The Issue The issues are whether Respondent properly suspended Petitioner's Contract for Transportation of School Children and revoked his license to drive a school bus.
Findings Of Fact Respondent's method of providing transportation for its students is unique in the state of Florida because it contracts annually with independent contractors for each bus route. Pursuant to the contract, independent contractors furnish a bus or busses and are responsible for employing qualified drivers. In order to be qualified, drivers must hold a license issued by Respondent pursuant to Rule 6A-3.0141, Florida Administrative Code. Respondent and Petitioner entered into an annual contract for Petitioner to transport school children in Bus #657 for the 1991-1992 school year. At all times material hereto, the parties continued to perform under the terms of the 1991-1992 contract because Respondent was still negotiating the bus contracts for the 1992-1993 school year. Petitioner had been an independent bus contractor for approximately nineteen (19) years. The contract provided no guarantee that Respondent would renew its contract with Petitioner from year to year. At all times material hereto, Petitioner's wife, Eloise J. Lester, was the independent bus contractor for Bus #28. At all times material hereto, Petitioner held a Florida Department of Education school bus license issued by Respondent to operate a school bus. He had been licensed to drive a school bus for Respondent for nineteen (19) years. During that time, he had driven a bus on the Plummer Road route approximately 1,800 times with no reported mishaps. His prior record as a bus driver and bus contractor was unblemished. Respondent uses the Florida School Bus Drivers Handbook, published by the Florida Department of Education, as the curriculum to initially train drivers and for annual in-service training. Respondent gives a copy of this handbook to every driver. On the morning of February 8, 1993, Petitioner was driving his wife's bus #28 with students on board. He approached the railroad crossing at 9520 Plummer Road, stopped, and opened the door. Petitioner saw the Norfolk Southern Railroad train #229 a "good ways" down the track. The railroad crossing signals, flashing lights and bells, were activated indicating that the train was approaching the crossing. The engineer blew the train's whistle. Despite these warnings, Petitioner drove the bus across the tracks in front of the approaching train. The bus cleared the tracks just seconds before the train entered the crossing. The engineer, Jimmy W. Carter, and the conductor, Everett Maine, witnessed the incident and immediately reported the "near miss" to the railroad yard by radio. Later they prepared written incident reports. Norfolk Southern Railroad reported the incident to Respondent. Mr. Carter has been a train engineer for twenty-five (25) years. Mr. Maine has been a train conductor for forty-three (43) years. They were not under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the incident. They were not involved in any conspiracy to harm Petitioner. Ms. Ruby C. Mardis lives near the crossing. She was waiting for the bus in her driveway with her grandchildren on the morning of February 8, 1993. She testified that she did not know where the train was when the bus crossed the tracks. She did not remember hearing any bells or whistles. Petitioner testified that he could see the light of the approaching train before he entered the crossing. He denied that the crossing lights were flashing or that the alarm bells were ringing at that time. However, Petitioner stated that under certain circumstances, even if the crossing signals were activated, he had discretion to cross the tracks, i.e. when there is no train in sight or a train is stopped on the track. The eyewitness testimony of the engineer and the conductor relative to the activated signals and the distance of the train from the crossing at the time Petitioner drove across the tracts is more persuasive than any testimony to the contrary. After completing an investigation, the Director of Transportation, as the designee of the Superintendent made a determination in writing to suspend Petitioner's bus contract and revoke his school bus driver's license effective February 19, 1993. The initial suspension of the contract and revocation of the license was not permanent because both actions were subject to review by Respondent. The Respondent has discretion to enter into a new bus contract with Petitioner and to reinstate Petitioner's school bus license provided he meets the requirements of Rule 6A-3.0141, Florida Administrative Code. In March of 1993, Respondent assigned the contract for Route #657 (School Bus #657) to Petitioner's wife at her request.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that Respondent enter a Final Order affirming the suspension of Petitioner's bus contract and revoking his school bus license. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 17th day of May, 1995. SUZANNE F. HOOD, Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of May, 1995. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in paragraph 6 of this Recommended Order. Accepted in paragraphs 2-4 of this Recommended Order. Accept that the testimony of the witnesses is in conflict. However, the testimony of the engineer and conductor is more persuasive than the testimony of the neighbor, the Petitioner, or any other witness. Rejected. The suspension and revocation was subject to review by Respondent and will not become final until the Respondent issues a Final Order in this proceeding. Respondent has discretion to enter into a new contract with Petitioner and to reissue a school bus license. Rejected. Ms. Mardis did not see the bus as it crossed the tracks. The testimony of the engineer and the conductor is more persuasive. Rejected. The testimony of the engineer and the conductor is more persuasive. Rejected. The contract was suspended and the license revoked subject to review by Respondent. Even though the contract does not expressly provide for an appeal to Respondent under the facts and circumstances of this case, the right to review is implicit in the contract. Rejected. Regardless of what was said at staff meetings or in conference with Petitioner, the contract was not suspended and the license not revoked until Petitioner was notified in writing. Even then the adverse decisions were reviewable by Respondent. The contract does not specifically provide Petitioner an opportunity to explain why his contract should not be suspended and his license revoked at the time of the staff conference. The suspension and revocation was subject to review before the Respondent. Moreover, Respondent has provided Petitioner with a due process hearing by referring this matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings. Rejected. Ms. Lester was paid for transporting students in Bus 657 for the balance of the 1992-1993 school year beginning March of 1993. Since that time, Ms. Lester has been paid for transporting children in Bus 657. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1.--15. Accepted in paragraphs 1-12 of this Recommended Order. 16.--17. Accepted in paragraphs 1-2 of this Recommended Order. 18.--19. Accepted in paragraph in paragraph 11 of this Recommended Order. Accepted but unnecessary to resolution of case. Accepted but not at issue in this case. 22.--23. Accepted in paragraph 3. 24.--25. Accepted in paragraph 12 of this Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael Mullin, Esq. 26 S. 5th St. Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Clay Meux, Esq. Vicki Reynolds, Esq. 600 City Hall 220 E. Bay St. Jackonsville, FL 32202 Dr. Larry Zenke Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32207-8154 Frank T. Brogan Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
The Issue The issue in this case is whether Respondent, who swung a belt at or near a student while disciplining the student for unacceptable behavior on a school bus, gave Petitioner——her employer, the district school board——just cause to dismiss Respondent from her position as a bus driver.
Findings Of Fact The Palm Beach County School Board ("School Board" or "District"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Palm Beach County Public School System. At all relevant times and as of the final hearing, the District employed Respondent Rosa Harrell ("Harrell") as a bus driver, a position she has held since 1998. To date, her disciplinary record as a District employee is clear. The events in dispute occurred on the afternoon of April 27, 2016, as Harrell drove students home from Christa McAuliffe Middle School. During the run, Harrell noticed that a student was eating on the bus, which is specifically described as "unacceptable behavior" on page 31 of the District's School Bus Drivers and Bus Attendants Handbook (the "Handbook"), as is drinking any beverage on the bus. State law mandates that a "school bus driver shall require order and good behavior by all students being transported on school buses." § 1006.10(1), Fla. Stat. To this end, drivers are invested with "the authority and responsibility to control students during the time students are on the school bus . . . ." § 1012.45(2), Fla. Stat. The Handbook likewise requires that drivers "maintain order and appropriate student behavior while on the school bus at all times." Handbook, at 28.1/ Faced with unacceptable student behavior, which drivers have a duty to subdue, Harrell demanded that the student or students bring her their "crackers" and "soda too," immediately. At the time Harrell gave this order, the bus was stopped, probably at a red light. The student(s) did not promptly comply, and Harrell repeated the command, urging them, multiple times, to "come on!" The student(s) still failed to obey, and after about a half-minute, Harrell stepped on the gas pedal, causing the bus to accelerate——presumably because the light had turned green. Finally, a student came forward and handed Harrell some food, which she tossed out the driver's open window. The student then returned to his seat. Harrell, driving, again ordered the student who had been seen drinking to "bring [the soda] here." Eventually a boy came forward and handed Harrell a soda can, which she threw out the window. This boy tattled on another student, M.M., who had been eating and drinking on the bus, too. There is no dispute that M.M., a sixth-grader at the time, engaged in this unacceptable behavior. The informant suggested that Harrell slam on the brakes and deal with M.M. right away, but Harrell indicated that she would take care of M.M. at the next stop. True to her word, after coming to a complete stop at the next light, Harrell engaged the parking brake, unstrapped her seat belt, and headed to the rear of the bus to confront M.M. As she walked back, one of the students removed his cloth belt, as others shouted, "Take it!" Harrell said to M.M., "You drinking on the bus with your big ol' self." She took the belt when it was offered to her. The District argues that Harrell meant to embarrass M.M. by drawing attention to his size, and M.M. testified that the driver's remark about his "big ol' self" had made him feel uncomfortable. The undersigned rejects the argument, finding instead that Harrell in fact used the slangy adjective "big ol'" not to tease the student about his weight,2/ but to intensify the reference to M.M.'s "self." She was not calling him fat; she was calling him self-important. The approximate meaning of her statement, in other words, was: You think you're such a big shot, drinking on the bus. The undersigned is not convinced that this comment caused M.M. the discomfort he currently claims to have experienced.3/ When Harrell reached M.M., who was sitting by himself on the bench seat, she took his hand, raised his arm, and swung the belt in M.M.'s direction, striking the side of the seat five times. The parties sharply dispute whether Harrell intended to hit M.M. with the belt, and also whether she did so, either on purpose or by accident. Having considered all of the evidence, including the videos, the undersigned finds that, most likely, Harrell did not intend to strike M.M. The event took place in an atmosphere of boisterous laughter, suggesting to the undersigned that the students did not regard Harrell as a genuine threat to M.M. The student himself did not react as though he were in fear of being struck, as he continued to hold up and view his cellphone throughout the incident. Finally, had Harrell intended to hit M.M. with the belt, she almost certainly would have landed solid blows, for he was a sitting duck at close range. Such blows likely would be plain to see on the available videos. But the videos in evidence do not unambiguously show the belt striking the student, giving additional grounds for doubting that Harrell intended to hit M.M. The best description the undersigned can give for Harrell's conduct during the "whupping" of M.M. is that it was one part pantomime, one part burlesque, and one part horseplay, a kind of show whose purpose was to discipline M.M., to be sure, but with parodic violence, not with real violence, discharging her duty to maintain acceptable student behavior while winking, metaphorically, at the students. Harrell did not act, the undersigned believes, with malice or cruelty or the intent to cause M.M. harm. She intended to hit the seat in close enough proximity to M.M. that it would look like she was "whupping" the student. Just because Harrell did not intend to hit M.M. with the belt, however, does not mean that she missed him when she swung in his direction. M.M. testified that Harrell caught him on the leg. The video evidence is inconclusive but does not clearly contradict M.M.'s testimony. Ultimately, based on the totality of the evidence, including the videos, the undersigned cannot find without hesitation that Harrell struck M.M. with the belt. While evidence of such contact is less than clear and convincing, a preponderance of the evidence persuades the undersigned that the belt, more likely than not, clipped M.M. on one of its passes. Fortunately for all concerned, M.M. was not injured. Although Harrell's intentions were good, or at least not bad, her judgment in this instance was very poor. M.M.'s hands were not clean, of course, because he had engaged in unacceptable student conduct, but a driver should not swing a belt at a student——even without the intent to impose actual corporal punishment——just for eating on the bus. Harrell's actions created an indefensible risk of accidental harm that outweighed all reasonable disciplinary justifications. Thus, even without clear and convincing proof that Harrell hit a student, the District has convinced the undersigned to determine, without hesitation, that Harrell engaged in misconduct affecting the health, safety, or welfare of M.M., in contravention of a written District policy. Had Harrell's actions clearly constituted a real and immediate danger to the District, the District would have had a factual basis not to administer progressive discipline, which is otherwise generally a requirement under the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Her actions, however, immediately affected, not the District as a whole, but only one person, M.M., and even he was not placed in real and immediate danger. To explain, while Harrell unreasonably exposed M.M. to a risk of accidental harm, which is just cause for disciplinary action, she did not intend to hurt him: harm was foreseeable, but not imminent. If Harrell had intended to cause injury (which she did not), then harm would have been, not only foreseeable, but nearly inevitable. In that hypothetical case, her conduct would have constituted an immediate danger to M.M. In the event, it did not. Nor did Harrell's actions constitute a clearly flagrant and purposeful violation of any District policies or rules, which ultimate fact, were it true, would have supplied an alternative basis for skipping progressive discipline. A veteran driver with a previously spotless disciplinary record, Harrell suffered a momentary lapse of judgment and, in a misguided effort to discipline a student for engaging in unacceptable behavior, committed a disciplinable offense herself. Her conduct was ill-advised but not obviously and willfully contumacious.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board enter a final order finding Harrell guilty of misconduct in office and imposing the following penalties therefor: (a) verbal reprimand; (b) written reprimand; and (c) 30-day suspension without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of April, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of April, 2017.
