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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001130RX Latest Update: Oct. 07, 1983

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a hospital licensed by the State of Florida and is located in Jacksonville, Florida. Respondent, the affected state agency, as defined in Subsection 120.52(1), Florida Statutes, is responsible for the regulation of health care facilities, to include Petitioner. The Department also considers the question of provision of additional health care in the community through its certificate of need program. Intervenor has made application to provide ambulatory surgery in Duval County, Florida, through a freestanding surgery center. Jacksonville, Florida, is in Duval County. This case is part of a consolidated hearing process and is the companion matter to Saint Vincent's Medical Center, Petitioner v. State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Ambulatory Care - Duval Development Corp., d/b/a Jacksonville Surgical Center - Ambulatory Surgical Center, Respondents, D.O.A.H. Case No. 83-337 and Riverside Hospital, Petitioner v. State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and Ambulatory Care - Duval Development Corp. d/b/a Jacksonville Surgical Center - Ambulatory Surgical Center, Respondents, D.O.A.H. Case No. 83-482. The first three days of the hearing were conducted on the dates alluded to in this order. That presentation was transcribed. In addition, deposition testimony was presented and accepted as part of the record in this matter. The campanion cases concern the propriety of the grant of a certificate of need to the Intervenor in this cause to allow construction and operation of a freestanding ambulatory surgery center which would be used for performing outpatient surgeries. At all times relevant to this case, Saint Vincent's had a department in which outpatient surgical procedures were performed and are expected to be performed in the future. With the advent of the establishment of the Intervenor's facility, that health care unit will be in competition with Petitioner in the realm of providing surgical procedures. As recently as 1975, Respondent knew that ambulatory surgery centers, such as that proposed by the Intervenor, would need permission to construct such a facility. This permission relates to the need to apply and receive a certificate of need from the Department. The authority for such regulation was pursuant to applicable provisions of Chapter 381, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding this regulatory role to be fulfilled, Respondent did not undertake a program for enacting rules to consider the question of need for ambulatory surgical centers. This lack of rulemaking was primarily due to inactivity of applicants seeking ambulatory surgical center certificates of need. This circumstance changed in late 1982. In December, 1982, Respondent received approximately thirteen applications for ambulatory surgical center certificates of need, as contrasted with approximately ten applications over the prior three years. At the same time Respondent was in the throes of having to revamp its certificate of need review process related to the overall health industry, brought about by statutory changes which abolished health system agencies and created local health councils. In 1983, at the time of the hearings, Respondent had received 27 applications for ambulatory surgery centers. This glut of applications by would-be ambulatory surgical centers and the 1982 applications were examined without formal rules defining the need question, related to expected numbers of surgical procedures that might be conducted on an outpatient or ambulatory basis. The determination of this ratio of outpatient surgical procedures to inpatient surgical procedures is a vital part of the need question. 1/ Absent promulgated rules, Department officials began their attempt to ascertain the percentage comparison between outpatient and inpatient surgeries, as that item was involved in the establishment of a methodology for considering the need question. Based upon information provided by applicants for ambulatory surgery centers and its own research, Respondent concluded that anywhere from 18 to 40 percent of total surgeries could be expected to be outpatient surgeries. Having utilized a median projection related to population expectations in the certificate of need process, the Department decided to use a median projection for the expected percentage of outpatient surgery. Thus, 29 percent was selected as the percentage of outpatient surgeries in the total number of surgical procedures and that percentage was utilized in the computation of the number of expected outpatient surgical procedures. Utilization of this 29 percent factor in the computation of the number of procedures to be expected on an outpatient basis may be seen in Petitioner's Exhibit 2 and Respondent's Exhibit 1, application reviews. Once the Department decided to employ the 29 percent factor, it has consistently, on a statewide basis, utilized that factor in evaluating the question of the grant of certificates of need for ambulatory surgical center applicants. This has been done in more than one batch or cycle and was done in the instance of Intervenor's application which is at issue. Although the 29 percent factor is not the only determining element of the certificate of need process, it is an integral part of that process and can affect the outcome of the grant of the certificate, as has been the case in two instances alluded to in the course of the hearing. This policy choice by the agency is not emerging. It is not one of a series of approaches that have been experimented with in trying to arrive at a concluding agency position, prior to the formal adoption of a rule. This percentage factor has been the only number utilized in the review of all ambulatory surgery center applications commencing late 1982 to the time of final hearing in this action. This choice has not stood the test or scrutiny of the rulemaking process set forth in Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding the stated willingness of the agency to modify its position when presented with a more credible method, that contingency or eventuality has not occurred and every applicant for ambulatory surgery center certificate of need has had its application measured against the 29 percent factor commencing December 1982, to the exclusion of other techniques suggested by applicants. In the face of the facts reported above and the record considered, and recognizing that the agency should be afforded an opportunity to establish a record basis for the utilization of the 29 percent factor, even if it were found to be an invalid rule, a decision was reached at the time of hearing on the question of the utilization of the 29 percent factor and whether it was a rule not duly promulgated. It was found that the 29 percent factor is an unpromulgated rule and could not stand as law without first being subject to an assessment of the quality of the record basis for the agency's policy choice. The argument related to this case may be found at pages 798 through 829 of the transcript. The ruling is announced at pages 829 through 832. Respondent subsequently presented additional evidence in support of its policy choice and that may be found in succeeding sections within the transcript. This written order memorializes the ruling announced at hearing.

Florida Laws (4) 120.52120.54120.56120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-000338 Latest Update: Dec. 19, 1983

The Issue The ultimate issue to be resolved in this proceeding is whether the SSDB's proposal to construct a freestanding ambulatory surgery center in Volusia County, Florida, should be approved or denied. SSDB and the Department contend that the proposal meets statutory criteria and comports with the Department's rules. SSDB and the Department contend that there is a need for the facility and that SSDB is fully competent to construct and operate the facility. OBMH and HHMC contend that there is no need for the proposed facility, that the facility is not likely to be an economically viable venture, that the facility would injure existing businesses, and that the application should be denied because SSDB did not file a letter of intent with the local health council in a timely manner.

