The Issue The primary issue in these consolidated cases is whether the proposed Southern Water Use Caution Area ("SWUCA") rules of the Southwest Florida Water Management District (the "District") constitute an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority. Also at issue in the proceedings is the validity of certain portions of the District's existing water use permitting rules contained in Chapter 40D-2, Florida Administrative Code ("F.A.C."), and the "Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications" that the District has adopted by reference in Rule 40D-2.091, F.A.C. Finally, certain policies allegedly utilized by the District in its water use permitting program have been challenged as unpromulgated rules in contravention of Section 120.535, Florida Statutes (1993) ("F.S.").
Findings Of Fact Based upon the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final administrative hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: Identification of Parties and Related Facts Petitioner Charlotte County ("Charlotte") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the geographic jurisdiction of the Southwest Florida Water Management District ("District"). Fed by the Peace and Myakka Rivers, Charlotte Harbor is located in Charlotte County. It is an extremely productive body of water and is the second largest estuary in the State of Florida. Charlotte Harbor is one of the most important resources of Charlotte County, both from an economic and an ecological standpoint. Petitioner Citrus Grower Associates, Inc. ("Citrus Grower"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, is an association of citrus growers owning groves that lie within the District's jurisdiction. Petitioner DeSoto County ("DeSoto") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the District's geographic jurisdiction. DeSoto's population - approximately 26,000 people in 1995 - has been experiencing slow but continual growth over the last decade. It is primarily an agricultural county and its principal source of groundwater is the Floridan Aquifer. DeSoto is concerned that a moratorium on or suspension of the District's issuance of new water use permits could hinder its prospects for future development and reduce its ad valorem tax base. Petitioner Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, Inc. ("ECOSWF") is a non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida. ECOSWF is an environmental advocacy group established for the purpose of conserving the natural resources of Southwest Florida. Intervenor Florida Citrus Mutual ("Florida Citrus") is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida. Florida Citrus is a voluntary cooperative association of Florida citrus growers with 11,956 active members representing some 800,000 acres of citrus statewide. Approximately 350,000 acres owned by members are located within the boundaries of the District. Petitioner GBS Groves, Inc. ("GBS") is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida. GBS owns a citrus grove located in Section 23, Township 27 South, Range 27 East, Polk County, Florida, that is subject to regulation by the District. Petitioner Hardee County ("Hardee") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the District's geographic jurisdiction. Hardee's population has been growing at a slow but relatively steady rate over the last five years, currently totaling approximately 22,000. The county is predominantly agricultural, and the Floridan Aquifer is a principal source of its groundwater. Hardee is concerned that a moratorium on or suspension of the District's issuance of new water use permits could hinder any prospects for future development and reduce its ad valorem tax base. DeSoto and Hardee contend that the Floridan Aquifer is not stressed within the confines of their respective political boundaries and the District has not concurred with their requests for reservations of water for future permitting needs. The counties further maintain that permitted withdrawals from within their respective jurisdictions have not contributed to the present water problems within the District and that they should not be required to sacrifice their current and future needs to solve those problems. Intervenor Manatee County ("Manatee") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the District's geographic jurisdiction. As discussed below, the District designated portions of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties as the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area by Resolution Number 933 dated June 28, 1989, and by Resolution Number 942 dated October 24, 1989. Currently, Manatee County is almost entirely encompassed within the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area and much of the county was designated by the District as a "Most Impacted Area" within that Water Use Caution Area. Petitioner Pinellas County ("Pinellas") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the District's geographic jurisdiction. Pinellas is a charter county that owns and operates its own public water supply utility - the "Pinellas County Water System." Petitioner Polk County ("Polk") is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, organized under Article VIII, Section 1, of the Florida Constitution (1968). All or part of the county lies within the District's geographic jurisdiction. Polk is an operator of public potable water and sewer utilities. The District is an independent special district of the State of Florida created pursuant to Section 373.069, F.S. Chapter 373, F.S. (1993) ("Chapter 373"), charges the District with the regulation of "consumptive uses of water" in a 16-county area of west-central Florida. Among the many duties and responsibilities conferred on the District by Chapter 373 are the following: (1) authority to establish minimum flows and levels for watercourses and bodies of water; (2) responsibility for the development of groundwater basin resource availability inventories; and (3) ability to reserve quantities of water for non-consumptive uses. See, Sections 373.042, .0395 and .223(3), F.S. The District is subdivided into eight surface-water drainage basins each of which is further governed by its own basin board. Basin boards participate in the funding of local water resource-related projects within their respective boundaries and receive approximately fifty percent of the annual ad valorem taxes assessed by the District. Water management districts issue permits for the consumptive use of water pursuant to Part II of Chapter 373, F.S., and Chapter 40, F.A.C. The permits authorize, as well as regulate, the consumption and use of water by individuals and entities. The District refers to the permits as "water use permits" ("WUPs"), and within the District's territorial boundaries, the issuance of WUPs is governed by Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C. Standing General Statement The parties have stipulated that all petitioners have standing to challenge the existing District rules identified in each of the petitions filed pursuant to Section 120.56, F.S. (1993). The parties have also stipulated that all petitioners except Pinellas have standing to challenge the District's proposed rules for the Southern Water Use Caution Area (the "SWUCA Rules") under Section 120.54, F.S. Pinellas' Standing The District has contested Pinellas' standing to challenge the SWUCA Rules, but it has stipulated to Pinellas' standing in all other respects. Essentially, the District contends that Pinellas does not have standing to challenge the proposed SWUCA Rules because the county was not included within the geographic boundaries of the SWUCA as defined in the proposed rules. As discussed in detail below, the Southern Water Use Caution Area ("SWUCA") was delineated by the District to roughly coincide with an area identified as the Southern Basin, one of three groundwater basins identified by the District to represent hydrologically distinct groundwater flow systems within its jurisdiction. While the District did not include Pinellas within the legal description of lands included within the SWUCA, several District reports depict southern Pinellas lying within the Southern Basin. The Upper Floridan Aquifer System extends beneath Tampa Bay and is continuous between central and southern Pinellas and portions of the SWUCA, such as Hillsborough and Manatee Counties. Thus, although Pinellas is not within the geographic boundaries of the SWUCA (as defined in the proposed rules), there is a hydrologic connection (i.e., the Floridan Aquifer) between the SWUCA and central and southern Pinellas. The District confirms that there are no physical, geologic or impermeable barriers beneath Tampa Bay to prevent groundwater flow between portions of the SWUCA and portions of Pinellas, but claims that the effects of withdrawals in the Southern Basin on Pinellas are limited because most of the UFAS flow discharges into overlying aquifers or to the bottom of Tampa Bay before it reaches Pinellas. In addition, the District points out there is minimal pumpage from the Floridan Aquifer in southern Pinellas because of its salinity. The District's groundwater flow models that were prepared as part of the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Resource Assessment Project ("ETB WRAP") simulate the aquifer system within the Southern Basin. The models included permitted Floridan Aquifer withdrawals and reclaimed water injection wells within central and southern Pinellas, even though impacts from the withdrawal and injection wells were considered minimal. Pursuant to Section 373.196(2), F.S., "municipalities, counties, and regional water supply authorities are to have the primary responsibility for water supply[.]" In its coastal location, Pinellas has limited ability to develop freshwater resources within its boundaries without causing significant environmental consequences. Section 373.1962(1), F.S., recognizes that "regional water supply authorities may be created for the purpose of developing, recovering, storing, and supplying water for county or municipal purposes in such a manner as will give priority to reducing adverse environmental effects of excessive or improper withdrawals of water from concentrated areas." See also, Section 373.196(1), F.S. (legislative mandate for cooperative efforts among cities, counties, water management districts, and the Department of Environmental Protection to meet water supply needs). Section 153.03(1), F.S., generally authorizes counties to purchase, construct, improve, extend, enlarge, operate, and maintain water supply systems "within such county and any adjoining county or counties[.]" See also, Section 125.01(k)1., F.S. Consistent with this authorization, Pinellas owns and operates its own public water supply utility and has various water production facilities located throughout Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pasco Counties (the "Tri-County Area"). The withdrawal and use of water from the facilities is regulated by the District's water use permit program. Pinellas is the largest water utility in southwest Florida. Pinellas supplies water to approximately 630,000 citizens within its geographic boundaries, with most of its service area lying north of St. Petersburg. Pinellas provides water on a retail basis to thirteen cities, on a wholesale basis to four other cities, on a standby basis to three cities, and serves water to all unincorporated areas of the county. In total, Pinellas provides to its customers approximately sixty- nine million gallons of water per day ("MGD"), the majority of which it has contracted to purchase from the West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority ("West Coast"). Pinellas is a founding member and wholesale customer of West Coast, a cooperative regional water supply authority created in 1974 by interlocal agreement between Hillsborough County, Pasco County, Pinellas County, the City of St. Petersburg and the City of Tampa. West Coast is governed by a board of directors comprised of one representative from each of its five member governments. The City of New Port Richey is a non-voting member. West Coast was established to plan, coordinate, develop, and supply water (on a wholesale basis only) for the rapidly growing Tampa Bay area while giving "priority to the reduction of adverse environmental impacts". See, Section 373.1962(1), F.S. Each member county or municipality has a preferential right to purchase water from West Coast to meet its water supply needs. Id. About ninety percent of the population residing within the Tri-County Area (more than two million residents) relies upon water supplied by West Coast and its member governments. In 1990, the average demand for public supply and other potable water uses from West Coast was 252.7 MGD. At current use rates and with anticipated population growth, West Coast projects a 66 percent increase in public supply demand by the year 2020, to approximately 419.3 MGD. In 1992, West Coast and its member governments began working on a Water Resources Development Plan (the "RDP"). Around this same time period, the District was preparing a "needs and sources" report for its entire 16-county territory. At the time of the hearing in this case, the RDP had not been completed; the latest draft is dated July 8, 1994. In July 1994, work on the RDP was suspended so that policy issues raised during its drafting could be addressed by the Tampa Bay Water Coordinating Council ("TBWCC"), a voluntary advisory board comprised of policymaking representatives from West Coast, its member governments, and the District. Under a 1991 Regional System Water Supply Contract (the "Regional Supply Contract"), member governments have contracted with West Coast for present and future delivery of water, and West Coast operates existing structures and develops new water supply facilities or interconnections to meet those demands. Each member government is entitled to receive a percentage of the water produced by facilities developed by West Coast, in proportion to the member's contributions toward development costs. West Coast and its member governments collectively own and operate the following ground and surface water supply Area : facilities in the Tri-County 8 Cross Bar Ranch Wellfield, Cypress Creek Wellfield, Cypress Bridge Wellfield, Starkey Wellfield, North Pasco Wellfield, South Pasco Wellfield, Eldridge-Wilde Wellfield, East Lake Road Wellfield, Cosme-Odessa Wellfield, Section 21 Wellfield, Northwest Hillsborough Regional Wellfield, Morris Bridge Wellfield, Tampa Bypass Canal Facility, Hillsborough River Facility, and South Central Hillsborough Regional Wellfield. Some West Coast projections indicate that by the year 1999 the existing wellfields may not be able to meet the potable water demands of the Tri-County Area. The Regional Supply Contract describes and governs West Coast's long-term plan to meet members' water supply needs by conveying water through an interconnected network of water production facilities and transmission mains, and distributing the "pooled" water to its members based upon their respective annual needs. The Regional System Contract limits new water supply development in Pasco County by West Coast and its member governments. Interconnection provides water supply safety by ensuring delivery to members despite potential equipment failure. In addition, interconnection allows West Coast and its member governments to rotate water production (i.e., withdrawals) from one facility to another to avoid systemic stresses that could otherwise arise. For example, to prevent environmental degradation in a particular area, withdrawals from an impacting wellfield could be reduced or halted with other system facilities making up the difference. The following seven West Coast wellfield facilities are interconnected by water transmission lines (the "Interconnected System"): the Cross Bar Ranch, Cypress Creek, Eldridge-Wilde, South Pasco, Section 21, Cosme-Odessa, and Northwest Hillsborough Regional Wellfields. As of May 1, 1995, the actual system use of the Interconnected System was approximately 115 MGD. The Regional Supply Contract which governs the production and distribution of water through the Interconnected System, also describes the construction of an additional loop in the transmission main system that would facilitate greater water- sharing by West Coast's member governments. The SWUCA includes portions of central and southern Hillsborough County that serve as sources for current and anticipated future water production for West Coast and its member governments. In addition, other locations within the SWUCA are being considered by Pinellas and West Coast as possible new sources of water to meet the projected potable water demands of their service areas. If adopted, the proposed SWUCA Rules would impose direct and immediate restrictions on water resources that could be developed by West Coast and Pinellas for current and future consumers. Therefore, the proposed SWUCA Rules directly and indirectly impact the potable water supplies of both West Coast and Pinellas, and Pinellas would be substantially affected by the District's proposed regulations. The South Central Hillsborough Regional Wellfield ("South Central") located in western Hillsborough County, is one of the wellfield facilities owned and operated by West Coast. South Central is the only West Coast wellfield currently in operation in the SWUCA. The consumptive use permit for withdrawals from South Central is held jointly by West Coast and Hillsborough County. Pinellas is not a co-permittee of South Central, nor does it directly receive any water from that wellfield. While there have been discussions between West Coast and its members about linking South Central with the Interconnected System, those considerations were suspended following creation of the TBWCC. The Regional Supply Contract did not specifically contemplate inclusion of South Central and there are currently no definitive plans to contractually formalize the connection. South Central is located in an area where declines of more than sixty feet have occurred in the potentiometric surface of the UFAS. [See Section III B and C for definitions and details.] In addition, there have been numerous citizen complaints associated with withdrawals from South Central. South Central's withdrawal capacity is fully committed to Hillsborough County, and the RDP projects that no surplus outflow from South Central will be available for use outside the wellfield's immediate service area. West Coast projections indicate that by the year 2000, the permitted capacity of South Central will not be able to meet the average or maximum daily water needs of its service area. Although West Coast and its members are investigating the possibility of increasing the permitted capacity of South Central, the District has recommended that no additional expansion occur at the wellfield. During the District's recent review of South Central's consumptive use permit, there was no suggestion that water from South Central would be supplied to Pinellas. The District argues that potential water sources other than South Central are available to meet Pinellas' future needs, and that Pinellas will not need to seek surplus quantities from South Central. However, the effect of the proposed SWUCA Rules on South Central could restrict production from the wellfield and necessitate West Coast's diversion of other system waters to service the South Central area, thereby heightening West Coast's need to develop additional water supplies. In addition, without any increase in production from the South Central site, Hillsborough and West Coast's other members may have to place greater reliance upon the Interconnected System with the result that a smaller portion of that water would be available for Pinellas. Pinellas would be substantially affected by any such developments because of increased infrastructure costs. In March 1994, the District issued two water shortage orders affecting West Coast's Interconnected System. In June 1994, the District also entered an emergency order (District Executive Director Order No. 94-58) which reduced the permitted withdrawal capacity of West Coast's Interconnected System. The District is considering the imposition of additional restrictions on withdrawals from the Interconnected System. The wellfields covered by the District's two water shortage orders and the emergency order constitute the primary sources of water supply for Pinellas and St. Petersburg. The reductions imposed by the orders will affect Pinellas' ability to meet projected future water needs and may increase the need to seek new water sources in the immediate future. Pinellas is concerned about its ability to depend on West Coast and the Interconnected System to satisfy its customers' long-term water demands. Even though Pinellas does not have any direct interest in any wellfield located within the SWUCA, it is affected by any District rule that restricts the development of new water sources in the District, particularly in areas where West Coast operates. Pinellas' uncertainty regarding the manner in which the SWUCA Rules may affect development of new sources impairs its ability to plan for and provide necessary infrastructure to support future growth as contemplated by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, F.S. The SWUCA Rules include a number of water conservation requirements, many of which have been challenged by Pinellas. The District claims that the conservation provisions will not be applicable to Pinellas because it is not a permittee in the SWUCA. However, Pinellas' membership in West Coast provides an adequate connection with the proposed rules to establish its standing to challenge the conservation provisions. It should also be noted that many of the SWUCA conservation requirements have similar or corresponding provisions in rules adopted in 1989 for the Northern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area ("NTB WUCA"). Although Pinellas has been subject to the latter water conservation requirements since their initial adoption, it had not challenged any portion of the NTB WUCA rules prior to this proceeding. Pursuant to Section 120.56, F.S., Pinellas has challenged several provisions of the NTB WUCA rules in this proceeding. There is no question that Pinellas has standing to challenge provisions contained in the NTB WUCA rules. Many of its challenges to the SWUCA provisions address identical issues. District Regulatory Authority and Rule Development Historical Perspectives The District and Its Statutory Authority Respondent, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (the "District"), is an independent special district of the State of Florida created in 1961 by Special Act of the Legislature. Ch. 61-691, Laws of Fla. At all times material to this proceeding, the District was generally charged by Chapter 373"), 373, F.S. (1993 & 1994 Supp.) ("Chapter 9 with the management, regulation, and protection of regional water resources within its boundaries. In addition, Chapter 373 directs the District to collect and analyze water-related data, design and operate flood control facilities, manage the consumptive use of water, supervise water well construction, regulate surface water systems, and evaluate water supplies within its jurisdiction. The District was created primarily in response to severe flooding that occurred after abnormally high rainfall in 1959 and 1960, and became the "local sponsor" of the federal flood control "Four Rivers Basin Project," covering the Hillsborough, Oklawaha, Withlacoochee, and Peace Rivers. District boundaries -- developed primarily on the basis of surface water drainage basins and hydrologic divides -- do not strictly follow political borders and are based on groundwater considerations. The boundaries were revised to their present configuration between 1976 and 1978. Currently, the District is one of five water management districts in Florida and encompasses about 10,000 square miles in west-central Florida, including all or part of sixteen counties. Approximately 3.5 million people reside within the District's boundaries. As discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law, in 1972, the Florida Legislature enacted the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972, Ch. 72-299, Laws of Fla. This landmark legislation was codified at Chapter 373, and is substantially Code . derived from A Model Water 10 The Water Resources Act created a comprehensive, interrelated set of laws that seek to further the conservation, protection, management, and control of the state's water resources while maximizing their beneficial use. The Water Resources Act provided that the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (now the Department of Environmental Protection, or "DEP") and the state's five regional water management districts (the "districts") would be the governmental entities principally responsible for assessing and regulating the water needs of citizens, industry, agriculture and natural systems. Prior to passage of the Water Resources Act in 1972, the District operated under authority delegated by Chapter 378 and the then-existing Chapter 373. Although a number of provisions found in the existing Chapter 373 were retained when the Water Resources Act was enacted, it was the 1972 Act that delegated to the districts and DEP the statutory authority to regulate the consumptive use of water in Florida. See, Section 373.217, F.S. The current Chapter 373 includes the Water Resources Act, some portions of the chapter that were in existence prior to passage of the Water Resources Act, and a few legislative modifications adopted after codification of the Water Resources Act. Section 373.026(10), F.S., was enacted in 1989 and directs DEP to adopt by rule a "State Water Policy." The State Water Policy is intended to provide policy guidance to DEP and the districts for the development and implementation of comprehensive, coordinated, statewide water management 11 programs and rules relating to water resources. See, Section 7 of Ch. 89-279, Laws of Fla. This section mandates consistency between the state water policy and the State Comprehensive Plan 12 contained in Chapter 187, F.S. (the "State Comp Plan"). In 1994, DEP transferred the State Water Policy to Chapter 62-40, 13 F.A.C. Chapter 373 authorizes the districts to adopt reasonable rules to implement their statutory powers, duties, and functions. See e.g., Sections 373.044 and 373.113, F.S. In addition, DEP can delegate or authorize the districts to exercise or perform various powers and duties compatible with Chapter 373 and other district-enabling statutes. See, Sections 373.016(3) and 373.103, F.S. Chapter 373 is to be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes. Sections 373.616 and 373.6161, F.S. Chapter 373 recognizes that an important aspect of water resource planning and allocation is a determination of the extent and limits of the state's water resources. Section 373.042, F.S., directs the districts and DEP to establish minimum flows for all surface watercourses and minimum water levels for surface waters and groundwaters within their respective jurisdictional areas. "Minimum flow" refers to the limit for a watercourse (e.g., a river or stream) at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources or ecology of the area. Similarly, "minimum water level" is statutorily defined as the level of groundwater in an aquifer and the level of surface water (e.g., a lake) at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources of the area. The statute does not require that minimum flows and levels ("MFLs") be established by rule, nor does it provide time limitations within which they must be set. MFLs must be calculated using the best information available and may reflect seasonal variations when appropriate. Section 373.042, F.S. The establishment of MFLs is intended to provide districts with baseline information to utilize in the water permitting process, and it provides a way to include public purposes, such as recreation, wildlife protection and ecological protection, in the water allocation process. In addition, MFLs can provide local governments and potential consumptive use permittees with advance notice of the locations and amounts of available water supplies. See, Sections 373.0391-.0395, F.S. Rule 62-40.473(2) of the State Water Policy provides that minimum flows and levels established by a water management district shall be "a consideration where relevant to...the 14 issuance of [consumptive use] permits." As discussed in more detail in Section IV below, one of the primary issues in the pending cases is the District's endeavor to establish a minimum aquifer level for the Upper Floridan Aquifer System in an area designated by the District as the Southern Water Use Caution Area or the SWUCA. This effort is the District's first attempt to set a minimum aquifer level by administrative rule. The proposed minimum aquifer level would be 15 based upon measurements of the potentiometric surface of the aquifer. There are a number of complex scientific and legal issues involved in the establishment and implementation of such a level. Some of these issues are addressed in Section IV and V below. In 1974, the Legislature authorized the creation of regional water supply authorities to develop, recover, store, and supply water for local governments "in such a manner as will give priority to reducing adverse environmental effects of excessive or improper withdrawals of water from concentrated areas." See, Section 373.1962, F.S. As the collective agent for member local governments, a regional water supply authority obtains water use permits, develops wellfields or other sources of water, and wholesales the water produced to its member governments for retailing to consumers within each member's jurisdiction. The West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority ("West Coast") -- the first in Florida -- was established in October 1974, by agreement among its five voting numbers: Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties and the Cities of St. Petersburg and Tampa. The City of New Port Richey is a non-voting member of the West Coast governing board. West Coast supplies potable (drinking) water to much of the Tampa Bay metropolitan area. About 90 percent of the population in these areas, more than two million residents, rely upon water supplied by West Coast and its member governments. 2. History of the District's Water Use Permitting Program Part II of Chapter 373, which was enacted as part of the Water Resources Act of 1972, governs the permitting of the consumptive use of water. It directs the districts to adopt a program for the issuance of permits to ensure that a proposed water use is consistent with the general objectives of the district and not harmful to area water resources. See, Sections 373.216 and 373.219(1), F.S. A consumptive use permit applicant must establish that the proposed use: "(a) Is a reasonable- beneficial use as defined in Section 373.091(4); (b) Will not interfere with any presently existing legal use of water; and (c) Is consistent with the public interest." Section 373.223(1), F.S. This statutory basis for issuing permits is commonly referred to as the "Three-Prong Test." "Reasonable-beneficial use" is defined as "the use of water in such quantity as is necessary for economic and efficient utilization for a purpose and in a manner which is both reasonable and consistent with the public interest." Section 373.019(4), F.S. For each water management district, the development and implementation of an accurate, effective, and cost-efficient water use regulatory process has been an immensely complicated task because of the numerous variables that must be considered, e.g., disparate hydrogeology, unpredictable rainfall and climatic changes, land use modifications, and shifts in the location, amounts, and seasons of water use. By necessity, a district's permitting rules must be general enough to accommodate the diverse needs and conditions throughout its jurisdiction, yet specific enough to accomplish statutory directives while providing the regulated public with adequate notice of criteria and standards to be applied during permit application review. The District's implementation of a consumptive use permitting program has been further hindered by the absence of detailed and reliable scientific information on the extent of groundwater withdrawals occurring at the time the permitting program was first adopted, and the condition and workings of groundwater systems in the District. The lack of reliable, uncontroverted scientific information complicates the water use permitting process, where attempts to incorporate a "range" of possibilities to account for scientific uncertainty can result in regulation that is unpredictable to the potential or existing permittee and ineffective in its protection of the resource. To place the current rule challenges in perspective, it is helpful to briefly review the history of the District's efforts to implement a water use permitting program and prior administrative proceedings regarding those efforts. The District's initial consumptive use permitting rules became effective January 1, 1975 (the "1975 Rules"). Then-existing uses of water (that were not otherwise exempt from regulation) could continue after adoption of the rules, but only with a permit issued by the District. An initial permit for the continuation of an existing use was issued if the water use met what was commonly referred to as the "Two-Prong Test," which required that the existing water consumption be a reasonable-beneficial use and allowable under the common law of Florida. See, Section 373.226, F.S. An existing user had to apply for an initial water use permit within two years after the effective date of the District's implementing rules. Failure to apply for a consumptive use permit within the two-year period resulted in a statutory "conclusive presumption" that the existing use had been abandoned. Id. The 1975 Rules were based on a "water crop approach," i.e., a water withdrawal would be permitted on the basis of the total amount of water generally available for consumptive use throughout the District in proportion to the amount of land owned or controlled by the applicant. Under Rule 16J-2.11(3), F.A.C. (1975) (the "Water Crop Rule"), the District's evaluation of a consumptive use permit application involved calculating the "water crop" attributable to the applicant's property -- quite 16 simply, the total annual rainfall less evapotranspiration in the District, times the acreage owned or controlled by the 17 applicant. The Water Crop Rule was challenged and declared invalid on the grounds that it created a water "property right" in contravention of Chapter 373 and imposed a non-statutory permit qualification that made water withdrawals dependent upon the amount of property owned or controlled by the applicant. Although the District claimed that it used the water crop calculation only as a threshold application inquiry, it was concluded that the issuance of a consumptive use permit under the Water Crop Rule ultimately was dependent upon the size of an applicant's land-holdings. Because this methodology for permitting water withdrawals involved allocation of the resource on the basis of property ownership or control rather than its reasonable-beneficial use, it was deemed to be contrary to Chapter 373. In addition, the water crop methodology was found to be hydrologically unsound as a means of determining the amount of water that could be safely withdrawn from a specific piece of property. See, Pinellas County v. Southwest Florida Water Management District, (DOAH Case No. 79-2393R) 2 Fla. Admin. L. Rep. 547-A (1980). In 1980, the District proposed rule revisions that (a) listed several factors that the District would consider in determining whether a proposed withdrawal would be "in the public interest" and (b) established a rebuttable presumption that a proposed use of less than 1,000 gallons-per-acre-per-day would be consistent with the public interest. The proposals were challenged on some of the same grounds asserted in the Water Crop Rule challenges as well as on vagueness grounds since the rule did not describe the effect that would be attributed to the various factors. The rule challenges were rejected in West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority v. Southwest Florida Water Management District, (DOAH Case No. 80-1004R), 4 Fla. Admin. L. (1982). Rep. 1858-A 18 After the proceedings on the Water Crop Rule and the subsequent list-of-factors rule revisions, District permit application evaluation relied on the listed factors and the following provision, commonly referred to as the "5-3-1 Rule," which had been adopted as part of the 1975 Rules: 40D-2.301 Conditions for Issuance of Permits [formerly 16J-2.11(4)(b)-(d), F.A.C.] * * * The withdrawal of water: * * * Must not cause the level of the potentiometric surface under lands not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the applicant to be lowered more than five feet (5'). Must not cause the level of the water table under lands not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the applicant to be lowered more than three feet (3'). Must not cause the level of the surface of water in any lake or other impoundment to be lowered more than one foot (1') unless the lake or impoundment is wholly owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the applicant. The 5-3-1 Rule was challenged pursuant to Section 120.56, F.S., on the grounds that the mandatory nature of the rule did not account for site-specific variations in rainfall, evapotranspiration, aquifer recharge, runoff, soil and vegetation types, or porosity of the underlying substratum or aquifer. The District claimed that it did not apply the 5-3-1 Rule as a mandatory restriction on permit issuance, but rather used the provision as a threshold guideline to identify those applications requiring site-specific evaluation. Although the District Governing Board routinely granted exceptions to the 5-3-1 Rule, neither the rule nor the District provided permit applicants with written guidelines or policies by which the applicant could anticipate how the rule compliance determination would be made. The 5-3-1 Rule was declared invalid on May 17, 1988, in West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority v. Southwest Florida Water Management District, (DOAH Case No. 88-0693R), 10 Fla. Admin. L. Rep. 4239 (1988) ("Although the District has chosen to administer the 5-3-1 Rule as a guideline, by its very terms...the 5-3-1 Rule is written as a mandatory uniform prohibition." Id. at 4250). In 1989, the District proposed the adoption of substantial modifications to its consumptive use permitting rules. These proposals were developed by a "Rules Revision Committee" which was comprised of senior District staff and legal counsel. The Rules Revision Committee received scientific and technological assistance from numerous District experts and also obtained input from special advisory committees established for public supply, industry and agriculture. The proposals sought to accomplish a number of goals including the development of mechanisms to: (a) streamline permitting procedures and allow District staff to focus on the review of larger permits with the greatest potential for impact; (b) take into account cumulative impacts in permitting decisions; and (c) consider on-site environmental impacts. Prior to the 1989 proposals, the District's consumptive use permitting rules were effectively non-cumulative, i.e., the District's evaluation of a permit application considered only impacts generated by the proposed use. The 1989 revisions were the District's first attempt to provide a basis for analyzing the cumulative impacts of water withdrawals during the permit application review process. According to the District, however, its ability to accurately evaluate the cumulative impacts associated with a proposed use was limited by the scientific data and modeling programs available at the time the rules were being developed. The 1989 proposals also represented the first time that the District sought to take into consideration on-site environmental impacts as part of permitting decisions. After several public workshops and formal adoption by the District Governing Board, the new rules (collectively referred to as the "1989 Rules") went into effect on October 1, 1989. Codified at Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C., the rules describe the District's application requirements and exemptions and set forth criteria and procedures for the review, issuance, modification, 19 revocation, and transfer of a water use permit ("WUP"). The 1989 Rules incorporate by reference a document called the Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications (the "Basis of Review" or "BOR"). See, Rule 40D-2.091, F.A.C. As discussed in more detail below, the Basis of Review includes "performance standards" for several of the water use permitting conditions adopted by the District. In addition, the Basis of Review includes hydrologic presumptions relating to wetlands, lakes, streams, and affected wells, which served as screening guidelines or thresholds between acceptable and unacceptable environmental impacts. As part of these proceedings, the District's general use of presumptions and several individual presumptions have been challenged. These issues are discussed in Section VI below. With a few notable modifications (e.g., adoption of specific provisions governing various water use caution areas), the 1989 Rules form the basis of the District's current water use regulatory program. It does not appear that any challenge to the 1989 Rules was pursued prior to initiation of the instant consolidated cases. District Evaluation of Water Use Permit Application Conditions for Issuance Since adoption of the 1989 Rules, the District has evaluated a water use permit application by measuring the proposal against fourteen interpretive criteria that are contained in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(a-n), F.A.C., entitled "Conditions for Issuance of Permits" (the "Conditions for Issuance"). The District currently applies the Conditions for Issuance to applications for new water uses, as well as to those seeking renewal of an existing water use permit. The rule provides as follows: 40D-2.301 Conditions for Issuance of Permits. In order to obtain a Water Use Permit, an Applicant must demonstrate that the water use is reasonable and beneficial, is in the public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water, by providing reasonable assurances, on both an individual and a cumulative basis, that the water use: Is necessary to fulfill a certain reasonable demand; Will not cause quantity or quality changes which adversely impact the water resources, including both surface and ground waters; Will not cause adverse environmental impacts to wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife or other natural resources; Will not cause water levels or rates of flow to deviate from the ranges set forth in Chapter 40D-8; Will utilize the lowest water quality the Applicant has the ability to use; Will not significantly induce saline water intrusion; Will not cause pollution of the aquifer; Will not adversely impact offsite land uses existing at the time of the application; Will not adversely impact an existing legal withdrawal; Will utilize local water resources to the greatest extent practicable; Will incorporate water conservation measures; Will incorporate reuse measures to the greatest extent practicable; Will not cause water to go to waste; and Will not otherwise be harmful to the water resources within the District. Although the rule provides that an applicant must provide reasonable assurances that a proposed water use complies with the conditions for issuance on both an "individual and cumulative basis," the District currently has a limited ability to analyze cumulative impact. Some of the details and limitations of the modeling tools and other analysis techniques are more specifically discussed below. Although the specific permit criteria contained in the Conditions for Issuances are not directly linked to the individual requirements of the Three-Prong Test, they are intended by the District to implement that statutory test. Under the District's current interpretation, a water use permit will be issued only if all fourteen criteria in the Conditions for Issuances are met. Several of the conditions have been challenged in these proceedings and are discussed in Section VI below. To evaluate whether a proposed use would comply with the fourteen criteria, the District relies on its Water Use Permit Information Manual (the "Permit Manual"), which includes the Basis of Review as Part II of "Part B." In addition, the Permit Manual includes "Part III (Part C), the Water Use Design Aids" (the "Design Aids" or "Part C"). The Design Aids delineate methods acceptable to the District for analyzing impacts which may result from withdrawals. As discussed below, much of the analysis is predicted on the use of modeling. As previously noted, the District has incorporated the Basis of Review into Chapter 40D-2 by reference in Rule 40D- 2.091, F.A.C. The District has not, however, incorporated the Design Aids into its water use permitting rules, and there are currently no pending efforts to adopt Part C as a rule. Some Petitioners have alleged that the District's failure to adopt the Design Aids as a rule violates Section 120.535, F.S. (1993). This issue is addressed in Section IX below. Permit Review Process Under Section 120.60(2), the District has ninety days to approve or reject a WUP application once it is deemed complete. The District's time for consideration of an application is further limited by its collegial decision-making process, since the Governing Board usually meets only once each month to address a noticed agenda. In part to accommodate these time constraints, the District has structured its permitting rules and review mechanisms to distinguish and quickly process applications for permits that individually are less likely to cause adverse impacts, thereby allowing staff more time for the review of impact-intensive applications. However, absent some mechanism to ensure consideration of the cumulative impacts of all water withdrawals the District's selective review approach can lead to the continued issuance of lower-volume permits even when the total quantity of water being withdrawn from the resource exceeds its "safe yield." This problem is particularly troublesome when the resource is a highly transmissive aquifer or is substantially interconnected with other aquifers and surface water features. Prior to the submission of a WUP application, an applicant may participate in one or more pre-application conferences with staff to identify and discuss particularly complex permitting issues. The District says it generally encourages such conferences, especially for larger permits, so the applicant can ascertain the information and data that should be submitted in support of the application, and so the District can become familiar with details of the proposed use and thus make best use of the limited review time allowed after an application is filed. Upon receipt of a WUP application, the District's permit evaluators review the application and supporting data submitted by the applicant along with any other site-specific information that is available. If District staff determines that the application is not complete or if they have questions concerning the application, the District may request additional information from the applicant which has the effect of tolling the 90-day permit review clock. District staff will occasionally perform a site inspection, especially if significant wetlands or other surface water bodies are involved. The District says full-blown biological assessment of every proposed withdrawal site is a practical impossibility because of the hundreds of WUP applications received each year. Once the District determines that the WUP application is complete, the permit reviewer completes an analysis and issues a staff report indicating whether the District's permit requirements have been met and recommends proposed agency action to grant or deny the application. The staff recommendation is then presented to the District's Governing Board, which ultimately decides whether to issue the WUP. Section 6.0 of the Basis of Review sets forth standard conditions placed on all WUPs issued by the District and lists a number of special conditions that may be applied to different use types and scenarios. The standard permit conditions impose upon a permit holder a continuing obligation to meet the Three-Prong Test or face the prospect of revocation of the permit. If necessitated by the size and location of a proposed withdrawal, the District may require extensive monitoring as a condition for permit approval. As part of its permit compliance monitoring, the District compares the information gathered from monitor sites with the predictions modeled during the permit application review process. This procedure has enabled the District to improve the predictive analysis of its computer modeling. Performance Standards and Presumptions Section 4 of the Basis of Review contains thirteen subsections, each of which corresponds to one of the Conditions 20 for Issuances found in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(a-n). The District categorizes the Conditions for Issuance as either "demand-related" or "impact-related." For impact-related conditions, Section 4 of the BOR includes performance standards and presumptions. The performance standards are generally narrative, qualitative factors that delineate the broad objectives of the criteria. The presumptions are specific numerical thresholds that serve as a demarcation between acceptable and unacceptable impacts in determining whether a 21 particular Condition for Issuance has been met. BOR Section 4.0, titled "Conditions for Issuance -- Technical Criteria," includes the following preliminary statement: This Chapter provides guidelines for determining whether a water use meets the Conditions for Issuance set forth in Rule 40D- 2.301. If the criteria described in this Chapter are not met, Applicants may consider reduction of withdrawal quantities, a pumpage rotation schedule, mitigation, or other means to bring a proposed use into compliance with the Conditions for Issuance. For some criteria, presumptions have been developed to facilitate evaluation. If site-specific information is provided which demonstrates that the presumption is incorrect, this information will be used to evaluate compliance with the performance standards. If the WUP applicant satisfies (i.e., does not exceed) the BOR presumption for a particular impact-related criteria, the District presumes that the proposed use meets the BOR performance standards and the corresponding Condition for Issuance in Rule 40D-2.301(1), unless site-specific information is available to the contrary. The District also applies the inverse of the BOR presumptions for impact-related criteria in its review process. In other words, if a presumptive threshold is exceeded, the District presumes that the proposed withdrawal violates the applicable BOR performance standard. The District's rules do not specifically explain that the inverse of the presumptions will be applied during permit application evaluation, nor do the rules provide any guidance regarding the type and/or extent of evidence necessary to overcome application of the inverse of the presumptions. If a BOR presumptive threshold is exceeded, the District says it will consider additional site-specific information to determine whether or not an unacceptable adverse impact is likely to occur. Site-specific data can be developed and provided by the applicant, the District, or an interested third party. For large water production facilities (e.g., wellfields), site-specific data may be obtained from test wells drilled in strategic locations. See, Rule 40D-2.051(1)(e), F.A.C. The District contends that it only uses the BOR presumptions as "guidelines," and that site-specific information can sometimes provide the reasonable assurances necessary for approval of a WUP application. In certain circumstances, the District will issue a permit and require monitoring to ensure that the performance standards are met and/or that unacceptable adverse impacts do not occur. The District also says there have been situations where the BOR presumptive thresholds were not exceeded, but site-specific information convinced District staff that the applicant could not provide reasonable assurances that the performance standards would not be violated. When a third party challenges the issuance of a permit that satisfies or does not exceed a presumption and the District is not aware of site-specific information that contravenes or contradicts the presumption, the District requires the challenging third party to provide additional site-specific information or some other evidence to show that the performance standards would be exceeded. Thus, the presumptions can, in effect, be relied upon to establish a prima facie case of entitlement to a WUP. The District suggests that this use of the presumptions prevents a third party from capriciously challenging a permit. If site-specific information is presented, the District maintains that the presumption essentially becomes irrelevant. This conclusion is not clear from the face of the rules or the BOR. According to the District, the presumptions facilitate efficient application review by separating nominal- impact withdrawals from large, impact-intensive withdrawals. The District maintains that the BOR presumptions do not constitute rigid minimum thresholds that applicants must meet in all cases and that the presumptions do not supersede the performance standards. The District's use of presumptions as a tool within the regulatory permitting process has been the source of considerable controversy in these proceedings. The District asserts that the presumptions minimize the need for each applicant to conduct detailed studies to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with the Conditions for Issuance. The District claims the regulated public has been largely supportive of the District's use of presumptions and the degree of predictability they provide to the permitting process. This support is not surprising since, as discussed below, the presumptions result in only the very largest users having to address the impact-related conditions. Without presumptions, the District is concerned that the permitting process would be more arduous and time-consuming for both the District and the applicant and the process might present an insurmountable financial hardship to some applicants who could not afford to hire consultants to conduct site-specific ecological surveying or monitoring. The District argues that applicants with "deep pockets" would have an advantage in the permitting process if there were no presumptions because only they could afford to hire consultants to provide detailed data to assist the District's evaluation of a proposed use. Unfortunately, the BOR presumptions as currently written are not limited to use as a screening tool. The District acknowledges that in certain regions or areas it may not be appropriate to apply the BOR presumptions. In the northern Tampa Bay region, for example, the District claims it has sufficient knowledge of actual conditions (i.e., that existing withdrawals have caused unacceptable adverse environmental impacts), that it no longer uses the BOR presumptions when reviewing permit applications within that region. Similarly, in other areas -- such as the Southern Water Use Caution Area -- where it may be necessary to limit access to a water resource because of perceived adverse impacts, the District may not use the BOR presumptions to evaluate WUP applications. However, on the face of the rules, the presumptions would still be applicable, and it would be up to the District to prove site-specific conditions that rendered them inappropriate. As discussed in more detail in Section VI below, most of the BOR presumptions are based upon broad generalizations or correlations rather than specific scientific relationships. While a screening mechanism may be helpful in distinguishing withdrawals that warrant closer scrutiny, the BOR presumptions lack an adequate scientific foundation to be used as a basis for concluding that a specific withdrawal will or will not have a significant impact on a particular resource. To the extent that the presumptions are used to determine factual issues on a site- specific basis, they impermissibly shift the burden of proof from an applicant. In sum, the evidence indicates there is confusion and uncertainty as to when and how the presumptions can be used and whether they can serve as affirmative evidence. In the current rules and Basis of Review, the District's use of presumptions is unacceptably vague and results in the exercise of unbridled discretion by the agency. The Water Use Design Aids and Levels of Analysis Withdrawing water from an aquifer causes drawdowns or reductions in the potentiometric surface of the aquifer. The extent of a drawdown is sometimes referred to as the "cone of influence" or "cone of depression," which can be depicted graphically as a series of contour lines extending outward from the withdrawal site reflecting the amount of change in the potentiometric surface caused by the withdrawal. The radius of the cone increases as the quantity of water withdrawn increases. The extent of the cone or the "propagation" of the drawdown from a particular withdrawal is dependent upon the site of withdrawal and the characteristics of the aquifer from which the withdrawal is made. Because a small-quantity withdrawal will have a smaller cone of influence and impact radius compared to a large- quantity withdrawal, the District contends that its application review process appropriately requires less extensive review for small proposed withdrawals, thereby focusing staff resources on large proposed withdrawals, which are most likely to have significant impacts. The Water Use Design Aids (Part C of the Water Use Permit Manual) describe computer modeling and analysis techniques that the District deems acceptable for analyzing the projected impacts from a withdrawal and evaluating whether or not a proposed water use will comply with the Condition for Issuances. The Design Aids are not utilized in connection with applications for water use permits seeking to withdraw less than 100,000 gallons per day ("GPD") on an annual average basis. See, Section 373.118, F.S. and Rule 40D-2.041, F.A.C. The District has concluded these "general" permits will not cause unacceptable 22 impacts on an individual basis. For all other applications, 23 the District's evaluation begins with the Design Aids. The District claims the Design Aids are simply a "help manual" to aid applicants in designing a withdrawal system that meets the Condition for Issuance, and that the Design Aids do not independently require anything from an applicant or impose any requirements beyond those otherwise set forth in the District's rules. The District asserts that an applicant is not required to use the modeling programs contained in the Design Aids and is free to propose its own methodology to demonstrate compliance with the Basis of Review and Conditions for Issuance. It does not appear that any applicant for a WUP has ever tried to utilize an approach other than the Design Aids methodology. Even if an alternative were proposed, the evidence establishes that the District would still apply the Design Aids analysis to the application and would compare the results with any alternative proposed. There are two groundwater flow models generally used by the District in reviewing WUP applications: the Jacob- Hantush Analytical Model (the "J-H Model") and the MODFLOW Model ("MODFLOW"). The J-H Model contains several simplifying assumptions, e.g., that the Floridan aquifer is inexhaustible and that the water table aquifer is fixed and not impacted by groundwater withdrawals. The MODFLOW was developed by the United States Geological Survey ("USGS") and has been the industry standard for groundwater modeling for the past ten years. It does not contain the same limiting assumptions as the J-H Model. With MODFLOW, boundary conditions can be delineated, and the water table aquifer can be represented as an active unit that can be affected by an underlying aquifer drawdown. MODFLOW can simulate changes in a hydrological system from a selected initial surface by calculating estimated drawdown contours at the end of a given simulation period under certain withdrawal conditions. Depending on the parameters used, MODFLOW can provide some ability to consider cumulative impacts, at least on a limited basis. These regulatory models are strictly "drawdown" models that analyze the impact of a proposed withdrawal without considering other variables that will also affect the hydrological system. These models are used only to assess the additional stress that is placed upon a system as a result of the modeled water withdrawal. Neither model should be used to predict the actual results of a withdrawal. Some Petitioners have objected to the District's use of "non-calibrated" impact or stress models - that is, models that are not standardized with defined or fixed parameters - for regulatory purposes. A reasonably constructed stress model that uses the best available data and appropriate time periods can be helpful in analyzing the additional stress upon a specific water resource caused by particular withdrawal or proposed withdrawal. A non-calibrated impact model is significantly less complex and costly than a calibrated model, which necessarily incorporates substantially more data and the accuracy of which is limited by the parameters and time periods used in calibration. However, a non-calibrated impact model has a limited ability to provide a cumulative analysis. The limitations of these models must be considered when they are utilized for regulatory purposes. The District's evaluation of a WUP application begins with the "Level 1 -- Basic Analysis" described in Section Aids C-1 of the Design 24 ("Level 1 Analysis") which analyzes the WUP applicant's requested withdrawal to estimate if its projected impacts will exceed the specified thresholds. If the model simulation shows that the projected drawdown is below the Level 1 threshold, and there is no site- specific information to the contrary, the District concludes, without further analysis, that the impact-related performance standards and presumptions in the Basis of Review have been met. The WUP application is then recommended for approval provided the proposed use complies with the non-impact-related conditions for issuance, e.g., it uses the lowest quality water available, avoids impacts to existing offsite land uses, employs conservation methods, incorporates reuse measures, etc. According to the District, the Level 1 Analysis thresholds are not specifically related to the BOR presumptions, but the District believes that a withdrawal that does not exceed the Level 1 threshold is unlikely, by itself, to exceed any of the 25 BOR presumptions. A permit application is not subject to any cumulative impact analysis if the proposed withdrawal satisfies the Level 1 Analysis. The District contends that the Level 1 thresholds are sufficiently low so that, when met, a proposed withdrawal is unlikely to significantly impact the water resources 26 of the area or exceed the Basis of Review presumptions. The District notes that modeling limitations and the varying hydrogeologic characteristics throughout the District make it difficult to conduct any cumulative impact analysis. In areas where the District determines that performance standards are not being met, the District says it will not apply the Level 1 Analysis. In fact, in some areas where the performance standards are not being met, the District says it has determined additional quantities of water should not be permitted, and it will apparently not apply any portion of the Design Aids, regardless of the size of the proposed withdrawal. There are no clearly articulated standards or guidelines for when the Design Aids will be applied and when they won't. As discussed in Section IX below, the introductory language to the Design Aids states that the Withdrawal Impact Analysis set forth therein will be applied to all applications. If the Level 1 Analysis of a proposed use reflects a potential drawdown in excess of the Level 1 thresholds, the proposed withdrawal is then evaluated under the Level 2 Comprehensive Analysis ("Level 2 Analysis") which is also Aids. described in Section C-1 of the Design 27 Under a Level 2 Analysis, the District seeks a more detailed understanding of the likely impacts of a withdrawal by modeling an applicant's requested withdrawal with other existing permitted contour withdrawals.First, a computer model is run to determine the one-foot drawdown 28 of the proposed withdrawal, i.e., the area where the projected drawdown of the aquifer's potentiometric surface is projected to drop by one foot or more as a result of the withdrawal. Then, all existing withdrawals within this contour area are added and the model is run again to assess what has been referred to in these proceedings as the "limited cumulative impact." The analysis is "limited" in the sense that the model does not depict the cumulative impacts of all withdrawals within the region. The results of the Level 2 Analysis are applied to the presumptions and performance standards in the BOR. If the projected drawdowns do not exceed the presumptions, the District will conclude that the performance standards of BOR Section 4.0 have been met. If it has site-specific evidence to the contrary, the District will disregard the presumptions. In addition, if the requested water use lies within a designated water use caution area (a "WUCA",) the application would be further evaluated in accordance with the particular rules adopted for the area. If the Level 2 Analysis projects a drawdown in excess of the presumptions, the District will proceed to examine site-specific conditions to determine whether or not the proposed withdrawal could nonetheless meet the performance standards BOR. contained in the 29 If a comprehensive site-specific analysis indicates that the proposed withdrawal will not comply with the performance standards, the District will consider the possibility that placing limiting conditions on the permit might enable the applicant to provide the reasonable assurances required by the Condition for Issuances. If limiting conditions are not possible, District staff will recommend denial of the permit. The applicant could then modify the withdrawal application or provide additional site-specific information that would otherwise provide the reasonable assurances required. The District's failure to adopt the Design Aids as a rule has been challenged in these proceedings. Additional issues pertinent to those challenges are discussed in Section IX below. In response to these contentions, the District points out that, in addition to computer modeling, it uses other tools to assess the potential impact of a proposed withdrawal, including historical changes in water levels in the vicinity of the withdrawal and on-site hydrological and environmental conditions. For permit renewals, the District also considers records that may be available from monitoring requirements on withdrawal amounts and water levels. While those factors are considered on a case- by-case basis, it is clear that the computer modeling and analysis reflected in the Design Aids is an integral part of the District's regulatory strategy. Regional Models With respect to regional problems, the Design Aids provide as follows: Regional Cumulative Impacts - In addition to assessing the cumulative impacts in the immediate area of withdrawals, as discussed above, regional cumulative impacts of withdrawals may be assessed through the use of regional analysis. This regional analysis may be aided by the use of regional models, or a District-wide model, to assess and predict stressed areas on a large-scale. [Emphasis added.] The District maintains that the regional cumulative impacts of withdrawals can best be addressed (when necessary) through the designation of a "water use caution area" ("WUCA") and the development of special rules for the area where regional water problems have been identified. In many of the areas where the District is concerned about the cumulative impact of water withdrawals, it has been trying to develop regional computer models. However, a regional groundwater flow model is not currently an accurate means of predicting localized impacts of a proposed water withdrawal. This approach has been followed in the northern Tampa Bay area, where management of the overall regional water withdrawal impact problem is currently under review as part of the plan. District's development of a regional management 30 The Northern Tampa Bay Regional Groundwater Flow Model (NTBRGFM) is an example of a regional groundwater flow model that has been developed and used by the District to formulate a regional regulatory strategy. It uses the MODFLOW code and seeks to simulate the actual hydrological system. It tries to account for the status of the surficial aquifer and two different layers of the Floridan Aquifer, and includes the confining beds that separate each aquifer. Information that may be programmed in the model includes data regarding net aquifer recharge from rainfall (after evaporation and runoff have been substracted), lateral groundwater flow, and artificial recharge resulting from irrigation. Data on transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and physical attributes of the aquifer system can also be utilized. While some of the parties argued there were problems or flaws with the NTBRGFM, the validity of that model is beyond the scope of this proceeding. The evidence established that a properly constructed and reasonably calibrated regional model is the best tool currently available to predict regional responses to groundwater withdrawal. There are limitations, however, on the usefulness of the information currently provided by regional models. Such models are incapable of simulating precise water levels on a specific basis. Moreover, alterations and the unpredictability of drainage and land use limit the usefulness of regional models in predicting changes to the surficial aquifer. Thus, such models are generally not helpful in reaching individual permitting decisions. An "integrated model" represents another step forward in the complexity of computer models, but such models are not currently in general use or utilized by the District for regulatory purposes. An "integrated model" - which attempts to account for both groundwater and surface water systems in its simulations - is a very complicated and costly model to develop and use. It requires tremendous amounts of high-quality data to be effective or practical. The District has contracted for the development of an integrated model, but it will be two to four years before sufficient data is acquired for the model to be useful. The precise manner in which this integrated model can be used on a cost-effective basis is unclear at this time. 4. Establishment of Minimum Flows and Levels in the District As noted above, Section 373.042, F.S., directs each water management district to establish minimum flows and levels ("MFLs") for surface water bodies, watercourses, and aquifers within their respective jurisdictions. While MFLs can provide a baseline against which the cumulative effect of water withdrawals can be measured, the establishment of a minimum flow or level for any particular water body or course can be an immensely complicated task. Moreover, the interdependency between groundwater and surface water - which varies greatly throughout the District and fluctuates as climate and hydrologic conditions change - is only beginning to be understood. This interdependency can greatly affect how MFLs can be used for regulatory purposes. While the scientific understanding of the systems is improving, the District has been required to regulate water withdrawals to address the needs of the population and industries that, in some cases, began using the resource well before the Water Resources Act of 1972 directed districts to establish consumptive use permitting programs. The statutory directive to establish MFLs was included in the Water Resources Act when it was enacted by the Florida Legislature in 1972. The District, like the other districts in the state, has not yet established MFLs for many watercourses and lakes, or any of the aquifers within its boundaries. Several parties have attacked the District's failure to establish MFLs on a comprehensive, district-wide basis for all aquifers and surface-water bodies. In response, the District points to the enormous diversity of hydrogeologic conditions throughout the District, the complexity and expense of the scientific effort necessary to establish MFLs, the extent and intricacy of the District's other regulatory duties, and the limited personnel and financial resources available to the District for the implementation of those responsibilities. The propriety of the District's prioritization of its regulatory duties during the twenty-something years since enactment of the Water Resources Act is beyond the scope of these proceedings. Instead, this proceeding is limited to an examination of whether the District's existing and proposed rules, including the proposed minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA, are within the scope of the District's delegated legislative authority. The extensive, technical and scientific evidence presented during these proceedings, does, however, confirm the immense complexity involved in the establishment of a minimum aquifer level. The District has made substantially more progress on establishing minimum levels for surface waters than it has in establishing minimum aquifer levels. More precise data is available on surface water fluctuations, because water volumes for lakes, rivers, streams, and springs are usually easier to calculate than groundwater volumes. Groundwater systems are much more amorphous and difficult to measure and monitor. Since 1977, the District has maintained a staffed program to adopt management levels for lakes throughout the District. The objective of the program is to identify a series of levels that represent a range of healthy fluctuations for each lake, which can be used for regulatory and resource management purposes. The lake management levels have been based upon historical lake-level fluctuations which generally factor out seasonal fluctuations and impacts from groundwater withdrawals. At the time of the 1989 Rule Revisions, the District had adopted "regulatory" or management levels for 334 lakes; at the time of hearing, minimum levels had been adopted for more than 370 lakes - - approximately eighty percent of the lakes in the District having more than twenty acres. The District has conducted studies on every major river within its jurisdiction, and regulatory minimum flows are in effect for three: the Little Manatee River (since 1975), the Peace River (since 1980), and the Manatee River (since 1984). Minimum flows have not been established for four impounded watercourses in the District that currently support major withdrawals: the Hillsborough and Braden Rivers, Shell Creek, and Big Slough Canal. Dams were built or impoundments established on these rivers years before the District had the authority to regulate water use. Thus, by the time the District first adopted rules governing water use in 1975, the public was already relying extensively on these systems. Ecological studies are currently being conducted on the Hillsborough and Braden Rivers, and Shell Creek Big Slough Canal and will be evaluated by the District as part of the renewal process for permits on those watercourses. With respect to streams and other flowing watercourses, the District has not adopted individual minimum flows by rule. The District has established in some water use permits allowable withdrawal rates that specify volumes of water that can be removed from a particular stream or other surface watercourse over various time intervals. The quantities allowed are typically expressed as "average daily" and "maximum daily" rates of withdrawal. In some of those permits, the District has also set regulatory minimum flows at which permitted withdrawals must cease entirely. Section 4.2.C of the Basis of Review includes a maximum ten percent reduction presumption for stream withdrawals. The District contends that this presumption, as implemented through the consumptive use permitting program, satisfies the requirements of Section 373.042 that it set minimum flow levels for streams. The ten percent threshold is intended to be measured against daily stream flow and is aimed at protecting the natural flow characteristics of streams. The stream flow presumption has been challenged by some of the Petitioners in this proceeding, including Charlotte and Pinellas Counties. The issues raised in those challenges are examined at length in Section VI. B. below. The proposed SWUCA minimum level is the first minimum aquifer level that the District has attempted to establish by rule. The District has imposed "regulatory" levels through the permitting process on the following five public-supply wellfields located in Hillsborough and Pasco Counties: Section 21, South Pasco, Cosme Odessa, Eldridge Wilde, and Cypress Creek. The intermediate aquifer poses some particularly difficult problems with respect to the establishment of a minimum level. Because there are a great number of zones and pockets within the intermediate aquifer, it is a practical impossibility to develop minimum levels for that groundwater at this time. To establish an appropriate minimum level for the intermediate aquifer, thousands of wells would have to be drilled in many different locations within a several-hundred-square-mile area to determine the location of various pockets of water and how they were interconnected. Similarly, the water table or surficial aquifer varies significantly throughout the District, making the establishment of a minimum level very difficult. Geography, Hydrology and Water Use in the District District Groundwater Basins and Aquifer Systems General Varying hydrogeology throughout the District influences groundwater location and accessibility. Along the coast, where a significant portion of the District's population is clustered, groundwater supplies are limited and primarily brackish. Differences in hydrogeological characteristics also influence the consequences of withdrawing fresh water from underground aquifers. Thus, a withdrawal in the northwestern part of the District will have significantly different impacts than the same size withdrawal in the southwestern part of the District. The Floridan Aquifer provides 90 percent of Florida's drinking water and underlies most of the state and a large portion of the Southeastern United States. The Floridan Aquifer is composed of porous rock (including limestone) that is laterally extensive throughout Florida and parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. A hydrological interconnection can exist throughout a region of the Floridan Aquifer system where there is a continuous distribution of porous rock with no geological barriers to lateral groundwater flow. The location and depth of the Floridan Aquifer below ground varies greatly within the District. It is close to the land surface in the northern part of the District, but it lies 600 feet or more below the land surface and is overlain by a clay confining layer in the southern area. In some areas, particularly in the southern part of the District, the surficial and/or intermediate aquifers are found between the land's surface and the Floridan Aquifer. Where the Floridan Aquifer is close to the surface (e.g., in Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough Counties), a withdrawal reduction in groundwater from the aquifer can directly affect surface waters and wetlands. From southern Hillsborough County through Manatee County, the Floridan Aquifer runs far beneath the surface, and the intermediate aquifer, encased in rock and clay, forms above it. Rainwater that is absorbed into the ground can serve to replenish or recharge an aquifer. Variations in geology affect an aquifer's recharge capability and rate as well as the potential for contamination or adverse impacts to natural systems as a result of groundwater withdrawals. There are areas in the District where recharge is poor because the aquifer is either very deep or the overlying soil is composed of clay or some other 31 non-porous substance. In such areas, water withdrawn from a confined aquifer can be replaced by horizontal flow within the aquifer. Basins A groundwater basin is generally defined as an area within which all of the groundwater is derived from rainfall and recharge from that area. As a general rule, rainfall and recharge that occur on one side of a groundwater basin divide tend to travel in one direction, while rainfall and recharge on the other side of the divide migrate in a different direction. A withdrawal from one location within a groundwater basin can affect water resources throughout the entire basin. While the measurable change that a withdrawal has at any particular location within a basin depends on the proximity of the withdrawal site to that location, withdrawals from within a groundwater basin affect the overall condition and/or potential of the water resource. There have been some variations and resulting confusion in the identification and nomenclature of groundwater basins in the District. In most depictions of groundwater basins prior to 1987, the District's jurisdictional area was divided into the Northern West-Central Florida Groundwater Basin ("NWCFGWB") and the Southern West-Central Florida Groundwater Basin ("SWCFGWB"). The boundary between the basins was a groundwater divide that generally ran in a westerly direction from the potentiometric "high" in the Green Swamp (located in northern Polk County), through another high in Pasco County, to a point on the west coast that lies within northwestern Pasco County. This delineation is consistent with and apparently based upon the United States Geological Service (USGS) Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis ("RASA") depictions of the Floridan Aquifer system. This configuration has been utilized by the District in many reports over the years and has been reflected in some District illustrations as late as 1993. As part of its investigation of water resource problems in certain areas, in particular the eastern Tampa Bay region, the District has identified an additional groundwater divide based on persistent groundwater flow lines in the Upper Floridan Aquifer System. This divide extends in a southwesterly direction from the Green Swamp potentiometric high to Tampa Bay and essentially splits the SWCFGWB into the "Central Basin" - lying north of the persistent flow line and encompassing much of the area now designated by the District as the Northern Tampa Bay WUCA") Water Use Caution Area ("NTB 32 - and - the "Southern Basin" lying south of the divide and roughly coinciding with the area currently designated by the District as the Southern Water 33 Use Caution Area ("SWUCA"). The District's recognition and delineation of two distinct groundwater basins within the SWCFGWB is not without precedent. Similar basin boundaries have been used by researchers as early as 1980. Several parties have objected to the District's delineation of the Southern Basin as a distinct hydrogeologic groundwater basin, noting that the USGS does not depict or officially designate the area as a separate basin on its potentiometric surface maps. However, the USGS focuses on major regional basins and views the Floridan Aquifer only from a macro perspective. The failure of the USGS maps to specifically depict the Southern Basin does not obviate the results of the District's analysis of groundwater flow lines. Persuasive evidence was adduced at the hearing to support the District's analysis and its delineation of the Southern Basin. In sum, the District currently identifies three groundwater basins within its jurisdictional area: the Northern, Basins. Central and Southern Groundwater 34 Each basin represents a hydrologically distinct groundwater flow system of the Upper Floridan Aquifer, with limited groundwater flow across basin boundaries. The groundwater divides are not absolute barriers to flow. Changes in potentiometric surface levels can affect the location of a basin divide and, absent a specific geologic barrier, the boundaries of a groundwater basin can fluctuate or shift with changing conditions. Theoretically, a withdrawal of water from the Central Basin could impact potentiometric levels within the Southern Basin. However, to have a noticeable impact, the withdrawal would have to be fairly significant and located close to the basin divide. The Central Basin is less confined than the Southern Basin and is generally described as "semi-confined." In other words, the groundwater aquifers are often directly connected to the water table and to surface water bodies. Consequently, withdrawals of groundwater in this area tend to impact wetlands and other surface water features more immediately and noticeably than withdrawals in the Southern Basin where the Floridan aquifer is more confined. While there is some interconnection between the Floridan Aquifer and the intermediate and/or surficial aquifer in certain areas of the Southern Basin, the District's studies indicate that the linkage is isolated and sporadic. Aquifers and Surface Water With regard to the quantity and availability of groundwater within its jurisdiction, the District completed initial "Groundwater Basin Resource Availability Inventory" reports on all but two of the counties within its region by 1988. The investigations undertaken in connection with this inventory helped the District to identify certain problem areas as discussed in Section III-C below. The District continues to assess and 35 update the report data. Within the District's boundaries, there are thirteen major rivers (five of which provide public water supply) and approximately 1,800 lakes measuring at least 10 acres. The productive groundwater system in the District consists primarily of the following three aquifers in descending order: the surficial, intermediate, and Upper Floridan. The depth of the aquifers varies greatly throughout the District. In some areas, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of the District, there is no intermediate aquifer. Different zones or pockets of relatively consistent geology have been identified for the intermediate and Floridan Aquifers in various areas of the District. The surficial aquifer extends downward from the land surface to the top of the upper confining bed of the underlying aquifer system. The surficial aquifer provides a base flow of water to rivers, lakes and streams and acts as a repository for water that is required for evapotranspiration and recharge to the underlying artesian aquifers. Discharge from the surficial aquifer occurs by seepage into lakes and streams, evapotranspiration, downward leakage into the underlying aquifers, and pumping. Lakes and wetlands are part of the surficial aquifer system, which is an important source of recharge to the Floridan Aquifer. In areas where the aquifers are not well- confined, groundwater withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer can induce the leakage of water from the surficial aquifer into the Floridan Aquifer, thereby lowering lake levels and/or reducing surface water flow. The intermediate aquifer system consists of all water bearing units and confining beds between the overlying surficial aquifers and underlying Floridan aquifer systems. Basically non-existent in Pasco County and sporadic along the Highlands Ridge, the intermediate aquifer system is used in varying degrees as a source of water in the Southern Basin. The formation begins about 15-20 miles south of the Pasco-Hillsborough County line, and the thickness of the water-bearing portion increases to about 300 feet at Charlotte County's southern 36 boundary. The Upper Floridan Aquifer System ("UFAS") is the most highly developed and productive limestone reservoir in west- central Florida, and is currently the lowest-cost source of high quality fresh water in southwest Florida, supplying water for public consumption, agriculture and industry for much of the 37 District, except in Charlotte County and the coastal area of Sarasota County. The UFAS consists primarily of porous limestone and dolomite units. As noted above, the degree of confinement of the UFAS changes between the Central and Southern Basins. The UFAS in the Central Basin is less confined with much greater connection between the UFAS and other aquifers and surface water features. The increasing confinement in the south is due to the thickening of the confining bed, the occurrence of the intermediate aquifer and the presence of a confining unit separating the intermediate from the UFAS. Generally, the base of the UFAS is the top of the middle confining unit of the Floridan Aquifer, which is sometimes called the evaporites. This relatively impermeable confining layer separates the overlying fresh water portion of the UFAS from the lower Floridan Aquifer which underlies much of the UFAS. The lower Floridan Aquifer is comprised of highly saline brine and is not a source of groundwater supply. While technologies exist for treating a wide range of low-quality water to drinking water standards, treatment becomes increasingly expensive as water quality falls. Water quality in the UFAS is generally very good above the evaporites, but it deteriorates at the base of the UFAS and toward the coast. As groundwater moves down-gradient in the UFAS, limestone, dolostone and gypsum units are dissolved. Groundwater near the bottom confining layer of the Upper Floridan has a high concentration of sulfates and total dissolved solids (TDS). In the coastal areas, chloride-rich seawater is located beneath the sulfate-rich groundwater, and water quality decreases with depth from the fresh, bicarbonate-rich groundwater above, through sulfate-rich saline water, to chloride-rich water of seawater origins. In other words, the saline water consists of a layer of mineralized water characterized by sulfate concentrations that are much higher than chloride concentrations. Seawater, which possesses chloride concentrations up to seven times greater than sulfate concentrations, exists below the mineralized water in the coastal areas. In the inland areas, seawater is generally not present in the UFAS but there is poor quality, highly mineralized water at the base of the aquifer. Chloride levels in the parts of the UFAS that have been completely flushed with fresh water are generally about 25 mg/liter. Seawater contains chloride concentrations of approximately 18,500 mg/liter and TDS levels (which include chloride, sulfate and other minerals) of approximately 35,000 mg/liter. The coastal water-quality transition zone between the fresh water and saltwater is interpreted by the District to begin at a chloride concentration of 1,000 mg/liter. Chloride concentrations above 1,000 mg/liter are non-potable and cause crop damage. The saline water which underlies the fresh water in the Floridan Aquifer is connected with the Gulf of Mexico through the aquifer system and has a relatively constant head (of pressure) nearly equivalent to sea level. The interface between the fresh and saline waters is not abrupt or sharp; it occurs over distances of one to several hundred feet. In other words, a zone of transition in water quality exists between the fresh and saline waters. When the pressure in the aquifer is reduced in the coastal areas, the transition zone between fresh water and saline water shifts. This movement of the interface causes what is commonly known as saltwater intrusion. The nature of this problem in the District is explored further in Section III C-1 a. below. Aquifers, such as the UFAS in west central Florida, that were filled with saline water during some geologic period(s) in the past can contain "connate water." Connate water was entrapped in sediment or the pore space of rock after its original deposition or the most recent retreat of the sea. Connate water is easily recognized by its chemical signature. Some of the parties have suggested that connate water explains much of the poor water quality currently being reported in the Southern Basin. The more persuasive evidence established that connate water is not present in significant volumes in an aquifer, such as the Southern Basin, that is interconnected and has experienced a high degree of flushing. Potentiometric Surfaces In a confined aquifer, the water in the pores of the rock is pressurized. The potentiometric level or surface at a particular point in an aquifer represents the total head in the aquifer at that point, and is made up of both the pressure head and the elevation head. The pressure head is a determination based upon the height to which a column of water would rise in a tightly confined well. The elevation head is a measure of water surface in relation to sea level. A potentiometric surface map consists of contour lines charted from well measurements of an aquifer in a particular geographic area. Potentiometric surface maps do not portray the distribution of pressures in the aquifer; rather, they depict the distribution of its total head, which is a reflection of the energy available to produce the movement of water. The earliest map of potentiometric surface levels in the District was prepared by Stringfield in the 1930's. In predevelopment " 1980, R.H. Johnston and others prepared a " 38 potentiometric surface (or "water level") map of the Upper Floridan aquifer system based upon the earlier Stringfield Map modified to reflect available information on changes that had occurred as a result of pumpage. While it is impossible to completely and accurately determine predevelopment groundwater levels, the more persuasive evidence established that the Johnston Map was based on the best available data and is a reasonable and the most reliable depiction of predevelopment conditions of the UFAS within the District. The USGS has a well-developed system of monitor wells for the UFAS and utilizes data from the wells to prepare potentiometric surface maps. It has contracted with the District to prepare potentiometric surface maps for the District twice each year. One map is based upon measurements taken in May, following what typically represents the dry season and the time of heavy agricultural pumping. The second map is prepared in September, following completion of the rainy season when withdrawals from the Upper Floridan are typically low. Aquifer Characteristics For the most part, in the areas pertinent to this proceeding, the UFAS is generally free of impediments to the lateral movement of water within the aquifer, although there are variations in District hydrogeology that influence how persistent flow patterns develop. Groundwater flow in the UFAS originates as rainfall that percolates downward. "Leakance" is a measure of the ease with which water flows through a confining unit into an aquifer. "Leakage" or "recharge" - the actual flow of water through the confining unit - can occur naturally when a gradient exists, or can be induced by the pumping of groundwater beneath the confining unit. In areas of high recharge, rainfall that is not lost to evapotranspiration eventually recharges the aquifer. In areas where there are subsurface confining layers reducing recharge capability, significant amounts of rainfall become run- off into streams or other surface waters. In a low-recharge area, such as eastern Tampa Bay, horizontal flow is the primary way in which water withdrawn from the aquifer is replaced. Depending on the head differentials, that flow can be saline water from the coast or fresh water from the east. A drop or reduction in the potentiometric surface of an aquifer can result in differing hydraulic heads among the various aquifers. Depending upon the geology at a particular site, the aquifers will tend to equilibrate, which can result in downward leakage (induced recharge) from the overlying aquifers resulting in lower amounts of surface water run-off. Thus, a decline in the potentiometric surface can affect streamflow and/or lake levels by increasing the potential for downward leakage from the overlying aquifers. The direction of groundwater flow within the UFAS is affected by changes in potentiometric levels within the aquifers. As the hydraulic gradient (i.e., the amount of fresh groundwater moving towards the coast) decreases, the saltwater transition zone moves vertically upward in the aquifer and is reflected by the inward or landward movement of the saltwater- freshwater interface. Lower potentiometric surface levels can also cause the deterioration of inland water quality due to the upward movement of chlorides and sulfates from the poor-quality mineralized water that lies at the base of the Floridan Aquifer. Water withdrawals from deep wells above the zone of mineralized water can produce an effect called "upconing," where the low- quality water is drawn up into the freshwater aquifers. When groundwater withdrawals exceed groundwater recharge, upconing can increase. "Transmissivity" is a key aquifer characteristic that influences how a groundwater withdrawal-induced drawdown in the potentiometric surface is transmitted throughout a confined 39 aquifer. Groundwater withdrawals at different locations can create very different cones of depression depending on transmissivity. Although wide variations exist throughout the Floridan Aquifer, it is generally considered a very transmissive unit within the District with measurements in the "high" range for measured aquifers worldwide. Partly because of its high transmissivity, the Southern Basin equilibrates relatively quickly. Thus, after heavy groundwater pumping in May, lowered potentiometric levels recover significantly by September, when the amount of pumping is significantly lower and the rainy season has just concluded. 2. Water Use in the District Upon implementation of a water use permitting program in 1975, the District began the process of converting common law uses to permitted uses. Owners of domestic wells that serve individual households were not required to obtain permits. See, Section 373.219(1), F.S. Most other users were required to obtain a WUP in order to continue the use. As of the final hearing in this case, the District had issued 10,230 permits.40 Approximately 93 percent of the current outstanding permits are for quantities less than 0.5 MGD. These permits, which are characterized under the District's 41 existing rules as "general permits," account for about 22 percent of the total quantity of permitted water withdrawals District-wide. The remaining 7 percent of the permits account for 78 percent of the total quantity permitted. In fact, roughly 52 percent of the total permitted amount can be attributed to one percent of the permits. Subsection 373.236(2), F.S., authorizes the issuance of a water use permit for up to fifty years for certain public supply purposes. For other uses, permits up to twenty years are authorized. See, Section 373.236(1), F.S. Because the District has been obligated to process permit applications while it was gathering data and accumulating information regarding the condition and interactions of the various resources, the District has generally issued permits for shorter periods, in part so that it retains flexibility to adjust to conditions as they become known. Under the current rules, the District generally issues a new permit for the withdrawal of 0.5 MGD or more for a period of 6 years or less. For a withdrawal of less than 0.5 MGD or for the renewal of an existing use where no problems or difficulties have been encountered during the prior term, permits for up to 10 years are typically issued. The District's rules and the Basis of Review provide sufficient flexibility to allow issuance of a permit for a longer term when the facts warrant it. "Permitted quantity" refers to the maximum amount of water that a user is allowed to withdraw under a District- issued permit, assuming no emergency or other restrictive conditions at the time of withdrawal. Due to a variety of factors, permitted quantities and actual water use can be substantially different figures. Such a discrepancy is 42 particularly common with agricultural permits. In 1989, the District began work on a "Needs and Sources Study" -- a major water supply research and planning project. The most recent draft of this study available at the hearing was dated January 1992. The District anticipates updating the study every two years. The study predicts water use trends for all major users in the District for the ensuing thirty years. According to the Needs and Sources Study, total freshwater use within the District for 1990 was estimated to be over 1625 MGD. The Study estimates that groundwater presently supplies 90 percent or more of current water supply demands in the District. Some of the parties have challenged the accuracy of the data on actual water use within the District and in particular, the Southern Basin. The evidence established that the District utilized the best information available and that the information provides a reasonably accurate estimate of actual water use. Precise data on actual water use is not available because only permit-holders withdrawing large quantities of water have historically been required to monitor their use. Under the District's existing rules, all water users permitted to withdraw 0.5 MGD (500,000 gallons) of water or more must submit metered 43 pumpage records to the District. Permittees who pump less than 500,000 gallons per day are not required to meter their pumpage except permit-holders who (1) irrigate pasture land or (2) are located in a Water Use Caution Areas ("WUCA"), and are permitted day. for at least 100,000 gallons of water per 44 Prior to October 1989, agricultural operations 45 were exempt from metering requirements. Metered records of actual agriculture use are now becoming available. Consequently, the accuracy of actual use estimates within the District has increased significantly in the last few years. No persuasive evidence was presented to establish that the lack of totally accurate historical water use data is a basis for rejecting or disregarding any of the District's studies or analyzes. The District's estimates are the best information available. Water use is sometimes classified into the following broad categories: agricultural; industrial; mining; public supply; and recreational. During the period from 1975 through 1995, water use in the District increased for public supply and agriculture (primarily citrus and tomatoes), but decreased for industry 46 (principally phosphate mining). Public supply has been the fastest-growing category of the District's water uses, more than doubling since the 1970's. Agriculture is a major contributor to the District's economy and a large number of agricultural operations are located in the Southern Basin. The District has worked for several years with representatives of the agricultural community to determine and implement more efficient irrigation techniques. The District is proposing water conservation measures for farms in the SWUCA that will involve the increased use of efficient water- delivery systems such as "drip" irrigation, which delivers water to crops through a flexible, perforated pipe. Compared to traditional irrigation methods, drip systems can be relatively expensive to install and maintain. The Needs and Sources Study forecasts that district water demands will rise to nearly 2400 MGD by the year 2020, with the largest user (agriculture) requiring about 1050 MGD, or about 44 percent of the total estimated demand based upon the efficiencies existing at the time of the study. While the District projects that water conservation and greater use of reclaimed wastewater and desalinized water will reduce dependence on groundwater and surface waters in coming years, the Needs and Sources Study anticipates that groundwater will remain the primary source of fresh water. The projected increases in demand heighten concerns over the impacts of groundwater withdrawals. The District is faced with the immense and interrelated responsibilities of determining the nature and extent of the existing problems, developing adequate data and understanding of the systems and formulating long term management strategies while administering the current regulatory program. The District already characterizes the current overall condition of water resources within its jurisdiction as "stressed." As discussed below, the District has been examining particular problem areas over the past several years. Effects of Groundwater Withdrawals in the District and the District's Efforts to Address Them. 1. Overview The coastal areas of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties have been a source of concern since the mid-to- late 1980s because of deteriorating water quality in wells drilled into the UFAS. As discussed in more detail below, the District's concerns in this region led to the initiation of the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Resources Assessment Project ("ETB WRAP") and the establishment of the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area ("ETB WUCA"). To the east of Hillsborough County, potentiometric pressures of the UFAS in southwest Polk County showed dramatic decreases throughout the 1960s,47 reaching a low point in 1975 in 48 the area around Bartow. Along the central and southern portions of the eastern boundary of the District is an area commonly referred to as the Highlands Ridge (the "Ridge" or "HR"), which encompasses 49 portions of Polk and Highlands Counties. The Highlands Ridge consists primarily of high sandy areas and a large number of lakes. There tends to be a great deal of interconnection between the groundwater system and surface waters in this area. Lake levels in this area have been in a general state of decline since the late 1950s. Some Petitioners have suggested that many of the problems are the result of accrued deficits in annual rainfall. The more persuasive evidence established that declines in water levels cannot be attributed solely to rainfall. Analysis of water levels, rainfall and pumping indicate that water level declines (including seasonal fluctuations) are, to a large extent, related to increased groundwater pumping. 2. Saltwater Intrusion and Upconing In a marine coastal environment, freshwater aquifers are recharged landward of the coastline. The terrestrial groundwater then moves from the inland region of higher potentiometric pressure to the coast's lower potentiometric pressure and is discharged. The denser seawater remains below the freshwater as it discharges along the sea floor, creating a wedge of seawater beneath the fresh, terrestrial groundwater. Where the freshwater and saltwater meet and mix, a transitional zone or "interface" is formed. The coastal area where fresh groundwater discharges is called the "discharge zone," and is located on the sea floor for an unconfined aquifer or at the base of the unit(s) immediately above a confined aquifer. At the discharge zone, dilute seawater is forced upward by the denser, undiluted seawater, producing a flow of seawater that circulates within the interface where it becomes further diluted and discharged above with freshwater. As groundwater at the base of the aquifer flows towards the coast, it skims along the evaporite layer dissolving minerals and producing a sulfate-rich water. Thus, higher sulfate concentrations are often found near the coast due to the regional freshwater flow pattern. Saltwater intrusion can occur as a result of the landward movement of saline water from the marine environment or from upconing (upward movement) of sulfate water from the base of the aquifer. The two sources of saline water can be distinguished by monitoring the ratio of sulfates to chlorides. In seawater, the ratio is constant, but water from the aquifer's base has a much higher ratio of sulfates to chlorides. Protecting the quality of the resource requires consideration of the movement of both types of water. The District monitors sulfate-to-chloride ratios through monitor wells to understand better the nature, extent, and movement of saltwater intrusion. Pressure differentials determine the rate and direction of the saltwater transition zone's movement. Saltwater intrusion will occur when groundwater heads are lowered, even if they remain above sea level. In the Southern Basin, saline water intrusion into the freshwater of the UFAS is caused by a decline in hydraulic potentionals resulting from groundwater withdrawals from the UFAS. front. Due to geologic and transmissivity differences, the saltwater intrusion zone does not move as a straight or uniform 50 Within six to ten miles of the coast, the chloride-rich portion of the transition zone has approximately one degree of slope and almost always appears within the Avon Park Formation of the UFAS. Because of the high transmissivity of the fractured dolomite, this formation is particularly susceptible to saltwater intrusion and most of the interface movement is in this formation. The upward and landward movement of this interface ("saltwater intrusion") causes the lens of freshwater in the aquifer in areas to be replaced by nonpotable water. The movement of the interface (which lies closer to the surface near the coast) has been reflected by deteriorating water quality in wells located in southern Hillsborough and central Manatee Counties. Since it leads to water quality deterioration, some parties contend saltwater intrusion should be treated as a pollution source. Saltwater intrusion is a long term problem that has resulted from long-term pumpage and while it is a matter of great importance that demands attention, the District has calculated that an immediate "fix" is not necessary or even possible without drastic reductions in changes reductions in pumping. The District considers saltwater intrusion a long-term management issue. The District is concerned not only with saltwater intrusion that is currently occurring, but also with the existence of conditions in the potentiometric surface that encourage further and potentially more serious intrusion. The evidence established that changes in potentiometric surface levels affect saltwater intrusion, but the actual inland movement of the saltwater interface occurs over decades. In other words, while potentiometric levels will equilibrate quickly throughout a basin, the saltwater transition zone moves at the rate of groundwater velocity. Thus, if all pumping within a basin were halted, the potentiometric surfaces throughout the basin would recover relatively quickly, but the saltwater transition zone would take longer to return to predevelopment conditions. Consequently, the implementation of any strategy to slow saltwater intrusion should extend over a sufficient period of time to ensure effectiveness of the program. With the first withdrawal of water from the Floridan Aquifer in the SWUCA, saltwater intrusion theoretically began. Man's decision to utilize water from the Floridan Aquifer System unavoidably altered the system from its "predevelopment" condition. Management of saltwater intrusion is critical to protection of the District's water resources, particularly in the southern portion. The difficult task is balancing the use of the resource with the need to protect its long-term health -- a test of man's scientific knowledge combined with critical policy choices. The District's ability to implement an appropriate regulatory scheme is complicated by the heterogeneity of the areas involved and the practical and financial constraints of essential scientific analysis. In a confined region such as the Southern Basin, managing saltwater intrusion can be accomplished only by reducing and/or regulating groundwater withdrawals. 3. Development of Water Resource Assessment Projects and Water Use Caution Areas (Highlands Ridge, Eastern Tampa Bay, Northern Tampa Bay, and Southern) WRAPs As noted above, during the 1980s, the District initiated and completed "Groundwater Resource Availability Inventories" for most of its jurisdictional area. The purpose of these inventories was to identify areas where pumping was excessive or projected to become excessive and try to quantify the amount of water available for allocation. The inventories were helpful in identifying certain critical areas. The District Governing Board directed staff to conduct comprehensive hydrogeologic evaluations, referred to as Water Resource Assessment Projects ("WRAPs"), in the areas of greatest concern. The District identified the WRAP areas based on a "number of factors including hydrogeologic regime, types of impacts observed, and profile of water use and future growth". The WRAPs sought, among other things, to provide the Board with scientific and technical information necessary to assess the amount of water that could be safely withdrawn in the particular areas. Four WRAP areas were initially identified: Eastern Tampa Bay, Northern Tampa Bay, Highlands Ridge, and the Peace River Valley. The District's assessment of water resource conditions in Eastern Tampa Bay, including Manatee and southern Hillsborough Counties, began in approximately 1987 and was completed in approximately 1992. The results of the project were presented to the Governing Board over a five-month period. A written report was completed in March, 1993, and is known as the ETB WRAP. In the Northern Tampa Bay ("NTB") area, where surface waters are more directly affected by groundwater withdrawals, a lowering of water levels prompted the initiation of a WRAP in approximately 1988. A WRAP for the Peace River basin (which flows through Polk, Hardee and DeSoto Counties and discharges through Charlotte Harbor) was also begun in the late 1980s. The status of the Peace River WRAP is not clear from the record and is beyond the scope of this proceeding. Apparently, the data and information developed as part of some of the other studies, including the ETB WRAP, prompted the District to focus its efforts on development of a strategy for the entire Southern Basin. Before the District began the ETB and NTB WRAPs, it had begun studying problems along the Highlands Ridge. An initial study of lake level declines along the Ridge was conducted in 1978-80 (the "Ridge I report"). A subsequent study, the "Ridge II Report" was initiated around 1985-86, after the District observed a continued drop in lake levels in the years following the completion of the first report. The Ridge II Report was completed in 1989. Those reports documented a continuing decline in lake levels along the Ridge. A WRAP was subsequently initiated for the Highlands Ridge. At the time of the hearing, the HR WRAP had not been completed. Several parties have suggested that the SWUCA Rules are premature, since the HR WRAP and other studies are still ongoing. The District believes that it has developed sufficient information to proceed with the proposed regulatory strategies which are embodied in the SWUCA Rules. The District anticipates continued study of the entire Southern Basin throughout the foreseeable future. However, based upon the information being gathered, the District concluded it could not wait until the completion of all the studies before taking action to protect the water resources. The more persuasive evidence supports the District's conclusion that there is adequate information available to proceed with the implementation of a regulatory strategy for the Southern Basin. However, as discussed in Sections IV and V below, there are some problems with the proposals set forth in the SWUCA Rules. WUCAs When the District determines that an area has critical water supply problems or that such problems will occur within the next twenty years, it designates the area a water use caution area, commonly called a WUCA. On June 28, 1989, the District established the Northern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area ("NTB WUCA"), the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area ("ETB WUCA"), and the Highlands Ridge Water Use Caution Area ("HR WUCA") because of its growing concerns regarding wetlands impacts, saltwater intrusion and lowered lake levels. The NTB WUCA includes portions of Hillsborough, all of Pinellas and part of Pasco Counties. The ETB WUCA includes portions of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties. The HR WUCA includes portions of Polk and Highlands Counties. Several work groups were formed by the District in connection with the declarations of these WUCAs. In addition, various advisory committees established by the District for various user groups including public supply and agriculture, gave the District feedback during the process leading up to the declaration of the WUCAs. The WUCA declarations were part of the Board's three-stage strategy to develop short mid- and long-term solutions to water resource problems in each of the study areas. Short-term protection measures were prescribed within the WUCA declarations. Mid-term measures -- including demand management, metering requirements and designation of a "most impacted area" for ETB 51 (described in BOR Section 7), were subsequently completed. According to the District, final, long-term remediation and resource protection measures for ETB and Highlands Ridge are embodied in the proposed SWUCA Rules. NTB As noted above, a WRAP was initiated for the NTB area in the late 1980s and the area was designated a WUCA in 1989. The status of the WRAP report and the nature and extent of the problems in the NTB area are beyond the scope of this proceeding. Certain developments in the regulation of that area are, however, relevant to note. First, because of perceived impacts to wetlands and record low water levels in lakes near wellfields in the NTB area, the District has taken some steps to reduce groundwater pumping in an effort to prevent further adverse impacts to the natural systems. On March 1, 1994, the District issued two Declarations of Water Shortage, which sought to limit public demand and reduce pumping at certain wellfields in the northern Tampa Bay region. In June of 1994, the District issued an Emergency Water Shortage Order requiring West Coast to reduce groundwater pumping at certain wellfields in NTB. In addition, the District sought to reduce the permitted quantities at some of the wellfields. The Emergency Water Shortage Order and permit renewals are subjects of separate ongoing litigation. Highlands Ridge The Highlands Ridge was not originally included in the District, but was added in the late 1970s upon recognition of a persistent flow-line which ran southward from the Green Swamp parallel with and along the length of the center of the Ridge itself. The HR contains land both east and west of the persistent flow-line. The Highlands Ridge is an area of approximately 750 square miles and is characterized by discontinuous ridges separated by broad valleys. On the eastern side of the Highlands Ridge, surface water drains to the Kissimmee River and on the western side it drains to the Peace River. The Highlands Ridge is characterized by numerous sinkhole lakes that resulted from dissolution of the underlying limestone and dolomite and ultimate collapse of the Karst terrain. Sinkhole features can provide paths for water to flow from the lake/surficial aquifer system to the underlying Floridan Aquifer. Lake levels in the Highlands Ridge have been declining since the late 1950s. Long-term well hydrographs from this area show a downward trend in annual peak water levels and an increase in seasonal water level fluctuations since the 1960s. The period of decline coincided with a period of low annual rainfall and increasing groundwater withdrawals for agricultural irrigation, mining, and public supply. A multitude of factors can affect the level of a lake. Groundwater withdrawals are only one of the influencing factors, and its significance can vary greatly from lake to lake. Changes in surface water drainage can play an important role. Contrary to the suggestion of some Petitioners, the long-term declines in lake levels cannot be attributed solely to a reduction in local rainfall or to an increase in sinkhole activity that breaches the underlying semi-confining layer. The District's Ridge II Report concluded that water use outside the Ridge area contributed to declines in aquifer potentiometric levels along the Ridge, which in turn contributed to lower lakes levels. The more persuasive evidence supports the District's conclusion that some lakes on the Highlands Ridge have been significantly harmed by groundwater withdrawals from the UFAS. Over the last five years, lake levels along the Highlands Ridge have improved somewhat as groundwater pumping has decreased in the area. In addition, higher-than-normal rainfall in recent years has contributed to higher lake levels. Although September wet-season levels have been generally maintained since the 1980s, they have not recovered to historical levels recorded prior to 1964. Accordingly, the potential for induced recharge from the surficial aquifer to the UFAS remains higher than under predevelopment conditions with the net effect being decreased water levels in lakes and the surficial 52 aquifer. It should be noted that, during the period of recovery, the potentiometric surface of the UFAS has been close to the proposed minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA Rules, thus indicating that the minimum level will help prevent further declines in the lake levels. ETB The primary concern addressed in the ETB WRAP was a deterioration in water quality, especially in the area along the coast. There was also concern that declining water levels could lead to well failures or increased pumping costs for existing wells. Aided by the District's utilization of the expertise of hydrogeologic consultants, the ETB WRAP included a review of existing data and information, analysis of data, expansion of the existing data network, groundwater flow and transport model development and calibration, analysis of cause and effect relationships, and simulations of historic and potential withdrawal scenarios. Peer review for the ETB WRAP report was provided by District staff, U.S. Geological Survey professionals, and professors of geology and hydrogeology from the University of South Florida. The District undertook expensive and extensive efforts to collect and analyze water quality data from the field, including data from existing monitor and production wells, supplemented by surface exploration and the construction of new monitor wells. Some Petitioners have claimed that the quality and reliability of the data collected vary greatly because of the different sources and that not all of the data supports the District's conclusions. The heterogeneous nature of the aquifer naturally results in great variation of water quality in wells with similar construction characteristics, pumping rates, and location. Nonetheless, by analyzing numerous wells over time, trends in water quantity can be observed. The more persuasive evidence established that the District's efforts to assimilate and analyze field data were well planned, scientifically and statistically sound, and reasonably framed. The District's efforts are ongoing as reflected by the Supplemental Investigations Report discussed below. It is expected that the continuing accumulation of data will provide further understanding of the condition, changes and functioning of the groundwater system. The ETB WRAP determined that there had been significant lowerings of the potentiometric surface levels in the Southern Basin since predevelopment, and these changes were directly related to groundwater pumping. Some of the specific findings are discussed in Section IV below. The ETB WRAP concluded that reduced groundwater levels resulting from pumpage within the entire Southern Basin contribute to several problems: 1) the saltwater intrusion problem in the coastal region of the Basin; 2) reduced well efficiencies as a result of pumps being required to lift groundwater from lower depths; 3) reductions in spring-flow and stream-flow; 4) wetlands impacts; and 5) lowered lake levels in Highlands and Polk Counties. In addition, the ETB WRAP concluded that the UFAS in the Southern Basin was a highly transmissive, well confined aquifer. Because it is such an interconnected system, groundwater levels at any location in the Southern Basin were found to be a function of the cumulative groundwater withdrawals occurring throughout the Basin. Accordingly, the ETB WRAP concluded that the "safe yield" for ETB was partly a function of the amount of water withdrawn from other areas within the groundwater basin. The ETB WRAP sought to develop the technical information necessary to formulate a management strategy to halt saltwater intrusion along the coast. One of the principal objectives was to develop tools or mechanisms for the Board to utilize in regulating water use. As part of that effort, the District sought to develop a "safe yield" for the region. "Safe yield" is not defined in Chapter 373 or the District's rules. It is commonly understood as being the level of use which can be sustained without causing unacceptable effects. In this regard, safe yield is comprised of both hydrologic and socioeconomic components. The hydrologic element involves the determination of the adverse impacts associated with the withdrawal of specific quantities of water. The socioeconomic element involves the determination of what is an unacceptable adverse impact. During the ETB WRAP process, unacceptable impact was considered to be any further landward movement of the saltwater - freshwater interface. In other words, "safe yield" in this context was viewed as the quantification of the amount of water that could be withdrawn from existing wells in the ETB WUCA without producing significant additional movement of the saltwater-freshwater transition zone. As part of the ETB WRAP, two "safe yield" scenarios were analyzed for the region. The first was to reduce groundwater withdrawals to 100 MGD in the Eastern Tampa Bay WUCA; the second was to reduce groundwater withdrawals in the Eastern Tampa Bay WUCA to 150 MGD and limit groundwater withdrawals in the MGD. remainder of the Basin to about 500 53 To arrive at these safe yield quantities, the District utilized a groundflow model for the region. Using an assumed pumping distribution based on existing withdrawals, the flow model predicted future potentiometric surfaces for the UFAS in the area. Model scenarios were run for 50 year periods with pumping quantities reduced until the models did not project any additional movement of the saltwater interface. The modeling results confirmed that if pumping continued to increase as projected by the Needs and Sources Study, movement of the saltwater interface would affect water quality in wells further inland. In fact, the studies indicated that saltwater would continue to replace fresh water in the aquifer if 1989 water use levels continued in the future. When presented with the results, the District decided that the potentiometric levels and projections of continued movement of the saltwater interface associated with 1989 pumping levels would result in significant harm to the resource and were unacceptable. As discussed in more detail in Section IV below, the District ultimately selected the potentiometric surfaces that occurred in 1991 as the proposed minimum level for the SWUCA. The 1991 levels reflect a reduction in groundwater pumpage from 1989 of approximately 30 percent within the ETB WRAP area and approximately 15 percent throughout the SWUCA. The 30 percent/15 percent reductions are roughly comparable to the safe yield proposal in the ETB WRAP. The approach, results, and conclusions of the ETB WRAP have been evaluated by several independent experts. In addition, the ETB Computer Model Report has had extensive high level peer review. Comment and input from reviewers regarding the groundwater quality and trend analysis in the ETB WRAP led to further analysis of existing data utilizing two different statistical methods. These further analyses confirmed that there was a deterioration in water quality as measured by chlorides, sulfates and total dissolved solids in the UFAS. The SWUCA Declaration of the SWUCA The information developed as part of the ongoing ETB and HR WRAPs led the District to conclude that the Floridan Aquifer within the Southern Basin was an highly transmissive and well-confined aquifer, with groundwater withdrawals anywhere in the Basin contributing to overall resource conditions in the Basin. The District analyzed the information and determined a need to develop a regulatory strategy for the Southern Basin as a 54 whole. In October 1992, it created the Southern Water Use Caution Area or SWUCA. The declaration of the SWUCA was meant to be an interim step while more information was obtained. The boundaries of the SWUCA were developed by the District based upon a rough approximation of persistent flow lines within the UFAS. Encompassing nearly all of the Southern Basin and including most of the District south of the Hillsborough River, the SWUCA consists of about 5,100 square miles, and includes all of DeSoto, Hardee, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties, and portions of Charlotte, Highlands, Hillsborough, and Polk Counties. The SWUCA includes those portions of the District previously designated as the ETB WUCA and the HR WUCA, as well as land areas that lie between those two WUCAs (the "non-WUCA SWUCA"). One of the fundamental conclusions reached by the District (and a major premise behind the SWUCA Rules) is that the entire area should be treated as a linked groundwater basin even though geologic differences exist throughout. For example, there is greater interconnection between the surficial and Floridan Aquifers in the Highlands Ridge area than in Manatee County. In addition, the transmissivity and recharge characteristics vary throughout the SWUCA. Despite these differences, the District has concluded that the impacts of withdrawals from anywhere within the Southern Basin permeate throughout the Basin. While several Petitioners have challenged those conclusions, the more persuasive evidence established that declines in the Upper Floridan's potentiometric surface at a particular location result not only from localized water use, but also from regional water use. Although shifts in the location of pumping can alter the measurable impacts in certain locations, such changes do not refute the existence of regional impacts as well. For example, water use reductions by industry along the Highlands Ridge have been reflected in increased surface levels in some neighboring areas. SWUCA Management Plan Upon declaration of the SWUCA, the District Board directed staff to develop a management plan for water use permitting in the area. As part of that effort, the Board authorized the formation of a SWUCA Work Group. The SWUCA Work Group included representation from agricultural, mining, industrial, local government (public water supply), environmental, and citizens' groups. The purpose of the Work Group was both to educate the affected user groups regarding the nature and extent of the problems within the SWUCA, and to furnish the District with input and feedback regarding various options for dealing with those problems. The SWUCA Work Group had no formal decision-making authority. In addition to monthly meetings in various locations throughout the District from January 1993 through September 1993, individual members of the Work Group often met with District Staff to provide input regarding particular issues. The District also utilized a SWUCA Advisory Group of Experts ("SAGE") to assist in the development and review of scientific and technical information related to formulating water management policy for the SWUCA. This technical advisory disciplines, committee, comprised of experts in various 55 began its work in 1993, assisted throughout the rule development process, and apparently continued to provide input during the hearing process. The SAGE Group reviewed and critiqued numerous documents prepared by the District with regard to the SWUCA and studies. assisted in the preparation of some 56 Following the conclusion of the Work Group meetings, the District published a draft SWUCA Management Plan in September 1993. That draft was considered by the Governing Board in a series of public meetings beginning in late 1993. A revised draft Management Plan was prepared and released in April 1994. This version will be referred to as the "SWUCA Management Plan." The primary goal of the SWUCA Management Plan was to develop a long-term strategy to significantly curtail or reduce the advance of saltwater intrusion and stabilize lake levels in Polk and Highlands Counties. Additional goals included preservation of the resource (including environmental features) and protection of existing legal uses. The District says the SWUCA Management Plan is a dynamic process, and it expects to continually revisit the strategies and goals as new information becomes available and conditions change over time. The SWUCA Management Plan included a number of proposed water conservation measures such as basing agricultural use on higher efficiencies, permitting public supply use based on lower per-capita usage rates, and requiring other water users to increase water conservation as appropriate for the particular 57 activity. The SWUCA Management Plan projects that new alternative water sources can reasonably be pursued to offset existing groundwater demand and/or extend existing surface water sources.58 Potential new water sources include, but are not limited to, reuse of treated waste water, additional use of surface waters, desalination, increased surficial aquifer withdrawals, and storm-water reuse. There are, however, problems associated with several of the potential new sources identified in 59 the Plan. Even if the conservation and alternative source projections in the Management Plan are met, the Management Plan recognized that to stabilize the saltwater interface and lake level declines within the SWUCA, actual withdrawals from the confined aquifers within the Eastern Tampa Bay area and the remaining SWUCA area had to be limited to 150 MGD and 550 MGD, respectively. Both the ETB WRAP and the SWUCA Management Plan anticipated that achievement of those pumping levels and maintenance of the 1991 potentiometric surface levels throughout the SWUCA would halt saltwater intrusion over the 50-year planning horizon. In the early part of 1994, the Board directed staff to begin development of administrative rules to implement the SWUCA Management Plan. During the rule development process, additional public meetings, hearings and workshops were conducted. Supplemental Investigations Report After the ETB WRAP was completed in March 1993, the District, recognizing the complexity of the scientific issues and the implications to numerous parties affected by limiting withdrawals, undertook a series of post-report investigations and analyses to evaluate the conclusions and address certain post- report suggestions and comments received from both internal and external reviewers including the SAGE Group. These supplemental investigations and reports were assembled and published by the District in October 1994. The resulting document is referred to as the "Supplemental Investigations Report". The Supplemental Investigations Report included additional documentation regarding the water-use estimation methods, an assessment of trends in groundwater levels in the SWUCA, an evaluation of the computer modeling utilized in the ETB WRAP, several studies regarding water quality trend analyses in the area including time-domain electromagnetic mapping of the saltwater transition zone and conceptual modeling of saltwater intrusion prepared by HydroGeoLogic, Inc., a nationally recognized consulting firm out of Virginia. The Supplemental Investigations Report included refined and improved modeling techniques. These additional modeling efforts generally confirmed the District's conclusions regarding the interrelationship of withdrawals in the Basin and the ongoing movement of the saltwater interface. The Supplemental Investigations Report concluded that the northern section of the Southern Basin is more susceptible than the southern section to water quality deterioration from saltwater intrusion, and that the ETB WRAP and SWUCA Management Plan's prior estimates of cutbacks necessary to achieving "safe yield" may not halt the landward movement of the saltwater interface from its current location. In other words, the studies revealed that the saltwater interface would continue to move under the "safe yield" scenarios. This modeling, along with the other studies in the Supplemental Investigations Report, confirmed the need to cap withdrawals and redistribute pumping. Some Petitioners have suggested that the different results obtained with the refined modeling indicate that the District has yet to assemble conclusive evidence as to the nature and extent of saltwater intrusion in the SWUCA. The modeling efforts are not the sole or even the primary evidence upon which the District relies to conclude that saltwater intrusion is occurring. As discussed in more detail in Section IV B, the District has relied heavily upon its monitoring well network and actual data regarding the vertical rate of migration of the saltwater interface to reach its conclusions. The District acknowledges that solute transport modeling is very complicated, and the resulting predictions as to future movement are based on assumptions regarding numerous interrelated variables. The modeling efforts confirm the District's analysis of existing data and provide a mechanism to estimate future conditions. The more persuasive evidence supports the District's analysis. Conclusions Regarding Scientific Investigations of the SWUCA The evidence established that in assessing the current groundwater conditions in the Southern Basin, evaluating long-term trends in the hydraulic potential of aquifers in the SWUCA, and analyzing the complex and interrelated mechanisms that affect groundwater levels, the District has evaluated the available scientific information and employed a wide variety of highly trained professionals to analyze the information and to assist in developing new techniques and strategies for understanding the functioning of the groundwater systems. The District also sought input from independent scientists and representatives from groups and entities that comprise the primary users of the resource. As part of these efforts, the District developed sophisticated computer programs to project the consequences of future pumping on the groundwater systems. While there are inherent limitations on the accuracy and use of any current computer modeling of groundwater systems, the District has utilized state-of-the-art programs, subjected them to rigorous critique and evaluation from independent, highly qualified experts, and utilized a variety of scenarios to compare and evaluate the impact of different groundwater pumping levels within the Basin. The evidence supports the District's conclusion that saltwater intrusion and lowered lake levels in the SWUCA are regional problems which require a regional solution. The issues cannot adequately be addressed on a permit-by-permit basis with current modeling programs and the District's existing rules. Similarly, the more persuasive evidence supports the District's conclusions that the amount of groundwater withdrawals in the SWUCA in 1989 was detrimental to the water resources of the District, that the current permitted quantity poses a risk that similar or higher withdrawal levels may occur in the future, and that regulatory measures are necessary to address these issues. SWUCA Rules Development In early 1994, the District Governing Board directed staff to develop rules regulating water use in the SWUCA. A number of additional public meetings and workshops were conducted as part of the rule development process. A draft of proposed Rules was first made public in the early summer of 1994. Because of its concern about the economic impact of mandating reduced withdrawals by existing users, the District has sought a regulatory strategy to address the resource problems over a period of time while minimizing impacts to existing users. Some of the issues raised by this approach are discussed in Section IV. The District has prepared an economic impact study ("EIS") analysis of the proposed rules, in part to seek assurance that their implementation would not significantly harm the area's economy. While some of the parties originally challenged the District's EIS, those challenges were dropped during the cause of the proceedings. District staff presented the proposed rules to the Governing Board with the explanation that (among other things) the rules would "substantially inhibit further migration of saltwater intrusion," and that "to halt saltwater intrusion would take a substantial reduction in the amount of pumping." The Preliminary Statement to this Final Order contains a overview of the complicated procedural history of the District's proposed regulatory strategy for the SWUCA. Because some Petitioners have challenged various procedural aspects of the rule promulgation process, including the District's modifications to the initial proposals, Section III E of this Final Order sets forth specific Findings of Fact on the procedural history of the SWUCA Rules. Before the procedural history, Section III D 2 sets forth a general overview of the SWUCA Rules as currently proposed. 