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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Dec. 18, 2017 Number: 17-006837TTS Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 21, 2017 Number: 17-006849TTS Latest Update: Nov. 13, 2018

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent from his teaching position, without pay, for 15 days, and to terminate his employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise free public schools within the School District of Palm Beach County ("District"), pursuant to article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution and section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. Respondent has been employed by the District as a teacher since 2005. His last teaching assignment was as an eighth grade history teacher at Howell L. Watkins Middle School ("Watkins"), where he taught for approximately 12 years. Administrative Complaint Charges The Administrative Complaint alleges that on or about January 19, 2017, Respondent engaged in the following conduct with respect to a student, K.B.: "10. . . . a. [p]ush[ing] her into the dry board; b. [g]rabbing the student victim’s backpack causing her to fall; c. [p]ulling the victim’s arms and dragging her by one arm and one leg; and d. [d]ragging the student victim by the ankle and wrist." As a result of this alleged conduct, Petitioner has charged Respondent, in the Administrative Complaint, with violating the following statutes, rules, and School Board policies: sections 1008.24(1)(c), (1)(f), and (1)(g), 1012.22(1)(f), and 1012.27(5), Florida Statutes; Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A-5.056(2) and 6A-10.081(2)(a)(1), (2)(a)(5), and (2)(c)(1); and School Board Policies 0.01(2)(3) and (2)(4); 3.02(4)(a), (4)(d), and (4)(f); 3.02(5)(a)(ii), (5)(a)(viii), (5)(c)(vii) and (5)(i); 1.013(1); 1.1013; and 3.27; and article II, section M of the County Teachers' Association Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CBA"). The Administrative Complaint does not charge Respondent with having committed gross insubordination in violation of rule 6A-5.056(4). Evidence Adduced at Hearing The incident giving rise to this proceeding occurred on January 19, 2017, at Watkins, in Respondent's classroom and in the hallway immediately outside of Respondent's classroom. On that day, K.B., a student in Respondent's class, put her head down on her desk and refused to participate in the class's activities, despite being told repeatedly by Respondent to lift her head off of her desk and to participate in class activities. Frustrated with K.B.'s refusal to obey his repeated directives to lift her head off of her desk and participate in the class, Respondent ordered K.B. to get out of his classroom. The evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish whether, or what type, of physical interaction between Respondent and K.B. may have occurred as she was leaving, but was still inside the classroom.2/ The undisputed evidence establishes that as K.B. was walking toward the door to leave the classroom, she intentionally knocked a book off of a desk, causing it to fall to the floor. Respondent ordered K.B. to pick up the book, but she did not do so and exited the classroom. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that as K.B. opened the door and attempted to exit the classroom, Respondent detained her by grabbing her backpack. K.B. pushed forward in an attempt to resist being detained by Respondent, and as a result, fell to the floor in the hallway immediately adjacent to the open classroom door.3/ The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that Respondent placed his hands on K.B.'s wrist and ankle as she was lying on the floor and dragged her back into the classroom.4/ Once K.B. and Respondent were back inside the classroom, Respondent ordered K.B. to pick up the book that she had pushed to the floor and to place it back on the desk. She complied, but then again intentionally pushed the book off of the desk onto the floor and again exited the classroom. The evidence clearly and convincingly establishes that as K.B. ran out of the open classroom door, Respondent again grabbed K.B. by her backpack. K.B. pushed forward to resist being physically detained by Respondent, and, as a result, again fell to the floor of the hallway. Respondent placed his hands on K.B.'s wrist and ankle as she was lying on the floor and again dragged her back into the classroom.5/ As K.B. and Respondent exited the classroom the second time, teacher Angela Hammond, whose classroom was immediately next door to Respondent's and who said she heard a "commotion," came out of her classroom into the hall. Hammond observed Respondent dragging K.B., who was lying on the floor, back into his classroom. Hammond entered Respondent's classroom and observed K.B. pick up a book that was on the floor, place it on a desk, and then slide it off of the desk onto the floor. At that point, Hammond took K.B. into her (Hammond's) classroom, and talked to K.B. in an effort to calm her down. At some point, Respondent also entered Hammond's classroom to talk to K.B. in an effort to determine if she was alright and to calm her down. The clear and convincing evidence, consisting of K.B.'s own testimony, establishes that she was not physically injured as a result of any aspect of the incident, including having been pulled by her ankle and wrist by Respondent. K.B. testified that she was extremely angry with Respondent as a result of the incident. The evidence establishes that before the incident, Respondent and K.B. enjoyed a mentor-mentee relationship. K.B. would talk to Respondent about her personal and school- related problems. Respondent would advise K.B. regarding engaging in more appropriate behavior at school, and would encourage her academic performance. K.B. testified that Respondent was one of her favorite teachers and that Respondent's class was the only one she had enjoyed in the 2016-2017 school year. To that point, K.B. wrote a letter to Respondent, telling him that she enjoyed his class, that he was a good teacher, and that she appreciated his help and encouragement. When asked whether the January 19, 2017, incident had changed her opinion of Respondent, she testified: "[n]ot really, because we both were in the wrong." Donald Hoffman, the principal at Watkins during the 2016-2017 school year, testified that the proper means for dealing with students who present behavioral problems during class is to use the in-classroom buzzer, which is mounted on the classroom wall, to call for assistance from school administration staff. Hoffman testified that all teachers at Watkins are apprised of this protocol. Respondent acknowledged that he was aware of this protocol, but that he did not use the buzzer to call for assistance in dealing with K.B.'s defiant behavior in the classroom or as she left the classroom. He acknowledged that he could have handled the situation in a more appropriate manner than he did in physically detaining K.B. Respondent testified, credibly, that he physically detained K.B. to prevent her from getting into trouble with the school's administration, and possibly being returned to the alternative school from which she had transferred, for having left his classroom during the class period. The Watkins Faculty & Staff Handbook ("Faculty Handbook") for fiscal year 2017 ("FY '17"), pages 33 and 34, contains a policy, regarding student detention. This policy states, in pertinent part: "The Principal, Assistant Principal, teacher, media specialist, or others engaged in administrative or instructional capacity in public schools, shall be authorized to temporarily detain and question a student under circumstances which reasonably indicate that such a student has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a violation of law." There is no persuasive evidence establishing that K.B. had committed, was committing, or was about to commit a crime. Therefore, the policy on pages 33 and 34 of the Faculty Handbook does not authorize Respondent's physical detention of K.B. Hoffman testified that the administration at Watkins does "not promote physical contact with students in any negative manner," and that, generally, only the administration is permitted to detain students at Watkins. Respondent previously has been disciplined by Petitioner.6/ One prior disciplinary action——consisting of a written reprimand issued on May 23, 2013, in which Respondent was reprimanded for engaging in "horseplay" with a student——is germane to this proceeding because it is an action that falls within the Progressive Discipline process established in the CBA, section 7.7/ Findings of Ultimate Fact The Administrative Complaint charges Respondent with having violated various statutes, State Board of Education rules, and School Board policies. Whether Respondent committed the charged offenses is a question of ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact in the context of each alleged violation. Holmes v. Turlington, 480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1985); McKinney v. Castor, 66 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). 31. Here, Petitioner has charged Respondent with violating rule 6A-5.056(2), which states: 6A-5.056 Criteria for Suspension and Dismissal. "Just cause" means cause that is legally sufficient. Each of the charges upon which just cause for a dismissal action against specified school personnel may be pursued are set forth in Sections 1012.33 and 1012.335, F.S. In fulfillment of these laws, the basis for each such charge is hereby defined: * * * "Misconduct in Office" means one or more of the following: A violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6A-10.080, F.A.C.; A violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida as adopted in Rule 6A- 10.081, F.A.C.; A violation of the adopted school board rules; Behavior that disrupts the student’s learning environment; or Behavior that reduces the teacher’s ability or his or her colleagues’ ability to effectively perform duties. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating rule 6A-10.081(2), which states, in pertinent part: Florida educators shall comply with the following disciplinary principles. Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to revocation or suspension of the individual educator’s certificate, or the other penalties as provided by law. Obligation to the student requires that the individual: 1. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety. * * * 5. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. * * * (c) Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual: 1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating various School Board policies. Specifically, Petitioner has charged Respondent with violating Policy 0.01, Commitment to the Student, Principle I, which states in pertinent part: 2. In fulfilling his obligations to the student, the educator-. . . 3. [s]hall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety; 4. [s]hall conduct professional business in such a way that he does not expose the student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating Policy 1.013, Responsibilities of School District Personnel and Staff, which states: The district administrative staff shall be responsible for the efficient planning and administration of all supporting educational services such as maintenance, transportation, school lunch, personnel, purchasing, federal programs, payroll and other responsibilities as directed by the superintendent. The district administrative staff is also responsible for insuring that the appropriate district policies, state board of education rules, state laws, and federal laws and rules are adhered to. It shall be the responsibility of the personnel employed by the district school board to carry out their assigned duties in accordance with federal laws, rules, state statutes, state board of education rules, school board policy, superintendent's administrative directives and local school and area rules. District administrative staff. District instructional staff. The district level instructional staff shall be responsible for the cooperative development, supervision, and improvement of the district instructional program. The areas include in-service education, program evaluation, development of curriculum materials, educational specifications for school facilities, development of federal programs, accreditations, state program requirements and other responsibilities as directed by the superintendent. Pursuant to § 231.09, Fla. Stat., the primary duty of instructional personnel is to work diligently and faithfully to help students meet or exceed annual learning goals, to meet state and local achievement requirements, and to master the skills required to graduate from high school prepared for postsecondary education and work. This duty applies to instructional personnel whether they teach or function in a support role. Teachers. It shall be the duty of the teacher to provide instruction, leadership, classroom management and guidance to pupils through democratic experiences that promote growth and development both as individuals and as members of society. Pursuant to § 231.09, F.S., teachers shall perform duties prescribed by school board policies relating, but not limited, to helping students master challenging standards and meet all state and local requirements for achievement; teaching efficiently and faithfully; using prescribed materials and methods, including technology- based instruction; recordkeeping; and fulfilling the terms of any contract, unless released from the contract by the school board. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating the following provisions of Policy 3.02, Code of Ethics: Accountability and Compliance Each employee agrees and pledges: To provide the best example possible; striving to demonstrate excellence, integrity and responsibility in the workplace. * * * d. To treat all students and individuals with respect and to strive to be fair in all matters. * * * f. To take responsibility and be accountable for his or her acts or omissions. Ethical Standards a. Abuse of Students – We are committed to ensuring that employee-student relationships are positive, professional, and non- exploitive. We will not tolerate improper employee-student relationships. Each employee should always maintain a professional relationship with students, both in and outside of the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: * * * ii. Exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. * * * viii. Engaging in misconduct which affects the health, safety, and welfare of a student(s). * * * c. Misrepresentation or Falsification – We are committed to candor in our work relationships, providing other Board employees including supervisors, senior staff and Board members with accurate, reliable and timely information. Employees should exemplify honesty and integrity in the performance of their official duties for the School District. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: i. Falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation[.] Professional Conduct – We are committed to ensuring that our power and authority are used in an appropriate, positive manner that enhances the public interest and trust. Employees should demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards. Unethical conduct is any conduct that impairs the ability to function professionally in his or her employment position or conduct that is detrimental to the health, welfare or discipline of students or the workplace. Unethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: Failing to maintain any necessary certification or licensure required in the performance of job duties for the School District. Shall not knowingly and willfully make false statements about a colleague. Failing to report the alleged misconduct of a fellow employee, to cooperate fully during any investigation or to complete an investigation relative to allegations of misconduct of a fellow employee, which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Entering into a confidentiality agreement regarding terminated or dismissed instructional employees and school administrators, or personnel or administrators who are dismissed or resign in lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. Providing employment references or discussing the instructional personnel’s or school administrator’s performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the personnel’s or administrator’s misconduct. Petitioner also has charged Respondent with violating Policy 3.27, Suspension and Dismissal of Employees,8/ which provides: The purpose of this section is to promulgate rules regarding the suspension and dismissal of employees. These rules shall be read in conjunction with the procedures established for administrative hearings as set forth in Chapter 4, except, however, in the event it is determined that a conflict exists between these rules and those of Chapter 4, these rules will be controlling. Upon a finding of probable cause by the Superintendent sufficient to warrant a recommendation to the School Board for suspension without pay and dismissal, the Superintendent shall communicate in writing to the employee: A concise statement of the Superintendent's recommendation(s) to the School Board affecting the employee's employment status. A statement of the date, time, and place where the School Board shall meet to consider the Superintendent's actions and recommendation(s). A statement of the legal authority for the Superintendent's actions and recommendation(s). A short and plain statement of the charges made by the Superintendent against the employee. A statement of the time limit for requesting a hearing before the School Board. All employees recommended for suspension without pay and dismissal shall have the right to request a hearing provided such a request is made in writing to the School Board within 15 days of the receipt of the Superintendent's written notice. Any person who receives written notice from the Superintendent of a recommendation(s) for suspension without pay and dismissal and who fails to request a hearing within 15 days, shall have waived the right to request a hearing on such matters, and the allegations and charges as contained in the notice shall be deemed by the School Board to be true for the purpose of entering a final order on the Superintendent's recommendation(s). In the event a request for a hearing is timely made and received by the Office of General Counsel, by either an instructional employee with a continuing contract or by a noninstructional employee during the term of an annual contract, the procedure for conducting a hearing, unless otherwise determined by the School Board, is as follows: The Superintendent will file a petition for dismissal with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). This petition shall contain: The name and address of the School Board and the file or identification number, if known; The name and address of the employee, and an explanation of how the employee's substantial interest will be affected by the agency determination; A statement of when and how the employee received notice of agency decision or intent to render a decision; A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the Superintendent to relief; A demand for relief to which the Superintendent deems himself entitled; and Other information which the Superintendent contends is material. The DOAH will assign a Hearing Officer to conduct the hearing. The employee and the employee's representative will be informed of the time and place for the hearing by the DOAH. Whenever possible, the hearing shall be held in the place most convenient to all parties as determined by the Hearing Officer. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. Within thirty (30) days after the hearing or receipt of the hearing transcript, whichever is later, the Hearing Officer shall file a recommended order to the School Board including a caption, time and place of hearing, statement of the issues, findings of fact and conclusions of law, and recommendations for final agency action. The School Board, within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's recommended order, shall issue the final order. This shall be considered at a regularly scheduled School Board meeting. The School Board may adopt the Hearing Officer's recommended order as its Final Order. The School Board in its final order may reject or modify the conclusions of law in the recommended order but may not reject or modify the findings of fact unless the School Board first determines from a review of the complete record that the findings of fact were not based upon competent substantial evidence or that the proceedings on which the findings were based did not comply with essential requirements of law. The School Board may reduce or increase the recommended penalty in a recommended order, but may do so only with a review of the complete record. The hearing must be conducted by the School Board within forty-five (45) days of the request for hearing. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 120.57, Florida Statutes. Following the close of a hearing before the School Board, the parties may submit proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order, or legal briefs on the issues within a time designated by the School Board. If an employee does not specifically designate a hearing preference, the School Board shall follow procedures as listed in Section (5). If a request for a hearing is timely made and received by the Office of General Counsel by an instructional employee during the term of an annual contract or by an instructional employee with a professional service contract, either employee may elect to have a hearing before the DOAH or request that a hearing be held before the School Board. If the employee elects a hearing before the School Board, the following procedures shall apply: A majority vote of the membership of the School Board shall be required to sustain the Superintendent's recommendation. A final order shall be entered within ninety (90) days after the last date of the hearing or receipt of the hearing transcript, whichever is later. The determination of the School Board shall be final as to the sufficiency or insufficiency of the grounds for termination of employment. Petitioner also cites, as a basis for its proposed discipline of Respondent, article II, section M, of the CBA, Progressive Discipline, which states: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence, which supports the recommended disciplinary action. All disciplinary action shall be governed by applicable statutes and provisions of this Agreement. Further, an employee shall be provided with a written notice of wrongdoing, setting forth the specific charges against that employee prior to taking any action. Any information, which may be relied upon to take action against an employee, will be shared promptly with said employee and his/her Association representative as soon as possible. Copies of any written information/correspondence that is related to the action of the employee or the investigating administrator(s) will be provided promptly to the employee and his/her Association representative. An employee against whom action is to be taken under this Section and his/her Association representative shall have the right to review and refute any and all of the information relied upon to support any proposed disciplinary action prior to taking such action. To this end, the employee and his/her Association representative shall be afforded a reasonable amount of time to prepare and present responses/refutations concerning the pending disciplinary action and concerning the appropriateness of the proposed disciplinary action. This amount of time is to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Only previous disciplinary actions which are a part of the employee's personnel file or which are a matter of record as provided in paragraph #7 below may be cited. Where just cause warrants such disciplinary action(s) and in keeping with provisions of this Section, an employee may be reprimanded verbally with written notation, reprimanded in writing, suspended without pay or dismissed upon the recommendation of the immediate supervisor to the Superintendent. Other disciplinary action(s) may be taken with the mutual agreement of the Parties. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District, a District employee, and/or a child/children or the actions/inactions of the employee clearly constitute flagrant or purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal Reprimand with a Written Notation - Such written notation shall not be placed in the employee's personnel file maintained at the District headquarters, but will be placed in a file at the school/department and shall not be used to the further detriment of the employee after twelve (12) months of the action/inaction of the employee which led to the notation. The written notification shall be maintained at the school site/department pursuant to the District’s Records Retention Schedule. Written Reprimand - A written reprimand may be issued to an employee when appropriate in keeping with provisions of this Section. Such written reprimand shall be dated and signed by the giver and the receiver of the reprimand and shall be filed in the affected employee's personnel file in keeping with provisions of Article II, Section B of this Agreement. Suspension Without Pay - A suspension without pay may be issued to an employee, when appropriate, in keeping with provisions of this Section, including just cause and applicable laws. The length of the suspension also shall be determined by just cause as set forth in this Section. The notice and specifics of the suspension without pay shall be placed in writing, dated and signed by the giver and the receiver of the suspension. The specific days of suspension will be clearly set forth in the written suspension notice which shall be filed in the affected employee's personnel file in keeping with provisions of Article II, Section B of this Agreement. Dismissal - An employee may be dismissed (employment contract terminated) when appropriate in keeping with provisions of this Section, including just cause and applicable laws. An employee against whom disciplinary action(s) has been taken may appeal through the grievance procedure. If the disciplinary action(s) taken includes either a suspension or a dismissal, the grievance shall be initiated at STEP TWO. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, it is determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that by dragging K.B. by her wrist and ankle back into the classroom, Respondent violated rules 6A-5.056(2)(b), 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., and School Board Policy 0.01, section 3. Specifically, Respondent's actions did not constitute a reasonable effort on his part to protect K.B. from conditions potentially harmful to her health or safety. There was at least a possibility that K.B. could have been injured by being dragged across the floor by her wrist and ankle, and Respondent should have foreseen and understood that possibility. Additionally, it is determined that Respondent violated School Board Policy 3.02, section 4.d. By dragging K.B. across the floor by her ankle and wrist, Respondent did not treat K.B. with respect, as is required by that policy. Although Respondent detained K.B. in order to prevent her from getting into trouble and potentially transferred out of Watkins to an alternative school, he could have avoided having physical contact with K.B. by following the established protocol to use the classroom buzzer to summon school administration. As discussed above, Petitioner has taken one prior pertinent disciplinary action against Respondent, in the form of a written reprimand. As discussed above, section M of the CBA establishes Petitioner's progressive discipline policy. Section 7.d. of this policy states that except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District, a District employee, or a child, or the actions or inactions of the employee clearly constitute flagrant or purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline is administered in a sequential manner, starting with a verbal reprimand with written notation; progressing to a written reprimand; then progressing to suspension without pay; and concluding with dismissal. Here, the clear and convincing evidence supports following the sequential penalty imposition established in section 7. of the progressive discipline policy. Specifically, the clear and convincing evidence supports suspending Respondent without pay, for the duration of his suspension, starting on the day on which he was suspended up to the date of entry of the final order in this proceeding. This penalty takes into account the serious nature of Respondent's conduct in dragging K.B. across the floor, but does not result in termination of a teacher who, by all accounts, is a very good teacher who cares deeply about his students, including K.B., and who puts forth extra effort to mentor to students in need of such support.9/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board, enter a final order finding just cause and suspending Respondent from his teaching position, without pay, commencing on the date on which he was suspended from his employment, and ending on the date on which a final order is entered in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of November, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of November, 2018.

Florida Laws (9) 1008.241012.011012.221012.271012.331012.3351012.34120.569120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 09, 1997 Number: 97-005828 Latest Update: Apr. 05, 2001

The Issue In DOAH Case No. 97-5828, the issue is whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint dated March 24, 1998, and, if so, the penalty which should be imposed. In DOAH Case No. 98-2387, the issue is whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges dated July 30, 1998, and, if so, whether he should be dismissed from employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is the entity authorized to operate the public schools in the county and to "provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion, suspension, and dismissal of employees" of the school district. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution; Section 230.23(4) and (5), Florida Statutes (1997). The Department of Education is the state agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting complaints against teachers holding Florida teachers' certificates for violations of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes. Section 231.262, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to Sections 231.261(7)(b) and 231.28(1), Florida Statutes, the Educational Practices Commission is the entity responsible for imposing discipline for any of the violations set forth in Section 231.28(1). Richard V. Powell holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 585010, which covers the subjects of journalism and English- as-a-Second-Language ("ESOL"). His teacher's certificate has an expiration date of June 30, 1999. Mr. Powell was first employed as a teacher with the Miami-Dade County public school system in August 1985. From 1989 through August 1996, Mr. Powell was assigned to Jose Marti Middle School as an ESOL teacher; in August 1996, he was assigned to John F. Kennedy Middle School ("JFK Middle School") as an ESOL teacher; in August 1997, he was given a new assignment as the facilitator of JFK Middle School's School Center for Special Instruction. On November 26, 1997, Mr. Powell was temporarily assigned to the Region II office. At all times material to this proceeding, Mr. Powell was employed by the School Board under a professional service contract. November 1995 incident On the evening of November 19, 1995, at around 10:00 or 10:30 p.m., Mr. Powell was driving his Ford Bronco on Pembroke Road in Broward County, Florida. Mr. Powell's fourteen-year-old son was sitting in the front passenger seat, and he and his father began arguing about his school behavior and progress and about his failure to do his chores around the house. Mr. Powell became angry and punched his son in the mouth with his fist and then pulled the Bronco off the street, into a vacant lot. Mr. Powell got out of the Bronco, walked around the back of the vehicle to the door on the passenger's side, opened the door, and pulled his son out of the vehicle. After the child was outside the vehicle, Mr. Powell punched his son once in the face and, when the child fell to the ground, Mr. Powell kicked him at least once in the ribs. 8/ The child broke away and ran to a convenience store about twenty-five yards from the vacant lot, where a witness to the incident had already called the police. When he arrived at the convenience store, the child was sobbing and holding his side; blood was pouring from his lip. 9/ After the altercation with his son, Mr. Powell was not feeling well and, believing that his son had run the short distance to his home, Mr. Powell drove home. He waited a few minutes for his son and then walked from his home to Pembroke Road. He saw his son, a police car, and an ambulance at the convenience store, and he walked up to the police officers and identified himself as the child's father. Mr. Powell's son was taken to the hospital and treated and released with a split lip and a bruise in the area of his ribs. Mr. Powell was taken to the Pembroke Pines, Florida, police station. Mr. Powell is a diabetic, and, while he was at the police station, he asked to be examined by a doctor because he did not feel well. He was taken to the hospital, where he remained for about an hour. After his release from the hospital, Mr. Powell was arrested and charged with child abuse. On July 29, 1996, after a bench trial on child abuse charges, the court found Mr. Powell guilty but withheld adjudication, sentenced him to six months' probation, and required him to complete a parent counseling course. 10/ Mr. Powell successfully completed the course in December 1996 and was released early from probation on January 8, 1997. In August 1996, Mr. Powell was transferred from Jose Marti Middle School to JFK Middle School, where Raymond Fontana was principal. In a letter dated August 1, 1996, Seth A. Levine, an assistant state attorney in Broward County, Florida, notified the superintendent of the Miami-Dade County public school system that Mr. Powell had been tried on the charge of child abuse, and he advised the superintendent of the resolution of the case. The letter was forwarded to James E. Monroe, who was at the time an Executive Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, who reviewed the letter and transmitted the information contained therein to Mr. Fontana at JFK Middle School and to the state Department of Education Educational Practices Services. Mr. Monroe was not aware of the November 1995 incident involving Mr. Powell and his son until on or about August 14, 1996, when he received the copy of Mr. Levine's letter. In a letter dated October 10, 1996, the Education Practices Services notified Mr. Powell that it had received a complaint against him related to the charges of child abuse, and an investigation was begun which led to the filing of the original Administrative Complaint dated January 21, 1997. The disciplinary action taken against Mr. Powell by the School Board with respect to the child abuse charges consisted of a Site Disposition in the case, which the School Board referred to as Case No. A-17734. In a memorandum to Mr. Powell dated October 15, 1996, Mr. Fontana summarized the substance of a conference which was held on October 15, 1996, with Mr. Powell, Mr. Fontana, and William McCard, an assistant principal at JFK Middle School, in attendance. In the memorandum, Mr. Fontana indicated that "[t]he purpose of the conference was to establish a final disposition through administrative review of the above indicated case." Mr. Fontana further stated: Upon review of all the records and talking with you, it is determined that the incident in question happened in Broward County, no adjudication of guilt was established, and legally the case was closed. However, you have agreed to counseling in order to forestall any future problems. The case in question dealt with your own family member and alleged child abuse. We reviewed my expectations of you in regards to your teaching position at John F. Kennedy Middle School and your professional treatment of all your students. We reviewed the State Code of Ethics guidelines dealing with the same subject. Thus, I am directing you to follow the established State Code of Ethics Rules, School Board Policy, and Site Rules dealing with conduct becoming a teacher and subsequent teaching relationships with students. I feel that this will adequately bring closure to this incident and that in the future your teaching behavior will always be of the highest professional standard. In his annual evaluation for the 1995-1996 school year, Mr. Powell was rated "acceptable" in both classroom performance and in professional responsibility, and he was recommended for continued employment. Likewise, in his annual evaluation for the 1996-1997 school year, Mr. Powell was assessed "acceptable" in both classroom performance and in professional responsibility, and he was recommended for continued employment. This annual evaluation followed a Teacher Assessment and Development System Post-Observation Report completed on April 16, 1997, by Mr. McCard, in which he found that Mr. Powell's performance satisfied every indicator subject to evaluation. 11/ November 1997 incident On November 25, 1997, Mr. Powell was the teacher in charge of the School Center for Special Instruction ("SCSI") at JFK Middle School. The SCSI is an indoor suspension program for children who are being disciplined for behavior violations; SCSI is an alternative to sending these children home for the duration of their suspension. The SCSI class was held in the school cafeteria at JFK Middle School from 9:00 a.m. until the end of the school day at 3:40 p.m. Two sets of double doors provide access to the cafeteria. One set, those on the right, were locked from the outside and not normally used; the students entered and left the cafeteria by the set of doors on the left of the building. At approximately 3:20 p.m. on November 25, 1997, the SCSI students were returning to the cafeteria after cleaning up an area outside the cafeteria. Mr. Powell was outside supervising the students as they returned to the cafeteria, and there was no adult supervising the students who had already moved inside the cafeteria. During this hiatus, a seventh-grade student named M. M. got into an altercation with several other boys in the class whom he suspected of taking his book bag. The boys began pushing and shoving M. M. and encouraging him to fight with one specific boy. M. M. refused to fight; he became angry and upset and left the cafeteria by way of the set of double doors on the right side of the cafeteria. Because he was angry and upset, M. M. pushed the door open quite forcefully. Mr. Powell had had surgery on his right foot the previous day; his foot was in a cast, and he used a cane to assist him in walking. At the time M. M. pushed open the cafeteria door, Mr. Powell was standing outside directly in the path of the door as it opened. M. M. could not see Mr. Powell because there were no windows in the door. As it swung open, the door hit Mr. Powell's injured foot, and Mr. Powell raised his cane and struck M. M. on his right arm. 12/ M. M. ran back inside the cafeteria, in tears. He rushed through the cafeteria and exited through the set of doors on the left side of the cafeteria. He went directly to the office of Sandra Clarke, one of the guidance counselors at JFK Middle School. When he arrived at her office, M. M. was agitated and crying, and he told Ms. Clarke that Mr. Powell had hit him on the arm with his cane. M. M. showed Ms. Clarke the mark on his arm, which was located on the outside of his right arm, midway between his shoulder and his elbow. Ms. Clarke observed that M. M. had a red welt on his arm, and she took him to the office of Patrick Snay, who was at that time the principal of JFK Middle School. Mr. Snay called in Assistant Principal McCard and told him about the allegations M. M. had made against Mr. Powell. Mr. Snay directed Mr. McCard to call the school police and to take statements from the students in the class who witnessed the incident. Mr. McCard took a statement from M. M. and observed the red mark on his arm. A school security guard went into the SCSI class right before school ended for the day and asked that any students who had seen the incident involving Mr. Powell and M. M. stay after school and write a statement telling what they had seen. Several students remained and prepared statements. 