Findings Of Fact SSDB is a corporation that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Surgical Inc. Eighty percent of the stock of Surgical Services, Inc., is owned by American Medical International, Inc., a large, multinational health care corporation which owns and operates hospitals and other health care services. American Medical International is the third largest health care provider in the United States. The remaining 20 percent of Surgical Services, Inc., stock is owned by Randall L. Phillips, the company's president. SSDB is proposing to construct and operate a freestanding ambulatory surgery center in Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida. The service area for the proposed facility would be Volusia County. This facility would house four operating rooms and would be designed to handle all types of surgical procedures that can be performed on an outpatient basis. SSDB has entered into a contract to purchase land that provides a suitable site for the facility. It is located at the intersection of Clyde Morris Boulevard and Mason Avenue in Daytona Beach. The contract price for the property is $270,000. In addition to the cost of land acquisition, the preopening costs of the project would total $2,080,000. That amount would cover legal and accounting fees, architectural and engineering fees, a site survey, consulting fees, construction costs, movable equipment costs, and other engineering expenses. The preopening cost estimates are less than the $2,500,000 estimated in the original Certificate of Need application. The reduction is attributable to cost efficiencies primarily in selection and purchase of equipment. The costs estimated by SSDB are adequate to cover all preopening expenses and to provide an adequate facility. Financial support for the facility will be provided by American Medical International. This will include an equity contribution, a loan, and all necessary working capital. American Medical International has committed to provide financing adequate to construct and operate the facility. American Medical International has the financial resources to fulfill this commitment. The facility proposed by SSDB would be 15,500 square feet in size. The design is adequate for the proposed use and satisfies applicable health care facility standards and state and federal laws. The equipment proposed for the facility is sufficient to allow the handling of anticipated types of procedures. The facility will be open to all physicians qualified to perform the types of surgery that can be tone within an ambulatory setting. The facility will accept Medicare patients. The facility will admit any patient scheduled by surgeons, and ability to pay will not be a criterion for admission. SSDB has developed a marketing program to attract physicians and patients to the facility. SSDB has proposed adequate staffing for its facility and will be able to fulfill its staff requirements. SSDB is fully competent, given its backing by American Medical International, to construct and operate the proposed facility. OBMH is a Florida nonprofit corporation. It operates a 205-bed hospital in Volusia County, Florida, and renders medical services to residents of Volusia County and surrounding areas. OBMH presently renders ambulatory surgical services on an outpatient basis in connection with its surgery department. MEMO is a special taxing district. It operates a 345-bed hospital in Volusia County, Florida, and services residents of Volusia County and surrounding areas. HEM has a same-day surgery program and renders ambulatory surgical services through this procam on an outpatient basis. Ambulatory surgical services can be performed either in a hospital- based setting such as operated by OBMH and HHMC, or in a freestanding facility such as proposed by SSDB. HHMC presently has 12 general-purpose operating rooms. The HHMC same-day surgery program utilizes these rooms, but has a separate admitting area and waiting room that is utilized for inpatient surgery cases. OBMH has four general-purpose operating rooms. Outpatient or ambulatory surgeries are regularly performed in these rooms. There are presently 41 general-purpose operating rooms in Volusia County's eight hospitals. Outpatient or ambulatory surgical procedures are performed in these rooms. The Florida Health Care Plan is a health maintenance organization located in Volusia County. It has three operating rooms here inpatient or ambulatory surgery procedures are performed for members of the organization. The Neuman Dye Institute is a freestanding ambulatory surgical center licensed by the Department. It is located in DeLand, Volusia County, Florida. It has two operating rooms which are used for treatment of eye disorders. Approximately 15 percent of the surgeries performed in hospitals in Volusia County during the year August 1, 1982, through July 31, 1983, were done on an outpatient basis. The total number of surgical procedures performed in Volusia County has increased only slightly during the past three years. The number of impatient procedures has decreased, while the number of outpatient procedures has increased rather dramatically. This increase reflects a national trend which increasingly favors ambulatory or outpatient surgeries. It is likely that the number of outpatient cases as a percentage of total surgeries will continue to increase in Volusia County. The 15 percent figure for outpatient surgeries relates only to those procedures conducted in a hospital setting. It does not include procedures performed at the health maintenance organization, the Neuman Eye Institute, or in physicians offices. One major source of patients for ambulatory surgery programs is elective plastic surgery procedures. Two of the plastic surgeons who practice in Volusia County have their own operating rooms where ambulatory surgical procedures can be conducted. These physicians are not likely to use a separate, freestanding facility. The remaining plastic surgeons in Volusia County have utilized the same-day surgery facility at HHMC and have expressed satisfaction with that program. Existing facilities in Volusia County are adequate to accommodate the anticipated growth and the number of outpatient or ambulatory surgeries that will be performed during the next three years in Volusia County. Hospital surgical facilities in Volusia County are significantly underutilized at present. Existing facilities have the capacity to accommodate a more dramatic increase in total surgical procedures and in outpatient surgical procedures than is anticipated over the next three years. Given the existence of the hospital facilities, the Neuman Eye Institute, the health maintenance organization, and operating rooms located in physicians' offices, adequate facilities exist to accommodate the increased demand for outpatient surgeries that is anticipated in Volusia County. SSDB is proposing to offer its services to the public during the first year of operation for an average charge of $490 per procedure. The cost would increase to $540 for the second year. The average per-case cost for outpatient surgeries at HHMC is $393. The average per-case cost at OBMH is $439. Given the fact that one case can Involve multiple procedures, it is evident that existing facilities in Volusia County are charging less for ambulatory surgical services than SSDB proposes to charge. While some increases in present charges are likely, given general trends, it is not likely that HHMC or OBMH will charge as much for outpatient surgical procedures as SSDB proposes to charge. It has been asserted that HHMC's charges for outpatient surgeries are inadequate to cover HHMC's costs and that the charges are being kept low artificially. The evidence is to the contrary. HHMC's charges for outpatient surgeries are adequate to meet the facility's expenses. The facility proposed by SSDB does not present any cost savings to patients. Services at the proposed facility would be more expensive than the same services at existing facilities in Volusia County. Freestanding surgical centers have generally presented some advantages to physicians no consumers. In many places, outpatient surgeries are difficult to schedule in a hospital setting because they are susceptible of being bumped by surgeries that are considered more urgent. Furthermore, in many locations, physicians have had difficulty scheduling their outpatient surgeries in blocks of cases so that they can perform them more efficiently. Those problems have not occurred in Volusia County. Physicians who regularly perform outpatient surgeries in hospitals in Volusia County have been able to schedule their cases in blocks and have experienced no difficulties with bumping. SSDB has projected that its proposed facility would experience an acceptable loss during its first year of operation, but that it would show a net profit during its second and third years of operation. These estimates are based upon projections that 2,160 procedures would be performed at the facility at an average rate per procedure of $490 during the first year and 2,640 procedures at an average rate of $540 during the second year. These projections are unrealistic. The projections contemplate that approximately one-third of all outpatient surgeries in Volusia County would be performed at the proposed facility. The projections also contemplate a very dramatic increase in the number of outpatient surgeries and that more than 60 percent of the increased outpatient procedures would be done at the proposed facility. While it is likely that the number of outpatient surgeries performed in Volusia County and elsewhere will continue to increase as a percentage of total surgeries and that eventually as much as 30 percent of all surgeries performed in Volusia County will be done on an outpatient basis, the increase is not-likely to occur in a single year. Even if It did, it is unlikely that local physicians and consumers cold so dramatically reject present facilities as SSDB projects. Indeed, there is no evidence from which it could be concluded that there is any dissatisfaction on the part of physicians or consumers in Volusia County with present facilities. The evidence is to the contrary. A second reason why the projections are inaccurate is that in making the projections SSDB ignored the existence of the Neuman Eye Institute, the health maintenance organization, and operating rooms that have been established in physicians' offices. A third reason is that SSDB proposes to provide services at a higher cost than at existing facilities. A fourth reason is that SSDB has underestimated the proportion of Medicaid and Medicare cases that are likely to be performed at the facility at a cost that is less than the average cost per procedure proposed by SSDB. It is unlikely that SSDB could operate at a profit during its first three years of operation. At the time that SSDB filed its letter of intent and application with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, there was no local health council in existence Volusia County, Florida. SSDB did not file a copy of its letter of intent or application with the local health council and would have had no place to file it if it attempted to do so.

Recommendation That a final order be entered by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services denying the Application for Certificate of Need filed by Surgical Services of Daytona Beach, Inc. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of October, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida G. STEVEN PFEIFFER Assistant Director Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Fred Baggett, Esq. Michael J. Cherniga, Esq. Post Office Drawer 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Jay Adams, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard B. Orfinger, Esq. 619 North Grandview Avenue Daytona Beach, Florida 32018 Harold C Hubka, Esq. Post Office Box 5488 Daytona Beach, Florida 32018 Mr. David Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Mar. 30, 1995 Number: 95-001560 Latest Update: May 01, 1996