2. Proposed SWUCA Rules Overview As noted above, the SWUCA was originally designated by a 1992 resolution of the District's Governing Board. The proposed rules would establish the SWUCA boundaries by rule. The SWUCA Rules would supersede the existing rules for the ETB and HR WUCAs. The areas within the two WUCAs would be regulated as part of the SWUCA. Upon the effective date of the proposed rules, each water use permits would be automatically modified to include all new SWUCA regulations applicable to that permit. The SWUCA Rules include new provisions that would establish a minimum aquifer level for the UFAS in the SWUCA. There are also a number of additions and changes to the Basis of Review that impose specific permitting requirements in the SWUCA. Under the SWUCA Rules, no new withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer in the SWUCA would be considered by the District until the minimum aquifer level established for each of three areas specified in the rules is achieved and sustained for a period of five years. See, proposed Rule 40D-8.628. The three areas are: the SWUCA as a whole; the area previously designated as the ETB WUCA; and the area previously designated as the HR WUCA. The methodology for calculating and applying the minimum level is discussed in Section IV B below. The proposed rules include a new subsection (2) to be added to the Conditions for Issuance set forth in Rule 40D- 2.301, F.A.C. The new subsection would provide that applications for renewals of existing permits or for reallocation permits within the SWUCA would not be denied for the sole reason that the minimum aquifer level in Rule 40D-8.628 had not been met. The District claims that this provision is necessary to allow existing users to decrease their uses over time and prohibit the issuance of permits for new quantities while the resource is recovering. The District contends that an applicant for a renewal permit or a reallocation permit would still have to meet the Conditions for Issuance as interpreted by the Basis of Review. To facilitate implementation of this new subsection (2) the District proposes to repeal the existing standard permit condition that requires compliance with minimum aquifer levels. In addition, the District will only apply the Conditions for Issuance regarding minimum aquifer levels and saltwater intrusion in Rule 40D-2.301(d)&(f) on a "localized" or "limited" cumulative basis. The District is concerned that these provisions could otherwise be utilized by interested third parties as a basis for challenging the issuance of a reallocation permit or the renewal of an existing permit. The District's decision to treat reallocation permits and renewals of existing permits differently than applications for new permits is discussed in detail in Section IV B below. Theoretically, withdrawals in the SWUCA could be redistributed in a manner that increases the "safe yield" and/or minimize impacts to the resource. The District was concerned that significant economic disruption and major capital expenditures could result if redistribution was instantaneously imposed on existing permitting. The proposed rules contain reallocation provisions that would allow the transfer of existing permitted quantities to different uses and locations. See, proposed Rule 40D-2.331(3) and and proposed BOR Section 1.15. These provisions are intended to minimize the impact of the rules on existing users while providing a mechanism to redistribute withdrawals away from impacted areas. If the SWUCA Rules are adopted, in order to obtain a permit for a new or expanded use, applicants would have to either negotiate a transfer of withdrawal authorization for all or part of the water quantities held by an existing permit holder or develop and use alternative water sources. The duration of a water use permit issued under the SWUCA Rules could not exceed 10 years. See, proposed Rule 40D-2.321(4). The District's existing MIA Rules prohibit new withdrawals from any confined aquifer, which includes both the intermediate and the Floridan. The SWUCA Rules would apply only to withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer. This change has been challenged by ECOSWF and is discussed in Section IV B below. Currently, a permit is required outside the MIA of the ETB WUCA only if a proposed withdrawal is a well having an outside diameter of six inches or more. Within the MIA, a cumulative six inch well diameter threshold is applied: i.e., if the aggregated diameter of all wells at a particular site is six inches or more, a permit is required. The SWUCA Rules expand the more restrictive MIA standard to the entire SWUCA, but the change affects only wells constructed after the effective date of the proposed rules. See, proposed Rule 40D-2.041(1)(e). The SWUCA rules establish an alternative source credit system which is intended to serve as an economic incentive for water users and suppliers to use and supply water from sources other than groundwater, e.g., reclaimed water and stormwater runoff. See, proposed Rule 40D-2.601. This program is not at issue in this proceeding. It provides for the issuance of a groundwater withdrawal credit (or right of use) for groundwater that is replaced by an alternative source water. The person or entity that obtains the credit would apply under and satisfy the District's permitting criteria to utilize the credit. The permitted user would retain its existing groundwater withdrawal permit, but the permitted quantities would be available only on a standby basis under certain circumstances. The proposed rules change water use efficiency parameters -- used to establish permitted withdrawal quantities, induce and reflect increased water use efficiency. The District anticipates that the revisions will promote permittees' use of water conservation measures to help ensure that actual water use does not approach the quantity currently permitted. Water use permits issued to potable water suppliers within the SWUCA would be calculated under a specified methodology that utilizes an adjusted gross per capita amount of 130 gallons per day ("GPD") starting October 1, 1999, and 100 GPD staring October 1, 2004. See, proposed BOR Sections 3.1 and 3.6. In addition, the proposed rules would extend to the entire SWUCA the District's requirement that public water supply utilities adopt conservation rate structures and undertake leak detection programs. These issues are discussed in Section VII. The quantity of water permitted for other users in the SWUCA would be based on the use of best management practices and best water conserving technologies for the particular activity. Conservation measures for existing permittees would be phased in over a ten-year period, with increasing conservation levels to be met every three-to-four years. See, proposed amendments to BOR Section 3.0. The phase-in period for maximum water use efficiencies is intended to allow existing permittees to postpone technological conservations until closer to the end of the current technology's economic life. The proposed rules would allow a permittee some flexibility to choose the technologies or methods necessary to increase water use efficiency. Currently, agricultural permits are issued for quantities of water greater than typical usage to ensure that quantities are available for emergencies. Under the SWUCA Rules, agricultural permittees would lose some of the water "cushion" they were previously granted. See, proposed amendments to BOR 3.3. Section 60 To minimize adverse financial and economic impacts while encouraging water conservation, the District proposes to allow growers to accumulate irrigation "credits" when the actual metered amount of water applied is less than the permitted water quantity assigned to the platted acreage. A grower could carry forward to subsequent years permitted groundwater withdrawal amounts that were not used. The credited amounts of water would be deducted from the permittee's accumulated balance as they are used for irrigation in drought years, during a temporary expansion of crop operations in reaction to market demands, or to protect 61 crops from a freeze or frost. These provisions are not at issue in this proceeding. Applicant and permittee reporting requirements would be strengthened by the SWUCA rules to facilitate identification of water conservation investments by permittees and to improve permit compliance monitoring. The SWUCA Rules include a provision that the District will study permitted uses by category of use over a three-year period to determine whether the use in any category is rising. Changes in use patterns could result in rule amendments. Procedural History of the Proposed Rules and Modifications Several of the parties have alleged that the District failed to comply with the procedural requirements of Chapter 120 in the SWUCA rule development process. In this regard, it has been alleged that the numerous revisions made during the rulemaking process and/or the nature of the changes have rendered the proposed rules unlawfully vague. Without question, the changes have been the source of great controversy and considerable confusion during this proceeding. The Preliminary Statement provides a general overview of the procedural history of the rule challenge proceedings and the modifications made to the SWUCA Rules. Many of the legal issues raised by the parties have been addressed in the Order Denying SFO referenced in the Preliminary Statement. Because certain parties have reiterated their procedural challenges in their proposed final orders, the following Findings of Fact are made. 1. Background On July 22, 1994, the District published notice of public workshops to be conducted in August 1994, regarding "proposed amendments to Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C., including the Southern Water Use Caution Area." See, Volume 20, Number 29, p. 5263, F.A.W. The District first published proposed rules related to the SWUCA on August 26, 1994, in Vol. 20, No. 34, pp. 4020-4143, F.A.W. The "Purpose and Effect" Statement published with the proposals provides that the District's purpose in proposing the rules was to "prevent further adverse effects resulting from excessive withdrawals" within the SWUCA. In addition to provisions directly related to the SWUCA, the proposals included a number of general amendments to the District's existing water use permitting rules and the Basis of Review, which have been referred to as the District-Wide Enhancements. At a District Governing Board meeting on August 31, 1994, the Board decided to withdraw the proposed rules and give interested persons an opportunity to provide District staff with written comments. At the August 31 meeting, the Board affirmatively voted to consider adoption of the proposed rules, with any changes made by staff after reviewing the written comments, at its regular meeting scheduled for October 31, 1994. Written comments were submitted by several interested parties, including Pinellas. On September 23, 1994, the District again published notice of its intent to adopt the proposed rules. See, Vol. 20, No. 38, pp. 6908-7033. The proposed rules published on September 23, 1994, collectively referred to as the "Initial Proposed Rules," were identical to those published on August 26, 1994, and included the District-Wide Enhancements. The notice published on September 23, 1994, stated that, if requested within 21 days of the date of notice, a hearing would be held at 9:00 a.m. on October 31, 1994, to consider the proposed rules. By letter dated September 28, 1994, Pinellas timely requested that the District conduct a public hearing on the Initial Proposed Rules pursuant to Section 120.54(3)(a), F.S. As noted in the Preliminary Statement, on or about October 14, 1994, 25 separate petitions were filed with DOAH challenging the Initial Proposed Rules. The District Governing Board hearing scheduled for October 31, 1994, was cancelled and rescheduled for November 15, 1994. Public comments on the Initial Proposed Rules were received at the hearing on November 15, 1994. During that meeting, the Board voted to withdraw the District-Wide Enhancements and proceed with rulemaking on only the provisions related to the SWUCA. On December 2, 1994, the District published notice of its intent to adopt the proposed rules related to the SWUCA in Vol. 20, No. 48, of the F.A.W., pp. 8905-8954 (the "Revised Rules"). At that time, the District also withdrew the Initial Proposed Rules published on September 23, 1994. The Revised Rules included the following sentence to be added to Subsection (2) of Section 4.5 in the Basis of Review: In addition to the Performance Standards above, the District presumes that proposed withdrawals of new quantities of groundwater from the Floridan aquifer applied for after the effective date of this rule, from the Floridan aquifer within the SWUCA, will significantly induce saltwater intrusion...This presumption does not apply to reallocations,...This presumption does not apply to the renewal of previously permitted quantities. As discussed in more detail below, near the end of the final hearing, the District withdrew this proposed amendment to BOR Section 4.5 by publishing a Notice of Withdrawal in the F.A.W. on November 3, 1995. On December 30, 1994, the District published two Notices of Change in Vol. 20, No. 52, of the F.A.W., pp. 9735- 9737. The Notices included what the District deemed to be "technical" changes to proposed Rules 40D-2.301(2) and 40D-8.628 and proposed BOR Section 4.3. Following the publication of the proposed SWUCA Rules on December 2, 1994, and the "technical" amendments published on December 30, 1994, numerous petitions challenging the rules were filed pursuant to Section 120.54, F.S. Those petitions have resulted in this proceeding. 2. Prior to Commencement of the Hearing. The December 2, 1994, version of the SWUCA Rules included a proposed addition to BOR Section 4.3 titled "Minimum Flows and Levels." This proposal included a Figure 4-1 titled "Potentiometric Surface of the Floridan Aquifer - 1991 Average Conditions." In the December 30, 1994, "technical" changes, the District included a change to the proposed addition to BOR Section 4.3. The December 30 version of the proposed addition to BOR Section 4.3 provides as follows: Within the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA), new groundwater quantities will be permitted to be withdrawn from the Floridan aquifer when the potentiometric surface has, based on an average of the previous five consecutive years, been above the minimum level established in 40D-8.628, F.A.C., and depicted in Figure 4-1, and the potentiometric surface resulting from the proposed withdrawals together with the annual average withdrawal for the previous five years as determined by the District will remain above the minimum level established in 40D-8.628, F.A.C., and depicted in Figure 4-1. [emphasis added] This Notice of Change did not include a copy of or change to Figure 4-1 which was published on December 2, 1994. Prior to commencement of the hearing, the District reached a settlement with certain parties who had challenged the SWUCA Rules. As part of that settlement, the District modified proposed Rule 40D-8.628 to "clarify" the District's intent regarding the application of the minimum aquifer levels to renewal and certain other types of permits. The change was published on February 10, 1995, in Vol. 21, No. 6 of the F.A.W., pp. 870-871 and included the following language: The minimum aquifer level will not be used by itself to reduce permitted withdrawals existing as of [effective date of this rule]. It is the intent of this rule that the minimum water level of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the SWUCA be achieved over a reasonable period of time, by reasonable means, and without undue effect on existing legal uses.... Modifications after the hearing commenced April 14, 1995, Changes After Phase I of the hearing, the District decided to change the methodology for calculating and applying the proposed minimum level for the SWUCA. The District Governing Board approved staff recommendations to make the changes during a Board meeting on March 22-23, 1995. On March 31, 1995, the District published a Notice of Change in the Vol. 21, No. 13, of the F.A.W., pp. 1959-1962. This Notice of Change sought to substitute newly-proposed language to BOR Section 4.3 including a proposed new Figure 4-1 titled "SWUCA and 1991 Average Values of Upper Floridan Aquifer Potentiometric Surface." There was a separate Notice of Change published on March 31, 1995, setting forth a revised version of proposed Rule 40D-8.628. See, Vol. 21, No. 13, F.A.W., pp. 1962-1964. The March 31st Notices of Change indicated that the December 2 and December 30th versions of the proposed additions to Section 4.3 of the BOR and Rule 40D-8.628 were being modified in response to comments and discussion at the Governing Board meeting on March 22, 1995. Over the objection of several parties, the District sought to include the new methodology as part of these rule challenge proceedings. After several telephone conference hearings regarding the authority and proper procedure to modify proposed rules after rule challenge proceedings had been initiated, the District opted to withdraw the March 31 proposed changes and all of the prior proposed changes to Rule 40D-8, including those published on December 2nd and December 30, 1994, and February 10 and March 31, 1995. The District decided to incorporate the new methodology in a revised version of Rule 40D- 8.628 and to provide substantially affected persons with a new point of entry to challenge the proposals. Those changes are reflected in the April 14 Modifications which the District published on April 14, 1995, in Vol. 21, No. 15, of the F.A.W., pp. 2295-2300 and 2323. While the substance of the April 14 Modifications is the same as the changes approved by the Governing Board on March 23, 1995, the Board did not formally approve the April 14 Modifications until April 25, 1995. According to the District, the withdrawal of the March 31 changes to the December 2 and December 30 proposed additions to BOR Section 4.3 means that the December 2 and December 30 proposals relating to BOR Section 4.3 are still pending. As detailed in the Order Denying SFO and in the Preliminary Statement, the hearing in these consolidated cases proceeded on issues that were unrelated to the changes in methodology. After the point of entry for filing challenges to the new methodology passed, the parties were allowed to conduct reasonable discovery regarding the new proposals, and their challenges to the revised methodology set forth in the April 14 Modifications have been incorporated into these proceedings. No further amendments have been published by the District to proposed Rule 40D-8.628 or to the proposed additions to BOR Section 4.3. The end result of this circuitous and confusing series of events is that the District's proposed methodology for calculating the minimum level for the SWUCA is set forth in the April 14 version of proposed rule 40D-8.628. The April 14 version of proposed Rule 40D-8.628 includes Figure 8-1 which utilizes the existing ETB WUCA and the HR WUCA boundaries for purposes of calculating and applying minimum aquifer levels. (A level is also calculated for the SWUCA as a whole.) Also proposed for adoption are additions to BOR Section 4.3 as set forth in the December 2 and December 30, 1994, publications. The proposed amendments to Section 4.3 of the BOR reference Figure 4-1 which can be found only in the December 2 publication and is not included in the December 30 publication. This reference in proposed Section 4.3 to Figure 4-1 is even more confusing since that figure would not be used in determining the minimum level under the April 14 methodology, which includes a new Figure 8-1 in proposed Rule 40D-8.628. Accordingly, the language "and depicted in Figure 4-1" which appears twice in proposed BOR Section 4.3 is vague and ambiguous. On May 4, 1995, DeSoto and Hardee Counties requested (in writing) a hearing before the Governing Board pursuant to Section 120.43(3)(a), F.S. on the rule amendments published on April 14, 1995. The request was denied by the District. On May 5, 1995, DeSoto and Hardee Counties filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing and for Determination of Invalidity of Proposed Water Use Permitting Rule 40D-8.628, challenging the modifications published on April 14. On June 2, 1995, DeSoto and Hardee Counties filed a Motion for Summary Final Order to Declare Rule 40D-8.628 Invalid for Failure to Follow Required Rulemaking Procedure and to Cancel Final Hearing. After extensive argument on June 7, 1995, the motions were denied in the Order Denying SFO entered on September 8, 1995. DeSoto and Hardee Counties claim that the various changes to the proposed minimum level provisions have been so confusing that it is impossible to discern the meaning and intent of the proposals and, consequently, the proposals should be declared invalid. In this regard, DeSoto and Hardee Counties argue that it is impossible for a member of the public to ascertain the District's intent without resorting to numerous different publications and, even then, DeSoto and Hardee Counties suggest, the provisions are unacceptably confusing, especially as they relate to the December 30 version of BOR Section 4.3. Without question, the various modifications to the proposed rules undertaken by the District during the course of these proceedings have further complicated what was already an extremely complicated case. Nonetheless, as noted in the Preliminary Statement and in the Order Denying SFO, at the time of the April 14 Modifications (and at the time of the November 3 Modifications discussed below), the District provided a separate point of entry to allow any substantially affected party to join in these proceedings. All parties have been afforded a reasonable opportunity to conduct discovery with respect to the District's proposals and the modifications thereto, and all parties have had a full and adequate opportunity to present their challenges to the substantive issues involved. DeSoto and Hardee Counties point out that the District failed to include the currently existing portion of BOR Section 4.3 when it published the proposed additions on December 2nd and December 30, 1994. Furthermore, the December 30, 1994, publication references Rule 40D-8.628, but the final version of proposed Rule 40D-8.628 was not published until April 14. DeSoto and Hardee Counties argue that the failure to include the full text of these rules in the December 30, 1994 publication violates Section 120.54(8), F.S. follows: Section 120.54(8) provides in pertinent part as Each rule adopted shall contain only one subject and shall be preceded by a concise statement of the purpose of the rule and reference to the rules repealed or amended, which statement need not be printed in the Florida Administrative Code. Pursuant to rule of the purposes of such rule, changes in such material shall have no effect with respect to the rule unless the rule is amended to incorporate such material as changed. No rule shall be amended by reference only. Amendments shall set out the amended rule in full in the same manner as required by the constitution for laws. (Emphasis added). The BOR is a lengthy technical document which has been incorporated by reference through Rule 40D-2.091, F.A.C. The proposed new language to be added to Section 4.3 of the BOR would apply only in the SWUCA and would not amend or change any language in the existing BOR. To require publication of the entire BOR in the F.A.W. in order to effectuate the additional language sought to be added to Section 4.3 would be an unnecessary waste of time and expense and would probably be a source of more confusion than clarification, since it would be very cumbersome to wade through the entire document. Because the existing language of Section 4.3 would not be altered or affected in any way, the District's failure to include this language is not a basis for invalidating the proposed addition. Likewise, proposed Rule 40D-8.628 creates a whole new section that addresses independent subject matter and does not alter or modify any other provisions of Rule 40D-8. The failure to include any other provisions of Rule 40D-8 with the April 14 publication does not provide a basis for invalidating the proposal. November 3, 1995, Changes The proposed rules published on December 2, 1994, included the following proposed amendment to Rule 40D- 2.801(3)(b)8, F.A.W.: 40D-2.801 Water-Use Caution Areas. (3)(b)8. Presumptions in this Chapter 40D-2 and the Basis of Review described in 40D-2.091 relating to permitting within the SWUCA are rebuttable and non- evidentiary. Chapter 373, F.S., provides that the applicant has the burden of demonstrating that the proposed use meets the "three-prong test". Whenever these presumptions apply, the burden of proof remains with the applicant. These presumption constitutes [sic] a threshold below or above which, as the case may be, the nature and extent of the information sufficient to rebut the presumption may vary. The December 2 version of the SWUCA Rules also included a "presumption" in proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2) that renewal permits, reallocation permits and certain other specified classes of permits met the Conditions for Issuance in Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(a)-(n) provided they did not exceed the criterion in the Basis of Review. In addition, new language was proposed to be added to Section 4.5 of the Basis of Review which stated that new groundwater withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer within the SWUCA were "presumed" to cause or contribute to unacceptable saltwater intrusion. During the course of the hearing, questions arose as to exactly how these new "presumptions" were to be applied and how they compared to other presumptions in the District's existing rules. On October 10, 1995, after testimony as part of DeSoto and Hardee Counties' case during Phase IV regarding the validity of presumptions in the proposed rules, the District's principal rulemaking attorney advised all counsel in this case in writing that the District staff was going to recommend to the Governing Board that it withdraw the proposed amendments to Rule 40D- 2.301(2), Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)8, and the proposed paragraph 2 to BOR Section 4.5. There was also an indication that staff would recommend that part of the withdrawn language be included in a proposed new version of Rule 40D-2.301(2). Some of the original Petitioners who had dismissed their petitions in February 1995 in reliance upon the February 10 Modifications, appeared at the hearing and expressed concern regarding the District's announcement and the effect of the intended withdrawal of the proposed provisions. On October 20, 1995, the District advised all counsel that the staff had changed its position: staff was still going to recommend that the Governing Board withdraw the proposed amendments to Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)8 and to BOR Section 4.5, but, instead of withdrawing Rule 40D-2.301(2), certain amendments were going to be recommended. These recommendations were subsequently approved by the Board. On November 3, 1995, the District published Notices of Withdrawal of the proposed amendments to Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)8 and to BOR Section 4.5 and a Notice of Change to the proposed amendment of Rule 40D- 2.301(2). See, Vol. 21, No. 44, F.A.W., pp. 7759-7760 (the "November 3 Modifications"). These actions by the District have rendered moot DeSoto and Hardee Counties' challenges to proposed Subsection (b)8 of Rule 2.801(3) and the proposed additional BOR Section 4.5. The District provided a point of entry for substantially affected parties to challenge the November 3 Modifications. That window of opportunity expired with no new petitions filed. The parties to this proceeding were afforded an adequate opportunity to respond to these changes. The new version of proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2) published on November 3, 1995, provides: (2) Applications for modifications of permits, renewal permits, Reallocation Permits and Ground Water Withdrawal Credit Permits with the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA) are determined presumed to meet 40D-2.091(1)(a)-(n) so long as the withdrawals meet or do not exceed the criteria set forth in the Basis of Review described in 40D-2.091. This determination presumption is necessary to facilitate movement (reallocation) of existing permitted ground water quantities within the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA). Since the District has already determined that on a regional cumulative basis existing withdrawals are causing unacceptable adverse impacts, Without this determination presumption any permit application, including those for reallocation could be determined not to meet the Conditions for Issuance in 40D-2.301(1)(a)- (n) even though there may be no net increase in withdrawals from within the SWUCA. [The stricken language in this quote was in the previously- proposed amendment. The language that was added for the first time in the November 3 version is underlined.] The District contends that these changes only clarify its intent and do not reflect a change in position. Essentially, these changes were prompted by confusion surrounding the use of the terms "presumes" and "presumption." The newly-proposed language of Rule 40D-2.301(2) provides that applicants for certain types of permits including modifications, renewals, reallocations, and permits associated with groundwater withdrawal credits are "determined" to meet the Conditions of Issuance so long as the criteria in the Basis of Review are met. In other words, such applicants are not subject to any regional cumulative analysis and would not have to meet the minimum level requirements of BOR Section 4.3 and proposed Rule 40D-8.628. The issues related to these "determinations" and the treatment of renewal permits are discussed in Section IV.B. below. 4. Withdrawn Change after Conclusion of Hearing Following the conclusion of the hearing, the District on February 16, 1996, filed a Motion for Official Recognition of a change to the Department of State's official version of Rule 40D-2.511, F.A.C. The new version included an additional statutory citation as part of the "law implemented" reference at the end of the rule. This change was apparently accomplished through the District's contact with the Department of State in October of 1995 requesting that the additional citation be added as a technical change. This contact took place without notification to any of the parties to these proceedings. Certain parties, including DeSoto and Hardee Counties (which had not challenged this Rule during the course of the proceedings), objected to the District's Motion based on the procedure followed and the lack of notice. After several telephone conference hearings on this change and its implications to this proceeding, the District announced on March 12, 1996, that it had requested the Department of State to publish a notice of revision of Rule 40D-2.511 to delete the reference to the additional law implemented. This deletion was to be effective immediately, thereby restoring Rule 40D-2.511 to the same condition and wording it contained during the hearing and prior to the amendment. This action has rendered moot the District's Motion for Official Recognition of the change and the parties' objections thereto. 5. Conclusion This case demonstrates the difficulty when dealing with comprehensive highly scientific rules to determine the appropriate manner of providing required notice and information without obfuscating the ultimate message. With respect to the SWUCA Rules, the District has engaged in an extensive rule development process that provided the public with numerous opportunities to obtain information and provide comment. No persuasive evidence was presented that the District refused to consider alternate views and/or that the process was merely perfunctory. In considering the technical and procedural objections raised by the various petitioners throughout the course of these proceedings, the primary concern has been to insure that appropriate points of entry were offered and that a fair opportunity to address the merits of the issues was provided. While the numerous changes to the rules have been the source of confusion and frustration, it is concluded that all parties to this case have been afforded a reasonable opportunity to conduct discovery and present evidence regarding the merits of the District's proposals including the modifications made during the pendency of these proceedings. Existing Rules, Proposed Rules, and Agency Statements Concerning Minimum Water Levels and Flow Rates Section 373.042, F.S., directs the water management districts to set minimum flows and levels for streams, lakes and aquifers. See, Section III A.5. Existing Rules Concerning Minimum Water Levels and Flow Rates - Rule 40D-8.041 ECOSWF has challenged the District's existing rules regarding minimum flows and levels, Rules 40D-8.041(2), 40D- 8.041(3), and 40D-8.041(4), F.A.C., alleging that the rules exceed the statutory authority of the District, contravene, enlarge or modify the rules' enabling statutes and are arbitrary and capricious. Rules 40D-8.041(2) and (3) purport to establish a methodology for calculating minimum flows and levels for streams and the water table aquifer. It does not appear that the District utilizes the existing methodology rules, and the District was not able to provide any scientific basis for them. A minimum flow or level established by the existing rule methodologies would not necessarily protect the water resources from further harm. The District conceded that Rule 40D-8.041(4) was premised on the "water crop" methodology and has no current viability for regulating the consumptive use of water resources in the District. See, Section III A.2. Proposed Rules Establishing the SWUCA and the Minimum Aquifer Level - Proposed Rules 40D-2.801(3)(b)1., 40D- 8.628 and BOR Section 4.3 1. Water Use in the SWUCA As discussed in Section III, withdrawals of groundwater in the Southern Basin have caused reductions of the potentiometric surface in the Floridan Aquifer and a consequent flow. reduction of the seaward gradient of groundwater 62 When the seaward gradient is reduced, coastal discharge of freshwater is reduced and saltwater can move upward and inland in the aquifer. Underground flow migrates toward areas of low potentiometric pressure. Saltwater intrusion will occur much more rapidly in an area where potentiometric levels fall below sea level, particularly if there is no barrier or buffer having a positive seaward gradient to the coast. Under predevelopment conditions, potentiometric levels near the Gulf Coasts of Hillsborough and Manatee Counties were 20-to-30 feet above sea level. In more recent years, however, potentiometric surface levels of the UFAS in southern Hillsborough and central Manatee Counties have been near or below sea level under average annual conditions. During certain periods, declines in the potentiometric surface of the UFAS measured up to 50 feet in central Manatee, portions of east-central Hillsborough, and central Polk Counties. For example, due to very high pumping in 1989, an area developed in northern Manatee and southern Hillsborough Counties where the potentiometric surface was below level. sea 63 This condition was not present in 1991, and a positive flow-gradient to the coast was re-established. Both the ETB WRAP and SWUCA Management Plan concluded that groundwater pumping needed to be capped in the SWUCA. At the time these studies were concluded, total permitted quantities of groundwater in the SWUCA were more than 1300 MGD. That number has since risen to almost 1500 MGD. These figures greatly exceed the "safe yield" estimates of the ETB WRAP and SWUCA Management Plan. The District projects that the imposition of the conservation measures in the SWUCA Rules would ultimately decrease permitted quantities to approximately 1000 MGD. It also predicts that the permitted quantities would never be fully utilized at any given time. In the SWUCA, more than 90 percent of non-public- supply water withdrawals are derived from groundwater sources. Public supply utilizes surface water reservoirs for some of its use but also depends on groundwater. According to District estimates, 1989 was the year of highest groundwater use in the SWUCA. In that year, the lowest potentiometric levels on record for most areas of the SWUCA were recorded. In 1989, permitted withdrawals for all groundwater users in the SWUCA totaled approximately 1,268 MGD. Actual groundwater use in the SWUCA for 1989 was estimated at 832 MGD with agriculture accounting for 531 MGD (64 percent), mining and percent), industrial uses approximately 166 MGD (20 64 and public percent). supply 114 MGD (14 65 In 1991, actual groundwater usage in the SWUCA was estimated at approximately 688 MGD or about 20 percent less than the estimated water use in 1989. Although it has been suggested by some Petitioners that post-1991 figures showing declines in actual water usage in the SWUCA resulted from better estimating procedures and more accurate metering, no persuasive evidence was presented to support that contention. The District's Needs and Sources Report projects that total water demand in the SWUCA could increase to approximately 1,300 MGD by the year 2020. Such an increase in water use would add significant additional stress to the water resources in the SWUCA. The District has estimated that there is from 203- 336 MGD total water available from sources in the SWUCA other than confined aquifers that have not yet been developed. Potential alternative water sources include rivers (100-143 MGD), lakes (up to 31 MGD), reclaimed water by the year 2015 (0-160 MGD) and surficial aquifers (2 MGD). 2. The Need for Regulation Faced with ever increasing demand in upcoming years, the District has concluded that it is necessary to put in place regulatory tools to address the cumulative impacts of regional groundwater withdrawals. The District is faced with a task of enormous complexity as it attempts to address the significant water resource issues within its jurisdiction. A vast number of difficult choices must be made, and it is not possible to resolve the issues in a manner acceptable to all affected interests. The proposed rules were developed by the District after many years of study and extensive public input. Because of the extensive water use already existing when the Water Resources Act was enacted in 1972, the District was not able to initially assess availability of the resource and determine an appropriate minimum aquifer level. Without question, a regulatory program would have been easier to implement if it had been possible to establish minimum levels before water use began. The District notes that district-wide water use from all sources has not changed significantly since the inception 66 of the water use permitting program in 1975. Likewise, the District claims that total use in the SWUCA have not increased significantly since 1975. While the District has suggested that the over-permitting in the SWUCA can largely be attributed to the continuation of water uses that pre-dated the District's consumptive use permitting program, all existing uses should have been subject to at least one renewal process in the intervening years. Moreover, there have been changes in the nature and location of water uses in the SWUCA. For example, during the 20- year period that the District's permitting program has been in place, there has been a decline in water use by the phosphate industry, which is primarily located in the northern inland portions of the SWUCA. During the same period, there has been increased usage by agriculture (principally citrus and tomatoes) and public supply, much of which has been located in the coastal counties of Hillsborough and Manatee. 3. Saltwater Intrusion in the SWUCA Some of the parties argue that the District does not have adequate evidence to indicate that saltwater intrusion is occurring in the SWUCA. However, the more persuasive evidence supports the District's conclusion to the contrary. In the late 1970s, the District started the Regional Observation and Monitoring Program ("ROMP") which included drilling monitor wells along the coast to locate and monitor movement of the saltwater transition zone over time. Although sometimes drilled as deep as the evaporites to gain data for a water quality profile, the wells were plugged slightly above the level where the 1,000 mg/liter chloride concentration occurs, close to freshwater portions of the aquifer. Because the monitor wells were specifically selected, drilled and operated according to reliable standards, they have been an important and reliable source of data. The District confirmed the regional movement of the saltwater interface by monitoring chloride levels at the ROMP wells over time. As expected, wells along the coast have shown increasing trends in chlorides. In addition, in some areas of southern Hillsborough and Sarasota Counties, sulfates have also increased. Overall, the ROMP wells have shown an increase in both sulfates and chlorides in the SWUCA in patterns consistent with the District's conclusions regarding movement of the interface. The District has performed statistical analysis of data from individual wells to confirm that the trends demonstrated have not been the result of random error. In reaching its conclusions, the District has taken into account site-specific information regarding the influences on each well. The District's approach has been reviewed and approved by a number of statisticians, and no persuasive evidence was presented to refute the conclusions that the data demonstrated statistically significant trends. The District has also examined data from hundreds of WUP wells that have been monitored by permittees as a condition of the permits. While the data is not as reliable as the ROMP well data, it is largely consistent with and confirms the trends 67 evidenced by the ROMP wells. The consistency of the WUP and ROMP wells' data is particularly notable in the lower production zone, where the proportion of increasing chloride trends has increased significantly in the last five years. Not only are there a growing number of wells showing increased chloride trends, but median chloride values have also increased over time. In the upper production zone, the median chloride values have increased from 17 mg/liter (between 1977-1982) to 51 mg/liter (during 1989-1993). Median sulfate values in the upper production zone have increased from 73 mg/liter to 360 mg/liter over the same time periods. Although saltwater intrusion is often considered a coastal phenomenon caused by coastal water withdrawals, in actuality the entire aquifer is underlain by water that is high in chlorides and sulfates. Therefore, the entire aquifer is potentially susceptible to saltwater intrusion with resulting adverse impacts upon potable water supplies due to a loss of pressure within the potentiometric surface. Wells along the coast generally show the first signs of adverse impact because of the increasing slope of the interface toward the coast. Whether a particular well is affected by saltwater intrusion is a function of its location and depth. It is not surprising that some wells have not yet been affected. Inland wells are more likely to show increased saltwater intrusion the deeper they are drilled. The District relies primarily upon its monitor well network and actual WUP data well to reach its conclusions on the vertical rate of saltwater interface migration. The District has also conducted solute transport modeling of saltwater interface movement calibrating the models with the best available data. Solute transport modeling is very complicated, and the resulting predictions of future interface movement are based on assumptions regarding numerous interrelated variables. The District's modeling runs attempt to project the anticipated movement of the saltwater interface (1000 mg/1 isochlor line). The original runs were included in the ETB WRAP and were completed in March 1993. Although the modeling efforts confirmed the District's conclusions regarding the continuing movement of the saltwater interface, they are not the sole or primary evidence upon which the District relies to conclude that saltwater intrusion is occurring. In sum, the District has sufficient data to document that saltwater intrusion is occurring in the SWUCA. The District continues to install water quality and water level monitoring wells and to perform additional modeling and surface water studies to augment its data base. Some of the District's efforts are reflected in the Supplemental Investigations Report. Saltwater intrusion is a gradual process that ebbs and flows with pressure differentials. The best computer model simulations indicate that along the coast of the SWUCA, there has been one-to-two miles of saltwater intrusion into the UFAS from predevelopment times to the present. Saltwater intrusion progressively reduces an aquifer's freshwater storage and supply capabilities. While at least one expert in this case suggested that saltwater intrusion permanently destroys fresh groundwater resources of the UFAS by causing irreversible degradation of water quality, the greater weight of the evidence indicates that if the head differentials are great enough, saltwater intrusion can be reversed and freshwater can replace saltwater in the aquifer. In that situation, there may be minimal loss of storativity and water quality in certain areas where water quality may not be as high as prior to intrusion because small pockets of saltwater may remain but the aquifer is not permanently lost. Thus, if the potentiometric surface in the SWUCA returned to predevelopment levels, movement of the saltwater interface would reverse and progress toward the coast at approximately the same rate at which it has progressed inland. With a reverse interface movement, freshwater would gradually flush the aquifer and, given enough time, would return to the same quality that existed prior to seawater inundation. Of course, the hypothetical reversal assumes a total halt to groundwater pumping. As long as groundwater is withdrawn from the region, the location of the saltwater transition zone will necessarily be landward of its pre-development location. The key question, then, becomes how much landward movement is acceptable. The decision is complicated by the diverse hydrogeology, the uncertainty of projecting future events which are influenced by numerous variables, and the socio-economic consequences of the decision. 4. Unified Basin Regulation A fundamental premise of the District's entire SWUCA regulatory strategy is that the designated area should be regulated as a unified groundwater basin. Although several petitioners challenge the concept, the more persuasive evidence establishes that the Southern Basin of the UFAS essentially acts as a single hydrologic unit, especially with regard to saltwater intrusion, which is heavily influenced by cumulative stresses throughout the basin. Within the Southern Basin, the UFAS is well- confined, highly transmissive, and has a relatively low storage coefficient, which means that a cone of depression caused by groundwater pumping generally propagates over a large area. While transmissivity values vary throughout the Southern Basin, the differences are not significant from a hydrogeological 68 perspective. Consequently, the Southern Basin tends to equilibrate from groundwater withdrawals within a matter of months. An analysis of well hydrographs in the SWUCA indicates that peaks and valleys generally occur during the same period. While an individual well may vary because of local conditions and/or local pumping, persuasive evidence was presented to support the District's view that there is a regional pattern. While a particle of water moves very slowly throughout the Floridan Aquifer, pressure changes are translated much more quickly. In a confined aquifer like the Floridan, pressure changes significantly affect available water supplies and the direction of groundwater flow. The flow of the UFAS in the Southern Basin is derived principally from rainfall recharge that occurs in the Green Swamp and Lake Wales Ridge area, located along the northern and eastern edges of the basin, respectively. Down-gradient of the recharge areas, groundwater gradually flows west and southwest toward and into the Gulf of Mexico, except in southern Hillsborough and western Manatee Counties, where groundwater pumping has modified the natural flow pattern. The persistent flow lines currently found in the Southern Basin are fairly consistent with those in predevelopment times. Because the flow lines that formed the basis of the District's Southern Basin delineation have been persistent over the period for which maps are available, it is not anticipated that they will change by any significant degree. Even though the flow lines may shift slightly due to climatic conditions and/or withdrawals, and there may be withdrawals outside the flow lines that affect the basin, the persistence of the flow lines indicates that in terms of potentiometric pressure, a more dominant impact results from withdrawals within the Southern Basin as opposed to without. While there are no absolute physical divides between the basins, there is no significant interrelationship between hydrological events occurring on the north and south sides of the basin boundaries. The adverse impacts associated with saltwater intrusion along the ETB coast and lowered lake levels in the HR area are functions of the pressure within the aquifer system. The lowering of water levels in the Southern Basin can lead to a deterioration of water quality in vulnerable areas because of regional lowering of hydraulic heads throughout the interconnected aquifer system. Water level reductions ultimately lead to decreased pressure along coastal areas, which enables the upward movement of the saline waters that underlie the aquifer system. Similarly, when the potentiometric pressure decreases beneath lakes that are hydraulically well-connected to the UFAS, the downward movement of water accelerates, causing lake levels to drop. Monitor well hydrographs throughout the Southern Basin reflect short-term similarities between seasonal rainfall and water use patterns, which are characterized by depression in the spring and recovery in the fall. The amplitude of swings from season to season increases or decreases with the availability of rainfall. Cumulative pumping stresses in the Southern Basin have caused many wells in the basin to show similar hydrograph patterns in terms of annual highs and lows. While all wells in the SWUCA do not reflect identical patterns, there is clear evidence that the entire system is interconnected. For example, the District's flow model study conducted within the ETB WRAP concluded that up to 40 percent of the declines in the potentiometric surface within ETB resulted from pumping in Polk, Hardee and DeSoto Counties. The more persuasive evidence supports the District's decision to regulate the Southern Basin as one unified basin. 5. Boundaries of the SWUCA Defining a boundary for an underground aquifer system such as the Southern Basin, where there are few geological impediments to lateral groundwater flow, is a somewhat amorphous proposition. In defining the SWUCA boundary, the District relied upon available data regarding persistent flow lines reflected by the potentiometric surface. This method is commonly employed by hydrogeologists when establishing a boundary for an underground aquifer system. While persistent flow lines are influenced by physical or geological characteristics, the pattern of groundwater withdrawals can affect the potentiometric surface and the direction of groundwater flow. Thus, it is inevitable that some uncertainty exists in the definition of a hydrologic boundary based upon persistent flow lines, especially when changes in use patterns can influence the location of groundwater divides. Although such unavoidable factors inject some imprecision into any attempt to regulate groundwater, the lack of precision is not a basis for abandoning all attempts at regulation. While the District's delineation of the SWUCA as a separate regulatory area is premised upon its conclusion that the area operates as an identifiable groundwater basin, the District cannot realistically rely upon invisible, fluctuating hydrologic divides for regulatory purposes. Accordingly, in establishing the boundaries of the SWUCA, the District has relied upon natural and man-made surface features that approximate the location of the groundwater divide. In addition, the District continued and/or incorporated within the SWUCA previously identified regulatory boundaries. By using the boundaries established for the ETB and HR, the District hoped to circumscribe the areas of concern while utilizing boundaries that were already familiar to regulated users, District staff and the general public. The SWUCA boundaries are set forth in proposed Rule 40D- 2.801(3)(b)1, F.A.C. Several challenges were brought regarding the accuracy and appropriateness of the boundaries selected by the District for the SWUCA. Some Petitioners complained that the SWUCA boundaries were not sufficiently inclusive, while others claimed that the District's SWUCA delineation was too extensive and encompassed areas that do not contribute to the problems the District seeks to address. Among the SWUCA boundary issues raised 69 are the following: Areas Outside the Delineated SWUCA Boundary The District's failure to include the entire Southern Basin within the SWUCA boundary has not been shown to be arbitrary or capricious or to otherwise render the rules invalid. With the exception of a relatively small area lying north of the SWUCA's northern boundary, the SWUCA boundary delineation includes virtually all of the Southern Basin that lies within the District's jurisdiction. Some portions of the Southern Basin lie outside the jurisdiction of the District. Part of the northeast section of the Southern Basin lies within the regulatory jurisdiction of the St. John River Water Management District. Similarly, the South Florida Water Management District has permitting jurisdiction over portions of the southern and southeastern sections of the Southern Basin. Ideally, the entire Southern Basin should be included in the SWUCA, but the District has no authority to regulate permitting outside its jurisdiction. Groundwater withdrawals in the areas outside the District's jurisdiction can affect the potentiometric surface of the UFAS in the SWUCA. Water management district's boundaries are largely based upon surface water rather than groundwater divides. Chapter 373 does not provide guidance for solving jurisdictional obstacles to the comprehensive regulation of groundwater. No agreement has been reached with regard to water use permitting in the areas of the Southern Basin that lie outside the District's authority. The District has communicated the results of its studies to the South Florida Water Management District. The proposed SWUCA Rules contain no mechanism by which the District could adjust for effects of new or increased withdrawals from areas outside the SWUCA boundaries that are not subject to the same regulatory sanctions or stringent conservation measures as areas within the SWUCA. Considerable development activity has occurred in areas immediately adjacent to certain portions in the SWUCA. Petitioners have expressed concern that the proximity of some of these "external" development projects increases the possibility that water withdrawals from outside the SWUCA could adversely impact the SWUCA's potentiometric levels and thereby preclude the issuance of new SWUCA. permits in the 70 It is not clear from the record in this proceeding whether any external project realistically poses a threat to the water resources of the SWUCA. Because the flow lines of the Southern Basin have persisted over an extended period of time, it is highly unlikely that the effects of withdrawals outside the SWUCA could preclude the issuance of new permits within the designated area. The foregoing issues highlight the need for comprehensive water use regulation that is coordinated among all permitting agencies. However, the limitations of the existing statutory framework do not invalidate the District's attempt to regulate the use of water within the area subject to its jurisdiction. Northern Boundary of the SWUCA For the northern boundary of the SWUCA, the District has chosen State Road 60 in Hillsborough County, eastbound to its intersection with Countyline Road along the divide between Hillsborough and Polk Counties. The boundary then continues north along Countyline Road until it intersects Interstate Highway No. 4 ("I-4"). Because the actual hydrologic boundary of the Southern Basin more closely approximates the I-4 corridor that extends through Hillsborough County in a southwesterly direction, there is a triangular area north of State Road 60 in Hillsborough County - referred to during the hearing as the "Hillsborough Triangle" - that is located within the Southern Basin but not within the SWUCA. The area's exclusion from the SWUCA has been challenged by several parties. WUCA. State Road 60 was also one of the boundaries established for the ETB 71 During the rulemaking process, the District considered using the I-4 corridor as the northern boundary for the SWUCA. After considering objections from user groups in the area, the District decided to use State Road 60 as the northern boundary of the SWUCA. The northern boundary of the Southern Basin is located in a transition area from the well-confined UFAS to the south to a poorly or semi-confined aquifer system to the north. Along the transition area, the Intermediate Aquifer narrows significantly and flow lines shift seasonally. While there are hydrologic justifications to support using I-4 as the northern boundary of the SWUCA, the District's determination to use State Road 60 has not been shown to be arbitrary or capricious. Most of the Hillsborough Triangle is currently regulated under the District's NTB WUCA rules, which the District asserts will provide protections similar to those contained in the proposed SWUCA Rules. There is extensive groundwater use by strawberry growers in the Hillsborough Triangle. By utilizing State Road 60 as the SWUCA's northern boundary (and thereby excluding the Hillsborough Triangle), the District ensures that this principal user group will be regulated consistently under one set of rules. The District claims that it expended considerable effort to educate the strawberry growers during the NTB WUCA rule development process and that the area can be further addressed (if necessary) in conjunction with the District's upcoming review of the NTB WUCA. The District does not believe that the Hillsborough Triangle will be a future growth area in terms of new uses. In sum, regulatory considerations rather than hydrologic factors led the District to select State Road 60 rather than I-4 for the northern boundary of the SWUCA. While it makes sense from a hydrological standpoint to include the Hillsborough Triangle in the SWUCA -- as recommended by some District staff personnel -- the District Governing Board ultimately concluded that it was more important to consistently regulate a major user group under the same rules, especially since it theoretically has additional statutory authority to prohibit or restrict new or existing uses on a case-by-case basis. See e.g., Sections 373.119, .175, .223 and .246, F.S. This decision was not without thought or reason and has not been shown to be arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. Some Petitioners suggested that the District's exclusion of the Hillsborough Triangle from the SWUCA was intended to and/or will result in facilitating the development of a wellfield on the Cone Ranch -- a 12,600-acre tract of land purchased by West Coast for purposes of developing a major regional wellfield. Lying in the northeast corner of Hillsborough County, just west of the Polk-Hillsborough line and north of State Road 60, the Cone Ranch is not a part of the SWUCA, nor is it within any other water use caution area at this time. The Cone Ranch has been considered a potential major new source of water for West Coast. The District's January 1992 Needs and Sources Report recognized Cone Ranch as part of a projected regional wellfield system to meet water demands in that area of the 72 District. No persuasive evidence supports Petitioners' claim that the District's decision to exclude the Hillsborough Triangle from the SWUCA was related to the Cone Ranch. The development of any new major wellfield will have to comply with District rules in existence at the time of application. Inclusion of Areas Outside the Basin Along the eastern boundary of the SWUCA, the District has included some areas that lie outside the Southern Basin. Because withdrawals in the subject areas could affect the stressed lakes nearby, the District's decision to include them within the SWUCA is reasonable. There is an area in northern Polk County, however, that also lies outside the Southern Basin, but is not in the vicinity of any stressed lakes. Referred to during the hearing as the "Polk County Nub," the area is included in the SWUCA because it is not currently subject to the rules of any water use caution area. The District contends that withdrawals in the Polk County Nub could extend beyond the boundaries of the groundwater divide and affect the SWUCA. There is no evidence, however, that withdrawals in the area have contributed to any of the existing SWUCA problems and, absent an extremely large withdrawal or a change in existing conditions, future withdrawals from the area will have a negligible impact on the SWUCA. While the District should monitor future withdrawal requests from the Polk County Nub, there is no reasonable basis for precluding future withdrawals in the area until the minimum aquifer levels in the SWUCA have been achieved. Accordingly, the District's decision to include the Polk County Nub in the SWUCA was arbitrary. Eastern Tampa Bay and Highlands Ridge The SWUCA Rules utilize the boundaries of the ETB and HR WUCAs but only for purposes of implementing and monitoring the SWUCA minimum aquifer level. (The District's methodology that uses the ETB and HR areas for purposes of assessing the status of the minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA is discussed in more detail below.) In all other respects, the areas will be regulated in a manner consistent with the remainder of the SWUCA. The existing ETB Rules -- which preclude any withdrawals that would cause a drawdown of more than two tenths of a foot in an area designated as the "most impacted area" (the "MIA"), where the impacts of saltwater intrusion have been most heavily felt -- will be withdrawn. It has been suggested that the withdrawal of this protection, which extends to withdrawals outside the SWUCA, could actually exacerbate saltwater intrusion. The District claims that any withdrawals outside of the SWUCA which would have a measurable impact upon the MIA can be regulated under the District's existing rules. See, Rule 40-2.301(1)(h). The District's decision in this regard has not been shown to be arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. 6. Minimum Aquifer Level for the SWUCA The SWUCA Rules represent the District's first attempt to establish a minimum level for a groundwater aquifer on a regional basis. The effort is embodied in proposed Rule 40D- 8.628(1) which provides: Within the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA), the boundary of which is described in 40D-2.801(3)(b), F.A.C., the minimum water level for the upper Floridan aquifer is the 1991 annual average potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan aquifer. Permitted withdrawals from the upper Floridan aquifer will not be considered to be in violation of this level. The minimum aquifer level will not be used by itself to reduce permitted withdrawals existing as of [effective date of this rule]. It is the intent of this rule that the minimum water level of the upper Floridan aquifer with the SWUCA be achieved over a reasonable period of time, by reasonable means, and without undue effect on existing legal uses, through those provisions of Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C., which regulate water use within the SWUCA. In the event that any provision of this subsection (1): (a) is found invalid; or (b) is interpreted such that the District is required to, or does apply, use or implement the minimum level set forth herein in a manner different than set forth in this subsection (1), then the minimum level shall cease to be effective. If the minimum water level is found to be invalid, the District shall immediately commence rulemaking or any other proceedings to adopt a new minimum level and to amend Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C., or adopt other rules as may be appropriate to implement the new minimum level. [As published April 14, 1995, F.A.W Volume 21, No. 15.] Use of Potentiometric Surface as Basis for Regulation Regulation of water use from a highly confined basin upon an aquifer's potentiometric surface, which integrates all resource stresses within the basin, is preferable to simply regulating pumpage alone. Regulation based solely on the amount of water withdrawn does not account for other stresses, such as climate and changes in drainage, on the resource. Moreover, a minimum level based upon an aquifer's potentiometric surface can potentially maximize total aquifer yield, consistent with the District's mandate under Chapter 373 to optimize utilization of the resource. Propriety of Using 1991 Potentiometric Surface as Minimum Level The selection of an appropriate minimum aquifer level necessarily involves difficult policy choices. The District has been entrusted by the legislature with making those choices within the statutory framework of Chapter 373. As discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law, the District's choices are subject to review under Chapter 120, F.S. Under the applicable review standards, deference should be accorded to the District's discretionary choices exercised within the statutory framework. The District asserts that its selection of the minimum level is based upon a balancing of projected harm to water resources and the socioeconomic costs of reducing existing withdrawals. The proposed minimum aquifer level of Rule 40D- 8.628, F.A.C., is intended to limit -- on a regional basis -- water resource impacts related to saltwater intrusion and lowering of lake levels. One of the District's goals in establishing the minimum aquifer level is to ensure the achievement and maintenance of a positive hydraulic gradient that would minimize further movement of the freshwater/saltwater interface. The District believes its establishment of a minimum level is constrained by the extensive water use already in place prior to implementation of its permitting program. The minimum level chosen by the District has been challenged on the grounds that it allegedly fails to adequately protect water resources. The proposed minimum level for the SWUCA has also been challenged by certain Petitioners who allege that the District's methodology in calculating the minimum level is flawed, and that the District's minimum level proposal improperly treats permit renewals differently than applications for new withdrawals. Other Petitioners allege that the District has failed to establish a deadline for achieving the minimum level and/or does not mandate immediate reductions of existing withdrawal quantities. Finally, the District's inclusion of a "self-destruct mechanism" in the proposed rule and a provision withdrawing certain standard permit conditions have been challenged. Background When the District began to formulate a regulatory strategy for the SWUCA, it established as an operating premise that its goal was to halt further inland movement of the freshwater/saltwater interface. As District modeling efforts became more refined, the data indicated that continued movement of the saltwater interface could not be halted without drastic reductions in current pumping levels within the SWUCA. Consequently, the District changed its operating premise and chose a minimum level that is projected to allow continued upward and landward movement of the saltwater interface, while theoretically ensuring a seaward gradient of the potentiometric surface on an average annual basis. The District asserts that maintenance of the selected level will minimize adverse impacts that might occur if the gradient is reversed. The District Governing Board was presented with projections of how the saltwater interface would move under various rates of withdrawal from the aquifer over a 50-year planning horizon. Ultimately, the Governing Board chose the 1991 potentiometric surface as the minimum level. Although groundwater pumpage in the SWUCA was less in 1992, 1993 and 1994, and the use of the potentiometric surface from any of those years as the minimum level would further slow the rate of saltwater intrusion, the District Governing Board was concerned about the economic consequences of implementing a lower potentiometric surface as the minimum level since corresponding pumping levels would also have to be lower. Implicit in the District's selection was its determination that the rate of saltwater intrusion associated with the 1991 potentiometric surface approximates an acceptable balance between the needs of humans and the needs of the resource. It is not clear from the record in this case what information was presented to the Governing Board regarding impacts that would result in areas where saltwater intrusion will occur if the 1991 level is achieved and maintained. The Governing Board did not approve a gallonage yield in adopting a minimum level. Estimated groundwater pumping in the SWUCA during 1991 was 680 MGD, which is roughly the amount of groundwater that could be withdrawn from the SWUCA while still meeting the minimum level. The actual amount of water that could be withdrawn without exceeding the minimum level depends upon the spacial and temporal distribution of withdrawals throughout the Southern Basin. Optimal withdrawal distribution could potentially increase total aquifer yield. In a "Statement of Facts and Circumstances", supporting the SWUCA rules submitted to the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee ("JAPC") in September 1994, the District stated: The Governing Board has set as an operating premise that further saltwater intrusion is not acceptable. Further, Section 373.042(2), F.S. directs the District to set the level of groundwater in the aquifer at which further withdrawals would be significantly harmful to the water resources of the area. This necessitates that a minimum level for the potentiometric aquifer be established that will limit the movement of saltwater to approximately a halt. The District has determined that the 1991 annual average potentiometric surface for the Upper Floridan aquifer within the SWUCA should be established as that minimum level. ECOSWF points out that the District's interpretation of Section 373.042, F.S., set forth in the Statement of Facts and Circumstances is not consistent with its selection of the 1991 potentiometric level, because that level will not "limit the movement of saltwater to approximately a halt." Similarly, the "Purpose and Effect" statement published with proposed Rule 40D-8.628 states that the rule is intended "to prevent the further adverse impacts of saltwater intrusion and lowered lake levels, and to satisfy the requirements of Section 373.042." ECOSWF claims that these District statements and representations made as part of the rule development process are misleading because even if the 1991 potentiometric surface levels are achieved and maintained, the District will not accomplish its stated goals. As reflected by the Supplement Investigations Report, saltwater intrusion will continue to occur in the District over the next 50 years and beyond even if the minimum level is achieved and maintained. While the District's statements are somewhat confusing in view of the latest modeling results they do not provide a basis for invalidating the District's selection of a minimum level. Predicting movement of the interface is highly complex and uncertain, and the District's level of knowledge continues to evolve. It cannot be concluded from the evidence presented that the District has deliberately tried to mischaracterize its goals or ignore its expanding data base. Continued Saltwater Intrusion Computer modeling of the rate of saltwater intrusion results in nothing more than an estimate, since it is impossible to determine with certainty where the freshwater/saltwater interface is actually located and/or how much it will move. As discussed in more detail below, the District's initial evaluation after completion of the ETB WRAP indicated that maintenance of the 1991 potentiometric surface level throughout the SWUCA would effectively halt saltwater intrusion. Further modeling conducted included in the Supplemental Investigations Report indicated that the District's original projections may have underestimated the effects of maintaining the 1991 level. The later modeling projects that if the 1991 average annual potentiometric surface is achieved and maintained, the saltwater interface will continue to move landward at the rate of 0.90 mile to 1.75 miles over the next 50 years, or 3" to 6" per day. The movement will essentially occur along the entire coastal portions of the ETB WUCA, an area approximately 60 miles in length from north to south that encompasses portions of Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties. In addition, the supplemental modeling shows that the saltwater interface will continue to move upward at the rate of 80-to-180 feet over the next 50 years, or 1.6 feet to 3.6 feet per year. The supplemental modeling is the best information currently available to predict future movement of the saltwater interface in the SWUCA. Thus, even if the goals of the SWUCA Rules are achieved and the 1991 potentiometric surface level is maintained, the best evidence indicates that the saltwater interface will continue to move landward and upward for at least the next 50 years. When presented with the results of the Supplemental Investigations, the District concluded that the profound socioeconomic consequences of reducing pumpage below 1991 levels outweighed the impacts of saltwater interface advancement that would occur if pumping was maintained at 1991 levels. Consequently, the District pursued a regulatory strategy that would maintain the 1991 level with minimal economic disruption. The District considered that the 1991 average annual potentiometric surface was reasonable and achievable since it was premised upon recent pumping distribution. Another important factor in the District's determination was that the 1991 potentiometric levels were, on average, above sea level all the way to the Gulf coast. ECOSWF objects to the District's selection of a minimum aquifer level that allows saltwater intrusion to occur at a rate and to an extent only slightly less than what would result if the highest groundwater use on record was allowed to continue. If the potentiometric surface resulting from the 1989 pumpage levels is maintained, the revised modeling predicts that the saltwater interface would continue to move landward at the rate of 1.02 to 2.5 miles, over the next 50 years, or 3.5" to 9" per day. ECOSWF argues that this predicted movement based on 1989 levels is not significantly different from the 0.90 to 1.75 miles (3" to 6" per day) predicted over the next 50 years if the 1991 average annual potentiometric surface is achieved and maintained. In other words, the District's selection of the 1991 level instead of the 1989 level results in a net improvement of only 0.12 to 0.75 miles in the total extent of saltwater intrusion over the next 50 years (.5 " to 3" per day). Recent estimates indicate that the Upper Floridan Aquifer System has lost approximately 7.5 percent of its freshwater storage capacity in the ETB region. ECOSWF claims an additional 10 percent of the aquifer's storage capacity could be lost during the next 35-50 years even if the proposed minimum level is adopted and achieved. It is not clear how the 7.5 percent loss in ETB corresponds to the capacity of the SWUCA as a whole. If actual pumpage in the SWUCA 1991 levels or the proposed minimum level is not otherwise achieved or maintained, the impacts on water resources in the SWUCA will be necessarily greater. The District is aware of these estimates. The District claims that it has considered the losses in the context of the overall capacity of the UFAS in the SWUCA and the economic consequences of immediately reducing pumping. It is not clear from the record whether the District has attempted to analyze the economic impacts of the projected continued movement of the interface. ECOSWF has not shown that the District failed to consider available scientific information, arbitrarily chose to disregard reliable scientific data, or elected to proceed without adequate information. Moreover, ECOSWF overlooks the benefits of establishing a positive seaward gradient, which maintenance of the 1991 potentiometric surface would engender. Positive Seaward Gradient Pumping in the SWUCA during 1989 resulted in potentiometric levels below sea level during at least a portion of the year in certain inland areas in southern Hillsborough and Manatee Counties. Eventually, if an aquifer's potentiometric surface remains below sea level, saltwater will fill the thickness of the aquifer inland to that point. Application of the Ghyben- 73 Herzberg principle indicates that a continuation of the 1989 potentiometric surface would ultimately result in seawater completely filling the aquifer through the central part of the SWUCA. For 1991 levels, the Ghyben-Herzberg approximation indicates that the saltwater interface would still reach equilibrium several miles from the coast, beneath the coastal counties of the ETB area. However, because 1991 potentiometric levels do not cause the potentiometric surface to be, on average, below sea level in the inland areas, a seaward gradient in the flow of freshwater would be maintained - this is a significant improvement over the conditions that would result from maintenance of 1989 levels. One of the primary reasons for the District's selection of the 1991 level as an acceptable minimum level was to ensure a continuous hydraulic gradient above sea level from inland areas to the coastline. Maintenance of a seaward hydraulic gradient would slow inland movement of the saltwater interface and help to ensure that the aquifer contains freshwater all the way to the coast. If the 1991 average annual potentiometric surface is achieved and maintained, saltwater intrusion will continue until equilibrium is achieved. Current estimates are that equilibrium will not be reached for several hundred years. The seasonal nature of withdrawals in the SWUCA may affect when and where the system reaches equilibrium. Some of the Petitioners have pointed out that the District's modeling was not run for sufficient periods into the future to establish where the saltwater interface would ultimately equilibrate (i.e., cease its inland movement). Accordingly, it has been suggested that maintenance of 1991 levels does not ensure that a positive hydraulic gradient will be maintained. The actual movement of the interface will depend upon the amount and location of pumping that occurs in the future. The District's modeling provides the best estimates of the expected movement for the foreseeable future. The District has instituted monitoring procedures that would enable it to determine if actual pumping is causing, or is leading to, the loss of a positive seaward hydraulic gradient. By selecting the 1991 potentiometric surface as the minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA, the District believed that saltwater intrusion would decelerate and lake levels would stabilize. The evidence supports the conclusion that maintenance of a positive seaward gradient will slow seawater intrusion and help prevent, at least for the immediate future, the catastrophic aquifer damage that would occur if the gradient were reversed. "Safe" or "Sustainable" Yield The "Purpose and Effect" section of the notice for proposed Rule 40D-8.628 as published on April 14, 1995, provides: As a result of a multi-year hydrologic study, the District has determined that groundwater withdrawals from the Floridan aquifer within the Southern Water Use Caution Area (SWUCA) have exceeded the sustainable yield. The resulting effects include saltwater intrusion and lowered lake levels. To prevent further adverse effects resulting from excessive withdrawals, and to satisfy 373.042, F.S., the proposed rule establishes the minimum level to be achieved for the upper Floridan aquifer within the Southern Water Use Caution Area... Vol. 21, No. 15, F.A.W. at p. 2296. Although this preamble indicates that the District has determined that groundwater withdrawals have exceeded "sustainable yield," the SWUCA Rules do not specifically establish a sustainable or safe yield for groundwater because the effects of pumping can vary depending upon climatic conditions, the location and/or timing of the withdrawals and accumulated stresses. Instead, the District chose to regulate withdrawals on the basis of maintaining potentiometric levels, and chose the 1991 potentiometric level in part because the pumping associated with the level closely approximated the safe yields analyzed during the ETB WRAP process. As used by the District, "safe" or "sustainable yield" for an aquifer refers to "the quantity of water available for man's use without causing unacceptable impacts to the water resources, associated natural systems, and existing legal uses of water." ETB WRAP p. 1-1. A proper determination of safe yield necessarily involves extensive scientific information and understanding and can be a costly and time-consuming process. A safe yield determination is not a purely scientific finding, since there is no standard or universally recognized definition for "unacceptable impacts." The determination necessarily involves value judgments, which must then be translated and incorporated into standards or measurements that can be applied by hydrologists, other scientists or technicians. The July 1993 ETB WRAP sought to make a safe yield determination for the SWUCA. As noted earlier, the starting point for the ETB WRAP was the District Governing Board's premise that further saltwater intrusion was not acceptable. The initial groundwater flow modeling for the ETB WRAP attempted to determine safe yield for the entire groundwater basin utilizing a conjunctive modeling approach. A groundwater flow model was designed by calibrating the average 1989 basin pumpage distribution with the 1989 average annual potentiometric surface levels. Based on the 1989 pumpage distribution, the model then systematically reduced water withdrawals, and the resulting potentiometric pressure heads were input into solute transport models. The solute transport models estimated the movement of the saltwater interface. Various model scenarios were run until the interface stabilized at or near its then-current position. The initial modeling projected that a continuation of 1989 groundwater pumping rates and distribution would cause the saltwater interface to continue its landward movement by 1.0 to 2.0 miles over the next 50 years. The ETB WRAP further estimated that 668 existing wells could be affected by the 1-to-2 mile encroachment of saltwater. Presented with this information, the Governing Board concluded that the estimated range of movement was not an acceptable level of saltwater intrusion. To actually halt the projected movement of the saltwater interface over the next 50 years, the initial modeling efforts estimated the SWUCA's safe yield to be 650 MGD to 700 MGD. The pumpage and potentiometric surface levels that resulted from the modeled safe yield scenario were similar to the average estimated pumpage and the average annual potentiometric surface during 1991. The April 1994 SWUCA Management Plan adopted the safe yield determination of the ETB WRAP. The Management Plan addressed the hydrologic elements of the safe yield determination by having as its "operating premise" the goal of no further saltwater intrusion. The Management Plan recognized that the District Governing Board was responsible for making the final safe yield determination based on its consideration of socioeconomic factors and potential for "unacceptable adverse impacts." In May 1994, further refinements and improvements to the modeling techniques demonstrated that continued movement of the saltwater interface would occur under what was previously considered the safe yield scenario (i.e., pumpage of approximately 650 MGD pumpage in the basin). The District's refined modeling conducted during the Supplemental Investigations became the best information available on the anticipated movement of the saltwater interface in the SWUCA over the next 50 years under different pumpage scenarios. Based upon the information it had developed, District staff believed that pumpage within the SWUCA would have to be reduced to approximately 300-400 MGD (based on 1989 distribution) to stop the saltwater interface at its then-current position. The District did not run a scenario using the refined and improved modeling to more accurately estimate the level of pumping that would completely halt movement of the interface, because it concluded that to require the immediate and drastic pumpage reductions necessary to reach the 300-400 MGD range would result in unacceptable economic impacts. Chapter 373 provides minimal guidance to district governing boards for making value judgments necessary for the appropriate protection of the state's water resources. Especially difficult are those policy decisions that involve resource protection based on evolving science and technology and the adverse impact that the decisions will have on the economy of a region that relies heavily on the ability to withdraw groundwater. Section 62-40.405 of the State Water Policy (which has been renumbered by the 1995 amendments as Rule 62-40.473, F.A.C.) sets forth some of the criteria that governing boards must consider in the establishment of minimum flows and levels. ECOSWF claims that the State Water Policy does not specifically incorporate a balancing test, but instead focuses on a scientific determination aimed at preventing "significant harm to the resources." The State Water Policy does not purport to delineate all of the factors to be considered in establishing a minimum level. Nothing in Chapter 373 or in the State Water Policy precludes consideration of socioeconomic factors in the establishment of minimum flows and levels. Indeed, determining what constitutes "significant" or "unacceptable" harm necessarily requires that damage to the resource be viewed in perspective. The District admits that the selection of the SWUCA minimum level was a policy decision by the Governing Board that resulted from balancing the harm to area water resources against the economic and social costs of adopting that particular level. The socioeconomic factors considered by the Governing Board in its determination of the rate and extent of acceptable saltwater intrusion and, consequently, the appropriate minimum aquifer level, were discussed only in general terms during this proceeding. As part of its rulemaking process, the District prepared a lengthy Economic Impact Statement ("EIS") which was introduced and made part of the record in this case. Some of the Petitioners challenged the EIS at the outset of these proceedings, but all such challenges were dismissed prior to or during the final hearing. The District's EIS was premised on the assumption that further saltwater intrusion would not occur if the minimum level was achieved and maintained. It is not clear whether any amendments or modifications were made to the EIS after the District determined that halting saltwater intrusion was not a viable option. Achievement of Minimum Level by a Specific Time The SWUCA Rules do not specifically require that the minimum aquifer level be achieved or maintained. Saltwater intrusion in the UFAS within the SWUCA began with the first groundwater withdrawals from the aquifer, and its extent and significance have increased as groundwater withdrawals have increased over time. The District's determination that saltwater intrusion is a long-term problem that can be addressed over a period of time has not been shown to be arbitrary or capricious. Under proposed Rule 40D-8.628, permitted groundwater withdrawals at the time the rule becomes effective will not be deemed in violation of the minimum level. No persuasive grounds have been provided to invalidate the District's decision in this regard; however, as discussed below, there are problems with the District's proposed application on renewal. Conflict With Existing Rules and Water Quality Standards Existing Section 4.5.1 of the District's Basis of Review provides that "significant saline water intrusion includes the movement of a saline water interface to a greater distance inland or towards a potable withdrawal than has historically occurred as a consequence of seasonal fluctuations, or a sustained increase from background levels in solute concentrations." The proposed SWUCA Rules would not alter this definition. ECOSWF notes that achievement and maintenance of the proposed minimum level for the SWUCA would allow "significant saline water intrusion" as defined by the District. ECOSWF also claims that the continued movement of the saltwater interface in coastal counties may result in violations of UFAS groundwater quality standards for chlorides, total dissolved solids and sulfates. With respect to the apparent conflict with BOR Section 4.5.1, the District contends that its actions with regard to the SWUCA are being taken pursuant to Rule 40D-2.801, F.A.C., which governs the declarations or delineation of Water Use Caution Areas. The District claims that these provisions allow it to override the specific requirements of the Conditions For Issuance -- in particular Rule 40D-2.301(1)(f), F.A.C., which involves prevention of significant saltwater intrusion -- when it needs to be overridden to address a regional problem in a more comprehensive manner. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, Chapter 373 does not require that the District select a minimum aquifer level that halts saline water intrusion and/or avoids any violation of water quality standards. Instead, the statute directs the District to establish a minimum level that prevents significant harm to the resource. Continued Issuance of Permits in the SWUCA The ETB WRAP and other studies conducted by the District have arguably developed adequate documentation of resource problems and overpermitting to warrant denial of applications for new groundwater withdrawals from the UFAS within the SWUCA based application of Rule 40D-2.301(1)(f), F.A.C. To date, the District has not exercised that authority. Instead, the District has continued to process and approve new applications for groundwater withdrawals while the SWUCA Rules were being developed and during this proceeding. The District claims that a comprehensive approach is necessary to address the regional water use issues, and that it decided not to deny individual permits in the interim based on the region's problems. The District is concerned that the existing rules may not provide a sufficiently clear basis for denying the applications and would present the District with the possibility of numerous individual hearings without a comprehensive, regional rule upon which to rely. The District staff was concerned about the resulting drain on administrative staff and resources. The District was also concerned that a case-by-case approach would not enable it to focus on limiting new quantities while providing existing users an opportunity to reduce their permitted quantities over time. The District claims it is difficult to assess, on an individual permit basis, whether a specific withdrawal significantly induces saltwater intrusion because its current regulatory models are not designed to address regional cumulative impacts. The District believes the rulemaking provisions of Chapter 120 offer the best opportunity for the regulated public and other substantially affected persons to participate in the development of a solution to what it considers a regional problem. The District claims that it continues to monitor new withdrawal quantities being permitted within the SWUCA and will take further regulatory steps if necessary. While the District's existing rules offer a cumbersome method for addressing saltwater intrusion issues through individual permits, the District's determination to continue processing applications for permits during the pendency of these proceedings, thereby increasing total permitted quantities within the SWUCA, is troublesome, especially since new permitted quantities would be entitled to preferential treatment under the proposed SWUCA Rules. However, the District's individual permitting decisions, are beyond the scope of this proceeding. Impacts on Wetlands, Surface Water Levels, Stream Flows Some evidence was presented that groundwater withdrawals have impacted wetlands in the SWUCA. Although withdrawals from the intermediate aquifer can be more easily linked to wetland impacts in the SWUCA, UFAS withdrawals probably are causing impacts in some areas. The impacts may be the result 74 of increased induced recharge from overlying aquifers due to reductions in the potentiometric surface of the UFAS and/or may be the result of changes in the hydroperiods of the wetlands due to the seasonal nature of the groundwater withdrawals, i.e., heavy agricultural pumping during the growing season. Thus, while there is data that suggests the surficial and intermediate aquifers have not declined over time, the seasonal nature of groundwater pumpage may cause significant declines during periods of heavy pumpage with a rebound to natural levels when pumping ceases. The seasonal fluctuation in groundwater levels can be significantly different from the natural hydrological cycles of the wetlands and may be impacting some wetlands and upland vegetation in certain areas of the SWUCA. The District has not studied in any detail the impact of groundwater pumping on wetlands in the SWUCA, and the full extent and cause of impacts to wetlands in the SWUCA is not clear from the evidence presented. The minimum level selected by the District was not intended to address impacts to wetlands or other natural systems that may occur as a result of groundwater pumpage in the SWUCA. ECOSWF suggests that the failure of the proposed minimum level to afford such protection renders it invalid. It is not clear, however, how or whether a minimum aquifer level could be developed for the SWUCA that would provide any significant protection for wetlands. Generally in the SWUCA, there is a confining layer between the Floridan Aquifer and the surficial and/or intermediate aquifers. The confining layer is not homogenous and there are areas with fractures, fault zones and/or discontinuities that can lead to localized water table drawdowns when groundwater pumping occurs. Many impacted wetlands may actually be aligned along areas where the confining layer is thin or discontinuous. ECOSWF points out that the periods of maximum pumpage in the SWUCA coincide with the growing season. Because of the importance of this season to the natural vegetative communities, ECOSWF claims that impacts to natural systems will be determined largely by the maximum drawdowns that occur during periods of high pumping. Impacts to lakes that are connected to the surficial and intermediate aquifer system may similarly be related more to maximum drawdowns rather than average conditions. Thus, the potentiometric rebound that occurs as a result of seasonal pumpage may not prevent the detrimental effects of heavy pumping on natural systems even though it may reduce or slow saltwater intrusion. In view of these factors, it was suggested that the minimum level should be based upon maximum drawdowns rather than average drawdowns over the year. However, the evidence was insufficient to establish that the District's decision to base the minimum level on average drawdown conditions was arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. The minimum aquifer level was primarily intended to address saltwater intrusion. It is not clear whether there is currently an adequate scientific basis to effectively address other impact issues through establishment of a minimum level. The District contends that achievement and maintenance of the proposed minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA will help restore and stabilize lake levels. No modeling has been done and no specific evidence was presented on the precise effect or relationship between the minimum level and the restoration or stabilization of lake levels. The evidence presented was sufficient to establish that adoption of a minimum level for the UFAS in the SWUCA will help stabilize lake levels, particularly for lakes directly connected to the UFAS. ECOSWF also complains that in selecting a minimum aquifer level for the SWUCA, the District did not adequately consider the cumulative regional impacts of groundwater withdrawals on surface waters and stream flows. Yet, ECOSWF did not establish that sufficient scientific knowledge is currently available to address cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals on surface waters through the establishment of a minimum aquifer level for the UFAS. The evidence revealed that the District's current water use permitting rules do not provide a good mechanism for considering the impacts of groundwater withdrawals on stream flows or surface water levels. The adoption of a minimum level for the UFAS in the SWUCA would help stabilize potentiometric levels and thereby help prevent groundwater withdrawals from further impacting existing flows and surface water levels. No persuasive evidence was presented that a minimum aquifer level for the SWUCA can provide any other protection, nor was persuasive evidence presented that the level selected by the District will lead to impacts of such magnitude that the selection should be declared arbitrary or capricious. Similarly, some Petitioners have suggested that any regulatory strategy for the UFAS in the SWUCA must include the area's widely varying intermediate aquifer. However, no persuasive evidence was presented to establish that the District's determination to focus a regional regulatory strategy solely on the Floridan Aquifer was arbitrary or capricious. The intermediate aquifer is found throughout the Southern Basin and consists of water-bearing units and confining beds that lie between the surficial and Floridan Aquifer. The confining beds restrict the vertical movement of groundwater. The intermediate aquifer system varies significantly throughout the Basin. In areas south of Polk County, it is used for domestic and public water supply, and in eastern Charlotte and southern DeSoto Counties, it is a major source of irrigation water. Several hundred feet thick in southern Charlotte County, the intermediate system thins out and eventually terminates in the northern part of the Southern Basin resulting in a more direct hydrological connection between the Floridan Aquifer and the overlying surficial and intermediate aquifers in that area. It is not clear what or how a regional strategy for the intermediate aquifer would alleviate Petitioner's concerns. In the meantime, it is important to develop and implement a strategy for saltwater intrusion in the SWUCA. Conclusion In sum, the District has extensively studied the groundwater problems in the SWUCA, considered all useful data, and relied upon the best information available in reaching its conclusions. The evidence indicates that achievement and maintenance of the 1991 potentiometric surface will not halt the upward and landward movement of the saltwater interface, therefore some additional wells will be lost in the coastal areas of the SWUCA. Moreover, the minimum level selected by the District will probably not provide much protection for wetlands in the SWUCA. Nonetheless, there are important benefits that could be realized through achievement and maintenance of the proposed minimum aquifer level. The size of the aquifer, its ability to recover from both seasonal withdrawal fluctuations and long-term changes in potentiometric levels, and a program of constant monitoring to ensure the maintenance of a seaward gradient, diminish the need for immediate, drastic measures. The determination to accept some further movement of the saltwater interface and the resulting manifestation of impacts in certain vulnerable areas is not inherently inconsistent with Chapter 373, as long as it is based upon a deliberate evaluation of the best available information and is accomplished within the existing regulatory framework. Aside from the implementation aspects of the proposed minimum level discussed below, the evidence did not establish that the District's selection of the 1991 potentiometric surface as the appropriate minimum aquifer level was arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. District Methodology for Calculating and Applying the Minimum Level In the proposed SWUCA Rules published on December 2, 1994, the District included a map of the Upper Floridan's 1991 average potentiometric surface and indicated that the map would serve as a delineation of the minimum level for the UFAS within the SWUCA. The rules provide that until the potentiometric surface throughout the area met the indicated levels for a five- year period, no new permits would be issued within the SWUCA. During Phase I of these proceedings, evidence was presented that under the methodology in the December 2 version of the rules, withdrawals or seasonal fluctuations that caused even minor shifts of localized potentiometric contour lines would have effectively precluded the issuance of new permits within the entire SWUCA. Following the completion of Phase I, the District decided to propose a new methodology for calculating and applying the minimum level for the SWUCA. On April 14, 1995, the District published notice that it was withdrawing the methodology published in the December 2 version of the rules. In its place, the April 14 Modifications set forth a proposed new procedure for deriving and applying the minimum level. Although the new method was still based on the 1991 potentiometric surface, the new approach calculated an annual average potentiometric surface for the SWUCA as a whole. In addition, annual average potentiometric surface levels were also calculated for the separate areas previously designated as the ETB WUCA and the HR WUCA. Under the April 14 Modifications, the minimum level on average would have to be achieved in the ETB area, the HR area, and the entire SWUCA over a five-year period before the District would consider issuing permits for any new quantities in the SWUCA. In adopting the new methodology, the District sought to provide more flexibility within the regulatory scheme so that new permits would not necessarily be precluded as a result of seasonal or localized lowering of the potentiometric surface in one small area. As noted in the Preliminary Statement, certain Petitioners sought entry of a summary final order finding that the District's actions in withdrawing the original proposal and publishing a new methodology were improper or invalid. After extensive argument and briefing by the parties, the motions for summary final order were denied for the reasons set forth in the Order Denying SFO entered on September 8, 1995. The parties to this proceeding were afforded a reasonable opportunity to conduct discovery with respect to the new methodology and a reasonable opportunity to present evidence challenging the proposal. The new computer-assisted methodology calculated minimum levels for each of the three identified areas based on an average of the USGS potentiometric surface maps for May and September 1991. The following District calculations of average annual potentiometric surface areas for 1991 were specified in the April 14 Modifications as the minimum levels for the UFAS in the SWUCA: 46.8 feet for the SWUCA as a whole; 17.4 feet for Eastern Tampa Bay; and 78.3 feet for the Highlands Ridge. The more persuasive evidence established that the District's methodology in calculating the minimum levels -- including the use of an annual average, the selection of a 1,000- square-meter cell for the computer gridding, and the determination to calculate the levels to one tenth of one foot (.1') -- was scientifically and statistically sound. 1. USGS Maps The USGS potentiometric surface maps depict the hydraulic head distribution within a geographic region. Since 1975, the USGS has prepared maps for the District for the months of May and September each year. The May map represents the end of the dry season, when heavy pumping reduces the potentiometric surface to what is usually its lowest point for the year, while the September map generally reflects the highest potentiometric surface following recovery of the aquifer from seasonal pumping and rainfall. To prepare the maps, the USGS measures water levels in about 600 wells throughout the District over a two-week period. Trained USGS hydrologists or technicians take all of the measurements used to derive the maps, and data points include both production and monitoring wells. In addition, the USGS continuously operates recorded wells throughout the District. All of the District's regional groundwater monitoring wells are available to the USGS, but the District exercises no control over the measurements or the mapping process. Measurements are logged into a computerized database, which is then evaluated with respect to prior water levels of the wells to see whether anomalies appear in the data. Maps prepared over the past 25-to-30 years provide historical data for determining irregularities, and about two percent of the readings are discarded as aberrations. Because the USGS seeks to ensure that map contour lines accurately depict general groundwater flow conditions without rigorously adhering to any particular measurement, hydrologic judgment is involved in preparing the maps. The data collection procedures and map preparation are subject to review at the local USGS office, its sub-district office, and state office in Tallahassee. The USGS requires review outside of the originating office to guard against local bias in measurement interpretations. The USGS maps contain the standard qualification that they are accurate to plus-or-minus one-half of a contour line, which is a random variation that may occur at any one point depicted on a map when compared with an actual measured value at that point. The data points used in preparing the USGS maps can change from cycle to cycle, i.e., the same information is not used in the maps' preparation each year. The addition or deletion of data points can influence the location of contour lines on the USGS maps. Some parties have argued that the District's proposed regulatory strategy is scientifically flawed because the lack of continuity in data points means that a change in a contour line would not necessarily reflect a change in the underlying resource. The more persuasive evidence, however, was that any differences that may occur would be minor and would be averaged-out over the area(s) in question. The evidence established that the USGS maps represent the best available information on potentiometric surface levels and the condition of the Upper Floridan Aquifer System. Moreover, the evidence established that it is reasonable for the District to use the USGS potentiometric surface maps as a basis for its regulation of groundwater use. 2. Conversion of USGS Maps to District Surface Grid 448. To derive the potentiometric surface averages for the ETB, HR and entire SWUCA contained in the proposed rules, the District began with the 1991 May and September USGS potentiometric surface maps. It then constructed a 1000-square-meter grid that was superimposed over the SWUCA area on both maps, using ARCINFO computer software that calculated an average of May and September values for each grid cell. Rather than using actual well measurements, the contour lines are established by estimating a 75 value for each cell through a linear interpolation process. The District verified the results by comparing actual data point values depicted on the USGS maps for May and September 1991 with the model-predicted values at the same location. The evidence established that the District's methodology was scientifically sound. 3. Use of Annual Averages 449. The District's computerized averaging of the May and September potentiometric surfaces is intended to approximate the average annual levels for the area. The District makes no independent inquiry into the accuracy of the contour lines depicted on the May and September USGS maps. The USGS does not prepare average annual potentiometric surface contour maps, and several parties challenged the District's reasoning and methodology in proposing to regulate groundwater withdrawals on the basis of averages. 450. The more persuasive evidence established that the averaging of May and September potentiometric surface maps to indicate overall aquifer conditions is a reasonable method generally accepted in the scientific community. The averaged data can be used to determine changes in the resource over time. The suggestion by some Petitioners that the average maps are "manufactured data" inappropriate for regulatory purposes is rejected. 451. A District study comparing the accuracy of the annual figures obtained by averaging the May and September USGS maps with a mathematical average derived from continuously monitored well data confirmed that the averages reasonably approximate a rigorously derived mathematical average based upon continuous well data. There was no bias in the uncertainty towards over or under estimation of the condition of potentiometric surface conditions. Any inaccuracies introduced by averaging May and September levels are random and reduced or minimized by averaging the data from a large number of wells. Because digitalization of the contour lines would be consistently applied using the same approach, it is not critical whether the calculated average surface corresponds to actual data for a specific point at any time. 452. There is no question that for monitoring saltwater intrusion and guarding against serious damage to the resource, it is useful to consider the worst aquifer condition or lowest potentiometric levels which generally occur during heavy groundwater pumping in May. However, the District's decision to regulate withdrawals on the basis of averaged conditions, as opposed to best or worst condition, has not been proven arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. The annual average condition is trends. useful for purposes of detecting long-term 76 4. Five-Year Rolling Average 453. Proposed Rule 40D-8.628, F.A.C., would regulate new groundwater withdrawals on the basis of a five-year rolling average. Average potentiometric levels for each of the designated regions for five consecutive years would be averaged to determine the value that would then be compared with the minimum levels, i.e., 1991 average annual surface levels set forth in the rule. A potentiometric surface level falling below the 1991 baseline in any one year would not necessarily trigger the rule's restrictions if the five-year rolling average remains above the baseline. 454. By averaging several years together, a better indication of the aquifer's long-term health can be obtained, because drought events and other short-term or extreme fluctuations can be averaged-out. In addition, the methodology can potentially mediate the effects caused by anomalous sub- regional conditions. 5. Use of One-Foot Increments The USGS maps which form the basis for the District's calculations show only contour elevations rounded to the nearest foot. Some parties have objected to the District's rounding of averages in Rule 40D-8.628 to one tenth of one foot (.1'). The more persuasive evidence established that it is scientifically and statistically acceptable and not "overly sensitive" to calculate the averages to 0.1 foot. Contrary to the suggestion of some Petitioners, the interpolations inherent in the methodology for deriving the numeric levels do not vitiate the District's decision to calculate and apply the minimum levels to an accuracy of 0.1-foot. Imprecision intrinsic to the process of preparing the USGS maps and calculating the annual average potentiometric surfaces is irrelevant when considered over a large area, as long as the methodology contains no inherent bias and is consistently applied over time. The procedure proposed by the District would produce a reasonable and consistent method of calculating and applying the minimum levels. Using anything larger than 0.1-foot could allow the condition of the resource to fluctuate too widely. Achievement of Minimum Levels in the SWUCA, ETB and HR WUCAs Before New Withdrawals Considered The SWUCA Rules would require the five-year average potentiometric level to be above the 1991 average potentiometric level in each of three areas -- the ETB WUCA, the HR WUCA and the entire SWUCA -- before the District would consider applications for the withdrawal of new or additional quantities of SWUCA. groundwater within the 77 The levels set forth in proposed Rule 40D-8.628 were derived by calculating averages of the potentiometric surface for each of the areas involved utilizing the methodology described above and applying it to the appropriate segments of the District's 1,000-square-meter surface grid. The same grid segments could be used each year. Although separate measurements and comparisons would be made for each of the three areas, they would still be regulated as a unit. Rule 40D-8.628 would not be considered met and no permits for new quantities would be issued if the aquifer level of any one of the three areas remained below the established minimum level. Calculating the minimum aquifer level over a broad area may not provide sufficient detailed information regarding the condition of the resource, thereby potentially masking water resource problems. In other words, if a basin-wide average is used, the regulatory program may fail to detect serious problems in ETB or the HR. Moreover, using an average for the entire area would not necessarily protect the positive seaward gradient within the aquifer, thereby preserving discharge of freshwater through the system. Using sub-areas in different positions along the groundwater flow path is desirable because what happens in one zone can affect the available water within the other. The precise boundaries of the sub-areas are not necessarily important, but zones that are perpendicular to groundwater flow lines are useful in monitoring and maintaining the seaward gradient. It is essential that the use of monitoring areas remain constant over time. The District's selection of Eastern Tampa Bay and the Highlands Ridge as separate areas for calculating minimum levels was premised upon its determination that the detrimental effects of historical over-pumping had been previously manifest in the two areas. In addition, the areas' boundaries were well-known to the regulated public. Under the proposed rules, the ETB and HR sub-areas will essentially serve as monitoring areas for purposes of determining whether the appropriate gradient is being maintained throughout the aquifer system. In sum, the more persuasive evidence establishes that the District's determination to use an area-wide average, together with separate averages for the ETB and HR areas, is a reasonable and logical decision that represents a significant improvement over the proposed methodology published in December, 1994. Several Petitioners have objected to the District's selection and methodology for applying the minimum aquifer level in the SWUCA on the grounds that it unduly penalizes counties. inland 78 In this regard, Petitioners point out that if the ETB WRAPs estimated "safe yield" quantities -- 150 MGD for ETB and 550 MGD for the remainder of the SWUCA -- are compared with actual pumping figures for the years subsequent to 1991, it appears that the ETB has exceeded its safe yield pumping levels by a significant amount, while the remainder of the SWUCA has been yield. pumping at levels below or very near its safe 79 As expected, the five-year average potentiometric levels confirm that the ETB is below the minimum level proposed in Rule 40D-8.628, while the SWUCA as a whole and the Highlands Ridge are at or close to the proposed minimum levels for those areas. Petitioners contend the proposed rules would unfairly preclude the issuance of new permits in Polk, Highlands, DeSoto and Hardee Counties when only ETB has failed to meet its "safe yield" pumping limits. This argument ignores the interrelationship of withdrawals throughout the Southern Basin and misapprehends the purpose of the "safe yield" determinations in the ETB WRAP. The safe yield determinations were not intended to be allocations to the respective areas. The District's scientists do not believe that over the five-year rolling-average period, aquifer levels will rise in the HR or the overall SWUCA while falling in the ETB sub-area, because of the high degree of interconnectivity within the system. Since 1981, there has been only one year (1989-1990) when the average potentiometric surface in both the HR sub-area and the entire SWUCA increased, while the ETB sub-area average decreased. In all other years since 1981, the three averages have moved in concert, except 1991-1992 when the SWUCA and ETB averages decreased and the HR average did not change. While an anomalous climatic event or short-term change in pumping patterns in one portion of the Southern Basin could cause a divergent fluctuation to occur in the short-term, it is unlikely that the deviation would be sustained over a five-year period. Using five-year averages allows the District to factor- out short-term pumping changes and base its permitting decisions on the comprehensive health of the SWUCA's water resources. Even if the ETB were the only area that did not meet its minimum level, it would not be advisable to allow new withdrawals along the Highlands Ridge because under the regional flow pattern, withdrawals from the HR would deplete the availability of the resource along the coast. The HR is a primary source of groundwater flow for the ETB and intervening areas, and increasing pumping along the HR could reduce the amount of groundwater available for the rest of the SWUCA. Thus, even though the ETB area currently shoulders the brunt of saltwater intrusion, the concentration of regulatory restrictions only within the ETB is not an acceptable approach to the control of saltwater intrusion since the potentiometric surface in the ETB is influenced by withdrawals from the entire groundwater flow path from the HR to the coast. In other words, if upstream users are allowed to continue to withdraw additional amounts of water, more problems may be created for downstream users. Because of the interconnectedness of the UFAS in the Southern Basin, changes in groundwater pumping propagate and impact the potentiometric surface of the entire Basin, even though the impact of a particular withdrawal may be noticeable only on a localized level. While inland counties in the SWUCA may show little direct evidence of saltwater intrusion and lake levels have been relatively stable -- some even showing recent improvement from historical lows -- the permitting of groundwater withdrawals from inland counties must be considered in light of overall permitting in the SWUCA and the impact of all areas' pumping on saltwater intrusion. While Petitioners complain that saltwater intrusion and declining lake levels are local problems that should be controlled by regulating uses within the affected local areas, the greater weight of the evidence supports the District's conclusion that there is a regional component to saltwater intrusion and declining lake levels. The District has not directly factored -- in recharge characteristics and aquifer transmissivities as parts of its regional analysis. The District concluded that trying to factor those issues into the analysis would further complicate an already complex matter. This decision has not been shown to be arbitrary or capricious. The evidence established that the District has considered the historical trends of water use throughout the District, as well as the limitations on some of the data, in reaching its conclusion that as a general rule, the potentiometric surfaces in each of the three identified areas are interrelated and tend to move in concert. No persuasive evidence has been presented to refute the District's conclusion. It should be noted that the minimum levels set forth in proposed Rule 40D-8.628 are based upon an assessment of the current condition of the UFAS, the hydrogeology of the SWUCA, and the projected impacts of future pumping under the current permitted withdrawal distribution. The minimum levels established for the three areas were not intended to create allocations of groundwater to the respective areas. Some Petitioners contend that, rather than (or in addition to) maintenance of an average potentiometric surface, an appropriate regulatory program should require adherence to "safe yield" by county or some other geographic sub-area. Such "safe yield" determinations based on political boundaries are not mandated by Chapter 373, and there is no hydrologic basis for such determinations. While it is sometimes necessary to utilize surface features or political boundaries to implement a regulatory program (particularly for groundwater,) any such use should be rationally related to the hydrogeology and not totally random. DeSoto and Hardee Counties have objected to their inclusion in the SWUCA. They note that the point in DeSoto County closest to the Gulf of Mexico is approximately 15-20 miles from the coast, while that distance for Hardee County is about 40-45 miles. Moreover, there are no natural lakes in Hardee County and only one natural lake in DeSoto County. Thus, the counties contend that the major concerns addressed in the SWUCA Management Plan and Rules are largely irrelevant to them. DeSoto and Hardee Counties rely principally on groundwater for public supply, agricultural and industrial uses. They are concerned that the SWUCA Rules will preclude the issuance of new water use permits in their counties, thereby negatively affecting growth and economic development. They point out that general groundwater use in DeSoto and Hardee County has declined since 1975, particularly from 1989 through 1994. While the counties' concerns are relevant issues to consider in developing an equitable allocation of water supplies, they do not provide a basis for ignoring the need to regulate the groundwater resources of the Southern Basin under a regional approach. In sum, the District's methodology for calculating and applying the minimum aquifer level in each of the three areas based on five-year averages is a reasonable approach in view of the persuasive evidence that the SWUCA is a well-confined, highly transmissive basin in which all groundwater users share an interdependent responsibility for the condition of the aquifer system. Issuance of New Permits Upon Achievement of Minimum Level Some Petitioners claim the SWUCA Rules are vague because they do not delineate how permit applicants will be alerted when the five year averages have been met for each of the three designated areas so that permit applications for new withdrawals will be considered. Although the Rules do not specifically address how or when the District would notify potential permittees that new applications would be processed, District regulatory personnel testified during the hearing that upon final adoption of the SWUCA Rules, aquifer levels of each designated area would be evaluated for the five immediately preceding years to determine whether the minimal levels had been met. Thereafter, the District would make the determinations on an annual basis after receiving the September USGS potentiometric surface maps. The procedure thus described is reasonable and consistent with the language of the rules. A superficial review of the minimum level provisions in the SWUCA Rules indicates that the issuance of new permits would be a relatively simple matter after the five-year averages in each of the designated areas have achieved the specified levels. A closer examination, however, reveals certain problems. The proposed addition to Section 4.3 of the BOR provides that new amounts of groundwater will permitted to be withdrawn from the Floridan Aquifer when the potentiometric surface has, for five consecutive years, been above the minimum level...and the potentiometric surface resulting from the proposed withdrawals together with the annual average withdrawal for the previous five years as determined by the District will remain above the minimum level established in 40D- 8.628... The District intends to follow its current practice of applying computer modeling to assess the impact of a proposed new withdrawal. In the SWUCA, the District would use its regional model to assess cumulative impacts. The District's witnesses explained that to project whether the minimum levels would be violated, a proposed new withdrawal would be modeled cumulatively with existing permitted quantities rather than actual use quantities. Thus, even when the minimum levels have been achieved according to the five-year averages, new permits will not automatically be granted. Current permitted quantities in the SWUCA total approximately 1.35 to 1.5 billion gallons per day. The permitted quantities are not expected to be reduced to less than 1 billion gallons per day, even if the rules' proposed efficiency and conservation measures are implemented fully over the next 10 years. Accordingly, it does not appear there is any feasible or practicable way that additional groundwater withdrawals in the SWUCA will be permitted in the foreseeable 80 future. Furthermore, if no new permits are granted for several years, it is reasonable to expect there will be pent-up demand resulting in multiple applications being filed as soon as the District announces that new withdrawal applications will be considered. The proposed rules do not describe a process for reviewing, prioritizing, and/or permitting multiple applications for new quantities of UFAS groundwater within the SWUCA. In this regard, the rules are vague and vest unbridled discretion in the District. Implementation of Minimum Level Provisions Recent projections indicate that competition for groundwater in the SWUCA will rise significantly over the next fifty years. The SWUCA Management Plan projects that, if left unchecked, total groundwater use in the SWUCA would increase to approximately 1.3 billion gallons per day by the year 2020.81 As noted above, the highest water use on record in the SWUCA to date was during 1989 when estimated groundwater pumpage was 832 MGD. The consequences of 1989 pumping highlighted the need for regulation to limit withdrawals to protect the resource. While strong arguments can be made that the public interest requires the District to balance conflicting demands in a manner that affords greater protection to the resource than provided by the selected minimum level, the District has chosen a strategy that seeks to minimize economic impacts. As discussed above, the minimum level would reduce, but not halt, saltwater intrusion and would help stabilize lake levels. The District has been granted broad authority to balance various interests and make the difficult choices. However, the District's mechanism for achieving its selected goals must conform to the statutory framework. In certain key respects, the District's proposals conflict with that framework. Significantly, the District's proposed implementation of the SWUCA Rules would not require existing permitted uses (or their renewals) and certain other classes of permits to meet or comply with the minimum aquifer level. Proposed Rule 40D-8.628(1) provides in part that "[p]ermitted withdrawals from the upper Floridan aquifer will not be considered to be in violation of [the minimum] level." In other words, any permit in existence at the time the SWUCA Rules are formally adopted will not have to meet the minimum aquifer level set forth in the rules. Furthermore, even when a permit is up for renewal, the minimum level would not be applied. Originally published in the rule amendments of February 10, 1995, the language (regarding permitted withdrawals) in proposed rule 40D-8.628(1) resulted from a settlement agreement with several parties that had initially challenged the proposed SWUCA Rules. According to the District, the statutory directive to establish minimum flows and levels did not anticipate a regulatory scenario where existing use exceeded an aquifer's safe 82 yield. Thus, the District asserts that the statute provides no guidance for implementing a minimum level in a situation where existing permitted quantities exceed what is determined to be the appropriate minimum level of the resource. The District contends that it must be accorded the discretion to determine an appropriate minimum implementation strategy based upon the condition of the resource, the hydrogeology of the affected area, the amount of withdrawals from the resource, and the nature of the uses involved. For example, in the SWUCA, the District claims that only recently has it developed a sufficient understanding of the resource to attempt to establish an appropriate minimum level. In the meantime, however, an economy developed that is dependent upon the ready availability of groundwater. Even though the District is now aware that permitted quantities in the SWUCA greatly exceed safe yield, the District has chosen not to impose any reductions on existing permitted quantities. Moreover, the District has also decided that it will not apply the minimum level in determining whether to renew the existing quantities when current permits expire. The District notes that saltwater intrusion and lake level declines developed in the SWUCA over a long period of time and that drastic steps to effectuate an immediate cure could have catastrophic economic consequences. The District believes the long-term health of the resources can be protected without a major disruption of the local economy. While the scope of the District's delegated authority is broad, the existing statutory structure does not allow it to make a blanket determination that the renewal of an existing permit is automatically entitled to priority consideration over other applications for new uses. That policy choice impermissibly modifies and/or contravenes the existing statutory scheme. Obtaining a permit does not grant a water user a perpetual right of access to a limited public resource. While the District contends that the proposed SWUCA Rules' treatment of existing permitted uses is acceptable because the District retains the ability to determine whether the use is reasonable and beneficial, the proposed rules restrict the opportunity to shift water allocations to those that are more in the public interest. Moreover, the favored treatment of renewals combined with the rules' reallocation provisions (discussed in Section V below) enable private uses to sell for profit the right to use a public resource even though the original right to use the resource was obtained without cost and other potential users are being denied the right to access the resource. Implementation of the SWUCA Rules' proposed minimum level provisions would effectively allow the allocation of limited groundwater resources without specific deliberation on the uses of the resource that are most in the public interest as required in Chapter 373. 1. Allocating Water in Accordance with the Public Interest According to the District, the proposed SWUCA regulatory program reflects its conclusions that the existing mix of permitted uses in the SWUCA best meets the public interest, and that the public interest further directs that existing uses should not be restricted upon renewal any further than required by the increased efficiency standards. According to the District, a restructuring of the current mix of uses would occur through the private market via application of the proposed reallocation provisions discussed below. The District also claims that potential new users in the SWUCA could obtain access to the UFAS through the reallocation provisions or could obtain water from sources other than the UFAS. Noting that the SWUCA minimum level provisions would apply to new quantities sought by existing permittees, the District asserts that the goal of the SWUCA Rules is to avoid the issuance of permits for new quantities, not necessarily to preclude new uses. Again, the District believes that the rules' adverse economic impacts could be minimized by allowing the existing uses to continue while limiting additional withdrawals. Concerned about establishing a minimum level that was already exceeded at the time of adoption, the District was also aware that it would be confronted with numerous applications for permit renewals. The District says that its proposals avoid a situation where the renewal of a permit depends on the random timing of when the permit is up for renewal vis-a-vis other permits. However, alternate solutions could be developed by adjusting permit durations and combining applicants by user groups and/or areas to address such issues without exceeding current statutory authority. Chapter 373 does not provide direction on the extent to which economic factors are to be considered in the permitting process. In many instances, existing users have made significant investments premised on the availability of water from the UFAS. For example, agricultural permittees often have substantially invested in land, machinery, irrigation systems, and crops specifically designed to accommodate and rely upon utilization of groundwater from the UFAS. Similarly, public water supply utilities have made significant capital investments in wellfields and water distribution systems. The District says substantial investments often cannot be recovered during the term of a six-to-ten-year permit. Many short-term permits have been issued by the District with the expectation that they would be renewed provided the user has complied with District rules and 83 permit conditions. The District is also concerned because some existing users will be required to make additional capital investments to meet the increased efficiency standards contained in the proposed rules. The District is hesitant to impose such a burden on permittees unless they are afforded an opportunity to recapture their investments. While the District claims that the economic impact of the proposed rules on potential new uses will not be as great as impacts on existing users if their permits are not renewed, there is no reasonable basis to make that assumption in all cases. Moreover, Chapter 373 does not provide that economic impact is the sole factor to consider when deciding the right to access and use a public resource. In its permitting process, the District has not attempted to apply the public interest portion of the three-prong test by classifying or prioritizing one type of water use higher than another, nor does it appear that any other water management district has addressed this difficult issue. The District claims that any use of water that meets the appropriate level of efficiency is deemed to be equally "in the public interest" as any other use. In effect, however, the proposed SWUCA rules conclusively establish that it is in the public interest to continue the allocation of quantities associated with existing uses -- including renewals -- over any proposed new use, subject only to increased efficiency standards and the rules' reallocation process. As a result, the District has effectively limited its statutory responsibility to allocate water to higher uses. After considering all of the evidence, it is concluded that for the foreseeable future, the proposed SWUCA rules would effectively preclude most new uses within the area, except those obtained through the purchase of water rights under the proposed rules' reallocation program. While the District claims that potential alternative water sources within and/or without the SWUCA are available for new users, the quantity limitations and costs associated with their development and use will, in many cases, render alternatives sources largely unavailable. 