13/ Mr. Powell reported for school the next morning but was told to report to the School Board's Region 2 office. Mr. Powell worked at that office for one day, and then, beginning on the Monday after Thanksgiving, he was assigned to work at Highland Oaks Middle School. He worked at that school until he was suspended by the School Board on May 13, 1998. His duties at Highland Oaks Middle School included taking care of disabled students, accompanying them to their classes and to lunch, sitting with them, and taking notes for them, all under the direct supervision of the school's media specialist. At the direction of James Monroe, who was at the time an Executive Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Practices, a personnel investigation was initiated on December 6, 1997, with respect to M. M.'s allegations against Mr. Powell. A preliminary personnel investigation report was submitted on February 13, 1998, in which the investigator concluded that the charge against Mr. Powell was substantiated. A Conference-for-the-Record was held on March 25, 1998, attended by Mr. Snay; John F. Gilbert, Director of Region 2; Ms. Falco, Mr. Powell's union representative; Dr. Monroe; and Mr. Powell. Several issues were discussed during the conference: Mr. Powell was allowed to review a copy of the School Board's investigative report regarding the incident involving M. M., and he was allowed to comment on the report. Mr. Powell denied having hit M. M. and advised the School Board personnel that he knew of an eye witness to the incident who would support his denial. Mr. Powell was also allowed to review a copy of the October 15, 1996, memo to Mr. Powell from Principal Fontana, discussed in paragraph 16, supra, memorializing the discipline imposed with respect to the charges that Mr. Powell had committed child abuse on his son. Dr. Monroe advised Mr. Powell that he had failed to comply with the directives included in that disposition. /14 During the Conference-for-the-Record, Mr. Powell was told that a recommendation would be made to the School Board that his professional services contract not be renewed and that a decision would be made whether to take disciplinary measures against him, which could include suspension or dismissal. In a letter dated April 29, 1998, the Superintendent of Schools recommended to the School Board that Mr. Powell be suspended from his position as a teacher and that dismissal proceedings be initiated against him. The School Board accepted this recommendation on May 13, 1998. On October 29, 1998, Mr. Powell was tried by a jury on the criminal charge of battery arising out of his striking M. M. A number of students testified at the trial, and Mr. Powell was found "not guilty" of the charge. On September 5, 1997, Mr. Powell was honored by the Florida House of Representatives with a Certificate of Appreciation for "his contributions and accomplishments in the National Association of Black Scuba Divers." As a member of that association, Mr. Powell was recognized and commended for his work with the sunken slave ship Henrietta Marie and for his lectures and seminars on the history of this ship. On May 28, 1998, an article about the Certificate of Appreciation appeared in The Miami Times, together with a picture of Mr. Powell and Representative Larcenia Bullard. Nowhere in the certificate or in the news article is Mr. Powell identified as a teacher or former teacher in the Miami-Dade County public schools. Mr. Powell is mentioned and quoted in an article which was published in the South Florida edition of the Sunday Sun Sentinel newspaper on February 1, 1998. The article discussed the celebration of Black History Month by the descendants of slaves who are living in South Florida. Mr. Powell is identified in the article as the person who led members of the National Association of Black Scuba Divers in a dive to the site of the Henrietta Marie. Mr. Powell also gave a lecture on the Henrietta Marie in February 1997 at the Miami-Dade County Community College, as part of a special African-American history course. Summary The evidence presented herein clearly and convincingly establishes that Mr. Powell struck and kicked his son on November 19, 1995, and that he struck M. M. with his cane on November 25, 1997, while carrying out his duties as an SCSI teacher. Mr. Powell's testimony that he did not strike either his son or M. M. is rejected as not persuasive, as is the testimony of those witnesses who testified that Mr. Powell did not strike M. M. The evidence presented is sufficient to establish that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality and of moral turpitude when he dragged his fourteen-year-old son from the passenger seat of his Ford Bronco, struck his son in the face twice, and kicked his son in the ribs at least once, causing him to suffer a split lip and bruised ribs. This act of violence is not only inconsistent with the public conscience, it is an act of serious misconduct which was in flagrant disregard of society's condemnation of violence against children. The seriousness of Mr. Powell's act is only exacerbated by the fact that he acted in anger. Although the evidence establishes that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality, the only evidence offered regarding any notoriety arising from the November 1995 incident and from Mr. Powell's subsequent trial on the charges of child abuse is the testimony of Dr. Monroe. Dr. Monroe's testimony that there "was considerable notoriety via the print and the electronic media of Mr. Powell's action which resulted in his arrest" was not based on his personal knowledge but was based on information he received in August 1996 from an assistant state's attorney in Broward County. Dr. Monroe's testimony is not only hearsay unsupported by any other evidence in the record, it is not credible to prove that Mr. Powell's conduct was sufficiently notorious to cast him or the education profession into public disgrace or disrespect or to impair Mr. Powell's service in the community. Moreover, Mr. Powell presented evidence that, subsequent to the November 1995 incident, he was publicly recognized for his contributions to the community through his work with the slave ship Henrietta Marie. The evidence presented is also sufficient to establish that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality and of moral turpitude with respect to the November 1997 incident involving M. M. When Mr. Powell lashed out at this student and struck him with a cane, albeit after the student pushed a door into his injured foot, he demonstrated a flagrant disregard of public morals and of society's condemnation of violence against children, and he committed an act that betrayed the special trust placed in teachers. However, there was no persuasive evidence presented to establish that Mr. Powell's conduct involving M. M. was sufficiently notorious to expose either Mr. Powell or the education profession to public disgrace or disrespect or that Mr. Powell's service in the community was impaired with respect to the November 1997 incident. The most the evidence demonstrates is that the school received inquiries from parents about the need for their children to give statements regarding the incident, but these inquiries do not rise to the level of notoriety. Furthermore, it would be inappropriate to infer notoriety and public disgrace and disrespect from the fact that Mr. Powell was tried and found not guilty of the charge of battery on M. M. The evidence presented is sufficient to establish that, with respect to the November 1997 incident in which Mr. Powell struck M. M. with his cane, Mr. Powell violated several provisions of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida because he did not exercise professional judgment; because he inflicted physical injury on M. M. rather than protecting him from such injury; and because he exposed M. M. to unnecessary embarrassment by striking him and causing him to cry in front of his fellow students in the SCSI class. There was, however, no persuasive direct evidence presented to establish that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a teacher and an employee of the School Board was diminished as a result of the November 1997 incident. This direct evidence consisted solely of the opinion testimony of Dr. Monroe, which was conclusory and was based exclusively on information he obtained from Mr. Powell's records and from discussions with school administrative personnel charged with monitoring Mr. Powell's conduct and teaching performance. No parents or students or members of the community testified that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a teacher and as an employee of the School Board was diminished as a result of this incident. Under the circumstances of this case, however, it can be inferred from the record as a whole that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a School Board employee and as a teacher was seriously diminished as a result of the November 1997 incident. Mr. Powell stuck a student with a cane during school hours, and the incident was witnessed by a number of students, who were asked to testify both in this proceeding and in Mr. Powell's criminal trial. In addition, the allegations against Mr. Powell with respect to the November 1997 incident were of such a serious nature that it was necessary to relieve Mr. Powell of his teaching responsibilities and to transfer him from JFK Middle School to the Region 2 administrative offices and, from there, to another middle school in which his contact with students was closely supervised. Finally, the evidence presented is sufficient to establish that, with respect to the November 1997 incident in which he struck M. M. with his cane, Mr. Powell did not conduct himself in a manner which reflected credit on himself or on the school system, nor did his conduct conform to the highest professional standards.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that In DOAH Case NO. 97-5828, the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Richard V. Powell guilty of violating Section 231.28(1)(c) and (i), Florida Statutes, and revoking his teacher's certificate for a period of two years, followed by three years' probation, subject to reasonable conditions to be determined by the Commission; and In DOAH Case No. 98-2387, the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, enter a final order finding Richard V. Powell guilty of misconduct in office pursuant to Section 231.36(1)(a) and (6)(a), Florida Statutes, and of violating School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.21 and 6Gx13-4-1.08 and 4-1.09; sustaining his suspension; and dismissing him from employment as a teacher with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of October, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of October, 1999.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.5790.80390.804 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Aug. 15, 2017 Number: 17-004643TTS Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida May 15, 2018 Number: 18-002523TTS Latest Update: Oct. 18, 2019

Findings Of Fact The School Board is charged with the duty to operate, control and supervise free public schools within the School District of Duval County, Florida, pursuant to article IX, section 4(b) of the Florida Constitution, and section 1012.22, Florida Statutes (2018).1/ At all material times, Respondent has been employed as a classroom teacher with the School Board under a professional services contract. During the 2017-2018 school year, Respondent was assigned to teach first grade at San Mateo in Jacksonville, Florida. The Step III Notice issued by the School Board to Respondent on April 20, 2018, constitutes the administrative charging document in this proceeding. The incident giving rise to this proceeding occurred on Wednesday, February 14, 2018. On February 14, 2018, students were sitting on the carpet in Respondent's classroom ready for a slideshow lesson that Respondent intended to teach. C.K., a 7-year-old student in Respondent's classroom at the time, started off in his chair, but then got up and started crawling under tables in an attempt to collect beads that had been left on the floor during a previous arts and craft activity. In response, Respondent gave C.K. a choice to either sit in his seat or sit at the back table. C.K. did neither, but rather continued to crawl around on the floor. C.K. then made his way to the back table and began making paper airplanes and throwing them. Respondent asked C.K. to stop that behavior and told him that if he continued he would have to leave the room and she would have to call his mother. At that point, C.K. broke down and became very upset, which was not his normal behavior. Respondent tried to talk to C.K. and calm him down. She also called guidance on the intercom for assistance with C.K., but there was no answer. While Respondent was attempting to contact guidance, C.K. began running around the room and yelling. Around this time, Annette Smith, the paraprofessional assigned to Respondent's classroom, entered the room and tried to talk to C.K. Next, both Respondent and Ms. Smith tried to persuade C.K. to go outside the classroom, but he began to yell, scream, and kick. He grabbed a desk and would not let go. As C.K. was holding onto the desk, Respondent called the front office for assistance. C.K.'s grip on the desk caused the desk to begin to tip over. Ms. Smith reacted by holding the desk to prevent it from falling. Both Respondent and Ms. Smith were able to get C.K. to release the desk; he was kicking and took hold of another desk that had a student sitting in it. As that desk tipped, Respondent and Ms. Smith held onto it to prevent it from falling. Ms. Smith was able to get C.K. to release the desk. Respondent opened the classroom door, and Ms. Smith nudged C.K. out of the classroom and into the hallway. Once in the hall, Respondent tried to calm C.K. down in private, one-on-one. Shortly thereafter, the school nurse, Mindie Rose, came out of another classroom and offered to take C.K. up to the office. Nurse Rose never observed Respondent yelling at C.K. and, in her testimony, described the scene as one in which Respondent was trying to coax C.K. back into the room. While Nurse Rose was standing there, Assistant Principal Poag walked up. Ms. Poag's testimony regarding the scene contrasts with Nurse Rose's recollections. According to Ms. Poag, she heard Respondent yelling at C.K. Ms. Poag testified that she saw red marks on C.K.’s wrists and forearms and scratch marks on his hands. Later, when C.K. was brought to the office, Principal Wells noticed red marks on C.K.’s upper arms and his upper forearms. Nurse Rose saw C.K. rubbing his wrists and forearms and noticed red marks in the area he was rubbing. Nurse Rose was unable to determine whether the red marks came from C.K.'s rubbing or from something that happened in the classroom. Nurse Rose described the marks as “nothing deep,” “kind of pink,” and “on the surface.” On her own, without direction from anyone else, Nurse Rose got some ice for C.K.'s arms. At the final hearing, C.K. provided persuasive testimony by telephone regarding the incident. C.K. testified that he was being bad on February 14, 2018. He admitted grabbing tables, and that Ms. Smith pulled his hands off, but that he then put his hands back onto a desk. He also confirmed that he was yelling that day in the classroom, but only “half loud.” According to C.K., during the incident, Respondent was not holding his feet or yelling at him, she gave him a hug, and was talking to him about being calm. C.K.’s mother testified that Respondent had also taught C.K. the previous 2016-2017 school year, and that when C.K. was retained, she requested that C.K. be assigned to Respondent’s class for the 2017-2018 school year. C.K.'s mother testified that she had seen improvement in C.K.'s grades and attitude when being taught by Respondent. According to C.K.'s mother, C.K. never got into trouble at school until December 2017, around the same time that he lost his aunt and there was a custody battle going on with his mother and step-father. When C.K. started acting up in school, Respondent kept C.K.'s mother informed. In the two weeks prior to the incident, Respondent wrote two referrals on C.K. On February 1, 2018, she gave C.K. a written referral because C.K. was insisting on having his toy car, hitting the table, and yelling at the teacher. Respondent wrote the second referral on February 7, 2018, because C.K. was hitting classmates and throwing books and pencils across the room. For the behaviors leading to the second referral, a guidance counselor took C.K. out of the room. When he returned to the room, C.K. started yelling at others, ignored redirection, and told the teacher, “No, I won’t do it.” When C.K.'s mother found out that, during the February 14, 2018, School Board meeting, the School Board intended on disciplining Respondent for the incident, she wrote a statement on Respondent's behalf, pleading against the imposition of discipline. Assistant Principal Thomas testified that student behaviors, such as yanking on a desk and almost pulling it over and kicking and hitting a teacher, would be considered aggressive behavior. Principal Wells testified that it is appropriate to remove a child from the classroom when they are hurting themselves or others, if there is a danger, or if they are disrupting teaching and learning. Their testimonies are credited. In addition to her teaching job, Respondent has a second job at Publix Supermarkets. One of Respondent's co- workers at Publix, Megan Foster, told Respondent that she was taking an on-line class to become a teacher and the class required her to observe a school lesson. Ms. Foster had volunteered at San Mateo before, and Respondent believed that Principal Wells was aware of that. Therefore, Respondent invited Ms. Foster to observe, not teach or intern, in Respondent's first-grade class. Volunteers are allowed in classrooms at San Mateo. Volunteers are not necessarily interns. Ms. Foster was in Respondent's classroom on February 14, 2018, as a volunteer and observer, not as an intern. That same day, shortly after the incident with C.K., Principal Wells observed Ms. Foster for a few seconds. According to Principal Wells, Ms. Foster was speaking to Respondent's classroom children and standing at the projector. According to Principal Wells, Ms. Foster was “an unknown person.” As explained by Sonita Young, a onetime visitor can come to San Mateo without any prior approval as long as they are under supervision. At the time that Ms. Foster was observed in Respondent's classroom, Ms. Smith, the classroom paraprofessional, was in the classroom, and Respondent was just outside in the hall.2/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner, Duval County School Board: Dismissing the allegations against Respondent set forth in the Step III Notice and rescinding any discipline imposed thereby; and Reimbursing Respondent for any pay or benefits that she did not receive as a result of the School Board’s actions in this case, plus interest from the date that any such pay or benefit was withheld, as appropriate under applicable law. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of September, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JAMES H. PETERSON, III Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of September, 2018.

