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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Feb. 04, 2002 Number: 02-000400RU Latest Update: Oct. 22, 2002

The Issue Whether a letter of the Department of Health dated January 15, 2002, violates Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes?

Findings Of Fact Westside (Petitioner) is an acute care general hospital licensed by the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, pursuant to Part I of Chapter 395, Florida Statutes. Westside is located at 8201 West Broward Boulevard, Plantation, Florida. Westside's location is in Trauma Service Area ("TSA") 18 comprised exclusively of Broward County as established by Section 395.402(3)(a)18., Florida Statutes. The Department, created pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes, is the state agency charged with primary responsibility for the planning and establishment of a statewide inclusive trauma system. See Section 395.40(3), Florida Statutes (2001). See also Rule 64E-2.021, Florida Administrative Code. "'Trauma agency' means a department-approved agency established and operated by one or more counties . . . for the purpose of administering an inclusive regional trauma system." Section 395.4001(10), Florida Statutes. The Broward County Trauma Agency ("BCTA") is the local trauma agency established by processes and procedures established, in turn, by rule of the Department. Section 395.401, Florida Statutes. It is the Department-approved trauma agency in TSA 18. Each local trauma agency, such as the BCTA, is directed by Section 395.401(1)(b), Florida Statutes, to "develop and submit to the department plans for local and regional trauma service systems." The plans must include certain components outlined in the statute. Among them are "the number and location of needed state approved trauma centers based on local needs, population, and location and distribution of resources." Section 395.401(1)(b)4., Florida Statutes. The statute also calls for periodic updates of the plans: After the submission of the initial trauma system plan, each trauma agency shall, every 5th year, submit to the department for approval an updated plan that identifies the changes, if any, to be made in the regional trauma system. Section 395.401(1)(n), Florida Statutes. The Broward County Trauma Agency Plan that had been in effect "a little bit longer" than since 1995 or 1996, was updated and submitted for approval to the state in 2001. (Deposition of Danz, p. 6.) Although it may have been somewhat delayed (the record is not clear about the precise amount of time between the approval of the plan in effect prior to the update and the update's approval), the timing of the submission was intended to accord with the statutory requirement that updates be reviewed by the BCTA and submitted for approval "every five years." (Id.) The plan in effect at the time of an update approval process that took place largely in the year 2001 stated: State trauma center planning has resulted in an estimated need for four (4) trauma centers in Broward County. For the purposes of network development this plan envisions the initial establishment of three (3) Level II facilities with additional facilities being placed on line as need and funding requires. Each center will act as the primary receiving facility for a designated geographical catchment area (see maps d1 and d2). (Exhibit 20, Part D, p. 4.) The updated plan, denominated Broward County Trauma Plan 2001 (also referred to as the "2001 Plan" or the "Plan"), made a change to the above language. The 2001 Plan states: The establishment of three (3) facilities (two Level I Adult and Pediatric Centers and one Level II Adult Center) each as the primary receiving facility for a designated geographical catchment area, has been determined to be the correct compliment for the County's current need. (Exhibit 6, p. 50.) George Danz is the chief of operations for the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office. He is also the Director of the BCTA. Director Danz outlined "[i]n a nutshell" (Deposition of Danz, p. 7), the process for approval of the updated trauma plan for TSA 18, Broward County Trauma Plan 2001, as follows: (Id.) The process is fairly lengthy. First of all, the [BCTA] goes through the plan and looks at what areas we need to make revisions and changes to and so forth. We make those changes. We then have a Trauma Advisory Committee. We take those changes to the Trauma Advisory Committee for their recommendations and approval. We then are required by state law to notify all of the hospitals and EMS providers in Broward County that revisions are being drafted. We have to provide public notice, advertise that the changes are being made. We have to have a formal public hearing before the Broward County Commissioners. We have that hearing, and if it's approved by the Board of County Commissioners, we then submit the plan to the State of Florida. The State reviews the plan. If they have any changes that they want us to make to the plan, they let us know. They make the change that the state requires and then the state finally provides us with an approval or denial of the plan. In keeping with the process outlined by him, Director Danz sent a memorandum to "Broward County Hospital Administrators" and "Trauma Care Providers" on January 26, 2001. (Exhibit 1.) The memorandum informed the administrators and providers of trauma care that the BCTA with the aid of the Trauma Advisory Committee and the Regional Health Planning Council, Inc., had updated the Broward County Trauma Plan in accordance with law. The memorandum further advised that the Broward County Commission had directed that notice be given that the updates to the plan would be considered at a public hearing to be held on February 27, 2001. In the meantime, the Broward County Trauma Advisory Committee on February 14, 2001, approved an updated trauma plan for TSA 18. Less than two weeks later, as announced in Director Danz's earlier memorandum to hospital administrators and trauma providers, the 2001 Plan was presented to the Broward County Commission at a public hearing. The Commission voted unanimously at the hearing held as scheduled February 27, 2001, to approve the 2001 Plan. On April 30, 2001, Director Danz submitted the 2001 Plan to the Department. In response, the Department, on May 24, 2001, wrote to Director Danz announcing the conclusion of its "review for completeness of the Broward County Trauma Agency Plan Update that was received May 2, 2001." (Exhibit 3.) Although the Department found the 2001 Plan to include a majority of required elements, it found six "to be missing or incomplete." (Id.) These six elements were listed in the May 24, 2001, letter from the Department to the BCTA Director. On June 26, 2001, Director Danz sent a letter to Program Administrator Frederick A. Williams at the Department's Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. The letter outlined how each of the six deficient elements had been addressed by BCTA. The letter was received June 29, 2001, by the Department. Twelve days later, on July 11, 2001, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Chief Charles Bement wrote Director