The Issue Should Respondent Patricia Dee G. Stehpenson's license to practice medicine in the State of Florida be revoked, suspended or otherwise disciplined based on the allegations contained in the Administrative Complaint filed herein?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: At all times material to this proceeding, the Respondent was a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0051453. The patient, a 73 year old female, presented to Respondent on July 11, 1991, with complaints of flashes of light over the past ten years which had increased over the past two years. The patient also complained of seeing halos around street lights at night. During this visit, Respondent diagnosed the patient as having 20/30 corrected vision in her right eye and 20/40 plus 2 corrected vision in her left eye, and that the patient had cataracts. However, Respondent did not recommend cataract surgery at this time. In January, 1992, the patient took the State of Florida driver's license test, including the eye test, and received her driver's license. However, the examiner notice that the patient was having trouble with the eye test and, although the examiner gave the patient her driver's license, the examiner suggested that the patient see an opthalmologist. At the time the patient received her driver's license in January, 1992, the patient was enjoying golf, bowling and driving. Although the patient did not immediately follow the driver's license examiner's advice concerning her eyes, the patient did visit with Respondent on May 8, 1992. At this visit, the patient advised the Respondent that the flashes and floaters had improved but that her vision was interfering with her golfing and driving. Again, Respondent did not recommend removal of the cataract. The patient's vision continued to interfere with her golfing and driving, notwithstanding the patient's testimony to the contrary which I do not find to be credible. The patient's next visit with Respondent was on October 16, 1992. At this visit, the patient advised Respondent that her vision had "lessened a lot" in the left eye. Visual acuity testing indicated corrected vision of 20/30 in the right eye and 20/40 plus 2 in the left eye. However, while the level of vision at which the patient was able to perceive letters (20/40 plus 2) did not change, the refraction (stronger glasses) required to achieve that level indicated more myopia, indicating that the cataract had progressed which supports the patient's complaint that her vision had "lessened a lot". Also at the October 16, 1992, visit, Respondent tested the patient's vision using brightness acuity testing (glare test) and measured the patient's vision as 20/70, with glare in the left eye. The glare test is a method whereby the doctor shines a light in the person's eye to determine the effect of glare on the person's vision. Although some ophthalmologists consider the glare test of no value, other ophthalmologists consider the glare test as another tool to assist the surgeon in making a decision concerning the necessity for cataract surgery. During the October 16, 1992, office visit, Respondent discussed with the patient: (a) the effect the cataract was having on the patient's activities (life-style); (b) the patient's complaint that her vision had lessened; (c) the results of the glare test showing the patient's vision as 20/70 with glare and; (d) other visual acuity testing; and (e)advised the patient that cataract surgery was indicated. Also, Respondent explained the cataract surgery procedures and discussed with the patient the risks and the benefits of the surgery. The patient had no reservations or objections to the surgery and consented to the surgery in hopes of improving her eyesight as well as her life- style. For a person with cataracts, a corrected vision of 20/40 or worse is the vision level where some cataract surgeons will recommend cataract surgery, while other cataract surgeons consider a corrected vision of 20/50 or worse, with or without glare, as the vision level where cataract surgery should be recommended. However, because the vision as determined by visual acuity testing (the ability of the person to perceive letters) does not always accurately reflect the person's quality of vision (the quality of perception on a day to day basis), neither vision level referred to above when considered alone can be used as a hard and fast rule to form a basis for cataract surgery. Since the quality of vision can only be described by the person with the cataract(s), the cataract surgeon must also determine, after consultation with the person, that the cataract(s) are interfering with the person's life-style. Therefore, a person with corrected vision of somewhat better than 20/40 or 20/70 with or without glare, may be a candidate for cataract surgery, provided the cataract is causing a reduction in the person's quality of vision beyond what is indicated by visual acuity testing and thereby interfering with the person's life-style. Furthermore, there are no written standards or guidelines which set a particular vision level for the cataract surgeon to follow when making a decision to recommend cataract surgery. The surgeon must take into consideration all factors and make a decision based on the surgeon's judgment as to what is best for that person. The patient's vision level and the interference the patient was experiencing with her life-style because of the cataracts in her left eye justified Respondent's decision to recommend and perform the cataract surgery on the patient, notwithstanding any of the testimony of Dr. Leslie Monroe to the contrary. On November 3, 1992, Respondent performed phacoemulsification (removal of cataract) with posterior chamber intracular lens implant (implantation of lens) on the patient's left eye. While the patient was in the holding area being prepared for surgery there were complications with the anesthesia. The anesthesiologist, Robert Dienes, M. D., first gave the patient a retrobulbar block which was repeated apparently due to Dr. Dienes' conclusion that the first retrobulbar block was ineffective. Apparently, Dr. Dienes also concluded that the second retrobulbar block was ineffective and gave the patient a superior lid peribulbar block. After giving the peribulbar block, Dr. Dienes noticed a dissecting subconjunctival hemorrhage and notified Respondent. Upon examining the patient's eye, Respondent found the globe (whole eye) to be soft with no active bleeding, indicating the eye was not full of blood and that there was no retina tear or rupture of the globe. Respondent also noticed that "the conjunctiva was real chemotic or it had blood behind it". Respondent also measured the patient's eye pressure with a Schiotz tonameter because there was no slit-lamp in the holding area. The patient's eye pressure was 5, with a 5.5 gram weight, which was normal. The patient's medical records do not reflect an indirect ophthalmoscopy being performed by Respondent on the patient's left eye between Respondent being advised of the dissecting subjunctival hemorrhage by Dr. Diemes and the Respondent performing surgery on the patient's left eye to remove the cataract and implant the lens. Furthermore, Respondent has no independent recollection of performing an indirect ophthalmoscopy during the above period of time before surgery. Respondent's normal practice under conditions and circumstances similar to those in this case has been to perform an indirect ophthalmoscopy during the above period of time before surgery. Therefore, it is assumed that Respondent performed an indirect ophthalmoscopy on the patient after being advised of the subconjunctival hemorrhage but before surgery, notwithstanding the fact that patient's medical records do not reflect such procedure being performed or the fact that Respondent has no independent recollection of performing such procedure during the above period of time. However, assuming arguendo that Respondent did not perform the indirect ophthalmoscopy before surgery, the Agency has failed to establish facts to show that under the conditions and circumstances of this case that such failure amounted to the failure of Respondent to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. After considering the conditions and circumstances surrounding the complication that arose while the patient was being anesthetized, Respondent made a decision that it was in the best interest of the patient to go forward with the removal of the cataract and implantation of the lens. The operation was completed without any further incident and there was a successful removal of the cataract and lens transplant. Respondent's decision to go forward with the surgery had no adverse effect on the subsequent treatment of the complication that arose while the patient was being anesthetized. In fact, the result of the treatment subsequent to the cataract surgery would have been the same even if Respondent had not gone forward with the surgery. Respondent, using a ophthalmoscope, was able to see the inside of the eye more clearly and assess the complication that arose while the patient was being anesthetized. While performing this indirect ophthalmoscopy, Respondent noted undulation of the vitreous with pigmented blood cells present and that the anesthesia needle had penetrated the globe. The patient was seen the next morning, November 3, 1992, by Respondent. After assessing the condition of the patient's left eye, Respondent referred the patient to Keye Wong, M. D., a retina specialist. Upon examining the patient's left eye on November 4, 1992, Dr. Wong noted vitreous hemorrhaging and retinal detachment. Dr. Wong performed an operation on the patient's left eye in an attempt to correct the damage and attach the retina. The patient's vision is not as good as it was before the operation, and still effects the patient's life-style. The patient has difficulty tolerating sunlight, which may or may not be a result of the complication experienced while the patient was being anesthetize. Respondent's action of going forward with the surgery after becoming aware of the complication that arose while the patient was being anesthetized did not cause, complicate, aggravate or result in any of the problems the patient has suffered postoperatively. Respondent did not fail to recognize, identify or treat properly the complications that arose before, during or after the surgery. The Agency has failed to establish facts to show that Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances at anytime while Respondent was treating the patient, including both preoperative and postoperative treatment.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Petitioner Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint filed herein against Respondent Patricia Dee G. Stephenson, M. D. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of January, 1996, at Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of January, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 95-1560 The following constitutes my specific rulings, pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner and the Department in this case. Agency's Proposed Findings of Fact. Proposed findings of fact 1-2 are adopted in substance as modified in Findings of Fact 1 and 2. The first sentence of proposed finding of fact 3 is adopted in Finding of Fact 3. The second and third sentence are not supported by evidence in the record. Proposed finding of fact 4 is adopted in substance as modified in Finding of Fact 5, otherwise not supported by evidence in the record. Proposed finding of fact 5 is adopted in substance as modified in Finding of Fact 7, otherwise not supported by evidence in the record. Proposed finding of fact 6 is adopted in substance as modified in Findings of Fact 12, 13, and 14, otherwise not supported by evidence in the record. Proposed findings of fact 7 and 8 are adopted in substance as modified in Findings of Fact 21 and 22, otherwise not supported by evidence in the record. Proposed finding of fact 9 is a restatement of Dr. Monroe's testimony and is not a finding of fact. However, see Findings of Fact 16 and 17. 8, Proposed findings of fact 10, 16, 17 and 19 are adopted in substance as modified in Findings of Fact 15, 16, 10, 8 and 9. Proposed finding of fact 11 is adopted in substance as modified in Finding of Fact 16, otherwise not supported by evidence in the record. Although proposed findings of fact 12, 13 and 15 are findings of fact, they are neither material nor relevant to this proceeding. See Finding of Fact 9. Proposed finding of fact 14 is a restatement of Dr. Grabow's testimony and is not stated as a finding of fact, but see Finding of Fact 10. Dr. Grabow's testimony was 20/50 vision with or without glare which is different than just 20/50 vision. 11. Proposed findings of Fact 18 and 20 are not supported by evidence in the record. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1. Proposed findings of fact 1 through 27 are adopted in substance as modified in Findings of Fact 1 through 25. COPIES FURNISHED: Marm Harris, M. D., Executive Director Board of Medicine Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0770 Jerome W. Hoffman, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building Number Three 2727 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Steve Rothenburg, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 9325 Bay Plaza Boulevard, Suite 210 Tampa, Florida 33619 William E. Partridge, Esquire Lutz, Webb, Partridge, BoBo, and Baitty One Sarasota Tower 2 North Tamiami Trail, Suite 500 Sarasota, Florida 34236

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 03, 1990 Number: 90-004815 Latest Update: Dec. 19, 1990

The Issue Whether the Petitioner is qualified for licensure as a medical doctor in Florida by examination.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner graduated from the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in 1955, following which he did a rotating internship at Abington Memorial Hospital before reporting for active duty in the U.S. Navy. Upon release from active duty in the Navy in 1959 he entered a residency program in general surgery at Hospital of University of Pennsylvania followed by thoracic surgery which he completed in 1965. Petitioner was certified by the American Board of Surgery in 1965 and by the Board of Thoracic Surgery in 1966. From 1965 to 1986 Petitioner was engaged in the practice of general, cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery. In the latter part of this period, he headed a cardiothoracic surgery team at Lankenau Hospital, Philadelphia, which performed some 700-800 open-heart surgeries per year. It was during this period that most of the malpractice suits were filed against Petitioner, the hospital and other doctors on his team. As head of the surgical team Petitioner did the definitive surgery (bypass grafts) while other members of the team opened and closed the chest cavity. Petitioner is currently licensed to practice medicine in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Arizona. At the time he first applied for licensure in Florida in 1988, he was licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Arizona. No licensing agency has brought any charges against Petitioner's license. Petitioner took and passed the FLEX examination in 1988 scoring 84 and 83 on the two parts of the exam. In the past twenty years, 19 malpractice suits have been filed against Petitioner. Of those suits 9, have been dismissed by Plaintiffs without any recovery from Petitioner, and two were settled on behalf of Petitioner, one in 1979 for $50,000 and one in 1989 for $25,000. Those settlements represented little more than nuisance value. The hospital defendant settled one case for $225,000 and another for $2,500. Of the remaining eight suits the complete medical records of those cases were reviewed by another cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon who opined that five are without merit. For the remaining three, additional evidence is needed to fairly appraise the merits of those suits. This additional information will not be available until discovery is completed. Petitioner's testimony, that these remaining three cases did not involve a failure on his part to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonable prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances, corroborates the Affidavit of the risk manager (Exhibit 3) and letters in the file (Exhibit 1) stating those cases are deemed to be without merit and will be vigorously defended. All of these suits were brought in Pennsylvania where the backlog of civil cases is such that civil cases are not scheduled for trial until approximately seven years after the suit is filed. Furthermore, the complaints filed in these cases contain general allegations that the Respondent's negligence, inattention, failure to adequately apprise the plaintiff of possible complications of the surgery, along with the negligence of the hospital and others involved with the surgery, directly resulted in the plaintiff's death, injury, etc. These are catch- all allegations and the specific nature of the malpractice claim cannot be discerned from these pleadings. Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery is a high risk field of medicine in that the patients are frequently very sick and elderly. Accordingly, the success rate for this type surgery is lower than for most surgeries, and this leads to a higher incidence of suits alleging malpractice. Many of these earlier suits were brought before the doctors began paying attention to documenting that they fully explained the risks of the surgery to the patient and thereafter the patient gave informed consent to the operation. Petitioner has been more assiduous in this regard in recent years than he was several years ago. This practice will have the effect of reducing the incidence of malpractice suits against surgeons. It is noted that several of the suits alleged the plaintiffs were not adequately advised regarding the risks involved and, therefore, they did not give informed consent to the surgery.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that Horace MacVaugh III be granted a license to practice medicine in Florida. DONE and ENTERED this 19th day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of December, 1990. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings are accepted, except: 8. Accepted only insofar as consistent with HO #5 and 6. 15. Rejected. No evidence was presented in this regard. Respondent's proposed findings are accepted except: 17. Second and third sentences rejected as not supported by any competent evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Roger Lutz, Esquire Robin Uricchio, Esquire HOLLAND & KNIGHT Post Office Box 1526 Orlando, Florida 32802 Allan Grossman, Esquire The Capitol, Suite 1602 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Florida Board of Medicine Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Kenneth E. Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (3) 458.301458.311458.331
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001593 Latest Update: Sep. 10, 1987