The Issue Whether Petitioners, Renaissance Charter School, Inc., and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, can be required by the St. Lucie County School Board ("School Board") to offer regular school busing to all eligible charter school students residing more than two miles from the charter school. Whether Petitioner, Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, breached its contract with the School Board by not providing transportation to students in accord with the parties' charter school contract and Florida Statutes. Whether School Board Policies 3.90 and 8.31 constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Whether the School Board has charter busing policies which amount to illegal, unadopted rules under chapter 120, Florida Statutes (2014).
Findings Of Fact The Parties Renaissance Charter School, Inc., is a not-for-profit Florida corporation. Renaissance Charter School, Inc., currently owns and operates two charter schools in St. Lucie County: Renaissance Charter School at Tradition and Renaissance Charter School at St. Lucie. The School Board is the "sponsor" of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition within the meaning of the charter school statute, section 1002.33. The School Board's Approval of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition's Charter Application and Charter Contract On August 1, 2012, a charter school application was submitted to the School Board by Renaissance Charter School, Inc., on behalf of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition. During the charter application and approval process, the School Board consistently contended that charter schools in St. Lucie County are required by law to offer regular school busing to all eligible students residing more than two miles from their charter school.1/ On September 17, 2012, the School Board's Charter School Evaluation Team recommended approval of the Renaissance Charter School at Tradition charter school application, subject to the charter school providing "a viable transportation plan that meets statutory requirements once a school site has been finalized." On May 14, 2013, the School Board, at a regular board meeting, unanimously approved its charter contract with Renaissance Charter School, Inc., for Renaissance Charter School at Tradition. The Renaissance Charter School at Tradition charter contract became effective upon approval by the School Board at its May 14, 2013, meeting. The term of the charter contract is five years, commencing on the first day of the 2013-2014 school year, and ending on June 30, 2018. The School Board and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition have a valid and binding charter school contract that is still in full force and effect. Applicable Transportation Provisions of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition's Charter Contract Section 6 of the charter contract between the School Board and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, which governs student transportation, provides as follows: SECTION 6: TRANSPORTATION Cooperation Between Sponsor and School: The School shall provide transportation to the School's students consistent with the requirements of Part I.E. of Chapter 1006, and Section 1012.45, F.S. The School may contract with the Sponsor to provide transportation service. Reasonable Distance: Transportation will not be a barrier to equal access for all students residing within the District, and the School shall provide transportation to all students residing in the District subject to the limitations in this Section 6.B. Students residing within two miles of the school will be expected to furnish their own transportation, except that certain students, as specified in Section 1006.21, F.S., for example students with disabilities and elementary grade students who are subject to specified hazardous walking conditions, must be provided transportation, regardless of the distance from the school. For students who are geographically isolated, or who are unable to be transported on a school bus due to disabilities, the School will offer reimbursement to eligible parents residing within the District. This parental reimbursement shall be equivalent to the monies provided by the Sponsor to the School for transportation of the student. At the time of student application for enrollment, the School shall be responsible for informing parents of the transportation options available, including the reimbursement amount available in lieu of provided transportation to qualifying students. Compliance with Safety Requirements: The School shall demonstrate compliance with all applicable transportation safety requirements. Unless it contracts with the Sponsor for the provision of student transportation, the School is required to ensure that each school bus transporting the School's students meets applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards and other specifications. The School agrees to monitor the status of the commercial drivers' licenses of each school bus driver employed or hired by the School (hereafter "School Bus Drivers") unless it contracts with Sponsor to provide such services. The School will provide the Sponsor, via the Charter Schools Support Department, an updated list each quarter of all School Bus Drivers providing commercial driver's license numbers, current license status and license expiration dates. Fees: The School may not charge a fee for transportation to which the student is entitled pursuant to state law. The School shall reimburse parents for parent-provided transportation costs if the student is legally entitled to transportation. Private Transportation Agreement: In the event the School will be contracting with a third party to provide transportation to its students, the School shall provide a copy of the transportation contract to the Sponsor at least sixty (60) days prior to the initial day of classes. Reimbursement for School Funded Transportation: The rate of reimbursement to the School by the Sponsor for transportation will be equivalent to the reimbursement rate provided by the State of Florida for all eligible transported students. Section 1 B) 4) of the charter contract further provides: 4) Statutory Requirements: The Parties will comply with Section 1002.33, F.S., and any regulations adopted by the State Board of Education or other state agency, or amendments thereto, pertaining to charter schools, and all applicable federal, state and local laws pertaining to civil rights and student health, safety and welfare. If any conflict exists between the provisions of the approved application or this Charter and any specific provision of law, then the provisions of the law shall prevail. The School shall be bound by amendments to applicable statutes, rules, and regulation, as any such amendments take effect. Unless specifically incorporated herein, the policies of the Sponsor do not apply to the School. However, if the School is statutorily required to have a policy and does not, the Sponsor's policy shall be deemed to apply. Students of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition and the School's Transportation Policy For a student to attend Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, their parents must apply during an open enrollment period, and a lottery system is used to determine who may attend. Parents whose child is selected through the lottery to attend Renaissance Charter School at Tradition are given a certain number of days to accept or decline the seat. Then the process starts over again until all seats are filled or there are no other students on the list. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition opened for the 2013-2014 school year as a K-6 school with 695 enrolled students. Projected enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year was 661 students. However, before the 2013-2014 school year began, projected enrollment had increased to 745 students. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition opened for the 2014-2015 school year as a K-7 school with 890 enrolled students and an enrollment cap of 945 students. For the 2015-2016 school year, Renaissance Charter School at Tradition plans to open as a K-8 school with projected enrollment of 1,075 students. For the 2016-2017 school year, Renaissance Charter School at Tradition plans to open as a K-8 school at maximum capacity of 1,145 enrolled students. The only "A" graded schools in St. Lucie County, Florida, for the 2013-2014 school year were Renaissance Charter School at Tradition and Renaissance Charter School at St. Lucie. There is a waiting list for grades K-3 at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition. Parents of students enrolled at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition recognize that Renaissance Charter School at Tradition provides their children with a unique educational opportunity. Parents of students enrolled at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition recognize that the decision to enroll their children at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition is a personal choice and not a privilege. Parents of students enrolled at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition are active partners in the education of their children. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition does not provide regular school busing to its students who reside more than two miles from the charter school. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition re-evaluates its transportation policies on a yearly basis. Parents of students are informed that Renaissance Charter School at Tradition does not offer regular school busing in informational meetings before they apply for their child to attend the school. Parents of students enrolled at Renaissance Charter School at Tradition sign a "Parent Obligation Form," contractually obligating themselves "[t]o provide transportation to and from the school for my child." Parents are required to sign the "Parent Obligation Form" every year as part of the enrollment process. The transportation policy of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, which is given to all parents upon enrollment, apprises parents that the school does not offer regular school busing to students, but that the school agrees to provide "transportation or an equivalent reimbursement" to students in certain legally-defined circumstances. The transportation policy of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition provides as follows: Student Transportation Policy Renaissance Charter School at Tradition's [sic], is and always has been, fully committed to ensuring that transportation will not be a barrier to equal access for all students residing within the District. To date, there are more students attending our newly-opened charter school than was projected for our first year. Although our school does not presently offer busing as a means of school transportation, we are in the process of helping put together parent carpools for those parents who want their children to share rides to and from school. Moreover, transportation, or an equivalent reimbursement, will be provided to any student who falls under any of the following categories [taken from Florida State Statute 1006.21]: Any student in grades K-8 who does not otherwise have access to an adequate educational facility or opportunity. Any student in grades K-6 who are subjected to a hazardous walking condition as defined in s. 1006.23 while en route to or from school. Any student in grades K-8 who have a documented transportation need in their IEP. Any student in grades K-8 who are pregnant, student parents, and/or the children of these students if a teenage parent program is presented at the school. If you feel your child falls within one of the categories listed above, please notify the front office and we will work with you on a case-by-case basis. The School Board rejected the transportation policy of Renaissance Charter School at Tradition because it does not provide for the regular school busing of all students residing more than two miles from the charter school. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition's failure to provide regular bus transportation to all students residing more than two miles from the charter school does not constitute a barrier to equal access to all students. At the hearing, no credible and persuasive evidence was presented that any students lack equal access to an adequate educational facility or opportunity. No evidence was presented that any students are subject to hazardous walking conditions while en route to or from the charter school. There is one student who enrolled on January 20, 2015, who has a transportation need documented in their individual education plan, but the child's parent has chosen to provide transportation. No evidence was presented of any students who are pregnant or who have given birth to any children. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition opens at 6:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. There are before-and-after- care private buses that take students off-site to other organizations, such as to karate and the Boys and Girls Clubs. Renaissance Charter School at Tradition also encourages parents' use of carpooling their children to and from school. The School Board's position is that carpooling is not a viable transportation option for the charter school. At Renaissance Charter School at Tradition, one parent has decided to run a private busing service, but no other parents have chosen to use the services of that private bus.2/ The Charter Contract and Transportation Policy Do Not Require Petitioners to Transport by Regular School Bus All Students Residing More Than Two Miles From the Charter School The parties' dispute centers on whether the School Board can require Renaissance Charter School at Tradition to offer regular school bus transportation, to and from the school, for all students residing more than two miles from the school. The interests of Petitioners are directly and substantially affected by the School Board's attempt to require that Petitioners transport by regular school bus all students residing more than two miles from the charter school. The parties unsuccessfully mediated their dispute before the Florida Department of Education. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing demonstrates that Renaissance Charter School at Tradition has not breached its charter contract with the School Board by not providing regular school busing to all students residing more than two miles from the charter school. The charter school contract between the School Board and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition does not require Renaissance Charter School at Tradition to provide regular school busing to all students residing more than two miles from the charter school.3/ Renaissance Charter School at Tradition's transportation policy is consistent with its charter contract with the School Board. The School Board's Inequitable Treatment of Charter Schools The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing demonstrates that the School Board's treatment of Petitioners is inequitable. The School Board has a "no transportation zone," which geographically encompasses approximately one-third of the county. Students of traditional public schools residing in the "no transportation zone" are not provided regular school bus transportation to and from school. The School Board also has a "limited transportation zone." Students of traditional public schools residing in the "limited transportation zone" are provided regular school bus transportation, but only if they attend a school located within the "limited transportation zone." The "no transportation zone" and "limited transportation zone" encompass approximately one-half of St. Lucie County. At the hearing, the School Board conceded that it has different policies for the transportation of traditional public school students and students at magnet schools and attractor schools. The School Board encourages the use of carpools for students of traditional public schools. The School Board's Alleged Unadopted Policy The School Board, in paragraph 20 of its counter- petition filed in Case No. 14-3267, specifically states: "The School District's adopted policy is that students who live more than two miles from their assigned school shall be provided school bus transportation." (emphasis added). The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing demonstrates that the School Board interprets Florida law and its adopted School Board Policies 3.90 and 8.31 to require that all existing and future charter schools within the county provide regular school bus transportation for all students residing more than two miles from the charter school. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing demonstrates that the School Board does not have an unadopted policy that all charter schools within the county must provide regular school busing to all students residing more than two miles from their charter school. The School Board's Adopted Policies The School Board has two adopted policies, School Board Policy 3.90 (dealing with charter schools) and School Board Policy 8.31 (dealing with student transportation). The interests of Petitioner are directly and substantially affected by these policies.4/ Both School Board Policies 3.90 and 8.31 were properly noticed pursuant to chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Neither School Board Policy 3.90 nor 8.31 is specifically incorporated into the charter agreement between the School Board and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition. Moreover, according to the School Board, School Board Policy 8.31 applies only in the absence of a viable charter school transportation policy. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing fails to demonstrate that the School Board and Renaissance Charter School at Tradition mutually agreed that School Board Policy 3.90, or 8.31, apply to the charter school.