Danz: We have completed the review of the Broward County Trauma Agency Plan Update submitted to this office on May 2, 2001, with the changes and additions we had requested in our letter to you May 24, 2001. We are pleased to inform you that your plan update is approved effective as of the date of this letter. (Exhibit 5.) Although the 2001 Plan provided for only three trauma centers in Broward County, and there were already three existing centers, with the plan having been approved for more than two months, on September 26, 2001, Michael Joseph, the Chief Executive Officer of Westside executed a "STATE-APPROVED TRAUMA CENTER LETTER OF INTENT." (Exhibit 17). The letter expressed Westside's "interest in becoming a State-Approved Trauma Center (SATC) or State-Approved Pediatric Trauma Referral Center (SAPTRC), or in upgrading the trauma care services already being provided." (Id.) CEO Joseph's letter was not out of step with the latest thinking of the Department. It crossed in the mail with a letter from the Department dated September 28, 2001. This letter, under signature of Bureau Chief Bement to Director Danz and the BCTA reflected the Department's conclusion that the Broward County Trauma Plan 2001 (although previously approved by the Department) conflicted with a rule of the Department of Health. Accordingly, the letter announced Department action: amendment of the 2001 Plan to bring it into compliance with the rule. The letter stated: It has recently come to my attention that the trauma services system plan approved by the Bureau for the Broward County Trauma Agency conflicts with the provisions of Fla. Admin. Code R. 64E-2.022(3). The plan recommends three state approved trauma centers or pediatric trauma referral centers for trauma service area 18 while the Administrative Code provides for four. The Legislature has assigned responsibility for determining the number of trauma centers allocated to each trauma service area to the Department of Health. See [s.] 395.402(3)(b), Fla. Stat. The Department has allocated, by rule, four centers for your area (sic) therefore, the trauma services systems plan for Broward County Trauma Agency is amended in accordance with the law to provide for four centers. (Exhibit 7, emphasis supplied.) On the same day of the Department's letter announcing the amendment of the 2001 Plan, a memorandum was issued by M. Susan McDivitt, R.N., the Department's Executive Community Health Nursing Director. Bearing a subject line of "Letter of Intent for State Approved Trauma Centers," and dated September 28, 2001, the memorandum informed specific parties of the notice of amendment to the Broward County Trauma Plan. Ms. McDivitt's memo refers to the amendment as one that "provides for four state approved trauma centers or state approved pediatric trauma referral centers for Broward County, as outlined in the [rule]." Exhibit 16. The memorandum goes on, As you may know, [s.] 395.4025(2), Florida Statutes, provides that in order to be considered for approval as a trauma center an applicant must certify that its operation would be consistent with the trauma agency plan. Prior to this amendment, no acute care general hospital in Broward County could make that certification as the trauma agency plan only provided for three centers and Broward County has three centers. The above- referenced notification [by amending the 2001 Plan to provide for four trauma centers] has addressed that situation. (Id.) The following Monday, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services stamped as received on October 1, 2001, Westside's letter of intent. Two weeks later, on October 15, 2001, the Office of the County Attorney for Broward County responded to the September 28, 2001, letter in writing. This written communication requested reconsideration of the action reflected in the Department's September 28 letter, that is, the amendment of the 2001 Plan to provide for four state-approved trauma centers rather than three. As part of the basis for reconsideration, the County Attorney's office wrote: [s.] 395.401(1)(c), Florida Statutes, provides that the Department must approve or disapprove a trauma plan within one hundred twenty (120) days of submission. Here, the Department approved the plan (which was submitted May 2, 2001) on July 11, 2001. There does not appear to be any statutory authority for the Department of Health to unilaterally "amend" a trauma plan once approved. Moreover, the Department's action here was taken after the 120 day window of consideration had closed, and more importantly, after the Department had already determined that the plan was consistent with Rule 64E-2.-22(3). (Exhibit 8.) On October 23, 2001, Bureau Chief Bement issued a memorandum to Nursing Director McDivitt. It details reasons "[t]here should be three trauma centers in Broward County. " (Exhibit 9.) By letter dated November 5, 2001, Art Clawson, Director of the Division of Emergency Medical Services and Community Health Resources in the Department, notified the Broward County Attorney's Office that Bureau Chief Bement's letter of September 28 amending the 2001 Plan constituted agency action that provided a point of entry into administrative proceedings. The letter further advised that formal administrative proceedings could be initiated within 21 days of receipt of the November 5 letter. On November 29, 2001, NBHD filed a petition for formal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The case was assigned DOH Case No. 02-0131-FOI-HSEM. In the case, NBHD challenged the authority of the State of Florida to amend the Broward County Trauma Plan 2001 as done in the Department's September 28 letter. Westside moved to intervene in the proceeding. While NBHD's case pended at the Department, Division Director Clawson wrote the letter which contains the statements that Westside seeks to have determined in this proceeding to violate Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes. The letter, written January 15, 2002, states, in pertinent part, Be advised that this correspondence is the official withdrawal by the Department of Health of its amendment of the Broward County Trauma Agency (BCTA) plan. More specifically, the Department withdraws its letter of September 28th 2001 to the BCTA. Likewise, the Department withdraws its Notice of final agency action of November 5th, 2001. It has been determined that the Department lacked the authority to unilaterally amend the BCTA plan after it had been approved by the Department on July 11th, 2001. (Exhibit 11.) No part of this letter has been promulgated as a rule through the procedures in Section 120.54, Florida Statutes. The effect of the January 15, 2002, letter is to render Westside's letter of intent submitted for a new state-approved trauma center in Broward County inconsistent with the requirement of Section 395.4025(2) that "[i]n order to be considered by the department, a hospital [that submits a letter of intent] . . . must certify that its intent . . . is consistent with the trauma services plan of the local or regional trauma agency, as approved by the department, " On January 24, 2002, the Department issued a final order in DOH Case No. 02-01310FOI-HSEM denying the petition of NBHD