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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 02, 2011 Number: 11-002796RX Latest Update: Jun. 20, 2013

The Issue Whether Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.010 enlarges, modifies or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented, or is arbitrary or capricious, and thus constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Bayfront is a 480-bed tertiary hospital located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. In addition to serving as a teaching hospital, Bayfront is designated as a Level II trauma center pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes. Bayfront had a $3.6 million operating deficit in 2009 and a positive operating margin below one percent ($1.969 million) in 2010. Due to its financial strife in recent years, Bayfront has been forced to defer needed capital projects due to a poor liquidity position, inadequate borrowing capacity and insufficient cash flow. Tampa General is a major tertiary hospital that is designated by the state as a Level I trauma center. TGH also serves as a teaching hospital for the University of South Florida, College of Medicine ("USF"). TGH is located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Like Bayfront, TGH has also experienced significant financial challenges in recent years. For fiscal year 2011, TGH's budget reflected only a $7 million (one percent) operating margin. However, due to subsequent events, including Medicaid cuts and flat utilization year-to-date, TGH now expects to do no better than break-even, and may even incur a $4 million operating loss in FY 2011. This is significant because TGH has reached its borrowing capacity and must rely on its operating margin to build cash that will be used to fund needed capital projects and expenditures. Maintaining a positive and substantial operating margin is therefore critical to TGH's ability to replace equipment and infrastructure. St. Joseph's Hospital has served the Tampa area for 75 years and has approximately 800 licensed acute care beds. SJH offers a broad array of acute care services, including tertiary health care, serves as a comprehensive regional stroke center, and has been repeatedly recognized as a Consumers Choice hospital. SJH operates a Level II trauma center, and in 2010, treated approximately 2,700 trauma patients. SJH also has one of the busiest emergency departments in the state, with approximately 145,000 patient visits in 2010. Shands Jacksonville is an existing Level I trauma center. It is one of only seven such Level I providers in the state of Florida. Located in Jacksonville (Duval County), Shands treats approximately 4,000 trauma victims every year. Respondent Department of Health is the state agency authorized to verify and regulate trauma centers in the state of Florida pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.001 et seq. The Division of Emergency Medical Operations, Office of Trauma, oversees the Department's responsibilities with respect to the statewide trauma system. Intervenor Bayonet Point is a general acute-care hospital located in Pasco County, Florida. Bayonet Point is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Bayonet Point's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Bayonet Point was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Intervenor Blake Medical Center is a general acute care hospital located in Manatee County, Florida. Blake is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Blake's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Blake was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Although not a party to this case, HCA/Orange Park Medical Center ("Orange Park") is also currently in the process of applying for trauma center designation. Orange Park is located in Clay County, immediately to the south of Duval County. The Florida Trauma System For purposes of organizing a statewide network of trauma services, the Florida Legislature directed the Department to "undertake the implementation of a statewide inclusive trauma system as funding is available." § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. The statewide trauma network includes not just verified trauma centers, but all other acute care hospitals in the State, as well as ground and air emergency medical services providers, and "every health care provider or facility with resources to care for the injured trauma victim." § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. The network is premised on the basic principle that a trauma victim who is timely transported and triaged to receive specialized trauma care will have a better clinical outcome. § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. A trauma victim's injuries are evaluated and assigned an Injury Severity Score ("ISS"). § 395.4001(5), Fla. Stat. Patients with ISS scores of 9 or greater are considered trauma patients. § 395.402(1), Fla. Stat. Trauma experts speak in terms of "a Golden Hour," a clinical rule of thumb that postulates no more than 60 minutes should elapse from the occurrence of an injury to the beginning of definitive treatment. There is, however, no current consensus on what constitutes the "Golden Hour" for transport times. A 1990 Department study recommended travel time of 25-35 minutes as the outside range for optimal outcomes. A 1999 Department study favored a goal of 30 minutes transport time by ground, and a 50-mile radius by helicopter. By contrast, a 2005 study conducted for the Department used 85 minutes "total evacuation time" as "acceptable." Because of the necessity for rapid transport, key components of the trauma network are ground and air EMS transportation. It is important to get the trauma victim to the nearest trauma center as rapidly as possible, because "you can't do surgery in the back of an ambulance." Each EMS provider operates pursuant to Uniform Trauma Transport Protocols and inter-facility guidelines which give guidance for how, where and when trauma patients should be transported. Trauma centers are required to have numerous different kinds of physician specialists at the ready at all times. For instance, with respect to surgical services, a Level I trauma center must have "a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary (in-hospital) and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center when summoned." Further, in addition to having at least one "neurosurgeon to provide in-hospital trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center," a Level I provider must also have surgeons "available to arrive promptly at the trauma center" in 11 other specialties, including (but not limited to) hand surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery and plastic surgery. Level II trauma centers must comply with similar physician specialist standards. Not surprisingly, it is a constant struggle for existing trauma centers to ensure the availability of qualified clinical staff, technicians, specialty physicians and other personnel and resources necessary to continually meet the rigorous programmatic requirements of a trauma center. In general, trauma centers are not profitable due to the intensity of resources necessary to achieve an appropriately functioning trauma program, and the scarcity of such resources. The Challenged Rule In 1992, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J- 2.010, (the "Rule"). Respondent Department of Health assumed administration of the Rule in 1996, when the Legislature split HRS into two new agencies, the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Families. The Rule is a statement of need, sometimes referred to as "open slots" for a specific number of trauma centers allocated among 19 geographic service areas ("trauma service areas" or "TSAs") in the state. The current version1/ of rule 64J-2.010, the subject of this rule challenge, reads in its entirety as follows: 64J-2.010 Apportionment of Trauma Centers within a Trauma Service Area (TSA). The number and composition of TSAs shall be in accordance with section 395.402, F.S. The number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the maximum number set forth in the table below. Each trauma service area shall have at least one Level I or Level II trauma center position. The number of trauma center positions for each TSA is as follows: TSA Counties Trauma Centers 1 Escambia; Okaloosa; Santa 2 Rosa; Walton 2 Bay; Gulf; Holmes; Washington 1 3 Calhoun; Franklin; Gadsden; 1 Jackson; Jefferson; Leon; Liberty; Madison; Taylor; Wakulla 4 Alachua; Bradford; Columbia; 2 Dixie; Gilchrist; Hamilton; Lafayette; Levy; Putnam; Suwannee; Union 5 Baker; Clay; Duval; Nassau; St. 2 Johns 6 Citrus; Hernando; Marion 1 7 Flagler; Volusia 2 8 Lake; Orange; Osceola; 3 Seminole; Sumter 9 Pasco; Pinellas 3 10 Hillsborough 2 11 Hardee; Highlands; Polk 3 12 Brevard; Indian River 2 13 DeSoto; Manatee; Sarasota 3 14 Martin; Okeechobee; St. Lucie 1 15 Charlotte; Glades; Hendry; Lee 2 16 Palm Beach 2 17 Collier 1 18 Broward 3 19 Dade; Monroe 6 TOTAL 42 The trauma center will be assigned by the department according to section 395.402(4), F.S. Specific Authority 395.405 FS. Law Implemented 395.401, 395.4015, 395.402, 395.405 FS. History–New 12-10-92, Formerly 10D-66.1075, Amended 6-9-05, 12-18-06, Formerly 64E-2.022. A hospital seeking to establish a new trauma center must file an application with the Department. If a TSA has fewer trauma centers than the number allocated to the TSA in the Rule, the Department deems need to exist without reference to any additional analysis or data. Accordingly, if a hospital's application to establish a new trauma center complies with trauma center programmatic requirements, the Department will approve the application. As will be discussed in greater detail infra, the Department believes it is bound by the determination of need set forth in the Rule and that it does not have authority to deny an application that meets programmatic requirements so long as there is an "open slot" for a new trauma center within a particular TSA. Indeed, the Department has never denied an application that met the programmatic requirements when need existed under the Rule. History of the Rule In 1989, the Legislature directed HRS (DOH's predecessor) to submit a report by February 1, 1990, (the "1990 Report"). The 1990 Report was to include a proposal for funding trauma centers that "will result in funding of the number of strategically placed trauma centers necessary to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state." Ch. 89-275, § 6, Laws of Fla. The 1990 Report was to include "an estimation of . . . the approximate number and generalized location of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state . . . ." Id. The 1990 Report was prepared by the Committee on State-Sponsored Trauma Centers (the "1990 Committee"). Although HRS timely submitted the Committee's report to the Legislature on February 1, 1990, HRS indicated that it did not "fully support all of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the task force report." In its report, the 1990 Committee recommended the creation of 19 trauma service areas. The boundary of each TSA was drawn to include a "nucleus county" along with its sending (later referred to as "feeder") counties. A nucleus county was one that retained at least 90 percent of its resident trauma alert patients, but also included any county that had a retention rate greater than 75 percent (but less than 90 percent) if no contiguous county had the requisite 90 percent retention rate. Any county that retained less than 75 percent of its trauma alert patients was designated a feeder county. This feeder county was then grouped with the nucleus county that received a majority of the feeder county's outbound patients. After reviewing 1988 patient flow data and applying the above rules, the 1990 Committee created and assigned counties to 19 trauma service areas. Under the 1990 Committee's methodology, a nucleus county was a candidate for a trauma center, but a feeder county was not. Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report set forth the Committee's recommendation as to the number of trauma centers to be allocated to each of the 19 TSAs: Table 3.3 Recommended Trauma Service Areas and Number of Trauma Centers 1988 Number Treated 1988 Number Residing Recommended No. Trauma Centers Service Area ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ Min Max 1 1332 275 | 1166 223 2 3 2 489 117 | 452 105 1 1 3 815 185 | 701 152 1 2 4 1183 269 | 1011 226 2 3 5 2268 662 | 2566 546 2 3 6 869 138 | 877 143 1 2 7 1376 225 | 1286 190 2 3 8 3756 698 | 3329 592 3 4 9 3978 626 | 3709 552 3 4 10 2458 604 | 2222 507 2 3 11 1834 302 | 1665 290 3 4 12 1487 220 | 1433 218 2 3 13 1900 264 | 1810 247 3 4 14 687 105 | 698 102 1 2 15 1455 243 | 1386 236 2 4 16 2310 365 | 2233 371 2 3 17 476 73 | 436 75 1 1 18 4238 670 | 4204 652 4 5 19 7346 1370 | 6633 1176 6 7 Total 40857 7411 | 37817 6603 44 60 Table 3.3 indicates a total trauma center need ranging from 432/ to 60 trauma centers, although only 12 trauma centers were in existence at the time of the report. As the table reflects, the need estimate was apparently based on only one factor: the number of trauma patients residing and treated within each TSA in 1988. However, the 1990 Report indicates that members of the "number and location subcommittee" may have considered other factors in arriving at their recommendation: The study design formulated by the CHSPA called for identification and analysis of trauma patient incidence and patient flow for a one-year period based on the HCCB detailed case mix data. This data analysis effort alone, however, would not specifically identify the number of trauma centers needed in the state, nor their generalized location. The patient incidence and flow information needs to be considered in relation to the following factors in order to reach sound recommendations: . . . The injury severity level for which trauma center care is required; the minimum number of cases which should be treated at a trauma center in order to maintain skill proficiencies consistent with high quality outcomes; appropriate travel times from accident location to a trauma center; and, the existing level of facility resources available in an area upon which one or more trauma centers could be built. While information on certain of these points was available through trauma care literature and previous research, its applicability to Florida’s circumstances was not clear in all instances. Therefore, the Department sought recommendations on these issues from the committee and, especially, from the number and location subcommittee. The subcommittee’s recommendations, as ratified by the full committee, were integral to the development to the approximate number and generalized locations of state-sponsored trauma care throughout the state. However, no methodology was provided within the Report to show how the number of trauma centers was allocated among the TSAs based upon the data considered by the committee. The committee also cautioned that their estimate did not take into account other relevant factors or local conditions within each TSA that should be assessed before deciding how many trauma centers were in fact needed, including resource availability. As stated in the 1990 Report: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. Dialogue between the state and local/regional agency would be essential to making the decision on the number of trauma centers needed. The 1990 Report did not include data or analysis relating to factors such as the availability of physician specialists within geographic areas, existing trauma center patient volumes, patient outcomes, or the capacity and adequacy of existing trauma centers. Following receipt of the 1990 Report, the Legislature amended the trauma statute by adopting the 19 trauma service areas proposed in the 1990 Report. Chapter 90-284, § 5, at 2188-89, Laws of Fla. However, the Legislature did not consider the trauma service area boundaries to be permanent or static. Instead, the Legislature provided that: [t]hese areas are subject to periodic revision by the Legislature based on recommendations made as part of local or regional trauma plans approved by the department . . . These areas shall, at a minimum, be reviewed by the Legislature prior to the next 7-year verification cycle of state sponsored trauma centers. As part of the 1990 trauma statute amendment, the Legislature provided that, in addition to complying with the trauma center standards, a trauma center applicant must "be located in a trauma service area which has a need for such a center." Ch. 90-284, § 6, at 2191, Laws of Fla. In this regard, the Legislature directed HRS to "establish [within each service area] the approximate number of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high quality trauma services." Id. (emphasis added). This need determination, which must be promulgated via rule, was to be "based on the state trauma system plan and the [1990 Report]." Id.; § 395.402(3)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). However, the Legislature rejected the 1990 Report's recommended minimum of 43 and maximum of 60 trauma centers. Instead, the Legislature stipulated that there should be a minimum of 19 trauma centers (i.e., one trauma center in each service area) and "no more than" 44 trauma centers. Ch. 90-284, § 5, at 2189-90, Laws of Fla. In 1992, HRS promulgated rule 64J-2.010. The Rule adopted the column in Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report reflecting the "minimum" recommended number of trauma centers, and stated that "[t]he number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the minimum number set forth in the table.3/” The trauma center need allocated by rule 64J-2.010, which merely replicates Table 3.3, has remained unchanged since 1992 with the exception of TSA 18. Subsequent Developments In 1998, the Legislature directed DOH via a committee (the "1999 Committee") to prepare a report by February 1, 1999, (the "1999 Report") "on how best to ensure that patients requiring trauma care have timely access to a trauma center." In furtherance of this objective, the 1999 Committee was required to "study . . . the strategic geographical location of trauma centers . . . ." Id. In its report, the 1999 Committee recommended that "[t]he goal for timely access to trauma centers should be to assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center, either by emergency medical ground or air transport, within 30 minutes of beginning transport." As stated in the 1999 Report: There must be an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide in order to ensure timely access. . . [T]he ideal trauma system would assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center within 30-minute air or ground transport. The geographical locations of the 19 trauma centers either verified or provisional as of July 1998 are shown on Map 1 in Appendix F. The circles around each trauma center location illustrate a fifty-mile flight radius, which translates into an average 30- minutes transport time by helicopter for a trauma victim. Helicopter transport time is used for this illustration because air medical transport allows trauma victims to be transported further distances within the 30-minute timeframe. The 1999 Committee found that some areas in Florida were not within a fifty-mile flight radius of one of the 19 existing trauma centers, which meant residents in these areas could not access a trauma center within 30 minutes. In fact, at that time, only 80 to 85 percent of Florida residents were within 30 minutes of a trauma center.4/ The committee therefore concluded "Florida does not have an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide to ensure timely access to appropriate trauma care." As a result of its findings, the 1999 Committee "developed two additional criteria for use by the department: 1) the overall goal of 30-minute transport time to trauma centers, and; 2) its equivalent, 50 miles, for helicopter flight times." The committee stated that these access criteria "should be considered by [DOH] in developing administrative rules for the planning and development of additional trauma centers . . ." The 1999 Committee made no attempt to quantify the number of additional trauma centers that were needed statewide, or within each TSA, to achieve the 30-minute goal.5/ Nor did the committee seek to update the Rule (i.e., Table 3.3) using the 1990 Report's methodology. However, the committee cautioned that: [r]etaining the limit on the number of trauma centers was . . . essential in order to maintain a reasonable volume of patients who are trauma victims as well as to avoid conflicts between competing trauma centers for recruitment of key professional staff. The 1999 Committee recommended giving DOH the "statutory authority to assign counties to trauma service areas" and that DOH "conduct a review of the regional structure of the 19 trauma service areas and the assignment of the counties between these areas and make changes, if found to be appropriate." The 1999 Report offered the following explanation for this recommendation: The committee did recommend that authority to assign counties to trauma service areas should be given to the department. Current authority resides with the Legislature. Shifting this authority to the department will allow flexibility in the system to more quickly respond to changing needs at the local level. Consistent with the 1999 Committee's recommendation, the Legislature repealed the statutory provision that made the trauma service areas subject to periodic review and "revision by the Legislature." Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 164, Laws of Fla. This repealed provision was replaced with an amendment to section 395.402(3) that delegated to DOH the statutory duty to review and revise the TSA boundaries, which stated as follows: Trauma service areas are to be used. The department shall periodically review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas. These assignments are made for the purpose of developing a system of trauma centers. Revisions made by the department should take into consideration the recommendations made as part of the regional trauma system plans approved by the department, as well as the recommendations made as part of the state trauma system plan. These areas must, at a minimum, be reviewed in the year 2000 and every 5 years thereafter. Until the department completes its initial review, the assignment of counties shall remain as established pursuant to chapter 90-284, Laws of Florida. Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 163-64, Laws of Fla. (Emphasis added). In response to the Legislature's directive, DOH initiated a review of the service areas and prepared a draft report entitled “Trauma Service Area Study-Year 2000” (the "2000 Draft Study"). However, for reasons unknown in this record, DOH apparently never finalized that study, and it was received in evidence in draft form only. In the 2000 Draft Study, DOH noted that the "primary purpose" of the TSA review mandated by section 395.402(3) "is to determine if the 19 trauma service areas . . . continue to be rational service areas." Based on the 1990 Report's methodology, the draft study's tentative recommendation was not to change the trauma service areas, although DOH "should continue to study and review the trauma service areas . . . to determine if different county configurations might lead to more timely access . . . ." At the same time, after analyzing more recent data, the draft study recommended the allocation of a different number of trauma centers to TSAs 9, 10, 11, and 12 as compared to the Rule.6/ Additionally, the 2000 Draft Study made the following finding: Because of the substantial financial commitment made by a hospital to be a trauma center, patient volume becomes an important factor for a hospital in terms of being financially viable and having enough work for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills. The old adage of practice makes perfect is particularly applicable to those treating the seriously injured trauma patient. . . To meet [the American College of Surgeons] caseload recommendations, locating trauma centers in areas where skill levels can be maintained by trauma surgeons is an important factor. Furthermore, to recruit and retain well-qualified surgeons to work in a trauma center, it is important to have a sufficient number of patients to treat, especially to the surgeon. Thus, the 2000 Study emphasized that trauma centers must see enough patients to be financially viable and for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills, and referenced the American College of Surgeons recommendation that Level I trauma centers treat 600 to 1000 patients annually and Level II trauma centers treat 350 to 600 patients annually. The 2000 Study concluded: -No change in trauma service areas should be made at this time. This study found that minimal change occurred in those counties identified as nucleus counties. Furthermore, the relationship between nucleus counties and those identified as sending or "feeder" counties remains intact. -The 19 trauma service areas should continue to serve as the geographical basis for the allocation of the 44 authorized trauma center slots. -The 44 authorized trauma center slots in chapter 395.401 Florida Statutes [now section 395.402(4)(c) should remain as the maximum number required to meet trauma patient care demands. 