The Issue The issues presented concern the question of whether Dr. Paul Joseph Rucinski (Petitioner) has completed the prerequisites for standing the license examination of the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Board of Medicine (Respondent). This examination is known as the FLEX examination. In particular, Petitioner has been denied the opportunity to take this examination based upon the perception held by the Respondent that Petitioner did not complete core clerkship training in internal medicine, one of the prerequisites to undergo the examination session.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner attended medical school at Ross University in the British West Indies and received his medical degree. Consequently, for purposes of license examination in Florida, Dr. Rucinski is considered to be a foreign medical graduate. Part of the medical training in his undergraduate course work was received in the United States. This education was in association with completion of clerkships necessary to obtain his medical degree. An organization known as the Jacksonville Health Education Program, constituted of certain hospitals in the city of Jacksonville, Florida, was providing clerkship training for medical students during the time within which Petitioner received his clerkship training. The Jacksonville Health Education Program (JHEP) was affiliated with the University of Florida School of Medicine and as such was part of that institution's educational program. In this connection, Petitioner was referred to JHEP as an organization which could arrange for his clinical clerkship training. As described in Petitioner's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence, Petitioner received clerkship training in psychiatry, ob/gyn, surgery, pediatrics, family practice, dermatology, anesthesiology, general surgery, emergency room medicine and critical care, all through JHEP. Respondent takes no issue with the sufficiency of that training to establish credentials for license examination in Florida. This point of view is held because Respondent is convinced that the institutions within which the training in the various specialties was conducted were allopathic institutions. The only contention in this cause arises based upon the Respondent's belief that the clerkship training which Petitioner received in internal medicine was not given in an institution associated with JHEP and did not have allopathic emphasis. Instead, the focus of the training in internal medicine was alleged by the Respondent to be osteopathic. This speaks to core clerkship training the Petitioner received in internal medicine at Jacksonville General Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, now known as Jacksonville Medical Center. The period of time within which the training was received was November 5, 1982, to January 27, 1983, and again on April 11, 1983, to June 17, 1983. The clerkship in internal medicine was supervised by Dr. Glenn J. Gerber, an osteopathic physician. According to Dr. Gerber, Petitioner successfully completed his core clerkship training in internal medicine as evidenced by the evaluation forms set forth in Petitioner's composite Exhibit 7 admitted into evidence. Although Dr. Gerber is not licensed pursuant to Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, to practice allopathic medicine, he was board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in the field of internal medicine effective 1978. This board is a board pertaining to allopathic medicine. Moreover, Dr. Gerber's unrefuted testimony establishes that training in internal medicine for allopathic medical students versus osteopathic medical students does not differ. To his understanding, textbooks do not exist which deal with osteopathic internal medicine separate and apart from allopathic internal medicine. During the time that Dr. Gerber taught at the Jacksonville General Hospital, to include the time of instruction pertaining to Petitioner, other students who sought medical degrees in allopathic medicine were involved in training which he conducted. Dr. Gerber served as the director of clinical education for the Jacksonville General Hospital during the period 1981 through 1984. The nature of the internal medicine training which Petitioner received through Jacksonville General Hospital was under the auspices of an internal medicine service for students as well as residents. The daily functions of the core internal medicine training included daily rounds where patients were met who had been admitted the night before and involvement with patients who were being managed on an ongoing basis. This training included frequent pathology rounds, cardiology rounds almost daily and radiology rounds daily. Typically, different topics were considered which had been assigned the night before. An example would be miocardial infraction. Discussions were entered into on current management and therapy. On October 18, 1976, Jacksonville General Hospital was informed by letter that it had been accepted as a member of the JHEP Consortium. This correspondence was from D. J. Lanahan, president of the JHEP Board of Trustees and appears on the stationery of J. Hillis Miller Health Center, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Jacksonville Division. A copy of the letter is found as Petitioner's Exhibit 10 admitted into evidence. This correspondence does not set forth a circumstance whereby Jacksonville General Hospital is received as a member for purposes of offering core clerkship training in allopathic medicine, nor does it establish a contrary position. On the other hand, Lois Gray, director of medical legal affairs at Jacksonville Medical Center, offered unrefuted testimony that Dr. Gerber held a faculty appointment with JHEP. Petitioner's Exhibit 11 admitted into evidence, which describes the nature of JHEP's affiliation with the University of Florida, J. Hillis Miller Health Center, speaks to the concept of undergraduate medical education but it is silent on the question of Jacksonville General Hospital's involvement in the education of undergraduate medical students and their clinical clerkship training. Respondent's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence concerns the fact that the Jacksonville General Hospital in the years 1982 and 1983 was associated with the American Osteopathic Association and provided internship programs and residency programs related to osteopathic medicine; however, this excerpt of the yearbook and directory of osteopathic physicians does not exclude the possibility of affiliation with the accrediting organization related to hospitals that provide allopathic care. In fact, Jacksonville General Hospital was recognized as an allopathic facility by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals in the relevant time frame. Further, an excerpt of the 1982-83 directory of residency training programs accredited by the accreditation council of graduate medical education, a complimentary copy from the American Medical Association, was offered and received as Respondent's Exhibit 5 admitted into evidence. This document speaks to the provision of residency training by Jacksonville hospitals affiliated with JHEP. It does not include an indication that Jacksonville General Hospital was one of the institutions providing residency training in the Jacksonville, Florida, area in the relevant years. However, it does not speak to undergraduate medical training. Therefore, it does not establish the fact that Jacksonville General Hospital did not offer allopathic medical training in internal medicine to the Petitioner as part of core clerkship training. Finally, Respondent's attempt to introduce the remarks of Dr. Will Neal of the University of Florida, School of Medicine, does not serve to corroborate competent evidence offered by the Respondent on the subject of Jacksonville General Hospital's lack of affiliation with JHEP and failure to provide undergraduate medical training in allopathic medicine. His remarks are hearsay and stand alone and cannot be utilized in fact finding for reasons explained in the conclusions of law. Jacksonville General Hospital, in 1982, had among its active staff, 40 M.D.s and 31 D.O.s. On the whole, Dr. Rucinski is found to have received appropriate allopathic medical training in his core clerkship in internal medicine. Dr. Rucinski is currently undergoing training at the University of Wisconsin, affiliated hospitals program, St. Luke's Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is a hospital that has association with the American Medical Association. Dr. Rucinski is a resident in postgraduate year 3. Dr. Rucinski is interested in general medicine, family practice. As part of his postgraduate training, he has had extensive training in internal medicine which he has successfully responded to. He has not been able to discern differences in the underlying emphasis in the internal medicine training received as a resident in St. Luke's Hospital and that received at Jacksonville General Hospital. Against this background, prior to August 15, 1986, Petitioner made timely application to take the FLEX examination to gain a license to practice medicine in the state of Florida. This examination was to be given December 2- 4, 1986. On November 12, 1986, Dr. Rucinski was invited to appear before the Foreign Medical Graduate Committee of the Board of Medicine. A copy of that invitation may be found as part of Petitioner's Exhibit 6 admitted into evidence. In addition to the invitation, a second item within that exhibit describes the subjects upon which he could be interrogated and makes specific reference to items which could be submitted in furtherance of this session, but these items were not exclusive. This speaks to his passport and visa involved with time periods when he was out of the United States during his medical training. The second page indicated that the Petitioner should be prepared to provide documentation of his physical location for periods of medical education. Petitioner made the appearance on November 21, 1986, and was examined by members of the Foreign Medical Graduate Committee, and it was determined to deny Petitioner's opportunity to stand the FLEX examination based upon the belief held by the committee members that his internal medicine clerkship was osteopathic training and unacceptable. Petitioner was made aware that the committee would recommend to the Board of Medicine that he not be allowed to take the FLEX examination. These remarks were offered at the time of Petitioner's appearance before the foreign medical graduate committee on November 21, 1986. On the next day, the Board of Medicine, in furtherance of the recommendation of the committee, declared Petitioner ineligible to stand examination. On November 24, 1986, Petitioner was advised in writing of the decision of the Board of Medicine. A copy of that exhibit may be found as Petitioner's Exhibit 5 admitted into evidence, and it states that the request to stand examination is denied. It goes on to suggest that an order would be prepared which set forth the reasons for denial. The letter identifies the fact that the Petitioner could then request a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, following receipt of the final order. That final order was entered on February 19, 1987, and may be found as part of Respondent's composite Exhibit 1 admitted into evidence. It indicates that the reason for denial is that the Petitioner had failed to complete allopathic medical education as described in Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, related to the inadequacy, as the Board of Medicine saw it, of Petitioner's core clerkship in internal medicine, in that the training was osteopathic in nature and not allopathic medical education. The Petitioner received a copy of the order of denial in late February 1987. Petitioner took issue with this point of view and petitioned for a formal Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, hearing. That petition was received as filed before the Respondent on March 15, 1987. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this action pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. Respondent's Exhibit 4 is admitted into evidence. The proffered testimony of Dr. Will Neal is not accepted as evidence which can lead to factual findings. This determination is made in accordance with Section 120.58, Florida Statutes. Although a reasonably prudent person might expect the individual who is associated with the University of Florida medical school, such as Dr. Neal, would have some understanding of those institutions which are part of the JHEP program, his remarks do not constitute an exception to the proposition that hearsay evidence is not competent evidence. Furthermore, his remarks do not serve to supplement, corroborate or explain otherwise competent evidence. Consequently, they cannot be relied upon in determining relevant facts in this inquiry. In the deposition of Dr. Gerber wherein he attempts to explain the similarities between the core clerkship program in internal medicine at Jacksonville General Hospital and the residency program in internal medicine that he had some involvement with at St. Vincent's Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, is not accepted, based upon the belief that it is irrelevant testimony. Petitioner, who seeks licensure, has the burden to prove his entitlement to stand the FLEX examination. See Balino vs. Dept. of Health & Rehab. Serv., 348 So.2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). To that end, Respondent has accepted his candidacy for licensure with the exception of the question of his training in internal medicine while a medical student. That training must have been allopathic medical education as envisioned by Section 458.331(3), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1986). On balance, Petitioner has carried the burden. He received training in an institution which he was led to believe had affiliation with JHEP, an accepted educational outreach from the University of Florida medical school. The institution where he received internal medicine training and core clerkship was one accredited by the accrediting agency for allopathic hospitals. The training was supervised by an osteopathic physician. Nonetheless, this physician and the Petitioner have established that the nature of training in internal medicine for allopaths and osteopaths at the student level is akin. Moreover, the expertise of Dr. Gerber in internal medicine had been recognized by the board certifying organization related to allopathic internal medicine practice. It is not unreasonable to expect that these credentials could be brought to bear in the training of Dr. Rucinski. Finally, although it does not speak directly to the question of his competence gained through undergraduate medical training at the point in time wherein he sought the opportunity to take the FLEX examination, Dr. Rucinski's successful performance in his residency program in an allopathic hospital in the subject area of internal medicine should allay any fears that he is not a fit candidate to stand examination at this point in time. Respondent, in considering the fitness of the Petitioner to stand license examination in the December 1986 examination session did not act contrary to the purposes of Section 120.60, Florida Statutes. Based upon a consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered which grants the Petitioner the opportunity to take the FLEX examination for licensure to practice medicine in the state of Florida in accordance with Section 458, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of September, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 87-1593 Having considered the fact proposals of the parties, those proposals were accepted with the following exceptions: Petitioner's facts At paragraph 2, the reference to December 21, 1986, is corrected to November 21, 1986. Paragraph 5 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 6 is a recitation of a statutory provision. It is not fact finding. Paragraphs 7 through 18 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 19 constitutes legal argument and not fact finding. Respondent's facts Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 4 is accurate, but it is also noted that Jacksonville General Hospital offered allopathic care as well. Paragraphs 5 and 6 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 7 is contrary to facts found. Paragraph 8 is subordinate to facts found. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank M. Gafford, Esquire Post Office Box 1789 34 North Marion Street Lake City, Florida 32056-1789 Patricia V. Russo, Esquire M. Catherine Lannon, Esquire Assistant Attorneys General Department of Legal Affairs Room 1601, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Tom Gallagher, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.60458.331
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-006000 Latest Update: May 31, 1989