Florida Laws (4) 1012.221012.33120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Feb. 03, 1995 Number: 95-000534 Latest Update: Jul. 22, 1996

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in the conduct alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges? If so, whether such conduct provides the School Board of Dade County, Florida, with just or proper cause to take disciplinary action against him? If so, what specific disciplinary action should be taken?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence received at the formal hearing, the factual stipulations of the parties, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Dade County, Florida. At all times material to the instant case, Respondent was an annual contract employee of the School Board occupying a paraprofessional position. He currently is under suspension as a result of the incident described in the Notice of Specific Charges. Respondent's employment with the School Board began on October 2, 1987, when he was hired as a part-time custodian and assigned to Hialeah Middle School (HMS). He remained a part-time custodian at HMS until 1989, when he became a teacher aide at the school. He was a teacher aide at HMS from 1989 to 1992. In 1992, he filled a teacher assistant position at the school. He stayed in that position until he was administratively reassigned in April of 1994, following the incident which led to the initiation of the instant disciplinary proceeding. As a teacher assistant at HMS during the 1993-94 school year, Respondent was a member of a collective bargaining unit represented by the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) and covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and UTD, effective July 1, 1991, through June 30, 1994 (UTD Contract). 2/ Article IV of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of "employer rights." Section 1 of Article IV provided, in part, that the School Board had the exclusive right to suspend, dismiss or terminate employees "for just cause." Article XIX of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of "employee rights and due process." Section 2 of Article XIX provided, in part, that "[d]ismissals and suspensions shall be effected in accordance with applicable Florida statutes, including the Administrative Procedures Act (APA)." Article VII of the UTD Contract addressed the subject of a "safe learning environment." Section 1, paragraph A, of Article VII provided as follows: A safe and orderly learning environment is a major priority of the parties. Such an environment requires that disruptive b havior be dealt with safely, fairly, consis- tently and in a manner which incorporates progressive disciplinary measures specified in the Code of Student Conduct. Section 1, paragraph B, of Article VII provided, as follows: Rules governing discipline are set forth in the Code of Student Conduct, School Board Rules, and Procedures for Promoting and Main- taining a Safe Learning Environment and, by reference, are made a part of this Contract. Guideline No. 4 of the School Board's Procedures for Promoting and Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment (School Board's Procedures), which were incorporated by reference in Section 1, paragraph B, of Article VII of the UTD Contract, addresses the subject of "child abuse" and provides, in part, as follows: CURRENT LAW AND/OR PRACTICE Section 415.504, Florida Statutes, requires mandatory reporting of all cases of child abuse. This statute applies to suspected or confirmed reports against any person, regard- less of occupation, who is alleged to be involved or any person who is alleged to have committed any act of child abuse. School personnel are not exempted from mandatory reporting of child abuse even when a fellow employee is suspected or confirmed as the abuser. WHEN IN DOUBT, REPORT ... CHILD ABUSE Child abuse is defined to include harm or threatened harm to a child's health or wel- fare and/or willful or negligent acts which result in: neglect; malnutrition; sexual abuse; physical injury; mental injury; or failure to provide sustenance, clothing, shelter, or medical treatment. Any person, including, but not limited to, physician, nurse, teacher, social worker, or employee of a public or private facility serving children, who has reason to believe that a child has been a subject of child abuse, shall report this information as indicated in the procedures outlined in this guideline. Knowing and willful failure to report sus- pected or confirmed abuse, and knowing and willful prevention of another from making such a report, is a crime punishable by up to two months in jail and up to a $500 fine, Sections 775.082 and 775.083, Florida Statutes, and may be subject to disciplinary action of Dade County Public Schools. It is suggested that once a report is made, the principal or appropriate school administrator be notified. PROCEDURES . . . SCHOOL RELATED CHILD ABUSE REPORTING . . . Anyone aware of suspected or confirmed child abuse committed by School Board employees acting in their official capacity, shall immediately make a report to the principal or designee who shall immediately make a report to the Dade County Public Schools Police and the Region Office. Reasonable Force and Child Abuse. In some instances, a need may exist to differentiate between reasonable force and child abuse. Florida Statute 232.27 provides that: Subject to law and to the rules of the district school board, each teacher or other member of the staff of any school shall have such authority for the control and discipline of students as may be assigned by the princi- pal or designee and shall keep good order in the classroom and in other places in which the teacher or other staff member is assigned to be in charge of students... Florida Statute 232.275 provides that: ...Except in the case of excessive force or cruel and unusual punishment, a teacher or other staff member, a principal or designee, or a bus driver shall not be civilly or criminally liable for any action carried out in conformity with the state board and district school board rules regarding the control, discipline, suspension, and expulsion of students... An administrator must report to Dade County Public Schools Police and the Region Office all cases involving Board Employees where: excessive physical force or physical contact that was used was greater than necessary use of unauthorized physical action results in injury to a student corporal punishment is administered to a student Guideline No. 5 of the School Board's Procedures addresses the subject of "illnesses and injuries to students" and provides, in part, as follows: CURRENT LAW AND/OR PRACTICE All employees responsible for supervision of students and student activities are to take precautions to protect the life, health, and safety of every student in an effort to reduce or eliminate accidents, injuries, and illnesses. . . . Guideline No. 9 of the School Board's Procedures addresses the subject of "corporal punishment" and provides as follows: CURRENT LAW AND/OR PRACTICE Corporal punishment is prohibited in the Dade County Public Schools. This prohibition extends to parents or guardians on school grounds. Corporal punishment is physical force or physical contact applied to the body as punishment. Section 228.041(27), Florida Statutes, defines corporal punishment as: ... the moderate use of physical force or physical contact by a teacher or principal as may be necessary to maintain discipline or to enforce school rules. However, the term "corporal punishment" does not include the use of such reasonable force by a teacher or principal as may be necessary to protect himself or other students from disruptive students. The use of physical restraint techniques in accordance with School Board Rule 6Gx13-6A-1.331 (Special Programs and Procedures and . . . . the Contract Between the Dade County Public Schools and United Teachers of Dade is not corporal punishment. Prior to March 10, 1994, Respondent was aware of the School Board's rules prohibiting the use of corporal punishment and requiring employees to report cases of suspected or actual child abuse. Section 1, paragraph D, of Article VII of the UTD Contract provided, in part, as follows: The parties recognize the potential for difficult circumstances and problems related to the use of corporal punishment. Accordingly, the parties agree that such punishment shall be prohibited as a disciplinary option, and further agree to act affirmatively in continuing to identify and implement more effective alter- natives for dealing with student behavior. "Physical restraint" was the subject of Section 3 of Article VII of the UTD Contract, which provided as follows: There are instances where exceptional students exhibit behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment and pose a threat to the safety of persons or property. Exceptional students enrolled in pro- grams for the emotionally handicapped, severely emotionally disturbed, and autistic, because of the nature of their disability, may on occasion experience impaired impulse control of such severity that use of physical restraint is necessary to prevent such students from inflicting harm to self and/or others, or from causing damage to property. Students enrolled in other exceptional student education programs may also display behaviors that require the use of restraint. The purpose of physical restraint is to prevent injury to persons or destruction of property. It is not to be used to "teach the child a lesson" or as punishment. Subject to available funding, teachers or paraprofess- ionals shall, upon request, be afforded an opportunity to learn physical restraint techniques. Strategies for the prevention of aggressive behavior shall be utilized on an ongoing basis. However, when a explosive event occurs without warning and is of such degree that there is imminent risk to persons or property, the use of physical restraint techniques is authorized for such circumstances. Physical restraint refers to the use of physical intervention techniques designed to restrict the movement of a student in an effort to de-escalate aggressive behavior. In order to promote a safe learning environment, the district has authorized for implementation specific physical restraint procedures to be used in programs for the emotionally handicapped, severely emotionally disturbed, and autistic. These specific procedures may also be used with other exceptional students when it is indicated on the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). These procedures include, but are not limited to, holding and escape techniques which, when implemented, prevent injury to students and staff or prevent serious damage to property. Specific physical restraint procedures may also be approved for use with other specific student populations upon mutual agreement of the parties and would be reviewed on an annual basis. The Board shall provide for the training of instructional and support staff in physical restraint techniques as well as strategies for prevention of aggressive behavior. Training manuals developed for this purpose are, by reference, incorporated and made a part of this agreement. Physical restraint techniques provided in training programs approved by the Board are authorized and, when utilized in accor- dance with the training provided and these guidelines, shall not constitute grounds for disciplinary action. If a teacher is not trained in the use of approved physical restraint procedures and is faced with an emergency, the teacher is authorized to employ the moderate use of physical force or physical contact as may be necessary to maintain discipline or to enforce School Board Rules 6Gx13-5D-1.07 and 1.08. The appropriate use of these procedures shall not constitute a violation of the corporal punishment policy (Board Rule 6Gx13-5D-1.07). The use of physical restraint techniques shall be discussed as part of the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) review development process. The Local Education Agency (LEA) representative, at the initial IEP meeting and/or annual review, shall provide notifica- tion to parents of physical restraint proced- ures. When parents or surrogates are not present at the meeting, written notification to them regarding the use of physical restraint will be provided. For an exceptional student enrolled in a program other than for the emotionally handicapped, severely emotionally disturbed or autistic, a recommendation for the use of board-approved physical restraint procedures must be made by the multi-disciplinary team (M-Team) and be documented on the student's IEP form before the use of such procedures may be authorized. The use of physical restraint must be documented as a part of the Student Case Management (SCM) System. Instructional or support staff who utilize physical restraint techniques shall complete the SCM Student Services Form to record student case information regarding each incident. Direct- ions shall be provided to instructional and support staff to assist them in completing the appropriate form. In accordance with Section 3 of Article VII of the UTD Contract, the School Board offered (and continues to offer) a Safe Physical Management Crisis Intervention Training Program (SPM Training Program) for its instructional and non-instructional staff assigned to work with emotionally handicapped, severely emotionally disturbed, and autistic students in order to train these employees in the use of School Board-authorized and approved physical restraint techniques and strategies. Participants in the School Board's SPM Training Program are given training manuals to review and study. According to one of these training manuals, Petitioner's Exhibit 3, the philosophy of SPM is as follows: Utilizing Safe Physical Management tech- niques in the classroom requires that non- physical intervention be used whenever possible to manage behavior. It is also expected that an on-going behavior management system is in place in the classroom to rein- force appropriate behaviors and control inappropriate ones. Physical management techniques may be used when the student is endangering himself, others, or property. They are not used to "punish" the child for misbehavior. Additionally, the philosophy of SPM includes the following major concepts. Emphasis on Safety- Techniques utilized in SPM consider the safety of the client and staff first. In a school setting, techniques that ensure physical safety of students and staff are important. Realize that Students can be Aggressive- SPM accepts the fact that some students need to be physically managed. The techniques used are based on the premise that students will at times eventually force physical inter- vention. That is, the student will do some- thing that you cannot ignore or manage using non-physical interventions. Least-Restrictive- SPM techniques move from least restrictive (providing minimal physical control) to more restrictive (providing maximum control). At all times, the least-restrictive technique that can control the student is used. Limitations- SPM techniques have limit- ations. They cannot handle every explosive situation. There are times when the best situation is not to intervene physically. There are times when SPM Techniques are neither appropriate or feasible. Assistance- SPM techniques advocate the use of assistance. Most techniques work best with two or more people and often, the best decision initially is to get help from other staff members. 3/ Professionalism- The focus of SPM techniques is to assist in the maintenance of a safe learning environment. SPM provides the district approved terminology for the documentation of physical intervention by the professional staff. This training manual also contains, among other things, the following information and instructions concerning the management of an "explosive event:" To effectively manage explosive (out-of- control) situations it is important to conceptualize them as: Angry/Aggressive- No matter how the incident begins, it is an expression of anger on the part of the student. Time-Limited/Temporary- Explosive incid- ents are angry, with the most dominant charact- eristics being a loss of physical control by the student. They are time-limited and even though they seem endless, the student will eventually calm down. Behaviorally Sequential- The behaviors exhibited by the student follow a pattern with behaviors typical each period (see Appendix B). Physical management techniques are not designed to end the explosive episode abruptly. Rather they are designed to safely manage the situation from beginning to end. As a result, the student may cont- inue to engage in aggressive acts, but managed appropriately, the risk of injury to persons or equipment is minimized. During the incident, only the amount of force necessary to prevent injury is utilized, and as the child exhibits more control a less restrictive hold may be used. Planning for explosive incidents is an important part of their prevention. Assessing the student, the environment and available staff is critical before physical intervention occurs. During the event, professional staff must be aware of both the verbal and non-verbal messages they give to students. It is important to indicate concern, expectation for change, and your interest in solving the problem. It is not the time to list sanctions, discuss potential punishments, or respond to personally abusive comments. After the incident ends, the staff involved should allow the student to withdraw and provide calm, brief verbal statements. Now is the time to communicate understanding, and to help the student identify ways this sequence of events can be prevented in the future. Another of the training manuals given to participants in the School Board's SPM Training Program, Petitioner's Exhibit 4, states the following regarding the importance of the child's safety in dealing with "explosive behavior:" Youth service workers and teachers are charged with a caretaking responsibility. As such they assume the natural role of adults to protect or safeguard the young. The Safe Physical Management Crisis Intervention Training Program has as its fundamental pur- pose the safe resolution of explosive behavior. This safety premise holds the adult responsible for insuring the safety of the youth. While the charge of guaranteeing youth safety during a crisis may appear in some way to jeopardize the safety of the intervening adult, in reality it keeps the adult from stepping into harm's way. Entering an explosive situation with a cognitive and physical focus of client safety allows for the management of the behavior and avoids the traps that attempting to eliminate