Findings Of Fact HRS stipulated that the challenging parties, petitioners and intervenor, are substantially affected by, and so have standing to challenge, the memoranda in question. According to the pleadings, the challengers are existing providers of surgical services faced with the prospect of increased competition from competitors likely to receive certificates of need for ambulatory surgical centers under the HRS policy articulated in the challenged memoranda. On June 6, 1985, Robert Maryanski, administrator of HRS' Office of Community Medical Facilities, "issued to staff regarding the review of ambulatory surgical [c]ertificate of [n]eed applications," (T. 71) including applications for certificates of need for limited or specialty ambulatory surgical centers, Deposition of Marta Hardy, p. 23, the following: PDCF POLICY MEMORANDUM #7 JUNE 6, 1985 SUBJECT: Policy on CON review of ambulatory surgical center proposals TO: PDCF (Liz Dudek) PDCF (Paul Reilly) PDCF (Wayne McDaniel) PDCF (Joe Mitchell) The following policies will be employed by this office in the review of ambulatory surgical center CON applications: Based upon a review of available literature and outpatient surgical information obtained from the American Hospital Association Survey, a 30 percent factor will be used as the optimum number of surgeries to be performed on an outpatient basis. In all instances, the potential for outpatient surgeries will be determined at a county level. "Specialty" ambulatory surgical center (e.g., opthalmic) will not be given special consideration. The break even level of operations approach is considered adequate to assess the potential for such facilities. In those instances when the outpatient surgical potential in a county is calculated to be slightly below the applicant's projected break even level of operation and there is no existing and/or approved ambulatory surgical center in the county-consideration will be given to approving the application, assuring all other appropriate criteria are satisfied, to foster competition for outpatient surgery as an alternative to more costly inpatient surgery. Proposals which include a captive population (e.g., health maintenance organization) will be given additional consideration as required by appropriate statutory criteria (e.g., Chapter 381.494(6)(c), Florida Statutes.) If "pre-existing clinics, which have been performing surgical procedures similar to those approval of the project, after assuring that all other appropriate criteria are satisfied. An architectural review will be conducted to verify that the existing facility meets, or will be capable of meeting, licensure requirements. In those instances, in which a hospital makes application for outpatient surgical capabilities or an increase in its existing outpatient surgery capability via the establishment or expansion of operating rooms dedicated to outpatient surgery, the hospital's current level of outpatient surgical procedures will be subtracted from the total hospitals' outpatient surgical procedures. The hospitals' outpatient surgical rate (minus the applicant hospital) will be computed separately from the applicant's outpatient surgical rate. The county's projected population will be used to project hospitals' (minus the applicant hospital) outpatient volume, as well as existing ambulatory surgical facilities' volume. These figures will be subtracted from the total outpatient surgical "pool" projection. The 2nd year break even point number of procedures for approved ambulatory surgical facilities (which either are not in operation or have not operated a full year), is next subtracted from the total "pool." At this point, the projected number of outpatient procedures which would be performed at the applicant hospital, is compared to the remainder from the previous calculations. Should the projected outpatient level equal or exceed the calculated break even level of operation, consideration will be given to approving the application, assuring all other appropriate criteria are satisfied. In the case of hospital ambulatory Surgical projects which do not involve additional operating rooms dedicated to outpatient surgery, the above ambulatory surgery methodology will not be used. Licensed and existing ambulatory surgical centers which have been operational one year or more, will be surveyed to determine the number of procedures performed over one year. These procedures will be applied to the projected population and deducted from the total outpatient potential as described above. In the case of those approved but unlicensed ambulatory surgery methodology will not be used. Licensed and existing ambulatory surgical centers which have been operational one year or more, will be surveyed to determine the number of procedures performed over one year. These procedures will be applied to the projected population and deducted from the total outpatient potential as described above. In the case of those approved but unlicensed ambulatory surgical centers, the previously calculated break even level of operation will be deducted from the total outpatient potential. In all instances, the projected year of operation will be based on the time required for construction, if appropriate, as reflected in the application plus two years from the date of this office's review. "Procedures" include all diagnostic procedures (e.g., endoscopic and cystoscopic), as well as all other invasive procedures regularly construed of as surgeries. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact me upon receipt. This policy is effective on June 15, 1985. Petitioner's Exhibit A The June memorandum stated policy substantially similar to a memorandum authored by Mr. Maryanski's predecessor on February 21, 1985, which contained at least some of the elements of the policy that HRS applied earlier than October 9, 1983, Deposition of Nelson, p. 5, and even as early as December of 1982, Deposition of Porter, p. 11, and which reads: TO: PDCF STAFF SUBJECT: UPDATED POLICY ON CON REVIEW OF AMBULATORY SURGERY PROPOSALS At a meeting with Doug Mannheimer, members of PDCFR, and myself on February 14, the following guidelines for reviewing CON proposals for ambulatory surgery were agreed upon: Effective immediately, we will use 30 percent as the optimum number of surgeries to be performed on an outpatient basis as opposed to 29 percent. health maintenance organizations. The issue of how to deal with "pre-existing" unlicensed ambulatory surgery providers was also discussed. It was decided that if an applicant can demonstrate that it has been providing ambulatory surgical services historically in a facility which meets, or for a minor capital expenditure could meet, licensing requirements and that the provision of such services has been done profitably, this type of applicant should receive special consideration in CON reviews. However, in such cases, it will be necessary for the CON architect to verify that the existing facility meets, or almost meets, licensure requirements, and for the CON accountant to verify that the operation has historically been profitable. Data base issues were discussed. PDCFR was informed of the decision to remove the ambulatory surgery data collection burden from Nell Mitchem. The possibility of having PDCH and/or the local health councils collect such information on a semi-annual basis was discussed and will be explored further by Tom Porter. The method of counting procedures of existing ambulatory surgery centers was considered. The pros and cons of utilizing the center's break even point as described in its CON application versus its actual use was debated. It was decided that existing ambulatory surgery centers which have been in business one year or more will be surveyed to determine their actual use. In the case of those existing centers in business less than one year, the break even point will be used. The issue of counting dedicated hospital-based ambulatory surgery facilities was discussed. It was decided that in instances where a hospital applies for ambulatory surgical capabilities or an increase in that capability via the establishment or expansion of operating rooms solely dedicated to outpatient surgery, the hospital's current provision of outpatient surgery will be subtracted from the total of outpatient surgeries performed and then converted to an institution-specific rate and applied to projected population to determine the need. In the case of hospital ambulatory surgery projects not involving additional operating rooms or solely dedicated outpatient operating rooms, the ambulatory surgery methodology will not be employed. In these instances, the review will be primarily architectural. The definition of "procedures" was considered. It was determined that procedures should include all diagnostic procedures (e.g., endoscopic and cystoscopic), as well as all procedures regularly thought of as surgeries. establishment or expansion of operating rooms solely dedicated to outpatient surgery, the hospital's current provision of outpatient surgery will be subtracted from the total of outpatient surgeries performed and then converted to an institution-specific rate and applied to projected population to determine the need. In the case of hospital ambulatory surgery projects not involving additional operating rooms or solely dedicated outpatient operating rooms, the ambulatory surgery methodology will not be employed. In these instances, the review will be primarily architectural. The definition of "procedures" was considered. It was determined that procedures should include all diagnostic procedures (e.g., endoscopic and cystoscopic), as well as all procedures regularly thought of as surgeries. The method of computing the break even point was discussed. Tom Porter will work with Joe Mitchell to come up with an improved method for doing this. The issue of what year we project need to was discussed. It was decided that in all cases, the projection year would be based on the time shown in the application as required for construction and licensing of the facility plus two years from the date of the HRS review or date of administrative hearing, whichever is later. If you have any questions concerning this memorandum, please see me. /s/ Gene W. Eugene Nelson, Administrator COMMUNITY MEDICAL