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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002903 Latest Update: Dec. 28, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a licensed medical doctor holding a license to practice medicine in the State of Florida issued by the Board of Medical Examiners, Department of Professional Regulation. The Petitioner is a governmental agency charged with enforcing the provisions of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, and related rules which regulate the licensure standards and status pertaining to medical doctors in the State of Florida, and enforcing the practice standards for licensed medical doctors embodied in Chapter 458, Florida Statutes. Steven Jones has been employed as a detective in the Narcotics Department of the City of Miami Beach Police Department for approximately three and one-half years. He is a ten-year veteran of the law enforcement profession. In December 1982, an investigation was initiated to determine whether allegations of misprescribing scheduled controlled substances made by a confidential informant against Dr. Ramos, the Respondent, were true. On December 16, 1982, Detective Jones entered the medical offices of the Respondent and asked to see Dr. Ramos. The Respondent's receptionist asked him to fill out a patient information sheet. On this sheet or form he indicated his name was "Steven James." He was then taken to the Respondent's office and met the Respondent. He told the Respondent that he was a construction worker, had recently experienced turmoil in his domestic life, and also suffered from a lumbo-sacral sprain. The Respondent then asked him if he had back pain and, after asking him general questions about his health and whether he suffered from any major illnesses, took out his prescription pad and wrote prescriptions for three medications. Other than the general questions the doctor asked him about his health, no detailed medical history was taken from Mr. Jones and there was no physical examination performed by Dr. Ramos or anyone else, except that his weight and height were recorded. No blood pressure reading was taken. After Dr. Ramos asked Mr. Jones if he had a backache, to which Mr. Jones responded in the affirmative, Dr. Ramos stated that he would prescribe something for the backache and something for stress that caused the backache, and something to sleep at night. Although no blood pressure was taken, Dr. Ramos did ask the patient how his blood pressure was, and the patient answered that it was "fine." The doctor then prescribed 60 tablets of valium, 60 placidyl tablets and 40 darvocet tablets. The only medical history provided in writing to the doctor concerned the name, address and employment, medical insurance information and answers to questions on the form concerning allergies. Additionally, the patient noted that he had been taking "valium" or "valium." Upon receiving the prescriptions, Steven Jones paid Dr. Ramos $40 and left his office. Detective Jones again visited Dr. Ramos' office on February 2, 1983. Upon arriving at the office he was escorted into an examining room by the Respondent's assistant, who was also his wife. While Mr. Jones was seated in the examining room, an assistant placed a blood pressure tourniquet or cuff on the patient's arm, leaving it there four to five minutes, when she ultimately returned to the room and informed Steven Jones that the doctor was ready to see him. The blood pressure tourniquet or arm band was never actually inflated by the Respondent or assistant, and no blood pressure reading was ever taken on this visit. Upon going into the Respondent's office, Mr. Jones was asked by Dr. Ramos about how he was feeling and the "patient" requested stronger pain medication. The doctor refused to do this, saying in effect that the patient, Mr. Jones, would have to be admitted to a hospital before the Respondent could prescribe stronger pain medication. Again, on this office visit no social or medical history was taken, and no physical examination was conducted at all. The Respondent asked the patient if he wanted the same prescriptions he had obtained at his December visit, and the patient answered in the affirmative. There was no discussion between the patient and the Respondent or anyone else concerning the patient's condition or progress between the December visit and this February visit. There was no discussion concerning the need for future treatment. The Respondent simply, at that point, wrote the same prescriptions given at the December visit. The next visit by Detective Steven Jones, a/k/a Steven James, occurred on May 25, 1983, at the Respondent's medical offices. The same medical assistant recognized Jones immediately when he came into the office and asked him if he was there for the same reason, to which he replied in the affirmative. He was then escorted straight to Dr. Ramos' office, who asked him if he wanted the same medication again, to which he assented. There was no discussion at all about his condition and how it may have progressed since the February visit, nor was there any discussions about future prospects for treatment, what treatment if any, was being considered or what it was designed to accomplish. The Respondent simply wrote three prescriptions once again, for valium, placidyl and darvocet, Schedule IV controlled substances. Except for the first visit, there was never any discussion of back pain nor any discussion concerning symptoms of insomnia and nervousness in this patient. Onelia Padron testified for Respondent. She has known the Respondent for many years and has worked for him as a technician for approximately a year. She was working in his office in December 1982, as an x-ray technician and in the performance of blood tests, blood pressure readings and physical therapy. She remembered Detective Jones coming to the office in December 1982, and testified that she did not take a blood pressure reading at the December visit, but did so at the February visit. Her specific memory of taking the blood pressure reading in February was not clear, however. She remembers specifically that his blood pressure was normal at the February visit and testified that she was sure that Dr. Ramos wrote down the blood pressure of the patient in his medical chart for the February visit. The patient medical record of Detective Jones a/k/a James, however, does not reveal that a blood pressure reading was taken at the February visit. Although the witness claims to have taken a blood pressure reading on the patient on his February 1983 visit, the testimony of Detective Jones reveals that no blood pressure reading was taken; although the blood pressure cuff or tourniquet was applied to his arm, it was simply not used. This may account in part for Ms. Padron's mistaken memory of actually taking the blood pressure reading. Her memory may be less than accurate due to passage of time. The testimony of Detective Jones to the effect that no blood pressure reading was taken, when considered with the Respondent's own medical records which do not reveal a blood pressure reading being taken, renders the finding inescapable that no blood pressure reading was taken at the February, 1983 visit and that Ms. Padron, after the passage of over a year, has a less- than-specific, inaccurate memory about the occasion and thus her testimony with regard to this visit is not credible. Rita Ramos, the Respondent's wife, acts as the office receptionist who makes and maintains the medical records for the Respondent. She performs no medical duties, however, she is well acquainted with her husband's handwriting and, of course, her own handwriting, and established that the word "valium" on Petitioner's Exhibit 2 and the word "valium" on Petitioner's Exhibit 6 were not written by her or her husband. She maintains that she specifically remembers the patient (Detective Jones) coming to visit Dr. Ramos on December 16, 1982, and she specifically remembers the doctor conducting a full physical examination and writing at least four lines of notes in the patient's record. She did not take a blood pressure on this patient in either December or February, however, and could not give an adequate explanation of how she could perform all her administrative record-keeping and maintenance duties and still have time to continually watch through the open door of her husband's office to see the physicals performed on approximately 20 patients a day, including Jones, and especially then to be able to remember the details of that one specific patient's visit in December 1982, over a year prior to the hearing. Although this witness supposedly remembered the doctor "always" conducting physical examinations on the first visit by a patient, and specifically conducting a head, eyes and ears examination on the first visit of Detective Jones, given the inherent interest of the patient in this case, the fact that her memory must be suspect regarding a specific patient's visit on a specific date more than a year prior to the hearing, and her own testimony that no irregularity or memorable occurrence happened during the visit of that patient to stimulate her recall, her memory of that event must be deemed less than accurate and therefore her testimony concerning the physical examination cannot be found credible by this Hearing Officer. Dr. Ramos testified on his own behalf. He stated that his standard practice is to interview and examine each patient and that he was especially suspicious of the subject patient who came in wearing earrings and boots. He interpreted his abbreviated notes on the patient's chart to reveal that the patient was 5'8" tall and weighed 145 pounds, had a blood pressure of 120 over 80 and a pulse of 80, and a normal sinus rhythm with no heart murmur and no abnormal respiratory signs. The doctor additionally interpreted his handwritten notes containing his own abbreviations, to reveal that the patient's eyes were normal, neck supple, with normal ears, nose, throat and a fair complexion. Although the patient asked for a stronger medication on at least one of the visits, including quaaludes, the doctor refused, informing the patient that he could not legally prescribe such for him in Florida. The doctor also testified that he remembered that on the second visit in February 1983, Ms. Padron took the blood pressure of the patient. He contends that he did not record the blood pressure reading because it was the same as the first time, that is, the December 1982 visit. No blood pressure was taken or recorded at the December 1982 visit, however, and none is revealed in the doctor's record for that visit. Although the doctor testified that on the February visit he believed that the patient might be trying to trick him and might be an undercover law enforcement officer, he still prescribed the same controlled substance prescribed earlier, with no additional physical examination made nor physical findings recorded in the patient records. He repeated the same instructions as to use of those drugs and the reasons for taking those drugs, but did not record any physical findings related to that visit. By his own admission, he did not ask the patient what had occurred in his medical history between December and February and did not ask questions concerning the success of his previously prescribed course of treatment. If indeed, the Respondent believed that the patient could be an undercover law enforcement officer and thus attempting to trick the doctor into misprescribing drugs for him, one might think that the doctor would take pains to make a thorough physical examination and to thoroughly record his findings and conclusions in the medical records he maintained, instead of failing to document his physical findings and conclusions and continuing to prescribe those drugs over a period of months. Thus, the testimony of Dr. Ramos is not supportive of a finding that a thorough physical examination, including the taking of blood pressure readings at each patient visit and, (in view of the low back pain complaint) straight leg raise tests, tests for impairment of sensation in extremities and other parameter checks, was actually conducted on the patient. Dr. John Handwerker, M.D., testified as an expert witness for the Petitioner. He has served as first chairman of the Department of Family Practice at the University of Florida Family and Community Medicine programs. He is Chairman of the Family Practice Department of Mercy Hospital in Miami, and is assistant professor of pharmacology at the University of Miami. He is knowledgeable regarding generally prevailing and accepted standards of family practice in Dade County and was accepted, without challenge, as an expert in the field of family practice. The drug Darvocet and Darvocet N-100 is a Schedule IV controlled substance, according to the schedule established in Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. Darvocet is characterized by some habituating influence, together with some problems with withdrawal. Its use is contraindicated with tranquilizers, such as valium, which was also prescribed in conjunction with it by Respondent for the patient involved herein. Valium, which is known generically as diazepam, is also a Schedule IV controlled substance and is a sedative or anti-anxiety drug with a wide variety of potentially adverse drug interactions, including darvocet. It can be mildly addictive, has a depressant effect on the central nervous system and is also a muscle relaxant. Placidyl is a short-term drug used in sleep disorders. It is only indicated for use for a maximum of seven days. It is classed as an oral hypnotic, and is a Schedule IV controlled substance pursuant to Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. Prior to prescribing any of these drugs, a physician should take a full history from a patient, and perform a thorough physical examination. The history should include the patient's chief complaint with questions from the physician to the patient involving areas of past problems with the nervous system, ears, eyes, lungs, chest, respiratory system, GI tract, and urinary tract. The physical examination should involve all body systems, including blood pressure, examination of the head, neck and chest and back regions. Further, if the patient requests these or other drugs specifically, a check should then be made for "track marks" and other evidence of prior drug abuse or usage. If the patient complains of low back pain, there should be a physical examination specifically involving the low back area before prescribing the scheduled controlled substances at issue. The past history is important to determine the duration of the problem, any previous medical treatment, examinations or tests by other physicians regarding the lumbosacral or low back area. A physical examination should be performed designed to elicit indications of neurological involvement, including straight leg raise tests, impairment of sensation tests in the extremities and other neurological inquiries. Such a full history and a physical examination is necessary prior to initiating a course of treatment involving treatment of chronic pain due to the existence of a wide assortment of other treatment modalities which might treat the root of the problem, rather than merely the pain symptoms. Dr. Handwerker, upon being questioned concerning the December 1982 visit of Detective Jones to the Respondent's office, posing as a 29-year-old construction worker complaining of lower back pain and insomnia, established that if a doctor performed no physical examination of such a patient, or only a cursory one, and took a history which in essence elicited only the complaint of injury (aside from the non-medical personal background information) that it would amount to inappropriate prescribing of the subject drugs if the patient was given these drugs in the manner prescribed to Detective Jones. The Respondent simply made insufficient findings upon which to base the decision to prescribe those drugs. Such prescribing without an adequate physical examination or the obtaining of detailed patient medical history would constitute a failure to conform to the level of care, skill and treatment recognized by reasonably prudent similar physicians under these conditions and circumstances. The continued prescribing of these drugs at the February and May visits of this patient, without any discussion or consideration of the effect the previous course of treatment had had on the patient, other than a simple question by the Respondent concerning how the patient was feeling, also constitutes inappropriate prescribing of scheduled controlled substances and demonstrates a failure to conform to the generally accepted and prevailing standards of medical practice in the Dade County community. It was similarly established that the medical records failed to justify the course of treatment afforded this patient. Especially regarding the lack of a physical examination at each visit, and the failure to elicit any further medical history on the latter two visits. Even