2004 Amendments to the Trauma Statutes and the 2005 Assessment In 2004, the Legislature made substantial revisions to the trauma statute. Chapter 2004-259, Section 6, Laws of Florida amended section 395.402 to direct the Department to complete a statewide assessment of the trauma system by February 1, 2005 ("the 2005 Assessment"). § 395.402(2), Fla. Stat. The scope of this assessment was defined in paragraphs (2)(a) through (g) and subsection (3) of section 395.402. An appropriation of $300,000 was authorized for the Department to contract with a state university to perform the actions required under the amended statute. Ch. 2004-259, § 10, Laws of Florida. One objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "[c]onsider aligning trauma service areas within [sic] the trauma region boundaries as established in" section 395.4015(1). §395.402(2)(a), Fla. Stat. In a related 2004 amendment, the Legislature added a sunset provision that, upon completion of the 2005 Assessment, ended the statutory mandate to use the service areas created in 1990. See § 395.402(2) ("[t]rauma service areas as defined in this section are to be utilized until [DOH] completes" the 2005 Assessment) (emphasis added); § 395.402(4) ("[u]ntil the department completes the February 2005 Assessment, the assignment of counties shall remain as established in this section.") The obvious intent of the above statutory change was for the section 395.402(4) service areas to be replaced by the service areas DOH established or adopted once it had the results of the 2005 Assessment. "Annually thereafter" (as opposed to every five years per the 1999 version of the statute) DOH was required to "review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas . . . ." Ch. 2004-259, § 6, at 13, Laws of Florida (amending § 395.402(3)). Another objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "establish criteria for determining the number and level of trauma centers needed to serve the population in a defined trauma service area or region." § 395.402(2)(c), Fla. Stat. Based on these criteria, DOH was then to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated trauma system." § 395.402(2)(b), Fla. Stat. As part of this need assessment, DOH was required to consider the "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff," as well as the "[r]ecommendations of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force" and "the actual number of trauma victims currently being served by each trauma center." § 395.402(3), Fla. Stat. However, unlike the situation with the 1990 Report, the Legislature did not intend for DOH to rely on the 2005 Assessment indefinitely. To avoid this, the Legislature therefore required DOH to update the 2005 Assessment by annually reviewing "the requirements of paragraphs (2)(b )-(g) and subsection (3)" of section 395.402. This meant that each annual review, like the initial 2005 Assessment, had to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area or region" by, among other things, considering "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff." §§ 395.402(2)(b) and (3)(e). The need determinations resulting from these annual reviews would then have to be codified in a rule per section 395.402(4)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). The 2004 Legislature clearly intended for DOH to rely on the updated need assessments required by section 395.402(4), rather than the need allocation in the 1990 Report (which was incorporated into the Rule). This is evident from the fact that the 2004 Legislature repealed the provision that previously required DOH to establish need based on the 1990 Report. See chapter 2004-259, § 7, at page 14, Laws of Florida (amending section 395.4026(1)), which states in relevant part: Within each service area and based on the state trauma system plan, the local or regional trauma services system plan, and recommendations of the local or regional trauma agency, and the 1990 Report and Proposal for Funding State Sponsored Trauma Centers, the department shall establish the approximate number of state approved trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high-quality trauma services. The Using the guidelines and procedures outlined in the 1990 report, except when in conflict with those prescribed in this section, the department shall select those hospitals that are to be recognized as state approved trauma centers . . . [emphasis added] By repealing the statutory reference to the 1990 Report, the Legislature expressly required the Department to discontinue any reliance on the 1990 Report as a basis for allocating trauma center need. In addition, the 2004 Legislature imposed a moratorium on the submission of applications for new trauma centers in any TSA that already had one trauma center until the 2005 Assessment was complete, regardless of whether the Rule indicated a need for an additional trauma center within the TSA. § 395.4025(14), Fla. Stat. It is reasonable to infer that the imposition of a moratorium notwithstanding unmet need in several of the TSA's under the Rule indicates that the Legislature considered the Rule to be outdated and no longer valid. The moratorium therefore had the effect of maintaining the status quo until the Rule could be updated with a new assessment. The Department timely submitted its 2005 Assessment to the Legislature on February 1, 2005. The assessment itself was conducted by a group of investigators from the University of South Florida and the University of Florida. This group was assisted by a National Steering Committee "composed of recognized experts in the fields of trauma care and trauma system analysis " In its transmittal letter to the Legislature, DOH specifically noted that the assessment included a recommendation regarding “the number and level of trauma centers needed to provide a statewide integrated trauma system. . . .” In contrast with HRS' contemporaneous objections to the 1990 Report, the DOH transmittal letter identified no areas of disagreement with the 2005 Assessment. The 2005 Assessment included 5 "Recommendations", including: 3. Designation of additional trauma centers should be based on the need as determined by trauma region.7/ Deployment of additional trauma centers should take place based not only on the number of patients served per trauma center, but according to a concept of “trauma center capacity,” which would be determined by the staffing levels of medical specialists and other healthcare professionals. An annual regional assessment is also recommended to analyze pre-hospital resources, ICU beds, capacity, trauma center performance including trauma registry data, and other medical resources based on per population estimates to plan for response and improvements. (Emphasis added) Thus, unlike the 1990 Report (and the Rule), the authors of the 2005 Assessment recommended that the availability of existing resources should be taken into account in determining the need for new trauma centers. In evaluating need based on DSTF region, the 2005 Assessment identified an unmet need for only four more trauma centers in the state,8/ which "would provide access to a trauma center for 99 percent of the people in Florida." Given the 20 trauma centers in existence at the time, this meant that the total trauma center need was 24, which is substantially below the need established by the Rule of 42 trauma centers. This lower need determination was due in part to the fact that the 2005 Assessment took "trauma center capacity," and not just the number of patients served per trauma center, into account. According to the 2005 Assessment, the recommended four new trauma centers were needed in DSTF Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. However, the assessment concluded there was no need for another trauma center in DSTF Region 4 (Tampa Bay), which was found to have "adequate trauma center access at this time." This contrasts with the Rule, which purports to authorize five more trauma centers in the counties assigned to Region 4. In particular, under the Rule, there is a net need for two new trauma centers in Pasco County (TSA 9), two new trauma centers in Manatee County (TSA 13) and one new trauma center in either Citrus or Hernando County (TSA 6). The only legislative response to the 2005 Assessment was an increase in funding to trauma centers. Likewise, the Department has not amended the Rule to implement the recommendations contained in the Assessment. In 2008, the Department held rule development workshops in order for trauma system constituents to indicate whether trauma center allocations contained in the Rule should be changed. Pursuant to stakeholder requests arising out of the workshops, the Department began consideration of an increase in the maximum number of trauma center positions allocated to TSA 1 (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Fort Walton and Okaloosa Counties). Following numerous public workshops and hearings, the Department filed notice of its intent to amend the Rule to increase the allocation of trauma centers in TSA 1 from 2 to 3. However, the amendment did not become final due to matters unrelated to the determination itself and was withdrawn by the Department.9/ The January, 2011 TSA Report In 2011, a study was completed for DOH entitled "Florida Trauma Service Area Analysis" (the "2011 TSA Report") that relied on the 1990 Report's patient flow methodology for assigning counties to trauma service areas. However, this study did not take into account all of the section 395.402(3) criteria. The 2011 TSA Report disclosed this deficiency, stating: This study provides an analysis of TSAs and counties to assess retention of trauma alert patients within the county. Rules for designating counties as nucleus counties for trauma centers and counties for consideration for trauma centers were defined in analyses of TSAs conducted for the office of Trauma in 1990 and 2000. * * * This report analyzes hospital discharges by TSA from 2000 to 2009. Hospital discharge data from [AHCA] is used to analyze the county of residence and treating facility for all trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 9 or greater, as deemed by statute . . . . Other considerations required, by statute, in the assignment of counties to TSAs include recommendations of regional trauma system plans, stakeholder recommendations, geographical composition to assure rapid access to trauma care, inventories of available trauma care resources, transportation capabilities, medically appropriate travel times, recommendations by the Regional Domestic Security Task Force, and any appropriate criteria. These considerations are not integrated into this analysis of TSAs. (Emphasis added). Although the 2011 TSA Study used the same methodology as the 1990 Report, the 2011 TSA Study supports a different TSA configuration than the one established in the 1990 Report because patient flow patterns have changed since 1990. For example, in the 1990 analysis, the primary treatment county for Manatee County was Sarasota County. Because Manatee served as a feeder county for Sarasota (a nucleus county), it was grouped in the 1990 Report with Sarasota County in TSA 13. However, the updated information in the 2011 TSA study shows that the primary treatment county for Manatee County residents is now Pinellas (TSA 9's nucleus county), which requires that Manatee County be reassigned to TSA 9 per the 1990 Report's methodology. A similar shift in patient flow also dictates the reassignment of Hernando County from TSA 6 to TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Indeed, it appears that all of the counties in TSA 6 would have to be merged with other trauma service areas since Marion County, which was designated as TSA 6's nucleus county in the 1990 Report, no longer qualifies as a nucleus county. The Department maintains that its employees are continuously reviewing trauma volume, injury severity scores, population and other data and that this activity qualifies as the annual need and trauma service area reviews required by section 395.402(4). However, DOH has not established a need methodology by rule, policy or otherwise that it could apply to this data to quantify the number of trauma centers needed in each TSA. In the absence of an articulable need methodology, it is not possible to verify or replicate any assessment DOH may have done based on the data it claims to have reviewed. More significantly, the Department has itself acknowledged the problem of not having a methodology or process in place for conducting regular assessments. In its "2011-2015 Florida Trauma System Strategic Plan" (the "2011 State Plan"), DOH identified as a "threat" to the achievement of Goal 8 (Regional Trauma System Evaluation) the "[l]ack of effective evaluation criteria, tools and a systematic and periodic process to evaluate trauma service areas and apportionment of trauma centers." In furtherance of Goal 8, DOH also recognized the need to "[c]onduct a statewide comprehensive assessment of the Florida Trauma System access to care based on s. 395.402, F.S., the Western-Bazzoli criteria and other criteria to evaluate access to care and the effectiveness of the trauma service areas/regions." The specified timeline for this future assessment was "December 2011, with annual reviews thereafter as funding is available." On May 19, 2011, the Department's State Surgeon General signed an "Issue Paper" approving a "Florida Trauma System Special Study." This study is intended to "assist the department in developing a process and evidence-based guidelines to be utilized by [DOH] in determining the need for trauma center locations throughout the state." According to the Department's witness, Susan McDevitt (former Director of the Office of Trauma), DOH intends to use this study to develop a formula or methodology for determining the need for new trauma centers in the state. DOH determined this study was needed because the "trauma network has matured and changed" since 2005 when the "last comprehensive assessment of the Florida trauma system" was done. However, December 2011 is the earliest anticipated date for completion of this study, and DOH has no timeline for when this study may result in any rule amendment. As noted, the 1990 Report forms the basis for the configuration of the existing 19 TSA's as well as the need allocated to each of the TSA's within the Rule (with the exception of the reduction in Broward County). However, Dr. Lewis Flint, an expert in trauma surgery and trauma system assessment, credibly explained how Florida's trauma system has "matured and changed" since the 1990 Study was completed: Q. Now, Doctor, can you describe what changes there have been in the trauma system since the 1990 study was completed? A. Well, in 1990, there were fewer trauma centers than there currently are. I believe there were only about 12 designated centers in 1990. There are 22 now. The availability and the efficiency and quality of pre-hospital care has changed in a major way since 1990. We have far more advanced life support staff on ambulances than we had in 1990. We have far more plentiful air evacuation capability than we had in 1990, and the quality and efficiency of the existing trauma centers has changed in a major way as the centers have matured. So that the combination of greatly improved pre-hospital care and significant improvements in efficiency and in-patient outcomes in the existing trauma centers has meant that this system has matured into a very effective trauma system. It is not free of shortcomings, it is not an entire system yet. It has some holes in it, but the system as such has changed in a major way since 1990, such that it was our view at the close of the 2005 comprehensive assessment, that a decision about deployment of trauma centers that was based solely on distance and geography was not going to be an optimum method of determining how the system should be deployed. Whether or not the 1990 Report was valid when issued, its recommended service area configurations and need allocations have been rendered obsolete by the passage of time, changes in patient flow patterns, and significant advances in the trauma care delivery system since the Rule was adopted. Reasonable health planning requires the use of the most recent data available and systematic evaluation of the multiplicity of factors that determine the appropriate number and location of trauma centers in the state. No doubt that is why the Legislature directed DOH to conduct assessments annually. § 395.402(4). Here, the 1990 Report's recommendations were predicated on 1988 information that is now more than two decades old.10/ It is inappropriate to rely on 1988 data to justify the service area configuration or need allocation in 2011, particularly given the major changes and maturation of the trauma system since 1988. The 1990 Report (and rule) also fails to take into account criteria that must now be considered pursuant to the 2004 amendment to section 395.402. In particular, section 395.402(3) as amended, requires the DOH annual need and service area reviews to take into account Regional Domestic Security Task Force recommendations, transportation capabilities (including air transport), and inventories of available trauma care resources (including professional medical staff). The 1990 Report took none of these factors into account in making the need recommendations that were eventually incorporated into the Rule. Notably, had the availability of professional medical staff been factored into the analysis, need would likely have been reduced, as the 1990 Report itself observed, stating: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. (Emphasis added). Standing Petitioners TGH and SJH are located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Petitioner Bayfront is located in Pinellas County in TSA 9 (Pinellas and Pasco Counties). Intervenor Bayonet Point is also located in TSA 9, but in Pasco County. Intervenor Blake is located in Manatee County, in TSA 13 (Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties), adjacent to TSA 9. Petitioner Shands is located in TSA 5 (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties). Trauma center applicant Orange Park (a non-party) is located in TSA 5 but in a different county (Clay) from Petitioner Shands (Duval). As noted earlier, because of the intensity of resources that must be devoted to a trauma center, hospitals generally lose money in their operation. Specifically, in FY 2010 Tampa General's Level I trauma center had a $15.7 million net loss, while Bayfront's Level II trauma center had a $3 million net loss. Similarly, Shands lost approximately $2.7 million and SJH lost $8.3 million from the operation of their trauma centers in FY 2010. Of the 42 trauma center positions available statewide, the Rule allocates three to TSA 9 and three to TSA 13. Because TSA 9 currently has one designated trauma center (Bayfront) while TSA 13 has none, the Rule establishes a net need for two more trauma centers in TSA 9 and three more trauma centers in TSA 13. The Intervenors' pending trauma center applications propose to establish Level II trauma centers at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point in Pasco County, (TSA 9), and at Blake Medical Center in Manatee County (TSA 13). The filing of the Intervenors' applications triggered the application review process set forth in section 395.4025(2). Pursuant to this statute, the deadline for submitting a trauma application is April 1 of each year. § 395.4025(2)(c). The filing of an application triggers a 30-day provisional review period (which in this case is delayed until October 1, 2011, due to an 18-month extension request made by Intervenors). The limited purpose of this provisional review is to determine if the hospital's application is complete "and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center." Id. The "critical element" portion of the review is based on the trauma center standards and includes a review of whether the hospital meets the equipment, facility, personnel and quality assurance standards. Id. Any hospital that (i) submitted an application found acceptable in the provisional review (i.e., meets the trauma center standards) and (ii) is located in a TSA that has a need for a trauma center may operate as a provisional trauma center after the 30-day provisional review period has concluded. §§ 395.4025(2)(d) and (5). Based upon the facts of record, there is a reasonable probability that the Intervenor hospitals will achieve provisional trauma center status by October 30, 2011, (the end of the 30-day provisional review period that will start October 1, 2011). First, Intervenors' witness James Hurst, M.D. (who is assisting Intervenors and Orange Park in recruiting trauma surgeons and in the application process) testified without contradiction that the HCA applications would be complete and in compliance with the applicable trauma center standards by the extended October 1st application submission deadline. Second, both Intervenor hospitals are located in trauma service areas with a need as established by the Rule. As confirmed by Ms. McDevitt, if the applications meet the programmatic requirements as determined by the provisional review, and there is a need indicated by the Rule, DOH will approve the applications and award the Intervenor hospitals in TSA 9 and 13 provisional trauma center status. Likewise, it is reasonable to expect that the Orange Park application will be approved if it meets the programmatic requirements, given the available slot in TSA 5. Upon receiving the provisional trauma center designation, the EMS providers will be required to treat Bayonet Point, Blake, and Orange Park as trauma centers. This means that the EMS providers will have to revise their protocols to redirect the transport of trauma alert patients from other existing trauma centers to the new centers. See, Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.002(3)(g). A "trauma alert" patient is defined as a "person whose primary physical injury is a blunt, penetrating or burn injury, and who meets one or more of the adult trauma scorecard criteria . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.001(14). Pursuant to the DOH Trauma Transport Protocols Manual (which all EMS providers must follow), EMS providers must transport all trauma alert patients to the closest trauma center that is "within 30 minutes by ground or air transport or within 50 miles by air transport." As a result, any trauma alert patient who is closest to Bayonet Point, Blake, or Orange Park will have to be transported to one of those hospitals once they are designated as provisional trauma centers. A provisional trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents (the "northern Tampa Bay region"). Trauma alert patients from these counties would therefore have to be transported to Bayonet Point instead of to the existing trauma centers in Hillsborough (SJH and Tampa General) or Pinellas (Bayfront). Likewise, a provisional trauma center at Blake would become the closest trauma center to Manatee and Sarasota (the "southern Tampa Bay region") requiring transport of their trauma alert patients to Blake rather than to the Hillsborough or Pinellas trauma centers. In 2010, 669 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Bayfront from the counties in the northern and southern regions of Tampa Bay. This represents 42 percent of all the trauma alert patients (16 and over) transported to Bayfront. From the same area and during the same time period, 120 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Tampa General. All of these trauma alert patients would be redirected away from Bayfront and Tampa General and transported to the closer Intervenor trauma centers per the EMS transport protocols. The redirection of these trauma alert patients to Bayonet Point and Blake would substantially and adversely affect both Bayfront and Tampa General. In Bayfront’s case, the lost contribution margin caused by the annual diversion of even 400 trauma patients would reduce Bayfront's total margin by at least $2.3 million each year. Likewise, the yearly diversion of 120 trauma patients from Tampa General would result in an annual lost contribution margin and reduction in total margin in excess of $1 million. Notably, for both hospitals this represents the minimum potential loss of trauma patients and revenue as a result of the approval of the Intervenors' trauma centers. Annual losses in excess of a million dollars would be material to both Bayfront and Tampa General given the financial challenges both hospitals are already facing. Although physically located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County) SJH now receives trauma patients from Hillsborough, Pasco, Citrus, Hernando, and Sumter counties. If approved, the trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents and would likely result in the immediate loss of between 149 and 307 from SJH's trauma program. If the Orange Park trauma center is approved, it is reasonable to expect that all of Shands trauma patients originating from Clay County would instead be redirected to Orange Park. This would represent a loss of approximately 1,000 patients annually, or 25 percent of Shands current trauma volume. With fewer cases to absorb the high fixed costs of trauma preparedness, Shands expects that it would lose $3,400 per case, on a fully allocated basis, rather than the $665/case it now loses. Thus, whereas Shands' trauma center currently loses $2.7 million annually, that loss would increase to approximately $10 million per year. And on a contribution margin basis (where fixed costs are excluded) Shands will experience a decline in contribution margin of $6-7 million annually once the Orange Park trauma center becomes operational. In addition to the direct loss of trauma patients and corresponding revenue, it is reasonable to anticipate that the approval of new trauma centers in relatively close proximity to existing centers will result in increased competition for scarce surgical subspecialists currently associated with the existing trauma programs. Specifically, the opening of new trauma centers in TSA's 5, 9, and 13 are likely to increase the difficulty and escalate the cost of ensuring adequate on-call specialty physician coverage for the Petitioner's hospitals and to adversely affect their ability to retain highly skilled nurses, technicians, and other trauma program staff.