FACILITIES Petitioner's Exhibit B. The June memorandum supersedes the February memorandum but "not totally." Deposition of Marta Hardy, p. 10. The June memorandum made changes regarding the treatment of hospitals' applications. Deposition of Elizabeth Dudek, p. 23. On September 13, 1985, more than two weeks after the petitions had been filed in Cases Nos. 85-2962RX and 85-2963RX, Mr. Maryanski signed the following memorandum: SUBJECT: Policy Memorandums TO: PDCF (Liz Dudek) (Wayne McDaniel) (Paul Reilly) (Joe Mitchell) Policy memorandums are statements of the current policy of the Office of Community Medical Facilities, and the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, regarding the subject to which it is addressed. The policy at issue is in a state of development, and should not be considered to have reached a level of general applicability to all cases. This memorandum is not intended to dictate the out-come of action being taken on any given case, but rather represents a momentary picture of this policy as it has developed through cases previously encountered. In order to provide for reasonably consistent actions taken in similar instances in this office, please utilize this policy memorandum as a guideline, subject to change and development on a case basis. Respondent's Exhibit No. 1 At some point staff were told "if there are reasons to deviate [from the policy embodied in the June memorandum] that they should come and discuss those reasons with their supervisor or" (T. 73) Mr. Maryanski. At least some HRS staff adhere to the policy stated in the June memorandum. Deposition of Elizabeth Dudek, p. 28. But the only reasons for deviating from the policy set out in the Maryanski memorandum of June 6, 1985, are the very reasons that would justify deviation from duly promulgated administrative rules. (T. 77) Petitioner's Exhibit A, the June memorandum, has application statewide and is addressed to all applications for certificate of need for ambulatory surgical centers. (T. 77) Without this policy in effect, "the only means [HRS] would have available would be to review am-surg applications according to statutory criteria." (T. 73) HRS has assigned to its Office of Comprehensive Health Planning, not to its Office of Community Medical Facilities (headed by Mr. Maryanski and, before him, by Mr. Nelson), responsibility for promulgating administrative rules. On July 6, 1984, HRS published notice of intent to adopt a rule governing applications for certificates of need for ambulatory surgical centers, at 10 Florida Administrative Weekly No. 27, pp. 2064-2067. Petitioner's Exhibit C. Additional or amended notice was published on March 15, 1985, at 11 Florida Administrative Weekly No. 11. After petitions challenging HRS' proposed rule 10-5.11(30) were filed, HRS abandoned the effort formally to adopt a rule specifying the criteria for granting certificates of need for ambulatory surgical centers, by filing notice of withdrawal with the Department of State on June 20, 1985. On deposition, HRS' Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Planning testified that the June "memo was issued right after we withdrew the rule." At 6. Although in fact the notice of withdrawal of proposed rule 10-5.11(30) was not filed until after the June 6 memorandum was executed, the decision to withdraw the proposed rule, to judge from this testimony, antedated the memorandum which "in the absence of any kind of methodology, [HRS] decided to issue. . . to provide methodology guidelines to the staff within the office." Deposition of Marta Hardy, p. 6.
The Issue Whether Petitioner's request for authorization for the autologous chondrocyte implantation procedure should be approved pursuant to worker's compensation laws and rules.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner's Injury At all times, the Petitioner has been employed as a Ladies Wear Department Manager for K-Mart Corporation. On July 21, 1998, Petitioner, while in the course and scope of her employment, was injured when she fell on a metal ladder as she attempted to hang clothes on a rail. Her left knee struck a metal bar on the second step of the ladder, causing immediate pain. On August 26, 1998, Petitioner consulted Dr. Jeffery Friedman, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon, who specializes in knee and shoulder surgery. Dr. Friedman was recognized as an expert in the field of orthopedic surgery. On or about September 4, 1998, Petitioner underwent arthroscopic surgery performed by Dr. Friedman to remove a loose body from the knee. Dr. Friedman found grade III chondromalacia and debrided the area using an arthroscopic shaver. He also found loose articular cartilage at the patella. Dr. Friedman's records describe the area of grade III chondromalacia as "fairly large" and involving " the apex of the patella." However, neither the size nor the shape of the injury is disclosed. Dr. Friedman also debrided flake of articular cartilage from the tibial plateau and removed a calcific loose body from the posteromedial compartment. His post-operative diagnosis was left knee loose body, chrondromalacia, and intracruciate ligament strain. Petitioner returned to work with K-Mart after the arthroscopic surgery, and was placed on light duty. While performing her duties, Petitioner is required to stand most of the time, and is unable to sit. Prior to her injury, Petitioner worked 40 hours per week. After her injury, due to her physical limitations resulting from the accident, Petitioner is only able to work 24 hours per week. Petitioner's pain limits her ability to work 40 hours per week. Petitioner cannot put her full weight down on the left knee while going up steps or a ladder or it causes sharp shooting pains. In addition, continuous walking results in continuous aching pain. The reduction in Petitioner's work hours was due to her injury. Petitioner is now unable to perform all of the duties that were required of her before the injury. Dr. Friedman found Petitioner to have reached maximum medical improvement in December 1998. In early 1999, Petitioner sought treatment for continued pain. An MRI was performed on or about March 5, 1999, which suggested a small defect in the articular cartilage, thinning of the patellar cartilage, and narrowing of the medical femoral tibial joint consistent with the early stages of osteoarthritis. In June, 1999, Petitioner underwent steroid injections for continued pain. In September, 1999, Petitioner returned to Dr, Friedman because of continued pain. Dr. Friedman reviewed a video tape that he had made of the arthroscopic surgery and fount that the Petitioner had a fairly large chondral defect of the patella. Dr. Friedman determined that Petitioner was a candidate for ACI, also known as the Genzyme Carticel Procedure (Genzyme Procedure). Dr. Friedman believed that the ACI procedure would benefit Petitioner by providing long-term symptomatic relief with joint pain and mechanical disturbances and improved joint motion function, eliminating the complaints of grinding and catching, and furthering the goal of returning the patient to regular and even strenuous activity. Petitioner then requested authorization for the ACI procedure. The Employer/Carrier denied the request and referred it to the Agency for Health Care Administration for review in accordance with Florida law. The Agency consulted with the University of Florida Faculty Practice Group, and Dr. B. Hudson Berrey, Chair of the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, rendered an opinion that the procedure is investigative within the meaning of Rule 59B-11.002(5), Florida Administrative Code. Dr. Berrey further opined that there was not reliable evidence that ACI would provide significant benefit to the recovery and well-being of the injured employee within the meaning of Rule 59B-11.004(3), Florida Administrative Code. The documents and information forwarded to Dr. Berrey by Respondent included Petitioner's medical records provided by Intervenor, K-Mart carrier. Dr. Berrey did not review any actual MRI films, did not review any films taken at the time of the arthroscopic procedure, and in fact only reviewed certain documentation that was supplied to him by the agency. Petitioner was denied her right to present information to Dr. Berrey prior to his forming his opinion for the agency. This was a violation of Rule 59B-11.003, Florida Administrative Code. The agency rendered a decision based upon Dr. Berrey's opinion, declining to order the Employer/Carrier to provide ACI to Petitioner. Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation The ACI procedure was initially developed in Sweden by Dr. Lars Peterson. ACI is a surgical procedure whereby a sample of cartilage is harvested from another area of the joint. The harvesting of the cartilage is performed during an arthroscopic surgical operation. The sample is sent to Boston to the laboratory of Genzyme Tissue Repair, Inc. ("Genzyme"), the owner of the process. Genzyme uses its proprietary process to culture the cells into an estimated 12 million chondrocytes over a period of approximately two months. Genzyme then returns the cultured chondrocytes to the surgeon. The surgeon then performs an open surgical operation. The surgeon creates a periosteal flap. In addition, the injury is debrided and the chondrocytes are implanted on the wounded cartilage and covered with the periosteal flap. The ACI procedure thus requires two surgical operations, one arthroscopic procedure and one open procedure. The claimed benefit of ACI is that the cartilage that is generated and implanted onto the knee will be hyaline cartilage or hyaline-like cartilage rather than fibrocartilage. Hyaline cartilage is composed both of the cartilage cells of an extra-cellular matrix. It has greater ability than fibrocartilage to withstand compression and shearing forces. ACI has been shown to produce "hyaline-like" cartilage in some patients. However, it does not reproduce the extra- cellular matrix in which the chondrocytes are found in naturally occurring hyaline cartilage. Alternative Treatments Other available treatments for a defect in articular cartilage of the knees include abrasion chondroplasty, arthroscopic microfracture, and arthroscopic drilling. Many patients get relief with one or more of