2. Applications For Competing Uses The District is understandably concerned about how to apply the public interest test to distinguish among different types of uses. Although the current statutory framework includes a mechanism for allocating limited water resources among several applicants, i.e., the competing applications provision of Section 373.233, F.S., the District has never applied the mechanism. In fact, it appears that none of the water management districts in the state have ever implemented this provision in their water use permitting programs. There are numerous practical difficulties in administering Section 373.233, F.S., and neither the statute nor the District's rules delineate a structure or provide any guidance for its application. (The competing applications provision contained in the District's existing rules is merely a reiteration of the statutory language). For the competing applications process to work, the quantity of water available for allocation would first have to be determined. Then geographic and timing parameters would have to be established to delineate the uses that would be considered "competing" for an identified quantity. Finally, standards would have to be developed for determining the "equivalent" nature of two or more applications before the statutory preference for renewal applicants could be applied. All of the issues must be resolved within the context of Section 120.60, F.S., which limits the time within which the District must act on permit applications. A competing applications process necessarily involves many case-specific issues that are difficult to address and/or define by rule. Without question, it would be extremely difficult to adopt a rule that would cover every conceivable mix of water uses and sources. The District can certainly utilize the process while it is developing the information and experience to make it work more effectively and in more situations. See, Section 120.535(a) and (b), F.S. However, some type of structure and general parameters for implementing a competing applications process could, however, be developed by rule. Indeed, some guidance regarding the application of a competing applications process is essential at the outset. Without a preliminary framework setting forth the scope and procedures, the applications process cannot be considered a viable tool for determining water uses that are most "in the public interest." Arguments can be made that a competing applications process is time consuming, expensive and cumbersome. The difficulties in determining how a competing applications process should work are increased by the lack of any prioritization or hierarchy of uses in statute, the State Water Policy and the District's rules. Nonetheless, the process is the only specific mechanism provided in Chapter 373 to resolve allocation disputes, and it manifests a specific legislative directive that the renewal of an existing permit is only entitled to priority over a proposed new use if the competing applications are otherwise equally qualified. See, Section 373.233(2), F.S. Existing users have expressed great concern regarding the competing application process, and the District also questions the uncertainty, expense and controversy that could arise upon implementation of such a process. Some testimony suggested that one purpose of the SWUCA Rules was to minimize the likelihood that the competing applications process would ever be invoked. While the District can pursue a regulatory approach that seeks to equitably allocate a limited public resource between multiple potential users without the use of the competing applications process, any such strategy must be consistent with the statutory framework of Chapter 373, which is premised upon the issuance of specific duration permits. The SWUCA Rules deviate from the statutory scheme by granting favored treatment to certain classes of permits, including the renewal of existing uses. 3. Comprehensive SWUCA Strategy The District argues that the treatment of renewal and similar classes of permits should not be viewed in isolation and must be considered within the context of the entire SWUCA strategy. The District reiterates that the intent of the SWUCA Rules is to allow existing uses to decrease permitted quantities over time and to impose limitations on new withdrawals from the groundwater basin. To support its position, the District points out that several provisions in the proposed rules would impact existing permit holders by imposing various conservation measures, such as lower per-capita usage requirements for public supply users and new conservation and efficiency standards for agriculture and recreational users, which would be phased in over a ten-year period. The renewal process would include a mandatory permit-by-permit review of individual conservation plans, and the District would apply the increased efficiency standards to reduce group. renewed permitted quantities for every user 84 The District denies that the SWUCA Rules would give existing permittees a perpetual permit for their uses and quantities. Instead, the District asserts that renewal applicants would still have to meet the BOR provisions, but that a renewal application would not be denied simply because the minimum level had not been met. The District claims that even if the SWUCA Rules are adopted, it could, if necessary, reduce the permitted quantity for any permit in the SWUCA that comes up for renewal. The District also says the SWUCA Rules would not prevent it from applying the minimum level requirements in conjunction with other applicable considerations in its permit review criteria. It is not clear, however, what alternate methods of applying the minimum level, if any, could be reconciled with the proposed rule language. Some District witnesses claimed that the availability of the statutory competing applications process alleviates any concern that renewal applicants will be allowed to continue using a public resource while potential new users are denied access to the same source. The SWUCA Rules do not reference the competing applications process, but the District contends that a new use applicant can always compete with a renewal applicant for any renewal quantity. In view of the problems noted above, however, the District's contention that new use applicants are not necessarily precluded from obtaining a permit, because the "competing applications process is always available to potential new applicants for water withdrawals in the SWUCA," is not persuasive. Absent some clarification and explanation regarding how the competing applications process would work, it cannot reasonably be considered an alternative method by which proposed new users could access the UFAS in the SWUCA. Until the District establishes a specific procedure for implementing the competing applications process, a potential new user would never know when or if its proposed withdrawal would be considered in competition with the renewal of an existing permit. The District also claims that a potential new water user in the SWUCA could obtain a "reallocation permit" after negotiating a sale of user with an existing user and/or could obtain water from alternative sources such as the intermediate aquifer. As discussed below, there are serious problems with the District's reallocation proposal, and the intermediate aquifer is -- at best -- a sporadic and limited option in the SWUCA. The rules' reallocation provisions are of marginal value to potential new users and, in fact, give existing permit holders a favored status that is not recognized in Chapter 373. In sum, the District has concluded that the problems in the SWUCA developed over a long period and do not need an "immediate fix." The District claims that the SWUCA Rules, taken together, represent a reasoned approach and a reasonable amount of time to rehabilitate the area's water resources. The more persuasive evidence supports the District's conclusions that the problems facing the SWUCA are regional in scope and need to be addressed through a long-term regional strategy. In fact, a piecemeal approach that simply addresses permit applications as they are presented for approval or renewal is unlikely to be effective and is, arguably, one of the reasons for the area's current problems. Yet, the District's long-term rehabilitative design must comply and be consistent with the regulatory framework of Chapter 373. 4. Ambiguities in Proposed Rules The District's strategy to treat renewals and certain other classes of permits differently for purposes of complying with the SWUCA minimum aquifer level has necessitated some strained and confusing attempts to craft effective rule language. One of the Conditions for Issuance in the existing rules, Rule 40D-2.301(1)(d), F.A.C., provides that a water use should not cause water levels or rates of flow to deviate from the ranges established in Chapter 40D-8. The SWUCA Rules attempt to fashion an exception to this condition for existing or renewal permits. Prior to the amendments published on November 3, 1995, proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2) utilized "presumptions" to explain how the District would apply the Conditions For Issuance in Rule 40D-2.301(1), to renewal or reallocation permits in the SWUCA. This provision caused considerable confusion in part because the "presumptions" in the proposal were intended to be applied in a different manner than other "presumptions" in the District's rules. The November 3 Modifications sought to clarify the confusion by providing that the District had "determined" that renewed or reallocated withdrawals would meet the Conditions For of Issuance if they satisfied the BOR criteria. The District argues that without the "determination," it would have to deny the renewal of any existing use in the SWUCA solely because it was located in a basin where water use contributes to nonattainment of an established minimum aquifer level. Under proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2), as revised, renewal permits for existing quantities in the SWUCA, permit modifications, Reallocation Permits, and Groundwater Withdrawal Credit Permits would have to meet all BOR criteria with the exception of the minimum level requirements. The District states that it would continue to follow its existing permit evaluation procedures, including its "limited cumulative analysis," but would not apply the regional cumulative analysis to these four permit categories. Proposed Rule 40D-2.381(3)(q) would authorize the District to modify a permit in the SWUCA if the District determines that "significant water quantity or quality changes, impacts to existing legal uses, or adverse environmental impacts are occurring . . . ." However, the special treatment accorded renewal and reallocation permits could inadvertently limit the District's ability to apply the application because proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2) provides that those types of permits are "determined" to meet the Conditions for Issuance, provided they satisfy the BOR criteria. Because no BOR criterion specifically addresses the Condition for Issuance relating to changes in water quality or quantity (i.e., Rule 40D-2.301(1)(b)), the District has arguably handcuffed its ability to modify a permit adversely affecting water quantity or quality. Similar problems arise with respect to the District's proposal to repeal existing standard permit conditions regarding compliance with minimum groundwater levels, Rule 40D- 2.381(3)(i) and BOR Section 6.1.9. Existing permits in the SWUCA contain a standard permit condition that states: "the permittee shall cease or reduce withdrawal as directed by the District if water levels in aquifers fall below the minimum levels established by the Governing Board." The repeal of the standard conditions would not be limited to the SWUCA and would apply to all permits in the District. The District claims that the repeal is necessary so that renewal and reallocation permits in the SWUCA would not automatically violate standard permit conditions when the minimum level is exceeded. By repealing the existing standard permit condition throughout its entire jurisdiction, the District will be limiting its ability to enforce minimum levels district- wide. The District argues that the repeal is not particularly significant at this time because there are no other minimum levels adopted by rule. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, the District's decision to repeal these provisions is not necessarily contrary to Chapter 373. However, it does remove a potentially important tool for implementing and enforcing minimum flows and levels and is indicative, of the problems injected into the District's rules by the special treatment accorded to renewal and reallocation permits. The SWUCA Rules include the following proposed amendment to BOR Section 4.3: "Permitted withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer will not be considered to be in violation of [the minimum level] because of seasonal or localized lowering of the Floridan aquifer potentiometric surface." The reference to "localized lowering" was intended to address concerns that under the original methodology for calculating the minimum level (published December 2, 1994), the renewal of an existing quantity might be subject to denial because a seasonal or local fluctuation lowered the potentiometric surface below the adopted level. With the amended methodology for calculating the minimum level published on April 14, 1995, this provision became obsolete, but it has not been withdrawn. Its continued presence in the rules is a source of ambiguity and possible confusion. 5. Effect of Minimum Level on Actual Water Use There is evidence suggesting that some permits in the SWUCA include "water-banked" quantities. Water banking occurs when a water use permit is issued for quantities beyond the amount needed. For example, some permits have been issued for the irrigation of unimproved pastureland, with the idea that the permitted quantities would be available for agricultural needs in time of drought. The amount of water banked and/or never used by permittees in the SWUCA is not clear. To the extent that water banking has resulted in the issuance of permits for quantities that do not represent a reasonable-beneficial use, it is inconsistent with Chapter 373. Nonetheless, it does not appear the SWUCA Rules would totally eliminate water-banked quantities. Even upon renewal, such quantities, may not be completely eliminated. At the same time, potential new users would be denied access to the resource. This result conflicts with the requirements of Chapter 373. Prior to 1989, the District applied efficiency standards when determining the quantity that would be permitted, but the standards were not expressly set forth in a rule. When the ETB, NTB and HR WUCA Rules went into effect in 1990, existing permits in the designated areas were modified to require higher efficiency standards. The only portion of the SWUCA not affected by the increased efficiency standards in the rules is the "non-WUCA SWUCA" area of DeSoto and Hardee Counties. The proposed SWUCA Rules would impose new efficiency standards upon the two remaining counties. Separate efficiency standards have been proposed in the SWUCA rules to address the specific features, conditions and variation of the different types of use. For example, agricultural efficiency standards are based upon the percentage of the total quantity of water used that actually benefits the crop, after accounting for losses due to evaporation, irrigation system etc. runoff, deep well infiltration, 85 The District estimates that the increased efficiency requirements of the SWUCA rules would result in significant reductions in permitted quantities over a ten-year period. Based on 1993 permitted quantities of 1.333 billion gallons per day, the District estimates that the proposed efficiency requirements would reduce total permitted quantities in the SWUCA to 1.054 billion gallons per day over ten years -- a decrease of nearly twenty-one percent. In 1995, however, permitted quantities in the SWUCA increased to approximately 1.5 billion gallons. It is unlikely that the new efficiencies would reduce total permitted groundwater quantities below 1.1 billion gallons per day. The new efficiencies together with other strategies embodied in the SWUCA Rules -- including the reallocation provisions in combination with restrictions on the permitting of new uses -- may actually create incentives for existing permittees to use more of their permitted amounts. In effect, the ratio between actual and permitted use could go up. Based upon historic patterns the District still expects that actual use quantities will be significantly less than estimated permitted quantities after the efficiencies are in place. The evidence was insufficient to demonstrate that the District's conclusion was arbitrary or unreasonable. 6. Impact of Rules on Small Businesses The District contends that the treatment of renewal permits in the proposed SWUCA Rules reflects a concern to minimize the impacts on small business in accordance with these provisions of Chapter 120 while also implementing and furthering the policies of Chapter 373. As part of the rule development process, the District prepared an Economic Impact Statement ("EIS") to assess the costs and benefits of implementing the SWUCA Rules on persons who would be affected by them. See also, Section 120.54(2)(b), 86 F.S. During preparation of the EIS, the District analyzed the impact that the proposed rules would have on small businesses. See also, Section 120.54(2)(a), (c)4, F.S. Of the 5,800 permits issued in the SWUCA, the District points out, 88 percent were issued to agricultural entities whose permits account for 60 percent of the total permitted quantities. The District further estimates that at least 75 percent of the agricultural permittees qualify as small businesses under Chapter 120. The District contends that the SWUCA Rules' treatment of renewal permits would minimize the rules' impact on small businesses in accordance with the provisions of Section 120.54(2)(a), F.S., while implementing and furthering the policies of Chapter 373. Under Chapter 373, the "right" to the use of water exists only for the duration of a permit. Accordingly, that period is an important focus for the District's analysis under Chapter 120. While a matter of legitimate concern, impacts that may occur to small businesses after expiration of a permit cannot serve as a basis for expanding statutory water rights under Chapter 373. Measures to Ensure Achievement Minimum Level ECOSWF has challenged several other aspects of the proposed rule provisions in this proceeding. In view of the conclusions reached below, ECOSWF's challenges are largely moot, but brief mention is warranted. ECOSWF objects to the SWUCA Rules' lack of a provision requiring the minimum aquifer level to be achieved within a specific period of time. In response, the District points to several provisions in the proposed rules that it contends will help prevent further increases in water use. While the noted provisions will provide useful information regarding the condition of the resource, they do not directly inhibit further increases in groundwater use. Thus, if actual water use in the basin continues to increase, additional rulemaking will be necessary to achieve the established minimum aquifer level. Proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)6 provides that the District will prepare a study "whenever the water used by any category of user, except public supply, during the preceding three years exceeds water used by that category from January 1, 1989, through December 31, 1991." After completion, the study would be presented to the Governing Board to determine what, if any, action must be taken. ECOSWF's contention that the study provision is vague and leaves unbridled discretion in the Governing Board is rejected. It is impossible to not only predict future conditions that may arise, but also to determine in advance the appropriate District response. Chapter 120, F.S., provides an oversight framework for future regulatory decisions by the Governing Board. ECOSWF's objection to the exemption of public supply from the foregoing rule is not persuasive. Public supply water use in the SWUCA is expected to grow in the future and the anticipated increases were taken into account when the permits were issued. Significant changes in public supply usage above the amounts anticipated will be obvious without the need for a study; accordingly, the rule's exemption of public supply is reasonable. ECOSWF has also objected to the provision because it is based on water use data rather than potentiometric surface levels. By looking at water use data, the District can isolate the types of use that are increasing and tailor regulatory strategies to specifically focus on particular types of use. Thus, even though water use data in the District is estimated and not entirely accurate, it will provide the District with useful information in formulating a flexible regulatory strategy. ECOSWF also points out that the baseline for the study -- the average water use in 1989, 1990 and 1991 -- exceeds the 1991 pumpage levels that correspond to the selected minimum aquifer level. Thus, the study requirement would probably not be triggered until after the minimum level had been exceeded. The overall water use differences in the baseline years are relatively minimal. Using a three-year average can minimize the effect of aberrations for a particular use category in any one year. The District's approach is reasonable, and no basis for invalidation has been established. Proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)5 provides that the District will continue to monitor groundwater levels and quality over the next five years to determine whether there is a need to adjust the minimum aquifer level and/or impose new permitting restrictions. ECOSWF contends that this proposal is vague and gives unbridled discretion to the Governing Board. ECOSWF also argues that continued monitoring is an inadequate substitute for immediate actions to reduce pumping. The District specifically rejected immediate cutbacks of existing water use in the SWUCA, because it was concerned about the economic impacts that would be associated with sudden reduction requirements. The District concluded that existing quantities could be reduced over a period of time through the application of increased efficiency standards. While the new efficiencies were being imposed, the District believed that there were adequate safeguards available to protect the resource, including water shortage rules and the SWUCA Rules' provisions that provide for continued monitoring of various use categories. Nothing in proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)5 prohibits the District Governing Board from taking additional action as soon as the need is perceived. The District is not dependent upon this provision to prevent groundwater use from increasing in the SWUCA. Instead, the rule is intended to give the District background information necessary for formulation of future decisions. The provision has not been shown to be arbitrary or an otherwise invalid exercise of the District's delegated legislative authority. As set forth in proposed Rule 40D-8.628(4), the District would continue to expand and refine its research activities, and would automatically review the minimum level after five years to see if it should be adjusted. The District claims that Rule 40D-8.628(4) provides additional resource protection in the event the potentiometric surface within one sub-area of the SWUCA should respond differently than another sub-area on a long- term basis. The District believes the continued monitoring will facilitate its detection of and reaction to any unacceptable trend when actual use begins to reach permitted quantities. Use of Minimum Level to Reserve Water During the course of the hearing, some District witnesses suggested that the treatment accorded to existing permit holders in the SWUCA Rules could be viewed as a reservation of water by the Governing Board. This justification is not readily apparent from the face of the rules. Section 373.223(3), F.S., provides the only clear statutory authority for the District to reserve water for any particular use. It provides that "the governing board or the department, by regulation, may reserve for use by permit applicants, water in such locations and quantities, and for such seasons of the year, as in its judgment may be required for the protection of fish and wildlife or the public health and safety." A reservation of water for existing legal users would not fall within the scope of the statutory provision. Moreover, the proposed rules do not delineate a specific reservation of water as required by the statute. Continued Issuance of Permits The District has not declared a water shortage in the SWUCA during the development of the proposed SWUCA Rules or the pendency of these proceedings. In fact, the District has continued to issue permits for new uses of groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer in the SWUCA while defending the District rule challenges, even though District staff admitted that there are existing permits in the SWUCA that do not meet permit criteria. As discussed in Section IV B 6 b (vii) above, the District states that it decided not to regulate the regional impacts in the SWUCA through its existing rules. Instead, the District decided to focus its efforts on adopting the proposed SWUCA Rules, which it believes are better designed to deal with regional issues. The permits that have been granted during the interim have increased the total permitted quantities in the SWUCA and have potentially exacerbated the groundwater problems in the region. While its existing rules arguably provide the District with sufficient legal authority to deny applications for new or renewed withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer in the SWUCA, the District believed such an approach would not be cost- effective. However, the District's decision to continue issuing new or renewal permits in the SWUCA is more appropriately addressed in proceedings on individual permits and is not within the scope of this proceeding. Self-Destruct Clause Proposed Rule 40D-8.628 includes a "self-destruct" clause, that reflects the District's intention that its designation of the 1991 potentiometric surface as the minimum level is contingent upon its ability to apply the selected level in the manner established in the SWUCA Rules. In other words, the District has reserved the right to revisit the selection of an appropriate minimum level if it is determined that renewals and other designated classes of permits are not entitled to the favorable treatment set forth in the proposed rules. The "self- destruct" clause provides that if the District's proposed implementation of the minimum level is found invalid, it will immediately commence rulemaking or other proceedings to adopt a new minimum level and amend Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C. ECOSWF's challenge to the self-destruct clause is discussed in the Conclusions of Law below. Proposed Repeal of Existing Provisions Regarding Withdrawals From Intermediate Aquifer - BOR Sections 4.5.2 and 7.2.8 Intermediate aquifer withdrawals are currently capped in the MIA area of the SWUCA pursuant to BOR Sections 4.5.2 and 7.2.8, which were adopted as part of the ETB WUCA rules. The SWUCA Rules would repeal the limit from any confined aquifer that has a drawdown of more than .2 foot in the MIA. ECOSWF objects to the repeal of these provisions at a time when the condition of the resource in some areas is deteriorating. In addition, as discussed in Section IV B 6b (viii) above, ECOSWF also complains about the failure of the proposed SWUCA rules to prohibit the withdrawal of new quantities of groundwater from the intermediate aquifer within the SWUCA. The preamble to the SWUCA Rules suggests that new quantities of groundwater from the intermediate aquifer may be available to new users as an alternative to withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer. ECOSWF claims that the withdrawal of groundwater from the intermediate aquifer in the SWUCA can affect the recharge of the Floridan Aquifer and/or lower the potentiometric level of the UFAS. ECOSWF notes that the SWUCA Rules do not specifically require that applications for new intermediate-aquifer withdrawals in the SWUCA identify or address the proposed withdrawal's impact on the UFAS potentiometric level. The evidence confirmed that in some areas of the SWUCA, there has been a decline in the levels and water quality within the intermediate aquifer. It is not clear, however, that a blanket prohibition on further withdrawals from the intermediate aquifer is necessary. The intermediate aquifer and its sediments are a mixture of clays, sands and thin limestone beds, the combination of which varies widely throughout the SWUCA. Natural clay confinement between aquifers acts to restrict the amount of influence one has on others, and the degree of interaction depends upon the extent of that confinement. There are areas in the SWUCA where the intermediate aquifer is sufficiently interconnected with the UFAS so that a withdrawal from the intermediate aquifer would affect the potentiometric level of the Floridan aquifer, and vice versa. The intermediate aquifer, however, is very complex and consists of hundreds -- if not thousands -- of aquifers, some of which are interconnected with the Floridan and many of which are not. At a single location, there may be several withdrawal elevations within the intermediate system that are not interconnected with the Floridan, while another portion of the aquifer may be immediately adjacent to and connected with the Floridan. Accordingly, it is very difficult to establish minimum levels for the intermediate aquifer system. The District has an ongoing program for drilling intermediate- aquifer wells to obtain a better understanding of the system. The District states it will review proposed withdrawals from the intermediate aquifer on a site-specific basis. If it determines a proposed withdrawal will adversely impact the Floridan Aquifer, it will impose appropriate permit conditions on the withdrawal. The District believes its approach will allow the optimal use of the resource by permitting withdrawals from those portions of the aquifer that are not interconnected with the Floridan Aquifer and can tolerate additional withdrawals. The evidence did not establish that the District's decision in this regard was arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. Reallocation within the SWUCA - Proposed Rules 40D-2.331(3) and 40D-2.801(3)(b)7. Background Under the District's existing WUP rules, permitted groundwater quantities can only be transferred to a new location in very limited circumstances. See, Rule 40D- 2.351, F.A.C. If the request for a transfer includes a proposal for a change in the terms or conditions of the permit (other than a name change,) then an application for modification rather than a request for a transfer must be submitted. Moreover, a transfer request that includes a proposal for a change in water use classification must be submitted in an application for a new transfer. permit rather than in a request for a 87 The SWUCA Rules represent a significant change in approach and philosophy. Because some concentrated areas of withdrawals have developed which are a source of concern -- particularly where the withdrawals are occurring near the coast and other sensitive areas -- the District has concluded that some regulatory strategies are necessary to relieve that stress. The reallocation provisions would allow the transfer of existing permitted quantities in the SWUCA to different locations and different uses. A potential new user would be able to obtain a permit for groundwater in the SWUCA by negotiating a reallocation with an existing permit holder provided the new withdrawal complies with the District's existing permitting rules. The District claims that its proposal will facilitate the redistribution of existing withdrawals away from the coastal zone and away from the Highlands Ridge so that the localized effect of the individual withdrawals would be shifted to areas that can more readily handle the impact without adverse consequences. In developing a strategy to deal with the stressed conditions of the groundwater resources in the SWUCA, the District considered several different approaches including an across the board reduction in quantities for all permittees and/or a drastic reduction in pumping in certain areas. The District was concerned about the socio-economic impacts of those options and concluded that its goals could be accomplished by capping new withdrawals and incentives for the redistribution of existing withdrawals. The SWUCA Management Plan analyzed several possible redistribution mechanisms and indicated that they should be encouraged to move water among water users. See, SWUCA Management Plan pp. 65-72. However, reallocation was the only specific redistribution strategy included in the SWUCA Rules. The District has cited three goals for the reallocation rules: (1) to provide an opportunity for new uses and thus economic growth within the SWUCA which would otherwise be limited due to the restrictions on permitting new quantities from the Floridan aquifer; (2) to provide a mechanism to facilitate the redistribution of withdrawals away from the coast thus promoting increases in the potentiometric surface in the areas most vulnerable to impacts from saltwater intrusion; and (3) to The Proposed Reallocation Process Under the SWUCA Rules, a reallocation would be authorized when: a) the reallocated quantities are eliminated from the source permit; b) historically unused quantities in the original or source permit are eliminated; c) the remaining permitted quantities in the original or source permit are modified to reflected highest efficiency designated for the type of use as set forth in the rules; d) the quantity to be reallocated has been used prior to January 1, 1993 and after December 31, 1987; e) the withdrawals at the new site which is to receive the reallocated water meets the Conditions for Issuance for a new permit; f) the new permit, if any, resulting from the reallocation reflects the highest efficiency designated for the use; and g) the quantity to be reallocated is equal to or less than the quantity being reduced in the original or source permit. A reallocation permit would not be subject to the minimum level or any other SWUCA regional cumulative impact analysis. According to the District, this policy is reflected in proposed BOR Section 4.3, which provides that the minimum level restrictions are applicable to "new groundwater quantities." Similarly, proposed Rule 40D-8.628(1) provides that "permitted withdrawals from the upper Floridan aquifer will not be considered to be in violation of this level." Reallocation quantities would be considered quantities that have already been permitted and are simply being moved from one location to another. Thus, they would not be considered new quantities for purposes of the SWUCA minimum level. This approach is reflected in proposed Rule 40D-2.301(2), which includes reallocation permits among the categories of permits that are "determined" to meet the conditions for issuance on a regional cumulative basis so long as they "meet or do not exceed the criteria set forth in the Basis of Review." The practical result of these somewhat obtuse provisions is that, while the minimum level and regional saltwater intrusion criteria would not be applied to a new permittee receiving a reallocated quantity, such a permittee would be required to demonstrate compliance with the Conditions for Issuance as applied through the Basis of Review. The source permit would continue as modified for the original permit duration. The new permit for the reallocated quantity would be issued for a duration in accordance with the proposed SWUCA Rules for new permits. The District states that any new reallocated permit would be subject to third party challenges the same as any new permit, with the exception that the reallocated quantity would not be considered to be a new quantity that is subject to the minimum level provisions of the proposed rules. The District views reallocation as a modification of the source permit, so the reallocated quantity would not be subject to the competing applications procedure. 1. Reallocation Zones 555. Proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)7 would create three reallocation zones within the SWUCA which are depicted in Figure 1-1 to be included in the Basis of Review. By splitting the SWUCA into three reallocation zones, the District seeks to manage water use permit transfers so as to minimize their effect on natural resources. 556. The zones are: (1) the Most Impacted Area (MIA); (2) the Stressed Area-Moderate (SAM); and (3) the Stressed Area-Least (SAL). The reallocation zone designations are intended to reflect the degree to which groundwater and surface water resources are stressed as a result of groundwater pumping. The MIA corresponds to the MIA designated in 1992 as part of the ETB WUCA. See, BOR Section 7.2.8.A. The SAM represents the area where the composite of the annual average potentiometric surface for 1988 through 1992 reflected a drawdown of 30 feet or more in comparison with pre-development conditions. In addition, the HR WUCA was included in the SAM due to concern about declining lake levels. Along the coast, the SAM encompasses the area where total dissolved solids in the UFAS exceed 1,000 mg/liter. 557. Under Proposed Rule 40D-2.331(3)(a), reallocation of permitted withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer within the SWUCA would be allowed from a withdrawal point in the MIA to any other reallocation zone. Reallocations would not be allowed from any point outside the MIA to a point within the MIA. 558. Rule 40D-2.331(3)(b) provides that when a reallocation is from a withdrawal point (1) in the MIA to a withdra the SAM, historically unused quantities in the source permit are eliminated from the permit prior to reallocation. Subsection (c) of this proposal provides that when a reallocation is from a withdrawal point in the SAL to a withdrawal point in the SAL, unused quantities are not eliminated from the permit prior to reallocation. 2. Historically Unused Quantities 559. Historically unused quantities are calculated based on the highest quantities used during the period from January 1, 1988, to September 30, 1994. Thus, while Rule 40D- 2.331(3)(b) would not allow reallocations of the full permitted amount from the MIA and the SAM, it does allow reallocation of the highest historic use during the window period. The District asserts it would not allow a quantity that exceeds efficiency standards to be reallocated. 560. Some parties have objected because historically unused quantities is not defined in the proposed rules. The District responds that the term simply means those permitted quantities that were not used. 561. Determining historically unused quantities can be an elusive task, particularly since not all water use is metered. At the hearing, District witnesses testified that metered data would be used if available. If not, the best alternate means available such as crop reports, aerial photographs, county tax records and Florida Agricultural Statistical Service data for agricultural permittees would be used. Similar approaches would be used for other types of use. While the proposed rules do not specify exactly how historically unused quantities will be calculated, this term is not unacceptably vague. The determination can and should be made on a case-by-case basis. 3. Reallocation Quantity Proposed Rule 40D-2.331(3)(b)2, F.A.C., provides that the quantity that could be reallocated would be based upon the annual average and peak month quantity for any year selected by the applicant between the reallocation window period of January 1, 1988, through September 30, 1994, but the permittee could not select the highest peak month from one year and the highest annual average from a different year. A cut-off date prior to rule adoption was included to prevent permittees from increasing their use after the rules go into effect in order to have a higher quantity available for reallocation. The District chose not to measure quantities based on a calendar year because of concerns that it may not be appropriate for some uses, such as agricultural users who sometimes grow crops that extend from one calendar year to the next. Effects of Redistribution Decline in head pressure at the coast is the primary cause of saltwater intrusion in the UFAS. The decline at any particular location in the SWUCA is a function of both the local and regional influences. The distribution of withdrawals within the SWUCA can effect the impact to the resource. Thus, a redistribution of withdrawals in a manner that raises the potentiometric level at the coast will help inhibit the movement of the saltwater interface even though overall regional conditions will be an interrelated factor. While the District's studies in particular the ETB WRAP, confirm that safe yield for the groundwater basin is a function of both the amount pumped and the distribution of the pumpage, it does not appear that redistribution will significantly increase the amount that can be safely pumped from the SWUCA. The District has run hypothetical scenarios with the ETB WRAP Model to assess how a redistribution of pumpage would affect the potentiometric surface. These modeling efforts confirm in a qualitative sense that reallocation would provide a net benefit to the environment by increasing water levels within the most vulnerable areas, but they do not provide a basis for concluding that any new quantities would be available. The District has not run any redistribution scenarios with its regional groundwater flow model that seek to maximize groundwater pumpage in the SWUCA while at the same time increasing the potentiometric level at the coast. The redistribution scenarios that have been run project the minimum level being exceeded at the coast when pumpage was increased in the inland counties by more than 15 million gallons per day above the 1991 estimated levels (650 MGD). As a result, the only real opportunity provided by the reallocation provisions for new users in the inland counties to access the UFAS will come through a private market purchase of a reallocation right. Rather than try to implement an optimal distribution scheme, the District has chosen to protect the existing pumpage distribution in its method of applying the minimum level while attempting to create incentives for redistribution through its reallocation rule. The District points out that its EIS concluded that reallocation could be helpful in reducing the economic impacts of pumping reductions on inland counties which have not grown as rapidly as communities along the coast. The proposed reallocation program represents an unprecedented approach to water regulation that could minimize economic disruption to some existing users. However, the proposed reallocation program involves novel concepts that cannot be reconciled with the existing statutory framework. Opportunity for New Users As discussed in Section IV B above, upon adoption of the SWUCA Rules, no new water withdrawals would be approved in the SWUCA until the minimum levels are met in each of the three designated areas based on a running five-year average. There was testimony that if the entire proposed SWUCA regulatory program is adopted, including the efficiency requirements and incentives for alternate sources, the minimum level in all three of the areas could be achieved within 10 years. However, even if this estimate is accepted, it appears that it will be substantially longer before any new uses will be permitted because of the manner in which the District would model proposed new uses. See, Section IV B above. In any event, the SWUCA Rules do not set a deadline by which the minimum level must be met. In the meantime, potential new users will be essentially denied access to the resource while existing permits are renewed. The District contends that potential new users of water in the SWUCA are afforded an adequate opportunity to utilize the resource via the reallocation process and that reallocation, as well as the separate provisions providing for groundwater withdrawal credits, mitigate against the effects of limiting new quantities. The District acknowledges that the limitation on new permits could cause significant economic hardship for the inland communities, many of which do not have access to central sewer systems and the opportunity for reclaimed water supplies or surface supplies from stream flow and where the surficial aquifer is not very productive. In an attempt to alleviate this hardship, proposed Rule 40D-2.331(3) would allow the entire permitted quantity to be reallocated within the SAL. The District claims this provision will address the economic concerns and enhance the opportunity for future growth within the inland counties or inland communities which have limited options available to gain new water sources. While this provision may to some extent increase the quantities available for reallocation in the inland counties, it is impossible to predict how much water will be available and at what price. In effect, this approach presumes an existing user has a priority right to renew a permit to utilize a public resource and sell it to the highest bidder. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, this co resource as opposed to a private resource. In developing the proposed reallocation rules, the District sought input from experts across the country regarding water allocation strategies and the marketing and pricing of water. Reallocation was also discussed extensively during the Work Group process. The District's claim that reallocation is popular among members of the regulated public who do not presently have a permit because it provides them with another opportunity to obtain additional water when alternative sources are not available, does not overcome the current lack of legislative authority for this process. In response to the contention that reallocation creates a private property right in a public resource, the District claims that a private market already exists in permitted water rights, as reflected in the higher land values associated with properties that have a water use permit. The District denies that reallocation creates the type of private water right that exists under western water law. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, while the rights granted under the proposed reallocation program are not as broad as the rights recognized in some other states, they are broader than previously recognized in Florida law and cannot be created without specific legislative authority. The District contends that, since reallocation quantities will still be regulated, subject to competing applications upon renewal, and subject to reductions in permitted quantities upon renewal, there are adequate protections to insure that all uses meet the statutory three- prong test. However, Chapter 373 requires the establishment of a regulatory scheme that provides flexibility to allocate water in places and times of limited supply to those uses that are most "in the public interest." Potential new uses cannot unilaterally be precluded from accessing a limited public resource without a reasonable and fair opportunity to demonstrate that the public interest would be better served if the new use was permitted. While the District believes the proposed reallocation rules, in conjunction with other District rules, provide the appropriate mix between the extremes of western water law and a heavily regulated marketplace, this policy choice can not be reconciled with the current statutory framework, especially when considered in the context of the preferential treatment accorded in the SWUCA Rules to the renewal of existing permits. Effect on Actual Use and Permitted Quantities By allowing the reallocation of quantities equal to the highest historical use, even though that quantity may not have been used on a regular basis, the District has created a regulatory scheme that could potentially provide incentives for the utilization of a higher percentage of permitted use in the SWUCA. For example, the District could allow the reallocation of a quantity from the MIA equal to the highest historical use over the proceeding 5 years even though that quantity may not have be full-time basis. Thus, theoretically, reallocation of individual highest historic uses from the specified period could increase use beyond the highest annual average use of any single year in the window period. The District believes it is unlikely that there will be a combination of actual use during the reallocation window period that will exceed 1989 usage, which was the highest usage of record. According to the District, in 1989 a large number of permittees pumped their highest use quantities ever. The District believes the market forces which drove 1989 usage are unlikely to reoccur and points out that overall usage has declined since 1989. The District minimizes the possibility that the reallocation program, could lead to increased overall withdrawals. The District believes that, because of the costs of reallocating water for various user groups, reallocation would be used very sparingly throughout the SWUCA for the foreseeable future and that the potential for increased overall usage is minimal. The District feels that it has adequate monitoring provisions built into the SWUCA Rules to detect any such development before it becomes a problem. Once limitations are placed on acquiring new groundwater permits in the SWUCA, there will be added pressure for actual groundwater use to approach permitted quantities. In an attempt to guard against this occurring, the District notes that th proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(B)6. The specifics of this provision and the challenges to it are discussed in Section IV G above. It is expected that the monitoring provisions will provide an early alert to the District if the reallocation program results in actual use more closely approximating permitted quantities. The District has not conducted a formal study to determine the amount of water that would be available through reallocation. The District says it has studied the macroeconomics of the area, including the growth patterns of all user groups to assess which ones were likely to reallocate water. According to the District, the groups unlikely to reallocate (public supply, recreational golf courses, citrus and mining) represent about 70 percent of the permitted quantities within the SWUCA. Public supply was considered least likely to reallocate due to the extremely high opportunity costs associated with reducing population growth. Recreational golf courses were considered next least likely because they do not have the ability to reduce usage and still have an operational facility. Citrus, which represents about 80 percent of the permits in the SWUCA, was considered next least likely because citrus is a long-term crop that cannot be adjusted as to acreage on a seasonal basis and generally grows into the full permitted quantity very quickly. The District anticipates the mining industry may be a potential user of reallocation because its need for water fluctua District believes that, because the mining companies have invested in land and mineral rights in advance and cannot recoup this investment without water supply, there will not be extensive reallocation. In addition, mining land is often reclaimed to agricultural use, which requires water. Reallocation is also considered a possibility for row crop users which have historically used quantities, as defined in the proposed rules, that are higher than what is utilized on an average basis. However, because these operations typically depend upon the years in which they plant high acreages to finance capital improvements, the District does not anticipate extensive reallocation. The District expects the most likely type of permit to be reallocated is pasture land. At the hearing, the District estimated the portion of the water allocated within the SWUCA to pasture land was no more than five percent. The District believes the most likely candidates to pay the cost for reallocated water would be public suppliers within the inland communities, power plants that are facing permitting obstacles along the coast, and high end industrial or developmental activities. Obviously, an increase in actual water use would occur if reallocation is utilized to a greater extent than anticipated. The District states that it does not anticipate reallocation leading to increased use in the absence of a specific need. The District's 1992 Needs and Sources Report would seem to indicate that there will be significant pent-up demand for water in the SWUCA if groundwater withdrawals are capped. However, the District's witnesses suggested the Needs and Sources Study is "conservative" in the sense that it tends to overestimate demand in order to ensure available supplies.88 Thus, they do not believe any conclusions should be drawn as to how much the reallocation program would be used. According to the District, there has actually been a recent downturn in the growth of water use, particularly in citrus and row crops, that is not reflected in the Needs and Sources Study. No specific evidence was presented as to any new and/or reduced overall demand projections for the SWUCA. In view of the conclusions reached herein regarding the lack of statutory authority to implement a reallocation program as currently proposed, this discussion as to whether reallocation will lead to an increase in actual use is moot. Because of the uncertainty in this area and the potential implications of the proposed program, this discussion has been included to highlight certain important policy issues that were addressed extensively by the parties. In sum, there are certain important policy aspects to the proposed reallocation program that potentially create incentives and opportunity to increase actual water use in the SWUCA contrary to the stated goals of the proposed rules. Ultimately, the extent to which reallocation occurs will depend upon the law of supply and demand. The District acknowledges that it is difficult to predict the extent to which the reallocation provisions will be utilized and that it is theoretically possible that actual usage could increase under the program. Nonetheless, the District argues that deference should be accorded to its experience and judgment regarding the forces which drive water use within the SWUCA in assessing whether there will be an increase in actual usage. The potential for increased uses is not itself a basis to invalidate the proposed program. The evidence did not establish that the District's conclusions regarding the effect of the reallocation program on actual water use were arbitrary and/or capricious. Reallocation of Water-Banked Quantities ECOSWF argues that the proposed reallocation program should be invalidated because it allows for the transfer of quantities currently permitted for pastureland even though those quantities may not represent a reasonable-beneficial use. The District acknowledges that, while its rules were not intended to permit irrigated pasture to be used to "bank water", some used. currently permitted pasture land has been so 89 The District notes that the SWUCA Rules would eliminate allocations for unimproved pasture and would immediately reduce improved pasture permits to those quantities necessary for drought protection. More specifically, proposed Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)(4) would standardize pasture irrigation in the non-WUCA SWUCA. The net effect would be to reduce permitted pasture quantities in this area. The District claims this reduction would be about 60 percent, however, the evidence was confusi these areas have been permitted since the early 1990s based upon rainfall amounts and monthly quantities that are close to the proposed SWUCA standards. Even with the reductions, there would still be significant quantities of pastureland available for reallocation. Within Hardee and DeSoto counties, which comprise the majority of the SAL, there are approximately 40 MGD of permitted pastureland quantities available for reallocation. Rule 40D- 2.331(3)(c) would allow reallocation within the SAL of all or 91 most of this permitted pasture irrigation quantity , including water banked quantities, at a time when new applicants are not being considered and do not have an opportunity to demonstrate that their proposed use is more in the public interest. Challenges to Conditions of Issuance and Basis of Review Existing Rules and Basis of Review - General Issues As discussed in more detail in Section III above and in the Conclusions of Law below, the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 directs the water management districts to issue permits for the consumptive use of water based on the three-prong test set forth in Section 373.223, F.S. The District's rules regarding water use permitting are set forth in Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C. Rule 40D- 2.301(1), F.A.C., sets forth the "Conditions For Issuance Of Permits." Fourteen such conditions are listed in subsections a- n. While individual conditions are not specifically correlated to the criteria of the three-prong test, the Conditions for Issuance are intended to be the implementation of that three- prong test. Rule 40D-2.301(1) provides that an applicant for a water use permit "must demonstrate that the water use is reasonable and beneficial, is in the public interest, and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water, by providing reasonable assurances, on both an individual and a cumulative basis," that the water use complies with each of the fourteen subsections. The District's Basis of Review, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 40D-2.091, F.A.C., "provides guidelines for determining whether a water use meets the conditions for issuance set forth in Rule 40D-2.301." See, Section 4.0 of the BOR, p. B-4. The District generally categorizes the Conditions for Issuance in Rule 40D-2.301(1) as either "demand-related" or "impact-related". The impact-related conditions have corresponding sections in the BOR. Those BOR sections generally provide performance standards and presumptions that are used by the District to evaluate WUP applications and determine if the Conditions for Issuance have been met. If a WUP applicant satisfies the presumptions for a particular impact-related criteria, such as those relating to adverse environmental impacts to wetlands, lakes, and streams, then the applicant is considered to have met the related performance standards and the corresponding condition in Rule 40D-2.301(1), unless there is site specific information that dictates a contrary result. Several of the Conditions for Issuance and presumptions have been challenged in these proceedings and are discussed in detail below. There have also been several general challenges raised to the District's existing permitting program. Many of these general challenges involve legal issues which are addressed in the Conclusions of Law. The following Findings of Fact are pertinent to the general challenges. 1. Consistency with State Water Policy and Requirement to Meet Each Condition Individually 597. Some Petitioners have alleged that Rule 40D- 2.301(1) and Chapter 4 of the Basis of Review are inconsistent with the State Water Policy. See, Rule 62-40.110, F.A.C. (which requires that district rules be consistent with State Water Policy). As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, this proceeding is not the proper forum to resolve disputes over the consistency of the rules with State Water Policy. See, Section 373.114(1)(a), F.S. However, the manner in which the District applies the Conditions for Issuance is an appropriate matter to be considered in this case. In this regard, some portions of the State Water Policy are pertinent. 598. Rule 62-40.401 of the State Water Policy sets forth seventeen criteria to be considered in determining whether a proposed water use is reasonable-beneficial. Rule 40D-2.301(1) closely tracks the criteria from the State Water Policy and there are no apparent conflicts in the factors listed. However, unlike the State Water Policy, which simply indicates that each of the factors is to be taken into account in determining whether a use is reasonable-beneficial, the District's rule purports to require each of the criteria to be met on an individual and cumulative basis. Many of the criteria are defined only in broad terms that necessarily require the exercise of professional and/or scientific judgment and, in some cases, a balancing of competing policy choices. There is no provision that specifically allows the nature and/or history of the use to be considered in determining the degree of impact that would be acceptable. The rules allow certain of the conditions to be mitigated "to the satisfaction of the District," but there is no delineation of the factors that would be considered. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, this regulatory scheme grants unbridled discretion to the District without any meaningful basis for review of the exercise of that discretion. 2. Cumulative Impact 599. Pinellas argues Rule 40D-2.301(1) unlawfully enlarges, modifies and contravenes Sections 373.223, 373.226 and 373.233, F.S., by requiring applicants to demonstrate compliance with the permitting criteria on a "cumulative" basis. The legal issues related to this challenge are discussed in the Conclusions of Law. It should be noted that, while the introductory language to Rule 40D-2.301 indicates that an applicant must demonstrate compliance with all the listed criteria on both an individual and cumulative basis, as a practical matter only subsections (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i), and (n) of Rule 40D-2.301(1) can be applied cumulatively. 3. Two-Prong vs. Three-Prong Test 600. Pinellas contends that Chapter 373 provides a different test for determining whether to renew a permit for a use tha 601. While the District does not recognize the present viability of the "two-prong" test advocated by Pinellas, the District does apply the three-prong test differently to WUP applications seeking to renew "existing" water uses. Upon renewal, an applicant is deemed to automatically satisfy the third-prong relating to interference with existing uses of water with respect to any uses that commenced subsequent to the use under review. This assumption is not clear from the face of the permitting rules or the BOR. For most of the Conditions for Issuance, a withdrawal is evaluated based upon its impact irrespective of the date of origination of the withdrawal. Thus, if a wetland is impacted by a number of withdrawals from the surrounding area, the contribution of each withdrawal is considered separately based on its magnitude rather than the date or origination of the withdrawal. This issue is discussed in Section VI F below and in the Conclusions of Law. 602. Pinellas also claims that many of the District's rules impermissibly add permitting criteria that are not specified in either the Section 373.223 three-prong test and/or the Section 373.233 two-prong test. This issue is also discussed in the Conclusions of Law. 4. Incorporation by Reference 603. The Basis of Review is incorporated by reference into the Florida Administrative Code by Rule 40D-2.091, which states: 40D-2.091 Publications Incorporated by Reference. The "Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications," [is]...incorporated by reference into this chapter and [is] available from the District upon request. Specific Authority: 373.044, 373.113, F.S. Law Implemented: 373.219, 373.239, 373.243, F.S. History: New 10-1-89, Amended 11-15-90, 2-10-93, 3-30-93, 7-29-93, 4-11-94. Some of the Petitioners have alleged that the District's incorporation by reference of the Basis of Review conflicts with and contravenes Section 120.54(7), F.S. Section 120.54(7), F.S., provides: Each rule adopted shall be accompanied by a reference to the specific rulemaking authority pursuant to which the rule was adopted and a reference to the section or subsection of the Florida Statutes or to the Laws of Florida being implemented, interpreted, or made specific. None of the chapters, sections or subsections of the BOR contains any references or citations to particular sections of the Florida Statutes or to the Laws of Florida being implemented or interpreted, nor are there any additional citations to rulemaking authority other than in Rule 40D-2.091. The statutory authority cited in Rule 40D-2.091 does not contain all of the relevant statutory authority for the requirements imposed by the BOR. However, as discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law, the statutory authorities that are cited in Rule 40D-2.091 (Sections 373.044 and 373.113) grant the District broad authority to implement a comprehensive permitting program. Considering the scope of the cited provisions, the contention that the Basis of Review should be invalidated solely on the technical ground that individual citations are not included for each separate provision is rejected. Section 120.54(8), F.S., provides: ...Pursuant to rule of the Department of State, a rule may incorporate material by reference but only as such material exists on the date the rule is adopted. For purposes of such rule, changes in such material shall have no effect with respect to the rule unless the rule is amended to incorporate such material as changed.... The District acknowledges that it cannot change the Basis of Review without amending Rule 40D-2.091 so that it correctly references an existing document. With respect to the proposed changes to the Basis of Review included in the SWUCA Rules, the District has proposed an amendment to Rule 40D-2.091 to incorporate by reference a revised Basis of Review. This procedure comports with the applicable rulemaking procedures and provides adequate notice to interested parties. Contrary to the contention of some Petitioners, there is no prohibition on an agency incorporating by reference a document or publication prepared by that agency. 5. Use of General Terms Many of the District's regulatory provisions utilize general terms such as "significant adverse impact," "adversely impact the water resources," "adverse environmental impact," and "unacceptable environmental impact" in delineating the types of impacts to environmental features, other existing legal users, and the water resources of the state, which the permitting program seeks to guard against. See e.g., Rules 40D- 2.301(1)(b), (c), (h), and (i); 40D-2.341(2)(e); and 40D- 2.381(3)(1) and (m), F.A.C.; and BOR Sections 4.0, 4.2 and 4.8. Some Petitioners contend that the use of such terms is unacceptably vague and vests the District with unbridled discretion because there are no objective criteria or standards for interpreting and/or applying the terms which are used as standards for evaluating a WUP application. Whether or not an adverse impact will occur is essentially a scientific determination. Adverse impacts include both de minimis impacts and unacceptable impacts. De minimis insignificant. impacts are so minimal as to be 92 What is "significant" or "acceptable or unacceptable" are value judgments. For example, an "unacceptable environmental impact" could range from any impact that can be perceived or measured to a large scale impact. Some significant impacts may be acceptable because of the needs of the applicant and/or the public interest. Thus, the value judgments in water use regulation include application of scientific principles and techniques, but ultimately the judgments require a balancing of societal needs with the extent of the impact and the feature(s) involved. The District's rules leave it to the discretion of individual permit reviewers and/or scientists at the District to interpret what constitutes an adverse, significant, or unacceptable impact. The District emphasizes that the staff's scientific decision about adverse impacts can be overruled by the District Governing Board's evaluation. Pinellas notes that this approach raises potential problems with consistency in the interpretation of the terms. While a rule can allow for the exercise of professional discretion and still pass muster under Chapter 120, the rules must provide adequate principles or guidance for the exercise of the discretion. It is impractical to adopt by rule a quantitative approach to delineate what constitutes an "unacceptable adverse impact" for every particular feature because of the numerous site- specific factors involved. For example, a multitude of species inhabits lakes and wetlands within the District, each with its own environmental requirements. It would be impossible to develop a level of de minimis impact for each species that could be applied to the varying hydroperiods of every lake and wetland. Moreover, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between the impacts caused by groundwater withdrawals and the impacts that are due to other causes such as land development, ditching and drainage alterations. Thus, the rules must be flexible enough to be applied on a site-specific basis. However, the rules should set forth, at least generally, the factors that will be considered and they cannot serve to insulate the District's decisions from meaningful review. In some instances, the performance standards in the Basis of Review provide objective standards for applying the general terms of the rule. These performance standards provide a useful delineation of the factors that should be considered in determining whether an impact is significant. However, in many instances the application of the performance standards is complicated by corresponding provisions in the BOR that set forth presumptions which are utilized in applying the performance standards. The District claims that the performance standards are the ultimate determining factor in deciding if there is unacceptable adverse impact, but the evidence indicates that in many instances the presumptions are in fact conclusive. The performance standards seek to delineate what changes will be considered unacceptable adverse impacts for certain specified criteria. The District claims that an impact that would exceed a performance standard in a quantifiable sense is considered an unacceptable impact. It appears, however, that in some instances such an impact will be allowed and/or can be mitigated at the District's discretion, but there are no standards against which the exercise of the discretion can be measured. 6. Use of Presumptions 618. As part of the 1989 Rule Revisions, the District included in the Basis of Review hydrologic presumptions relating to wetlands, lakes, streams, and affected wells, which serve as a threshold between acceptable and unacceptable impacts. The District's inclusion of presumptions in the Basis of Review for certain impact-related criteria has been challenged both generally and specifically. The legal issues surrounding the use of presumptions are discussed in the Conclusions of Law. The scientific underpinnings for certain of the challenged presumptions in the Basis of Review are explored below in the context of the corresponding Condition for Issuance. The following general findings (Nos. 619-620) are made. 619. The manner of application, the effect and the meaning of the presumptions are not clearly set forth in the District's rules. Indeed, the testimony indicates that there are different categories of presumptions within the District's rules and that some of the presumptions do not work in the same manner as others. For example, while some are "screening" or "guideline" presumptions, other presumptions are apparently used more in the nature of a "pass/fail" mechanism. However, there is no specific distinction within the District's rules as to which are "screening" or "guideline" presumptions, "pass/fail" presumptions, "evidentiary" or "non-evidentiary" presumptions, or "rebuttable" or "non-rebuttable" presumptions. 620. The burden of proof placed upon a permit applicant, a third-party challenger or the District can be greatly affected depending on how the presumptions are applied. The evidence indicates some confusion and uncertainty amongst staff as to the role of the presumptions, especially when a withdrawal falls below a presumptive threshold. It is not clear whether the burden of proof, which normally and properly rests with a permit applicant, shifts to the District to produce evidence that a presumption is not applicable if a withdrawal is under the threshold. Moreover, there is no guidance as to how the presumptions may be rebutted. 7. Regulation Without Minimum Flows and Levels 621. Pinellas claims that much of the District's existing permitting program is invalid because the District is improperly attempting to regulate the effect of water withdrawals on "wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife or other natural resources" without first establishing minimum flows and levels pursuant to Section 373.042 and/or without reserving quantities of water for environmental and resource protection pursuant to Section 373.223(3). As discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law, while the establishment of minimum flows and levels is very important, the District is authorized and, indeed, obligated to regulate water use in the public interest even when such levels have not been adopted. 8. Modification of Existing Uses 622. Pinellas also contends that the District is improperly applying some of its existing rules, including Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e) and BOR Section 4.4, to require existing users to abandon long-standing uses without proof that the uses are detrimental to other users or the water resources of the state as required by Section 373.171(3), F.S. Petitioners have not met their burden of proof on this issue. No clear evidence was presented that the provisions are applied in this manner. In any event, as discussed in the Conclusions of Law, Pinellas' interpretation of Section 373.171(3) is overly broad. 9. Mitigation 623. The Conditions for Issuance in Rule 40D-2.301 do not specifically provide that an applicant can obtain a WUP by mitigating the adverse impacts resulting from a withdrawal. Only by reading Rule 40D-2.381 in conjunction with the introductory language in BOR Section 4.0, BOR Section 4.7 and/or the presumptions in BOR Section 4.8 is this possibility revealed. While this somewhat cumbersome approach might be acceptable if the rules provided an applicant with reasonable notice of the standards or criteria that would be used in assessing a mitigation scheme, the existing rules do not. These issues are discussed in more detail in Sections VI B-G below regarding the specific conditions and in the Conclusions of Law. 10. Property Boundaries 624. Pinellas claims that some aspects of the District's existing rules are invalid because they require information about the applicant's property boundary to be used as the demarcation between off-site and on-site impacts. Essentially, Pinellas contends that these provisions elevate property boundaries and land ownership to a level prohibited by Chapter 373. In this regard, Pinellas points out that the more property owned by an applicant, the more likely it is that an applicant can demonstrate compliance with certain of the standards. According to Pinellas, such a result is contrary to the holding in the 5-3-1 Case. Pinellas also cites to Section 373.2235, F. S., to support its argument. That statute provides as follows: The fact that any applicant has acquired...any land for the specific purpose of serving as a site for a well field or right-of-way prior to obtaining a consumptive use permit from a water management district does not create any presumption of entitlement to a consumptive use permit. Evidence relating to such prior acquisition of land or right-of-way by any applicant is not admissible in any proceeding related to consumptive use permitting and has no bearing upon any water management district's determination of reasonable beneficial use in the permitting process. In the event that any applicant elects to acquire land prior to obtaining a consumptive use permit from a water manage admissible in any administrative or judicial proceeding relating to consumptive use permitting under this chapter, including any appeal taken from a water management district decision. 625. Pinellas' attempt to read this statute as a blanket prohibition against any regulation whose impact may vary depending on the amount of property owned is fallacious. While the application of some provisions may vary somewhat depending on the amount of property owned by an applicant, and it might be easier for an applicant with more property to demonstrate compliance with some rules, such a result is not automatically contrary to Chapter 373 and/or the holding in the 5-3-1 case. Environmental Impacts - Rules 40D- 2.301(1)(b)and (c) 1. Overview Rule 40D-2.301(1)(b) requires WUP applicants to provide reasonable assurances on an "individual and cumulative basis" that the proposed water use "will not cause quantity or quality changes which adversely impact the water resources, including both surface and ground waters." This Rule does not have a corresponding section in the BOR explaining how the District will interpret and apply this criteria. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(c) requires a permit applicant to provide reasonable assurances that its proposed water use "will not cause adverse environmental impacts to wetlands, lakes, streams, estuaries, fish and wildlife, or other natural resources." BOR Section 4.2 corresponds to Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(c). The introductory language of Section 4.2 of the Basis of Review states: The withdrawal of water must not cause unacceptable adverse impacts to environmental features. Where appropriate, District staff will review the Applicant's submittal and identify the environmental features that are directly related to the water resources of the District and evaluate the impact of the Applicant's withdrawal, combined with other withdrawals, on those environmental features. District staff may inspect the site to delineate environmental features and evaluate the effects of withdrawals. For certain permits, the applicant may be required to supply additional information regarding the existing status and condition of associated environmental features. This information may consist of aerial photographs, topographic maps, hydrologic data, environmental assessments or other relevant information. Base-line hydrologic and/or environmental data collected prior to permit application shall be provided if available and requested by the District. The need for additional information may be established through pre-application meetings with the District. Environmental features that will be evaluated by District staff when determining withdrawal impacts include: Surface water bodies such as lakes, ponds, impoundments, sinks, springs, streams, canals, estuaries, or other watercourses; Wetland habitats; On-site environmental features and their relationship to local and regional landscape patterns; Habitat for threatened or endangered species; and Other environmental features which are dependent upon the water resources of the District. Potential environmental impacts will be evaluated by comparing the existing natural system to the predicted post-withdrawal conditions. Previous physical alterations to environmental features, such as drainage systems or water control structures will be considered. The District's objective is to achieve a reasonable degree of protection for environmental features consistent with the overall protection of the water resources of the District. Listed below are the performance standards District staff will use to ensure that unacceptable adverse impacts to environmental features do not occur. Additionally, presumptions are described that the District will use as guidelines to predict whether withdrawals will cause unacceptable impacts. Impacts to canals, springs, and estuaries are considered under the streams criteria. Impacts to ponds, sinks, and impoundments are considered under the lakes criteria. The District's regulatory staff interprets and applies the terms "adverse environmental impact" in Rule 40D- 2.301(c) as synonymous with "unacceptable environmental impact" in BOR Section 4.2. In assessing whether an impact to an environmental feature is unacceptable, the District says it will look at the normal biotic component of a natural system and attempt to preserve the status quo for that component. Adverse impacts that would be solely restricted to non-native species would not be considered unacceptable. It is not clear whether the District will compare the projected impact with the condition of the natural system as it exists at the time of the application or as it existed at the time the use first began. There are no commonly accepted definitions in the fields of biology, ecology or hydrology for the terms "adverse environmental impact" or "significant adverse impact". Equally competent biologists and/or ecologists can differ as to the interpretation of what is an unacceptable environmental impact. The environmental managers at the four District field offices are trained in the application of these terms. While the District claims the terms are consistently applied, there is constant discussion and even disagreement among District environmental scientists as to what changes in natural systems constitute unacceptable adverse impacts. Without a consistent definition of an adverse, significant, or unacceptable environmental impact to a natural system, it can be very difficult to require WUP modifications and/or mitigation. In addition, the lack of a clearly articulated definition of acceptable or unacceptable environmental impacts limits the effectiveness of the District's environmental data- gathering process. Representatives from DEP and five of the water management districts formed a Groundwater Availability Conventions Committee to develop and define methods and criteria for assessing the ability of groundwater supply sources to meet demands. The final report of this Committee was a consensus report and proposed methods and criteria for assessing groundwater availability for planning and regulatory purposes including water use permitting. The Committee proposed interim guidelines (but not final conclusions) for developing thresholds for various criteria above which unacceptable impacts are likely to occur to natural systems, such as lakes and wetlands. The committee considered the use of hydrologic presumptions as guidelines, but did not adopt this approach. The District has not adopted the recommendations of the Groundwater Availability Conventions Committee regarding impacts to natural systems and has continued to rely upon the presumptions in its Basis of Review. The Impacts to Natural Systems Subcommittee of the Groundwater Availability Conventions Committee consisted of agency environmental scientists who attempted to establish a biologically sound definition of an unacceptable environmental impact to natural systems, such as wetlands, lakes and streams. This subcommittee was chaired by Dr. Ed Lowe, of the St. Johns River Water Management District, who prepared a report (the "Lowe Report") in 1994 after the subcommittee's deliberations. The Lowe Report, which was not a consensus report, includes a proposed definition of "unacceptable harm to natural systems" that is more specific and covers more areas than the District's performance standards. So far, the District has not adopted the approach set forth in the Lowe Report. The subcommittee could not come to a consensus regarding the use of presumptive hydrologic criteria for purposes of evaluating water use permit applications. The Lowe Report expressed concern as to whether such an approach would succeed in the long run in protecting natural systems. 2. Environmental Presumptions - Generally BOR Section 4.2 has three major categories: section A relating to wetlands; section B relating to lakes; and section C relating to streams. Under each of these sections, the District has created performance standards and presumptions. Absent site specific information to the contrary, if a water use permit applicant demonstrates compliance with the applicable presumptions, the use is deemed to meet the performance standards and comply with Rule 40D-2.301(1)(c). The numerical presumptions in BOR Section 4.2 are used as a screening tool to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable environmental impacts. The District claims that the qualitative terms in the rules such as "significantly" and "adverse" and "unacceptable" should not preclude the use of quantitative tools such as the presumptions to evaluate environmental impacts. The District staff has discretion when to apply the presumptions. As explained in Section III above, as part of the permit review process, a computer model simulation or some other technique that allows for simulations and calculations would be utilized to apply the presumptions. Based upon the evidence presented, it is clear that hydrologic presumptions should not be used as conclusive pass/fail tests District-wide for diverse natural systems with different ecological requirements. The nature and extent of impacts resulting from groundwater withdrawals vary for areas with differing hydrogeologic characteristics. Thus, it is virtually impossible to develop hydrologic criteria that can be expected to consistently provide the desired protection of natural systems. The manner in which the presumptions are utilized by the District has been the source of great controversy in these proceedings. The District denies that the presumptions are used as a pass/fail mechanism. In this regard, it is necessary to look at the specific language of each of the presumptions. In addition, because the scientific underpinnings for certain presumptions have been challenged, it is necessary to review the analysis relied upon by the District in developing the presumptions. Wetlands Presumption - BOR Section 4.2.A.5 Background 641. There is a undeniable relationship between groundwater withdrawals and adverse impacts to wetlands. Generally, the closer a wetland is to the withdrawal point and the larger the drawdown of the water table, the larger the adverse impact. This relationship can be observed despite the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer and it is both spatial and 93 temporal. Other factors such as drought and surface drainage can also impact wetlands and can interact with and/or exacerbate the effects of groundwater withdrawals. 642. The adverse impacts that can occur to wetlands because of a change or loss of hydroperiod as a result of groundwater withdrawals include: (1) rapid succession, which is a shift in the vegetative composition from wetland to upland species; (2) soil subsidence and resulting loss of overstory, which occurs when trees fall because the soils no longer provide structural support for the roots; (3) more frequent and severe burning of the organic soil during naturally occurring fires, including severe peat fires that would not occur if the soil were inundated; and (4) wildlife changes when wetland species and upland species that are dependent upon the wetland are unable to find food and habitat.643. Pond cypress depressional wetlands in the vicinity of extensive groundwater withdrawals have shown evidence of surface and subsurface subsidence and observable ecological responses which start with a proliferation of pollen and seed cones and progress to the point where there can be attacks by fungal pathogens and opportunistic insects attracted to vegetation under stress. Subsidence can also lead to rotting of the base of the trees resulting in severe leaning or even toppling of the trees. The wetlands presumption found in BOR Section 4.2 subsection A.5 was developed by the District's Rule Revision Committee and adopted by the District in 1989. Under BOR Section 4.2.A.5, the District presumes that no adverse environmental impact will occur to a wetland if the water table drawdown at the wetland is less than one foot. In other words, if a WUP applicant demonstrates that its proposed withdrawal of water, in combination with other withdrawals, will not lower the water table by more than one foot at a wetland, then the applicant is presumed to have complied with the performance standards for wetlands and the criteria in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(c). Although BOR Section 4.2.A.5 refers to "actual" water table drawdowns, the District has always intended and applied this provision using a simulated drawdown, usually through the use of a groundwater flow model, rather than applying the presumption to actual measured water table reductions. The District applies the wetlands presumption to all WUP applications irrespective of whether the application is for a new use or renewal of a long-standing use. The District says it utilizes the one foot water table drawdown presumption as a threshold mechanism to screen out those water use applications that are not likely to cause unacceptable environmental impacts to wetlands. Neither the District nor any third party has ever successfully rebutted the presumption that unacceptable impacts do not occur when the water table drawdown at a wetland is less than one foot. The District suggested at the hearing that if a proposed WUP is challenged by a third party, the presumption no longer applies. This interpretation is not evident from the language of the District's presumption. Moreover, the evidence indicates there is some confusion or uncertainty as to how the presumptions should apply in such a case. As written, the District's wetland presumption applies to all wetlands throughout the District's jurisdiction regardless of type or location. The District applies the inverse of this presumption, i.e., if the modeled water table drawdown at a wetland is more than one-foot, the District presumes there is an unacceptable impact. If the water table drawdown at a wetland is projected to be more than one foot, the applicant can still obtain a permit if it proposes a mitigation or monitoring program satisfactory to the District. There are no guidelines or standards set forth in the rules for determining an appropriate mitigation program nor is there any delineation of the factors that will be balanced in determining whether to issue the permit. District Monitoring of Wetlands Impacts 651. The District's field staff has been involved in continuous efforts to evaluate the ecological conditions of wetlands. The District has been monitoring wetlands surrounding public supply wellfields in the Northern Tampa Bay area since the 1970s. Although these sites were not optimally designed for the purpose of establishing a point of demarcation between acceptable and unacceptable environmental impacts, the information developed from these sites was the best data available in 1989 as to the impacts of groundwater withdrawals on wetlands. At the time of the 1989 rule revisions, the District was convinced that there was a relationship between groundwater withdrawals and adverse wetland impacts. This conclusion was based upon the District's observations and experience, including field information supplied by permittees. The District has relied upon sites in the Green Swamp, Hillsborough River Park, upper Hillsborough area and Starkey Wellfield as a control network for environmental monitoring sites. Aerial photography has also been used to establish baseline conditions. Most of the District's monitoring experience has been with moderate to deep water cypress dome depressional wetlands and marshes, which are very common in the District. There are other types of wetlands in the District that are affected by drawdowns. For example, wet prairies and meadows can be particularly vulnerable because they are typically shallower than cypress dome systems and more sensitive to a lowering of the water table. Because many of the studied wetlands are surrounded by wet prairies, monitoring transects often run through some of the wet meadows and prairies. Thus, the District has developed some information and data regarding these systems. In addition, riverine systems have been monitored in the Cypress Creek area since the 1980s. Saltwater or marine wetlands, which are subject to tidal action, have not been extensively monitored by the District. Those wetlands are usually more under the influence of riverine flow and tidal influences than water table drawdowns. While different wetlands types respond differently to water table drawdowns, information gained by the District from the study of the wetland impacts of wellfield withdrawals in the Northern Tampa Bay region is useful for formulating some general principles. The District says it is actively expanding its data base to include other wetland types. In the meantime, the District says it is obligated to process permit applications with currently available information. To accurately ascertain impacts associated with groundwater withdrawals requires long-term environmental monitoring of wetland conditions. Many practical difficulties are involved. For example, gaining access to wetland sites beyond the property boundary of a permittee for monitoring purposes can present a problem. It may take one or two decades for the full effect of withdrawals to be realized. The District utilizes both "quantitative" and 94 "qualitative" environmental monitoring sites. Quantitative methodologies are complex to design, costly to implement and require accurate baseline data and/or long study periods. Even then, the results can be imprecise and difficult to interpret. A rigorous quantitative monitoring program, while desirable from an academic standpoint, is not always practical. In some instances, the District has imposed the significant burdens associated with such a program on permittees. Qualitative evaluations refer to assessments of condition based on subjective judgments. Qualitative evaluations by a competent environmental scientist can be useful in evaluating wetland impacts, but the inherent subjective nature of this approach must be kept in mind. The District has assisted West Coast in the development of an "Environmental Monitoring Plan" which is designed to integrate various wellfield monitoring programs into a single regional approach that incorporates a greater number of wetland sites and types, and would key in with more emphasis on hydroperiods and reduction in hydroperiods as the parameter of greatest concern. The results of these efforts when they become available should increase the reliability of the data and conclusions about the relationship between groundwater withdrawals and wetlands impacts. Development of the Wetlands Presumption 663. Theodore Rochow has been employed by the District as an environmental scientist in the Environmental Section of the Resource Projects Department since 1974. Dr. Rochow has monitored the impact of wellfield withdrawals on wetlands in the Northern Tampa Bay area for 20 years. His qualitative methodology involves the assessment of six parameters: water levels, soil conditions, canopy conditions, fire effect, plant and animal life, and human effects. The first five parameters can reflect adverse effects associated with loss of hydroperiod. Ratings on a five-point scale are utilized, comparing the rated wetland with the rater's experience as to what a healthy wetland should look like. As part of the rule development process in 1989, the District's Rule Revision Committee asked Dr. Rochow to develop a water table drawdown threshold for unacceptable environmental impacts to wetlands. The one-foot water table drawdown presumption appearing in BOR Section 4.2.A.5. was developed based principally upon Dr. Rochow's recommendation. Dr. Rochow prepared a Technical Report dated February 9, 1989, to the Rule Revision Committee setting forth his rationale for the wetlands presumption found in BOR Section 4.2.A.5. In developing the one-foot water table drawdown presumption for wetlands, Dr. Rochow compared his environmental monitoring data with computer modeled water table drawdowns from five separate public supply wellfields located within the Northern Tampa Bay area. The modeled water table drawdowns were produced by site-specific computer models utilized by the District in evaluating the WUP applications for the wellfields. From the various permit application reports, Dr. Rochow took the maps showing the simulated drawdowns from various pumping scenarios and correlated the drawdown information for specific wellfields with his environmental assessments in order to draw conclusions about whether or not impact occurred to wetlands at certain drawdown contours. Generally, the more impacted areas were within the higher drawdown contours. Because there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes an unacceptable environmental impact, Dr. Rochow relied upon his own personal definition of the term in developing the one-foot water table drawdown presumption for wetlands. There was some variation in the ratings of the wetland sites within the modeled drawdown contour lines irrespective of the modeling used to generate the drawdown contours. Dr. Rochow did not perform any statistical analysis in correlating the one foot modeled water table drawdown to adverse impacts to wetland monitoring sites, and Dr. Rochow did not attempt to correlate actual water table drawdowns 95 with wetland impacts. There are limitations on the ability of any model to accurately and comprehensively predict water table drawdowns. The site-specific models relied upon by Dr. Rochow to develop the one-foot water table drawdown presumption utilized simplistic aquifer parameters and the computer modeling runs were usually for short-term periods of from 90 to 120 days. Different time scenarios and different pumpage levels were used in the models for the various wellfields. Those differences limit the comparability of the water table drawdowns. None of the District's environmental monitoring programs were optimally designed or established to correlate water table drawdowns with impacts to wetlands. When the District's environmental monitoring sites and programs were established, the modeled water table drawdown contours for the northern Tampa Bay area wellfields were not available to provide assistance in locating the sites. An optimal design would have a series of monitoring sites radiating out from the center of a wellfield or withdrawal source travelling outward so there is sufficient coverage in each of the drawdown contours generated by the model. There are, of course, practical and fiscal limitations on implementing such an optimal monitoring program. In sum, the studies relied upon by Dr. Rochow were not located or distributed in the environment so as to provide a scientific basis to reasonably derive a relationship between unacceptable impacts to wetlands and modeled water table drawdowns. Moreover, the inherent limitations of the models that produced the drawdown contours used in the analysis preclude specific correlations with the environmental monitoring 96 data. Wetlands react to the cumulative impact of all groundwater withdrawals and not just the impact of a single withdrawal. The site-specific stress models relied upon by Dr. Rochow did not simulate cumulative withdrawals. 97 From a geological and biological perspective, the District's monitoring data in the northern Tampa Bay area has been relatively short term. Longer term monitoring could reveal wetland impacts in areas where the water table is currently drawn down to a relatively small extent. In fact, there is some evidence that significant adverse impacts to wetlands can occur within the 0.5 foot modeled water table drawdown contour. In developing the one-foot water table drawdown presumption, Dr. Rochow looked only at wetland systems located in the NTB area. The District has not studied the applicability of a modeled one-foot water table drawdown threshold for protection of the health of wetlands located north of Pasco County or south of Hillsborough County. Wetlands in other parts of the District may have different water table requirements. For example, there are significant differences from a hydrogeologic standpoint between the Northern Tampa Bay area and the southern part of the District. Dr. Rochow's work should not automatically be extrapolated to other areas. In February 1994, Dr. Rochow updated his February 1989 report. He looked at the five wellfields previously considered in 1989 as well as an additional wellfield in the NTB area. In his February 1994 memorandum, Dr. Rochow again utilized drawdown contours generated by site-specific stress drawdown models. Dr. Rochow's 1994 update memorandum contains several qualifications regarding the use of a one-foot modeled water table drawdown as a threshold between acceptable and unacceptable environmental impacts to wetlands. One qualification was that the one-foot water table drawdown presumption should be applied only to freshwater cypress and marsh wetlands in the Northern Tampa Bay area. As noted above, the District's monitoring experience has been focused on cypress dome and marsh wetlands. At the hearing, Dr. Rochow testified that, while he believes the one-foot water table drawdown presumption offers some protection for wet prairies and meadows, it is probably not as protective as he would like. Dr. Rochow's 1989 and 1994 reports do not include any discussion of brackish water or saltwater, tidal wetland systems. The District performed no studies to determine the appropriateness of applying a modeled one-foot water table drawdown presumption to these saltwater and marine wetlands. Drawdowns of equal amounts can have different impacts depending on timing. Dr. Rochow's 1989 and 1994 studies focused basically on public supply or municipal water withdrawals. Some other types of groundwater withdrawals, such as agricultural use, are more seasonal in nature and can have a very different impact on wetlands, even when the withdrawal is the same quantity as from a public supply wellfield. Dr. Rochow's 1989 and 1994 studies do not address this factor. Other limitations of the environmental monitoring programs and analyses relied upon by Dr. Rochow in developing the one-foot water table drawdown presumption for wetlands include: changes in the location of groundwater pumpage during the time of Dr. Rochow's observation without adjustment in his studies; variations in the number and duration of visits to wetland sites; the lack of baseline information and data about the wetland sites for the period before pumping from the wellfields began; variations in monitoring at different sites; and a lack of intermediate sites between the alleged impacted sites and control sites. All of these issues should not obscure the important conclusion that the District has developed sufficient evidence to establish that there is a correlation between impacts to wetlands and drawdowns from a withdrawal. There are practical reasons, including fiscal and time constraints, that preclude a perfect scientific study of the precise relationship. Moreover, site-specific factors make universal conclusions difficult if not impossible. While it may be possible to develop a screening guideline to assist in the WUP process, the presumption in BOR Section 4.2.A.5 as currently written does not fit the bill. The information developed by the District fails to support the general conclusion set forth in the presumption that no unacceptable impacts will occur if the modeled water table drawdown is less than one-foot. Use of Models in Applying the Presumption In the WUP review process, the District utilizes different models and/or different modeling assumptions depending upon the circumstances and the use involved. The District's use of the "limited cumulative" analysis (Level 2 of the Design Aids) provides for the consideration of some cumulative impacts, but applications under the Level 2 threshold do not receive any cumulative scrutiny. The modeling for the Level 2 Analysis is more sophisticated than the modeling utilized by Dr. Rochow. Dr. Rochow's correlation between unacceptable impacts to wetlands and modeled water table drawdowns should not be automatically extended to drawdowns generated by these more sophisticated models. In connection with the NTB WRAP study, the District has developed the NTB Regional Groundwater Flow Model to simulate cumulative impacts of groundwater withdrawals from all users in the Northern Tampa Bay area. This regional model is much more complex than the site-specific stress models relied upon by Dr. Rochow. The regional model includes recharge and is 98 calibrated. In most instances, the site-specific stress models relied upon by Dr. Rochow utilized flat starting surfaces in order to produce drawdown contours, while the regional model uses historical water levels as the basis for the model runs. Depending on the assumptions utilized, there can be a significant difference between drawdown contours generated with a cumulative simulation run on the regional model and drawdown contours from a non-cumulative simulation using the site- 99 specific models relied upon by Dr. Rochow. Because of the inherent differences between the models, including how the models are run, the amount of pumpage inputted (permitted versus actual pumpage), and the period of time of the model run, it is not surprising that the modeling results are not identical. Generally, the District says it has found that the one-foot drawdown contour of the regional model incorporates within its boundary the 0.5 foot individually modeled drawdown contours for most withdrawals and circumscribes many of the areas where significant environmental impacts occur in the NTB. The District contends that the variations from the different models do not diminish the usefulness of the site- specific models and do not invalidate Dr. Rochow's conclusions. At the time of the development of the presumptions in 1989, the District did not have regional calibrated models available. Ultimately, calibrated regional models may provide a basis for regulating all water use, but these models are still being refined, and they cannot currently be implemented on a localized basis. Most calibrated models have an error range of two feet or greater for simulated water drawdowns and it is usually not possible to utilize such a model to predict drawdown contours of one-foot or less. Thus, site-specific stress model predictions of drawdowns are still the best information available in most cases. However, these models are not accurate enough to reach anything other than general conclusions about the correlation between water table drawdowns and wetlands impacts. In sum, it is clear there are more sophisticated modeling tools and better evidence available today than in 1989 when the presumption was developed. Dr. Rochow acknowledges that, in light of more recent studies by the District including the NTB WRAP, the one-foot water table drawdown contour generated by a site-specific stress model may not be an appropriate threshold for acceptable and unacceptable environmental impacts to wetlands. In many instances, wetlands respond to less than an individual stress modeled one-foot drawdown contour. If actual water table drawdowns are analyzed, wetlands may be impacted by drawdowns of even a few tenths of a foot. Thus, the presumption as it is currently written is not supported by the current scientific data. Conclusion There is no hydrological basis for concluding that a one-foot water table drawdown at a wetland is the appropriate threshold or demarcation between acceptable or unacceptable environmental impacts for all wetlands in the District. The need for additional study of issues such as the impact of seasonal withdrawals on wetlands and the limited ability to accurately analyze cumulative impact preclude such a conclusion. Moreover, it is doubtful that any single water table drawdown presumption could be applied on a District-wide basis because of the variability within the District and the limitations on the ability of the current models to evaluate site-specific conditions that are not in the immediate vicinity of a given withdrawal. The District concedes that the one-foot water table drawdown presumption is not an absolute dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable impacts for all wetland systems. The District claims, however, that these issues can be handled through site-specific information. The District says further study is not necessary to provide scientific support for the wetlands presumption because the presumption is not used as a pass/fail test. According to the District, the wetlands presumption is used only to identify projected drawdowns that deserve more scrutiny. However, the one-foot wetlands presumption is not written in such terms. Instead, the presumption is written so that applications that could potentially cause unacceptable adverse impacts can be approved without further scrutiny. The regulation of the environmental impact associated with groundwater withdrawals is an extremely important yet complex and uncertain task. The District contends that vital resources could be irretrievably lost if scientific certainty were a prerequisite to regulation. Those concerns are not an adequate basis for the wetlands presumption as currently written. The District can and should regulate impacts to wetlands without the presumption in BOR Section 4.2.A.5. While there is a relationship between the distance from a withdrawal point and the severity of hydroperiod reduction and associated adverse impacts to wetlands, the studies relied upon by the District do not support application of the one-foot water table drawdown presumption as written. Moreover, an application with a modeled water table drawdown that exceeds the presumption is held to account for the impacts from all withdrawals in the area while applications below the threshold are not subject to any cumulative scrutiny. Lakes Presumptions Background There are roughly 1800 lakes over 10 acres in size within the District. Like wetlands, a large percentage of the lakes in the District are depressional. In general, Florida lakes are defined as shallow. The level of a lake is often closely associated with the level of the surficial aquifer. Lake levels fluctuate natural fluctuations due to seasonal rainfall, the fluctuations generally occur around a prevailing water level, which responds slower to long-term changes in hydrologic conditions. Maintaining water level fluctuations within the normal range is an important factor in preserving the ecological characteristics of lakes. Important physical features, such as natural beaches, littoral shelves, bars, and contiguous wetlands, are influenced by prevailing water levels and the fluctuating range. Much of the biological productivity for lakes occurs in the shallow littoral areas, which are habitat to a wide variety of attached algae, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and fish, including fish bedding areas where eggs are deposited. Significant reductions in lake levels can have deleterious effects upon submerged vegetation, which is generally found in the shallow waters along the littoral shelf, and neighboring wetlands which are dependent upon periodic or continued inundation. Lowering of a lake level for long periods can cause desiccation of the valuable littoral shelf vegetation and a corresponding loss of habitat and productivity which adversely affects fish and wildlife. The District began efforts to establish management levels for lakes in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1989, the District began a formal effort to assess the lakes in the Highlands Ridge area. In 1991, the District extended this effort to begin establishing management levels district- wide. The District's methodology for establishing lake levels involves the establishment of four management levels for each lake: a ten-year flood warning level, which is a level that a lake can be expected to rise every ten years or statistically having a 10 percent chance of reaching in any given year; a minimum flood level, which is roughly equivalent to the normal seasonal high; a low management level, which is roughly equivalent to the normal seasonal low; and an extreme low management level, which is the low to be expected every four to six years during drought conditions. Under these definitions, the District deems it desirable for a lake to reach its minimum flood level at least twice during a five-year period. In determining whether a lake is "stressed", the District reviews records regarding the lake's level during the proceeding five years and, if the lake is below the low management level two-thirds of the time, it is deemed "stressed". In establishing management levels, the District utilizes an integrated methodology that takes into account historical maps, ecological indicators, site assessments and personal observations of neighboring residents. See, Rule 40D- 8.603, F.A.C. The District looks as far back historically as the data permits. There is a wide range in the quality of the historical records regarding lake levels. Once management levels are established, a standard monitoring program is implemented to record the lakes levels. At the time of the hearing, the District had adopted management levels for more than 370 lakes District-wide. See, Rule 40D-8.624, F.A.C. This represents a significant percentage of the lakes in the District that are greater than 20 acres in size. There are still a number lakes, many of them small and unnamed, for which the District has not adopted management levels. In establishing management levels, the District has prioritized lakes based upon size, the number of water use permits for withdrawals from the lake, whether there were artificial structures under the control of someone other than the District that could influence the lake level and the degree to which the surrounding area was populated. The District began publishing an annual list of "stressed" lakes in 1991. All of the District's annual reports on stressed lakes indicate a significant number of lakes along the Highlands Ridge in southern Polk County and northern Hillsborough County are stressed. Regulating Lake Withdrawals Lakes vary widely in the degree to which they are interconnected with other surface water bodies and/or groundwater aquifers. Because of the various hydrologic factors which can influence lake levels, it is difficult to establish a proportionate relationship between direct surface water withdrawals from lakes and a lowering of lake levels. Nonetheless, because surface water withdrawals from lakes have a direct effect on lake levels, the District concluded it was essential to develop guidelines to manage such withdrawals. The District sought to provide both the regulatory staff and the regulated public with guidance as to whether or not a particular activity or magnitude of an activity could be permitted. Prior to the 1989 rule revisions, the withdrawal of surface water from lakes and impoundments was not regulated by the District on a cumulative basis. The rules were applied so that each permittee was entitled to withdraw from a lake a volume of water equal to one-foot of the total surface area of the lake. The District was concerned that too much water was being permitted on a cumulative basis thereby raising the prospects of serious ecological harm to some lakes. In preparation for the 1989 rule revisions, District Environmental Scientist Sid Flannery analyzed existing information to determine whether a relationship existed between permitted quantities and low water level conditions within lakes. He particularly focused on those lakes where permitted quantities exceeded more than one-foot of the entire lake area. Mr. Flannery concluded that there were a number of lakes that appeared to have excessive quantities permitted for withdrawal on a cumulative basis. As part of Mr. Flannery's analysis, actual conditions were reviewed for many of the lakes and lake stage data and adopted management levels were considered when available. A large proportion of the studied lakes were found to be fluctuating below their normal range with varying degrees of severity of water level reduction. Based on these studies, the District decided to modify its then existing rules. One of the primary goals was to insure that the one-foot lake volume presumptive guideline would be applied cumulatively. Development of the Lakes Presumptions 704. Adopted lake management levels can be a useful tool in managing lake withdrawals. However, the District states that adopted lake levels cannot be used alone to manage lake withdrawals because of the variability in lake hydrologic budgets. The District does not have sufficient data to calculate accurate hydrologic budgets for most lakes. In many cases, extensive further data collection would be necessary and, even then, hydrologic budgets cannot always be calculated accurately. From a scientific standpoint, a bad budget can be worse than no budget. It is simply impracticable and cost prohibitive to do a water budget for all lakes within the District to determine how much water can be permitted. To implement a cumulative approach for regulating surface water withdrawals from lakes and to address certain other issues, the 1989 Rules Revision Committee developed and the District adopted Section of the Basis of Review which sets forth presumptions relating to potential lake impacts caused by surface and groundwater withdrawals. This section provides as follows: The District presumes that a surface water withdrawal will not cause unacceptable environmental impacts if the total annual withdrawal, combined with other surface withdrawals, does not exceed the volume contained within the top foot of water at average lake area. For lakes with adopted levels, average lake area is the average of the area at maximum desirable st District staff. The District presumes that a surface water withdrawal will not cause unacceptable environmental impacts if the withdrawal of water, combined with other surface withdrawals, does not exceed a rate of one- quarter inch per day over a 30-day period. A quarter inch lowering shall be equivalent to the volume contained in the top quarter inch of water at average lake area. The District presumes that a groundwater withdrawal will not cause unacceptable environmental impacts if the withdrawal of water, combined with other groundwater withdrawals, does not lower the water table at the lake by more than 1 foot. According to the District, the three presumptions are aimed at addressing the total impact of surrounding surface and groundwater withdrawals on the health of a lake. While there was some testimony that an applicant must meet all three lake presumptions conjunctively, subsections a. and b. on their face only apply to direct surface water withdrawals from lakes and subsection c. applies only to groundwater withdrawals that impact a lake. The language of BOR Section 4.2 does not delineate or explain how the presumptions are applied conjunctively. Currently, there is limited understanding of the impacts of groundwater withdrawals on lakes. It is not clear when or how the District could apply the three presumptions in conjunction. More particularly, it is not clear how or what information the District will use to assess the impacts to lakes from groundwater withdrawals. As written, the presumptions provide that surface water users need only be concerned with the cumulative affect of other surface water users and, likewise, groundwater users need only be concerned with the cumulative affect of other groundwater users. Thus, the lakes presumptions currently do not provide a basis for analyzing the cumulative impacts on a lake of all water uses. The presumptions in BOR Section 4.2.B.2 were based on the analysis conducted by Mr. Flannery, with the assistance of other District staff. Mr. Flannery prepared a technical memoranda dated February 28, 1989 to the District's Rules Revision Committee setting forth his rationale for the surface water presumptions in BOR Section 4.2.B.2.a and BOR Section 4.2.B.2.b. He prepared a subsequent memorandum dated March 7, 1989, which updated his February 28, 1989 memorandum. The District claims that the three presumptions in BOR Section 4.2.B.2 are used as thresholds or guidelines to screen out those water use applications which are not likely to cause unacceptable environmental impacts to lakes from those impacts that are likely to cause unacceptable impacts. The District believes that, because of the time frames required for regulatory review and the data needed to calculate accurate hydrologic budgets, some initial screening guidelines are necessary for regulatory purposes. The District views the presumptions as safety checks, providing some measure as to the impact of cumulative water use in the absence of a detailed hydrologic budget for each lake. The District applies the three lakes presumptions to all lakes regardless of type or location. Unless the District has information available to the contrary, a water use applicant who satisfies the presumptions does not have to present any further evidence to the District in order to show compliance with BOR Section 4.2.B. and is deemed to meet the condition in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(c) insofar as lakes are concerned. Although the District claims the presumptions can be rebutted by site specific information, neither the District nor any third party has ever successfully rebutted any of the lakes presumptions in BOR Section 4.2.B.2. Application of the lake presumptions can lead to some anomalous results. For example, an applicant who proposes a surface water withdrawal that is projected to result in a one and half foot drawdown of the lake level would be deemed to cause unacceptable environmental impacts. However, if an applicant proposed a surface water withdrawal and a separate groundwater withdrawal each of which was projected to cause a drawdown of three quarters of one foot, the language of the surface water and the groundwater lake presumptions dictate that they be applied separately so the applicant would be deemed to not cause unacceptable environmental impacts. The District suggests that this hypothetical result is unlikely because the site-specific information would make it clear that the presumptions should not be applied. Thus, the District claims that if a lake was lowered by one foot due to surface water withdrawals, then a groundwater applicant would not be able to meet the performance standard for the lake and the presumption would not apply because there would be site-specific information which indicated to the contrary of the presumption. However, the performance standards address fluctuations outside normal ranges which lead to impacts to water quality, wildlife, and other biota. The presumptions as written would effectively shift the burden of proof from the applicant to the District and/or a third party challenger to prove such adverse impacts. BOR Section 4.2.B.2.a. - One Foot Maximum Cumulative Drawdown In the 1989 rules revision process, the District decided that, because the fluctuation of lake stages within normal historic ranges was so important to lake ecology, water withdrawals should be regulated so as to not greatly reduce this range of fluctuations. As noted above, the District did not believe that an accurate hydrologic budget could be adopted for every lake. The District believed its prior regulatory methodology for issuing permits based on area was worth using on a cumulative basis because it was relatively simple and used consistently available information to relate the amount of the withdrawal to the size of the lake. Unlike information on bathymetry and volume which are generally unavailable, lake area can be easily determined. Mr. Flannery's March 7, 1989 memorandum reviewed water level variations in a number of lakes in the District for two separate years. Mr. Flannery calculated the average water level for each of these years and then calculated the average of these two averages. He found an average fluctuation of 2.5 feet in the water levels in those lakes. Mr. Flannery's analysis noted that the presumptive threshold of one-foot for the total annual surface withdrawals from a lake was approximately equivalent to 40 percent of this 2.5 feet of natural fluctuation. In other words, a cumulative one-foot lowering represented about 40 percent of the typical yearly range of stage fluctuation based upon Mr. Flannery's analysis of the hydrologic records of twenty-one lakes in the District for the years 1983 (a normal to wet year) and 1985, (which incorporated a severe drought followed by heavy summer 100 rains.) Mr. Flannery's 1989 report delineates four reasons in support of the presumptive threshold in BOR Section 4.2.B.2a which would limit total annual surface water withdrawals from a lake to an amount equal to the volume of the top one foot of water of the lake: (a) one foot of water per year represents a high proportion of the normal variability of lake levels in the District and withdrawals larger than the threshold could significantly alter the normal fluctuations of lake stages; (b) lakes are shallow in Florida and more than a one foot withdrawal could be a fairly large fraction of the volume of a given lake; (c) more than one foot of decrease in the water elevation in a lake could expose a fair amount of littoral zone area; and (d) because of the surface water and groundwater interactions in lakes, some of the one foot presumed withdrawal from a lake could be dampened or ameliorated by movement of water into the lake. The choice of 40 percent of the average annual seasonal variance was not based on any specific principal in the field of limnology. The District relied upon the professional judgment of Mr. Flannery and Donald Richters, who had managed the District's lake levels management levels program since its inception. Pinellas contends that the District's justification for the one-foot cumulative drawdown threshold is not scientifically valid. Pinellas points out that the District used data from only twenty-one lakes over two years to support its choice. Pinellas also contends that Mr. Flannery's analysis is flawed because he did not evaluate the long term and/or year to year fluctuations that occur in lake levels, including those due to the annual variability in rainfall. Pinellas' contentions are not persuasive. There is no overriding hydrological standard for regulating withdrawals from a lake. The District looked at typical conditions and selected a standard that would be conservative in favor of the resource. No persuasive evidence was presented that the District's decisions in this regard were unreasonable. Similarly, the District's decision not to utilize long-term variations in lake levels because of the flood-drought cycle was sound. The District did not consider year to year variations in lake levels to be relevant to its analysis. The District was concerned with comparing its presumptive threshold with natural fluctuations within a lake. Looking at the seasonal fluctuations of a typical lake was appropriate. The presumptions in BOR Section 4.2.B.2.a are applied using an analytical procedure known as the "closed basin analysis." This closed basin analysis is not described in the rules but is set forth in the Water Use Design Aids, Part C of the Water Use Permit Information Manual. Pinellas claims that the District's analysis is flawed because the one-foot presumption is calculated under the assumption that all lakes are closed-basin lakes even though a large number of lakes in the District are actually flow-through. Flow-through lakes behave differently than seepage or closed basin lakes when water is removed. The amount of flow into and out of a flow-through lake can be two to three times the amount of annual rainfall in the area of the lake. Closed basin or seepage lakes do not have this type of additional inflow and outflow. The extraction of the equivalent of one foot of water from a flow-through lake may be a small portion of the quantity of water flowing into or through the lake in a year. Indeed, a flow-through lake might not experience any physical decline at all given the inflow of water. Because the actual drawdown for flow-through lakes would be less than the predicted drawdown based upon the closed basin analysis, the one-foot guideline is actually conservative in favor of protecting the flow-through lakes. The District's choice of a regulatory strategy that maximizes protection of lakes with long residence times is reasonable since these lakes are particularly sensitive to withdrawals. The District has not established a separate guideline for flow-through lakes because of the variability in the characteristics of these lakes. The District felt these variations could be considered in the permitting process as additional site-specific information. The rules do not preclude the use of surface water inflow and outflow as part of the analysis. Pinellas contends that Mr. Flannery's analysis does not adequately consider the variability in lake dimensions and lake shapes. The withdrawal of an amount of water equal to the volume of the top one foot of the lake at average lake area morphometry. will have varying impacts depending on the lake 101 The District recognizes the uniqueness of each lake mandates that flexibility be built into the rules for site- specific information. The desirability of utilizing site- specific information in the review process was acknowledged in Mr. Flannery's technical analysis. A fundamental goal of [the] rules should be to keep total withdrawals in proportion to the size or water yield of the lake.... The presumptions...for the evaluation of lake withdrawals are to be used as guidelines which can be superseded if adequate site specific information if [sic] available. The evaluation of site-specific information may indicate that the allowable water yield of a standing water body is higher or lower than the quantity indicated by the presumption.... Lake stage data is the most important site specific information for evaluating withdrawals from lakes. Stage data are absolutely necessary to determine if a lake is fluctuating within normal management levels which represent healthy ecological conditions. It should be standard practice that each lake that supports direct lake withdrawals also have stage data collected at least as frequently as every two weeks. The amount of surface water withdrawals from a lake that will cause unacceptable impacts to the lake will vary depending on numerous site-specific factors such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, hydrogeology, the nature of the water withdrawals and the type of vegetation. Nonetheless, a rebuttable, upper threshold screening guideline may be a useful regulatory tool if it is adequately described and properly applied. The more persuasive evidence established that the District's approach is reasonable and, if properly applied, can effectively serve as a cap on withdrawals from any lake. In the August 19, 1994 report by the Surface Water Availability Conventions Committee the usefulness of a stage-volume threshold, like the District's one-foot presumption, as an initial screening guideline for assessing surface water availability from lakes was recognized. The Surface Water Availability Conventions Report recommended that the districts develop separate thresholds for different types of lakes based on physical or ecological characteristics, such as average depth, shore line morphometry or the abundance of surrounding wetland community. It does not appear that any district has yet adopted separate thresholds for different types of lakes. As noted above, the District's use of a closed-basin analysis insures that its threshold will be conservative in favor of the resource. In sum, the evidence in this case established that a properly worded and applied stage-volume threshold can serve as a useful cap and/or screening tool for regulating withdrawals that impact lakes. The analysis performed by the District does not, however, support the presumption as currently written. There is no scientific basis for concluding that total surface water withdrawals of less than one-foot of the total area of a lake will not have an adverse impact, especially since groundwater withdrawals can be affecting the lake in ways that are difficult to determine. The District's rules also lack an adequate explanation of how the presumption applies to lakes that do not have adopted management levels. The stage-volume threshold in BOR Section 4.2.B.2a is based on "average lake area." Under the pre-1989 rule, there were some problems in calculating area because most lakes have sloped sides, which reduces the actual quantity within the top one foot, and some estimates of lake surface area were derived when the lakes were at higher stages. As part of the 1989 rules revisions, a new criterion was included in BOR Section 4.2.B.2a to clarify and standardize lake area measurements. For lakes with adopted management levels, an average of the lake area derived from the maximum desirable stage and the low management level is to be used. However, there is still a great deal of uncertainty as to how to determine the area for lakes without adopted levels. The presumption as currently written leaves the determination of average lake area in such cases completely to the District with no delineation of the factors that will be considered. Unless some standards or criteria are provided for making this determination, the rule vests unbridled discretion in the District. Finally, it is not clear how the District applies this presumption to lakes with permitted withdrawals that already exceed the presumption. This issue was not fully developed at the hearing, but it appears the presumption (and perhaps the performance standards) are not applied in many instances. The conditions and factors that will be considered in this regard are not set forth in the rules. BOR Section 4.2.B.2b - 30 day maximum withdrawal As part of its analysis for the 1989 rule revisions, the District looked at total permitted quantities from a maximum daily perspective. The District was concerned that a rapid lowering of a lake could expose littoral shelf areas without allowing time for biological communities to adjust and relocate. Such impacts can be exacerbated when the maximum withdrawals occur during the dry season when lakes are at their lowest level. Prior to the 1989 rule revisions, there was no limit in the District's rules on the amount of water that could be taken from a lake on a short-term basis. Some permits had maximum daily withdrawal limits which allowed lakes to be drawn down from five to ten inches a day. The District felt it needed to have some measure to try to keep cumulative water withdrawals within scale within a lake. The 1989 rule revisions added a one-quarter inch per day cumulative maximum daily withdrawal averaged over a thirty- day period (which is equal to 7.5 inches per month) to address these concerns about rapid short-term withdrawals. The District wanted its regulatory scheme to be consistent with the naturally occurring hydrologic processes for a lake. Mr. Flannery's March 7, 1989 memorandum sets forth his analysis in support of the maximum 7.5 inches per month presumption in BOR Section 4.2.B.2b. In his memorandum, Mr. Flannery sought to compare the presumption to natural lake evaporation. 