Respondent to leave her son alone. However, apparently her words were spoken out of exasperation since C.B., who was at the school, left with Respondent and Mrs. O’Connor at the conclusion of the meeting with C.B.'s mother's consent. C.B. had an appointment with a therapist that evening. C.B.'s father would pick C.B. up at the O'Connors the following day. On Thursday, October 24, 1996, C.B.'s father went to the O'Connors to pick up C.B. and move him back home. When the father arrived at the O'Connors' home, C.B. attempted to have a heart-to-heart talk with his father. C.B. wanted to know why his father always sided with his stepmother against him. He also told his father that he did not want to return home. His father told C.B. that he was coming home and that he could either come home the easy way or the hard way. When the father insisted that C.B. return home, C.B. went down the hall and ran out into the backyard of the O'Connors' home. C.B.'s father went out the front door and around the corner of the O'Connors' house. C.B.'s father caught up with C.B., grabbed him from behind, pulled him to the ground, straddled him and, while holding C.B. on the ground with a knee in C.B.'s pelvic area, repeatedly punched C.B. in the face with a closed fist and an overhead strike. C.B.'s father picked his son up by the collar and drug him over to a metal fence. C.B. was trying to push his father’s hands away. His father grabbed C.B. by the neck and slammed his head into the metal fence approximately three times. He struck C.B. about three more times in the face with a closed fist. At that point, a witness to the struggle grabbed C.B.'s father from behind in a half nelson and pulled him off of C.B. Once the father had released his grip and stepped back, the witness let go of C.B.'s father. During the first part of the struggle, C.B.'s father was calling his son a "fucking asshole" and "dirty little bastard." C.B. was yelling that he wanted to kill himself, wanted to get this over with, and hated himself. The father's response was that he could help his son end his life, that he had a gun back at the house, and "you know, we can get this on right now, let's kill you, let's get it over with." Almost immediately after being pulled off, C.B.'s father attacked his son again, grabbed him by the collar and struck him several more times in the face with a closed fist and slammed his head into the ground several times. The witness grabbed C.B.'s father again and tried to pull him off. C.B.'s father did not want to disengage and resisted the witnesses' efforts. The witnesses forced C.B.'s arms off his son and held him. At some point during the struggle, Mrs. O'Connor had come into the backyard. C.B. grabbed Mrs. O'Connor around the ankles and would not let go. C.B. was crying saying he wanted to die and "stop it, stop it, please." Mrs. O'Connor was yelling at C.B.'s father to stop. C.B.'s father still had C.B. by the belt loop and the neck. He had one knee in C.B.'s back. He was grinding C.B.'s head into the ground. The witnesses was forcing C.B.'s father's arms off C.B. Mrs. O'Connor told her daughter, Jen, to call the police. At that point, C.B.'s father let go of C.B. and ceased his attack. All of the blows which the father hit his son with were full force punches. C.B. was bloodied and bruised by his father. Photographs taken show extensive bruising on C.B.'s face. Incredibly both C.B. and his stepmother deny the physical effects of the struggle that night. C.B.'s father was arrested and taken to jail. The next day, C.B.'s stepmother filed a police report alleging that Respondent had sexually abused C.B. After his father was arrested, C.B. spent one night with his stepbrother. His stepmother told him not to attend school the next day. She wanted C.B. to go with her to talk to the authorities and to get C.B.'s father out of jail. Despite these instructions, C.B. rode to school with Jen O'Connor. When C.B.'s stepmother discovered that he was at school, she went to pick him up. When she arrived at school, C.B. refused to go home with or meet with her alone. Because he would not meet with his stepmother alone, he met with her in the presence of the school resource officer. Because C.B. refused to go home, C.B. was taken to a youth shelter in Pasco County, known as the Run-Away Prevention (RAP) house. C.B. ran away from the shelter that night at about 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. C.B. turned to the only adults he knew who could safely contact for help. C.B. called the O'Connors from a pay phone at a mini market in Pasco County. Respondent was at the O'Connors at the time. Both Respondent and Mrs. O'Connor went to pick up C.B. Respondent drove because Mrs. O'Connor did not drive. They picked C.B. up at the mini market in Pasco County. Both discussed with C.B. where he could go. Because of the incident with C.B.'s father, C.B. could not return to the O'Connors' house. Respondent suggested that he return home. However, C.B. rejected that suggestion, saying he would immediately run away again. Additionally, Respondent and Mrs. O'Connor very reasonably believed it would not be physically safe for C.B. to return home. All decided that C.B. would go to the home of another teacher. When they arrived at the teacher's home, some discussion occurred about C.B.'s predicament. There was some discussion about emancipation, but the discussion was purely theoretical. C.B. was given the number for the Domestic Violence Hotline so that he could call and report his father and perhaps obtain some protective services from the state. Neither the teacher nor her roommate, who was also a teacher, reported C.B. to the police or advised his parents of his whereabouts. They did not so report because they reasonably feared for his safety. This was the last time that Respondent had any material contact with C.B. The next