Florida Laws (16) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68395.40395.4001395.401395.4015395.402395.4025395.403395.405943.0312 Florida Administrative Code (4) 64E-2.02264J-2.00164J-2.00264J-2.010
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 23, 2011 Number: 11-002603RX Latest Update: Jun. 20, 2013

The Issue Whether Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.010 enlarges, modifies or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented, or is arbitrary or capricious, and thus constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Bayfront is a 480-bed tertiary hospital located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. In addition to serving as a teaching hospital, Bayfront is designated as a Level II trauma center pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes. Bayfront had a $3.6 million operating deficit in 2009 and a positive operating margin below one percent ($1.969 million) in 2010. Due to its financial strife in recent years, Bayfront has been forced to defer needed capital projects due to a poor liquidity position, inadequate borrowing capacity and insufficient cash flow. Tampa General is a major tertiary hospital that is designated by the state as a Level I trauma center. TGH also serves as a teaching hospital for the University of South Florida, College of Medicine ("USF"). TGH is located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Like Bayfront, TGH has also experienced significant financial challenges in recent years. For fiscal year 2011, TGH's budget reflected only a $7 million (one percent) operating margin. However, due to subsequent events, including Medicaid cuts and flat utilization year-to-date, TGH now expects to do no better than break-even, and may even incur a $4 million operating loss in FY 2011. This is significant because TGH has reached its borrowing capacity and must rely on its operating margin to build cash that will be used to fund needed capital projects and expenditures. Maintaining a positive and substantial operating margin is therefore critical to TGH's ability to replace equipment and infrastructure. St. Joseph's Hospital has served the Tampa area for 75 years and has approximately 800 licensed acute care beds. SJH offers a broad array of acute care services, including tertiary health care, serves as a comprehensive regional stroke center, and has been repeatedly recognized as a Consumers Choice hospital. SJH operates a Level II trauma center, and in 2010, treated approximately 2,700 trauma patients. SJH also has one of the busiest emergency departments in the state, with approximately 145,000 patient visits in 2010. Shands Jacksonville is an existing Level I trauma center. It is one of only seven such Level I providers in the state of Florida. Located in Jacksonville (Duval County), Shands treats approximately 4,000 trauma victims every year. Respondent Department of Health is the state agency authorized to verify and regulate trauma centers in the state of Florida pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.001 et seq. The Division of Emergency Medical Operations, Office of Trauma, oversees the Department's responsibilities with respect to the statewide trauma system. Intervenor Bayonet Point is a general acute-care hospital located in Pasco County, Florida. Bayonet Point is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Bayonet Point's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Bayonet Point was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Intervenor Blake Medical Center is a general acute care hospital located in Manatee County, Florida. Blake is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Blake's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Blake was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Although not a party to this case, HCA/Orange Park Medical Center ("Orange Park") is also currently in the process of applying for trauma center designation. Orange Park is located in Clay County, immediately to the south of Duval County. The Florida Trauma System For purposes of organizing a statewide network of trauma services, the Florida Legislature directed the Department to "undertake the implementation of a statewide inclusive trauma system as funding is available." § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. The statewide trauma network includes not just verified trauma centers, but all other acute care hospitals in the State, as well as ground and air emergency medical services providers, and "every health care provider or facility with resources to care for the injured trauma victim." § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. The network is premised on the basic principle that a trauma victim who is timely transported and triaged to receive specialized trauma care will have a better clinical outcome. § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. A trauma victim's injuries are evaluated and assigned an Injury Severity Score ("ISS"). § 395.4001(5), Fla. Stat. Patients with ISS scores of 9 or greater are considered trauma patients. § 395.402(1), Fla. Stat. Trauma experts speak in terms of "a Golden Hour," a clinical rule of thumb that postulates no more than 60 minutes should elapse from the occurrence of an injury to the beginning of definitive treatment. There is, however, no current consensus on what constitutes the "Golden Hour" for transport times. A 1990 Department study recommended travel time of 25-35 minutes as the outside range for optimal outcomes. A 1999 Department study favored a goal of 30 minutes transport time by ground, and a 50-mile radius by helicopter. By contrast, a 2005 study conducted for the Department used 85 minutes "total evacuation time" as "acceptable." Because of the necessity for rapid transport, key components of the trauma network are ground and air EMS transportation. It is important to get the trauma victim to the nearest trauma center as rapidly as possible, because "you can't do surgery in the back of an ambulance." Each EMS provider operates pursuant to Uniform Trauma Transport Protocols and inter-facility guidelines which give guidance for how, where and when trauma patients should be transported. Trauma centers are required to have numerous different kinds of physician specialists at the ready at all times. For instance, with respect to surgical services, a Level I trauma center must have "a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary (in-hospital) and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center when summoned." Further, in addition to having at least one "neurosurgeon to provide in-hospital trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center," a Level I provider must also have surgeons "available to arrive promptly at the trauma center" in 11 other specialties, including (but not limited to) hand surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery and plastic surgery. Level II trauma centers must comply with similar physician specialist standards. Not surprisingly, it is a constant struggle for existing trauma centers to ensure the availability of qualified clinical staff, technicians, specialty physicians and other personnel and resources necessary to continually meet the rigorous programmatic requirements of a trauma center. In general, trauma centers are not profitable due to the intensity of resources necessary to achieve an appropriately functioning trauma program, and the scarcity of such resources. The Challenged Rule In 1992, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J- 2.010, (the "Rule"). Respondent Department of Health assumed administration of the Rule in 1996, when the Legislature split HRS into two new agencies, the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Families. The Rule is a statement of need, sometimes referred to as "open slots" for a specific number of trauma centers allocated among 19 geographic service areas ("trauma service areas" or "TSAs") in the state. The current version1/ of rule 64J-2.010, the subject of this rule challenge, reads in its entirety as follows: 64J-2.010 Apportionment of Trauma Centers within a Trauma Service Area (TSA). The number and composition of TSAs shall be in accordance with section 395.402, F.S. The number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the maximum number set forth in the table below. Each trauma service area shall have at least one Level I or Level II trauma center position. The number of trauma center positions for each TSA is as follows: TSA Counties Trauma Centers 1 Escambia; Okaloosa; Santa 2 Rosa; Walton 2 Bay; Gulf; Holmes; Washington 1 3 Calhoun; Franklin; Gadsden; 1 Jackson; Jefferson; Leon; Liberty; Madison; Taylor; Wakulla 4 Alachua; Bradford; Columbia; 2 Dixie; Gilchrist; Hamilton; Lafayette; Levy; Putnam; Suwannee; Union 5 Baker; Clay; Duval; Nassau; St. 2 Johns 6 Citrus; Hernando; Marion 1 7 Flagler; Volusia 2 8 Lake; Orange; Osceola; 3 Seminole; Sumter 9 Pasco; Pinellas 3 10 Hillsborough 2 11 Hardee; Highlands; Polk 3 12 Brevard; Indian River 2 13 DeSoto; Manatee; Sarasota 3 14 Martin; Okeechobee; St. Lucie 1 15 Charlotte; Glades; Hendry; Lee 2 16 Palm Beach 2 17 Collier 1 18 Broward 3 19 Dade; Monroe 6 TOTAL 42 The trauma center will be assigned by the department according to section 395.402(4), F.S. Specific Authority 395.405 FS. Law Implemented 395.401, 395.4015, 395.402, 395.405 FS. History–New 12-10-92, Formerly 10D-66.1075, Amended 6-9-05, 12-18-06, Formerly 64E-2.022. A hospital seeking to establish a new trauma center must file an application with the Department. If a TSA has fewer trauma centers than the number allocated to the TSA in the Rule, the Department deems need to exist without reference to any additional analysis or data. Accordingly, if a hospital's application to establish a new trauma center complies with trauma center programmatic requirements, the Department will approve the application. As will be discussed in greater detail infra, the Department believes it is bound by the determination of need set forth in the Rule and that it does not have authority to deny an application that meets programmatic requirements so long as there is an "open slot" for a new trauma center within a particular TSA. Indeed, the Department has never denied an application that met the programmatic requirements when need existed under the Rule. History of the Rule In 1989, the Legislature directed HRS (DOH's predecessor) to submit a report by February 1, 1990, (the "1990 Report"). The 1990 Report was to include a proposal for funding trauma centers that "will result in funding of the number of strategically placed trauma centers necessary to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state." Ch. 89-275, § 6, Laws of Fla. The 1990 Report was to include "an estimation of . . . the approximate number and generalized location of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state . . . ." Id. The 1990 Report was prepared by the Committee on State-Sponsored Trauma Centers (the "1990 Committee"). Although HRS timely submitted the Committee's report to the Legislature on February 1, 1990, HRS indicated that it did not "fully support all of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the task force report." In its report, the 1990 Committee recommended the creation of 19 trauma service areas. The boundary of each TSA was drawn to include a "nucleus county" along with its sending (later referred to as "feeder") counties. A nucleus county was one that retained at least 90 percent of its resident trauma alert patients, but also included any county that had a retention rate greater than 75 percent (but less than 90 percent) if no contiguous county had the requisite 90 percent retention rate. Any county that retained less than 75 percent of its trauma alert patients was designated a feeder county. This feeder county was then grouped with the nucleus county that received a majority of the feeder county's outbound patients. After reviewing 1988 patient flow data and applying the above rules, the 1990 Committee created and assigned counties to 19 trauma service areas. Under the 1990 Committee's methodology, a nucleus county was a candidate for a trauma center, but a feeder county was not. Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report set forth the Committee's recommendation as to the number of trauma centers to be allocated to each of the 19 TSAs: Table 3.3 Recommended Trauma Service Areas and Number of Trauma Centers 1988 Number Treated 1988 Number Residing Recommended No. Trauma Centers Service Area ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ Min Max 1 1332 275 | 1166 223 2 3 2 489 117 | 452 105 1 1 3 815 185 | 701 152 1 2 4 1183 269 | 1011 226 2 3 5 2268 662 | 2566 546 2 3 6 869 138 | 877 143 1 2 7 1376 225 | 1286 190 2 3 8 3756 698 | 3329 592 3 4 9 3978 626 | 3709 552 3 4 10 2458 604 | 2222 507 2 3 11 1834 302 | 1665 290 3 4 12 1487 220 | 1433 218 2 3 13 1900 264 | 1810 247 3 4 14 687 105 | 698 102 1 2 15 1455 243 | 1386 236 2 4 16 2310 365 | 2233 371 2 3 17 476 73 | 436 75 1 1 18 4238 670 | 4204 652 4 5 19 7346 1370 | 6633 1176 6 7 Total 40857 7411 | 37817 6603 44 60 Table 3.3 indicates a total trauma center need ranging from 432/ to 60 trauma centers, although only 12 trauma centers were in existence at the time of the report. As the table reflects, the need estimate was apparently based on only one factor: the number of trauma patients residing and treated within each TSA in 1988. However, the 1990 Report indicates that members of the "number and location subcommittee" may have considered other factors in arriving at their recommendation: The study design formulated by the CHSPA called for identification and analysis of trauma patient incidence and patient flow for a one-year period based on the HCCB detailed case mix data. This data analysis effort alone, however, would not specifically identify the number of trauma centers needed in the state, nor their generalized location. The patient incidence and flow information needs to be considered in relation to the following factors in order to reach sound recommendations: . . . The injury severity level for which trauma center care is required; the minimum number of cases which should be treated at a trauma center in order to maintain skill proficiencies consistent with high quality outcomes; appropriate travel times from accident location to a trauma center; and, the existing level of facility resources available in an area upon which one or more trauma centers could be built. While information on certain of these points was available through trauma care literature and previous research, its applicability to Florida’s circumstances was not clear in all instances. Therefore, the Department sought recommendations on these issues from the committee and, especially, from the number and location subcommittee. The subcommittee’s recommendations, as ratified by the full committee, were integral to the development to the approximate number and generalized locations of state-sponsored trauma care throughout the state. However, no methodology was provided within the Report to show how the number of trauma centers was allocated among the TSAs based upon the data considered by the committee. The committee also cautioned that their estimate did not take into account other relevant factors or local conditions within each TSA that should be assessed before deciding how many trauma centers were in fact needed, including resource availability. As stated in the 1990 Report: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. Dialogue between the state and local/regional agency would be essential to making the decision on the number of trauma centers needed. The 1990 Report did not include data or analysis relating to factors such as the availability of physician specialists within geographic areas, existing trauma center patient volumes, patient outcomes, or the capacity and adequacy of existing trauma centers. Following receipt of the 1990 Report, the Legislature amended the trauma statute by adopting the 19 trauma service areas proposed in the 1990 Report. Chapter 90-284, § 5, at 2188-89, Laws of Fla. However, the Legislature did not consider the trauma service area boundaries to be permanent or static. Instead, the Legislature provided that: [t]hese areas are subject to periodic revision by the Legislature based on recommendations made as part of local or regional trauma plans approved by the department . . . These areas shall, at a minimum, be reviewed by the Legislature prior to the next 7-year verification cycle of state sponsored trauma centers. As part of the 1990 trauma statute amendment, the Legislature provided that, in addition to complying with the trauma center standards, a trauma center applicant must "be located in a trauma service area which has a need for such a center." Ch. 90-284, § 6, at 2191, Laws of Fla. In this regard, the Legislature directed HRS to "establish [within each service area] the approximate number of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high quality trauma services." Id. (emphasis added). This need determination, which must be promulgated via rule, was to be "based on the state trauma system plan and the [1990 Report]." Id.; § 395.402(3)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). However, the Legislature rejected the 1990 Report's recommended minimum of 43 and maximum of 60 trauma centers. Instead, the Legislature stipulated that there should be a minimum of 19 trauma centers (i.e., one trauma center in each service area) and "no more than" 44 trauma centers. Ch. 90-284, § 5, at 2189-90, Laws of Fla. In 1992, HRS promulgated rule 64J-2.010. The Rule adopted the column in Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report reflecting the "minimum" recommended number of trauma centers, and stated that "[t]he number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the minimum number set forth in the table.3/” The trauma center need allocated by rule 64J-2.010, which merely replicates Table 3.3, has remained unchanged since 1992 with the exception of TSA 18. Subsequent Developments In 1998, the Legislature directed DOH via a committee (the "1999 Committee") to prepare a report by February 1, 1999, (the "1999 Report") "on how best to ensure that patients requiring trauma care have timely access to a trauma center." In furtherance of this objective, the 1999 Committee was required to "study . . . the strategic geographical location of trauma centers . . . ." Id. In its report, the 1999 Committee recommended that "[t]he goal for timely access to trauma centers should be to assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center, either by emergency medical ground or air transport, within 30 minutes of beginning transport." As stated in the 1999 Report: There must be an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide in order to ensure timely access. . . [T]he ideal trauma system would assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center within 30-minute air or ground transport. The geographical locations of the 19 trauma centers either verified or provisional as of July 1998 are shown on Map 1 in Appendix F. The circles around each trauma center location illustrate a fifty-mile flight radius, which translates into an average 30- minutes transport time by helicopter for a trauma victim. Helicopter transport time is used for this illustration because air medical transport allows trauma victims to be transported further distances within the 30-minute timeframe. The 1999 Committee found that some areas in Florida were not within a fifty-mile flight radius of one of the 19 existing trauma centers, which meant residents in these areas could not access a trauma center within 30 minutes. In fact, at that time, only 80 to 85 percent of Florida residents were within 30 minutes of a trauma center.4/ The committee therefore concluded "Florida does not have an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide to ensure timely access to appropriate trauma care." As a result of its findings, the 1999 Committee "developed two additional criteria for use by the department: 1) the overall goal of 30-minute transport time to trauma centers, and; 2) its equivalent, 50 miles, for helicopter flight times." The committee stated that these access criteria "should be considered by [DOH] in developing administrative rules for the planning and development of additional trauma centers . . ." The 1999 Committee made no attempt to quantify the number of additional trauma centers that were needed statewide, or within each TSA, to achieve the 30-minute goal.5/ Nor did the committee seek to update the Rule (i.e., Table 3.3) using the 1990 Report's methodology. However, the committee cautioned that: [r]etaining the limit on the number of trauma centers was . . . essential in order to maintain a reasonable volume of patients who are trauma victims as well as to avoid conflicts between competing trauma centers for recruitment of key professional staff. The 1999 Committee recommended giving DOH the "statutory authority to assign counties to trauma service areas" and that DOH "conduct a review of the regional structure of the 19 trauma service areas and the assignment of the counties between these areas and make changes, if found to be appropriate." The 1999 Report offered the following explanation for this recommendation: The committee did recommend that authority to assign counties to trauma service areas should be given to the department. Current authority resides with the Legislature. Shifting this authority to the department will allow flexibility in the system to more quickly respond to changing needs at the local level. Consistent with the 1999 Committee's recommendation, the Legislature repealed the statutory provision that made the trauma service areas subject to periodic review and "revision by the Legislature." Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 164, Laws of Fla. This repealed provision was replaced with an amendment to section 395.402(3) that delegated to DOH the statutory duty to review and revise the TSA boundaries, which stated as follows: Trauma service areas are to be used. The department shall periodically review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas. These assignments are made for the purpose of developing a system of trauma centers. Revisions made by the department should take into consideration the recommendations made as part of the regional trauma system plans approved by the department, as well as the recommendations made as part of the state trauma system plan. These areas must, at a minimum, be reviewed in the year 2000 and every 5 years thereafter. Until the department completes its initial review, the assignment of counties shall remain as established pursuant to chapter 90-284, Laws of Florida. Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 163-64, Laws of Fla. (Emphasis added). In response to the Legislature's directive, DOH initiated a review of the service areas and prepared a draft report entitled “Trauma Service Area Study-Year 2000” (the "2000 Draft Study"). However, for reasons unknown in this record, DOH apparently never finalized that study, and it was received in evidence in draft form only. In the 2000 Draft Study, DOH noted that the "primary purpose" of the TSA review mandated by section 395.402(3) "is to determine if the 19 trauma service areas . . . continue to be rational service areas." Based on the 1990 Report's methodology, the draft study's tentative recommendation was not to change the trauma service areas, although DOH "should continue to study and review the trauma service areas . . . to determine if different county configurations might lead to more timely access . . . ." At the same time, after analyzing more recent data, the draft study recommended the allocation of a different number of trauma centers to TSAs 9, 10, 11, and 12 as compared to the Rule.6/ Additionally, the 2000 Draft Study made the following finding: Because of the substantial financial commitment made by a hospital to be a trauma center, patient volume becomes an important factor for a hospital in terms of being financially viable and having enough work for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills. The old adage of practice makes perfect is particularly applicable to those treating the seriously injured trauma patient. . . To meet [the American College of Surgeons] caseload recommendations, locating trauma centers in areas where skill levels can be maintained by trauma surgeons is an important factor. Furthermore, to recruit and retain well-qualified surgeons to work in a trauma center, it is important to have a sufficient number of patients to treat, especially to the surgeon. Thus, the 2000 Study emphasized that trauma centers must see enough patients to be financially viable and for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills, and referenced the American College of Surgeons recommendation that Level I trauma centers treat 600 to 1000 patients annually and Level II trauma centers treat 350 to 600 patients annually. The 2000 Study concluded: -No change in trauma service areas should be made at this time. This study found that minimal change occurred in those counties identified as nucleus counties. Furthermore, the relationship between nucleus counties and those identified as sending or "feeder" counties remains intact. -The 19 trauma service areas should continue to serve as the geographical basis for the allocation of the 44 authorized trauma center slots. -The 44 authorized trauma center slots in chapter 395.401 Florida Statutes [now section 395.402(4)(c) should remain as the maximum number required to meet trauma patient care demands. 