102 He noted that the maximum pan evaporation rate calculated at the Lake Alfred Experimental Station over a 24 year period for the month of May (when evaporation losses are 103 highest) was 8.5 inches. The 7.5 inch presumptive limit was felt to roughly correspond with the worst case scenario for water level declines due to natural influences. Since lake level declines from withdrawals typically stabilize to some degree because of rainfall and groundwater inflows, the District believed that a limitation of 7.5 inches over a thirty day period would provide a safe upper limit for lakes. Pinellas claims that the District's analysis in developing this presumption was flawed because the District did not use a pan coefficient in comparing the presumption with the data. Lake Alfred 104 The District's decision to not apply a specific pan evaporation coefficient to the Lake Alfred data was not unreasonable since the District was not seeking a precise scientific measurement, but rather was looking for a general idea of the high range of natural water loss. Pinellas notes that the District has not conducted any specific scientific studies that examine the environmental characteristics of lakes to confirm that an increase to the maximum monthly evaporation rate would not cause unacceptable environmental impacts to a lake. Pinellas contends that, absent a specific study which directly links the reduction of water in a lake with adverse environmental impacts to the lake, the presumption is not scientifically valid. The more persuasive evidence established that the District has an adequate basis for concluding that rapid drawdowns in a lake can increase the severity of the impacts. Thus, there is a basis for regulatory steps to minimize the possibility of rapid drawdowns. To the extent the District's chosen threshold is used only as a preliminary screening guideline or upper limit on withdrawals, there is support in the District's studies. The presumption should not be used or viewed as a demarcation between acceptable and unacceptable impacts for all lakes. Moreover, as currently written, the District's presumption assumes no adverse impact if a withdrawal, combined with other withdrawals, is below the threshold. There is no persuasive evidence that withdrawals under the presumptive level will not cause adverse impacts. It should be noted that, under this presumption, an applicant could, within a 30 day period, remove over 60 percent of the one foot volume of the lake which is allowed for the entire year under the BOR Section 4.2.B.2a presumption. BOR Section 4.2.B.2.c. - Lake-fringing Wetlands - Water Table Presumption No specific technical report or memoranda was prepared to support the one foot water table drawdown presumption for lakes found in BOR Section 4.2.B.2c. This presumption was based, in part, on the technical work conducted by Dr. Rochow for the wetlands presumption in BOR Section Dr. Rochow was not directly involved in developing the lakes presumptions nor has he performed any studies attempting to determine a relationship between water table drawdowns and unacceptable environmental impacts to lakes. Mr. Flannery concluded that, since many Florida lakes are surrounded by fringing wetlands and Dr. Rochow had purportedly found that wetland impacts were associated with a modeled one foot water table drawdown, a similar one foot water table drawdown standard could be used as a threshold for unacceptable impacts on lakes from groundwater withdrawals. The District's 1989 Rules Revision Committee accepted this analysis. The Rules Revision Committee was not aware of any research which specifically addressed the impacts of groundwater withdrawals upon wetlands around lakes and considered Dr. Rochow's research to be the best available information. There is no clear scientific demarcation between wetlands and lakes. Limnologists have not developed a uniform definition of what constitutes a lake. Similarly, ecologists cannot generally agree upon the boundary between a wetland and a lake or an upland. Whether a wetland that fringes a lake should be classified as part of the littoral zone of the lake or a separate wetland system that is contiguous with the lake is a decision that is most accurately made on a site-specific or system-specific basis, but such information is often unavailable. The predominant ecological differences between lakes and wetlands include the following: (a) water depth - lakes are typically deeper than wetlands; (b) permanence of inundation - lakes are typically inundated or contain water throughout the year and from year to year, while wetlands will commonly experience a dry period with very little water or dry conditions; (c) thermal structure - lakes will often have a thermal structure with layers of temperature zones with some zones higher in certain chemical constituents, nutrients, and salts, wetlands are typically not deep enough to experience a thermal structure; (d) hydrodynamics - the hydrodynamics of lakes can include currents that behave and form in different ways, while wetlands are not typically able to form currents because of their shallow nature and their emergent vegetation; and (e) primary production/vegetation -- the primary production or growth of plant material occurs mostly underneath the water in lakes in the form of either submerged vegetation or phytoplankton or attached algae that may be on the bottom or growing on surfaces of things underwater, while in wetlands the majority of vegetation is emergent and most of the growth and green area of plants is above the surface of the water. Despite these differences, wetlands and lakes have many common physical features and they both have ponded water which communicates with the surficial aquifer system. The District felt that the hydrologic similarities warranted a consistent regulatory approach. Most lakes in Florida have a surrounding ring of marshes or hardwood wetlands. The District says the purpose of BOR Section 4.2.B.2c was to capture those withdrawals which might affect lake-infringing wetlands in cases where there might be doubt or confusion as to whether a particular area should be considered wetlands or part of a lake. The District wanted to cover these areas with the same level of protection, regardless of whether they are considered as wetlands or a portion of a lake. A water table drawdown in a marsh can lead to changes that impact the health of various types of emergent and submergent vegetation and the habitat space available for fish and invertebrates. It can also lead to foraging changes in wading birds and can cause substantial impacts on vegetation in the vicinity. The District concluded that a similar groundwater withdrawal impact analysis could be used for wetlands whether they were isolated or fringing lakes. No persuasive evidence was presented to refute this conclusion. Lakes often have different hydroperiod conditions and sources of water than isolated wetlands. Pinellas contends that Dr. Rochow's work relating to wetlands reflected in his 1989 and 1994 reports does not extrapolate scientifically to lakes and, consequently, is not a scientifically valid basis for adopting a one foot water table drawdown presumption for lakes. While Dr. Rochow's work relating to wetlands primarily focused on isolated cypress wetlands, it did include some marshes as well as hardwood wetlands. The District's conclusion that Dr. Rochow's analysis of the impact of water table drawdowns on wetlands is useful in looking at fringe wetlands along lakes is reasonable so long as the limitations of that study are recognized. Like the District's wetlands presumption, the lakes presumption provides that no unacceptable impacts will result from withdrawals that fall below the threshold. Thus, as written, the presumption is not just a cap or screening guideline. The scientific evidence is insufficient to conclude that a modeled water table drawdown of less than one foot will not cause an unacceptable impact at any lake. To determine compliance with the presumption in BOR Section 4.2.B.2c, the District does not use actual water table drawdowns. Instead, drawdowns simulated by a groundwater flow model are utilized. As noted in the discussion above regarding the wetlands presumption, site-specific models have inherent limitations, including the lack of cumulative impact analysis, that hinder the ability of such models to accurately predict actual drawdowns. It should also be noted that the District's rules do not provide any guidelines or criteria that will be considered in determining whether and how an applicant can mitigate the presumed adverse environmental impacts if the modeled water table drawdown contour is greater than one foot at a lake. Conclusion Because of the large variability within the surficial aquifer and how it communicates with lakes, it is not possible to develop a single annual withdrawal threshold or a single daily withdrawal threshold that can account for all the various factors that affect water levels in lakes, such as recharge, runoff, and the inflow and outflow of the lakes. Moreover, Mr. Flannery's 1989 studies do not establish a link between specific water level reductions in a lake and impacts to any particular biota. He assumes a linkage between changes in lake level fluctuations and adverse impacts to the various biotic components of lakes. The actual impacts to a lake will depend on many factors including the health of the lake and the unique ecosystem. The inverse of the presumptions within BOR Section 4.2.B.2 may be appropriate initial screening guidelines to determine where there is a greater likelihood of impact. However, there are no specific studies to determine conclusively at what level withdrawals will not have an impact. Thus, the scientific evidence does not support the presumptions as written. Because the presumptions conclude that an applicant will not have an unacceptable impact if the withdrawal is under the threshold, they effectively shift the burden of proof from the applicant for permits below the presumptive thresholds. Furthermore, it is not clear how the presumptions are applied to the renewal of existing permits and/or what factors would be considered in determining whether to allow a proposed withdrawal to exceed the presumptive threshold and/or what factors would be considered in the development of a mitigation plan. 5. Stressed Lakes - BOR Sections and 7.5.3. (NTB WUCA) and proposed BOR Section 4.2.B.3 (SWUCA) NTB Pinellas has challenged existing Sections and of the Basis of Review. These provisions are only applicable in the Northern Tampa Bay WUCA. Section creates a presumption relating to requested new withdrawals from stressed lakes in the NTB WUCA and provides as follows: Stressed lakes - New Withdrawals Due to cumulative groundwater and surface water withdrawal impacts, new withdrawals from stressed lakes shall not be permitted. Under BOR Section, the District has conclusively determined that any new withdrawals from a stressed lake will cause unacceptable environmental impacts to the lake and, therefore, such new withdrawals will be denied. It is not clear how renewal permits from a stressed lake are handled. BOR Section authorizes the District to deny a WUP for any new groundwater withdrawal within the NTB WUCA which adversely impacts a stressed lake or causes a lake to become stressed. This provision is potentially very broad. On its face, it applies to any "new" WUP that has a measurable impact on a stressed lake or would cause a lake to become stressed irrespective of the other factors and/or withdrawals that may be impacting that lake. Only minimal evidence was presented as to how this provision is applied. It is not clear how or if this provision applies to renewal permits. Apparently, the District will allow impacts to be mitigated and/or will analyze renewal permits differently than applications for new uses in applying both of these stressed lake provisions. The conditions and factors that will be considered in making these determinations are not set forth in the rules. The District's rules do not provide any methodology or standards for an applicant to rebut the District's conclusion. SWUCA Under proposed BOR Section 4.2.B.3 of the SWUCA Rules, the presumptive guidelines for lakes would not be applied by the District in the SWUCA when adopted lake levels indicate that a lake is in a stressed condition. The proposal includes provisions, similar to the NTB WUCA provisions for stressed lakes, that would limit new withdrawals and reduce existing withdrawals. Impacts to a stressed lake can be reduced by replacing surface water withdrawals from the lake with groundwater withdrawals that are located as remotely as practicable from the lake. Proposed BOR Section 4.2.B.3.d(2), authorizes replacement of a surface water withdrawal from a stressed lake with a groundwater withdrawal even when the groundwater withdrawal may have an unacceptable adverse impact as defined by the performance standards and even when the minimum groundwater levels in the area have not been met. The District claims that this provision is necessary so that it can substitute groundwater withdrawals for surface water withdrawals when it appears that the groundwater withdrawals will be less harmful. This provision is applicable only when a lake is "stressed due to regional causes." ECOSWF has challenged this provision on the grounds that it allows for the continuation of a use that fails to meet the Conditions For Issuance and consequently does not satisfy the three-prong test. This issue is discussed in the Conclusions of Law. 6. Impacts on Streams - BOR Section 4.2.C.2. Background Section 4.2.C.1 of the Basis of Review sets forth the performance standards for streams. These standards relate to flow rates and provide that the flow rate of a stream should not deviate or be reduced from the normal rate and range of fluctuation to the extent that water quality, vegetation or animal populations in streams and estuaries are adversely impacted or to the extent that recreational use or aesthetic qualities of the water resource are adversely impacted. The performance standards further require that flow rates should not be reduced from the existing level of flow to the extent that salinity distributions in tidal streams and estuaries are significantly altered as a result of withdrawals. In Section 4.2.C.2 of the BOR, the District has created a presumptive threshold between acceptable and unacceptable impacts to streams and other water courses within the District for purposes of evaluating WUP applications. This provision provides as follows: The District presumes that the withdrawal of water will not cause unacceptable environmental impacts if the withdrawal, combined with other withdrawals, does not reduce the rate of daily flow by more than 10 percent at any point in the drainage system at the time of withdrawal. The effects of water retention in instream impoundments will be included in the determination of flow reductions. Estimated available yield will be determined on historical flow records or best available data and existing permitted use. Under this stream flow reduction presumption, if an applicant demonstrates that stream flow will not be cumulatively reduced by more than 10 percent, it is presumed that there will be no unacceptable environmental impacts from the withdrawal, the performance standards are deemed to be met and no further scientific information need be provided to the District by the applicant. As a matter of policy and practice, the District interprets and applies the presumption set forth in BOR Section 4.2.C.2 in the inverse. In other words, if a withdrawal, combined with other withdrawals, does reduce the rate of daily flow by more than ten percent, it is presumed that the withdrawal will cause unacceptable environmental impacts. The inverse presumption is not specifically set forth in a rule. If a proposed withdrawal, combined with other withdrawals, is projected to exceed the 10 percent threshold, the District staff recommends denial of a permit unless the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the District, that the proposed diversion of the stream flow will not have an adverse impact. The ten percent flow reduction presumption in BOR Section 4.2.C.2 was adopted as part of the 1989 rule revisions and sought to provide a basis for cumulative analysis of withdrawals. Prior to October 1, 1989, the District's water use permitting rules used a five percent or less presumption for stream flows. Under this approach, each withdrawal was evaluated individually to determine if that withdrawal would reduce the stream flow by more than five percent. This approach proved to be inadequate, mainly because of the inability to consider the cumulative impact of multiple withdrawals. The District applies the stream flow presumption found in BOR Section 4.2.C.2 to all streams throughout the District regardless of type or location. Although the District contends the stream flow presumption can be rebutted by site specific information, neither the District nor any third party or applicant has ever successfully rebutted the presumption. Purpose of the Ten Percent Stream Flow Presumption The intent of the 10 percent stream flow presumption is to provide a mechanism to tie cumulative water use to the "natural" flow of a stream and to protect the "natural" variability of flows within the stream. According to the District, the presumption is intended to provide both a method for calculating withdrawals (a percentage of daily flow at the time of withdrawal) and a numerical value for withdrawals of a stream. District Environmental Scientist Sid Flannery provided the analysis for the 10 percent stream flow reduction presumption. His rationale is set forth in a 1989 memorandum he prepared for the Rules Revision Committee entitled: "Evaluation of Potential Impacts to Streams and Estuaries." That report recognized that: [R]ivers in the District differ tremendously in their water supply potential due to large differences in drainage basin sizes and base flow levels... Withdrawals should be in scale with the size and ecological sensitivity of the particular river-estuarine system and...that many systems are of limited yield for much of the year if ecological requirements are to be considered. There has not been a written update to Mr. Flannery's 1989 stream flow memorandum. From a biological perspective, it is important to maintain the natural variations in flow when withdrawing freshwater from streams. The inundation of the floodplain, the maintenance of the morphometry of the stream channel, the ability of fish to swim through the river and the maintenance of aquatic biota are all dependent upon the naturally occurring flow regime. Streams are highly variable and there are interactions of abiotic parameters which are effected by the flow regime. The best way to protect those interactions is to protect the flow regime. The evidence supports the District's view that tying withdrawals to a percent of flow can help ensure the natural cycles are maintained by automatically adjusting for wet and dry periods. This approach allows water use to increase as flow goes up and decrease when flow goes down. The stream flow presumption in BOR Section 4.2.C.2a. represents an effort to tie cumulative water use to stream flow. This concept of linking withdrawals to a percentage of stream flow at the time of withdrawal emanated during negotiations in 1988 between the District and Dr. Thomas Fraser in connection with the renewal of a water use permit for withdrawals from the Peace River by General Development Utilities ("GDU") to provide public drinking water to residents located within existing and proposed developments. GDU was concerned with possible water quality problems at flows below a certain level and the ability of the existing water treatment plant to adequately treat such water. Dr. Fraser, former director of the Environmental Quality Laboratory, recommended that the District employ a percent flow at the time of withdrawal approach to stream flow management. The District implemented this approach when the GDU permit came up for renewal in 1988. Data collected since 1988 in connection with that permit has confirmed the usefulness of the approach. Despite the desirability of tying stream withdrawals to a percentage of flow, problems arise in trying to develop and/or apply a single presumptive threshold for use with all streams in the District. Before discussing these problems, it is helpful to review the scientific analysis that the District relied upon in developing the 10 percent stream flow presumption. Development of the Ten Percent Flow Guideline After the adoption of the Florida Water Resources Act in 1972, the District began to examine the ecological requirements of natural systems, including rivers and estuaries. More particularly, the District has been accumulating information about estuaries since 1977, when the District contracted with the University of Miami to conduct a literature review of articles concerning the role of freshwater in estuaries. The District also sponsored a seminar in 1977 at which nationally recognized scientists presented papers regarding the management of freshwater flow into Florida's estuaries. In 1981, the District began studies on the estuaries within its jurisdiction, looking specifically at their freshwater flow requirements. The studies included evaluations of the hydrology and salinity relationships of estuaries. Similar studies have been undertaken by the USGS and other entities. These studies all confirm that freshwater flows from streams correspond to salinity values in estuaries and that the timing and volume of freshwater flows are two of the most important factors controlling the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of estuaries. In developing the presumption during the 1989 rule revisions process, the District reviewed the available data and conducted several studies from which it concluded that flow reductions on the order of ten percent corresponded to relatively small changes in the salinity structure of the tidal portion of an estuary. In some instances, the District says the impact of a ten percent reduction in streamflow upon the salinity structure was close to being undetectable. Some of the studies relied upon by the District included biological assessments of the region's estuaries. These studies confirmed that the natural processes occurring in the estuaries should be managed so as to maintain the natural pattern of freshwater flows. The studies mapped shoreline vegetation communities and, by calculating the salinity movement with the ten percent flow reduction, determined that anticipated movement would be very small compared to the transitional areas of vegetation. Based upon its review of the available data, the District concluded that, if withdrawals were limited to a maximum of ten percent of flow at all points in the drainage basin, the effects should be minimal in comparison with the natural variability within the rivers. The District says that studies it has conducted or reviewed subsequent to 1989, support the conclusions reached in the 1989 rule development process, i.e., that withdrawals would generally be within the safe range if limited to ten percent of flow while a withdrawal or diversion of 20 to 30 percent would likely cause observable ecological changes. Challenges to District's Scientific Analysis Various parties have challenged the District's scientific analysis in developing the streamflow presumption. The issues raised include the following: Use of Salinity Gradient As the prime scientific and technical basis for the 10 percent stream flow reduction presumption, the District focused upon the relationship between salinity distribution 105 (i.e., location and movement of isohalines) and freshwater flow. Movement of isohalines back and forth under natural cycles can greatly influence the distribution of biological organisms in an estuary. Thus, tracking the location and movement of horizontal salinity gradients, as reflected by isohalines, is an important parameter for analyzing the effects of withdrawals from streams that furnish freshwater inflow to estuaries. Most of the studies conducted and relied upon by the District to support its 10 percent presumption utilized specific conductance to measure salinity values at various locations in estuaries. Specific conductance measures the total electrical conductivity of the water and salinity is a major factor influencing conductivity. While conductivity is generally a useful method of tracking salinity levels, its value is limited at low salinities. Moreover, the salinity level by itself will not determine the impact upon flora and fauna. The ionic composition of low salinity waters can be significant in determining which species are living and moving throughout a tidal river.106 Several parties contend that the District's focus on salinity and the movement of isohalines does not provide adequate information regarding the environmental impacts resulting from changes in stream flow. Many species differ in the degree to which they can tolerate abiotic factors, such as salinity and temperature. Because of possible variations in other abiotic factors, automatic conclusions should not be drawn as to the effect upon biota solely from salinity changes. Nonetheless, the more persuasive evidence established that salinity is a dominant factor affecting the ecology and biology of estuarine resources. Accordingly, while the limitations of the studies must be kept in mind in the development of a regulatory strategy, it is reasonable and scientifically sound to use salinity gradients as a key measurement for studying the effects of freshwater withdrawals on an estuarine system. The evidence revealed that isohaline positions have been utilized as an indicator by which to manage estuarine resources by regulators in other areas. Charlotte claims that the studies relied upon by the District to support the 10 percent stream flow presumption utilized a variety of salinity levels to specify the distinction between fresh and saline waters. As a result, Charlotte argues ...lack of consistency among the studies produces no reliable result in determining the relationship between salinity distribution and freshwater flows. Moreover, in order to determine the environmental impact associated with the movement of isohalines, the delineation between brackish water and freshwater should be based upon the ionic composition of the water. Charlotte's proposed finding of fact No. 25, p. 20. The District's general goal in its studies has been to map the salinity distribution and measure the network and movement of various isohalines simultaneously in the river channels. In utilizing this approach, the District is not concerned with the exact location of a particular isohaline. Instead, the District uses the location of the different isohalines to track the movement of the salinity distribution. The movement of isohalines varies considerably from season to season. Since any particular location on a river may encounter different isohalines at different times of the year, choosing an isohaline that represents the precise transition to freshwater is irrelevant. Use of Regression Analysis Multiple linear regression analysis is an analytical technique utilized in many of the studies relied upon by the District to examine and predict the location of various salinity concentrations as a function of stream flow. This analysis studies the relationship of one key parameter with other specified variables. The District has applied regression equations to the flow records for numerous rivers in the District to predict the change in position of various isohalines following a ten percent reduction to stream flow. When the analysis was based upon the median flow or typical flow for the period of record calculated using daily flow records, relatively small movements of the isohalines were predicted. The analysis was also run on low flow conditions (i.e., flow rates that were exceeded 85 percent of the time). While there were some variations, the movement of the isohalines was generally not significantly different than at median flows. Charlotte claims it is not technically or scientifically sound to use a multiple linear regression analysis based upon stream flow and tidal information obtained from selected gauges in a stream to determine the impact of a variation in stream flow upon isohalines in the estuary. Charlotte correctly points out that a one-dimensional study does not address the horizontal and vertical variations of salinity in the estuary and that there are other factors which impact salinity distribution in an estuarine system including wind, temperature, precipitation, topography and size of the system as well as other hydrographic features. Nonetheless, the evidence establishes that, while utilizing only stream flow and tides to forecast movement of isohalines in an estuary will not give a completely accurate depiction of the distribution of salinity in an estuarine environment, it is a useful starting point. Charlotte argues that the only scientifically appropriate manner of evaluating the impact of a stream withdrawal, no matter what the magnitude of that withdrawal may be, is to utilize a modeling technique. Hydrodynamic models exist which can include the effects of other factors affecting movement of isohalines in addition to flow. However, such modeling is very expensive. For example, the USGS has done modeling work on Charlotte Harbor, which involved collecting data over a four-year period in order to calibrate a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the harbor to assess its characteristics and in-flow area. This modeling effort cost approximately $900,000. Similarly, the original budget to collect data and design and run a model for Sarasota Bay was $780,000. The immense complexity makes it difficult to develop a model that can reasonably represent the dynamics of a river/estuarine system. For example, the USGS has been unsuccessful in its attempts to model the mouth of the Peace River and match the model to the field results. Because of the cost and complexity of multiple variable modeling, the USGS, like the District, has found regression analysis to be a cost effective way to reasonably estimate isohaline movement in response to withdrawals. In sum, a large percent of the variation of salinity at a fixed station in an estuary can be explained by measuring flow without including other independent factors. Thus, the more persuasive evidence establishes that using regression analysis to locate the position of isohalines can be extremely useful in assessing potential impacts to Southwest Florida estuaries from stream withdrawals. However, an appropriate regulatory strategy should recognize that the impacts resulting from the withdrawal of water from a stream are not just a function of the percentage reduction in flow and/or movement of certain isohalines. Even if changes in the isohaline structure in an estuary as a result of a withdrawal are small, there is no scientific basis for conclusively determining that there will be no environmental impacts from a withdrawal in the estuary and/or the river. Each river has site-specific characteristics that determine which variables are of greatest importance to that particular riverine and estuarine system. Requirements of Up-River Freshwater Portions of a Stream A river typically includes more than one major ecological system. For example, a typical river could have an estuarine system, a main river channel system and a head water system. Each system plays a different role and has different needs. The variability of each should be considered in evaluating the health of the entire system. The challenged presumption makes no distinction between the various ecological systems. The District's research in support of the presumption emphasized the downstream reaches of the rivers through studies of the estuaries. The District has conducted or evaluated only limited studies of the uppermost, non-tidal portions of rivers, yet the 10 percent stream flow presumption rule applies "to any point in a drainage system" from the mouth of the river up to its headwaters. Most of the rivers in Southwest Florida are relatively short. Consequently, most water users and withdrawals tend to be in the downstream reaches. The District felt it could better evaluate the total basin yield by focusing on the downstream areas where most of the impacts are expected to occur. In this regard, the District notes the importance of estuaries from an ecological and economic perspective. Most of the species comprising the sport and commercial saltwater fisheries in southwest Florida rely upon survival. estuaries for 107 However, there are also valuable nursery areas for fish located upriver. The District has reviewed and considered certain studies which analyzed the variability of salinity at a given river. point upstream in a 108 These studies concluded that limiting withdrawals to no more than a ten percent reduction helped to ensure that natural variations remained the dominant factor in water level fluctuations in the river. The studies confirm the value of a regulatory scheme that focuses on preserving the natural flow regime. However, they do not establish that there is a specific numerical cutoff that is appropriate for all portions of every river and stream in the District. Because the upper reaches of a river are generally narrower, salinity gradients can move greater distances. In many instances, the upstream biota are subject to only minimal tidal fluctuations and may not be accustomed to frequent and significant changes in salinity gradients. There are different interactions upstream between chemical constituents, the temperature of the water may be different, there are different biota and habitat, and the geometry and gradients are usually quite different. A withdrawal of water at an upstream location may have an impact upon the river system which is not detectable in the estuary through a change in isohaline location. Freshwater tributaries can be particularly sensitive to stream flow reductions. Protection of the natural system is not automatically accomplished by application of the 10 percent presumption in these areas. The District emphasizes that its presumption protects the variability of the natural flow regime, which is a key factor in protecting freshwater stream ecology. However, there is no scientific basis for concluding that the 10 percent threshold is an appropriate indicator of the health of all components of a river system. Site-Specific Differences The dynamics of each river (i.e., the relationship between its volume and the velocity of flow) is unique and is dependent upon the gradient and peculiar configuration of each particular stream. The volume of water moving through a river system affects the habitat for fish, phytoplankton and vegetation on stream banks. The amount of energy moving down the river has erosional and depositional effects, thus impacting the water quality and ecological characteristics of the river. Vegetation is different in the various basins in the District because of climatological differences. Thus, each river has unique ecological concerns. In fact, various segments of the same river can have different concerns. Not only is there a wide range of variation in the volume of flows among the various rivers, there is a difference in volume of flows within the same river during different months of the year, and those variations are not constant among the various rivers. The consistency of flows within a particular river affects the temperature of the river, and the temperature of the river affects the growth of organisms. These site-specific factors are not addressed by applying a numerical percentage of withdrawal rate to all streams. A 10 percent reduction in stream flow during periods of low flow can have a very different impact than a 10 percent reduction during periods of high flow. During the dry season, low salinity isohalines in southwest Florida are not typically found in the open-water bay regions of estuaries. Instead, they are located within the channels of the tidal areas up river. During low flow times, relatively small changes in flow can lead to significant movement up-river of the isohalines. The location and management of these low salinity transition zones is important because many transitional species and important fishery production areas in the low salinity zone, can be impacted by even slight increases in salinity conditions. A numerical threshold, such as 10 percent, should not be utilized as an end-point to determining the environmental impacts of a withdrawal. There is some level of flow in every stream below which no withdrawals of water should occur. A numerical threshold could be very destructive to the natural system absent the establishment of some floor or cap on the flow of the river beyond which no further withdrawals should occur. The level of flow beyond which further withdrawals should not occur is different for every stream and is dependent upon the characteristics of that stream and its estuary. Permit conditions are sometimes used by the District to tie the 10 percent withdrawal rate to certain flow conditions and to prohibit any diversion from the stream or river when the flow rates are less than a specified amount at various times during the year. However, the rules do not delineate the factors that will be considered in determining when and how such conditions will be imposed. Since the factors that are considered in reaching such a determination are not addressed in the rules, the imposition of such a limitation is totally discretionary on the part of the District. In sum, determining the appropriate amount of water which can safely be withdrawn from a stream, necessarily requires site-specific information including the actual flows of the river (both historically and at the time of withdrawal), the location of the site of withdrawal, the distribution of salt tides over a wide range of 109 and flows, the geometry and morphology of the stream, the distribution and abundance of habitats, the vegetation and biotic communities in the area, the water quality and water chemistry of the stream, and how the particular stream is affected by groundwater and groundwater withdrawals. v. Conclusion On its face, the stream flow reduction presumption applies to all streams located within the sixteen- county jurisdictional area of the District. The actual impacts of the withdrawal of water from a stream will depend upon the physical, chemical and ecological characteristics of the particular stream, the amount of base flow of the particular stream and the water body which receives the flow. While the evidence in this case clearly demonstrates the importance of regulating stream withdrawals in a manner that minimizes the alterations of salinity distributions in the receiving water body, there is no scientific basis for a uniform diversion of flow percentage that can be tolerated by every river and stream in the District. There are no pristine rivers remaining in the District. The District rules currently provides no standards or basis for distinguishing between streams with different hydrologic and ecological conditions. The evidence established that a 10 percent stream flow presumption is probably not adequately protective for a number of sensitive rivers in the District including the Homosassa, Crystal, and Chassahowitzka. The District claims flexibility is built into the rules through BOR Sections 4.0 and 4.2 which provide for the use of site-specific information in conjunction with applying the 10 percent presumption to a stream withdrawal. Certainly, the unique circumstances of each case cannot be anticipated and written into the rules. Moreover, it is a practical impossibility to test in an experimentally controlled setting the effect of a ten percent reduction in daily flow on a river and/or estuary that has a high natural variability. However, the factors that will be considered in evaluating a permit application can and should be delineated. A guideline for managing withdrawals based on protecting the natural flow regime is desirable, but the limitations of such a guideline should be explicitly recognized and the manner in which it will be applied should be delineated as clearly as possible. The District's presumption as written is vague and grants unbridled discretion to the District in determining when it will be applied. The District's presumption does not simply provide that withdrawals above a certain level will be given greater scrutiny. Instead, the District presumes no "unacceptable environmental impact" if a stream flow is not reduced by more than 10 percent and inversely presumes there is an "unacceptable environmental impact" if the reduction is more than 10 percent. The simple knowledge that 10 percent of a stream flow is being reduced does not reveal whether water quality, vegetation or animal populations are going to be adversely impacted. The studies relied upon by the District do not establish a definitive cause and effect relationship between a change in flow and any specific effect upon the biota of an estuary or a river. The physical and ecological diversity of streams precludes the effective use of a single numerical threshold as a demarcation between acceptable or unacceptable environmental impacts for all stream withdrawals. The presumption as currently written can be used to impermissibly shift the burden of proof in a permitting proceeding. The District argues that, even if the ten percent guideline results in issuance of a permit because no site-specific information is available to indicate that the guideline should not be applied, the District can always require ecological monitoring or other specific permit conditions to ensure the integrity of the stream system. Such monitoring is certainly important and an appropriate permit condition in many cases. However, monitoring can not be a basis for shifting the burden of proof in a permit proceeding. Method of calculating the 10 percent Presumptive Threshold The manner in which the presumptive threshold of 10 percent is calculated is critical to its implementation, yet the rules provide little guidance or structure for making the calculation. Most problematic is the lack of any standards for determining the baseline from which the 10 percent is to be calculated. Generally, the District imposes a condition on a WUP that requires the permittee to measure or gauge whether the ten percent presumption is exceeded by comparing post-withdrawal flow measurements with measured pre-withdrawal flow as close to the time of withdrawal as possible. The cumulative impacts are measured by adding up all the withdrawals from a particular river to insure the combined withdrawals do not reduce the rate percent. of flow at any point in the river by more than 10 110 The 10 percent reduction in the rate of daily 111 flow is supposed to be measured "at the time of withdrawal." 823. This approach is qualified by the final sentence of the presumption which provides: "Estimated available yield will be determined based on historical flow records or best available data and existing permitted use." The role of permitted uses in conjunction with "historical flow records" for purposes of applying the 10 percent stream flow reduction presumption is vague and ambiguous. 824. In effect, there are no firm criteria for determining what the starting point is for measuring the 10 percent. It is not clear when or how historical flow records will be used, how the District will select the period of record to be analyzed or how previous physical alterations to a river will be considered. It also is not clear how the last sentence of the presumption can be reconciled with a calculation of 10 percent "at the time of withdrawal", which would seem to suggest that the District will measure the 10 percent reduction against a recent or simultaneously measured flow, not an historical 112 flow. The District has historic flow records for most major streams and rivers within its jurisdictional area. However, the quality and quantity of those records varies greatly and they do not always predate withdrawals or groundwater impacts. Some rivers have had long-standing withdrawals and/or have been altered by man-made changes including impoundments and development. Nonetheless, the 10 percent stream flow reduction presumption is applicable uniformly to rivers with data of varying quality and extent. There is no delineation of the factors that will be considered in determining how or even if the presumption would apply to rivers, such as the Anclote and Peace Rivers, which have been impacted by previous groundwater and/or surface water withdrawals. The District claims that the intent of the presumption is to tie cumulative water use to the "natural" flow of a stream so that the "natural" flow characteristics of the stream are preserved after the withdrawal. The presumption does not refer to "natural flow" let alone provide a definition of the term. The District has no consistent or reliable method of determining the "natural" conditions of a river. This determination will effectively determine how the presumption is applied, particularly when flow rates have been altered over time. The presumption provides that the rate of daily flow should not be reduced by more than 10 percent "at any point in the drainage system." What is included within a "drainage system" will affect how and where flow should be measured. The rules provide little guidance in this regard. A "drainage system" is not a term with a commonly accepted or understood meaning in the fields of aquatic or stream ecology and it is not defined by the District. Theoretically, it could include wetlands along the sides of the stream or at the headwaters and/or lakes within the drainage area. The concept of a "drainage system" could also include groundwater. It is not clear from the rules whether withdrawals from groundwater or lakes within the stream basin can and/or should be included in the analysis. Evaluating the impacts of groundwater withdrawals on a river or stream is extremely complex. For example, groundwater withdrawals near a river or stream can sometimes actually supplement the stream or river flow. For example, if the withdrawn water is used nearby for irrigation, the run-off can increase the stream flow. To date, the 10 percent stream presumption in BOR 4.2.C.2 has generally been applied only to a withdrawal or combination of withdrawals directly from a river or stream and application of the presumption has not included an evaluation of the effect of any groundwater withdrawals. The evidence indicates that groundwater withdrawals have reduced the rate of flow in some streams and rivers. The District claims any measurable effects of groundwater withdrawals on stream flow can be considered as site specific information. However, if the baseline for applying the presumption is at the time of withdrawal, it is not clear how historic reductions from groundwater withdrawals can be included. The current presumption does not provide any standards or principals for how long-standing uses should be considered and/or how to measure flow when multiple withdrawals exist on a stream. There were a number of stream or river withdrawals in existence before the District adopted the stream presumption in 1989, including municipal supply withdrawals from the Shell Creek, the Myakkahatchee Creek, the Hillsborough River, the Braden River, and the Little Manatee River. All of these withdrawals exceeded the ten percent presumption on at least some days. The District has allowed the renewal of a number of these existing surface water withdrawals without requiring compliance with the ten percent stream 113 presumption. The District has no written guidelines, standards or criteria as to when a long- standing existing withdrawal from a river has to comply with the ten percent stream presumption. It is not clear what factors will be considered in reaching this determination. At least one District witness testified that if alternate sources of water were available, the District would be more likely to strictly apply the ten percent presumption. However, this policy is not set forth in the rules and there are no standards or guidelines for determining the availability of other sources of water. 833. There are two other aspects of the stream flow presumption that merit comment. The evidence indicates that the 10 percent presumption may not be sufficient or appropriate for streams which contain impoundments or other structures. The second sentence of the stream flow presumption apparently tries to account for this limitation by providing that "the effects of water retention in instream impoundments will be included in the determination of flow reductions." It is not clear what this provision means or how this provision is applied. The rules provide no guidance as to how to calculate the "effects" of water retention in instream impoundments. The evidence also indicates that, in applying the stream presumption, the District considers the diversion capacity of a withdrawal facility even though this consideration is not clear from the face of the rules. Conclusion 834. Without question, the regulation of withdrawals from a stream involves many site-specific issues and the District's rules must be general enough to provide flexibility to address these matters. The District argues its staff should be allowed to exercise its discretion and judgment on a case-by-case basis with regard to the application of the presumption. However, there are no guidelines or criteria which guide staff as to when a withdrawal from a river must comply with the presumption or the inverse presumption. As currently written, the District's stream flow presumption is unacceptable. The ambiguity and vagueness of the terms "combined with other withdrawals," "rate of daily flow," "drainage system," and "at the time of withdrawal," coupled with the undefined measuring stick of "unacceptable environmental impact," render it virtually impossible to determine how the 10 percent figure is to be measured and provide no meaningful basis for the review of permitting decisions. 835. The District says it utilizes the 10 percent stream flow presumption simply as a means of facilitating the evaluation of permit applications and it is not used as a pass/fail cutoff. If site-specific information demonstrates that the 10 percent presumption is not appropriate, the District says such information will be used to evaluate compliance with the performance standards. The presumption shifts the burden of proof, which normally and properly rests with a permit applicant, to the District and/or a third-party challenger to produce evidence that the 10 percent threshold is not applicable if a withdrawal is under the threshold. 836. The desired goal of tying withdrawals to stream flow can be accomplished without the imposition of a uniform numerical value which purports to be determinative of the existence of unacceptable or acceptable environmental impacts upon all streams. By using the performance standards, the District can require an applicant's withdrawals, combined with other withdrawals, to mimic the natural flow of the river or stream from which the withdrawals are to be taken. Miscellaneous Provisions 1. Inducement of Pollution - Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(g) and BOR Section 4.6 837. Under Rule 40D-2.301(1)(g), F.A.C., an applicant must provide reasonable assurances that its proposed use of water, on an individual and cumulative basis, will not cause pollution of the aquifer. 838. BOR Section 4.6 corresponds to Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(g) and provides: A permit application shall be denied if a water withdrawal would significantly degrade the water quality of the aquifer by causing pollutants to spread. Generally, movement of a contamination plume is considered significant if the withdrawal would cause violations to groundwater quality standards in areas which previously would have been unaffected. In evaluating this criterion, the District will consider: whether the withdrawal would alter the rate or direction of movement of a plume (horizontally or vertically) that has been defined by the DER or the EPA; and whether the withdrawal would increase the potential for harm to the public health and safety. 839. These provisions are intended to help prevent a water withdrawal in the vicinity of a contaminant plume from spreading the contamination. Pinellas has alleged that BOR Section 4.6 arbitrarily and capriciously prohibits the beneficial use of an aquifer rather than punishing the upgradient polluter for contaminating the aquifer. This contention ignores the District's responsibility to protect the water resources. Irrespective of any remedies that could or should be sought against a polluter, there is a need to ensure that the issuance of a WUP in the area of contamination does not exacerbate the spreading of the contaminant plume through the aquifer. Contrary to Pinellas' contention, these provisions are a reasonable implementation of the three-prong test and there is adequate delineation of the factors the District will consider in applying the provisions 2. Catch-all Provisions - Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(n) and BOR Section 4.13 840. Under Rule 40D-2.301(1)(n), F.A.C., an applicant must provide reasonable assurances on an individual and cumulative basis that its proposed use of water "will not be otherwise harmful to the water resources within the District." 841. BOR Section 4.13 is the corresponding section to Rule 40D-2.301(1)(n) and provides as follows: OTHERWISE HARMFUL The issuance of a permit may be denied if the withdrawal or use of water would otherwise be harmful to the water resources. 842. These provisions are intended to provide the District with some flexibility to deal with unforeseen and/or new or changed conditions. Pinellas challenges these provisions because they do not include any standards for determining what constitutes a withdrawal which is otherwise harmful to the water resources. Pinellas claims the provisions are vague and vest the District with unbridled discretion. However, these provisions simply allow the District to exercise discretion to protect the water resources in circumstances that were not specifically contemplated or addressed in the rules. The District is not precluded from adopting such a catch-all provision that allows for the exercise of professional discretion. The District's exercise of this discretion would have to comport with the applicable statutory and case authorities on the development of incipient policy. 843. As noted by the District, under the rule ejusdem genres this type of a "catch-all provision is limited in scope to items of a like kind to those that were previously enumerated." See e.g., Mayo v. City of Sarasota, 503 So.2d 347, 348 (Fla. 2d DCA 1987). 3. Monitoring Requirements - BOR Section 5.0 844. Section 5.0 of the Basis of Review provides: Issuance of a Water Use Permit requires that (1) the withdrawals will not cause any unmitigated adverse impacts on the water resources and existing legal users, and (2) the use continues to be in the public interest. To ensure that these criteria continue to be met after a permit is issued, monitoring and reporting activities may be required as conditions of the permit. Where appropriate, the District's monitoring requirements may be satisfied using facilities required by other agencies. 845. Pinellas has challenged this provision alleging the District's rules do not contain any specific standards or criteria for determining what will or will not be considered to be "unmitigated adverse impacts on the water resources and existing legal users." Pinellas also complains that there is no specification as to when or what types of mitigation will be required. Finally, Pinellas objects because the District's rules do not specify how and/or which existing legal uses of water are protected. These claims are not persuasive. Section 373.219, F.S., provides that the District "may impose such reasonable conditions as are necessary to assume that such use is consistent with the overall objectives of the district. " 4. Environmental Monitoring Criteria - BOR Section 5.8 846. Section 5.8 of the BOR provides, in pertinent part, as follows: Environmental monitoring shall be required for permits with potential for significant adverse impacts to environmental features associated with the water resources of the District. Monitoring to document environmental impacts may consist of various types of data collection, including but not limited to, groundwater and surface levels, surface water quality, biological parameters, ground and aerial photography, and land cover assessments. 847. Pinellas argues that this provision should be invalidated because the District's rules do not include any standards for determining when "significant adverse impacts" occur. Pinellas contends that BOR Section 5.8 provides the District with unbridled discretion to determine what type(s) of environmental monitoring will be required without any specific standards or criteria. These contentions are not persuasive. See, Section 373.219, F.S. 5. MIA Saltwater Intrusion - Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(f) and BOR Section 4.5 848. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(f) provides that an applicant must provide reasonable assurances on an individual and cumulative basis that its proposed water use will not significantly induce saline water intrusion. 849. BOR Section 4.5 is the corresponding section of the Basis of Review and provides: Performance Standards A permit application shall be denied if the application requests withdrawals that would cause significant saline water intrusion. Significant saline water intrusion includes: Movement of a saline water interface to a greater distance inland or toward a potable withdrawal than has historically occurred as a consequence of seasonal fluctuations, or A sustained increase from background levels in solute concentrations. Permitted withdrawals of saline water for desalination may cause limited saline water intrusion, but not to the extent of adversely affecting other existing legal uses of water; the Applicant; or the public health, safety and general welfare. Presumption In addition to the significant saline water intrusion defined in the Performance Standards, above, the District presumes that proposed new quantities of ground water applied for after March 30, 1993, from confined aquifers from areas outside the Most Impacted Area (MIA) of the Eastern Tampa Bay Water Use Caution Area as identified in Figure 7.2-2 and as delineated in Section 7.2,8.F., that cause a potentiometric surface drawdown of 0.2 feet or greater within the MIA will significantly induce saline water intrusion. Applicants may demonstrate compliance with regard to the significant saline water intrusion standard by affirmatively showing that the potentiometric surface drawdown at the MIA boundary would be less than 0.2 feet, based on site-specific information, using scientifically acceptable flow modeling, or that significant saline water intrusion, as defined in the Performance Standards, Section 4.5, subsection 1, will not be caused within the MIA, using scientifically acceptable solute transport modeling. The drawdown impacts of successive withdrawal requests will be aggregated in applying this presumption to any permit issued pursuant to this rule. This presumption does not apply to surface water, surficial aquifer, and desalination sources. This presumption also does not apply to the renewal of previously permitted quantities. This provision will remain in effect for a period of two years from March 30, 1993, except that if a rule incorporating permanent standards for the Southern Groundwater Basin Water Use Caution Area is noticed for adoption during the two year period, this provision will remain in effect during the pendency of any Section 120.54(4), F.S., rule challenge and final disposition of the proposed rule by the Governing Board. Section 4.5.1 of the BOR sets forth performance standards relating to whether or not a proposed use of water will cause saline water intrusion. This provision generally describes the process for evaluating the impact of water withdrawals on salt water intrusion. It also establishes a performance standard prohibiting withdrawals which cause "significant salt water intrusion". Significant salt water intrusion is defined to include, any amount of movement of the saline water interface to a greater distance inland or toward a potable withdrawal than has historically occurred as a consequence of seasonal fluctuations. Section BOR 4.5.2 contains a presumption relating to the impact of proposed withdrawals of new quantities of water in the Most Impacted Area ("MIA") of the ETB WUCA. This provision establishes a presumption that withdrawals of new quantities of groundwater from confined aquifers outside the MIA of the ETB WUCA that cause a potentionmetric surface drawdown of 0.2 feet or greater within the MIA will significantly induce saline water intrusion. The MIA boundary encompasses the coastal area where the greatest drawdown in the potentiometric surface has been observed with a corresponding trend of increasingly deteriorating water quality. Furthermore, the MIA is projected to be the area of greatest potential for movement of the salt water interface. The issuance of new permits within the MIA has been limited since the ETB WUCA rules went into effect in 1989. The presumption in BOR Section 4.5.2 was added in 1993 to limit the impact of withdrawals outside the MIA from extending into the MIA. The District felt that such withdrawals might exacerbate the saltwater intrusion problems in this area. The District sought to provide some protection against further reductions in the potentiometric surface in this area while a regulatory scheme addressing cumulative impacts (the SWUCA Rules) was being developed. This presumption was viewed as an interim step until the long-term regulatory strategy was in place. The District wanted an impact threshold for the boundary of the MIA that could be applied through the use of a site-specific model. While the District did not specifically rely on the ETB WRAP in developing the 0.2 foot presumption in BOR Section 4.5.2, the District's on-going work confirmed its perceptions as to the nature and cause of the problems. The District says it did not have an appropriate modeling program to consider on a cumulative basis the effect of permitting applicants whose withdrawals individually were less than two tenths of a foot. The District's decision to utilize an interim regulatory strategy premised upon the use of modeled water table drawdowns for individual withdrawals was not unreasonable in view of the information available to the District regarding the nature and extent of the problems in the 114 MIA and the limits of the various modeling tools available at the time. As discussed in Section IV K, the SWUCA Rules would delete this presumption. Pinellas has challenged the presumption as part of its case against the existing rules. ECOSWF has challenged the SWUCA Rules proposed repeal of the presumption. By its own terms, the presumption remains in effect during the pendency of the challenges to the SWUCA Rules challenges and until "final disposition of the proposed rule by the Governing Board." Since it is unclear when final disposition will occur, the suggestion that the challenges to this provision are moot is rejected. The District applies the saline water intrusion presumption by modeling the potentiometric surface drawdown from the proposed withdrawal. If the modeling projects the drawdown to be less than two-tenths of one foot in the MIA, the presumption is deemed to be met. Unless an applicant meets the presumption, the District staff recommends denial of the WUP application. No applicant has ever successfully rebutted the presumption in BOR Section 4.5.2. If the District's modeling indicates the presumption will be exceeded, the District says an applicant could rebut the presumption by developing site- specific information for input into an acceptable model to show that the potentiometric surface would not be lowered by 0.2 feet at the MIA boundary or by use of a solute transport model to show that significant salt water intrusion will not occur. The presumption cannot be satisfied through monitoring or mitigation. Pinellas objects because the District does not have any guidelines, rules, or standards either in the Basis of Review or the Water Use Design Aids regarding the types of groundwater flow or solute transport modeling that would be appropriate to use in demonstrating compliance with the saline water intrusion presumption found in BOR Section 4.5.2. This objection is not well taken. The District deliberately did not specify how the modeling was to be done because it wanted some flexibility to accommodate and utilize rapidly changing technology. The District selected the 0.2 foot potentiometric surface drawdown threshold in BOR Section 4.5.2 in part because of its experience with modeling done in Wellfield connection with the Verna 115 permit proceeding. As part of the modeling work done in that case, the District determined that, due to the limitations of computer modeling, any smaller number would be unworkable. Pinellas claims that, because saltwater intrusion was not an issue in the Verna Wellfield proceeding, the District's reliance upon the modeling work in that case to develop a saltwater intrusion presumption for the MIA was inappropriate. Pinellas' contention that this presumption should be invalidated because it was developed from the work on the Verna Wellfield case misperceives how that work was used and is rejected. The results of the Verna Wellfield modeling were only utilized for the general concept of establishing a boundary around an area of regulatory concern and then applying a computer modeled drawdown criterion at the boundary. The 0.2 foot threshold was selected because of the limitations from a computer modeling standpoint. The District says that because its computer model is set up to produce output in one-tenth foot increments, the criterion was stated as 0.2 foot or greater rather than more than 0.1 foot. Anything below this level was considered to have insignificant impact. Pinellas suggested that the District's process for rounding off numbers to the nearest tenth was inconsistent with the MOD FLOW Code and/or was arbitrary. The greater weight of the evidence does not support this claim. BOR Section 4.5.2 does not include a cumulative analysis of a proposed withdrawal with other withdrawals in the area. An individual permittee's requests over time can be aggregated to determine whether that permittee's requested quantities have exceeded the threshold impact on the MIA, but there is no protection from a cumulative perspective that the District's Condition of Issuance regarding saltwater intrusion will be met. Even after the results of the ETB WRAP and Supplemental Investigations were available, the District continued to approve permit applications falling below the threshold of this presumption. Use of the Lowest Quality Water - Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e) and BOR Section 4.4 Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e) requires a permit applicant to provide reasonable assurances that its proposed water use "will utilize the lowest water quality the applicant has the ability to use." The 1989 Rules Revision Committee developed BOR Section 4.4 to correspond to Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e). Section 4.4 of the Basis of Review provides, in pertinent part: Consideration must be given to the lowest quality water available, which is acceptable for the proposed use. If a lower quality of water is available and is technically and economically feasible for all or a portion of an Applicant's use, this lower quality water must be used. These provisions address the quality of the raw water that is being pumped. The nature of the intended use of the water determines the need for treatment and the degree of treatment. Finished or treated water is regulated by DEP and under the purview of federal standards for water quality. Pinellas claims that these provisions exceed the District's grant of rulemaking authority by authorizing the District to dictate the source of water that a water use permit applicant must utilize. Pinellas also claims these provisions conflict with and contravene Section 403.851, F.S., by requiring public water suppliers to use the lowest quality of water they have the ability to treat instead of the highest quality of water available for potable supply. Whether a water user is using the lowest quality of water available is an appropriate consideration in applying the reasonable-beneficial use concept and/or determining the public interest, especially when water resources are limited. In determining the lowest quality water available, the District says, many site-specific considerations come into play, including the potential sources, the types of uses for the water, how the water could be treated, and the related economics. As a result, the District claims it would be unworkable to fashion a rule listing every possible circumstance in advance. According to the District these considerations are "dynamic and subject to change, such that rigid criteria would be unworkable and unrealistic from a regulatory permitting perspective." The District's rules do not contain any criteria or standards to use in determining whether lower quality of water is available. This term can and should be accorded its common meaning. BOR Section 4.4 provides that the District can consider the technical and economic feasibility for the applicant to use a lower water quality source. The testimony at the hearing indicated that the District views this provision as authority to decide which applicant has the ability to treat and use a lower quality of water than proposed. If applied in this manner, Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e) and BOR Section 4.4 could have the effect of reserving higher quality sources of water for those users with limited financial ability to treat lower quality sources. This interpretation is not clear from the face of the provision. As written, the rule and BOR Section 4.4 only apply to lower quality water sources that are available. The District has no written or unwritten rules, guidelines, or standards that establish the criteria the District would use to determine whether or not it is technically or financially feasible for an applicant to treat and use a lower quality of water. Problems arise if the provisions are applied so that the District unilaterally determines who must develop alternative sources. Whether an applicant has the financial or technical ability to utilize a lower quality source of water is potentially a matter of great controversy. For example, the Gulf of Mexico, which is not usable for potable water without construction of a extremely expensive desalination plant, could be considered within a utility applicant's ability to treat. While some large users such as public supply providers have more financial resources that could be tapped to treat water than most small users, Chapter 373 does not recognize this factor as important, much less conclusive, in allocating scarce freshwater supplies which are by law considered a public resource. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(e) and BOR Section 4.4 can and should be applied only to readily available sources of lower quality water. If the provisions are applied as suggested by some of the testimony, the District has unbridled discretion to determine whether an applicant has the ability to use a lower quality of water. The District could make its own assessment of an applicant's financial and technical capabilities, without any limitations on the factors that would be considered and without any standards or basis to review the District's decision. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, Chapter 373 does not authorize the District to use the WUP process to shift the burden of developing alternative sources onto any particular class of water users. Even if it is assumed that the District can consider the financial and technical feasibility of developing alternative sources, the District must at least delineate the factors that would be considered and/or balanced in reaching its determination, or else the rules would be unacceptably vague. However, the existing provisions can be applied in a manner consistent with Chapter 373, thus, they need not be invalidated. Impacts to Off-site Land Uses Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h) and BOR Section 4.7 874. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h) requires a permit applicant to provide reasonable assurances that the proposed water use "will not adversely impact offsite land uses existing at the time of the application." 875. The 1989 Rules Revision Committee developed BOR Section 4.7 to correspond to Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h). Section 4.7 of the Basis of Review provides: A permit application shall be denied if the withdrawal of water would cause an unmitigated adverse impact on an adjacent land use that existed at the time the initial permit was approved or that exists at the time a modification is requested. If the withdrawal locations remain the same but quantities are increased, only the increased amount would be considered in addressing impacts to existing legal off-site land uses. Adverse impacts on land uses include: Significant reduction in water levels in an adjacent surface water body, including impoundments, to the extent that utilization of the water body is impaired; Significant damage to crops or other types of vegetation. 876. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h), and BOR Section 4.7 are intended to protect land uses that are not necessarily dependent upon the withdrawal of water, but might be adversely affected by excessive withdrawals from adjoining lands. Contrary to Pinellas' suggestion, these provisions were not intended to nor can they reasonably be interpreted to address adverse impacts upon adjoining land uses which are not causally related to the water withdrawal.116 877. Similarity, Pinellas' contention that these provisions impermissibly involve the District in land use decisions which may be totally unrelated to protection of the water resource is rejected. Contrary to Pinellas' contention, these provisions do not allow the District to regulate land 117 uses. 878. Pinellas complains because the District does not have any written definitions or standards in its rules or the BOR to define the terms "adverse impact" or "off-site land uses". The District interprets the term "off-site" to mean property that is not owned or controlled by the water use applicant and not included within the property subject to the permit. For example, this provision would be used to address a groundwater withdrawal that is expected to cause sinkholes capable of damaging a domestic residence located off-site of the groundwater withdrawal. This is a reasonable interpretation of a common term that is not unduly vague. BOR Section 4.7 does not attempt to identify all the types of land uses that might fall within its purview because there are too many possibilities and there will necessarily be site-specific considerations that must be taken into account. 879. There are some uncertainties and ambiguities in determining when a land use comes into existence for purposes of these provisions. Pinellas claims, for example, that it is not clear whether a land use will be protected under these provision if only permit or zoning approval has been obtained from a local government or whether actual activity on the land must have begun. This issue is unlikely to arise except in very limited and unique circumstances and is not, by itself, a basis for invalidating the provision. A rule of general applicability cannot be specific enough to address all such circumstances. Some issues can appropriately be addressed on a case-by-case basis. A more fundamental problem, however, is the lack of clarity as to how this rule is to be applied upon renewal of a permit. 880. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h) states that the proposed use of water must not adversely impact offsite land uses "existing at the time of the application." Section 4.7 of the Basis of Review indicates that the proposed use of water must not adversely impact off-site land uses that were in existence at the time the initial WUP was approved or at the time of modification of a WUP. Thus, there is arguably an ambiguity between Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h) and Section 4.7 as to whether offsite land uses are protected from the time of the pending application or from the time of the initial issuance of a WUP to permittee (or modification of that permit). 881. At the hearing and in its posthearing submittals, the District took the position that an offsite land use must come into existence prior to the approval of the "initial application" in order to be protected under these provisions. The District says impacts that surface after permit issuance would be addressed through Standard Permit Condition No. 13 in BOR Section 6.1, which could be used to require mitigation, minimization, or avoidance. In other words, a land use that comes into existence subsequent to the initial water withdrawal may be protected during the course of a permit under the mitigation rules, but would not be protected when a use is renewed. This rather confusing scenario highlights some of the ambiguities and confusion surrounding these provisions. 2. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(m) (mitigate environmental impacts and off-site land uses) 882. Rule 40D-2.381, F.A.C., lists the District's standard permit conditions. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(m) provides: The Permittee shall mitigate to the satisfaction of the District any adverse impact to environmental features or offsite land uses as a result of withdrawals. When adverse impacts occur or are imminent, the District shall require the Permittee to mitigate the impacts. Adverse impacts include the following: Significant reduction in levels or flows in water bodies such as lakes, impoundments, wetlands, springs, streams, or other watercourses; Sinkholes or subsidence caused by reduction in water levels; Damage to crops and other vegetation causing financial harm to the owner; and Damage to the habitat of endangered or threatened species. 883. Pursuant to Rule 40D-2.381(3)(m) and BOR Section 6.1(13), the District places a standard condition on all WUPs requiring that the permittee mitigate "to the satisfaction of the District" any adverse impact to environmental features or offsite land uses as a result of the withdrawals. This is an unacceptably vague standard for determining what impacts must be mitigated and/or for determining what mitigation is satisfactory. Under Rule 40D-2.381(3)(m) as currently written the District has unbridled discretion without any meaningful basis for review. 884. The District's conditions for issuance of a WUP set forth in Rule 40D-2.301 do not specifically provide that an applicant can obtain a WUP by mitigating the adverse impacts resulting from the withdrawal. Only by reading Rule 40D-2.301 in conjunction with Rule 40D-2.381 and certain portions of the BOR including the introductory language of Section 4.0 and the language of the presumptions for Section 4.8 is this possibility revealed. While this somewhat cumbersome approach might be acceptable if the rules provided an applicant with reasonable notice of the standards or criteria that would be used in assessing a mitigation scheme, the existing rules do not. 885. Pinellas claims that Rule 40D-2.381(3)(m) improperly allows the District to require mitigation during the term of a WUP without regard to when the land use came into existence in contravention of Rule 40D-2.301(1)(h), which requires avoidance of impacts only to offsite land uses existing at the time of the WUP application. These provisions are somewhat confusing, and potentially inconsistent. If the District intends to protect all offsite land uses during the term of a permit, it is not clear why such impacts are not considered before a permit is issued and/or upon renewal. 886. Chapter 373 does not prohibit the District from imposing reasonable conditions upon issuance of a permit and/or requiring mitigation during the course of a permit. See, Section VIII A below regarding modification of a permit. While flexibility is necessary to deal with site-specific considerations, the District must provide reasonable notice as to the factors that will be considered in determining the need for and sufficiency of mitigation. These legal issues are discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law. Interference With Existing Legal Withdrawals - Rule 40D-2.301(1)(i) and BOR Section 4.8 1. Generally 887. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(i) requires permit applicants to provide reasonable assurances that the proposed water use "will not adversely impact an existing legal withdrawal." This rule reiterates the "no interference" standard set forth in the statute. Specifically, Section 373.223(1)(b) of the three-prong test requires that an applicant demonstrate that its proposed water use "will not interfere with any presently existing legal use of water." While there are some minor wording differences between the Rule and the statute -- e.g., Rule 40D-2.301(1)(i) omits the word "presently" which appears in the statute -- no persuasive evidence or argument was presented that these variations have any significance. The District interprets and applies the rule and the statute the same way. 888. The rule was adopted as part of the 1989 Rule Revisions which included corresponding Section 4.8 of the Basis of Review. 889. Section 4.8 of the Basis of Review describes the process for evaluating the impact of water withdrawals on existing legal withdrawals of water. This provision includes a performance standard prohibiting withdrawals that, "together with other withdrawals would cause an unmitigated adverse impact to a legal water withdrawal existing at the time of the permit application." This section also includes the following presumptions: The District presumes that an adverse impact does not occur if: The Applicant's withdrawals do not lower the potentiometric surface more than 5 feet at an affected well, or The Applicant's withdrawal does not lower the water table more than 2 feet at an affected well. An "affected well" in the first presumption is a well completed into the Floridan Aquifer or some other confined aquifer. An "affected well" in the second presumption is a well completed into the water table. In both instances, the District presumes that an adverse impact will not occur if the proposed water withdrawal does not lower the relevant surface by more than the presumptive threshold at an affected well. The District applies the "affected well" presumptions found in BOR 4.8 to all production wells completed into the confined aquifer and the surficial aquifer regardless of type, construction, or location of the well. An "affected well" for purposes of BOR Section 4.8 includes both permitted wells under the District's water use permitting rules and domestic wells which are exempt from the District's water use permitting rules. The District says the BOR Section 4.8 presumptions are intended to protect the ability of existing legal users to continue to withdraw groundwater in the presence of a new or modified water withdrawal. The goal of the presumptions was to provide some guideline measure of the water level that must be maintained in the affected well so that it can operate efficiently. Although it is not specifically stated in the rules or the BOR, the District applies the BOR Section presumptions only on an individual basis, not a cumulative basis. The actual impact to an existing legal use of water will be a function of the cumulative effects of groundwater withdrawals. As discussed below, the presumptions in BOR Section 4.8 attempt to indirectly address cumulative impact. ECOSWF complains that the rules do not recognize interference when an existing legal user's pump will not work properly because of water quality degradation. The District admits that the challenged provisions were not intended and have not been applied to address adverse water quality impacts. Water quality degradation can cause interference with an existing legal use. As written, the District's presumptions could lead to a conclusion that there is no interference even when there is water quality degradation. uses. There is no standard approach for measuring the impact that a proposed use has on existing legal 118 It is not clear from the language of the rule whether, upon renewal of a permit, a permittee has to satisfy the BOR Section 4.8 presumptions with respect to wells that came into existence subsequent to the initial WUP. In practice, the District does not apply the rule and/or provisions to protect any uses that began subsequent to the date the initial permit was issued to an applicant. Thus, for permit renewals, the date of the original permit is utilized in applying the non- interference prong of the three-prong test and the presumptions 119 in BOR Section 4.8. If renewal was not requested before the expiration date of the permit, the original permit lapses for all purposes. If the quantity has increased or the location of withdrawal has been modified, those changes are evaluated with respect to interference with legal uses that came into existence before the changes. 895. Under the District's interpretation, the original permitted quantity for uses that pre-dated the permitting program are considered existing legal uses with permits. respect to all subsequently issued 120 In other words, because converted common law uses pre-date uses that were subsequently permitted, the District does not believe it is necessary to evaluate the impact of the converted common-law uses on subsequent permittees with respect to the original permitted quantity. Because the rules do not clearly delineate or explain these applications, they are confusing, ambiguous and unacceptably vague. The legal issues related to the District's interpretation and application of these provisions are addressed in the Conclusions of Law. 2. Development of the Presumptions The 1989 Rules Revision Committee created the performance standards and the presumptions found in BOR Section 4.8. The technical basis for the presumptions is set forth in a March 7, 1989, memorandum by Mr. Andy Smith. His analysis focused on the level of drawdowns that would impact the functioning of a well. The guidelines were designed with the goal of keeping the water level in the well at a sufficient distance above the pump so that it could operate efficiently. The five-foot presumption applies to wells that withdraw from a confined aquifer which require a submersible pump. The two-foot drawdown presumption is applied to wells that withdraw from the water table aquifer where centrifugal pumps are typically used. Submersible pumps push the water up and are more efficient than centrifugal pumps, which pull the water up and are limited to a maximum depth of from 20 to 25 feet. Submersible pumps can operate until the water level drops to the level of the pump, but the efficiency decreases as the head over the pump decreases. Manufacturers generally recommended 20 feet of head above a submersible pump in order for it to operate at maximum efficiency. Centrifugal pump manufacturers generally recommend a minimum of five feet of submergence below the pumping level. In developing the presumptions, Mr. Smith recognized that a pump in the Floridan Aquifer should be set at a depth that takes into account the historic seasonal fluctuation of the potentiometric surface, the drawdown that will be caused by the well withdrawals itself, the necessary submergence of the pump to properly operate within the well, and an appropriate reserve to account for unexpected fluctuations or the drawdown caused by other users in the well's surrounding area. A properly installed well accounts for these factors by allowing for twenty feet of head above the well. Similarly, Mr. Smith assumed that water table or surficial aquifer wells typically have eight feet of allowable drawdown. In his analysis, Mr. Smith assumed as a worst case scenario four (4) permits surrounding the affected well. So long as the permits were roughly equidistant from each other and from the affected well and none of the four permits had more than five feet of drawdown impact on a well in the confined aquifers or two feet of drawdown impact on a well in the surficial aquifer, Mr. Smith concluded that the wells would not be adversely impacted. This conclusion does not take into account regional cumulative impacts. Moreover, in the real world it is unlikely that surrounding wells would actually be configured as precisely as assumed by Mr. Smith. The actual drawdown impact to an affected well is a function of the sum of all the drawdowns from surrounding wells, as well as the affected well's drawdown. The inherent variability of pumpage distributions, hydrology, and hydrogeology within the District makes the selection of a single conclusive threshold for interference with or adverse impact to an affected well impossible. Generally, only a very large withdrawal would have more than five feet of potentiometric surface drawdown outside the property boundary. A five foot potentiometric surface drawdown without any other influences would not be expected to cause damage to a properly constructed well necessitating modification or remedial work. However, there is no hydrological or scientific basis for concluding that less than a 5 foot potentiometric surface drawdown from a withdrawal will never adversely impact a neighboring well especially in an area where there are many demands on the resource. Similarly, a two foot water table drawdown at an affected well without any other influence would not be expected to adversely impact a well, especially if it is properly designed and constructed. However, there is no scientific or hydrologic basis for concluding that such a drawdown will never affect a nearby well. The District's contention that the presumptions are used only as screening mechanisms is not consistent with the language of the presumptions. As written, the presumptions conclude that there is no impact if the modeled drawdowns do not exceed the thresholds. While the District says the presumptions can be overcome by site-specific information, they effectively shift the burden of proof from the applicant. When an applicant is unable to demonstrate that its proposed withdrawal will not lower the potentiometric surface at an affected well by more than five feet and/or will not lower the water table at an affected well by more than two feet, the District will still approve a WUP if the applicant can obtain approval from the owner of the "affected well." In other words, if the owner of an "affected well" agrees in writing to the applicant's withdrawal, the District will not apply the Section 4.8 presumptions to protect the owner's affected well. Essentially, the District considers the adverse impact in such a case to have been mitigated. This policy is not specifically set forth in the District's rules. It is not clear what happens if the current owner sells his property since there is no requirement for a covenant that runs with the land. It is also not clear how this policy will be applied upon renewal. For example, if an applicant gets approval from the affected well owner and obtains a WUP, it is not clear whether or not the applicant would have to again satisfy the BOR Section 4.8 presumptions with respect to the affected well on renewal. 3. Mitigation of Impacts to Existing Legal Uses - Rule 40D-2.381(3)(I) 904. The District has adopted provisions in Rule 40D- 2.381, F.A.C., regarding the mitigation of impacts to existing users. 905. Subsection (1) of Rule 40D-2.381(3) provides: The Permittee shall mitigate, to the satisfaction of the District, any adverse impact to existing legal uses caused by withdrawals. When adverse impacts occur or are imminent, the District may require the Permittee to mitigate the impacts. Adverse impacts include: A reduction in water levels which impairs the ability of a well to produce water; Significant reduction in levels or flows in water bodies such as lakes, impoundments, wetlands, springs, streams, or other watercourses; or Significant inducement of natural or manmade contaminants into a water supply or into a usable portion of an aquifer or water body. 906. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(l) sets forth a standard permit condition requiring a permittee to mitigate to the "satisfaction of the District" any adverse impacts to existing legal users caused by water withdrawals. This is an unacceptably vague standard for assessing mitigation because it grants the District unbridled discretion without any meaningful basis of review. 907. This standard permit condition is placed in every WUP without any clarification as to how the District will determine when a legal use is protected or how this provision will be applied upon the renewal of existing uses. As noted above, the District interprets Rule 40D-2.301(l)(i) so that existing uses that predate the advent of water use permitting do not have to demonstrate upon renewal of their WUP that the use will not interfere with other existing uses. Nonetheless, the District places the standard permit condition in Rule 40D- 2.381(3)(1) on the WUP issued to those existing users which ostensibly would require them to mitigate adverse impacts to other existing users. Even if it is assumed that the District's interpretation of how this requirement should be applied upon renewal is legally sound, the rules do not adequately describe this application. Thus, the standard permit condition is potentially very confusing. Utilization of Local Resources - Rule 40D-2.301(1)(j), F.A.C. 908. Rule 40D-2.301(l)(j) requires permit applicants to provide reasonable assurances that the proposed water use "will utilize local water resources to the greatest extent practicable." 909. The 1989 Rules Revision Committee developed this provision and the corresponding provision of the Basis of Review, Section 4.9, which provides, in pertinent part, as follows: Development of the Local Resource The local water resource shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible prior to the consideration of remote alternate sources. Applicants for water sources remote from the local area of use shall demonstrate that water sources near the demand source are not feasible. Items to be addressed in assessing this feasibility include but are not limited to: Impacts to the water resources and associated environmental resources of the local versus remote area of withdrawal; Economic factors, such as distribution and maintenance costs, land purchasing, condemnation, and development costs, and other costs; and Use of the lowest quality of water available to fulfill all or a portion of the demand. Essentially, these provisions authorize the District to deny a WUP application from a "non-local source" unless the applicant demonstrates that development of local water resources is not feasible. The rules do not contain a definition of what constitutes a "local water resource." There is no commonly accepted definition or set of standards for judging or determining what constitutes a local as opposed to a non-local water resource. Under these provisions, the District makes the final determination of what constitutes a local water source and whether an applicant has the technical and financial ability to develop a more local source and/or to transport water for the intended use. The District interprets the term "local water resource" for individual or non-utility applicants to mean the water resources overlying or underlying the applicant's property. For a utility or public supply applicant, the District considers a "local water resource" to include those sources of water located within the entity's service area or political boundary, whichever is greater. For a regional water supply authority, it would include the combined geographic or jurisdictional boundaries of the members. Property that is owned by a governmental entity or authority outside those boundaries would not be included. The District also contemplates that agricultural uses could form cooperatives and be treated similarly to water supply authorities and public supply utilities. A critical issue in applying these provisions is determining when a local water resource has been utilized "to the greatest extent practicable." According to the District, "to the greatest extent practicable" within Rule 40D- 2.301(1)(j), F.A.C., is explicated by BOR Section 4.9, which sets forth some considerations of "feasibility." The District says that in this context "feasible" and "practicable" should be viewed as synonymous terms. The District argues that the "local resources" provision of Rule 40D-2.301(1)(j), F.A.C., does not prohibit the utilization of a public supply source that is outside the service area or political boundary of a public supply authority, provided all resources between the point of supply and the point of demand have been utilized. The District says it will consider and evaluate the cost and environmental impacts associated with the development of a proposed remote water use. The District claims that these and similar factors can be determined only on a site-specific basis and, consequently, cannot be spelled out in a rule. Pinellas claims that these provisions improperly elevate the use of local resources over the use of regional resources. Pinellas also contends that they deny public water supply users access to the highest quality water available in contravention of Section 403.851, F.S., and improperly allow the District to dictate the sources of water that an applicant must utilize. These issues are discussed in the Conclusions of Law. The District claims its criteria are consistent with the State Water Policy and argues that the reference to the use of "local and regional surface and groundwater supplies" in Rule 62-40.301(1)(f), F.A.C., indicates that the District should look at different scales of proximity within the District before going outside the District. These local source provisions are intended to help prevent one political entity from usurping or depleting the water resources located in another political entity's boundaries which might be needed for future growth. The District says the goal is not just to protect the growth potential of more distant counties, but also to have the local source developed by the local users. The District asserts that "demand management is facilitated by requiring that local resources be fully utilized and itemized before resources that are at a greater distance can be utilized. It is necessary to consider the sources that are available to the applicant in determining whether a proposed use is reasonable and beneficial...One of the purposes of this provision is to avoid a situation where public utilities were going long distances for water in a haphazard fashion when closer supplies are available." District's Proposed Findings of Fact No. 647, pp. 244-245. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, Chapter 373 provides for consideration of local concerns in water supply determinations; however, the statute does not make local concerns an overriding factor. While local availability may be a consideration for issuing a WUP under Chapter 373, and the District can appropriately request reasonable information from an applicant in this regard, this statute recognizes that the public interest may transcend local concerns. The District's rules impermissibly raise local concerns to a determinative factor in the WUP process. Moreover, the rules as written vest the District with unbridled discretion to make a final determination of whether water exists or can be developed at the local level without any meaningful standards to review that determination. Pinellas has also alleged that these provisions could be applied so as to require more concentrated development in certain areas and cause degradation of a resource. In view of the conclusions reached herein, that issue is moot. It is noted, however, that Subsection 1 of BOR Section 4.9 provides that in determining the feasibility of using local resources "impacts to the water resources and associated environmental resources of the local versus remote area of withdrawal" should be considered. The District says this provision obviates Pinellas' concern that the local resources criterion would be applied so as to require more concentrated development in certain areas and cause degradation of a water resource. In the event that unanticipated adverse impacts were to occur, the District says it would rely upon the standard permit conditions which authorize mitigation, modification or revocation of the permit. Augmentation - BOR Section 4.12.2 and BOR Section 7.3.4 Augmentation is the use of one source of water to supplement another source. Pinellas has challenged certain portions of the Basis of Review that apply to augmentation, including BOR Section 4.12.2 which provides, in pertinent part: Augmentation - Augmentation for aesthetic purposes is a non-essential use and has a lower value compared to other reasonable/beneficial uses. The following criteria apply to augmentation applications: Augmentation for aesthetic purposes is limited to less than 100,000 GPD... f. Allowing water withdrawn from an aquifer to routinely exit the augmented impoundment as discharge is prohibited... 922. Pinellas has also challenged existing Section 7.3.4 of the Basis of Review, which is applicable in the NTB WUCA. Section 7.3.4 of the Basis of Review generally describes the process for evaluating a consumptive use of water that augments one source of water with another source within the NTB WUCA, (e.g., using groundwater to supplement surface water levels of lakes, ponds and wetlands). This rule sets forth criteria for permitting augmentation uses and establishes a category of unpermittable augmentation uses. 923. BOR 7.3.4 provides in pertinent part: ...Augmentation for maintenance of lake and wetland natural habitat can be permitted as long as no significant adverse impacts result from the withdrawal. Augmentation may be allowed provided that (1) alternative solutions have been addressed, (2) the need for such augmentation has been established, (3) withdrawals for augmentation do not cause significant adverse impacts, and (4) measures are taken to allow the surface water level to fluctuate seasonally as described in Section 4.12.2.d. of the Basis of Review. Augmentation above District-established applicable minimum water levels is prohibited. Maximum ground-water augmentation levels for lakes currently below established minimum water levels will be based on recent historical levels. 924. No persuasive evidence or arguments were presented to establish that BOR Section 4.12.2 and/or the NTB WUCA provision BOR Section 7.3.4 are an invalid exercise of delegated authority. To the contrary, they are reasonable interpretations of the reasonable-beneficial use and/or public interest prongs of the statutory three prong test. 925. Pinellas' contention that these provisions improperly modify existing uses in contravention of Section 373.239, F.S., is addressed in Section VIII A and the Conclusions of Law below. Miscellaneous Provisions BOR Section 1.6 - Application Review Process 926. Under BOR Section 1.6, once a WUP application is deemed complete by the District, the District must issue or deny the permit within 90 days. This provision provides that "[t]ypically, permits authorizing withdrawals [of less than] 500,000 GPD will be issued or denied within 60 days." 927. Pinellas' contention that this provision is invalid because the rules do not include any standards for determining what constitutes an "atypical" situation is rejected. 2. BOR Section 6.2 Special Permit Conditions In BOR Section 6.2, the District sets forth special permit conditions that may be added to the standard permit conditions imposed on WUPs if the District deems them necessary. Pinellas has objected to Special Condition No. 9 in BOR Section 6.2 which provides: Total withdrawal from each monitored source shall be recorded on a (period) basis and reported to the District (using District forms) on or before the tenth day of the following month. provides: The discussion of this condition in Section 6.2 Total monthly withdrawal from each withdrawal point is generally required unless greater frequency is needed. For augmentation use, weekly records are needed to ensure that the augmentation schedule is being implemented. For withdrawals from streams, daily measurements will generally be required. A 12-month running average will be used to determine compliance with permitted average annual quantities. Pinellas has objected to the use of a twelve month running average for reporting purposes. No persuasive evidence or arguments were presented to establish that this provision is an invalid exercise of delegated authority. The use of a twelve month running average for monitoring compliance with annual average quantities can provide an early warning that permitted quantities are being exceeded rather than having to wait until completion of an annual reporting period in order to make this determination. Use of a running average takes into account the transient nature of the water resource and fluctuations in both hydrologic systems and withdrawals over time. VII. Challenges to Existing Rules, Proposed Rules, and Agency Statements Which Uniquely Affect Public Water Supply Providers Introduction and Background According to the District's 1992 Needs and Sources Study, more than 90 percent of the water used within the District is currently supplied from groundwater. Total average daily water demand for water for all uses is expected to increase District-wide from 1625.5 MGD in 1990 to 2369.5 MGD by 2020. Total average daily water demand in excess of current available sources for all users within the District is projected to be 625.4 MGD by 2020. The largest increase in demand is projected to occur in counties located in the southern portion of the District. During the last two decades, public supply has been the fastest growing water use category within the District, increasing from about 15 percent of total withdrawals in the early 1970s to more than 30 percent in the 1980s. This trend is expected to continue as west-central Florida becomes more populated. Agricultural water needs are also projected to increase. Based on current efficiency standards, average daily agriculture water use is expected to increase from 759.3 MGD in 1990 to 1049.4 MGD in 2020. Faced with these prospects, the District has recognized the need to encourage conservation and develop alternate sources of water. 936. Sections 373.016, 403.021 and 187.201, F.S., provide general statutory guidance and authority to the District with regard to implementing and enforcing water conservation. In Sections 373.016(2)(b)and (3) and 403.021 [referenced in 373.016(2)(g)], the legislature has expressly recognized the need for water conservation. In addition, the definition of reasonable-beneficial use contained in Section 373.019(4) implicitly incorporates water conservation by providing that such use should be in a quantity that is "necessary for economic and efficient utilization." 937. With regard to alternate sources, Section 373.250, F.S. (1994 Supp.) directs the District to adopt rules to implement, encourage and promote reuse of reclaimed water, and details when reclaimed water is presumed to be available to WUP applicants. This statutory section also requires the District to prepare an annual report for the Legislature regarding the reuse program. 938. The State Water Policy, including Rules 62- 40.110, 62-40.310(3) and (8), and 62-40.401(4) and (5), F.A.C., advocates and encourages the use of reclaimed water and conservation as part of the permitting process. Rule 62- 40.401(4) provides that: "Conservation of water shall be required unless not economically or environmentally feasible." Rules 62-40.401(i) and (j) provide that water conservation measures and the availability and practicability of reclaimed water should be considered as part of the "reasonable-beneficial 121 use" test. 939. Conservation programs can be an effective tool to reduce water use. The District relies on a number of non- regulatory and regulatory programs to encourage water conservation including an extensive cooperative funding program and various other programs such as reuse projects, plumbing retrofits, public information, and education. Since 1990, the District Governing Board and Basin Boards have allocated about $38,000,000 for such conservation projects. 940. The SWUCA Rules include proposed subsections to be added to Sections 3.1 and 3.6 of the Basis of Review. These new subsections include a number of provisions regarding public supply utilities in the SWUCA. Many of these provisions seek to require or encourage water conservation and/or the development of alternative supplies. In the current Basis of Review, the District has already implemented some of the same or similar policies regarding conservation and alternative sources for the NTB WUCA. See e.g., BOR Sections, and 941. Pinellas has challenged several of the proposed additions to BOR Sections 3.1 and 3.6 and has also challenged corresponding provisions applicable to the NTB in the existing Basis of Review. The specific challenged provisions are discussed in the subsections below; however, there are some common contentions or arguments that have been raised with respect to several of the provisions. Those general themes are discussed in this section. 1. Standing 942. The District has objected to Pinellas' standing to challenge any of the SWUCA Rules. At the hearing and in its proposed final order, the District also suggested that Pinellas' challenge to several of the NTB rules should be denied because Pinellas had already met or exceeded many of the challenged conservation provisions. The legal issues related to this argument are discussed in the Conclusions of Law. The following pertinent Findings of Fact are made. 943. Pinellas is a permittee for certain wellfields in NTB and has been subject to the conservation and alternative source provisions in the NTB WUCA Rules. 944. The District claims that Pinellas has no standing to challenge the SWUCA provisions because it is not a permittee in the area; however, Pinellas is a member of West Coast, which is a permittee in the SWUCA. Moreover, many of the NTB and SWUCA provisions are the same or similar, so the analysis as to their validity is often essentially the same. Through conservation and other measures, Pinellas has been able to reduce its per-capita use from 156 GPD in 1989 to 109 GPD in 122 1994. St. Petersburg, which has a well-developed reuse system that has helped reduce water use, has a per-capita use of GPD. 102 123 These reductions have contributed to a decline in Pinellas' total water use from 76 MGD in 1989 to 69 MGD in 1994 even though there has been a drought and an approximate 6 percent population growth rate. 2. Additional Conditions and/or Modification of Permits 945. Pinellas argues that many of the existing and proposed provisions contravene Section 373.171, F.S., by purporting to authorize the District to dictate the source of water that a water use permit applicant must utilize. In particular, Pinellas claims that several of the provisions contravene Section 373.171(3), F.S., because they authorize the District to dictate that a water use permit applicant must replace an existing water use with another source, such as reclaimed water, without demonstrating that the use or disposition is detrimental to other users or to the water resources of the state. As discussed in Section VIII A and the Conclusions of Law, Section 373.171(3) only limits modifications during the term of a permit. Contrary to Pinellas' contention, these provisions can properly be applied to renewal applications without contravening Section 373.171(3). See e.g., Section 373.250(4), F.S. 946. Similarly, Pinellas contends that several of the provisions contravene Sections 373.171(2) and 373.239, F.S. As set forth in the Conclusions of Law, Pinellas' interpretation of these statutes is overly restrictive. See also, Sections VII G above and VIII A below. Per Capita Use Restrictions Background A per capita use rate is a calculated value of the amount of water that an individual uses based generally upon the total amount of water that a system or permittee produces divided by the number of people who are served within that system. There are no generally accepted standards or guidelines within the water industry for establishing a particular per capita water use limit in a given region. Pinellas has challenged the per capita use restrictions for public supply utilities in the NTB which are set forth in BOR Section In addition, Pinellas has challenged the proposed per capita use restrictions for the SWUCA which are set forth in a proposed subsection to BOR Section 3.6 (PERMIT QUANTITIES AND COMPLIANCE WITHIN [sic] PER CAPITA DAILY WATER USE WITHIN THE SWUCA, Permitted Quantities Within the SWUCA - Existing Permits) Gross per-capita involves dividing the total quantity of water used by the population served. Adjusted gross per-capita involves the same calculation but, because large and/or speciality users can skew the PCURs, adjustments are allowed for certain uses which are subtracted from the total amount used. The per capita use restrictions ("PCUR") in the SWUCA Rules and in the NTB Rules are based upon "adjusted gross per capita" amounts. The SWUCA Rules and the NTB Rules vary somewhat as to how and what adjustments can be made. Compliance with PCURs is determined based upon the population served by the facility receiving the WUP. Pinellas complains that the District's existing and proposed per capita water use rules apply to both private and public utilities, but do not apply to other categories of users such as agricultural, commercial, or industrial water uses. The evidence established that per capita requirements are not an appropriate way to regulate these other uses. The District seeks to enforce conservation on these other large users through specific permitting measures and methods such as efficiency standards. Pinellas also complains because the per capita use limits for the NTB WUCA are different from those for the SWUCA. Pinellas did not carry its burden of establishing that the difference between the per capita use requirements in NTB and the SWUCA renders either or both standards arbitrary or otherwise invalid. Different hydrogeologic conditions as well as the types and intensity of use in a particular area can necessitate different regulatory measures. Moreover, the amount of information available and the assessment of future needs could also lead to different per capita requirements in different areas. 2. Development and Application of NTB PCURs 952. BOR Section limits public water uses within the NTB WUCA to a per capita water use limit of 150 GPD starting January 1, 1993. This rule also establishes per capita water use "goals" of 140 GPD starting January 1, 1997, and 130 GPD starting January 1, 2001. BOR Section, went into 124 effect on or about March 1, 1991, and modified unexpired public supply WUPs in the WUCA to include a new permit condition requiring the permittee to achieve a per capita rate of 150 GPD per capita by January 1, 1993. 953. The NTB WUCA 150 GPD per capita limit was based on the District's analysis of actual water use data and the amount of reduction the District believed could reasonably be attained. The District's main concern was that the extant per capita usage rates not rise for fear that existing resource problems would be exacerbated. 954. At the time the NTB WUCA 150 GPD per capita limit was selected by the District in 1990, the latest data from 1987 indicated that Pinellas' gross per capita water use was 147 GPD, Pasco's gross per capita water use was 108 GPD, and Hillsborough's gross per capita water use was 148 GPD. Thus, the standard was already being met in all three counties. 955. The NTB WUCA Work Group, comprised of permittees and other interested persons, reached a consensus opinion that a per capita limit of between 110 and 140 GPD was achievable and reasonable. The District's selection of 150 GPD as the initial standard was intended to provide leeway and flexibility for utilities to adjust. 956. In calculating per capita water use, BOR allows a permittee to deduct individual non-residential customers who use more than 25,000 GPD or more than 5 percent of the permittee's annual flow. This allowance provides some protection from having per capita figures skewed by a regional industrial user. Pinellas' contention that this provision is arbitrary because the determination of which users qualify under the 5 percent exemption will vary depending on the size of the utility is rejected. 3. Development and Application of SWUCA PCURS 957. The proposed SWUCA rules would limit public water uses within the SWUCA to a quantity of water calculated by multiplying the "functional population" by the per capita water use limit specified in this proposed rule. The functional population is to be determined pursuant to proposed BOR Section (SERVICE AREA POPULATION ESTIMATES AND PROJECTIONS WITHIN THE SWUCA). From the proposed rules' effective date through September 30, 1999, permitted uses would continue to be allowed to use their existing permitted quantity. For the period from October 1, 1999, through September 30, 2004, the specified per capita water use limit would be 130 GPD. Starting October 1, 2004, the specified per capita water use limit would be 110 GPD. 958. The requirements of the proposed SWUCA rule would be implemented by applying permit conditions to all existing and new public supply permits with withdrawal points located in the SWUCA. 959. The SWUCA Rules seek to impose the per capita levels as "requirements" rather than just goals. The PCURs contained in proposed BOR Section 3.6 were developed through a "Focus Group" process and discussions with public supply utility directors. The 130 and 110 per capita figures represent a work group consensus as to what was achievable over time. 960. The District staff believes that ultimately a PCUR of between 80 and 110 GPD is appropriate for the SWUCA 125 area. The selection of the higher figure as the initial requirement allows time for users to adjust, and the staggered deadlines provide permittees with adequate planning horizons. 961. Like the NTB provision, the SWUCA proposal is based on an adjusted per capita usage rate which would allow utilities to factor out certain enumerated water uses from the per capita calculation (such as water used for environmental mitigation, treatment losses, and large industrial customers). Contrary to Pinellas' claims, the greater weight of the evidence established that these provisions are reasonable. 4. PCURs and Planning 962. In planning for future water needs, a utility normally utilizes historic per capita water use with reliable population projections to derive a projected demand curve. Adjustments are made to the projections for factors that are reasonably expected to increase or decrease historic demands. A safety margin is often built in to minimize the risk of under- predicting future water demands and not having sufficient supplies on hand to meet those demands. 963. The Florida Comprehensive Planning Act, Chapter 163, F.S., requires local governments to establish levels of service for such elements as water, transportation, flood control, sewer, and solid waste disposal based on historic and projected uses . In implementing comprehensive planning, a local government must assess whether sufficient infrastructure is in place and/or available to meet the community's projected growth. The construction of facilities to meet the projected needs can be very involved and expensive. 964. While BOR Section refers to the 140 GPD and 130 GPD per capita use rates as "goals," the District has been urging utilities and local governments to utilize these figures and the SWUCA PCURs for planning purposes, including the development of projected levels of service as part of the comprehensive planning process. In addition, the District has recommended to West Coast that it base its long-term per-capita 126 water demand projections on a figure of 110 GPD. 965. Pinellas contends that the District's per capita rules could require a local government to plan water supplies at a level below the standard level of service adopted as part of an approved comprehensive plan. No persuasive evidence was presented to support this contention. In any event, planning by a local government at a higher level of service does not mean the level of service is a reasonable-beneficial use. Moreover, such planning is irrelevant if adequate resources are not available. This issue highlights the importance of coordinating 127 the planning process with resource availability. Many of the water problems currently being experienced in this region can be traced to the failure to achieve such coordination. Per capita usage rates can be helpful in assuring the long-term availability of the resource while also facilitating more effective and accurate planning. 5. Differences Among Utilities 966. The amount of water used on a per capita basis varies from utility to utility. Because utilities have different customer and rate bases, as well as different infrastructure and facilities, their respective per capita daily use figures can be substantially different. Factors that influence or affect a utility's per capita water use include the conservation programs in place, the groundwater quality of the 128 shallow aquifer and the availability of alternate water supplies. Utilities that primarily serve residential customers will generally use water at a different per capita rate than utilities with a large percentage of non-residential customers. 967. Despite these differences, it is not unreasonable for the District to allocate water to public supply based upon a reasonable and appropriate per capita usage rate, especially during times and in areas of limited availability. The more persuasive evidence in this case established that the usage goals by the District for NTB and the SWUCA are reasonable and achievable. While there are differences among utilities in terms of the makeup and types of use, adjusted per capita figures provide a reasonable basis for comparison among utilities. Differences between utilities can be considered in developing a remedial plan. 6. Enforcement 968. When the NTB WUCA Rules were adopted, existing water use permits in the NTB WUCA were modified to incorporate the new requirements. The District proposes to follow a similar approach in the SWUCA. Pinellas objects to the imposition of new conditions on existing WUPs, arguing that the District has already determined that the use of water meets the statutory three prong test. Contrary to Pinellas' suggestion, however, the District is not precluded from taking steps to modify and/or reduce a permit after its issuance. As discussed in Section VIII and the Conclusions of Law below, such modifications and/or reductions can be part of a water use caution area strategy. No persuasive evidence was presented to show that the use of such a strategy for the NTB or the SWUCA was not justified. 969. Pinellas argues that there are practical problems associated with enforcing per capita water use limits. Pinellas objects because permitting based on per capita water use limits could result in a utility having insufficient water to meet its customers' actual demands and complains that the rules do not provide any guidance as to how such a situation would be handled. In this regard, Pinellas notes that water supply utilities are required by DEP to maintain a sufficient amount of pressure in the water transmission lines to avoid contamination and protect the public's health, safety, and welfare. Therefore, if the customers demand more water, the transmission lines' pressure must be maintained, irrespective of the per capita daily water use limitation. There is also no practical mechanical means currently available to determine when an individual user has exceeded his allocation. Private investor-owned water utilities in particular have limited options to ensure that their customers comply with per capita daily water use limitations because they cannot pass ordinances to restrict water use. Even for public suppliers, ordinances or laws can be difficult to enforce. These issues are enforcement considerations that do not provide a basis for invalidating the District's efforts to apply the reasonable-beneficial use test and allocate water based on PCURs. The District has not proposed to simply cutoff the water when per capita limitations are exceeded. 7. Annual Reports The SWUCA Rules include a proposed subsection ("Annual Reports") to be added to BOR Section 3.6 which would require public supply permittees to provide the District an annual water use report composed of 15 different items. Pinellas complains because this rule does not apply to non- public supply permittees and some of the information required duplicates information that must be submitted in other reports which the District already requires. Pinellas has not carried its burden of showing that this requirement is arbitrary or otherwise invalid. Water Conserving Rate Structure As part of the NTB WUCA Rules, the District adopted BOR Section, which requires all water supply utilities within the NTB WUCA to adopt a "water conserving rate structure". 129 If an existing permittee does not adopt a water conserving rate structure by the applicable deadline, the District considers that permittee to be in violation of the WUP and may bring an enforcement action against the permittee. The SWUCA Rules propose to add a subsection to BOR Section 3.6 (WATER CONSERVING RATE STRUCTURE) which is similar to the water conserving rate structure requirement set forth in NTB WUCA Rule BOR Section The SWUCA provision would require public water supply utilities within the SWUCA to adopt a water conserving rate structure by July 1, 1997. The SWUCA Rules do not include similar permit conditions. They simply mandate that public supply utilities adopt a water dates. conserving rate structure by the specified 130 Pinellas has challenged both the NTB and SWUCA provisions on several grounds. Pinellas has been subject to the NTB requirement since adoption. Pinellas considers its current rate structure to be water conserving. It calculates each customer's average annual use and bills an additional $1.00/1000 gallons when use exceeds the rolling average by more than 20 percent. This rate structure has been in place since 1973-74. The District has expressed concern regarding Pinellas' rate structure because customers with a continuous history of excessive use could continue to use such amounts and because use that was not greater than 20 percent of the rolling average could gradually increase with no increased cost. At the close of the hearing, Pinellas' rate structure had not been accepted by the District, but discussions were continuing. 1. Enforcement and Reporting 975. Neither the NTB nor the SWUCA provisions specify the consequences for failing to adopt a water conserving rate structure that is acceptable to the District, but a permittee that does not adopt such a rate structure apparently faces the prospect of having its permitted use reduced or terminated. 976. Under both the NTB and SWUCA provisions, a utility's rate structure is submitted for approval to the District. The District Governing Board ultimately determines whether the requirement has been satisfied. The District reviews both the rate structure and the rates themselves in order to determine whether the permittee has complied with the requirement. 977. There is no definition of the term "water conserving rate structure" in the District's rules or Basis of Review. While Pinellas has objected to the lack of specificity as to what rate structures will be considered water conserving, the evidence established that the general concepts as to what constitutes a water conserving rate structure are well recognized in the industry. The basic concept of a water conserving rate structure is that the charges for water go up as the customer uses more. 978. The evidence established that there are several different ways in which a water conserving rate structure can be structured. The District has sought to provide public utilities with some flexibility to choose the water conserving rate structure that best suits them. 2. Types of Rate Structures The District has published a December 1, 1991, document entitled, "Interim Minimum Requirements for Water- Conserving Rate Structures," which explains the District's policy for analyzing and accepting proposed water conserving rate structures. This document has been widely distributed to utilities and local officials. It sets forth examples of rate structures that would and would not be considered water conserving. Pinellas has objected because this document is not adopted in the existing rules or Basis of Review, nor is it proposed for adoption in the SWUCA Rules. However, the evidence was not sufficient to establish that this document has been given the force and effect of a rule. A "flat structure" implements a non-quantity based charge where no incremental or marginal price is charged for each additional unit consumed. A flat rate structure is not a water conserving rate structure. With "declining block rate structure," a lower price is charged for each additional unit consumed above a certain threshold. The average cost per unit decreases as more units are purchased, but the total water bill per billing period actually increases with the greater amount of water consumed. Declining block rate structures are non-water conserving. A "uniform rate structure" imposes a constant or uniform per unit charge. As discussed below, in some circumstances, the District will accept a uniform rate structure. An "inclining block rate structure" contemplates a higher price for each additional unit consumed above a certain threshold. The District usually considers an inclining block rate structure to be water conserving. However, an inclining block rate structure can result in inequitable treatment to water customers if it does not take into account the number of persons in a household. The delineation of what will be considered a "water conserving rate structure" and how a utility can comply with the District's rules requiring water conserving rate structures would be useful if included in the rules; however, the failure to do so does not render the rules impermissibly vague. Some evidence was presented that the District considers whether a utility is complying with the District's per capita use requirements when evaluating a proposed water rate structure. If a permittee does not meet the District's per capita requirements, the District apparently takes a more stringent look at the permittee's rate structure. For example, the District may be more lenient with a permittee proposing a uniform rate structure so long as the permittee has met per capita requirements. (The District will reject a flat rate or declining block rate structure even if the per capita requirements are met). The existing and proposed rules do not specifically link water conserving rate structures and per capita use requirements. If such a policy exists, it should arguably be adopted as a rule. However, this issue has not been raised in the context of a challenge under Section 120.535, F.S. and is beyond the scope of this proceeding. Both the current NTB provision and the proposed SWUCA provision concerning water-conserving rate structures requires permittees to submit a report on the effectiveness of the rate structure. It is not clear what is required in this report. Pinellas claims a quantitative determination of the effectiveness of a rate structure's influence on demand is a difficult undertaking because many variables besides price affect water demands. The evidence did not establish that such a quantification is required. The District's consideration of whether a utility has a water conserving rate structure is consistent with its authority to determine whether a proposed water use is reasonable-beneficial and/or within the public interest. In this regard, the District can require an applicant to submit reasonable relevant information. The evidence was insufficient to establish that the challenged provisions are necessarily excessive with respect to the information that must be submitted. Whether or how the water conserving rate structure requirement can be enforced is potentially problematic under the both current and proposed provisions. However, these potential problems do not render the provisions unduly vague or otherwise invalid. 3. Impingement on Public Service Commission and County Commission Rate-Making Authority. On or about September 1, 1994, Mr. Charles Hill, the Director of the Water and Wastewater Division for the Florida Public Service Commission ("PSC") wrote to District Executive Director Pete Hubbell indicating that the PSC Staff thought the District's rules relating to rate structures was "a direct infringement on the [Florida Public Service] Commission's exclusive jurisdiction." In this proceeding, Pinellas raised a similar contention that both the NTB and SWUCA provisions conflict with or contravene the PSC's exclusive jurisdiction over the operation of nongovernmental utilities under Section 367.011(4). One of the original Petitioners in these proceedings, Southern States Utilities ("SSU") also objected to the District's involvement in rate issues. After Phase I of this proceeding, the District and SSU entered into a settlement agreement which was approved by the District's Governing Board in April, 1995. As part of its settlement agreement with SSU, the District clarified that it will defer to the exclusive jurisdiction of the PSC to regulate the service and rates of public water supply utilities. In the settlement agreement, the District agreed to certain examples of water-conserving rate structures which would satisfy the District's rules. Paragraph 2.a of the Settlement Agreement provides: For the purposes of the requirements set forth in Chapter 40D-2. F.A.C., a "water-conserving rate structure" means one that provides a price signal that the more water a customer has used, the higher the customer's bill will be. The following structures are considered examples of water-conserving rate structures: base facility charge plus gallonage charge and (2) inclining block rates. Flat rates, declining block rates, and minimum charge rates are not considered water- conserving rate structures In addition, Paragraph 2.b of the Settlement Agreement provides: Investor-owned utility permittees will be deemed to have complied with the District's requirements if the investor-owned utility, in good faith, submits and defends a rate to the Rate-Making Authority that complies with the definition of a water-conserving rate structure provided in Paragraph [2.a] above, regardless of whether such rate is approved or denied by the rate-making authority. Paragraph 3.b of the settlement agreement allows the District and SSU to amend the Settlement Agreement by mutual agreement. The District says its decision to give deference to the rate-making authority simply confirmed that the District's rules should be read in pari materia with the PSC's jurisdiction and that the rules were not intended to usurp the PSC's authority. Pinellas argues that these provisions of the settlement agreement are statements of general applicability which were adopted in circumvention of the rulemaking procedures set forth in Section 120.54. No challenge to the settlement agreement has been raised under Section 120.535, F.S. The interpretations and conclusions in the settlement agreement are not conclusive or binding on any other parties. Water systems owned, operated, managed or controlled by governmental authorities are exempt from regulation by the PSC pursuant to Section 367.022(2), F.S. Pinellas contends that the water conserving rate structure provisions infringe on a governmental authority's autonomy over utility rates, which is allegedly contemplated by Section 153.03(3), F.S. (authorizing counties to fix and collect water rates), and Section 180.13(2), F.S. (authorizing municipal water rates). This issue is addressed in the Conclusions of Law. Proposed BOR Section 3.6 ("CUSTOMER BILLING AND METER READING CRITERIA WITHIN THE SWUCA") Proposed Section 3.6 of the Basis of Review includes a new sub-subsection titled "Customer Billing And Meter Reading Criteria Within The SWUCA". This subsection would require meter reading and billing by public supply utilities at least bimonthly. This proposal also requires billing period water usage information to be provided to customers with their bill. In addition, at least once per calendar year, customers must be provided with historic billing period usage and rate structure information describing applicable fixed and variable charge rates, minimum quantity charges, block size and pricing and seasonal rates. If the billing units are not in gallons, a means to convert the billing units to gallons must be provided. There are no similar requirements in the NTB WUCA Rules. The proposal does not describe how the District would enforce the requirements and/or what penalties would be imposed for failure to comply with them. Pinellas has objected to these requirements, arguing that they unjustifiably impinge upon and/or contravene the authority of counties and municipalities over their water utilities pursuant to Chapters 153 and 180, F.S. This issue is addressed in the Conclusions of Law. Pinellas objects to the requirement that a public supply permittee use gallons as its billing units, or provide a means to convert its billing units to gallons. Pinellas claims that many utilities meter their water by cubic feet since this has been a traditional unit of measure in the industry for many years. Using cubic feet instead of gallons as a billing unit does not affect the accuracy of the metered quantity of water. However, gallons are more readily understood by the general public. The evidence established that providing information regarding the rate structure and requiring billing units to be in gallons or convertible to gallons can further the effectiveness of conservation programs. 1000. Pinellas also contends that the District is arbitrarily requiring a utility to provide its customers with their historic water use information from the prior three years and is arbitrarily requiring a utility to read meters and send out bills at least bi-monthly. Pinellas claims that changing billing formats and increasing the frequency of meter reading is an expensive proposition and many utilities would have difficulty complying with these requirements without increasing their work force and water rates. Pinellas argues that the District has no expertise in utility management or operations, yet the District is attempting to micromanage matters that should be within the utility's exclusive prerogative and control. 1001. The District is seeking to insure that public utilities provide customers with information sufficient to determine whether their household use is excessive in relation to normal use. Billing and meter reading procedures can be an important means of communicating pricing signals built into a rate structure to utility customers, thereby contributing to the overall effectiveness of a water conserving rate structure. 1002. In implementing the reasonable-beneficial use test and determining that water uses are in the public interest, the District can reasonably impose conditions that further conservation without unnecessarily burdening utilities with requirements that do not have any direct correlation to the statutory goals. The proposed provisions in the challenged section have not been shown to be unreasonable or unduly burdensome. Water Audits - BOR Section and proposed BOR Section 3.6 (Conservation Requirements Within the SWUCA-Water Audit) unaccounted-for-water 1003. A water audit is a study performed to determine the level of 131 within a distribution system. It is essentially an accounting procedure that compares the amount of water coming into the system with the amount of water that is being metered through sales to customers and other known uses such as line and hydrant flushing. 1004. All water supply utilities have some percentage of unaccounted-for-water. Unaccounted-for-water may be caused by many factors including, among other things, leakage, faulty metering, theft, careless accounting, and failure to account or estimate un-metered quantities of use within the system. Most of these causes can develop at any time. 1005. The NTB WUCA Rules include BOR Section which requires all water supply utilities within the NTB WUCA to conduct water audits of their systems by January 1, 1993, January 1, 1997, January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2011. Among other things, this rule provides that if a water audit identifies a greater than 12 percent level of "unaccounted-for- water," the permittee shall prepare and implement a schedule for remedial action. This requirement is implemented through a permit condition contained in the rule which is applied to all unexpired public supply WUPs. 1006. The SWUCA Rules include a subsection in proposed BOR Section 3.6 ("CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE SWUCA, Water Audit") which is similar, but not identical to the NTB WUCA provision in BOR Section This proposed subsection would require water supply permittees within the SWUCA to implement a water audit program within two years of permit issuance. It also requires a report with an implementation schedule for remedial action if unaccounted for water exceeds 12 percent of total distribution quantities. 1007. Under the proposed SWUCA provision, water audits would be required every year, whereas the NTB WUCA requirement in BOR Section contemplates reporting periods every four years. In addition, the proposed SWUCA provision states that permittees whose permitted annual average quantity is less than 100,000 GPD are not required to provide water audits. The NTB WUCA provision does not include this exemption. Pinellas claims that there is no justification for these differences. However, Pinellas has not carried its burden of demonstrating that the District's decisions in this regard are arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. Neither Chapter 373 nor Chapter 120 require all areas of the District to be regulated alike. 1008. Although the rules do not specify the consequences of failing to comply with this water audit provision, it appears that the application of the water audit requirement could result in the reduction of a permittee's allocation of permitted water. 1009. The American Water Works Association (AWWA), a nationwide association of professionals in the water industry, is a highly regarded authority on water supply operations involving public supply distribution. The District's 12- percent standard for unaccounted-for-water is derived from a 1957 AWWA report, Number 4450D, in which a range of from 10 to 15 percent was considered reasonable. The District selected the mid-point of this range and rounded down to 12 percent. Before choosing 12-percent, the District also considered data from across the District as to the typical amount of unaccounted for water for different utilities. The District has assisted public utilities with the performance of water audits and has never experienced a situation where it was impossible for a utility to bring its unaccounted for water to below 12-percent. 1010. Pinellas' contention that the District's water audit provisions do not provide enough flexibility to address the unique circumstances of each utility is rejected. The evidence established that 12-percent is a reasonable standard for most utilities. Any special circumstances can be addressed in determining appropriate remedial measures. 1011. The District rules do not define a specific procedure for calculating the percentage of unaccounted-for- water. In response to several utilities' inquiries concerning how to perform a water audit, the District prepared a pamphlet titled, "Water Audit Guidelines," which discusses how to record the results of water audits. This pamphlet has not been adopted as a rule. 1012. AWWA Manual 36, titled "Water Audits and Leak Detection," provides work sheets that can be used in performing a water audit. The evidence indicated that work sheets from the District's pamphlet, from the AWWA Manual or any similar form may be used to comply with the District's water audit requirements. 1013. Pinellas complains because the District's water audit work sheet indicates a permittee should determine the level of accuracy of its customer's meters by taking a sample of between 1 percent to 5 percent of these meters. After performing a random test on 1 percent to 5 percent of its customer meters, the work sheet indicates a utility can take the average percentage of inaccuracy from that sampling and extrapolate over its entire spectrum of sales meters. Pinellas points out that this sampling method would require Pinellas to check between 1,000 to 5,000 meters per water audit. Pinellas' complaints are not ripe for resolution in this proceeding since the District has not specifically mandated such sampling. Proposed BOR Section 3.6 ("WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE SWUCA") 1014. The SWUCA Rules include a subsection in proposed BOR Section 3.6 ("WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE SWUCA") which provides that "A wholesale customer within the SWUCA shall be required to obtain a separate permit to effect the conservation requirements set forth in this section, unless the quantity obtained by the wholesale customer is less than 100,000 gallons per day on an annual average basis and per capita daily water use requirement of the wholesale customer is less than the applicable per capita daily water use requirement outlined in BOR 3.6 in the subsection titled 'PERMIT QUANTITIES AND COMPLIANCE-PER CAPITA WATER USE WITHIN THE SWUCA.'" 