these alternative procedures and do not need another operation. In addition, a surgical procedure to elevate the tibial tubercle and remove some of the weight from the patella might also alleviate the Petitioner's pain and improve her functioning. Dr. Friedman performed an abrasion chondroplasty during the arthroscopic surgery of September 4, 1998. Dr. Friedman did not offer Petitioner either the microfracture or the drilling procedures. Dr. Friedman had considered performing a tibial tubercle elevation but has not recommended that the Petitioner undergo that procedure either before the ACI is approved or independently of the ACI. Dr. Friedman views the primary purpose of this procedure as assuring the best possible results from the ACI. Dr. Friedman indicated there were no appropriate alternative medical procedures, other then the ACI procedure, available for Petitioner's injury. Dr. Friedman opined that the only viable option of putting back normal articular cartilage underneath the kneecap would be with the ACI procedure. In this opinion, the alternative procedures are not appropriate for and would not benefit Petitioner, as they were merely temporary procedures. Moreover, he emphatically stated that the ACI procedure is the procedure which is appropriate for an would benefit Petitioner. The Evidence That ACI Remains Investigative The Agency for Health Care Administration has not promulgated, endorsed, or approved any particular treatment for injuries to the articular cartilage of the knee in accordance with Sections 440.13(15) or 408.02, Florida Statutes; therefore, there was no Agency-approved protocol for Dr. Berrey to consider in rendering his opinion. Dr. Berrey testified that he could find no articles or publications describing controlled studies in which the effectiveness of ACI compared to any other procedure. Dr. Berrey further testified that he could find no articles about the ACI procedure in peer-reviewed journals in which the authors used objective measures of outcome which compared the patients' condition before and after treatment. The use of blinded or controlled studies is important so that possible confounding factors or variables can be controlled or accounted for and the results measured objectively. Dr. Berrey found that the publications cited by the proponents of the procedure discussed research which was funded by Genzyme, the owner of the process by which the chondrocytes were cultured. The funding of the research by the owner of the process was an additional factor in his determination that the evidence supporting the efficacy of the procedure was not reliable. The Cartilage Repair Registry and the results reported therein do not constitute reliable evidence of the benefits of ACI when compared to other available procedures for two reasons. First, the potentially confounding variables are neither controlled nor accounted for. Second, each surgeon evaluates his or her own work, so that there is no objective, independent measurement or assessment of the condition of each patient before and after surgery. Although the premise on which ACI is based is that the patient's implant will consist of hyaline cartilage rather than fibrocartilage, the available data does not indicate that the results are comprised only, or even primarily, of genuine hyaline cartilage. Rather, the evidence is that some patients develop "hyaline-like" cartilage, or cartilage composed partly of hyaline tissue. It cannot be determined whether hyaline or hyaline- like cartilage has filled a patient's defect without performing a biopsy and a histological evaluation of the tissue. The published reports described in the testimony contain discussions of post-surgical histological performed on very small numbers of patients. The published reports concerning the use of ACI to treat defects of the patella show that the results are not as favorable as those claimed for treatment of the femoral condyle. After the proponents of the procedure began to perform other procedures with the ACI to assure that any defects in the alignment of the patella are repaired, improved results were reported. Dr, Friedman testified about the published results of histological evaluations of 37 patients. Of those, seven underwent ACI to treat defects of the patella. Only one of the seven showed the development of hyaline-like tissue. Further, only two of the seven patella patients reported surgical results classified as good or better. Dr. Friedman opined that the histological data resulting from treatment of defects of the patella had improved since the study described in the preceding paragraph. However, he could not give any reference to the basis for his opinion. Dr. Friedman further testified that the more recent articles discussed the results of patients who had been followed from nine to 15 years. However, the articles and presentations from 1997 to 2000 report on follow-up of the first hundred patients between two and nine years after their surgery. Dr. Billings testified that Dr. Peterson's presentation discussed follow-ups of ACI patients occurring as long as 15 years after surgery. Yet, the March 2000 presentation to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons focused on 40 patients who had been evaluated three or more years after their surgery. The FDA granted an accelerated approval of the Carticel product in 1997. The original accelerated FDA approval was granted for defects of the femoral condyle, the trochlear groove, and the patella. The terms of the approval require that controlled studies be conducted which compare the procedure to other procedures available for the treatment of focal chondral defects, specifically, microfracture and the creation of a periosteal flap without the injection of the cultured chondrocytes. None of the expert witnesses had found in their literature search any published reports of the progress of the controlled studies required under the terms of the accelerated FDA approval. In February, 2000, the FDA approval was modified. Genzyme is no longer permitted to market the ACI procedure or its Carticel product for treatment of defects to the patella. The requirements of Rule 59B-11.004, Florida Administrative Code, differ significantly from those of the accelerated FDA approval process, so that the granting of accelerated approval does not determine the answer to the question whether a treatment is investigative under that rule. The FDA's inquiry addresses the issues of safety and efficacy. However, the accelerated FDA approval process does not address the issues of whether a particular product is more effective than currently existing treatments or is equally cost-effective. Based upon all the evidence, the performance of the ACI procedure on the defects located in the patella is investigative within the meaning of Rule 59B-11.002(5), Florida Administrative Code. The Probability That ACI Would be of Significant Benefit in Returning Petitioner to Work Both of Petitioner's expert witnesses testified that if she does not undergo ACI, it is likely that she will need a total knee replacement. However, neither witness testified that Petitioner currently requires a total knee replacement. No testimony was presented as to when Petitioner might require a total knee replacement. Despite the testimony that ACI has been studied for 20 years, the published reports follow patients only for nine years after surgery. From the current state of the research, it is not possible to conclude that patients who undergo ACI avoid the need for subsequent surgery in ten or more years. The published studies of the results of ACI going out nine years from the date of surgery do not state the number of procedures performed on the patella. No witnesses testified regarding any published studies of the effectiveness of ACI that addressed the extent to which patients had been able to return to work as a result of the procedure. There is insufficient evidence from which to conclude that the ACI is more likely to enable the Petitioner to return to her duties that other available procedures. The Likelihood That the Benefits of ACI Would Outweigh the Risks and the Costs The testimony compared the cost and benefit of ACI with chondroplasty, microfracture or drilling, and, to some extent, a Macquet procedure or tibial tubercle elevation. Each of the other procedures requires only one surgical operation. ACI requires an arthroscopic surgical procedure to harvest cartilage, culturing of the chondrocytes at the Genzyme laboratory in Boston, and followed by an open surgical procedure to create a periosteal flap and to implant the chondrocytes. Petitioner's expert testified that the cost of culturing the chondrocytes alone was between $8,000 and $10,000, in addition to the two surgical procedures. Petitioner's expert compared the cost of ACI to that of a total knee replacement. However, that comparison is not appropriate under the rule because there is no evidence that Petitioner currently needs a knee replacement or that a knee replacement is the treatment generally used to treat her current condition. The cost of the abrasion chondroplasty, the microfracture or drilling procedure would approximate the cost of the first stage of ACI, approximately $2,300. Dr. Billings testified that the cost of the second stage of ACI was greater than that of the first stage. The second stage is an open surgical operation rather than an arthroscopic one. The total cost of the ACI procedure, including therapy, is probably close to the $30,000 required for a total knee replacement, including the therapy required for the total knee replacement. Dr. Berrey testified that published reports of the cost of ACI are as high as $37,000. The ACI requires extensive physical therapy; Petitioner presented no evidence as to the extent to which the cost of this aspect of treatment was included in the total cost of ACI. ACI has been established to be safe, so that the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks. However, there is insufficient evidence from which to conclude that the benefits of ACI outweigh the additional costs.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order denying approval of the autologous chondrocyte implantation for Petitioner Rebecca Crane. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of November, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of November, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Jeffrey J. Bordulis, Esquire 570 Crown Oak Centre Drive Longwood, Florida 32750 Lisa J. Hurley, Esquire Pyle, Jones, Hurley & Hand, P.A. 1069 West Morse Boulevard Winter Park, Florida 32789 Michelle L. Oxman, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building 3, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Ruben J. King-Shaw, Jr., Director Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Julie Gallagher, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308