2004 Amendments to the Trauma Statutes and the 2005 Assessment In 2004, the Legislature made substantial revisions to the trauma statute. Chapter 2004-259, Section 6, Laws of Florida amended section 395.402 to direct the Department to complete a statewide assessment of the trauma system by February 1, 2005 ("the 2005 Assessment"). § 395.402(2), Fla. Stat. The scope of this assessment was defined in paragraphs (2)(a) through (g) and subsection (3) of section 395.402. An appropriation of $300,000 was authorized for the Department to contract with a state university to perform the actions required under the amended statute. Ch. 2004-259, § 10, Laws of Florida. One objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "[c]onsider aligning trauma service areas within [sic] the trauma region boundaries as established in" section 395.4015(1). §395.402(2)(a), Fla. Stat. In a related 2004 amendment, the Legislature added a sunset provision that, upon completion of the 2005 Assessment, ended the statutory mandate to use the service areas created in 1990. See § 395.402(2) ("[t]rauma service areas as defined in this section are to be utilized until [DOH] completes" the 2005 Assessment) (emphasis added); § 395.402(4) ("[u]ntil the department completes the February 2005 Assessment, the assignment of counties shall remain as established in this section.") The obvious intent of the above statutory change was for the section 395.402(4) service areas to be replaced by the service areas DOH established or adopted once it had the results of the 2005 Assessment. "Annually thereafter" (as opposed to every five years per the 1999 version of the statute) DOH was required to "review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas . . . ." Ch. 2004-259, § 6, at 13, Laws of Florida (amending § 395.402(3)). Another objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "establish criteria for determining the number and level of trauma centers needed to serve the population in a defined trauma service area or region." § 395.402(2)(c), Fla. Stat. Based on these criteria, DOH was then to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated trauma system." § 395.402(2)(b), Fla. Stat. As part of this need assessment, DOH was required to consider the "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff," as well as the "[r]ecommendations of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force" and "the actual number of trauma victims currently being served by each trauma center." § 395.402(3), Fla. Stat. However, unlike the situation with the 1990 Report, the Legislature did not intend for DOH to rely on the 2005 Assessment indefinitely. To avoid this, the Legislature therefore required DOH to update the 2005 Assessment by annually reviewing "the requirements of paragraphs (2)(b )-(g) and subsection (3)" of section 395.402. This meant that each annual review, like the initial 2005 Assessment, had to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area or region" by, among other things, considering "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff." §§ 395.402(2)(b) and (3)(e). The need determinations resulting from these annual reviews would then have to be codified in a rule per section 395.402(4)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). The 2004 Legislature clearly intended for DOH to rely on the updated need assessments required by section 395.402(4), rather than the need allocation in the 1990 Report (which was incorporated into the Rule). This is evident from the fact that the 2004 Legislature repealed the provision that previously required DOH to establish need based on the 1990 Report. See chapter 2004-259, § 7, at page 14, Laws of Florida (amending section 395.4026(1)), which states in relevant part: Within each service area and based on the state trauma system plan, the local or regional trauma services system plan, and recommendations of the local or regional trauma agency, and the 1990 Report and Proposal for Funding State Sponsored Trauma Centers, the department shall establish the approximate number of state approved trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high-quality trauma services. The Using the guidelines and procedures outlined in the 1990 report, except when in conflict with those prescribed in this section, the department shall select those hospitals that are to be recognized as state approved trauma centers . . . [emphasis added] By repealing the statutory reference to the 1990 Report, the Legislature expressly required the Department to discontinue any reliance on the 1990 Report as a basis for allocating trauma center need. In addition, the 2004 Legislature imposed a moratorium on the submission of applications for new trauma centers in any TSA that already had one trauma center until the 2005 Assessment was complete, regardless of whether the Rule indicated a need for an additional trauma center within the TSA. § 395.4025(14), Fla. Stat. It is reasonable to infer that the imposition of a moratorium notwithstanding unmet need in several of the TSA's under the Rule indicates that the Legislature considered the Rule to be outdated and no longer valid. The moratorium therefore had the effect of maintaining the status quo until the Rule could be updated with a new assessment. The Department timely submitted its 2005 Assessment to the Legislature on February 1, 2005. The assessment itself was conducted by a group of investigators from the University of South Florida and the University of Florida. This group was assisted by a National Steering Committee "composed of recognized experts in the fields of trauma care and trauma system analysis " In its transmittal letter to the Legislature, DOH specifically noted that the assessment included a recommendation regarding “the number and level of trauma centers needed to provide a statewide integrated trauma system. . . .” In contrast with HRS' contemporaneous objections to the 1990 Report, the DOH transmittal letter identified no areas of disagreement with the 2005 Assessment. The 2005 Assessment included 5 "Recommendations", including: 3. Designation of additional trauma centers should be based on the need as determined by trauma region.7/ Deployment of additional trauma centers should take place based not only on the number of patients served per trauma center, but according to a concept of “trauma center capacity,” which would be determined by the staffing levels of medical specialists and other healthcare professionals. An annual regional assessment is also recommended to analyze pre-hospital resources, ICU beds, capacity, trauma center performance including trauma registry data, and other medical resources based on per population estimates to plan for response and improvements. (Emphasis added) Thus, unlike the 1990 Report (and the Rule), the authors of the 2005 Assessment recommended that the availability of existing resources should be taken into account in determining the need for new trauma centers. In evaluating need based on DSTF region, the 2005 Assessment identified an unmet need for only four more trauma centers in the state,8/ which "would provide access to a trauma center for 99 percent of the people in Florida." Given the 20 trauma centers in existence at the time, this meant that the total trauma center need was 24, which is substantially below the need established by the Rule of 42 trauma centers. This lower need determination was due in part to the fact that the 2005 Assessment took "trauma center capacity," and not just the number of patients served per trauma center, into account. According to the 2005 Assessment, the recommended four new trauma centers were needed in DSTF Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. However, the assessment concluded there was no need for another trauma center in DSTF Region 4 (Tampa Bay), which was found to have "adequate trauma center access at this time." This contrasts with the Rule, which purports to authorize five more trauma centers in the counties assigned to Region 4. In particular, under the Rule, there is a net need for two new trauma centers in Pasco County (TSA 9), two new trauma centers in Manatee County (TSA 13) and one new trauma center in either Citrus or Hernando County (TSA 6). The only legislative response to the 2005 Assessment was an increase in funding to trauma centers. Likewise, the Department has not amended the Rule to implement the recommendations contained in the Assessment. In 2008, the Department held rule development workshops in order for trauma system constituents to indicate whether trauma center allocations contained in the Rule should be changed. Pursuant to stakeholder requests arising out of the workshops, the Department began consideration of an increase in the maximum number of trauma center positions allocated to TSA 1 (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Fort Walton and Okaloosa Counties). Following numerous public workshops and hearings, the Department filed notice of its intent to amend the Rule to increase the allocation of trauma centers in TSA 1 from 2 to 3. However, the amendment did not become final due to matters unrelated to the determination itself and was withdrawn by the Department.9/ The January, 2011 TSA Report In 2011, a study was completed for DOH entitled "Florida Trauma Service Area Analysis" (the "2011 TSA Report") that relied on the 1990 Report's patient flow methodology for assigning counties to trauma service areas. However, this study did not take into account all of the section 395.402(3) criteria. The 2011 TSA Report disclosed this deficiency, stating: This study provides an analysis of TSAs and counties to assess retention of trauma alert patients within the county. Rules for designating counties as nucleus counties for trauma centers and counties for consideration for trauma centers were defined in analyses of TSAs conducted for the office of Trauma in 1990 and 2000. * * * This report analyzes hospital discharges by TSA from 2000 to 2009. Hospital discharge data from [AHCA] is used to analyze the county of residence and treating facility for all trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 9 or greater, as deemed by statute . . . . Other considerations required, by statute, in the assignment of counties to TSAs include recommendations of regional trauma system plans, stakeholder recommendations, geographical composition to assure rapid access to trauma care, inventories of available trauma care resources, transportation capabilities, medically appropriate travel times, recommendations by the Regional Domestic Security Task Force, and any appropriate criteria. These considerations are not integrated into this analysis of TSAs. (Emphasis added). Although the 2011 TSA Study used the same methodology as the 1990 Report, the 2011 TSA Study supports a different TSA configuration than the one established in the 1990 Report because patient flow patterns have changed since 1990. For example, in the 1990 analysis, the primary treatment county for Manatee County was Sarasota County. Because Manatee served as a feeder county for Sarasota (a nucleus county), it was grouped in the 1990 Report with Sarasota County in TSA 13. However, the updated information in the 2011 TSA study shows that the primary treatment county for Manatee County residents is now Pinellas (TSA 9's nucleus county), which requires that Manatee County be reassigned to TSA 9 per the 1990 Report's methodology. A similar shift in patient flow also dictates the reassignment of Hernando County from TSA 6 to TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Indeed, it appears that all of the counties in TSA 6 would have to be merged with other trauma service areas since Marion County, which was designated as TSA 6's nucleus county in the 1990 Report, no longer qualifies as a nucleus county. The Department maintains that its employees are continuously reviewing trauma volume, injury severity scores, population and other data and that this activity qualifies as the annual need and trauma service area reviews required by section 395.402(4). However, DOH has not established a need methodology by rule, policy or otherwise that it could apply to this data to quantify the number of trauma centers needed in each TSA. In the absence of an articulable need methodology, it is not possible to verify or replicate any assessment DOH may have done based on the data it claims to have reviewed. More significantly, the Department has itself acknowledged the problem of not having a methodology or process in place for conducting regular assessments. In its "2011-2015 Florida Trauma System Strategic Plan" (the "2011 State Plan"), DOH identified as a "threat" to the achievement of Goal 8 (Regional Trauma System Evaluation) the "[l]ack of effective evaluation criteria, tools and a systematic and periodic process to evaluate trauma service areas and apportionment of trauma centers." In furtherance of Goal 8, DOH also recognized the need to "[c]onduct a statewide comprehensive assessment of the Florida Trauma System access to care based on s. 395.402, F.S., the Western-Bazzoli criteria and other criteria to evaluate access to care and the effectiveness of the trauma service areas/regions." The specified timeline for this future assessment was "December 2011, with annual reviews thereafter as funding is available." On May 19, 2011, the Department's State Surgeon General signed an "Issue Paper" approving a "Florida Trauma System Special Study." This study is intended to "assist the department in developing a process and evidence-based guidelines to be utilized by [DOH] in determining the need for trauma center locations throughout the state." According to the Department's witness, Susan McDevitt (former Director of the Office of Trauma), DOH intends to use this study to develop a formula or methodology for determining the need for new trauma centers in the state. DOH determined this study was needed because the "trauma network has matured and changed" since 2005 when the "last comprehensive assessment of the Florida trauma system" was done. However, December 2011 is the earliest anticipated date for completion of this study, and DOH has no timeline for when this study may result in any rule amendment. As noted, the 1990 Report forms the basis for the configuration of the existing 19 TSA's as well as the need allocated to each of the TSA's within the Rule (with the exception of the reduction in Broward County). However, Dr. Lewis Flint, an expert in trauma surgery and trauma system assessment, credibly explained how Florida's trauma system has "matured and changed" since the 1990 Study was completed: Q. Now, Doctor, can you describe what changes there have been in the trauma system since the 1990 study was completed? A. Well, in 1990, there were fewer trauma centers than there currently are. I believe there were only about 12 designated centers in 1990. There are 22 now. The availability and the efficiency and quality of pre-hospital care has changed in a major way since 1990. We have far more advanced life support staff on ambulances than we had in 1990. We have far more plentiful air evacuation capability than we had in 1990, and the quality and efficiency of the existing trauma centers has changed in a major way as the centers have matured. So that the combination of greatly improved pre-hospital care and significant improvements in efficiency and in-patient outcomes in the existing trauma centers has meant that this system has matured into a very effective trauma system. It is not free of shortcomings, it is not an entire system yet. It has some holes in it, but the system as such has changed in a major way since 1990, such that it was our view at the close of the 2005 comprehensive assessment, that a decision about deployment of trauma centers that was based solely on distance and geography was not going to be an optimum method of determining how the system should be deployed. Whether or not the 1990 Report was valid when issued, its recommended service area configurations and need allocations have been rendered obsolete by the passage of time, changes in patient flow patterns, and significant advances in the trauma care delivery system since the Rule was adopted. Reasonable health planning requires the use of the most recent data available and systematic evaluation of the multiplicity of factors that determine the appropriate number and location of trauma centers in the state. No doubt that is why the Legislature directed DOH to conduct assessments annually. § 395.402(4). Here, the 1990 Report's recommendations were predicated on 1988 information that is now more than two decades old.10/ It is inappropriate to rely on 1988 data to justify the service area configuration or need allocation in 2011, particularly given the major changes and maturation of the trauma system since 1988. The 1990 Report (and rule) also fails to take into account criteria that must now be considered pursuant to the 2004 amendment to section 395.402. In particular, section 395.402(3) as amended, requires the DOH annual need and service area reviews to take into account Regional Domestic Security Task Force recommendations, transportation capabilities (including air transport), and inventories of available trauma care resources (including professional medical staff). The 1990 Report took none of these factors into account in making the need recommendations that were eventually incorporated into the Rule. Notably, had the availability of professional medical staff been factored into the analysis, need would likely have been reduced, as the 1990 Report itself observed, stating: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. (Emphasis added). Standing Petitioners TGH and SJH are located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Petitioner Bayfront is located in Pinellas County in TSA 9 (Pinellas and Pasco Counties). Intervenor Bayonet Point is also located in TSA 9, but in Pasco County. Intervenor Blake is located in Manatee County, in TSA 13 (Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties), adjacent to TSA 9. Petitioner Shands is located in TSA 5 (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties). Trauma center applicant Orange Park (a non-party) is located in TSA 5 but in a different county (Clay) from Petitioner Shands (Duval). As noted earlier, because of the intensity of resources that must be devoted to a trauma center, hospitals generally lose money in their operation. Specifically, in FY 2010 Tampa General's Level I trauma center had a $15.7 million net loss, while Bayfront's Level II trauma center had a $3 million net loss. Similarly, Shands lost approximately $2.7 million and SJH lost $8.3 million from the operation of their trauma centers in FY 2010. Of the 42 trauma center positions available statewide, the Rule allocates three to TSA 9 and three to TSA 13. Because TSA 9 currently has one designated trauma center (Bayfront) while TSA 13 has none, the Rule establishes a net need for two more trauma centers in TSA 9 and three more trauma centers in TSA 13. The Intervenors' pending trauma center applications propose to establish Level II trauma centers at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point in Pasco County, (TSA 9), and at Blake Medical Center in Manatee County (TSA 13). The filing of the Intervenors' applications triggered the application review process set forth in section 395.4025(2). Pursuant to this statute, the deadline for submitting a trauma application is April 1 of each year. § 395.4025(2)(c). The filing of an application triggers a 30-day provisional review period (which in this case is delayed until October 1, 2011, due to an 18-month extension request made by Intervenors). The limited purpose of this provisional review is to determine if the hospital's application is complete "and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center." Id. The "critical element" portion of the review is based on the trauma center standards and includes a review of whether the hospital meets the equipment, facility, personnel and quality assurance standards. Id. Any hospital that (i) submitted an application found acceptable in the provisional review (i.e., meets the trauma center standards) and (ii) is located in a TSA that has a need for a trauma center may operate as a provisional trauma center after the 30-day provisional review period has concluded. §§ 395.4025(2)(d) and (5). Based upon the facts of record, there is a reasonable probability that the Intervenor hospitals will achieve provisional trauma center status by October 30, 2011, (the end of the 30-day provisional review period that will start October 1, 2011). First, Intervenors' witness James Hurst, M.D. (who is assisting Intervenors and Orange Park in recruiting trauma surgeons and in the application process) testified without contradiction that the HCA applications would be complete and in compliance with the applicable trauma center standards by the extended October 1st application submission deadline. Second, both Intervenor hospitals are located in trauma service areas with a need as established by the Rule. As confirmed by Ms. McDevitt, if the applications meet the programmatic requirements as determined by the provisional review, and there is a need indicated by the Rule, DOH will approve the applications and award the Intervenor hospitals in TSA 9 and 13 provisional trauma center status. Likewise, it is reasonable to expect that the Orange Park application will be approved if it meets the programmatic requirements, given the available slot in TSA 5. Upon receiving the provisional trauma center designation, the EMS providers will be required to treat Bayonet Point, Blake, and Orange Park as trauma centers. This means that the EMS providers will have to revise their protocols to redirect the transport of trauma alert patients from other existing trauma centers to the new centers. See, Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.002(3)(g). A "trauma alert" patient is defined as a "person whose primary physical injury is a blunt, penetrating or burn injury, and who meets one or more of the adult trauma scorecard criteria . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.001(14). Pursuant to the DOH Trauma Transport Protocols Manual (which all EMS providers must follow), EMS providers must transport all trauma alert patients to the closest trauma center that is "within 30 minutes by ground or air transport or within 50 miles by air transport." As a result, any trauma alert patient who is closest to Bayonet Point, Blake, or Orange Park will have to be transported to one of those hospitals once they are designated as provisional trauma centers. A provisional trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents (the "northern Tampa Bay region"). Trauma alert patients from these counties would therefore have to be transported to Bayonet Point instead of to the existing trauma centers in Hillsborough (SJH and Tampa General) or Pinellas (Bayfront). Likewise, a provisional trauma center at Blake would become the closest trauma center to Manatee and Sarasota (the "southern Tampa Bay region") requiring transport of their trauma alert patients to Blake rather than to the Hillsborough or Pinellas trauma centers. In 2010, 669 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Bayfront from the counties in the northern and southern regions of Tampa Bay. This represents 42 percent of all the trauma alert patients (16 and over) transported to Bayfront. From the same area and during the same time period, 120 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Tampa General. All of these trauma alert patients would be redirected away from Bayfront and Tampa General and transported to the closer Intervenor trauma centers per the EMS transport protocols. The redirection of these trauma alert patients to Bayonet Point and Blake would substantially and adversely affect both Bayfront and Tampa General. In Bayfront’s case, the lost contribution margin caused by the annual diversion of even 400 trauma patients would reduce Bayfront's total margin by at least $2.3 million each year. Likewise, the yearly diversion of 120 trauma patients from Tampa General would result in an annual lost contribution margin and reduction in total margin in excess of $1 million. Notably, for both hospitals this represents the minimum potential loss of trauma patients and revenue as a result of the approval of the Intervenors' trauma centers. Annual losses in excess of a million dollars would be material to both Bayfront and Tampa General given the financial challenges both hospitals are already facing. Although physically located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County) SJH now receives trauma patients from Hillsborough, Pasco, Citrus, Hernando, and Sumter counties. If approved, the trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents and would likely result in the immediate loss of between 149 and 307 from SJH's trauma program. If the Orange Park trauma center is approved, it is reasonable to expect that all of Shands trauma patients originating from Clay County would instead be redirected to Orange Park. This would represent a loss of approximately 1,000 patients annually, or 25 percent of Shands current trauma volume. With fewer cases to absorb the high fixed costs of trauma preparedness, Shands expects that it would lose $3,400 per case, on a fully allocated basis, rather than the $665/case it now loses. Thus, whereas Shands' trauma center currently loses $2.7 million annually, that loss would increase to approximately $10 million per year. And on a contribution margin basis (where fixed costs are excluded) Shands will experience a decline in contribution margin of $6-7 million annually once the Orange Park trauma center becomes operational. In addition to the direct loss of trauma patients and corresponding revenue, it is reasonable to anticipate that the approval of new trauma centers in relatively close proximity to existing centers will result in increased competition for scarce surgical subspecialists currently associated with the existing trauma programs. Specifically, the opening of new trauma centers in TSA's 5, 9, and 13 are likely to increase the difficulty and escalate the cost of ensuring adequate on-call specialty physician coverage for the Petitioner's hospitals and to adversely affect their ability to retain highly skilled nurses, technicians, and other trauma program staff.