challenging the Department's September 28 action of amending the Plan. The basis of the denial is that the relief requested by NBHD had been obtained as the result of the January 15, 2002, letter. Westside now seeks a determination that the January 15, 2002, letter is an agency statement in violation of Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes, that is, an unpromulgated rule. Such a determination will reinstate the Department's letter of September 28 and its amendment to the 2001 Plan to provide for four (4) trauma centers in TSA 18. The restoration of the amendment, in turn, will open the door to the potential of Department approval of the fourth trauma center in Broward County that Westside hopes to operate as expressed in its letter of intent. North Broward Hospital District, the operator of two trauma centers in Broward County, opposes such a determination because it could lead to approval of a fourth trauma center in Broward County. Approval of a fourth trauma center would have an impact on the currently approved trauma centers, including those of NBHD because the number of patients seen by the existing trauma centers would be reduced. As Dr. Lottenberg testified in his deposition, "[I]n order to effectively have a proficient trauma center, you need to have about 1,000 severely injured patient per trauma center per year. Currently[,] all three trauma centers [in Broward County] are operating somewhat under that number." (Lottenberg, pgs. 26- 27.) Approval of a fourth trauma center would reduce the existing provider's number of severely injured patients when, in Dr. Lottenberg's opinion, the trauma center's in Broward County need more patients to ensure proficiency rather than less.

Florida Laws (13) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68120.6920.43395.4001395.401395.402395.4025
# 1
IN RE: SENATE BILL 60 (ADRIAN FUENTES) vs *, 07-004294CB (2007)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 17, 2007 Number: 07-004294CB Latest Update: May 02, 2008

Conclusions Competent substantial evidence supports the conclusion that Adrian Fuentes disabilities are the result of the failure to deliver him before his mother loss amniotic fluid, or up to an estimated 12 hours earlier. An earlier delivery was the standard of care expected in a case of IUGR. His permanent and severe disabilities were directly and proximately caused by the failure of SBHD employees to handle an ultrasound report expeditiously as directed and as their policy provided. ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND LOBBYISTS’ FEES: In compliance with s. 768.28(8), F.S., but not with Section 3 of this claim bill, Claimant's attorneys' fees are set at 25 percent. There is no lobbyist for the bill at this time. As of October 9, 2007, the attorneys reported having incurred costs of $115,246.02 for representing the Claimant. The Claimants entered into an agreement to pay attorneys’ fees and costs. RECOMMENDATIONS: For the reasons set forth in this report, I recommend that Senate Bill 60 (2008) be reported FAVORABLY. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor M. Hunter Senate Special Master cc: Senator Jeremy Ring Representative Evan Jenne Faye Blanton, Secretary of the Senate House Committee on Constitution and Civil Law Tom Thomas, House Special Master Counsel of Record

Florida Laws (1) 768.28
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 06, 2017 Number: 17-003265 Latest Update: Jul. 20, 2018

The Issue Whether the application timely filed with the Department of Health (“Department”) by Memorial Healthcare Group, Inc., d/b/a Memorial Hospital Jacksonville (“Memorial”), met the applicable standards for approval to operate as a provisional Level II trauma center; and whether the Department’s approval of the application was based upon an unadopted rule.

Findings Of Fact The Department is an agency of the State of Florida created pursuant to section 20.43, Florida Statutes. The Department’s mandate is to “promote, protect and improve the health of all people in the state,” and it has a primary responsibility for evaluating provisional trauma center applications submitted by acute care hospitals. §§ 381.001 and 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. Shands is an acute-care hospital located in Trauma Service Area (“TSA”) 5, which lies in Baker, Nassau, Duval, Clay, and St. Johns counties. Shands has been designated by the Department as a Level I trauma center. Memorial is an acute-care hospital also located in TSA 5. Memorial operates a provisional Level II trauma center. The application that was submitted by Memorial and approved by the Department on May 1, 2017, is the subject of this proceeding. 5. Chapter 395, Part II (§§ 395.40 – 395.51), Florida Statutes (“Trauma Statute”), sets forth the statutory framework for the development of a statewide trauma system. The Department is charged with the planning and establishment of the statewide inclusive trauma system. See, § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. The Legislature recognized the benefits of trauma care provided within an “inclusive trauma system,” that is “designed to meet the needs of all injured trauma victims.” § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. Section 395.401(2) directs the Department to “adopt, by rule, standards for verification of trauma centers based on national guidelines, including those established by the American College of Surgeons.” The Trauma Center Standards are published in DH Pamphlet (DHP) 150-9, which is incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.011 (the “Trauma Standards”). Section 395.4025 (the “Application Statute”) describes the application process for hospitals seeking to become designated as a trauma center. Section 395.4025(2)(c) requires the Department to conduct a “provisional review” of each trauma center application to determine if “the hospital’s application is complete and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center.” This “critical review” shall be based on “trauma center standards” and shall include a review of whether the hospital has: (1) equipment and physical facilities necessary to provide trauma services; (2) personnel in sufficient numbers and with proper qualifications to provide trauma services; and (3) an effective quality assurance process. Id. Notably, the provisional review described in section 395.4025(1)(c) looks only to the application to determine whether an application “has [met] the critical elements required for a trauma center.” Id. Section 395.4025(13) authorizes the Department to “adopt, by rule, the procedures and processes by which it will select trauma centers.” Pursuant to this authorization, the Department issued rule 64J-2.012, which provides detailed regulations governing the application process. Rule 64J-2.012(1)(d) includes a detailed list of elements that a provisional trauma center applicant must satisfy (the “critical elements”) to receive provisional approval from the Department. The Trauma Standards contain other elements that were not designated by the Department as “critical” (the “non-critical elements”). These standards pertain primarily to ensuring the programmatic integrity of a trauma center. Provisional trauma center applications must eventually establish compliance with the non-critical elements, but the non-critical elements are not examined by the Department until after a provisional trauma center application is granted. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(h). The process for obtaining designation as a provisional trauma center begins on October 1 each year. By that date, hospitals must submit to the Department a letter of intent to file a provisional trauma center application. See § 395.4025(2)(a), Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J- 2.012(1)(a). If a hospital timely submits a letter of intent, the Department must provide the hospital with a provisional trauma center application and instructions for submitting it to the Department. § 395.4025(2)(b), Fla. Stat. April 1 of the following year is the deadline for the hospital to submit a provisional trauma center application. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(a). The Department conducts a review of the application to determine whether it is complete and has established compliance with the critical elements. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(d). The Department does not conduct a site visit until a provisional trauma center application is approved and the trauma center is operational. § 395.4025(2)(d) and (5), Fla. Stat. By April 15, the Department must provide the applicant with written notice of any deficiencies in the critical elements and gives the hospital the opportunity to submit additional clarifying or correcting information. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(e). Applicants then have five working days to address the identified deficiencies and submit additional information. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(f). On or before May 1, the Department must send written notification to each applicant hospital advising whether its application was approved or denied. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(g)1.-2. If a hospital is granted provisional approval, it is required to begin operation as a provisional trauma center on May 1 and becomes a full member of Florida’s integrated trauma system on that day. § 395.4025(3), Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.012(1)(g)1. The Department also immediately notifies EMS providers of the newly operational provisional trauma center. Providers are required immediately to begin transporting “trauma alert” victims, as identified pursuant to field triage criteria, to the newly designated provisional trauma center for trauma care when it is the nearest trauma center to the location of the incident. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.002(3)(g). In the summer of 2016, Memorial received a letter from the Department notifying Memorial of the opportunity to submit a letter of intent to become a trauma center. Memorial timely submitted a letter of intent to the Department in September 2016. This letter indicated that Memorial would seek approval from the Department to operate as a Level II trauma center. After Memorial submitted its letter of intent, the Department responded by sending Memorial a notice accepting its letter of intent and providing information on the application process. The notice directed Memorial to the Department’s trauma center application and contained instructions for the completion and submission of the application. Once Memorial received the Department’s notice confirming acceptance of its letter of intent, it began making significant investments of resources and capital to develop its trauma program. It did so to ensure that its application would be compliant with the Trauma Standards. In order to implement its trauma program and meet the required Trauma Standards, Memorial made investments in a number of areas, including the renovation of its emergency department (“ED”) to accommodate two dedicated trauma resuscitation bays; the hiring and recruitment of new physicians and staff; conducting significant staff education; and beginning work towards the construction of a new helipad. By May 1, 2017, Memorial had invested over $4 million to develop its trauma program. This capital investment included approximately $2.5 million in construction and equipment. Memorial also invested $1.7 million in recruiting physicians and staff, as well as trauma-related training and education. Memorial was well positioned to develop its trauma program, since many of the needed surgical specialties were already offered at the hospital. The hospital recruited additional physicians to fill the more than 20 non-surgical specialties required by the Trauma Standards. In addition to new physicians, Memorial recruited many new specialized nurses needed to serve trauma patients. Memorial ultimately provided over 6,000 hours of trauma training before May 1, 2017, and continues to train new nurses. The hospital ensured that over 200 nurses received training in Trauma Nurse Core Competencies, which ensures that nursing staff can provide high quality care for severely injured patients. Memorial made all of the above investments prior to March 31, 2017, the date on which Memorial submitted its application to the Department. Memorial’s Application was prepared by a core team, headed by Eleanor Lynch, senior vice president of operations at Memorial. The key members of the team included Memorial’s trauma medical director, trauma program director, as well as representatives from the intensive care unit (“ICU”) and operating room. In order to ensure Memorial’s Application met the Trauma Standards, the team preparing the application met at least three times each week. Those meetings sometimes consisted of 30 different individuals from a variety of disciplines, including the trauma program director, trauma medical director, registration, respiratory, ICU, and the ED. The process was comprehensive and inclusive to ensure the hospital was fully prepared to address each Trauma Standard in its application. This team reviewed the application before it was submitted to the Department to ensure that it complied with the Trauma Standards. Memorial also received assistance from K.C. Pidgeon, vice president of trauma for HCA South Atlantic Division--which includes Memorial. Mr. Pidgeon, who has significant experience in developing trauma programs in Florida, participated in each of the team meetings. He provided guidance into making sure the hospital and its application met the Trauma Standards, including updating policies and procedures, purchasing equipment, recruiting staff, and development of nurse leaders. The final application submitted to the Department consisted of 32 separate binders encompassing thousands of pages of information. In order to be ready to operate by May 1, 2017, Memorial set an internal deadline of February 27, 2017, for the hospital to meet each of the Trauma Standards. Memorial met this internal deadline and included a letter in its application from Memorial’s CEO confirming this milestone. Memorial timely submitted its trauma center application to the Department on March 31, 2017. In developing its trauma program and preparing its application, Memorial ensured that it met all of the Trauma Standards