day C.B. left the teacher's house and stayed with a friend that he generally stayed with when he ran away. The friend was known to his parents and the friend' house was within a mile of C.B.'s home. Interestingly, C.B. continued to sporadically attend school while on runaway status until he was prevented from riding the bus to school by a bus driver. During the time C.B. was on runaway status, no one asked Respondent if he knew where C.B. was or if he could guess where he might be. Moreover, under these facts, Respondent did not have the duty to report any such information about C.B. On October 29, 1996, and November 6, 1996, a deputy sheriff interviewed C.B. about the allegations raised by his stepmother. On both occasions, C.B. denied that Respondent had ever engaged in or attempted to engage in inappropriate conduct with him. On November 8, 1996, a sheriff's detective, Detective Baxley, and a worker from the Department of Children and Family Services each questioned C.B. C.B. again denied ever having any sexual contact with Respondent. In November 1996, C.B. returned to live with his parents. On November 13, 1996, the day that C.B.'s father made his first court appearance, with some direction on what needed to be said to the state attorney from Detective Baxley, C.B. told the state attorney, in the presence of both parents, that he did not want to press charges against his father and that the "fight" was his fault. The charges were subsequently dropped. On November 18, 1996, Detective Baxley and Detective Cameron interrogated C.B. Towards the end of the interview, C.B. accused Respondent of having inappropriate sexual contact with him on two occasions. C.B. alleged that he had masturbated Respondent's penis in Respondent's cabin at camp in the summer of 1996.1 C.B. also alleged that he had masturbated Respondent's penis on Respondent's boat in Crystal River sometime in the early Fall of 1996, within weeks of the beginning of school. The detectives had C.B. call Respondent. They taped the conversation without Respondent's knowledge. C.B. told Respondent that the police had given him a polygraph when in fact they had used a computer voice stress analyzer. Respondent told C.B. he had nothing to worry about as long as he told the truth. The police interrogated C.B. again on November 27, 1996. During this interview, C.B. accused Respondent of inappropriate sexual conduct involving masturbation of Respondent's penis in Respondent's science classroom or the computer room at Powell Middle School during after-school hours of the 1995-96 school year. Respondent was arrested on or about December 5, 1996. In January of 1997, C.B. alleged for the first time that he masturbated Respondent's penis in the parking lot at Disney World on October 20, 1995. On March 27, 1997, C.B. accused Respondent of having anal sex with him at the O'Connor residence during a "hurricane day" in October of 1996. On April 16, 1997, C.B. accused Respondent of having anal sex with him in the walk-in closet of the computer/storage room at Powell Middle School on two occasions in September or October of 1996. None of these various accusations were credible. Finally, there was no credible evidence that Respondent interfered with the relationship between C.B. and his parents in a manner which could reasonably be foreseen to harm C.B. Moreover, there is nothing in the statutes or rules of DOE which, absent harm, purports to make interference with a parent's custody or ignoring a parent's wishes a violation of those rules subject to discipline. Respondent met A.P., a sixth grade student at Powell Middle School, in 1995 as a participant in the after-school program. A.P. was a very out-going person, who demanded attention. He was also known for lying, especially when seeking attention. At times, Respondent, as director of the after-school program, had to discipline A.P. A.P. did not find Respondent to be strong, mean, violent, or scary. He never heard Respondent swear, tell dirty jokes, talk dirty, or threaten anyone. During his sixth grade year, A.P. would routinely visit Respondent's classroom during the school day even though Respondent was not one of his teachers. A.P. often visited Respondent during the after-school program. Respondent frequently gave A.P. a ride home after the after-school program. Respondent offered A.P. a scholarship to attend Camp Sangamon in the Summer of 1995. With the consent of his parents, A.P. attended camp at a reduced rate for three weeks that summer. In the Fall of 1995, A.P. was in the seventh grade. He was in a science class taught by Respondent. He continued to attend the after-school program. Respondent worked on computers during the times that A.P. and other students visited in the computer room. There is no persuasive evidence that pornographic pictures of nude males on the Internet ever appeared on the computer monitors while Respondent was operating a computer in A.P.'s presence. In January of 1996, A.P. continued to visit Respondent in Respondent's classroom or in the computer room after school. Respondent did not at any time ask A.P. to touch Respondent in a sexually inappropriate manner. Respondent never masturbated A.P.'s penis on school property. Respondent developed a plan for A.P. to work and earn money so that he could attend camp during the Summer of 1996. A.P. did not follow through with the plan. Consequently, he did not attend camp for the second time. In the Fall of 1996, A.P. entered the eighth grade at Powell Middle School. A.P. continued to visit Respondent in the computer room after school up until the police arrested Respondent. Just before Respondent's arrest, Detective Baxley interviewed several of Respondent's students. One of those students was A.P. Of his own accord, Detective Baxley went to A.P.'s home to interview him. During the interview, A.P. told the detective that