Florida Laws (16) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68395.40395.4001395.401395.4015395.402395.4025395.403395.405943.0312 Florida Administrative Code (4) 64E-2.02264J-2.00164J-2.00264J-2.010
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 06, 2016 Number: 16-005837RP Latest Update: Jan. 08, 2019

The Issue Whether proposed rules 64J-2.010, 64J-2.012, 64J-2.013, and 64J-2.016 of the Florida Administrative Code (“the Proposed Rules”) are an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority as defined in section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes (2016).1/

Findings Of Fact Background on Trauma Centers A “trauma center” is “a hospital that has been verified by the department to be in substantial compliance with the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been approved by the department to operate as a Level I trauma center, Level II trauma center, or [a] pediatric trauma center ” § 395.4001(14), Fla. Stat. Trauma centers must have a wide array of resources at their disposal at all times. For example, a trauma center must have approximately 30 specialists such as trauma surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and anesthesiologists. A trauma center must also have specially trained nurses, advanced imaging and diagnostic equipment, dedicated operating rooms, a blood bank, specialized nursing units, and a helipad. Many of the personnel working in trauma centers have special training. Trauma surgeons have one or two additional years of critical care training followed by another year of training in emergency surgery or acute care surgery. Trauma center nurses typically have three additional years of training/education. In short, a trauma center is a hospital that has made a substantial investment in order to have the resources and personnel capable of caring for trauma patients. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.001(15) defines a “trauma patient” as “any person who has incurred a physical injury or wound caused by trauma and who has accessed an emergency medical services system.” Trauma injuries commonly occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents, falls from height, gunshot wounds, and stab wounds. See § 395.4001(18), Fla. Stat. (defining a “trauma victim” as “any person who has incurred a single or multisystem injury due to blunt or penetrating means or burns and who requires immediate medical intervention or treatment.”); Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.001(12) (defining “trauma” as “a blunt, penetrating or burn injury caused by external force or violence.”). Trauma injuries are a leading cause of death for those ranging in age from 1 to 45. Hospitals with emergency departments (i.e., acute care hospitals) are capable of treating patients on an emergency basis. However, they would not necessarily have constant access to all of the resources mentioned above. In addition, acute care hospitals have not gone through the statutory process of being approved by the Department to operate as a trauma center. § 395.4001(14), Fla. Stat. (defining a “trauma center” as “a hospital that has been verified by the department to be in substantial compliance with the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been approved by the department to operate as a Level I trauma center, Level II trauma center, or pediatric trauma center, or is designated by the department as a Level II trauma center pursuant to s. 395.4025(14).”). See also § 395.401(1)(k), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[i]t is unlawful for any hospital or other facility to hold itself out as a trauma center unless it has been so verified or designated pursuant to s. 395.4025(14).”).3/ In general, a patient in danger of imminent death from a trauma injury is likely to have a better chance of survival if he or she is treated in a trauma center as opposed to an acute care hospital. The Parties The Department is the state agency charged with implementing the laws governing the regulation of trauma centers. See § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. (noting “[i]t is the intent of the Legislature to place primary responsibility for the planning and establishment of a statewide inclusive trauma system with the department. The department shall undertake the implementation of a statewide inclusive trauma system as funding is available.”); § 395.401(2), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[t]he department shall adopt by rule, standards for verification of trauma centers based on national guidelines . . . .”); § 395.4015(1), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[t]he department shall establish a state trauma system plan.”); § 395.402(2), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[t]he department shall review the existing trauma system and determine whether it is effective in providing trauma care uniformly throughout the state.”). Of particular relevance to the instant case is the legislative mandate that the Department shall adopt rules governing the number of trauma centers that can be operated in Florida. See § 395.402(4)(b), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area.”). Those rules (see, e.g., rule 64J-2.010) determine how many trauma centers can be in a particular trauma service area (“TSA”). The Legislature has assigned each county in Florida to a TSA, and there are currently 19 TSAs in Florida. See § 395.402(4), Fla. Stat. With regard to Petitioners, Shands Jacksonville operates a Level I trauma center in TSA 5, which consists of Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties. Tampa General operates a Level I trauma center in TSA 10, which consists of Hillsborough County. Lee Memorial operates a Level II trauma center in TSA 15, which consists of Charlotte, Glades, Hendry, and Lee Counties. Bayfront Health operates a Level II trauma center in TSA 9, which consists of Pinellas and Pasco Counties. St. Joseph’s Hospital operates a Level II trauma center and a pediatric trauma center in TSA 10, which consists of Hillsborough County. As for the intervenors, JFK Medical Center is a licensed acute care hospital that has submitted a letter of intent to the Department so that it can apply to operate a Level II trauma center in TSA 17, which consists of Palm Beach County. Orange Park operates a provisional Level II trauma center in TSA 5, and Jackson South operates a provisional Level II trauma center in TSA 19, which consists of Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. The meaning of the term “provisional trauma center” will be explained below. The Statutory Scheme Governing Trauma Centers As noted above, each of Florida’s 67 counties has been assigned to one of 19 TSAs, and the 19 TSAs play an important role in the location of trauma centers throughout the state. See § 395.4025(1), Fla. Stat. (providing that “[f]or purposes of developing a system of trauma centers, the department shall use the 19 trauma service areas established in s. 395.402. Within each service area and based on the state trauma system plan, the local or regional trauma services system plan, and recommendations of the local or regional trauma agency, the department shall establish the approximate number of trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high-quality trauma services.”); § 395.402(4)(b), Fla. Stat. (providing that the Department “shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each [TSA].”). The Florida Legislature has mandated that every TSA “should have at least one Level I or Level II trauma center.” § 395.402(4)(b), Fla. Stat. However, there is a state-wide, statutory cap of 44 trauma centers. § 395.402(4)(c), Fla. Stat. (mandating that “[t]here shall be no more than a total of 44 trauma centers in the state.”). Hospitals seeking approval to operate trauma centers must complete a rigorous review process, and that process begins with a potential applicant submitting a letter of intent to the Department by October 1 of a particular year. See § 395.4025(2)(a), Fla. Stat. (providing that “[t]he department shall annually notify each acute care general hospital and each local and each regional trauma agency in the state that the department is accepting letters of intent from hospitals that are interested in becoming trauma centers. In order to be considered by the department, a hospital that operates within the geographic area of a local or regional trauma agency must certify that its intent to operate as a trauma center is consistent with the trauma services plan of the local or regional trauma agency, as approved by the department, if such agency exists. Letters of intent must be postmarked no later than midnight October 1.”). By submitting a letter of intent, a hospital does not become obligated to subsequently file a fully fledged trauma center application. Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(a) (providing that “[t]he letter of intent is non-binding, but preserves the hospital’s right to complete its application by the required due date if an available position, as provided in Rule 64J-2.010, F.A.C., exists in the hospital’s TSA.”). “By October 15, the department shall send to all hospitals that submitted a letter of intent an application package that will provide the hospitals with instructions for submitting information to the department for selection as a trauma center.” § 395.4025(2)(c), Fla. Stat. Applications from hospitals seeking to operate trauma centers must be received by the Department by the close of business on April 1 of the following year. Once the Department receives a trauma center application, it conducts “a provisional review of each application for the purpose of determining that the hospital’s application is complete and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center.” § 395.4025(2)(c), Fla. Stat. The Department’s provisional review includes, but is not limited to, an examination of whether an applicant has: the equipment and facilities necessary to provide trauma services; (b) personnel in sufficient numbers and with proper qualifications to provide trauma services; and (c) an effective quality assurance process. See § 395.4025(2)(c), Fla. Stat. “After April 30, any hospital that submitted an application found acceptable by the department based on provisional review shall be eligible to operate as a provisional trauma center.” § 395.4025(3), Fla. Stat. A hospital that has been approved to operate as a provisional trauma center can immediately begin providing care to trauma victims. From an operational perspective, there is no difference between a provisional trauma center and one that is fully verified. Between May 1 and October 1 of the year following the filing of the letter of intent, the Department conducts an in- depth evaluation of all the applicants that were deemed eligible to operate as provisional trauma centers. § 395.4025(4), Fla. Stat. Then, between October 1 of the year following the filing of the letter of intent and June 1 of the next year, a review team of out-of-state experts assembled by the Department makes “onsite visits to all provisional trauma centers.” The out-of-state experts utilize a survey instrument developed by the Department that includes “objective criteria and guidelines for reviewers based on existing trauma center standards such that all trauma centers are assessed equally.” § 395.4025(5), Fla. Stat. That survey instrument also includes “a uniform rating system that will be used by reviewers to indicate the degree of compliance of each trauma center with specific standards, and to indicate the quality of care provided by each trauma center as determined through an audit of patient charts.” § 395.4025(5), Fla. Stat. Even if a hospital satisfies all of the requirements to operate a trauma center, there must be a need for a trauma center in the relevant TSA. See § 395.4025(5), Fla. Stat. (providing that “hospitals being considered as provisional trauma centers shall meet all the requirements of a trauma center and shall be located in a trauma service area that has a need for such a trauma center.”). (emphasis added). The Department, based on recommendations from the review team, selects trauma centers by July 1 of the second year following the filing of the letter of intent. § 395.4025(6), Fla. Stat. Following this initial approval, “[e]ach trauma center shall be granted a 7-year approval period during which time it must continue to maintain trauma center standards and acceptable patient outcomes as determined by department rule.” Id. An approval, “unless sooner suspended or revoked, automatically expires 7 years after the date of issuance and is renewable upon application for renewal as prescribed by rule of the department.” Id. Also, “[n]otwithstanding any provision of chapter 381, a hospital licensed under ss. 395.001-395.3025 that operates a trauma center may not terminate or substantially reduce the availability of trauma service without providing at least 180 days’ notice [to the Department] of its intent to terminate such services.” § 395.4025(8), Fla. Stat. There are currently 33 approved trauma centers in Florida. Unless the statewide cap of 44 in section 395.402(4)(c) is amended or removed, the Department can only approve 11 more trauma center applicants. Assessment of Need for Trauma Centers under the Current Rules The Department must annually assess Florida’s trauma system, including the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area. See § 395.402(2)(b), Fla. Stat. (requiring the Department to “[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated trauma system.”); § 395.402(3), Fla. Stat. (mandating that the Department must consider the following during its annual reviews: recommendations of regional trauma agencies; stakeholder recommendations; the geographic composition of an area; historical patterns of patient referral and transfer in an area; inventories of available trauma care resources; population growth characteristics; transportation capabilities; medically appropriate ground and air travel times; recommendations of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force; the actual number of trauma victims currently being served by each trauma center; and other appropriate criteria). As noted above, the Legislature has empowered the Department to adopt rules governing the procedures and process by which it will determine which applicants will be selected for designation as trauma centers. See § 395.4025(13), Fla. Stat. (providing that “[t]he department may adopt, by rule, the procedures and process by which it will select trauma centers. Such procedures and process must be used in annually selecting trauma centers and must be consistent with subsections (1)-(8) except in those situations in which it is in the best interest of, and mutually agreed to by, all applicants within a service area and the department to reduce the timeframes.”). The rules governing trauma centers are set forth in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64J-2 (collectively referred to as “the Current Rules”). With regard to the instant case, rule 64J-2.010 is particularly relevant and details how Level I and Level II trauma centers will be allocated among the 19 TSAs. On an annual basis beginning on or before August 30, the Department implements the process set forth in rule 64J- 2.010 by conducting the annual assessment mentioned above and assigning a score to each TSA. The process in rule 64J-2.010 begins by evaluating each TSA pursuant to the following criteria: (a) population; median transport times; (c) community support; (d) severely injured patients discharged from acute care hospitals; (e) Level I trauma centers; and (f) number of severely injured patients. For each of the aforementioned criteria, points are assigned to each TSA based on data from the annual assessment. The point scales associated with each criterion are designed to measure the need in each TSA for trauma center services. For example, a TSA with a population of less than 600,000 would receive 2 points, and a TSA with a population of greater than 2,400,000 would receive 10 points. TSAs with populations between those two extremes would receive 4, 6, or 8 points. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.010(1)(a)1. As for median transport time, a TSA with a median transport time of less than 10 minutes would receive 0 points. In contrast, if the median transport time in a TSA was greater than 41 minutes, then that TSA would receive 4 points. TSAs with median transport times between those two extremes would receive 1, 2, or 3 points. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J- 2.010(1)(a)2. After a TSA’s total score is determined, the Department compares that score to the scale in rule 64J- 2.010(1)(b) which provides that: The following scoring system shall be used to allocate trauma centers within the TSAs: TSAs with a score of 5 points or less shall be allocated 1 trauma center. TSAs with a score of 6 to 10 points shall be allocated 2 trauma centers. TSAs with a score of 11 to 15 points shall be allocated 3 trauma centers. TSAs with a score of more than 15 points shall be allocated 4 trauma centers. In the Current Rules, rule 64J-2.010(3) contains a table setting forth the results based upon the March 24, 2014, Amended Trauma Service Area Assessment. For example, the table in rule 64J-2.010(3) indicates that TSA 1 consisting of Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, and Walton Counties has a need for one trauma center. In contrast, the table indicates that TSA 19 consisting of Dade and Monroe Counties has a need for three trauma centers. The Department Changes Its Interpretation of “Need” In October of 2014, Orange Park filed a letter of intent indicating its desire to operate a trauma center in TSA 5. Because the Current Rules indicated that there was no need for an additional trauma center in TSA 5, the Department rejected Orange Park’s letter of intent. That action was consistent with a determination that the numeric “need” derived from rule 64J-2.010 establishes the maximum number of trauma centers that are needed in a particular TSA. In 2015, Orange Park submitted another letter of intent to operate a trauma center in TSA 5. The Department accepted that letter of intent even though the numeric “need” derived from rule 64J-2.010 for TSA 5 had not changed. That action was consistent with a determination that the numeric “need” derived from rule 64J-2.010 establishes the minimum number of trauma centers that are needed in a particular TSA. After the Department approved Orange Park’s application to operate as a provisional Level II trauma center in TSA 5, Shands Jacksonville challenged that decision, and Administrative Law Judge W. David Watkins issued a Recommended Order on January 27, 2017, concluding that Orange Park’s application must be denied. In the process of doing so, ALJ Watkins also concluded that “[t]he Department’s policy of accepting letters of intent and trauma center applications irrespective of need as established in rule 64J-2.010, constitutes an unadopted rule and is contrary to its validly adopted rules and statute.” Shands Jacksonville Med. Ctr., Inc., d/b/a UF Health Jacksonville v. Dep’t of Health and Orange Park Med. Ctr., Inc., DOAH Case No. 16-3369 (Recommended Order Jan. 27, 2017). Through the Proposed Rules, the Department is seeking to formalize its new interpretation of the term “need” as meaning the minimum number of trauma centers needed in a particular TSA. Assessment of Need under the Proposed Rules During the final hearing in this matter, Department employees described the Department’s impetus for changing its determination of how the term “need” as that term is used in chapter 395, part II, should be interpreted. For instance, the Department’s mission is to promote, protect, and improve the health of those living and visiting Florida. Because approximately 31 percent of severely injured patients were treated at acute care hospitals rather than trauma centers in 2013, the Department believes that there are an insufficient number of trauma centers in Florida. Also, as one or more trauma centers are added to a particular TSA, the Department observed that the number of trauma centers “needed” in that TSA under rule 64J-2.010 would decrease. This decrease would occur because median transport times and the number of severely injured patients discharged from acute care hospitals would decrease with the addition of trauma centers to that TSA. Accordingly, the Department deems the formula in rule 64J-2.010 to be a “diminishing” formula. As explained by Sue Dick, the Department’s Interim Division Director for the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support (and former Chief of the Tallahassee, Florida Fire Department): [W]e saw the numbers required in a certain trauma service area diminishing because care was better. That’s what led us to go, wait a minute, that can’t be a maximum number because we are going to end up at a point where we say a maximum number is zero. So that’s when we started to look at the allocation and say, what we are really determining is how many more should they have to ensure that all patients are reaching median transport time in less than 10 minutes and very few patients are being discharged from acute care hospitals. That’s what led to the logic behind revisiting this rule and this formula. On September 1, 2016, the Department proposed a series of amendments to rules 64J-2.010, 64J-2.012, 64J-2.013, and 64J- 2.016. The Proposed Rules would implement the Department’s new policy of deeming the calculations pursuant to rule 64J- 2.010(1)(b) to represent the minimum number of trauma centers needed in a particular TSA rather than the maximum number of trauma centers allowed in that TSA. For instance, the Proposed Rules’ version of rule 64J- 2.010(1)(b) would amend the current version of rule 64J- 2.010(1)(b) to read as follows: “[t]he following scoring system shall be used to determine the minimum number of allocate trauma centers needed within the TSAs. Also, the Proposed Rules would add a subsection (4) to rule 64J-2.010, which would state that “[t]he allocation of trauma centers, as described in subsections (1) through (3) of this rule, is the minimum allocation needed and shall not affect existing verified trauma centers seeking renewal of their verification status pursuant to subsection 395.4025(6), F.S., . . . .” (emphasis added). The Proposed Rules would amend rule 64J-2.012(1)(a) to read as follows: “[t]he letter of intent is non-binding, but preserves the hospital’s right to complete its application by the required due date if, subject to the trauma center limit in paragraph 395.402(4)(c), F.S., an available position, is open as provided in Rule 64J-2.010, F.A.C., exists in the hospital’s TSA.” As a result, there would no longer be TSA-specific caps in rule 64J-2.010, and the statewide cap of 44 trauma centers in section 395.402(4)(c) would be the only numeric cap on trauma centers. The same result would flow from the Proposed Rules’ amendment to rule 64J-2.013(7): The department shall make a final determination on whether to approve or deny a hospital’s extension request only after the provisional review of all other trauma center applications in the hospital’s TSA are completed, and it has been determined that the number of trauma centers and Provisional Ttrauma Ccenters, in the hospital’s TSA is less than or equal to the allocated number of trauma centers allowed by paragraph 395.402(4)(c), F.S. positions available for that TSA. Finally, subsection (12) of rule 64J-2.013 would become subsection (11) and be amended as follows: A hospital receiving an extension greater than 12 months shall have its extension denied or terminated if the number of trauma centers and or Provisional Ttrauma Ccenters in the hospital’s TSA equals or is greater than the number of trauma centers provided in paragraph 395.402(4)(c), F.S available positions allocated to the TSA, resulting in the denial of its application and the department will inform the applicant of its right to a Section 120.57, F.S., hearing regarding this denial. Because the Proposed Rules would result in the calculations pursuant to rule 64J-2.010(1)(b) representing the minimum number of trauma centers needed in a particular TSA rather than the maximum number of trauma centers allowed in that TSA, the Department could conceivably approve every applicant in that TSA so long as the statutory cap of 44 trauma centers in section 395.402(4)(c) would not be exceeded. The Proposed Rules also establish a tie-breaker system if the sum of provisional trauma centers found eligible for selection by the Department and the number of existing trauma centers would exceed the statutory limit established in section 395.402(4)(c). The tie-breaking criteria would consider the following: (a) whether the TSA in question already has a Level I or Level II trauma center; (b) the level of service that the applicants propose to provide; (c) the number of severely injured patients treated by the applicants; and (d) approval by a Department-approved trauma agency plan. Chief Dick testified that the Department would exercise discretion to ensure that a TSA that already had the minimum number of trauma centers under the Proposed Rules would not receive an additional trauma center if the statutory cap of 44 would be met or exceeded and another TSA lacked the statutory minimum of one: Q: Now, I want to explore a little bit one of the answers that you gave to Mr. Reynolds regarding how the [Proposed Rules] would work in conjunction with the statutory cap of 44 and the requirement for assignment of a trauma center to each TSA. Let me ask you a hypothetical. If there [are] 43, when you get to the point when there [are] 43 trauma centers that are opened around the state but there is still not one in Collier County, how does it work at that point as a potential new applicant comes in? A: If they are not in Collier County, they won’t be verified. We have a statutory obligation to meet the minimum of one per TSA, so – at a statutory cap of 44. So logic would state then as part of that 44, it includes one per TSA. So if there are 43 and there are none in TSA 17, we would have to reserve that spot until such point as there is one at a minimum in TSA 17, which is Collier, I believe. Q: Would that likewise be the approach if you have a TSA where the methodology calculates there is a need for four, but there [are] only three that are opened, how would it work then? A: I think it would be responsible of the Department, as we view the results of this allocation methodology as setting a minimum need to ensure reasonable access to care, that we would withhold spots until such point as that minimum is met per TSA. So if we are at 42 and there is still not one in TSA 17, which we just spoke to, but in addition there is another TSA that has one but through our methodology, we really think they need a minimum of two, I believe it’s within the Department’s authority to withhold that second one as well. However, Chief Dick acknowledged in subsequent testimony that the discretion she relies upon does not originate from a statute or a rule: Q: I think we had put forth that there’s been some testimony concerning the hypothetical, the what if there’s more applications received by the Department in a cycle than there are statewide slots? So in other words, you’ve got enough applications that its’s going to pop you over the [statutory cap of] 44. Do you understand my hypothetical? ALJ: We are still talking about the [Current Rules]? Q: Under [the Proposed Rules]. ALJ: [Proposed Rules]. Okay. Q: Thank you. A: I understand what you are saying. Q: And would you agree that there’s nothing in the [Proposed Rules] that tells you what happens in that circumstance, if the number received in all of the TSAs will put you over the statewide number? A: There’s nothing in the proposed rule that states that if we receive more applications than there are available spots statewide, what we will do. Q: Correct. There’s no criteria or standards? A: No, those procedures are not outlined in the rule, no. Q: Similarly, there’s nothing in [the Proposed Rules] that would preclude that all of the open positions statewide could be in one TSA or two TSAs to the exclusion of others; there’s nothing that prevents that from occurring? A: Well, I think there is something that prevents that from occurring, and the first thing being that – the first thing we would look at is to ensure there is at least one trauma center in each TSA so we would be able to reserve that. And the other thing I think is where it speaks to a trauma service area, trauma service area that has a need, we would interpret that to mean a minimum need as determined by our allocation methodology. So I would say that if there are – if it were an issue of we were going to go over the 44 and there was a TSA that still did not meet their minimum as we’ve outlined in our proposed rule, that it would be within our prerogative of the Department to hold a spot for that TSA to meet that minimum. Q: When you say it would be within your prerogative, there is nothing in the statute that outlines that procedure you just discussed, that you would hold one in your back pocket and say, I need that one for Collier County? A: No. Q: There’s nothing in [the Proposed Rules] that says that? A: No, there’s been a number of hypotheticals presented, and I just don’t think you can craft a rule that would address every hypothetical. So, no, there’s nothing that speaks specifically to that, what our specific process would be under those specific circumstances. * * * Q: I understand. [The Proposed Rules set] a minimum and all – my only question is, there [are] no standards or criteria in [the Proposed Rules] that would identify how many above the minimum should be approved; the Department’s position is it would approve as many as are applied for, if they meet all the standards? A: And have the endorsement of the regional trauma agency, yes. The Potential Utility Associated with Adopting the Proposed Rules All parties have proceeded under the reasonable assumption that adoption of the Proposed Rules would lead to more trauma centers in Florida. The Department and Intervenors’ primary argument in support of the Proposed Rules is that more trauma centers will result in: (a) increased access to the specialized care available at trauma centers; and (b) less time needed to transport trauma patients to trauma centers. Undertriage occurs when a severely injured patient in need of trauma care is treated by an acute care hospital. In that circumstance, the patient does not receive the benefit of being admitted to a facility dedicated to treating severely injured patients. The January 6, 2016, Amended Trauma Service Area Assessment by the Department indicates that approximately 31 percent of severely injured patients in Florida received care in an acute care hospital rather than a trauma center in 2013. Dr. Mark McKenney, an expert in surgical care and trauma care, characterized undertriage as an access to care problem that could threaten one’s life: I don’t think that any of us would feel good to have a third of us, when we have a life- threatening injury, end up in a hospital that doesn’t have a trauma team, doesn’t have trauma nurses, doesn’t have a trauma intensive care unit, doesn’t have an operating room immediately available, doesn’t have a surgeon in the hospital 24/7 who can take care of this, and doesn’t have subspecialists who routinely take care of the traumatically injured patients. A third is just too high a number. With regard to transport times, trauma care professionals refer to a generally accepted clinical principle for rendering treatment known as “the Golden Hour.” Within one hour after a person is injured, all of the following should occur: (a) emergency personnel are notified, arrive at the injury scene, evaluate the patient, and transport the patient to a trauma center; and (b) the trauma center starts resuscitation; conducts another evaluation of the patient; and performs a life-saving procedure. According to the Department and Intervenors, the increased access to trauma centers and the decreased transport times associated with adoption of the Proposed Rules will save lives.4/ Petitioners’ response to that line of reasoning is that an increase in the number of trauma centers will lead to a decrease in the quality of care rendered to trauma patients. A trauma center needs to treat a certain number of severely injured patients in order for its personnel to remain proficient and for the trauma center’s quality of care to remain high. During the final hearing, Petitioners presented persuasive testimony that “practice makes perfect” with regard to the treatment of trauma patients. For instance, Dr. Steven Epstein, an expert in trauma surgery, credibly testified that trauma injuries require a different level of expertise and that experience acquired through treating less severe injuries does not necessarily translate to the treatment of trauma patients: If you have a set number of patients and you put another trauma center geographically close, what happens is that you will cut the number of patients going to each place, each trauma center. And expertise in the general surgery world, as well as the trauma world, is based on volume. Let me start with the general surgery world and then move toward trauma. We know that in general surgery, residencies right now, they are focusing on different areas of surgery: breast surgery, colorectal surgery, laparoscopic surgery, so that people become experts in these areas. The idea of the general surgeon is going away. The same thing occurs with trauma surgery. Only the expertise there is learned during a fellowship and then with practice. If you take, for instance, a gunshot, the anatomy, any general surgeon can take out a gallbladder, but not any general surgeon can handle a gunshot to the abdomen. The anatomy changes. It’s a much different case. So people who have done this on a regular basis have some idea how to do this. The – what I call the voyeur, you bring in a general surgeon to do some trauma because we don’t have enough trauma surgeons, doesn’t have this same expertise. And you wind up as really – it’s a patient problem. We are talking about it as a problem with hospitals, but this is a patient problem. If the doctor doesn’t know how to treat the patient, then the patient suffers. And I think in the end, that’s what happens when you dilute an expertise. And trauma, with the addition of all these hospitals, winds up diluting an expertise. * * * We, meaning the doctors at our hospital and several other hospitals, have always made an assumption we practice, we practice, we practice, and we get better. If you don’t have the patients – because they call it the practice of medicine. If you don’t have the patients to practice with, you are not going to maintain your expertise. And I use the example, for instance, of a gunshot. But we do blunt trauma where people are in auto accidents, they are in shock, how to get them out of shock. There’s this whole sequence of events that takes place. Nursing, how to take care of these patients. It’s quite complex and I firmly believe that dilution of this knowledge is very detrimental in the end to the patient.5/ In addition, an increase in trauma centers would make it more difficult for a trauma center to acquire and retain the trauma center personnel that must be constantly on site. Dr. Epstein testified that trauma surgeons are already a scarce resource, and that scarcity will only be exacerbated with the addition of more trauma centers. Also, Mark Valler, an expert in trauma center and acute care medical staff administration, credibly testified about how the addition of 10 or 11 trauma centers in Florida would impact an existing trauma center’s ability to retain its staff: But I am concerned that 10 or 11 opening statewide, there are going to be advertisements for trauma surgeons, for neurosurgeons, for trauma orthopedic doctors all over the place. People are going to be recruiting like crazy, and they are going to be recruiting in the state of Florida because the physicians already have a Florida state license, so there is going to be a huge, huge recruiting effort if all those centers actually get approved at one time. However, there was no persuasive evidence presented during the final hearing indicating that any recent openings of new trauma centers have resulted in existing trauma centers experiencing declines in patient volume that would negatively impact quality of care. Accordingly, Chief Dick testified that it would be irresponsible for the Department to not facilitate better access to trauma care when the Department has received no evidence that quality of care had suffered. During the final hearing, Petitioners frequently mentioned the theoretical possibility that adoption of the Proposed Rules could lead to an inordinate number of trauma centers opening in a single TSA. Given the substantial amount of resources needed to open and maintain a trauma center, it is unlikely that a rational hospital administrator would seek to open a trauma center in a particular TSA unless the volume of trauma patients would enable it to operate profitably. Nevertheless, the testimony and the evidence leads to an inference that adoption of the Proposed Rules would likely lead to more trauma centers in well-served TSAs and no increase for TSAs in need of more trauma care. The following testimony from Mark Richardson, an expert in healthcare facility and services planning, illustrates this point: Q: There’s been some suggestion, I think you may have heard this during your deposition, that there may be free market forces that would operate to prevent some of these adverse results that you are describing. Do you have an opinion as to whether free market factors would help to prevent the maldistribution or other issues that you described as being bad consequences? A: I do have an opinion. I think if you look in terms of the folks, whoever have applied via a letter of intent for the development of the additional trauma centers, those centers are not located in areas where there currently are longer transport times. Those centers basically are located in basically metropolitan areas where there are already appears to be good reasonable access to care. Basically it’s adding new programs where there’s already a pretty good network of care provided. * * * My point here is that if you look in terms of where these folks are, they are basically in the Jacksonville area; they are basically in the Miami-Dade, south Florida area; they are in the Orlando area; or they are in the Palm Beach and Broward area, where there already are a number of existing transplant programs, where, for example, specific to the median transport time, there’s no problem in those areas. This is not the Panhandle where there is a problem in terms of transport times. This is not north Florida in terms of north Florida area where portions of the area may have some problems. This is basically adding incremental trauma center capacity to locales where there already is adequate care. It is certainly possible that Petitioners’ fears about lower quality of care could be realized if there is nothing other than the statutory cap to prevent hospitals from opening an unlimited number of trauma centers in TSAs encompassing large metropolitan areas. After considering all of the evidence and testimony, the undersigned is of the opinion that it would be impossible to draft a set of rules that would satisfy the concerns/interests of all the relevant stakeholders.6/ The disagreement over the merit of the Proposed Rules boils down to striking a balance between “practice makes perfect” and providing the earliest opportunity for definitive care. In relation to each other, the Current Rules put more emphasis on “practice makes perfect,” and the Proposed Rules emphasize providing more access to care.