Findings Of Fact Petitioner was a candidate for the May 1988, Chiropractic Physiotherapy certification examination. The exam consists of a written and an oral part, covering various areas of chiropractic physiotherapy. The written and oral parts of the exam are graded separately and a candidate must score 75 points on each part in order to pass and be certified in Physiotherapy. Petitioner had previously passed the written portion of the exam and was attempting only the oral portion of the physiotherapy exam. Petitioner claims he was incorrectly graded on the oral exam in the areas of manual, ultrasound and galvanic therapy. At the hearing Petitioner abandoned his claim that he was incorrectly graded on the galvanic therapy portion of the exam and that claim is not considered further for purposes of this recommended order. Petitioner obtained a score of 66.6 on the oral exam. The oral practice exam for physiotherapy certification is graded subjectively according to a candidate's response to questions asked by two grading chiropractors. The graders have been licensed to practice chiropractic for more than five years in Florida and have undergone some grade standardization training prior to examining the candidate for certification. Each grader assigns his or her point score independent of the other grader. A candidate's response therefore has two scores assigned by each grader. The points given by each grader are totalled. The two totals are then averaged together for the overall score on the exam. Some difference in the points assigned often occur. However, the difference between the two scores seldom exceeds 1 point and would therefore not be an unreasonable discrepancy when consideration is given to the effects of grading a subjective test and the effects of averaging the two point scores given by each grader. The grade range is from 1-4 points with one being the lowest score and four being the highest score. A score of 4 points is given when a candidate demonstrates superior or expert knowledge in the subject area tested. A score of 3 points is given when a candidate demonstrates minimal competency in the subject area tested. A score of 2 points is given when the candidate's answer is wrong but not dangerous to the patient. A score of 1 point is given when a candidate's response is wrong and dangerous to the patient. Dr. Brennan scored a 1.5 and 2.5 on the manual portion of the exam and a 1.5 and 2.5 on the ultrasound portion of the exam. In both instances Petitioner's answers to the questions covering the manual and ultrasound areas of the exam were wrong. Therefore the scores given by each grader could not exceed 2.9 points. Even if the highest allowable score is awarded for Petitioner's responses the additional points are not sufficient to raise Petitioner's score to a 75. Based on the above facts Petitioner has failed to present sufficient evidence to establish that he should be certified in Chiropractic Physiotherapy. More importantly, however, Petitioner's answer to the ultrasound portion of the exam was wrong and dangerous to the patient. Petitioner was clearly confused by the manner in which the question was asked by the examiner. However, the confusion did not exclude the candidate's ability or opportunity to give the correct answer in order to take the safest course of therapy to the patient. To Petitioner's credit he did demonstrate competency in his responses to the other question pertaining to the ultrasound area. It was the application of that knowledge that Petitioner failed to demonstrate. The explanations given by each grader, justifying a failing score given to the candidate, reflect the above. Therefore, neither of the graders scores on the ultrasound portion of the exam can be said to be incorrect and should remain the same. Petitioner failed to demonstrate that the two grader's scores on the manual and ultrasound portion of the exam were devoid of logic or reason for its respective assignment. Petitioner, therefore, failed to demonstrate that he was incorrectly graded on the oral exam and should be certified in Chiropractic Physiotherapy.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact acid Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order finding that Petitioner failed to demonstrate that he was incorrectly graded on the Chiropractic Physiotherapy exam and should be certified in the area of Chiropractic Physiotherapy. DONE and ENTERED this 30th day of May, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of May, 1989. APPENDIX The facts contained in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact are adopted in substance, in so far as material. The facts contained in paragraphs 5 and 6 of Respondent's Proposed Findings of Facts are subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Brian P. Brennan 5828 Rawson Lan Pensacola, Florida 32503 E. Harper Field General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32390-0729 Kenneth Easley Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32390-0729 Pat Gilford Executive Director 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32390-0729

Florida Laws (2) 120.57460.403
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 21, 2011 Number: 11-002025 Latest Update: Feb. 08, 2012

The Issue The issues are whether Petitioner has sufficiently completed the requirements necessary to receive a license to practice orthotic fitting from the Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists and whether the Petitioner has violated section 468.809, Florida Statutes, by practicing orthotics without a license or registration.