The Issue Whether disciplinary action should be taken against Respondent's license as a veterinarian based on alleged violations of Section 474.214, Florida Statutes (1997), as charged in the Administrative Complaints filed against Respondent in this proceeding. Count I of the Administrative Complaint in Case No. 00-2357 charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997): being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent veterinarian as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. Count II of the Administrative Complaint charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(ee), Florida Statutes (1997): failing to keep contemporaneously written medical records as prescribed by Rule 61G18-18.002(3), Florida Administrative Code. The Administrative Complaint in Case No. 00-2358 charged Respondent with a violation of Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997): being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent veterinarian as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence and testimony of the witnesses presented and the entire record in this proceeding, the following facts are found: At all times material, Respondent was a licensed veterinarian, having been issued license number VM 0003822. Facts relating to Case No. 00-2357 On or about March 5, 1998, Respondent performed a spay on "Midnight," a dog owned by Maryjane Greene and her husband. On or about March 8, 1998, "Midnight" expired at the Greene's home. When Mrs. Greene dropped off "Midnight," she was not sufficiently informed by Respondent about her option to have a pre-anesthesia lab work-up performed. There is no indication of an offer to perform a pre- anesthesia lab work-up, nor an indication that Mr. or Mrs. Greene declined such an offer, nor a consent form declining such a work-up, noted in the medical records kept by Respondent for "Midnight." It is a deviation from the standard of care to fail to offer a pre-anesthesia lab work-up. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the spay of "Midnight" included Xylzine (a.k.a. Rompun) a drug with a profound and potentially deleterious effect on the heart which may cause a first degree or second degree heart block. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the spay of "Midnight" also included Ketamine, which is not approved for use in dogs. When used as an anesthetic protocol, it is considered an extra-label use of the drug. An extra-label use of a drug means that there have been no safety studies completed, and it cannot be adequately predicted what effects the medication will have on an animal on a consistent basis. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Midnight" that Mrs. Greene was informed regarding the use of Ketamine in her dog's procedure. It is a deviation from the standard of care not to make a client aware of the use of an extra-label drug and not to have the client sign a consent form. Xylazine and Ketamine are both cardiac depressants. When used in combination they each make the other more of a cardiac depressant, thus requiring the administration of another drug, such as Atropine, to minimize the cardiac depressant effect. There is no indication in Respondent's medical records for "Midnight" that Atropine or any other drug was administered, other that the Xylazine and Ketamine. Respondent's failure to administer Atropine or any other drug to minimize the cardiac depressant effects of Xylazine and Ketamine was a deviation from the standard of care. Respondent's failure to administer Atropine or any other drug to minimize the cardiac depressant effects of Xyalzine and Ketamine played a substantial role in "Midnight's" demise. Upon picking up "Midnight," Mrs. Greene was given limited post-operative instructions. She was told not to give "Midnight" water until he could walk a straight line; not to give food until he could hold water down; only leash walks for 10 days; and no baths for 7-10 days. Respondent's post-operative discharge instructions given to Mrs. Greene did not comply with the standard of care in veterinary medicine. Facts relating to Case No. 00-2358 On or about August 25, 1998, Respondent performed surgery to remove a mass from the perineal area of "Snoopy," a nine-year-old obese Beagle belonging to Juan Ferras. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Snoopy" that the surgery was performed due to an emergency, although the credible testimony indicated that it was an emergency. Given "Snoopy's" age (nine years) and weight (60 lbs.), it would be in the dog's best interest to perform a pre- anesthesia lab work-up, or to at least offer one to the owner. Respondent did not indicate in his medical records that he offered to perform a pre-anesthesia lab work-up on "Snoopy." In view of the emergency nature of the surgery, it was not a deviation from the standard of care to fail to offer a pre-anesthesia lab work-up. The anesthetic protocol used by Respondent during the procedure on "Snoopy" included Ketamine, which is not approved for use in dogs. When used, it is considered an extra-label use of the drug. Ketamine should be used with extreme caution in dogs for which the veterinarian is unaware of the renal function or the liver function of the dog. It is a deviation from the standard of care not to make a client aware of the use of an extra-label drug, and not to have the client sign a consent form. There is no indication in Respondent's records for "Snoopy" that Juan Ferras was informed regarding the use of Ketamine in his dog's procedure. Upon picking up "Snoopy," Mr. Ferras was given limited post-operative instructions. Respondent's failure to give specific post-operative discharge instructions to Mr. Ferras constituted a deviation from the standard of care. After discharge, "Snoopy" began vomiting and was readmitted to Respondent's facility on or about August 27, 1998. On or about August 28, 1998, "Snoopy" expired at Respondent's facility. There is no indication in Respondent's records on "Snoopy" that upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, on or about August 27, 1998, Juan Ferras refused to pay or was only willing to pay a small portion of any treatment rendered to "Snoopy." Because of this finding it is unnecessary to address whether refusal to pay a fee is an appropriate defense by Respondent. Upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, on or about August 27, 1998, "Snoopy" was determined to be approximately 11 percent dehydrated and in a state of shock. In order to correct the dehydration and maintain "Snoopy," it would have been required to administer approximately 4300-4400 ccs of fluid. Respondent's records indicate that only 800 ccs of fluids were administered to "Snoopy." This left "Snoopy" with a tremendous deficit of fluids. Respondent's explanation as to the reason for the small amount of fluid shown on "Snoopy's" chart is not credible. Respondent's failure to administer the correct amount of fluids constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. Upon readmission to Respondent's clinic, Respondnet did not draw blood or perform any type of bloodwork on "Snoopy." Respondent's failure to draw blood or perform any type of bloodwork on "Snoopy" after being readmitted for dehydration and vomiting and shock constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. The fluids which were administered to "Snoopy" were administered sub-cutaneously. The failure to insert an IV catheter to administer the fluids, rather than administering them sub-cutaneously, constitutes a deviation from the standard of care. One way of re-hydrating a dehydrated patient is by weighing the dog and then adding enough fluids to get the patient to its normal weight. There is no indication in Respondent's records that "Snoopy" was weighed at the end of the day on or about August 27, 1998, or that "Snoopy" weighed approximately 60 pounds late in the day on or about August 27, 1998. Respondent's records for "Snoopy" contain a notation at 10:00 p.m. August 27, 1998, of "ADR" which means "ain't doing right." A patient whose records indicate "ADR" should be continuously monitored or transferred to an emergency facility. "Snoopy" was not monitored overnight and through the early hours of the next morning. Had Respondent taken appropriate steps with regards to fluid resuscitation upon "Snoopy's" readmission to Respondent's facility, "Snoopy's" chance of survival would have been much higher.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that a final order be render by the Board of Veterinary Medicine, as follows: Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in Count I of the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2357 (DBPR Case NO. 98-11323). Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(ee), Florida Statutes (1997), as alleged in Count II of the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2357 (DBPR Case No. 98-11323). Finding Respondent guilty of having violated Section 474.214(1)(r), Florida Statues (1997), as alleged in the Administrative Complaint for DOAH Case No. 00-2358 (DBPR Case No. 98-21230). In light of these findings of guilt and aggravating circumstances, the following penalties are recommended: A thirty-day suspension of licensure. An administrative fine in the amount of four-thousand dollars ($4000.00). Assessing costs of investigation and prosecution, in the amount of $973.24 for Case No. 00-2357 and $684.29 for Case No. 00-2358. Five years of monitored probation upon such terms and conditions as the Board finds necessary and reasonable. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of December, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of December, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Walter H. Dornbusch, D.V.M. 1117 Malabar Road, Northeast Palm Bay, Florida 32907 Robert H. Hosay, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Barbara D. Auger, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Sherry Landrum, Director Board of Veterinary Medicine Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792