The Issue The issues in this case are whether, as the district school board alleges, Respondent got into a scuffle with a student; and, if so, whether such conduct constitutes just cause for Petitioner's dismissing Respondent from his position as a bus driver.
Findings Of Fact The Palm Beach County School Board ("School Board" or "District"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Palm Beach County Public School System. At all relevant times and as of the final hearing, the District employed Respondent José Lopez ("Lopez") as a bus driver, a position he has held since 2008. The events in dispute occurred on the afternoon of March 9, 2016. At the time, Lopez was working as a "spare driver," meaning that, instead of being assigned to a regular route, he drove to different locations as needed. This particular afternoon, the dispatcher directed Lopez to make a late pickup at Forest Hill Community High School ("Forest Hill") in West Palm Beach because the regular driver's bus had broken down. Lopez had some trepidation about accepting this assignment because he was familiar with the route in question and considered it dangerous due to the behavior of the students. Nevertheless, he proceeded to Forest Hill as instructed. The bus was behind schedule when Lopez arrived at the school, through no fault of his. The other busses already had pulled away, and the students waiting for Lopez's bus were standing in the road (or "bus loop" as it is called). As the bus pulled up, some students began running beside it, creating a potentially dangerous situation. The administrator on bus duty, Dr. Demetrius Permenter, ordered Lopez to drive around the loop again, so that he could get the students out of the road and under control. Lopez complied. On his second approach, Lopez parked the bus and opened the side-entry double doors, which are located at the front of the bus, opposite the driver (to his right when driving). The students jostled and pushed each other as they rushed to board the bus. Again fearing that someone might get hurt, Dr. Permenter told the students to stop boarding and——to prevent others from entering——instructed Lopez to close the doors. Lopez complied. As the doors closed, students continued to dash in, disobeying Dr. Permenter. The last student to board the bus was Michael Clark, then 17 years old. Although he had bolted inside the bus at the last second, Michael could not proceed to a seat because his arm (or the arm of his jacket) got caught between the doors as they shut, trapping him at the bottom of the interior steps. Fortunately, Michael was not hurt, which was obvious to everyone around, for he began to laugh at the somewhat comical position he had placed himself in. Others, including Dr. Permenter, chuckled too, and Lopez raised his hands, palms forward, in an exaggerated gesture of mock exasperation, before opening the doors, freeing Michael. All told, the student was stuck for about five seconds. To this point, the atmosphere had been one of energetic merriment. The students had been excited, boisterous, and generally in high spirits. But suddenly, the mood changed. As Michael climbed the steps onto the bus, he angrily demanded to know why his arm had been stuck "in the damn door so fucking long." Dr. Permenter clearly heard this disrespectful outburst and knew immediately that "some[thing] was going on." Tr. 96. Lopez thought, "Something is coming. I don't wanna do it." Tr. 335. At hearing, Dr. Permenter testified that Michael's statement could have been perceived as aggressive, Tr. 108, but he did not view it that way at the time, perhaps, in part, because he could not see Michael's face. Tr. 132. Lopez rose from his seat. Although Michael's belligerent query had not been overtly threatening, it carried an unmistakable whiff of menace——enough, clearly, to put a reasonable person on guard. Sitting behind the wheel placed Lopez in a vulnerable position vis-à-vis Michael. Therefore, rising to his feet sensibly increased Lopez's options for fight or flight, should it come to that, and reduced the risk that he would be set upon by an attacker looming over him, raining down blows. In sum, because Michael had addressed Lopez, not as an authority figure, but (at best) as a peer and possibly as prey, Lopez's decision to stand was reasonable under the circumstances. Lopez, who had stood up next to the right edge of the driver's seat, turned to his right to face Michael, who was drawing near, and asked, "What's your problem, man?" In the blink of an eye, the two began to tussle. The question at the heart of this dispute is: Who initiated the physical altercation? The District alleges that Lopez panicked and lashed out at a student merely for using foul language.1/ Lopez claims that he acted reasonably in self-defense after Michael attacked him. Accounts of the next few relevant moments differ sharply, which is par for the course. What is worse, from the fact-finder's perspective, is the thinness of the evidence. The two protagonists were the only witnesses at hearing having personal knowledge of all the relevant facts, and both were relatively inarticulate; they each gave testimony that was neither precise nor explicit. The other eyewitness, Dr. Permenter, described the events with admirable precision, as far as his testimony went, but he did not see everything and could not say whether Lopez or Michael had been the aggressor. Then there are the two surveillance videos ("3A" and "3B"), which together amount to a virtual witness who "testifies" through the sound and images recorded by the cameras mounted on the bus. Yet, while the video evidence is both captivating and seemingly unbiased, it is a mistake to assume casually that the assertive narrative of any given video is objective and unambiguous, for rarely is that true, if ever. Viewers of filmic evidence, including the undersigned, do not somehow become eyewitnesses to past events, for video merely represents, imperfectly, the real events captured on camera. Of necessity, each member of the audience projects onto the images his or her own interpretation of the scenes depicted. As the fact-finder, the undersigned must determine the significance, meaning, and story of the images preserved in videos 3A and 3B based upon a critical review of the films in conjunction with a careful consideration of all the available evidence. Michael testified that after Lopez stood up, he (Lopez) reached for Michael's neck, which initiated the tussle. Video 3A persuasively rebuts Michael's testimony in this regard. Lopez clearly did not reach for Michael's neck——not right away, anyway. Unfortunately for purposes of this case, however, video 3A does not persuasively describe the entire event, as a result of the static position of the camera. Video 3A was shot by a camera mounted at the front of the bus, over the driver's left shoulder (as he faces forward). The angle of the shot gives the viewer the perspective of looking down, from the left side of the bus, onto the front inside area of the vehicle, which encompasses the driver's seat (closest to the camera); the landing at the head of the center aisle, onto which passengers step after ascending the front steps inside the vehicle; the first few rows of passenger seats; and the side-entry double doors located to the driver's right. The disputed event took place largely within sight of this camera. A major drawback of video 3A is that when Lopez stood up, his body got between the camera and Michael, giving us a good shot of Lopez's back, but blocking our view of Michael. Thus, we cannot observe which one made the first physical contact. Despite its limitations, video 3A provides much useful information. As mentioned, there is a landing at the head of the center aisle, which is adjacent to the driver's seat. The center aisle is bordered by silver edging trim (also known as transition strips). The passenger seats and the driver's seat are outside these strips. When Lopez stood and turned to face Michael (as Michael climbed the steps and approached), the driver planted his feet mostly on "his" side of the edging trim; only the toes of his shoes touched the landing. Next to his right foot was a waste basket located on the driver's side of the trim, near the driver's seat. Lopez's calves were quite close to his seat. Simply put, when Lopez stood and faced Michael, he occupied his work station. It was Michael who walked across the landing and got into Lopez's face, while Lopez was standing——literally——in his own personal space. Facing each other, the two briefly exchanged words, but the evidence is insufficient to permit the undersigned to make a finding as to what was said. During this short verbal encounter, Lopez's arms remained at his side. Also, Lopez's feet stayed on his side of the driver's area. It should be understood that, at this moment, Lopez was basically standing his ground, for he was effectively trapped. Unlike Michael, who had the freedom to exit the bus or proceed down the aisle via unobstructed paths, Lopez could not escape except by getting past Michael. For Lopez, retreat meant falling back into his driver's seat, which would have put him at a disadvantage. Video 3A shows that, as the two talked, Lopez abruptly stepped sideways and backwards on his right foot, which bumped into the waste basket. Lopez appears to be reacting to something, and has perhaps been knocked off balance, but Michael's actions cannot be made out because Lopez's body is in the way. After regaining his footing, Lopez reached forward with his right hand while leaning slightly to the right, as if he were going to embrace Michael, and took a step forward with his left foot, raising his left hand towards Michael's waist in a motion that, again, looks like the start of a hug, except that Michael's right arm would have been pinned against his body had Lopez succeeded in getting his arm around the student. Simultaneously, Michael slipped his left hand under Lopez's right arm and grabbed the driver's left shoulder, while using his right hand to take hold of Lopez's left shirt collar. Here, Michael clearly went on the offensive, driving Lopez forcefully back and pushing him into the driver's seat. Lopez got back to his feet, and Michael slammed him hard into the steering wheel and driver's seat. Lopez used his arms in an attempt to protect himself, but Michael began to overpower the driver. At about this time, Dr. Permenter entered the bus, and he reached out immediately to restrain Michael. At the same time, Lopez bounced up and managed to push Michael back a step or two, reaching unsuccessfully for his neck. At hearing, Dr. Permenter recalled that Michael seemed to calm down and stop struggling upon the administrator's arrival. Video 3A rebuts this testimony. As it actually happened, Michael advanced on Lopez and pushed the driver backwards, nearly into the steering wheel, as Dr. Permenter tugged on Michael's arm to pull him away from Lopez. In response, Lopez lunged forward and reached again with both hands for Michael's throat. The School Board uses a screenshot from video 3B capturing this moment that appears to show Lopez choking or strangling Michael. But, though arresting, this particular still is misleading because, whereas the screenshot gives the impression that Lopez had locked his hands around the student's neck, the video shows that in real time the driver's hands were actually in that visually dramatic position for just a split second before releasing. In truth, if Lopez even made contact with Michael's throat, it was an extremely brief touch. Lopez, obviously agitated, exclaimed, "Get out of here, motherfucker!" Dr. Permenter stepped between Lopez and Michael, and said, "Uh uh, let him go, let him go." Without hesitating, Dr. Permenter then threw his body into Lopez, and knocked the driver back into his seat, separating Lopez and Michael. Michael was yelling at Lopez and Dr. Permenter, but his words, as recorded on the videos, cannot be understood. With that, the altercation was over. Shortly thereafter, Michael was escorted off the bus. The District alleges that it has just cause to fire Lopez based upon the following allegations of material fact: As [Michael] was entering the bus, Mr. Lopez closed the bus doors, thereby trapping the [student] in the doors. * * * [Later, d]uring the investigation . . . , Mr. Lopez stated that he accidently closed the bus door on [Michael]. In fact, Michael did become caught in the doors by accident——an accident for which he (Michael), having disobediently boarded the bus knowing that the doors were shutting, was 100% at fault. Lopez, who had closed the doors on Dr. Permenter's order, was blameless in connection with this mishap. After several seconds, Mr. Lopez opened the door. As [Michael] walked up the steps of the bus, [he] questioned Respondent about being caught in the doors. In fact, Michael rudely barked, "Why was my arm stuck in the damn door so fucking long?" Michael was, of course, way out of line in making this menacing remark to the driver, who reasonably rose from his seat in a self-protective maneuver. Respondent is seen [in video 3A] stepping towards the victim and using his body to make contact with [Michael]. In fact, Lopez clearly stood his ground near the driver's seat. It was plainly Michael who moved toward Lopez, not the other way around. Lopez did make contact with Michael, but it is quite possible that Michael made physical contact with Lopez first. The evidence is ambiguous as to the question of whether Lopez or Michael struck first. Mr. Lopez and [Michael] engage[d] in a physical tussle, until they [we]re separated by a school staff member that boarded the bus. Once separated, Mr. Lopez again lunged at [Michael] and made physical contact with the student, which caused a second scuffle. A school staff member got between Respondent and [Michael] and broke up the altercation. Without a doubt, there was a tussle, but there was not, in fact, a "second scuffle" for which Lopez was somehow primarily responsible. The two combatants, in fact, were not actually "separated" until Dr. Permenter threw himself into Lopez and knocked the driver down. Until then, both individuals had thrust and parried with their arms, hands, and legs. During the struggle, Michael was as, if not more, aggressive than Lopez, who was, very possibly, merely defending himself, as he maintains. During the incident, Mr. Lopez used profanity. Lopez admitted this allegation, which was proved, in any event, by clear and convincing evidence, as he can be heard calling Michael a "motherfucker" in the video. The context, however, is crucial. The bad word or words were uttered by Lopez, not gratuitously, but in the heat of battle, when emotions were high and Lopez was understandably and justifiably angry at Michael. In contrast, Michael used profanity gratuitously in the absence of conflict, without justification, when he boarded the bus——far worse conduct.2/ Lopez's use of profanity, under the circumstances, was a de minimis infraction, not just cause for dismissal. The upshot is that the District failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence the essential allegation against Lopez, namely that he had initiated and escalated a physical altercation with a student. As far as establishing who the aggressor was, the evidence is ambiguous. Although Lopez did not have the burden to prove his innocence, he presented evidence sufficient to raise the genuine possibility that he had acted in self-defense, not in retaliation, using reasonable force to protect himself from harm while under attack. This genuine possibility precludes the undersigned from forming a firm belief or conviction, without hesitancy, that Lopez acted in an unjustifiably aggressive or retaliatory fashion, as charged.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Palm Beach County School Board enter a final order exonerating Lopez of all charges brought against him in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of March, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of March, 2017.