the behavior present. When the purpose of the intervening staff is controlled by self preservation, their reaction to the acting out youth can easily become antagonistic. Such reactions promote escalation and a greater potential for harm. By keeping the youth safe, we provide a higher degree of safety for ourselves. . . . Intervention methods must be safe for both youth and adults; client/student safety however, is primary. At a minimum we shall do no harm. Physical intervention must be safe and, ideally, present minimal risk of accidental injury. . . . The intervention design of the safe physical management program is based upon the principle of social policy known as the "least restric- tive alternative." In many areas this principle has been reduced to the regulatory phrase, "passive restraint." In action, passive restraint refers to an intervention that utilizes the least amount of force necessary to safely control the situation. Student/youth safety is paramount. The SPM intervention philosophy requires that inter- vention personnel hold the safety of the student before their own. This premise, while sometimes raising the eyebrows of staff in training, ironically keeps the intervening staff safer than would an approach which holds staff well-being as primary. This training manual also contains, among other things, the following list of the "physical principles" of SPM: Proximity- safety is enhanced if physical space is understood as both a prompt and/or a deterrence to be used in the management of misbehavior. Location/positioning- safety is enhanced if intervention staff understand that the "face to face" position during intervention is considered the "attack/danger" zone. Evasion/deflection- safety is enhanced by evading or deflecting force rather than by opposing it. Balance- Safety is enhanced if intervention staff understand the principle of homeostasis- the nature of organisms to remain in a state of balance. Neutralization- Safety is enhanced if inter- vention staff understand the principle of managing an explosive event, rather than eliminating explosive behavior. In addition, this training manual describes and illustrates various physical positions and techniques used in SPM, including the "pivot and parry," an "evasion/deflection" technique which is described in the manual as follows: This combination of upper and lower body movement allows the staff to effectively evade and deflect any force that is directed at him/her. The pivot (usually 1/4 turn of one foot) is accomplished by leaving the weight on the foot which is on the side on which the blow or punch is delivered and moving the other foot toward the rear. The ending posture or stance should be the leading/trailing foot position previously described. This movement allows the blow or punch to go by the indivi- dual. This is the bull fighter move that allows the charging bull to pass on the side. Here, we are evading force rather than opposing it. The parry is a deflection of the force- i.e., the blow or punch. While both arms are used the primary parry is employed using the arm that is on the same side as the blow or punch. This arm is raised in an "L" configuration with the forearm vertical and upper arm on a horizontal pla[ne]. As the blow or punch is delivered the forearm is moved across to deflect the incoming force. This is not a blocking motion but, rather, a motion which simply redirects the force away from its target. The second arm is also used by making a similar "L" configuration with the hand being placed a approximately chin level. Again, the purpose is deflection. When the pivot and parry is employed correctly it places the staff in a position to move in and control the attacker, or to escape the danger by fleeing the situation. School Board staff receiving SPM training are also taught that, if during an "explosive event" they find themselves lying on the floor on their back being kicked by a student, they may raise a leg or arm to create a barrier to protect other, more sensitive, parts of their body. It is imperative that staff, in applying SPM principles, techniques, and strategies, exercise sound professional judgment. In determining how to deal with an "explosive event," which often begins abruptly, staff must consider the particular circumstances with which they are confronted. If they have had prior dealings with the student involved in the incident, they should draw upon these prior dealings and attempt to anticipate the student's actions. Respondent successfully completed a SPM training course offered by the School Board prior to March 10, 1994. 4/ Through its exceptional student education department, HMS offers special programs of instruction for various types of exceptional students, including those who are autistic. 5/ It is not uncommon for autistic students to engage in "acting out behavior" (such as screaming, yelling, punching, kicking and throwing objects). To enable its employees who work with autistic students to better understand these students and to deal with them more effectively, the School Board provides these employees with various written materials, including the Autism Orientation Manual, Petitioner's Exhibit 7, which contains the following statement regarding SPM: These procedures should conform to methods approved by the Dade County Public Schools which are described and demonstrated in struc- tured training sessions required for teachers and paraprofessionals working with autistic students. When using physical restraint, it is important to document what is being done. Written permission from parents or guardians is required. Physical restraint should not be used unless positive reinforcement methods have been utilized and the student is presenting potential harm to self and/or others. Evelyn Diaz Loper is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, an assistant principal at HMS responsible for the overall operation of the school's exceptional student education department, including the supervision of those School Board employees assigned to the department. On March 10, 1994, Respondent and Morgan Tharpe were among the employees under Loper's supervision. Tharpe was a teacher (with continuing contract status) who taught a class of autistic students at HMS. There were less than ten students in his class. M.A. was one of these students. M.A. was one month shy of his fourteenth birthday. He was quite strong for his age and had a history of engaging in "acting out behavior" in school. Respondent worked on a "one-to-one" basis with F.T., another student in Tharpe's class. During the second period on March 10, 1994, M.A., F.T. and the other students in Tharpe's class were in shop teacher Gerald Merkerson's classroom. They were supposed to be working on their woodworking projects. In addition to Tharpe's students and Merkerson, Respondent and two other School Board employees occupying paraprofessional positions (Eli Velazquez and Clara Smith), along with L.E., an HMS student in the school's regular education program, were in Merkerson's classroom. M.A. wanted to watch television in the classroom and not work on his project. Merkerson, however, refused to allow M.A. to watch television. M.A. thereupon began to engage in "acting out behavior." Among other things, he threw a metal file and wood in Merkerson's direction. (Merkerson was not hit by any of these thrown objects.) Merkerson and Velazquez took action to restrain M.A. Merkerson grabbed M.A.'s left arm, while Velazquez grabbed M.A.'s right arm. 6/ The two then attempted to lead M.A. away from the area of the classroom where M.A. was positioned. M.A. resisted their efforts. Unlike Respondent, Velazquez had not yet been trained in SPM. Moreover, he was not supposed to be in Merkerson's classroom. Accordingly, Velazquez let go of M.A.'s arm and Respondent attempted to take over for him. M.A., however, bit Respondent on the arm. The bite broke Respondent's skin. Velazquez came to Respondent's assistance and helped Respondent remove himself from the fray. After tending to his wound, Respondent rejoined Velazquez and assisted him in attempting to restrain M.A. Merkerson was no longer holding on to M.A. He had let go after a cut on his hand had reopened and started to bleed. M.A. was on his knees on the floor being restrained by Respondent and Velazquez when Tharpe walked into classroom. Tharpe instructed Respondent and Velazquez to let go of M.A. Respondent and Velazquez followed Tharpe's instructions, notwithstanding that M.A. had not yet calmed down and was still engaging in "acting out behavior." Tharpe walked toward M.A. When Tharpe was approximately two feet away from M.A., M.A. kicked Tharpe in the area of his groin. Tharpe screamed out in pain. M.A.'s actions prompted Velazquez to again attempt to restrain M.A. He grabbed both of M.A.'s arms, but was not able to hold on securely because both he and M.A. were dripping with sweat. M.A. struggled with Velazquez and tried to scratch and bite him. As Velazquez and M.A. were on their knees, face-to-face face, struggling with one another, Tharpe approached M.A. from behind and struck M.A. in the area of the upper back with a relatively thin, rectangular-shaped piece of wood approximately one foot to two meters long and two to three inches wide. 7/ Velazquez released M.A. after Tharpe delivered this blow. M.A. then started crawling towards Tharpe and tried to scratch and bite him. In an effort to ward off M.A.'s attack, Tharpe, who at 235 pounds was substantially larger than M.A., hit M.A. on the back at least two more times with the piece of wood he was holding in his hand. These additional blows were not delivered with full force. The three or more blows that Tharpe delivered produced bruises on M.A.'s back. The marks remained visible for approximately seven to ten days. In delivering these blows, Tharpe used more force than was reasonably necessary to effectively and safely deal with M.A.'s "acting out behavior" and he acted in a manner that was inconsistent with the SPM training he had received. Respondent had witnessed Tharpe's actions and recognized that Tharpe had acted improperly. Nonetheless, contrary to the requirements of Guideline No. 4 of the School Board's Procedures (of which Respondent was aware), Respondent did not report the incident to Loper (who was at school that day) or any other School Board administrator within a reasonable period of time following the incident. Neither did any of the other HMS staff members who had been in the classroom at the time of the incident advise Loper, on March 10, 1994, of what had happened. Although Tharpe's actions were inappropriate, they were effective. After Tharpe delivered his final blow, M.A. stopped crawling toward him. M.A. continued to scream, however, and, after a while, he started to crawl toward Respondent. In an effort to prevent M.A. from coming any closer, Respondent swung his foot in M.A.'s direction and made contact with M.A. 8/ Respondent kicked M.A. approximately five or six times, but M.A. continued coming at him. When Respondent started to become visibly upset with M.A., Velazquez intervened by positioning himself between Respondent and M.A. and pushing Respondent out of the way. Respondent did not kick M.A. as hard as he could have. 9/ Nonetheless, in kicking M.A., he used more force than was reasonably necessary to effectively and safely deal with M.A.'s "acting out behavior" and he acted in a physically aggressive manner that was inconsistent with the SPM training he had received. 10/ M.A. eventually calmed down and returned to Tharpe's classroom. Tharpe telephoned M.A.'s mother, L.A.H., that day (March 10, 1994), but he did not mention to her during their conversation anything about what had happened in Merkerson's classroom during second period. He simply told L.A.H. that she needed to supply him with more medication for M.A. Following the conclusion of the school day, M.A. went home by school bus. L.A.H. met him at the bus stop and greeted him with a hug. She was unaware, at the time, that anything unusual or out of the ordinary had occurred in school that day. M.A. pulled away from his mother when she hugged him and said, "Mom, boo-boo." 11/ L.A.H. then pulled up M.A.'s shirt and saw four bruises about "three fingers wide" on M.A.'s back that had not been there that morning when she had helped M.A. get dressed for school. M.A. also had a scratch on his forehead that L.A.H. had never seen before and a bump on his head. The following morning (March 11, 1994), L.A.H., accompanied by M.A. and M.A.'s father (L.A.H.'s former husband), met with Loper and William Jones, the principal of HMS. L.A.H. showed Loper and Jones the bruises on M.A.'s back and the scratch on his forehead and expressed her belief that M.A. had sustained these injuries at school the previous day. Loper thereupon contacted Merkerson and asked him if anything had occurred in his classroom the day before that may have resulted in injury to M.A. In view of Merkerson's response to her inquiry, Loper asked him to fill out a Student Case Management Referral Form (SCM Form). A SCM Form must be filled out whenever a student has been physically restrained. Loper had not previously received a completed SCM Form indicating that physical force had been used against M.A. in Merkerson's classroom the day before. On the SCM Form that he filled out at Loper's request, Merkerson stated the following: [M.A.] became irate and upset because he was not allowed to watch Barney on television. He became combatant and began to throw stools and wooden objects at the teachers and paraprofessionals. Upon being subdued to reduce the danger that he posed to myself and others he bit Juan Alejo on his right forearm, kicked Mr. Tharpe in the groin area and hit his right arm with his balsa wood project. The student poses a serious safety hazard in the technology education shop class. [M.A.] was also self destructive and scratched himself on the left temple. Although Merkerson did not mention in his written report that, in subduing M.A., Tharpe had hit M.A. with a piece of wood and Respondent had kicked M.A., the School Board ultimately found out about Tharpe's and Respondent's unseemly and inappropriate behavior during the incident. On November 2, 1994, a conference for the record was held concerning Respondent's involvement in the incident. At the conference, Respondent admitted that he had kicked M.A. during the incident. By letter dated November 3, 1994, the principal of HMS recommended to Frank de Varona, the Regional Superintendent (for Region I Operations) "the termination of [Respondent] from all employment in Dade County Public Schools." By letter dated January 13, 1995, the School Board's Superintendent of Schools notified Respondent that he was recommending that the School Board suspend Respondent and initiate a dismissal proceeding against him. The School Board took such recommended action at its January 25, 1995, meeting. Respondent thereafter requested a formal hearing on the matter.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered sustaining Respondent's suspension and dismissing him as an employee of the School Board of Dade County, Florida. DONE and ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 25th day of April, 1996. STUART M. LERNER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of April, 1996.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57447.209517.221775.082775.083 Florida Administrative Code (4) 6A-6.030236B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 01, 2010 Number: 10-009414TTS Latest Update: Apr. 15, 2011

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the acts alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges filed October 11, 2010, and, if so, the discipline, if any, that should be imposed against Respondent's employment.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Petitioner was the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent has been on an annual contract that is subject to a professional service contract and collective bargaining agreement between Miami-Dade County Public Schools (hereinafter "M-DCPS") and the United Teachers of Dade (hereinafter "the UTD Contract"), applicable Florida Statutes, applicable rules adopted by the Florida State Board of Education as set forth in the Florida Administrative Code, and Petitioner's adopted policies and procedures. Article XXI, Section 1.B(1)(a) of the UTD Contract provides that "Any member of the instructional staff may be suspended or dismissed at any time during the school year, provided that the charges against him/her are based upon Florida Statutes." Santa Clara Petitioner first employed Respondent as a classroom teacher beginning in 2004 and assigned him to teach fourth-grade math at Santa Clara Elementary School (Santa Clara). In May 2007, Petitioner's Civilian Investigative Unit (CIU) investigated an allegation that Respondent made verbal threats, using profane language, towards the principal at Santa Clara. Respondent was placed on alternate assignment at the Region 3 Office on May 3, 2007, pending the outcome of the case. The allegation was substantiated for violation of School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 (Responsibilities and Duties). During a Conference for the Record, written directives were issued to Respondent. On November 1, 2007, Respondent was issued a written reprimand which contained the following directives: Please abide by Miami-Dade County Schools (M-DCPS) School Board Rules at all times, specifically, School Board Rule, 6Gx13-4A- 1.21 Responsibilities and Duties; School Board Rule, 6Gx13-4-1.08, Violence in the Workplace; and School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A- 1.23, Code of Ethics. Conduct yourself, both in your employment and in the community, in a manner that will reflect credit upon yourself and M-DCPS. The Education Practices Commission filed a complaint against Respondent based on the incident at Santa Clara. That complaint was settled with Respondent receiving an administrative fine in the amount of $500.00. As part of the settlement agreement, Respondent did not admit or deny the alleged facts of the Santa Clara incident. Turner Tech 2007-08 School Year Petitioner transferred Respondent to Turner Technical Senior High School (Turner Tech) in November 2007, where he taught math. There were no adverse incidents during the balance of the 2007-08 school year. Turner Tech 2008-09 School Year Valmarie Rhoden was the principal of Turner Tech during the 2008-09 school year and part of the 2009-10 school year. Phillipe Napoleon was an assistant principal at Turner Tech during the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years.1 On November 18, 