Respondent had shown him pornographic pictures from the Internet in the school's computer room. A.P. also claimed that, on one occasion, A.P. declined Respondent's request for A.P. to touch Respondent's penis. On another occasion, Respondent allegedly masturbated A.P.'s penis. According to A.P., the latter two incidents took place in the computer room. At one point, A.P. also admitted to a teacher and a guidance counselor that he had lied about these incidents. Again the greater weight of the evidence shows that Respondent did not engage in any sexual activities with A.P. or engage in any improper behavior or relationship with A.P. Respondent never harmed A.P. in any way. J.K. was another student attending the after-school program at Powell Middle School. He went to school with both C.B. and A.P. He also attended Camp Sagamon during the summer for at least one summer. While at camp, J.K. testified that one time Respondent, while sitting on the porch of his cabin, asked him about what he thought about two men being together. However, J.K. does not remember what the specific words were. J.K. did not particularly respond and left. Nothing was said about anybody having sex. The statement did not have a sexual connotation. Clearly, no violation of the statutes and rules is supported by such a vague, out-of-context statement. J.K. also recalled one incident when Respondent accidentally bumped into J.K. while he was in the storage room. The incident occurred when J.K. came out from behind the door to the storage room while Respondent was entering. The back of Respondent's hand brushed J.K.'s groin area. Respondent was startled by the encounter, jumped back and said excuse me to J.K. Again, nothing in this incident even remotely supports a violation of statute or rules. Finally, J.K. testified about Respondent teasing him about not skinny-dipping while at summer camp. The episode occurred while J.K. and Respondent were on Respondent's boat with a group of other people. None of the others overheard the conversation or were in a position to overhear the conversation. There is nothing in the episode which suggests that the teasing was overbearing or disparaging. Again, no violation of the rules or statutes was shown.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Education enter a final order finding Respondent not guilty of any violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint and dismissing the Administrative Complaint. Jurisdiction is reserved over the issue of attorney fees should the parties not be able to agree on such. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of June, 2002.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57120.595120.68
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Altamonte Springs, Florida Oct. 04, 2018 Number: 18-005315PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Perry, Florida Mar. 17, 2010 Number: 10-001351TTS Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2011

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner properly determined that Respondent's employment should be terminated.

Findings Of Fact At all times material here, Petitioner was the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Taylor County, Florida. A Master Teacher Contract between Petitioner and the Taylor Education Association governs relations between Petitioner and its teachers. Respondent is an educator, with 35 years of teaching experience. She is certified by the Florida Department of Education to teach students enrolled in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program. Respondent has at least 20 years of experience in teaching ESE students. During the 2009-2010 school year, Petitioner employed Respondent as an annual contract teacher at Perry Primary School. Pursuant to the contract, Petitioner hired Respondent to work from August 17, 2009, to June 9, 2010. Respondent’s class during the 2009-2010 school year was made up of students with varying exceptionalities. The exceptionalities included handicaps such as specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, autism, or emotional or physical handicaps. The class consisted of students in kindergarten, first, and second grades. At the outset of the 2009-2010 school year, Respondent was assigned eight students, two of which had a full-time personal assistant. Just prior to the Christmas break, Respondent was assigned another ESE student with a full-time personal assistant. The primary responsibility of the personal assistants was to help their designated students function successfully and safely in the classroom. Additionally, the personal assistants were supposed to support the classroom teacher as needed. In addition to the personal assistants, Respondent’s class utilized the services of Behavioral Management Center (BMC). The BMC consultants visited Respondent’s classroom frequently to develop and monitor the implementation of behavior modification plans for certain students. The school psychologist also visited the classroom frequently to assist the teacher and students. Petitioner uses many computer software programs for the testing and monitoring of student progress. The computer programs are necessary in order to comply with Florida Department of Education requirements. The computer programs are used throughout the state and require data entry and transmission at several points in the academic year. Gradequick is a program that enables teachers to electronically enter student grades. Among other tasks, the program calculates grade point averages. The grades and averages are then entered in the Edline program that is accessible by both parents and students. Administrators can access these programs to ascertain the level of progress by a particular class or student. For the 2009-2010 school year, the initial Gradequick and Edline training was conducted the first week of