that are required for provisional approval. After receiving Memorial’s Application, the Department arranged for it to be reviewed by two outside experts, Dr. Marco Bonta and Nurse Marla Vanore. Both Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore have reviewed numerous trauma applications on behalf of the Department, and are very familiar with the Trauma Standards. Following their review, Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore sent the Department a checklist identifying alleged deficiencies in Memorial’s Application. Both reviewers concluded that the quality of the application on initial review was excellent, and reflected a serious effort to meet the Trauma Standards before beginning operations. On April 14, 2017, the Department sent Memorial a letter notifying it of the deficiencies that Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore had identified. The few deficiencies identified by the Department were mainly clerical in nature or required simple clarifications. For instance, one of the noted deficiencies included updating the curriculum vitae of Memorial’s trauma program director. Memorial timely responded to each deficiency identified by the Department on April 22, 2017. Memorial’s deficiency response was also reviewed by Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore. Following their review of Memorial’s deficiency response, the expert reviewers concluded that Memorial properly addressed each deficiency identified during the Department’s initial review. On May 1, 2017, the Department informed Memorial that its application was in compliance with the applicable Trauma Standards and directed it to begin trauma operations on that same day. As indicated by the parties’ stipulation, Shands takes issue with only a few of the hundreds of requirements that comprise the Trauma Standards. The only aspects of Memorial’s Application which Shands disputes are the standards related to trauma surgeon call coverage (Standards II.A.4-5, II.B.2, and III.A) and the helipad (Standard V.A.5). Shands does not dispute that the application meets the remaining Trauma Standards. Standard III of the Trauma Standards details the surgical staffing requirements that each trauma center must meet. Standard III.A specifically addresses the requirements for general trauma surgeons. Standard III.A.1 requires that “[t]here shall be a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at a trauma center when summoned.” Standard III.A.2 requires each trauma surgeon to sign the General Surgeons Commitment Statement, which confirms that each surgeon on primary and backup call will comply with certain conditions, including arriving promptly when summoned. Standard III.A.3 lists the minimum qualifications for each trauma surgeon taking call, such as certifications and hospital privileges. Memorial submitted substantial documentation which demonstrated its compliance with the requirements in Standard III.A. Although the Trauma Standards only require five trauma surgeons, Memorial secured nine trauma surgeons for its program. For each of these surgeons, Memorial provided proof of hospital privileges, board certification, state licensure, Advanced Trauma Life Support (“ATLS”) certification, proof of participation in past trauma cases, completion of continuing medical education courses, attestation by the Chief of Neurosurgery, and the commitment statement, among other documentation. Memorial’s documentation for this section totaled more than 500 pages. Memorial also submitted primary and backup call schedules for February, March, April, and May 2017, indicating when each trauma surgeon was scheduled to take trauma call. In addition, Memorial submitted a number of policies and procedures, including Memorial’s credentialing criteria, which is more stringent than what the Department requires. In order to be credentialed at Memorial, a trauma surgeon must agree to the following requirements for primary trauma call: be physically present in-house to meet all trauma patients in the trauma resuscitation areas at the time of the trauma patient’s arrival; perform no elective surgery or procedures during the on- call period that would render the trauma surgeon unavailable to arrive promptly to a trauma alert patient; and refrain from taking general surgery emergency call at any other facility or trauma call at any other facilities while on trauma call at the primary facility. Similar requirements exist for trauma backup call. Standard II of the Trauma Standards sets forth the trauma call coverage requirements that each trauma center must meet. Specifically, Standards II.A.4 and II.A.5 require “[a]t least one qualified trauma surgeon (as described in Standard III.A) to be on primary trauma call at all times to provide trauma service care” and “[a]t least one qualified trauma surgeon (as described in Standard III.A) to be on backup trauma call at all times to provide trauma service care.” Simply put, there must be one trauma surgeon on primary call and one trauma surgeon on backup call at all times. As part of its application, Memorial submitted detailed information about each of the nine trauma surgeons on its monthly call schedules, including the call schedules themselves. The call schedules detail each of the trauma surgeons scheduled to take primary and backup trauma call for February through May 2017. Memorial secured and submitted commitment statements (DH Form 2043E) from each of the trauma surgeons on its call schedule. These signed commitment letters indicate that each trauma surgeon agreed to commit to the call schedules submitted to the Department and be available as indicated. These letters also indicate that each surgeon pledged not to take trauma call at any other facility while on trauma call at Memorial. Trauma Standard II also includes a requirement that the hospital ensure any new trauma surgeons are appropriately qualified and sign the commitment statement. Specifically, “[a]s surgeons change, the trauma medical director must ensure that the new surgeons have the qualifications delineated in Standard III.A.3 and that they sign the General Surgeons Commitment Statement. The trauma service shall keep a current and up-to- date commitment statement on file in the hospital’s trauma center application at all times for Department of Health review.” In response to this subpart, Memorial appropriately submitted the commitment statements for its initial nine trauma surgeons. Because this was Memorial’s provisional application, none of the new trauma surgeons who have subsequently joined its program after May 1, 2017, were included with this submission. After completing their initial review of Memorial’s Application, the Department’s expert reviewers identified only one issue to be addressed in the above sections. For one of the trauma surgeons, Dr. Alton Parker, there was a question as to whether he had met all the required continuing medical education (“CME”) requirements. As requested, Memorial submitted additional documentation with its Deficiency Response confirming that Dr. Parker had in fact completed the required CME courses. With this concern resolved, the expert reviewers ultimately concluded that Memorial’s Application met every