The Issue Whether respondent is guilty of the acts charged in the specific notice of charges dated September 11, 1990, and, if so, whether petitioner should discharge him from his job as a school bus driver or take other disciplinary action?
Findings Of Fact After orientation and instruction beginning with his employment as a school bus driver trainee in September of 1987, respondent "was given [his] first bus" (T.383) on December 9, 1987. Formerly a truck driver, he became a permanent or non-probationary school bus driver in March of 1988. 1987-1988 After respondent drove his first route, No. 131, for two days, a supervisor shifted him to route No. 94, telling him "what a troubled bus it was." T.386. The supervisor told him the middle school students had already had plenty of warnings and exhorted him, "'Quit warning them. Write them up.'" Id. The rest of the 1987-1988 school year, respondent drove route No. 94, which entailed two separate runs, one for kindergarteners and one for middle schoolers. On the middle school run, "90 percent of the children wouldn't mind at all." T.392. The first of March or the end of February of 1988 (T.64), respondent Henderson told Rosalyn Brown, at the time the only black student on the bus, "to sit [her] black ass down in the seat." T.269. On other occasions, he told students to "[s]hut the hell up," (T.270) and said, "I won't put up with this bullshit." Id. He used the word "[f]uck . . . sometimes." T.256. Petitioner's official school board policies, a copy of which respondent received at or about the time he began work, state: Drivers shall at all times set good examples for the students riding their buses. Do not do on your bus that which students are not permitted to do. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, No. 6.44.9. Hernando County School Bus Rules, Instructions for Pupils Riding Buses provides, "Pupils must not use any abusive or profane language to other pupils, the driver, or pedestrians." Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4, No. 10(b). On May 23, 1988, middle school girls were seated on the right hand side of the bus and boys on the left, as usual. As the bus, with respondent at the wheel, passed prisoners at work on a shoulder of the road, "the girls started leaning out the window hollering." (T.396) Mr. Henderson had hardly told them to close their windows when, while waiting for a traffic light to change, a "car pulled up beside [him, and the driver] complained that the boys w[ere] throwing paper out the windows at the back," (T.397) so he "informed the boys to close their windows," (id.) too. When, windows closed (except for respondent's), the bus began to resound with the sound of "stomping . . . feet" (T.397), Mr. Henderson pulled the bus over and parked by the side of the road. Unable to restore order, he drove the bus back to middle school. There respondent allowed the students to lower their windows, and the "duty teacher" urged them to behave. To respondent, the duty teacher said "if they didn't quiet down, take them on into Brooksville," (T.398) to the bus barn. Because the students were still unruly five minutes later, respondent drove them from the school to the transportation compound, where a mechanic boarded the bus to help maintain order, while respondent drove the children home. No violation of school board policy on Mr. Henderson's part was proven, in connection with the events of May 23, 1988. Limbs protruding and various missiles leaving through open windows justified his directing that the windows be closed. The radio in respondent's bus at the time was not in working order. Petitioner's official policies require that each "bus driver shall be responsible for being familiar with all state and local laws and regulations in regard to safety and see that these are properly carried out." Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, 6.44.4. At stop signs, respondent would "slow down, but he wouldn't come to a complete stop" (T.271) every time. When he failed to come to a complete stop, "the students would always yell at him about it." T.277. 1988-1989 Respondent resumed driving route No. 94 when school started in the fall of 1988. One day the first week back two fights broke out before the bus left middle school, and the new principal had to intervene. Later in the week, Joan Gear, petitioner's transportation coordinator told Mr. Henderson, "'Ray, we're going to prove a point to this principal. I want you to take another bus for a while.'" T.402 (Discipline problems persisted under respondent's successor on bus No. 94.) Mr. Henderson began the second week of the new school year driving route No. 108. After a week on route No. 108, he was transferred, without explanation, to route No. 73, one of the routes he had been on as a trainee and a less remunerative assignment than either No. 94 or No. 108. Only after the first Monday morning's run did he receive the No. 73 route report or route sheet, which listed twelve regularly scheduled stops. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 12B. The tenth morning stop was listed as "White House on Right," Petitioner's Exhibit No. 12B, on Ft. Dade Street. The white house meant stands north of Ft. Dade and slightly east of Little People's Day Care, which is on the south side of the street. Brandy Huntley, a niece of the day care center's proprietress, and two other middle schoolers were picked up mornings directly across the street from the white house, at the end of the day care center driveway. The first afternoon he drove, respondent stopped directly in front of the white house, and Brandy and the other middle schoolers disembarked there. But two afternoons that week (not in succession) he failed to stop in front of the white house (or across the street from Little People's Day Care.) Instead he stopped after turning left at the next intersection. Respondent's claim that a ditch made it necessary to stop in the middle of the road, if the bus stopped in front of the white house or across from the nursery afternoons, went unrebutted; but letting children out around the corner created other hazards. Nor was the spot respondent chose a "regularly scheduled stop" for any student. School board policy provides that "[a] driver shall not let any student off the bus at other than the student's regularly scheduled stop, unless permission has been given in writing by the child's parent." Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1, 6.44.18. No such permission had been given here. Under school board policy, bus drivers may never let students off between regularly scheduled stops. After a discussion about where to stop on Ft. Dade Street in the afternoons and before his first week on route No. 73 was out, respondent took a leave of absence through November 22, 1988. Once the leave was over, petitioner's initial refusal to put him back to work resulted in respondent's filing an unfair labor practice charge. On January 18, 1989, he returned to work. For the remainder of the school year, he drove route No. 75, without incident. Two Minutes Time allotted for regular routes includes a half hour for cleaning and paper work, but drivers on field trips are paid based on the time actually required to do the job. On July 18, 1989, Mr. Henderson drove on a field trip. Ordinarily, a field trip driver completes and submits a form showing how long he has worked, only after making the trip and cleaning the bus. Petitioner's Exhibits Nos. 11 and 13; T. 423. Rain made for an early end to the field trip. At five minutes after noon on the 18th, Mr. Henderson set out for the restroom in the transportation compound offices. He took with him a form on which he had written 12:30, his estimate of when he would finish cleaning the bus. Leaving the form on Miss Looper's desk, he returned to the bus and began cleaning. After he had cleaned the bus, he returned to the compound office, which he reached at 12:28. Petitioner's Exhibits Nos. 11, 13, T. 423. When Ms. Gear asked him to substitute 12:28 for 12:30 on the form, he responded, "Joan, if you want the time changed, change it." (T.424) When she said, "I won't pay you if you don't change it," Id., he replied, "Don't pay me." Id. A month later, the unaltered form was processed and respondent was paid. Whether two minutes made any difference in his compensation for the field trip the evidence did not show. 1989-1990 When the next school year began, Mr. Henderson drove route No. 200. One October afternoon after students had boarded, Mr. Henderson prepared to pull away from the high school. Before moving forward, the bus rolled back a few inches into the bus driven by Jose Santiago. Without respondent's knowing, a tail light lens struck (without damaging) a mirror on Santiago's bus, leaving a hole in the lens two inches across. T. 287-291, 376, 429. Accidents of this kind are not uncommon. To prevent students' walking in front of buses, the drivers park them tightly one behind another before school lets out. T. 287-291, 342, 376, 377, 426, 530. By the time Mr. Santiago finished his route and reached the transportation compound, Mr. Henderson had already left. Mr. Santiago reported the accident to the office staff and to one of the mechanics, who brought the bus respondent had driven to the garage to replace the lens. But Mark Tallent told the mechanic to return the bus unrepaired to its regular parking place, setting a "trap" he had never set for any other driver. T. 24, 58, 59, 288, 378. Bus drivers are required to perform a "pre-trip inspection" of their buses, and make records of the inspections by completing forms. Petitioner requires that all exterior lights be checked. The next morning respondent indicated that everything was in working order on his pre-trip inspection form. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 7; T. 39. Ken Schill, petitioner's safety officer, followed respondent's bus in another vehicle and pulled him over. Together they inspected the broken lens. Petitioner suspended Henderson for three days and required him to take eight hours of in-service training, on account of the inspection form's inaccuracy. T. 40-41, 95-96, 428-429. In January or February, Mr. Henderson's bus was following bus No. 149 on a dusty rock or gravel road. After bus No. 149 made a newly scheduled stop, Mr. Henderson braked suddenly and steered his bus to the left to avoid hitting bus No. 149. By the time he came to a stop, the buses overlapped. T. 454, 498, 502. On the afternoon of February 28, 1990, Mr. Henderson had driven the school bus to the crest of a hill on Weatherley Road, when state trooper Lee Frye, who was sitting in his car at the bottom of (the other side of) the hill "clocked Mr. Henderson speeding." T.151. He was exceeding the 35-mile-per hour speed limit by at least ten miles per hour, although he told the trooper the speedometer had not indicated this. T. 151, 157, 430-433; Respondent's Exhibit No. 7A. Trooper Frye did not give Mr. Henderson a citation, but he told the Board's transportation department that the bus was going 52 miles per hour. Although not consistently enforced, school Board Policy 6.44(23) states: "Any bus driver guilty of a traffic violation involving a school bus will be dismissed." After Mr. Tallent checked Henderson's speedometer, he recommended and the School Board approved a suspension of ten days plus fifteen hours' retraining on account of this incident. T. 44-45, 151-157, 430-436. One afternoon on Willow Street respondent veered to avoid a car and knocked over at least two empty, lidless, rubber trashcans standing approximately one foot from the right edge of the road. When, back at the compound, Mr. Henderson told Mark Tallent about the accident, Mr. Tallent said to forget about it. T. 437-444, 496. On another afternoon, Scott Robinson, a student who had just gotten off bus No. 200, was approximately 6 or 7 feet in front of the bus when he heard the engine revving. Although Scott did not see the bus move forward, he was frightened, and the bus in fact "jerked." T. 133-148. The next morning, Mr. Henderson inquired "You really didn't think I was going to hit you, did you?" T.134. Another time the bus lurched forward while Kathy Black "was still in front of the bus" (T.252) "and about hit her." Id. Tom Ferris complained that Henderson almost hit another bus. Cathy Smith, a parent of a student on route No. 200 filed a complaint on April 30, 1990, claiming that he failed to stop for her daughter at her regularly scheduled stop. On May 3, 1990, petitioner received a three-page list of 21 complaints against Mr. Henderson, accompanied by a petition with 20 names on it, both written by Kim Lowe, a student on route No. 200 whom respondent had frequently disciplined. On May 4, 1990, another parent, Mr. Burris, complained to Mr. Tallent that he had observed respondent speeding and driving recklessly. T. 46-51, Petitioner's Exhibit 8. Earlier during the 1989-90 school year, petitioner's Department of Transportation had received still other complaints about Mr. Henderson. On May 3 or 4, 1990, without offering any explanation, Mr. Tallent told respondent he need no longer report for work. He did not tell Mr. Henderson of the complaints Ms. Smith and Messers. Burris and Ferris had made or give him an opportunity to refute their allegations prior to the filing of formal charges.