September 2009. Respondent attended the training session. Tienet is a computer program used to assist with the drafting of individual education plans (IEPs) for ESE students. It is a web-based program that also is used to monitor a student’s progress in accomplishing the goals and objectives on the student's IEP. Tienet generates a parent report that goes out with report cards. All students in Respondent’s 2009-2010 class were learning in accordance with an IEP. Aimsweb is a computer program that monitors compliance with state and federal guidelines regarding student achievement and progress in reading and math. Aimsweb requires that all students be tested at the beginning, middle and end of the school year. The teacher uses the initial test or “probe” to determine the child's baseline. Other probes are performed on a weekly basis throughout the school year. Petitioner can use the data to determine if a child is academically at risk and, if so, to implement interventions to address any deficiency. FAIR is a state-mandated assessment test in reading that also is given three times a year. FAIR provides for an exemption for students who are severely limited academically. However, Petitioner always completes the initial FAIR test for all students, regardless of academic ability. After assessing the results of the first probe, Petitioner can then determine whether students will be exempted from further testing. In the 2009-2010 school term, Jack Palaio was an ESE resource teacher and the Perry Primary School technology coordinator. As technology coordinator, Mr. Palaio had to make sure the teachers’ and students’ computers were up and running. He also trained staff and teachers on the use of the computer software programs referenced above. Mr. Palaio’s responsibilities included monitoring data collection and data transmission from the classrooms. On or about September 2, 2009, Mr. Palaio requested that Respondent provide him with a list of her students. Mr. Palaio needed the names to made sure the students were placed in the proper Gradequick files. As of September 14, 2009, Respondent still had not provided Mr. Palaio with the list of names. In addition to the training sessions taught when school began, Mr. Palaio offered to assist Respondent on several occasions starting at the beginning of the year. At times, Respondent sought help from Mr. Palaio in person or by email. By mid-year, it should not have taken Respondent but a few minutes per student to enter weekly data on Gradequick. Aimsweb should have required no more than five minutes per student on a weekly basis. The FAIR data requires very little time because the teacher enters it while testing the students. Tienet data entry takes even less time because it requires formulation of IEPs only once a year and review and maintenance quarterly. Pam Padgett was the assistant principal at Perry Primary School. On September 15, 2009, Ms. Padgett advised Respondent to provide Ms. Padgett with a copy of Respondent’s class schedule. The schedule was necessary to show the times that Respondent intended to teach specific subject areas. On September 15, 2009, Ms. Padgett also informed Respondent that her students would need to take the initial FAIR and Aimsweb probes in order to establish baselines. Ms. Padgett advised Respondent that other staff members would do this testing for Respondent. In September 2009, two of Respondent’s students were exempt from taking the initial FAIR reading probe because of their disabilities. The two students were supposed to be tested using an alternative assessment known as the Brigance. Petitioner’s staff decided to test the two students on the FAIR material, using a paper test, in addition to the Brigance test. The Brigance test, in booklet form, was supposed to be given three times a year. Teachers used a different color to score students’ tests each time it was administered. On September 17, 2009, Mr. Palaio requested Respondent to see him about testing her students using the Brigance. Mr. Palio also offered to help Respondent set up Edline for her class. Alise Thompson is the Intervention Resource Compliance Specialist at Perry Primary School. In the 2009-2010 school year, she was responsible for ensuring that teachers properly drafted IEPs using Tienet and for scheduling IEP meetings. On September 21, 2009, Ms. Thompson instructed Respondent to prepare the IEP (goals and objectives) for a student. She reminded Respondent that the IEP meeting for the student was scheduled for September 25, 2009. On September 22, 2009, Mr. Palaio advised Respondent that her class was set up in Gradequick so that she could start adding weekly grades. Mr. Palaio asked Respondent to see him for information about entering the grades in Gradequick. On September 29, 2009, Mr. Palaio again reminded Respondent that she needed to enter her grades in Gradequick so that she could send home midterm progress reports the next day. On September 30, 2009, Mr. Palaio advised Respondent that her kindergarten student needed to have grades entered in the computer on a weekly basis for reading now and for reading, spelling, and math beginning in January. He also reminded Respondent that her first and second grade students needed grades for reading, math, and spelling. As of September 30, 2009, Mr. Palaio had prepared the midterm reports for Respondent’s first and second grade students. He also offered to do the same for the kindergarten student if Respondent would send him the necessary information. Mr. Palaio reminded Respondent that she had been provided with additional computer training in Edline and needed to post her grades in Gradequick on a weekly basis. The September 30, 2009, email to Respondent told her to put her Brigance booklets back in the students’ cumulative folders in the school office. This was necessary in order to ensure their safekeeping. On