2008, one of Respondent's students told Respondent not to touch him and threatened to harm Respondent if he did so. Dr. Napoleon and Ms. Rhoden handled the situation for Respondent by giving the student two days of indoor suspension. Respondent became irate when he learned that the student was not to be more severely punished. After he learned of the student's punishment, Respondent yelled at Dr. Napoleon in the earshot of students and other school personnel. Respondent attempted to undermine Dr. Napoleon's authority. After that incident, Respondent and Dr. Napoleon had a very contentious relationship. On February 19, 2009, Ms. Rhoden issued Respondent a memorandum entitled "Responsibilities and Duties" along with the Board Rule for his review regarding his unprofessional behavior because he had made an unprofessional outburst during a faculty meeting that Ms. Rhoden conducted and because Respondent had made unprofessional comments to other administrators. That memorandum provided, in part, as follows: Please be reminded that it is your professional responsibility to conduct yourself in a manner that reflects credit upon yourself and the teaching profession. During the faculty meeting on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, you made an inappropriate comment and noise while I was addressing the faculty on the respect shown teachers at the North Central Regional Center Teacher of the Year Breakfast. On December 18, 2008, I met with you; Mr. Hoffman (Lead Steward); Ms. Meyers (Steward); Mr. Mantilla, Vice Principal; and Mr. Napoleon, Assistant Principal, to discuss a series of verbal altercations you had with these administrators. We discussed the importance of being professional and respectful when addressing administrators and students. Please be advised that your conduct is a violation of School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21 and is unacceptable. Please refrain from addressing others in a manner that may be deemed unprofessional. A copy of the Board Rule is attached for your review. If you need further clarification, please see me. Your cooperation is expected and appreciated. On April 27, 2009, Ms. Rhoden convened an Emergency Conference for the Record with Respondent to discuss reports of misconduct by Respondent during a UTD meeting that had occurred on April 23, 2009, and reports of inappropriate comments attributed to Respondent during a parent-teacher conference that occurred on April 24, 2009. Participants at the UTD meeting reported that Respondent became uncontrollable and made disparaging remarks against the union representative who conducted the meeting. Teachers reported to Ms. Rhoden that they left the meeting because they had become afraid of Respondent. The parent in the parent-teacher meeting reported that, in the presence of students, Respondent referred to Ms. Rhoden as a "bitch" and to administrators as "three blind mice." The parent reported that Respondent had said "screw" administrators. When Ms. Rhoden confronted Respondent about his behavior, he became enraged and engaged in an uncontrolled tirade. A Conference for the Record was conducted at the school on Monday, April 27, 2009, and Ms. Rhoden issued the following directives to Respondent: Adhere to all School Board rules, especially those related to Responsibilities and Duties. Adhere to the Code of Ethics. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times with all school personnel, parents and other stakeholders. Do not use profanity in the presence of students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders. Do not disrespect your administrators in your manner of speech or physical approach. Do not use provocative language towards administrators, students, staff, or other stakeholders. Respondent was the subject of a separate investigation based on an incident of misconduct that occurred on April 13, 2009, first in the hallway outside of Respondent's classroom and later in or near Dr. Napoleon's office. The incident that triggered Respondent the confrontations on April 13, 2009, occurred when Dr. Napoleon, while conducting routine observations of classrooms, noticed that a student in Respondent's classroom was wearing headphones. Dr. Napoleon entered Respondent's classroom and removed the headphones from the student. Respondent confronted Dr. Napoleon outside his classroom and said "how dare you come into my classroom and disrupt my classroom" in a "profoundly loud" manner in the hallway within earshot of school personnel and students. Later in the day, Respondent confronted Dr. Napoleon in the office area. Respondent was upset and became aggressive towards Dr. Napoleon when he demanded an explanation of a memorandum relating to the earlier confrontation that Dr. Napoleon had issued to him. Ernesto Mantilla, a vice-principal at Turner Tech, stepped between Respondent and Dr. Napoleon because of Respondent's aggressive, threatening behavior. Mr. Mantilla, who has military training, put himself in what he referred to as "harm's way" because he felt it necessary to de- escalate the situation. During that incident, Respondent told Dr. Napoleon that he was a "joke" and that he should leave the administration's efforts to Ms. Rhoden and Mr. Mantilla. Respondent threatened to tear up Dr. Napoleon's memorandum in front of Dr. Napoleon. Respondent asserted that his contract did not mandate him to be professional. He taunted Dr. Napoleon by telling him that if Dr. Napoleon was going to fire him, to just go ahead and do it so he can collect a check and stay home. Respondent refused to provide a statement during the course of that investigation stating that "it will take a year and a half to go through the process", and he would be resigning anyway at the end of the year. On May 14, 2009, Ms. Rhoden issued Respondent a letter of reprimand for his behavior on April 13, 2009, which directed him to immediately refrain from displaying unprofessional, confrontational behavior. The letter of reprimand also directed Respondent to stop using abusive and profane language in the performance of his assigned duties. Ms. Rhoden testified, credibly, that she and many of the staff members were afraid at times when Respondent "would go into his rage." His conduct "disrupted the environment" and impeded the workings of the school. Turner Tech 2009-10 School Year In September 2009, Dr. Napoleon conducted a training session for faculty at Turner Tech referred to as IPEGS training. Respondent was required to complete that training to maintain his teaching certification. Respondent left the room in which the training occurred and was absent for over half of the training session. Dr. Napoleon refused to award Respondent credit for the IPEGS training. Respondent became irate when told he would not be given credit and believed that Dr. Napoleon was harassing him. Ms. Rhoden retired in October 2009, and Lavette Hunter became the principal of Turner Tech. On or about October 19, 2009, Respondent replied to a co-worker's email and sent it to all employees sarcastically commenting on the teacher's updating of the school on his involvement with a student internship program. Respondent stated, "please, no more e-mails about your presence. You're wonderful. Feel better?" The teacher complained to Ms. Vidal, and when she discussed the concern with Respondent, he was very irate and said that he was "tired of this bullshit" and was leaving for the day. Respondent told her to find coverage for his class and left school. On October 26, 2009, Respondent went into Dr. Napoleon's office "ranting and raving" because he said that Dr. Napoleon was talking about him. During that meeting, Respondent asked Dr. Napoleon whether he had gotten to be an assistant principal as a result of affirmative action. When Dr. Napoleon asked him to leave his office, Respondent refused, stating that he was going to leave when he got ready to leave. He thereafter left. Dr. Napoleon believed that Respondent's comment was a racial slur and, on October 27, 2009, filed a complaint with the M-DCPS Office of Civil Rights, which triggered an investigation (the civil rights investigation). Dr. Napoleon is African- American, and Respondent is Caucasian. Respondent disrupted a faculty meeting conducted by Dr. Napoleon on October 27, 2009, and stormed out of the meeting causing his co-workers to feel uneasy and unsafe. Respondent got upset when Dr. Napoleon declined to interrupt his presentation to answer Respondent's question. Respondent was loud and disruptive (Dr. Napoleon described it as "ranting and raving"). Respondent made a threatening gesture towards Dr. Napoleon as he left the room. Dr. Napoleon testified, credibly, that Respondent's conduct undermined his authority to lead and to provide a safe learning environment for students and for teachers. On October 28, 2009, Ms. Vidal (an assistant principal at Turner Tech) met with Respondent. During the course of the meeting, Respondent expressed that he thought he was being harassed and that he viewed himself as a disgruntled employee. He then made an implied threat that students would suffer on the FCAT because of the manner in which he was being treated. Ms. Vidal was so disturbed by Respondent's comments that she felt that she immediately contacted her principal and put the incident in writing. Respondent was removed from the school effective November 5, 2009 and placed on alternate assignment during the course of the civil rights investigation. On his last day at his worksite, Ms. Vidal and a security guard escorted Respondent to his classroom so he could collect his belongings before he was escorted out of the building. While in the classroom, in the presence of students, Respondent made demeaning comments to Ms. Vidal and told her that she and Ms. Hunter were responsible because they had not protected him from Dr. Napoleon. Respondent's demeanor and his outbursts caused Ms. Vidal to fear for her safety. Based on Respondent's conduct in October and November 2009, Ms. Hunter made a finding that "Probable Cause" existed that Respondent had violation of School Board Rule, 6Gx13- 4A- 1.21, Responsibilities and Duties. A Conference for the Record was conducted by Ms. Hunter on January 5, 2010, and Respondent was directed to "refrain from using inappropriate actions [sic] during the work day" and was issued copies of School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21, Responsibilities and Duties, State Board of Education Rule 6B-1.001, FAC, and State Board of Education Rule 6B-1.006, FAC, The Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession. He was also issued a letter of reprimand. Respondent was warned that "noncompliance with this directive will necessitate further review for the imposition of additional disciplinary measures" and "any recurrences of the above infraction will result in further disciplinary action." The matter was referred to the Regional Office to for further review (the conduct investigation). Administrative Placement Respondent remained out on Administrative Placement pending the disposition of the conduct investigation and the civil rights investigation. On March 16, 2010, the School Board's Office of Civil Rights Compliance closed its civil rights investigation, concluding that "No Probable Cause" existed that a violation had occurred. During his administrative placement for the civil rights investigation, Respondent was assigned to his residence and was not working. As part of his administrative placement, Respondent was instructed to call the Region Office twice each day at specific times, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. If he failed to call-in as instructed, he would not be entitled to payment for that day. Respondent did not call either morning or afternoon on seven days on which he was assigned to his residence and not working. On four days he called in the morning, but not in the afternoon. Petitioner initially withheld pay from Respondent for 11 days, but later issued him pay for the four days on which he called in the morning, but not the afternoon. During his administrative placement, Respondent again began to exhibit abusive behavior by making numerous and repeated harassing telephone calls to administrative offices. On March 17, 2010, at 1:00 p.m., M-DCPS Region I Secretary Maria Rosemond received a phone call from Respondent. Respondent asked to speak to Mr. Richard Vidal, who is the administrative director of Region I. Ms. Rosemond told Respondent that Mr. Vidal was not in. Mr. Cohen again asked to speak to Mr. Vidal, and Ms. Rosemond told him he was not there. Respondent then said, "I know Vidal is there. Tell him I will be there in half an hour to get his fucking ass out." Respondent then hung up the phone. Ms. Rosemond was afraid that he was going to actually come to region and harm Mr. Vidal or others at the Region I office. An hour later, Respondent called again and asked to speak to Mr. Vidal. Ms. Rosemond transferred the call to Jennifer Andreu, Administrative Director, and Respondent explained that he was upset about a situation at Turner Tech. Ms. Andreu told Respondent that she would speak to the principal and rectify the problem. Respondent cursed at her and called her incompetent. On March 4, 2010, Respondent called Turner Tech demanding to speak to Ms. Hunter. When the phone call was transferred to Dr. Napoleon, Respondent yelled out, "Why the fuck did they transfer the call to you. I want to speak with Ms. Hunter, not you." When he spoke to Ms. Hunter, Respondent became irate and very loud. Ms. Hunter disconnected the line and never spoke to Respondent again (until the formal hearing). During the call, Respondent referred to Dr. Napoleon as an idiot and demanded that personnel at Turner Tech inform any caller asking about Respondent to respond by informing the caller that that he works at the Region I office. He further threatened that his lawyer would be calling and that the calls would be recorded. Respondent does not dispute his confrontations on the phone with numerous secretaries with whom he spoke. Respondent admitted to the admissibility and the accuracy of the written statements from those secretaries taken during the course of the investigation(s). Respondent believed that he should have been reinstated to the classroom at the conclusion of the civil rights investigation. Because the conduct investigation was still pending, it was not appropriate to place Respondent back into a classroom while the additional issues concerning his conduct were being reviewed. As such, Respondent remained out on alternate assignment pending the disposition of this new investigation. On April 22, 2010, Dr. Marinelli, the Region I superintendent, met with Respondent to discuss his employment status. They reviewed the disposition of the civil rights complaint and formally informed Respondent that a CIU investigation was being conducted regarding his alleged violations of School Board Rules and misconduct. During the meeting, Respondent referred to Dr. Marinelli as "dear," told her to be careful when reading and if she was nervous to relax, and tried to speak over her as she read the allegations of misconduct to him. He further goaded her by telling her that the complaint should have been filed by Mr. Vidal and to get with his attorney because she was getting bad advice. When Dr. Marinelli read the allegation to him, he said "let me see that paper". She discussed the terms and conditions of his administrative placement and advised him that the conduct investigation was a separate proceeding than the civil rights case. Respondent became increasingly agitated as Dr. Marinelli read him his terms and conditions, and then yelled "just give me those papers". When she handed him the papers, he tore them in pieces and said in a loud voice "this is garbage, you are the queen of garbage". Respondent told Dr. Marinelli, "you may be able to click your fingers and your husband may do what you say, but I don't have to do what you say. I'm not afraid of you." Police came into the room due to his loud and disruptive behavior. During the course of the conduct investigation, Respondent was interviewed by CIU investigators. During his interview, he told one of the investigators to just fire him already, and he called the investigators liars. He took out his cell phone and represented that he was on the phone with an attorney and that he was recording their meeting. He even fabricated that one investigator was physically attacking him. Due to his belligerent and aggressive conduct and his verbal tirade, the meeting was terminated and a police officer was summoned to escort him out. On June 8, 2010, CIU issued a report that concluded that "Probable Cause" existed that Respondent had violated School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.21, Responsibilities and Duties, 6Gx13-4A1.212, code of Ethics, and School Board Rule 6Gx13-4- 1.08, Violence in the Workplace. Before Respondent was administered disciplinary action as a result of the conduct investigation, he again engaged in additional misconduct toward Dr. Marinelli that led to a final investigation conducted by the School Police. On July 29, 2010, Dr. Marinelli received a phone call from Respondent wherein he was agitated and uttered profanity, including the "F" word, at her. He further yelled, "Don't think I'm afraid of you. What I'm afraid is if you would sit on me." That call was disconnected. He called again, and Dr. Marinelli took the call. Prior to her taking the call, Respondent had told a secretary that Dr. Marinelli could not hide behind a secretary. During that call Respondent continued to yell at Dr. Marinelli, stating "I dare you to do anything. You can't do anything to me." Dr. Marinelli told him to not call again, and he proceeded to call numerous times. When an investigator questioned Respondent during his investigation of the calls on July 29, 2010, Respondent told the investigator that he had called Dr. Marinelli a "fucking fat cow." That investigation was concluded with a finding of probable cause that Respondent had violated the rules cited in the Notice of Specific Charges. A Conference for the Record was held with Respondent on August 5, 2010, at the Office of Professional Standards. Following that conference, the superintendent of schools recommended to Petitioner that Respondent's employment be terminated. Petitioner, at its regularly scheduled meeting of September 7, 2010, took action to suspend and initiate dismissal proceedings against Respondent for just cause, including but not limited to, misconduct in office, gross insubordination, violence in the workplace, and violation of the School Board Rules cited in the Notice of Specific Charges. Petitioner followed all relevant procedures in prosecuting this disciplinary proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained in this Recommended Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order sustain the suspension of Respondent's employment without pay and terminate that employment based on misconduct in office and gross insubordination. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of March, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of March, 2011.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569447.209