1015. This proposal would require certain wholesale public supply customers (i.e., those that purchase water from permittees and use more than 100,000 gallons a day on an annual average basis) to obtain their own water use permit from the District even though they are not withdrawing water from an aquifer or from surface water. This wholesale customer provision was included in the SWUCA Rules at the urging of a number of public utility directors who produced water for resale to smaller utilities. They were concerned that they did not have a mechanism for requiring their customers to meet the conservation requirements of the SWUCA Rules. 1016. The District contends that, unless wholesale customers are also required to obtain a permit, many large users would be beyond the reach of the rules and, consequently, would not have to comply with the water conservation requirements of the SWUCA Rules including the per capita use requirements, the conservation rate requirement, and the like. If the wholesale customers are not required to comply, the ability of a supplier/permittee to meet the requirements could be impaired. The District claims that prior efforts to require wholesale suppliers to obtain a commitment from wholesale customers that the customers would comply with the conditions of the suppliers' permit proved to be untenable. 1017. If this proposal is adopted, and wholesale customers are required to obtain a WUP, it is not clear what enforcement steps could be taken by the District against a customer who did not comply with the conservation provisions of the SWUCA Rules. 1018. The District believes that its authority to regulate the consumptive use of water encompasses the point of use as well as the point of withdrawal. However, Section 373.219(1), F.S., only authorizes the District to require water use permits for the "consumptive use of water." This authority does not extend to a purchaser receiving water from a 132 permittee. While its intentions may be laudatory, the District currently has no statutory authority to require wholesale customers to obtain water use permits. 1019. The testimony at the hearing indicated some confusion or uncertainty as to whether a wholesale customer of a utility located in the SWUCA would be required to obtain a separate WUP if that customer is located outside the SWUCA. In view of the conclusions reached herein, this issue is moot. It is noted, however, that proposed SWUCA Rule 40D-2.801(3)(b)(3) states, "Any permit with a withdrawal point within the boundaries of the SWUCA is deemed to be within the SWUCA." In allocating quantities to public suppliers withdrawing water in the SWUCA, the District would consider the entire demand area and allocate a quantity based upon the applicable SWUCA per- capita rate. In other words, a supplier withdrawing water from a point within the SWUCA would receive an allocation for wholesale customers outside the SWUCA based upon the SWUCA per- capita rate even. G. Reuse - BOR Section 4.11, BOR Section and proposed BOR Sections 3.1 (Alternative Sources within the SWUCA - Reuse Goal) and 3.6 Background 1020. The reuse of reclaimed water is regulated as a disposal option for effluent from a wastewater treatment plant ("WWTP") by DEP, which issues the permits for wastewater treatment and disposal. DEP does not have the authority to require reuse of wastewater. DEP Rules 62-40 and 62-610, F.A.C., identify which uses of reclaimed water qualify as "beneficial reuse" and provide specific criteria and quality standards for reused water. 1021. There is considerable uncertainty and controversy as to how and when reused water can be considered in the WUP process. The District notes that the Legislature and State Water Policy mandate the implementation of wastewater reuse. See, Sections 373.250 and 403.064, F.S. (1994 Supp.) and Rules 62-40.310(4) and 62-40.401(5), F.A.C. 1022. Section 373.250, F.S., provides in pertinent part as follows: The encouragement and promotion of water conservation and reuse of reclaimed water, as defined by the department, are state objectives and considered to be in the public interest. The Legislature finds that the use of reclaimed water provided by domestic wastewater treatment plants permitted and operated under a reuse program approved by the department is environmentally acceptable and not a threat to public health and safety. (3) The water management district shall, in consultation with the [Department of Environmental Protection], adopt rules to implement this section.... 1023. Section 403.064(1), F.S., incorporates almost verbatim the policy statements in Section 373.250(1). Section 403.064 provides in addition: All applicants for permits to construct or operate a domestic wastewater treatment facility located within, serving a population located within, or discharging within a water resource caution area shall prepare a reuse feasibility study as part of their application for the permit. The study required under subsection (2) shall be performed by the applicant, and the applicant's determination of feasibility is final if the study complies with the requirements of subsection (2). * (5) A reuse feasibility study prepared under subsection (2) satisfies a water management district requirement to conduct a reuse feasibility study imposed on a local government o 1024. The State Water Policy, which provides policy guidance to the water management districts, contains several provisions relating to reuse. Rule 62-40.401(2)(j) includes reuse among the items that the water management districts should consider in the WUP issuance process. See also, Rules 62- 40.310(4) and 62-40.401(5), F.A.C. The State Water Policy 1988. language pertaining to reuse has been in place since 133 1025. Reuse systems have been experiencing rapid growth in Florida. From 1986 to 1992 the number of reuse systems in the state grew from about 110 to more than 290, and reuse flow grew from about 200 MGD to about 290 MGD. Reuse capacity statewide grew during this period from about 370 MGD to 134 about 600 MGD. 1026. Within the District, there were about 100 wastewater treatment plants at the time of this hearing generating a total wastewater flow of approximately 300 MGD. About 40 percent of these plants were at or above 50 percent reuse. This figure is expected to climb to almost 60 percent within five to ten years as a result of projects that are in the pipeline under the District's cooperative funding program. Additional projects underway apart from the District's program could bring the figure even higher. On a percentage of flow basis, an estimated one-third of the total flow is currently being reused, and DEP has already issued permits that could 135 increase this capacity to about two-thirds. 1027. Section 403.064(2), F.S., (1994 Supp.) directs DEP to require that reuse feasibility studies be conducted by WWTP permit applicants located in water resource caution areas. The goal of this statute was to require WWTP operators who dispose of large quantities of treated effluent in areas with scarce water resources to consider whether that effluent could be reused instead of discharged. 1028. The requirement that a WWTP permit applicant perform a reuse feasibility evaluation was enacted in 1989. See, Section 7 of the 89-324, Laws of Fla. Prior to this legislation, there was no statutory requirement for WWTP permit applicants to perform reuse feasibility investigations. Subsection 2 of Section 403.064, as originally enacted provided that "the applicant's evaluation shall be final." In other words, DEP could not refuse a WWTP permit based upon its disagreement with an applicant's determination that reuse was not feasible. This statute reflected a legislative policy that, while the encouragement of reuse is an important state goal, the ultimate decision as to whether a utility should make the capital investment necessary to build a reuse system should be left to the utility. 1029. Allowing a WWTP the final say in determining whether it was feasible to build a reuse system has been controversial. The legislative goal of encouraging reuse and the legislative directive that gives a WWTP the final say as to whether it is feasible to develop a reuse system can conflict. However, when Section 403.064 was amended by the Florida Legislature in 1994, the amendment re-emphasized that the applicant's determination of feasibility is final by moving the following language into subsection (3): "The [reuse feasibility] study...shall be performed by the applicant, and the applicant's determination of feasibility is final if the study complies with the requirements of subsection (2)." 1030. A WWTP or utility does not have authority to require customers to hook up to a reclaimed water system even if the utility builds a pipe to the customer's area. Thus, there is considerable uncertainty involved in determining whether an investment in reuse facilities can be recaptured. This uncertainty is compounded by the ambiguity as to when reuse can be required in the WUP process. Some local utilities, municipalities and county governmental entities have implemented "local reuse programs" without the involvement of a water 136 management district. Section 403.064(7) provides that in issuing a WUP, the permitting agency shall take into consideration the local reuse program. This provision recognizes that water management districts can consider existing reuse distribution systems in issuing WUPs. Sections 373.250(5) and (6) also recognize that a water management district can consider an applicant's ability to utilize reused water as part of the WUP process. 1031. Section 373.250(2)(b), F.S. (1994 Supp.), provides that reuse can be presumed available to a WUP applicant when a utility exists that provides reclaimed water has uncommitted capacity available and has a distribution facility to the site of the proposed use. This statute implicitly limits a water management district's ability to require the use of reclaimed water as part of a WUP to situations where it can be shown that reused water is available. Even if reuse of reclaimed water is determined to be feasible, an applicant can be required to reuse only the amount of reclaimed water that is "uncommitted" as defined in Section 373.250(2)(a), F.S. Existing and Proposed Rule Provisions 1032. The District says its experience has demonstrated that once reuse is started, demand for reclaimed water rapidly rises. Accordingly, the District wants its rules to create an environment that encourages reuse. 1033. Rule 40D-2.301(1)(1), F.A.C., requires a WUP applicant to provide reasonable assurances that its proposed water use will "incorporate reuse measures to the greatest extent practicable." 1034. Section 4.11 of the Basis of Review corresponds to this rule. Under BOR Section 4.11 applicants "shall demonstrate whether reclaimed water is available and appropriate for reuse and shall incorporate reuse of reclaimed water to the greatest extent practicable." In addition, BOR Section 4.11 states that "in determining whether an Applicant meets this criterion, the District shall consider whether the use is economically, environmentally and technically feasible." BOR Section 4.11 applies to all WUP applicants including public supply permittees. 1035. Under these provisions, the District Governing Board makes the final determination of the feasibility of a WUP applicant incorporating reuse. An applicant's proposed use request can be reduced by the amount of water that the District believes can be supplied through a reuse system. 1036. The District has not adopted any standards or guidelines for determining whether reuse is being incorporated to the "greatest extent practicable" or whether reuse is "economically, environmentally and technically feasible." 1037. Because the District decides whether or not a WUP applicant has incorporated reuse measures to the greatest extent practicable, theoretically the District could conclude that it was feasible for a WUP applicant that generated domestic wastewater to reuse reclaimed water even when the applicant had decided pursuant to Section 403.064, F.S., that reuse was not feasible. It is not clear whether the District has ever utilized the provisions in this manner. The evidence suggests the provisions have generally been applied to potential users of an available supply. Some District witnesses contended the provisions could also be applied to utilities that generate wastewater and hold a WUP. 1038. The NTB WUCA Rules include BOR Section 7.3.6 which is entitled Alternative Sources. The District says this reuse requirement for permittees in the NTB WUCA was intended to be more strict than the general reuse requirement found in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(1). 1039. Subsection 2 of the NTB provision provides: "Investigation of the feasibility of reuse may be required for all appropriate uses, and reuse shall be required where feasible." This provision is implemented by applying a permit condition set forth in BOR Section to all "applicable" permits. Applicable permits for purposes of this provision does not specifically include public supply permits. Instead, the provision is aimed at those permits for which treated wastewater could serve as an alternate replacement or supplemental water source such as irrigation, industrial processing, cleaning and other non-potable uses. 1040. The permit condition in BOR Section requires a WUP applicant in the NTB WUCA to investigate the availability of reuse and its feasibility as a source. These factors are to be included in a report submitted to the District. The intent of BOR Section was to place an obligation on potential end users to consider the possibility of using reclaimed water and to match up WUP applicants who could use reclaimed water with reused water where it is available. 1041. The NTB provision does not directly impose requirements on public supply permittees who are potential providers of reclaimed water except as set forth on page B7.3-19 of the Basis of Review, which provides "if reclaimed water is available or is planned to be available within the next six years, the local wastewater entity shall provide a cost estimate for connection to the permit applicant." This provision seeks to provide a linkage between those who could use the reclaimed water and a wastewater utility that has reclaimed water available. While some witnesses suggested Section could be applied to require public supply permittees to investigate the feasibility of developing a reuse system, it is not clear that the provision has ever been so applied. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, such an application is beyond the current authority delegated to the District by the Legislature. Moreover, the rules do not adequately delineate the factors that would be considered in such an application. 1042. Pinellas claims that there are no rules that provide objective standards or criteria for determining if reuse is feasible. The criticism is well-taken if the rule is applied to require an investigation of the feasibility of developing a reuse system. To the extent that the provisions are applied to potential end-users of reclaimed water rather than suppliers, the requirements are not unacceptably vague. The permit condition set forth in BOR Section delineates a number of factors that should be considered in submitting a report. So long as the requirement is read and applied consistent with the statutory requirements in Sections 373.250(2) and 403.064(3), F.S. (1994 Supp.), it does not vest the District with unbridled discretion. In sum, Petitioners have not presented any persuasive evidence or arguments for invalidating the existing provisions in Rule 40D-2.301(1)(1) and BOR Sections 4.11 and The concerns that the provisions could be interpreted to require an investigation of the feasibility of constructing a reuse system do not provide a basis for invalidating the provisions since this result is not compelled by the language of the provisions. More problematic is the provision in the proposed SWUCA Rules. 1043. The SWUCA Rules include a subsection in proposed BOR Section 3.1 ("Reuse Feasibility Investigation within SWUCA") which would (1) establish a 50 percent reuse "goal" for permittees who generate treated domestic wastewater; identify various uses of reclaimed water that will "be considered beneficial reuse" within the SWUCA; and (3) require all WUP permittees within the SWUCA to investigate the "feasibility" of using reclaimed water, and to implement reuse where "economically, environmentally and technically feasible." 1044. The NTB WUCA provisions do not include a 50 percent reuse goal nor is there a delineation of what constitute beneficial reuse. The issues raised with respect to these two factors, which are unique to the proposed SWUCA Rules, will be discussed below. The third aspect of the proposal has some similarities to the NTB WUCA provision in BOR Section However, the SWUCA provision would specifically apply to potential suppliers as well as potential users. The only permittees excused from conducting the investigation are reclaimed water suppliers whose reclaimed water is 100 percent reused, reclaimed water users whose water use is 100 percent reclaimed water, and permittees with a reuse plan already accepted by the District. 1045. The SWUCA provision seeks to authorize the District to require the implementation of reuse whenever the District deems it to be economically, environmentally and technically feasible without regard to the applicant's determination and irrespective of the percentage of reuse that may have been achieved by the applicant. State Water Policy and Reuse Coordinating Committee 1046. A state-wide Reuse Coordinating Committee, consisting of representatives from DEP, the five water management districts, and the PSC, has been established to coordinate agency activities to strengthen the state's reuse program and to develop consistent policies and approaches to promote, encourage and require reuse within the state. 1047. In October 1993, the committee published the Reuse Conventions Report, which made recommendations agreed upon by all of the agencies involved for improving, strengthening, and streamlining the reuse program. One objective of the Reuse Conventions Report was to create standardized terminology concerning reuse in order to promote consistency among the various regulatory agencies and to assist in the implementation of the water management plans contemplated by the 1988 revisions to the State Water Policy. Some of the policies and programs recommended by the Committee have already been incorporated into the State Water Policy and the DEP portion of the State Water Management Plan. 1048. The Reuse Conventions Committee recommended that water management districts be aggressive in requiring reuse as part of their WUP programs. The committee was concerned that some WWTPs have concluded that the development of a reuse system was not feasible after only a cursory analysis. The Committee expressed the view that allowing a WWTP to determine whether to implement a reuse program creates a loophole that negates the legislative goal of encouraging reuse. The Committee concluded that the legislative encouragement of reuse and the State Water Policy's requirement that reuse be implemented in designated water resource caution areas authorized the water management districts to implement mandatory reuse through their WUP programs. The SWUCA Rules have incorporated this view. 1049. The SWUCA provisions provide that reuse feasibility studies prepared by WWTP permit applicants pursuant to Section 403.064 can be submitted to satisfy the requirement of reuse feasibility as part of the WUP application process. However, the District says it will determine whether to accept the conclusions. In other words, the District could require domestic wastewater treatment facilities to develop a reuse system in order to obtain a WUP. In effect, this approach would allow the District to circumvent the legislative intent that a WWTP be allowed to make the determination of the feasibility of reuse by overriding that determination as part of the WUP process. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, the District can properly consider readily available alternative sources as part of the WUP process. However, the WUP process is not the proper vehicle for allocating the costs of development of alternative sources. 1050. A comprehensive reuse program can include upgrades of the effluent treatment methods and construction of extensive transmission facilities. The cost of such a program for a major wastewater treatment plant could be tens of millions of dollars or more. Even the cost of preparing a reuse feasibility study for a comprehensive reuse system can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The District's authority to implement a WUP program does not allow it to dictate to a local government how to allocate its resources between various important municipal functions. 1051. The District has not set forth any objective standards or criteria that would be used in determining when the development of a reclaimed water system is "economically, environmentally and technically feasible." The treatment requirements and public health considerations involved in a reuse system can be highly technical and complex. There are many uncertainties involved that are best addressed in the DEP permitting process under Chapter 403, F.S. 1052. While the District says that a project would not be considered feasible unless it was permitted by DEP, it is very difficult and costly to determine in advance whether a project is permittable. The DEP State Reuse Coordinator David W. York, who has primary responsibility for review of water management district reuse rules for consistency with the State Water Policy, testified that the State Water Policy should be read to mandate that reuse be implemented through the WUP 137 process in designated water supply problem areas. 1053. While the State Water Policy contains broad encouragement for reuse, it cannot create authority for the District beyond that granted by the legislature. The statutory authority for requiring reuse is explored in the Conclusions of Law. Reuse Goals 1054. In view of the conclusions reached herein regarding the limitations on the authority of the District to require reuse as part of the WUP process, many of the other issues raised by the parties are moot. Nonetheless, findings are made on some of the matters because of the uncertainty in this area and the importance of the issues. 1055. The proposed reuse goal in the SWUCA Rules provides as follows: Water Use Permittees within the SWUCA who generate treated domestic wastewater are encouraged to demonstrate that by September 30, 2004, 50 percent of the total annual effluent flow is beneficially reused.... Progress toward this goal shall be described in the Alternative Source Suppliers report described in section 3.1.... 1056. There is no industry standard or generally accepted level of reuse for a WWTP. A survey of all WWTPs in the District with treatment capacities of 500,000 GPD or greater indicates that only about 40 percent of these facilities are currently at or above 50 percent reuse. The District has not performed an analysis to determine whether those permittees within the SWUCA who are currently below the 50 percent reuse goal can realistically achieve compliance with this level. 1057. The District claims that the "reuse goal" in the SWUCA Rules "simply encourages permittees who generate wastewater to demonstrate that they have achieved 50 percent beneficial reuse by the year 2004. The only mandate associated with this rule is that reuse be reported to the District. There is no penalty involved if this goal is not achieved." See, District's proposed findings of fact, No. 713, p. 268. 1058. In its review of the SWUCA Rules, DEP indicated that the 50 percent reuse goal should be mandatory. This view is arguably consistent with the State Water Policy. However, as discussed in the Conclusions of Law, mandatory reuse cannot be imposed on a WWTP through the WUP process. 1059. The District can require WUP applicants to provide general information regarding their ability to use available reclaimed water and/or to supply it. Establishing a goal of 50 percent reuse and requiring proof of progress toward this goal is consistent with legislative intent. 1060. The District's proposed 50 percent reuse goal exempts WWTPs with a capacity of less than 500,000 GPD. The District was concerned that these smaller WWTPs would have problems meeting the Class I reliability standards required by DEP's reuse rules. It can be difficult and/or cost prohibitive for smaller plants to incorporate reuse. These small plants only represent about 5 percent of the total wastewater flow and some are being phased out with flows directed to the larger regional plants. While, the State Water Policy does not recognize any minimum size thresholds or exemptions for WWTPs, the District's decision to not include such plants in the rule was not arbitrary. Beneficial Reuse. 1061. The proposed subsection entitled "Alternative Sources Within the SWUCA, Beneficial Reuse" to be added to BOR Section 3.1 provides a list of activities that the District considers to be "beneficial reuse." The District proposed to use this list to assess the attainment of the 50 percent reuse goal. Pinellas argues that DEP is the only state agency authorized to regulate and permit reuse and that the District's efforts to separately define reuse could result in conflict and confusion. Over the last few years as more attention has been focused on reuse as an alternate supply source and policies to further reuse have been developing at the state and local level, there have been confusing and sometimes inconsistent changes in the manner in which beneficial reuse has been defined. Nonetheless, Pinellas' contention that the "beneficial reuse" provisions in the SWUCA Rules are invalid because they enlarge, modify or contravene State Water Policy and/or conflict with DEP rules regulating WWTPs is rejected. 1062. The State Water Policy includes a list of beneficial reuse options. Rule 62-40.210(15) sets forth examples as to what constitutes beneficial reuse, but this list was not intended to be exclusive or limiting. For example, indirect potable reuse involves the deliberate application of high quality reclaimed water as a means of augmenting either a ground or surface water supply for a subsequent withdrawal either downstream or down gradient as a potable water source. Although not specifically listed as a beneficial use in the State Water Policy, the evidence established that, under proper circumstances, DEP will consider it under the "other useful purposes" provision of the State Water Policy list. 1063. DEP has adopted detailed rules governing WWTPs and the reuse of reclaimed water. See, Ch. 62-610, F.A.C. reuse. These rules also include a list of beneficial 138 1064. DEP's November 8, 1994 official comment letter to the District indicated that the District's proposed beneficial reuse list was not consistent with the definition of reuse in the State Water Policy [Rule 62-40210(15)], Chapter 62-610, the pending revisions to Chapter 62-610, or the Reuse Conventions Report. A comparison of the list of activities contained in the SWUCA proposal confirms that it is not 139 identical. 1065. There are certain activities described on the state-wide lists of acceptable forms of beneficial reuse which may not be considered beneficial reuse by the District. For example, applying reclaimed water to percolation ponds (or "rapid rate infiltration basins") may be an acceptable form of 140 beneficial reuse under the DEP rules. (See Ch. 62-610, Part IV, F.A.C.). However, the District would probably not consider this activity beneficial reuse under the proposed SWUCA provisions. 1066. Whether a particular method of reuse is beneficial can vary throughout the state depending upon the nature of the aquifer system. For example, a percolation pond may be beneficial in recharging the aquifer in one part of the state but not in another. The District says the differences between the SWUCA provisions and the lists contained in Rule 62- 40.210(15) and Ch. 62-610, F.A.C., are the result of its effort to focus upon the particular types of reuse that would offset groundwater use within the SWUCA. The District's attempt to specify the types of reuse that are beneficial within the SWUCA is consistent with the legislative directive that it encourage reuse in water resource caution areas and has not been shown to be arbitrary, capricious or otherwise invalid. 1067. The District's definition of wastewater reuse in the glossary to the existing Basis of Review closely tracks the State Water Policy definition. The District has sought to provide itself with flexibility by including "other useful purposes" in subsection 8 which could encompass any uses considered beneficial by the DEP but not included within the District list. 6. Statutory Authority for BOR Section 4.11 1068. Pinellas claims that the District cannot rely upon Section 373.250 as support for BOR Section 4.11 because this statute was not enacted until after BOR 4.11 was adopted. The importance of conservation and reuse are implicit in the reasonable-beneficial use test and the regulation of water use in the public interest and have been recognized in the State Water Policy for some time. The District has proposed amendments to Rule 40D-2.091 to include additional citations of statutes under the "Specific Authority" and "Law Implemented" sections for the Basis of Review. Pinellas points out that, even as amended, the rule does not include any citation to Section 373.250, F.S. While it would be helpful to include this statute among the cited authorities, it is concluded that such citation is not essential. Standing 1069. The District argues that Pinellas does not have standing to challenge the proposed reuse provision in the SWUCA Rules because Pinellas currently has no facilities that would fall under these provisions and because Pinellas has already begun implementing an aggressive reuse program which, when completed, is expected to result in a reuse rate of more than 90 percent. For the reasons set forth in Section VI. A. above, this contention is rejected. Conclusion 1070. The District can require a WUP applicant to investigate the feasibility of utilizing reclaimed water from an available source. Such a requirement is a proper implementation of the reasonable-beneficial use test and the public interest test. While the State Water Policy -- with which District rules must be consistent, See Rule 62-40.110(3) -- mandates reuse measures within a critical water supply problem area such as the SWUCA, Chapter 373 does not authorize the District to override a determination as to feasiability by a utility regarding the development of a reuse system. A WUP applicant can only be required to reuse reclaimed water when it is available and "uncommitted" as defined in Section 373.250(2)(a), F.S. 1071. Moreover, because there are no standards or objective criteria to review the exercise of the District's discretion in determining whether a reuse system is "economically, environmentally and technically feasible," proposed BOR Section 3.1 is vague and grants unbridled discretion to the District.141 1072. The District says that it would utilize a pre- application conference with an applicant to discuss the parameters that would be applicable to a specific feasibility investigation. The evidence indicates that such conferences have been useful in the past. However, the rules must be evaluated on their face and the District's willingness to provide such conferences does not alter the unbridled discretion inherent in the rules. 1073. The District contends that its reuse provisions should be upheld because they are an attempt to regulate water use consistent with the public interest. The District argues that the provisions are consistent with State Water Policy, the Reuse Conventions Report and have the approval of the State Reuse Coordinator. The District points out that Section 373.250(3) requires the District to adopt rules in consultation with DEP to promote water conservation and reuse. In addition, subsection 4 provides that the statute was not intended to impair a district's authority to plan for and regulate consumptive uses. Admittedly, there is a great deal of ambiguity and confusion in trying to reconcile the various statutory directives. Requiring a WWTP to develop systems to make reclaimed water available is arguably consistent with the legislative policies set forth in Sections 373.250 and 403.064. However, absent legislative clarification, the development of such a system cannot be imposed through the WUP process. H. Desalination - BOR Section and proposed BOR Section 3.1 Background 1074. Desalination is a process by which water with an unacceptable chloride level is rendered fit for public consumption. This term can refer to treating brackish water as well as ocean or gulf water. Brackish water has lower levels of chlorides and solids than ocean or gulf water and can be found in groundwater at coastal areas or in surface water bodies where there is a mixing of freshwater and saltwater. 1075. There are hundreds of brackish water desalination plants existing throughout the United States, including more than 170 facilities in Florida. However, no seawater desalination facilities are currently operating in Florida. In fact, no major municipal seawater desalination States. plants are currently operating in the United 142 There are only a few small "pilot" plants in California. 1076. The District's existing rules do not specifically mention desalination as a potential water source to be investigated except in the rules pertaining to WUCAs. The declaration of an area as a WUCA necessarily implies that problems exist with surface and/or groundwater. The District wants applicants in these areas to view desalination as an alternative source. 1077. Chapter 373 mentions desalination only in the context of "cooperative efforts" with local governments to promote desalination. The District contends the general conservation provisions of Chapter 373 and the State Water Policy authorize the District to require a permittee to implement desalination over another source of water. Current and Proposed Provisions 1078. Section of the Basis of Review requires all industrial and public supply WUP applicants seeking new quantities in the NTB WUCA to investigate the feasibility of desalination, and to implement desalination if feasible. Under BOR Section these applicants must provide "a detailed economic analysis of desalination, including disposal costs, versus development of freshwater supplies, including land acquisition and transmission costs." 1079. BOR Section went into effect on March 1, 1991, and requires a feasibility investigation of brackish water as well as seawater desalination. 1080. As part of the SWUCA Rules, the District has proposed a new Section 3.1 of the Basis of Review which includes a subsection titled "Investigate Desalination Within The SWUCA." This provision would require all industrial and public supply applicants located in a coastal county within the SWUCA seeking new or replacement quantities of groundwater of 500,000 GPD or greater to investigate the feasibility of desalination and to implement desalination if feasible. 1081. The proposed SWUCA provision is similar to the NTB WUCA requirement in BOR Section except that the SWUCA provision applies to "replacement" quantities as well as new quantities. "Replacement" is not defined, but the provision could require desalination feasibility studies from existing uses upon renewal, while the NTB rule applies only if an increased quantity is sought. Another difference is that the proposed SWUCA provision only applies in coastal areas to industrial and public supply applicants seeking "new or replacement quantities of groundwater of 500,000 gpd...or greater where salt water exists," while the NTB WUCA provision requires a desalination investigation for all industrial and public supply applicants seeking new quantities of any amount. 1082. A desalination investigation in the SWUCA would only have to address seawater. The District is concerned that the removal of brackish water in the coastal zones could exacerbate the SWUCA's saltwater intrusion problem. Feasibility 1083. The evidence established that there are virtually no available quantities of desalinated seawater from existing plants within the District. Accordingly, the investigation required under these provisions would necessarily involve an evaluation of the feasibility of construction of a new desalination plant. 1084. Seawater desalination requires a massive capital investment with a number of environmental permitting 143 issues involved. 1085. A feasibility study for a desalination plant can be an immensely complex and expensive undertaking. Simply evaluating financing possibilities for a capital investment of this magnitude is a major task. Depending on the size of the project and the detail of the study, the cost for a feasibility study could be several hundred thousand dollars. For example, Pinellas is in the process of preparing a desalination 144 feasibility study at a cost of about $300,000.00. 1086. If the District staff and a public supply utility applicant disagree as to the appropriate contents of a desalination feasibility study under either the NTB or SWUCA provisions, the District says it could determine that the application was incomplete and deny the WUP application if satisfactory information was not submitted in a timely manner. 1087. If, after completion of a desalination feasibility investigation, an applicant concludes that it is financially unable to construct such a facility, the District has discretion under these provisions to reject the applicant's economic feasibility determination and consequently refuse to issue a WUP. It is not clear what standards the District would utilize in evaluating an applicant's determination of financial feasibility. 1088. Neither rule delineates specific areas an applicant must include in its feasibility study other than generally requiring that "the investigation shall include a detailed economic analysis of desalination including disposal costs, versus development of fresh water supplies, including land acquisition and transmission costs." 1089. The testimony at the hearing indicated that the District expects a WUP applicant to investigate, among other things, concentrate disposal costs, coastal zone management requirements, and environmental issues such as the toxicity of brine discharge. The District has not developed any form or guidelines for the feasibility studies nor has it adopted any criteria or standards for evaluating such studies. 1090. The requirement to prepare a desalination feasibility study is unacceptably vague because it provides little guidance as to what should be included in such a study and it grants unbridled discretion to the District in determining whether the study is acceptable and/or the project is feasible without any meaningful basis to review that decision. Cost 1091. The District has performed desalination cost analysis for the Electric Power Research Institute and has also gathered information from the desalination industry regarding cost elements and the different types of processes associated with costing a desalination project. However, the District has not undertaken any in-depth studies to evaluate the financing and capitalization costs for construction of a desalination facility in the District. 1092. The July 1994 draft RDP by West Coast estimates the total cost of producing potable water from a one million gallon per day seawater desalination facility was more than seven times the cost estimates of other alternative source projects such as the Hillsborough Recovery and Tampa Bypass Canal Project. This was the only evidence presented as to the cost of desalination. 1093. "Reverse osmosis" is a membrane filtration desalination technique currently used by many brackish water desalination plants within the District. There are about 40 reverse osmosis plants in operation in the District. With this process, water is forced through a membrane with very small openings which filter out the chloride compounds. Brackish water desalination is less expensive than seawater desalination because the lower salt concentrations reduce the energy requirements for membrane filtration and chemicals. A plant can generally use a "low-pressure" filtration process for water that has less than 4,000 parts per million. In contrast, desalination of water with more than 4,000 parts per million (seawater) is significantly above this level and must generally use a "high-pressure" system, which requires much more energy to accomplish the same objective. As noted above, the SWUCA provision is limited to the much more expensive seawater desalination process. Brine Disposal and Other Permitting Issues 1094. Desalination necessarily involves the disposal of a brine by-product. A primary factor affecting the implementation of any desalination project is the utility's ability to lawfully dispose of the brine by-product. DEP is the disposal. state agency responsible for permitting such 145 1095. It is not clear whether the District would require a WUP applicant's feasibility study to include an investigation of the applicant's ability to obtain permits from DEP for a desalination facility and reject disposal system. 1096. Current methods of disposing of brine concentrate include deep well injection, surface water discharge, and land application. Each of these methods has shortcomings. Surface water discharge is often unacceptable because of environmental concerns. Deep well injection involves many unknowns and is very controversial. Land application has never been considered a viable alternative in Florida because of the amount of salt and water that must be disposed. 1097. Some existing brackish water desalination facilities within the District have encountered permit compliance problems relating to the toxicity and/or level of radioactivity in their discharge. District staff, in particular Deputy Director Mark Farrell, have been working with DEP and the Federal EPA to address issues surrounding the possible disposal of brine by-product into the Gulf of Mexico. In cooperation with the Electric Power Research Institute and others, Mr. Farrell co-chaired a "Desalination and Reuse Committee," which prepared reports on disposal methods. The committee funded a project that reconfigured the EPA plume discharge model so it was capable of modeling a brine discharge and then submitted the model to EPA and DEP for consideration. In addition, a study was undertaken relating to toxicity issues which demonstrated that the source of toxicity was salinity. The study concluded that through dilution with existing seawater or other sources, or establishment of a mixing zone, toxicity issues could be resolved. Prior to this study DEP did not have specific data to show how much pre-dilution would be necessary. 1098. In a letter to Mr. Farrell dated April 12, 1995, DEP acknowledged that ocean disposal may be a viable way to dispose of brine through existing DEP rule criteria involving pre-dilution mixing and mixing zones, or a combination of both. In this letter, DEP commented on the pilot study concerning brine disposal and indicated that, in concept, "seawater brine discharge can be managed to meet [DEP's] water quality standards and is manageable and permittable with appropriate conditions under current [DEP] point source discharge criteria. It should be understood that any permit approvals are site specific and other conditions may apply." 1099. This April 12, 1995 letter only addresses toxicity issues associated with reject brine disposal and does not address other environmental problems potentially associated with desalination. 1100. Thus, while it now appears it may be possible to obtain a permit for brine disposal, other uncertainties are involved. For example, a seawater desalination plant would almost certainly have to be located on coastal property, which could be very expensive and raises complex environmental permitting issues that could include the possibility of a third- party challenge making it virtually impossible to accurately determine the feasibility of a project. Site-specific Issues 1101. The construction of a desalination plant necessarily involves site-specific issues including the selection of plant location and size, and the techniques to be employed. Permitting issues related to brine disposal, pipelines, dredge and fill, and wetlands, as well as other possible environmental concerns such as mangroves and "Outstanding Florida Waters" are often dependent on the site. 1102. Notwithstanding the site-specific matters, there are many major factors affecting the feasibility of desalination that are common for any such facility. Ultimately, the determination of whether to proceed with such a facility should be made on a regional (or larger) basis as part of an overall management and resource development plan and should not 146 be imposed upon individual permit applicants. 1103. A thorough investigation of the potential for desalination to help alleviate the stress on groundwater supplies is certainly a laudatory goal that the District should encourage and pursue. However, the District's determination of whether to grant an application for the consumptive use of water from an existing resource must be based upon the statutory three-prong test. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, this test in its current form does not authorize the imposition of a requirement on certain classes of applicants to incur significant and undefined expenses to evaluate the potential of desalination when there is no facility currently producing excess desalinated water and no such facility is even in the planning process. 1104. The District contends that "if all alternative conservation measures for reducing demand and/or obtaining alternative supplies, such as reuse, have been exhausted, the District believes that the public supply applicant must make a growth management decision. It is not the District's intent to compel applicants to utilize an alternative source, such as reuse or desalination, but the District believes that it cannot allocate additional water supplies from sources where the water is no longer available." See, District's proposed findings of fact No. 778, p. 291. 1105. When the demand for water from a particular resource, exceeds the safe yield of that resource, Chapter 373, F.S., provides some alternatives to a district. See e.g., Section 373.242, F.S. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, the current regulatory framework established in Chapter 373 does not authorize classes of users or potential users to be singled out to bear the total cost of developing alternative sources. Proposed BOR Section 3.1 ("REPORTING ALTERNATIVE SOURCE QUANTITIES WITHIN THE SWUCA") 1106. The SWUCA Rules include a proposed new sub- subsection which would be part of Section 3.1 of the Basis of Review and would require all permittees in the SWUCA that generate treated wastewater to submit an annual "Alternative Source Supplier Report." In addition, permittees who receive reclaimed water would be required to submit detailed reports to the District. The proposed provision states the requirements will be implemented by "attaching a permit condition to all applicable permits." 1107. This proposal is intended to provide the information necessary for the District to match suppliers of reclaimed water with demand. The District has actively tried to facilitate such coordination. It has developed maps which outline where wastewater treatment plants are located, how much wastewater is being generated and how much is available for reuse. 1108. This proposal is also intended to enable the District to obtain the information necessary to meet the reporting requirements of Section 373.250(6), F.S. This statute places responsibility on the water management districts to report and inventory the use of reclaimed water. In addition, the State Water Policy directs that reuse programs be established in water resource caution areas. See, Rule 62- 40.401(5), F.A.C. 1109. Pinellas argues that Section 373.250, F.S., does not require the District to provide DEP with all of the specific details that would be required by the proposed SWUCA Rule. Pinellas claims some of the information required by the proposal is arcane and is expensive and burdensome to provide. Similar provisions have been in place since the inception of the ETB WUCA, NTB WUCA and HR WUCA with no apparent problems. The District can require from permittees the information necessary to prepare the legislatively mandated reports. Pinellas has not met its burden of showing how the proposed rule unreasonably or arbitrarily requires permittees to provide information that is not related to these reports. Under a WWTP operation permit, a utility is required to provide quarterly reports to DEP concerning its reuse system. While there may be some duplication in the information the District is requiring Pinellas has not established that the District's requirements are arbitrary or otherwise invalid. 1110. Pinellas also complains that the provisions are vague and/or overbroad because they refer to "stormwater" without defining this term. Pinellas speculates that the term could be broadly interpreted so that any WUP permittee who receives stormwater discharge onto its property from some upstream piece of property would have to monitor and report all amounts of stormwater received. However, if the rules are read in context, it is apparent that Pinellas' concerns are not warranted and they do not provide a basis for invalidating the proposal. 1111. Pinellas' remaining challenges to this provision are rejected. In particular, the contention that this provision conflicts with or contravenes Sections 373.250 and 403.064 is without merit. The nature and limitations of the District's duties under those statutes are discussed in Section VII G above. Challenges to Other Existing Rules Rules Concerning Modification and/or Revocation of Permits - Rules 40D-2.331(3) and 40D-2.341 Modification 1112. Rule 40D-2.331(3), F.A.C. provides as follows: The Governing Board shall order the modification of any permit if it is shown that the use Rule 40D-2.301. 1113. Under this rule, the District contends it can reduce or even completely eliminate the permitted water allocation of an unexpired water use permit. As of the date of the hearing, the District had never actually recalled a WUP for modification of the permitted quantity. 1114. Pinellas claims that this rule runs afoul of Section 373.239(1), F.S., which allows "a permittee" to seek modification of an existing permit. 1115. Section 373.239, F.S., provides as follows: A permittee may seek modification of any terms of an unexpired permit. If the proposed modification involves water use of 100,000 gallons or more per day, the application shall be treated under the provisions of Section 373.229 in the same manner as the initial permit application. Otherwise, the governing board or the department may at its discretion approve the proposed modification without a hearing, provided the permittee establishes that: A change in conditions has resulted in the water allowed under the permit becoming inadequate for the permittee's need, or The proposed modification would result in a more efficient utilization of water than is possible under the existing permit. 1116. As discussed in the Conclusions of Law, Pinellas incorrectly reads this statute as a total prohibition on the District modifying a water use permit on its own initiative. Revocation 1117. Rule 40D-2.341(1) provides as follows: The Governing Board shall permanently or temporarily revoke a permit, in whole or in part, at any time after notice and a hearing, if it finds that the use is no longer reasonable beneficial or is no longer in the public interest. 1118. Subsection 2 of the rule lists five factors for determining whether a use is no longer reasonable beneficial or in the public interest. This subsection provides that the District Governing Board "shall consider": (1) any material false statement in an application or in a statement required of the user; (2) any willful violation of the terms or conditions of the permit; (3) any violation of Chapter 40D-2 which is not resolved; (4) non-use of the water for 2 years or more unless due to extreme hardship; and (5) whether the withdrawal causes "significant adverse impacts" to the water resources, environmental systems, or existing legal users, and the Permittee does not modify the activities or satisfactorily mitigate the impacts. 1119. Section 1.13 of the Basis of Review corresponds to Rule 40D-2.341 and includes similar grounds for revoking a permit. It states that a WUP may be revoked, following notice and hearing, for the following reasons: (1) non-use of the water granted in the WUP for a period of at least 2 years, unless the permittee can demonstrate extreme hardship; (2) false statements by the permittee in the WUP application or supporting materials; (3) if the withdrawal of water causes significant adverse impacts to the water resources, environmental systems, or existing legal users, and the permittee does not modify the activities or satisfactorily mitigate the impacts; and (4) if the permittee willfully violates any of the terms or conditions of the WUP or any provision of Ch. 40D-2, F.A.C. 1120. Pinellas contends that Rule 40D-2.341 and BOR Section 1.13 "exceed the District's rulemaking authority, and/or enlarge, modify, or contravene the specific provisions of law implemented." In this regard, Pinellas argues that Section 373.243, F.S., is the only specific provision in Chapter 373 that authorizes the reduction or termination of permitted water allocations before the permit expires. 1121. Section 373.243, F.S., provides as follows: The governing board or the department may revoke a permit as follows: For any material false statement in an application to continue, initiate, or modify a use, or for any material false statement in any report or statement of fact required of the user pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the governing board or the department may revoke the user's permit, in whole or in part, permanently. For willful violation of the conditions of the permit, the governing board or the department may permanently or temporarily revoke the permit, in whole or in part. For violation of any provision of this chapter, the governing board or the department may revoke the permit, in whole or in part, for a period not to exceed 1 year. For nonuse of the water supply allowed by the permit for a period of 2 years or more, the governing board or the department may revoke the permit permanently and in whole unless the user can prove that his nonuse was due to extreme hardship caused by factors beyond his control. The governing board or the department may revoke a permit, permanently and in whole, with the written consent of the permittee. 1122. Pinellas claims that the District's rules include reasons for revocation of WUPs which are not included in Section 373.243, F.S., and the statute includes reasons for revocation of WUPs which are not included in the rules. These issues are discussed in the Conclusions of Law. 1123. In evaluating the District's rules regarding modification and revocation of permits, it must be kept in mind that the District has broad authority to adopt a permitting program consistent with the public interest. Section 373.219, F.S., allows imposition of permit conditions to assure that a use is consistent with the overall objectives of the District and is not harmful to the water resources of the area. This authority must be exercised within the statutory framework, which was intended to provide users with a reasonable degree of certainty as to their rights for the specified permit term. 1124. Pinellas complains that the District's rules do not define what is meant by a "significant adverse impact" to water resources as used in Rule 40D-2.341(2)(e) and BOR Section 1.13. Pinellas points out that these provisions refer to "significant adverse impacts," whereas Rules 40D-2.301(1)(b), (c), (h), and (i) use the terms "adversely impact" or "adverse environmental impacts." These contentions are not persuasive. While reasonable hydrologists could differ as to whether a particular impact constitutes a "significant adverse impact" to water resources, the rule is not invalid simply because it provides some latitude for the exercise of professional judgment. Standard permit conditions - Rule 40D- 2.381(3) 1125. To implement Section 373.243, F.S., the District has adopted by rule a number of standard permit conditions. These standard permit conditions are found in Rule 40D-2.381, F.A.C. The District places these standard permit conditions on every WUP it issues. The District also has special permit conditions that it will place on a WUP depending on the particular circumstances. 1126. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(a) provides in pertinent part as follows: Every permit acquired under this Chapter shall include the following standard conditions which impose certain limitations on the permitted water withdrawal: If any of the statements in the application or supporting data are found to be untrue and inaccurate, or if the permittee fails to comply with all of the provisions of Chapter 373, F.S., Chapter 40D or the conditions set forth herein, the Governing Board shall revoke this permit in accordance with Rule 40D-2.341, following notice and hearing. This permit is issued based on information provided by the permittee demonstrating that the use of water is reasonable and beneficial, consistent with the public interest and will not interfere with any existing legal use of water. If, during the term of the permit, it is determined by the District that the use is not reasonable and beneficial, in the public interest, or does impact an existing legal use of water, the Governing Board shall modify this permit or shall revoke this permit following notice and hearing. * The permittee shall mitigate, to the satisfaction of the District, any adverse impact to existing legal uses caused by withdrawals. When adverse impacts occur or are imminent, the District may require the permittee to mitigate the impacts. Adverse impacts include: A reduction in water levels which impairs the ability of a well to produce water; Significant reduction in levels or flows in water bodies such as lakes, impoundments, wetlands, springs, streams, or other watercourses; or Significant inducement of natural or man-made contaminants into a water supply or into a usable portion of an aquifer or water body. The permittee shall mitigate to the satisfaction of the District any adverse impact to environmental features or offsite land uses as a result of withdrawals. When adverse impacts occur or are imminent, the District shall require the permittee to mitigate the impacts. Adverse impacts include the following: Significant reduction in levels or flows in water bodies such as lakes, impoundments, wetlands, springs, streams or other watercourses; Sinkholes or subsidence caused by reduction in water levels; Damage to crops and other vegetation causing financial harm to the owner; and Damage to the habitat of endangered or threatened species. 1127. Pinellas contends that the standard permit conditions set forth in Rule 40D-2.381(3)(a), (b), (l) and (m) exceed the District's rulemaking authority, and/or enlarge, modify, or contravene the specific provisions of law implemented. 1128. The standard permit conditions challenged by Pinellas can be divided into two categories. First, subsections and (b) are challenged on the grounds that they impermissibly add new grounds to those listed in the statute for revoking a water use permit and improperly authorize the District to modify a water use permit on its own initiative. 1129. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(a) purports to authorize the District to impose a standard permit condition authorizing the District to revoke a WUP if it later finds that a statement in the application or supporting data is untrue and inaccurate or if the permittee fails to comply with Chapter 373, Chapter 40D, or a permit condition. This subsection is essentially just a reiteration of the authority granted in Section 373.243(1), F.S. While the rule does not specifically require a demonstration that a violation of permit conditions was willful, as does the statute, the rule can and should be read in pari materia with the statute. Similarly, the rule does not include the one-year revocation time limit in Section 373.243(3) for violating a provision in Chapter 373. The rule can and should be applied consistent with that limitation. 1130. Subsection (b) of the Rule purports to authorize the District to impose a standard permit condition that the District can modify or revoke a permit if it can demonstrate that the use is no longer a reasonable beneficial use, is no longer in the public interest or impacts an existing legal use of water. While this authority is not directly spelled out in the statute, the District claims it is consistent with the broad authority granted to it to regulate the resource in the "public interest" and to ensure the viability of the resource. Authority for this condition can also be found in Section 373.171, F.S., which authorizes the District to prevent uses which have ceased to be reasonable-beneficial. However, this authority is limited by subsection (3) of the statute which provides that no modification of an existing use can be required unless it is shown that the use to be modified is detrimental to other water uses or to the water resources of the state. 1131. Section 373.175(2), F.S., authorizes the District to declare water shortage areas and impose restrictions on "one or more uses of the water resource as may be necessary to protect the water resources of the area from serious harm." When the District utilizes this statute and declares a water shortage area, the District's decision to revoke or modify a permit must be reviewed in the context of the regional regulatory decisions. As discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law, it is sometimes difficult to reconcile the various statutory provisions while also recognizing the broad grant of rulemaking authority to the District. To the extent possible, the statutory provisions should be construed in a manner that gives meaning to each provision. 1132. Second, with respect to subsections (l) and (m) of Rule 40D-2.381(3), as set forth in Sections VI H and I and in the Conclusion of Law, these provisions grant unbridled discretion to the District because they purport to require a permittee to mitigate certain impacts "to the satisfaction of the District" without any basis for meaningful review. The District contends that, because the exercise of its discretion is subject to the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 120, F.S., it is acceptable. However, without a delineation of the factors that will be considered and the standards that will be utilized, there is no basis to evaluate the exercise of that discretion. In view of this conclusion, the other challenges to these provisions are moot and merit only brief discussion. 1133. Pinellas contends that the permit conditions contained in subsections (l) and (m) are invalid because they require a permittee to mitigate withdrawal impacts that are not directly the result of interference with existing legal uses of water, and/or are not based upon a minimum level or flow established pursuant to Section 373.042 or the reservation of a quantity of water pursuant to Section 373.223(3). Pinellas also contends that these conditions elevate property boundaries and land ownership to a level not permitted by Chapter 373. These contentions are not persuasive for the reasons set forth in Sections VI-B, VI-E and in the Conclusions of Law of this Final Order. 1134. Rule 40D-2.381(3)(b) appears to give the District the authority to revoke any permit for impacting a legal use of water. However, the testimony indicated that, under the District's interpretation of the three prong test, permits for existing uses of water that predated the advent of the water use permitting program are deemed to automatically meet the provision regarding interference with legal uses. Assuming that this interpretation is valid, Rule 40D-2.381(3)(b) creates an ambiguous situation where the permit condition could require mitigation even when the permittee, under the District's statutory interpretation, would not have to be concerned about its impacts on other uses. Such a scenario is unacceptably vague and ambiguous. Modification of Existing Permits in the NTB - Rule 40D-2.801(3)(c)3 1135. Rule 40D-2.801(3)(c)3 provides as follows: 3. All water use permits within the [Northern Tampa Bay] water-use caution area are hereby modified to conform with this Rule, and applicable permit conditions specified in "Section 7.3, Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications" are incorporated into all Water Use Permits within the Water-Use Caution Area. 1136. In BOR Section 7.3, the District set forth special water use permitting rules for the NTB WUCA. This section provides, in part, as follows: ...As of the effective date of this rule, all existing water use permits within the Water Use Caution Area are modified to incorporate the applicable measures and conditions described below. Valid permits, legally in effect as of the effective date of this rule, are hereafter referred to as existing permits. Applicable permit conditions, as specified below, are incorporated into all existing water use permits in the Water Use Caution Area and shall be placed on new permits issued within the area. However, both the language and the application of any permit conditions listed may be modified when appropriate.... 1137. These provisions were implemented by written notice to all permittees within the NTB WUCA that their permits were being modified and that they would be subject to the NTB WUCA rules. The notice included a Notice of Rights advising the permittee of the right to request an individual hearing to contest these modifications. No such requests were filed. 1138. As part of its challenges in this proceeding, Pinellas has alleged that the District lacks authority to adopt a rule modifying permits in this manner. Pinellas argues that such modifications cannot be made absent a request from the permittee or a demonstration that the water use is detrimental to other water users or to water resources. The District argues it must have the ability to modify permits without the permittee's consent in order to correct unanticipated problems. Without such authority, the District says it would be unable to address potentially serious impacts that may arise when, for example, the computer modeling done during the permit review process proves to have been inadequate to predict actual impacts. As discussed above and in the Conclusions of Law below, Pinellas' interpretation of the statutes is overly restrictive. The District clearly has authority as part of a declaration of a water resource caution area to modify classes 147 and/or individual permits. D. Water Shortage Declarations - Rule 40D- 2.511 In general 1139. Pinellas has challenged the District's rules regarding the establishment of water use caution areas. 1140. Rule 40D-2.511, F.A.C., provides as follows: The Board in accordance with Chapter 40D-21, may declare a water shortage exists within all or part of the District when insufficient water is available to meet the needs of the users or when conditions are such as to require temporary reduction in total use within the area to protect water resources from serious harm. The Board may impose such restrictions on one or more users of the water resources as may be necessary to protect the water resources of the area from serious harm as set forth in Part VI of Chapter 40D-21. 1141. The District has adopted additional water shortage regulations in Chapter 40D-21, F.A.C. Rules 40D- 21.531, 40D-21.541 and 40D-21.571 designate classes or classifications of water sources and water use that can be used to implement water shortage restrictions under Rule 40D-2.511. Chapter 40D-21 does not provide for regulation or restriction of individual permits or permittees. However, the District interprets Rule 40D-2.511 as including such authority. 1142. There are different sections in Chapter 373 that provide authority to the districts to declare water shortages and/or issue emergency orders. Rule 40D-2.511 cites only Section 373.246, F.S., as the law being implemented. In challenging this rule, Pinellas argues that the cited statute only authorizes the District to impose restrictions on one or more "classes of water uses". See, Section 373.246(3), F.S. Pinellas argues that the District must adopt and utilize a classification of water uses in order to impose any restrictions under this statute. 1143. In support of its rule, the District points to, among other things, its authority under Section 373.175(2), F.S., which authorizes the governing board to impose restrictions "on one or more users of the water resource as may be necessary to protect the water resources of the area from serious harm." The District argues that this statutory provision should also be considered in evaluating the challenged 148 rule. 1144. It is not clear why two separate statutory sections exist regarding the authority of the District to declare water shortages and/or emergency orders. To the extent possible, the statutes should be interpreted consistently. While Section 373.246(3) references "classes" of water use and Section 373.175(2) authorizes the imposition of restrictions on one or more individual uses, there appear to be no other pertinent substantive differences between the two statutory provisions. Pinellas' interpretation that the District cannot impose restrictions on individual users would create an inconsistency. 1145. Pinellas' also contends that Rule 40D-2.511 contravenes Section 373.171(2), which Pinellas argues creates a prioritization that requires the District to impose restrictions on more recent uses of water before any restrictions can be imposed on long-standing uses. Section 373.171(2) requires the District's rules to "act with a view to full protection of the existing rights of water in this state insofar as is consistent with the purpose of this law." [emphasis supplied]. The purpose of the law clearly includes the protection of the water resources. (See e.g., Section 373.171(3) which prohibits "any modification of existing use or disposition of water in the district unless it is shown that the use or disposition proposed to be modified is detrimental to other water users or to the water resources of the state.") 1146. Moreover, as discussed in more detail in the Conclusions of Law below, the Legislature in adopting the Water Resources Act in 1972, mandated that all uses of water be regulated through a permitting scheme. While Section 373.171 predates the adoption of the Water Resources Act, it must be interpreted consistently with that statute. A prioritization of users based upon the date a use began is not clearly evident in the statute and, in fact, would be contrary to the legislative scheme to regulate uses based upon permits of specific duration with a goal towards allocating water to those uses most in the public interest. 2. Rules 40D-2.801(2)(e) and (f) 1147. Pinellas has also challenged some of the factors that the existing rules direct the Governing Board to consider in declaring a water shortage and/or establishing a water use caution area. 1148. Rule 40D-2.801(2)(e) provides as follows: In determining whether an area should be declared a water use caution area, the Governing Board shall consider the following factors: * Offsite land uses; and Other resources as deemed appropriate by the Governing Board 1149. Pinellas contends that subsection (e) of the rule exceeds the District's grant of rulemaking authority in Section 373.171 by authorizing the District to consider offsite land uses in deciding whether to establish a water use caution area. Pinellas has not proven that this rule elevates property boundaries and land ownership to a level not permitted by Chapter 373. In order to fully assess the nature and extent of a water crisis, its likely impact and duration, and possible ways to resolve it, the District must have the authority to consider land uses in the area. 1150. Pinellas contends that subsection (f) of this rule is unduly vague and would authorize the Board to consider non-water related resources. This provision was intended to provide the Board with flexibility since it is impossible to fully anticipate all of the factors that may be involved in a water shortage. This provision ensures that the Board's consideration of a factor that is not specifically delineated in the rule will not serve as a basis for invalidating the Board's action. The Board's action is subject to review pursuant to Section 373.175(4) and 373.246(8). Pinellas has not carried its burden of showing that this provision is vague, arbitrary or otherwise invalid. Challenges of Non-Rule Agency Statements Inverse Presumptions 1151. Some Petitioners have alleged that the District's application of the inverse of the presumptions contained in the Basis of Review constitutes non-rule policy F.S. which contravenes Section 120.535, 149 The District contends that each individual presumption is only part of its overall analysis and that the presumptions in the Basis of Review provide applicants with some guidance as to the quantum of proof necessary to obtain a permit. According to the District, the presumptions and their inverse lay out an acceptable method for evaluating water use permit applications for compliance with Rule 40D-2.301 and the Basis of Review while enabling it to efficiently process water use permit applications without undue expense or technical burden on either the applicant or the District staff. 1152. The findings in Sections III a 3 c and VI A 6 above regarding the District's general use of presumptions are applicable to the application of the inverse presumptions and effectively render moot the Section 120.535 challenges to the inverse presumptions. However, because of the importance of the issues and the uncertainty surrounding them, the following additional findings of fact are made. 1153. The presumptions in the BOR regarding wetlands, lakes, streams and existing users are applied in the inverse. Thus, for example, while the wetlands presumptions as written states that the District presumes there is no unacceptable environmental impact if the withdrawal combined with other withdrawals will not lower the water table under a wetland by more than one foot, the District will also presume that a withdrawal of water will cause unacceptable environmental impacts if the modeled water table drawdown from the withdrawal projects that the water table will be lowered at a wetland by more than 1 foot. The District has applied the inverse of these presumptions since the revised water use permitting rules went into effect on October 1, 1989. 1154. While the District contends the inverse of the presumptions are simply the logical corollary of the promulgated statements, the scientific basis necessary to support a presumption can vary greatly depending upon which way it is applied. For example, a study of the impacts of water withdrawals from seepage lakes may support the application of a presumption that withdrawals that cause a drawdown above a certain level will result in unacceptable impacts to virtually any lake. However, the converse -- that withdrawals below that level will not have unacceptable impacts -- would almost certainly not be true. 1155. No applicant has ever successfully rebutted the District's application of the inverse of the presumptions. The Water Use Design Aids - Section C- 1 of the District's Water Use Permit Information Manual 1156. The District's use of the Water Use Design Aids in Part C of the Basis of Review has been challenged as an "agency statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy or describes the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of an agency...." In other words, some Petitioners have alleged that the Design Aids constitute a "rule" as defined in Section 120.52(16), F.S., which has not been promulgated as required by Section 120.535, F.S. The District claims the Water Use Design Aids are merely a screening tool to facilitate the review of water use permit applications and do not constitute a "rule" for purposes of the APA. 1157. Part C-1 of the Design Aids contains a "Withdrawal Impact Analysis" which provides in pertinent part: WITHDRAWAL IMPACT ANALYSIS The District considers the following procedures acceptable methods for analyzing impacts which may result from water withdrawals. The District will perform the analysis for all applications to determine compliance with Chapter 40D-2, Florida Administrative Code, (F.A.C.). However, an applicant may use these procedures in designing a water withdrawal system so that it meets Dis cumulative analysis should be performed for all applications.... Ground-Water Withdrawals Impacts caused by ground-water withdrawals are commonly evaluated through the use of analytical and numerical models. The modeling concept is to start with a simple conservative model and to move forward in model complexity as needed. Level 1 - Basic Analysis Artesian aquifer withdrawals - Analysis is performed using the proposed peak- month quantities from a single permit application in a leaky-aquifer steady-state model that simulates only the impacts on the potentiometric surface. All performance standards are considered met and the analysis is complete if the simulation shows that: the drawdown is minimal in the potentiometric surface underneath wetlands and water bodies (generally < 1.0 feet in the northern portion of the District and < 4.0 feet in the southern portion of the District, as identified in Figure C-1, and where the 3 leakance is >0.001 gpd/ft ), and the drawdown is minimal in the potentiometric surface at the property boundary (generally < 1.0 feet in the northern portion of the District, and < 4.0 feet in the southern portion of the District, as identified in Figure C-1). The property boundary is used here as a screen against impacts to off-site water or land uses. Water Table aquifer withdrawals - Analysis is performed using proposed quantities from a single application in a model that simulates only the impacts on the water table. If the drawdown in the water table from this simulation is minimal (generally < 0.5 foot) underneath wetlands and water bodies, and at the property boundary, all Performance Standards are presumed met. Areas of Water-Quality Concern - In areas of concern for salt water intrusion, mineralized-water upconing (Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3, Basis of Review), pollution inducement, or other water-quality related problems, Level 1 analysis may be omitted, and the analysis may begin at Level 2. If Level 1 screening thresholds are exceeded, Level 2 analysis is undertaken. Level 2 - Comprehensive Analysis If the impacts predicted exceed the Level 1 screening thresholds, the analysis is further developed to simulate the hydrogeology of the area. Generally, model simulations are developed with one layer per aquifer, a 90-day peak withdrawal period and no rainfall. However, other factors will be considered such as on-site application of water (e.g. irrigation infiltration, percolation ponds, etc.). The results of these simulations are then used in the determination of cumulative impacts. First, the model is run using only the quantities proposed in the application being reviewed. Drawdown contours are then determined from this simulation. Artesian aquifer withdrawals - all water withdrawals located within the drawdown contours corresponding to 1.0 foot in the potentiometric surface in the northern portion of the District, or 4.0 feet in the southern portion of the District (See Figure C-1), and >0.001gpd/ft ), where the Leakance is 3 are input to the model, using quantities that correspond to the time-frame used in the first simulation. Water table aquifer withdrawals - all withdrawals within the 0.5 foot water table drawdown contour are input to the model, using quantities that correspond to the time- frame used in the individual model. The drawdowns are then evaluated to determine whether the application meets the Presumptions Renewal applications - If impacts are predicted in excess of the Presumptions a more comprehensive evaluation of the area is undertaken. This evaluation may include analysis of head differentials, site investigation of potentially impacted areas, and other relevant information. If the investigation indicates the Performance Standards are met, the analysis is complete. If Performance Standards are not met, a further investigation into the scope of the problem and the contributing factors is undertaken and appropriate measures to address these impacts may be implemented equitably among all contributing withdrawals. New withdrawals - If impacts are predicted in excess of the Presumptions, a similar comprehensive evaluation is undertaken. If the evaluation indicates that the Performance Standards are met, the analysis is complete. If the Performance Standards are not met, the applicant may address the impacts by reducing the withdrawals, relocating the proposed withdrawal points, or providing a plan for monitoring and mitigating the impacts. [Emphasis added] 1158. The Part C-1 Withdrawal Impact Analysis contemplates that a WUP applicant will use a groundwater flow model, the results of which are used to determine compliance with the presumptions and performance standards in the Basis of Review. The regulatory models typically used by the District are discussed in Section III(A)(3)(d) above. The regulatory models are generally set up to simulate a worst-case scenario such as no rainfall for a 90-day period during which maximum pumping occurs. The Design Aids provide some general guidance, but there is nothing in the rules or BOR that provide standards or guidelines for this analysis. 1159. When a WUP application is filed with the District, the District staff performs a Level 1 - Basic Analysis. Unless there is site specific information to the contrary, if the applicant passes the analysis, then the applicant is presumed to have met the Conditions for Issuance and the District generally will not do any further analysis. 1160. Under the Level 1 analysis, the District models only the applicant's proposed requested quantity of water to determine the predicted water level impacts. As suggested in the preamble to Section C-1, the District's Level 1 Analysis models the peak proposed monthly withdrawal to simulate the maximum potential impact that the proposed withdrawal would have. For artesian aquifer withdrawals, the District's Level 1 model Analysis uses a "leaky-aquifer steady-state 150 that simulates only the impacts [of the individual proposed use] on the potentiometric surface" of the aquifer. A proposed withdrawal passes the Level 1 analysis in the northern portion of the District if the modeled potentiometric surface drawdown is less than 1.0 foot under wetlands or other water bodies and at the property boundary. In the southern part of the District, the modeled drawdown must be less than 4.0 feet at the same 151 locations. 1161. The District says either the J-H Model or MODFLOW can be used for a Level 1 Analysis depending on the circumstances. A 1995 internal District Memorandum cautioned staff permit reviewers to exercise a high degree of professional judgment when considering the utilization of the J-H Model. The simplifying assumptions of the J-H Model limit its value in projecting drawdowns in areas where groundwater withdrawals affect the water table aquifer. Consequently, the J-H Model has not been used by the District since August 1992 to project drawdowns in the poorly confined portions of the northern Tampa Bay region. Neither the BOR nor the Design Aids provide any guidance or standards regarding the use of a particular model. 1162. If an applicant does not exceed the thresholds in the Level 1 Analysis, Part-C analysis, it is not clear whether or how a third party could rebut the resulting conclusions. 1163. The Level 1 Analysis can provide a basis for the District to conclude that the impact-related Conditions for Issuance have been met and can result in the issuance of permits which have not been subject to any cumulative impact analysis. The District downplays the significance of these smaller water users, but continued permitting without effective cumulative analysis has contributed to many of the resource problems in the District. In effect, the Level 1 non-rule policy effectively insulates withdrawals that fall below the threshold from cumulative accountability. Cf., Section 373.118, F.S (which requires the adoption of rules for general permits that are deemed not to have an impact. For example, in the SWUCA, where a number of relatively smaller uses have been permitted, there are now serious saltwater intrusion problems. In effect, the Level 1 non-rule policy can effectively insulate withdrawals that fall below the threshold from cumulative accountability. 1164. When the modeled potentiometric surface drawdowns exceed the applicable Level 1 threshold, then the District will apply the Level 2 - Comprehensive Analysis, which is sometimes referred to as a "limited cumulative analysis." 1165. Under the Level 2 - Comprehensive Analysis, the District utilizes a more sophisticated model simulation of the proposed withdrawal and determines the proposed withdrawals' projected one foot potentiometric surface drawdown contour. (If the applicant's withdrawal is located in the southern portion of the District, the four foot contour is used.) Then the District will include all the other permitted withdrawals located within that drawdown contour as well as all water-table aquifer withdrawals within the .5 foot water table drawdown contour and rerun the simulation with all permittees within those contours 152 included with the proposed withdrawal. The resulting modeled drawdown contours are then used in applying the BOR presumptive thresholds. 1166. The Design Aids indicate that a Level 2 Analysis should generally be run with a transient-state model simulation for a 90-day period. The simulation is sometimes run for longer periods if, in the professional judgment of the permit reviewer, it will take the system longer to respond and 153 equilibrate. 1167. The Design Aids also provide that the model should assume that no recharge is made to the source of the proposed withdrawal during the simulation period. 1168. If the limited cumulative modeling simulation (Level 2) demonstrates the presumptions are not exceeded, then the impact-related Performance Standards in BOR Section 4.0 are considered met. If the Level 2 analysis demonstrates the presumptive thresholds will be exceeded, then a more complex analysis of the permit application is undertaken by District staff. Smaller uses of water that only have to satisfy the Level 1 noncumulative analysis could theoretically impact the ability of larger uses of water to pass the Level 2 analysis because the smaller uses would be included in evaluating the larger user's impact under the Level 2 cumulative analysis. 1169. This regulatory structure can cause some anomalous results. For example, if the District examined four separate users with wells in a general area in the southern portion of the District and each of those four users did not exceed the 4 foot potentiometric surface drawdown threshold, then each of those four users would be deemed to satisfy the District's standards and would be issued a WUP. However, if the four wells were owned by one user, the model could show that the four wells produced impacts that lowered the potentiometric surface by more than four feet at the owner's property boundary, and thus this user would be deemed to have failed the Level 1 analysis and would have be subject to the Level 2 limited cumulative analysis. 1170. Under the limited comulative analysis, if there is another large user just outside the one foot potentiometric surface drawdown contour that other large user would not be included in the cumulative analysis, as it is described in Part C. The District suggests that it would be aware of such a neighboring large use and could require that the other large user be included in the level 2 Analysis. The District has no written guidelines or policies which explain the factors that will be considered in deciding whether to disregard the plain language in Part C and require the neighboring larger use to be included in the Model. 1171. The Design Aids set forth analysis techniques used by the District on virtually all water use permit applications to assist in the determination of whether the Conditions for Issuance have been met. Theoretically, an applicant is free to use methods other than the Design Aids to demonstrate compliance with the rule criteria. However, even if an applicant does not utilize the Design Aids, the District will apply the analysis to any application it receives. This is clear from the introductory language in Part C-1. 1172. Part C-1 also provides that all "Performance Standards in the BOR are met if the applicant satisfies the Part C-1 analysis." This statement and the evidence as to how the Design Aids are used compel the conclusion that the Design Aids have the effect of a rule as defined in Section 120.52(16), and therefore must be adopted through rulemaking proceedings under Section 120.54, F.S. 1173. The District asserts a number of reasons why it should not be required to adopt the Design Aids as a rule. First, the District claims it is continually developing better tools and refining its computer modeling techniques based upon post-audit data and technological advances. However, the possibility or even probability of improvements in technology and computer modeling do not render infeasible or impracticable the District's adoption of its impact analysis as a rule. 1174. The District also contends that the Design Aids only provide examples of acceptable analysis techniques and are not intended to be all-inclusive with respect to the methodologies that may be applied. The District says it must have the discretion to apply an alternative computer model when necessary to adequately determine whether a WUP applicant satisfies the impact criteria of the Conditions for Issuance. The evidence indicates the District's analysis practices have been fairly consistent over time. Moreover, the District could specify criteria or standards from which WUP applicants could anticipate how or when the Design Aids would apply. 1175. Finally, the District says proper application of the Design Aids requires the exercise of professional judgment to determine, for example, the period of time for which the computer model should be run. Although it may not be feasible for the District to detail in a rule all of the specifics regarding the manner in which Level 1 and Level 2 analyses should be conducted, the general parameters and framework regarding the application of the Design Aids can and should be adopted in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 120, F.S. The rules could be drafted in a manner that would allow the District and applicants adequate flexibility to address site-specific conditions.
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent, Krista Howard,2/ is entitled to issuance of the Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Recommended Intent to Grant Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, as announced by Respondent, Department of Environmental Protection, in the Consolidated Notice of Intent to Issue Environmental Resource Permit and Lease to Use Sovereignty Submerged Lands issued on July 28, 2017, and subsequently amended on January 11, 2018.3/
Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner Defenders is a Florida non-profit corporation that has been in existence since the mid-1980s or earlier. Defenders' primary purpose is to protect and preserve Crooked Lake so that it may remain an Outstanding Florida Water ("OFW") for all members of the public to use and enjoy. Defenders has more than 25 members who reside in Polk County, Florida. Its membership consists of approximately 100 family memberships, mostly comprised of persons who live on or near Crooked Lake. Petitioners Gerards are riparian landowners on Crooked Lake, whose property is located immediately adjacent to, and slightly to the northwest of, Respondent Howard's property. The Gerards' home address is 1055 Scenic Highway North, Babson Park, Florida 33827. Respondent Howard is the applicant for the Consolidated Authorization for the Dock. Howard's property, which is riparian to Crooked Lake, is located at 1045 Scenic Highway North, Babson Park, Florida 33827. Respondent DEP is the administrative agency of the State of Florida statutorily charged with, among other things, protecting Florida's water resources. As part of DEP's performance of these duties, it administers and enforces the provisions of chapter 373, part IV, Florida Statutes, and the rules adopted pursuant to that statute. Pursuant to that authority, DEP determines whether to issue or deny applications for ERPs. Pursuant to section 253.002, Florida Statutes, DEP also serves as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund ("Board of Trustees") and, in that capacity, reviews and determines whether to issue or deny, applications for approval to use sovereignty submerged lands.5/ DEP Review of the Application The Dock is proposed to be located on sovereignty submerged lands and in surface waters subject to State of Florida regulatory jurisdiction. Therefore, an environmental resource permit and a sovereignty submerged lands lease are required. On or about February 14, 2017, Todd Rickman, Howard's professional contractor who designed the Dock, filed an Application for a Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease for Existing Structures and Activities6/ ("Application") with DEP's Southwest District Office, seeking approval to construct and operate the Dock. On or about March 15, 2017, DEP requested additional information regarding the project. Howard submitted the requested items, and the Application was determined complete on May 30, 2017. Notice of DEP's receipt of the Lease portion of the Application was provided as required by section 253.115. The comment period commenced on June 15, 2017, and ended on July 6, 2017. As previously noted, on July 28, 2017, DEP issued the Consolidated Notice of Intent, proposing to issue the Consolidated Authorization to construct and operate the Dock. On January 11, 2018, DEP amended the Consolidated Notice of Intent to accurately reflect the "clearly in the public interest" permitting standard for the ERP portion of the Consolidated Authorization, which is applicable to projects proposed in OFWs. Background Crooked Lake Crooked Lake (also, "Lake") is an approximately 4,247-acre freshwater lake in Polk County, Florida. It is an irregularly shaped karst lake roughly resembling an inverted "L," with the longer axis running north to south. It is located on the Lake Wales Ridge. Crooked Lake is designated an OFW by Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-302.700(9)(i)9.7/ The Lake is classified as a Class III waterbody pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-302.400(15).8/ The elevations and bottom contours in Crooked Lake vary substantially throughout the Lake. Thus, water depths may, and generally do, vary substantially from one location to another throughout the Lake. The water levels in Crooked Lake fluctuate frequently and, at times, dramatically, depending on rainfall frequency and amounts. A graph prepared by Petitioners' Witness James Tully, using Southwest Florida Water Management District ("SWFWMD") historical water level data for Crooked Lake measured in National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ("NGVD") shows water levels historically fluctuating from as low as approximately 106 feet in or around 1991, to as high as 123 feet NGVD in or around 1951, 1961, and 2004. Rickman generated a water level graph using the Polk County Water Atlas ("Atlas") website. This graph, which covers the period of 2008 through mid-2017, shows that the water levels in Crooked Lake, for this most recent ten-year period, fluctuated approximately five feet, with the lowest levels falling slightly below 114 feet NGVD for relatively short periods in 2012 and 2013, and the highest level rising to approximately 119 feet NGVD in mid-2017. The competent, credible evidence shows that although water levels in Crooked Lake may occasionally rise to levels at or around 123 feet NGVD, those conditions have been associated with extreme weather events such as hurricanes, are atypical, and are relatively short-lived. The maximum water level in Crooked Lake is subject to control by a weir located south of the Lake. Discharge from the weir occurs at a control elevation of 120 feet NGVD. As such, the water level in parts of Crooked Lake may, at times, temporarily exceed 120 feet NGVD, but will eventually decrease to 120 feet NGVD as the water flows south and is discharged through the weir. To the extent rainfall does not recharge the Lake, water levels may fall below 120 feet NGVD. The ordinary high water line ("OHWL"), which constitutes the boundary between privately-owned uplands and sovereignty submerged lands, has been established at 120.0 feet NGVD for Crooked Lake. Crooked Lake is used for recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, boating, and jet ski use, and there are public and private boat ramps at various points on the lake that provide access to the Lake. There is no marina having a fueling station on the Lake. The credible evidence shows that the northeast portion of the Lake, where the Dock is proposed to be located, experiences a substantial amount of boat and jet ski traffic. This portion of the Lake also is used for swimming, water- skiing, wakeboarding, the use of "towables" such as inner tubes, and for other in-water recreational uses. The Proposed Dock Howard holds fee title by warranty deed to parcel no. 333028-000000-033140 located at 1045 Scenic Highway, Babson Park, Florida.9/ This parcel has approximately 110 linear feet of riparian shoreline on Crooked Lake. The Dock is proposed to be constructed and operated on sovereignty submerged lands adjacent to this riparian upland parcel, which is located on the eastern shore of the northeastern portion of Crooked Lake. The Dock, as proposed, is a private single-family residential dock that will be used by Howard for water-dependent recreational purposes, such as specifically, boating, fishing, swimming, and sunbathing. The Dock is not proposed to be constructed or used by, or to otherwise serve, commercial or multifamily residential development. The Dock is configured as a "T," supported by pilings and consisting of a 4-foot-wide by 152-foot-long access walkway, and an approximately 1,983-square-foot terminal platform comprised of a lower-level platform having four vessel slips and a flat platform roof. Two sets of stairs lead from the lower level of the terminal platform to the platform roof, which will be elevated eight feet above the lower-level platform and will have a railed perimeter. The platform roof will function as a roof for the boat storage area below and a sundeck. The four slips on the Dock's lower-level platform will be used for permanent mooring for up to six watercraft: a 23-foot-long ski boat,10/ a 20-foot-long fishing boat, and four jet skis. As proposed, the Dock will occupy a total area of approximately 2,591 square feet. The lower platform of the Dock is proposed to be constructed at an elevation of 121 feet NGVD. The roof/upper platform will be constructed eight feet above that, at an elevation of 129 feet NGVD. The pilings supporting the Dock will be wrapped in an impervious material to prevent leaching of metals and other pollutants into the water. Pursuant to the Specific Purpose Field Survey ("Survey") for the Lease submitted as part of the Application, the Lease will preempt approximately 2,591 square feet, and closely corresponds to the footprint of the Dock. The submerged lands surrounding the Dock that are not occupied by the footprint of the Dock, including the area between terminal platform and the shoreline, are not included in the preempted area of the Lease.11/ The Survey shows "approximate riparian lines" which delineate Howard's riparian area oriented to the center of the waterbody and to the primary navigation channel in the northeast portion of Crooked Lake. As shown on the version of the Survey initially filed as part of the Application, the Dock was proposed to be located approximately 4.7 feet, at its closest point, from the southern riparian line. However, in response to DEP's request for additional information, the Survey was modified in April 2017, to shift the Dock northward within Howard's riparian area. The Dock is now proposed to be located 25.1 feet, at its closest point, from the southern riparian line, and 29.4 feet, at its closest point, from the northern riparian line. The walkway of the Dock will commence at an approximate elevation of 120 feet NGVD, which corresponds to the OHWL established for Crooked Lake. As previously noted above, the walkway will extend waterward approximately 152 feet, where it will intersect with the terminal platform. The terminal platform will extend another 52 feet waterward. In total, the Dock is proposed to extend waterward approximately 204 feet from the OHWL. Although the Dock would be one of the longest and largest docks on Crooked Lake, the credible evidence establishes that there are several other docks of similar size and/or length on the Lake. Rickman testified that he obtained approvals for, or was otherwise aware of, several docks over 2,000 square feet on the Lake. Additionally, the evidence showed that eight other docks on the Lake are longer than the proposed Dock.12/ Rickman testified that most of the larger docks on Crooked Lake have roofs, and that most of these roofs are pitched, rather than flat.13/ As noted above, the water level in Crooked Lake frequently and, at times, extensively fluctuates. As a result, there are periods during which water depths in parts of the Lake are extremely shallow. Rickman testified that the Dock was designed to extend far enough out into Crooked Lake to reach sufficient water depth to enable Howard to maximize the use of the Dock for boating throughout the year. The Dock is designed to extend out to the point at which the bottom elevation of the Lake is approximately 109.9 feet NGVD. Based on the Atlas' ten-year water level graph for Crooked Lake referenced above, Rickman projected that at this point, the water depth typically would be sufficient to allow Howard to operate her largest vessel, the 23-foot ski boat. The ski boat has a 25-inch draft.14/ The boat will be stored out of the water on a boat lift on the Dock, attached by cables to a sub-roof immediately beneath the platform roof. When being lowered into or hoisted from the water, the boat will be placed in a boat cradle consisting of two containment railings approximately 18 inches high each on either side, and a "V" shaped aluminum bottom with bunks on which the boat is cradled. The aluminum bottom of the cradle was estimated to be two to three inches thick. Although the boat cradle is approximately 18 to 21 inches in "total height,"15/ the cradle does not have to be completely lowered its entire 18- to 21-inch height into the water when used. Steven Howard explained, credibly, that the cradle needs to be lowered into the water only a few inches lower than the ski boat's 25-inch draft to enable the boat to float into or out of the cradle. To that point, Rickman testified that taking into account the 25-inch draft of the ski boat and the "total height" of the boat cradle, between 40 and 44 inches of water depth would be required when the cradle is used in order to avoid coming into contact with the Lake bottom. Based on the Atlas graph showing the lowest water levels for the previous ten-year period at approximately 114 feet NGVD, Rickman designed the Dock to extend out to the 109.9-foot NGVD bottom elevation point. At this point, the projected water depth would be slightly more than four feet during periods of the lowest projected water levels for Crooked Lake. For the Dock to be able to wharf out to 109.9 feet NGVD bottom elevation, it must extend a total of approximately 204 feet waterward into the Lake. The credible evidence establishes that while Howard's ski boat is one of the largest, it is not the largest boat operated on Crooked Lake. Impacts Assessment for Environmental Resource Permit Water Quality Impacts As noted above, Crooked Lake is a Class III waterbody. Accordingly, the surface water quality standards and criteria applicable to Class III waters in Florida codified in rule 62-302.300 apply to Crooked Lake. The Dock, as proposed to be constructed and operated, is not anticipated to adversely affect or degrade water quality in Crooked Lake. Specifically, as required by the Consolidated Authorization, a floating turbidity curtain will be installed around the boundary of the construction area before construction commences, and it must be left in place until construction is complete and turbidity levels in the work area have returned to background levels. Additionally, as noted, the pilings supporting the Dock must be wrapped in an impervious material to prevent leaching of metals and other pollutants into the water over the life of the structure. The Consolidated Authorization also prohibits the installation and use of fueling equipment at the Dock; prohibits the discharge of sewage or other waste into the water; prohibits liveaboards; prohibits fish cleaning or the installation of fish cleaning stations unless sufficient measures such as sink screens and waste receptacles are in place; and prohibits repair and maintenance activities involving scraping, sanding, painting, stripping, recoating, and other activities that may degrade water quality or release pollutants into the water. Although the Consolidated Authorization imposes a specific condition requiring, for all vessels using the Dock, a minimum 12-inch clearance between the deepest draft of the vessel (with motor in the down position) and the top of submerged resources, it does not specifically address circumstances where the use of the boat cradle, rather than the vessel itself, may come into contact with the Lake bottom. DEP's witness acknowledged that if the boat cradle were to come into contact with the Lake bottom, water quality standards may be violated. Given the information presented at the final hearing regarding the operation of the boat lift and the need for sufficient clearance between the bottom of the boat cradle and the lake bottom, the undersigned recommends that a specific condition be included in the Consolidated Authorization prohibiting contact of the Lake bottom by the boat cradle. This recommended condition is set forth in paragraph 73.A., below. Upon consideration of the conditions imposed by the Consolidated Authorization discussed above, including imposing a specific condition that prohibits contact of the boat cradle with the Lake bottom, the undersigned finds that the Dock will not adversely affect or degrade the water quality of Crooked Lake. Water Quantity Impacts The Dock, as proposed, is a piling-supported structure that will not impound, store, or impede the flow of surface waters. As such, the Dock will not cause adverse flooding to on-site or offsite property, will not result in adverse impacts to surface water storage and conveyance capabilities, and will not result in adverse impacts to the maintenance of surface or ground water levels. Impacts to Fish, Wildlife, and Listed Species and Habitat The Application states, in section 5, question 6, that there is no vegetation on Howard's riparian shoreline. However, the Survey depicts an area of emergent grasses approximately 60 feet wide and extending diagonally approximately 70 feet waterward into the Lake. The Survey depicts this grassed area as straddling the riparian line between Howard's property and the adjacent parcel to the south. The Survey shows the Dock as being located a significant distance waterward of the grassed area, such that no portion of the Dock will be located on or near this grassed area. Additionally, an aerial photograph of Howard's property and the Lake waterward of Howard's property shows a smaller patch of what appears to be emergent grasses further offshore. This grassed area is not shown on the Survey, and it cannot definitively be determined, by examining the Survey and the aerial photograph, whether this grassed area is growing in an area that will be impacted by the Dock. Steven Howard acknowledged that this smaller grassed area may be located at or near the jet ski slip on the southeastern side of the Dock. An environmental assessment of this smaller grassed area was not performed or submitted as part of the Application. Thus, any value that this area may have as fish and wildlife habitat was not assessed as part of DEP's determination that the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, and to listed species and their habitat. In order to provide reasonable assurance that the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, and to listed species and their habitat, the undersigned recommends including a specific condition in the Consolidated Authorization requiring this smaller grassed area to be completely avoided during construction and operation of the Dock, or, if avoidance is not feasible, that an environmental assessment be performed prior to construction so that the value of this grassed area, if any, to fish, wildlife, and listed species can be evaluated to determine whether minimization and compensatory mitigation should be required. This recommended condition is set forth in paragraph 73.B., below. As previously noted, the Consolidated Authorization contains a specific condition requiring a minimum 12-inch clearance between the deepest draft of the vessel (with the motor in the down position) and the top of submerged resources for all vessels that will use the docking facility. Compliance with this condition will help ensure that the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and to listed species and their habitat of any such submerged resources is not adversely impacted by vessels using the Dock. The Consolidated Authorization also contains a specific condition requiring handrails to be installed on the Dock to prevent mooring access to portions of the Dock other than the wetslips. This will help protect submerged resources in shallower areas in the vicinity of the Dock. Fish populations in the immediate area of the Dock site may temporarily be affected during construction of the Dock; however, those impacts are not anticipated to be permanent. Additionally, as previously discussed, the Dock pilings must be wrapped with an impervious material to prevent leaching of pollutants into the water, and once installed, the pilings may provide habitat for fish and a substrate for benthic organisms. Provided that the conditions set forth in the draft Consolidated Authorization, as well as the recommendation regarding the smaller grassed area, are included in the final version of the Consolidated Authorization, it is determined that the construction and operation of the Dock will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish, wildlife, or to listed species or their habitat.16/ Impact on Navigation Petitioners assert that the Dock will constitute a hazard to navigation in the northeast portion of Crooked Lake. Specifically, they assert that because the Dock will extend out approximately 204 feet into the Lake, it necessarily will create a navigational hazard to boaters in the vicinity. As support, Petitioners presented evidence consisting of Steven Howard's testimony that an inner tube on which his nephew was riding, that was being pulled behind a motor boat, collided with the Gerards' 84-foot-long floating dock adjacent to Howard's riparian area. Petitioners argue that if an 84-foot-long dock creates a navigational hazard, a 204-foot-long dock would create an even greater navigational hazard. The undersigned does not find this argument persuasive. The portion of Crooked Lake on which the Dock is proposed to be located is approximately a mile and a half to two miles long and one-half to three-quarters of a mile wide. Although this portion of Crooked Lake experiences substantial boat traffic, the evidence shows that the Lake is sufficiently large in this area, even with the Dock in place, to allow safe navigation. To this point, it is noted that there are two other longer docks in the northeastern portion of Crooked Lake, extending 220 and 244 feet into the Lake from the shoreline. There was no evidence presented showing that either of these docks constitutes a navigational hazard.17/ Petitioners also assert that during periods of high water in this portion of Crooked Lake, the Dock will be underwater and thus will present a navigational hazard. In support, they presented photographs taken on October 30, 2017—— approximately six weeks after Hurricane Irma struck central Florida——showing ten docks, out of the 109 docks on Crooked Lake, that were partially or completely submerged.18/ When the photographs were taken, the approximate water elevation was 119.2 feet NGVD. All or a portion of the submerged docks had been constructed at or below the 119.2-foot NGVD elevation. The docks without roofs were mostly or completely invisible under the water. However, for the roofed docks, the roofs remained visible above the water even when their docking platforms were submerged. Here, although the walkway and lower platform of Howard's Dock is proposed to be constructed at an elevation of 121 feet NGVD, the roof will be constructed at an elevation of 129 feet NGVD. Thus, even during the relatively infrequent periods19/ during which the water level in Crooked Lake may exceed 121 feet NGVD, the platform roof will still be visible to vessels navigating in this portion of the Lake. Additionally, the Consolidated Authorization contains a specific condition requiring the waterward end of the Dock to be marked with a sufficient number of reflectors to be visible from the water at night by reflected light. This condition provides additional assurance that the Dock will not present a navigational hazard. For these reasons, it is determined that the Dock will not adversely affect navigation. Other ERP-Related Issues The evidence did not show that the Dock is proposed to be located in or proximate to a "work of the District," as defined in section 373.019(28). The only "work of the District" about which evidence was presented is the weir located south of Crooked Lake. This structure is many thousands of feet south of the Dock. There was no evidence presented showing that the Dock would have any impact on this weir. The Dock, as proposed, was designed by an experienced professional contractor who has designed and installed many docks on Crooked Lake, and, as such, is anticipated to function as proposed. The Dock must be built according to engineering diagrams to the Consolidated Authorization, and as-built drawings must be submitted when Dock construction is complete so that DEP can confirm that the Dock is constructed in accordance with the approved design. The evidence establishes that Howard, as the applicant, and Rickman, as the professional contractor in charge of construction, are financially, legally, and administratively capable of ensuring that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Authorization. No evidence to the contrary was presented. The Dock will be located in the waters of Crooked Lake and will be affixed to the submerged bottom. The Department of State, Division of Historical Resources ("DHR"), did not provide any comments indicating that historical or archaeological resources are anticipated to be impacted by the project. Additionally, the Consolidated Authorization contains a general condition requiring subsurface activity associated with construction of the Dock to immediately cease, and DHR to be contacted, if any prehistoric or historic artifacts, such as pottery or ceramics, stone tools or implements, dugout canoes, or other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures or early colonial or American settlements are encountered at any time within the project site area. Additional Recommended Conditions Based on the foregoing, the undersigned recommends that the following specific conditions be included in the Consolidated Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI: A minimum six-inch clearance shall be maintained between the top of all submerged resources and the deepest draft of the cradle of the boat lift while in use. For purposes of this condition, submerged resources consist of the bottom sediment and/or any submerged grasses or other aquatic organisms. Any emergent grasses in the permittee's riparian area shall be avoided during the construction and operation of the Dock. If it is not feasible to avoid these grasses, an environmental assessment of the grassed area shall be performed and submitted to the Department prior to commencing construction, so that the value of this grassed area, if any, to fish, wildlife, and listed species can be evaluated and the extent to which minimization and/or compensatory mitigation is appropriate can be determined. Clearly in the Public Interest Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-4.070, Standards for Issuing or Denying Permits, states in pertinent part: A permit shall be issued to the applicant upon such conditions as the Department may direct, only if the applicant affirmatively provides the Department with reasonable assurance based on plans, test results, installation of pollution control equipment, or other information, that the construction, expansion, modification, operation, or activity of the installation will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of Department standards or rules. In addition to the foregoing permitting requirements, because the Dock is proposed to be located in an OFW, Howard also must provide reasonable assurance that the Dock meets the "clearly in the public interest" standard. The "clearly in the public interest" standard does not require the applicant to demonstrate need for the project or a net public benefit from the project. Rather, this standard requires the applicant to provide greater assurances, under the circumstances specific to the project, that the project will comply with the applicable permitting requirements.20/ For the reasons discussed above, and with the inclusion of the additional recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the proposed Dock meets the applicable permitting requirements and the "clearly in the public interest" standard for issuance of the ERP. Impacts Assessment for Sovereignty Submerged Lands Lease Water-Dependency of the Proposed Dock A water-dependent activity is one which can only be conducted in, on, over, or adjacent to water areas because the activity requires direct access to the water body or sovereignty submerged lands for specified activities, including recreation, and where the use of water or sovereignty submerged lands is an integral part of the activity. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 18-21.003(71). Petitioners argue that the Dock will not constitute a water-dependent activity because the depth of water in the slips may, at times, be insufficient to allow operation of Howard's vessels while complying with the requirement that a minimum 12- inch clearance be maintained between the lowest draft of the vessel and submerged resources. The undersigned finds this argument unpersuasive. The Dock is being constructed specifically for the purpose of enabling Howard to use her vessels for boating——a recreational activity for which use of the water indisputably is an integral part. The Dock's primary purpose is to moor vessels that will be used for the water-dependent recreational activities of boating and fishing, and other water-dependent recreational uses of the Dock include fishing, swimming and sunbathing. Case law interpreting the Florida Administrative Code Chapter 18-21 makes clear that because docks are used for mooring vessels or conducting other in-water recreational uses, they are "water-dependent" activities for purposes of the rules.21/ Thus, even if water depths in the Dock's slips are at times insufficient for vessel mooring or launching,22/ this does not render the Dock not a "water-dependent activity." Resource Management Requirements The preempted area of the Lease is proposed to be used for a Dock that will be used for boating, fishing, and swimming. These traditional in-water recreational uses are consistent with the management purposes of sovereignty submerged lands as described in rule 18-21.004(2)(a). With the inclusion of the conditions currently proposed in the draft Consolidated Approval, as well as the recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., the undersigned determines that the Dock will not result in adverse impacts to sovereignty submerged lands and associated resources. With the inclusion of the conditions currently proposed in the draft Consolidated Approval, as well as the recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., the undersigned determines that the Dock is designed to minimize or eliminate impacts to fish and wildlife habitat and submerged resources. With the inclusion of the currently proposed conditions in the draft Consolidated Authorization, as well as the recommended conditions set forth in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the Dock, as designed and constructed, will minimize or eliminate cutting, removal, or destruction of wetland vegetation. Additionally, as discussed above, the proposed Consolidated Approval requires the avoidance of adverse impacts to historic and cultural resources. Riparian Rights Consistent with rule 18-21.004(3)(d), the Dock is proposed to be constructed in Howard's riparian area and will be set back more than 25 feet from the northerly and southerly riparian lines shown on the Survey. Rule 18-21.004(3)(a) prohibits activities authorized under chapter 18-21 from being implemented in a manner that would unreasonably infringe on traditional common law riparian rights, as defined in section 253.141, of upland owners adjacent to sovereignty submerged lands. Similarly, rule 18-21.004(3)(c) requires all structures and activities to be designed and conducted in a manner that will not unreasonably restrict or infringe upon the riparian rights of adjacent riparian owners. Collectively, these provisions prohibit an activity that will occur on sovereignty submerged lands from unreasonably infringing on or unreasonably restricting the riparian rights of upland riparian owners. Riparian rights are rights appurtenant to, and inseparable from, riparian land that borders on navigable waters. § 253.141, Fla. Stat.; Broward v. Mabry, 50 So. 830 (Fla. 1909). At common law, riparian rights include the rights of navigation, fishing, boating, and commerce. Hayes v. Bowman, 91 So. 2d 795 (Fla. 1957). The right of navigation necessarily includes the right to construct and operate a dock to access navigable waters. Belvedere Dev. Corp. v. Dep't of Transp., 476 So. 2d 649 (Fla. 1985); Shore Vill. Prop. Owners' Ass'n v. Dep't of Envtl. Prot., 824 So. 2d 208, 211 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002). Common law riparian rights also include the right to an obstructed view. Lee Cnty v. Kiesel, 705 So. 2d 1013 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998). Many of these common law riparian rights have been statutorily codified in section 253.141. Statutory riparian rights include the "rights of ingress, egress, boating, bathing, and fishing and such others as may be or have been defined by law." § 253.141(1), Fla. Stat. At issue in this case are the competing riparian rights of next-door neighbors——i.e., Howard's right to wharf out to navigable waters for purposes of boating and other water- dependent recreational activities, and the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view. The question is whether Howard's proposed construction and operation of a dock of sufficient length to enable her to use her boats would unreasonably infringe on or unreasonably restrict the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view of the Lake. By virtue of the riparian rights appurtenant to Howard's riparian property, she is entitled to wharf out to water deep enough to enable her to navigate. She owns two boats, one of which pulls a draft of 25 inches, and the other, a draft of 20 inches, which she uses to navigate the Lake. Thus, an essential aspect of Howard's riparian right of navigation is her ability to construct and operate a dock long enough to enable her to reach water depths sufficient to use these boats. However, as noted above, this right is not unfettered. Howard's exercise of her riparian navigation right cannot unreasonably infringe on Gerard's right to an unobstructed view. Florida case law holds that the right to an "unobstructed" view does not entail a view free of any infringement or restriction whatsoever by neighboring structures or activities. In Hayes, the court defined the right as "a direct, unobstructed view of the [c]hannel and as well a direct, unobstructed means of ingress and egress . . . to the [c]hannel." Id. at 801 (emphasis added). The court then prescribed the rule that "in any given case, the riparian rights of an upland owner must be preserved over an area 'as near as practicable' in the direction of the [c]hannel so as to distribute equitably the submerged lands between the upland and the [c]hannel." Id. (emphasis added). To the extent there is no channel in this portion of the Lake, Hayes dictates that riparian rights must be apportioned equitably, so that a riparian owner's right to an unobstructed view can extend only from the owner's property in the direction of the center of the Lake. Kling v. Dep't of Envtl. Reg., Case No. 77-1224 (Fla. DOAH Oct. 6, 1977; Fla. DER Nov. 18, 1977) at ¶¶ 11-12 (emphasis added). Here, no evidence was presented showing that the Dock——which will be located immediately south and east of the Gerards' riparian property and attendant riparian area——will present an obstruction to the Gerards' view of the Lake channel. Additionally, the evidence did not establish that Howard's Dock would obstruct the Gerards' view of the center of the northeast portion of Crooked Lake, which is located west and slightly south of their property.23/ Administrative precedent in Florida provides additional support for the determination that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on the Gerards' right to an unobstructed view. In O'Donnell v. Atlantic Dry Dock Corporation, Case No. 04-2240 (Fla. DOAH May 23, 2005; Fla. DEP Sept. 6, 2005), riparian owners challenged the proposed approval of expansions of sovereignty submerged lands leases authorizing Atlantic Dry Dock, a neighboring commercial shipyard, to expand its shipyard facilities and install new docking facilities. The administrative law judge noted that although the expanded shipyard would further encroach on the riparian owners' already somewhat-restricted view from their property, it would not substantially and materially obstruct the Petitioners' view to the channel. He commented: "it [their view] may be further obstructed to the west in the direction of the Atlantic Marine yard, but not in the direction of the channel." To that point, he found that although "any lateral encroachment on the Petitioners' line-of-sight to the channel by the large eastern dry dock proposed will be an annoyance, . . . [it] will not rise to the level of a substantial and material interference or obstruction of the Petitioners' view to the channel." Id. at ¶ 119. He found that "there is no 'special riparian right' to a view of the sunset, just as there was no right to a particular object of view . . . by the riparian owners complaining in the Hayes case." Id. at ¶ 120. Castoro v. Palmer, Case Nos. 96-0736, 96-5879 (Fla. DOAH Sept. 1, 1998; Fla. DEP Oct. 19, 1998), also is instructive. In Castoro, neighboring riparian owners challenged the proposed issuance of an environmental approval and sovereignty submerged lands lease for a 227-foot-long dock having a terminal platform with boat lift. The owners contended that due to the dock's length, it would impermissibly obstruct their views of the water. The administrative law judge rejected that contention, distinguishing the circumstances from those in Lee County v. Kiesel, 705 So. 2d 1013 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998), in which the construction of a bridge that blocked 80 percent of the riparian owners' view of the channel was held to constitute a "substantial and material" obstruction to the riparian right of view. The ALJ noted that although the dock would have "some impact on the neighbors' views" and their use of the waterbody, it did not unreasonably impact their riparian rights to an unobstructed view or to use of the waterbody. Id. at ¶¶ 73-74. In Trump Plaza of the Palm Beaches Condominium v. Palm Beach County, Case No. 08-4752 (Fla. DOAH Sept. 24, 2009; Fla. DEP Oct. 8, 2009), a condominium association challenged the proposed issuance of a sovereignty submerged lands use approval to fill in a dredged area and create mangrove islands in the Lake Worth Lagoon, alleging, among other things, that the creation of the mangrove islands would unreasonably infringe on their riparian right to an unobstructed view. In rejecting this position and recommending issuance of the submerged lands use approval, the ALJ noted that the area obstructed by the mangrove islands would be negligible compared to the remaining expanse of the view, and further noted that the owners' real concern was directed at the aesthetics of the project——specifically, they did not want to view mangrove islands. The ALJ stated: "[t]he evidence supports a finding that while the project will undoubtedly alter the view of the water from [the riparian owners' property], the impact on view is not so significant as to constitute an unreasonable infringement of their riparian rights." Id. at ¶ 86. Applying these case law principles, it is determined that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on or unreasonably restrict the Gerards' riparian right to an unobstructed view. To that point, the cases make clear that the right to an "unobstructed" view is not an unfettered right to a view of the water completely free of any lateral encroachment, but, instead is the right of a view toward the channel or the center of a lake without unreasonable infringement or restriction. Here, although the Dock will laterally encroach on the Gerards' full panoramic view of the Lake——and, as such, may even constitute an annoyance, the evidence did not show that the Dock will obstruct or otherwise restrict their view to the channel or the center of the Lake. Moreover, to the extent the Gerards have expressed concern about the Dock interfering with their view of the south shore of the Lake, O'Donnell makes clear the desire to have a particular object of view——here, the south shore of the Lake——is not a legally protected riparian right. It is also found that the Dock will not unreasonably interfere with the Gerards' riparian rights of ingress, egress, boating, or navigation. As previously noted, the Dock will be located at least 25 feet inside the riparian lines established for Howard's upland property, and, it will not be constructed in a location or operated in a manner that will obstruct, interfere with, or restrict the Gerards' access to the Lake or to sufficient water depths to enable navigation.24/ The evidence also did not establish that the Dock will restrict or otherwise interfere with the Gerards' use of their riparian area for ingress and egress, boating, fishing, bathing, or other riparian uses. In sum, it is concluded that the Dock will not unreasonably infringe on or restrict the riparian rights of adjacent upland riparian owners. Accordingly, it is determined that the Dock will meet the requirements and standards in rule 18-21.004(3) regarding riparian rights. Navigational Hazard For the reasons discussed in paragraphs 63 through 67, it is determined that the Dock will not constitute a navigational hazard in violation of rule 18-21.004(7)(g). Not Contrary to the Public Interest Rule 18-21.004(1)(a) requires an applicant to demonstrate that an activity proposed to be conducted on sovereignty submerged lands will not be contrary to the public interest. To meet this standard, it is not necessary that the applicant show that the activity is affirmatively in the "public interest," as that term is defined in rule 18-21.003(51). Rather, it is sufficient that the applicant show that there are few, if any, "demonstrable environmental, social, and economic costs" of the proposed activity. Castoro, at ¶ 69. For the reasons discussed above, and with the inclusion of the additional recommended conditions in paragraphs 73.A. and 73.B., it is determined that the proposed Dock meets the "not contrary to the public interest" standard required for issuance of the Lease. Demonstration of Entitlement to ERP Howard met her burden under section 120.569(2)(p) to present a prima facie case of entitlement to the ERP by entering into evidence the Application, the Notice of Intent, and supporting information regarding the proposed Dock. She also presented credible, competent, and substantial evidence beyond that required to meet her burden under section 120.569(2)(p) to demonstrate prima facie entitlement to the ERP. The burden then shifted to Petitioners to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the competent substantial evidence, that the Dock does not comply with section 373.414 and applicable ERP rules. For the reasons discussed above, it is determined that Petitioners did not meet their burden of persuasion under section 120.569(2)(p) in this proceeding. Accordingly, for the reasons addressed above, it is determined that Howard is entitled to issuance of the ERP for the Dock. Demonstration of Entitlement to Lease As previously discussed, Howard bore the burden of proof in this proceeding to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the Dock meets all applicable statutory and rule requirements for issuance of the Lease for the Dock. For the reasons discussed above, it is determined that Howard met this burden, and, therefore, is entitled to issuance of the sovereignty submerged lands lease for the Dock. Petitioners' Standing Defenders' Standing As stipulated by the parties and noted above, Defenders is an incorporated non-profit entity created for the primary purpose of protecting and preserving Crooked Lake so that it may remain an OFW for all members of the public to enjoy. Defenders has been in existence since at least the mid- 1980s. Robert Luther, the president of Defenders, testified that the organization's purpose also entails providing education and promoting public awareness in order to preserve the natural beauty, water quality, ecological value, and quality of life around Crooked Lake. As stipulated by the parties and noted above, Defenders has more than 25 members. Luther testified that Defenders has approximately 100 family members, most of whom live on or around Crooked Lake. He noted that many of Defenders' members own boats, which they park at a local boat landing on the Lake. Based on this testimony, it is inferred that these members operate their boats on Crooked Lake. After receiving the public notice of the project, Defenders' board of directors voted to oppose issuance of the Consolidated Authorization for the Dock. Luther testified that the board's decision was based on the determination that "it was clearly within the public interest" to oppose the Dock. Gerards' Standing The Gerards reside at 1055 Scenic Highway, Babson Park, Florida. Their riparian property is immediately adjacent to, and northwest of, Howard's property. The Gerards own a floating dock that is located within their riparian area.25/ The dock consists of two 4-foot- wide by 30-foot-long ramps attached to a 24-foot-long by 8-foot- wide pontoon boat. Priscilla Gerard testified that she enjoys spending time sitting and reading books on the beach in front of her property, and that having that area to sit and read is a significant aspect of her enjoyment of her lakefront property. Ms. Gerard observed that extensive boating activities in the northeast portion of the Lake on weekends is disruptive, and interferes with her use of her beach for relaxing and reading. She particularly noted that boats operating very close to the shore cause waves to splash up on her beach, interfering with her ability to sit and read close to the shore. She did not contend that Howard's use of the Dock for boating would contribute to the disruptive nature of existing boat traffic in the vicinity. Ms. Gerard has viewed the plans for the proposed Dock and is very concerned that due to its size, her view of the south side of the Lake will be completely blocked. She acknowledged, and other competent, credible evidence showed, that there are other docks on the Lake in the vicinity of her riparian property. The evidence shows that existing docks having lengths of 145 feet and 170 feet are located in the vicinity of, and are visible from, the Gerards' property. She testified that an existing dock and tiki hut block her view of the Lake to the north. She acknowledged that although Howard's Dock, if constructed as proposed, may somewhat obstruct her view to the left (south) of her property, it would not block her view straight out into the Lake. Phillip Gerard testified that he has boated extensively on Crooked Lake in a variety of vessel types. He further testified that he has observed a range of boating practices on Crooked Lake, including seeing water skiers and persons being towed behind motorized vessels on inner tubes and other types of "towables." He testified that, based on his personal observations, persons being towed do not have independent control of the speed or direction of the "towable"; thus, depending on the direction in which the towing vessel turns, the towable may be slung to the left or the right. Gerard commented that such lack of control could result in a person riding on a towable colliding with a dock, and he noted that Howard's nephew, who was riding on an inner tube being towed by a boat, was involved in such a collection with his (Mr. Gerard's) own dock. Mr. Gerard did not testify that the Dock would present a navigational hazard to, or otherwise interfere with, the Gerards' riparian right of ingress and egress. Neither of the Gerards testified that the Dock would impact their ability to access navigable waters in the Lake. Mr. Gerard acknowledged that if Howard's Dock were constructed, boats that currently travel very close to the shoreline of his property would be forced to swing further out in the Lake, away from his riparian shoreline, in order to avoid the Dock.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order approving the issuance of Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Recommended Intent to Grant Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization, Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Consolidated Notice of Intent and attached draft of Permit No. 53-0351424-001-EI, as modified to include the Additional Recommended Conditions set forth in paragraphs 73.A. and 73B. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of July, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CATHY M. SELLERS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of July, 2018.