October 26, 2009, Perry Primary School was preparing to send report cards home for the first nine weeks. Mr. Palaio offered to help Respondent in this regard if she encountered any difficulty. On October 28, 2009, Mr. Palaio offered to help Respondent with entering grades in Gradequick because she was late in doing so. Mr. Palaio advised Respondent that he had corrected some of her inconsistencies, but that he was more concerned with her failure to enter all required grades for her students. Specifically, Mr. Palaio noted that Respondent had not entered grades for some children for over two weeks. George Clayton was the principal of Perry Primary School for the 2009-2010 school year. Around the end of October or the beginning of November 2009, Mr. Clayton sent Respondent a reminder that she was two weeks behind in posting her grades to Edline and entering grades to Gradequick. Mr. Clayton told Respondent to "take care of this matter." Anne Sesock, as the Response to Invention (RTI) Specialist for the 2009-2010 school term, was responsible for monitoring teachers’ data for FAIR and Aimsweb testing at Perry Primary School. Over time, Ms. Sesock became aware that Respondent was behind on her FAIR and Aimsweb testing and/or data entry. On October 29, 2009, Ms. Sesock reminded all teachers that Thursday was the day they should monitor progress of their students in math using Aimsweb. Ms. Sesock had already entered the students’ names into the computer. Ms. Sesock then gave a brief description of how to perform the task. On October 30, 2009, Ms. Sesock reminded certain teachers, including Respondent, that they needed to enter their reading/literacy scores into Aimsweb. This was necessary for the school to prepare for a data meeting. On October 30, 2009, Mr. Palaio reminded Respondent that she needed to see about her Tienet progress reports that had to go home with student report cards. Mr. Palaio sent Respondent another message on October 30, 2009. In that message, Mr. Palaio stated that one of Respondent’s students still needed early literacy scores entered in Aimsweb. On November 2, 2009, Perry Primary School sent report cards home. Ms. Padgett asked Respondent to a meeting regarding Respondent’s failure to send Tienet parent reports out with report cards. On November 2009, Mr. Palaio responded to Respondent’s request for help in checking her students’ grades and parent reports. Mr. Palaio advised Respondent that he had corrected the grades in Gradequick so that she would now be entering grades for the second nine weeks. He stated that she had some grades missing and needed to be consistent in entering the grades. He also reminded Respondent that she needed to make corrections in the Tienet parent reports relating to student objectives, which should have been sent home with the last report cards. On November 17, 2009, Ms. Sesock directed Respondent to bring certain Aimsweb reading benchmark assessment sheets to a training session that afternoon. Ms. Sesock offered to enter them in the computer. In November 2009, Mr. Clayton became concerned with the lack of structure and student behavior problems in Respondent’s classroom. He subsequently initiated a plan to provide Respondent with help in this regard. On November 23, 2009, Ms. Padgett advised Respondent that a substitute would be available the next day so that Respondent could meet with school staff and the BMC consultant. The purpose of meeting was to develop a schedule and activities for Respondent’s class. On or about November 24, 2009, Respondent, the BMC consultant, and other school staff members met to develop a Tuesday/Thursday schedule for Respondent’s class. After the meeting, Respondent was supposed to develop a similar schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There is no persuasive evidence that Respondent ever completed this task. The Tuesday/Thursday schedule provides for whole group time beginning at 8:00 a.m. As the day progresses, the personal assistants were assigned to work one-on-one with a student, in small groups, or large groups, while Respondent worked one-on- one or two-on-one with specific students. To supplement the Tuesday/Thursday schedule, Respondent and the BMC consultant developed a Tuesday/Thursday Lesson Plan of 1:1 or 2:1 Instructions. The lesson plan names specific students and the skills/materials to be used with that student. On December 1, 2009, BMC staff visited Respondent’s classroom to observe implementation of the new schedule. They advised Ms. Padgett that Respondent stayed on the schedule for part of the day, but failed to follow it for the rest of the day. On December 1, 2009, Ms. Padgett provided Respondent with a copy of a walk-through monitoring form to be used when she and other administrative staff visited Respondent's class. Ms. Padgett reminded Respondent to post her class schedule for all support staff during the times that Respondent and the personal assistants were working one-on-one with students and in group time. On December 2, 2009, Ms. Padgett shared BMC’s concerns with Mr. Clayton. On December 3, 2009, Ms. Padgett visited Respondent’s classroom to observe a reading lesson under the new Tuesday/Thursday schedule. Ms. Padgett noted that Respondent was behind schedule but appeared to be implementing the new plan. Ms. Padgett subsequently provided Respondent with written observations, setting forth strengths, missed opportunities, and something to work on. In December 2009, Ms. Padgett became aware that Respondent had not done the required mid-year FAIR testing or had done the testing but failed to enter the data in the computer. On December 3, 2009, Mr. Palaio advised Ms. Padgett that Respondent had not started a single FAIR test. The next day, Ms. Padgett directed Respondent to begin FAIR-testing her students and to get help from Mr. Palaio and/or Ms. Sesock, if