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000849 Latest Update: Feb. 08, 1980

Findings Of Fact Roland C. Foote, Respondent, holds Florida teaching certificate number 107445, Graduate, Rank II. He served as Principal of Webster Elementary School (formerly Webster Junior High), hereinafter called Webster, from 1968 until he was replaced in late 1978. He has been employed in the Florida school system for more than twenty-five years. On May 8, 1978, Respondent sent a letter (Exhibit 10) to the Sumter County School Superintendent recommending the suspension of James Constable, one of the teachers at Webster. This was referred to the PPC for investigation by the Superintendent. By letter dated May 16, 1978 (Exhibit 12) some 11 teachers at Webster signed a letter to Ms. Angela J. Peterson, an investigator for the PPC, requesting an audience to discuss several urgent matters relating to Webster. Constable was one of the signers of this letter. Some of those who signed were aware the purposes was to complain of the manner in which Respondent ran Webster; others thought the purpose was to assist Constable. The first meeting with the PPC representative was held on June 6, 1978. Some eight teachers attended this meeting, discussed with Ms. Peterson several situations of which they were aware involving possible improper conduct by Respondent, and agreed to provide PPC with testimony and facts necessary to prepare charges against Respondent. Numerous additional meetings were held by this group, some with PPC representatives and others without PPC representation, for the purpose of reconstructing the dates of the incidents complained of and to ascertain who had knowledge of the incidents. Prior to discussing the specific charges preferred against Respondent and the evidence relating thereto, additional background information gleaned from the testimony and the exhibits admitted into evidence is first presented. Sumter County is predominantly a small-farm agricultural area as opposed to an urban society, with the socioeconomic level below that of most of the larger counties in Florida. In addition to those permanent residents who live and work on farms, there are migrant workers who appear at harvest time. The population mix is about 1/3 black and that is also the school population mix. Several of these students are classified as educationally mentally retarded and qualify for supplemental education programs. About 7 of the 25 teacher faculty at Webster are black and no evidence of any faculty racial tensions or frictions was presented. Friction has existed at Webster between some faculty members and Respondent for a long time. In school year 1974-75 a special workshop was conducted at Webster to improve the communications between the faculty and the administration. The workshop met with mixed success. Some of the teachers at Webster mad minor complaints to various supervisors over the years but none was ever willing to reduced a complaint to writing and present it to the Superintendent. As a result, the Superintendent on one occasion told the faculty at Webster that he was tired of hearing complaints about Webster and for them to work out their problems at the school. The principal at smaller schools, where assistant principals or deans are not provided, is the primary as well as final, authority in the discipline of students and in particular in the administering of corporal punishment. In addition to a wooden paddle or two, Respondent had provided himself with a leather strap which he also used to administer corporal punishment. The strap used by Respondent was admitted into evidence as Exhibit 20. At the time it was used, a metal slat was inserted between the two pieces of leather comprising the strap to provide additional stiffness. The addition of this metal slat did not make the strap a more sinister punishment tool. Straps similar to Exhibit 20 are sold in tack shops and are called bats. They are approximately 18 inches long and are comprised of two pieces of leather one-eight inch thick, sewed together. The bat is about one inch wide through the first foot of its length and then flares out to two inches wide at the end. The two pieces of leather at the flared end are not sewn and they clap together making a louder noise when something is struck with the bat than would occur with only a single piece of leather. It is this flared part of the bat that contacts the backside of a pupil who is administered corporal punishment. This strap or bat will cause less injury to a student than a wooden paddle if each is used with the same degree of force. While the immediate sting from the bat may be as great as the sting from a paddle, the former is much less likely to bruise a child than is the paddle. Some of the implications of the material allegations, as well as the opinions of some witnesses, are that the use of a leather strap for administering corporal punishment is itself cruel and unusual. So long as corporal punishment is authorized, these implications and opinions are without foundation. The material allegations preferred against Respondent will be discussed in chronological order. It is to be noted that the two earliest incidents were familiar to many people at the time they occurred, but no action was taken until 1978. Material Allegation 3 alleges that on or about March 1, 1972 at 8:30 a.m. Larry James, a ten-year old black student at Webster, received an eye injury resulting in the loss of sight in the injured eye when a nail he was attempting to drive was deflected by the hammer and became impaled in his right eye. James was attempting to repair a loose leg on a chair which his teacher had told him to get the custodian to fix. While the teacher was out of the room, James attempted to repair the chair and the accident ensued. James pulled the nail from his eye and ran to the bathroom. His teacher, Mrs. Batten, took him to the office. Respondent was not at school on March 1, 1972 and did not see James until after James returned to school several days later. Petitioner presented five witnesses, including James, the doctor who treated him, his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. Donahue, who were teachers at Webster to whom James was taken by the teacher, Mrs. Batte. None of these witnesses saw Respondent on the day of the accident. James was not sent to a doctor and spent most of the day in Mrs. Donahue's class until the school bus took him home, presumably after 2:45 p.m. His mother testified she had James taken to a doctor that day, which she identified as 2 March, two days after her youngest child was born on 28 February 1972. 1972 was a leap year and February that year contained 29 days. James was referred to the hospital in Ocala by his family doctor, Dr. Wiley. The medical records show James was admitted at 3:56 p.m. on March 2, 1972. It is doubtful James could have reached home on the bus before 3:15 p.m. or reached Dr. Wiley's office before 4:00 p.m. The only time and date certain was the date and time admission to the hospital. The parties stipulated that school records would show Larry James was absent from school on March 2, 3 and 4, 1972. Accordingly, the accident obviously occurred March 1, 1972. The evidence was undisputed that on March 1, 1972, Respondent Foote was in Leesburg attending the closing on the residence he was purchasing. Respondent's testimony to this effect was corroborated by the bank closing officer and documents executed at closing (Exhibit 43). Respondent testified that he first learned of James' injury the following day when he returned to school. Material Allegation 11 alleges that in school year 1971-72 or 1972-73 Respondent struck Louise Weddell, a student, in the face knocking her to the ground. The date of the incident was not established with any degree of certainty. Louise Weddell, now 20 years old, testified that she was 15 and in the seventh grade when the incident occurred. According to Louise, she was fighting with another girl outside the building when Respondent came out with a paddle in his hand to break up the fight. Louise testified that Respondent slapped her with his left hand, knocking her to the ground; that she got up, called him a black mother fucker and ran away. She denied spitting in Respondent's face. For running away she was suspended for 10 days. Several witnesses observed the incident. All except Respondent testified to the slapping and one saw Foote wipe his face with his handkerchief after Louise ran away. Respondent's testimony was that while he was stopping the fight Louise called him the name and spit in his face. He admitted only "pushing" her in the face with his left hand. Material Allegation 10 alleges that during the 1974-75 school year Respondent paddled Gralyn Dorsy numerous times on the buttocks, legs, sides and hips while calling him "a sorry nigger on food stamps and welfare." The evidence is undisputed that Respondent paddled Dorsey several times during that school year (Exhibit 45). The incident leading to the allegation occurred on March 3 1975 when Dorsey was brought to Foote by Mrs. Jones for a discipline problem she did not know how to handle. It appears that the previous day while Foote was away from school Dorsey had committed some vulgar act, the nature of which was not disclosed at the hearing, with another boy in the bathroom. Mrs. Jones expected Respondent to counsel Dorsey. Instead, Dorsey was given a paddling. Mrs. Jones does not remember if James Constable was also present. She testified that she counted 13 licks. Exhibit 45, the paddle list, shows 5 licks given to Dorsey. James Constable testified he also observed the paddling of Dorsey and that after Dorsey had been given 2 or 3 hard licks he started to get up. Respondent pushed him back over the chair saying "I'm not through with you, boy", appeared to lose control and began flailing away while calling Dorsey a sorry nigger on food stamps and welfare. According to Constable, Dorsey received 12 or 13 licks and, while squirming around, some of the blow landed on the side of Dorsey's hip and one landed on his hand. Mrs. Jones was upset over the severity of the paddling. Neither she nor Constable made a complaint until after May, 1978. The school secretary, Doris Brank, whose desk was just outside Foote's office, recalls two paddlings of Dorsey, one at which he was given 3 licks. She never heard Respondent make racial slurs to children while disciplining them. Material Allegation 2 alleges that in the spring of 1976 Herbert Brown, a student, injured his ankle on the playground before school and Respondent wouldn't allow Mrs. Miriam Jones, his teacher, to take him home or to the doctor but required he remain in school. On 2 February 1976 Herbert Brown, a twelve-year old black student, injured his ankle while playing before school. Mrs. Jones took roll call in Herbert's room and learned his ankle was hurting him. She took him to Respondent and asked permission to take him home. Respondent examined the ankle, saw it was slightly swollen and had his secretary, Mrs. Branch, call the phone number on Herbert's records. No answer was received. Respondent refused Mrs. Jones' request to take Herbert home. The ankle continued to swell. Mrs. Branch also called the doctor, whose office was closed. When school was out, Mrs. Jones drove Herbert home. His mother took him to Dr. Lehrer, who examined Herbert's ankle in the emergency room at the hospital and diagnosed the injury as a sprain. No medication was prescribed, as the pain did not appear sufficient to warrant treatment. The doctor has no independent recollection of the incident but, because he prescribed no medication, would assume the sprain was not severe. Material Allegation 9 alleges that on or about January 6, 1977 Respondent paddled Greg Christian while stating that people in the "subs" did not tell "this white man" what to do. When taken to Respondent for disciplining by his teacher, Molly Jo Teters, Greg told Respondent his brothers said Foote was not to paddle him any more and to run home if he did. Mrs. Teters testified that Respondent, while paddling Greg, told him "people in the subs don't tell this white man what to do." Greg's testimony was that following his remarks about Foote not paddling him, Foote held up a clenched fist saying, "This is black power", covered it with his right hand and said, "This is white supremacy." Daniel Lee Christian, Greg's father, recalled Greg telling him of the paddling and of Foote's gestures and remarks about white power over black power. Foote denied all allegations of using racial slurs to students while disciplining them or otherwise. Material allegation 7 alleges that on May 13, 1977 Respondent paddled Joanne Williams with a leather strap, hitting her on her bottom and later on the front of her body as she turned; and that, during the paddling called her a nigger and made comments about welfare, free lunches and food stamps. Mrs. Simpson, Joanne's teacher, took Joanne to Foote for discipline because she had stolen money from another student, spent it and failed to repay the money as directed by Mrs. Simpson. Foote had her bend over a chair and paddled her with the leather strap. After the first blow, Mrs. Simpson testified Joanne turned over and Foote continued to strike her on the front portion of her body while appearing to lose control. During this time, Mrs. Simpson testified, he said Joanne's family was on food stamps, free lunches and had everything given to them and when not given, they stole. Exhibit 45 shows 4 licks awarded to Joanne by Foote. Foote denies making the remarks and Mrs. Branch, who was immediately outside the office, heard no such remarks made. Mrs. Simpson was upset following the incident and vowed never to take another child to Foote for discipline. However, on April 25, 1978, she sent one of her students, James Jackson, to Foote for discipline after Jackson had been paddled by her and continued his misconduct. Material Allegation 8 alleges that in the fall of 1977 Respondent paddled Bobby Clemons with a leather strap and, while so doing, called him a "no-good nigger". Nancy Gridley took Bobby Clemons to Foote for authority to discipline him for being a "smart-mouth". While talking to Bobby, a ten-year old black student whose mother is a teacher at Webster, Mrs. Gridley testified Foote became angry, picked up his strap and gave Bobby three licks while yelling that Bobby was a nigger who would end up in prison if he kept getting into trouble. Bobby confirmed that he was called a nigger by Foote and told he would end up in jail if his conduct didn't improve. Mrs. Clemons was told of the incident by Mrs. Gridley and when she asked Bobby about it, he confirmed the incident. All witnesses agreed that Bobby was a discipline problem. Respondent acknowledged the paddling, denied the racial slur and testified he told Bobby he needn't expect to get away with misbehavior because his mother was a teacher. Mrs. Branch confirmed Foote's testimony. Material Allegation 6 alleges that Respondent on February 22, 1978 paddled Jeannie Barnes, a fifth grade student, with a leather strap in the library in front of students. James Constable witnessed the paddling, which consisted of three blows with the leather strap. The paddling took place in the library which was serving as the temporary office while the old offices were being renovated. Constable's testimony that a class was being held in the library at the time constituted the only testimony that classes were held in the library. Respondent recalled no other student being present when this punishment was administered. Material Allegation 5 was that during February or March, 1978, Respondent paddled one of the Roper twins in the workroom of the library without an adult witness present, striking the student on the sides, back and legs. Mrs. Newell testified she came into the room while Respondent was paddling Landis Roper with a paddle. Landis was lying on the floor, Foote had hold of his wrist and blows were landing on back, legs and arm. She also testified that Roper was screaming his head off and threatening to kill himself if Foote didn't stop. As Mrs. Newell walked in, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Hodges were exiting the room. Mrs. Newell is the only witness to testify the other Roper twin was also present. Mrs. Newell took Landis outside after the paddling. Mrs. Stevens was in the library when Foote came in, got his paddle and paddled Roper. She was in the room while the paddling was going on but didn't watch. She was upset because so many licks (about 10) were given to a special education child. Mrs. Hodges did not testify that she was in the library at any time during the Roper incident. Both Respondent and Mrs. Branch recalled the paddling of Roper and that three licks were given. Landis had been reported for fighting in the cafeteria that morning by Mrs. Carter, whose glasses he had accidentally knocked off while swinging at his opponent. Mrs. Carter inquired later if Mr. Foote had seen Landis and was advised no. After lunch Foote sent for Landis, and after talking to him a short while started to paddle Roper. When several children appeared in the hall, Foote then took Roper into the workroom, leaving the door open while the paddling took place. Mrs. Branch testified no other child was present. Foote's testimony was that he gave Roper three licks with the paddle just inside the workroom door and that no other child was present. Material Allegation 4 alleges that on May 16, 1978 Respondent administered corporal punishment to Kenny Robertson with a leather strap without an adult witness present. Kenny Robertson testified that he was paddled with a leather strap by Foote for fighting, that nobody else was in the room, and that Mrs. Branch was at her desk just outside the door. Molly Jo Teters testified she was in outer office, did not see Mrs. Branch, but heard Foote yell at Kenny that he was not to pull girls off bars and to keep his shirt tucked in. Shortly after the last blow she walked by the door, saw Foote returning the strap to his desk and saw only Foote and Robertson. Mrs. Sellers had bus duty May 16, 1978 and