Florida Laws (18) 120.52120.56120.57120.595120.682.01393.0661395.1031395.3025395.40395.4001395.401395.4015395.402395.4025395.403395.4045395.405
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Madison, Florida Jul. 08, 1997 Number: 97-003103 Latest Update: Sep. 29, 1998

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent's medical license should be disciplined for alleged violations of Chapter 458, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is, and has been at all times material hereto, a licensed physician in the State of Florida, having been issued license number ME 0027368. Respondent is board certified in family practice; however, he is not board certified in emergency medicine. On May 30, 1994, Dr. Dulay was on call in the hospital emergency room at Madison County Memorial Hospital (MCMH) in Madison, Florida. On May 30, 1994, Patient T.H. an obese, forty-eight year-old male was found unconscious on the floor of the bathroom by his brother, Wallace. T.H. had an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in his brain. An AVM is a weakened area of a blood vessel which can fill with blood, expand and/or burst. AVMs located in the brain are very dangerous since a ruptured AVM can damage the brains tissue. The amount of damage depends on the amount and rapidity of the bleeding. Under any circumstances, a ruptured AVM is an emergency medical condition where time is of the essence in diagnosing and treating usually with some neurosurgical intervention. On May 30, 1994, at approximately 4:56 a.m., Carol Wells a Madison County 911 Operator received an emergency call regarding T.H. The call was originally received as a fall. An Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance was dispatched to T.H.'s location in Cherry Lake Garden Trailer Park. An ALS unit is intended to be a mobile critical care unit, able to render critical care and stabilization to a patient enroute to an appropriate hospital. An Advanced Life Support unit contains equipment needed for insertion of a chest tube, a lab, and an x-ray, as well as equipment and medications for cardiac emergencies. The equipment and medications needed for T.H.'s case were present. The ALS unit arrived at T.H.'s location at 5:19 a.m. Jimmy Kent was an EMT and driver of the ALS unit that responded to the 911 emergency call on T.H. Richard Kline was the paramedic on the ambulance. Mr. Kline was trained in ALS care and could administer certain drugs, including Procardia without a physician's order. Paramedic Kline found patient T.H. on the floor of the trailer. He observed T.H. to be comatose, unresponsive to painful stimuli, and exhibiting snoring-type respirations. His skin was hot and dry, and his face was red. T.H. scored a three on the Glasgow Coma Scale, the lowest possible score. T.H.'s vital signs were blood pressure estimated at 300 plus over 150, respiratory rate of 40, heart rate "tacking" at approximately 170, with raspy breathing. T.H. was considered in critical condition. At the scene, Paramedic Kline was having problems with his cardiac monitor, which became non-functional due to battery problems. However, patient T.H. could still be adequately monitored manually. Additionally, within twenty-five minutes of beginning the run, the cardiac monitor on the ALS unit was non- functional due to failure of the primary and back-up batteries. The lack of the units equipment did not significantly impact the paramedic's ability to monitor or treat T.H.'s condition. Paramedic Kline was informed by T.H.'s family that he had a history of Arterial Venous Malformation, paralysis on the right side, and strokes. T.H.'s sister was called and she advised that T.H. not be brought to Madison County Memorial Hospital (MCMH) because they usually don't have a doctor available. She wanted T.H. to go to South Georgia Medical Center (SGMC) in Valdosta, Georgia. The paramedic thought that they needed to take T.H. to MCMH because of the serious vital statistics that T.H. had. The paramedic felt T.H. could go into cardiac arrest. After being advised by the paramedic that T.H. needed immediate assistance at MCMH, T.H.'s sister agreed to have T.H. taken to MCMH. There are two hospital emergency facilities to choose from when transporting an emergency case in the Madison, Florida, area, MCMH and SGMC. In driving terms MCMH is slightly, but not significantly, closer to Cherry Lake Garden Trailer Park than SGMC. However, the facilities are very different in the services each can offer in an emergency situation. MCMH is not a trauma center. MCMH does not have any neurosurgical facilities, neurosurgical consults, diagnostic MRI's, diagnostic CT scans, or cerebral monitoring equipment available. MCMH cannot treat a cerebral vascular accident or bleeding in the brain. On the other hand, SGMC is a tertiary care facility. It has neurosurgical facilities, neurosurgical consults, diagnostic CT scans, and cerebral monitoring equipment available. SGMC can treat a cerebral vascular accident and is the closest facility which can provide such care. The ambulance was en route to MCMH when it contacted the hospital by radio; Joanie Cruce, R.N., spoke to the ambulance driver over the radio. Paramedic Kline informed Nurse Cruce of T.H.'s history, including the presence of T.H.'s AVM and vital signs. He also informed Nurse Cruce that he was bringing the T.H. to MCMH. Nurse Cruce relayed T.H.'s information to Joe Jaime, R.N. Nurse Jaimie was on the telephone to Dr. Dulay who was in another room at the hospital. Nurse Jaimie relayed over the telephone to Dr. Dulay the information Nurse Cruce gave her. At no time did Dr. Dulay speak directly with the paramedic. Dr. Dulay was informed that the patient had high blood pressure, was unconscious, and had a history that included an arterial venous malformation. Due to the patient being unconscious, he suspected a cerebral vascular accident/stroke (CVA). At approximately 5:40 a.m., while en route to MCMH, the paramedic asked for advice on whether to administer Procardia. Procardia is used to reduce blood pressure. Respondent advised that it was appropriate to administer 10mg of Procardia. There was some uncertainty in the testimony as to whether the administration of Procardia was requested by the paramedic and approved by Dr. Dulay, or ordered by Dr. Dulay. Either person could have authorized the use of the drug. In any event, 10mg of Procardia was the appropriate medication for the patient's condition and met or exceeded the appropriate standard of care for an emergency room physician under the circumstances. At some point, Dr. Dulay advised the ambulance to have T.H. taken to the nearest appropriate facility. The ALS unit was one to two miles from MCMH when Joanie Cruce, R.N., advised the ambulance driver to take T.H. to the nearest appropriate facility. Either Nurse Cruce misspoke and said Tallahassee or Richard Kline misunderstood her to say Tallahassee. Richard Kline questioned the direction to take T.H. to Tallahassee. He told nurse Cruce that the family wanted T.H. to go to the hospital in Valdosta. The information was passed to Dr. Dulay. He agreed that SGMC was an appropriate facility for T.H. and in fact SGMC was the closest appropriate facility for T.H.'s condition. Dr. Dulay never informed the nursing staff that T.H. could not be brought to MCMH and indeed the nurses thought that the ambulance was on its way even after the conversation about Valdosta. Patient T.H. was not in respiratory or cardiac arrest at the time the ambulance was turned around to go to Valdosta. After the change of direction, which is always within the discretion of the ambulance crew, there was no further contact with MCMH. Therefore Dr. Dulay was never informed of the results of the Procardia. Additionally, T.H. was never admitted to MCMH and never became a patient of Dr. Dulay or the hospital. Therefore, since T.H. was not a patient of the hospital no transfer from one facility to another facility occurred. While en route to SGMC, the ambulance contacted SGMC's emergency room. The staff advised the paramedic to give T.H. sodium nitroprusside. However, the ambulance did not carry sodium nitroprusside. Instead the paramedic was advised by SGMC staff to administer Lasix IV and nitroglycerine. Patient T.H. suffered respiratory arrest just outside the city limits of Valdosta. Efforts to intubate and revive him were unsuccessful. Patient T.H. arrived at SGMC in full arrest. The ambulance arrived at SGMC at 6:25 a.m. Attempts to revive the patient at the hospital were unsuccessful. T.H. was pronounced deceased shortly after his arrival at SGMC. T.H.'s cause of death was cardiopulmonary arrest with an underlying cause of intracranial hemorrhage, probably due to an aneurysm. In short, all of T.H.'s symptoms were caused by a rapidly expanding and bleeding cerebral vascular incident from his AVM. T.H.'s condition was not due to a cardiac problem. The medical condition of T.H. at the time he was transported by Madison County ALS was indicative of an intracranial hemorrhage. Such a condition could only be evaluated for surgical treatment through the utilization of an MRI and CT scan, and required the immediate consultation of a neurosurgeon. None of which were available at MCMH. Moreover, it would generally be preferable to transport a patient with a score of three on the Glasgow Coma Scale to a trauma center. SGMC was the closet facility to Cherry Lake at which a neurosurgical consult was available, and which had the capability of treating an intracranial hemorrahage; therefore, patient T.H. was appropriately diverted to that facility. Dr. Dulay did not open a chart on T.H., and could not recall whether he made written notes during T.H.'s emergency. However, it is not customary practice that a medical chart be opened for an emergency case when consults are made via radio and the person is diverted or otherwise delivered to a separate facility. Generally, neither the hospital nor the doctor know the name of the person being transported. If the person does not arrive at the hospital, that facility has no information on which to open a patient record. Under such circumstances, the person's history, vital signs, and medication administration are recorded in the ALS run sheet, which accompanies the person to his or her ultimate destination. The radio communications are recorded by audiotape. In this case, the history, vital signs, and medication administration to T.H. were in fact recorded in the ALS run sheet. The run sheet appropriately accompanied T.H. to SGMC. The radio communications were recorded by audiotape. These documents are adequate records in emergency situations. Given these facts, there was no deviation by Dr. Aldolfo Dulay from the applicable standard of care for a physician under the circumstances presented in this case or that there was a failure to keep adequate written medical records justifying the course of treatment of the patient.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Board of Medicine enter a final order finding that Adolofo Dulay, M.D. did not practice below the accepted standard of care in his handling of the diversion of patient T.H. to a tertiary care facility, that there was no transfer of patient T.H. and that the records maintained were appropriate under the circumstances and that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of June, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: John Terrell, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Post Office Box 14229 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-4229 Richard B. Collins, Esquire Ryan Garrett, Esquire Collins and Truett, P.A. 2804 Remington Green Circle, Suite 4 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Building 6, Room 136 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Pete Peterson, Esquire Department of Health Building 6, Room 102-E 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Dr. James Howell, Secretary Department of Health Building 6, Room 306 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Dr. Marm Harris, Executive Director Department of Health 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57458.331
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Oct. 31, 1994 Number: 94-006087RX Latest Update: Jun. 12, 1995

The Issue Whether certain forms incorporated by reference into the administrative rules of the Respondent constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact Tampa General Hospital ("TGH" or "Petitioner") is a general acute care hospital in Tampa, Florida and is a verified Level I state-approved trauma center. By definition, a Level I trauma center is required to include an adult trauma center and a pediatric trauma referral center. The Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("DHRS" or "Respondent") is the state agency with responsibility for certification of trauma centers in Florida. St. Joseph's Hospital ("SJH" or "Intervenor") has filed an application for state approval as a pediatric trauma referral center which is the subject of a separate administrative challenge by TGH. In the instant case, TGH challenges three DHRS forms incorporated by reference into the Florida Administrative Code and which are utilized by applicants seeking certification as state-approved trauma centers. Tampa General has standing to challenge the forms in this proceeding. The three forms challenged by TGH in this case are HRS Form 1840, ("State-Approved Trauma Center Letter of Intent"), HRS Form 1721, ("Application for State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center"), and the portions of HRSP 150-9, which identify the "critical standards" which must be met by an applicant seeking to obtain approval as a provisional state approved pediatric trauma referral center. The three forms include reference dates of October 1991. The forms were adopted as part of a rule promulgation effort prior to the 1992 Legislative session. Obviously the DHRS did not address the 1992 legislation in the 1991 rules. In relevant part, the 1992 legislation added a requirement that, under conditions set forth in the statute, proposed trauma centers must be certified as consistent with local or regional trauma plans. The forms challenged by TGH fail to reference the requirement. Section 395.4025(2)(a), Florida Statutes, requires submissions of letters of intent from hospitals seeking to become certified as state-approved trauma centers. Section 395.4025(2)(a), Florida Statutes, further requires that "[i]n order to be considered by the department, a hospital that operates within the geographic area of a local or regional trauma agency must certify that its intent to operate as a state-approved trauma center is consistent with the trauma services plan of the local or regional trauma agency, as approved by the department, if such agency exists." The statute states that the requirement is not applicable to hospitals which were provisional or verified trauma centers on January 1, 1992. There are five local or regional trauma agencies in Florida which have been approved by the DHRS. Hillsborough County, where both the Petitioner and the Intervenor operate hospitals, has one of the five local trauma agencies. Rule 10D-66.109(a), Florida Administrative Code provides that the department "shall accept a letter of intent, HRS Form 1840, October 91, State- Approved Trauma Care Center Letter of Intent, which is incorporated by reference and available from the department. " The form letter of intent provided to applicants by the DHRS fails to reference the local plan consistency requirement or the conditions under which the requirement is applicable. Section 395.4025(2)(a), Florida Statutes, relates only to letters of intent. It clearly indicates that the certification of local plan consistency is an issue to be addressed as part of the letter of intent filed by a provider. The form letter of intent does not provide notice to the applicant that such certification may be required, either as part of the completed letter of intent or otherwise. The omission of the certification requirement from the letter of intent form is misleading. It fails to indicate that a hospital should address the issue in its letter of intent. The form contravenes the statute. TGH also challenges HRS Form 1721, October 91, ("Application for State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center",) and the portions of HRSP 150- 9, October 91, which identify the "critical standards" which must be met by an applicant. Section 395.4025(2)(c), Florida Statutes, (1994 Supplement) provides as follows: In order to be considered by the department, applications from those hospitals seeking selection as state-approved trauma centers, including those current verified trauma centers which seek to be state-approved trauma centers, must be received by the department no later than the close of business on April 1. The department shall conduct a provisional review of each application for the purpose of deter- mining that the hospital's application is complete and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a state approved trauma center. This critical review will be based on trauma center verification standards and shall include, but not be limited to, a review of whether the hospital has: Equipment and physical facilities necessary to provide trauma services. Personnel in sufficient numbers and with proper qualifications to provide trauma services. An effective quality assurance program. Submitted written confirmation by the local or regional trauma agency that the verification of the hospital as a state-approved trauma center is consistent with the plan of the local or regional trauma agency, as approved by the department, if such agency exists. This sub- paragraph applies to any hospital that is not a provisional or verified trauma center on January 1, 1992. Rule 10D-66.109(c), Florida Administrative Code, requires that an applicant for licensure as a provisional state-approved pediatric trauma referral center must submit an application on HRS Form 1721, October 91, Application for State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center. The form is incorporated by reference in the rule. HRS Form 1721, October 91, Application for State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center, fails to reference the local plan consistency issue or the conditions under which the requirement is applicable. However, the instructions to the form provide as follows: INSTRUCTIONS: To be eligible for approval as a SAPTRC, a hospital must complete this application and submit all requested information to the HRS, Office of EMS, for review. The following must be used to complete this application: HRS Pamphlet (HRSP) 150-9 entitled "State Approved Trauma Centers and State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center Approval Standards", Oct 91 (standards document), and the application requirements of Chapter 395, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 10D-66, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Following discussion of a three phase review process, the HRS Form 1721 instructions again state that "HRS Pamphlet (HRSP) 150-9, Oct 91, the application requirements of Chapter 395, F.S., and Chapter 10D-66, F.A.C., will be used as criteria for application review." By reference to the statute and rules, the instructions to the application notify an applicant as to the requirements for certification. The failure of the actual application to specifically restate the potential requirement of certification of local trauma plan consistency does not contravene or modify the requirement. As to the standards document in which the critical standards for provisional approval are set forth, rule 10D-66.109(d)2, Florida Administrative Code, provides as follows: The minimum standards for review for Provisional SAPTRCs are the following portions of HRSP 150-9, October 91; STANDARD Type of Hospital Surgery Department; Division; Services; Sections: A Surgical Specialties Availabilities: A 1, 2, 3 & 4 Non-Surgical Specialties Availabilities: 1, 8 & 13 Emergency Department (ED): A, B, D & H Operating Suite Special Requirements: A IX. Pediatric Intensive Care (P-ICU): A, C, 1 XVI. Quality Management: A, B, C, D, & E It is unnecessary to address each critical standard in this order. Essentially, they relate to the first three "critical elements" set forth as Section 395.4025(2)(c)1-3, Florida Statutes. However, review of the cited portions indicates that there is no reference within the cited sections of HRSP 150-9, October 91, which addresses the possible requirement of local trauma plan consistency certification. The application processing framework set forth by the administrative rules indicates that local plan consistency is to be considered prior to the DHRS's commencement of provisional review. Rule 10D-66.109(d), Florida Administrative Code, provides that "[a]fter considering the results of the local or regional trauma agency's recommendations, the department shall, by April 15, conduct a provisional review to determine completeness of the application and the hospital's compliance with the critical standards for provisional standards." If, as the rule suggests, certification of local plan consistency is considered prior to commencement of provisional review, it would be duplicative to include the requirement in the technical critical standards set forth in the standards document. The failure of the standards document to restate the potential requirement of certification of local trauma plan consistency does not contravene or modify the requirement.