requirement. At hearing, Shands alleged that because some of the trauma surgeons listed in Memorial’s Application do not live in Jacksonville year round, the application did not meet the Trauma Standards detailed above. However, there is no requirement in the Trauma Standards that trauma surgeons must live full time in the same community as the hospital at which they take trauma call. Rather, the Trauma Standards require that trauma surgeons on primary and backup trauma call in Level II trauma centers be available within 30 minutes once summoned. In actuality, Shands’ criticisms appear to be a matter of preference or imagining the ideal situation, rather than substantive questions about compliance with the legal requirements for trauma surgeon call. Memorial has not had any gap in trauma call coverage or similar issues since it began operations on May 1, 2017; every shift has been covered and each trauma surgeon available as required. Memorial’s trauma surgeons are committed members of the trauma team, including active participants in the quality improvement process, regardless of where their permanent residence may be. As part of its mission to ensure high-quality care, Memorial requires its trauma surgeons on primary trauma call to be physically present at the hospital during the entire shift, which is beyond what the Trauma Standards require for Level II trauma centers. Memorial established this requirement in part to ensure that there would be no issues with response time for trauma surgeons. Any trauma surgeons on backup call that do not have permanent residences within 30 minutes response time of the hospital, typically stay at a hotel close to the hospital in order to comply with the Trauma Standards and Memorial’s own requirements. For any trauma surgeons who do not live full time in the Jacksonville area, Memorial requires that they report well in advance of beginning the call coverage to ensure there are no issues, e.g., a trauma surgeon beginning call at 9:00 a.m. Monday morning must report to the hospital by 9:00 p.m. the night before. Memorial’s trauma surgeons have positive working relationships with other team members, like the ED physicians, and have collaborated well with local EMS. Memorial has worked to build a full-time trauma surgeon roster, with the hope that recruited physicians will ultimately decide to make the Jacksonville area their home. Memorial currently has three trauma surgeons, including the trauma medical director, Dr. Michael Samotowka, who live full time in Jacksonville and plans to continue recruiting until all six current spots are filled by full-time residents. Both Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore determined that Memorial’s trauma call coverage met the applicable Trauma Standards, including Standards II.A.4-5, II.B.2, and III.A. Both expert reviewers confirmed at hearing that the Trauma Standards only require trauma surgeons on primary and backup call to be readily available--they do not dictate where surgeons must reside full time. Nurse Vanore also testified that many trauma centers across the country utilize physicians who do not live in the immediate vicinity of the hospital. These physicians either stay at the hospital or make arrangements to stay nearby when on call. This reflects a common trend in trauma centers nationwide, which often use the rotation of trauma surgeon (both on- and off-call) shifts to enhance patient care. Most trauma centers do not use trauma surgeons to provide longitudinal care (one surgeon with the patient throughout the care process). Instead, there is a comprehensive patient handoff to the next trauma surgeon. There was no indication in Memorial’s Application that its trauma surgeons would not fulfill their call obligations. The general trauma surgeon call schedules submitted by Memorial adequately demonstrated that Memorial would be able to fulfill its trauma call coverage requirements. Since beginning trauma operations, Memorial has not had any gaps in coverage or other issues related to trauma call. Therefore, Memorial satisfied Standards II.A.4-5, II.B.2, and III.A. The helipad became a central issue at hearing. Standard V addresses the facility requirements relating to the ED, including the helipad. Standard V.A.5 requires that each hospital must have a “helicopter-landing site in close proximity to the resuscitation area.” “Close proximity” is defined to mean that “the interval of time between the landing of the helicopter and the transfer of the patient into the resuscitation area will be such that no harmful effect on the patient’s outcome results.” In addition to this requirement, the helipad must be properly licensed by state and federal authorities, and have appropriate policies and procedures for helipad operations. Memorial has used the helipad in its current location since 1993. Before it began operations as a trauma center, Memorial effectively used its helipad to transport trauma patients out of its ED to Shands and other trauma centers without incident for the entirety of that time period. The helipad is located approximately 1900 feet from Memorial’s ED. To meet this Trauma Standard, Memorial hired Liberty Ambulance Service, a private ambulance service, to staff the helipad 24/7, so that at all times there is an advanced life support ambulance with two paramedics ready to transport patients from the helipad to the ED. In addition, the ambulance driver has received emergency vehicle operations course training. Memorial also provided training to the ambulance crew members to ensure they were proficient in helicopter safety. This training included in-depth interaction with air crew of TraumaOne, which is one of the region’s air transport providers. Memorial hires deputies from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to be present at all times for helicopter arrivals. These deputies can be used to block any pedestrian or vehicle access to the transport route or otherwise provide transport assistance, although this has not been needed. Memorial conducted numerous time studies, almost daily since February 27, 2017, to ensure it could quickly move patients from the helipad to the ED without delaying treatment. The time trials entailed actually loading a stretcher onto an ambulance at the helipad, driving the ambulance to the ED, and unloading the stretcher at the ED. These time trials, which were conducted beginning in December 2016 and continue today, showed an average transport time of two to three minutes. Each time trial was attended by Memorial’s EMS Coordinator, Greg Miller, and signed off by each ambulance crew that participated. These time trials helped familiarize the ambulance crew with the short route from the helipad to the ED, as well as to identify an alternate route that can be used if needed. Admittedly, the trials were performed using hospital personnel posing as patients, rather than actual trauma patients, but the methodology, while presenting a best case scenario, was nonetheless reasonable. In addition to the time trials, actual air transports of non-trauma patients confirm the close proximity of the helipad. It only took five minutes to transport a recent non- trauma patient from the helipad to the