if a full physical examination and history was conducted on the first visit in December 1982, which was not the case, there would still be required an interim update and recording of physical findings related to the patient's experience since the December visit. Notes should have been made in the patient records regarding how the medications were affecting the patient and his pain problem, including notes reflecting that a physical examination had been performed, involving all vital signs, which was not the case with this patient. Not only does the generally accepted and prevailing standard of medical practice in Dade County require that an initial, thorough physical examination including the blood pressure and pulse and the eliciting of a detailed medical history be performed, as well as update physical examinations at later visits to check the progress of the patient under the treatment program; the failure to note the findings in the patient records constitutes a failure to conform to generally accepted and prevailing standards of medical practice for the Dade County community. Dr. Alfred March testified as an expert witness for Respondent, but agreed that the same detailed medical history and examination described by Dr. Handwerker is required before the practitioner should prescribe scheduled controlled substances in the same manner as done by the Respondent. Dr. March was unable to ascertain from simply reviewing the medical records of the Respondent, the reason or justification for the prescribing of any of the drugs on the three dates in question, and established that the medical records of the doctor should always justify the course of treatment for a patient. Indeed, Dr. March established that if a patient came in complaining of a backache, then such would be inappropriate prescribing without the performance of x-rays of the affected area and a full neurological examination, neither of which was performed by the Respondent in this case. Dr. Ramos has never been subjected to disciplinary proceedings in the past, and his past professional record reveals that his medical practice has been characterized by sincere concern for his patients and the highest respect of his colleagues. The subject drugs involved are Schedule IV controlled substances, which are of the class of drugs characterized by the least serious ramifications for patients, if misused. It is to the doctor's credit that when the undercover detective, Mr. Jones, attempted to persuade him to prescribe more powerful medication such as quaaludes, the doctor vigorously protested such a course of treatment and refused to do so, citing his belief that indeed it was illegal to do so in Florida.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefor

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.69458.331893.05
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000082 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 1988

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I make the following relevant factual findings: During times material hereto, and particularly from January 1, 1983 through December 31, 1985, Respondent, Eusebio Subias, M.D., was a licensed medical doctor in Florida, board certified in Psychiatry and an eligible Medicaid provider of psychiatric services pursuant to the Medicaid contract he is party to with DHRS dated October, 1982. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). Medicaid regulations and guidelines require physicians to meet board certification in psychiatry before they may provide reimbursable psychiatric services to Medicaid eligible recipients. As part of his agreement to participate in the Medicaid Program, Respondent agreed to keep such records as are necessary to fully disclose the extent of services provided to individuals receiving assistance in the state plan. Respondent also agreed to abide by the provisions of pertinent Florida administrative rules, statutes, policies, procedures and directives in the manual of the Florida Medicaid Program. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). During 1986, the Surveillance & Utilization Review System unit of the Medicaid Office indicated that the amount of Respondent's medicaid billing greatly exceeded that of his peers. Based on that indication, the Office of Program Integrity asked Respondent to provide them with copies of certain medical records for the year 1982. Respondent provided the Department with those records as requested. (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 3). Those records were forwarded to the peer review committee for evaluation. The records were reviewed by both the local and state peer review committees. The 1982 records contained inadequate information for the peer review committee to document or otherwise justify the number of office visits per patient. The records did not contain reasons for treatment, reasons for frequency of visits or what specific services were rendered to patients. (Petitioner's Exhibits 16 and 17, Pages 3 and 4 and Composite Exhibit 3). On April 21, 1986, Petitioner notified Respondent that it determined that he overbilled Medicaid in the amount of $17,820.09 for the calendar year 1982. Respondent was then notified that a similar review would be conducted for the period January 1, 1983 through December 31, 1985. That review and the results thereof are the subject of this proceeding. The Department subsequently requested, and Respondent provided medical records for 85 specific recipients which were selected by means of the "Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling" (DSRS). (Petitioner's Exhibit 7). Respondent's 1983-85 records contain substantially more details than the records he provided Petitioner during the 1982 review period. Petitioner had its medical consultant, Dr. Forsthoefel, review the 1983-85 records. He was a member of the peer committee which made the peer review determination in 1982 which was used as a guide for the degree of overutilization. Forsthoefel denied those office visits that he determined were not supported by documentation in the medical records and concluded that the visits were not medically necessary. As a result, Petitioner sent Respondent a letter advising that he had overbilled medicaid in the amount of $79,093.05 for the years 1983-1985. (Petitioner's Exhibits 9 and 13). By letter dated September 5, 1986, Respondent requested a meeting to discuss the Department's proposed action and such a meeting was granted on October 31, 1986 at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Forsthoefel, Dr. Conn, Petitioner's Chief Medical Consultant in 1982, Millie Martin, and Respondent attended the October 31 meeting. During the meeting, Respondent attempted to individually review each of the approximately 3200 medical records for patients he treated during the years 1983-85 such that he could explain and document the medical necessity of each of the patient's office visits. He also requested that Petitioner have the records reviewed by a psychiatrist. Neither Dr. Conn nor Dr. Forsthoefel are psychiatrists. Dr. Conn left soon after the meeting began. Dr. Forsthoefel, unable and unwilling to comply with Respondent's request that each medical record be individually reviewed, concluded that continuing the meeting would not be productive and left after approximately 2 hours. The Department again denied those visits which it had early concluded were not medically necessary based on the review by its medical consultants. By letter dated November 10, 1986, Petitioner again advised Respondent that the Department would seek a $79,093.05 overpayment for the years 1983-85 and advised him of his rights to a formal hearing. Drs. Mutter and Tumarkin were commissioned by Petitioner to review the medical records under scrutiny with each doctor reviewing one half of the records. Based on their review, Respondent was denied reimbursement for even more office visits based on their opinion that the records did not contain sufficient documentation or notations that would indicate continued office visits were medically necessary. (Petitioner's Exhibits 17a and 18). Dr. Tumarkin made his comments on Respondent's medical records in green ink. Those records which did not contain green marking were records numbered 3 and 27 resulting in the Department's overstating the overpayment claim by $125.01. Respondent introduced information regarding Medicaid's denial of claims which should have been billed to Medicare. During the period from May 1985 through December 31, 1985, certain denials fall within the 1983-85 review period and since the Department never paid such claims, the Department agreed at hearing to reduce its overpayment amount by $6,421.44. Also at hearing, Petitioner determined that it made an error in its computation of the figures stated in the November 10, 1986 letter and was now seeking $78,661.93 minus $6,421.44 for the amount claimed to be overbilled by Respondent as $72,240.49. Respondent, who is of hispanic origin, treats a substantial number of Spanish speaking patients. Respondent graduated from medical school in Cuba at the age of 22 and participated in a rotating internship at Mercy Hospital in Hampton, Ohio. He came to Florida in 1963 and was licensed in 1964. In April, 1963, Respondent was employed at Hollywood Memorial Hospital. Respondent was the third Spanish speaking doctor to practice in South Florida and was the first to be promoted to a chairmanship at Hollywood Memorial Hospital. Respondent was the first clinical director at Coral Reef's Hospital. He is a member of several medical societies and was involved in the development of several psychotic drugs, including Elavil. Respondent is board certified in psychiatry. Respondent has staff privileges at Hollywood Memorial Hospital and three other area hospital. He has practiced psychiatry for more than 25 years in the United State and is accomplished in the treatment of severe psychotic patients. Respondent was tendered and received as an expert in psychiatry. Southeastern Florida was inundated during the early 1980's with mentally ill refugees during the Mariel Boat Lift. That area has a uniquely high need for psychiatric services due to its characteristic as a metropolitan area with a large homeless population. The Marlowe Study which was commissioned by Petitioner to review the need for psychiatric services in Dade County during the period which coincided with the Respondent's 1983-1985 office practice here under review, concluded that insufficient resources were earmarked for the treatment of mentally ill residents of Dade County, Florida. Respondent prefers to treat severely psychotic patients on an outpatient basis. He has been very successful in utilizing this method of treatment and it has resulted in substantial public benefit in the form of substantial financial savings that would have otherwise been required to hospitalize such patients for treatment. Respondent is paid $35.01 for a 45 minute session for each Medicaid patient whereas the average cost for inpatient treatment at an area hospital is approximately $400.00 per day. Respondent modified his record keeping practice in 1982 so that his medical records for 1983-85 contained the minimum requirements for medical records necessary to support Medicaid billings as specified in Rule 10C- 7.030(1)(m) and 10C-7.062(1(n) Florida Administrative Code. All of the medical experts testified that Respondent's records for the period at issue here met the minimum requirements specified in the required regulations and DHRS's procedure manuals. Those requirements are: dates of services; patients name and date of birth; name and title of person performing the service, when it is someone other than the billing practitioner; chief complaint on each visit; pertinent medical history; pertinent findings on examinations; medications administered or prescribed; description of treatment when applicable; recommendations for additional treatments or consultations; and tests and results. Petitioner presented testimony through Ms. Martin to the effect that Respondent had admitted during his October 1986 meeting with the medicaid consultants that he had, from memory, gone back and recreated his medical records for 1983-85. Respondent denied this at hearing and credibly testified that based on the deficiencies found in the latter part of 1982 concerning his medical records, he commenced to prepare a complete medical record for each patient visit. Respondent's testimony in this regard is credited and none of the medical professionals, save Ms. Martin, presented any evidence which would call into question the accuracy of Respondent's records during the period 1983- Ms. Martin's testimony to the contrary is rejected. Dr. Forsthoefel candidly admitted that he is not qualified to render an opinion with respect to medical necessity and appropriateness of specialized psychiatric services. Respondent is the first psychiatrist reviewed by the Medicaid officials of Petitioner for over-utilization as Petitioner's officials were unaware of any other psychiatrist who had been reviewed prior to Respondent. The peer review process for determination of over-utilization and mis- utilization of Medicaid services is designed so that the physician being reviewed may discuss individual patient records and cases with the Committee, as well as the Medicaid consultants who later apply peer review findings, and such discussion will be considered in arriving at a final determination. (Peer Review SOP, April, 1987, Respondent's Exhibit 12). An integral part of peer review for the physician being reviewed is to be able to discuss individual cases with the reviewer prior to a final determination being made concerning medical necessity and appropriateness. Such interplay and explanations regarding certain aspects of a case can lead to a more detailed determination concerning an overpayment issue. Respondent's October 1986 review should have been a complete new review of individual records affording him an opportunity to discuss specific cases with the physician consultants, provide him an opportunity to substantiate certain treatments based upon his recollection and justify the treatment modality he utilized for the 85 patients which comprised the random sampling. 2/ Respondent was not permitted to meaningfully discuss those individual cases even though he requested an opportunity to do so. This is so despite Petitioner's consultant's admission that such a consultation would have aided them and perhaps changed their opinion with respect to medical necessity and appropriateness of specific treatments rendered by Respondent. (Testimony of Conn, Forsthoefel, Tumarkin and Whiddon). While some experts would treat severely psychotic patients on a less frequent basis than Respondent and hospitalize them sooner, Respondent's method of treatment is well accepted among qualified board certified psychiatrists. Dr. Tumarkin's different treatment philosophy wherein he favored inpatient treatment for severely psychotic patients while Respondent showed a preference for outpatient treatment, is in no way indicative of inappropriateness by Respondent's method of treatment since his method was proven to be successful. Additionally, one expert, Dr. Tumarkin would have allowed more visits as being medically necessary and appropriate had he been advised by Petitioner's representatives that he should apply the community standard for medical necessity and appropriateness of psychiatric services. A Medicaid provider of psychiatric services is required to provide services equivalent to that of their peers. Had Dr. Tumarkin consulted with Respondent, his opinion concerning medical necessity and appropriateness would have been affected and he would have requested such had he known that he was allowed to. This is especially so based on the fact that his treatment preference is more hospital oriented. It is thus concluded that Respondent was not given a fair opportunity to present circumstances relevant to the overpayment amount in question here, despite his request to do so. (Petitioner's Exhibit 14). A review of a Peer Comparison Analysis with Respondent's practice respecting the number of office procedures per patient performed by him in contrast to other medicaid psychiatrists, indicates that Respondent saw his patients, on average, less than the average for other psychiatrists in Dade, Monroe and Broward Counties between the years 1983-85. (Petitioner's Exhibit 22). Dr. Stillman is board certified in psychiatry and has been practicing for more than 30 years. He reviewed, as Respondent's expert witness, all of the 85 patient charts in question. Dr. Mutter rendered a specific report about the even numbered charts that he reviewed. His reports indicates, with respect to many charts, that he was unable to find specific documentation supporting the reasons and medical necessity for treatment. This testimony was sharply contradicted by that of both Dr. Stillman and Respondent who easily located specific record documentation which indicated