needed. On December 4, 2009, Mr. Palaio advised Respondent and another teacher that they needed to complete the regress/recoupment forms for their students before Christmas break. The forms are used three times a year to record test data on the same specific skill. The data is used to determine whether a student requires an extended school year (summer school) as an accommodation. On December 7, 2009, Mr. Clayton responded to Ms. Padgett that he was disappointed in Respondent’s failure to adhere to the new schedule. Mr. Clayton stated that he would be visiting Respondent’s class that day. From December 8, 2009, through December 11, 2009, Respondent was absent from school because she had pneumonia. During that week, Respondent came to school one time for a meeting at Mr. Clayton’s request. The meeting related to a student that would soon be entering Respondent’s class. There is no record of Respondent receiving emails from school while she was home sick. Accordingly, the following emails dated December 8 through 11 may not have been read by Respondent until she returned to school on December 14, 2009. On December 8, 2009, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an email. He advised her that certain students were missing a spelling score in the FAIR testing. On December 9, 2009, Ms. Thompson reminded Respondent that an IEP meeting was scheduled on December 11, 2009, for "O." Ms. Thompson had started the IEP but reminded Respondent to add the goals. The December 11, 2009, IEP meeting obviously had to be cancelled because Respondent was home sick and had not completed drafting the IEP. On December 10, 2009, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an email. Once again, he reminded her that she needed to enter FAIR scores for spelling. On December 11, 2009, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an email. Once again, he reminded Respondent to complete the regress/recoup form with all students that week. On December 16, 2009, Mr. Palaio advised Respondent that the initial regress/recoup testing had been done by another staff member the week before and that he had entered the scores. Mr. Palaio provided Respondent with a spreadsheet showing the results of the first probe that needed to be repeated the first day after Christmas break and then again two weeks later. On December 17, 2009, Mr. Palaio reviewed the policy at Perry Primary School regarding the need to check email three or four times a day. Teachers were supposed to read email before school, after reading, during lunch, and after school. Respondent was advised that teachers are held responsible for knowing the information contained in school emails, including requests for specific data. On December 17, 2009, Ms. Sesock reminded all teachers to complete their Aimsweb math and reading probes. Ms. Sesock wanted all teachers to enter the data that day or the next day so that the data would be available in January for intervention assistance team meetings. In an email dated January 3, 2010, Ms. Sesock wanted to know about missing scores in Respondent’s Aimsweb progress monitoring. Ms. Sesock could not run charts on the students until all scores were entered in the computer. January 4, 2010, was a teacher-planning day. During the day, Mr. Palaio sent Ms. Sesock a list of teachers, including Respondent, who had missing Aimsweb data as of December 18, 2009. Ms. Sesock responded with an email inquiring whether they could give Respondent an explicit instruction booklet on how to input scores so Respondent would learn to do it herself and quit bothering them. On January 4, 2010, Mr. Palaio reminded Respondent and other teachers that they needed to complete the second set of regress/recoup progress monitoring. He advised them to use the spreadsheet started before Christmas and to repeat the process on January 19, 2010. On January 5, 2010, Mr. Palaio requested that Respondent see him about Aimsweb and Brigance. He wanted to assist her with the Brigance books and Aimsweb probes. On January 5, 2010, Respondent injured her shoulder and knee when she fell after tripping over a student at school. She was prescribed pain medication (Vicodin and Celebrex) and required to wear a leg brace. Respondent claims that the medications made her sleepy and made it difficult for her to focus. However, she did not complain to anyone at Perry Primary School that the medications were interfering with her performance. On January 8, 2010, Ms. Thompson advised Respondent and other teachers about completing IEPs. Specifically, she reminded them that they needed to enter the accommodations for each child on an individual basis. On January 11, 2010, Mr. Palaio requested that Respondent see him that day. Mr. Palaio wanted to discuss Respondent’s scores for Brigance, Aimsweb, and Tienet. By January 2010, Mr. Clayton was aware that Respondent and the three personal assistants in her classroom were not working as a team. The personal assistants resented having to work with small or large groups of students while Respondent worked with students on a one-on-one or two-on-one basis. Mr. Clayton had a meeting with Respondent and her personal assistants on January 13, 2010. He gave the personal assistants a copy of their job descriptions. He reminded them that Respondent was the class leader and that they were her support staff. On January 13, 2010, Mr. Clayton told the personal assistants that they had to stay with their assigned students when BMC staff came to model implementation or observe implementation of a behavior plan. He did not want the assistants to think they could take a break every time BMC staff visited the classroom. During the January 13, 2010, meeting, Mr. Clayton discussed the Tuesday/Thursday schedule developed by BMC staff. He requested that Respondent develop a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule, using the same format, and