The Issue Whether Bay County has demonstrated its entitlement to the Permit?
Findings Of Fact The Ecologically Diverse Florida Panhandle With its high diversity of species and richness in endemic plants, the Florida Panhandle has been identified as one of six continental "biodiversity hot spots" north of Mexico. It has more species of frogs and snakes, for example, than any other equivalently-sized area in the United States and Canada and has botanical species that do not exist anywhere else in the Coastal Plain, one of the three floristic provinces of the North Atlantic American Region. The biodiversity stems from a number of factors. The Panhandle was not glaciated during the Pleistocene Period. Several major river systems that originate in the southern Appalachian Mountains terminate on the Panhandle's Gulf Coast. Its temperate climate includes relatively high rainfall. These factors promote or produce plentiful sources of surface and groundwater that encourage botanical and zoological life and, in turn, a diverse ecology. When compared to the rest of Florida, the Panhandle is relatively free from man-made impacts to its water resources. Until recently, the population growth rate lagged behind much of the state. Despite a rapid increase in the population in the late 1990s into the early part of the twenty-first century, it remains much less densely populated than areas in the I-4 Corridor and coastal peninsular Florida to the south. The Panhandle can be divided into physiographic areas of geological variation that are highly endemic; a substantial number of plant and animal species found in these areas are found nowhere else in the world. One of these areas is of central concern to this case. Located in southern Washington County and northern Bay County, it is known as the Sand Hill Lakes Area. The Sand Hill Lakes Area The Sand Hill Lakes Area (the "Area") is characterized by unusual geology that produces extraordinary ecological value. With few exceptions (see findings related to Dr. Keppner's flora and fauna inventories on the NTC/Knight Property below), the Area has not been extensively studied. The data on biological communities and water levels that exist, sparse as it is, has been obtained from historic aerials dating to 1941. The aerials are of some use in analyzing lakes and surface waters whose source is the Surficial Aquifer, but they are of limited value otherwise. They are not of use in determining the level in the Surficial Aquifer. Nor are they of assistance in determining river height when the banks of the river are covered by hardwood forest canopy. The resolution of the aerials is insufficient to show details of the various ecosystems. They do not show pitcher plants, for example, that exist at the site of hillside seepage bogs common in the Area. An aspect of the Area that the aerials do reveal is its many karst features on the surface of the land. Karst lakes and sinkholes dominate the Area and are a component of its highly unusual geology which is part of a larger system: the Dougherty Karst Plain. The Dougherty Karst Plain is characterized by numerous karst features: springs, caverns, sinkhole lakes, and sinkholes. Sinkholes In Florida, there are three types of sinkholes: cover subsidence, cover collapse, and "rock" or "cavern" collapse. Of the three, cover subsidence sinkholes are the most common in the state. Cover subsidence sinkholes form as the result of processes that occur on the surface. A cover subsidence sinkhole is usually a shallow pan typically not more than a few feet deep. Found throughout Central and South Florida, they are the most common type of sinkholes in most of peninsular Florida. In contrast, the other two major types of sinkholes (cover collapse and cavern collapse) occur as the result of processes below the surface that cause collapse of surface materials into the substrata. Both types of "collapse" sinkholes are found in the Area, but cover collapse is the more common. Cavern collapse sinkholes are relatively rare. Typical of the Area, cover subsidence sinkholes are not found on the NTC/Knight Property. The NTC/Knight Property The majority of the NTC/Knight Property is in Washington County, but the property straddles the county line so that a smaller part of it is in northern Bay County. All of the NTC/Knight Property is within the Area. The District recognizes that the NTC/Knight Property contains natural resources of extraordinary quality as does the Area generally. Over the three years that preceded the hearing, Dr. Keppner, an NTC/Knight expert, conducted extensive inventories of the flora and fauna on NTC/Knight Property. Dr. Keppner's inventory showed the NTC/Knight Property supports more than 500 species of vascular plants (flora with a system of tubes within the stem, phloem, and the xylem that exchange materials between the roots and leaves) and 300 species of animals. Among them are at least 28 vascular plants and six animals listed as imperiled (threatened or endangered) by state or federal agencies. At least 22 of the imperiled species of vascular plants and eight of the imperiled species of animals are located within an area expected to be affected by the Wellfield for which Bay County seeks the permit modification. For example, at Big Blue Lake alone where impacts were predicted by NTC/Knight experts to take place, the following imperiled plant species are found: Smoothbark, St. John's Wort, Kral's Yelloweyed Grass, Quilwort Yelloweyed Grass, Threadleaf Sundew, Panhandle Meadowbeauty, and Crystal Lake Nailwort. In addition to the Keppner inventory, NTC/Knight commissioned other studies to determine the nature of the sinkholes and whether they are connected to the Floridan Aquifer. NTC/Knight's experts determined that the property contains cover collapse and a few cavern collapse sinkholes that connect to the Floridan Aquifer. Despite evidence to the contrary submitted by the District and Bay County, the NTC/Knight determinations are accepted as facts for a number of reasons, including the lineup of the sinkholes and sinkhole lakes along identified photo-lineaments and the distribution of them in patterns that are not random. A District study using a dye test, moreover, confirmed conduit flow exists in the Area just east of the NTC/Knight Property. With regard to the distribution of the sinkholes and sinkhole lakes on the NTC/Knight Property, Dr. Sam Upchurch used the term "String of Pearls" to describe multiple sinkholes that exist along the edges of several lakes on the property. When sinkholes closer to the center of a lake are clogged or plugged with sediment and debris, the lakes continue to leak around the plugs which causes new sinkholes to form along the edge of the plugs. Examples of the "String of Pearls" formation on the edges of existing lakes are found at White Western and Big Blue Lakes on the NTC/Knight Property and at Crystal Lake nearby in Washington County. The multiple sinkholes bordering the edge of Big Blue Lake are examples of cover collapse sinkholes that, in geological terms, are relatively young as evidenced by their steep sides. In a karst area such as the Area, there is preferential flow in the conduits because of the difference of efficiency of transmission of water flowing through a porous medium of rock compared to that flowing though a conduit. Absent pumping in the Wellfield, the underlying aquifers are relatively stable. If the requested pumping does not take place, it is likely the stability will remain for a substantial period of time. It is not known with precision what will happen in the long term to the karst environment should pumping occur at the Wellfield at the rate the District proposes. When pumping occurs, however, water in the Area affected by the Wellfield will move toward the Wellfield. "[A]s it does[,] you may get some turbulent flow or vorticity in the water." Tr. 1391, (emphasis supplied). At some point, a change in the potentiometric surface and loss of buoyancy will most likely occur. This leads to concerns for Dr. Upchurch from two perspectives: One . . . is that if there is a[n affected] sinkhole lake [on the surface,] it may induce downward flow . . . the other . . . is that if it breaks the plug it may either create a new sinkhole or create a substantial drop in the level of water in the lake . . . which drains periodically, not necessarily because of a wellfield, but because that plug breaks. Id. In the first instance, lake levels could be reduced significantly. In the second, a new sinkhole could be created or the water level could drop dramatically as occurred at Lake Jackson in Tallahassee. Sand Hill Lakes Wetlands The Area contains a number of wetland communities. These include hillside seepage bogs, steepheads, sphagnum bogs, littoral seepage slopes around certain Sand Hill Lakes, temporary ponds, and creeks and streams in forested wetlands. A number of these wetlands occur on the NTC/Knight Property within the zone of influence in the Surficial Aquifer predicted by NTC/Knight's experts employing a model known as the "HGL Model." The wetland systems on the NTC/Knight Property are diverse, by type, plant species composition, and richness. This remarkable diversity led the District to recognize that the NTC/Knight Property contains lakes of nearly pristine quality, interconnected karst features, and endemic steephead ravines, all of which are regionally significant resources of extraordinary quality. The Area's wetlands also include many streams, among them Pine Log Creek, the majority of which is located on the NTC/Knight Property. Significant recharge to the Floridan Aquifer occurs on NTC/Knight Property. To the west, north, and east of the NTC/Knight Property are major concentrations of Floridan Aquifer springs that are crucial to the quality and character of regional surface water systems, including the Choctawhatchee River, Holmes Creek, and Econfina Creek systems. All of these surficial systems are dependent on the groundwater resources of the Area. The Area's Hillside Seepage Bogs Hillside seepage bogs are marsh-like wetland usually located on gentle slopes of the sides of valleys. They form when the Surficial Aquifer intercepts the sloping landscape allowing water to seep onto the sloped surface. The plant communities in the bogs are dominated by a great number and variety of herbaceous plants that prefer full sun. Among them are carnivorous plants. These unusual plants include the Trumpet and White-Topped pitcher plants as well as other varieties of pitcher plants. Inundation or saturation for extended periods of time is necessary for pitcher plants and most of the rest of the plant communities found in the bogs to thrive and to fend off invasion by undesirable species. Hillside seepage bogs are valued because they are among the most species-rich communities in the world. A reduction in water levels in the bogs below the root zone of associated plants will kill the plant communities that live in them and pose a threat to the continued existence of the bogs. Hillside seepage bogs were once abundant in pre- settlement Florida, but their expanse has been greatly reduced. They are now estimated to only occupy between one and five percent of their original range. On NTC/Knight Property, they have been spared to a significant degree. Numerous hillside seepage bogs continue to exist on the NTC/Knight Property primarily along the margin of Botheration Creek and its tributaries. The Area's Steepheads Steepheads are unique wetland systems. Found around the globe, they are usually regarded as a rarity. More than 50 percent of the steepheads that exist in the world are in a narrow latitudinal band that extends from Santa Rosa County in the west to Leon County in the east, a major section of the Florida Panhandle. Steepheads occur in deep sandy soils where water originating in the Surficial Aquifer carries away sand and cuts into sandy soils. The seepage emerges as a "headwater" to create a stream that conveys the water from the steephead into a river, or in some rare circumstances, into a karst lake. Over time, flow of the seepage waters results in deep, amphitheater- shaped ravines with steep valley side walls. Steepheads are important to the ecologies of the areas in which they occur. They provide habitat for a number of Florida endemic animals and plants believed to be relics of once-abundant species. Water that emerges from a steephead is perennial. Because the steep slopes of the steephead have not been disturbed over a long period of time, the water remains at a relatively constant temperature, no matter the season. Sampling of aquatic invertebrates at the Russ Pond and Tiller Mill Steepheads on the NTC/Knight Property found 41 and 33 distinct taxa, respectively, to inhabit the steepheads. Among them were a number of long-lived taxa. Their presence is consistent with the hallmark of a steephead: perennial flow of water at a relatively constant temperature. Most of the known steepheads flow into streams or rivers. Between six and ten within the Area, however, flow into Sand Hill Lakes. They have no direct connection to any surface drainage basin, thereby adding to their uniqueness. The level in the Surficial Aquifer has a direct impact on where and to what extent seepage flows from the sidewalls of a steephead. The Area's Sphagnum Bogs Sphagnum moss grows in many locations within the landscape and requires moisture. Where there is a large amount of sphagnum moss, it can form a unique community known as a sphagnum bog that is capable of supporting unique plant and animal populations. In the Area, these sphagnum bogs form along the valley sidewalls of steephead ravines and are fed by Surficial Aquifer seepage from the sidewall of the ravine. These sphagnum bogs support unique plant and animal communities, including a salamander discovered by Dr. Means that is new to science and so far only known to exist in sphagnum bogs in the Florida Panhandle. The Area's Sinkhole Lakes and their Littoral Seepage Slopes Sand Hill Lakes are nutrient poor, or "oligotrophic," receiving most of their nutrient inputs through exchange with the plant and animal communities on the adjacent littoral shelves during periods of high water levels. Fluctuating water levels in the Sand Hill Lakes allow a littoral zone with many different micro-habitats. Areas closest to the lakes are inundated regularly, but higher areas of the littoral zone are generally dry and inundated only every ten or 20 years -- just often enough to prevent encroachment of trees. In a few instances, portions of the littoral zones are inundated by seepage from the Surficial Aquifer. Above the normal low water of the Sand Hill Lakes, the littoral shelf occurs along a low gradient. As the littoral shelf transitions into the lake bottom and toward the deeper parts of the lake, there is an inflection point, where the gradient of the lake bottom becomes much steeper than the littoral shelf. If lake water levels fall below that natural inflection point, gully erosion will occur. The flow of water will be changed along the littoral shelf from seepage sheet flow over a wide expanse to water flowing down gullies in a concentrated stream. This change in flow will result in a loss of area needed by certain seepage dependent plants and animals as well as increased sedimentation from erosion. Big Blue Lake is unique because it boasts the largest known littoral zone seepage area of any Sand Hill Lake. The seepage zone along Big Blue Lake supports a number of rare plant species, including the Thread-Leaf Sundew, Smoothed Barked St. Johns Wort, and Crystal Lake Nailwort. The Area's Temporary Ponds Temporary ponds are small isolated water bodies that generally have no surface water inlet or outlet. Typically very shallow, they are sometimes wet and sometimes dry. Temporary ponds can range from basins that have continuous water for three to five years, to basins that have standing water for a month or two, every two to four years. These conditions limit their occupation by fish and, therefore, provide ideal conditions for amphibian reproduction which only occurs when water levels are maintained long enough to complete a reproductive cycle. In the Area, temporary ponds are a direct expression of the Surficial Aquifer and contain no known restrictive layer that might cause water to be "perched" above the Surficial Aquifer. Temporary ponds are critical to the viability of amphibian populations and support high amphibian biodiversity. A given pond can contain between five and eight species of salamander, and between 12 and 15 species of frogs. There has been a decline recently in the population of frogs and other amphibians that depend upon temporary ponds. The decline is due in part to ditching and other anthropogenic activities that have altered the hydrology of temporary ponds. Temporary ponds have a higher likelihood of being harmed by a drawdown than larger, connected wetlands systems. Lowered Surficial Aquifer water levels would lower water levels in temporary ponds and, thereby, threaten amphibian reproduction. Creeks/Streams in Forested Wetlands Streams are classified on the basis of the consistency of flowing water, including perennial (always flowing), intermittent (flowing part of the year), and ephemeral (flowing only occasionally during rain events). The type of stream flow is important because movement of water is essential to support aquatic systems in stream habitats. The NTC/Knight Property includes a number of stream systems, including Botheration Creek and Pine Log Creek. Botheration Creek is fed by groundwater discharge and originates, in large part, on the NTC/Knight Property. Botheration Creek flows from east to west until it intersects Pine Log Creek on the southwest part of the NTC/Knight Property. Botheration Creek provides Pine Log Creek with approximately 89 percent of Pine Log Creek's flow. From the confluence, Pine Log Creek flows south and west into the Pine Log State Forest and eventually joins the Choctawhatchee River. Botheration Creek contains high quality water and a diverse mix of aquatic invertebrates and fish. Sampling at a stage recorder located approximately two miles west of the eastern boundary of the NTC/Knight Property ("BCS-01") identified 46 taxa of macroinvertebrates, including six long- lived taxa, and mussels. The water level in Botheration Creek at BCS-01 was measured to be between 0.1 and 0.32 feet by four measurements taken from October 2010 to July 2011. Nonetheless, the presence of long-lived taxa and mussels indicates that, at BCS-01, Botheration Creek is a perennial stream. Carbon export from streams provides nutrients that feed the stream system. Headwater streams like Botheration Creek and its tributaries are essential to carbon export. For carbon export to occur, a stream must have out-of-bank flood events regularly to promote nutrient exchange with the flood plain. Bay County and its Water Supply Prior to 1961, the County obtained its public water supply from wellfields located near downtown Panama City. The wellfields drew from the Floridan Aquifer. An assessment of the pre-1961 groundwater pumping appears in a District Water Supply Assessment released in June 1998. In summary, it found that near Panama City, the potentiometric surface was substantially depressed by the pumping. Due to the threat of saltwater intrusion, the Deer Point Lake Reservoir (the "Reservoir") was constructed as an alternate water supply. A local paper mill, the city of Panama City, and Tyndall Air Force Base, all began to obtain public supply water from the Reservoir. Six years after the construction of the Reservoir, the Floridan Aquifer's water levels had rebounded to pre-pumping levels. See NTC/Knight Ex. 93 at 69. The authorization for the Reservoir began in the 1950's when the Florida Legislature passed a series of laws that granted Bay County authority to create a saltwater barrier dam in North Bay, an arm of the St. Andrews Bay saltwater estuary. The laws also allowed Panama City to develop and operate a surface freshwater reservoir to supply water for public use. The Deer Point Lake Dam (the "Dam") was built in 1961 from metal sheet piling installed across a portion of North Bay. The Dam created the Reservoir. The watershed of the Reservoir includes portions of Jackson, Calhoun, Washington, and Bay Counties and covers approximately 438 square miles. The Reservoir receives freshwater inflow from several tributaries, including Econfina Creek, Big Cedar Creek, Bear Creek/Little Bear Creek, and Bayou George Creek, totaling about 900 cubic feet per second ("cfs") or approximately 582 MGD. The volume of inflow would increase substantially, at least two-fold, during a 100-year storm event. The Dam is made of concrete and steel. Above it is a bridge and two-lane county road roughly 11.5 feet above sea level. The bridge is tied to the Dam by pylons. The top of the Dam is 4.5 feet above sea level, leaving a distance between the Dam and the bridge bottom of about seven feet. There is an additional structure above the Dam that contains gates, which swing open from the force of water on the Reservoir's side of the Dam. Capable of releasing approximately 550 MGD of freshwater into the saltwater bay, the gates keep the level of the Reservoir at about five feet above sea level. The height of the Dam and the gate structure leaves a gap between the bottom of the bridge deck and the top of the structure of "somewhere between 12 and 14 inches, a little better than a foot." Tr. 140. If storm surge from the Gulf of Mexico and St. Andrew's Bay were to top the Dam and the gate structure, the gap would allow saltwater to enter the Reservoir. The gates and the Dam structure are not designed to address storm surge. The Dam is approximately four feet thick and roughly 1,450 feet long. The 12-to-14 inch gap extends across the length of the Dam. With normal reservoir levels, the volume of water it contains is approximately 32,000-acre-feet or roughly 10.4 billion gallons. Bay County needs to drawdown the lake level for fish and wildlife purposes, the control of aquatic growth, and weed control. In winter, FWS prescribes a 45-day period of time to draw down the lake to expose the banks to kill vegetation. The last time the lake was drawn down by the County, the water level dropped approximately three feet, from five feet above sea level to two feet above sea level. This process took approximately six days and 16 hours, or approximately 53 hours/foot. Repair of the Dam and its Maintenance The Dam has been repaired three times. The last repair was following Hurricane Opal which hit the Florida Panhandle in the fall of 1995. During Hurricane Opal, "saltwater . . . entered . . . the [R]eservoir . . . [t]hat took 20-some days to flush out . . . ." Tr. 135. No evidence was presented regarding the Dam's vulnerability from the perspective of structural integrity during normal or emergency conditions. Other than the inference drawn from Mr. Lackemacher's testimony that Hurricane Opal damaged the Dam in 1995, no evidence was presented to suggest that the Dam's structure is vulnerable to damage caused by a storm surge, wave effect or other conditions caused by a storm of any magnitude. After the last of the three repairs, Bay County implemented a detailed maintenance program. Based upon the latest inspection reports, the Dam is in good condition and structurally sound. No work other than routine inspection and maintenance is currently planned. The 1991 Agreement and the WTP Bay County's current withdrawal of water from the Reservoir is based on a 1991 agreement between Bay County and the District (the "1991 Agreement"). See Joint Ex. Vol. II, Tab K. The 1991 Agreement allows Bay County after the year 2010 to withdraw 98 MGD (annual average) with a maximum daily withdrawal of 107 MGD. The 1991 Agreement, still in effect, authorizes Bay County to withdraw enough water from the Reservoir to meet its needs through 2040. Water for public supply is withdrawn from the Reservoir by a water utility pump station (the "Pump Station") located a short distance from the Dam in Williams Bayou. The water is piped to the water utility's treatment plant (the "Water Treatment Plant") five miles away. The Water Treatment Plant treats 60 MGD. Following treatment, the water is distributed to Bay County's wholesale and retail customers. The Reservoir water available to Bay County utilities is more than adequate to fulfill the water consumption demands of Bay County's system through a 20-year permit horizon. The transmission line between the Pump Station and the Water Treatment Plant has fittings that were designed to allow transmission of groundwater withdrawn from groundwater wells to be located along the transmission line to the Water Treatment Plant to provide a backup supply for the Reservoir. Bay County's Current Use of Potable Water The amount of water consumed by Bay County utility customers has declined over the last five years. Bay County's current use of water, based upon the average of the 13 months prior to the hearing, was 24.5 MGD, an amount that is only 25 percent of the water allocation authorized by the 1991 Agreement. There are approximately 560,000 linear feet of main transmission lines in Bay County with small service lines accounting for another several hundred thousand linear feet. Bay County furnishes water directly to approximately 6,000 retail customers in areas known as North Bay, Bay County, and the former Cedar Grove area, which is now part of Bay County. Wholesale customers include Panama City Beach, Panama City, Mexico Beach, Callaway, Parker, Springfield, and parts of Lynn Haven. The County also furnishes potable water to Tyndall Air Force Base. Lynn Haven does have some water supply wells; however, Bay County still supplements this water supply by approximately 30 percent. No other cities serviced by Bay County produce their own water. Bay County has a population of approximately 165,000- 170,000 permanent residents, which includes residents of the cities. The Bay County area experiences seasonal tourism. From spring break to July 4th, the population can grow to more than 300,000. The users of Bay County's drinking water supplies include hospitals, Tyndall Air Force Base, and the Naval Support Activity of Panama City ("NSA"). The County has 178 doctor's offices, 56 dental offices, 29 schools, 21 fire departments, 12 walk-in-clinics, six nursing and rehabilitation homes, six major employers, three colleges and universities, and two major hospitals, all which are provided drinking water by Bay County. Panama City Beach is the community which has the highest water use. Panama City Beach's average daily use is approximately 12 MGD. The peak day of usage for all of Bay County's customers over the 13 months prior to the hearing was 40 MGD. Bay County sells water to community water utility systems referred to as a "consecutive system." They include Panama City Beach, Panama City, and Mexico Beach. Bay County's request for 30 MGD contemplates provision of water for all essential and non-essential water uses occurring within the consecutive system. Bay County and the consecutive systems are subject to the District's regulations regarding emergency water use restrictions which typically restrict the non-essential use of water during water shortage emergencies. Hurricanes, Train Wrecks, and Post-9/11 America At the District's recommendation, Bay County has been considering a backup potable water source since the mid-1980's. Bay County's main concern is that it has inadequate alternatives to the Reservoir should it be contaminated. Contamination to date has been minimal. In the period of time after the 1961 creation of the Reservoir to the present, the Dam and the Reservoir have suffered no major damage or impacts from a tropical storm. No tropical storm since 1961 has disrupted Bay County's ability to provide potable water. Even Hurricane Opal in 1995 did not disrupt the water supply. Recent hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico, however, has aroused the County's fears. Should a storm of sufficient magnitude make landfall in proximity to the Dam, there is potential for saltwater contamination of the Reservoir from storm surge or loss of impounded freshwater due to damage to the Dam. Mr. Lackemacher, assistant director of the Bay County Utility Department and manager of the water and wastewater divisions of the department, has experience with other hurricanes in Palm Beach, Florida, and Hurricane Hugo in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, during which water utilities suffered disruption of their distribution systems. The experience bolsters his concern about the damage a storm could cause Bay County's source of public water supply. Bay County's intake structure at Williams Bayou is approximately one mile away from the Dam. The location of the Pump Station puts it at risk for damage from a strong storm or hurricane. There is a rail line near the Reservoir. It runs along Highway 231 and over creeks that flow into the Reservoir, including the Econfina Creek. The rail line is known as "Bayline." Bayline's most frequent customers are the paper mill and the Port of Panama City. Not a passenger line, Bayline is used for the transport of industrial and chemical supplies. In 1978, a train derailment occurred on tracks adjacent to creeks that feed the Reservoir. The derailment led to a chlorine gas leak into the atmosphere. There was no proof offered at hearing of contamination of the Reservoir. There has never been a spill that resulted in a hazardous chemical or pollutant being introduced into the Reservoir. Bay County has not imposed restrictions on the type of vehicles that are allowed to use, or the material that may pass over, the county road on the bridge above the Dam. Nonetheless, in addition to saltwater contamination, Bay County also bases the need for an alternative water source on the possibility of a discharge into the Reservoir of toxic substances from a future train derailment. Bay County is also concerned about contamination of the Reservoir from a terrorist attack. In short, Bay County is concerned about "anything that could affect the water quality and water in Deer Point Lake." Tr. 184. The concerns led Bay County to file its application for the Wellfield on lands currently owned by the St. Joe Company. Consisting of ten wells spaced over an area of approximately ten square miles, the Wellfield would have a capacity of 30 MGD. Bay County's application was preceded by the development of the District's Region III Regional Water Supply Plan and efforts to acquire funding. Funding for the Wellfield and the Region III Regional Water Supply Plan Shortly after the commencement of the planning for the Wellfield, the District, in May 2007, authorized the use of funds from the State's Water Protection and Sustainability Trust Fund ("WPSTF"). The WPSTF is intended for development of alternative water supplies. In cooperation with the District, Bay County began drilling a test well followed by analyses to evaluate the water for potable suitability. In October of the same year, the District passed a resolution to request the Department of Environmental Protection to release $500,000 from the WPSTF to the District for local utilities in Bay and Escambia Counties for "Water Resource Development." NTC/Knight Ex. 195, p. 2. The amount was to be used "to provide funding for implementation of alternative water supply development and water resource developments projects pursuant to sections 403.890 and 373.1961, F.S." Id., p. 1. In February 2008, the District began a process to develop a regional water supply plan for Bay County. If the Wellfield were designated in the applicable regional water supply plan as "nontraditional for a water supply planning region," then it would meet the definition of "alternative water supplies" found in section 373.019(1), Florida Statutes. "In evaluating an application for consumptive use of water which proposes the use of an alternative water supply project as described in the regional water supply plan," the District is mandated "to presume that the alternative water supply is consistent with the public interest " § 373.223(5). Whether the Wellfield is to be presumed to be in the public interest depends on whether the application proposes the use of an alternative water supply project as described in the District's Region III Water (Bay County) Water Supply Plan adopted in 2008. The 2008 RWSP Pursuant to the process commenced in February, the District in August 2008 produced the Region III (Bay County) Regional Water Supply Plan (the "2008 RWSP"). In a section entitled "Identification of Alternative Water Supply Development Projects," the 2008 RWSP provides the following: "All of the water supply development projects identified in Table 4 are interrelated and considered alternative, nontraditional water supply development projects." NTC/Knight Ex. 187 at 14. Table 4 of the 2008 RWSP does not specifically identify the Wellfield. It identifies three projects in general terms. The first of the three (the only one that arguably covers the Wellfield) shows "Bay County Utilities" as the sole entity under the heading "Responsible Entities." Id. at 13. The project is: "Inland Ground Water Source Development and Water Supply Source Protection." Id. Under the heading, "Purpose/Objective," the Table states for the first project, "Develop inland alternative water supply sources to meet future demands and abate risks of salt water intrusion and extreme drought." Id. The Table shows "Estimated Quantity (MGD)" to be "10.0." Id. (In July 2008, the District's executive director informed Bay County that the Wellfield could produce 10 MGD.) The "Time Frame" is listed as 2008-12, and the "Estimated Funding" is "$5,200,000 WPSPTF" and "$7,800,000 Local, NWFWMD." Id. While not specifically identified in the 2008 RWSP, Table 4's project description supports a finding that the Wellfield is, in fact, one of the inland alternative water supply sources. The 2008 RWSP, therefore, designates the Wellfield as a "nontraditional" water supply source for Region III.4/ (The Wellfield also, therefore, meets the definition of "[a]lternative water supplies" in section 373.019(1). The demonstration of a prima facie case by Bay County and the District, however, make the applicability of the presumption a moot point. See Conclusions of Law, below.) Water Supply Assessments and Re-evaluations Development of a regional water supply plan by the governing board of each water management district is mandated "where [the governing board] determines that existing and reasonably anticipated sources of water are not adequate to supply water for all existing and future reasonable-beneficial uses and to sustain the water resources and related natural systems for the planning period." § 373.709(1), Fla. Stat. (the "Regional Water Supply Planning Statute"). The District determined in its 1998 District Water Supply Assessment ("WSA") for Region III (Bay County) that the existing and reasonably anticipated water sources are adequate to meet the requirements of existing legal users and reasonably anticipated future water supply needs of the region through the year 2020, while sustaining the water resource and related natural systems. See NTC/Knight 93 at 79. In 2003, Ron Bartel, the director of the District's Resource Management Division, issued a memorandum to the Governing Board (the "2003 Re-evaluation Memorandum"), the subject of which is "Regional Water Supply Planning Re- evaluation." NTC/Knight 95 (page stamped 42). The 2003 Re-evaluation Memorandum sets out the following with regard to when a "water supply plan" is needed: The primary test we have used for making a determination that a water supply plan was "not needed" for each region is that projected consumptive use demands for water from major water users do not exceed water available from traditional sources without having adverse impacts on water resources and related natural systems. Similarly, regional water supply planning is initiated "where it is determined that sources of water are not adequate for the planning period (20) years to supply water for all existing and reasonable-beneficial uses and to sustain the water resources and related natural systems." Id. With regard to the need for a Water Supply Plan for Bay County the 2003 Re-evaluation Memorandum states: [I]n Bay County (Region III), sufficient quantities have been allocated for surface water withdrawal from Deer Point Lake Reservoir through the District's consumptive use permitting program extending through the year 2040. In this area, the District is also scheduled to complete a minimum flow and level determination for the lake by the year 2006. This determination will be useful for deciding if additional water supply planning is needed before the permit expires in 2040. Id. (page stamped 43). The 2008 RWSP's designation of the Wellfield is justified in the minutes of the Governing Board meeting at which the 2008 RWSP's approval took place: While the reservoir has largely replaced the use of coastal public supply wells historically impacted by saltwater intrusion, there remain challenges within the region that make development and implementation of a Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) appropriate. Development of alternative water supplies would diversify public supply sources and help drought-proof the region through establishment of facility interconnections. Development of alternative supplies would also minimize vulnerability associated with salt water potentially flowing into the reservoir during major hurricane events. Id., p. 3 of 4. The adoption of the 2008 RWSP was followed in December 2008 by the District's 2008 Water Supply Assessment Update. The update is consistent with the earlier determinations of the adequacy of the Reservoir as a water supply source for the foreseeable future (in the case of the update, through 2030). The update also voices the concern about water quality impacts from storm surge. The update concludes with the following: In Region III, the existing and reasonably anticipated surface water resources are adequate to meet the requirements of existing and reasonably anticipated future average demands and demands for a 1-in-10 year drought through 2030, while sustaining water resources and related natural systems. However, the major concern for potential water quality impacts is that resulting from hurricane storm surge. A Regional Water Supply Plan (NWFWMD 2008) has recently been prepared for Region III to address concerns associated with existing surface water systems. NTC/Knight Ex. 101, p. 3-41. The Parties Washington County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. Washington County is located directly north of Bay County and the Wellfield and within one mile of some of the proposed wells. Washington County includes thousands of wetlands and open water systems. Because of the hydro-geologic system in the area of the Wellfield, if there are wetland, Surficial Aquifer, and surface water impacts from the withdrawal under the Permit, it is likely that impacts will occur in Washington County. Washington County has a substantial interest in protection, preservation, and conservation of its natural resources, including lakes, springs, and wetlands, and the flora and fauna that depend on these water resources, especially endangered flora and fauna. Washington County has a substantial interest in the protection of all water resources in Washington County because of the close relationship between surface waters, groundwater, and the potable water supply used by Washington County residents. NTC/Knight is the owner of approximately 55,000 acres of land located in northern Bay County and southern Washington County. The NTC/Knight Property includes thousands of acres of wetlands and open waters, including Sand Hill Lakes, steepheads, hillside seepage bogs, sphagnum bogs, littoral seepage slopes around certain Sand Hill Lakes, temporary ponds, and forested wetlands. A large portion of the NTC/Knight Property is directly adjacent to the Wellfield and within the HGL Model projected drawdown contour. Based on the projected amount of drawdown from pumping at the proposed average rate of 5 MGD, the 0.5 projected drawdown contour predicted by the HGL Modeling Report (see Finding of Fact 121, below) extends over thousands of acres of the property. NTC/Knight has a substantial interest in the protection of the surface and groundwater directly on, under, and adjacent to its property. The water supports the numerous ecosystems of extraordinary value located on the property. James Murfee and Lee Lapensohn are individuals, who reside in Bay County on property fronting on and beneath Tank Pond approximately five miles from the Wellfield. Petitioners Murfee and Lapensohn have a well which extends into the Intermediate Aquifer. The Murfee and Lapensohn properties are within the HGL Model projected drawdown contour. Petitioners Murfee and Lapensohn have a substantial interest in the protection of their drinking water supply well and the surface waters directly on and adjacent to their properties. Bay County, the applicant, is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The District is a water management district created by section 373.069(1). It has the responsibility to conserve, protect, manage, and control the water resources within its geographic boundaries. See § 373.069(2)(a), Fla. Stat. Section 120.569(2)(p), Florida Statutes Section 120.569(2)(p), in pertinent part, provides: For any proceeding arising under chapter 373, chapter 378, or chapter 403, if a nonapplicant petitions as a third party to challenge an agency’s issuance of a license, permit, or conceptual approval, the order of presentation in the proceeding is for the permit applicant to present a prima facie case demonstrating entitlement to the license, permit, or conceptual approval, followed by the agency. This demonstration may be made by entering into evidence the application and relevant material submitted to the agency in support of the application, and the agency’s staff report or notice of intent to approve the permit, license, or conceptual approval. Subsequent to the presentation of the applicant’s prima facie case and any direct evidence submitted by the agency, the petitioner initiating the action challenging the issuance of the license, permit, or conceptual approval has the burden of ultimate persuasion and has the burden of going forward to prove the case in opposition to the license, permit, or conceptual approval through the presentation of competent and substantial evidence. The permit applicant and agency may on rebuttal present any evidence relevant to demonstrating that the application meets the conditions for issuance. Paragraph (p) was added to section 120.569(2) in the 2011 Session of the Florida Legislature. Accordingly, the final hearing commenced with the Bay County and the District's presentation of its prima facie case by submitting the application, supporting documentation, and the District's approval of the application. Respondents also presented the testimony of four witnesses in the hearing's first phase. Phase I of the Final Hearing: Bay County's Application, Supporting Documents, the District's Approval and Supporting Testimony The Application File At the final hearing, Bay County and the District offered the "application file," marked as Joint Exhibit Binder Volumes I-IV (the "Application File") in the hearing's first phase. It was admitted into evidence. A document entitled "Alternate Water Supply Report - Bay County Water Division" dated May 20, 2008 (the "Hatch Mott MacDonald Report") is contained in the Application File. See Joint Ex. Vol. I, Tab B. The Hatch Mott MacDonald Report is a preliminary evaluation of a wellfield with 22 wells, an "initial phase . . . [of] five (5) wells producing 5 MGD and the final phase . . . [of] 17 wells, producing 25 MGD." Id. at 1. The evaluation includes the gathering of information, a recommendation for the best method of treatment, an analysis of whether individual well sites or a centralized site would be superior, a hydraulic model and analysis, and the potential construction and operation costs. The report concludes in its Executive Summary: HMM's preliminary results, based upon water analysis of Well No. 1, indicate that only disinfection will be required for potable water treatment. Additionally, the hydraulic analysis indicated that the wells are capable of providing the initial 5 MGD and future 25 MGD to the proposed connection point along Highway 388 without re-pumping. Adequate storage for fire protection should be considered at current and future service areas. The use of chlorine gas at each well site during the initial phase had the lowest present worth of $16,770,270; that is, the smallest amount of funds needed today to build, operate, and maintain the system. The use of chlorine gas at each well in the final phase had a present worth of $41,245,118, only slightly more than the present worth of $40,834,245 for on-site Id. generation of disinfectant at three (3) central facilities. The Application File contains a response to a District request for additional information (the "2009 RAI Response") submitted by the Bay County Services Utility Director and received by the District in September 2009. See Joint Ex. Vol. II, Tab K. The 2009 RAI Response contains the 1991 Agreement and numerous other documents. Among them is a report prepared by HydroGeoLogic, Inc. ("HGL") entitled "Groundwater Model Development for the Assessment of a New Wellfield in Bay County, Florida" dated September 2009 (the "2009 HGL Modeling Report"). The report predicts impacts that would be created to the surrounding aquifers as a result of the Wellfield pumping, but recommends that additional data be obtained. The Application File contains the District's Notice dated March 25, 2010. See Joint Ex. Vol. III, Tab B. Attached to the Notice is a draft of the Permit and a staff report from the District recommending approval with conditions. Condition 11 of the Permit's standard conditions obligates Bay County to mitigate any significant adverse impacts caused by withdrawals and reserves the right to the District to curtail permitted withdrawal rates "if the withdrawal causes significant adverse impact on the resource and legal uses of water, or adjacent land use, which existed at the time of the permit application." Joint Ex. Vol. III, Tab B, p. 3 of 17. Attachment A to the Permit requires conditions in addition to the standard conditions contained in the body of the Permit. Paragraph 12 of Attachment A, for example, requires that Bay County implement and maintain a water and conservation efficiency program with a number of goals. Attachment B to the Permit requires a monitoring and evaluation program and wetland monitoring of adjacent properties to determine if the pumping causes adverse impacts to wetland areas, including habitat and species utilization. The Application File contains a revised modeling report also entitled "Groundwater Model Development for the Assessment of a New Wellfield in Bay County, Florida" (the "2011 Revised HGL Modeling Report" or the "HGL Model Report"). See Joint Ex. Vol. III, Tab P. The 2011 Revised HGL Modeling Report predicts impacts of the pumping of the Wellfield on the Upper Floridan Aquifer and the Surficial Aquifer. The HGL Model is based on an adaptation of an original model first developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and then further adapted by HGL. The adapted model is known as MODFLOW-SURFACT. The MODFLOW-SURFACT Model has been used in excess of 600 applications and is used worldwide. The HGL Model predicted impact from pumping when wellfield pumping achieves a "steady state." Steady state impact is achieved after 10-12 years of constant pumping. The impact and the area of impact is depicted on Figure 5.1b(1) of the 2011 Revised HGL Modeling Report. The predicted drawdown of the Surficial Aquifer is predicted to be six inches (0.5 ft) within the areas indicated. The Application File shows that the permit was revised twice. Ultimately, a Second Revised Notice of Proposed Agency Action dated July 22, 2011, was issued by the District. Attached to the Second Revised NOPAA is the District's Permit. See Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U. A revised Staff Report from the District dated July 18, 2011, is also included in Volume IV of the joint exhibits. See id., Tab Q. The Permit as supported by the staff report allows an average daily withdrawal of 5 MGD, a maximum daily withdrawal of 30 MGD for no more than 60 days per year (with a maximum of 52 consecutive days), and a maximum monthly amount of 775 million gallons. See Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U. The Permit also includes the LTEMP jointly prepared by the Applicant and the District. See id., Attachment B. The Permit requires Bay County to "mitigate any significant adverse impact caused by withdrawals . . . on the resource and legal water withdrawals and uses, and on adjacent land use, which existed at the time of the permit application." Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab R, p. 3 of 11. If the District receives notice of an impact from the existing legal user, it contacts the utility. "Within 72 hours [the utility has] a well contractor out there and they have determined what the problem is." Tr. 615. There are no time requirements for the resolution of the impact or any other resolution procedures in the Permit. Definitions of Emergency and Maintenance Amounts The Permit does not include a definition of when the Reservoir may be considered to be unavailable as a public water supply. That determination is left to Bay County. The Permit does not set a withdrawal limit lower than the limits detailed above for maintenance of the Wellfield. There is one set of withdrawal limits. They apply irrespective of the purpose of the withdrawals, that is, whether for backup in an emergency, maintenance, or some other purpose that falls under Public Supply or Industrial Use. Conditions and Monitoring Requirements Bay County is required to mitigate any significant adverse impacts on resources and legal water withdrawals and uses caused by the County's withdrawal from the Wellfield. In addition, the District reserves the right to curtail permitted withdrawal rates if Bay County's withdrawal causes adverse impacts on local resources and legal uses of water in existence at the time of the permit application. In the event of a declared water shortage, the Permit requires Bay County to make water withdrawal reductions ordered by the District. In addition, the District may alter, modify, or deactivate all or parts of the Permit. Attachment A to the Permit, states: The Permittee shall not exceed total, combined groundwater and surface water (authorized in Individual Water Use Permit No. 19910142) withdrawals of an average daily withdrawal of 98,000,000 gallons, a maximum daily withdrawal of 107,000,000 gallons and a maximum monthly withdrawal of 2,487,750,000 gallons. Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U, p. 4 of 11. The inclusion of "surface water" in the condition covers withdrawals from the Reservoir. The combination of actual withdrawals from the Wellfield and actual withdrawals from the Reservoir, therefore, means that Bay County may not exceed the limitations of the withdrawals authorized by the 1991 Agreement. Attachment A to the Permit further explains how Bay County must mitigate harm caused by groundwater withdrawals. The Permittee, within seven days of determination or notification by the District that the authorized groundwater withdrawal is causing harm to the resources, shall cease or reduce, as directed by the District, its pumping activity. The Permittee shall retain the services of a qualified, licensed professional to investigate allegations of interference with an existing, legal groundwater use. The Permittee shall ensure their chosen contractor investigates the alleged interference within 72 hours of the allegation being made. If it is determined that the use of a well has been impaired as a result of the Permittee's operation, the Permittee shall undertake the required mitigation or some other arrangement mutually agreeable to the Permittee and the affected party. The Permittee shall be responsible for the payment of services rendered by the licensed water well contractor and/or professional geologist. The Permittee, within 30 days of any allegation of interference, shall submit a report to the District including the date of the allegation, the name and contact information of the party making the allegation, the result of the investigation made and any mitigation action undertaken. Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U, Attachment A, p. 4 of 11. Bay County is also required, within two years from the Permit's issuance, to submit to the District for review and approval a contingency plan to mitigate potential impacts. The County must wait one full year prior to commencing withdrawal of groundwater for production purposes. During the one-year period, the County must complete groundwater, surface water, and wetland monitoring. The requirements of the mandatory monitoring are found in Attachment B of the Permit, LTEMP. See Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U, Attachment B. The LTEMP "is designed to track trends in ecological and hydrological conditions caused by naturally occurring fluctuations in rainfall, which may affect ground and surface water hydrologic conditions; and to identify potential effects caused by wellfield pumping." Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab U, Attachment B at 1. If a substantive deviation occurs from predictions made by the HGL Modeling, or if any other hydrologic or ecologic changes due to the withdrawals are observed at monitoring sites, the District is required to review and, in consultation with Bay County, appropriately revise the LTEMP as necessary with the aim that the monitoring will assure that the conditions for issuance of the Permit are being met. Testimony in Support of the Application In addition to the documentary evidence offered in the first phase of the proceeding, Bay County and the District presented the testimony of several witnesses. These witnesses testified as to background and the 2008 RWSP, the vulnerability of the Reservoir to saltwater contamination from storm surge, and the basis for the District's decision. Vulnerability to Storm Surge There is a one percent chance every year of a 100- year storm event. Flood Insurance Rates Maps ("FIRMS") show that the 100-year water level (the level of storm surge in a 100-year storm event) at the Dam will reach 11 feet NAVD, two feet above the top of the gate structure above the Dam. The Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") and the National Weather Service ("NWS") have developed the Sea, Lake, and Overland Surge from Hurricanes ("SLOSH") model, which estimates storm surge depths resulting from historical, hypothetical, or predicted hurricanes. A Florida Department of Emergency Management's SLOSH model of the Panama City area shows maximum surge levels for Storm Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in NAVD feet as 3.3, 5.8, 10.8, 14.1, and 18.1, respectively. The SLOSH model, in all likelihood, is a low estimation. It is reasonable to expect surge levels in a Category 3 hurricane that passes directly over the Dam, for example, to be higher than 10.8 feet NAVD predicted by the SLOSH model at the Dam. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's ("NOAA") database, 43 tropical storms and hurricanes have passed within 200 miles of the Reservoir between 1970 and 2010 and 20 have come within 100 miles. None have made landfall closer than 40 miles away from the Dam. Of the 20 storms passing within 100 miles of the Reservoir, four have reached Category 3 strength or higher: Eloise, Elena, Opal, and Dennis. In 2004, Hurricane Ivan made landfall over 100 miles to the west of the Dam and raised water levels near the Dam to nearly five feet NAVD. The following year, Hurricane Dennis made landfall 76 miles to the west of the Dam. Dennis produced a surge level of nearly four feet NAVD near the Dam. "Hurricane Eloise (1975) made landfall 40 miles west of Panama City and produced water levels 15 ft above normal at Panama City ([citation omitted]). However, the storm passed through the area quickly and does not appear to have significantly affected the dam." Bay County Ex. 1, p. 3 of 9. Hurricane Opal made landfall 86 miles west of Panama City Beach and produced water levels of about 8.3 feet NAVD near the Dam. The storm surge did not overtop the gate structure above the Dam, but the gates were jammed by debris. "[C]hloride levels rose above 50 ppm at the intake pumps and two to three times above normal background levels of 8 to 10 ppm 'almost one mile up-reservoir.'" Id. The levels of chloride were "still well within drinking water limits," tr. 434, of 250 parts-per- million (ppm). Hurricane Katrina made landfall in 2005 more than 200 miles west of the Reservoir with storm surges higher than 20 feet. Katrina produced surge levels of five feet above normal tide levels in Bay County. The rate and amount of saltwater that would enter the Reservoir depends on the height of the storm surge above the Dam. The 100-year surge levels could remain above the top of the Dam for three or more hours. Such an event would introduce approximately 56,200,000 cubic feet or 1,290 acre-feet of saltwater into the Reservoir, even if the Dam were to remain intact (undamaged) and the tide gates remain closed. The salinity levels bay-side of the dam are generally 23,000 to 33,000 ppm. It is reasonable to expect that in the event of a 100-year storm event, much of the storm surge would come directly from the Gulf of Mexico, which has higher salinity levels. With the Dam intact, the introduction of 1,290 acre- feet of saltwater at 33,000 ppm would raise the average chloride concentration in the Reservoir to at least 800 ppm, more than three times the maximum drinking water chloride level of 250 ppm. Assuming the Dam remained intact during a 100-year storm event, freshwater added over time to the lake from the streams and aquifer will dilute the elevated lake chloride level and restore the lake water to a level fit for human consumption. The USGS has measured stream flow at Deer Point Lake and estimated the lake receives an average of 600 million gallons of freshwater per day or 900 cfs. Post-Opal rates were estimated at 1,500 cfs by the District. Given the estimated volume of saltwater introduced to the lake, at an inflow rate equal to the estimated post- hurricane freshwater inflow rate, Bay County's expert, Dr. Miller, estimated it would take at least two weeks to reduce salinity in the lake to drinkable levels. The inflow rate, however, is not certain. Dr. Miller estimated it is reasonable to expect that it could take anywhere from two weeks to two months for the lake to recover from the saltwater intrusion depending on the variation in the inflow rate. Nonetheless, Dr. Miller assumed that the saltwater from storm surge entering the Reservoir would mix in a uniform matter. There would be "quite a bit of mixing in a storm," tr. 485, of saltwater topping the Dam and freshwater in the Dam. But there would also be stratification due to the sinking of denser saltwater and the rising in the water column of freshwater. The above estimations assume the bridge and Dam remain intact during a major storm. The Dam and tide gates act as a solid barrier, protecting the lake from saltwater in the bay. If rainfall rises in the lake prior to a surge, the tide gates would open to release water, becoming vulnerable to damage or jamming by debris as occurred during Hurricane Opal. In the event of storm surge bringing saltwater into the Reservoir, the opening of the tide gates will assist the Reservoir in reaching chloride levels below 250 ppm provided the tide gates operate properly. Dr. Janicki, an NTC/Knight expert, used the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code hydrodynamic model ("EFDC Model") to simulate the effects of control structures and water withdrawals on the Reservoir. Taking into consideration the factors Dr. Janicki considered relevant, he predicted that chloride levels, in the event of storm surge from a Category 3 hurricane overtopping the Dam, would only exceed 250 ppm, the drinking water standard, for approximately 3.4 days. Dr. Janicki's prediction, however, was flawed. He added too little saltwater to the lake in the event of contamination from storm surge. He assumed that saltwater would be flushed too soon from the Reservoir following contamination. He did not account for the effects of waves in his model. His model was not in accord with data for Hurricane Opal and the chloride levels near the Dam taken by Bay County after Opal. If the bridge and Dam were severely damaged, more saltwater could enter the lake. With severe damage to the Dam, the Reservoir would be exposed to normal tides. Restoration would not begin until the Dam and bridge had been fully repaired. If an event were catastrophic, the Reservoir could be offline for a lengthy period of time. The Basis for the District's Decision Bay County's reliance on the Reservoir for water for the majority of the population led the District in the mid-1980s to encourage the County to obtain a backup supply. After the District turned down several requests for withdrawals of up to 30 MGD for every day of the year, the District ultimately approved what is reflected in the Permit. The justification for the permitted withdrawal is as a backup supply in the event the Reservoir becomes unavailable and for maintenance of the system and recoupment of its cost. With regard to maintenance, the District attempted to obtain information from Bay County as to appropriate withdrawal limitations. The attempts were abandoned. Despite repeated requests by the District, Bay County did not provide the amount of water needed to be withdrawn for maintenance since it did not have "infrastructure specifics," tr. 552, needed to provide the District with a numeric limit. In contrast to the amount needed for maintenance, the District found Bay County to have demonstrated that it needs 30 MGD when the Reservoir is offline and that it is reasonable for the County to need 30 MGD up to 60 days per year. The District determined that the Bay County's application met the requirements for the issuance of a consumptive use permit found in section 373.221(1)(a)-(c). In determining whether approval of the application is in the public interest, the District did not presume that it is in the public interest on the basis of the designation in the 2008 RWSP of an inland groundwater source as an alternative water supply. The District determined that it is in the public's interest for Bay County to have a reliable and safe water supply source as a backup to the Reservoir irrespective of the statutory presumption. Nonetheless, the District maintains in this proceeding that the presumption applies. The District also applied the 18 criteria test for finding a reasonable-beneficial use found in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-40.410(a)-(r) and determined that the application should be approved. Petitioners' Case in Opposition Washington County (Petitioner in Case No. 10-2983), NTC/Knight (Petitioner in Case No. 10-2984), and Messrs. Murfee and Lapensohn (Petitioners in Case No. 10-10100) filed individual petitions for formal administrative hearing. Although not identical, the petitions share the similarity that, in essence, each alleges that Bay County failed to establish that the proposed use of water meets the statutory and rule criteria for obtaining a permit for the consumptive use of water. For example, among the many issues listed under the heading "Disputed Issues of Material Fact and Law" in Washington County's Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing is "[w]hether Bay County has provided reasonable assurance that its proposed use of water is a reasonable-beneficial use as defined in section 373.019, Florida Statutes." See p. 5 of the Washington County petition. In like fashion, the Washington County petition and the other two petitions allege that the issues are whether Bay County provided reasonable assurance that it meets the other statutory criteria in section 373.223, and the applicable rule criteria that must be met by an applicant in order for the District to issue a permit for the consumptive use of water. The Petitioners' cases focused on five topics: 1) the limitations of the HGL Model; 2) the likelihood of impacts to wetlands and the failure of the monitoring plan to provide reasonable assurance that the District's monitoring under the plan will succeed in detecting harm to wetlands caused by the withdrawals; 3) the reasonable-beneficial nature of the proposed use of the permit, including the vulnerability of the Reservoir; 4) interference with presently existing legal users; and 5) the feasibility of alternative sources. Bay County and the District offered evidence on rebuttal to meet the Petitioners' cases. Surrebuttal was conducted by Petitioners. Modeling Groundwater models "represent what is happening in very complex physical systems." Tr. 1495. Typically, the data used by models is not sufficient to obtain a completely accurate representation. The models depend on specific data points such as information from boreholes or water level measurements that do not reveal everything that is occurring in the complex system and, therefore, are not enough to support completely accurate model predictions. As explained by Dr. Guvanasen, Bay County and the District's expert, in order to reach a representation of the entire system when the data available from boreholes and measurements is insufficient, which is typically the case, the modeler must "extrapolate a lot of information and use other knowledge of other events." Id. The "knowledge of other events" that the HGL Model used included Dr. Scott's knowledge of the karst environment in the Panhandle of Florida, the mapping of Bay and Washington County geology by the Florida Geological Society, and Dr. Upchurch's knowledge of karst topography. The HGL results of the available data and the extrapolations were placed into a mathematical model (the HGL Model) that considered the withdrawals at issue to determine the response of the system to the additional stress of the withdrawals. Mathematical models like the HGL Model lead to "non- unique solutions" in which "no model . . . is exactly 100 percent correct . . . ." Tr. 1635. Modeling results, therefore, are subject to changes as additional data is collected that demand a better representation than the model provided prior to the data's collection and analysis. HGL Modeling for this case provides examples of non- unique solutions. HGL "built a model twice . . . and got two different sets of answers." Tr. 1633. Besides the recommendation that more data be obtained after the first HGL Model results, the model was not satisfactorily calibrated and the model was recalibrated for the Revised HGL Modeling results. Mr. Davis, NTC/Knight's expert, conducted additional modeling work (the "Davis Modeling"). Using the HGL Model and additional data concerning the NTC/Knight Property, Mr. Davis found drawdowns would occur over a similar but greater area than shown in the 2011 Revised HGL Modeling Report. (Compare NTC/Knight Ex. 31 at 2 to Joint Ex. Vol. III, Tab P, Figure 51b(1).) The Davis Modeling drawdowns, moreover, ranged up to 0.8 feet, 60 percent more than the 0.5 feet determined by the second HGL Modeling results. In the area of Big Blue Lake, for example, the drawdown contours produced by the Davis Model were either 0.6 feet or 0.7 feet, 20 to 40 percent more than the 0.5 feet produced by the second HGL Modeling results. See NTC/Knight Ex. 31 at 2. Asked to rank the modeling results between the first HGL Model run, the second HGL Model run, and his own results, Mr. Davis was unable to say which was better because of the sparseness of the data. Mr. Davis opined that he could conduct another "dozen more model runs," but without additional data he would be "hard pressed" to be able to say which run was more accurate. Tr. 1633. In Mr. Davis' opinion there remain significant uncertainties that cannot be resolved without more data. Inadequate data "precludes . . . reasonable assurance as to exactly where the impacts will travel and exactly what the magnitude of those impacts will be . . . ." Tr. 1637. Ecological Impacts Bruce A. Pruitt, Ph.D., was accepted as an expert in hydrology, soil science, fluvial geomorphology, and wetland sciences. Dr. Pruitt mapped the soil types on the NTC/Knight Property using the Natural Resource Conservation Service ("NRCS") Web Soil Survey and tested soil types by hand-auguring in wetland areas. He characterized the various soil-types on the property by drainage class (relative wetness of the soil under natural conditions) and hydraulic conductivity (permeability). Dr. Pruitt ranked the vulnerability of wetlands within the zone of drawdown predicted by the HGL Model as "very high," "high," or "moderate." The categories were based on the presence of threatened and endangered species, Florida Natural Area Inventor ("FNAI") habitat designation, and the hydrology of the wetland. He assumed that if the water level in the Surficial Aquifer were to be drawn down by 0.3 feet or 0.4 feet then the water level in the seepage bogs at Botheration Creek would be drawn down by the same amount. Wetlands with a vulnerability classification of "very high" will suffer an adverse impact at a drawdown level of 0.2 feet; those at "high" at 0.3 feet and those at "moderate" at 0.5 feet in times of drought. Dr. Pruitt calculated wetland acreage by type using the Florida Cover Classification System. He assigned vulnerability rating for the wetlands within the Surficial Aquifer drawdown contours generated by the HGL Model. Based on Dr. Pruitt's calculations, a total of approximately 4,200 acres of wetlands are likely to be harmed by the predicted drawdown. A majority of these wetlands are located in Washington County. Based on Dr. Pruitt's analysis, it is likely that the NTC/Knight Property contains 1,981 acres of "very highly" vulnerable wetlands; 1,895 acres of "highly" vulnerable wetlands; and 390 acres of "moderately" vulnerable wetlands, which are likely to be harmed by the drawdown in times of drought. In reaching his opinion about the quantification of acres of wetlands likely to be harmed, Dr. Pruitt applied the Florida Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method ("UMAM"). UMAM was designed to address compensatory mitigation in dredge and fill cases. It was not designed for consumptive water use cases. In contrast and damaging to its case of reasonable assurance that natural systems will not be significantly affected, the District did not conduct an analysis to determine loss of wetland function resulting from operation under the Permit. Nor did it determine how much drawdown the affected wetlands could tolerate before they were harmed. Rather than conducting such an analysis, the District chose to rely on implementation of the LTEMP to cure any harm that might be down by drawdown to the Surficial Aquifer. The District and Bay County's wetland scientists opined that there might be a less permeable restrictive layer maintaining water levels above the Surficial Aquifer on the NTC/Knight Property. Dr. Pruitt acknowledged that the NTC/Knight Property had scattered clay layers beneath the surface. It is possible, therefore, that some of the wetland areas he identified as subject to harm have restrictive features under them which would hold water and resist dehydration. In his hand-auguring, however, Dr. Pruitt found no evidence of a less permeable layer. The auguring only went to a depth of three feet and would have to go to a depth of two meters to be definitive. Furthermore, Dr. Pruitt found no evidence of a less permeable layer from well drillings. The District and Bay County did not prove that there is, in fact, such a restrictive layer. NTC/Knight collected water-level data from shallow hand-augured wells and stage recorders at the Botheration Creek Hillside Seepage Bog. The data demonstrate that the water level in the shallow, hand-augured wells at the Botheration Creek Bog is a direct reflection of the level of the Surficial Aquifer. The Surficial Aquifer at the Botheration Creek Bog was approximately 95.5 feet NAVD, over 35 feet higher than at Big Blue Lake and the highest measured level south of Big Blue Lake. The Botheration Creek Hillside Seepage Bog is located between the 0.3 and 0.4 foot Surficial Aquifer drawdown contours predicted by the HGL Model. Based on the HGL Model, the District and Bay County's experts estimated the Surficial Aquifer drawdown at this bog would be 0.39 feet. During the approximately one year of NTC/Knight's water-level recording, a drawdown of 0.39 feet would have reduced the frequency and duration of inundation at this bog significantly. For example, an analysis of the approximately one year of data collected by NTC/Knight shows that at the intermediate water-level recorder location in the bog, one 29-day period of inundation would have been reduced to just nine days and that further down gradient in the bog, none of the five instances when the bog was inundated would have occurred. This is consistent with Dr. Pruitt's vulnerability assessment, which finds that the vulnerability of the hillside seepage bogs to drawdown is "very high," that is, these systems are likely to be harmed in times of drought at drawdown levels in the Surficial Aquifer of 0.2 feet or greater. A drawdown of 0.3-0.4 feet in the Surficial Aquifer at the hillside seepage bog along Botheration Creek increases the likelihood that the hillside seepage bogs along Botheration Creek will be lost in times of drought. The littoral shelves of Sand Hill Lakes typically occur along a low gradient above the normal low water level of the lakes. The existence of the shelf promotes seepage sheet flow along a wide expanse. The drawdown will change the flow from seepage sheet flow to concentrated stream flow within gullies. The erosion and increased sedimentation produced by the greater force of the water in the gullies will cause a loss of area needed by certain seepage dependent plants and animals. If Big Blue Lake were to be drawn down by the 0.71 feet predicted by Mr. Davis, the location of the seepage would move down 0.71 feet vertically and an estimated 24.5 feet horizontally. The result would be a reduction in the littoral shelf conducive to seepage-dependent plant communities by approximately nine acres. The impact would likely be significant since the seepage zone is in an area of "very high" vulnerability according to Dr. Pruitt. Between October 2010 and July 2011, NTC/Knight took four measurements of water level at "BCS-01," a stage recorder in Botheration Creek. The measurements showed the water level in the creek at that point to be 0.1 to 0.32 feet. NTC/Knight also sampled for taxa of macroinvertebrates in the reach of the creek. NTC/Knight identified 46 taxa, including mussels and six long-lived taxa. The presence of the long-lived taxa and mussels indicate that the reach of the creek in the vicinity of the stage recorder should be considered to be a perennial stream. Botheration Creek is high-quality water and, as shown by NTC/Knight's sampling, it contains a diverse mix of aquatic invertebrates and fish. A drop in the level of Botheration Creek of 0.2 feet predicted by the HGL Model would have caused the creek to go dry at BCA-01 during three of the four dates on which the water level was measured. Such a drop would convert the reach of the creek in the vicinity of the stage recorder from a perennial to an intermittent stream and would eliminate the reach's viability for long-lived taxa. Similarly, upstream reaches that are intermittent would become ephemeral (streams that flow only during periods of high rainfall). If the Wellfield becomes fully operational as allowed by the Permit, there will be a reduction in the Surficial Aquifer at Botheration Creek of between 0.2 and 0.3 feet. The reduction in the aquifer will reduce flow in Botheration Creek, reduce the volume downstream, including in Pine Log Creek, and reduce out-of-bank flood frequency and duration. The result will be a reduction in nutrients delivered downstream and to the floodplain to the detriment of plants and animal life that depend on them. Additionally, other reaches of the creek that have perennial flow will be converted to intermittent streams and reaches that are intermittent will become ephemeral. The result will be the elimination of plant and animal species currently living in these portions of the creek. The impact of the HGL Model predicted drawdown to steepheads depends on the individual steephead and the drawdown contour at its location and the amount of rainfall. Four steepheads on the NTC/Knight Property could suffer impacts similar to the impact at Russ Steephead to which Dr. Pruitt assigned a high probability of impact. Russ Steephead is located on the NTC/Knight Property above Russ Pond. NTC/Knight installed Surficial Aquifer wells at Russ Steephead between the HGL Model's predicted 0.5 and 0.6 foot Surficial Aquifer drawdown contours. NTC/Knight also installed a stage recorder just downstream from the steephead. During drought, NTC/Knight observed a loss of flow from the sidewall seepage areas and in the Russ Steephead Stream. If the Surficial Aquifer at Russ Pond were to be drawn down by 0.5-0.6 feet, the sidewalls of the Russ Steephead Stream and the stream itself would lose flow in times of drought. The loss of flow would lead to oxidation and loss of organic materials in the stream channel and flood plain, resulting in soil subsidence. If the water level at the terminus of the Russ Steephead Stream were drawn down, headward down cutting in the stream channel would be induced. In such a case, in the words of Dr. Pruitt, "there is a high probability that if drawdown occurs and . . . over a long period of time," the process will make the steephead "look more like a gully . . . ." Tr. 2120. The drawdown will also reduce the frequency and duration of inundation of the sphagnum bogs in the four steepheads likely to be affected by the drawdown. The bogs and the associated animals that depend upon them would be lost. Dr. Means identified a number of temporary ponds within HGL's predicted drawdown of the Surficial Aquifer. Nine were between the 0.3 and 0.6 foot drawdown contour, and two were between the 0.6 and 0.7 foot drawdown contours. These ponds and plant and animal communities dependent upon them would likely be harmed by the drawdowns. Mr. Cantrell offered testimony to rebut the Petitioners' case on wetland impacts. His testimony was based on an evaluation of aerial photography, site visits to the Wellfield, and a one-day trip to the NTC/Knight Property. It is Mr. Cantrell's opinion that if the NTC/Knight Property were to drain, it would be because of a surface water drainage system, such as ditching, not because of drawdown in the Surficial Aquifer caused by operation of the Wellfield. Mr. Cantrell's opinion is that because the Area has been subjected to a wide range of fluctuations in water levels and the wetland systems have survived, operation of the Wellfield will not have significant impacts. Mr. Cantrell's opinion, however, overlooks the effect of constant drawdown during times of severe drought. That wetlands have survived severe drought in the past does not mean they will survive severe drought conditions exacerbated by drawdown caused by operation of the Wellfield. Monitoring Special condition 19 of the Permit requires Bay County to implement the LTEMP after the Permit is issued. The LTEMP requires Bay County to establish a monitoring network, but does not provide the location of any particular monitoring site. Sites identified in the LTEMP are recommended, but the ability to use a particular site is dependent on field verification of suitability and authorization by the landowner. Over half the area designated in the LTEMP from the HGL Model's projected 0.5 foot drawdown in the Surficial Aquifer is located on the NTC/Knight Property. It will be necessary, therefore, to include sites on the NTC/Knight Property in the ultimate environmental monitoring network. The LTEMP's recommended sites do not include monitoring of some of the most susceptible wetland systems: temporary ponds, the Botheration Creek hillside seepage bogs, and the perennial headwaters of Botheration Creek. Without this monitoring, the LTEMP will be unable to detect whether these systems are harmed by withdrawals. The Permit and LTEMP require no more than one-year of baseline data to be collected prior to initiation of water withdrawals. The proposed monitoring time is inadequate to create a sufficient record for use in determining whether a reduction in water levels is attributable to water withdrawals or natural phenomena, such as drought. Baseline monitoring should be conducted for a sufficient duration to ensure that a full range of wet and dry years is captured. The LTEMP describes the types of data that are to be collected. A missing component is sampling for frogs, salamanders, and other amphibians that are sensitive to changes in hydrologic regimes and which depend upon infrequent periods of inundation in order to breed. This type of faunal sampling is particularly important in the temporary ponds and seepage environments. Without sampling for the presence of these species, the LTEMP will be unable to determine whether these populations have been harmed by withdrawals. The LTEMP includes a number of "triggers," that if tripped, require the preparation of an auxiliary report. A number of these triggers make reference to changes in water levels at the level of "significant deviation," an undefined term. More importantly, the LTEMP fails to require any statistical analysis. Without it, the LTEMP will be inadequate to establish whether a reduction in water levels is caused by water withdrawals or another cause. Similarly, other triggers lack sufficient detail to determine when they are tripped, such as those that refer to downward movement of plants. Finally, even if one of these triggers is tripped and an auxiliary report is prepared, nothing in the Permit or LTEMP sets forth the circumstances under which withdrawals would need to be curtailed and by what amount. The purpose of the LTEMP is to determine whether withdrawals are causing harm to the wetlands within the vicinity of the Wellfield. The LTEMP fails to provide reasonable assurance that it will succeed in achieving its purpose. Reasonable-Beneficial Use Use if the Reservoir is Unavailable In the event of Reservoir unavailability, Bay County is likely to need much less than 30 MGD. The need is likely to fall between 7.42 MGD and 9.71 MGD for the current population. In 2013, the need is likely to fall between 9.40 MGD and 12.29 MGD. See NTC/Knight Ex. 5, p. 4 of 4. The Permit, however, does not limit Bay County to emergency or backup use. While Bay County might voluntarily limit withdrawals to emergency use or backup supply, it has unfettered discretion to determine what constitutes an emergency or the necessity for a backup supply. The Permit is also not restricted to essential uses. Authorization of 30 MGD provides more than Bay County's current average daily demand for potable water. If the Permit restricted the use to essential uses, the authorization would be far less than 30 MDG. The District commissioned King Engineering to assist in development of a "Coastal Water Systems Interconnect Project" (the "Interconnect Project"). On average, the utilities subject to the Interconnect Project estimated that 42 percent of the average daily demand is dedicated to essential uses with the remaining 58 percent going to non-essential uses. Consistent with the estimate, the Project set a target of 50 percent of average daily demand to be allowed for use in an emergency. None of the information from the Interconnect Project, however, was used by the District in setting the limits of withdrawal in the Permit. b. Daily Use Bay County claims the 5 MGD annual average allocation under the Permit is needed for several reasons, principally the maintenance of pumps. Bay County's justification for 5 MGD is found in testimony from Mr. Lackemacher and a document he authored entitled, "Confidential Draft for Internal Use Only 5 MGD Pumping Rate" (the "Lackemacher Confidential Draft"), admitted as Bay County Ex. 24. Mr. Lackemacher's testimony follows: A. The fact is that there are no absolute knowns when we're talking about what needs to be. Q. What do you mean? A. Well, here we have a document [Bay County Ex. 24] where I talk about rationalization for 5 million gallons a day, why we would need it, mechanical reasons, financial reasons, regulatory reasons. I always felt that it was very difficult to justify a number. I don't know. We haven't designed the system. We haven't got all of the wells in. We don't know what their specific yields are. There's unknowns here. So do we need 2 million gallons a day or 5 million gallons a day? I don't know. I don't know that. But here is the rationalization for 5 million if that's in fact what we need. We may very well find out that we don't need 5 million gallons a day. Q. Is that because you don't know the precise locations of the well and how they're going to be piped and distributed? A. That's absolutely true. Q. Well, did you in this report, Exhibit 24, did you make some reasonable assumptions? A. I based it on some of the values as you discussed or as I pointed out earlier from Hatch Mott MacDonald's preliminary design. * * * Q. And do you feel confident that your analysis supported that in the area of 5 million gallons a day is what would be needed to operate the wellfield? A. Yes. And that's why the paper was generated that [is] a justification for 5 million gallons a day, here's what we think we would need. Tr. 209-10. The Lackemacher Confidential Draft is a one-page, written justification for the 5 MGD. Based on the Hatch Mott McDonald Report, see tr. 210, it considers regulatory, mechanical and financial factors. It is not supported, however, by engineering analysis. Any financial analysis found in the Hatch Mott McDonald Report, moreover, is far from complete. The factors taken into consideration are recited in the most general of terms. For example, of four such factors, the document lists the second as: "All water pumps are designed to run - turning pumps on and off is not the best situation for the overall electrical efficiency or the mechanicals of a pump." Bay County Ex. 24. Consistent with Mr. Lackemacher's testimony, the document concludes that the amount of water needed to run each well is unknown. The financial justification is based on costs shown in the Hatch Mott MacDonald Report for construction and operation of 22 wells, ten more wells than are contained in the Wellfield and without any analysis of revenue to recoup the costs. The financial justification is a bare conclusion on the part of Mr. Lackemacher: We cannot afford to operate a well field at a financial loss, based on this fact alone we would have to pump a minimum of 4.49 MGD. Combined with the fact that we don't know what volumes of water have to be turned over to ensure water quality 5 MGD seems quite reasonable. Bay County Ex. 24. The Lackemacher Confidential Draft is dated May 17, 2011. It was not part of Bay County's Application nor was it submitted to the District prior to the decision to issue the Permit. Although the District attempted to obtain information from Bay County about what was needed for maintenance, Bay County did not provide it. As Mr. Gowans testified, "[t]hen I finally told staff, [s]top asking, we're not going to get the numbers . . . ." Tr. 552. The District performed no analysis to determine the minimum amount of water needed to maintain the Wellfield. In contrast, NTC/Knight and Washington County presented the testimony of Phillip Waller, an engineer accepted as an expert in the design and construction of potable water systems, including groundwater wells, surface water, and transmission and distribution of drinking water. Mr. Waller testified that if the wells were connected to a central treatment system, there would not be the need to flush the pipeline for disinfection prior to use of the well in an emergency. Only 2.4 million gallons per year or 6,500 gallons per day would be needed to maintain optimum operating conditions, an amount far less than 5 MGD. Mr. Waller's experience when groundwater is used as a backup, moreover, is that they are operated periodically. While prudent to periodically operate backup wells especially in advance of hurricane season, vertical pumps in wells, unlike horizontal pumps, do not have a need for frequent operation because of even force distribution. They certainly do not need to be continuously operated. "In fact, wells routinely are idle for months at a time." Tr. 1123. Interference with Existing Legal Users In its Revised Staff Report dated July 18, 2011, the District wrote: Nearby Users: Under the most intensive pumping activity, drawdown in the Upper Floridan Aquifer is predicted to be approximately 15 feet in the vicinity of the nearest private wells. Water level declines of this magnitude may cause water levels to fall below the level of the pump intake in some privately-owned wells. Joint Ex. Vol. IV, Tab Q, p. 4. The District's high estimate of the number of wells used by existing legal users that might suffer impacts approaches 900. The exact number or whether any existing legal users would be likely to suffer impacts was not proven. Alternatives Groundwater wells, if installed and attached to the fitting in the existing transmission line that delivers water from the Pump Station to the Water Treatment Plant, could serve as backup to the Reservoir. Bay County did not conduct a study of whether groundwater in the area of the transmission line was adequate to serve as an alternative. Mr. Waller, on behalf of NTC/Knight and Washington County, on the other hand, testified that the transmission line could support ten wells with a capacity of 10 MGD and could be constructed at a cost of $12 million, far less than the Wellfield. The area of the transmission line is in an area identified by the District as acceptable for the creation of potable water wells. The area does not present a significant risk of saltwater intrusion if not used continuously. The water meets the drinking water requirements for the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Health. The existing transmission line alternative is located near the existing raw water supply line which minimizes the need for additional piping. There is sufficient length along the existing raw water pipeline to accommodate ten wells. The existing transmission line alternative, therefore, has significant potential to succeed as a water supply backup to the Reservoir. NTC/Knight and Washington County, through Mr. Waller, also proposed another alternative: an intake at Bayou George. Near Highway 231, the main pipeline from the intake would run along public right-of-way. North of the existing intake in Williams Bayou and three miles north of the Dam, the proposed intake would be less susceptible to contamination from storm surge. Neither Bay County nor the District presented a thorough analysis of any alternative to the Wellfield. In contrast, NTC/Knight and Washington County presented the testimony of Mr. Waller that there are two alternatives that could be constructed at much less cost than the Wellfield and that have significant potential of providing backup supply.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Northwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order that denies the application of Bay County for the individual water use permit at issue in this proceeding. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of July, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of July, 2012.
Findings Of Fact In 1984, the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) issued surface water management permit number 48-00201-5 for a 515 acre project, Isleworth Golf and Country Club, located in southwest Orange County. The permit was issued to the developer, Isleworth Partners. Sometime after the permit was issued and the system was constructed, nitrate concentrations were detected in holding ponds BE-15 and 16. District staff speculated that the shallow ground water table was contaminated with residual nitrogen left from nutrient applications to a citrus grove previously on the site. They were concerned that the high nitrate ground water was seeping into the storm water storage ponds and would eventually be discharged into adjoining Lake Bessie, thereby affecting the water quality of the lake. Lake Bessie, along with other lakes in the region, was also experiencing rising levels. On March 24, 1988, Isleworth Partners submitted to the SFWMD its application number 03248-G, to modify the existing surface water management permit, to help prevent the water quality problems from occurring in Lake Bessie, as described above, and to ameliorate and mitigate against increased lake levels in Lake Bessie. It was not intended to provide flood protection for Lake Bessie. The solution proposed in the modification request, as well as in water use permit applications processed at the same time, was to retain substantially more water in storage ponds BE-15 and 16, and to recycle some of the water from those ponds for use in irrigating the golf course. There were no objections to the water use modifications which were processed with the surface water management permit modification, and the water use modifications were approved by the SFWMD governing board in June 1988. As they affect ponds BE-15 and 16, the water use modifications include pumping the ponds down to a new control level of 97 feet NGVD and using that water to irrigate the golf course. This process has already been implemented with beneficial results: the nitrate concentrations in the ponds have been reduced. The surface water management modification which is the subject of the application at issue is to raise the weir structure from 101.6 to 103 feet NGVD in pond BE-15 to provide complete retention of a 10 year/24 hour storm event without discharge to Lake Bessie from the pond. The under drain system at Pond BE-15 will also be plugged to prevent the existing permitted bleed down of the pond waters into Lake Bessie. This structural modification involves simple construction work and can be completed in one or two days. Ponds BE-15 and 16 are currently connected by an equalizer pipe, and will remain so. Under the modifications the ponds will be maintained (control elevation) at 97 feet NGVD through the use of existing permitted pumps. The maximum elevation of the ponds will be raised from 101.6 feet to 103 feet NGVD by the alteration of the weir. This means the waters in the ponds would have to top 103 feet to overflow and discharge, by way of an existing pipe, to the swales along Lake Bessie and thence into the lake. A 10 year/24 hour storm event is the amount of rainfall that will statistically occur in a 24-hour period once every ten years, or ten times in a 100-year period. The amount of rainfall in a 10 year/24 hour storm event is roughly seven and a half inches. The modification proposed by Isleworth Partners is intended to retain the runoff from that storm. Currently, under the system as permitted, only the first inch of runoff must be retained. This is about 2.4 inches of rainfall or approximately a 3-year/1-hour storm event. Substantially more water will be retained in Ponds BE-15 and 16 under the proposed modification. The staff of SFWMD recommended that the application be granted, with twelve standard limiting conditions and eight special conditions, including the following: * * * The permittee shall be responsible for the correction of any water quality problems that result from the construction or operation of the surface water management system. The district reserves the right to require that water quality treatment methods be incorporated into the drainage system if such measures are shown to be necessary. * * * (Isleworth Exhibit #3, p. 6) John Robertson, Donald Greer and Robert Londeree reside on Lake Bessie. John Robertson and Donald Greer are members and officers of a nonprofit corporation, the Petitioner in this case, Friends of the Lakes, Inc. These residents are concerned that the level of Lake Bessie has risen in the last few years and that it is becoming polluted. Long standing docks which had been primarily dry are now frequently under water. The residents have observed milky or greenish yellow water discharging from pipes from the Isleworth development. These residents, who are not parties to the proceeding, concede that, if the modification works as intended, the system will be improved and the impact to Lake Bessie Will be lessened. Petitioner, Friends of the Lakes, Inc., questions the reliability of the pumping system to maintain the 97.0 foot control elevation. If the ponds are maintained at a control level of 97.0 feet, the 10 year/24 hour storm water will be retained. If, however, through a series of smaller events, the level is higher than 97.0 feet, less capacity will exist, and the water will discharge sooner to Lake Bessie. The current permitted pump operates at 375 gallons a minute. Depending on whether the pump is operated continuously or part-time, it would take from four to twenty days to pump down the pond from a maximum 103 feet to the 97 foot level. The District found the pumping system to be acceptable at Isleworth because the development has a full-time maintenance staff of 35 people, of whom three work on the pumping system. A maintenance supervisor checks the pumps daily, and the developer has an agreement with a pump company to replace the pump, if needed, within four to six hours. The system is considered reliable and the increased pond holding capacity will insure that more water will be retained than under the existing permitted system. Stephen Miller is the professional engineer whose firm prepared the application for modification and the original application for the surface water management permit. He is aware of some changes in the project as constructed which differ from his design for the original system. These changes relate specifically to grading on the golf course and not, as suggested by Petitioner, to the operation of ponds BE-15 and 16. Stephen Miller believes that the modifications will do exactly what they are proposed to do. The application for the modifications took into account the existing conditions which differ from the permitted construction plans. Ronald R. Potts testified for Petitioner as an expert in geology and surface and ground water hydrology. He agrees that the application for modification meets all requirements of the SFWMD with the exception of a single standard condition: * * * 3. The permittee shall comply with all applicable local subdivision regulations and other local requirements. In addition, the permittee shall obtain all necessary federal, state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any construction or alteration of works authorized by this permit (Isleworth Exhibit #3, P. 6.) The district staff report recommending approval for the modification request was sent to Orange County for its review and comment. Orange County made no objections. Within Orange County it is the engineering department which is responsible for the implementation and interpretation of the Orange County subdivision regulations as they apply to storm water management. The SFWMD does not attempt to enforce other agencies' requirements. The Orange County Engineer, George Cole, determined that neither section 10.1.2 nor section 10.4.4(D) of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations were applicable to the modification proposed by Isleworth. Section 10.1.2 requires that recharge to the Floridan Aquifer, where soils are compatible, shall be accomplished by providing for retention of the total run off generated by a 25 year frequency, 24 hour duration storm event from the developed site. Section 10.4.4(D) of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations requires that a pond design detain a 100 year storm event when discharge into a lake without a positive outfall is proposed. When the County first approved Isleworth's Planned Development, it set a specific requirement that the storm water management system retain the first inch of runoff and detain the difference between pre-development and post- development discharge for a 25 year/24 hour storm. "Retention" of storm water means that the water must be held on site and disposed of by some means other than discharge. "Detention" requires only that water be held back for a period of time before discharge. The Isleworth property is not located in a prime recharge area, as under its soils is a highly impermeable lens, commonly called "hardpan." Lake Bessie has a positive outfall, a pipe connecting Lake Bessie with nearby Lake Down. Although the pipe was plugged with debris for a period of years, it has been cleaned out and the potential exists for outfall from Lake Bessie in flood conditions. The County's 100 year/24 hour detention requirement would still allow the ponds to discharge more water to Lake Bessie than the proposed 10 year/24 hour retention design, and is, therefore, less restrictive. Lake Bessie presently is one of Florida's most pristine lakes with crystal clear water that is ideal for recreational purposes. The natural dynamic state of lakes is that over a period of time they evolve from oligotrophic, with clear water and a balanced system; to mesotrophic, with less water clarity, more nutrients, increased algae and less desirability for human use; to a eutrophic state, with even less clarity, choking vegetation, less fish and less pleasing appearance and utility. This occurs in a natural state as lakes fill in with decaying matter from the shore. Petitioner claims that discharge from Isleworth will hasten the death of the lake. Phillip Sacco testified for the Petitioner as an expert biologist and limnologist (one who studies fresh bodies of water). He performed a modeling analysis to determine the amount of phosphorus being discharged into Lake Bessie and he opined that the Isleworth development will cause Lake Bessie to change to a eutrophic state. A significant component of his analysis was his assumption that 920 acre-feet of water would be discharged into Lake Bessie as a result of the modification. (transcript pp. 557-558). The 920 acre feet is actually the total amount of water which enters Lake Bessie from the entire Lake Bessie basin, not just from the Isleworth property, and includes both surface water (2%) and ground water (98%). The analysis is discredited by the false assumption. Mr. Sacco also theorized that the interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus precipitated by the change in land use occasioned by the Isleworth development would produce deleterious effects on Lake Bessie's water quality: "Nitrogen is the dynamite; phosphorus is the fuse and the land use change of Isleworth is the match." The permit modification application at issue does not relate to a land use change. The change from orange groves to residential development occurred years ago and has already been permitted. In fact, the land change providing the ignition in Mr. Sacco's vivid metaphor is just as likely in the even earlier cultivation of the groves and use of nutrients in their production. The single result of the modification at issue will be less water being discharged into Lake Bessie than is currently permitted from the system, thus conserving the water quality present in the lake. The residents who testified are not parties to this proceeding. Although two of them established they are members and officers of Friends of the Lake, Inc., no evidence was produced regarding the corporation, its legal existence or purpose.