the medical necessity and reasons for services provided to patients by Respondent. Examples of over-utilization from Dr. Mutter's report were inquired about and on each occasion, Respondent and Dr. Stillman were able to identify documents not referred to by Dr. Mutter that substantiated the medical need and reasons for treatment. Drs. Subias and Stillman's testimony was not contradicted by Petitioner. Without going through each patient's records, a review of the findings concerning several patients is illustrative and will be herein discussed. Patient number 85, S. T., Jr. 3/ was a schizophrenic, suffering from epilepsy with borderline intellectual functioning. He was a very psychotic patient who was, during his early years, treated in an institution. (Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 5). He was obese, apprehensive, disoriented, suffered from impaired insight and judgment, a depressed mood, flat affect and a constant feeling of rejection. Respondent commenced treating patient number 85 twice weekly as an outpatient and as his condition improved, he was seen once a week and office visits were reduced further as his condition continued to improve. Without this intense continuity of treatment, patient number 85 would have decompensated and would have required an extensive institutionalization. Respondent provided substantial documentation as to the need for each of S. T.'s visits. Patient number 83, C. C., was a schizophrenic who suffered from depression, was delusional with a flat affect, poor reality contact and went through extended periods of depression on a monthly basis. Respondent prescribed benadryl to counteract patient C. C.'s delusional symptoms and otherwise justified his method of treatments, frequency and reason for each visit. Respondent substantiated that it was medically necessary to treat patient C. C. on each occasion where treatment was provided. Respondent's medical records provided the documentation for treatment in each instance. Patient number 81, F. D., was a schizophrenic who suffered severe mental depression. His condition had deteriorated to the point whereby family therapy sessions had to be scheduled by Respondent. Respondent was able to keep F. D. out of the hospital, he remained with his family and his condition improved to the point where the frequency of visits were reduced. Respondent's records justified the medical necessity and reasons for the treatment he provided patient F. D. Respondent testified as to his method of treatment as to patients 88, 78, 77, 52, 56, 48, 46, 38, 40, 60, 68 and as to each of those patients, Respondent's records document that the patients treatment and visits were medically necessary and appropriate. Dr. Stillman demonstrated that on each occasion, there was substantial record documentation which supported the necessity for the treatment as provided by Respondent. Based upon the inconsistent evidence presented by Petitioner respecting its claim that Respondent failed to document the medical necessity for the treatment he provided to the patients during the years 1983-85 and the direct evidence presented by Respondent which established that all of the services rendered by him to Medicaid recipients were medically necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it is concluded that Petitioner failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that any of the treatments here in dispute were unnecessary, inappropriate or were not otherwise documented by the medical records under review. Moreover, all of the experts agree that the treating psychiatrist is best able to determine the medical necessity and appropriateness of specific treatments to render to a patient as that psychiatrist has direct contact with, and is best able to fully apply his or her training and experience. Respondent amply demonstrated that the services here at issue were medically necessary, appropriate and was of clear benefit to the patient. Petitioner has failed to meet its burden of establishing any basis for an overpayment as claimed. 4/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of- Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a Final Order finding that there was no overpayment to Respondent during the years 1983- 85. Respondent is entitled to a refund of all monies held pursuant to the overpayment calculation by the Department in this cause together with 10% for annual interest pursuant to Rule 10C-7.060(12), Florida Administrative Code. DONE and ORDERED this 18th day of November, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1988.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57903.05
# 2
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 03, 2012 Number: 12-000497PL Latest Update: Aug. 20, 2012

The Issue Did Respondent, James Sotrop, M.D. (Dr. Sotrop), violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2007),1/ by committing medical malpractice by failing to adequately assess patient P.A.'s complaints and symptoms? Did Dr. Sotrop violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by committing medical malpractice by failing to order diagnostic imaging studies and laboratory tests for P.A.? Did Dr. Sotrop violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by committing medical malpractice by failing to document a complete patient history and physical examination? Did Dr. Sotrop violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, by committing medical malpractice by failing to immediately refer P.A. to the emergency department of a hospital on January 14, 2007? Did Dr. Sotrop violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes by committing medical malpractice by failing to refer P.A. for specialized consultations? Did Dr. Sotrop violate section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes by committing medical malpractice by making an inappropriate diagnosis of P.A.'s condition? Did the Petitioner, Department of Health (Department), fail to properly notify Dr. Sotrop of its investigation and provide an opportunity to respond to the allegations before determining probable cause? If so, do sections 456.073(1) and 458.331(9), Florida Statutes, require dismissal of the complaint?2/

Findings Of Fact The Department is the state agency charged with the licensing and regulation of medical doctors pursuant to section 20.43, and chapters 456 and 458, Florida Statutes. At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Dr. Sotrop was a licensed medical doctor within the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 41092. Dr. Sotrop's address of record with the Department of Health is Post Office Box 1628, Lutz, Florida, 33548. He has used this address for mailing purposes for 10 to 15 years. The Department mailed a copy of the complaint against Dr. Sotrop and its investigation in this matter to Post Office Box 1628, Lutz, Florida, 33548. Dr. Sotrop says the he "believes" that he did not receive it. This testimony is not sufficiently persuasive to establish that he did not receive the notice. Dr. Sotrop completed medical school at the Medical School of Wisconsin and started working with his father’s family medical practice in Lutz, Florida. Florida licensed Dr. Sotrop to practice medicine in Florida in 1982. Although Dr. Sotrop intended to attend a residency program after practicing medicine with his father for a short time, he never left his father’s practice and thus never attended a residency program. Dr. Sotrop is not board eligible in family medicine because he never attended a residency program. Dr. Sotrop assumed his father’s practice and operated as a solo practitioner until he sold the practice to a large group. After working for the group practice for several years, Dr. Sotrop left the group in 2006 and started to rebuild his solo practice. While he was rebuilding his practice, Dr. Sotrop worked part-time for a colleague at the New Tampa Urgent Care walk-in clinic. He started working at the walk-in clinic in early January of 2007. Dr. Sotrop eventually rebuilt his medical practice and stopped working at the walk-in clinic. He currently maintains a solo medical practice. New Tampa Urgent Care utilized an electronic medical record keeping system known as Amazing Charts. This was Dr. Sotrop’s first exposure to an electronic medical record keeping system. Dr. Sotrop is a “hunt and peck” or “two-finger” typist. He had previously maintained only hand-written medical records. The Amazing Charts system requires physicians to enter some of the information regarding patient visits into the system by manually typing. Because of his lack of familiarity with the Amazing Charts system and his poor typing skills, Dr. Sotrop limited the information he included in patient records using the Amazing Charts. January 13th Patient Visit Patient P.A. first presented to the walk-in clinic on January 13, 2007, with a chief complaint of right-sided facial pain and weakness of the face. Dr. Sotrop saw her. P.A. reported a history of right-sided facial pain for two to three days, and right-sided facial droop that started that morning. Her right eyelid was swollen. P.A.’s vital signs were: temperature of 101 degrees; blood pressure of 114 over 70 (which was normal); pulse rate of 138; and respiratory rate of 18. Dr. Sotrop examined P.A., following his routine physical-examination process. The process, as Dr. Sotrop generally described during his testimony, consists of observing the patient’s gait as they walk to look for any abnormalities. He then examines both ears and both nostrils. He examines the patient’s mouth in the traditional method, checks the neck for movement, and palpates the neck and upper body for swollen lymph glands. He listens to the patient’s heart and lungs and, if appropriate for the presentation, asks the patient to lie down so he can perform an abdominal examination. While performing the physical examination, he talks to the patient and asks questions so he can verify whether the patient’s mental status is normal. Dr. Sotrop observed P.A.'s gait, examined her eyes (including a fluorescein and fundus examination of the eyes), and examined her face and mouth which included her ability to swallow and move her jaw normally. Dr. Sotrop documented his physical examination findings for P.A. during the January 13th visit as follows: Rt lower facial droop not involving forehead. HEENT neg. ex sl grn d/c nares and eryhema rtconj, fluoro neg. no rash (yet) neck supple Dr. Sotrop interpreted this entry in the patient’s record during his testimony as follows: The patient had a right-lower facial droop not involving her forehead. The head, eyes, ears, nose and throat examination were negative except for a slight green discharge from the right nares (or nasal passage) and there was redness of the right conjunctiva (the white part of the eye) . . . I did a fluorescein examination of the eye which involves putting a drop in the eye and using a special light and looked at the eye and it was normal, negative. There was no rash on the face, and I put in parentheses, “yet” because I expected one… And the neck was supple. Dr. Sotrop explained that he documented “no rash (yet)” because he believed the patient most likely had shingles and would soon develop a rash consistent with this diagnosis. Dr. Sotrop's records document that the patient’s neck was supple to document that her neck was not stiff or painful. Dr. Sotrop found the patient’s mental status normal. As he noted, she was well enough to drive herself to the office. Dr. Sotrop determined that the patient was suffering from either Bell’s palsy or Shingles. In the medical record under A/P (or assessment and plan), he documented “Bell’s Palsy (351.0), Herpes Zoster of Eyelid (053.20).” Dr. Sotrop selected these possible alternative diagnoses from a drop-down menu from the Amazing Charts program. “Herpes Zoster” is another name for shingles. He selected Herpes Zoster of the Eyelid because that was the only Herpes Zoster diagnosis he could find in the Amazing Charts drop down menu at the time. Dr. Sotrop discussed his impressions with the patient. He told her that he was not sure whether she had Bell’s palsy or shingles. Dr. Sotrop told the patient to call him back or go to the emergency room if her symptoms got worse. He documented this advice in the records using the drop-down menu of the Amazing Charts system: “re check 2-3 days sooner, if worse, discussed natural and expected course of this diagnosis, and need to alert me if symptoms do not follow expected course, or if any worse. Re-check or go to ER if symptoms get worse.” Dr. Sotrop prescribed Prednisone, a steroid for treatment of suspected Bell’s palsy, Vicodin for pain, and Acyclovir, an antiviral drug to treat the patient for suspected shingles. The Department did not question Dr. Sotrop’s prescription of these medications. Dr. Sotrop’s records do not indicate that, on January 13, he considered the possibility that the patient had meningitis. During the January 13 visit, P.A. did not present the typical complete constellation of symptoms for meningitis. A stiff or painful neck and confused mental status are two common signs of meningitis. Dr. Sotrop's records do not indicate that he advised P.A. on January 13 to go to an emergency room for additional testing, such as a CT scan or spinal tap, to rule out or confirm more serious conditions like a tumor, meningitis, or other infection. Dr. Sotrop's demeanor during his testimony and inconsistencies in testimony make his claim that he advised P.A. to go to an emergency room or obtain further testing not credible. The testimony is not logically consistent with the fact that Dr. Sotrop entered in the records the much less significant information that he advised the patient to return or visit an emergency room if her symptoms did not improve. And it is not consistent with his stated beliefs about the uses and importance of records for patient care, insurance, and legal concerns. January 14th Patient Visit P.A. called the walk-in clinic the following day, Sunday, January 14th, and told the nurse that she was still having headaches and that the pain medication was not helping. Dr. Sotrop told the nurse that he wanted the patient to return to the office for further evaluation. P.A. drove herself to the walk-in clinic for the return visit. During this visit, she complained of nausea and vomiting and headache. The patient’s vital signs had improved. Her temperature was now normal, 97.8, and her blood pressure was 124/84. P.A.'s pulse rate had come down to 126, and her respiratory rate was slightly higher, at 20. Dr. Sotrop repeated the physical examination he conducted on January 13th. P.A.'s neck was still supple. And her mental status was normal. The patient’s facial symptoms had significantly improved from the January 13th visit. Dr. Sotrop documented “facial symptoms much better” and “exam shows near full return of facial movement and full closure of eye.” Dr. Sotrop also documented that P.A. still had no rash. Dr. Sotrop tapered the prescription for Prednisone and asked P.A. to hold Acyclovir for 12 hours because headaches are a known side effect of these medications. He also gave her an injection of Phenergan during the visit for nausea. Dr. Sotrop’s records do not indicate that on January 14th he considered the possibility that the patient had meningitis. They indicated, as on the 13th he told the patient to return or got to an emergency room if her condition worsen. A stiff or painful neck and confused mental status are two common signs of meningitis. During the January 14th visit, P.A. did not present the typical complete constellation of symptoms for meningitis. Dr. Sotrop's records do not indicate that he advised P.A. on January 14th to go to an emergency room for additional testing such as a CT scan or spinal tap to rule out or confirm more serious conditions like a tumor, meningitis, or other infection. Dr. Sotrop's demeanor during his testimony and inconsistencies with his other testimony make his claim that he advised P.A. to go to an emergency room or obtain further testing is not credible. The testimony is not logically consistent with the fact that Dr. Sotrop entered in the records the much less significant information that he advised the patient to return or visit an emergency room if her symptoms did not improve. And it is not consistent with his stated beliefs about the uses and importance of records for patient care, insurance, and legal concerns. January 15th Hospital Admission On January 15th, P.A.'s daughter found her unresponsive. P.A. was taken to the University Community Hospital by ambulance and placed in the Intensive Care Unit. Dr. Sotrop was not consulted on this hospital admission. But he did visit the patient after he learned of her admission. P.A. was unresponsive when she was admitted to the hospital. Her condition did not improve. A lumbar puncture showed possible bacterial meningitis. P.A. died about 48 hours after her admission to University Community Hospital. The patient’s final diagnoses included acute bacterial meningitis and “possibly shingles.”