saw a boy whose name she didn't know push a girl off the monkey bars. She took him to Foote and observed the paddling. Mrs. Branch testified that Mrs. Sellers brought Kenny Robertson to Foote because of some problem on the playground and that both she and Mrs. Sellers witnessed the paddling given Robertson. Mrs. Branch didn't see Mrs. Teters in the office at that time. Material Allegation 12 alleges that in May 1978 Respondent paddled Ronald Hise, using excessive force, in the lunchroom in front of second and third grade classes. Frances Simpson witnessed Foote paddle Ronnie Hise in the lunch room in May 1978 after a teacher had told Foote Ronnie was misbehaving in the lunch line. Foote picked up his paddle, pulled Ronnie out of the line and gave him three "hard" licks. Theresa Lee, another teacher, also witnessed the Hise paddling. Her version was that another teacher brought Ronald to Foote for discipline because he misbehaved in the lunch line and Foote paddled him there. She thought the blows "too severe" for the "very thin, pale child." Foote acknowledged that from time to time he has paddled children in the lunchroom because he found that this procedure often had a therapeutic effect in calming down a noisy lunchroom. Material Allegation 1 alleges that in May 1978 Herschell Bellamy seriously injured his eye during physical education in the afternoon, that his mother was notified and was coming to pick him up, but Respondent instructed he be put on the school bus to go home at the end of the day. Herschell Bellamy fell on the monkey bars near the end of his physical ed period and cut his eyelid. His P.E. teacher, James Constable, took him to his office, cleaned and bandaged the eye using a large eye patch. Constable then went to the office with Herschell, who remained there, got Herschell's folder and called the phone number there listed for emergencies, which phone belonged to the next-door neighbor. The neighbor advised that she would tell Herschell's mother to come for him. The neighbor later called back to the school office to advise that Herschell's mother was enroute to pick him up. James Constable, Patricia Newell, and Dorothy Stevens all testified that shortly before time for the buses to leave they were in the office with Herschell Bellamy and Foote, from his inner office, asked what the commotion was about. Someone advised him that Bellamy had hurt his eye. Foote then asked if he was white or black and when told Herschell was black, said "Put him on the bus". Foote's testimony, corroborated by Mrs. Branch, was that he returned to school from a meeting in the county office just at the bell was ringing to end the school day. As he entered the building he passed a lady taking a small boy with a bandage over his eye out of the building. He denied making any comment regarding Herschell's race. Herschell and his mother both testified. When Herschell fell on the monkey bar and hurt his eye, Coach Constable put a bandage on it and took him to the office where he waited a long time before his mother came to pick him up. He didn't hear Mr. Foote say anything but testified Foote was in the office when his mother came to pick him up. Herschell's mother testified she came to school in response to the message that her son had been hurt and that she arrived just as the children were about ready to get on the bus to go home. She saw Foote, but he said nothing to her or look at Herschell. She took Herschell to Dr. Wiley, who treated Herschell for a lacerated upper eyelid, a minor injury. Wayne Ham, a supervisor in the Sumter County school system, acknowledged that he had received complaints from Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Teter regarding Foote's use of the leather strap to discipline children. They considered use of the strap constituted too severe punishment. Ham doesn't recall if he passed these complaints to his superior. He denied telling Mrs. Teter not to show to anyone a written complaint she had prepared. Bernard Shelnutt, the other Sumter County supervisor, who functions similar to Ham, had never heard a complaint against Foote of brutality, failure to get medical attention for children, or use of racial slurs. In addition to denying the allegations preferred against him, Respondent presented numerous witnesses who testified to Foote's good reputation in the community, to their satisfaction with the job Foote was doing as principal, to Foote's administrative capabilities, and to lack of knowledge of any irregularities at Webster until the charges here considered were published in the newspaper. Two principals of Orange County schools, for whom Respondent had worked before coming to Webster, attested to his capability and competence as well as to their conclusion that the job of principal is the most difficult in the field of education. The principal is the one primarily responsible for the discipline in the school and the manner in which punishment is administered. Corporal punishment policy is usually left to the sound judgment of the principal at each school, subject however to statutory restrictions, and prescribed school board policies. None of the four elected Sumter County school board members who testified on behalf of Respondent had ever received any complaints against Respondent, prior to the investigation by the PPC, involving medical neglect, severe punishment or racial slurs, nor had complaints been received from the black community. They considered Respondent a good administrator with a good reputation. The only complaints they had received involved minor administrative matters such as school bus schedules, and teacher complaints that Respondent worked them too hard. Several witnesses for Petitioner admitted that they were not happy with Respondent's requirement that all teachers attend PTA meetings unless they had a good excuse for being unable to do so. Eighteen teachers, former teachers, substitute teachers, and speech clinician called by Respondent had never seen or heard Respondent medically neglect, abuse, or use racial slurs to students at Webster. Most, if not all of these witnesses, had never hear of the complaints against Respondent before reading them in the newspapers shortly before the fir trial. The chiefs of police of Webster and Center Hill attested to Respondent's good reputation in their communities and that they had never received a complaint that Respondent had abused a student. Five parents whose children now attend or had attended Webster testified that Respondent had provided proper treatment to their children, their children had never complained of medical or physical mistreatment or abuse by Respondent, and that when children had been neglected by other teachers a call to Respondent corrected the situation. Two employees, other than Mrs. Branch, who had worked at Webster for many years had never seen or heard Respondent medically neglect, physically abuse, or direct racial slurs towards children at Webster. They first became aware of complaints when they read in the news that charges had been preferred against Respondent. No direct testimony was presented that the misconduct here alleged to have been committed by Respondent seriously reduced his effectiveness in the school system. It is perhaps significant that approximately one week in May 1978 (May 8- 16) provided one-third of the twelve material allegations preferred against Respondent. Coincidentally, Respondent's letter recommending James Constable for dismissal was dated 8 May 1978 and the letter to the PPC signed by eleven teachers was dated May 15, 1978. It is further noted that two of the material allegations involve incidents occurring 6 or 7 years ago.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Mar. 10, 2020 Number: 20-001335TTS Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner to suspend Respondent's employment as a teacher without pay for one day.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is a duly-constituted school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Broward County. The School Board hired Respondent on September 1, 1981. At all times material hereto, Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a middle school social science teacher and department head at Whiddon-Rogers Education Center ("Whiddon-Rogers"). At all times material to this case, Respondent's employment with the School Board has been governed by Florida law and the School Board's policies. The conduct giving rise to the School Board's proposed one-day suspension of Respondent occurred on October 1, 2019, during the 2019-2020 school year. On the morning of October 1, 2019, M.G., an eighth grade male student at Whiddon-Rogers, received a telephone call regarding some family members who had died that morning. Due to the deaths in his family, M.G. was upset and in a "bad mood" throughout the morning and later that day when he arrived in Respondent's fourth period social studies class. During Respondent's fourth period class, M.G. did not want to be disturbed. He had a "hoodie over his head," his head down on his desk, and he was not doing any work. M.G. was often picked on in class by other students. On this particular occasion in Respondent's fourth period class, M.G. was being picked on by other students as he laid his head down on his desk. At some point, M.G. picked his head up from his desk and made a verbal threat to other students that he was going to shoot up the school. Respondent did not hear M.G. make the threat. One of the other students that heard M.G.'s threat went to Respondent during class and told him M.G. had threatened to shoot up the school. Respondent did not report M.G.'s threat to school administration. Respondent did not consider M.G.'s comment to be a dangerous threat. Respondent did not want to embarrass M.G. and told him during his fourth period class on October 1, 2019, that he could not say things like that. M.G., who was angry, did not respond to Respondent and walked out of the classroom. Respondent instructed M.G. to return to the classroom, but M.G. ignored him. On October 2, 2019, M.G. did not attend school. On the morning of October 3, 2019, Assistant Principal Sabrina Smith received a text message from another teacher at Whiddon-Rodgers, N'Kenge Rawls, notifying her of M.G.'s threat on October 1, 2019, to shoot up the school. Ms. Smith notified the other assistant principals of the threat and assembled the mandatory members of the Behavioral Threat Assessment ("BTA") team to collaboratively analyze available data, determine the level of risk, and develop appropriate interventions. As part of the threat assessment, Ms. Smith spoke to M.G. on October 3, 2019, who admitted he had threatened to shoot up the school. Ms. Smith also spoke to Respondent, who admitted he did not report M.G.'s threat to administration on October 1, 2019. Respondent admitted to Ms. Smith that he should have reported M.G.'s threat and that he made a mistake in not reporting the threat. Based on the behavioral threat assessment, the BTA team determined M.G.'s risk level to be "Medium/Serious Substantive." A "Medium/Serious Substantive" risk level means that the student "does not appear to pose a threat of violence at this time but exhibits behaviors that indicate a continuing intent to harm and/or potential for future violence." By all accounts, Respondent is a good teacher and well respected by his colleagues as evidenced by his team leader role at Whiddon-Rodgers. However, on this particular occasion, Respondent used poor judgment and erred in not reporting M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school on October 1, 2019. The persuasive and credible evidence adduced at hearing establishes that Respondent failed to report M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school, which constitutes misconduct in office in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-5.056. By failing to report M.G.'s threat to shoot up the school, Respondent violated rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., by failing to make reasonable effort to protect the students from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the students' mental and/or physical health and/or safety. Respondent's conduct also constitutes "[i]ncompetency" and "[i]nefficiency," in violation of rule 6A-5.056(3) and (3)(a)1., by failing to discharge the duty to report such a threat as prescribed by law and "[i]nefficiency" in violation of rule 6A- 5.056(3)(a)3., by failing to communicate appropriately with and relate to administrators. Respondent's conduct also violates School Board Policy 2130, which requires School Board employees "to report to school administration any expressed threat(s) or behavior(s) that may represent a threat to the community, school, or staff," and School Board Policy 4008, which requires Respondent to comply with the "Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida," and "all rules and regulations that may be prescribed by the State Board and by the School Board." Respondent has only received prior discipline on one occasion. On September 19, 2007, Respondent received a written reprimand for inappropriate discipline of a student.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order upholding the one-day suspension of Respondent's employment without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of November, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DARREN A. SCHWARTZ Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Andrew Carrabis, Esquire Broward County School Board 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue, 11th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (eServed) Melissa C. Mihok, Esquire Melissa C. Mihok, P.A. 201 East Pine Street, Suite 445 Orlando, Florida 32801 (eServed) Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Broward County Public Schools 600 Southeast 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 1001.021012.011012.33120.536120.54120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (3) 12-397019-4589TTS20-1335TTS
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pembroke Pines, Florida Dec. 16, 2020 Number: 20-005417 Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024

The Issue Whether just cause exists to suspend Respondent’s employment for the reasons set forth in Petitioner’s Notice of Specific Charges.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a duly constituted School Board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise all free public schools within the school district of Miami-Dade County, Florida. At all relevant times, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a school security monitor at Hialeah Middle School ("Hialeah"), and was subject to the collective bargaining agreement between Petitioner and the United Teachers of Dade, which provides Petitioner with the authority to suspend or dismiss Respondent. Respondent’s Disciplinary History Prior to the events that are the subject of this case, Respondent has received multiple reprimands based on his conduct in the workplace. On November 10, 1994, Respondent received a reprimand for insubordination, specifically, for his refusal to attend meetings, repeated tardiness, and falsification of payroll documents. On May 25, 1995, Respondent received a reprimand for failing to remain in his assigned area of supervision on 26 occasions, being tardy to work 16 times, failing to return to work from lunch on seven occasions, failing to properly supervise the parking lot, and failing to respond to radio calls directed to his attention on 13 occasions. On October 16, 1995, Respondent received a reprimand for failing to report to work on time on nine occasions. On September 15, 1997, Respondent received a reprimand for contacting a student at her home by telephone and in person on several occasions. Respondent was directed to refrain from contacting the student, refrain from socializing with students on or off campus, and refrain from inappropriate actions in the course of his employment. On June 5, 1999, Respondent was issued a Summary of Conference for threatening a co-worker with violence and using profanity in the presence of students. On January 12, 2001, Respondent received a reprimand for using abusive and profane language in the workplace and refusing to comply with a reasonable direct order from an administrator. On January 12, 2005, Respondent received a reprimand for creating a hostile work environment, inciting a volatile situation for students, and creating an unsafe environment for the students, staff, and parents who were present. On February 22, 2006, Respondent received a reprimand for creating a hostile work environment, inciting a volatile situation for colleagues, and an unsafe environment for the staff who were present. Respondent’s Interaction with A.G. Ms. Mederos is a language arts teacher at Hialeah, where she worked with Respondent during the 2019-2020 school year. A.G. was a student in Ms. Mederos’s class for the 2019-2020 school year. At the time of the hearing, A.G. was thirteen years old. On February 28, 2020, A.G. testified that she left Ms. Mederos’s class to go downstairs and purchase a bag of chips. When A.G. was downstairs, Respondent approached her and told her that her mom was "pretty" and had a "nice figure." Respondent also initiated a "fist bump" with A.G. Although it was credible standing alone, A.G.’s testimony was corroborated by Ms. Mederos, who witnessed the conversation between A.G. and Respondent. Ms. Mederos could not hear the content of the exchange, but saw the "fist bump" between the two and observed that A.G. appeared to be uncomfortable. Respondent denied that the incident with A.G. occurred, and testified that he had never met or seen A.G. or her parents as of February 28, 2020. Respondents’ testimony on this subject was not credible and is rejected.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, enter a Final Order suspending Respondent’s employment with the School Board for ten workdays without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of May, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: Michele Lara Jones, Esquire S BRITTANY O. FINKBEINER Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of May, 2021. Samuel Dean School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Room 430 Miami, Florida 33132 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent Miami-Dade County School Board 1450 Northeast Second Avenue, Suite 912 Miami, Florida 33132 681 Northwest 78th Terrace, Number 106 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (5) 1001.301001.321012.22120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (1) 20-5417
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