Florida Laws (5) 120.52120.54120.56120.68395.4025
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Apr. 07, 1994 Number: 94-001872 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1995

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Agency is a state government licensing and regulatory agency. Respondent is now, and has been since June 16, 1980, a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida. She holds license number ME 0036758. Since the completion of her residency at Engelwood Hospital in New Jersey in 1974, Respondent has specialized in internal medicine, although she is not board-certified. Until December of 1987, when she relocated to Florida, she had her own practice in New Jersey. Following her arrival in Florida, she initially went into private practice. In June of 1990, Respondent went to work part-time at Humana's Urgent Care Center (hereinafter referred to as the "UCC") in Plantation, Florida, a walk-in clinic servicing Humana members who needed to see a physician but, because of the unexpected nature of their illness, did not have a scheduled appointment with their primary care physician. 7/ In February of 1991, Respondent was hired as the full-time Director of the UCC. She remained in that position until her resignation in February of 1994. She presently has her own practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On or about April 22, 1992, patient L.K., an 80-year old female, slipped and fell. Later that same day, at around noon, L.K., accompanied by two companions, presented to the UCC with complaints of right groin pain and difficulty walking after the fall. L.K. did not have any of her medical records with her, nor did her primary care physician provide the UCC with these records in advance of her visit. L.K. was greeted by the receptionist at the UCC. The receptionist asked L.K. for her name, address, telephone number and social security number. L.K. provided the information requested, which the receptionist recorded on a "priority care record" form (hereinafter referred to as the "PCR Form"). Thereafter, a nurse escorted L.K. from the reception area to an examining room. Once in the examining room, the nurse questioned L.K. as to the reason for L.K.'s visit to the UCC and also inquired about any medications L.K. might be taking and allergies she might have. In response to these inquiries, L.K. told the nurse that: she was 80 years old; she had fallen that morning and, as a result, was experiencing pain in her right groin and had "great difficulty walking;" she was taking insulin 8/ and Ecotrin, among other medications; and she was allergic to sulfur. The nurse documented these responses on the PCR Form. By now, it was approximately 12:30 p.m. The nurse then took and recorded on the PCR Form L.K.'s vital signs, which were within normal limits. L.K.'s temperature was 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, her pulse rate was 68, her respiratory rate was 20 and her blood pressure was 110 over 60. The nurse and L.K. were soon joined in the examining room by Respondent. Upon entering the examining room, Respondent asked L.K. "what had happened." L.K. told Respondent that she had slipped and fallen and that she had pain in her right groin. Respondent recorded this information on the PCR Form. Respondent also noted on the PCR Form that L.K. was "dragging [her] leg." Although Respondent's records do not so reflect, L.K. also complained to Respondent that she had pain in her lower back and that before falling, she had been feeling fine and had not been experiencing any chest pains or dizziness. It was apparent to Respondent, based upon her conversation with L.K., that L.K. was oriented as to person, place and time. Respondent then conducted a thorough physical examination of L.K., but failed to document that she did so or to note the results of the examination on the PCR Form or elsewhere in her records. In not recording any of the findings of her physical examination of L.K., Respondent was following her practice of "charting by exception," that is noting only positive findings or abnormalities in her records. "Charting by exception" is not uncommon in hospital emergency room and walk-in clinic settings. As part of her examination of L.K., Respondent rechecked L.K.'s blood pressure. It was still 110 over 60. She listened to L.K.'s heart and lungs and discovered no abnormalities. She inspected L.K.'s skin. There were no scratches, bruises or abrasions. L.K.'s skin color was "good." She palpated L.K.'s abdominal, pelvic and groin areas. No masses or hernias were found. The abdomen was soft and not tender. The spleen and liver were normal to the touch. She tested the range of motion of L.K.'s hip. The test revealed that it was unlikely that L.K. had suffered a hip fracture. She performed a rectal examination of L.K., which included a guaiac test of L.K.'s stool. The test did not reveal the presence of any blood in the stool. She observed L.K.'s eye movements and found them to be normal. There was no indication from the physical examination Respondent conducted that L.K. had any respiratory, metabolic, hemodynamic or other problem requiring immediate hospitalization. Respondent did not order or perform any tests be done on L.K.'s blood, such as a complete blood count or prothrombin time. In failing to do so, Respondent did not act in a manner that was inconsistent with what a reasonably prudent internist, in view of L.K.'s clinical presentation, would have recognized as being acceptable and appropriate. Notwithstanding that her physical examination of L.K. revealed no signs of any fracture, Respondent, as she noted on the PCR Form, ordered that x- rays be taken of L.K.'s right hip and pelvic area. Humana's x-ray facilities were in a building adjacent to the UCC. L.K. was brought to the building in a wheelchair and the x-rays Respondent had ordered were taken. The radiologist on contract with Humana to read x-rays taken at this site, David Francis, M.D., was not at his station. L.K. returned to the UCC with the x-rays. She told Respondent that the radiologist was unavailable. Respondent telephoned Dr. Francis' office and was told that he had left for the day. Respondent then looked at the x-rays. The x-rays were difficult to read because of the presence of bowel gasses, feces and a pessary and the osteopenic condition 9/ of the x-rayed bone structures. Respondent had obtained L.K.'s medical records from L.K.'s primary care physician and, upon a review of those records, learned, among other things, that L.K. had a "history of osteoporosis," which made her more susceptible to bone fractures. 10/ Nonetheless, as she noted on the PCR Form, Respondent did not see any fractures when she looked at the x-rays. Respondent so informed L.K. and her companions, but added that she was not a radiologist and therefore was not certain that L.K. had not sustained a fracture. She told them that she would have a radiologist look at the x-rays "first thing in the morning" and that she would make arrangements to have L.K. seen by an orthopedic specialist thereafter. Under the circumstances, it was appropriate for Respondent, who was, and did not hold herself out to be anything other than, an internist without any specialized skills or training in either radiology or orthopedics, to seek the input of a radiologist and an orthopedist. Moreover, there was no reason for Respondent to believe that there was any need to have a radiologist or an orthopedist involved in the matter any sooner than the following day. Based upon her reading of the x-rays and the other information she had gathered, Respondent preliminarily determined that L.K. had a lumbosacral sprain, which she noted on the PCR Form by writing, under "assessment," "L/S Sprain." Respondent reasonably believed that there was no present need to hospitalize L.K., particularly inasmuch as she had been assured by L.K.'s companions that there would be someone available at home to watch L.K. at all times. Respondent therefore instructed L.K. to go home and rest. She ordered a walker or a wheelchair for L.K. to use at home when she needed to get out of bed. Respondent told L.K. and her two companions that if there was any increase in L.K.'s pain or discomfort, or if any new problems developed, L.K. should go directly to the Humana/Bennett Hospital emergency room. 11/ That Respondent sent L.K. home is reflected on the PCR Form, however, the form does not indicate what, if any, instructions Respondent gave L.K. Before L.K. left the UCC, she was given injections of Toradol, an anti-inflammatory drug, and Norflex, a muscle relaxant. The injections appeared to make L.K. feel considerably more comfortable. L.K. was also given prescriptions for Indocin and Soma. Respondent listed these medications (Toradol, Norflex, Indocin and Soma) on the PCR Form under "plan." No other entries were made under this heading on the form. Following L.K.'s departure from the UCC, Respondent took L.K.'s x-rays to Dr. Francis' office and laid them on his desk, along with a note requesting that, upon his return to the office, he read the x-rays and call Respondent to tell her of his findings. Respondent also telephoned an orthopedic specialist to schedule an appointment for L.K. for the next day. On the morning of April 23, 1992, Dr. Francis read the x-rays that Respondent had left on his desk the day before. His reading of the x-rays revealed that L.K. had multiple pelvic fractures. Because the anatomy of the pelvis is atypical, it is not uncommon for internists and other primary care physicians who do not have the specialized skills and training of a radiologist or an orthopedist to miss pelvic fractures on x-rays, as did Respondent in the instant case. Respondent's failure to identify the pelvic fractures on L.K.'s x-rays, however, did not result in Respondent rendering care and treatment to L.K. that was inadequate or otherwise inappropriate. Given L.K.'s clinical presentation, whether she had a fractured pelvis or not, sending her home with instructions to rest (as opposed to hospitalizing her) was not inappropriate. Reasonably prudent physicians do not routinely hospitalize patients simply because they have pelvic fractures. After reading L.K.'s x-rays, Dr. Francis telephoned Respondent and advised her that the x-rays revealed that L.K. had fractured her pelvis. Respondent thereupon placed a telephone call to L.K.'s residence. The person who answered the telephone informed Respondent that L.K. had been taken to the Humana/Bennett Hospital emergency room because she was in a great deal of pain. L.K. arrived at the emergency room at approximately 10:30 a.m. complaining of weakness and dizziness. She had a temperature of 95 degrees Fahrenheit (taken orally). Her blood pressure was 98 over 60 and her pulse was 96. Laboratory testing done at the hospital indicated that L.K.'s blood sugar was very high (750 milligrams, which was twice as high as normal), that her hemoglobin 12/ and blood pH were low, 13/ and that she had an enzyme profile indicative of a myocardial infarction. An electrocardiogram administered at the hospital also lent support to the conclusion that L.K. had a myocardial infarction. It appears likely, particularly in light of L.K.'s very high blood sugar, that the myocardial infarction was the product of a diabetic acidosis. X-rays taken at the hospital revealed that L.K. had sustained multiple fractures of her pelvis, but that there was no significant bone displacement. The fracture sites were not near any major arteries or blood vessels. L.K.'s condition quickly deteriorated after her arrival at the hospital. At 2:15 p.m. she was pronounced dead. Thereafter, an autopsy was performed by Stephen Nelson, M.D., of the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office. The following are the "Autopsy Findings" set forth in in Dr. Nelson's Autopsy Report: Atheroscerotic vascular disease, multifocal 14/ Calcific aortic valve Pulmonary congestion, with calcific vessels Ateriolonephrosclerosis Pelvic fracture Cystic encephalomalacia, left putamen, remote Status post resuscitation Edentulous mouth In his report, Dr. Nelson listed the following as the "CAUSE OF DEATH," "CONTRIBUTORY CAUSE OF DEATH" and "MANNER OF DEATH": CAUSE OF DEATH: Pelvic fracture CONTRIBUTORY CAUSE OF DEATH: Coronary atherosclerosis MANNER OF DEATH: Accident Although Dr. Nelson listed "pelvic fracture" as L.K.'s cause of death, in his Autopsy Report, he did not state that he found evidence of tears or lacerations of any major arteries or blood vessels, nor did he indicate that he discovered the loss of an amount of blood sufficient to have caused or contributed to L.K.'s death. He did note, however, the following: Hemorrhage is noted dissecting within the planes of the rectus abdominis muscle extending from umbilicus to pubic symphysis. Hemorrhage is subsequently traced to a 1 inch wide ragged displaced fracture at the pubic symphysis par- ticularly prominent on the left side. There is tearing of the peritoneum, though, no free or clotted peritoneal fluid is noted. There is hemorrhage along the anterior surfaces of the urinary bladder and the serosa of the urinary bladder.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby recommended that the Board of Medicine enter a final order dismissing Count One of the Administrative Complaint, finding Respondent guilty of the violation of subsection (1)(m) of Section 458.331, Florida Statutes, alleged in Count Two of the Administrative Complaint, and disciplining her for having committed this violation by issuing her a reprimand. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 14th day of March, 1995. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1995.

Florida Laws (2) 458.33190.803
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 15, 2016 Number: 16-003369 Latest Update: Apr. 27, 2017

The Issue Whether the application filed on April 1, 2016, by Orange Park Medical Center, Inc., d/b/a Orange Park Medical Center (Orange Park), to operate as a Level II trauma center met the applicable statutory and rule criteria to receive provisional approval? Whether the Department of Health’s (Department) approval of the application was based upon an unadopted rule?

Findings Of Fact The Parties The Department is an agency of the State of Florida created pursuant to section 20.43, Florida Statutes (2016). The Department’s mandate is to “promote, protect and improve the health of all people in the state,” and it has primary responsibility for evaluating provisional trauma center applications submitted by acute care hospitals. §§ 381.001, 395.40(3), and 395.401(c), Fla. Stat. A "trauma center" is a "hospital that has been verified by the Department to be in substantial compliance with the requirements in section 395.4025 and has been approved by the Department to operate as a Level I trauma center, Level II trauma center, or pediatric trauma center." § 395.4001(14), Fla. Stat. Petitioner, UF Health Jacksonville, operates a licensed 695-bed hospital and a Level I trauma center in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. UF Health Jacksonville's Level I trauma center is in TSA 5. The number of trauma patients treated by UF Health Jacksonville has declined sharply since the Department authorized Orange Park to operate as a trauma center. UF Health Jacksonville projects an annual loss of 320 to 540 trauma cases as a result of Orange Park's operation of a trauma center. Orange Park is a 317-bed acute-care hospital located in TSA 5, Clay County, Florida. Orange Park provides a wide range of services, including inpatient pediatric care, open-heart surgery, and a comprehensive stroke program. Orange Park is also a teaching hospital with residency programs in internal medicine and family practice. It provides behavioral health services and is the only Baker Act receiving facility in Clay County. Orange Park applied for provisional approval to operate a Level II trauma center in TSA 5. Pursuant to the application decision that is the subject of this litigation, Orange Park has operated as a provisional Level II trauma center since May 2016. Subsequent to the initiation of this proceeding, Orange Park worked with the Department to purportedly complete the in-depth review of its application and has scheduled a final verification survey. The Trauma Center Application and Review Process Chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes, codifies the process and substantive standards for licensing trauma centers in Florida. As noted, the Department has primary responsibility for administering the trauma center statute, including licensing trauma centers pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64J-2. The Legislature has capped at 44 the total number of trauma centers that may operate in Florida at a given time. Pursuant to section 395.402(4)(b), the Department has adopted rule 64J-2.010(3), which currently allocates one trauma center to TSA 5, which consists of Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns counties. Section 395.4025(2) establishes a 21-month process a hospital must follow to obtain verification--i.e., final approval--as a trauma center, and the Department has, by rule, established additional procedures governing the selection of trauma centers. During this multi-stage process, there are discrete decision points at which the Department must take action on a hospital's application to become licensed as a trauma center. The first stage of the trauma center review and approval process--which is the stage at issue in this proceeding--is the provisional review stage. This stage commences when the Department receives a hospital's application to be licensed as a trauma center. § 395.4025(2)(c), Fla. Stat. At the provisional review stage, the Department determines whether the hospital has the critical elements required for the level of trauma center for which the hospital has applied. Id. The provisional review stage culminates with the Department announcing its decision that the application is acceptable, or denying the application. If the proposed decision is to deny the application, the applicant is entitled to challenge that decision; if the proposed decision is to find the application acceptable, other hospitals must be given an opportunity to "protest," or challenge, that decision. Section 395.4025(7) requires challenges to the Department's trauma center licensure decisions to be conducted pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57. Procedural History and the Processing of Orange Park's Application On or before October 1, 2015, Orange Park filed a letter of intent to establish a new Level II trauma center in TSA 5. Thereafter, on or before April 1, 2016, Orange Park filed an application with the Department to become a Level II trauma center. Consistent with statute, the Department sent the application for review by out-of-state reviewers. On or about April 14, 2016, the Department set forth a list of omitted items that prevented Orange Park's application from being deemed complete. Critical elements missing from Orange Park's application included proof of adequate and up-to- date training of several trauma surgeons and emergency room physicians. In particular, reviewers selected by the Department noted that Orange Park failed to meet the following requirements: at least one qualified trauma surgeon to be on backup trauma call at all times to provide trauma service care; documentation that the medical director shall approve all trauma-related patient care protocols before implementation; a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center when summoned; evidence that an orthopedic surgeon is available to arrive promptly at the trauma center when summoned; all specialists are board-certified or actively participating in the certification process and granted medical staff privileges by the hospital to care for adult and pediatric patients; at least one scrub nurse technician and one circulating registered nurse in the operating room and post- anesthesia recovery; at least eight hours of continuing education every two years for the rehabilitation unit; a radiologist, board-certified or actively participating in the certification process and granted privileges by the hospital to provide radiological services for adult and pediatric patients, on trauma call and can arrive promptly at the trauma center when summoned; adequate quarterly reporting to the Department of Health; and adequate in-hospital trauma registry minimum data set. The Department made Orange Park's lengthy trauma application available to UF Health Jacksonville through a public records request. Cynthia Gerdik, who holds a Ph.D. in nursing, spent over 40 hours reviewing Orange Park's application on behalf of UF Health Jacksonville. Like the outside reviewers used by the Department, Dr. Gerdik found several discrepancies related to qualifications and training of trauma surgeons and personnel proposed to serve Orange Park's trauma center. Specifically, Dr. Gerdik's review found that one trauma surgeon's advanced trauma life support (ATLS) certification had expired on June 27, 2016, and that an emergency department physician's ATLS certification had expired on June 29, 2016. Orange Park’s witness, Keri Deaton, testified that Orange Park retained documentation that the certifications were renewed but never provided the documentation to the Department. At hearing, it was revealed that one of the physicians, who had ostensibly missing education requirements, had been married and was the same person identified by a different last name in the application. After April 14, 2016, Orange Park supplemented its application, and the Department deemed the application complete. Section 395.4001(10) defines “provisional trauma center” as follows: “Provisional trauma center” means a hospital that has been verified by the department to be in substantial compliance with the requirements in s. 395.4025 and has been approved by the department to operate as a provisional Level I trauma center, Level II trauma center, or pediatric trauma center. (emphasis added). Notwithstanding her criticisms of the Orange Park application, Dr. Gerdik conceded that Orange Park’s application met the required trauma program standards. At hearing, Ms. Gerdik testified: Q. Did you form an opinion that the Orange Park application met the minimum criteria for critical elements? A. Yes, sir. I did testify to that. Q. Did you also conclude that they were in substantial compliance with all critical elements set forth in 150-9? A. Correct. (Tr. 492-93). With the exception of need, as evidenced by an available allocation slot determined pursuant to rule 64J- 2.010(3) as discussed below, the Orange Park application is in substantial compliance with the statutory and rule requirements for provisional approval. On April 28, 2016, the Department sent a letter to Orange Park indicating that the Department intended to approve Orange Park's application. The same letter informed Orange Park that it may open its trauma center immediately and "begin to operate as a Provisional Level II trauma center beginning May 1, 2016." The Department informed emergency responders to alter their trauma transport protocols, effective that same date, so that trauma patients that would have otherwise been seen at UF Health Jacksonville or another trauma provider could instead be sent to Orange Park for trauma services. Beginning on May 1, 2016, and throughout the course of this administrative proceeding, Orange Park has operated a provisional Level II trauma center. UF Health Jacksonville timely filed a petition challenging the provisional approval of Orange Park's application. The Department referred UF Health Jacksonville’s petition to DOAH so that a fact-finding hearing could be conducted to resolve the question of whether Orange Park's application should be provisionally approved to operate a trauma center. After UF Health Jacksonville's petition was transferred to DOAH and the instant proceeding begun, the Department continued to process Orange Park's application through the in-depth review phase. During the in-depth review stage, the Department informed Orange Park of five additional deficiencies that needed to be corrected in order to be approved. Orange Park participated in the Department's in-depth review of its application by submitting responses to the Department's listed deficiencies. On or before September 30, 2016, Orange Park received a letter from the Department indicating that the in-depth review stage was complete, and the verification site survey had been scheduled. The Department never published its decision that the in-depth review was complete and, until this activity was revealed at the final hearing, never notified UF Health Jacksonville of its action. The Department and Orange Park also worked to arrange the verification site survey, now scheduled for some time in February 2017. The Department's Consideration of Need When Reviewing Orange Park's Application The Department's existing rule 64J-2.010 is titled "Allocation of Trauma Centers Among Trauma Service Areas." The rule allocates the maximum number of trauma centers needed in each of 19 trauma service areas. See Id. Rule 64J-2.010(3) allocates a need for only one trauma center in TSA 5. Rule 64J-2.010 references an Amended Trauma Service Area Assessment, dated March 14, 2014. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.010(3). That assessment contains most of the data relevant to assess "points," the sum of which determines the number of trauma programs needed in a trauma service area. When data relevant to population, transport times, the number of severely injured patients, where they are served, and the presence of UF Health Jacksonville's existing Level I trauma center were scored and tallied, a total of five points was found for TSA 5. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.010(1)(b)1. This number of points led to the allocation of just one program needed for TSA 5. The 2014 Assessment incorporated into rule 64J-2.010 makes no reference to community support for an additional trauma center in TSA 5, or anywhere else in the state. The 2014 Assessment does not contain any information that could result in the award of an additional point for TSA 5 due to community support. Thus, at all times relevant to the consideration of Orange Park's application, rule 64J-2.010 allocated a need for just one trauma center in TSA 5, and UF Health Jacksonville's long-standing Level I trauma center fills that need. No party disputed the allocation for just one trauma center in TSA 5 under the current version of rule 64J-2.010. Pursuant to the Department's existing trauma application processing rule, the lack of an available slot for an additional trauma program in TSA 5 should have caused the rejection of Orange Park's letter of intent and application. The Department's existing rule 64J-2.012(1)(a) provides as follows: The department shall accept a letter of intent, DH Form 1840, January 2010, “Trauma Center Letter of Intent”, which is incorporated by reference and available from the department, as defined by subsection 64J-2.001(4), F.A.C., postmarked no earlier than September 1 and no later than midnight, October 1, from any acute care general or pediatric hospital. The letter of intent is non-binding, but preserves the hospital’s right to complete its application by the required due date if an available position, as provided in Rule 64J-2.010, F.A.C., exists in the hospital’s TSA. If the hospital does not submit a completed application or does not request an extension to complete its application by April 1 of the following year, in accordance with Rule 64J-2.013, F.A.C., the hospital’s letter of intent is void; Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(a)1/(emphasis added). Though the Department made proposals to amend rule 64J-2.010 on several occasions, no amendments have been made to rule 64J-2.010 since July 29, 2014. At all times relevant to this proceeding, rule 64J- 2.010 allocated a need for only one trauma center in TSA 5, and rule 64J-2.012(1)(a) only permitted the filing of a provisional trauma center application "if an available position, as provided in rule 64J-2.010, F.A.C., exists in the hospital’s TSA." Prior to 2015, the Department's practice was to reject a letter of intent when there was no allocated need available for an additional trauma center in the relevant TSA under rule 64J-2.010. This practice was consistent with the requirements of rule 64J-2.012(1)(a). In October of 2014, pursuant to its prior practice, the Department rejected Orange Park's letter of intent because there was no need for an additional program allocated in TSA 5. However, the Department changed its practice beginning in 2015, at which time it began accepting letters of intent and applications regardless of whether any need for an additional trauma center was allocated to the TSA under rule 64J-2.010. In October 2015, the Department accepted Orange Park's letter of intent pursuant to its new practice, despite the lack of any allocated need for an additional trauma center in TSA 5. As noted above, Orange Park was approved to operate a provisional trauma center beginning May 1, 2016. On September 1, 2016, many months after the Department's preliminary decision to approve Orange Park's provisional application, and many months after this proceeding was initiated, the Department proposed amendments to rules 64J-2.010 and 64J-2.012. See Fla. Admin. Reg., Sept. 1, 2016, Vol. 42, No. 171. The Department offered no testimony or evidence to demonstrate why it was not feasible or practicable to adopt the Department's new policies into rules before applying them. If adopted, those new amendments would alter the Department's consideration of the number of trauma centers allocated in rule 64J-2.010. However, those proposals have been challenged and are the subject of separate administrative proceedings. See Shands Jacksonville Med. Ctr., Inc., d/b/a UF Health Jacksonville v. Dep’t of Health, DOAH Case Nos. 16- 5837RP, 16-5838RP, 16-5839RP, 16-5840RP, and 16-5841RP. The Department's recently proposed changes to its trauma allocation and trauma application processing rules have not been adopted and are not presumed to be valid or invalid. See § 120.56(2)(c), Fla. Stat. The Department's newly proposed amendments to its trauma rules reveal the unadopted rule that the Department began to implement in 2015, when it accepted Orange Park's letter of intent, despite the lack of an available slot allocated for an additional trauma center. Pursuant to rule amendments that the Department now proposes to codify, but which presently constitute unadopted rules, the Department will now accept and process applications to operate as provisional trauma centers, regardless of any allocated need set forth in rule 64J-2.010. UF Health Jacksonville has alleged that the Department's approval of Orange Park cannot be sustained because the approval violates the Department's own rules and governing statutes, but also because the approval is based upon an unadopted rule–-a new policy that would allow the approval of provisional trauma centers regardless of any need allocated in rule 64J-2.010. Ms. Colston acknowledged that no statute changed in 2014 or 2015 to inspire the Department to change its practice. However, she indicated that the Department's position was evolving due to consideration of a recent Recommended Order stemming from litigation over a trauma center application. That Order, The Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County Florida, d/b/a Jackson South Community Hospital v. Department of Health, Case. No. 15-3171 (Fla. DOAH Feb. 29, 2016), was rejected as moot in a Final Order issued by the Department on July 7, 2016. Nevertheless, Ms. Colston cited the rejected Order as the basis for the Department's new interpretation of rule 64J-2.012 and processing of provisional trauma applications in the absence of an allocated need: Q: I did read the language correctly? Is that what the existing rule required when Orange Park was approved? A: I would start with our full reading of the rule, which says that we shall accept the letter of intent. We, again, looked at these rules and we looked at the statute, and we have some "shall" language in both the statute and the rule that tells us what we shall do that's interpreted by the Department in general and by me as something that we shall do. So we shall accept the provisional application, we shall receive the letter of intent. And then the other part that would have inspired us to act the way we did was a ruling that said that we are required to accept these--that we shall accept and shall act and shall do these things at the risk of being sued. So that was a consideration that the Department was also taking into-– under consideration when we did these actions. Furthermore, I mean, there's been some discussion about need. But what we've seen and what was upheld especially in the latest lawsuit was that need is not determined on the front end during the provisional review and during the letter of intent process. So all of these things contributed to the Department's decision. Q: I may have mislead [sic] you with the timing of my question. I thought I understood you to say the policy processes that are announced in the September changes did not come into fruition in the Department's mind, become a firm way of doing things until they were proposed in September, is that true? A: No. (Tr. 420-421). Ms. Colston had difficulty explaining the Department's position regarding its interpretation and compliance with existing versions of rule 64J-2.010 and rule 64J-2.012. Ms. Colston offered conflicting testimony regarding whether the Department was operating under the process set forth in the Department's newly proposed rule: Q: Okay. Did that process described in the newly proposed rule, was that in place as a process that the Department would use when Orange Park was approved in late April 2016? A: We can't function under an unadopted rule. So we would have been functioning under the current rule. (Tr. 418). At hearing, Ms. Colston confirmed that the Department considers "preliminary" and "provisional" reviews required by Florida law to be synonymous. She further testified that the Department makes three separate decision points during its review of trauma center applications: provisional status; in- depth review; and then final verification. Ms. Colston then testified that the availability of allocated need (pursuant to rule 64J-2.010) is now only dispositive at the final stage of review-–the verification stage which follows site reviews and inspections. According to Ms. Colston, the Department now takes the position (and took the position during its review of Orange Park's application) that the availability of an allocated TSA slot is only applicable at the final verification stage. Ms. Colston acknowledged that the establishment of a provisional trauma center involves millions of dollars of investment in equipment, staff, and expertise. When asked if it was reasonable to interpret Department rules in a way that would allow the operation of provisional trauma centers only to be told, at the final stage of review, that the lack of an available allocation “slot” prevents the trauma program's final verification, Ms. Colston admitted that the interpretation was not reasonable. By approving Orange Park's provisional application in the absence of an available slot allocated by rule 64J-2.010, the Department failed to follow its own rules and precedent. Its new interpretation constitutes a generally applicable, unadopted rule that the Department is only now attempting to codify. The Department's new "interpretation" of its existing rule is unsupported by the facts adduced at hearing and is, as admitted by the Department's representative, not reasonable. But for the Department's reliance on an unadopted rule, the Department would have never processed Orange Park's application, nor permitted Orange Park to operate as a provisional trauma center. Impact of Orange Park's Trauma Center on UF Health Jacksonville High volumes of patients with high injury severity are necessary for trauma centers to improve and maintain quality through educational opportunities to their trauma staff. Trauma nurses require a year and a half to two years of experience with severely injured patients to enable them to be a primary nurse in a trauma critical care unit. Reduced volumes of trauma cases cause a trauma center to have fewer educational opportunities to enable trauma nurses to gain experience. UF Health Jacksonville is a teaching hospital that trains nurses and trauma surgeons. The decline in trauma volumes caused by Orange Park's operation as a trauma center has reduced training opportunities at UF Health Jacksonville. The opening of Orange Park's trauma center has caused the average injury severity score (ISS) for trauma patients to decrease at UF Health Jacksonville, thereby reducing the educational opportunities for UF Health Jacksonville's trauma nurses to treat the most severely injured patients. During the first three months after Orange Park opened its trauma center in 2016, UF Health Jacksonville's volume of its most severely injured patients decreased by 17 percent. Overall, UF Health Jacksonville projects an annual loss of 320 to 540 trauma cases caused by Orange Park's operation of a trauma center. UF Health Jacksonville projects that a contribution margin loss of approximately $3.5 million to $5.9 million annually will be caused by Orange Park's operation of a trauma center.