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of laws reached, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Board of Medicine deny the Motion to Dismiss and enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of July, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of July, 2012.

Florida Laws (9) 120.569120.5720.43456.035456.072456.073456.50458.331766.102
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida May 10, 2013 Number: 13-001688PL Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001048 Latest Update: Feb. 23, 1988

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations contained herein, the Respondent, Dr. Julius A. Okuboye, was a medical doctor licensed by and in the State of Florida. In the first of six cases upon which Petitioner bases its case, the patient was receiving medical treatment for a fracture of the right femur, (thigh bone), at Gateway Community Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida during the period November 21, 1982 and January 13, 1983. Petitioner contends Respondent failed to properly perform the surgical procedure; failed to properly consider alternative courses of treatment; and failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the course of treatment taken. Respondent reduced the bone fracture here by using a metal plate running lengthwise along the bone in an attempt to brace the fracture by securing it to the bone with, initially, screws. The plate used by the Respondent was too short for the procedure in that it did not extend beyond the upper limits of the fracture by that distance considered by some to be appropriate. Petitioner's first expert felt the use of the plate which was too short and the screws used to affix it, which were too short, was improper practice. In his opinion, the procedure followed by the Respondent herein required the patient to undergo three separate operations rather than one, which unnecessarily exposed this elderly patient to infection and the risk of anesthesia on three separate occasions. Petitioner's other expert believes that because the Respondent used a plate which was too short for the fracture involved, it was necessary for him to go back in and fix the plate with Parham bands considered by many in the field to be an old-fashioned practice. These bands, when used, tend to devitalize the tissue. He believes that once having used them, however, Respondent should have used more screws to affix the plate and the bands. In addition, the plate did not fix the smaller bone fragments at the bottom of the fracture. Both experts state Respondent should have considered reducing the fracture by the use of traction and bed rest as an alternative to surgery. On the other hand, Respondent's experts disagreed with Petitioner's experts. One, Dr. Weiss, indicated that Respondent had two choices: (1) a prolonged traction and immobilization which, itself, poses a great risk for an elderly patient, or (2) the surgical fixation which was chosen. Here, the reduction was good but the plate was too short. Dr. Weiss contends, as was urged by Respondent, that this was beyond his control and while it would have been better to use a longer plate, the Respondent used the correct procedure and the fact that a second and third operation was necessary, was beyond his control. His choice to do them was appropriate. The other expert, Dr. Bodden, pointed out that even though the smaller plate was used, there is no assurance a larger plate would have precluded the second and third operations. He believes that in light of all of the medical problems presented in this case and since the ideal plate was not available, Respondent's choice was prudent. The length of the plate was improper but in the opinion of Dr. Bodden, the patient's bone structure contributed to the breakage after the plate was installed. Further, the use of Parham bands was not inappropriate. They have been used for many years and are still widely accepted and used. In fact, he uses them himself. Prior to the surgery, Respondent contacted the operating room charge nurse to determine if the proper plates were available, and was assured by her that a full set of plates was available for the surgery. It was only after entering the operating arena, opening the incision into the patient's leg, and thereafter opening the sterilized and sealed package containing the plates that it was determined the proper plate was not present. Absent a showing to the contrary, it is found it would have been improper to open the plate package in advance of surgery to check since such a procedure would have destroyed the sterile nature of the package. In light of the above, Respondent's actions were appropriate. As to the issue of the adequacy of Respondent's medical records on other patients, an analysis of the records showed that no discharge summary was prepared by the Respondent nor were progress notes kept by him on December 22, 23, 25, and thereafter for several weeks on an irregular basis. It may be that Respondent was not the primary physician and only the consultant, but the records fail to show who was the responsible physician and who was ultimately responsible for the patient. A consultant should always reflect in the patient records who he is and in what capacity he has seen the patient as well as his area of expertise and the actions he has taken. Here, the Respondent's failure to do so, notwithstanding some expert evidence to the contrary, renders the records kept by him inadequate. In the case of the patient who was treated by the Respondent as a consultant on a fracture of the left hip at Gateway Community Hospital between October 27, and November 10, 1983, Petitioner's experts have no quarrel with the orthopedic treatment rendered the patient by Respondent. However, Respondent failed to make proper entries in the patient's medical records and the notes therein were made by an internist. Respondent saw the patient on only four of the nine days the patient was hospitalized and in the opinion of the expert, proper practice requires a doctor, or his substitute in the absence of the doctor, to see the patient each day. It may be that this practice, which is generally accepted as appropriate throughout the medical community, is somewhat less significant in the field of orthopedic surgery. Respondent's expert indicated he did not feel constrained to see his patients each day subsequent to surgery so long as he was kept aware of the patients' conditions. While he makes progress notes, he does not dictate discharge summaries or any of the other records since these are prepared by residents based on the notes he has put in the file. The medical records for this patient show no progress notes by the Respondent on November 1, 3, 4, and 5, 1983, during which time the patient was in the hospital under the Respondent's care. In one expert's opinion, the missing of three consecutive day's progress notes renders the records below standard. Respondent indicates he saw the patient frequently right after the surgery, but once he was satisfied that her orthopedic problems were progressing satisfactorily, did not see her during the time she was being treated for medical problems unrelated to the orthopedic surgery by an internist. He did write medical notes on the first five postoperative days at the conclusion of which his postoperative care for the orthopedic surgery was completed. Were it not for her unrelated medical problems, the patient would have been released and he did see her once, (Nov.2) prior to her discharge after her medical problem had been resolved. On the basis of all the testimony, it is found that in this case, Dr. Okuboye did not fail to keep proper medical records. Respondent also saw a patient for a fracture of the left lateral malleolus, (the protuberance on both sides of the ankle joint), and is alleged to have failed to timely perform an examination of the patient; failed to have timely provided treatment; and failed to have performed a complete examination. In this case, Petitioner's expert pointed out that the chart kept by the Respondent failed to show any reference to a knee injury which was disclosed on post-treatment X-rays evaluated by him. Respondent is also alleged to have failed to have cleaned and irrigated the wound which was a part of the injury, and that he administered only an intramuscular injection of antibiotics. In the opinion of the witness, it makes no difference if there was an infection or not. It is, in his opinion; a bad practice to not debride and clean the wound. Further, he was concerned that the patient records kept by the Respondent did not reflect whether the Respondent responded to the emergency room at the time he prescribed the treatment or not. From the review of the records, he could not tell. Review of the case records by Respondent's expert showed there was no open fracture which required debridement or specific cleaning. The wound was a small abrasion. As a general rule, an injury should be more than 1/2 inch in size or have some bone showing in order to require debridement, (removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue). If those conditions are present, proper procedure is to clean the wound and to provide antibiotics, which the Respondent did, and the treatment recommended by him met appropriate standards. This is the better point of view. As to the records kept by the Respondent, a note regarding the action taken here was dictated by Respondent two days after the patient was discharged. The patient records show a postoperative X-ray was taken by Respondent but there is no indication in the record showing that surgery was done. The patient was admitted through the emergency room and was sent to the floor even before the Respondent was contacted. As a result, Respondent did not see the patient in the emergency room. The ER notes prepared by someone else refer to an abrasion and an approximately 1/4 inch tear in the skin. The injury was cleaned in the ER and the patient was sent to the floor after which the Respondent was advised by telephone there was a "questionable" fracture of the ankle. In response, Respondent gave orders for immobilization of the wound and administration of antibiotics. The following day, when Respondent saw the patient, he could see no open wound nor could he find evidence of a fracture. As a result, he discontinued the prescription for antibiotics and discharged the patient who, it should be noted, did not sustain an infection and who did well in his recuperation. Respondent indicates he had been told by the family physician who admitted the patient and the nurses on the floor, with whom he discussed the patient, that there was no open wound sustained by this patient. On the basis of this information, Respondent prescribed the questioned course of treatment and it would appear it was appropriate and well within standards. Between November 12, and November 22, 1983, Respondent acted as surgical consultant regarding a patient being treated at Gateway Community Hospital for a metatarsal fracture. Respondent performed an open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture and Petitioner now claims that Respondent failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the course of that patient's treatment. In that case, Petitioner does not claim improper treatment by the Respondent. However, one expert for Petitioner could not determine with any degree of certainty whether or not the procedure was required because of the absence of pre- operative X-rays and because of the inadequacy of the records for him to look at. The other Petitioner expert agreed that the Respondent took adequate care of the patient but because of the absence of postoperative film, the taking of which is a general practice within the medical community, he was not able to determine, nor would the Respondent be able to determine, whether the surgeon missed anything in performing the surgery. Respondent's evidence unequivocally contradicted the testimony of both Petitioner's experts. There were X-rays taken prior to the procedure by Respondent which showed a fracture of the outside metatarsus, (long foot bone). He proposed outpatient surgery of one day and reduced the fracture, inserting two pins as security. The postoperative X-rays show proper reduction. In fact, there are several sets of postoperative films and those taken after the holding pins placed in the fracture were removed show good reduction and full healing. Respondent discharged the patient from orthopedic care after surgery for release the next day if approved by the referring, physician, Dr. Lew. However, Dr. Lew kept the patient in the hospital one or two days after that for a reason not related to the orthopedic surgery done by Respondent. This would tend to explain the reason for there being no follow-up progress notes on the two days following the operative report done by Respondent on November 23. The failure to keep adequate notes adversely affects the entire care team not just the attending physician, as without adequate notes, the team cannot tell what is going on with the patient. The entire care is summarized in the progress notes and the failure to make notes on time leaves a hole. That cannot be said to have been the case here, however, since the orthopedic treatment of the patient was completed with the dictation of the operative report and the patient was discharged by Respondent. The patient's retention in the hospital for several days more was by another physician on a matter totally unrelated to the Respondent's treatment and Respondent had no responsibility to keep records on that portion of the patient's hospitalization. It cannot be said, then, that Respondent's records were inappropriate in this case. Respondent is also alleged to have improperly failed to perform a procedure of open reduction and internal fixation of an ankle fracture on a patient treated by him at Gateway Hospital between January 20, and January 25, 1983. In this case, Petitioner's expert questions whether the inner bone was properly reduced. X-rays taken subsequent to the procedure, show the reduction left a big gap and an irregular joint and the doctor feels the procedure, as it was done, was below standards. The other Petitioner expert concurs. There were two fractures. The smaller, did not need to be fixed since it was less than 1/3 of the ankle area and medical opinion indicates that fractures of less than 1/3 of the area should not be fixed. The other was fixed improperly in that Respondent should have used a tension band instead of a screw. If he had done so, there would have been a better fixation. Respondent's expert disagrees, pointing out that the postoperative X- rays show the position of the bones as placed by the Respondent, was quite acceptable. The failure to get an anatomic, (as developed by nature), reduction is not indicative of substandard care. It is sometimes not possible to put bones back the way they were prior to the fracture. In the instant case, when the operation and casting were done, the results were acceptable. The doctor concludes this was a very difficult operation to do and under the circumstances, the Respondent's performance met the standards within the community. Respondent's other expert agrees. This was an extremely difficult fracture of three sections of an ankle. Admittedly, Respondent's work resulted in a slight bone irregularity. A smooth reduction would be ideal, but it is unlikely that an anatomic reduction could be had in this case. No matter how skilled the work, a fracture of this kind is likely to result in some arthritis, and the failure to use a tension band, as suggested by one of Petitioner's experts, as opposed to a screw as chosen by the Respondent is a matter of choice. Neither gives better results and the Respondent's choice here, in these circumstances, was reasonable. Between December 18 and December 27, 1984, Respondent performed an open reduction and internal fixation of a fractured right hip. Petitioner alleges that Respondent performed a surgical procedure which was unnecessary, failed to properly perform the surgical procedure done, and failed to keep adequate medical records justifying the patient's treatment. In this case, Respondent inserted a Jewett nail, a non-collapsing nail, into the bone. The bone collapsed and drove the nail up into the end of the bone in an inappropriate manner. One of Petitioner's experts took issue with Respondent's use of the Jewett nail calling it an outdated device. In his opinion, the Respondent did not plan properly to have the appropriate device on hand when it was needed. His opinion is supported by that of the other Petitioner expert who pointed out that the procedure resulted in an inadequate fixation. He contends the Respondent should have used a collapsible nail and that Respondent's