Recommendation It is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That petitioner dismiss respondent as a school bus driver. DONE and ENTERED this 12th day of September, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1991. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 through 45, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67 and 68 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 6, the school year was 1987-1988. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 7, the complaint included the words "god damn." With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 16 and 17, the evidence showed things were being thrown out of the bus. With respect to petitioner's proposed findings of fact Nos. 46, 48, 49 and 50, it was not proven that other drivers reported every accident, however minor, or did so before leaving the scene, and respondent did report hitting the trashcans. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 64 refers to a complaint that was not proven at hearing. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 65 is not supported by citation to the record. With respect to petitioner's proposed finding of fact No. 69, the evidence did not show what she thought other than that she was "stunned looking." Respondent's proposed findings of fact Nos. 1 through 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 39 through 44 have been adopted, in substance, insofar as material. Respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 7 is a proposed conclusion of law. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 12, she testified she was the only black. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 17, a "duty teacher" boarded the bus and spoke to the children. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 24, the morning stop was across the street from the white house. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 31, students calling out alerted him the buses had collided. With respect to respondent's proposed finding of fact No. 38, the policy has not been enforced consistently. COPIES FURNISHED: John T. Jaszczak, Esquire Hogg, Allen, North & Blue, P.A. Hyde Park Plaza, Suite 350 324 S. Hyde Park Avenue Tampa, FL 33606 Sally C. Gertz, Esquire 118 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1700 Dr. Daniel L. McIntyre, Superintendent Hernando County School Board 919 U.S. 41 North Brooksville, FL 34601
The Issue The issue in this case is whether there is just cause to terminate Respondent from his employment as a bus driver.
Findings Of Fact Respondent has been employed by Petitioner as a bus driver for approximately six years. The terms and conditions of Respondent's employment are controlled by the Official Agreement Between The Seminole County School Bus Drivers' Association, Inc., and The School Board Of Seminole County Sanford, Florida (the "collective bargaining agreement" or "CBA"). Under the collective bargaining agreement, Respondent can not be disciplined, including reprimand, suspension, or termination, except for just cause. Mr. Ricky Dale Saunders is one of several area managers employed by Petitioner. In 1995, Mr. Saunders was Respondent's immediate supervisor. Mr. Saunders scheduled a meeting with Respondent for February 1, 1995. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss complaints by parents concerning Respondent's treatment of students on his school bus. Respondent attended the meeting with two union representatives. All of those in attendance were seated around a conference table. Before Mr. Saunders could discuss the parental complaints, Respondent complained that Mr. John Nault, another bus driver, had moved Respondent's bus in the school compound the day before. Mr. Saunders stated that he had authorized Mr. Nault to move Respondent's bus. Respondent accused Mr. Saunders of lying and became angry. Respondent stood up, leaned forward, and told Mr. Saunders that he would ". . . kick his mother-fucking ass." In March 1995, Petitioner suspended Respondent for 5-days without pay. Petitioner initially proposed a 10-day suspension, but agreed to a 5-day suspension after Respondent's union representatives protested that Respondent had no prior discipline that warranted a 10-day suspension. Petitioner reassigned Respondent to Lake Brantley High School and issued a directive to Respondent. The directive stated that Respondent's conduct on February 1, 1995, was unacceptable and that Petitioner would seek to terminate Respondent if Respondent ever engaged in such conduct again. In the 18 months between March 1995, and September 1996, Respondent had satisfactory evaluations. He encountered no problems on the job. Respondent had a number of problems with students on his bus during the 1996-1997 school year. During the first two weeks of school, Respondent met with Mr. Thomas Murphy, Assistant Principal of Lake Brantley High School, to request assistance in resolving the discipline problems on Respondent's bus. Mr. Murphy assigned Mr. Randolph Harvey, the school security officer, to assist Respondent in preparing a seating chart for Respondent's bus. Mr. Harvey and Respondent went to the bus and began the seating chart. Mr. Harvey and Respondent obtained the names of approximately 10 students. The names of the remaining students were not obtained because the students had to go to class. Mr. Harvey stated that he would continue to assist Respondent each day until the seating chart was complete. However, Mr. Harvey never returned to complete the seating chart. Respondent continued to encounter problems on his bus and continued to seek the assistance of Mr. Harvey. Mr. Harvey did not assist Respondent in completing the seating chart. Mr. Harvey periodically took disruptive students off the bus and spoke to them about their behavior. He then released them to go to class. Mr. Harvey never provided Respondent with the names of the disruptive students or assisted Respondent in obtaining their names. On September 17, 1996, during the ordinary course of his job duties, Respondent transported students in his school bus to Lake Brantley High School. At about 7:00 a.m., a disturbance occurred among three students. Respondent drove the bus a short distance to a place where he could stop the bus safely. Respondent stopped the disturbance and, by radio, asked for assistance. The dispatcher told Respondent that someone would meet Respondent at the bus ramp. When Respondent arrived in his bus at the bus ramp, Mr. Harvey met Respondent at the ramp. Mr. Harvey talked with the disruptive students and ushered them off the bus but did not provide any of their names to Respondent. The disruptive students were taken to Mr. Murphy's office. Mr. Murphy discussed the incident with the students out of the presence of Respondent. Mr. Murphy determined that no fight occurred on the bus and sent the students to class. On the afternoon of September 17, several students on Respondent's bus became unruly. They were upset that some students were taken to Mr. Murphy's office. They used inappropriate language and made inappropriate statements. On the morning of September 18, 1996, a disturbance occurred on Respondent's bus for the third time in 72 hours. Respondent, by radio, requested assistance from Ms. Josephine DeLude, an area manager for Petitioner and Respondent's supervisor. Respondent reported that three students were rude, called him the "F" word, and were out of their seats and screaming. He asked Ms. DeLude for assistance in getting the names of the disruptive students. Ms. DeLude met Respondent as he drove his bus into the bus ramp area. At the direction of Ms. DeLude, Respondent drove the bus to the front of the school. Respondent got out of his bus and waited at the front of the school while Ms. DeLude went to find someone to assist Respondent in getting the names of the disruptive students. On her way, Ms. DeLude met Mr. Harvey coming out of the school. Ms. DeLude asked Mr. Harvey for his help in obtaining the names of the students. Mr. Harvey said, "Oh no, not him again. I've been on that bus every day since school started. He doesn't know how to handle those students." 1/ Mr. Harvey then turned back into the school for the assistance of Mr. Murphy. Ms. DeLude instructed Respondent to release all of the students from the bus except the three disruptive students. By the time the other students were off the bus, Mr. Harvey returned with Mr. Murphy. Mr. Harvey said to Mr. Murphy, "He's always having problems, he does . . . he has an attitude." Ms. DeLude turned to Mr. Harvey and asked, "If he's always having problems, why hasn't one student been removed off the bus?" Ms. DeLude was standing between Respondent and Mr. Murphy. Mr. Murphy said, "We've had problems with him, the kids complain, he has an attitude, he has an attitude towards the kids. . . . We have had trouble since day one with this bus. The driver has an attitude towards the kids." Mr. Murphy then requested Respondent to provide the names of the disruptive students. Respondent became angry. He yelled at Mr. Murphy, calling him an "idiot", "stupid", and an "asshole." Mr. Murphy said, "See, this is the attitude I'm talking about." Respondent became out of control. He stepped around Ms. DeLude and stood within a few inches of Mr. Murphy's face. Respondent became very red in the face. He pointed his finger in Mr. Murphy's face, and repeatedly yelled that Mr. Murphy was an "idiot" and "stupid." Mr. Murphy told Respondent to get his finger out of his face, and Respondent ". . . stood back a ways." Ms. DeLude stepped between Respondent and Mr. Murphy to separate the two. Respondent yelled that he was going to "kick" Mr. Murphy's "ass." Mr. Murphy said, "I'll be happy to meet with you somewhere to see who can kick whose ass." Mr. Murphy spoke to Respondent in a normal conversational tone and did not yell at Respondent. Mr. Murphy did not provoke Respondent prior to his quoted statement in the preceding paragraph. Ms. DeLude pushed Respondent toward his school bus. Respondent continued to scream over Ms. DeLude's shoulder that Mr. Murphy was an "idiot." Mr. Murphy directed Respondent not to return to Lake Brantley High School. Mr. Murphy went inside the school. By letter dated September 23, 1996, Petitioner notified Respondent of its intent to terminate his employment.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order terminating Respondent from his employment as a bus driver. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 1997.
The Issue Whether Petitioner School Board had just cause to reprimand Respondent Christopher O'Brien and suspend him for five days without pay. Whether Petitioner School Board had just cause to reprimand Respondent Angelo DiPaolo and suspend him for three days without pay.