Findings Of Fact The applicants, MediVision of Miami, Inc., and MediVision of Northern Dade County, Inc., are wholly owned subsidiaries of MediVision Inc., which maintains its corporate offices in Boston, Massachusetts. MediVision, Inc., was incorporated in January, 1984, to promote the development of outpatient eye surgery, in part through the development and operation of outpatient eye surgery centers. MediVision of Miami, Inc., and MediVision of Northern Dade County, Inc., will each be responsible for the development and operation of the projects proposed in their respective applications. MediVision, Inc., was organized by several individuals in response to a study conducted by Bain and Company, a strategic consulting firms as part of a consulting engagement in which those persons were involved. The study disclosed several demographic and health care delivery trends which prompted MediVision management to pursue the development of outpatient eye surgery centers. Those trends are: an overall movement of all types of surgery from an impatient to an outpatient setting; the increase in the nation's elderly population, and the fact that the likelihood of a person developing cataracts increases dramatically with age; the technological improvements in the provision of cataract surgery; the growth in the number of cataract surgeries performed nationally; and, a change in the manner in which Medicare reimburses a facility for outpatient surgery performed upon Medicare recipients. Medicare, since 1982, has reimbursed licensed freestanding ambulatory surgical facilities at a flat rate for the provision of such surgery, with no cost to the patient. For the same surgical procedures performed in a hospital outpatient setting, Medicare will reimburse the facility its costs of providing the surgery; the patient is responsible to pay the Medicare deductible and 20 percent co-insurance. Various subsidiaries of MediVision Inc., presently operate eight outpatient eye surgery centers nationwide; two are located in Florida. Other MediVision subsidiaries are developing three additional centers in Florida, pursuant to certificates of need issued by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Both parties employed the same quantitative need methodology. The methodology employs the following steps: acquire data regarding number of impatient and outpatient surgical procedures performed by existing providers; using this data, calculate current overall surgical use rate and outpatient surgical use rate for county; using the projected population for the year in question and the current use rate, calculate projected number of surgeries; multiply total projected surgeries by 40 percent to establish total outpatient surgery pool for year in question; subtract from result of step 4, all outpatient surgical procedures projected to be performed in hospitals and operating freestanding ambulatory surgery centers; subtract financial break-evens of all certificate of need approved freestanding outpatient surgery centers from this pool; and, after subtractions the number of surgical procedures remaining are compared to the break-evens of certificate of need applicant at issue. If the pool is larger than break-evens the condition is satisfied. If the pool is smaller than break-evens the condition is not satisfied. The quantitative methodology provides a reasonable approach to the evaluation of need for ambulatory surgical facilities. The basic methodology has been employed by the Department since 1982; in December, 1985, the Department began to employ a "40 percent outpatient factor" in implementing the policy. Accordingly, looking toward the planning horizon of 1988, the methodology projects that 40 percent of all surgeries in Dade County will be performed on an outpatient basis. The 40 percent outpatient factor is reasonable for use in these proceedings. The prevailing literature suggests that 40 percent of all surgeries can be expected to be performed on an outpatient basis. Within Florida, many counties are already performing in excess of 30 percent of all surgeries on an outpatient basis. Trends in health care delivery and reimbursements including the growth in pre-paid health care organizations, such as health maintenance organizations; professional review organizations, which monitor the appropriateness of hospital admissions; and Medicare reimbursement incentives will contribute to an increase in the percentage of surgeries performed in an outpatient setting. While employing the same quantitative need methodology, the parties' health planning experts arrived at different conclusions as to whether the methodology projects need for the facilities at issue in these proceedings. The differences in outcome are attributable to two issues: (1) the calculation of a base-year use rate; and (2) the calculation of "break-evens" for previously approved, but non-operational, ambulatory surgical facilities. Each expert relied upon the same basic data source in calculating a base-year surgical use rate, employing data collected by HRS and reported in the most current State Agency Action Report prepared by the Department relative to Dade County. Such Action Report (CON Action No. 4095) lacked complete data regarding the total number of surgeries performed in Dade County during the base-year (1984-5), in that six of the thirty-three acute care hospitals in Dade County failed to report. Because it is necessary to have complete data in order to establish an accurate base-year surgical use rate, Mark Druash who was engaged to undertake a need analysis by the applicants, referred to earlier State Agency Action Reports to acquire surgical procedure data for the six hospitals which had failed to report. Such documents are reliable data sources upon which to base a need analysis. In calculating a county's surgical use rate, health planners take into consideration the total population within the county. Accordingly, the total number of surgeries provided within the county must also be considered. In that six Dade County hospitals failed to report data and HRS' health planner did not acquire data relative to those facilities, the surgeries performed at those hospitals were not included in his calculation of a surgical use rate. If the total population of a county is considered in calculating a surgical use rate, but something less than the total number of surgeries is considered, the calculation results in an artificially deflated use rate. As the base-year use rate drives all of the remaining calculations in the quantitative methodology, an error in the calculation of the use rate will be carried through the entire methodology. The ultimate effect of a deflated use rate is to project a smaller number of surgical procedures, as compared to a use rate calculated upon complete data. HRS calculated a base-year surgical use rate for Dade County of 78.2 surgeries/1000 population. MediVision calculated a base-year surgical use rate of 92.8/1000 population. The variance in the use rates is attributable solely to the fact that Druash acquired and employed in his calculations surgical procedure data from all Dade County hospitals previously relied upon by HRS; while HRS relied upon incomplete data. In that Druash's calculations are based on a complete data based the surgical use rate of 92.8/1000 population is found to be more accurate and reliable than the rate of 78.2/1000 population calculated by HRS from incomplete data. The parties differ in their calculation of "break- evens for previously approved, but not yet operational, ambulatory surgical facilities. The break-even calculation is an integral part of the quantitative need methodology. The purpose of subtracting from the available outpatient surgical pool the "break-evens" of approved, but not yet operational ambulatory surgical facilities is to assure that there exists need for the project proposed adequate to allow both such project and previously approved facilities to operate in a financially viable manner. The "break-even" approach is also intended to promote competition; rather than assuming that all of the procedures projected by a facility will be performed in such facility; the approach allocates to the facility only that number of procedures it needs to generate sufficient revenues to cover its expenses. Druash who participated in the development of the quantitative methodology during his tenure with HRS, testified that the "break-even" approach was selected because it would promote competition among providers by approving enough applicants so that they would be "hungry" for the residual surgeries projected by the methodology. The purpose of calculating a financial break-even is to ascertain at what point a project's cash flow will equal its expenditures. The generally accepted method for calculating a financial break-even requires that fixed costs be separated from variable costs. The concept of variable costs is the basis for the computation of a break-even. Fixed costs are those which remain constant regardless of the volume of business conducted by an entity; variable costs are those that change directly with volume. In the operation of an ambulatory surgical facility, virtually all expenses related to medical supplies are variable. If no patients are treated, no medical supplies are needed, and no expenses are incurred. If 100 patients are treated, 100 units of medical supplies are needed, with resultant expense. Certain expenses involved in the operation of an ambulatory surgical center are totally fixed, such as debt service and property taxes. All other expenses are variable to some degree e.g. salaries, utilities, and maintenance. Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment are not considered as expenses in a break-even analysis, as those items do not represent cash expenditures. As mere accounting recognitions of prior investment, depreciation and amortization should not be included in a calculation of a cash flow break-even. HRS' methodology for calculating financial break-evens for ambulatory surgical procedures treats all expenses as fixed, and includes amortization and depreciation among those expenses. By HRS' admissions the Department, "in lieu of attempting to determine what is fixed and what is variable . . . will use a somewhat more crude method". Where a financial break-even is calculated treating all costs as fixed, the resulting break-even number is artificially inflated. By the Department's reckoning, the effect of treating all expenses as fixed is to "add a cushion" to its approvals of prior applications. HRS' expert acknowledged, however, that differentiating between fixed and variable costs in performing a financial break-even analysis is the "preferred methods no question". Lovell Jones, a certified public accountant and expert in health care finance, performed revised break-even analyses for previously approved, but not yet operational, ambulatory surgical facilities. Jones first acquired expense and revenue data from the certificate of need applications submitted by previously approved applicants. Then, treating only medical supplies as variable expenses, and excluding amortization and depreciation from the list of fixed expenses, he calculated the actual financial break-even of each approved, but not yet operational, facility. Jones' analysis finds the collective break- even of all previously approved, but not yet operational, facilities to be 17,996 procedures, whereas the Department's "crude" analysis results in a collective break-even of 25,736. Jones' method of calculating break-even, which was agreed to be technically correct by both parties, is more accurate and reliable than the method employed by the Department. Using the agreed-upon quantitative methodology, the surgical use rate calculated by Druash, and the break-even numbers calculated by Jones, there is projected to exist in 1988 a pool of 5006 outpatient surgical procedures that could be provided by the applicants in these proceedings. Subtracting the break-even numbers of the two proposed facilities, there will exist a residual pool of greater than 3600 procedures. Accordingly, there exists a quantitative need for the two proposed facilities. Furthers the residual pool of greater than 3600 procedures represents an adequate "cushion" to satisfy the concerns of HRS that previously approved facilities be given the opportunity to operate in a financially viable manner. The proposed facilities will improve access to services for both Medicare and indigent patients. Medicare patients receiving surgery at the facilities will be treated free of cost, with the Medicare program having full responsibility for payment. All other patients will be treated at the facilities regardless of ability to pay. The proposed facilities will promote competition in that management intends the charges to commercial patients to be less than the prevailing charges in the community. Where an ambulatory surgical facility enters a market, hospital charges for similar services tend to decrease. The proposed facilities will promote cost containment, as it is more costly to render care in a hospital outpatient department than in a freestanding ambulatory surgical facility. Hospital outpatient departments, which are reimbursed by Medicare for their costs of providing services, do not have the same incentive to reduce costs as do freestanding ambulatory surgery facilities, which are reimbursed at a predetermined flat rate for the provision of services. Accordingly, Medicare has encouraged the use of freestanding ambulatory surgical facilities by incurring all responsibility for payments at no cost to Medicare recipients. The Department's sole concern regarding the financial feasibility of the proposed facilities arises out of its position that there exists no need for the facilities. Accordingly, the Department questions whether the facilities will enjoy utilization sufficient to generate the revenues necessary to their viable operation. In that need for the facilities has been found to exist, it follows that the facilities will be able to generate adequate numbers of surgeries to achieve break-even in their second years of operation. Several other factors indicate that the facilities will experience utilization sufficient to achieve break-even in their second years of operation: The marketing and community education activities proposed by the applicants will encourage utilization. In its existing surgical facility in Orlando, MediVision, Inc., has undertaken similar activities, which have resulted in substantial surgical referrals to the facility; There exists a residual pool of approximately 5,000,000 untreated cataracts nationally; Medicare reimbursement policies which allow Medicare recipients to receive treatment at licensed freestanding ambulatory surgical centers at no cost to the recipient will encourage utilization of the proposed facilities; The applicants' pricing structure, for both Medicare and commercial patients, will encourage utilization of the proposed facilities; and Two local ophthalmology group practices have expressed strong interest in performing surgery at the proposed facilities. Each group presently performs in excess of 1000 surgeries annually, which volume is greater than the break-even volume necessary to be achieved at each facility.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Lawn it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered approving the applications of Petitioners to establish and operate freestanding ophthalmic ambulatory surgical centers in Dade County, Florida. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 6th day of June, 1986, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of June, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: William Page, Jr., Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Robert A. Weiss, Esquire The Perkins House, Suite 101 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard A. Patterson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================
The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a Certificate of Need ("CON") authorizing establishment of an (ophthalmological) ambulatory surgical center in Palm Beach County, Florida. Subordinate issues are: Whether the proposed facility satisfies the CON criteria of Sections 381.494-499, Florida Statutes, as implemented by Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS) rule and non-rule policy; Whether the proposed facility will result in unnecessary duplication of services, underutilization of existing services and increased health care costs to the community; Whether adequate resources are available for the construction and operation of the proposed facility; and Whether the proposed facility is financially feasible.
Findings Of Fact (Numbering corresponds to numbering used in proposed findings.) Preliminary findings: 1-4. Approved. On issue of compliance with applicable criteria: 1-7. Approved. 8. Approved, with caveat that this is subject to supplying an adequate record basis for the policy at hearing. 9-13 Approved. Approved but no presumption of correctness attaches to HRS earlier or more recent evaluation of the application. See, Boca Raton, supra. Approved. Approved but modified to more accurately reflect that HRS takes HMO's into account, but this factor was not used or relied on (in connection with the non-rule policy or standing alone) as the basis for granting Petitioner's application. Approved. 18-32. Approved, in the sense that an HRS expert witness at hearing offered conclusions as to compliance with each statutory criteria; rejected, in that his conclusions (except for those concerning quality of care, financial feasibility, the inapplicability of some criteria, and the cost advantages of modifying an existing facility instead of constructing a new one) are rejected as unsubstantiated by the facts. On the Issue of Need: 1-8. Approved. Approved. Modified to reflect that this is one estimate among several offered by experts. Rejected as unsupported by the credible evidence of record. Approved. Approved. First sentence, approved, in that this is the stated "attempt" of HRS' challenged non-rule policy. Second sentence, rejected as unsupported by the credible evidence; the profitable performance of outpatient surgery at a physician's office does logically compel a conclusion that his office should be licensed as an ambulatory surgical facility. On the issue of adequate resources: 1-8. Approved. On the issue of financial feasibility: 1-19 Approved. 20. Rejected as argumentative. RULINGS ON INTERVENOR'S PROPOSED FINDINGS 1-4. Approved. 5. Approved except for reference to equipment costs, of which there will be none. 9-16 Approved. 17. Such broad-brush incorporation of all facts asserted in argument is not susceptible to explicit rulings. RULINGS ON POST-HEARING MOTIONS. Intervenor's "Motion to Stay Issuance of Recommended Order" is denied. Intervenor's "Request for Hearing Officer to Take Official Recognition" of the Final Order of Hearing Officer Robert T. Benton II, in consolidated DOAH Case Nos. 85-2962R, 85-2963R and 85-3193R (attached to a "Notice of Supplemental Authority" dated November 1, 1985) is granted. The order is made a part of the record of this proceeding. A final order entered by another hearing officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings the authenticity of which is not in question, is an appropriate document to be accorded official recognition. See, Health Quest Realty XII v. HRS, 10 FLW 1729 (Fla. 1st DCA July 16, 1985, pet. for reh. pending). COPIES FURNISHED: Eric B. Tilton, Esquire 104 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore E. Mack, Esquire 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee Florida 32301 William B. Wiley, Esquire Post Office Box 2174 Tallahassee, Florida 32316
Recommendation Based on the foegoing it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner's application for a CON authorizing establishment of an ambulatory surgical facility at his offices in Palm Beach County, Florida, be DENIED. DONE and ORDERED this 15th day of January, 1986, in Tallahassee Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of January, 1986.