technique of cutting the bone after the collapse was inappropriate and resulted in a shortening of the leg. He believes this procedure was improper and falls below medical standards in the community. He was also of the opinion that Respondent's record keeping in this case was inadequate. Petitioner's expert in medical records found several problems with Respondent's records on this patient. The initial note was dictated after surgery instead of when the consult was first done. No progress notes were in the file for those days when the patient was not seen by the Respondent. There was no showing that the patient was seen by someone left in charge by Respondent in his absence. Since medical records provide a history of the case and allow the follow-on staff to provide continuation of care, the evidence showed Respondent's records in this case were below standard. Respondent's witness, Dr. Weiss, does not believe that the use of the Jewett nail is necessarily inappropriate. The fact that the Jewett nail did not work out for the Respondent in this case and required follow-up surgery, is not necessarily indicative of improper treatment. Studies of similar fractures in elderly patients show that 70% had some deviation and many similar cases show penetration of the head of the bone by the nail such as was the case here. While there are newer nails used by many orthopedic surgeons, the Jewett nail is still appropriate. The physician can avoid penetration at the time of the insertion and Respondent did so, but penetration cannot always be avoided after surgery when weight is placed on the limb. Respondent's other expert who reviewed this case stated that the fixed nail used by Respondent, if properly used, gives equally good results as the newer collapsible nail. Cutting of the bone is a well known and appropriate procedure in cases where necessary, as here. In evaluating the testimony of the experts, it should be noted that neither of the Board's experts interviewed Respondent or in any way discussed with him his professional reasons for doing what he did. Their opinions given here as expert testimony were based on evaluation of records and X-rays only whereas the opinions of Respondent's experts were based on review of the same documentation and also on interviews with Respondent who was questioned and who expounded on his medical rationale. Having analyzed the procedure done by the Respondent here and having evaluated the testimony of all witnesses, it is found that the procedure as followed by Respondent did not fall below the appropriate medical standards within the community. However, the allegation regarding Respondent's failure to keep proper medical records has been established. Respondent is a native of Nigeria, who took his medical training in England, graduating from Kings College Medical school in 1961. He interned in the United States at Bridgeport Hospital, served his residency and as a research fellow in Canada, and returned to the United States for a two year general surgery and three year orthopedic surgery residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center in New York. Respondent came to Florida in 1973 and has been in private practice as a sole practitioner since that time. He is Board eligible in orthopedic surgery and certified in neurological and orthopedic surgery by the American College of Neurological and Orthopedic surgery, not to be confused with the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is also a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. At one time, Respondent practiced at Gateway Hospital in St. Petersburg where all the cases involved in the proceeding came up and where he was involved in legal action involving a matter he had handled. Respondent won that case but nonetheless, had to sue the hospital to recover his expenses. When Gateway Hospital was sold to Humana, he was again involved in litigation with the hospital to retain his privilege to practice there. Thereafter, he was called before the hospital committee regarding the instant cases in a staff privilege matter and as a result, the hospital referred them to the Department of Professional Regulation. Respondent believes two factions in the medical community seek his dismissal and the revocation of his license. He presented a detailed litany of grievances against various members of the hospital staff and others who, he contends, are engaged in a program to destroy him professionally and remove him from the practice of medicine. Since his medical privileges at the hospital have been rescinded, he can no longer accept referrals in orthopedic surgery from other members of the staff at Gateway and as a result, referrals that would ordinarily go to him, are now going to other, more favored members of the staff who retain surgical privileges. He contends his troubles, which culminated in this hearing, are both economically and racially motivated, and also involve an effort to rid the hospital of foreign trained physicians. There is no evidence to corroborate Respondent's charges and , therefore, the decision regarding his standard of practice and his record keeping must be based on the professional evidence presented at this hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Julius A. Okuboye, be reprimanded. RECOMMENDED this 23rd day of February, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearings Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of February, 1988. Appendix to Recommended Order In Case No. 86-1048 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. For the Petitioner Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Accepted to the extent that Respondent's reduction was not anatomic but rejected to the extent "it possibly could have been better treated in a cast." Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Rejected as to all but last sentence which is irrelevant since the latter portion of the hospitalization discussed here was after patient had been discharged by Respondent and did not relate to orthopedic treatment. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14-16. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 17&18. Accepted and incorporated herein. 19. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 20-21. Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. 22. Accepted as to certain records and rejected as to others as discussed in the body of the Recommended Order. For the Respondent Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence rejected as a restatement of Petitioner's position. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Last sentence accepted and incorporated. Remainder rejected as a restatement of the evidence. First sentence rejected as above. Second sentence rejected as a restatement of evidence. Third through Sixth sentences accepted and incorporated. seventh rejected as a restatement of Petitioner's position. Eighth and Ninth sentences accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. second sentence accepted. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Remainder accepted and incorporated. First sentence rejected as above. Remainder accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as to some cases, accepted as to others as defined in the Findings of Fact herein. COPIES FURNISHED: David E. Bryant, Esquire Suite 2000, Ashley Tower 100 South Ashley Drive Tampa, Florida 33602 Glenn M. Woodworth, Esquire Woodworth and Dugan, Chartered Wittner Centre West 5999 Central Avenue Suite 103 St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Board of Medical Examiners 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000557 Latest Update: Jul. 31, 1987

The Issue Whether Disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license to practice medicine, number ME 0028355, issued by the State of Florida, based on the alleged violations of Section 458.331(1), Florida Statutes, as contained in the Administrative Complaint filed by the Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this complaint, Respondent was a licensed physician having been issued license number ME 0028355 by the State of Florida. This case represents Respondent's second disciplinary action. By a Final Order dated February 24, 1987, the Board of Medicine, in the case of Department of Professional Regulation vs. Robert Gonzalez, Jr., M.D., DOAH Case No. 85-1692, DPR Case No. 0033796, reprimanded Respondent, suspended Respondent's license for a minimum period of one year, and ordered a five year probationary period, and a $14,000 fine. The Final Order took effect upon filing and pertains to similar offenses at issue in the present case. (Adopts Petitioner's Proposed Finding of Fact (PFOF) 1) The present case arose from a review of hospital records and Respondent's patient records for seventeen patients who were hospitalized by Respondent at Pembroke Pines General Hospitals in Pembroke Pines, Florida in 1982 and 1983. However, none of the incidents giving rise to the complaint in the instant case occurred subsequent to the Final Order referenced in Finding of Fact 1 and all occurred during or shortly after the same timeframe as covered in the earlier offenses. (Adopts and expands Petitioner's PFOF 2). On August 4, 1982, Respondent admitted patient C.M. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital, who was assigned medical records number 6893 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The admitting diagnosis was acute respiratory tract infection, acute flu syndrome, acute laryngo/pharyngitis and possible pneumonitis. The patient was hospitalized for a period of two days. During the hospitalization of patient C.M., Respondent ordered the following tests which were performed on patient C.M.: two chest x-rays, "mono" screen, throat culture, blood serum levels (special 12), electrolytes, urinalysis, complete blood count (C.R.C.) and Platelet counts. Respondent discharged C.M. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with the following diagnoses on August 7; 1982: acute flu syndrome, acute respiratory tract infection, and acute pharyngitis due to staphylococcus aureus. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 3) Pharyngitis is an inflammatory reaction of the throat. Although Respondent diagnosed patient C.M. as suffering from acute pharyngitis due to staphylococcus aureus, there was inadequate laboratory data to justify this diagnosis. The diagnosis should have been predicated upon the results of a sputum (secretions coughed out of the lungs) culture and sensitivity test. However, the results of the culture and sensitivity test were negative for the throat. Therefore, this diagnosis was incorrect. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 4). Pneumonitis is an infection of the lungs. The standards of the medical profession require that it be based on positive x-ray findings. In the case of patient C.M., there was no justification for Respondent's diagnosis of pneumonitis because both of the chest x-rays taken pursuant to Respondent's order were normal. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 5) Although Respondent diagnosed patient C.M. as suffering from acute flu syndrome, there was no justification for this diagnosis either. In fact, there was no justification for the admission of the patient to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. It is contra-indicated to hospitalize a sixteen-year-old male suffering from an upper respiratory infection because of the danger of developing a nasocomal infection, which is an infection that is produced as a result of exposure to bacteria in the hospital. By hospitalizing C.M. unnecessarily, Respondent placed patient C.M. at undue risk. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 6) In the year 1983, Respondent admitted patient F.L. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital on three occasions. The patient was assigned medical records number 4141 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The admission date for the hospitalizations were February 20, 1983, July 8; 1983, and August 31, 1983. There were no problems with the July 8, 1983, hospitalization of patient F.L. (With the elimination of subordinate and unnecessary material, this FOF adopts Petitioner's PFOF 7). On February 20, 1983, Respondent admitted patient F.L. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital with an admission diagnosis of cephalgia and uncontrolled hypertension. The patient was hospitalized for a period of three days. During this three-day period, the following tests were performed on patient F.L., pursuant to Respondent's orders: an intraveneous pyelogram (IVP) and voiding cystogram, chest x-ray, three "E.K.G.s", an SMA-18 (blood serum levels for eighteen different substances), a CRC, an echocardiogram, a 24-hour urinalysis for total protein, serum electrophoresis, a twenty-four hour urinalysis for catecholamine and methanephrine, a CT scan of the brain, a sinus series x-ray and cervical spine x-ray, an upper GI series, small bowel study, a cardiac isoenzyme profile and a plasma renin study. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 8) A voiding cystogram is a test used to check on the condition of the prostate. There was no indication in the records of patient F.L. of any prostate problem or complaint. Hence, there was no justification for the voiding cystogram which Respondent ordered for patient F.L. The upper G.I. series with small bowel follow-through, would be indicated if there is suspected small bowel obstruction or small bowel involvement. In Respondent's records for patient F.L., and the records pertaining to the hospitalization of F.L. at Pembroke Pines General Hospitals there is no indication that patient F.L. complained of or suffered from gastro-intestinal complaints. Therefore, the upper G.I. series with small bowel follow-through Respondent ordered was not justified. Additionally, the patient was admitted with cephalgia (headaches), and sinus x-rays and cervical spine x-rays were ordered. Sinus x-rays and/or cervical spine x-rays would be indicated where there was a history or indication of involvement of the sinus or cervical spine. Respondent's records for patient F.L. do not document any indication of involvement of the cervical spine and provide no history of sinus trouble. Accordingly, the cervical spine and sinus x-rays ordered by Respondent were neither indicated nor justified for patient F.L. C.P.K. enzymes are enzymes released into the bloodstream with damage of certain tissues in the body. Respondent ordered a cardiac isoenzyme profile to determine whether there was evidence of elevated C.P.K. enzymes and, therefore evidence of acute myocardial damage in patient F.L. However, patient F.L. displayed no symptoms which would justify performing this test. (With minor modifications to clarify the - finding and to conform to the record, FOF 9-11 adopt Petitioner's PFOF 9) On February 23, 1983, Respondent discharged patient F.L. with the following diagnoses: Cephalgia due to the presence of uncontrolled hypertension-diastolic, hyperuricemia, essential hypertension, neck pain secondary to cervical degenerative arthritis and chronic sinusitus condition, left maxilla. There was no justification in the records for patient F.L. which would establish uncontrolled hypertension, as a diagnosis, although Respondent's office records for patient F.L. do document the presence of hypertension in this patient and that numerous therapies were utilized unsuccessfully to control that hypertension. (With minor modifications to clarify the finding and to conform to the record, FOF 12 adopts Petitioner's PFOF 10) On August 31, 193, Respondent admitted patient F.L. for what Respondent described as a "mass of the left hemi- thorax" and labile hypertension. The mass was, in fact, a keloid or excess scar tissue which measured 2 centimeters at its greatest dimension. The records for patient F.L. provided a history of two previous resections of the same keloid. It constituted excessive, expensive and unnecessary hospitalization for Respondent to admit patient F.L. for removal of such a keloid, when that keloid could have been removed in the Respondent's office under local anesthesia. Also as a result of Respondent's decision to unnecessarily hospitalize patient F.L. for removal of a keloid, unnecessary pre-operative testing also was performed. This testing included a chest x-ray, an SKG, a complete blood count, an SMA 18, a urinalysis, and prothrombin dime or clotting tests. Respondent knew when he hospitalized patient F.L. for the surgical procedure of removal of a keloid that these pre-operative tests would be routinely performed. This constitutes inappropriate treatment. Since the history clearly indicated that the keloid, if removed, almost certainly would have reoccurred unless a plastic surgeon provided follow-up treatment to prevent the reformation of the keloid, its excision was unjustified. Accordingly, there was no justification for the admission of patient F.L. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital in August 1983. (Accepts, with modifications to reflect the record as a whole, Petitioner's PFOF 11-12). On September 2, 1983, Respondent discharged patient F.L. with the following diagnoses: keloid anterior chest wall, labile hypertension and anxiety reaction. Labile hypertension is hypertension that fluctuates erratically. This diagnosis was not supported by the hospital record for F.L. All blood pressure readings for the record for F.L., were constantly normal. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 13) On April 5, 1983, Respondent admitted patient J.G. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for acute low back syndrome and weakness of the right extremities. Patient J.G. was assigned medical records number 2693 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Respondent hospitalized patient J.G. for a period of three days. During this hospitalization of patient J.G., Respondent provided no significant therapy which would justify hospitalization. Respondent's treatment of Patient J.G. during hospitalization included orders for Robaxin, a muscle relaxant, Riopan Plus, an antacid, Paraon forte, a muscle relaxant, and Ducolax suppositories and Peri-colase capsules for constipation. Additionally, the patient was treated with traction for the three-day period. The patient was given pelvic traction of twenty pounds- with alternating periods of two hours with traction and two hours without traction. In order to be effective or beneficial, the traction should have been given over a much longer period of time. Finally, Respondent treated patient J.G. with K-pads or heat pads around the clock. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 14). On April 6; 1983, patient J.G. was seen by an orthopedic consultant, pursuant to Respondent's request. The consultant's impression of the patient's condition was of cervical spondylosis. The consultant's recommended plan of treatment included bed rest and oral anti-inflammatories. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 15). Respondent's entire work-up and evaluation of patient J.G.; including the orthopedic consultation, could have been performed as an outpatient. There was no justification for the admission of patient J.G. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 16). On October 10, 1982, Respondent admitted patient E.R. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for acute cephalgia and photophobia. Patient E.R. was assigned medical records number 4910 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. On admission, Respondent recorded a long-standing history of the patient suffering from headaches and chronic migraine syndrome. There was no justification for Respondent to admit patient E.B. for headaches, or for evaluation of these headaches. Respondent's migraine headaches might reasonably have been addressed by an initial referral to a neurologist on an outpatient basis. This was not done. (With elimination of subordinate and unnecessary material and as modified to more closely conform to the record as a whole, this FOF covers Petitioner's PFOF 17.) During the hospitalization of E.R., Respondent ordered a number of tests including two electrocardiograms, a CT scan of the brain, chest x-ray; sinus x-ray; mastoids x-rays; x-rays of the sella turcica and cervical spines, a bilateral mammogram, a CT scan of pituitary gland, a tomogram of the sella turcica, a platelet count, serum protein electrophoresis, CEA-EIA Enzyme Immunoassay, an SMA 12, Vitamin B12 and Folate serum levels, and progesterone levels. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 18). The testing ordered by Respondent for E.R. was excessive. For example, Respondent ordered a CT scan of the brain which adequately views the sinuses and the sella turcica. Therefore the further x-rays of the sinuses, mastoids and sella turcica and a tomagram of the sella turcica, were unnecessary and excessive. No other indicators, i.e. vision disturbances, independently justified Respondent's ordering the tomagrams. A C.E.A.-E.I.A. Enzyme Immunoassay was ordered, despite the fact that it was not indicated by either the patient history or the recorded physical examination results. A C.E.A.- E.I.A. Enzyme Immunoassay is a test for cancer of the stomach. (With elimination of cumulative and subordinate material, adopts Petitioner's PFOF 19). On May 8, 1983, Respondent admitted patient E.P. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for evaluation and treatment of a gastrointestinal disorder, weakness and shortness of breath. E.P. was assigned medical records number 4924. Respondent ordered the following testing which was performed on patient E.P.: two CBCs, SMA-18, two urinalyses, CT scan of kidneys, barium enema, a GI series and small bowel follow-through, an intraveneous pyelogram a voiding cytourethrogram a platelet count, serum protein electrophoresis, a urine culture and a stool culture. There was no indication for Respondent to order the upper G.I. series and small bowel follow-through for patient E.P. The records demonstrate insufficient justification for the admission of patient E.P. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital on May 8, 1983; the final discharge diagnoses show hospitalization was unnecessary. On May 12, 1983, Respondent discharged patient E.P. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with the following diagnosis: gastrointestinal disorder due to diverticulosis of the colon gastritis, and anxiety state reaction. Of these diagnoses, only the final diagnosis is possibly correct. Although an air contrast barium enema showed a few tiny scattered diverticuli within the distribution of the left colon, there was no support for Respondent's assertion that the diverticuli were the cause of a gastrointestinal disorder. The diagnosis of gastritis refers to an irritation of the stomach. This diagnosis is not supported either by the results of the upper G.I. series which were normal nor by x-rays of the stomach, which were also normal. (With modifications to more accurately reflect the record as a whole, this FOF accepts Petitioner's PFOF 21-23). On April 20, 1983, Respondent admitted O.A. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. O.A. was assigned medical records number 5800. Petitioner established no violations by Respondent with regard to this patient. (Covers Petitioner's PFOF 24). On September 20; 1982, Respondent admitted patient R.R. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Patient R.R. was assigned medical records number 5940. Petitioner established no violations by Respondent with regard to this patient. (Covers Petitioner's PFOF 25). On April 12, 1983, Respondent admitted to Pembroke Pines General Hospital a patient who was assigned medical records number 9235. The patient was admitted for acute abdominal pain on the right lower side. The patient was suffering from a hematoma, a collection of blood in the tissue. Most probably the patient had developed a hematoma of the rectus muscle as a result of coughing, because the patient's history revealed a severe upper respiratory infection accompanied by a cough. A surgical consultation prior to hospital admission would have revealed this condition and rendered hospital admission unnecessary; because the standards of the medical profession indicate that the hematoma should have been treated conservatively (i.e. no treatment was indicated). No testing should have been necessary, if a consultation had been sought. However, Respondent hospitalized the patient, ordered a chest x- ray, a pelvic sonogram and a barium enema. Neither the barium enema nor the pelvic sonogram would have been indicated if the patient had been seen by a consultant prior to ordering the tests. The patient was ultimately discharged on April 14, 1983 therefore, the hospitalization was unnecessary. (Adopts, with clarifying modification, Petitioner's PFOF 26-27). On March 29, 1983, Respondent admitted patient R.S. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Patient R.S. was assigned medical records number 9479 at Pembroke Pines General Hospital. No evidence was presented by Petitioner as to the propriety or necessity for the admission or the testing performed during the hospitalization of the discharge diagnoses. (With elimination of unnecessary material, this FOF adopts Petitioner's PFOF 28). On October 10, 1982, Respondent admitted patient K.G. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The patient was assigned medical records number 9540 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. This twenty-three year old female was admitted with diagnoses of gastro-intestinal disorder and menstrual period disorder. The patient remained in the hospital for a period of three days. During the hospitalization, Respondent ordered the following tests: chest x-rays of sella turcica, a barium enema, pelvic sonogram; an EKG, an upper G.I. series with small bowel follow-through- a urinalysis, a platelet count, serum glucose levels (four); SMA 12, urine culture and colony count, progesterone levels, S Follicle- stimulating hormone levels and total estrogen levels. The x-rays of the sella turcica would be indicated where a pituitary tumor is suspected, but there was no indication that a pituitary disorder was suspected other than a vague reference to a menstrual disorder (which was never described in the records for patient K.G.). Therefore, this test was unnecessary. Although a barium enema was ordered, there was no description of pain or any disorder of the bowel and no indication of bowel changes which would indicate any disease of the colon. Therefore, the barium enema was not justified. Although the records reflect at least vague indications for ordering the upper GI series, the small bowel follow-through was not justified. Additionally, one isolated estrogen level was ordered. This was inappropriate because the test results would only be meaningful if a series of estrogen levels were obtained to determine the response curve of the ovaries. Therefore, "inappropriate" in this case means "unnecessary." The hospital admission of patient K.G. also was not appropriate. The entire evaluation could have been carried out by a gynecologist on an outpatient basis. No initial, pre-hospitalization referral to a gynecologist was reflected in Respondent's records. The patient was discharged on October 13, 1982, with the following diagnoses: abnormal menstrual periods due to left ovary cyst and abnormal pain due to mild gastritis associated with mild anxiety stage reaction. On his discharge summary for patient K.G., Respondent noted "all this information was given to the patient and was advised the patient to be seen by gynecologist for further result." Respondent's records further corroborated that the hospitalization was unjustified and unnecessary. (Covers Petitioner's PFOF 29-31) On August 4, 1982, Respondent admitted patient L.M. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for treatment of "acute phlebitis". The patient was assigned medical records number 6965 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The patient was hospitalized for a period of thirteen days. Phlebitis is an inflammatory reaction of the vein(s). It is very important that the diagnosis be correct; because, with phlebitis, emboli or clots can break off and travel through the blood to the lungs. It is diagnosed clinically by history and by physical examination. On physical examination, the symptoms of phlebitis include the presence of swelling in the involved leg and the positive "Homan's sign." "Homan's sign" is the term used to describe the pain present from an inflamed deep vein, which pain is experienced when the leg is extended straight out and the foot is dorsiflexed or pushed back towards the leg placing stress on the calf muscle. Radiographically a venogram may be used to confirm or rule out the existence of phlebitis. A venogram is a test involving the injection of dye into the veins of the foot followed by an x-ray examination of those vessels. The records for patient L.M. do not contain adequate documentation of a physical examination of patient L.M. to establish the diagnosis of phlebitis. Thus, the patient may have had phlebitis, there were no adequate descriptions of the status of the right leg recorded in the patient records for L.M. Specifically, there is no mention of Homan's sign and there was no mention of any measurement of the patient's calves to determine whether there was swelling in the involved leg. Without a more thorough physical examination, Respondent should have performed a venogram to confirm the diagnosis. This was not done with patient L.M. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 32-34). While patient L.M. was hospitalized, Respondent treated the patient's unconfirmed phlebitis with Heparin (an anti-coagulent) intravenously. The patient remained on Heparin until August 15; 1982. On August 15, 1982, Respondent additionally ordered Coumadin, which is also an anti-coagulent, to be given to patient L.M. Respondent ordered Coumadin 5 mg. to be given by mouth at 6:00 p.m. (to be started on August 15, 1982)), and at 10:00 a.m. (to be started on August 16, 1982). Respondent's order provided that if the P.T. (prothrombin time) was twenty-five seconds, to hold the Coumadin. The normal prothrombin time is in the range of eleven to thirteen seconds. The dose of Coumadin given was inadequate to anti-coagulate the patient. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 35). On the day prior to discharge of L.M., Respondent wrote the following order: "If (patient) is below 20-tomorrow- and over 11.0. (patient) may be discharge(d)..." For the Coumadin to be effective (i.e. in order to have an adequate anti-coagulant effect from the Coumadin), the prothrombin time should have been above twenty prior to discharge. The prothrombin time on discharge was 12.9 seconds. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 36). From the hospital records for patient L.M. and the Doctor's orders for that patient there is adequate basis for the expert testimony that Respondent does not understand the therapeutic effect of Coumadin or its dosages. (Covers Petitioner's PFOF 37). On August 17, 1982; Respondent discharged patient L.M. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with the following diagnoses: acute phlebitis of the right leg, anxiety stage reaction and migraine syndrome headaches. As discussed previously, the diagnosis of phlebitis cannot be substantiated from the records. Additionally, the records contain no documentation for the diagnosis of migraine syndrome headaches. (With the elimination of unnecessary material, this FOF adopts Petitioner's PFOF 38). On August 9, 1982, Respondent admitted patient M.A. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for abdominal pain and a gastrointestinal disorder. This patient was assigned number 7448. The documentation of the history and physical examination for patient M.A. was significantly lacking. Patient M.A. was hospitalized for a period of three days. During that three-day period of hospitalization, the following tests were performed on M.A. pursuant to Respondent's orders: an E.K.G., a chest x-ray, an abdominal sonogram, a barium enema, a CRC, a urinalysis, a coagulation test and platelet count, fasting and non-fasting glucose levels (a total of six) SMA 12, a routine stool culture and a colonoscopy. All of the testing performed on patient M.A. could have been performed on an out-patient basis. There was no justification for admission of M.A. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital on August 9; 1982, or for the length of stay. Additionally, Respondent ordered the abdominal sonogram on patient M.A. without any indication for the test, which was unnecessary. This abdominal sonogram was used to view the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. However, there was no indication that M.A. experienced any problems with these organs. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 39-40). On admission, Respondent ordered that Diabenese 500 mg. (a glycogenic drug which will reduce the blood glucose levels and is normally used in the treatment of diabetes) be given by mouth daily. Additionally, Respondent ordered that the patient be given insulin on a sliding scale. Insulin is also normally used in the treatment of diabetes. However, diabetes was not listed as a diagnosis on discharge. The hospital chart provides no documentation for the use of Diabenese or the insulin. All glucose levels taken on this patient were within normal limits during the August 1982 hospitalization, and these eliminate any justification for the use of Diabenese or insulin for diabetes unrecorded. (As modified for clarity and to add the inference drawn by the undersigned from the evidence, this FOF adopts Petitioner's PFOF 41). On August 12; 1982, Respondent discharged patient M.A. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with the following diagnoses: gastrointestinal disorder, abdominal pain secondary to several small diverticula of the left side of the colon, villous adenoma of the sigmoid colon, sinus bradycardia condition and essential hypertension. Several of Respondent's discharge diagnoses were either incorrect or not documented in the records for patient M.A. Sinus bradycardia is a very slow pulse rate. The pulses recorded for patient M.A. during hospitalization were 80, 68, 64, 68, 74 and 70 beats per minute, and were all within normal ranges. On one E.K.G. a notation was made that the pulse rate was slow. However, given the persistently normal pulse rates throughout the patient chart, the diagnosis of sinus bradycardia was incorrect. Additionally, Respondent's diagnosis of essential hypertension was incorrect. Essential hypertension means that type of hypertension for which there is no known cause. All of the blood pressure readings present in the hospital chart for M.A. were normal. Furthermore, the patient was taking no anti-hypertensive agents. Therefore, Respondent's diagnosis of essential hypertension in patient M.A. was also incorrect. Only one of Respondent's discharge diagnoses for patient M.A. was justified by use records for that patient, that of villous adenoma of sigmoid colon. This diagnosis was initially made by a consultant. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 42- 44). On March 22, 1983, Respondent admitted patient E.S. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for abdominal pain with possible biliary disorders. The patient was assigned number 7917 and was hospitalized for a period of fourteen days. During that hospitalization, the following tests were performed on patient E.S., pursuant to Respondent's orders: an EKG, cervical spine x-rays; a voiding cystourethrogram and intravenous pyelogram, gallbladder sonogram; chest x-ray, an echocardiogram, a barium enema, an upper G.I. series, an oral cholestogram, small bowel series, sonogram of the thyroid glands an air contrast barium enema, a CRC, urinalysis, platelet count, glucose levels (a total of nine), SMA 12, a glucose tolerance test, an SMA 8, which included a serum glucose level, two routine stool cultures, a Thyroid profile, a two-hour post prandial blood sugar, 24 hour urine creatinine levels, insulin levels, by radioimmunoassay, and a Parathyroid hormone study. Much of the testing performed on E.S. during the hospitalization was excessive or unnecessary. Those tests that were indicated could have been performed on an out-patient basis. The insulin level by radioimmunoassay is indicated where secreting tumors of the pancreas are suspected. There was no indication in the records of patient E.S. that such a tumor was present. The intraveneous pyelogram is indicated where kidney disease is suspected. There was no indication in E.S.'s records that kidney disease was suspected or present. A sonogram of the thyroid is indicated where there is a palpable mass of the thyroid. In the records for patient E.S. there is no record of a palpable mass. In the records for patient E.S., the thyroid was described as mildly to moderately enlarged. However, there was no description of a mass or venous distention, and the carotid pulses are present. Therefore, it would appear unlikely that a mass was present. Accordingly, there was no indication for a sonogram of the thyroid gland. After performing a sonogram of the gall bladder (for which there was no indication) which yielded normal findings, Respondent ordered a cholecystogram. This latter test involves the oral consumption of a dye which is then excreted into the gallbladder so that the gallbladder can be viewed by x-ray. The test is used to determine if there are any filling defects in the gallbladder. In view of the normal gallbladder sonogram which had already been performed on patient E.S., it was excessive to additionally order the cholecystogram. There was no indication for performing a small bowel series on this patient. It was excessive to order and perform nine glucose levels where all of the levels obtained were within normal ranges. Respondent performed no real therapy on patient E.S. during the above-described hospitalization. The hospitalization was for diagnostic purposes. On April 5, 1983, Respondent discharged patient E.S. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with the following diagnoses: diverticulosis of the sigmoid and descending colon, borderline diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia, enlarged thyroid gland with hypofunctioning, diverticulum of the bladder and essential hypertension. The diagnosis "borderline diabetes mellitus," wads not justified by the patient's chart since all glucose levels found in the patient's chart were within normal ranges. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 45-47). On September 17, 1982, and on May 10, 1983, Respondent admitted patient A.W. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The patient was assigned medical records number 2966 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Petitioner established no violations with regard to this patient. (Covers Petitioner's PFOF 48). On October 6, 1982, Respondent admitted A.P. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for a possible angina attack and a possible myocardial injury attack. Patient A.P. was assigned medical records number 8000 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Despite the fact that angina was suspected, Respondent failed to obtain a cardiac consultation during the October 1982 hospitalization of A.P. During the hospitalization of patient A.P., four chest x-rays and one CT Scan of the chest were performed pursuant to Respondent's orders. These tests revealed two areas of increased density in the left chest which were characterized as "masses." The recommendation made by the radiologists who reviewed the x-rays and the CT Scan was that further evaluation was necessary. Despite this recommendation, no further evaluation was performed in the hospital and no plan of follow-up or referral was included in the discharge summary prepared by Respondent. The importance of such documentation on "follow-up" is that it shows that the physician is aware of the problem and assures that the patient will be properly managed. From the records for A.P., it is impossible to determine whether or not Respondent planned proper management of the "masses" after discharge of the patient. (As modified to conform to the record as a whole- this FOF accepts Petitioner's PFOF 49-50). On October 23, 1982, Respondent discharged patient A.P. from Pembroke Pines General Hospital with several discharge diagnoses including the diagnosis of sliding hiatus[sic] hernia with gastroesophageal reflux. This diagnosis was not supported by the records for the patient. The hiatus is the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes into the stomach and should fit very snugly. In the case of a hiatal hernia, due to the increase of intra- abdominal pressure, a portion of the stomach slips through that opening and slides back and forth. Most commonly, if the patient is lying down, and particularly if the patient has had a sizable food intake immediately prior to lying down, the weight of the food will carry the stomach up into the abdomen. This is the disorder which Respondent diagnosed in patient A.P. The disorder is properly diagnosed by x-ray, specifically an upper G.I. series, Respondent did not order one. Respondent did order an upper abdominal sonogram and chest x- rays, neither of which would or did verify the existence of a sliding hiatal hernia with gastroesophageal reflux. Accordingly, Respondent's diagnosis was not substantiated. (As modified for clarity and to include the inferences of the undersigned, this FOF adopts Petitioner's PFOF -51). On July 1, 1983, Respondent admitted patient T.S. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital. Patient T.S. was assigned medical records number 9478 by Pembroke Pines General Hospital. The patient was admitted for acute right renal attack and remained in the hospital for a period of six days. On the patient's history, Respondent noted that his impression diagnosis was sinus bradycardia as a secondary problem. Respondent's evaluation of the cardiac status of the patient included ordering the following tests: three E.K.G.'s all of which were abnormal, indicating a previous myocardial infraction of indeterminate age, and a cardiac profile. In Respondent's Discharge for patient T.S., Respondent wrote: On admission, the patient was seen and examined by the ER physician, and after examination was accomplished the patient was admitted to the Telemetry Unit due to the previous history of organic heart disorder and having cardiac arrythmias. The patient was also complaining of chest pain at this time... Despite the above information, Respondent failed to obtain a cardiac "consult" for patient T.S. Furthermore, the cardiac status for the patient was never adequately evaluated. This does not meet the prevailing standards of the medical profession. (Adopts and expands Petitioner's PFOF 52-53). On July 2; 1983, an intraveneous pyelogram (IVP) was performed on patient T.S. pursuant to Respondent's order. The IVP revealed distal right ureteral calculus (or a kidney stone), which was the cause of the patient's renal (kidney) attack. Once the diagnosis of renal calculus was established, patient T.S. should have been discharged. Any remaining pain could be controlled with oral medication. However, instead of discharging the patient, Respondent kept the patient in the hospital for five extra days without adequate justification in the records. (Adopts and expands Petitioner's PFOF 54-55). While patient T.S. was hospitalized, Respondent ordered the following unnecessary or excessive testing: Lanoxin serum levels, quinidine serum levels, and a second IVP. The Lanoxin and quinidine levels would be indicated where it was necessary to monitor the levels of those drugs in the blood. However, the chart for patient T.S. contained no documentation that either quinidine or lanoxin were being administered to the patient, and, therefore, these tests were inappropriate. The second IVP was excessive testing because the first IVP provided all of the information sought by the second IVP, and the diagnosis was established on the original IVP. The hospitalization of patient T.S. was excessive in length and probably should have been no more that two days. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 56-57). On October 29, 1982, Respondent admitted patient D.S. to Pembroke Pines General Hospital for a hypertensive crisis and cardiomegaly. Petitioner established no violations with regardo this patient; who was assigned records number 0905. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 5). In general, the unrefuted expert testimony supports a finding that with respect to all of the records previously described, excluding patients O.A., R.R., R.S., A.W., and D.S., the admission notes and discharge summaries were not coherent. The undersigned accepts the expert testimony of Dr. Ehrlich that a large part of this lack of coherency is probably due to Respondent's inability to communicate in English with proficiency and fluency. However, the undersigned finds upon the expert opinion testimony of both Dr. Handworker and Dr. Ehrlich that these records of Respondent were additionally medically deficient as reflected in the foregoing findings of fact, in that Respondent's records failed to include pertinent necessary historical data that would be indicated, and Respondent failed, in his discharge summaries, specifically, to address the need for follow-up care. (Adopts, with modifications for clarity, Petitioner's PFOF 59). The refuted expert testimony is that with reference to two patients, M.A. and L.M., Respondent's records were not sufficient to justify the treatment of the patient. With respect to patient M.A., there was a significant lack of documented history and physical examination. With respect to patient L.M.; there was inadequate documentation of the clinical history and physical examination results, or of pertinent laboratory testing (venogram) to show that the patient, in fact, had phlebitis. Therefore, there was inadequate documentation for administering anti-coagulants to this patient. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 60). The unrefuted expert testimony is based only upon review of records. Neither testifying physician treated any patient referenced. In the case of at least one patient, the name is difficult even to determine. However, it is clear that in many instances; Respondent's records contained inadequate information to justify admission of the patients to the hospital, particularly with respect to patients C.M. (6893), F.L. (4144), J.G. (2693), E.R. (4910), E.P. (4924), 9235, K.G. (9540), M.A. (7448), and E.S. (7917). In many instances; Respondent's records were inadequate to justify many of the diagnoses which were made by Respondent. Specifically, the records for patient C.M. (6893), F.L. (4144), E.P. (4924), L.M. (6965); M.A. (7448), and E.S. (7917), did not contain justification for many of the diagnoses made by Respondent. In many instances, the records were not adequate to justify all of the testing performed, particularly those records for F.L. (4144), E.R. (4910), Patient No. 9235, K.G. (9540), M.A. (7448), E.S. (7917) and T.S. (9478). In two instances; with respect to patients M.A. (7448) and T.S. (9478); Respondent's records were inadequate to justify the length of the hospital stay. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 61). In many instances, Respondent unnecessarily admitted patients. By admitting patients unnecessarily and for excessive periods of time, Respondent benefited from the daily charge which he could assess for seeing the patient while hospitalized and it is possible to infer therefrom that this amounts to exploitation of patients C.M. (6893), F.L. (4144), J.G. (2693), E.R. (4910), E.P. (4024), Patient No. 9235, K.G. (9540), M.A. (7448), and E.S. (7917) for the financial gain of the Respondent. However, without some further evidence of malicious intent above and beyond mere incompetency, the undersigned views the evidence insufficient to draw such an inference. (For the reasons stated herein, Petitioner's PFOF 62 is rejected). Then Respondent unnecessarily or excessively tested patients [Specifically, patients F.L. (4144), E.R. (4910), E.P. (4924); Patient No. 9235, K.G. (9540), M.A. (7448), E.S. (7917) and T.S. (9478)], the patients or their insurance companies were required to pay the hospital for these tests which should not have been performed. However, without some evidence of conspiracy or something more than mere incompetency, the undersigned does not view the evidence as sufficient to draw such an inference. Without more than appears in this record, it is not logical to assume that Dr. Gonzalez benignly set out to profit Pembroke Pines General Hospital out of the "goodness" or "badness" of his heart. Further, the very fact that he fairly consistently avoided consultations with specialists suggests that this Respondent was not intending to enrich any third parties. (For the reasons stated herein, Petitioner's PFOF 63 is rejected). Respondent failed with respect to all of the above-named patients (excluding R.R., D.S., A.W., R.S., and O.A.) to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized as acceptable by a reasonably prudent similar physician under similar conditions and circumstances when he: admitted patients without justification; unnecessarily and inappropriately ordered tests for the patients which were not indicated by the patient's symptomatology; incorrectly diagnosed and conditions of patients he treated; inadequately documented the need for admission to the hospital and testing, inadequately documented the justification for his diagnoses and inadequately documented follow-up care; inappropriately prescribed Coumadin for patient L.M.; and excessively hospitalized two patients. (Adopts Petitioner's first PFOF 64). Respondents for the reasons previously enumerated failed to practice medicine within the prevailing standards of practice in the community. (Adopts Petitioner's second PFOF 64). Diagnoses are of great significance in a patient's care. They impact on the future well-being of the patient. Respondent, with respect to the records reflected above, failed to demonstrate adequate diagnostic ability. (Adopts Petitioner's PFOF 65).