Findings Of Fact 1. The two rules governing the requirements for licensure as on orthotic fitter in the state of Florida are found in section 469.803(5)(c), Florida Statutes (2010), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B14-4.110(1)(b). Section 468.803(5)(c) requires: (c) to be licensed as an orthotic fitter the applicant must pay a license fee not to exceed $500 and must have: A high school diploma or its equivalent; A minimum of 40 hours of training in orthotics education, as approved by the board; Two years of supervised experience in orthotics acquired after completion of the required education, as approved by the board; and Completed the mandatory courses. Petitioner requested information from the Board regarding the requirements for licensure and received a publication containing both chapter 468, Florida Statutes, Part XIV, and rule 64B14. He completed the prerequisite education required by section 468.803(5)(c), on June 22, 2009. However, Petitioner testified that he only reviewed the requirements identified in section 468.803(5)(c) and did not consider the definition of "experience" contained in rule 64B14-4.110(1), for applicants for licensure as an orthotic fitter. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B14-4.110(1)(b) construes supervised "experience" to require an applicant to complete two years of experience in orthotics under the supervision of a Florida licensed orthotist. The two years of experience may only begin accruing after the applicant has successfully completed the requisite education courses. Petitioner applied for a license in orthotic fitting on November 22, 2010, only 17 months after the completion date of his educational courses. Assuming Petitioner started gaining experience immediately upon completion of his education courses, Petitioner was still seven months shy of the two years of experience required to obtain a license as an orthotic fitter. Petitioner testified at hearing regarding the orthotic experience gained prior to applying for licensure. According to his testimony, his experience consisted of activity more accurately described as assistance than experience. The experience described was limited to helping patients stand up, holding a measuring stick, assisting with paperwork, and explaining paperwork to the patient. Petitioner’s role involved little more than observing and occasionally assisting a licensed physical therapist. This is surely not what is meant by “experience in orthotics under the direct supervision of a Florida licensed orthotist,” as contemplated by rule 64B14- 4.110(1)(b). The assistance provided by Petitioner was performed under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. While his actions, as described at hearing, did not meet the requirements for supervision specified by rule 64B14-9.110, they also did not rise to the level of unlicensed activity.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists denying Petitioner’s application for licensure as an orthotic fitter. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of August, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of August, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Frank Edward Maloney, Jr., Esquire Macclenny City Attorney 445 East Macclenny Avenue, Suite 1 Macclenny, Florida 32063-2217 Lee Ann Gustafson, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-6536 Bruce Deterding, Executive Director Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C07 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Nicholas Romanello, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57468.803468.809
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 13, 1990 Number: 90-002252RP Latest Update: Jun. 28, 1990

The Issue Whether Proposed Rules 10N-6.002, 10N-6.003, 10N-6.004, 10N-6.005 and 10N- 6.006, constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority?