Recommendation Based on the above it is hereby RECOMMENDED: that a final order be issued granting the application for permit modification, and denying Isleworth Partners' request for costs and attorney's fees. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th of August, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of August, 1989. APPENDIX Case NO. 88-3056 The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties: PETITIONER'S PROPOSED FINDINGS: 1-2. Adopted in part in paragraph 9. However, testimony on the dying trees was excluded as beyond the witnesses' expertise. 3-4. Adopted in part in paragraph 2, otherwise rejected as not based on competent evidenc. Adopted in paragraph 3. Adopted in part in paragraph 10, otherwise rejected as unsupported by the evidence. The pumps already exist and are permitted. Rejected as irrelevant Rejected as unnecessary Rejected as inconsistent with the evidence. Adopted in paragraph 12. Rejeceted as unsubstantiated by competent evidence; the proposed fact is also too vague and ambiguous to properly address. Rejected as unsupported by competent evidence. Rejected as irrelevant, unnecessary, or unsupported by competent evidence. 14-15. Rejected as unsupported by the weight of evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence and irrelevant. Adopted in part in paragraph 16; the contribution by the development is rejected as unsupported by competent evidence. Rejected as unsupported by competent evidence. Addressed in paragraph 16. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in paragraph 16. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. 25-31. Rejected as irrelevant and unnecessary. Rejected as testimony summarized rather than findings of fact. Rejected as unecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS: ISLEWORTH PARTNERS Adopted in paragraph 1, except the finding regarding the existing system meeting district requirements is rejected as irrelevant. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 2 and 3. 3-4. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 5 and 6. Adopted in substance in paragraph 7. Rejected as cumulative and unnecessary. Adopted in part in paragraph 9, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 11. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 12. Adopted in paragraph 13. Included in conclusion of law #6. Adopted in paragraph 13. 14-19. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 14 and 15. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in paragraph 16. 22-25. Adopted in part in paragraph 16, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in part in paragraph 4, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. 28-31. Adopted in part in paragraph 9, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. 32. Adopted in paragraph 18 and in conclusion of law #2. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1-2. Adopted in paragraph 3 and 4. Adopted in paragraph 5. Adopted in paragraph 7. 5-6. Adopted in paragraph 10. Adopted in paragraph 11. Adopted in paragraph 13. 9-10. Adopted in paragraph 14. Adopted in paragraph 16, otherwise rejected as cumulative or unnecessary. Adopted in part in paragraph 14. COPIES FURNISHED: J. Alan Cox, Esquire Bogin, Munns & Munns 105 West 5th Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32303 Chris H. Bentley, Esquire W. Douglas Beason, Esquire Rose, Sundstrom & Bentley 2548 Blairstone Pines Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 William Doster, Esquire Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, et al., PA P.0. Box 2809 Orlando, FL 32802 James K. Sturgis, Esquire South Florida Water Management District P. O. Box 24680 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) should issue to Century Realty Funds, Inc. (Century) Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) No. 44000227.002 (the ERP), which would modify Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 (the Permit) and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481, issued by the District to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact The District issued Management and Storage of Surface Waters (MSSW) Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century in July 1985 for construction of a surface water management system for Angler's Green Mobile Home Park (MHP) located in Mulberry, Polk County, Florida. Angler’s Green MHP Angler’s Green MHP is an 83-acre residential golf course development of approximately 385 homes located off of State Road 37 near Mulberry. Residents at Angler’s Green own their own mobile homes and lease the residential lots pursuant to annual leases expiring December 31 of each year, with guaranteed renewal conditioned upon owner compliance with the terms and conditions of the lease. Prior to being developed as a mobile home park, the property which is now Angler’s Green MHP was part of a phosphate mining operation and was reclaimed under a phosphate mining land reclamation plan approved by the Florida Department of Natural Resources and a reclamation contract dated September 4, 1984. Final contours of the Angler’s Green site were made in accordance with the approved reclamation plan. After reclamation contouring, a 23-acre manmade (former phosphate mine pit) lake remained in the northeast quadrant of the Angler's Green site. The resulting lake had a finger arm (bay or cove) extending from the southwest corner of the main body of the lake, oriented in a north-to-south direction and located west of a peninsula of land extending into the northwest part of the lake from the north. The lake also had a short, narrow canal leading into the main body of the lake from the south; the canal connected at a right angle to longer narrow waterway to the south of and extending parallel to the main body of the lake in an east-to-west orientation. There also were two smaller ponds on the property after reclamation contouring. After reclamation, surface water onsite generally flowed westerly and discharged from the property to a railroad ditch along the western boundary of the property. The recorded post-reclamation, pre-development water level for the 23-acre lake, as indicated on the site grading plans, was around 127.1 to 127.8 feet above Mean Sea Level (M.S.L.). The 1985 Permits On July 10, 1985, the District issued MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 and Stormwater Exemption No. EO1481 to Century to authorize the construction of a surface water management system for Angler’s Green. The MSSW Permit had an expiration date of July 10, 1988. As designed, the permitted Angler’s Green surface water management system was to route internal stormwater runoff to swales, detention ponds, and catchment areas before discharging through a sidebank sand filtration system (a berm approximately 300 feet long containing an 8” perforated drain pipe covered by a filter fabric and sand filter material) to receiving waters at the northwest corner of the property. The permitted system was designed with five drainage areas known as Basins A through E. Basin A was in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin B was to its east in the southeast quadrant of the site; Basin E was to the north of Basin A and included the 23-acre former phosphate mining pit reclaimed as an artificial lake, which was referred to as “Lake E” or sometimes “Pond E"; Basin C was to the west of Basin E; and Basin D was to the west of Basin C and to the north of Basin B. The two smaller ponds on the property were designated Pond C-1 and Pond B-1 and were located in Basin C and Basin B, respectively. Basin D was in the northwest corner of the site; the discharge structure was in the northwest corner of Basin D. As the system was designed, stormwater from Basin E would appear to sheet flow naturally into Lake E; stormwater from Basin A would appear to flow naturally to the southwest, away from Lake E, but the system routed the water from the southwest corner of Basin A to the western end of the waterway on Lake E through an underground pipe. Stormwater from Basin B was to flow to and be retained in Pond B-1; as the system was designed, surface water was not designed to discharge offsite from Basin B. As designed, Lake E served as a detention pond for water from Basin E and Basin A. It was to have a control structure (CS-1) in the arm of Lake E that would produce a seasonal fluctuation range of two feet, from 127.5’ above M.S.L. to 129.5’ above M.S.L. Stormwater discharging from CS- 1 was to be conveyed by pipe to Pond C-1, where it was to mingle with surface water draining from Basin C. When full, Pond C-1 would cascade into the golf course area in Basin D and, as necessary, in a portion of Basin B. After catchment and detention in the golf course area, overflow was eventually and ultimately to discharge offsite through the side-bank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. In this manner, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was designed to accommodate the 24-hour, 25- year storm event, which was estimated to produce approximately 8 inches of water in a 24-hour period. It also was designed to comply with the water quality requirements as specified in Florida Administrative Code Chapter 17-25 (1985 Ann. Supp.) by detaining the first half-inch of runoff before discharging it offsite through the sidebank sand filtration system in the northwest corner of Basin D. (All rule citations are to the Florida Administrative Code.) Omission of the Stangls During the review process, the District noted from drawings submitted as part of Century's MSSW Permit application that the project area did not include approximately the eastern third of the main body of Lake E. District staff brought this to Century's attention in a request for additional information (RAI) and stated: "If possible, you should obtain a perpetual right to operate and maintain the lake from other owners." In response, Century falsely represented to the District that L. Kirk McKay, a joint venture partner of Century, was the only riparian owner on Lake E and that Century had obtained from him a perpetual right to operate and maintain Lake E as part of the MSSW Permit. In fact, the Stangls owned property on the east side of the lake, including approximately 500 feet of lakefront and contiguous lake bottom. The Stangls and two partners purchased the property from McKay himself in 1979. The Stangls bought out their partners in 1984. The District relied on Century's misrepresentation. The District would not have issued the MSSW Permit to Century if the District had known that Century did not own or control all the land being used for the Permit--specifically, including all of Lake E. See Rule 40D-4.101(1)(d) and (2)(d)6. (1985) (application must include "evidence of ownership or control"). In addition, because the District was unaware of the Stangls' ownership of a portion of Lake E, the District did not require Century to give the Stangls direct, actual notice of the Century's permit application. Instead, the District only required that Century publish notice of the District’s receipt of the permit application. Notice was published on April 3, 1985, in the Lakeland Ledger, a newspaper of general circulation qualified under the terms of Section 50.011, Florida Statutes. But the Stangls did not see the published notice, were unaware of the permit application, and did not ask to participate in the permitting process. The Stangl property adjacent to Angler’s Green remained undeveloped and unoccupied until 1999, when the Stangls' son, John, established a business on the site. Prior to 1999, the Stangls visited the property a couple times a year. They were fully aware of the construction and operation of Anglers Green as a mobile home park across Lake E. During this time, Century leased 385 lots with guaranteed annual renewal conditioned only upon compliance with lease terms and conditions. Amenities under the leases included clubhouse and golf course privileges. At no time before 2000 did the Stangls take any action to challenge the validity of Century's 1985 MSSW Permit. 1985 Surface Water Management Permitting Requirements In 1985, permitting requirements for surface water management systems were divided between two regulatory schemes. Surface water management permits in Polk County were issued by the District under Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, which addressed water quantity and flooding issues for projects greater than and less than 40 acres, respectively. Water quality permits or exemptions from water quality permitting requirements were issued by the Department of Environmental Regulation under Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Rule Chapter 17-25 to address water quality concerns. It was not until 1988 that permitting requirements were consolidated into the MSSW regulatory program administered by the District under Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40. In 1985, the District did not have a Basis of Review (BOR) to specify system design requirements for applicants to provide reasonable assurances that the conditions for issuance of surface water permits were satisfied. Standards and criteria for the design and performance of surface water management systems were contained in Rule 40D-4.301(2) (1985) Under subsection (2)(i) of that rule, projects designed to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-25 [Regulation of Stormwater Discharge] were presumed to meet applicable State water quality requirements. There were no requirements for wet detention pond littoral zones. 20. Under Rule 17-25.03(2)(b) (1985 Ann. Supp.), stormwater management systems for projects with drainage areas less than 100 acres that provided retention or detention with filtration of the first half-inch of runoff were exempt from the permitting requirements of Rule Chapter 17-25. 21. In 1985, District Rule 40D-4.301(2)(j) (1985) allowed for natural areas and existing water bodies to be used for stormwater retention or detention purposes when not in conflict with environmental or public use considerations. Areas that could be considered for this purpose included previously-degraded areas or man-made areas (such as borrow pits). Apparently, the District allowed Century to use Lake E as a detention pond under this provision. Deviations from MSSW Permit Angler’s Green MHP was constructed in two phases, with the first phase completed in 1985, and the second phase completed in 1987. Construction of at least the part of the surface water management system to serve the first phase took place prior to 1985; it was not clear from the evidence whether construction of the part of the surface water management system to serve the second phase also took place prior to 1985, but it clearly took place prior to construction of the second phase in 1987. Condition No. 4 of Century's MSSW Permit required the submittal of a certification that the system was constructed in accordance with the approved and permitted design. But Century did not provide any such certification. Century also never certified to the District that its new stormwater discharge facility, as constructed, continued to qualify for exemption from State water quality requirements. Although the surface water management system was constructed and operating, the District never transferred the 1985 Permit to the operation phase. In several respects, the Angler’s Green surface water management system was not constructed as designed, approved, and permitted in 1985. The pipe to convey stormwater from the southwest corner of Basin A back to the Lake E waterway apparently never was constructed; instead, stormwater from Basin A was routed to Pond B-1. (There also was a berm constructed in Basin A near the southern boundary of the site; but that berm apparently was a visual berm, and there was no evidence that it affected performance of the surface water management system.) Control structure CS-1 (which was supposed to be located in the arm or bay of Lake E) and the pipe to convey overflow from there into Pond C-1 also never were constructed. By the early 1990's, Angler's Green was experiencing flooding in the golf course area in Basin D and B for extended periods of time. In November 1993, the District responded to a complaint of flooding in that vicinity. Upon investigation, the District determined that malfunction of the surface water management system serving Reservation Lakes (now known as Paradise Lakes), a development to the north and downstream of the Angler's Green system, was causing water to back up through the wetlands and the sand filtration system in the northwest corner of the Angler’s Green project. As a result, water overtopped the discharge structure, equalized at levels above the top of the discharge structure's berm, and flooded the golf course for extended periods of time. At some undetermined point in time, an unpermitted pond was dug in Basin D, apparently in an attempt to alleviate flooding of the golf course. In addition, possibly for the same purpose, a pump was installed in Basin D near Pond C-1, and a pipe was installed to convey stormwater from there into Lake E. The sidebank sand filtration system designed to provide filtration of stormwater prior to discharge from the northwest corner of the site does not appear to exist today. It may be present but difficult to see after 15 years of plant growth; or it may have been removed or disturbed as a result of re-grading in the area. However, the evidence proved that the discharge structure was present in 1993, and there is no reason to believe that it was not installed during construction of the surface water management system--i.e., by 1987 at the latest. In addition, at some undetermined point in time, a pipe was installed at the northeast corner of Lake E to convey overflow from Lake E eastward to a drainage ditch located alongside SR 37 to the north of the Stangls' property. No witnesses could testify as to when the pipe to the SR 37 ditch was installed or its elevation. (The District and Century state in their PRO that Map No. 2 in P/I Exhibit 14--an aerial map/survey submitted to the District by Century on August 13, 1990, as part of Century's 1990 Water Use Permit No. 209993.000 application--notes the pipe's elevation as 127.95 feet above M.S.L.; but no such finding could be made from review of the exhibit.) Roads in Angler's Green have inverted crowns to convey runoff from roads, driveways, and roofs away from mobile home lots. Some runoff from these impervious surfaces appears to be directed into a swale on the east side of the site; this swale leads to Lake E. In addition, approximately 12 drains have been installed in or near roads in Angler's Green that convey water through pipes directly into Lake E or Pond C-1. Under current Rule Chapters 40D-4 and 40D-40, road drains connecting impervious surfaces to Lake E would have to be shown on application construction drawings, and separate stormwater calculations would have to be provided in an application. But in 1985 this was not required. Century's calculations, together with flow arrows on drawings showing the direction of stormwater flow towards the detention ponds, were considered sufficient--especially since Century's calculations used a relatively high runoff co-efficient. As a result, the existence of these drains and pipes are not considered to be substantial deviations from the original, approved design. Similarly, approximately 64 roof drains and pipes conveying water from roofs directly into Lake E and Pond C-1 would not be considered substantial deviations from the original, approved design. In addition, these apparently were installed by mobile homeowners over the years, not by Century. From 1985 to 2000, the District did not have occasion to address regulatory concerns at Angler’s Green, except for the complaint of flooding in the golf course area that occurred in November 1993 and a more recent complaint about an area of the golf course that was designed to flood under certain conditions. Otto Stangl’s Complaint and the District’s Response Around November 1999, John Stangl noticed a fish kill in the ditch along SR 37 near the Stangl property. He also was contacted by a governmental compliance officer concerning the fish kill. Upon investigating, John Stangl saw the unpermitted pipe leading from Lake E that was discharging into the SR 37 ditch where the fish kill was observed, as well as the unpermitted pump that was pumping water from the Angler’s Green golf course area through a pipe that discharged into Lake E. In February 2000, Otto Stangl complained to the District about the fish kill and the existence of the unpermitted structures associated with Lake E. Upon receiving Otto Stangl’s complaint, District staff conducted site visits of the Angler’s Green project. Staff observed the unauthorized pump and pipe conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E and the unauthorized pipe conveying water from Lake E to the SR 37 ditch. Staff also observed that the Lake E control structure was missing, the pipe to convey stormwater from Basin A to Lake E was missing, and Basin D had been re-graded. In February 2000, the District also became aware of the fact that Century did not have full ownership or control of Lake E. On March 15, 2000, the District issued Century Notice of Non-Compliance and directed Century to either construct the system as designed and permitted or to seek a permit modification. On May 8, 2000, Century submitted a letter application to modify the original MSSW Permit No. 400227.000 by constructing the originally permitted Lake E control structure and pipe conveying water from Lake E to Pond C-1, but in a different location in Lake E than originally permitted due to the existence of homes at the location where these structures were originally planned. The application was subsequently amended to be a formal modification upon Century’s request for further modification to allow Basin A stormwater to flow to Pond B-1 and to expand Pond B-1 and add a control structure and an effluent filtration system. Despite having actual knowledge since at least February 2000 that the Angler's Green surface water management system was built partially on their property, the Stangls did not ask for a hearing on the 1985 Permit. Instead, they awaited the District's consideration of Century's modification application and sought to challenge the District's notice of intent to grant the modification permit issued on October 29, 2001. The District’s Regulatory Compliance Practices In the 1980's, the District appeared to pay little or no attention to construction of permitted projects or submission of required post-construction certifications. Many projects permitted by the District in the 1980’s, such as Angler’s Green, were built and operating although no certifications had been submitted; as a result, the permits issued for these projects never were transferred to the operation phase. Eventually, some projects not built in compliance with issued permits came to the attention of the District, typically through third-party complaints about drainage problems and flooding. By this time, there was a large backlog of issued construction permits for which no required post-construction certifications had been submitted. The backlog of these older projects was so large that the District decided not to initiate an aggressive, systematic, and comprehensive review of all permits for which no required certifications had been submitted. Instead, projects were checked on an ad hoc basis as complaints regarding the functioning of their surface water management systems were registered. When it came to the attention of the District in this manner that a project had been built under an MSSW permit but that no required certifications had been submitted, the District first attempted to secure the required certifications in the form of certified as-built construction drawings and a Statement of Completion, as required by BOR 2.7. In so doing, it was common practice for the District to accept certifications beyond the expiration date on a permit. If projects were substantially completed, the District would not deem the permit as expired simply because the required certifications had not been submitted before the expiration date; and such projects did not lose their status as being permitted. It should be noted that, according to the testimony of the District's expert, William Hartmann, this agency practice was not based on an interpretation of Rule 40D- 4.321(1)(b) (1985) (on duration of construction permits). Rather, the agency practice was to ignore the expiration of the construction permit under those circumstances. In addition, it does not appear from the evidence that the District ever before has faced the situation presented in this case--where a person on whose property part of a surface water management system was built without the person's consent opposes modification and asserts the construction permit has expired. In cases where the agency's practice was applied, if the required certified as-built construction drawings and Statement of Completion could not be provided because the project was not built in accordance with the MSSW permit, the District would require the permittee to either bring the system into compliance with the approved permit designs or obtain a modification of the construction permit. Letter modifications would be accepted when the requested modification would not substantially alter the permit authorization, increase the authorized offsite discharge, impact the environmental features of the project, decrease the required retention/detention, decrease the required flood control elevations for roads or buildings, or decrease pollution removal efficiency. See Rule 40D-4.331(2)(b) (1985). (The current version of the rule adds renewal or extension of the existing permit duration.) Alterations meeting the threshold requirements for a letter modification would be presumed to meet the conditions for issuance for a permit. Otherwise, formal permit modifications would be required. When application is made for a permit modification, the District’s practice is to evaluate those aspects of the surface water management system being modified. Review generally would not extend to the entire system. Permittees seeking to modify their surface water management systems generally are not required by the District to bring the unmodified portions of the system into compliance with current design criteria. Proposed ERP Permit Modification ERP Application No. 44000227.002 seeks authorization to modify portions of the Angler’s Green surface water management system. The specific alterations for which approval is sought are: permanent removal of the existing, unpermitted 18-inch pipe between Lake E and SR 37 roadside ditch; permanent removal of the pump and associated piping conveying water from Pond C-1 to Lake E; installation of the control structure (CS-1), together with installation of pipe to convey water from the control structure to Pond C-1, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but different location in the northwest corner of the main body of Lake E; re-grading of the northwesterly portion of the golf course to more closely conform to the original permitted plan and help keep Basin B separate from Basin D; reconstruction of the side-bank sand filter system in the northwest corner of the property, as designed and approved in the 1985 Permit but with a slightly higher invert elevation (122.04 feet above M.S.L.) to prevent water from backing up into Angler's Green from Paradise Lakes again, and with a concrete flume and spreader swale between Pond C-1 and the berm of the side-bank sand filter system; enlargement of Pond B-1; installation of a control structure on Pond B-1; and installation of 100 feet of 6-inch side-bank sand filter discharging to the southwest corner of the property from Pond B-1. By removing the unpermitted pipe to the roadside ditch along SR 37 and by constructing control structure CS-1, with the same control elevations as in the 1985 Permit (albeit at a different location in Lake E), and connecting CS-1 by pipe to Pond C-1 as envisioned in the 1985 Permit, the function of Lake E should approximate its function under the design approved in 1985. Modifying the permitted design to authorize Basin A to flow to Pond B-1 instead of Lake E results in less water flowing to Lake E; these changes will not increase water quantity or quality impacts to Lake E, as compared to the 1985 Permit. As compared to reclamation conditions prior to implementation of the 1985 Permit, water quantity and quality impacts to Lake E would be expected both under the system as designed and permitted in 1985 and as proposed to be modified, by virtue of the similar use of Lake E as a detention pond under either system. Pond B-1 is being enlarged to better accommodate the flow from Basin A. The control structure being added at Pond B-1 will control flow into the swale to the west so as to address water quantity impacts in that area. Stormwater calculations for the revised Pond B-1 demonstrated that the post-development discharge rate will not exceed the pre- development discharge rate, so that there are no concerns for adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters or adjacent lands or flooding impacts to on-site or off-site property. The historical flows to the west are still maintained. The discharge structure being added at Pond B-1 will account for treatment of the Basin A flow. Based on calculations for revised Pond B-1, the enlarged pond will retain and percolate half an inch of stormwater runoff from the contributing area in 36 hours (which is consistent with current BOR design requirements). The proposed Pond B-1/Basin B modifications, including the routing of Basin A stormwater to Pond B-1, will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters in that vicinity such that state water quality standards would be violated. Angler's Green is located in the Southern Water Use Caution Area of Polk County. No surface or groundwater levels or surface water flows have been established for this area under Section 373.042, Florida Statutes. The proposed modifications do not involve any works of the District. The proposed modifications are based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles and employ treatment methods of effluent filtration which involve commonly accepted designs that can be effectively performed and function as proposed. There are no concerns about Century’s financial, legal, or administrative capability to undertake the proposed modifications as specified in the permit, if issued. There are no applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established for this area. Environmental Concerns As with its review of the proposed permit modification for water quantity impacts, the District's review of environmental concerns was limited to review of impacts from the proposed modifications to the original permitted design; unmodified portions of the original permit were not reviewed for compliance with current requirements. An approximately 20 square-foot permanent impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of the control structure (SW-1) in the water. A 379 square-foot temporary impact is proposed to Lake E due to the placement of a cofferdam to facilitate construction of the control structure. Temporary impacts to Lake E resulting from the construction of the control structure would be addressed through the use of sediment and erosion controls to prevent possible sedimentation and turbidity that may arise during the construction activity. The placement of a control structure in Lake E would create very minor permanent impacts resulting from the loss of the footprint of the control structure. These impacts would be insignificant. Due to the very minor nature of these proposed impacts, no mitigation would be required, and no loss of wetlands would be required to be recorded on the Wetlands/Surface Water Table. Construction of SW-1 would not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife, and listed species including aquatic and wetland dependent species, by wetlands, other surface waters and other water related resources of the District. No secondary impacts would be expected from construction of SW-1. No unacceptable cumulative impacts upon wetlands and other surface waters would be expected to occur as a result of construction of SW-1. The project area includes .71 acre of herbaceous/forested wetlands (WL-1) in the northwest corner. The potential for secondary impacts is addressed by an existing fence surrounding WL-1, which eliminates concerns for secondary impacts to this wetland area. No adverse impacts would be anticipated to occur to these wetlands, and no adverse secondary impacts to the water resources would be expected to occur as a result of the proposed modifications themselves. The proposed modifications would not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. Class II or Class III waters would not be affected by the proposed modification project. Therefore, Rule 40D- 4.302(1)(c) is not applicable. No seawalls, lagoons or estuaries are involved in this project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(d) is not applicable. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest. Relocation of a control structure and enhancement of the Basin B portion of the system would create no significant change in impacts. The proposed modifications constitute a slight improvement over water quality from the original permitted design. No threatened or endangered species were identified for Angler’s Green. The proposed relocation and construction of the Lake E control structure, preservation of onsite wetlands in the northwest corner, and re-design of Pond B-1 present no environmental concerns. Consequently, the proposed modifications do not create any potential for adverse effects regarding the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species or their habitats. The proposed modifications do not adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the activity. The project area does not involve navigable waters and does not affect the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Hence, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(3) does not apply to this permit modification application. There are no significant historical and archaeological resources involved in this Project. Therefore, Rule 40D-4.302(1)(a)(6) is not applicable to this permit modification application. The proposed modifications would not be contrary to the public interest; they would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare or the property of others. No adverse impacts are anticipated to occur as a result of the proposed modifications. The proposed modifications maintain the historic water elevation for Lake E and maintain historic flows for the project area. The modified system should also provide some improvement in water quality.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Southwest Florida Water Management District enter a final order denying Century's permit modification application designated ERP No. 44000227.002. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ________________________________ J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph D. Magri, Esquire Merkle & Magri, P.A. 5510 West LaSalle Street Tampa, Florida 33607-1713 Joseph P. Mawhinney, Esquire Clark, Campbell & Mawhinney, P.A. Post Office Box 6559 Lakeland, Florida 33802 Martha A. Moore, Esquire Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899 E. D. Sonny Vergara, Executive Director Southwest Florida Water Management District 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida 34604-6899
The Issue The issue to be determined is whether the applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC, are entitled to issuance of a permit by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD or District) for the modification of a surface-water management system to serve the 24.1-acre World Dressage Complex in Wellington, Florida.
Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioners Charles Jacobs and Kimberly Jacobs are the owners of a residence at 2730 Polo Island Drive, Unit A-104, Wellington, Florida. The residence is used by the Jacobs on an annual basis, generally between October and Easter, which corresponds to the equestrian show season in Florida. Petitioners maintain their permanent address in Massachusetts. The District is a public corporation, existing by virtue of chapter 25270, Laws of Florida 1949. The District is responsible for administering chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, within its geographic boundaries. The District’s statutory duties include the regulation and management of water resources, including water quality and water supply, and the issuance of environmental resource permits. The Applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC, are Florida limited-liability companies with business operations in Wellington, Florida. The Applicants are the owners of four parcels of property, parts of which comprise the complete 24.1- acre proposed Complex, and upon which the surface-water management facilities that are the subject of the Permit are to be constructed. Contiguous holdings of the four Applicants in the area consist of approximately 35 additional acres, primarily to the north and west of the Complex. Acme Improvement District The Acme Improvement District was created in the 1950s as a special drainage district. At the time of its creation, the Acme Improvement District encompassed 18,200 acres of land. As a result of additions over the years, the Acme Improvement District currently consists of approximately 20,000 acres of land that constitutes the Village of Wellington, and includes the Complex property. On March 16, 1978, the District issued a Surface Water Management Permit, No. 50-00548-S, for the Acme Improvement District (1978 Acme Permit) that authorized the construction and operation of a surface-water management system, and established design guidelines for subsequent work as development occurred in the Acme Improvement District. The total area covered by the 1978 Acme Permit was divided into basins, with the dividing line being, generally, Pierson Road. Basin A was designed so that its interconnected canals and drainage features would discharge to the north into the C-51 Canal, while Basin B was designed so that its interconnected canals and drainage features would discharge to the south into the C-40 Borrow Canal. Water management activities taking place within the boundaries of the Acme Improvement District are done through modifications to the 1978 Acme Permit. Over the years, there have been literally hundreds of modifications to that permit. The Property The Complex property is in Basin A of the Acme Improvement District, as is the property owned by Petitioners. Prior to January 1978, the property that is proposed for the Complex consisted of farm fields. At some time between January, 1978 and December 18, 1979, a very narrow body of water was dredged from abandoned farm fields to create what has been referred to in the course of this proceeding as “Moose Lake.” During that same period, Polo Island was created, and property to the east and west of Polo Island was filled and graded to create polo fields. Polo Island is surrounded by Moose Lake. When it was created, Polo Island was filled to a higher elevation than the adjacent polo fields to give the residents a view of the polo matches. Petitioners’ residence has a finished floor elevation of 18.38 feet NGVD, which is more than three-quarters of a foot above the 100-year flood elevation of 17.5 feet NGVD established for Basin A. The Complex and Petitioner’s residence both front on Moose Lake. There are no physical barriers that separate that part of the Moose Lake fronting Petitioners’ residence from that part of Moose Lake into which the Complex’s surface-water management system is designed to discharge. Moose Lake discharges into canals that are part of the C-51 Basin drainage system. Discharges occur through an outfall at the south end of Moose Lake that directs water into the C-23 canal, and through an outfall at the east end of Moose Lake that directs water into the C-6 canal. There are no wetlands or surface water bodies located on the Complex property. 2005-2007 Basin Study and 2007 Acme Permit Material changes in the Acme Drainage District since 1978 affected the assumptions upon which the 1978 ACME Permit was issued. The material changes that occurred over the years formed the rationale for a series of detailed basin studies performed from 2005 through 2007. The basin studies, undertaken by the District and the Village of Wellington, analyzed and modeled the areas encompassed by the 1978 Acme Permit in light of existing improvements within the Acme Improvement District. The changes to Basin A and Basin B land uses identified by the basin studies became the new baseline conditions upon which the District and the Village of Wellington established criteria for developing and redeveloping property in the Wellington area, and resulted in the development of updated information and assumptions to be used in the ERP program. On November 15, 2007, as a result of the basin studies, the District accepted the new criteria and issued a modification of the standards established by the 1978 Acme Permit (2007 Acme Permit). For purposes relevant to this proceeding, the 2007 Acme Permit approved the implementation of the new Permit Criteria and Best Management Practices Manual for Works in the Village of Wellington.1/ The language of the 2007 Acme Permit is somewhat ambiguous, and portions could be read in isolation to apply only to land in Basin B of the Acme Improvement District. Mr. Waterhouse testified that the language of the permit tended to focus on Basin B because it contained significant tracts of undeveloped property, the land in Basin A having been essentially built-out. However, he stated that it was the District’s intent that the Permit Criteria and Best Management Practices Manual for Works in the Village of Wellington adopted by the 2007 Acme Permit was to apply to all development and redevelopment in the Acme Improvement District, and that the District had applied the permit in that manner since its issuance. Mr. Waterhouse’s testimony was credible, reflects the District’s intent and application of the permit, and is accepted. The Proposed Complex The Complex is proposed for construction on the two polo fields to the west of Polo Island, and properties immediately adjacent and contiguous thereto.2/ The Complex is designed to consist of a large covered arena; several open-air equestrian arenas; four 96-stall stables, with associated covered manure bins and covered horse washing facilities, located between the stables; an event tent; a raised concrete vendor deck for spectators, exhibitors, and vendors that encircles three or four of the rings; and various paved access roads, parking areas, and support structures. Of the 96 stalls per stable, twenty percent would reasonably be used for storing tack, feed, and similar items. The surface-water management system that is the subject of the application consists of inlets and catch basins, underground drainage structures, dry detention areas, swales for conveying overland flows, and exfiltration trenches for treatment of water prior to its discharge at three outfall points to Moose Lake. The horse-washing facilities are designed to tie into the Village of Wellington’s sanitary sewer system, by-passing the surface water management system. The Permit Application On May 18, 2011, two of the Applicants, Far Niente Stables II, LLC, and Polo Field One, LLC, applied for a modification to the 1978 Acme Improvement District permit to construct a surface-water management system to serve the proposed Complex. At the time of the initial application, the proposed Complex encompassed 20 acres. There were no permitted surface water management facilities within its boundaries. The Complex application included, along with structural elements, the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for handling manure, horse-wash water, and other equestrian waste on the property. Properties adjacent to the Complex, and under common ownership of one or more of the Applicants, have been routinely used for equestrian events, including temporary support activities for events on the Complex property. For example, properties to the north of the Complex owned by Far Niente Stables II, LLC, and Polo Field One, LLC, have been used for show-jumping events, derby events, and grand prix competitions, as well as parking and warm-up areas for derby events and for dressage events at the Complex. Except for an earthen mound associated with the derby and grand prix field north of the Complex, there has been no development on those adjacent properties, and no requirement for a stormwater management system to serve those properties. Thus, the adjacent properties are not encompassed by the Application. Permit Issuance On November 22, 2011, Permit No. 50-00548-S-203 was issued by the District to Far Niente Stables II, LLC. Polo Field One, LLC, though an applicant, was not identified as a permittee. On January 13, 2012, the District issued a “Correction to Permit No. 50-00548-S-203.” The only change to the Permit issued on November 22, 2011, was the addition of Polo Field One, LLC, as a permittee. On January 25, 2012, the Applicants submitted a request for a letter modification of the Permit to authorize construction of a 1,190-linear foot landscape berm along the eastern property boundary. On February 16, 2012, the District acknowledged the application for the berm modification, and requested additional information regarding an access road and cul-de-sac on the west side of the Complex that extended into property owned by others. On that same date, the Applicants provided additional information, including evidence of ownership, that added Stadium North, LLC and Stadium South, LLC, as permittees. On March 26, 2012, the District issued the proposed modification to Permit No. 50-00548-S-203. On November 15, 2012, the Applicants’ engineer prepared a revised set of plans that added 2.85 acres of property to the Complex. The property, referred to as Basin 5, provided an additional dry detention stormwater storage area. On or shortly after December 3, 2012, the Applicants submitted a final Addendum to Surface Water Management Calculations that accounted for the addition of Basin 5 and other changes to the Permit application that increased the size of the Complex from 20 acres to 24.1 acres. On December 18, 2012, the Applicants submitted final revisions to the BMPs in an Updated BMP Plan. On January 7, 2013, the District issued the final proposed modification to the permit. The modification consisted of the addition of Basin 5, the deletion of a provision of special condition 14 that conflicted with elements of the staff report, the Updated BMP Plan, the recognition of an enforcement proceeding for unauthorized construction of the linear berm and other unauthorized works, and changes to the Permit to conform with additional information submitted by the Applicants. The final permitted surface-water management system consists of inlets and catch basins, underground drainage structures, a 0.64-acre dry detention area, swales for conveying overland flows, and 959-linear feet of exfiltration trench. For purposes of this proceeding, the “Permit” that constitutes the proposed agency action consists of the initial November 22, 2011, Permit; the January 13, 2012, Correction; the March 26, 2012, letter modification; and the January 7, 2013 modification. Post-Permit Activities at the Complex Work began on the Complex on or about November 28, 2011. Work continued until stopped on April 18, 2012, pursuant to a District issued Consent Order and Cease and Desist. As of the date of the final hearing, the majority of the work had been completed. In late August, 2012, the Wellington area was affected by rains associated with Tropical Storm Isaac that exceeded the rainfall totals of a 100-year storm event. Water ponded in places in the Polo Island subdivision. That ponded water was the result of water falling directly on Polo Island, and may have been exacerbated by blockages of Polo Island drainage structures designed to discharge water from Polo Island to Moose Lake. No residences were flooded as a result of the Tropical Storm Isaac rain event. The only flooding issue related to water elevations in Moose Lake was water overflowing the entrance road, which is at a lower elevation. The road remained passable. Road flooding is generally contemplated in the design of stormwater management systems and does not suggest a failure of the applicable system. Permitting Standards Standards applicable to the Permit are contained in Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.301(1)(a)-(k), and in the District’s Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications (BOR), which has been adopted by reference in rule 40E-4.091(1)(a). The parties stipulated that the standards in rules 40E-4.301(1)(d),(g) and (h) are not at issue in this proceeding. Permitting Standards - Water Quantity Those provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that pertain to water quantity, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: Will not cause adverse water quantity impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands; Will not cause adverse flooding to on- site or off-site property; Will not cause adverse impacts to existing surface water storage and conveyance capabilities. In addition to the preceding rules, section 6.6 of the BOR, entitled “Flood Plain Encroachment,” provides that “[n]o net encroachment into the floodplain, between the average wet season water table and that encompassed by the 100-year event, which will adversely affect the existing rights of others, will be allowed.” Section 6.7 of the BOR, entitled “Historic Basin Storage,” provides that “[p]rovision must be made to replace or otherwise mitigate the loss of historic basin storage provided by the project site.” The purpose of a pre-development versus post- development analysis is to ensure that, after development of a parcel of property, the property is capable of holding a volume of stormwater on-site that is the same or greater than that held in its pre-development condition. On-site storage includes surface storage and soil storage. Surface Storage Surface storage is calculated by determining the quantity of water stored on the surface of the site. Mr. Hall found no material errors in the Applicants’ calculations regarding surface storage. His concern was that the permitted surface storage, including the dry detention area added to the plans in December 2012, would not provide compensating water storage to account for the deficiencies he found in the soil storage calculations discussed herein. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants’ surface storage calculations are found to accurately assess the volume of stormwater that can be stored on the property without discharge to Moose Lake. Soil Storage Soil storage is water that is held between soil particles. Soil storage calculations take into consideration the soil type(s) and site-specific soil characteristics, including compaction. Soils on the Complex property consist of depressional soils. Such soils are less capable of storage than are sandier coastal soils. When compacted, the storage capacity of depressional soils is further reduced. The Applicants’ calculations indicated post- development storage on the Complex property to be 25.04 acre/feet. Mr. Hall’s post-development storage calculation of 25.03 acre/feet was substantively identical.3/ Thus, the evidence demonstrates the accuracy of Applicants’ post- development stormwater storage calculations. The Applicants’ calculations showed pre-development combined surface and soil storage capacity on the Property of 24.84 acre/feet. Mr. Hall calculated pre-development combined surface and soil storage, based upon presumed property conditions existing on March 16, 1978, of 35.12 acre/feet. Based on the foregoing, Mr. Hall concluded that the post-development storage capacity of the Complex had a deficit of 10.09 acre/feet of water as compared to the pre-development storage capacity of the Property, which he attributed to a deficiency in soil storage. The gist of Mr. Hall’s disagreement centered on the Applicants’ failure to consider the Complex’s pre-development condition as being farm fields, as they were at the time of issuance of the 1978 Acme Permit, and on the Applicants’ application of the 25-percent compaction rate for soils on the former polo fields. As applied to this case, the pre-development condition of the Complex as polo fields was a reasonable assumption for calculating soil storage, rather than the farm fields that existed in January 1978, and is consistent with the existing land uses identified in the 2005-2007 basin studies and 2007 Acme Permit. Given the use of the Complex property as polo fields, with the attendant filling, grading, rolling, mowing, horse traffic, parking, and other activities that occurred on the property over the years, the conclusion that the soils on the polo fields were compacted, and the application of the 25- percent compaction rate, was a reasonable assumption for calculating soil storage. Applying the Applicants’ assumptions regarding existing land uses for the Complex property, the greater weight of the evidence demonstrates that the proposed surface water management system will provide a total of 25.04-acre feet of combined soil and surface storage compared to pre-development soil and surface storage of 24.84-acre feet. Thus, the proposed Project will result in an increase of soil and surface storage over pre-development conditions, and will not cause or contribute to flooding or other issues related to water quantity.4/ Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the proposed surface-water management system will meet standards regarding water quantity established in rule 40E-4.301(1)(a), (b), and (c), and sections 6.6 and 6.7 of the BOR. Permitting Standards - Water Quality Those provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that pertain to water quality, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will not adversely affect the quality of receiving waters such that the water quality standards . . . will be violated; Will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. Section 373.4142, entitled “[w]ater quality within stormwater treatment systems,” provides, in pertinent part, that: State surface water quality standards applicable to waters of the state . . . shall not apply within a stormwater management system which is designed, constructed, operated, and maintained for stormwater treatment Such inapplicability of state water quality standards shall be limited to that part of the stormwater management system located upstream of a manmade water control structure permitted, or approved under a noticed exemption, to retain or detain stormwater runoff in order to provide treatment of the stormwater . . . . Moose Lake is a component of a stormwater-management system that is located upstream of a manmade water control structure. The Permit application did not include a water quality monitoring plan, nor did the Permit require the Applicants to report on the water quality of Moose Lake. During October and November, 2012, Petitioners performed water quality sampling in Moose Lake in accordance with procedures that were sufficient to demonstrate the accuracy of the results. The sampling showed phosphorus levels in Moose Lake of greater than 50 parts per billion (ppb).5/ That figure, though not a numeric standard applicable to surface waters, was determined to be significant by Petitioners because phosphorus may not exceed 50 ppb at the point at which the C-51 Canal discharges from the Acme Improvement District into the Everglades system. Notwithstanding the levels of phosphorus in Moose Lake, Mr. Swakon admitted that “the calculations that are in the application for water quality treatment are, in fact, met. They’ve satisfied the criteria that are in the book.” In response to the question of whether “[t]he water quality requirements in the Basis of Review . . . the half inch or one inch of runoff, the dry versus wet detention . . . complied with those water quality requirements,” he further testified “[i]t did.” Mr. Swakon expressed his belief that, despite Applicants’ compliance with the standards established for water quality treatment, a stricter standard should apply because the pollutant-loading potential of the Complex, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen from animal waste, is significantly different than a standard project, e.g., a parking lot. No authority for requiring such additional non-rule standards was provided. The evidence demonstrates that the Applicants provided reasonable assurances that all applicable stormwater management system standards that pertain to water treatment and water quality were met. Permitting Standards - Design Features and BMPs Provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that constitute more general concerns regarding the design of the Complex, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will be capable, based on generally accepted engineering and scientific principles, of being performed and of functioning as proposed. Petitioners alleged that certain deficiencies in the Complex design and BMPs compromise the ability of the stormwater management system to be operated and function as proposed. Design Features Petitioners expressed concern that the manure bin, though roofed, had walls that did not extend to the roofline, thus allowing rain to enter. Photographs received in evidence suggest that the walls extend to a height of approximately six feet, with an opening of approximately two feet to the roof line. The plan detail sheet shows a roof overhang, though it was not scaled. Regardless, the slab is graded to the center so that it will collect any water that does enter through the openings. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the manure bins are sufficient to prevent uncontrolled releases of animal waste to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Petitioners suggested that the horse-washing facilities, which discharge to a sanitary sewer system rather than to the stormwater management facility, are inadequate for the number of horses expected to use the wash facilities. Petitioners opined that the inadequacy of the wash facilities would lead to washing being done outside of the facilities, and to the resulting waste and wash water entering the stormwater management system. Petitioners provided no basis for the supposition other than speculation. Mr. Stone testified that the horse-washing facilities are adequate to handle the horses boarded at the stables and those horses that would reasonably be expected to use the facility during events. His testimony in that regard was credible and is accepted. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the horse-washing facilities are adequate to prevent the release of wash water to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Petitioners expressed further concerns that horse washing outside of the horse-washing facilities would be facilitated due to the location of hose bibs along the exterior stable walls. However, Mr. Swakon testified that those concerns would be minimized if the hose bibs could be disabled to prevent the attachment of hoses. The December 2012 Updated BMP Plan requires such disabling, and Mr. Stone testified that the threads have been removed. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the presence of hose bibs on the exterior stable walls will not result in conditions that would allow for the release of wash water to the stormwater management system or Moose Lake. Best Management Practices The Updated BMP Plan for the Complex includes practices that are more advanced than the minimum requirements of the Village of Wellington, and more stringent than BMPs approved for other equestrian facilities in Wellington. Petitioners identified several issues related to the Updated BMP Plan that allegedly compromised the ability of the Complex to meet and maintain standards. Those issues included: the lack of a requirement that the Applicant provide the District with a copy of the contract with a Village of Wellington-approved manure hauler; the failure to require that BMP Officers be independent of the Applicants; the failure to require that the names and telephone numbers of the BMP Officers be listed in the permit; and the failure of the District to require that violations by tenants be reported to the District, rather than being maintained on-site as required. Mr. Stone testified that the BMP conditions included in the Updated BMP Plan were sufficient to assure compliance. His testimony is credited. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that the terms and conditions of the Updated BMP Plan are capable of being implemented and enforced. Permitting Standards - Applicant Capabilities Provisions of rule 40E-4.301 that remain at issue in this proceeding, and that are based on the capabilities of the Applicants to implement the Permit, are as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will be conducted by an entity with the sufficient financial, legal and administrative capability to ensure that the activity will be undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, if issued. As the owners of the Complex property, the Applicants have the legal authority to ensure that their tenants, licensees, invitees, and agents exercise their rights to the property in a manner that does not violate applicable laws, rules, and conditions. Regarding the financial capability of the Applicants to ensure the successful and compliant operation of the Complex, Mr. Stone testified that the entity that owns the Applicants, Wellington Equestrian Partners, has considerable financial resources backing the Complex venture. Furthermore, the Applicants own the property on and adjacent to the Complex which is itself valuable. As to the administrative capabilities of the Applicants to ensure that the activities on the site will comply with relevant standards, Mr. Stone testified that an experienced and financially responsible related entity, Equestrian Sport Productions, by agreement with the Applicants, is charged with organizing and operating events at the Complex, and that the Applicants’ BMP Officers have sufficient authority to monitor activities and ensure compliance with the BMPs by tenants and invitees. Mr. Stone’s testimony that the Applicants have the financial and administrative capability to ensure that events and other operations will be conducted in a manner to ensure that the stormwater management system conditions, including BMPs, will be performed was persuasive and is accepted. The fact that the Applicants are financially and administratively backed by related parent and sibling entities does not diminish the reasonable assurances provided by the Applicants that the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Complex will be undertaken in accordance with the Permit. Petitioners assert that many of the events to be held at the Complex are sanctioned by international equestrian organizations, and that their event rules and requirements -- which include restrictions on the ability to remove competition teams from the grounds -- limit the Applicants’ ability to enforce the BMPs. Thus, the Petitioners suggest that reasonable assurances cannot be provided as a result of the restrictions imposed by those sanctioning bodies. The international event rules applicable to horses and riders are not so limiting as to diminish the reasonable assurances that have been provided by the Applicants. Based on the foregoing, the Applicants have provided reasonable assurances that construction and operation of the stormwater management system will be conducted by entities with sufficient financial, legal, and administrative capability to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. As a related matter, Petitioners assert the Applicants failed to disclose all of their contiguous land holdings, thus making it impossible for the District to calculate the actual impact of the Complex. Although the application was, for a number of items, an evolving document, the evidence demonstrates that the Applicants advised the District of their complete 59+- acre holdings, and that the Permit was based on a complete disclosure. The circumstances of the disclosure of the Applicant’s property interests in the area adjacent to the Complex was not a violation of applicable standards, and is not a basis for denial of the Complex permit. Permitting Standards - C-51 Basin Rule The final provision of rule 40E-4.301 that is at issue in this proceeding is as follows: In order to obtain a standard general, individual, or conceptual approval permit under this chapter . . . an applicant must provide reasonable assurance that the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of a surface water management system: * * * Will comply with any applicable special basin or geographic area criteria established in Chapter 40E-41, F.A.C. Mr. Hall testified the Complex violated permitting standards partly because it failed to comply with the C-51 Basin rule, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-041, Part III, pertaining to on-site compensation for reductions in soil storage volume. Mr. Waterhouse testified that the C-51 Basin rule does not apply to the lands encompassed by the Acme Improvement District permits, including the Complex property. The C-51 Basin rule was promulgated in 1987, after the issuance of the original Acme Improvement District permit. The District does not apply new regulatory standards to properties that are the subject of a valid permit or its modifications. Therefore, the area encompassed by the 1978 Acme Permit, and activities permitted in that area as a modification to the 1978 Acme Permit, are not subject to the C-51 rule. The Joint Prehearing Stipulation provides that “Chapter 373, Fla. Stat., Chapter 40E-4, Fla. Admin. Code, and the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District (July 4, 2010) are the applicable substantive provisions at issue in this proceeding.” The Stipulation did not identify chapter 40E-41 as being applicable in this proceeding. Given the testimony of Mr. Waterhouse, which correctly applies standards regarding the application of subsequently promulgated rules to existing permits, and the stipulation of the parties, the C-51 Basin rule, Florida Administrative Code Rule 40-E-041, Part III, does not apply to the permit that is the subject of this proceeding. Therefore, the stormwater management system does not violate rule 40E-4.301(1)(k). Consideration of Violations Florida Administrative Code Rule 40E-4.302(2), provides, in pertinent part, that: When determining whether the applicant has provided reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met, the District shall take into consideration a permit applicant’s violation of any . . . District rules adopted pursuant to Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S., relating to any other project or activity and efforts taken by the applicant to resolve these violations. . . . Petitioners have identified several violations of District rules on or adjacent to the Complex property during the course of construction, and violations of District rules associated with the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC), the owner of which shares common managers and officers with the Applicants, for consideration in determining whether reasonable assurances have been provided. Violations on or Adjacent to the Complex On March 22, 2012, the District performed an inspection of the Complex property. The inspection revealed that the Applicants had constructed the linear berm along the eastern side of the Property that was the subject of the January 25, 2012, application for modification of the Permit. The construction was performed before a permit modification was issued, and was therefore unauthorized. A Notice of Violation was issued to Far Niente Stables II, LLC, on March 22, 2012, that instructed Far Niente Stables II, LLC, to cease all work on the Complex. Several draft consent orders were provided to Far Niente Stables II, LLC, each of which instructed Far Niente Stables II, LLC, to cease and desist from further construction. Construction was not stopped until April 18, 2012. The matter was settled through the entry of a Consent Order on May 10, 2012 that called for payment of costs and civil penalties. The berm was authorized as part of the March 26, 2012 Complex permit modification. All compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District During inspections of the Complex by the parties to this proceeding, it was discovered that yard drains had been constructed between the stables and connected to the stormwater management system, and that a bathroom/utility room had been constructed at the north end of the horse-washing facility. The structures were not depicted in any plans submitted to the District, and were not authorized by the Permit. The yard drains had the potential to allow for animal waste to enter Moose Lake. The Applicants, under instruction from the District, have capped the yard drains. No other official compliance action has been taken by the District. A permit condition to ensure that the yard drains remain capped is appropriate and warranted. At some time during or before 2010, a mound of fill material was placed on the derby and grand prix field to the north of the Complex to be used as an event obstacle. Although there was a suggestion that a permit should have been obtained prior to the fill being placed, the District has taken no enforcement action regarding the earthen mound. Petitioners noted that the Complex is being operated, despite the fact that no notice of completion has been provided, and no conversion from the construction phase to the operation phase has been performed as required by General Condition Nos. 6 and 7 of the Complex permit. Such operations constitute a violation of the permit and, as such, a violation of District rules. However, the District has taken no official action to prohibit or restrict the operation of the Complex pending completion and certification of the permitted work and conversion of the permit to its operation phase. The construction of the berm, yard drains, and bathroom/utility room, and the operation of the Complex, causes concern regarding the willingness of the Applicants to work within the regulatory parameters designed to ensure protection of Florida’s resources. However, given the scope of the Complex as a whole, and given that the violations were resolved to the satisfaction of the District, the violations, though considered, do not demonstrate a lack of reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met. Violations related to the PBIEC At some time prior to February 13, 2008, one or more entities affiliated with Mark Bellissimo assumed control and operation of the PBIEC. When the facility was acquired, the show grounds were in poor condition, there were regulatory violations, it had no BMPs of consequence, there were no covered horse-wash racks, and the wash water was not discharged to a sanitary sewer system. After its acquisition by entities associated with Mr. Bellissimo, the PBIEC was substantially redesigned and rebuilt, and BMPs that met or exceeded the requirements of the Village of Wellington were implemented. The PBIEC currently has 12 arenas that include facilities for show jumping events, and nine horse-wash racks. The PBIEC has the capacity to handle approximately 1,700 horses. On March 14, 2008, the District issued a Notice of Violation to Far Niente Stables V, LLC, related to filling and grading of an existing stormwater management system and lake system at the PBIEC; the failure to maintain erosion and turbidity controls to prevent water quality violations in adjacent waters; the failure to maintain manure and equestrian waste BMPs; and the failure to transfer the PBIEC stormwater management permit to the current owner. On October 9, 2008, Far Niente Stables V, LLC, and the District entered into a Consent Order that resolved the violations at the PBIEC, required that improvements be made, required the implementation of advanced BMPs, and required payment of costs and civil penalties. On January 12, 2011, a notice was issued that identified deficiencies in the engineer’s construction completion certification for the stormwater management system improvements, horse-wash facility connections, and other activities on the PBIEC. Although completion of all items required by the Consent Order took longer -- in some instances significantly longer -- than the time frames set forth in the Consent Order,6/ all compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District. On January 7, 2011, the District issued a Notice of Violation and short-form Consent Order to Far Niente Stables, LLC, which set forth violations that related to the failure to obtain an environmental resource permit related to “Tract D and Equestrian Club Drive Realignment.” The short-form Consent Order was signed by Far Niente Stables, LLC, and the compliance items were ultimately completed to the satisfaction of the District. Based on the foregoing, the violations at the PBIEC, though considered, do not demonstrate a lack of reasonable assurances that District permitting standards will be met for the Complex Permit.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein it is RECOMMENDED that the South Florida Water Management District enter a final order: Incorporating the June 29, 2012, Order of Standing and Timeliness; Approving the issuance of Surface Water Management System Permit No. 50-00548-S-203 to Far Niente Stables II, LLC; Polo Field One, LLC; Stadium North, LLC; and Stadium South, LLC.; and Imposing, as an additional condition, a requirement that the unpermitted yard drains constructed between the stables be permanently capped, and the area graded, to prevent the unauthorized introduction of equine waste from the area to the stormwater management system. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of April, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of April, 2013.
The Issue The issue in this proceeding is whether the District should approve FRI's consumptive use permit application, no. 2-019-0012AUR, pursuant to Chapter 40C- 2, Florida Administrative Code The FRI is seeking permission to withdraw an annual average daily rate of million gallons per day (mgd) of water and 762.85 million gallons per year of ground water for hydraulic dredging, cleaning and purification of sand at the Goldhead Sand Mine. Subject to certain limiting conditions to be set forth in the FRI's consumptive use permit, the water is proposed to be produced from three Floridan aquifer wells. District proposed to grant the permit application which was challenged by LBCA, resulting in the formal administrative proceeding. LBCA challenged the issuance of the permit to FRI on the basis of the FRI's alleged failure to comply with the applicable requirements of Chapter 3V3, Florida Statutes (E.S.), and Chapter 40C-2, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and other applicable law. RULINGS ON EXCEPTIONS TO FINDINGS OF FACT LBCA Exception Number 1 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 2 that a necessary component of FRI's operation is its withdrawal of approximately 2.09 mgd of ground water for the production of sand. The 2.09 mgd is the average daily usage rate to who the parties stipulated prior to the hearing. The maximum daily usage rate is 3.75 mgd. However, FRI cannot exceed 762.5 million gallons for the year which is an average of 2.09 mgd. (Prehearing Stip. pp. 1,9). In the LBCA Proposed Recommended Order paragraph 25, the LBCA states that the operation "necessitates FRI's pumping allocation of an average daily 2.09 million gallons of water from the Floridan aquifer." Additionally, LBCA acknowledges in its Exception No. 2 that it is "known that approximately 2 mgd are pumped into the system." If a hearing officer's finding is supported by any competent substantial evidence from which the finding could reasonably be inferred, then it cannot be disturbed. Berry v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 530 So.2d 1019 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988). This exception is rejected because the finding is supported by competent substantial evidence. (T. 41-42, 104, 913-914). LBCA Exception Number 2 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Findings of Fact 8 and 28 that the receiving water from the mine site is primarily the surficial aquifer which recharges the downgradient lakes and that the surficial aquifer recharge will result in a positive or immeasurable effect on the lakes. The exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. It is improper for this Board to retry the case after the hearing has concluded by altering findings supported by evidence and reweighing evidence. Tampa Wholesale Liquors, Inc. v. Div. of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, 376 So.2d 1195 (Fla. 2d DCA 1979). The decision to believe one expert over another is left to the hearing officer, and the decision cannot be altered absent a complete lack of competent substantial evidence from which the finding could be reasonably inferred. Fla. Chapter of Sierra Club v. Orlando Utility Comm., 436 So.2d 383, 389 (Fla. 5th DCA 1983) This Board cannot reweigh conflicting evidence, judge credibility of witnesses, or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. Heifetz v. Dept. of Business Regulation, 475 So.2d 1277 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); Freeze v. Dept. of Business Regulation, 556 So.2d 1204 (Fla. 5th DCA 1990). If a hearing officer's finding is supported by any competent substantial evidence from which the finding could reasonably be inferred, then it cannot be disturbed. Section 120.57(1)(b)10., Fla. Stat.; Berry v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 530 So.2d 1019 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988). This exception is rejected because the findings are supported by competent substantial evidence. (T. 105, 120-129, 146, 170, 187-190, 208-209, 235, 248, 256-257, 972-973, 1085-1093, 1139). LBCA Exception Number 3 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 11 that the aquifer characteristics in the Floridan aquifer beneath and around the mine site are relatively uniform. The exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 180, 926-927). LBCA Exception Number 4 The LBCA takes exception to a mischaracterization of the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 13 regarding lake leakance by stating that the hearing officer found that some of the lakes at issue do not have leakance to the Floridan aquifer. In fact, it is contextually clear that the Hearing Officer was referring to "many of the lakes within the region." This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 77-80). LBCA Exception Number 5 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 16 that very little, if any, of the groundwater flowing into the Floridan aquifer beneath Lake Brooklyn flows toward the mine site. In making its argument, LBCA inaccurately attributes testimony to FRI witness Fountain when the referenced testimony was testimony of LBCA witness Boyes. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 1145-1146). LBCA Exception Number 6 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Findings of Fact 22 and 55 that the data collection effort of FRI and the District was far more extensive than is normally conducted for a mine of this size and that sufficient site-specific information was developed to be able to determine the effects of the proposed use of water at the mine operation. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. The findings are supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 103, 201, 238, 918-919; FR Ex. 5). LBCA asserts that FRI did not evaluate the "worstcase" scenario in order to establish permit entitlemet LBCA provides no legal citations to support its exception. LBCA's assertion lacks legal as well as factual support. LBCA has criticized FRI's aquifer performance test and modeling effort without presenting the elusive "worstcase scenario" which presumably would show impacts greater than those modeled by FRI. LBCA seeks to impose a burden of proof which is insupportable in law. It is not FRI's burden to show a violation of the criteria in Chapter 40C-2, Fla. Admin. Code, is a scientific impossibility, only to show that the non-occurrence of such violation is reasonably assured by the preponderance of the evidence in the proceeding. The Corporation of the President v. SJRWMD and City of Cocoa, Case Nos. 89-828, 89-751 (SJRWMD Dec. 13, 1990), aff'd, 590 So.2d 427 (Fla. 5th DCA 1991). An agency cannot assume the worst-case scenario unless that condition is reasonably foreseeable. Florida Audubon Society, supra..; Rudloe and Gulf Stream Specimen Co. v. Dickerson Bayshore, Inc., 10 F.A.L.R. 3426 (Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, June 8, 1988). As delineated in FRI's response to this exception, FRI and the Distract presented evidence of numerous investigations regarding this application, including testing and analyses of the impact of withdrawals at greater than the average and maximum daily pumping rates. (See Record citations on pp 17-20 of FRI's Response to Exceptions; T. 115-116, 126, 176-177, 918- 920). LBCA failed to present any citation to the record where it presented testimony evincing that another scenario which would result in greater impacts than those predicted by the applicant were reasonably like to occur. LBCA's speculation that another undefined scenario of pumping would show greater impacts was rejected by the hearing officer. The applicant has provided reasonable assurances with regard to the effects of the proposed withdrawal. LBCA Exception Number 7 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's purported inference in Finding of Fact 23 that the aquifer performance test (2T) measured impacts significantly greater than could be expected to occur under "worst case" conditions as a result of the mining operation. The finding actually states "the (aquifer performance) test measured effects of pumping from the mine production wells for periods ranging from 78 hours to 108 hours at approximately twice the average rate of 2.09 mgd." As discussed in the ruling on exception no. 6, LBCA's assertion of a "worstcase scenario" has factual support in the instant case. The applicant is required to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed use is reasonable, beneficial, will not impact existing legal uses and is consistent with the public interest. The applicant is not required to evaluate LBCA's unspecified worst case scenario or prove the use will not cause any impacts. Florida Audubon Society, supra..; Rudloe, supra.. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 113-115, 141, 920). LBCA Exception Number 8 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 23 that no changes in the lake levels are attributable to the pumping at the mine. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. In Finding of Fact No. 24, the hearing officer found that the effects of pumping were not distinguishable from the declines which occurred before and after the ADT test. Therefore, his conclusions are not inconsistent as alleged by the LBCA. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 120-130, 146, 759, 928- 933, 942, 944- 948, 1015-1016, 1122-1123, 1168; Dist. Ex. 5). LBCA Exception Number 9 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 24 that the actual effects of the pumping will be approximately one half of the observed amounts of the 2T test on an average pumping day. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 113-117, 923-996; Dist. Ex. 5). LBCA's claim that this finding is irrelevant since only a "worstcase" scenario is pertinent is likewise rejected. Initially, it is noted that LBCA cites no legal support for its arguments. Furthermore, there is no requirement in the District's rules governing consumptive use which mandates consideration of only "worstcase" scenarios. Furthermore, an agency cannot assume worst case scenarios unless they are reasonably foreseeable, which determination is a case by case factual issue. See Florida Audubon Society, supra., Rudloe, supra.. LBCA Exception Number 10 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 26 that Dr. Stewart testified that the Floridan aquifer is rarely completely homogenous and isotropic but that he and other modelers regularly make that assumption. This Board cannot judge credibility of witnesses or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. Heifetz, supra.; Freeze, supra.. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 738). LBCA Exception Number 11 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 27 that the maximum drawdown in the Floridan aquifer under normal pumping conditions is modeled to be 0.1 to 0.2 feet beneath White Sands Lake. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 129, 182). For the same reasons stated in the ruling on exceptions no. 9 and 7, the LBCA's claim regarding irrelevancy is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 12 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 28 that a decrease in lake levels will be less than that of the decrease in the Floridan aquifer, depending on the rate of leakance and that the drawdown effect will not accumulate over time, but rather will remain constant after reaching steady state conditions. The LBCA is simply rearguing their case. This Board cannot reweigh conflicting evidence, judge credibility of witnesses, or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. Heifetz, supra.; Freeze, supra.. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 118-120, 129, 237, 706-708, 758). LBCA's irrelevancy argument is rejected for the reasons stated in the ruling on exceptions no. 9 and 7. LBCA Exception Number 13 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Findings of Fact 42 through 54 as being conclusion of law rather than findings of fact. The LBCA does not cite to the record or make legal argument to support the exception as required by Rule 40C-1 .564, F.A.C. Without said citation or argument, the exception is rejected. Corporation of the President, supra.. The hearing officer's recitation of the individual criteria of Rules 40C-2.301 (2), (4) and (5), F.A.C., serve as introduction to and reference for the specific findings with regard to each criterion to provide clarity in the order. To the extent that expert witnesses presented testimony on the criteria and how the applicant satisfied the criteria through proof, the elements are findings or fact. These additional reasons also serve as ground for rejection of the exception. LBCA Exception Number 14 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 56 that LBCA's referenced exhibits do not correlate with normal conditions when compared with longer periods of time. The exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. In addition, the hearing officer ultimately did not admit the exhibits and therefore, the Finding of Fact becomes irrelevant. (T. 1152-1168, 411-416, 930- 933, 948, 969; FR Ex. 50A, SOB). Contrary to Rule 40C-1.564(3), F.A.C., LBCA fails to state wish particularity citations to the record or legal basis as required by Rule 40C-1.564, F.A.C., in support of its attack on finding 56 and its inferential attack on findings 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and conclusions 62 and 63. The entire exception is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 15 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Conclusion of Law 66 that LBCA's exhibits 61, 64, 65, 71, 75, 76, 78-80, 82 and 83 have limited probative value to the extent it is predicated on FRI's rebuttal testimony. The LBCA argues that the rebuttal testimony is of low probative value. This Board cannot reweigh conflicting evidence, judge credibility of witnesses, or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn there from by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and, therefore, the exception is rejected. (T. 1152-1168, 411-416, 930-933, 948, 969). Exception is also taken to Findings of Fact Nos. 32, 36, and 56 and Conclusion of Law 62 because LBCA argues that the testimony on which they are based exceeded the scope of direct examination and the LBCA was not given the opportunity to object. The correct time to object was when the alleged improper testimony was elicited. The LBCA did not object to preserve the record and therefore, has waived the objection. Section 90.104(1)(a), Fla. Stat. Finally, LBCA asserts that it was denied the opportunity to present rebuttal testimony in violation of Section 120.57(1)(b)4., Fla. Stat. To the contrary, LBCA was not denied the opportunity to present rebuttal testimony but failed to request surrebuttal and consequently failed to preserve any denial of that request by an objection on the record. (T. 1188-1190). Since LBCA never requested surrebuttal, the hearing officer never denied that request and, therefore, LBCA's argument is without merit. Furthermore, pursuant to the order of presentation under Rule 40C- 1.5434(1), F.A.C., which is followed in a permitting proceeding (applicant, petitioner, district), LBCA's entire case tended to be in the nature of rebuttal to the applicant's case. While the hearing officer did state that he did not ordinarily allow surrebuttal (T. 1169) before the rebuttal testimony was concluded, LBCA never affirmatively requested to present surrebuttal evidence or testimony nor did LBCA proffer any such evidence or testimony. Since no proffer was made of any relevant surrebuttal testimony which LBCA contends was excluded, and no objection was made in the record to LBCA's belief that it was prohibited from adducing surrebuttal evidence, it is now precluded from complaining about this perceived adverse ruling. King v. Estate of King, 554 So.2d 600 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989); Holmes v. Redland Construction Co., 557 So.2d 911 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1990); Roberts v. Hollway, 581 So.2d 619 (a. 4th DCA 1991); Diaz v. Rodriguez, 384 So.2d 906 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1980). The exception is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 16 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Findings of Fact 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 52 and 55 and Conclusions of Law 62 and 63. Findings of Fact 18, 19, 21, 52 and 55 and Conclusions of Law 62 and 63 are discussed in subsequent exceptions and therefore arc not addressed in this ruling on exceptions. LBCA's exception to Finding of Fact 20 fails to state with particularity any supporting citations to the record or legal argument as required by Rule 40C- 1.564 (3), F.A.C., and is therefore, rejected. LBCA takes exception to Finding of Fact 17 that the hearing officer incorrectly refers to three distinct water quality studies. In fact, the hearing officer actually refers to "numerous analyses" LBCA also objects to the reference to "unknown persons" in the finding and apparently to the statement: "They include analyses conducted by the District in 1989 and 1992, including sampling of water quality and an analysis of the background levels of certain parameters, and an assessment of data from HRS testing in March 1989 and May 1992." Clarification that HRS personnel conducted sampling in 1989 and 1992 is provided; however, since these personnel were never specifically named, to that extent the hearing officer's reference to "unknown persons" is accurate. (T. 1035, 379). The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 102-103, 130- 133, 451, 1023-1037, 1041- 1048, 1151-1152). LBCA Exception Number 17 The LBCA takes exception to that part of the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 18 that states: "This theory was predicated on... an assumption that a chemical reaction was occurring because herbicides were used in the dredge pond." LBCA fails to prove any supporting transcript citations in violation of Rule 40C- 1.564 (3), F.A.C. In Finding of Fact 18, the hearing officer reached the conclusion that none of the water quality samples taken from the mine site indicate a violation of state water quality standards. The exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. It is improper for this Board to retry the case after the hearing has concluded by altering findings and reweighing evidence. Tampa Wholesale Liquors, Inc., supra.. This Board cannot judge credibility of witnesses or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and the exception is rejected. (T. 133, 575, 1024-1025). LBCA Exception Number 18 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 19 by arguing that water quality on the mine site says nothing about off site impacts and positing that the finding is predicated on certain speculation. LBCA offers no helpful record citations supporting these allegations. Expert testimony established that water quality sampling by FRI and the District of the surficial aquifer at the locations chosen was where water quality impacts would be most likely to be revealed and consequently was a conservative approach. (T. 133, 144, 1029-1030, 1061, 1073). This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 130-139, 141-144, 575-576, 1028-1031, 1061-10 65, 1073, 1136-1139). LBCA Exception Number 19 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 21 by stating that it misleadingly implies that 212 homes were tested for water quality by HRS. To the contrary, the hearing officer's finding states "12 out of 212 homeowners" (emphasis added) south of the mine site were tested, not 212. In addition, the exhibits referenced do not reflect the testing of 212 homes. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and the exception is rejected. (T. 167-168, 379, 990, 1036-1037, 1041, 1048-1050, 1052-1053). LBCA Exception Number 20 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 21 on the basis that it is a legal conclusion which misrepresents and misapplies the state water quality standards. However, LBCA cites no authority or record citation for the argument as required by Rule 40C-1.564(3), F.A.C. The finding actually states "with the exception of one well... the water from the homeowners' wells did not exceed background water quality for iron and manganese"; clearly, this is a factual statement. This exception, under the guise of an unsupported legal argument, goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial, and uncontroverted, evidence which, incidentally, includes explanation and citation to the relevant exception/standard. Furthermore, the parties stipulated that official recognition was taken of chapter 17-520, F.A.C. The exception is rejected. (T. 1034, 1041, 1077-1078; Prehearing Stip. p 12; Rules 17- 520.420(2) and 17-520.200(11), F.A.C.) LBCA Exception Number 21 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 21 that the 1989 water quality samples by HRS were unreliable because of the uncertainty regarding the sampling technique protocol. This exception erroneously states there was no evidence of sampling protocol used by HRS. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 1039-1049). LBCA Exception Number 22 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 52 that the receiving body of water will not be seriously harmed, by characterizing the finding as being predicated on an unproven theory that the surficial aquifer receives all groundwater discharged from one site. LBCA has failed to read the entire finding which clearly reveals that the hearing officer did not confine his consideration to the surficial aquifer. He found that water quality standards would not be violated in the surfical aquifer, where the highest concentrations of any potential contaminants would appear, then they would not be violated in any intermediate aquifer similarly, no violations would occur in one Floridan aquifer. The decision to believe one expert over another is the role of the hearing officer, and the decision cannot be altered absent a complete lack of competent substantial evidence from which the finding could be reasonably inferred. Fla. Chapter of Sierra Club, supra.. This Board cannot reweigh conflicting evidence, judge credibility of witnesses, or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. Heifetz, supra.; Freeze, supra.. If a hearing officer's finding is supported by any competent substantial evidence from which the finding could reasonably be inferred, then it cannot be disturbed. Berry, supra.. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 105, 141-142, 1025-1030, 1034-1035). LBCA Exception Number 23 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 55 that water quality sampling was collected to evaluate a water budget for the dredge pond. In their responses to this exception, FRI explicitly notes it has no response to this exception and District counsel concedes that although water quality samples were taken from the dredge pond and a water budget was calculated for the dredge pond, these two procedures were not linked to one another. The testimony of FRI witnesses is that water quality sampling and data to determine the water budget for the dredge pond were performed. (T. 76, 103). Counsel for FRI and the District have stipulated that the testimony does not support the finding that the water quality samples were used to evaluate the water budget. Since, as stipulated, this portion of the hearing officer's finding is not supported by any evidence in the record, the exception is accepted. LBCA Exception Number 24 The LBCA takes exception to the nearing officer's Finding of Fact 55, arguing that the applicant did not perform an environmental assessment of Lake Brooklyn, and thus cannot fairly draw any conclusions about its operation's impact on that lake. The Finding of Fact describes the site-specific information which supports the application. The pertinent part of the finding states: "FRI conducted an assessment of the environmental impacts to the wetland and wildlife resources of the area lakes, including White Sands, Spring and Gator Bone Lakes." To the extent Lake Brooklyn is encompassed by use of the term "area lakes", the existence of an assessment of the impacts to Lake Brooklyn is supported by expert testimony. (T. 281, 899). Additionally, the finding is otherwise supported by competent substantial evidence. (T. 266-280). The exception is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 25 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 31 which states in pertinent part: "petitioner's witness Dr. Stewart opined that there is insufficient data to determine whether any impacts to lake levels are occurring." LBCA is essentially complaining that the entirety of Dr. Stewart's testimony should be credited not just a portion. The role of the hearing officer is to consider and weigh all the evidence, resolve conflicts and judge credibility of the witnesses. The hearing officer apparently did not view all of Dr. Stewart's testimony in the same manner as LBCA's attorney; such is his legal prerogative. If a hearing officer's finding is supported by any competent substantial evidence from which the finding could reasonably be inferred, then it cannot be disturbed. Berry, supra.. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 784-786, 145- 146, 232-233, 285-286, 288-289, 897-898, 1085). LBCA Exception Number 26 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Finding of Fact 24 that the rate of decline (in Spring, White Sands and Gator Bone Lakes) during the APT test was not distinguishable from the declines which occurred before or after the test. LBCA provides no record citations to support its argument that since the hearing officer rejected its use of certain APT data in an attempted correlation between pumping and Lake Brooklyn levels, that all the APT data was entirely discredited and could have no value in an analysis regarding Spring, White Sands or Gator Bone Lakes. If a hearing officer's finding is supported by any competent substantial evidence from which the finding could reasonably be inferred, then it cannot be disturbed. Berry, supra.. This exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. The finding is supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the exception is rejected. (T. 941-948, 1015-1016, 1123, 1168). RULINGS ON EXCEPTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW LBCA Exception Number 1 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Conclusion of Law 62 and 63 and Findings of Fact 42 through 54 (which LBCA alleges should be conclusions of law) that FRI has established its entitlement to the permit. LBCA argues that the applicant failed to present sufficient information about conditions at Lake Brooklyn. LBCA's numerous "factual" statements in this exception are unsupported by record citations. The burden of proof in an administrative hearing falls initially upon the party asserting the affirmative of an issue, i.e. entitlement to a permit. Rules 40C-1.545 and 40C-2.301(7), F.A.C.; Capeletti Brothers v. Department of General Services, 432 So.2d 1359 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983); Department of Transportation v. J.W.C., Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). The party must prove its case by a preponderance of the evidence. Florida Audubon Society v. South Florida Water Management District, 13 F.A.L.R. 4169 (undated). The applicant's burden is to establish reasonable assurances that the proposed use is a reasonable-beneficial use, will not interfere with any presently existing legal use of water, and is consistent with the public interest. Section 373.223, Fla. Stat. The burden of reasonable assurances is not one of absolute guarantees. City of Sunrise v. Indian Trace Community Dev. Dist., 14 F.A.L.R. 866 (January 16, 1992). The impacts which are reasonably expected to result from issuance of the permit must be addressed, not potential impacts or those that might occur Hoffert v. St. Joe Paper Co., 12 F.A.L.R. 4972 (December 6, 1990); Chipola Basin Protective Group Inc. v. Florida Chapter of Sierra Club, 11 F.A.L.R. 467 (Department of Environmental Regulation, December 29, 1988); Florida Keys Citizen Coalition v. 1800 Atlantic Developers, 8 F.A.L.R. 5564 (Department of Environmental Regulation, October 17, 1986). Once the party asserting the affirmative, FRI, has presented its prima facia case, the burden shifts to the LBCA to present contrary evidence. 1800 Atlantic Developers, supra.; Hoffert, supra.. LBCA cites Booker Creek Preservation, Inc. v. Mobil Chemical Co., 481 So.2d 10 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986) in support of the exception. In Booker Creek, the Court held that additional testing, beyond that offered by the applicant, should have been done before the permit could be issued. Booker Creek was limited to its unique set of facts by the case of Berry v. Dept. of Env. Regulation, 530 So.2d 1019 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988). The Berry Court, in dealing with a dredge and fill permit, refused to extend the Booker Creek holding to such permits, noting that the permit under consideration in Berry, was not a pollutant discharge permit. The permit in issue here also is not a pollutant discharge permit. More importantly, like the applicant in Berry, FRI offered evidence of extensive testing and analysis regarding where water comes from and goes to at the mine site and in the surrounding vicinity. Finding of Fact No. 55. LBCA incorrectly argues that the modeling information submitted by FRI has no applicability to impacts at Lake Brooklyn, because the model "did not include Lake Brooklyn". Particularly, in view of findings of fact 23, 28, 31-36 (exceptions to which have been previously rejected), it is apparent that the hearing officer rejected LBCA's view of the "facts" stated in this exception. While the model boundary (which is based on water level data for Floridan wells in the region (T. 164)) is between Lake Brooklyn and the pumping wells at the mine, the drawdown at the model boundary is based on a distance-drawdown relationship that relates to the pumping rate at the mine. The 1991 transient model showed that within the 9 square mile boundary, the impacts at the boundary were no more than 0.1 feet. (T. 129, 178). The reduced boundaries in the 1992 model accurately predicted what was happening at the mine site. (T. 178). The distance-drawdown relationship established by the model shows that the drawdown contour ceases before the model boundary is reached and therefore, before Lake Brooklyn is reached. (FR Exs. 5, 22). Impacts to Lake Brooklyn were also assessed through the review of water levels in the Floridan aquifer well (C- 120) between 1960 and 1992. (T. 928-933). The data showed that water levels in the well at Lake Brooklyn actually continued to rise when the 1989 and 1991 pump tests were conducted. (T. 411-412, 931-933; SJRWMD Ex. 13). In addition, when the pumping wells at the mine were turned off, the water level in the well at Lake Brooklyn did not recover. This indicates that there were outside influences for the fluctuation in the well. (T. 415, 933). The data does not show impacts from the pumping at the sand mine. (T. 942). LBCA also erroneously states that groundwater in the Floridan aquifer beneath Lake Brooklyn flows toward the mine. (See ruling on LBCA's factual exception 5). As listed in responses to LBCA's factual exceptions, particularly those regarding exceptions 8 and 12, there is competent, substantial evidence to support the bindings regarding no adverse impact to Lake Brooklyn. The hearing officer found that the applicant met its burden or proof in Conclusion of Law 62. In Conclusion of Law 63, the hearing officer concluded that the LBCA did not meet its burden of presenting contrary evidence that the withdrawals at the sand mine correlate with the decline in water levels at Lake Brooklyn. The exception goes to the weight of the evidence and inferences drawn therefrom by the hearing officer. This Board cannot reweigh conflicting evidence, judge credibility of witnesses, or otherwise interpret the evidence to reach a desired result. Heifetz, supra.; Freeze, supra.. This exception is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 2 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Conclusion of Law 63 that additional permit conditions in the case of a water shortage or a shorter permit duration are not necessary. The LBCA is reargue their case in the exception. The District has authority to require FRI to reduce its water use during a water shortage within the seven year life of the permit. Sections 373.175 and 373.246, Fla. Stat., and Rules 40C-2.381(2)(a)2. and 40C-21.271, F.A.C. Rule 40C-2.381(2)(a)2., F.A.C., which is incorporated into the permit as a limiting condition, states: Nothing in this permit should be construed to limit the authority of the St. Johns River Water Management District to declare a water shortage and issue orders pursuant to section 373.175, F.S., or to formulate a plan for implementation during periods of water shortage, pursuant to section 373.246, F.S. In the event a water shortage, is declared by the District Governing Board, the permittee must adhere to the water shortage restrictions, as specified by the District, even though the specified water shortage restrictions may be inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this permit. (emphasis added). Rule 40C-21.271, F.A.C., General Water Use Restrictions, specifies the restrictions which may be imposed during a water shortage on all water users and states, in pertinent parts: The Board may order use of general water use restrictions and the water use restrictions specified in Part VI for the appropriate water shortage phase for each affected source class. Further, the Board may order any combination in lieu of or in addition to the restrictions specified in Part VI of the restrictions described in Subsection (3), by use or method of withdrawal class, within each source class, if necessary to achieve the necessary percent reduction in overall demand. (emphasis added). General water use restrictions which may be imposed include provisions that facilitate the right of water users in an area to make voluntary agreements among themselves, with the concurrence of the Board or the Executive Director, providing for the mutual reduction, sharing, or rotation of use; restrictions on the total amount of water that may be used, diverted, impounded, extracted, or withdrawn during any day, month, or year during the declared shortage; restrictions on the timing of use, diversion, impoundment, extraction, or withdrawal of water; restrictions on pumping rates and schedules or diversion rates and schedules; or such other provisions or restrictions as are necessary to protect the water resources from serious harm. With the above cited authority, the District can require the withdrawals at the sand mine to be reduced during periods of water shortage within the seven year term of the permit by reducing the total amount withdrawn, controlling the schedule of withdrawals or "by other restrictions which arc necessary to protect the water resources." The hearing officer's conclusion is consistent with the rules and statutes which govern the Board. The exception is rejected. LBCA Exception Number 3 The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Conclusion of Law 63 and Finding of Fact 47 that FRI satisfied the criteria regarding water conservation measures. See Rule 40C-2.301(4)(e), F.A.C. The LBCA reargues the facts which the hearing officer found to support the conclusion. However, the LBCA offered no evidence to rebut the testimony of FRI. In addition, the LBCA cites no authority that the hearing officer's conclusion is contrary to law. Florida Audubon Society v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 9 F.A.L.R. 565 (October 31, 1986). LBCA also renews its attack on the allocation amount, essentially iterating its factual exception which is rejected for the reasons set forth therein. It is improper for this Board to retry the case after the hearing has concluded by altering findings and reweighing evidence. Tampa Wholesale Liquors, Inc., 376 So.2d 1195 (Fla. 2d DCA 1979). LBCA's exception lacks any record citations or legal authority in support of this exception. The conclusion and finding are supported by competent substantial, and uncontroverted, evidence and the exception is rejected. (T. 43-52, 106, 234- 237, 988-989, 1103- 1104, 1111, 1132-1133) LBCA Exception Number 3 (sic). The LBCA takes exception to the hearing officer's Conclusion of Law 63, by arguing that the use of water from the surficial aquifer requires a separate permit. Section 40C-2.051, F.A.C., states: No permit shall be required under the provisions of this rule for the following water uses: Withdrawals of ground or surface water to facilitate construction on or below ground surface ..., in the following circum- stances: ground water may be withdrawn if it is recharged on site to the aquifer from which it was withdrawn by either infiltration or direct injection; surface water may be withdrawn only from wholly owned impoundments or works which are no deeper than the lowest extent of the uppermost water bearing stratum and which have no surface hydrologic connection off site, and the surface water must be recharged on site to the uppermost water bearing stratum by either infiltration or direct injection. This exemption from permitting is applicable here, and therefore, no additional permit is required. An agency's interpretation of its rules is afforded great weight. Franklin Ambulance Service v. DHRS, 45 So.2d 580 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989). LBCA offered no auth-orty or evidence that the District's interpretation is contrary to established law. This conclusion is supported by competent substantial evidence. The exception is rejected. (T. 38-39, 105, 249, 972, 1101-1102). RULINGS ON EXCEPTION TO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CONTAINED IN POST- HEARING EVIDENTIARY RULING LBCA excepts the hearing officer's rulings in Finding of Fact No. 56 and Conclusion of Law No, 66 excluding LBCA exhibits nos. 61, 64, 71, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82 and 83 as inadmissible for failure of LBCA to comply with subsection 90.956, Fla. Stat., regarding use of summaries of evidence. LBCA takes exception to FRI's objection post-hearing alleging that the exhibits had been admitted. In fact, the exhibits were not admitted at hearing. The LBCA's citation to the transcript is not the hearing officer's ruling on the exhibits. The hearing officer did not admit the ten exhibits on the record, as he did with every other exhibit that he admitted. The LBCA's assertion that it believed the exhibits were admitted is belied by LBCA's failure to list them as admitted in its Proposed Recommended Order on page 3. Therefore, LBCA's claim that FRI's continuing objection was a surprise is without merit. LBCA asserts that FRI cannot make a post-hearing objection to the exhibits in its Proposed Recommended Order and infers gnat FRI's objection to the admission of the exhibits was not preserved at hearing. Rule 40C-1.561, F.A.C., provides for the submission of legal briefs along with proposed findings of fact and conclusions or law. For matters that remain pending at the close of a hearing, a party may file a legal brief in support of its position. FRI did not object to the opinion testimony of the LBCA expert witness, only to the graphic depictions of such testimony. (T. 356). LBCA stated at hearing that the excluded exhibits were simply graphic depictions of the expert's opinion testimony. (T. 354). The record is abundantly clear that FRI preserved its objection to the exhibits and the hearing officer reserved ruling on their admission until the recommended order was issued. (T. 353, 358, 360, 363, 369, 370, 375, 377, 524, 531, 537, 1079-1080, 1178). LBCA essentially asserts that the exhibits are not "summaries" and therefore not subject to subsection 90.956, Fla. Stat., which, of course, the fact-finder found otherwise. LBCA's reliance on Marks v. Marks, 576 So.2d 859 (Fla. 3d DCA 1989) is misplaced. Marks did not hold that expert testimony is not subject to subsection 90.956, but only that an expert is not required to utilize subsection 90.956 when presenting underlying data relied on for his opinion. The hearing officer found that the hydrographs were summaries and the underlying information was not indicated on the summary. The hearing officer allowed FRI time to review the data and present rebuttal. The fact-finder is entitled to great latitude in admitting or excluding summary evidence. Wright v. Southwest Bank, 554 F.2d 661 (5th Cir. 1977)(trial court without jury is entitled to great latitude covering the admission or exclusion of summary evidence). LBCA has failed to show that the hearing officer abused this discretion in excluding the exhibits. LBCA also takes exception that LBCA was denied rebuttal, or surrebuttal, on FRI's rebuttal case. As discussed in the ruling on LBCA's Exception 15, LBCA failed to request rebuttal of FRI's case. The hearing officer allowed cross-examination and LBCA did not offer any additional evidence from LBCA witnesses. Since the LBCA never requested to offer rebuttal testimony, then the hearing officer could not and did not deny that request. It is well-settled that an objection must be preserved during an administrative proceeding or it will be deemed waived. DeMendoza v. First Federal Savings and Loan, 585 So.2d 453 (Fla. 4th DCA 1991)(even if mistake was made in trial, party's waived its right to appeal the issue since it failed to call the deficiency to the court's attention during trial); Yachting Arcade, Inc. v. Riverwalk Condominium Assoc., 500 So.2d 202 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986)(party's failure to object to matters at administrative hearing made those matters unreviewable, even though party claimed fundamental procedural errors, it failed to show how it was prejudiced by any such action or omission; National Dairy Products, Corp. v. Odham, 121 So.2d 640 (Fla. 1959). Therefore, LBCA's exception based on the denial of rebuttal is rejected. LBCA argues that-the proper vehicle for the objection was a motion for rehearing. LBCA does not cite authority for its assertion. Since the hearing officer never ruled on the admissibility, there was no order on which to base a motion for rehearing. Nevertheless, the alleged error, if any, of excluding the exhibits, was harmless. Sims v. Brown, 574 So.2d 131 (Fla. 1991)(exclusion of manual was harmless since experts testified to the same matters in the manual); Little v. Banker's National Life Insurance Co., 369 So.2d 637 (Fla. 3d DCA 1979)(harmless error to exclude letter since witnesses otherwise testified at length as to its contents and conclusions). The LBCA expert testified extensively regarding the basis of each excluded exhibit and the information it depicts in relation to the conclusions of his expert opinion which the hearing officer weighed in rendering his factual findings and conclusions. (T. 346, 349, 351, 352, 358, 359, 364, 366, 371, 373, 411, 456, 457, 458, 481, 486, 501, 504, 507, 509, 511, 512, 516, 517, 518, 519, 542). The hearing officer concluded that even if the exhibits had been admitted it would not have altered his factual findings stating that they had limited probative value. (Conclusion of Law No. 66). Therefore, the exception is rejected. RULING ON RECOMMENDED ORDER'S COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 120.59(2), FLA. STAT. LBCA asserts that the hearing officer failed to comply with subsection 120.59(2), Fla. Stat., by not providing a sufficiently explicit ruling on each of the parties' proposed findings of fact. Section 120,59(2), Fla. Stat., requires "a ruling upon each proposed finding" The Appendix to the Recommended Order does not contain an omnibus "blanket" ruling on all of LBCA's proposed findings which the courts have found inadequate. Cf. Island Harbor beach Club v. DNR, 476 So.2d 1350 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); Health Care Management, Inc. v. DHRS, 479 So.2d 193 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). The Appendix clearly contains a ruling upon each of LBCA's proposed findings. Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat., requires no more. LBCA relies on Island Harbor Beach Club v. DNR, 476 So.2d 1350 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985), to support this argument. Island Harbor Beach Club, differs significantly from this case. The order Island Harbor Beach Club did not individually address each specific proposed finding as the Recommended Order in this case does. The only reference to proposed findings made in the Island Harbor Beacon Club order was a single paragraph which stated: The parties proposed findings of fact have been considered and where unsupported by the weight of the evidence, immaterial, cumulative, or subordinate. This differs from the Recommended Order in the instant case which specifically addresses each proposed finding and specifies where (by paragraph) in the Recommended Order that proposed finding is addressed. It is elementary to then read the paragraph referred to in the Recommended Order to determine what portion of the proposed finding was accepted. More applicable to this case is the case of Schomer v. Department of Professional Regulation, 417 So.2d 1089 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982). The order in Schomer did not contain specific rulings on each proposed finding submitted by the Appellant. The substance of the final order, however, demonstrated that each finding had been considered and ruled on. The Court noted that, for purposes of complying with Section 120.59(2) Fla. Stat., It would not elevate form over substance." An agency need not Independently quote verbatim each proposed finding and independently dispose of that proposed finding; rather, it is sufficient that the agency provide in its decision a written foundation upon which the reviewing court may assure that all proposed findings of fact have been consider and ruled upon and not overlooked or concealed. Id. at 1090. The Court held that it could discern from the substance of the order that each of the proposed findings were addressed, and to the extent the technical requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat., were departed from, the departure did not materially impair the fairness or correctness of the proceedings. Id. at 1091. LBCA merely has to compare the hearing officer's findings with its proposed findings to discern those portions accepted. Therefore, the exception is rejected. RULING ON MOTION FOR REMAND Pursuant, to Rule 1.540(b), Fla. R. Civ. P., LBCA has filed a Motion for Remand asserting that newly discovered evidence establishes that a finding by the hearing officer is inaccurate because of allegedly false testimony by District expert witness, Dr. Larry Lee. The hearing officer found that Lake Brooklyn had been in a period of decline before and after the 1989 aquifer pump test and that due to rainfall deficits Brooklyn Bay was separated from the main body of Lake Brooklyn for at least 18 to 24 months before and during the 1989 aquifer performance test. The hearing officer determined that the rate and character of declines during the pumping were not distinguishable from the declines occurring before and after the test. Thus, he found that impacts to Lake Brooklyn water levels from the pumping were indistinguishable from the declines due to drought. (Finding of Fact No. 30). LBCA asserts that a newly discovered Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) survey, dated October 11, 1988, shows that Brooklyn Bay was not segregated from the remainder of the lake due to drought conditions prior to the 1989 aquifer pump test as testified by Dr. Lee and seeks the Board to remand the issue to the hearing officer for consideration of this new evidence. The only reasons for remand regarding fact finding are if an erroneous legal conclusion by a hearing officer warrants taking of evidence on the issue, or if a factual issue was never ruled upon by the hearing officer. See Miller v. Dept. Envt'l Reg., 5504 So.2d 1325 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987)(agency's modification of legal conclusions necessitated factual findings on issue which hearing officer had initially disregarded as irrelevant) and Cohn v. Dept. of Prof. Reg., 477 So.2d 1039 (Fla. 3d DCA 1985)(when the hearing officer fails to find a specific fact, agency must remand to the hearing officer to do so). Clearly, neither of these reasons have any application to Petitioner's arguments. Although subsection 40C-1.512, F.A.C., provides that the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure are applicable to District administrative proceedings to the extent not inconsistent with Chapter 120 or Chapter 40C-1, the applicability of Rule 1.540(b), Fla. R. Civ. P., is problematic and inconsistent with a subsection 120.57 proceeding. First, the civil procedure rule only applies to final judgments and in this subsection 120.57 administrative proceeding LBCA is attempting to apply the civil procedure rule to a nonfinal recommended order. Second, LBCA has not expressly excepted Finding of Fact No. 30 as not supported by competent substantial evidence or that a Board rule or policy has been incorrectly interpreted /1 , but actually seeks the Board to allow LBCA to supplement the record after remand with new facts for the hearing officer to weigh in applying those facts to the applicable District rules. Thus, unlike a trial court, Finding of Fact No. 30 cannot be altered by this Board if supported by any competent substantial evidence. Section 120.57(1)(b)10., Fla. Stat.; Freeze v. Dept. of Business Regulation, 556 So.2d 1204 (Fla. 5th DCA 1990); School Board of Leon County v. Weaver, 556 So.2d 443 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990). The Board may only consider whether the findings actually made by the hearing officer are sustained by the evidence, and whether, if so, they support the recommended legal conclusions. Cohn v. Dept. of Professional Regulation, 477 So.2d 1039 (Fla. 3d DCA 1985). Unlike a judge with plenary and equitable powers in a judicial setting, this Board, under Chapter 120, cannot authorize fact- finding after a hearing's conclusion except in the most narrow circumstances, none of which are applicable to the motion before the Board. Cf. Manasota 88, Inc. v. Tremor, 545 So.2d 439 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989)(may remand if hearing officer makes erroneous legal interpretation); Cohn, supra.. (may remand if a necessary factual issue was not determined by the hearing officer); Friends of Children v. DHRS, 504 So.2d 1345 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987)(may remand if hearing officer makes erroneous evidentiary ruling). In effect, LBCA wants to utilize a civil procedure rule for the Board to authorize additional fact-finding on a matter already considered by the hearing officer regarding a finding supported by competent substantial evidence. Section 120.57, Fla. Stat., simply does not authorize the Board to take such action. Section 120.57(1)(b)10, Fla. Stat.; Dept. of Transportation v. J.W.C. Co., Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981)(chapter 120 does not allow additional or cumulative evidence on matters already considered and the APA does not envision a never-ending process). Consequently, the application of Rule 1.540(b), Fla. R. Civ. P., is inconsistent with Chapter 120 and LBCA is free to raise any alleged error at hearing on appeal of the final order. Even assuming Rule 1.540(b), Fla. R. Civ. P., is applicable to this subsection 120.57 proceeding, LBCA has failed to clearly establish the extraordinary circumstances warranting the granting of its motion. The material issue of whether FRI's proposed pumping would impact the area lake levels already effected by a rainfall deficit was expressly raised by LBCA in its initial petition for hearing as far back as August 1992 and was also an issue stipulated in the Prehearing Stipulation prior to the February 1993 hearing. (Petition for Administrative Hearing paragraph f. 2, 3, 4.; Prehearing Stip. paragraphs B. 2, G. 1). Consequently, LBCA had over five months prior to hearing to elicit all relevant evidence to that Issue. If Rule 1.540(b) was applicable, LBCA's burden would be to clearly establish the following to receive relief: (1) it must appear that the evidence is such as will probably change the-result if a new trial is granted; (2) that it has been discovered since the trial; (3) that it could not have been discovered before one trial by the exercise of due diligence; and (4) that it is material and not merely cumulative or impeaching. City of Winter Haven v. Tuttle/White Construction Inc., 370 So.2d 829 (Fla. 2d DCA 1979); King v. Harrington, 411 So.2d 912 (Fla. 2d DCA 1982), rev denied, 418 So.2d 1279 (Fla. 1982). The predicate for LBCA's motion is that Dr. Lee's testimony regarding the lake separation was false, therefore LBCA could not have exercised due diligence in discovering the alleged new evidence. LBCA has filed no express exception with record support establishing that Finding of Fact No. 30 is not supported by competent substantial evidence and therefore the Board by law cannot alter that factual finding. Section 40C-1.564(3), F.A.C.; Section 120.37(1)(b)10., Fla. Stat.; Freeze, supra.. Consequently, Dr. Lee's testimony is not false. Importantly, Dr. Lee's testimony was not the only evidence supporting this finding. LBCA's own witness, the president of the association, testified that Brooklyn Bay had been segregated for four or five years from the main part of the lake and that he had been able to walk across the lake without getting wet for the last four or five years. (T. 863, 870). Likewise, LBCA's own expert stated that Lake Brooklyn's condition between 1989 to 1991 had receded to such an extent as it was no longer a continuous lake. (T. 317). Accordingly, the predicate for LBCA's motion is factually inaccurate and misplaced. Furthermore, LBCA must clearly establish that even though the exercise of due diligence before the hearing, it would not have discovered the 1988 D.O.T. survey. Brav v. Electric Door-Lift Inc., 558 So.2d 43 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989)(movant's burden to establish due diligence); Plisco v. Union Railroad Co., 379 F.2d 15 (3d DCA 1967)(motion for new trial on newly discovered evidence is granted only where extraordinary circumstances are present). Even though the effects of FRI's proposed pumping on lake levels in time of rainfall deficit was an issue dating back to August 1992, LBCA asserts that it could not have obtained the survey prior to hearing in February 1993 "because of the logistics of requesting public records and the delay in delivery of same." LBCA could have reasonably anticipated that witnesses would testify regarding the disputed issue, particularly its own witnesses, and obtained the survey with the exercise of due diligence. LBCA offers no basis why D.O.T. would not have supplied the survey as required by law or that LBCA could not obtain it and, in fact, the public records law contains a provision for obtaining immediate relief if a request for records is denied. See subsection 119.11, Fla. Stat. In Florida Audubon Society v. Ratner, 497 So.2d 672 (Fla. 3d DCA 1986), a 1981 judgment had been entered finding that limestone mining would be inconsistent with the water management purposes of a water management district's flowage easement on platiff's property. Plaintiff sought a new trial because of newly discovered opposing evidence in a 1980 Corps of Engineers report on the effects of limestone mining. The trial court denied the motion. The appellate court agreed finding that the granting of such motions was disfavored and that the report was prepared in September 1980 well before the trial and judgment in June 1981 and could have been discovered prior to the with the exercise of due diligence. Likewise in this proceeding, the proffered D.O.T. survey was prepared in October 1988, nearly four and one-half years before the February 1993 hearing and LBCA has failed to show that due diligence would not have discovered the survey prior to the administrative hearing in this proceeding. See also, Morhaim v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co., 559 So.2d 1240 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990)(no new trial granted based on post-judgment affidavits regarding evidence on known issue that could have been discovered prior to trial). LBCA also asserts that Dr. Lee misrepresented the contents of Clark's "Report of Investigations No. 33-Hydrology of Brooklyn Lake Near Keystone Heights, Florida" regarding its conclusions and his opinion concerning the separation of Brooklyn Bay from Lake Brooklyn and thus prejudiced LBCA's case. LBCA argument is an attack on the weight of the conflicting evidence which is the job of the hearing officer to resolve. An expert witness is not required to disclose the facts and data underlying his opinion. Marks v. Marks, 576 So.2d 859 (Fla. 3d DCA 1991). LBCA could have cross examined Dr. Lee regarding the separation. LBCA was aware of the "Clark Report" (T. 844) and even anticipated testimony regarding water levels in its case in chief (T. 846). Indeed, the report was listed by LBCA as its Exhibit 13 in the Prehearing Stipulation, although LBCA chose not to introduce it into evidence during the hearing. Dr. Lee testified not once but twice about the location of the staff gauge (T. 946 and 962-966). On cross, LBCA did not inquire about the location of the staff gauge or the lack of water beneath the bridge. (T. 991-1017). It was LBCA's burden to challenge the factual basis for Dr. Lee's opinion. City of Hialeah v. Weatherford, 466 So.2d 1127 (Fla. 3d DCA 1985). An insufficiency in the expert opinion offered, if any, should have been addressed in cross-examination by LBCA, not by a post-hearing motion. LBCA alleges that the outcome would be different if the DOT survey were part of the evidence. The Board cannot accept new evidence or rule on the admissibility of evidence which was not presented to the hearing officer. The Finding of Fact to which LBCA refers states six reasons why the correlation between the pumping at the sand mine and its effects on Lake Brooklyn water level were not established. See Recommended Order, Finding of Fact 32. The location of the staff gauge in Brooklyn Bay rather than Lake Brooklyn was one of those six. LBCA's error was in not knowing the location of the staff gauge (T. 418-420) rather than the testimony of Dr. Lee. Therefore, LBCA's allegation that but for the testimony of Dr. Lee, the hearing officer would have found differently is unfounded. The mere chance that the hearing officer might have found differently is insufficient to remand the hearing for additional fact finding. Cluett v. Dep't of Professional Regulation, 530 So.2d 351, 355 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988). The courts look with disfavor on motions based on newly discovered evidence because to look with favor would bring about a looseness in practice and encourage counsel to neglect to gather all available evidence for a first trial by speculating upon the outcome, and then, being defeated, become for the first time duly diligent in securing other evidence to cure the defects or omissions in their showing upon the first trial. Rushing v. Chappell, 247 So.2d 749 (Fla. 1st DCA 1971); Henderson Sians v. Fla. Dept. of Transp., 397 So.2d 769 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). It is well-settled that no abuse of discretion occurs on the part of an agency by refusing to direct a remand to receive evidence which could have been introduced during the course of the original proceedings. Department of Transportation v. J.W.C., Inc., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981) LBCA has failed to clearly establish a right to relief and therefore the motion is denied. RULING ON MOTION FOR OFFICIAL RECOGNITION AND MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT THE RECORD LBCA has filed a Motion for Official Recognition and to Supplement the Record seeking the Board to accept into evidence the October 11, 1988 D.O.T. survey which was the subject of LBCA's Motion for Remand and also the U.S.G.S. publication "Report of Investigations No. 33-Hydrology of Brooklyn Lake Near Keystone Heights, Florida", by Clark, also referenced In LBCA's Motion for Remand. The Board is not a fact-finder in this subsection 120.57 proceeding and it is reversible error for the Board to supplement the record through post-hearing evidence. Section 120.57(1)(b)10, Fla. stat., Marks v. Northwest Florida Water Management District, 566 So.2d 46 (Fla. 5th DCA 1990)(court refused to take judicial notice of factual matter based on records that could have been offered at administrative hearing); Nest v. Dept. of Professional Regulation 490 So.2d 987 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986); Shongut v Mark, 173 So.2d 708 (Fla. 3d DCA 1965)(Where matters raised on motion for relief from judgment could have been available to movant during trial proceedings, denial of motion was not abuse of discretion); Weaver, supra.. Moreover, the Motion for Remand has been denied. LBCA's post- hearing motions will be available as part of the record of this proceeding for purposes of any appeal which may be pursued. ACCORDINGLY, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: The Recommended Order dated June 4, 1993, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is adopted in its entirety except as modified by the final action of the Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District (Ruling on LBCA Exception 23). Florida Rock Industries' application for consumptive use permit no. 2-019-0012AUR is hereby granted under the terms and conditions as provided herein. The post-hearing Motion for Remand, Motion for Official Recognition and Motion to Supplement the Record filed by LBCA are hereby denied. DONE AND ORDERED this 14th day of July 1993, in Palatka, Florida. ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT By: JOE E. HILL CHAIRMAN RENDERED this 14th day of July 1993. By: SANDRA L. BERTRAM ASSISTANT DISTRICT CLERK