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is therefore RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(n) and (t), Florida Statutes (Counts One and Two),and not guilty of violating Sections 458.331(1)(1) and (o)(Counts Three and Four), and suspending Respondent's license to practice medicine for a minimum of three years, with reinstatement conditioned upon proof of attendance and successful completion of courses selected by the Board of Medicine related to diagnosis and necessary record keeping. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 31st day of July, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Stephanie A. Daniel Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Robert A. Gonzalez, Jr. 1900 North Univeristy Drive Suite 110 Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 Van Poole Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Joseph A. Soled Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 120.57455.225458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Sep. 06, 1990 Number: 90-005707 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the Administrative Complaint, Dr. Turner has been licensed as a chiropractor in the State of Florida, holding license CH 1454. He has maintained offices as a chiropractic physician at 7650 South U.S. Highway One, Fort Pierce, Florida 34952 since May 19, 1985. Prior Discipline The Board of Chiropractic Examiners has maintained other prosecutions against Dr. Turner. On August 28, 1972 a Final Order was entered revoking Dr. Turner's license for solicitation for prostitution and giving oral medication and injections to a person, but his licensure was reinstated by Order dated September 11, 1974. Thereafter, on July 14, 1977, his licensure was revoked for a second time. Although the Administrative Complaint which had been filed in the second prosecution had alleged sexual misconduct towards patients and staff, those charges were not sustained. The revocation was imposed for obtaining prescriptions for narcotics, stimulants or habit-forming drugs under false pretenses from medical doctors and dentists in an amount so large as to show either drug abuse by Dr. Turner or the offering and administration of drugs to patients, employees, or other persons without lawful authority to do so. Ultimately, Dr. Turner was relicensed, and reestablished his practice in 1985. Alteration of Records The applicable paragraph of the Administrative Complaint alleges that On or about October 25, 1989 a former employee of the Respondent issued a sworn statement, to the State Attorney's Office. In her statement the former employee stated that the Respondent had her change her therapist's notes on a patient to reflect that certain treatments were not being used. The former employee also stated in this interview that the Respondent frequently had her and "other employees" change patient notes in order to mislead future "attorneys" reviewing said notes. Turner hired Debbie Corderre as a therapist and staff member in 1987, and she remained in his employ into 1989. One of the patients to whom she provided therapy was patient E.M. The physical therapists in Dr. Turner's office are not persons who are graduates of a physical therapy school approved for the educational preparation of physical therapists by an accrediting agency recognized by the Council on Post-Secondary Accreditation or who have passed an examination administered by the Department of Professional Regulation to determine fitness to practice as a physical therapist. See Section 486.031 Florida Statutes (1989). Rather, they are persons who have received brief on-the-job training of two weeks or so to provide such therapy as might be ordered by Dr. Turner as part of his office practice. Ms. Corderre testified that Dr. Turner had ordered her to alter the medical records of E.M. to remove diathermy as a therapy given. Diathermy is the heating of body tissues due to their resistance to the passage of high- frequency electromagnetic radiation, electric currents, or ultrasonic waves. (Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 26th Edition 1985). The office therapies included massage, traction, electric muscle stimulation, the use of hot packs and ultrasound treatment. Electric muscle stimulation and ultrasound treatment involved the use of a machine with pads; gel was put on the patient and the pads were attached. Ultrasound was performed using the same machine; lotion was placed on the patient and an instrument attached to the machine was rubbed over the body part being treated. How these treatments differ from diathermy, or what constituted diathermy at Dr. Turner's office, was never adequately explained at the hearing. The office notes maintained for Dr. Turner's patients were broken into four sections, each of which were identical, and permitted notes to be made for four separate visits on one sheet. The notes for each individual visit was made up of five parts. The first included a space for the date and abbreviations for the different therapies next to which a check mark could be placed. These spaces were checked off by therapists for billing purposes. None of these spaces ever were checked in any of the extant records for patient E.M. Below the abbreviations was a larger space for therapists notes, in which the therapist would write the therapy provided to the patient during that visit. Below the therapist's note area was a space of equal size containing the acronym SOAP, in which Dr. Turner would make his notes when he saw the patient, after his therapist had already completed the therapy. The fourth portion of the record of a visit is a line to note any material dispensed to the patient during the visit, and the fifth portion is a line to note any X-rays that may have been taken. In none of the records for patient E.M. have any of the abbreviations for any of the different types of therapy been checked off, even though Dr. Turner maintains that these notes are the source of billing information (Tr. 240-41). It is incomprehensible that from the period October 27, 1987 through April 12, 1988, over a total of 59 visits, that a therapist never correctly filled out the portion of the patient record which another employee would need in order to render a bill for the service provided that day. By way of contrast, however, the records for another patient entered into evidence, B.S., do for the most part, have check marks in that portion of the record for a visit which would be useful for billing. The inference which is drawn from the absence of any billing entries in the records for patient E.M. over so long a period of time is that the records which purport to be the contemporaneous records for E.M. are in fact records generated after the fact by the therapist, Debbie Corderre at the instruction of Dr. Turner. Dr. Turner's contention that Ms. Corderre failed to keep appropriate records is rejected. Ms. Corderre testified that Dr. Turner had instructed her to remove reference to diathermy given to patient E.M. Dr. Turner counters by noting that the insurance claim forms submitted by his office on behalf of patient E.M. to the Workers Compensation insurance carrier for E. M.'s employer never showed that diathermy was administered. Dr. Turner argues that Ms. Corderre's testimony must be wrong, for the insurance billings would have shown a charge for diathermy, if the testimony of Ms. Corderre were correct. Dr. Turner's point is well taken, but it does not negate the core of Ms. Corderre's testimony. Ms. Corderre had told the State Attorney's office before the hearing that she thought Dr. Turner had instructed her to change the records to remove any reference to having provided patient E.M. with ultrasound therapy. Based upon all the evidence I find that the records for patient E.M. were changed by Ms. Corderre in some significant way at the direction of Dr. Turner. Because the original records were necessarily lost, and all that remains are revised records, it is not possible to determine with certainty in what way the records were altered. On this aspect of her testimony the recollection of Ms. Corderre is faulty. Her testimony that she changed all records for patient E.M. is persuasive, and the absence of any entry in the portion of the records used for billing reinforces this conclusion. Why Dr. Turner wanted to have the records changed and the manner in which he told Ms. Corderre to change them are not particularly significant. Dr. Turner regarded the change as sufficiently important to have Ms. Corderre spend almost a full day of filling out the newly created records. He then manufactured what are supposed to be contemporaneous entries of his own in the portion of the records which are his notes (the SOAP notes). Improper Sexual Touching of a Patient Dr. Turner employed Brenda Stanley, who later became Brenda Sika by marriage, during the period August 1988 to 1989. She was trained as a physical therapist at the office. About a month after she was employed, in September 1988, Brenda Sika was injured in an automobile accident, and had gone to the hospital emergency room. She discussed her condition and her need for treatment with Dr. Turner, who agreed to examine her and treat her. Dr. Turner first saw Brenda Sika as a patient on September 13, 1988. Ms. Sika's principle complaints included back pain over the whole back, but which was worse in the lower back; neck pain, and ankle pain, all of which had resulted from the automobile accident. She also had bruising and tenderness of her chest due to the action of her seat belt in the accident. Ms. Sika contends that while she was lying on her stomach in a treatment room on several occasions Dr. Turner had placed his hand on her ankle, and slid it up until his hand was on her buttocks, and that on one occasion he had placed his hands between her legs while she was lying face down, with the inside of his hands on the inside of her legs and his thumb on the outside. She also alleged that on the Sunday following the initial visit on September 13, she sought additional treatment from Dr. Turner, and in the course of that treatment he requested her to remove her bra, remained in the room while she undressed, and afterwards asked her to stretch out her arms, after which he felt her breasts, including placing his hand around the fleshy part of her breasts. Finally, Ms. Sika alleges that while in the X-ray room, Dr. Turner asked to check if her groin muscle had been pulled, and in the process used his thumb and index finger to squeeze or grip her in the groin. It is difficult to accept the contention that Dr. Turner had engaged in inappropriate and unwarranted sexual touching of Ms. Sika's breasts, buttocks or groin area, in view of the continuing employment relationship. Ms. Sika had only recently been hired when she was injured. It seems unlikely that she would have remained in the employ of someone who had engaged in lecherous touching while she was supposedly being treated. She remained an employee of Dr. Stanley for a substantial amount of time, and only left that employment when she went to Michigan for her wedding. What is more significant, however, is that after she returned to Florida following her wedding, she decided to return to employment with Dr. Turner (Tr. 75). Ms. Sika did not tell other employees such as Deborah Coderre or Tammy Prescott that Dr. Turner had engaged in unwarranted sexual advances or made sexual innunendoes to her at the office. With respect to the accusation of fondling of a breast, after the accident Dr. Turner had conducted an examination which included palpation in the area of the rib cage underneath the breast, where there was a bruise caused by the seatbelt in Ms. Sika's car. That sort of touching in an area of complaint is appropriate. The charge with respect to running Dr. Turner's hands from the ankle to the buttocks is unconvincing. Attempting to determine whether there was involvement of a groin muscle would be appropriate, but the description of the examination given by Ms. Sika would have constituted inappropriate conduct, had the examination occurred as described. As stated above, given her continued employment, and reemployment after she had left work with Dr. Tuner at the time of her wedding, the evidence of sexual misconduct is not convincing.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board of Chiropractic enter a final order revoking the licensure of Dr. Turner, without right of reinstatement or relicensure. RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 9th day of November, 1990. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of November, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER DOAH CASE NO. 90-5707 Rulings on the proposed findings by the Department: Adopted in Finding 1. Adopted in Finding 1. Adopted in Finding 4. Adopted in Finding 4. Adopted in Finding 9. Recounted in Finding 6, but the testimony that the alteration was to remove diathermy is not accepted. Rejected as unnecessary, because not within in the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Rejected as unnecessary, because not within the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Rejected as unnecessary, because not within the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Rejected as unnecessary, because not within the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Rejected as unnecessary, because not within the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Rejected because the testimony was not sufficiently specific to establish that other medical records were altered. The testimony with respect to patient E.M. is sufficiently specific. Rejected because the testimony was not sufficiently specific with respect to alteration of records other than those of E.M. Moreover, the charge made in paragraph 3 is not one with respect to purposeful mis-billing. See, Finding 3. See, ruling on Finding 13. Adopted in Finding 12. Adopted in Finding 13. Adopted in Finding 13. Adopted in Finding 14. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony is recounted in Finding 15. The testimony recounted in Findings 19-27 is rejected for the reasons stated in Finding 16. Included in Finding 14. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as irrelevant to the allegations of the Administrative Complaint. Adopted in Finding 2. Rulings on findings proposed by Dr. Turner: Adopted in Finding 1. Adopted in Finding 1. Rejected as unnecessary, because Dr. Turner's skills are not at issue. Rejected as unnecessary, because Dr. Turner's skills are not at issue. Rejected as unnecessary, because Dr. Turner's skills are not at issue. Rejected as unnecessary, because Dr. Turner's skills are not at issue. Adopted in Finding 12. Adopted in Finding 13. 9 and 10. Rejected as irrelevant. Rejected as unnecessary. Generally accepted for the reasons given in Finding 16. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Finding 16. Adopted in Finding 17. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. To the extent necessary, adopted in Finding 17. Generally adopted in Finding 17. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. To the extent persuasive, these arguments are covered in Findings 16 and 17. Accepted in Finding 17. Adopted in Finding 4. Generally rejected as a recitation of testimony, and because the argument that Dr. Turner had not required Ms. Corderre to change records of diathermy is accepted, but the argument that Dr. Turner did not instruct Ms. Corderre to make some significant changes in E. M.'s record is rejected. The testimony is recounted in Finding 10. Rejected as unnecessary. What is significant is that Ms. Corderre changed records at the direction of the doctor, the exact nature of the change is not essential. See, Finding 11. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary; any motivation Ms. Corderre might have had to be untruthful has been considered in evaluating her testimony. Rejected as unnecessary, any motivation Ms. Corderre might have had to be untruthful has been considered in evaluating her testimony. Rejected as unnecessary, any motivation Ms. Corderre might have had to be untruthful has been considered in evaluating her testimony. Accepted in that the only findings made with respect to Dr. Turner's conducts are made with respect to the records of E.M. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected. I have accepted most of the testimony of Ms. Corderre. Rejected as unnecessary. No "Taylor" case is at issue here. Rejected. See, especially Finding 9. Rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia Guilford, Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Board of Chiropractic 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Kenneth E. Easley, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Michael A. Mone', Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Elizabeth R. Alsobrook, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Harold M. Braxton, Esquire 9100 South Dadeland Boulevard Suite 400 Miami, FL 33156-7115 Donald C. Dowling, Esquire 501 East Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483

Florida Laws (7) 120.54120.60120.68403.413460.412460.413486.031
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Jan. 31, 2014 Number: 14-000515PL Latest Update: Jan. 09, 2015
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