Findings Of Fact At all times material, Christopher O'Brien was employed by Petitioner Hernando County School Board as a school bus driver. Mr. O'Brien was first hired by Petitioner as a school bus driver in 2001. Prior to the events of this case, he had never been disciplined by his employer, and he had received a number of commendations. At all times material, Angelo DiPaolo was employed by Petitioner as a school bus attendant. Mr. DiPaolo was first employed and trained by Petitioner as a school bus driver for about one year, but he had been employed by Petitioner as a school bus attendant for the last six years preceding the incident in this case. Respondents are members of the Hernando United School Workers Union (HUSW). For the 2007-2008, school year, both men were assigned by the School Board's Transportation Department to Bus 473, Route 22. During that school year, the bus carried between 50 and 60 children, ages kindergarten through eighth grade, to and from J.D. Floyd Elementary School. Student A.R. was one of these students. On October 5, 2007, A.R. was a three-year-old, female, pre-kindergarten, Exceptional Student Education (ESE) student. She was a special needs child, whose 2007-2008, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) called for her to have adult supervision while riding the bus. The School Board had implemented A.R.'s IEP for the 2007-2008, school year by placing Mr. DiPaolo on Mr. O'Brien's bus. Steve Daniels, Petitioner's ESE Driver Coordinator Specialist, provided Mr. DiPaolo with written confirmation of his assignment, which included information on A.R.'s grade level, bus stop, and need for a special seat restraint. Mr. DiPaolo first met A.R. at the beginning of the 2007-2008, school year. Mr. DiPaolo's assigned first and primary responsibility was the safety of A.R., which included buckling her into her child safety seat, but his second and subordinate responsibility was to maintain order on the bus and manage the safety of the other 50-60 children. Mr. O'Brien had met A.R. during the second semester of the 2006-2007, school year, when she was initially placed on his school bus route. During that school year, A.R. had ridden the bus driven by Mr. O'Brien without having a school bus attendant specifically devoted to her safety and exceptionalities. During that school year, Mr. O'Brien had been instrumental in getting a particular type of safety seat for A.R. to ride in, due to her small size. This type of seat is called "a C. E. White" or "CEW" child's safety seat, and has an integrated five-point harness. During the 2006-2007, school year, Mr. O'Brien's bus had no bus attendant. Therefore, during that period of time, he had ultimate responsibility for all the children on his bus, including A.R. During the 2006-2007, school year, A.R. was sometimes buckled into her bus safety seat by older siblings who rode the same bus, but Mr. O'Brien had a good rapport with A.R. and often also helped buckle her into her seat. To do so, he had to leave the bus driver's compartment of the bus. During the 2007-2008, school year, A.R. and one sister, R.R., who was then approximately nine years old, continued to ride Mr. O'Brien's bus. Mr. O'Brien was advised at the start of the 2007-2008, school year that A.R. would be riding with the adult supervision of Mr. DiPaolo. Mr. O'Brien was not made privy to the reasons why the decision had been made to require a bus attendant specifically for A.R., but he understood he was supposed to comply with this requirement, regardless of the reason. There also was testimony that any three-year-old attending kindergarten with a special bus attendant would be an ESE student. In assessing the relative credibility and weighing the testimony of all the witnesses, as well as hearing the comments made by R.R. on the videotape of the October 5, 2007, incident, it is found that A.R. was not a usually compliant and accepting bus passenger, but was frequently what any parent would recognize as difficult or oppositional. (See Finding of Fact 23.) Indeed, during the 2007-2008, school year prior to October 5, 2007, Mr. DiPaolo had twice sought direction from Mr. Daniels, who had told him to do the best he could with A.R., but if Mr. DiPaolo's "best" did not work out, something else might have to be done about A.R. A.R.'s father usually brought her to the bus stop. On the morning of October 5, 2007, a neighbor brought the two siblings to the bus stop. A.R. was already upset when boarding began. On October 5, 2007, A.R. did not want to get on the bus. Mr. DiPaolo had to go down to the first step of the bus to get A.R. from the neighbor who was supervising the sisters at the bus stop. Once A.R. made it to the top step of the bus entrance, she still did not want to move. Mr. DiPaolo had to lift her up and place her in her C.E. White seat, which was strapped-into the window-side of the first row seat, immediately inside the door on the side of the bus opposite the driver's side. Once there, A.R. deliberately slumped off the car seat onto the floor of the bus. When lifted up again, A.R. repeated the behavior. This "battle of wills" between the three-year-old and the bus attendant continued for a little while. Fairly quickly, however, Mr. DiPaolo retired from the field of battle to speak to some students in the back of the bus. At this point, A.R. was either sliding herself onto the floor or was on the floor between the first row of seats and the stairwell barricade. Despite some testimony to the effect that the older students in the back of the bus were rowdy and needed to be settled down, the video tape does not corroborate that "take" on the chain of events. While it might have been good strategy for Mr. DiPaolo to let A.R. cool off a little before again trying to buckle her into her seat, there does not appear to have been any pressing reason for Mr. DiPaolo to absent himself from her vicinity to address issues in the back of the bus. Moreover, A.R. was his first and prime responsibility, and he abandoned that responsibility by saying to A.R.'s sister, R.R., who was still standing and not in her own seat, that she should try to get A.R. buckled in, and he did not alert Mr. O'Brien that A.R. was not yet buckled-in. Mr. DiPaolo's superior, Mr. Daniels, would have sanctioned Mr. DiPaolo's enlisting the aid of the older sibling if Mr. DiPaolo also had not simply abandoned the situation and walked to the back of the bus. Mr. DiPaolo also could have, and did not, attempt to enlist the aid of the adult neighbor who had delivered A.R. to the bus stop, or he could have returned A.R. back to that adult neighbor and suggested the neighbor take A.R. to school separately, both of which were options his superiors testified they would have sanctioned. He could also have requested that Mr. O'Brien radio the dispatcher for help. He chose none of these options. As Mr. DiPaolo gave instructions to A.R.'s sister and walked to the back of the bus, Mr. O'Brien, not realizing that A.R. was not secured into her seat, pulled the bus away from the stop. Although Mr. O'Brien testified to several reasons that he believed A.R. was secured in her seat before he pulled the bus away from its stop, Mr. DiPaolo clearly had not orally advised him that she was buckled-in, and Mr. O'Brien did not, in fact, make sure that A.R. was secure before he pulled the bus into four-lane traffic. Moreover, the sister, R.R., was up and down while all this was going on. She was not always in her seat as the bus was moving, either. R.R. was not able to secure A.R. in her seat, so she approached the driver's compartment and stated to Mr. O'Brien that they were going to have to do things "the hard way." R.R.'s choice of words suggests that R.R. and Mr. O'Brien had previously had to buckle A.R. into her car seat by sheer force. Approximately 25 seconds after he started the bus, during which time the bus entered the flow of four lanes of traffic and proceeded through an intersection, Mr. O'Brien pulled the bus over to the side of the road and stopped. During the whole of this period, A.R. was not in her seat or buckled- in. When Mr. O'Brien pulled over, he put on the emergency brake and put the transmission in neutral. He intentionally left the bus engine running, because the doors on that type of bus are controlled by air pressure. Once the engine is turned off, the doors will open with just the touch of a hand from either inside or outside the door. For safety reasons, he wanted the door to remain secure. Under the circumstances, pulling over the bus was probably a wise move, but Mr. O'Brien went further. He could have summoned Mr. DiPaolo to come back and do his job as A.R.'s bus attendant, and he could have called dispatch to alert the administration to a problem requiring their help, but instead, Mr. O'Brien left the driver's compartment to check on A.R. When Mr. O'Brien reached her, A.R. was not in her seat. He lifted her up from the floor of the bus and attempted to buckle her into her seat. At first, Mr. O'Brien was not successful getting A.R. into her seat and asked her if she knew she was about to get "a spanking." Mr. O'Brien admitted to threatening to spank A.R. to "snap her out of it," and to emphasize the importance of complying with his demands, even though he knew that "corporal punishment" was against Petitioner's policies. His voice was firm in making the statement and more matter-of-fact than threatening. However, his threat was loud enough to be heard over the general commotion on the bus, the idling engine, and the sound of traffic. R.R. and at least a few nearby children must have heard the threat. When A.R. continued to physically resist Mr. O'Brien's efforts to get her into her seat, he administered a single, swift slap to her right buttocks/thigh area. A.R. did not cry out specifically at that point, although later she began to cry. After spanking A.R., Mr. O'Brien was able, unassisted, to wrestle her into her seat and buckle her in. At some point in Mr. O'Brien's struggle, Mr. DiPaolo returned and stood in the aisle, level with the back of A.R.'s seat, observing Mr. O'Brien interacting with A.R. and A.R. crying. The "driver's compartment" on Mr. O'Brien's bus does not show up well in the video and there was no testimony concerning how it is configured. However, it does not appear to be separated from the students' seats by a door or partition. The diagrams in the Operations Handbook show clear access to the driver's seat and controls from the student seats on the driver's side immediately behind the driver's seat, if the driver is not in his seat, regardless of whether anyone is blocking the aisle. During the entire period of time Mr. O'Brien was dealing with A.R., he had his back turned towards the driver's seat and controls, which he had left unattended. During this entire period of time, the bus engine continued running and the doors remained closed. However, Mr. O'Brien's bus has just a knob for an emergency brake and anyone could have hit the knob so that the bus would begin rolling forward. After securing A.R. and being sure R.R. also was safely seated, Mr. O'Brien returned to the driver's compartment and drove the bus to school. A.R.'s screaming, crying, and fussing seems to have escalated after Mr. O'Brien resumed the driver's seat, when Mr. DiPaolo said something to A.R. about his not being willing to sit with her. However, Mr. DiPaolo eventually sat next to A.R. and interacted with A.R. to keep her amused, and apparently happy, until the bus stopped again and the passengers debarked at J.D. Floyd Elementary School. Mr. O'Brien described the incident to A.R.'s classroom teacher when he delivered A.R. into her care at the school on October 5, 2007. He did not report it to Petitioner's Transportation Department, because it was, in his mind, a minor bit of misbehavior by a student. Mr. DiPaolo also made no report. The undersigned is not persuaded that either Mr. O'Brien or Mr. DiPaolo tried to keep the incident secret. One of Petitioner's own training manuals provides: Minor incidents of misbehavior such as getting out of the seat, standing, or speaking loudly are usually better handled on the bus. If every incident of misbehavior is reported to the principal, the operator will lose credibility. However, on the following Monday morning, A.R.'s mother boarded Mr. O'Brien's bus and made a scene, accusing Mr. O'Brien of spanking A.R. on her bottom. The mother then proceeded to Petitioner's administrative offices, where she lodged a complaint, and finally went on to the Sheriff's Office to do the same. Ultimately, because they are required to do so when there is an accusation of corporal punishment, Petitioner's administration notified the Department of Children and Family Services of the mother's allegations. After receiving the complaint, Linda Smith, Petitioner's Director of Transportation, requested a copy of the October 5, 2007, surveillance video from the front of Bus 473. That surveillance film was admitted in evidence and has been heavily relied-upon in this Recommended Order. The surveillance film from the back of the bus was not offered or admitted. Ms. Smith, and Ms. Rucell Nesmith, Petitioner's Operator Trainer/Safety Coordinator for Transportation, have each been involved in school bus transportation for over 30 years and both have served as drivers and as transportation administrators. They testified that Mr. O'Brien's conduct on October 5, 2007, violated Petitioner's policy on two basic levels: he left the driver's compartment while the bus was still running and still loaded with students, and he administered corporal punishment to a student. While bus attendants and drivers have some discretion in handling disruptive students or students like A.R., who are not following directions, they are not supposed to permit, or cause, a bus to leave a stop until every student is properly secured, and they are forbidden to use corporal punishment. Bus drivers/operators receive training, including training on Petitioner's Operations Handbook as well as training on the State-approved driver curriculum. Mr. O'Brien was certified as having completed the bus driver training on July 20, 2001. Mr. O'Brien attended annual in-service trainings thereafter in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. In-service trainings include, among other things, any updates to the Operations Handbook. General statements were also made during in-service trainings about not touching students. Mr. DiPaolo received his initial training as a bus driver from Ms. Nesmith and a copy of the Operations Handbook in 2001, when he first was hired by Petitioner. Mr. DiPaolo, and all bus attendants, receive initial training as bus attendants, including a review of Petitioner's Operations Handbook. Mr. DiPaolo also received in-service trainings thereafter in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. In-service training included any updates to the Operations Handbook. Ms. Smith recommended discipline for Messrs. O'Brien and DiPaolo. She recommended a five-day suspension for Mr. O'Brien and a three-day suspension for Mr. DiPaolo. Petitioner scheduled a pre-disciplinary meeting concerning the incident for October 17, 2007. The meeting was postponed because Messrs. O'Brien and DiPaolo had obtained legal counsel. The meeting was eventually rescheduled for November 2007. Messrs. O'Brien and DiPaolo attended that meeting with