Findings Of Fact Standing. The Petitioners, Medivision, Inc., and Tampa Surgi-Center, d/b/a Ambulatory Surgery Center, have standing to challenge the proposed rules at issue in these cases. See the affidavits of Larry Cyment and Donna McMillan. Intervenor, Florida Hospital Association, Inc., has standing to participate in these cases. See the affidavit of Pat Haines. The following Intervenors have established their standing to participate as intervenors in these cases through testimony or affidavit: Cataract Surgery Center, Cortez Foot Surgery Center, Ambulatory Surgery Center of Bradenton, Tampa Outpatient Surgical Facility, Naples Day Surgery, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Specialty Surgical Center and Tallahassee Single Day Surgery. Eye Surgery Center, The Eye Associates, FW Associates and Cordova Ambulatory Surgical Center have failed to prove their standing to participate in these cases. The Proposed Rules; Purpose and Adoption. The Health Care Cost Containment Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), published Rules 10N-6.002, 10N-6.003, 10N-6.004, 10N-6.005 and 10N- 6.006 (hereinafter referred to as the "Proposed Rules"), in Volume 16, Number 12, of the Florida Administrative Weekly (March 23, 1990). The purpose of the Proposed Rules is to collect data concerning the provision of ambulatory surgery services in the State of Florida. Data collected by the Board will allow a comparison of patient charges and will create an additional bases for the analysis of trends in the health care field. In particular, data collection will promote the analysis of shifts in the provision of health care from inpatient to outpatient settings. Data concerning patient identity, geographic location, diagnosis, procedures performed and charges for services is required to be collected and submitted to the Board pursuant to the Proposed Rules. In June of 1989, the staff of the Board presented a study to the Board concerning the growth of ambulatory health care services. Staff recommended that the Board direct that steps be taken to explore the possibility of collecting ambulatory surgery data. The Board accepted the recommendation and appointed a Technical Advisory Panel. The Technical Advisory Panel appointed by the Board consisted of nine representatives of various interested groups. Two members were from freestanding ambulatory surgery centers and two members were from hospitals providing ambulatory surgery services. At meetings of the Technical Advisory Panel in July, August, September and October, 1989, the collection of ambulatory surgery services data was considered. The Technical Advisory Panel discussed collection costs, the type of data to be collected, implementation dates, legislative authority, methods of submitting data and the scope of data collection. The Board was made aware of the Technical Advisory Panel's efforts through minutes of the Panel's meetings and other materials provided to the Board. The collection of ambulatory surgery services data was considered by the Board at its October, November and December, 1989, meetings. The Proposed Rules were approved by the Board at its December, 1989, meeting. There is no statutory authority which specifically provides that data may be collected by the Board from "freestanding ambulatory surgical centers." The Board cited Section 407.03, Florida Statutes (1989), as the specific authority for the Proposed Rules. The Board cited Sections 407.003, 407.03 and 407.08, Florida Statutes (1989), as the laws implemented by the Proposed Rules. Scope of the Proposed Rules. Ambulatory surgery services are provided in a variety of settings: hospitals (e.g., acute care, psychiatric and rehabilitation), licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers, physician offices and other unlicensed health care facilities. The Proposed Rules provide that all licensed hospitals included in Groups 1 through 10 and Group 14 of the HCCCB Florida Hospital Uniform Reporting System Manual which provide outpatient surgery services and all licensed ambulatory surgery centers in Florida are required to collect and submit 45 data elements to the Board. Psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals are not subject to the Proposed Rules. Physicians' offices and other unlicensed health care providers are also not subject to the Proposed Rules. The Proposed Rules are limited to licensed providers of ambulatory surgery services so that the Board's staff can insure that all members of the groups selected data actually collect and report data. The Board cannot insure that all unlicensed providers of ambulatory surgery services, such as physicians' offices, comply with the Proposed Rules. Therefore, if data was required to be collected and submitted by unlicensed providers, the data would be less reliable. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the requirement of the Proposed Rules that only hospitals included in Groups 1 and 10 and Group 14 of the HCCCB Florida Hospital Uniform Reporting System Manual and licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers collect and submit data constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Specific Data vs. Aggregate Data. The Proposed Rules require the collection and reporting of 45 specific data elements. Aggregate data concerning ambulatory surgery services could be obtained from insurance companies and used by the Board as an alternative to the more specific data required to be collected pursuant to the Proposed Rules. Aggregate data is a compilation of specific data. Aggregate data can be used to comply with the Board's statutorily required functions. If aggregate data is used, however, it is likely that reporting will be incomplete. Not all information is reported to insurance companies concerning outpatient activity. Therefore, aggregate data obtained from insurance companies would not cover 100% of ambulatory surgery services provided by reporting entities, resulting in the potential for presenting an incomplete or inaccurate picture of ambulatory surgery services. The recommendations and conclusions which can be reached from aggregate data are limited. Specific data allows more flexibility for research purposes. Specific data will assure greater accuracy and comparability of data. Recommendations and conclusions reached from specific data should be more accurate. In order to insure comparability of data, specific data concerning patients, geographic location, diagnoses, procedures and charges must be collected. The Board collected aggregate data concerning ambulatory surgery services through a special study. The Board collected the data from hospitals and, on a voluntary basis, from licensed ambulatory surgery centers. "Typical" charges for specified ambulatory surgery procedures was collected. This collection effort was flawed by the lack of specific data. The accuracy of the reports based upon the aggregate data was criticized publicly. The reports were even criticized by one of the witnesses called to testify by Intervenors, Cataract Surgery Center, et. al. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the requirement of the Proposed Rules that specific data be collected and submitted instead of aggregate data constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated authority. Confidential Patient Data. Some of the data elements to be reported pursuant to the Proposed Rules constitute confidential patient information. Disclosure of confidential patient information is prohibited by Florida law. The Proposed Rules do not require or authorize disclosure of confidential patient information. The manner in which the data collected will be distributed has not yet been decided upon by the Board. The evidence failed to prove that the Board will not comply with prohibitions against disclosure of confidential patient information. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the requirement of the Proposed Rules that confidential patient information be reported to the Board constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated authority. Computer Use. The Proposed Rules require that data be submitted by computer tape or computer diskette. Therefore, data will have to be input into a computer system. The Proposed Rules specify the format data must be in when submitted. Most of the language of the Proposed Rules is computer terminology. The terminology of the Proposed Rules will require some knowledge of computers to carry out the requirements of the Proposed Rules. The language of the Proposed Rules is intentionally designed to convey technical information. The general purpose and requirements of the Proposed Rules does not take any special knowledge to understand. Requiring the submission of data by electronic means is designed to assure the accuracy and confidentiality of the data. The requirement of the Proposed Rules that data be reported in computer form and the use of computer terminology does not constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Errors in the Proposed Rules. Proposed Rule 10N-6.002(2) defines "Ambulatory Surgery Services" as procedures "provided in a hospital in its dedicated ASC ..." [Emphasis added]. Instead of "ASC" the Board intended to use the terms "operating room." Proposed Rule 10N-6.005 contains a list of the data elements to be collected and reported to the Board. This Proposed Rule contains the following errors or unclear language: Item 20 is "Facility Fee - Pri. Proc." "Pri. Proc." is an abbreviation for primary procedure. Items 21-24, similar to Item 20, contains the abbreviation "Sec. Proc." instead of secondary procedure. Items 25-27 contain a reference to "Page 3". As published in the Florida Administrative Weekly, there is no page 3. Item 35, which deals with expected methods of payment, refers to "Comm. Ins. (incl. BCBS)." This reference is an abbreviation for commercial insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield). Item 44, patient birth date, uses the abbreviation "MMYYYY." This abbreviation should be "MMDDYY." Proposed Rule 10N-6.006 refers to "Primary Diagnosis Code" and "Secondary Diagnosis Code." The Rule should refer to Primary and Secondary "Procedure" Code. The mistakes identified in findings of fact 38-40 are not significant enough to characterize the rule as vague. Nor are these mistakes sufficient enough to otherwise conclude that the Proposed Rules constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Economic Impact. The Economic Impact Statement (hereinafter referred to as the "EIS"), issued with the Proposed Rules provided the following concerning the economic impact of the Proposed Rules on the Board: ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPLEMENTATION: The agency will be affected by the costs of rule promulgation and by the demands placed upon staff time to assure compliance with the rules and to analyze the data collected. Costs for these activities are estimated to be approximately $85,000 per year. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that this portion of the Board's EIS is unreasonable. The EIS provided the following concerning the economic impact of the Proposed Rules on persons affected by the Proposed Rules: ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPLEMENTATION: Implementation by affected facilities will cost approximately $2.9 to $3.1 million. These funds will be used to develop the programs necessary to collect and submit the data required. On-going compliance will have a much less significant impact. . . . . ESTIMATE OF COST TO ALL PERSONS DIRECTLY AFFECTED BY THE RULE: The initial cost to Florida hospitals and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers (ASC) would be from approximately $2.9 to $3.1 million to develop the reporting system necessary to generate the necessary data elements. On-going annual cost to the hospitals and free standing ASCs would be substantially less after the first year's start-up procedures are adopted. . . . . The EIS is insufficient because it does not adequately discuss the costs (implementation and ongoing costs) to affected persons or the impact of the Proposed Rules on small business. The weight of the evidence proved that the Proposed Rules will have an economic impact on affected persons. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Board did not fully consider the asserted economic factors and impact of the implementation cost affected persons can be expected to incur as a result of the Proposed Rules. As indicated in the EIS, the Board's determination of the estimate of the economic impact on affected persons was based upon surveys the Board distributed to licensed ambulatory surgery centers, an estimate of costs that hospitals incurred in implementing the Board's detailed patient data collection rule, the Board staff's experience with computer costs (including the collection and entry of data) and consultation with a computer expert familiar with the Proposed Rules. The surveys relied upon by the Board were distributed to all licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers. A total of 91 surveys were distributed. The Board requested that the surveys be returned within one week. Forty-one responses to the surveys were received by the Board from licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers. The responses constitute hearsay. Findings of fact concerning whether the information contained in the responses is correct, therefore, have not been made. The responses to the surveys have, however, been relied upon to make findings of fact concerning what information the Board based its EIS on. The Board received the following pertinent responses to the surveys from licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers: (1) 26 of the responders use computers, 12 have no computer capacity and 3 have some computer capacity; 17 or 18 different software programs are in use; and, (3) the costs to implement the proposed collection of data ranged from $0 to $50,000.00. Twenty- six responders indicated that they did not know how long it would take for them to implement the proposed collection of data. The Board determined that the average implementation cost for licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers reported in the responses to its survey was $18,975.00 and that the average implementation time was 13 weeks. The Board rounded up the average cost reported to it in the surveys and estimated that the cost of implementing the Proposed Rules at licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers would be $20,000.00. Based upon the existence of 85 licensed facilities, the Board estimated the total implementation cost for licensed freestanding ambulatory surgery centers to be $1,700,000.00 ($20,000.00 x 85). The Board estimated that the maximum cost of implementing the Proposed Rules at affected hospitals would be $2.00 per patient record. This estimate was based upon the Board's estimate of the cost of hospital compliance with the Board's detailed patient discharge data rule. Based upon an estimate of 600,000 patient records a year which will have to processed as a result of the Proposed Rules, the Board estimated the total cost of implementation in affected hospitals to be $1,200,000.00. The Board concluded that the total minimum cost of implementing the Proposed Rules will be $2,900,000.00 ($1,700,000.00 cost for freestanding ambulatory surgery centers plus $1,200,000.00 cost for affected hospitals). The Board discussed the cost of implementing the Proposed Rules with J. Thomas Solano, an expert in computers. Mr. Solano estimated that the cost of modifying an existing computer system (small to mid-range computer) to comply with the Proposed Rules would be $4,000.00 to $10,000.00. The Board used the highest estimate, $10,000.00, and multiplied this cost by the number of affected persons (85 freestanding ambulatory surgery centers and 220 hospitals x $10,000.00). This resulted in a rounded-up estimated implementation cost of $3,100,000.00. The Board concluded that the total maximum cost of implementing the Proposed Rules will be $3,100,000.00. Some of the data to be collected and reported pursuant to the Proposed Rules is already being collected by affected persons. Therefore, the primary cost of complying with the Proposed Rules will be associated with modifying existing computer software and/or hardware. The cost of modifying an existing computer system can fluctuate widely. As a general rule, computer users with existing software must rely upon their existing software provider to make modifications. The cost of modifying software can, therefore, be much higher than Mr. Solano estimated. As an alternative to modifying existing systems, affected persons can acquire a freestanding personal computer and software which can be used to comply with the Proposed Rules. The cost of such an acquisition should be approximately $2,500.00 to $5,600.00. Intervenor, T.S.D.S., Inc., d/b/a Tallahassee Single Day Surgery Center, estimated that it will have to spend approximately $14,000.00 to $20,000.00 to implement the Proposed Rules. This estimate is based upon a letter purportedly from the Intervenor's computer company. The information contained in the letter is hearsay. The estimated implementation costs are, therefore, not supported by admissible evidence. The estimate, even if supported by competent substantial evidence, is within the Board's estimated implementation costs and, therefore, fail to prove that the Board's EIS is unreasonable or that the Board failed to fully consider the economic factors or impact. Intervenor, Cataract Surgery Center, estimated implementation costs of $1,900.00. This amount is limited to additional maintenance fees, supplies and personnel costs. Cataract Surgery Center believes there will no charge from its computer vendor to modify its software. Cataract's estimated costs are reasonable and within the Board's estimates. Ambulatory Surgical Center of Lake County (hereinafter referred to as "Lake"), does not own a computer. It uses the computer system of its physician owners. Lake considered more than one method of complying with the Proposed Rules. It considered buying a personal computer and estimated it would cost $5,000.00. This cost is consistent with the estimates of the Board. Lake also considered purchasing an integrated hardware and software package. It estimated that such a system would cost $40,000.00 to $50,000.00. The estimate is based upon hearsay. Even if the evidence concerning the cost of an integrated system is accepted as correct, the evidence fails to prove that such costs are necessary to comply with the Proposed Rules. The estimate for this system is based upon Lake's decision that it would perform other functions with the computer system, including storing management information and performing billing functions. These functions are not required in order to comply with the Proposed Rules. Lake currently treats approximately only 300 patients annually. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Proposed Rules constitute an invalid exercise of delegated authority because of the implementation cost which will be incurred by affected persons. The weight of the evidence also failed to prove that the inadequate treatment of implementation costs in the EIS was fully considered by the Board. Therefore, the treatment of implementation costs in the EIS constitutes harmless error. Although the primary costs to affected persons caused by the Proposed Rules will be associated with implementation of the Proposed Rules, there will also be certain costs associated with ongoing compliance with the Proposed Rules. There will be ongoing costs for the collection of data, entry of the data into a computer and reporting data to the Board. Ongoing costs caused by the Proposed Rules will be greater if an affected person with an existing computer system acquires a freestanding computer system instead of using the existing system. The Board's statement in the EIS concerning ongoing costs was not based upon information from affected persons. The statement concerning ongoing costs does not indicate what the ongoing costs of compliance with the Proposed Rules will be. It only indicates that it will be less than the initial implementation costs associated with the Proposed Rules. Although the weight of the evidence did not prove the estimated total amount of ongoing costs to affected persons from the Proposed Rules, the weight of the evidence failed to prove that ongoing costs will be greater than the estimated total amount of implementation costs. T.S.D.S., Inc., d/b/a Tallahassee Single Day Surgery Center, estimated that it would incur ongoing costs of approximately $6,000.00. This estimate is reasonable. Cataract Surgery Center estimated that it would incur ongoing costs of $41,600.00, or $20.00 per case, to comply with the Proposed Rules. Cataract Surgery Center's estimated costs include the following costs: reel purchase; handling; reel preparation; collection of billing data; process of sending information to the Board; clarification of errors; additional record production; and response to public inquiries. Cataract Surgery Center's estimated costs are not reasonable. The estimated time to comply with the Proposed Rules is excessive and some of the tasks, i.e., collection of billing data, are not required by the Proposed Rules. Cataract Surgery Center's conclusion that it may have an increase in maintenance fees is reasonable. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Board did not fully consider the asserted economic factors and impact of the ongoing costs affected persons can be expected to incur as a result of the Proposed Rules. Therefore, the treatment of ongoing costs in the EIS was harmless error. The weight of the evidence also failed to prove that the Proposed Rules constitute an invalid exercise of delegated authority because of the ongoing cost which will be incurred by affected persons. The EIS contains a statement that the Proposed Rules should have no economic impact on small business. In reaching this conclusion the Board failed to take into account the legal definition of "small business" contained in Florida Statutes. The Board did, however, actually consider the impact the Proposed Rules would likely have on small ambulatory surgery centers subject to the Proposed Rules. The Board attempted to reduce the economic impact on small ambulatory surgery centers by allowing affected persons to file data on computer tape or on diskette. By allowing the use of diskettes for reporting data, the Board made it possible for affected persons to use personal computers to comply with the Proposed Rules. Delayed submission of some data elements was also allowed in order to reduce the impact on small facilities. It is unlikely that the Board would have made further modifications of the Proposed Rules had the legal definition of "small business" been considered. The weight of the evidence failed to prove what, if any, reasonable modifications should have been taken by the Board to accommodate any economic impact on small business. The weight of the evidence failed to prove whether any of the entities that participated in the proceeding were small businesses. Those entities, although meeting the definition of small business with regard to the number of employees they have and their net worth, failed to prove whether they are "independently owned and operated." See Section 288.703(1), Florida Statutes (1989). The weight of the evidence failed to prove if any person affected by the Proposed Rules is a small business. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Board did not fully consider the asserted economic factors and impact of small business which can be expected to incur as a result of the Proposed Rules. Therefore, the treatment of the impact on small business in the EIS was harmless error. The weight of the evidence also failed to prove that the Proposed Rules constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority because of the impact on small business. The Petitioners and Intervenors presented evidence concerning a number of actions which the Board did not take during its consideration of the economic impact and factors of the Proposed Rules and its preparation of the EIS. This evidence proved only that there were other steps which the Board could have taken during its preparation of the EIS. The Petitioners and Intervenors failed to prove, however, that the steps which the Board did take were not sufficient. The Petitioners and Intervenors therefore failed to prove that the steps which the Board did not take were required or necessary.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.53120.54120.68288.703
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Viera, Florida Jun. 06, 2000 Number: 00-002357 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2004