The Issue The issues for determination are whether Respondent Lucien Armand, M.D., violated Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes (2006); Section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2006), by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(2) and (4), and Section 458.351, Florida Statutes (2006); Section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2006); and Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2006), as alleged in an Amended Administrative Complaint filed by the Department of Health before the Board of Medicine on June 20, 2008; and, if so, what disciplinary action should be taken against his license to practice medicine in the State of Florida.
Findings Of Fact The Parties. Petitioner, the Department of Health (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), is the agency of the State of Florida charged with the responsibility for the investigation and prosecution of complaints involving physicians licensed to practice medicine in Florida. § 20.43 and Chs. 456 and 458, Fla. Stat. Respondent, Lucien Armand, M.D., is, and was at the times material to this matter, a physician licensed to practice medicine in Florida, having been issued license number ME 33997. Dr. Armand is board-certified in general surgery by the American Board of Surgery. Dr. Armand’s mailing address of record at all times relevant to this matter was 2071 Southwest 52nd Way, Plantation, Florida 33317. At the times relevant, Dr. Armand practiced medicine at 4100 South Hospital Drive, Suite 108, Plantation, Florida 33317. The office at which Dr. Armand practiced medicine was located very close to Plantation General Hospital (hereinafter referred to as “Plantation”). Dr. Armand has been the subject of three prior disciplinary matters arising out of five separate cases. Penalties were imposed in those three disciplinary matters. The Department summarized those disciplinary matters in paragraph 37 of its Proposed Recommended Order: In DPR Case Numbers 0019222, 0019123 and 0091224, Respondent was fined, received a reprimand, and was required to complete 30 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) in general vascular surgery and risk management within the surgical practice. In Case Number 94-10100, Respondent was required to submit to and comply with an evaluation at the University of Florida, to pay a fine, was reprimanded, was required to complete twenty hours of CME in general surgery in performing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, and was placed on Probation for two (2) years. In Case Number 1999- 58474, Respondent was restricted from performing Level II or above office surgery as defined in Rule 64B8-9.009(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code, until the Respondent demonstrated to the Board that he had successfully completed the University of Florida Comprehensive Assessment and Remedial Education Service (UF C.A.R.E.S.) course and complied with all recommendations, was reprimanded, was placed on probation for two (2) years, was required to attend the Florida Medical Association “Quality Medical Record Keeping for Health Care Practitioners” course, was required to perform 100 hours of community service, and was required to reimburse the Department for costs. Dr. Armand, who is 70 years of age, has been practicing medicine for 46 years. He has practiced medicine in Florida since 1979. During the eight months prior to the final hearing of this matter, Dr. Armand was working in South Sudan pursuant to contract with the United States State Department. October 6, 2006, Surgery on Patient W.C. On September 14, 2006, Patient W.C. presented to Dr. Armand and was diagnosed as having a slow-growing left inguinal hernia. Dr. Armand scheduled Patient W.C. for surgical repair of the inguinal hernia. The surgery was scheduled for October 6, 2006, at Dr. Armand’s office and, at the request of Patient W.C., under local sedation. At approximately 9:30 a.m., October 6, 2006, Patient W.C. arrived as scheduled at Dr. Armand’s office, accompanied by his wife and child. Patient W.C., who was not asked to execute any paperwork concerning the operation, was taken into a room where he was directed to lie down. There were two nurses in the room. Patient W.C. was given one shot of some form near the site of the procedure. This shot is the only medication he remembers receiving. He denied any recollection of having received medication intravenously, intramuscularly, or rectally. According to Dr. Armand, Patient W.C. was given “local anesthesia, Xylocaine 1% and ½% during the procedure and I gave some oral sedation, 10mg. of Valium, by mouth.” Page 171, Lines 19-21, Vol. II, Transcript of Final Hearing. At some point during the surgery, Patient W.C.’s intestines eviscerated, pushed themselves out through the hernia, making the hernia impossible to repair in the office. Due to the evisceration of Patient W.C.’s intestines, Dr. Armand eventually closed the incision and decided to transport Patient W.C. to Plantation to complete the procedure. Dr. Armand’s testimony that he closed and took patient W.C. to Plantation because Patient W.C. began “fidgeting” is not credited. While Patient W.C. did not have any clear recollection of the surgery while at Dr. Armand’s office, he did recall that “I was shaking myself and one of the nurses put something on my head and I went to sleep.” Page 40, Lines 20-22, Vol. I, Transcript of Final Hearing. Patient W.C. later indicated that “[o]ne of the ladies sprayed something on my face,” at which point Patient W.C. “went to sleep.” Page 41, Lines 23-24, and Page 42, Line 8, Vol. I, Transcript of Final Hearing. Patient W.C. did not remember anything else from this point in the surgery until he awoke at approximately 2:00 p.m., October 6, 2006, in a room at Plantation. Patient W.C. was transported to Plantation after he “fell asleep” by Dr. Armand. When Patient W.C. arrived at the Plantation emergency room, he was noted to be “sleepy” and, based upon Dr. Armand’s representation to the emergency room physician, Cornell Calinescu, M.D., was described as “somewhat sedated secondary to Valium and Clonidine.” Patient W. C. was also described by Dr. Calinescu and an emergency room nurse as able to speak. Upon admission to Plantation, Dr. Armand performed emergency surgery on Patient W.C. under general anesthesia, completing the procedure he had begun in his office. The surgery was completed without further complication. As noted above, Patient W.C. has no recollection of arriving at the Plantation emergency room, how he got to the hospital, or anything else that took place after falling asleep in Dr. Armand’s office, until he awoke in a hospital room later in the afternoon. Dr. Armand’s Medical Records for the October 6, 2006, Surgery. Dr. Armand’s office notes for Patient W.C. lack any documentation as to what took place in his office on October 6, 2006. Dr. Armand did not record the date of the procedure; the type of procedure performed; pre-operative care; any drugs that were prescribed, dispensed, and/or administered; the type and dosage of anesthetic sedation used; or post-operative care. Dr. Armand’s medical records for Patient W.C. also failed to include any informed consent for the procedure performed on October 6, 2006. As noted above, Dr. Armand did complete an operative report after the emergency surgery performed on Patient W.C. at Plantation. Office Surgery; Level of Anesthesia. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009 (hereinafter referred to as the “Office Surgery Rule”) prescribes standards for the performance of office surgery. In providing those standards, the Office Surgery Rule defines three levels of sedation and the conditions under which each level may be achieved and must be performed. Level II and Level III office surgery require registration of the physician’s office to perform. Dr. Armand’s office was not registered to perform Level II or Level III office surgery at the times relevant to this proceeding. Only the first and second levels of office surgery are relevant to this case. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(3) describes the types of procedures appropriate for “Level I” office surgery, which Dr. Armand has argued he performed on Patient W.C., as follows: Minor procedures such as excision of skin lesions, moles, warts, cysts, lipomas and repair of lacerations or surgery limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue performed under topical or local anesthesia not involving drug-inducted alteration of consciousness other than minimal pre- operative tranquilization of the patient. Liposuction involving the removal of less than 4000cc supernatant fat is permitted. Incision and drainage of superficial abscesses, limited endoscopies such as proctoscopes, skin biopsies, arthrocentesis, thoracentesis, paracentesis, dilation of urethra, cysto-scopic procedures, and closed reduction of simple fractures or small joint dislocations (i.e., finger and toe joints). . . . . 5. Chances of complication requiring hospitalization are remote. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(4) describes the types of procedures appropriate for “Level II” office surgery, which the Department argues Dr. Armand utilized on Patient W.C., as follows: Level II Office Surgery is that in which peri-operative medication and sedation are used intravenously, intramuscularly, or rectally, thus making intra and post- operative monitoring necessary. Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to: hemorrhoidectomy, hernia repair, reduction of simple fractures, large joint dislocations, breast biopsies, colonoscopy, and liposuction involving the removal of up to 4000cc supernatant fat. Level II Office surgery includes any surgery in which the patient is placed in a state which allows the patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining adequate cardiorespiratory function and the ability to respond purposefully to verbal command and/or tactile stimulation. Patients whose only response is reflex withdrawal from a painful stimulus are sedated to a greater degree than encompassed by this definition. [Emphasis added]. While the Department relies in part upon the language of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(4) that “[s]uch procedures shall include, but not be limited to . . . hernia repair . . .” to support its argument that the procedure performed by Dr. Armand on Patient W.C. was in fact performed as Level II surgery, this reliance is misplaced. Regardless of the proper interpretation of this language of the Rule (whether it clearly puts physicians on notice that all hernia repair surgery must be conducted as Level II surgery or not), at best it establishes a proscription. Such a proscription, cannot, however, be relied upon to establish the “fact” that Level II surgery was performed or not. The question of whether Dr. Armand performed the procedure defined as “Level II” office surgery is the disputed issue of fact in this case. Resolving this factual dispute requires an ultimate factual determination, which involves the application of a legal standard (the Rule) to the historical facts (what Dr. Armand actually did) as found by the trier-of-fact based upon the evidence. The Rule is not evidence of what Dr. Armand did; rather it is the yardstick against which Dr. Armand’s conduct must be measured and, ultimately, judged. The evidence either way concerning the level of surgery performed by Dr. Armand consisted of his testimony denying that Level II surgery was performed, the testimony of Patient W.C. concerning his condition, the description of Patient W.C.’s condition by emergency room personnel, and the opinion of the Department’s expert witness, Christian Brikedal, M.D., as to the level of surgery. Dr. Armand’s denial that he performed Level II surgery was not convincing because it was inconsistent with the patient’s description of his condition on October 6, 2006, and the description of his condition by emergency room staff when arrived at Plantation. Patient W.C. had no recollection of going to the hospital or anything that transpired there until he awoke at about 2:00 p.m. the afternoon of October 6, 2006. Emergency room staff noted that Patient W.C. was able to talk when he arrived. These facts, convincingly proved, are more consistent with what constitutes Level II surgery: “the patient is placed in a state which allows the patient to tolerate unpleasant procedures while maintaining . . . the ability to respond purposefully to verbal command and/or tactile stimulation.” This finding is further supported by Dr. Brikedal opinion that Patient W.C.’s condition was consistent with having undergone Level II sedatopm. Dr. Brikedal, whose testimony was convincing and uncontroverted, was asked the following question and gave the following answer at Page 22, Lines 7-14, Vol. I, Transcript of Final Hearing: Q Assuming W.C. is going to testify that as soon as the complication occurred that he was put to sleep and didn’t wake up until he was in the hospital, are you able to reach any conclusions about the level of sedation that occurred? A He would have to have been given a sedative I.V. or I.M. to be that sleepy. This opinion, as to Patient W.C.’s condition on October 6, 2006, supports a finding that Patient W.C. was under Level II anesthesia while surgery was being performed in Dr. Armand’s office. Having found that Patient W.C. was under the level of sedation described in the definition of “Level II” office surgery, leads inescapably to the finding that Dr. Armand administered Level II sedation to Patient W.C. The foregoing finding is further supported by the portion of the Office Surgery Rule quoted, supra, in finding of fact 24. Dr. Brikedal explained during the hearing why it is “appropriate and necessary to do an inguinal hernia repair” as Level II surgery: “Sedation to the point that the patient’s comfortable so they’re able to or they’re not pushing against you, inhibiting you from performing this very safely.” Page 24, Lines 20-22, Vol. I, Transcript of Final Hearing. As a board- certified general surgeon who has previously registered and had his office accredited as an office at which Level II surgery could be performed, Dr. Armand must have been aware of why it is prudent to perform hernia repairs as Level II surgery. While Dr. Armand may have begun the surgery as Level I, when Patient W.C.’s intestines eviscerated, Dr. Armand must have realized that taking Patient W.C. to Level II sedation would give him a better opportunity to correct the problem. Unfortunately for Dr. Armand, it was too late. Office Surgery Rule Procedures. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(2) prescribes requirements for conducting “office surgery,” taking into account of the level of sedation utilized during a procedure. The hernia repair performed by Dr. Armand on Patient W.C. constituted “surgery” as defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(1). Performance of the surgery in Dr. Armand’s office constituted “office surgery” as those terms are defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(1)(d). The “office surgery” performed by Dr. Armand on Patient W.C. failed to comply, as required, with all the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(2), applicable to conducting Level II office surgery and, in some instances, Level I office surgery: Dr. Armand failed to “maintain complete records” of the surgical procedure as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.003, or a written informed consent from the patient as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8- 9.009(2)(a)(applicable in part to Level I and Level II surgery); No log of Level II surgery was kept as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(2)(c); No adverse incident report was filed as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009(2)(k). This portion of the rule requires that “[t]he surgeon shall report to the Department of Health any adverse incidents that occur within the office surgical setting. . . .” (Emphasis added). This requirement is separate from any requirement that a hospital report adverse incidents and the burden of reporting is put directly on the surgeon; and Dr. Armand did not have an established risk management program as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8- 9.009(2)(j). The Standard of Care. Dr. Birkedal provided an opinion to the Department and testified at the final hearing as to whether Dr. Armand’s treatment of Patient W.C. met the “level of care, skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent similar health care providers ” (Hereinafter referred to as the “Standard of Care”). In his original opinion dated December 22, 2007, Dr. Birkedal indicated that he did not believe that Dr. Armand’s care of Patient W.C. violated the Standard of Care. There were caveats or assumptions, however, which Dr. Birkedal recognized in his written opinion could change his opinion if not correct. In particular, at the time of his original opinion, Dr. Birkedalk had incorrectly assumed that the procedure performed on Patient W.C. was a Level I procedure. Dr. Birkedal recognized in his original opinion that, if his assumption were incorrect, that his opinion would change: “[i]f he did give an IV sedative, then he may have violated the standard of care if his office is not licensed to give IV sedatives.” At hearing, Dr. Birkedal was of the opinion that Dr. Armand had not simply performed Level I surgery and, therefore, opined that he had violated the Standard of Care because his office was not a properly licensed office surgery suite. Dr. Birkedal also offered other opinions at hearing concerning what he perceived were violations of the Standard of Care, but those “violations” were not alleged by the Department in the Amended Administrative Complaint.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the a final order be entered by the Board of Medicine finding that Lucien Armand M.D., has violated Section 458.331(1)(v), Florida Statutes (2006); Section 458.331(1)(nn), Florida Statutes (2006), by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-9.009 and Section 458.351, Florida Statutes (2006); Section 458.331(1)(m), Florida Statutes (2006); and Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, to the extent found in this Recommended Order; and indefinitely suspending his license to practice medicine in Florida, but allowing him to continue to practice medicine outside the United States through his relationship with the United States Department of State after full disclosure of the Board’s final order to the United States Department of State. Should a medical license not be a condition of employment by the United States Department of State, his license should be revoked. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of June, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of June, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Diane Kiesling Assistant General Counsel Robert A. Milne Assistant General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265 Sean Ellsworth, Esquire Ellsworth Law Firm, P.A. 1501 Collins Avenue, Suite 208 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Larry McPherson, Executive Director Board of Medicine Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701