their respective legal counsel, and it resulted in the November 7, 2007, charges addressed below and in the Conclusions of Law. In accord with Ms. Smith's recommendation, Petitioner's Superintendent issued a letter dated November 7, 2007, to Mr. O'Brien, reprimanding him and issuing a five-day suspension without pay for leaving the driver's compartment; leaving the bus running while attending to A.R.; orally threatening to spank a student while attempting to put her into her seat; swatting the student on her posterior; and failing to immediately report to the Transportation Department the incident as a student safety issue. Mr. O'Brien was cited in the letter for violations of Petitioner's policies, namely Policy 6.37, Group III, Section (10)- On or off the job conduct which adversely affects the ability of the employee to perform his duties and/or the duties of other employees and/or adversely affects the efficient operation of the school system or any department, division, or area of the School Board; Policy 6.301, Ethics: Section (3) (a) failure to make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety; and (3) (e) not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement; and provisions in Petitioner's 2007 Staff Handbook prohibiting touching students except to protect their health, safety and/or welfare. Policy 6.38 was cited as a disciplinary guideline. In accord with Ms. Smith's recommendation, the Superintendent issued a letter dated November 7, 2007, to Mr. DiPaolo, reprimanding him and issuing a three-day suspension without pay, for failing to place a student assigned specifically to him for supervision and assistance in her seat; walking to the back of the bus while the bus driver had to secure the student in her seat; and failing to immediately report the incident to the Transportation Department as a student safety issue. Mr. DiPaolo was cited in the letter for violations of Petitioner's policies, namely Policy 6.37, Group II, Section (13), Incompetency or inefficiency in the performance of duties; Policy 6.37, Group III, Section (4), Interfering with the work of other employees or refusal to perform assigned work; and Policy 6.301: Ethics, Section (3) (a) failure to make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety. Again, Policy 6.38 was cited as a disciplinary guideline. The School Board's Operations Handbook, at page 37, states, in pertinent part: Bus Aides 5. Drivers are to remain in the driver's compartment. The School Board's Operations Handbook, at page 59-Y, states, in pertinent part: Responsibilities of a School Bus Aide To load and unload students and assist driver as needed. * * * 3. To ensure that all students are secured and when appropriate, secure restraining devices, i.e. seat belts, safety vest, infant seats, and toddler seats. * * * 6. To recognize individual student capabilities and exceptionalities while maintaining order on the bus and administer to their individual needs as required. At page 59-D, the Operations Handbook provides, in pertinent part: Operating Procedure No. 27, Responsibilities of the School Bus Driver Related to Board of Education Rules 6A-3 25. To report immediately to the director or supervisor of transportation, school principal or other designated officials: a. Misconduct on the part of any student while on bus or under the driver's immediate supervision, The Department of Education Bureau of Professional Practices Services' handout, provided during training of bus drivers, provides, in pertinent part: INTERACTION WITH STUDENTS: Keep hands and other parts of your body to yourself. TIPS FOR STAFF WITH AGGRESSIVE STUDENTS: DON'TS: Do not physically handle the student. Do not react aggressively in return. * * * 5. Do not create punitive consequences to "get even" with the student. Department of Education Recommendation: Discipline The bus driver has no authority to slap, spank or abuse any child. By School Board policy, Petitioner has made the standards for educators applicable to even its non-educational personnel, such as bus attendants and bus drivers. Policy 6.301 concerns employee ethics and provides in pertinent part: (2) All employees shall familiarize themselves with the 'Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida,' located in the State Board of Education Rules. All employees shall abide by the Code at all times and shall be held to the standards of the Code in all matters related to their employment with the Hernando County School Board. Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006, which is provided to Petitioner's employees with their copy of Petitioner's Policy 6.301, provides in pertinent part: Obligation to the student requires that the individual: Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety. * * * e. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Petitioner's Policy 6.301 (3), reads: The School Board of Hernando County supports strong internal control in its procedures and practices. All incidents of suspected improprieties should be reported using the Board approved Compliant [sic] Policy. Petitioner's 2007-2008 Staff Handbook provides, in pertinent part: TOUCHING STUDENTS Employees are advised that they should not touch students in any way except for the protection of the health, safety, and/or welfare of a student or for protection of themselves. School Board Policy 6.37 -- Group (II) provides, in pertinent part: GROUP II OFFENSES (13) Incompetency or inefficiency in the performance of duties. School Board Policy 6.37 - Group (III) provides, in pertinent part: GROUP III OFFENSES (4) Interfering with the work of other employees or refusal to perform assigned work. (10) On or off the job conduct which adversely affects the ability of the employee to perform his duties and/or the duties of other employees and/or adversely affects the efficient operation of the school system or any department, division, or area of the School Board. The parties stipulated that this case does not present a situation of progressive discipline, and accordingly, the undersigned finds it unnecessary to quote or discuss the levels of discipline permissible under Groups II and III of Policy 6.37 or Policy 6.38. It further appears that combinations of the penalties of written reprimand and suspension, with or without pay, are authorized, and each offense is looked at on a case-by-case basis. Also, it appears that all penalties listed in any School Board Policy are recommended, but not mandatory, to apply to specific offenses and that the penalty utilized is to be discretionary with management, per Policies 6.37, and 6.38. Policy 6.38, authorizes the Superintendent to suspend employees without pay for up to 10 days as a disciplinary measure.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner: Enter a Final Order sustaining Respondent O'Brien's reprimand and suspension without pay for five days; and Enter a Final Order sustaining Respondent DiPaolo's reprimand and suspension without pay for three days. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of July, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: J. Paul Carland, II, Esquire Hernando County School Board 919 North Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34601 Mary F. Aspros, Esquire Meyer and Brooks, P.A. 2544 Blairstone Pines Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Hwy. 19 North, Ste. 110 Clearwater, FL 33761 Dr. Wayne Alexander, Superintendent Hernando County School Board 919 North Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34601
The Issue The issues presented are whether Petitioner J. Ruiz School Bus Service, Inc., submitted the lowest responsive bid for school bus route 4606 and whether Petitioner A. Oliveros Transportation, Inc., submitted the lowest responsive bid for school bus route 7602.
Findings Of Fact Respondent School Board of Miami-Dade County issued its invitation to bid No. 053-ZZ07 seeking bids from private school bus companies for the School Board's school bus routes for the 1999-2000 school year, renewable for two additional one-year periods by agreement. Bid opening occurred on August 12, 1999. Twenty-one vendors responded to the School Board's invitation to bid. Four bids, including those of Petitioners, were rejected as non-responsive because they failed to include the required UCT-6 form. Petitioner Ruiz submitted the lowest bid for school bus route 4606, and Petitioner Oliveros submitted the lowest bid for school bus route 7602. At the School Board meeting on August 25, 1999, Ruiz' bid and Oliveros' bid were declared non-responsive to the bid specifications for failure to include the UCT-6 form and were rejected. School bus route 4606 was awarded to the next lowest bidder M & M Marroquin School Bus Services, Inc., and school bus route 7602 was awarded to the next lowest bidder Bestway Bus Service, Inc. (hereinafter "Bestway"). Those two vendors had submitted UCT-6 forms with their bids. Petitioners timely filed their notices of protest challenging the School Board's decisions. Rather than stopping the award process, the School Board entered into contracts with M & M and Bestway. The bid specifications contained the following provision under special condition numbered 3: The vendor will be required to submit, with the bid, the most recent copy of their [sic] Florida Division of Unemployment Compensation Employer's Quarterly Report Form UCT 6, showing current employees and payroll amount. In lieu of the June 30, 1999, Florida Division of Unemployment Compensation Employer's Quarterly Report Form UCT 6, a blank copy of the UCT 6 Form is provided and attached hereto for those vendors who do not have the June 30, 1999 quarterly report. This form must be completed in its entirety, with a copy being submitted with the bid and the original retained by the vendor for filing with the state. Failure to submit this report/form will cause the vendor to be considered non-responsive. Effective September 30, 1999, UCT 6 forms will be required to be submitted to Mr. Robert Newell, at the Office of Risk and Benefits Management on a quarterly basis. The UCT 6 form shall reflect all drivers currently certified and on file with the Department of Transportation. Failure to do so shall result in fourteen (14) months loss of route. Special condition numbered 4 provided that the School Board reserved the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities. Special condition numbered 5 required that a copy of the occupational license be submitted with the bid and further provided that: "The information on the occupational license (name, address, etc.) shall be identical to the information submitted on the Bidder Qualification Form." A number of bidders who were not declared non- responsive submitted occupational licenses and bidder qualification forms where the names on the licenses and forms were reversed, technically a violation of special condition numbered 5. Further, one bidder not declared non-responsive submitted an occupational license in the name of an individual but submitted a bid in the name of a corporation, a violation of that special condition. Another bidder not declared non- responsive submitted a bidder qualification form and an occupational license with different addresses, and one more submitted a bidder qualification form and occupational license with different corporate names. The reasons for requiring vendors to file a UCT-6 form were to verify the vendor's current number of employees, to ascertain if the named employees were certified by the School Board's transportation department, and to determine whether the bidder was in compliance with State of Florida requirements for unemployment compensation and worker's compensation insurance. As to the number of employees, the vendor application forms also contained questions as to the number of employees. The occupational licenses required to be submitted with the bids also advised as to the number of employees. Twelve of the seventeen bidders who were not declared non-responsive submitted conflicting information as to the number of their employees in their vendor applications, their UCT-6 forms, and their occupational licenses. As to the UCT-6 form itself, the bid specifications required submittal of the bidder's most recent form, which would normally be for the quarter ending June 30, 1999. The bid specifications, alternatively, allowed completion of a blank form for a quarter ending subsequent to bid opening and bid award, which forms might not ever be filed with the State or which might be filed with different information on them. The completion of the blank forms would not necessarily verify the information desired by the School Board. One bidder not declared non-responsive submitted a form for the quarter ending March 31, 1999, thereby not appearing to comply with either alternative. Moreover, the bid specifications required the UCT-6 forms to be completed in their entirety. Nine bidders who were not declared non-responsive submitted forms which were not completed in their entirety, missing such information as payroll amounts, dates, account numbers, and the quarter covered by the form. These bidders violated special condition numbered 3. There is no real difference between failing to submit a required form and failing to complete the form as required by the bid specifications. Failure to submit the UCT-6 form was not a material deviation from the bid specifications but rather was a minor irregularity. The School Board waived that minor irregularity by its failure to deem non-responsive those other bidders who had filed the wrong form or who had failed to complete the form. Petitioners' failure to include the UCT-6 form in their bids did not affect the price of their bids, confer upon them an economic advantage over the other bidders, or give the School Board any reason to doubt that Petitioners could perform any contract award. The School Board's acceptance of incomplete UCT-6 forms, a form for an earlier quarter, and forms containing information extending into a future time period, while rejecting Petitioners' bids for not including a form, was arbitrary and capricious. Declaring Petitioners non-responsive but accepting equally non-responsive bids was also clearly erroneous and contrary to competition.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered awarding Petitioner J. Ruiz School Bus Service, Inc., school bus route 4606 and awarding to Petitioner A. Oliveros Transportation, Inc., school bus route 7602. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Roger C. Cuevas, Superintendent School Board of Miami-Dade County 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jose I. Valdes, Esquire Marlow, Connell, Valerius, Abrams, Adler & Newman, P.A. 2950 Southwest 27th Avenue, Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33133-3765 Twila Hargrove-Payne, Esquire School Board of Miami-Dade County 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33132 Carlos Garcia, Esquire Niurka R. Piedra, Esquire Garcia, Perez-Siam & Associates 265 Sevilla Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33134
The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated Sarasota County School Board policy and the Code of Professional Conduct of Non-Instructional Support Staff employed by the Sarasota County School District and, if so, whether Respondent's employment with the Sarasota County School Board should be terminated.