Recommendation Based on the forgoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order denying Orange Park's Application to operate a provisional trauma center in TSA 5. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of January, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S W. DAVID WATKINS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of January, 2017.

Florida Laws (19) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68120.80120.8120.43381.001395.40395.4001395.401395.402395.4025395.404395.40557.105 Florida Administrative Code (6) 28-106.21764J -2.01064J -2.01264J-2.01064J-2.01264J-2.016
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Vero Beach, Florida Oct. 15, 1997 Number: 97-004794 Latest Update: Feb. 07, 1999

The Issue Whether Respondent should recoup Medicaid payments made to Petitioner for health care services provided to eight patients.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Indian River Memorial Hospital, Inc., (Hospital), has contracted with Respondent, Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), to provide services to Medicaid patients. The parties have agreed that there is a dispute for Medicaid reimbursement for goods and services provided to eight patients: S.G., J.D., R.J., C.A., G.M., S.S., M.P., and C.T. The Agency has paid the Hospital for the services rendered to these eight patients and seeks to recoup the payment based on a retrospective review by a peer review organization, Keystone Peer Review Organization (KePro). The Agency claims that either the admission or a portion of the length-of-stay for the eight patients was medically unnecessary. Services were provided to C.T. in 1994 and to the remainder of the patients at issue in 1995. Payment for Medicaid services is on a per diem basis. The rate for 1994 is $473.22 per day, and the rate for 1995 is $752.14. The Agency contracted with KePro to do a review of the Medicaid payments to the Hospital. KePro employs nurses to review the patient files based on criteria on discharge screens. If the services meet the criteria, there is no further review and the payment is approved. If the nurse determines that the services do not meet the criteria on the discharge screens, the patient's files are reviewed by a board certified physician, who in this case would be a psychiatrist. If the physician determines that the services are not medically necessary, a letter is sent to the Medicaid provider, giving the provider an opportunity to submit additional information. Additional information submitted by the provider is reviewed by a board certified physician. If the doctor concludes that the services are still medically unnecessary, the provider is notified that that services do not qualify for reimbursement and the provider may ask for a reconsideration of the denial. If the provider seeks reconsideration, the file is reviewed by a physician, and the provider has an opportunity to be present during the review. If the physician determines that the services are medically unnecessary, KePro sends a letter to the Agency stating the reasons for denial. The denial letters that KePro sends to the Agency are reviewed by the Medical Director of KePro, who is not a psychiatrist. Dr. John Sullenberger, the Agency's Medicaid physician, reviews the KePro denial letters sent to the Agency, and 99.9 percent of the time he agrees with the findings of KePro regarding whether the services were medically necessary. Dr. Sullenberger does not review the patient's charts when he does this review. The Agency sends a recoupment letter to the Medicaid provider requesting repayment for services provided. Patient S.G., a 12 year-old boy, was being treated pursuant to the Baker Act. He was admitted to the Hospital on March 8, 1995, and discharged on March 25, 1995. The Agency denied Medicaid reimbursement for the admission and the entire length-of-stay for S.G. based on KePro's determination that it was not medically necessary for the services to S.G. to be rendered in an acute care setting because the patient was neither suicidal nor homicidal. Three to five days prior to his admission to the Hospital, S.G. had attempted to stab his father. He also had further violent episodes, including jumping his father from behind and choking him and pulling knives on his parents. S.G. had a history of attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. He had been using multiple substances, such as alcohol, LSD, cocaine, and marijuana, prior to his admission. His behavior was a clear reference that he was suffering from a psychosis. A psychosis is a significant inability to understand what is reality, including delusions of false beliefs, hallucinations, hearing and seeing things which do not exist, and ways of thinking that are bizarre. Psychosis is a reason to admit a patient, particularly combined with substance abuse. S.G.'s treating psychiatrist noted that S.G. had tangentiality, which means that his thoughts did not stay together. He did not have a connection between thoughts, which is a sign of a psychosis. The chart demonstrated that S.G. had disorder thinking, which includes the possibility of a psychosis. There was also a reference in the charts to organic mental disturbance which could infer brain damage as the cause for the mental disturbance. Two days after admission, there was an issue of possible drug withdrawal because S.G. was agitated and anxious and showed other symptoms. Drug withdrawal, psychosis, and a demonstration of overt violence require a stay in an acute care facility. There was some indication that S.G. was suicidal. While in the Hospital he was placed under close observation, which is a schedule of 15-minute checks to determine if the patient was physically out of harm's way. S.G. was started on an antidepressant, Wellbutrin, because the treating physician thought S.G. was becoming increasingly depressed and was having trouble organizing his thoughts. Antidepressants, as contrasted to a medication such as an antibiotic, may take a minimum of two to three weeks before the patient will benefit from the full effect of the drug. It is difficult to stabilize the dosage for an antidepressant on an outpatient basis. S.G. was taking Ritalin, which is commonly used for children with attention deficit, hyperactivity disorders. During his stay at the Hospital, S.G. was engaging in strange behavior, including absence seizures. On March 16, 1995, he was still lunging and threatening harm. On March 20, 1995, he was still unstable and at risk. The dosage of Wellbutrin was increased. On March 21 and 22, 1995, S.G. was still threatening and confused. S.G. was discharged on March 25, 1995. The admission and length-of-stay for S.G. were medically necessary. Patient J.D. was a 16 year-old boy who was admitted to the Hospital on March 7, 1995, and discharged on March 14, 1995. The Agency denied the admission and entire length-of-stay based on KePro's determination that the patient was not actively suicidal or psychotic and services could have been rendered in a less acute setting. J.D. was admitted from a partial hospitalization program pursuant to the Baker Act because he was observed by a health care professional banging his head against the wall and throwing himself on the floor. He had a history of depression and out-of-control behavior, including being a danger to himself and running away. At the time of his admission, he was taking Prozac. Banging his head against the wall can mean that the patient is psychotic, can cause brain damage, and can be dangerous if the cause of the behavior is unknown. Admission to the Hospital was justified because the patient was extremely agitated and self abusive, requiring restraints and medication to decrease his agitation and self abusiveness. One of the tests administered during his hospital stay indicated that J.D. was a moderate risk for suicidal behavior. During his hospital stay, it was discovered that J.D. had threatened to kill himself while at school. He had been in a partial treatment program during the day, but that environment was not working. There was violence in the home, and J.D. was becoming overtly depressed. During his stay at the Hospital, J.D. was placed on close observation with 15-minute checks. His dosage of Prozac was increased. The admission and length-of-stay for J.D. were medically necessary. R.J., a 10 year-old male, was admitted to the Hospital on January 1, 1995, and discharged on February 9, 1995. The Agency denied Medicaid reimbursement based on a determination by KePro that the treatment in an acute care facility was not medically necessary because R.J. was not psychotic, not suicidal, and not a threat to others; thus treatment could have been provided in an alternate setting. R.J. had been referred by a health care professional at Horizon Center, an outpatient center, because of progressive deterioration over the previous fourteen months despite outpatient treatment. His deterioration included anger with temper outbursts, uncontrollable behavior at school, failing grades, sadness, depressed mood, extreme anxiety, extensive worrying and a fear of his grandmother. R.J. also suffered from encopresis, a bowel incontinence. He was agitated, lacked energy, neglected his hygiene, experienced crying spells, and had difficulty concentrating. R.J. needed to be admitted for an evaluation to rule out a paranoid psychosis. It was necessary to do a 24-hour EEG as opposed to a 45-minute EEG. In order to do a 24-hour EEG, the patient is typically placed in an acute care facility. The EEG showed abnormal discharge in the brain, which could be contributing to a psychiatric illness. At school R.J. had smeared feces on the walls, behavior that could be seen in psychotic persons. There was evidence that he had been hitting and throwing his stepbrother and 3 year-old brother. He was fearful of his grandmother and, based on his family history, there was reason to fear her. R.J. was placed on Buspar, a medication which generally takes two weeks to take effect. Contrary to the Agency's determination, R.J. was disorganized. He was also violent in terms of threatening danger and extreme anger. The admission and length-of-stay for R.J. at the Hospital were medically necessary. Patient C.A., a 9 year-old male, was admitted to the Hospital on June 1, 1995, and discharged on June 12, 1995. The Agency disallowed one day of the length-of-stay based on a determination by KePro that the services provided on June 11, 1995, could have been provided in a less restrictive setting. C.A. was admitted for violent and disruptive behavior. He also had an attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder and was taking Lithium and Depakote. These medications are used for patients who experience serious mood swings and abrupt changes in mood, going from depression to anger to euphoria. To be effective, medicating with Lithium and Depakote requires that the blood levels of the patient be monitored and the dosage titrated according to blood level. C.A. also was given Wellbutrin during his hospital stay. On June 11, 1995, C.A. was given an eight-hour pass to leave the hospital in the care of his mother. The physician's orders indicated that the pass was to determine how well C.A. did in a less restrictive setting. He returned to the Hospital without incident. He was discharged the next day to his mother. The treatment on June 11, 1995, could have been provided in an environment other than an acute facility; thus the stay on June 11, 1995, was not medically necessary for Medicaid reimbursement purposes. Patient G.M., an 11 year-old male with a history of being physically and sexually abused by his parents, was admitted to the Hospital on March 21, 1995, and was discharged on April 3, 1995. The Agency denied Medicaid reimbursement for inpatient hospital treatment from March 28 to April 3, 1995, based on KePro's determination that the length of hospital stay exceeded health care needs at an inpatient level and could have been provided in a less acute setting. At the time of admission, G.M. had suicidal ideation. His school had reported that G.M. had mutilated himself with a pencil, banged himself on the knuckles, and told the school nurse that he wanted to die. Prior to admission, G.M. had been taking Ritalin. His treating physician took G.M. off the Ritalin so that she could assess his condition and start another medication after a base-line period. The doctor prescribed Clonidine for G.M. Clonidine is a drug used in children to control reckless, agressive and angry behavior. Clonidine must be titrated in order to establish the correct dosage for the patient. During his hospital stay, G.M. was yelling and threatening staff. He was placed in locked seclusion, where he began hitting the wall. G.M. was put in a papoose, which is similar to a straitjacket. The papoose is used when there is no other way to control the patient. The patient cannot use his arms or legs while in a papoose. This type of behavior and confinement was occurring as late as March 31, 1995. G.M. was given a pass to go to his grandparents on April 2, 1995. He did well during his pass, and was discharged on April 3, 1995. Treatment in an acute facility was medically necessary through April 1, 1995. Treatment on April 2, 1995, could have been provided in a less acute setting. Patient S.S., a 5 year-old male, was admitted to the Hospital on March 9, 1995, and was discharged on April 3, 1995. The Agency denied Medicaid reimbursement for the admission and entire length of his hospital stay based on a determination by KePro that S.S. was not psychotic or an immediate danger to himself or others and the evaluation and treatment could have been rendered in a less acute setting. Prior to admission to the Hospital, S.S. was threatening suicide, ran into a chalk board at school, scratched his arms until they bled, and showed aggressive intent toward his sister, saying that he would kill her with a saw. S.S.'s condition had been deteriorating for approximately three months before his admission. At the time of admission, he had been suicidal, hyperactive, restless, and experiencing hallucinations. The hallucinations imply a psychosis. S.S. was put on Trofanil, an antidepressant which needs to be titrated. The patient's blood level had to be monitored while taking this drug. During his hospital stay, S.S. was on close observation. All objects which he could use to harm himself were removed from his possession. After he ate his meals, the hospital staff would immediately remove all eating utensils. On March 28, 1995, S.S. threatened to kill himself and became self-abusive. His blood level on March 31, 1995, was sub-therapeutic, and his medication dosage was increased. On April 1, 1995, S.S. had a temper tantrum. The admission and length-of-stay for the treatment of S.S. were medically necessary. Patient M.P., a 10 year-old male, was admitted to the Hospital on April 27, 1995, and was discharged on May 6, 1995. The Agency denied Medicaid reimbursement for the admission and entire length-of-stay based on a determination by KePro that the patient functions on an eighteen to twenty-four month level but is not psychotic and the treatment could have been provided in a less acute setting. M.P.'s IQ is between 44 and 51. He was diagnosed with a pervasive development disorder, which is a serious lack of development attributed to significant brain damage. His condition had deteriorated in the six months prior to his admission. He had episodes of inappropriate laughter, fits of anger, hit his head, hit windows, and put his arm in contact with the broken glass through the window. At the time of his admission, he had a seizure disorder. An EEG and an MRI needed to be performed on M.P. in order to evaluate his condition. M.P. had to have a regular EEG, a 24-hour EEG, and a neurological examination. The patient was aggressive, restless, and uncooperative. In order for the MRI to be performed, M.P. had to be anesthetized. The admission and length-of-stay for M.P. were medically necessary. Patient C.T., a 34 year-old female, was admitted to the Hospital on November 11, 1994, and was discharged on November 26, 1994. The Agency denied the treatment from November 17, 1994, to November 26, 1994, based on a determination by a peer review organization that the patient was stable by November 17, 1994, and psychiatric follow-up could have been performed in an outpatient setting. C.T. was admitted for kidney stones. She did pass the kidney stones but continued to have severe pain. Her doctor asked for a psychiatric consult. The psychiatrist diagnosed C.T. as having a personality disorder, chronic psychogenic pain disorder, and an eating disorder. Her depressive disorder exacerbated pain. C.T. had been given narcotics for the pain associated with the kidney stones. In order to assess her mental status, the physicians needed to taper the dosage of Demerol which she had been receiving. She was started on Sinequan, which is an anti-depressant given to alleviate the psychological condition and to help with the physical complaints. C.T. was later put on Vicodin, an oral narcotic, which seemed to bring the pain under control. The drugs used could cause a drop in blood pressure; therefore, they had to be titrated slowly. Her treating physician was trying to find an appropriate anti-depressant, while weaning the patient from intramuscular narcotics. On November 17, 1994, C.T. left her room and went to the hospital lobby, where she was found by nursing staff. C.T. was crying and saying that she was in pain and wanted to die. During her hospital stay, C.T. was in much distress; she would scream out that she was in pain. On November 18, 1994, she was found crying on the floor of the hospital chapel and had to be returned to her room. It was the opinion of Dr. Bernard Frankel, an expert retained by the Hospital, that C.T. probably could have been discharged a day earlier. The hospital stay for C.T. from November 17, 1994, to November 25, 1994, was medically necessary. The last day of her stay was not medically necessary.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered requiring Indian River Memorial Hospital, Inc., to pay to the Agency $752.14 for one day of service provided to G.M., $752.14 for one day of service provided to C.A., and $473.22 for one day of service provided to C.T. and finding that the Hospital is not liable for payment for any of the other services at issue in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of November, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of November, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas Falkinburg, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 John D. Buchanan, Jr., Esquire Henry, Buchanan, Hudson, Suber & Williams, P.A. 117 South Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Paul J. Martin, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration Fort Knox Building 3 2727 Mahan Drive, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308

Florida Laws (2) 120.57409.913 Florida Administrative Code (1) 59G-1.010
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