The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license as a veterinarian based on alleged violations of Section 474.214, Florida Statutes (1997), as charged in the Administrative Complaints filed against Respondent in this proceeding. Count I of the Administrative Complaint in Case No. 00-2357 charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997): being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent veterinarian as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. Count II of the Administrative Complaint charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(ee), Florida Statutes (1997): failing to keep contemporaneously written medical records as prescribed by Rule 61G18-18.002(3), Florida Administrative Code. The Administrative Complaint in Case No. 00-2358 charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997): being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent veterinarian as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence and testimony of the witnesses presented and the entire record in this proceeding, the following facts are found: At all times material, Respondent was a licensed veterinarian, having been issued license number VM 0003822. Facts relating to Case No. 00-2357 On or about March 5, 1998, Respondent performed a spay on "Midnight," a dog owned by Maryjane Greene and her husband. On or about March 8, 1998, "Midnight" expired at the Greene's home. When Mrs. Greene dropped off "Midnight," she was not sufficiently informed by Respondent about her option to have a pre-anesthesia lab work-up performed. There is no indication of an offer to perform a pre- anesthesia lab work-up, nor an indication that Mr. or Mrs. Greene declined such an offer, nor a consent form declining such a work-up, noted in the medical records kept by Respondent for "Midnight." It is a deviation from the standard of care to fail to offer a pre-anesthesia lab work-up. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the spay of "Midnight" included Xylzine (a.k.a. Rompun) a drug with a profound and potentially deleterious effect on the heart which may cause a first degree or second degree heart block. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the spay of "Midnight" also included Ketamine, which is not approved for use in dogs. When used as an anesthetic protocol, it is considered an extra-label use of the drug. An extra-label use of a drug means that there have been no safety studies completed, and it cannot be adequately predicted what effects the medication will have on an animal on a consistent basis. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Midnight" that Mrs. Greene was informed regarding the use of Ketamine in her dog's procedure. It is a deviation from the standard of care not to make a client aware of the use of an extra-label drug and not to have the client sign a consent form. Xylazine and Ketamine are both cardiac depressants. When used in combination they each make the other more of a cardiac depressant, thus requiring the administration of another drug, such as Atropine, to minimize the cardiac depressant effect. There is no indication in Respondent's medical records for "Midnight" that Atropine or any other drug was administered, other that the Xylazine and Ketamine. Respondent's failure to administer Atropine or any other drug to minimize the cardiac depressant effects of Xylazine and Ketamine was a deviation from the standard of care. Respondent's failure to administer Atropine or any other drug to minimize the cardiac depressant effects of Xyalzine and Ketamine played a substantial role in "Midnight's" demise. Upon picking up "Midnight," Mrs. Greene was given limited post-operative instructions. She was told not to give "Midnight" water until he could walk a straight line; not to give food until he could hold water down; only leash walks for 10 days; and no baths for 7-10 days. Respondent's post-operative discharge instructions given to Mrs. Greene did not comply with the standard of care in veterinary medicine. Facts relating to Case No. 00-2358 On or about August 25, 1998, Respondent performed surgery to remove a mass from the perineal area of "Snoopy," a nine-year-old obese Beagle belonging to Juan Ferras. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Snoopy" that the surgery was performed due to an emergency, although the credible testimony indicated that it was an emergency. Given "Snoopy's" age (nine years) and weight (60 lbs.), it would be in the dog's best interest to perform a pre- anesthesia lab work-up, or to at least offer one to the owner. Respondent did not indicate in his medical records that he offered to perform a pre-anesthesia lab work-up on "Snoopy." In view of the emergency nature of the surgery, it was not a deviation from the standard of care to fail to offer a pre-anesthesia lab work-up. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the procedure on "Snoopy" included Ketamine, which is not approved for use in dogs. When used, it is considered an extra-label use of the drug. Ketamine should be used with extreme caution in dogs for which the veterinarian is unaware of the renal function or the liver function of the dog. It is a deviation from the standard of care not to make a client aware of the use of an extra-label drug, and not to have the client sign a consent form. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Snoopy" that Juan Ferras was informed regarding the use of Ketamine in his dog's procedure. Upon picking up "Snoopy," Mr. Ferras was given limited post-operative instructions. Respondent's failure to give specific post-operative discharge instructions to Mr. Ferras constituted a deviation from the standard of care. After discharge, "Snoopy" began vomiting and was readmitted to Respondent's facility on or about August 27, 1998. On or about August 28, 1998, "Snoopy" expired at Respondent's facility. There is no indication in Respondent's records on "Snoopy" that upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, on or about August 27, 1998, Juan Ferras refused to pay or was only willing to pay a small portion of any treatment rendered to "Snoopy." Because of this finding it is unnecessary to address whether refusal to pay a fee is an appropriate defense by Respondent. Upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, on or about August 27, 1998, "Snoopy" was determined to be approximately 11 percent dehydrated and in a state of shock. In order to correct the dehydration and maintain "Snoopy," it would have been required to administer approximately 4300-4400 ccs of fluid. Respondent's records indicate that only 800 ccs of fluids were administered to "Snoopy." This left "Snoopy" with a tremendous deficit of fluids. Respondent's explanation as to the reason for the small amount of fluid shown on "Snoopy's" chart is not credible. Respondent's failure to administer the correct amount of fluids constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. Upon readmission to Respondent's clinic, Respondnet did not draw blood or perform any type of bloodwork on "Snoopy." Respondent's failure to draw blood or perform any type of bloodwork on "Snoopy" after being readmitted for dehydration and vomiting and shock constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. The fluids which were administered to "Snoopy" were administered sub-cutaneously. The failure to insert an IV catheter to administer the fluids, rather than administering them sub-cutaneously, constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. One way of re-hydrating a dehydrated patient is by weighing the dog and then adding enough fluids to get the patient to its normal weight. There is no indication in Respondent's records that "Snoopy" was weighed at the end of the day on or about August 27, 1998, or that "Snoopy" weighed approximately 60 pounds late in the day on or about August 27, 1998. Respondent's records for "Snoopy" contain a notation at 10:00 p.m. August 27, 1998, of "ADR" which means "ain't doing right." A patient whose records indicate "ADR" should be continuously monitored or transferred to an emergency facility. "Snoopy" was not monitored overnight and through the early hours of the next morning. Had Respondent taken appropriate steps with regards to fluid resuscitation upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, "Snoopy's" chance of survival would have been much higher.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that a final order be render by the Board of Veterinary Medicine, as follows: Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in Count I of the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2357 (DBPR Case NO. 98-11323). Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(ee), Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2357 (DBPR Case No. 98-11323). Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statues (1997), as alleged in the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2358 (DBPR Case No. 98-21230). In light of these findings of guilt and aggravating circumstances, the following penalties are recommended: A thirty-day suspension of licensure. An administrative fine in the amount of four-thousand dollars ($4000.00). Assessing costs of investigation and prosecution, in the amount of $973.24 for Case No. 00-2357 and $684.29 for Case No. 00-2358. Five years of monitored probation upon such terms and conditions as the Board finds necessary and reasonable. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of December, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of December, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Walter H. Dornbusch, D.V.M. 1117 Malabar Road, Northeast Palm Bay, Florida 32907 Robert H. Hosay, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Barbara D. Auger, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Sherry Landrum, Director Board of Veterinary Medicine Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.5720.165455.227474.214 Florida Administrative Code (2) 61G18-18.00261G18-30.001
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