Findings Of Fact The School Board is a political subdivision and an administrative agency of the State of Florida charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all public schools and personnel in the Sarasota County School District. Mr. Witt is the superintendent of schools for the Sarasota County School District. At all times relevant, Ms. Jones was employed with the School Board by contract as a school bus driver. In that capacity, Ms. Jones was classified as a non-professional and non-administrative contract employee of the School Board's transportation department. She agreed to accept the contractual appointment (school bus driver) to perform such duties and services as may be required to comply with all laws of the State of Florida and rules and regulations made by the School Board. The School Board's transportation department operated a bid policy for its school bus drivers. Under the School Board's bid policy, each school bus driver was afforded an opportunity to bid (make a written selection of a particular school bus route) on the school bus route for the forthcoming school year. At the start of the 2003-2004 school year, Ms. Jones bid upon and was awarded the Oak Park School (Oak Park) bus route. Oak Park was attended by elementary through high school-aged exceptional students or exceptional student education ("ESE") students, as defined under Section 4.12 of the School Board's policies manual. Ms. Jones was assigned bus number 9615. The first responsibility of the school bus driver is the safe operation of the school bus, and the second responsibility is providing discipline to those who are transported. In October of the 2003-2004 school year, Susan Snyder (Ms. Snyder) was assigned to work on school bus number 9615 as the school bus attendant. A school bus attendant's primary responsibilities are to ensure the safety of and provide care to the students that are being transported on the bus and to minimize distractions to the school bus driver caused by the students while being transported. The students who were being transported by Ms. Jones to Oak Park have behavioral issues, are physically handicapped, and/or have been unsuccessful at other schools within the Sarasota County School District. At various times during the 2003-2004 school year, between eight and 12 students between the ages 14 and 17 rode the bus driven by Ms. Jones. Four of those students were L.J., M.N., N.K., and J.M. The collective testimonies of these four witnesses established that they frequently used profanity on the bus in their daily conversations with each other and in their daily conversation, in the context of discipline, with Ms. Jones. The students would routinely yell among themselves and at Ms. Jones, and she, in return, would yell at them. When Ms. Jones told the students to do something, "sit down," "stop playing around," or "don't open the windows on the bus," the students refused to obey, and Ms. Jones would threaten the students with physical violence. Those threats would elicit like-kind responsive threats from the students. The evidence is inconclusive for the purpose of identifying specific profanity uttered by a specific student. However, the evidence is clear that an exchange of profanity occurred between Ms. Jones and the students identified in paragraph 4 hereinabove. At some unspecified time, but prior to December 9, 2003, Ms. Jones had previously and repeatedly instructed the students to leave the bus windows up while traveling. As they were traveling down Interstate 75 (I-75), N.K., ignoring Ms. Jones' previous instructions to leave the windows up, began lowering the window. Ms. Jones observed N.K.'s actions and repeated her instructions to leave the window up. She was unable to stop on the interstate, but when she reached the Fruitville, I-75 exit, Ms. Jones exited the interstate and stopped the bus. She then turned off the engine, got up from the driver's seat, and went to N.K.'s seat where she pushed N.K., and N.K. pushed her back. The shoving back and forth between Ms. Jones and N.K. ended with Ms. Jones slapping N.K. At the end of her bus run for that day, Ms. Jones reported the incident by a Student Discipline Referral Report. N.K. told his mother of the incident, and she informed Oak Park administration. After consideration of all the facts, Oak Park administration disciplined N.K. for his conduct on the bus. It is found that Ms. Jones willfully violated the School Board's policy by slapping N.K. The "Yugioh" playing cards incident The students would play a card game known as "Yugioh." The cards belonged to L.J. Ms. Jones had previously instructed the students not to play "Yugioh" on the bus because of the disturbance the game caused, and she specifically instructed L.J. not to bring his "Yugioh" cards on the bus. On December 9, 2003, L.J. and other students, with disregard of Ms. Jones' previous instruction not to play "Yugioh" on the bus, were again playing "Yugioh." Ms. Jones asked them to stop, and they ignored her. She asked L.J. to bring the cards to her, and he refused to obey her request. When she reached the stop sign at the intersection of South Briggs Avenue and Bahia Vista Street, in Sarasota County, Florida, Ms. Jones stopped the bus, turned off the engine, and approached L.J. where he was seated. An argument ensued, which was accompanied by Ms. Jones' attempt to take the cards from L.J. and his refusal to relinquish his cards. During this altercation, Ms. Jones struck L.J. about his head, shoulders, and face. She pinched his cheeks. L.J. and Ms. Jones exchanged vulgar insults back and forth. Ms. Jones told M.N., another student, to grab L.J.'s "titties" and pinch them, and he did so. It was noted that L.J. has a large body with an extraordinary fleshly chest. After the "tittie"-pinching incident, L.J. asked to be let off the bus at that location, which was not his usual bus stop, and Ms. Jones, as she returned to the driver's seat, initially refused to do so. After sitting in the driver's seat, Ms. Jones granted L.J.'s request to exit the bus at the intersection of South Briggs Avenue and Bahia Vista Street. It is found that Ms. Jones did not violate the School. Board's policy by permitting L.J. to get off the bus at a location other than his normal pick up and exit stop. Drivers are not allowed to prevent a student from getting off the bus; they can only call transportation dispatch and report the student by name and the location the student got off the bus. It is found that Ms. Jones did, however, violate the School Board's policy when she struck L.J. and when she requested and encouraged another student to inappropriately touch L.J.'s chest. When he arrived home, L.J. reported the bus incident to his parents, and they immediately registered a complaint against Ms. Jones with Oak Park administration. Two days later, December 11, 2003, L.J.'s father, L.J., Sr., filed a police report with the Sarasota County Sheriff's Department. An officer investigated the matter on December 19, 2003, by interviewing only L.J. and Ms. Snyder. Based upon those two interviews, the investigating officer recommended that the charge of battery be filed against Ms. Jones. There is no further evidence of record regarding the battery charge recommendation made by the investigating officer. The School Board's transportation dispatcher was informed of L.J.'s parents' complaint, and he radioed Ms. Jones and Ms. Snyder instructing them, upon completing the evening bus run, to report directly to his office and to give written reports of the L.J. incident. In her written report given immediately following the incident, Ms. Jones acknowledged that there was an exchange of profanity between her and the students involved, but she denied hitting L.J. or telling other students to pinch L.J.'s titties. The evidence of record reflects that Ms. Snyder did not dispute Ms. Jones' version of the incident. Ms. Snyder also executed a written incident report immediately following the incident containing her version of what occurred. According to the School Board, Ms. Snyder's initial written incident report was inexplicably lost. At the hearing, the School Board introduced an unsigned document (the School Board's Exhibit P-9) that was not sworn to by Ms. Snyder, purporting it to be a second revised report written by Ms. Snyder. This document is found to be unreliable. Later on the evening of December 9, 2003, after giving her written report that was somehow lost, Ms. Snyder called her Union representative and gave a description of what took place on the bus on December 9, 2003. A meeting was arranged with the director of transportation, Jody Dumas (Dumas). At the meeting, Ms. Snyder gave a version of the December 9, 2003, bus incident that was contrary to her earlier confirmation of Ms. Jones' December 9, 2003, written incident report. Ms. Snyder's recall of the December 9, 2003, incident alleged that Ms. Jones slapped and verbally abused and humiliated L.J. She went on to include a claim that Ms. Jones intimidated her and the students by telling everyone on the bus that they were to say nothing happened on December 9, 2003. Mr. Dumas conducted his investigation of Ms. Snyder's allegations by interviewing M.N. and J.M. on December 12, 2003. During the initial interview, M.N. confirmed Ms. Jones' version of the incident. Under the pressure of Mr. Dumas' continuous questioning, coupled with the promise that he would not be required to ride Ms. Jones' bus anytime in the future, M.N. capitulated and confirmed the "tittie"-pinching version of the incident and agreed with Ms. Snyder's "say nothing happened on December 9, 2003," addition to her version of the incident. It is found that Ms. Jones did in fact instruct another student to pinch L.J.'s titties, and the student, for reasons of his own, complied with the request while L.J. sat there humiliated. The evidence of record in support of Ms. Snyder's allegation that Ms. Jones intimidated her and all the students on the bus by telling them "say nothing happened on December 9, 2003," is unreliable and rejected by the undersigned. On December 10, 2003, Mr. Dumas suspended Ms. Jones with pay pending further investigation of the December 9, 2003, incident. Mr. Dumas, after his review of Ms. Snyder's version of what occurred and his interviews with unnamed students, met with Ms. Jones and confronted her with the "slapping and verbal abuse of [L.J.]" allegations. Ms. Jones denied slapping and verbally abusing L.J., at which time Mr. Dumas advised Ms. Jones that he would recommend her termination to the School Board. It is found that the suspension of Ms. Jones by Mr. Dumas was appropriate and in accordance with the School Board's policy. On December 19, 2003, in his memorandum to Scott Lempe (Mr. Lempe), director of human resources, Mr. Dumas set forth specific factual bases in support of his recommended termination of Ms. Jones: (1) Ms. Jones slapped L.J. at least two times in the face; (2) Ms. Jones told another student on the bus, M.N., to go over to L.J. and pinch his titties; and (3) on at least one other occasion, Ms. Jones told one student to slap another student because he was putting a window down. Mr. Lempe prepared a notice of termination on January 5, 2004, containing his detailed explanation of the grounds for the termination based upon Ms. Jones' violations of Section 5.30(2)(c) of the Sarasota County School Board policies manual, regarding corporal punishment and the Policy Manual, Code of Professional Conduct of Non-Instructional Support Staff, and Sections 1012.22 and 1012.27, Florida Statutes (2003), insubordination and misconduct in office. On February 18, 2004, the School Board terminated the employment of Ms. Jones with its transportation department as a school bus driver. The School Board proved, by a preponderance of credible evidence, that Ms. Jones violated the School Board's policy and the Code of Professional Conduct of Non-Instructional Support Staff employed by the Sarasota County School District, as alleged in the notice of termination dated February 18, 2004.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Sarasota County School Board, enter a final order terminating the contractual employment of Respondent, Nancy Jones. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of August, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S FRED L. BUCKINE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Appalachia Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of August, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert K. Robinson, Esquire Bowman, George, Scheb, Toale & Robinson 2750 Ringling Boulevard, Suite 3 Sarasota, Florida 34237 Nancy Jones 1280 Highland Street Sarasota, Florida 34234 Gene Witt, Superintendent Sarasota County School Board 1960 Landings Boulevard Sarasota, Florida 34231-3304 Honorable Jim Horne Commissioner of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1244 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner has just cause to terminate the employment of Respondent as a school bus driver.
Findings Of Fact At all times material here, Petitioner employed Respondent as a school bus driver. Respondent worked in that capacity for approximately 15 years. Respondent received 40 hours of initial training and eight hours of update training each year. The training included safety procedures. One of the safety procedures was a requirement for the bus driver and/or bus aide to walk from the back to the front of the bus at the completion of each run. During the walk, the driver and/or aide were supposed to observe each seat and the floor to ensure that no children were left on the bus. Leaving a child unsupervised on a bus, intentionally or through omission, is a very serious matter. Such misconduct by a bus driver creates an unacceptable risk of harm to a child. In February 2005, Petitioner suspended Respondent without pay for ten days. Petitioner based the suspension on Respondent's failure to follow safety procedures to ensure that a child was not left unattended on a bus. In May 2008, Respondent was one of two school bus operators assigned to deliver parents and children to an adult education and parenting program known as Family Resource Activity Model for Early Education (FRAME). The program was located at the McMillian Learning Center in Pensacola, Florida. On April 14, 2008, Respondent drove a bus, including adults and children to the learning center. Upon arrival, Respondent hurried to the restroom without first inspecting the bus to insure that no children remained on the bus. After exiting the bus and utilizing the restroom inside a building, Respondent remained in a sitting area for several more minutes. While Respondent and other bus drivers discussed future school bus operations, a four-year-old child was sleeping unattended on Respondent's bus. The child's parent arrived at the school by another means of transportation. The parent immediately began to look for the young child. The parent inquired but received no response about the location of the child from Respondent. The parent continued her search in the school building. Next, Respondent decided to accompany another school bus driver for an additional run. Respondent requested Carolyn Scott, a bus aide, to go to Respondent's bus and retrieve her purse so that she could take it with her. Pursuant to Respondent's request, Ms. Scott boarded Respondent's bus and found the child asleep on the bus. Ms. Scott awakened and removed the child from the bus. The child was then placed in the proper classroom. Linda Harris, FRAME's program director, learned about the incident and reported the facts to Petitioner's Transportation Department. The greater weight of the evidence indicates that Respondent left the child on the bus and failed to perform the required safety check before or after she used the restroom. Respondent was not aware the child was sleeping behind her seat when she left the bus. Respondent's testimony to the contrary is not persuasive.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order terminating Respondent's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of December, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of December, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph L. Hammons, Esquire Hammons, Longoria & Whittaker, P.A. 17 West Cervantes Street Pensacola, Florida 32501-3125 Lula Williams 1604 West Scott Street Pensacola, Florida 32501 Jim Paul, Superintendent Escambia County School District 215 West Garden Street Pensacola, Florida 32502 Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400