give it to him. Mr. Clayton was concerned that there was not a consistent daily routine in Respondent’s classroom. Mr. Clayton also discussed Respondent’s lesson plans during the January 13, 2010, meeting. Mr. Clayton wanted Respondent to give him a copy of her lesson plans for the upcoming week every Friday before she left school. The first Friday that Respondent should have given Mr. Clayton her lesson plans was on Friday, January 15, 2010. As a general rule, teachers kept their lesson plans, two weeks in advance, in spiral notebooks provided by the school at the beginning of the school year. Teachers were supposed to keep the lesson plan books on their desks at all times. Mr. Clayton reviewed the lesson plans on a regular basis. Mr. Clayton made the special request on January 13, 2010, about Respondent’s lesson plans because he never saw her plan book on her desk. When he asked about the plan book, Respondent always said it was in her car or at home. During the January 13, 2010, meeting, Mr. Clayton instructed Respondent to provide each personal assistant with a copy of the IEPs and behavior plans for each student in the class. Mr. Clayton wanted the personal assistants to be familiar with all of the students’ IEPs and behavior plans so that they would know what to do in the absence of Respondent or a colleague. The greater weight of the evidence indicates that Respondent never complied with Mr. Clayton’s directive in this regard. Finally, Mr. Clayton told Respondent on January 13, 2010, that her class would be moved that weekend from a portable classroom to a classroom in the main building. The purpose of the move was to place the class closer to the school clinic to accommodate a student with medical issues. Mr. Clayton created written minutes of the January 13, 2010, meeting to share with Respondent and the personal assistants. Following the meeting on January 13, 2010, the assistants became more cooperative. On January 13, 2010, Ms. Sesock told Respondent how important it was for her to have up-to-date progress monitoring data for Aimsweb reading and math. At that time, Respondent had not entered the required weekly progress monitoring data, seven scores in math and five scores in reading. The second benchmark assessment for Aimsweb was due to be entered between January 11, 2010, and January 15, 2010. Ms. Sesock wanted to make sure that Respondent had all the materials she needed to perform the assessment. On January 13, 2010, Ms. Thompson reminded Respondent that "O's" IEP meeting was scheduled for Friday, January 15, 2010. Ms. Thompson requested that Respondent update his academic and behavior goals before the meeting. The next day, Ms. Thompson directed Respondent to update "O's" curriculum and behavior goals. On January 15, 2010, the IEP meeting had to be rescheduled because Respondent did not have “O’s” IEP properly drafted. Ms. Thompson sent an email to Respondent, stating that Respondent needed to separate goals and objectives on the IEP by subject area. For example, Respondent needed one goal and two objectives for reading, math, and behavior. After receiving a copy of Ms. Thompson’s January 15, 2010, email to Respondent, Mr. Clayton directed Respondent to complete “O’s” IEP goals by January 19, 2010. Mr. Clayton told Respondent to put the IEP in his mailbox before she left school on the 19th. On January 15, 2010, Respondent did not provide Mr. Clayton with the lesson plans for the upcoming week. Instead, she left school early for a doctor’s appointment and took the rest of the day off. On January 19, 2010, Mr. Clayton advised Respondent that he had reviewed her Aimsweb data and that it was not updated. He told her to update the reading and math data before she left school on January 21, 2010. During the 2009-2010 school year, Respondent had completed two IEPs before attempting the IEP for “O.” However, Respondent failed to complete “O’s” IEP and place it in Mr. Clayton's mailbox on January 19, 2010, as requested. On January 19, 2010, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an internet link for Tienet. Apparently, Respondent had lost the website address. On January 21, 2010, Mr. Clayton issued Respondent a letter of reprimand for “insubordination” for failing to complete “O’s” IEP on time. Respondent received the January 21, 2010, letter of reprimand, concerning the IEP, in her mailbox at school. Respondent’s failure to timely complete the IEP was gross insubordination. Respondent had been given more than enough time and assistance to properly draft the IEP. There is no persuasive evidence that Respondent’s pain medication was responsible for her inability to complete the IEP. On January 21, 2010, Ms. Thompson advised Respondent that corrections still needed to be made to “O’s” IEP. Respondent was told that each area of the IEP needed a present- level statement followed by at least one goal and two objectives. Later that day, Mr. Palaio gave Respondent additional suggestions to make the IEP meet Petitioner’s ESE standards. On January 21, 2010, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an email. The message reminded Respondent that most of her Aimsweb scores had not been entered. On the morning of January 22, 2010, Mr. Clayton shared some of his concerns with Respondent in an email. First, he discussed Respondent’s need to conduct Aimsweb progress monitoring probes in reading and math. Second, Mr. Clayton was worried about Respondent’s failure to enter grades in Gradequick, advising her to see Mr. Palaio by the end of the day to resolve this matter. Third, Mr. Clayton reminded Respondent that she needed to be using the school-wide behavior modification program. Fourth, Mr. Clayton noted some errors in “O’s” IEP. Fifth, Mr. Clayton told Respondent not to forget to do the ESE regress/recoup form. Finally, Mr. Clayton reminded Respondent that she was supposed