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background Respondent, Florida Rock Industries (FRI or applicant), a Florida corporation, operates a nine hundred and eighty acre sand mine known as the Goldhead Sand Mine (Goldhead) in Clay County, Florida. The mine is located approximately six miles northeast of Keystone Heights and fifty miles southwest of Jacksonville. FRI has operated the mine since 1958. With the exception of eighty acres of land owned by FRI, the remainder of the land on which the mine is located is owned by Carroll-Phillips Investors and has been leased to FRI since 1973. The mine lies within the jurisdictional boundaries of respondent, St. Johns River Water Management District (District), a special taxing district created by the legislature and charged with the responsibility for administering and enforcing permitting programs for consumptive uses of water. FRI is accordingly subject to the District's regulatory authority. As a necessary component of its operation, FRI withdraws approximately 2.09 million gallons per day (MGD) of groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer which is used in the production of sand. This use of water is made pursuant to a consumptive use permit (no. 2-019-0012U) issued to FRI by the District on December 11, 1984, and which allows it to consume 762.85 million gallons per year of groundwater for hydraulic dredging, cleaning and purification of sand at the Goldhead mine. The permit was issued for seven years. In order to continue groundwater withdrawal and use, FRI has applied to the District for a seven-year renewal of its permit with no request for an increase in allocation. That request, which has been identified as application no. 2-019-0012AUR, is the subject of this proceeding. After conducting a review of the application, making site inspections, and performing various studies and analyses, on July 28, 1992, the District, through its staff, gave notice of its intent to approve the application with certain conditions. Thereafter, on August 6, 1992, petitioner, Lake Brooklyn Civic Association, Inc. (petitioner), a nonprofit corporation made up of property owners in adjacent areas of Clay County, filed a petition under Subsection 403.412(5), Florida Statutes, seeking to contest the proposed action. Petitioner is a citizen of the state and has an interest in activities that may injure or harm the state's water resources. Thus, it has standing to bring this action. As twice amended, the petition generally alleged that the consumptive use would (a) cause an unmitigated adverse impact on adjacent land uses, including a significant reduction in water levels in Lake Brooklyn and Spring, Gator Bone, and White Sands Lake, which lie generally to the south and southwest of the mine site, (b) cause a deterioration in water quality, (c) cause economic or environmental harm, and (d) be for purposes other than operating a sand mine. The broad three-pronged test to be used in determining whether the permit should be issued is whether the proposed consumptive use is a reasonable- beneficial use, whether it will interfere with presently existing legal uses of water, and whether it is consistent with the public interest. In addressing this test, the parties have presented extensive expert testimony involving highly technical subject matter. As might be expected, the experts reached different conclusions as to whether the criteria have been met. In resolving these conflicts, the undersigned has accepted the more credible and persuasive evidence, and this accepted testimony is recited in the findings below. The Mining Site Operations The entire mine site is around 7,000 feet east to west, about one mile north to south in a rectangular shape, and lies within the lake region of northeast Florida. The mine's product is silica sand used for concrete and masonry mortar for construction throughout northeast Florida. As such, it produces an economic benefit to the region. The mine is located on one of the few sites in the northeast Florida area with deposits suitable for construction purposes and is the closest sand mine to the Jacksonville market. In 1958, FRI installed three ten-inch diameter production wells in the center of the mine site. One well is 450 feet deep while the other two are 460 feet deep. The 1984 permit authorizes withdrawals of 762.85 million gallons of water per year, an average rate of 2.09 MGD, and a maximum rate of 3.75 MGD. This rate is consistent with the amount of water used at other mines in north Florida and is based on FRI's projected maximum annual use. The use is industrial commercial for sand mining while the source is the Floridan Aquifer, the lowest acceptable water quality source available capable of producing the requested amount of water. Water use withdrawal from the three wells is monitored by in-line flow meters installed in 1991 as a water control and conservation measure. The pumping rate depends on the number of fixtures and valves open in the system at the time of pumping. However, the actual rate of water production cannot be varied at any of the pumps since the wells are connected to "on or off" pumps. The need for water in the dredge pond and processing plant dictates how long FRI will have a pump in operation. Water from the wells is first discharged into a dredge pond, twenty feet deep, which is an approximately 155-acre excavation lake located in the southwest portion of the mine site. In periods of low water, the water is used to float the dredge, which requires some three feet of water to float, and in conjunction with a bulldozer, to wash sand down from the bank toward the dredge. After the dredge sucks up sand and water from the bottom of the pond, this mixture is slurried to an on-site processing plant where more water is added to sort and wash the sand. The end product (silica sand) is then loaded onto trucks which haul the product to the market. After processing, the moisture content of the sand product is only 5 percent. The tailings (unusable waste product) and wash water are then routed by a slurry pipe to settling areas and eventually recirculated through a system of ditches, canals and water control structures back into the dredge pond. No chemicals are used in the operation. Although FRI's contract with the lessor of the property requires it to maintain the dredge pond elevation at a specified elevation, this requirement cannot be fulfilled during drought conditions. The mining operation is a closed system to the extent there is no point source (surface water) discharge from the system. Even so, a significant amount of water loss occurs during the process, mainly through percolation into the ground. Other water loss occurs through evaporation. The receiving water from the site is primarily the surficial aquifer which recharges the downgradient lakes, including Gator Bone, White Sands, and Spring Lakes. Water may also travel through the surficial aquifer into the sinkholes on site and thence to the Floridan Aquifer. However, not all water is lost to sinkholes in the settling area because they are filled with fine materials. This is confirmed by the fact that water returns to the dredge pond. The mining operation has not affected this pattern. The lakes in the region are replenished solely by rainfall, either by direct rain on the lakes or through water seeping through sands. FRI plans to mine approximately thirty additional acres at the Goldhead Site during the next seven years. To this end, it has secured a management and storage of surface waters permit from the District which allows construction of this additional acreage. It also has acquired an industrial waste water discharge permit from the Department of Environmental Regulation. It is expected that within the next two to four years, FRI will abandon the current dredge pond and start a new one on the north side of the property to accommodate mining operations, or in the alternative, extend the current pond to the north. Water conservation A water conservation plan has been submitted by FRI. Measures already implemented include (a) using in-line flow meters to monitor amounts of withdrawal, (b) not pumping for more than seventeen hours per day to prevent exceeding the maximum allotment per day, (c) regularly monitoring withdrawals to ensure allocations as not being exceeded, (d) extending the plant discharge further past the sinkholes in the settling area to maximize return water to the dredge pond, (e) raising water levels in the settling area to facilitate flow back to the dredge pond, (f) during periods of drought using bulldozers instead of water spray to break loose sand formations, (g) curtailing production when further production would cause the plant to exceed allocations, (h) replacing water-cooled bearings in plant machinery with bearings that do not require water, and (i) restricting dredge mobility to allow operation in shallower water. No other water conservation measures are economically, environmentally or technologically feasible. Hydrogeologic characteristics at the mine site The mine site, which is located within the Upper Etonia Creek surface water drainage basin, generally slopes from 200 feet NGVD on the north to 120 feet NGVD on the south, and is underlain, in order, by approximately 10 to 50 feet of sand (known as the surficial aquifer), 200 feet of dense, moist clay (known as the Hawthorn Formation), and then a highly transmissive limestone formation (known as the Floridan Aquifer). The surficial aquifer flows from north to south across the site while water falling on the site primarily moves downgradient through the surficial aquifer. There are five sinkholes on the site, all having predated the mining activities, which may provide a conduit for recharge from the surficial aquifer to the Floridan aquifer. Except where the Hawthorn formation, a confining unit to the Floridan aquifer, is breached, recharge through the Hawthorn formation is very slow because of the dense clays of that formation. Aquifer characteristics within the Floridan aquifer beneath the site and immediately adjacent thereto are relatively uniform. As noted earlier, 5 percent of the water leaves the mine site as moisture in the sand product. The remaining 95 percent of water is immediately recharged on site to the surficial aquifer through various impoundments, and after entering the surficial aquifer, that portion of the water which is not recirculated to the dredge pond for reuse in the mining process moves either vertically into the Hawthorn formation, vertically into the Floridan aquifer through a sinkhole, downgradient through the surficial aquifer to one of the lakes south of the mine, or evaporates. It is noted that notwithstanding the mining operations, the flow in the surficial aquifer system still parallels the topography as it existed prior to mining, and the same saturated thickness within the surficial aquifer exists on site as existed before mining occurred. Hydrogeologic Characteristics of the Region The region in which the mine is located is very high in topographic altitude indicating that it is a groundwater recharge area. Like the mine site, the region has three distinct geologic units underlying the surface, including sands and clayey sands (surficial aquifer), thick clays (Hawthorn formation) and limestones and dolomites (Floridan aquifer). The Hawthorn unit serves as a confining unit or semi-confining unit between the surficial aquifer, or water table, in the upper unit and the Floridan aquifer in the lower unit. When solution channels develop within the limestones in the lower unit, the openings can cause the overlying units to collapse, forming sinkholes. Thus, when the Hawthorn formation is breached by the development of a sinkhole, water can move rapidly through the overlying units to the Floridan aquifer. Many of the lakes within the region exist over collapsed features within the limestone units beneath them and are referred to as sinkhole lakes. The rate of recharge from each lake depends on the rate of leakance into the Floridan aquifer. Some lakes leak fast, others not at all. For example, Lake Brooklyn fluctuates about two feet, Lake Johnson about thirteen feet, and Pebble Lake about thirty feet. Lake Brooklyn, which lies several miles to the southwest of the mine, is the fourth lake in a chain of lakes consisting of Blue Pond, Sand Hill Lake, Lake Magnolia, Lake Brooklyn, Keystone Lake, Lake Geneva, Oldfield Pond, and Half Moon Lake. All of these lakes are in a different surface water drainage sub-basin within the larger Upper Etonia Creek Basin than the mine site. The lakes above Lake Brooklyn in the chain are at higher elevations than Lake Brooklyn, and when rainfall is sufficient, water flows from Blue Pond to Sand Hill Lake, to Lake Magnolia, and then to Lake Brooklyn through Alligator Creek. Direct rainfall and surface water inflows from Alligator Creek represent the most significant sources of water to Lake Brooklyn. Other pertinent lakes in the area are Spring, White Sands and Gator Bone Lakes, which lie almost directly along the mine site's southern boundary and are each less than a mile from the mine's dredge pond. During the period records have been maintained for water levels in Lake Brooklyn, it has fluctuated over a range of slightly more than twenty feet. Although average rainfall within the Upper Etonia Creek Basin is approximately fifty-one inches per year, during the period from 1974 through 1990 the basin experienced a continuing period of below normal rainfall resulting in a cumulative deficit of rainfall for this period of minus seventy-eight inches. Since 1988, the lake region has experienced a severe drought. Because the lakes in the region have risen or fallen in correlation with periods of below normal or above normal rainfall, lake levels have fallen dramatically in recent years. Water levels in Lake Brooklyn began declining in 1974 at the same time the period of below normal rainfall began and continued declining until 1991, a year in which the region experienced above normal rainfall. These low water levels were exacerbated by the cessation of surface water inflows from Alligator Creek in late 1988 which continued until late 1992 when such flows resumed. The cessation of surface water flows into Lake Brooklyn during the period from 1988- 1992 were a direct consequence of the extended period of below normal rainfall in the region. Finally, very little, if any, of the groundwater flowing in the Floridan aquifer beneath Lake Brooklyn flows toward the mine site. Water Quality Impacts Numerous analyses have been conducted to determine water quality of the site, water quality in nearby homeowners' water systems, and water quality impacts of the proposed consumptive use. They include analyses conducted by the District in 1989 and 1992, including sampling of water quality and an analysis of the background levels for certain parameters, and an assessment of data from HRS testing in March 1989 and May 1992. In addition, FRI conducted water quality sampling on site in eight wells, the dredge pond and a settling pond. Finally, petitioner reviewed water quality samples from off-site private water supply wells taken on March 1, 1989, and on July 22, 1992, by unknown persons. As to this latter sampling, petitioner had no knowledge of the protocol used in obtaining the 1989 samples and offered no evidence of reliability of the 1992 data. Thus, the reliability of its assessment is in doubt. None of the water quality samples taken from the mine site indicate a violation of state water quality standards. However, petitioner posits that a chemical reaction is likely occurring at the deeper levels of the dredge pond, possibly causing undissolved iron in sediments to become dissolved, and then traveling in solution through the clays of the Hawthorn formation into transmissive units and finally to off-site homeowners' wells which may be in those units. This theory was predicated on the results of 1989 HRS sampling which revealed some wells near White Sands Lake experienced elevated levels of iron and manganese, and an assumption that a chemical reaction was occurring because herbicides were used in the dredge pond. However, only one application of a herbicide occurred, and that was in 1990, or one year after iron was detected in the off-site homeowners' wells. Petitioner agreed that the 1990 application of herbicide could not have affected the 1989 sampling. It also agreed that these reactions were less likely to be occurring in a pond with water flowing through it. In this case, water is circulated through the dredge pond by being pumped into it, pumped out of it, and allowed to flow back into the pond. FRI determined that no state water quality standards were exceeded for iron, manganese, zinc, turbidity, total dissolved solids, chloride and nitrate in the surficial aquifer and Hawthorn formations at the site. The wells used for monitoring water quality were installed and sampled using standard quality assurance techniques. Water quality from the surficial aquifer was emphasized because if iron or manganese were present in the water, it would most likely be detected in wells in the surficial aquifer because they are detected in wells immediately downgradient of the source. If the chemical reaction is occurring, water leaving the dredge pond is contaminated, and such water will follow the path of least resistance by going either to the Hawthorn formation or the surficial aquifer. Because of the geologic properties of the Hawthorn, this path is the surficial aquifer. At least 70,000 gallons per day enter the surficial aquifer from the bottom of the dredge pond. Since contaminated water would receive water quality treatment by absorption of the Hawthorn but not in the surficial, water in the surficial aquifer represents the worst case scenario as to the possible presence of contaminated water. The chemical reactions which petitioner believes may be occurring in the deeper portions of the dredge pond require the presence of an acidic environment and reduced oxygen levels in the water. FRI's water quality testing indicates that water in the dredge pond is not acidic, but rather is neutral. Therefore, any reaction which might be occurring could not be on a large enough scale to affect water quality. Moreover, even if the reactions were occurring, it was established that the clays in the Hawthorn formation would absorb iron, and such absorption would not take place in the surficial aquifer. Therefore, it is found that there would be no adverse impact to groundwater including the surficial aquifer and that water quality standards will be met. Although petitioner presented evidence that in 1989 HRS testing of 12 out of 212 homeowners south of the mine site indicated that three homeowners had iron concentrations in excess of state drinking standards and two had manganese concentrations in excess of state drinking water standards, this is insufficient to prove that the mining operation has an adverse impact on water quality. To begin with, some of the wells sampled were thirty to fifty years old even though the life expectancy of a well is fifteen to twenty years. Some were constructed of galvanized steel pipe, and those wells also indicated high turbidity levels. High turbidity levels are caused by a number of unrelated factors and will result in increased iron levels that are not representative of the quality of the groundwater in the formation, but rather of the iron-laden sediments in the formation, or from the casing material. With the exception of one well (the Sutton well), the water from the homeowners' wells did not exceed background water quality for iron and manganese. The elevated iron and manganese concentrations in the Sutton well are caused by a number of factors other than the mine. Then, too, a proper sampling technique may not have been followed during the 1989 sampling event thus rendering the results unreliable. Finally, properly constructed monitoring wells should be used to assess the quality of the groundwaters, and the wells sampled in 1989 and 1992 were not of that type. The Mine's Impact on Water Levels Perhaps the issue of primary concern to members of petitioner's organization is whether the mining operations have contributed to the decline in water levels of nearby lakes, including Lake Brooklyn. This is because of serious declines in the levels of those water bodies over the past years, and a concomitant decrease in the value of homes which surround the lakes. In an effort to resolve this and other water level issues, the parties made numerous studies of the current and anticipated water level impacts from the site. This data collection effort was far more extensive than is normally conducted for a mine of this size. They included aquifer performance tests by FRI and the District, steady state and transient computer modeling of impacts on the Floridan and surficial aquifers by FRI, an analysis of correlations of pumping and water level changes in lakes and aquifers by FRI and petitioner, photolinear and fracture trace analyses of structural conditions by FRI and petitioner, a stratigraphic analysis of a geologic core retrieved from the site by FRI, installation of deep and shallow wells for groundwater monitoring by FRI, groundwater flow mapping by FRI, review of literature by all parties, review and analysis of rainfall data by all parties, analysis of evaporation data by the District and petitioner, and an analysis of geophysical logs from wells by FRI and the District. Aquifer performance tests Aquifer performance tests, which enable hydrologists to reach conclusions regarding the characteristics of the aquifers tested, were conducted in January 1989 by the District and June 1991 by FRI. In a typical pump test, an aquifer production well pumps at a constant rate, while water levels are monitored in observation wells at specified distances from the pumping well. In this case, the tests measured effects of pumping from the mine production wells for periods ranging from 78 hours to 108 hours at approximately twice the average rate of 2.09 MGD. The zone of influence of pumping was measured at wells placed at the property boundaries, at Gold Head State Park, east of the mine, as well as wells to the south of the mine for the 1989 tests. During the 1989 tests, lake levels for Lake Brooklyn and Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes were recorded. The effects of pumping were approximately equal for wells spaced approximately equal distances along the east, south and west. Thus, for purposes of analysis, the Floridan aquifer was considered isotropic and homogeneous. This is consistent with assumptions commonly made by geologists in Florida. Computer models were calibrated with actual results of these tests to account for variations caused by this assumption. The District has concluded, and the undersigned so finds, that no changes in the levels of the lakes are attributable to pumping. Further, the aquifer itself will not be harmed by the use of the amount of water requested in the application. The tests indicate the maximum amount of drawdown in the Floridan aquifer from pumping at twice the average rate is 0.1 to 0.6 foot in neighboring wells. Effects of actual pumping will be approximately one-half the test observed amounts on an average pumping day. For example, based on the 1989 test results, drawdowns in the Floridan aquifer at the boundary of the FRI property during an average day of pumpage should not exceed 0.2 to 0.3 feet while drawdowns beneath Spring, White Sands and Gator Bone Lakes to the south of the mine should be less than 0.2 feet. The tests provide actual measurements of the effects of pumping. Indeed, all three lakes were declining before the 1989 test began and continued to decline after the test was ended. However, the rate of decline during the seventy-eight hours of the test was not distinguishable from declines which occurred before or after the test. Computer modeling As a supplement to the aquifer performance tests, FRI performed computer modeling to determine effects of the water withdrawal and use on the Floridan and surficial aquifers. These models are used by hydrologists to predict impacts associated with a particular source of stress, such as pumpage, to an aquifer and, in this case, occurred in three phases. The first was an impact model which determined the drawdown in the Floridan aquifer. The second occurred as a result of questions raised by residents of the sand mine area and included a "steady state" model simulation of impacts of the Floridan and surficial aquifers. The third occurred as a result of questions raised by petitioner and included new data along with both a "transient state" and "steady state" simulation. All three phases of modeling were consistent in finding that the effects of pumping are non-existent or negligible, that is, a predicted drawdown in various locations of the Floridan aquifer of from less than 0.1 to 0.3 feet on an average pumping day, and they corroborated the drawdowns observed during both the 1989 and 1991 aquifer performance tests. Petitioner's witness Dr. Stewart criticized FRI's 1992 "steady state" computer modeling on the grounds FRI had insufficient data to conduct the modeling, the constant head boundaries were set too close to the pumping, a transient model should have been run, and the modelers assumed that the Floridan aquifer is isotropic and homogeneous. However, Dr. Stewart failed to review or consider (a) any technical data or information gathered since September 10, 1992, (b) the 1991 transient model, (c) the December 1992 transient model, (d) the computer disc for the July 1992 steady state model, (e) the December 1992 steady state model, (f) the December 1992 calibration, (g) the basis for setting the constant head boundaries, or (h) the data from the 1989 and 1991 pump tests. All of this data was part of the evidence FRI's experts used in formulating their opinions. Dr. Stewart agreed that he could not form any conclusions on this data and that the Floridan aquifer is rarely completely homogeneous and isotropic, but that he and other modelers regularly make that assumption. The modeling was calibrated to replicate actual subsurface and pumping conditions. Maximum drawdown in the Floridan aquifer under normal pumping conditions is modeled to be 0.1 to 0.2 feet beneath White Sands Lake. This is drawdown with no replacement, although there will be leakance back to the Floridan aquifer through sinkholes on the site and surcharge to Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes through the surficial aquifer. The impact to the Floridan is minor compared to normal water level fluctuations in that aquifer of 3 to 5 feet per year. In fact, barometric pressure changes can cause water level changes of up to one foot per week. Lake levels Because many of the lakes in the area leak downward, water levels in the lakes could be affected by the changes in levels in the Floridan aquifer. Indeed, for lakes connected to the Floridan aquifer, changes in the level of the potentiometric surface (or pressure) in the Floridan aquifer can have an impact on the level of the lakes. However, a decrease in lake levels will be less than that of the decrease in the Floridan aquifer, depending on the rate of leakance. Consequently, even if Lake Brooklyn and Gator Bone, White Sands or Spring Lakes do leak to the Floridan aquifer, the amount of decline in lake levels attributable to pumping at the mine will be less than the 0.1 to 0.2 foot modeled by FRI. This drawdown effect will not accumulate over time, but rather will remain constant after reaching steady state conditions. Even if levels in Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes are affected by drawdowns in the Floridan aquifer, that effect will be more than offset by surcharge to the surficial and Floridan aquifers from the dredge pond. The net effect to the lakes would be either positive or immeasurable. This is confirmed by the computer modeling results. Lake stage and precipitation data for Spring, White Sands and Gator Bone Lakes indicates that these lakes, like other lakes in the region, rise and fall in correlation with precipitation patterns. For example, in 1991, a year with above normal rainfall, Spring Lake rose 4.1 feet in elevation, White Sands Lake 2.9 feet in elevation, and Gator Bone Lake rose 3.5 feet in elevation. Similarly, water levels were monitored before, during and after the 1989 aquifer performance test in a portion of Lake Brooklyn known as Brooklyn Bay. Because of low rainfall, Brooklyn Bay was separated from the main body of Lake Brooklyn for at least eighteen to twenty-four months before and during the 1989 aquifer performance test. The lake had been in the midst of a long term decline both before and after the test, and the rate and character of declines during the period of pumping were not distinguishable from the declines occurring before or after the test. It is accordingly found that the impacts on water levels in Lake Brooklyn, if any, as a result of pumping from the Floridan aquifer are immeasurable. According to petitioner's witness Boyes, activities at the mine have an influence on water levels in Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes by "increasing the rate of decline". However, the witness could not quantify the degree of impact but stated the impacts during the 1989 aquifer performance tests were a decline of .03, .03 and less than .03 foot, respectively, for each lake. The witness also opined that, based on District staff guage readings during the 1989 aquifer performance testing, pumping at the mine resulted in a .04 foot decline in lake level for Lake Brooklyn during the 1989 testing period. This decline had a net result of .8 acre decrease in the previously 600 acre plus Lake Brooklyn. By comparison, the drought caused a decline of 162 acres in 1989 and an additional 158 acres in 1990. It is noted that the decline in each lake would be less during average pumping conditions, or about one-half of the .04 foot decline, since average pumping is one-half of the aquifer performance test pump rate. Finally, petitioner's witness Dr. Stewart opined that there is insufficient data to determine whether any impacts to lake levels are occurring. It is found, however, that these drawdowns are less than the .1 to .2 foot modeled by FRI and should have no significant adverse impacts on water levels. Preferential flow theory Petitioner presented evidence of a purported correlation between pumping at the mine and water levels in a Floridan aquifer well located on the southwest side of Lake Brooklyn, 4.3 miles from the mine, and lake levels in Brooklyn Bay, 3 miles from the mine. According to petitioner, this serves as proof of a "preferential flow pattern" in the Floridan from Lake Brooklyn to the mine, and that this preferential flow results in a .04 to .05 foot drawdown in the Floridan aquifer at Lake Brooklyn. However, this correlation is deemed to be incorrect for several reasons. First, if a true correlation existed, recovery from pumping effects would occur after pumping ceased, but the Lake Brooklyn well showed recovery in the Floridan aquifer prior to cessation of pumping, and did not recover when pumping stopped at the end of the 1989 aquifer performance testing. Second, if the premise is correct, impacts from pumping would occur in wells closer to the pumping earlier than in wells farther away, but the Lake Brooklyn well, 4.3 miles from pumping, showed drawdown began before that of the Goldhead well, only 1,000 feet from pumping. Third, levels for the Lake Brooklyn well should have declined during both the 1989 and 1991 aquifer performance tests but the levels rose during the 1991 tests. As to the water level changes in the well during the 1989 test, witness Boyes believed these may reflect declines due to hydrologic conditions rather than the pump test. Fourth, if a true correlation existed, impacts would be experienced following the same hydrographic pattern as pumping, but the Lake Brooklyn well's hydrographics did not correlate to the pumping schedule at all times of the year. It should also be noted that at least two other large scale water users are withdrawing water from wells within 1.25 miles from the Lake Brooklyn well and may affect that well's water levels. Further, the variations in the well may be explained by many other variables, such as barometric pressure changes, diurnal fluctuations in water levels, rainfall, and pumping from closer wells. Finally, Brooklyn Bay is now physically separated from Lake Brooklyn, and it was improper for petitioner to rely on lake level information from Brooklyn Bay to support its theory regarding Lake Brooklyn. To further support its hypothesis that a preferential flow path exists between the mine and Lake Brooklyn, petitioner utilized a "photo linear analysis" or "fracture trace analysis", which is based on an interpretation of surface topographic features to determine the presence of subsurface hydrogeologic features such as solution channels in the limestones of the Floridan aquifer. However, without extensive subsurface testing, which is not present here, such analyses are only interpretative to determine what, if any, subsurface features are present and their hydrogeologic effect. It is noted that subsurface fractures are present less than 50 percent of the time, and if present, the features may be hydrologic barriers as well as preferential flow paths. According to witness Boyes, a photolinear feature (fracture) exists from Lake Brooklyn through Spring Lake and across the mine property to Goldhead State Park. If such a feature did exist, however, the drawdown during the aquifer performance tests and other pumping would be greater adjacent to Spring Lake than adjacent to Lake Brooklyn. This was not observed. Moreover, petitioner's witness Dr. Stewart thought the photolinear was only inferred and had a lower degree of confidence that it exists. FRI's witness Fountain established that elongated surface features are more likely to demonstrate linear subsurface features. Both witness Boyes and Dr. Stewart agreed with this conclusion. That being the case, the postulated Lake Brooklyn-mine photolinear is not demonstrated, and continuation of the elongated axis of Lake Brooklyn and Brooklyn Bay would bypass the mine site altogether. Because no investigations have been conducted to demonstrate that these postulated photolinear features exist, and the more reliable results of the aquifer performance tests indicate otherwise, the preferential flow path theory is deemed at best to be highly speculative. If the Lake Brooklyn-mine photolinear feature offered a preferential flow path as opined by witness Boyes, the resulting drawdown would be elongated with a zone of influence extending from the mine westward toward Lake Brooklyn. Therefore, areas closer but not on the feature would experience less drawdown than areas farther away which are on the feature, the zone of influence would extend from the mine's wells through Spring Lake toward Lake Brooklyn causing declined water levels along the feature, and areas closer to the pumping wells, such as Spring Lake, would experience a greater decline than areas farther away, such as Lake Brooklyn. However, evidence offered by petitioner shows that the water levels between Lake Brooklyn and the mine are actually higher than in surrounding areas. Finally, even if petitioner's preferential flow path theory were true, there is no evidence that the pumping from the mine is resulting in significant and adverse impacts as required by District rules. Therefore, it is found that the sand mine does not cause significant and adverse impacts on the water levels in the Floridan aquifer or on the water levels of Lake Brooklyn or Gator Bone, White Sands or Spring Lakes. Rather, the lake levels in each of the four lakes in issue here are directly or indirectly a function of rainfall. Intermediate and surficial aquifers Whether an intermediate aquifer is present beneath the mine site is subject to dispute. All parties agree that, on a regional scale, the Hawthorn formation contains some discontinuous water-bearing lenses that in some places produce water in quantities sufficient for household use. The lenses occur in carbonate deposits in the formation, although not all carbonate deposits or all water bearing units will necessarily transmit water. The evidence is less than persuasive that the Hawthorne formation contains carbonate units which are present on the sand mine site as transmissive beds. This finding is based on FRI's review of on-site core boring information and other data from the site. In addition, this finding is corrorborated by District witness Lee, who concluded that water from the site is not discharging into the Hawthorn, but rather into the surficial aquifer. This is because clays comprising the Hawthorn have low permeability, causing water to flow laterally through the surficial aquifer rather than into the Hawthorn. With respect to impacts to the surficial aquifer, FRI presented evidence that during mining operations, the surficial aquifer will be surcharged by up to five feet. When mining operations cease, water levels will return to natural conditions. This evidence was not contradicted. Impacts on Property Values and Recreation Testimony regarding the property values for lake front properties on Lake Brooklyn and Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes was offered by petitioner's witness Price. He established that values have declined since mid- 1989 as a result of a loss of recreational value suffered as water levels have receded. However, witness Price stated that he would not expect a 0.1 foot drop in lake levels to negatively affect property values. Since the declines predicted by petitioner are far less than a 0.1 foot drop, it is apparent that FRI's water use will not result in harm to property values in the area. Similarly, while it is true that declining water levels have impaired recreational uses of Lake Brooklyn and Gator Bone, White Sands and Spring Lakes, FRI's water use cannot be blamed for such impairment. Environmental Impacts The anticipated impacts of the water use on the wetlands and wildlife resources of the area were addressed by FRI witnesses Peacock and Lowe. According to Peacock, who analyzed the wetland vegetation, the dominant species and their adaptions, the wildlife resources and their adaptions, and the general ecology of the area, the water levels in the adjacent lakes have historically fluctuated greatly, and wildlife that use the lakes have adapted to these fluctuations. His opinion that the mine's water use will not have any significant adverse impact on the environment of Lake Brooklyn and Gator Bone, Spring or White Sands Lakes is hereby accepted. Based upon witness Lowe's inspection of the three downgradient lakes, his past knowledge of Lake Brooklyn, the aquifer performance tests, and Dr. Lee's conclusion that the maximum drawdown in the lakes would be 0.1 foot, Lowe opined that the proposed water withdrawal will not cause environmental harm. In addition, such a drawdown will not adversely affect off-site vegetation or cause unmitigated adverse impacts on adjacent wetlands or other types of vegetation. These conclusions were not contradicted and are hereby accepted. Compliance with rule criteria To obtain a consumptive use permit, an applicant must give "reasonable assurance" that the proposed water use is a reasonable beneficial use, will not interfere with any presently existing legal use of water, and is consistent with the public interest. These broad criteria are further explained by criteria enunciated in Rule 40C-2.301(3)-(6), Florida Administrative Code, and sections 9.0 et seq. and 10.0 et seq. of the Applicant's Handbook adopted by reference in Chapter 40C-2, Florida Administrative Code. Findings as to whether these criteria have been satisfied are set forth below. To obtain a renewal of a consumptive use permit, an applicant must first give reasonable assurance that the proposed use of water is a "reasonable beneficial use". For a use to be considered reasonable beneficial, the criteria enumerated in Rule 40C-2.301(4) and (5), Florida Administrative Code, must be satisfied. First, paragraph (4)(a) of the rule and section 10.3(a) of the handbook require that the water use must be in such quantity as is necessary for economic and efficient utilization, and the quantity requested must be within acceptable standards for the designated use. The evidence shows that FRI has used a reasonably low amount of water necessary to continue operations at the mine, it has implemented some water conservation methods and tried or considered others that proved to be inefficient or not economically feasible, and the requested amount of water is within acceptable standards for sand mines operating within the District. Then, too, some ninety-five percent of the water pumped from the wells is recirculated for reuse in the mining process or is recharged back into the surficial and Floridan aquifers on site. Finally, there is no surface discharge of water outside the mining site. Accordingly, it is found that this criterion has been satisfied. Paragraph (4)(b) of the rule and section 10.3(b) of the handbook require that the proposed use be for a purpose that is both reasonable and consistent with the public interest. The proposed use of the water is to produce sand used in construction materials. This is a reasonable use of water and results in an economic benefit to the region by producing a valuable product. Accordingly, it is found that the use is both reasonable and consistent with the public interest. All parties have stipulated that the Floridan aquifer is capable of producing the requested amounts of water. This satisfies paragraph (4)(c) of the rule and section 10.3(c) of the handbook which impose this requirement. The next criterion, paragraph (4)(d), as amplified by section 10.3(d) of the handbook, requires that "the environmental or economic harm caused by the consumptive use must be reduced to an acceptable amount." The evidence shows that during mine operations, the surficial aquifer is being surcharged by up to five feet. When they cease, the water levels return to natural conditions. The maximum drawdown anticipated in the Floridan aquifer at the property boundary was 0.3 feet and less than or equal to 0.1 feet for most of the area outside the mine site. At most, this equates to a maximum lake level decline of 0.04 feet at Lake Brooklyn, 0.03 feet at Gator Bone and White Sands Lakes, and less than 0.03 feet at Spring Lake. Thus, FRI's usage of water has had, and will have in the future, little, if any, immediate or cumulative impact on the levels of the area lakes. Further, the more persuasive evidence supports a finding that these lowered lake levels or aquifer levels will not result in environmental or economic harm to the area. In addition, the District has proposed to incorporate into the permit a condition that FRI implement a detailed monitoring plan which will detect any overpumping causing lake level changes and a concomitant adverse impact to off-site land uses. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Paragraph (4)(e) and section 10.3(e) require the applicant to implement "all available water conservation measures" unless the applicant "demonstrates that implementation is not economically, environmentally or technologically feasible." The rule goes on to provide that satisfaction of this criterion "may be demonstrated by implementation of an approved water conservation plan as required in section 12.0, Applicant's Handbook: Consumptive Uses of Water." Because FRI's water conservation plan insures that water will be used efficiently, as required by section of the handbook, this criterion has been met. The next paragraph provides that "(w)hen reclaimed water is readily available it must be used in place of higher quality water sources unless the applicant demonstrates that its use is either not economically, environmentally or technologi-cally feasible." Since the unrebutted testimony establishes that reclaimed water is not readily available to the mine site, it is found that paragraph (4)(f) has been satisfied. Paragraph (4)(g) of the rule and section 10.3(f) of the handbook generally require that the lowest acceptable quality water source be used. Since the evidence shows that the Floridan aquifer is the lowest acceptable quality water source, this requirement has been met. Paragraphs (4)(h) and (i) provide that the consumptive use "should not cause significant saline water intrusion or further aggravate currently existing saline water intrusion problems" nor "cause or contribute to flood damage." The parties have stipulated that these requirements are not in dispute. The next paragraph provides that the "water quality of the source of the water should not be seriously harmed by the consumptive use." The uncontradicted evidence shows that the source of the water for the proposed use will not be seriously harmed from either saltwater intrusion or discharges to the Floridan aquifer. Paragraph (4)(j) and section 10.3(g) have accordingly been met. Paragraph (4)(k) and section 10.3(k) require that the water quality of the receiving body of water "not be seriously harmed" by the consumptive use. In this case, there is no surface water discharge from the mine site. Thus, the only relevant inquiry here is whether the receiving water (surficial aquifer) will be "seriously harmed" by the consumptive use. To determine compliance with this criterion, the District compared water quality samples from the mine site and surrounding areas with the DER monitoring network to ascertain whether state water quality numerical standards and natural background levels were exceeded. The relevant standards are found in Rule 17-520.420, Florida Administrative Code. Monitoring data from eight wells and from the dredge pond indicate there are no water quality violations resulting from the sand mine operations. Petitioner has contended that water from the dredge pond provides a significant source of water to an intermediate aquifer, which would also be a receiving body of water. However, the evidence shows that any contaminants resulting from the dredge pond flowing into an intermediate aquifer will also be contained in the surficial aquifer. The clays of the Hawthorn formation would absorb and filter out iron and manganese as they traveled to a water transmissive zone. Therefore, the concentrations sampled in the suficial aquifer downgradient from the dredge pond represent the highest concentrations. Since the concentrations in the surficial aquifer do not violate water quality standards, the same finding as to concentrations in the intermediate aquifer can be made. Further, the rule criteria require consideration of the future water use's effect on water quality, and if the intermediate aquifer is in fact a receiving water as contended by petitioner, the reactions which could cause water quality violations are presently occurring. There is no reason to believe they would cease if the mine ceases operation, and the mining operation adds oxygen to the water, which reduces the possibility of the reaction described. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. The parties have stipulated that the requirements of paragraph (4)(l) have been fulfilled. Finally, rule 40C-2.301(5)(a) provides that a proposed consumptive use will not meet the criteria for issuance of a permit if such proposed water use will significantly cause saline water encroachment or otherwise cause water flows or levels to fall below certain minimum limits set forth in the rule. The evidence shows that, to the extent these criteria are applicable and in dispute, they have been satisfied. Miscellaneous The contention has been made that insufficient site-specific information was submitted by the applicant to determine the effects of the proposed use of water at the sand mine. In this regard, the evidence shows that FRI consultants installed monitoring wells, performed core borings, and took soil samples at the site. The geology of the site was verified by core boring, review of geologic logs and drilling wells. Slug tests were performed to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the material in which the monitor wells were set, and a step drawdown analysis was performed to measure hydraulic conductivity. A number of monitoring wells to measure water levels data were installed before and after running the 1991 aquifer performance tests, and groundwater modeling in both the transient and steady state modes were run using data that was collected in the field. In addition, water quality samples were collected to evaluate a water budget for the dredge pond, and FRI conducted an assessment of the environmental impacts to the wetland and wildlife resources of the area lakes, including White Sands, Spring and Gator Bone Lakes. Besides this submission and analysis, the District reviewed United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps, potentiometric maps and aerial photographs of the area, water levels of the surrounding lakes, potentiometric surfaces in Floridan and intermediate aquifer wells, geophysical logs for wells, rainfall records, the core generated by FRI consultants, and scientific literature relied upon in making consumptive use permitting assessments. It also monitored the 1991 aquifer performance test and reviewed the resultant model. Before and after submission of the application, the District conducted aquifer performance testing at the site and evaluated the 1991 aquifer performance test conducted by FRI consultants. Finally, the District assessed water quality impacts of the sand mine in 1989 and in the present by site visit, sampling of the Floridan production well and dredge pond, and reviewing sampling data from both monitor wells and homeowner wells. It also reviewed information on water quality data gathered from other sand mines and applied data from the DER background monitoring network. Therefore, the contention that insufficient site-specific information was submitted and considered is rejected. Petitioner has offered into evidence petitioner's exhibits 61, 64, 65, 71, 75, 76, 78-80, 82 and 83. A ruling on the admissibility of the exhibits was reserved. The exhibits, which are based on data collected by the District and the USGS, are hydrographs showing water levels from lakes and monitoring wells during so-called "normal mine operations" on selected dates in 1988, 1989 and 1991. Although FRI was given copies of the exhibits ten days prior to hearing, it was not informed of the source of the data until final hearing. As it turned out, petitioner's witness had reviewed records over an extensive period of time and selected two or three days out of that time period as being representative of "normal" conditions. However, FRI established that, when longer periods of time were reviewed, the correlations alleged to exist by the graphs did not in fact exist and thus they did not represent normal conditions. Attorney's fees and costs FRI has requested an award of attorney's fees and costs on the theories petitioner interposed various papers and brought and participated in this action for "an improper purpose" within the meaning of Subsections 120.57(1)(b)5. and 120.59(6), Florida Statutes. In addition, petitioner has filed a motion for sanctions on the ground four motions filed by FRI were filed for an improper purpose within the meaning of Subsection 120.57(1)(b)5., Florida Statutes. It may be inferred from the totality of the evidence that petitioner did not intend to participate in this proceeding for an improper purpose. Likewise, the same inference may be made with respect to the four motions filed by FRI. Therefore, fees and costs (sanctions) are not warranted for either party.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the District granting application number 2-019-0012AUR as proposed by the District in its notice of intent to approve the application issued on August 6, 1992. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 4th day of June, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of June, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-5017 Petitioner: 1-3. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 4. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. 5-6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 7. Rejected as being unnecessary. 8. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. 9. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 10-12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. Partially accepted in findings of fact 6 and 7. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 15-16. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 17-18. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. Rejected as being unnecessary. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 23-24. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 25. Partially accepted in findings of fact 7 and 8. 26. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 27-28. Partially accepted in finding of fact 14. Partially accepted in finding of fact 29. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 31-33. Partially accepted in findings of fact 14-16. 34-35. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15. 36-42. Partially accepted in findings of fact 14-16. Partially accepted in finding of fact 16. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31. Rejected as being irrelevant. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33. Partially accepted in finding of fact 32. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23. Partially accepted in finding of fact 12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 14. 52-53. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. Rejected as being contrary to the more persuasive evidence. See finding 23. 57-58. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 59-61. Partially accepted in finding of fact 12. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 64-71. Partially accepted in findings of fact 32-36. 72. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 73-74. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 75. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 76-77. Partially accepted in findings of fact 8 and 11. Rejected as being contrary to the more persuasive evidence. See finding of fact 11. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. Partially accepted in finding of fact 22. 83-120. Partially accepted in findings of fact 23 and 24. 121-139. Partially accepted in findings of fact 25-27. 140-144. Rejected since even if true, the impacts are not significant. 145. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18. 146-158. Partially accepted in findings of fact 18-20. 159-171. Partially accepted in finding of fact 39. 172-177. Partially accepted in findings of fact 40 and 41. Respondent (District): 1. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3. 2-4. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. 5-6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. Partially accepted in findings of fact 1, 3 and 5. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. Partially accepted in finding of fact 2. Partially accepted in finding of fact 6. 17-18. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 19-22. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 23. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37. 24-40. Partially accepted in findings of fact 12-16. 41-51. Partially accepted in findings of fact 11. 52-59. Partially accepted in findings of fact 23 and 24. 60-64. Partially accepted in finding of fact 25. Partially accepted in finding of fact 45. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23. 67-69. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. Rejected as being unnecessary. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. 72-73. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 74-77. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23. Partially accepted in finding of fact 24. 80-81. Partially accepted in findings of fact 23 and 24. 82-83. Partially accepted in finding of fact 29. 84. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. 85. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28. 86-90. Partially accepted in finding of fact 30. 91. Partially accepted in finding of fact 32. 92-94. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33. 95. Partially accepted in finding of fact 34. 96. Partially accepted in finding of fact 36. 97-100. Partially accepted in finding of fact 17. 101. Partially accepted in finding of fact 19. 102-103. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21. 104-121. Partially accepted in findings of fact 19 and 20. 122-130. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21. 131-133. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20. 134-138. Partially accepted in findings of fact 40 and 41. 139. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33. 140-141. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10. 142. Partially accepted in finding of fact 48. 143. Partially accepted in finding of fact 49. Respondent (FRI): Partially accepted in findings of fact 1 and 2. Partially accepted in findings of fact 3 and 4. Partially accepted in finding of fact 5. Partially accepted in findings of fact 2 and 6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 11. Partially accepted in findings of fact 6 and 7. 7-8. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. Partially accepted in finding of fact 13. Partially accepted in finding of fact 15. Rejected as being unnecessary. Partially accepted in finding of fact 22. Partially accepted in finding of fact 23. Partially accepted in finding of fact 24. Partially accepted in finding of fact 25. Partially accepted in finding of fact 26. Partially accepted in finding of fact 27. Partially accepted in finding of fact 28. Partially accepted in finding of fact 31. 22-24. Partially accepted in finding of fact 32. Partially accepted in finding of fact 33. Partially accepted in finding of fact 34. Rejected as being unnecessary. Partially accepted in finding of fact 35. 29-30. Partially accepted in finding of fact 36. 31-35. Partially accepted in finding of fact 37. Partially accepted in finding of fact 38. Partially accepted in finding of fact 17. Partially accepted in finding of fact 18. Partially accepted in finding of fact 19. 40-41. Partially accepted in finding of fact 20. 42-45. Partially accepted in finding of fact 21. Partially accepted in finding of fact 40. Partially accepted in finding of fact 41. Partially accepted in findings of fact 40 and 41. 49. Partially accepted in finding of fact 39. 50-51. Partially accepted in finding of fact 42. 52. Partially accepted in finding of fact 43. 53. Partially accepted in finding of fact 44. 54. Partially accepted in finding of fact 45. 55. Partially accepted in finding of fact 46. 56. Partially accepted in finding of fact 47. 57-58. Partially accepted in finding of fact 49. 59. Partially accepted in finding of fact 51. 60. Partially accepted in finding of fact 52. 61. Partially accepted in finding of fact 54. Note - Where a proposed finding has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being unnecessary, irrelevant, cumulative, not supported by the more credible, persuasive evidence, or a conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Henry Dean, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Patrice Flinchbaugh Boyes, Esquire Post Office Box 1424 Gainesville, Florida 32602-1424 Peter B. Belmont, Esquire 511 31st Street North St. Petersburg, Florida 33704 Wayne E. Flowers, Esquire Jennifer L. Burdick, Esquire Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Marcia Penman Parker, Esquire Emily G. Pierce, Esquire 1301 Gulf Life Drive Suite 1500 Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Findings Of Fact Based upon the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The SFWMD is a public corporation in the state of Florida existing by virtue of Chapter 25270, Laws of Florida, 1949, and operating pursuant to Chapter 573, Fla. Stat., and Title 40E, Fla. Admin. Code, as a multi-purpose water management district, with its principal office in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Navy has proposed construction of a naval housing facility on the Peary Court site (the "Site") in Key West, Florida. The Site is approximately 25.89 acres and will provide 160 housing units for junior enlisted Navy and Air Force personnel and their families. The Site is the center of a larger, 37 acre drainage basin. The Site was formerly the location of military housing. However, for the past 18 years, the Site had been used by the City of Key West, with the assent of the Navy, for active and passive recreation for city residents. The Site contains a cemetery of historic value and a former military housing structure now being used by the Navy Key West Federal Credit Union with an associated parking area of paved asphalt. On February 6, 1992, the Navy submitted an application for a Surface Water Management District General Permit for the Project. The proposed surface water management system (the "System") was designed by Rice Creekmore, a registered professional engineer, and his company Johnson, Creekmore, and Fabray. The proposed System utilizes the existing topography and incorporates a number of drainage control mechanisms to manage the run-off from the Site. The System employs inlets, swales and culverts to direct stormwater run-off into dry detention areas (ponds) for pretreatment prior to discharging into seven 24-inch Class V injection wells (drainage wells). As discussed below, these injection wells must be permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation ("FDER"). The dry pond areas utilize key ditches, bottom elevation 1.0' NGVD, in order to hydraulically connect all of the dry pond areas together into one dry system prior to overflowing into the drainage wells beginning at elevation 1.5' NGVD. In other words, the detention ponds are interconnected with pipes. The design includes only one point where run-off would be discharged from the Site during any storm equal to a 25 year, three day storm event. That discharge would occur at the lowest point of the Site at the corner of Eisenhower and Palm. The water would be discharged through a V notch weir (the "Weir") into the City's stormwater system. An existing 12" storm drain line at the discharge point will be replaced by a 13.5" by 22.0" Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe culvert. As discussed in more detail below, the System is designed so as to detain 1" of run-off within the dry detention ponds prior to any discharge through the Weir. After review of the application and submittals, the SFWMD issued a Notice of Intent to issue General Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No. 44-00178-S (the "Permit") on September 29, 1992. Petitioner and Intervenor timely petitioned for an administrative hearing challenging the SFWMD decision to award the Permit. There is no dispute as to the standing of either Petitioner or Intervenor. The SFWMD has adopted rules that set forth the criteria which an applicant must satisfy in order for a surface water management permit to issue. The criteria are set forth in Rule 40E-4, Florida Administrative Code. Rule 40E-4.301(1)(m) and 40E-4.091(1)(a) incorporate by reference The Basis of Review for Surface Water Management Permit Applications within South Florida Water Management District - April, 1987, ("The Basis for Review"). The Basis for Review explicates certain procedures and information used by the SFWMD staff in reviewing a surface water management permit application. The SFWMD issues general permits for projects of 40 acres or less that meet specific criteria. All other projects must obtain individual permits which are reviewed by the District Board. The specific rules relating only to general permits are set forth in Rule 40E-40. In addition, the Basis for Review sets forth certain technical requirements which must be met for the issuance of a general permit including general construction requirements and special requirements for wetlands. The Basis for Review also sets forth criteria for how a proposed system should address water quantity and water quality issues. The SFWMD assumes that water quantity and water quality standards will be met if a system satisfies the criteria set forth in the Basis for Review. Water Quantity Criteria Rule 40E-4.301(a), Florida Administrative Code, requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that a surface water management system will provide adequate flood protection and drainage. The purpose of the water quantity criteria is to insure that pre- development flows and post-development flows are equal. The SFWMD requires calculations of a project's projected post-development flow to guarantee that the post-development discharge rate will not be in excess of the pre-development discharge rate. These calculations are based on a 25 year, 3 day storm event. There is no stormwater management system in place at the Project Site. The pre-development topography results in a pre-development discharge point from the Site at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue. At this point, a discharge or outfall pipe leads into the City of Key West's stormwater management system. The City's system ultimately discharge into Garrison Bight, a nearly waterbody which is discussed in more detail below. At the time the Navy began planning for the Project, the Navy was told that the discharge pipe had a capacity of accepting water at a rate of 40 cubic feet per second ("CFS"). The Navy initially designed a system to utilize this capacity. Subsequently, it was discovered that, due to the size of the pipe at the discharge point and the capacity of the pipes downstream in the City of Key West's stormwater management system, the City would not allow or accommodate a discharge of more than 11 CFS from the Site. Thus, the System had to be redesigned so that the discharge to the City's system would not exceed 11 CFS. The system was redesigned to incorporate the seven (7) Class V injection wells. The injection wells are intended to insure that discharge from the Project into the City stormwater system through the surface water discharge pipe at Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue will not exceed 11 CFS. The injection wells introduce treated stormwater into the ground before it reaches the discharge point. The pre-development rate of surface water discharge from Peary Court in a 25 year, 72 hour storm event was 55 CFS. This rate was calculated based upon a site survey, a determination of the existing amount of pervious versus impervious surface area, and a calculation made through a generally accepted civil-engineering computer program. 1/ This predevelopment discharge is the amount of water which would be expected to discharge off-site after percolation occurs. The number and size of the injection wells for the proposed system were determined based upon tests of an on-site twelve-inch fire well. The results of the tests revealed that the on-site test well could manage in excess of 2 CFS. Due to test limitations, the exact capacity could not be measured, but the capacity was clearly more than 2 CFS. These results were then compared with data obtained from the engineering firm of Post, Buckeley, Schuh & Jernigan for installed wells in the Florida Keys of a similar nature and size to the wells in the proposed surface water management system. The Post, Buckeley test results indicated that 24-inch wells had a capacity of 31 CFS. In addition, the design engineer consulted with South Florida Well Drillers, who have drilled other wells in the Florida Keys including 24-inch wells at the Key West airport which were completed shortly before the application for this Project. South Florida Well drillers found the capacity of 24-inch wells in Key West to be in the 25 to 30 CFS range. Based upon the results of the test well and the related reports described above, the project engineer based his design of the surface water management system on an estimated well capacity of 8.4 CFS for each well. These estimates were submitted by the Navy in its application and were appropriately determined to be reasonable by the SFWMD staff. Indeed, the evidence established that 8.4 CFS was a conservative estimate. The seven injection wells, at an estimated capacity of approximately 8.4 CFS each, provide in excess of 56 CFS of well discharge capacity, which is beyond the necessary discharge volume for the Project. Limiting Condition No. 13 of the Permit requires the Navy to obtain a well capacity test from a Florida Registered Professional Engineer or Professional Geologist following the installation of the first Class V injection well at the Site. If the results of this test indicate that the capacity of the well is different than that submitted by the Navy in its application, the Navy must apply for a permit modification to provide a design which incorporates a representative injection well flow-rate and an appropriate number of wells for the Site. In view of the reasonableness of the capacity rates utilized for the wells, it is unlikely that the results of the capacity test will result in any major design change in the proposed surface water management system. The use of the injection wells in the proposed surface water management system will significantly reduce the amount of run-off which would otherwise reach Garrison Bight from the Site. After the System is completed, it is expected that the amount of run-off from the Site that will reach Garrison Bight will be only 20 percent of the predevelopment amount. In addition, because there has previously been no management of the run-off from the Site and surrounding areas, there has been a frequent flooding problem at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue after heavy rain storms. The proposed surface water management system will accommodate the overflow of water which historically occurred when discharges from Peary Court and the surrounding areas could not be accommodated by the Key West storm water management system. Petitioner and Intervenor suggest that the effect of tidal flow on the capacity of the wells was not fully considered. The evidence established that the design engineer considered normal high tides in calculating groundwater elevations. Respondent's engineering experts have concluded that the proposed surface water management system is effectively designed to accommodate the Florida Keys' tidal flows. Petitioner and Intervenor offered no expert testimony to refute this conclusion and/or to establish that the tides would impact the effectiveness of the proposed surface water management system. In the event that an extremely high tide occurs at the time of a storm, the detention ponds may hold standing water for a short time. This water would not be discharged off-site. There is no evidence that tidal influences would in any way adversely affect the System's ability to uptake pollutants in the "first- flush". The Class V shallow injection wells are an integral part of the proposed Peary Court surface water management system. Without the injection wells it is not clear whether the Project could meet the SFWMD water quantity criteria. The SFWMD does not have authority to permit Class V injection wells. FDER must permit those wells. The Peary Court site is not the first Florida Keys' project permitted by the SFWMD which utilizes injection wells. The surface water management permits for the other projects were issued contingent upon obtaining the necessary permits for the injection wells. Special Condition No. 14 of the Permit provides that the Permit is conditioned on the Applicant obtaining the applicable permits from FDER for the injection wells. During the interim while the Navy is seeking the FDER permits, it should be required to retain all run-off on-site. If the Navy is not able to obtain the necessary FDER permits for the injection wells, the Navy should be required to either retain all run-off on-site or propose an alternate design to meet the SFWMD's water quantity requirements. A modified permit application with a new Notice of Intent should be required for any alternate design. The following Special Condition Number 14 was offered by the SFWMD at the hearing (language revised from original condition is highlighted and underlined): THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT OBTAINING THE NECESSARY CLASS V INJECTION WELL PERMITS FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION (FDER). THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT AN APPROVED CLASS V DRAINAGE WELL PERMIT FROM FDER PRIOR TO OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. IN THE INTERIM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL CERTIFY TO THE DISTRICT THAT NO OFF-SITE DISCHARGE WILL OCCUR UNTIL THE APPROVED CLASS V DRAINAGE WELLS ARE IN OPERATION. IF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN MUST BE MODIFIED AS A RESULT OF FDER REQUIREMENTS OR IF THE CLASS V INJECTION WELL PERMITS ARE NOT ISSUED, THE APPLICANT SHALL APPLY FOR A PERMIT MODIFICATION TO PROVIDE A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DESIGN WHICH SHALL MEET DISTRICT CRITERIA IN EFFECT AT THAT TIME. The proposed additional language requires the Navy to certify that no off-site discharges will occur until the injection wells are permitted and are operating. This revised language should be added to Special Condition No. 14 to clarify that the injection wells must be in operation prior to any off-site discharge from the surface water management system. Maintenance of the surface water management system entails upkeep of the dry detention areas and routine grass cutting, as well as inspection of the injection wells on a periodic basis to guard against clogging and reduced capacity. The system is essentially designed to operate without direct surveillance or intervention. Injection wells do not require any additional maintenance over and above that which is routinely required for other types of surface water management systems. The injection wells will require routine maintenance to ensure that manholes and inlets do not become clogged. Limiting Condition No. 8 of the Permit requires that the surface water management system, including the injection wells, be maintained. At the hearing, the SFWMD proposed that a condition be added to the Permit to further clarify the maintenance requirements. A condition requiring long-term maintenance would be desirable and reasonable. A new special condition should be added to the Permit requiring long-term maintenance of grass swales and inspections of injection wells for clogging. Acceptable language for such a condition would be: SPECIAL CONDITION NO. 15 The permittee shall provide long-term maintenance of the surface water management system, encompassing the injection wells, including, but not limited to, (a) maintenance of the vegetation in the grass swales and detention ponds and (b) routine inspections of wells and discharge structures for clogging. Water Quality Criteria As noted above, there is no designed system for surface water management and/or water quality pretreatment at the Site in its undeveloped state. Surface water run-off that can not be managed by the City of Key West's storm water management system collects in roads adjacent to the Site, resulting in adverse water quality and quantity impacts to adjacent land and receiving waters. The applicable water quality criteria, contained in Rule 40E-4.301, Florida Administrative Code, require an applicant to provide reasonable assurances that a surface water management system will not cause adverse water quality impacts to receiving waters and adjacent lands, and will not cause discharge which results in any violation of the standards and criteria of Chapter 17-302 for surface waters of the state. Rule 40E-4.301 provides that: In order to obtain a permit under this chapter, an applicant must give reasonable assurances that the surface water management system is consistent with the State Water Policy as set forth in Chapter 17-40, Florida Administrative Code (40E-4.301(1)(h), Florida Administrative Code. Rule 17-40.420 provides in pertinent part: Minimum Stormwater Treatment Performance Standards. When a stormwater management system complies with rules establishing the design and performance criteria for stormwater management systems, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that such systems will comply with state water quality standards. The Department and the Districts, pursuant to Section 373.436, Florida Statutes, shall adopt rules that specify design and performance criteria for new stormwater management systems which: 1. Shall be designed to achieve at least 80 percent reduction of the average annual load of pollutants that would cause or contribute to violations of state water quality standards. The Basis for Review, which is incorporated into Title 40E, Florida Administrative Code, by reference, further delineates the applicable water quality permit criteria for surface water management systems. Regarding water quality criteria, the Basis for Review provides: State standards - Projects shall be designed so that discharges will meet state water quality standards, as set forth in Chapter 17-3 [revised to 17-302], Florida Administrative Code. The SFWMD's water quality criteria do not require chemical testing of stormwater for residential projects. The SFWMD's water quality criteria require that the design of a surface water management system meet applicable design/technology based criteria. Section of the Basis for Review contains the specific water quality criteria for the design of a surface water management system. The SFWMD allows applicants to design their surface water management system using either dry or wet detention or dry or wet retention, so long as the treatment provided by the system meets water quality and quantity criteria. Dry detention consists of a system of grass swales and vegetative- covered ponds which detain water at a predetermined rate prior to off-site discharge. Wet retention can contain canals, ditches, lakes or ponds to retain water on-site. If a system is designed to meet the criteria specified in of the Basis for Review and incorporates Best Management Practices ("BMP's") for the type of system proposed, the SFWMD presumes that water quality standards will not be violated. In determining which system is appropriate for a particular site, water quantity (flooding impacts) and water quality impacts must be balanced. In some cases, water quantity concerns may preclude certain types of water quality treatment methods. At the hearing in this case, Petitioner and Intervenor suggested that retention is superior to detention in designing surface water management systems. The evidence presented in this case was insufficient to support this conclusion. In any event, this contention focuses only on water quality considerations. One drawback to retention is that it may have on-site flooding impacts. With respect to this Project, the evidence indicates that retention may not have been an acceptable alternative because of possible adverse water quantity impacts. The Navy's proposed surface water management system was designed to utilize dry detention with filtration for treatment of surface water prior to discharge into the injection wells and/or off-site. The design uses a system of grass swales and grass-covered detention ponds to detain and filter pollutants from the surface water as it makes its way through the dry detention system. The System is designed to utilize as many grass swale areas as possible to filter or treat the surface water before it reaches the detention ponds which provide further treatment. The swales restrict the flow of water to approxmiately one half to one foot per second which allows for percolation and a tremendous amount of filtration. The System utilizes the natural topography of the Site to direct water through the dry detention system to the lowest point of the Site at the corner of Eisenhower Drive and Palm Avenue. Any water which makes it to this last detention pond and is not drained into one of the injection wells can flow through the discharge structure (the Weir) at 11 CFS and ultimately make it into Garrison Bight. Petitioner and Intervenor have suggested that the design of the proposed System is defective because water discharged from the cul-de-sacs in the Project design will flow directly into detention ponds without passing over any of the grass swales. The permit criteria do not specify that all surface water must contact grass swales prior to reaching a detention pond. While greater filtration is achieved the longer the run-off remains in the system, the evidence established that the detention ponds by themselves provide sufficient water quality treatment. With respect to all but one of the cul-de-sacs, the water must pass through at least two detention ponds before it is discharged. Run-off from the cul-de-sac closest to the Weir will receive treatment only in the last discharge pond. Petitioner and Intervenor questioned whether the run- off from this last cul-de-sac will receive adequate treatment, in other words, whether the "first flush" will be adequately detained prior to discharge, especially in circumstances when the detention pond is already wet. However, the evidence was insufficient to establish that their concerns are justified and/or that this situation would constitute a violation of water quality standards. This cul-de-sac is only 100 ft in diameter and accounts for no more than 8 percent of the total run-off from the Site. After considering all of the evidence, it is concluded that the water from the cul-de-sacs will be adequately treated in accordance with the permit criteria prior to any discharge. In assessing the Navy's proposed surface water management system the following criteria from the Basis for Review are pertinent in determining whether the proposed System will provide appropriate water quality treatment: Retention and/or detention in the overall system, including swales, lakes, canals, greenways, etc., shall be provided for one of the three following criteria or equivalent combinations thereof. . .: Wet detention volume shall be provided for the first inch of run-off from the developed project, or the total run-off of 2.5 inches times the percentage of imperviousness, whichever is greater. Dry detention volume shall be provided equal to 75 percent of the above amounts computed for wet detention. If the receiving waterbody, is a "sensitive receiving water," which would include an Outstanding Florida Water, the following additional criteria regarding direct discharges are applicable: d. Projects having greater than 40 percent impervious area and which discharge directly to sensitive receiving waters shall provide at least one half inch of dry detention or retention pretreatment as part of the required retention/detention. The SFWMD interprets the permitting criteria as creating a rebuttable presumption that a surface water management system that provides detention in accordance with BMP's of the first inch (1") of run-off from a Site, commonly referred to as the "first-flush", will meet state water quality standards. The "first-flush" occurs at the onset of a rainfall when most pollutants run off paved areas and percolate into the grass swales. It is an accepted design parameter that the "first flush" contains 90 percent of the pollutants which will be collected in the run-off. The 90 percent of the pollutants in the first flush are consequently retained on-site through pure percolation and never reach the discharge facility. Although Petitioner and Intervenor suggest that dry detention does not provide this degree of filtration, the evidence was insufficient to support this contention. The proposed System for this Project provides treatment for the first one inch (1") of run-off from the developed Project, thereby meeting the permitting criteria for sensitive receiving waters. Intervenor and Petitioner contend that the development of this Project will necessarily result in a larger amount of pollutants in the run-off from the Site. They argue that the Applicant has not provided reasonable assurances that capturing 90 percent of the increased level of pollutants in the first flush will meet water quality standards. As noted above, compliance with the permit criteria creates a rebuttable presumption that water quality standards will be met. Insufficient evidence was presented to overcome this rebuttable presumption. In calculating the appropriate volume for the dry detention ponds, the Project engineer used the Site's percentage of impervious area. The percentage of impervious area was determined in accordance with SFWMD criteria. The calculations do not account for any percolation from the impervious areas even though much of that run-off will pass through swales and other grassy areas of the Site. In addition, there is a built-in buffer between the berm elevation around the ponds and the expected water level in the ponds. These factors confirm that there is significant additional capacity in the ponds which is an overage or safety net. In sizing the detention ponds, the project engineer also factored in additional off-site water that will be coming on-site from Palm Avenue. This water currently ponds on Palm Avenue contributing to a recurring flooding problem in the area. This off-site water will be routed through an inlet and pumped directly into on-site detention areas thereby reducing flooding on Palm Avenue and providing some treatment for off-site run-off that was not previously treated before entering the City's stormwater system. As noted above, additional water quality criteria requirements apply to projects which discharge to an Outstanding Florida Water. These additional criteria are set forth in paragraph 40 above. Outstanding Florida Water or OFW is the designation given exclusively by the FDER to certain waterbodies in Florida which have special significance, either for ecological or recreational reasons. Outstanding Florida Waters are afforded the highest degree of water quality protection. The criteria for designation of waters as Outstanding Florida Waters is found in Chapter 17-302, Florida Administrative Code. When the SFWMD initially reviewed the Permit application for this Project, it erroneously assumed that Garrison Bight, the ultimate receiving body for the waters discharged from the project through the City stormwater system, was an OFW. Although the SFWMD applied water quality criteria for OFW's when it reviewed the subject permit application, the evidence at the hearing in this case established that Garrison Bight is not an Outstanding Florida Water. A FDER representative, qualified as an expert in the designation of Outstanding Florida Waters, testified that the Outstanding Florida Water designation does not apply to certain waterbodies that were degraded at the time of designation or did not have the significance or pristine water quality that merit special protection. The designation also does not apply to artificial waterbodies. Artificial waterbodies are defined in Rule 17-302.700(9)(i), Florida Administrative Code, as a waterbody created by dredging or excavation or by the filing in of its boundaries on at least two sides. The FDER has formally determined that Garrison Bight is not an Outstanding Florida Water because Garrison Bight is an artificial waterbody in accordance with the definition. Furthermore, Garrison Bight is the site of extensive boating and marina activities. The water quality of Garrison Bight is currently degraded in comparison to ambient conditions and offshore/unconfined water. In sum, the evidence established that proposed surface water management system meets or exceeds the current permit criteria. Consequently, the water flowing into Garrison Bight from the Site will be significantly less and much cleaner after the proposed surface water management system is installed than it currently is without a designed surface water management system.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered approving the issuance of Surface Water Management General Permit No. 44-01785 in accordance with the Notice of Intent dated September 29, 1992 and the additional conditions noted in this Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of May, 1993, at Tallahassee, Florida. J. STEPHEN MENTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of May, 1993.
The Issue Respondent Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc. (JSI) filed a permit application with the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, (DER), for permission to conduct maintenance dredging in a basin associated with its shipyard operation. This permit application was made in accordance with Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. In the face of DER's statement of intent to grant this permit, George H. Hodges, Jr., (Petitioner), has petitioned in protest. Therefore, the issues to be considered in this dispute concern the entitlement of JSI to the grant of an environmental permit for maintenance dredging of its shipyard basin.
Findings Of Fact DER is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the environmental protection of waters within Florida. Its authority includes regulatory powers announced in Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code. Certain activities involving state waters require permission from DER before they be lawfully undertaken. Among those activities are dredge projects such as contemplated by JSI in its pending request to be allowed to maintenance dredge as much as 66,000 cubic yards of material per year from its shipyard basin located in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. This is an undertaking which is envisioned by Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, related to the permit responsibility of DER. It is specifically addressed by Rule 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code, in which is found the statement of permit requirements for dredge and fill activities. JSI, the applicant, operates a facility known as Bellinger Shipyard, which is engaged in the repair and maintenance of commercial and naval vessels. This enterprise includes the drydocking of vessels upon which repairs are effected, through the use of several drydock chambers in shipyard basin. In the course of the maintenance, a technique known as "gritblasting" is employed. The purpose of this "gritblasting" is to clean the ships in anticipation of repainting. On occasion the "gritblasting" would remove all coats of paint down to the metal finish of the ship. The paints being removed contain antifouling and anticorrosive materials. Those materials have, among other properties, the ability to repel marine organisms, causing their mortality. The "gritblasting" process utilizes a material known as "black beauty." This is a waste product from firing power plant boilers and it contains iron, silica, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, lime, penta oxide (P2O5), sodium oxide, sulfur trioxide and potassium oxide. The "black beauty" is applied through the use of a pressurized system which forces the material onto the treated surface under pressure of 70 to 85 pounds per square inch. After the preparation is made, vessels under repair are repainted, and similar paint with antifouling and anticorrosive properties is reapplied. During the "gritblasting" process, dust is generated and a portion of that material finds its way into the water within the basin. Other particles being removed drop to the deck surface of the drydock. When paint is reapplied to the surface of a vessel undergoing repair, it is given the opportunity to dry and the vessel is then refloated and removed from the drydock. To do this, the drydock itself is submerged. When the vessel has exited the drydock facility, the drydock resurfaces and is allowed to dry out. The material which has been removed from the surface of the repaired vessel is then shoveled into containers and transported to an offsite sanitary landfill for disposal. This material removed includes the "gritblasting" compound and paint which has been stripped from the surface of the vessel. When the drydock is submerged following vessel servicing, the inference can be drawn that a certain amount of the materials on the drydock deck surface will be introduced into the water within the basic before the drydock is resurfaced. The arrangement for refloating the vessel is the reverse of the technique employed in lifting the vessel out of the water for maintenance. When the vessel is brought in for service, it is guided into a submerged drydock. Water is then pumped out of the hollow drydock walls and deck to raise the vessel out of the water, allowing access to the vessel, which is completely above the water surface, as is the drydock work deck. The basin in which the business activities of JSI take place is located on the western shore of the Intercoastal Waterway. The Waterway and basin are part of an estuarine system, as these water bodies are tidally influenced. The basin and the Intercoastal Waterway constitute Class III waters of Florida. The configuration of the basin is as found in JSI Exhibit 16, an aerial photograph of the site. Moving from east to west within the basin, it is approximately one thousand feet from the Intercoastal Waterway to the back of the basin in its western-most extremity. In the back area of the basin the north- south axis is 250 feet. The interface between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway on the eastern reach north-south axis is approximately 625 feet. There are no obstructions to the confluence of the Intercoastal Waterway and the eastern side of the repair basin. The southern-most reach of the basin is approximately 350 feet in length running east to west. On the eastern side of the basin there is a pier area which is roughly 360 feet north-south by 60 feet east-west. As described before, the pier is not a solid structure extending to the bottom of the water. Thus, water can be exchanged between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway beneath the pier. JSI had acquired the Bellinger Shipyard in 1974. At that time environmental permits had been issued allowing for the maintenance dredging of the basin. These permits were valid through 1975. In 1975, JSI obtained a dredge and fill permit from the Florida Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, as well as a dredge and fill permit from the United States Corps of Engineers. These permits were for a ten-year period. They allowed maintenance dredging in the amount of 66,000 cubic yards per annum and for the disposal of the dredged material in an EPA-approved offshore site. In 1980 DER confirmed the dredge and fill permit that had been obtained from the Florida Board of Trustees. This permit by DER required JSI to conduct monitoring of turbidity during dredging, but did not require employment of turbidity screens. In 1979 the Army Corps had required JSI to conduct bioassay analysis in furtherance of the federal dredge and fill permit. In the face of the results obtained in that bioassay analysis, the Army Corps continued the dredge and fill permit to JSI dating from August 14, 1980. A subsequent extension of the federal permit was given through August 14, 1986. Contemporaneous with the present permit application before DER, JSI has requested further permission from the Army Corps related to the ability to excavate as much as 66,000 cubic yards of material on an annual basis. JSI has not been cited by any regulatory agency related to water quality violations associated with its dredging activity. The present DER permit application is for renewal of the 1980 Permit No. 16-21380 and is being processed under the DER File No. 161071139. This application for permit renewal was submitted on July 16, 1985. The application requests permission to maintenance dredge for a period of ten years. If granted, it is the intention of the applicant to use a closed clam shell bucket to excavate the material in the basin. This choice is in furtherance of the suggestion of DER and is a departure from the applicant's initial intention to use an open bucket to excavate. JSI also intends to employ turbidity curtains during the dredge activities. The applicant intends to transport the dredged material to the aforementioned EPA disposal site which is at sea. In doing so, a hopper barge is propelled by a towing vessel. Both the barge and towing vessel are inspected and certified by the United States Coast Guard. The crews involved in the transport of the material are qualified and licensed. In the past, transport of the material has been done under fair weather and smooth sea conditions, and it is intended that the transportation be done in that same setting if the permit is granted. The barge would not be loaded fully, thereby minimizing spillage. This was the arrangement in the past. The United States Coast Guard will be apprised of the departure time of the voyage in transport of the material, certain activities within that transport and upon return. The hopper barge has a bottom dump which is closed during transport and is opened at the bottom in disposing the dredge material. After satisfying DER about its proposal, JSI was informed that DER intended to grant the dredge permit requested. When Petitioner, George H. Hodges, Jr., the owner of real property adjacent to the site of the project, learned of the stated intention to grant the maintenance dredging permit, he offered a timely petition in opposition to the proposed agency action. This property of Petitioner is in Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida. It is located north of the JSI property at issue. Petitioner's real property is connected to the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner has filed this action in opposition to the grant of the permit upon the expressed belief that the dredging activity will cause pollution at his property. In particular, it is JSI's intention at various times in the calendar year to do maintenance dredging in the entire basin. In addition to using a closed clam shell bucket, a system of turbidity barriers or curtains will be employed in segmented dredge areas. Those several locations within the basin which are cordoned off with the turbidity curtains are as depicted in JSI's Exhibit 9 admitted into evidence. The design maintenance depths for the dredging project are set forth in JSI's Exhibit 4 admitted into evidence. They vary from -17 to -37.5 feet, with the greatest depth being contemplated under drydock number 1 in the northwestern corner of the basin. Near the Intercoastal Waterways the depth sought is -17 feet, transitioning to -21.5 feet moving toward the back of the basin at the western extreme and outside of the area dredged beneath drydock number 1. The depths sought under drydock numbers 2 and 3 are -26.5 feet and -20 feet respectively. These desired elevations correspond to conditions at mean low water. The tidal range in the Intercoastal Waterway adjacent to the basin, which would promote an influence in the basin proper, is in the neighborhood of 4-foot intervals, with two tidal cycles a day. This would mean, as example, that at the high tide range, the shallowest design depths for dredging of -17 feet become -21 feet in the transition from mean low water to mean high water. Those 4-foot variations would pertain to the other design depths contemplated in the dredging as described in the preceding paragraph as well. The turbidity barriers contemplated for use will extend from the surface through the water column to depths near the bottom. See JSI Exhibits 4 and 9. It is desirable, according to Dr. Gregory Powell, witness for JSI, a reliable expert in describing the effectiveness and use of turbidity curtains, to have those curtains extend to an area just above the bottom. Dr. Powell's education includes a Masters Degree in coastal and oceanographic engineering and a Ph.D. Degree in engineering mechanics, with emphasis on coastal and oceanographic engineering. In consideration of his remarks, under the influence of high tide there could be as much as a 4 foot gap between the curtain and the bottom. Powell and other experts who offered testimony agreed that turbidity screens can have effectiveness in areas of low current velocity, assuming the proper installation, maintenance and extension to a location near the bottom of the water body. If mismanaged, turbidity screens are not effective in controlling turbidity. Moreover, they are less effective in areas where significant current velocities are experienced. This would include the circumstance in which a foot and a half or more per second of flow was being experienced, according to Dr. Powell, whose opinion is accepted on this point. He also indicated that the quiescent areas in the basin, toward the back of the basin or western dimension of the basin, would show a flow regime in a rate of one centimeter per second. This expression is credited. Although, as described by Dr. Powell, the currents in the Intercoastal Waterway are moving at a rate approximating nine feet per second on ebb time at the bridge located on the Intercoastal Waterway to the south of the project site, these current velocities are not expected in the area where the dredging is occurring. Dr. Powell is correct in this assessment. As he describes, and in acceptance of that testimony, eddies from the current from the Intercoastal Waterway at peak flood tide could come into the basin and temporarily show velocities of one foot per second; however, these velocities are within the acceptable range of performance of the turbidity barrier. Dr. Powell's conclusion that wind would have no significant effect on the current velocity, given the depth of this basin, is also accepted. The remaining flow regime in the basin is not found to be a detriment to the function of the turbidity barriers. The use of turbidity curtains in this project is not found to be a "placebo" to placate DER as suggested by Erik J. Olson, engineering expert who testified in behalf of the Petitioner The monitoring that is intended in the course of the dredging activities would call for examination of background turbidity levels at three sites in the Intercoastal Waterway prior to commencing of dredging and twice daily at each of these sites during dredging. Should a violation of state water quality standards for turbidity be detected, dredging will cease until the problem with turbidity can be rectified. To provide ongoing assurances of compliance with water quality standards, JSI will analyze the sediment in the basin for the parameters of cadmium, copper, aluminum, lead, mercury, oil and grease every two years. Dr. Powell, expert in engineering and recognized as an expert in the matter of transport of the resuspended sediment associated with the dredging, as well as David Bickner, the project review specialist for DER, believe that the use of the closed clam shell bucket technique and employment of siltation screens or barriers, together with turbidity monitoring, will effectively protect against turbidity violations in the Intercoastal Waterway adjacent to the basin. This opinion is accepted. Bickner brings to his employment a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a Master of Science degree in ecology. Bickner identified the principal concern of DER related to this project as the possibility of release of resuspended sediments into the Intercoastal Waterway. With the advent of the techniques described in the previous paragraph, only minimal changes in background conditions related to turbidity are expected. Although there would be turbidity violations within the confines of the areas where the dredging occurs, the principal influence of that turbidity will be confined in those regions. This speaks to dredge areas I, 2 and 3. According to Bickner, whose opinion is accepted, the turbidity changes within the dredge areas in relationship to background conditions do not require a mixing zone permit, nor do they constitute a basis for denial of the permit. As alluded to before, and as described by Dr. Powell, the basic nature of the basin in question is one of quiescent conditions with low current velocity. He points out that the layout of the basin is such that it is a sediment trap allowing the deposit of silt, in particular in the deeper sections of the basin near the western side. The greatest influence by resuspension of sediment in the dredging activities can be expected in the back portions of the basin and it is in this area that the silt barrier can be expected to be most efficient, based upon Powell's remarks. Dr. Powell indicated that there is the expectation of increased efficiency in turbidity control when a closed clam shell bucket is used, as opposed to the open style of clam shell bucket. Those efficiencies range from 30 to 70 per cent. There is some risk of increased turbidity near the bottom of the water column in the use of a closed clam shell bucket, and for that reason the applicant should monitor the activities of the operator of the excavation machinery to guard against inordinate disturbance of the area being excavated. On balance, the closed clam shell bucket is a superior technique to the open style of clam shell bucket excavation when those alternatives are compared. As Dr. Powell explained, the segmentation of the dredge area allows the resuspended sediment to be confined in more discrete circumstances and to be controlled. The location of the silt barriers behind the pier structure guard against the effects of eddying. The silt barriers can be properly anchored and will not be unduly influenced by current velocity. Dr. Powell believes that the use of silt barriers, taking into account a low velocity of current in the basin, and the proper deployment of the siltation screen could bring about a reduction of the resuspended solids by 80 to 90 per cent on the outside of the barrier. To calculate the influence or the environmental significance of that remaining 10 to 20 per cent of resuspended solids at the Intercoastal Waterway, Dr. Powell testified that the suspended load behind the silt curtain resulting from the dredging is expected to average from 100 milligrams per liter to a peak amount of 500 milligrams per liter. He believes that, depending on which methods of calculation is used, the dilution factor in the Intercoastal Waterway ranges from 330:1 to 600:1. In using an environmentally conservative assessment, that is 80 per cent effectiveness of the silt curtain with a 330:1 ratio, Powell calculated that the release of resuspended materials into the Intercoastal Waterway would be approximately .3 to 1.5 milligrams per liter. This translates to less than 1 NTU against background conditions. This result would not exceed the 29 NTU limit against background that is described as the standard for turbidity control. Dr. Powell's opinion of turbidity results based upon the dredge activity is accepted. There is exchange of water between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway and to accommodate this influence, the turbidity curtains would be placed in such a fashion that they would not compete with the ebb and flow of the tide. Dr. Powell's assessment of the circumstance in describing the effectiveness of turbidity barriers takes into account the tidal conditions and the inappropriateness of trying to have the silt curtains prohibit the flow conditions during these tidal changes. In order to promote maximum effectiveness of the turbidity barriers during the entire course of excavation of materials, the length of, the silt screen must be adjusted as desired elevations are approached. Erik J. Olson is an expert in civil engineering with an emphasis on hydraulics and the holder of a Masters Degree in coastal and oceanographic engineering. As alluded to before, he questions the validity of the use of siltation barriers as an effective protection against the implications of turbidity. He properly points out that the curtains will not extend to the region of the interface of the basin and the water column at all times. He describes the exchange of water between the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway, to include the unrestricted sediment transport beneath the turbidity curtain. He believes that wind can cause changes in current velocity as great as .2 foot per second, activities within the basin an additional .3 foot per second, and eddying .3 foot per second. All of these taken together do not exceed the range of effective response of the turbidity barriers. On balance, Olson's criticism of the benefit of turbidity curtains is unconvincing. Arlynn Quinton White, Jr., who holds a Bachelor of Science Degree, a Master of Science Degree in biology and a Ph.D. in matters related to marine biology, offered his testimony in support of Petitioner. He believes that as much as 2 to 3 per cent of the resuspended sediment related to the dredging activities would reach the Intercoastal Waterway under the best of conditions. It is difficult to translate that testimony into a measurement of changes in turbidity levels against ambient conditions in the Intercoastal Waterway. In any event, as already indicated, the changes in turbidity levels are not expected to exceed 29 NTU against background. It is evident that the turbidity curtains are necessary and their proper use must be assured to protect against problems associated with turbidity and the implications of the constituents of the resuspended particulate matter related to possible toxicity. Therefore, the close monitoring suggested in the statement of intent to grant the dredge permit is viable. Another matter associated with the implications of turbidity pertains to the fact that when the dredge material has been resuspended, as much as two days could pass before the basin returns to background conditions, given the high content of silt with its attached metals. This becomes significant given the uncertainty of the location of the dredge equipment during the course of excavation, i.e., inside the barrier or outside the barrier. Final choice about the placement of the dredge equipment will have to be made at the time of the excavation. Should the dredge equipment be inside of the cordoned area while excavation is occurring, it would be necessary to allow turbidity conditions to achieve background levels before opening up the barrier for the exit of the hopper barge which contains the excavated material. Otherwise, the estimates as to the influence of the dredging activities in the Intercoastal Waterway are unduly optimistic. Likewise, if the excavation platform is placed outside of the work site, that is to say, on the outside of the siltation curtain, extreme caution must be used to avoid spillage of the excavated material when being loaded onto the hopper barge. The occasions in which the excavation is being made from this side of the barrier should be minimized. These safeguards are important because any changes in sediment loading within the Intercoastal Waterway promote an influence in the area immediately adjacent to the basin and other sites within the Intercoastal Waterway as well. The subject of the use of a hydraulic dredge as an alternative to excavation by use of a closed clam shell bucket was examined in remarks by the witnesses appearing at hearing. Olson believes that there are hydraulic dredges which can achieve the design depth contemplated by the project and which equipment could fit inside the basin area. This is contrary to the opinion of witnesses for the applicant and DER who do not believe that the hydraulic dredging equipment which would be necessary to achieve the design depths would fit into the basin area. On balance, the record does not establish that such equipment with the appropriate capability and size does exist. More importantly, the proposed method of excavation is environmentally acceptable when examined in the context of the permit sought in this case. Finally, it was not essential for the applicant to make a detailed investigation of availability of hydraulic dredging equipment and it is not determined that failure to make this investigation warrants the denial of the requested permit. Although an hydraulic dredge is more desirable from the standpoint that it causes less turbidity through resuspension of sediments, it is not the only plausible method of excavation in this instance. Raymond D. Schulze testified in behalf of JSI. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master of Science Degree in environmental engineering sciences. In particular, he established the fact that the amount of resuspended solids that would be introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway associated with the dredging activity would not result in the smothering of organisms or to clogging of gills of fish. In addition to the possible problems with turbidity, there is the additional issue of violation of water quality standards in the several parameters associated with concentrations of metals in the water column within the basin and in the sediments or related parameters such as dissolved oxygen and biological integrity. Having considered the testimony, the facts do not point to water quality violations for any parameters occurring in the Intercoastal Waterway as a result of the dredging. To arrive at this factual impression, the testimony of Dr. Pollman and Schulze is relied upon. Water quality sampling done by JSI in locations within the basin and in the Intercoastal Waterway, that by Dr. Pollman and Schulze, supports their impression of the acceptability of the dredge activities. This water quality data was admitted as JSI's Exhibit 18. Additionally, the field conditions existing at the time of testing, to include water temperature, weather conditions, tidal cycle, ph and dissolved oxygen were also made known. This water quality data and other information examined by these witnesses points to the fact that no increases in concentrations of metals are occurring within the Intercoastal Waterway as a result of the business activities of the applicant, nor are they to be expected while dredging operations are under way. Dr. Pollman correctly identifies the fact that there will not be significant degradation of water quality, above DER's minimum standards, related to the Intercoastal Waterway based upon the dredging activities within the basin, dealing with the water quality parameters of mercury, zinc, cadmium, chromium, lead, aluminum, iron and copper, substances which are within the basin. Dr. Pollman also examined sediment data collected by DER, and that data tended to confirm his assessment of the influences of the dredging activity related to these parameters. Dr. Pollman does not believe that metal concentrations contained in the sediment of the basin are leaching into the water column in quantities sufficient to cause violation of water quality standards. His opinion is accepted. Pollman had collected water quality samples in the two locations where the greatest siltation rate was expected and as a consequence the greatest concentration of metals would be expected. The water quality samples were taken at several depths to reach an opinion as to the matter of leaching of metals into the water column and the possibility of those metals dissolving in the water column. If leaching had been occurring, a concentration of metals expressed as a gradient would be expected. The greatest concentration in this instance would be near the sediment interface with the water column. No such gradation was detected and the idea of leaching was ruled out. Bickner's testimony established that testing for the exact amount of iron present at the dredge site was not required, given the nature of the iron source being introduced into the water within the basin. Bickner did not find that type of iron to be toxic. As stated before, Pollman agrees that no violation of state water quality standards as a result of the presence of iron associated with the maintenance dredging should be expected. There is some data which shows water quality violation for mercury in the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway. Subsequent water samples collected by Schulze in the westerly portion of the basis did not show detectable levels of mercury. Moreover, data taken by Pollman and Schulze and compared with the DER sediment data shows that the concentration levels of mercury are greater in the Intercoastal Waterway than in the basin, thereby suggesting that there is no concentration gradient for mercury which would lead to the belief that the basin contributes to the amount of mercury found in the Intercoastal Waterway, nor is the mercury believed to be leaching into the water column in the basin. The explanation of the differences in measurements of the amount of mercury in the basin, depending upon the point in time at which analysis was made, may be attributable to a natural phenomenon, given numerous sources of mercury within the environment. Whatever the explanation of these changes, Dr. Pollman does not believe that the release of mercury associated with the resuspended sediments that may find their way into the Intercoastal Waterway would show a violation of the state water quality standard for mercury in that water body and his opinion is credited. Data collected by Pollman and Schulze did not show water quality violations for aluminum and the DER test data described before indicated aluminum levels lower in the basin than in the Intercoastal Waterway. Some data collected by Technical Services, Inc., an environmental consulting firm in Jacksonville, Florida, which was reviewed by Pollman, Schulze, and Bickner showed a substantial violation of the water quality standard related to aluminum in sediment sampling that was done. The origin of that amount of aluminum found on that occasion was not clear. It is possible, as described by Bickner, Pollman and Schulze, that the level detected In the Technical Service report could have occurred based upon natural phenomena such as storm water runoff from uplands. Bickner also questioned the findings of Technical Service and felt like the determination might be influenced by some intervening circumstance which would promote the need for re-analyzing that parameter. Whatever the explanation of the findings in the Technical Service report, it does not point to any water quality violation of the standard related to aluminum based upon the dredging activities, given the limited amount of total suspended solids that would be introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway. Schulze, in his assessment of the implications of metal concentrations in the sediment transported to the Intercoastal Waterway, did not find them to cause concern about toxicity to marine life in the Intercoastal Waterway. This point of view is accepted. In trying to understand the implications of metal concentrations, Schulze believed that the biologically available fractions of those metals in the sediment is not very high, and when the dilution of the sediments which occurs in these circumstances is examined, no toxicity is expected. Moreover, as Dr. Pollman described related to the parameter aluminum, it is not a toxic material at the ph levels found in the basin, and the resuspension during dredging will not cause it to gain toxicity. This opinion of Dr. Pollman is supported by Bickner and Schulze. The opinion of Dr. White that the amount of aluminum, copper and zinc within the sediment found in the basin would eventuate in the violation of water quality standards for those parameters when introduced into the Intercoastal Waterway is rejected. The information available to Pollman, Schulze and Bickner which describes their opinion about water quality standards was sufficient to reach an opinion, the position of Petitioner's witness Sanford Young, holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in civil engineering and a Master of Science Degree in zoology notwithstanding. As Bickner indicated in his testimony, it is essential that an applicant give reasonable assurances of compliance with all parameters listed in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code, dealing with water quality. However, this does not mean that testing must be done for each parameter set forth in that chapter. Reasonable assurance has been given that water quality parameters as identified in that chapter will not be violated. Bickner indicates the biological integrity standard is not one of concern in that given the nature of business operations within the basin, there is no expectation of a stable benthic community which might be disturbed by dredging. From the remarks of Schulze, there is no prospect of danger to benthic communities within the Intercoastal Waterway. These impressions by Bickner and Schulze are accepted. Under the facts of the case, the failure of the DER permit appraisers to discover benthic organisms in the sample grabbed at the site is not unexpected. There is also some question about whether that sample is representative of the circumstance at the site, given the limited sampling. On the topic of normalization of the DER data which was described in the course of the hearing and is identified by Dr. Pollman, the value of that information is seen as establishing the relative quantities of certain metals within the basin as compared with other sites throughout the Intercoastal Waterway. Twenty-one different locations were involved in this analysis. Concentration ratios using aluminum to normalize the data are as reflected in JSI's Exhibit 17 admitted into evidence. The significance of this information as it grossly describes whether the basin routinely contributes to increases in the amounts of these metals within the Intercoastal Waterway. Overall, basin activities are not shown to have promoted such an outcome. This normalization comparison does not address the issue of site specific water quality violations; however, no such violations are expected associated with the dredging activities within the basin as it relates to violations in the adjacent Intercoastal Waterway. Schulze had made sampling related to dissolved oxygen within the basin and the Intercoastal Waterway. As Schulze describes, the levels of dissolved oxygen seem to be at their lowest point just prior to the dawn hours. Sampling which he did was done at 5:00 a.m. in order to obtain the lowest dissolved oxygen readings. Three sites were sampled within the basin and an additional site was sampled in the Intercoastal Waterway. Readings were taken at varying depths at each site to gain an impression of the overall water column. The mean reading for the circumstance was in excess of the required range for state water quality, that is 4.0 per million. Having considered the evidence, no problems with dissolved oxygen are expected in that deficit contribution is in the range of .1 milligram per liter, per Pollman. In addition, Dr. Powell, through modeling, examined the implications of long-term dredging activities on the topic of dissolved oxygen. He employed field data gathered by Schulze in this assessment. This modeling established that decreases in dissolved oxygen levels would range from .1 to .15 milligrams per liter. Given the average of 4.5 parts per million oxygen in the basin at present, the incremental decreases in dissolved oxygen levels related to the dredging would not pose a problems with state water quality standards for dissolved oxygen other than short-term effects in the immediate vicinity of the dredge area, which is an acceptable deviation. As the Petitioner urges in its fact proposal, a 1983 report of Technical Services, Inc., JSI Exhibit 4, and a 1985 report of that firm, JSI Exhibit 7, were made available as part of the application. Officials within Technical Services, Inc. did not appear at the hearing and offer testimony related to the specific findings found in those reports. This information was used by the experts who did testify on behalf of the applicant, in particular Dr. Pollman, as data to question, his assumptions made about the implications of the project in terms of water quality concerns. Pollman also utilized DER data taken from a source known as Storette, and this pertains to the 21 sampling stations involved in the preparation of JSI Exhibit 17, the graphing document related to concentrations of various metals. Again, this was in furtherance of the basic underlying opinion which Pollman had about the project. The Storette data as such was not offered into evidence. Witnesses for the Petitioner, namely Olson and White, were aware of the two reports of Technical Services, Inc. and the use of the DER Storette data and offered their criticism of the project taking into account this information. Petitioner points out that there is no indication as to how far below the sediment/water interface the Technical Services, Inc., and DER sediment samples related to reports of the consultant and the Storette information of DER were extracted. Therefore, it only reflected one portion of the sediment at a depth of extraction. A more complete understanding of the sediment characteristics would have been shown through a core sample, especially in the area to be dredged, but that understanding was not essential. The suggestion by the Petitioner that it was inappropriate to normalize data for purposes of describing the relative concentrations of the metals parameters is not accepted. The preparation of JSI's Exhibit 17 does not point to abnormally high amounts of aluminum, such that the use of aluminum as a known commodity in carrying out the normalization would be contraindicated. As identified by the petitioner in its proposal, sediment sizes within the strata found in the basin depicts higher percentage of silt and clay-size sediments in the back end of the basin with lesser amounts of the silt- and clay-size sediments in the southern reach of the basin and at the intersection of the basin with the Intercoastal Waterway. The smaller the particles, such as silt and clay, will remain suspended for a longer period of time and have a tendency to promote bonding with heavy metal. Nonetheless, this information does not change the impression that the turbidity barriers will be effective. The 1983 Technical Services, Inc., information related to the settling of resuspended sediment and similar information imparted in the 1985 report by that organization tend to confirm that approximately two days should be necessary to allow the area of excavation to return to background conditions related to turbidity. This is in corroboration of remarks by Dr. Powell. These time projections are not found to be inadequate when taking into account other factors such as tidal changes, boat traffic, other activities within the basin, wind and weather events. As White described, the antifouling properties of the paint involved in the business activity of the applicant can be expected to adversely impact any larval forms of marine organisms when introduced into the basin. Nonetheless, this toxicity is not expected to pose a danger to marine organisms in the Intercoastal Waterway given the percentage of resuspended sediment that will escape capture by the sediment barriers and the dilution factor before introduction of those resuspended sediments into the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner questions the acceptability of evidence of the findings set forth by E G & G Bionomics, a firm which performed an examination to determine existing diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates. Those results are reported in Petitioner's Exhibit 13, a 1980 report. They were not accepted as evidence of the specific findings within that report in that they were not the subject of discussion by persons who authored that report. The use was limited to corroboration of the opinion by Dr. Pollman and Schulze as to water quality considerations and they were not Crucial to their opinions. Moreover, it was not necessary for the applicant to perform a more recent bioassay in order to give reasonable assurance to DER concerning water quality matters or to establish the implications of the influence of contaminants within the sediment found in the basin related to benthic macroinvertebrates. The biological integrity of the basin area was at risk prior to the proposal for maintenance dredging. The relevant inquiry is the influence of the dredging activities on the biological integrity in the Intercoastal Waterway and those activities do not place organisms within the Intercoastal Waterway in peril. Any synergistic aspects of metals which act as toxins, for example, the increase in the aggregate value of the toxicity of zinc and cadmium, compared to their individual implications as toxins, will not present problems with water quality in the Intercoastal Waterway. Petitioner takes issue with the proposed disposition of the dredge material at an ocean site. While an appropriate upland disposal site would be preferred, it is not mandated. The approved EPA disposal site within federal jurisdiction is acceptable. Petitioner in its fact proposals found at paragraphs 36-39 (incorporated by this reference) points out violations of water quality standards for cadmium, mercury, and aluminum, and other possible violations of the standard for mercury. This information does not cause a change of opinion about the acceptability of the project in terms of reasonable assurances. There is no indication that oils and greases will present a problem related to water quality standards. The project is not contrary to public interest in that: (a) the project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, welfare or the property of others; (b) the project will not adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitat; (c) the project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion of shoaling; (d) the project will not adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project; (e) the project will be of a temporary nature; (f) the project will not adversely affect significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of s. 267.061; (g) the project is in no other way contrary to the public interest. The purpose of this fact finding does not include the issue of whether there are ongoing violations of state water quality standards associated with the business activity of the applicant, that not being the subject of the hearing. In any event, the testimony of Dr. Pollman established that the operations of JSI are not causing water quality problems associated with the parameters of cadmium, copper, aluminum, mercury, lead, chromium, tin, zinc or iron related to the Intercoastal Waterway. The influences of the business activities associated with those parameters within the basin are not understood when the evidence presented is examined but are not found to be essential to the resolution of this dispute.
Recommendation Having considered the facts, and the conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That DER issue a final order which grants the requested maintenance dredging permit in keeping with the safeguards described in the fact finding of this recommended order. DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of October 1986 at Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of October 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-0365 Having examined the proposed facts submitted by the parties, those proposals have been found as fact with the exception of the following which are distinguished: Petitioner's facts Paragraph 1: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 2: The first sentence in this paragraph is rejected because the fact is not found within the indicated exhibits, nor can that fact be fairly inferred. Paragraphs 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15: Except for the last sentence in that latter paragraph are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 15: The last sentence: Contrary to facts found. Paragraph 18: The last sentence: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraphs 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 27: Contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 28, 29, 30 and 31: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 32: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 33 and 34: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 35: Contrary to facts found. Paragraphs 40, 41 and 42: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraphs 44, 45: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 47: The first two sentences are information that is not sufficiently credible to allow application to the issues of the present case. Paragraphs 48, 49, 50 and 51: Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 52: Reject as fact. Paragraph 54: Contrary to facts found. Paragraph 55: Not necessary to dispute resolution. JSI and DER facts Paragraph 2: Pertaining to sentence 8 and the last phrase within sentence 11; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 3: As to the first sentence, fourth sentence and seventh sentence; Not necessary to fact resolution. Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 to the colon in paragraph 6: Not necessary to dispute resolution. The remaining portions of paragraph 6 are subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 10: as to the last two sentences; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 13: As to the next to the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraph 14: As to the fourth sentence and the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 16, 17, 18 and 20: Subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 21: Sentence 3 is subordinate to fact finding sentence 4 is not necessary to dispute resolution; sentences 5 and 6 are subordinate to fact finding. Paragraph 22: Next to the last sentence; Not necessary to dispute resolution. Paragraphs 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 and 41: Subordinate to fact finding, except the comments in the last sentence of paragraph 41 related to the operations of JSI causing or contributing elevated concentrations of parameters within the basin which is not found as fact. Paragraphs 42, 43 and 44: Subordinate to fact finding. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth G. Oertel, Esquire Chris Bryant, Esquire OERTEL AND HOFFMAN, P.A. Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Thomas M. Baumer, Esquire Deborah Barton, Esq. GALLAGHER, BAUMER, MIKALS, BRADFORD, CANNON AND WALTER, P.A. 252-5 Independent Square Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Bradford L. Thomas, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301