to provide him with a copy of her lesson plans before leaving school that afternoon. Mr. Clayton wanted to make sure that Respondent received his January 22, 2010, email. He asked his assistant to call Respondent that afternoon. Realizing that Respondent was not in her classroom, Mr. Clayton requested the assistant to call Respondent’s cell phone and her husband’s cell phone. Because Mr. Clayton could not reach Respondent, he sent her another email at 3:55 p.m., telling her to contact Mr. Palaio if she and he were still on campus. Respondent left school on Friday, January 22, 2010, without giving Mr. Clayton her lesson plans. At 5:51 p.m. on January 22, 2010, Mr. Palaio sent Respondent an email. He reminded her to do her quarterly Tienet progress reports that were due to go home with report cards on January 27, 2010. On Monday morning, January 25, 2010, Mr. Clayton sent Respondent an email. The message stated that administration wanted to meet with her at 2:30 in Mr. Clayton’s office. Respondent was advised that she could bring union representation to the meeting. During the meeting on January 25, 2010, Mr. Clayton discussed Respondent’s failure to provide him with her lesson plans as directed. Mr. Clayton also told Respondent that her failure to complete a task by a given date constituted insubordination and served as grounds for termination. During the January 25, 2010, meeting, Mr. Clayton told Respondent that she had a chance to resign. Mr. Clayton stated that if she did not resign, he would contact the Superintendant and recommend her termination. Respondent could not make a decision to resign without talking to someone. Mr. Clayton told Respondent to let him know her decision by Wednesday, January 27, 2010. Respondent did not do so. At some point in time, Mr. Clayton placed a letter of reprimand, dated January 25, 2010, in Respondent's mailbox for failing to provide him a copy of her lesson plans on January 15, 2010, and on January 22, 2010. Mr. Clayton noted in the letter that he still had not received Respondent's lesson plans. Following the meeting, on January 25, 2010, Respondent got materials ready for her students for the remainder of the week. Respondent did not return to work until Monday, February 1, 2010. On January 26, 2010, Ms. Thompson advised Respondent by email that “O’s” goals and objectives were looking better. However, Ms. Thompson noted certain corrections needed to be made. Ms. Thompson placed a draft copy of the IEP, with notations, in Respondent’s mailbox. When Respondent returned to school on February 1, 2010, she gave Mr. Clayton a very detailed copy of her lesson plans for February 1, 2010, through February 12, 2010. The lesson plans were in a narrative form and not in a lesson plan book form that contains plans for a week at a glance. Even though the plans were not drafted according to Perry Primary School policy and were not the plans expected, Mr. Clayton provided Respondent with a lengthy critique of the lesson plans. On February 1, 2010, Mr. Clayton advised Respondent that she needed to complete the regress/recoup spreadsheet. He also told her that she still needed to fix “O’s” IEP by February 3, 2010, and before the IEP meeting on February 10, 2010. Mr. Clayton directed Respondent to complete the January Brigance testing before she left work on February 5, 2010. On February 1, 2010, Ms. Padgett sent Respondent an email regarding the reading programs in Respondent’s classroom. Ms. Padgett told Respondent that Ms. Padgett and the BMC staff had made certain decisions about the reading program while Respondent was absent from school. On February 2, 2010, Ms. Thompson advised Respondent that "O's" IEP was better. However, Ms. Thompson noted that Respondent needed to work on the reading goal and two objectives. On February 3, 2010, Ms. Thompson stated that she had met with Mr. Palaio and that he had offered some suggestions for “O’s” IEP. Ms. Thompson's message included a copy of a draft IEP prepared by Mr. Palaio. In a letter dated February 3, 2010, Mr. Clayton recommended that the Superintendant terminate Respondent’s employment. The letter references Respondent’s failure to provide him with lesson plans and the associated reprimand. The letter does not refer to Respondent’s reprimand for not completing the IEP goals. Mr. Clayton’s February 3, 2010, letter also included the following deficiencies: (a) Respondent never provided the personal assistants with the student behavior plans as instructed on January 13, 2010; (b) Respondent did not have her Brigance testing up to date; and (c) Respondent’s Aimsweb data was not up to date. In a letter dated February 5, 2010, Paul Dyal, Superintendant of Taylor County School District, advised Respondent that her employment was suspended with pay as of February 8, 2010. Mr. Dyal stated that the action was based on Respondent’s insubordination as outlined in Mr. Clayton’s February 3, 2010, letter. Mr. Dyal’s letter was hand-delivered to Respondent on February 5, 2010.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That The Taylor County School Board enter a final order terminating Respondent’s employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of February, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of February, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela M. Ball, Esquire Post Office Box 734 Perry, Florida 32348 Ronald G. Stowers, Esquire Levine & Stivers, LLC 245 East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Paul Dyal, Superintendent Taylor County School District Alton J. Wentworth Administrative Office Complex 318 North Clark Street Perry, Florida 32347 Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Lois Tepper, Acting General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321001.421010.231012.33120.569120.57120.68
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