ED, as documented by the LifeFlight air crew which transported the patient. Since beginning trauma operations, there have not been any issues with trauma patients arriving by helipad. At the time of hearing, Memorial had only had one trauma patient delivered by helicopter since May 1, 2017. Memorial has only had 24 total non-trauma patients delivered by helipad in 2017. In fact, very few patients are transported by air in TSA 5, generally. As part of ongoing renovations, Memorial is currently constructing a new helipad, which will be situated one floor directly above the ED. The new helipad is scheduled to be completed in July 2018. Shands alleged at hearing that Memorial’s helipad was not optimally located and voiced general concerns about its potential impact on patient care. While 1900 feet from the ED cannot be considered the “optimal location” for the helipad, the claims of adverse impact on patient care were not supported by evidence produced at hearing. None of Shands’ witnesses suggested that the patient transport times reflected in Memorial’s Application would adversely impact patient care, or that any adverse incidents had occurred on Memorial’s helipad. Actually, none of Shands’ witnesses had even reviewed any of the time trials or actual patient transport information included in Memorial’s Application. The time it takes to transport patients from Memorial’s helipad to the ED is not substantially different from other trauma centers in the region. Shands’ own witnesses confirmed that Shands’ helipad sits atop a six-story parking garage across the street from its ED, which requires patients to be transported down an elevator and wheeled on a stretcher across a road while security blocks traffic access. Despite their criticisms, none of Shands’ witnesses knew how long it took to transport patients from Shands’ helipad to the ED. Moreover, with the construction of its new helipad atop the ED, any concerns about the current transport times will be eliminated. Both Dr. Bonta and Nurse Vanore determined that Memorial’s helipad met the applicable Trauma Standard, namely Standard V.A.5. Based on the time studies provided by Memorial which showed the average transport time from the helipad to the ED was only two to three minutes, the expert reviewers determined that the helipad was in “close proximity” to the resuscitation area. Based on their experience, the expert reviewers concluded that two to three minutes was typical of other trauma centers, including hospitals with rooftop helipads. This duration of transport time is actually quite good and would not adversely affect patient care. Memorial’s helipad is in close proximity to the trauma resuscitation area, as the Department properly concluded based on the information provided in Memorial’s Application. The two-to- three minute transport time for trauma patients is well within the acceptable range and demonstrates that Memorial met Standard V.A.5. Memorial elicited testimony from a longtime expert in health care planning, Gene Nelson of Health Strategies, Inc. Mr. Nelson spoke at length in an effort to establish need for an additional trauma center in TSA 5 through a feasibility study employing well recognized health planning concepts. He focused primarily on access to trauma care for patients needing the comprehensive specialized care offered by trauma centers. Mr. Nelson noted that many trauma patients were being treated in general acute care hospitals without trauma centers which fell short of the care provided in centers like Shands and the proposed Memorial trauma center. He concluded that a substantial need exists for another trauma center in TSA 5 and that Memorial would fulfill that need. Shands objected to this discussion of need by Mr. Nelson on behalf of Memorial, and argues that the letter of intent and application filed by Memorial should not have been accepted in the first place, since there was not a documented need for another trauma center in TSA 5. As will be discussed in the Conclusions of Law below, the need for an additional trauma center is not a determination to be made at the time of a hospital’s filing for authority to begin operating a provisional trauma center. Shands testified that Memorial’s operation of a trauma center in TSA 5 has already resulted in injury to its operations and profitability. This injury will only continue in the future as Memorial gains a stronger foothold in the TSA. The negative impacts include fewer trauma patients at Shands resulting in a longer period for trauma nurses to acquire and maintain the specialized skills necessary for operating in a trauma center versus a general acute care hospital. The opening of Memorial’s provisional trauma center has caused the number of severely injured trauma patients at Shands to decrease. Shands predicts an annual loss of 324 trauma cases due to Memorial’s opening, translating to a $2.25 to $2.7 million annual loss of revenues. If outpatient cases are included in this analysis, Shands projects an annual loss in revenues of $12,422 per case over the 324 lost cases, resulting in an annual total loss of approximately $4 million. Memorial argues that sufficient trauma volume exists in TSA 5 for both facilities to operate their trauma centers. Memorial projects that it will treat 1,556 trauma patients per year, well above the American College of Surgeons’ (“ACS”) recommendation of at least 1,200 patients per year as a minimum volume level. Mr. Nelson estimates that, annually, only between 300 and 500 trauma patients will be treated at Memorial that otherwise would have been treated at Shands. The rest likely would have received treatment at an acute care hospital, not a trauma center. Mr. Nelson believes that Memorial’s trauma program has had, at most, a minimal impact on Shands. An analysis produced by Shands demonstrates that Shands’ own projections estimate a loss of only 154 trauma patient admissions, well below the numbers projected by Memorial. Even with Memorial’s trauma program being fully operational, Shands will continue to receive in excess of 2,000 trauma patients admitted annually. That volume is well above the ACS’s recommended minimum patient volume of 1,200 for Level I trauma centers. Shands’ own data shows that it will continue to see over 4,600 total trauma patients annually, including inpatient and outpatient cases. Estimates prepared by Shands’ associate vice president of finance, Dean Cocchi, demonstrate that even with a potential impact from Memorial, Shands will still have a contribution margin of well over $30 million. Mr. Cocchi also testified that Shands’ projected financial impact from Memorial operations will not endanger the continued operation of its trauma program. While the presence of Memorial in the TSA 5 market will have a small negative financial impact on Shands, it is not projected to be substantially adverse. The quality of care provided at Shands has not been impacted by the opening of Memorial’s trauma center. Shands remains a high-quality provider of trauma care.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order finding that Memorial met its burden of establishing that its trauma center application met the applicable standards; awarding provisional Level II status to Memorial; and dismissing Shands’ petition. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of June, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of June, 2018. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen A. Ecenia, Esquire Gabriel F.V. Warren, Esquire Rutledge Ecenia, P.A. 119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202 Post Office Box 551 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0551 (eServed) Seann M. Frazier, Esquire Marc Ito, Esquire Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs, LLP 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 750 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (eServed) Daniel Ryan Russell, Esquire Jones Walker, LLP 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 130 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 (eServed) Michael Jovane Williams, Esquire Prosecution Services Unit Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (eServed) Martin B. Goldberg, Esquire Lash & Goldberg, LLP 100 Southeast Second Street, Suite 1200 Miami, Florida 33131 (eServed) Jeffrey L. Frehn, Esquire Radey Law Firm, P.A. 301 South Bronough Street, Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (eServed) J. Stephen Menton, Esquire Rutledge Ecenia, P.A. 119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202 Post Office Box 551 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0551 (eServed) Nichole Chere Geary, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 (eServed) Shannon Revels, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 (eServed) Celeste M. Philip, M.D., M.P.H. State Surgeon General Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57120.6820.43381.001395.40395.401395.4025
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000163 Latest Update: Jul. 08, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto Respondent was licensed as a physician in the State of Florida having been issued license number ME0040318. Respondent completed a residency in internal medicine and later was a nephrology fellow at Mayo Clinic. He was recruited to Florida in 1952 by Humana. In 1984 he became associated with a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) in an administrative position but took over treating patients when the owner became ill. This HMO was affiliated with IMC who assimilated it when the HMO had financial difficulties. At all times relevant hereto Respondent was a salaried employee of IMC and served as Assistant Medical DIRECTOR in charge of the South Pasadena Clinic. On October 17, 1985, Alexander Stroganow, an 84 year old Russian immigrant and former cossack, who spoke and understood only what English he wanted to, suffered a fall and was taken to the emergency Room at a nearby hospital. He was examined and released without being admitted for inpatient treatment. Later that evening his landlady thought Stroganow needed medical attention and again called the Emergency Medical Service. When the ambulance with EMS personnel arrived they examined Stroganow, and concluded Stroganow was no worse than earlier when he was transported to the emergency Room, and refused to again take Stroganow to the emergency Room. The landlady then called the HRS hotline to report abuse of the elderly. The following morning, October 18, 1985, an HRS case worker was dispatched to check on Stroganow. Upon arrival, she was admitted by the landlady and found an 84 year old man who was incontinent, incoherent, and apparently paralyzed from the waist down, with whom she could not engage in conversation to determine his condition. She called for a Cares Unit team to come and evaluate Stroganow. An HRS Cares Unit is a two person team consisting of a social worker and nurse whose primary function is to screen clients for admission to nursing homes and adult congregate living facilities (ACLF). The nurse on the team carries no medical equipment such as stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, or thermometer, but makes her evaluation on visual examination. Upon arrival of the Cares Unit, and, after examining Stroganow, both members of the team agreed he needed to be placed where he could be attended. A review of his personal effects produced by his landlady revealed his income to be above that for which he could qualify for medicaid placement in a nursing home; that he was a member of IMC's Gold-Plus HMO; his social security card; and several medications, some of which had been prescribed by Dr. Dayton, Respondent, a physician employed by IMC at the South Pasadena Clinic. The Cares team ruled out ACLF placement because Stroganow was not ambulatory, but felt he needed to be placed in a hospital or nursing home and not left alone with the weekend approaching. To accomplish this, they proceeded to the South Pasadena HMO clinic of IMC to lay the problem on Dr. Dayton, who was in charge of the South Pasadena Clinic, and, they thought, was Stroganow's doctor. Stroganow had been a client of the South Pasadena HMO for some time and was well known at the clinic as well as by EMS personnel. There were always two, and occasionally three, doctors on duty at South Pasadena Clinic between 8:00 and 5:00 daily and, unless the patient requested a specific doctor he was treated by the first available doctor. Stroganow had not specifically requested to be treated by Respondent. When the Cares unit met with Respondent they advised him that Stroganow had been taken to Metropolitan General Hospital Emergency Room the previous evening but did not advise Respondent that the EMS squad had refused to return Stroganow to the emergency Room when they were recalled for Stroganow the same evening. Respondent telephoned the Metropolitan General Emergency Room and had the emergency Room medical report on Stroganow read to him. With the information provided by the Cares unit and the hospital report, Respondent concluded that Stroganow needed emergency medical treatment and the quickest way to obtain such treatment would be to call the EMS and have Stroganow taken to an emergency Room for evaluation. When the Cares unit arrived, Respondent was treating patients at the clinic. A clinic, or doctors office, is not a desirable or practical place to have an incontinent, incoherent, and non-ambulatory patient brought to wait with other patients until a doctor is free to see him. Nor is the clinic equipped to perform certain procedures that may be required for emergency evaluation of an ill patient. At a hospital emergency Room such equipment is available. EMS squads usually arrive within minutes of a call being placed to 911 for emergency medical treatment and it was necessary that someone be with Stroganow when the EMS squad arrived. Accordingly, Respondent suggested that the Cares team return to Stroganow and call 911 to transport Stroganow to an emergency Room for an evaluation. Upon leaving the South Pasadena clinic the Cares team returned to Stroganow. Enroute they stopped to call a supervisor at HRS to report that the HMO had not solved their problem with Stroganow. The supervisor then called the Administrator at IMC Tampa Office to tell them that one of their Gold-Plus HMO patients had an emergency situation which was not being property handled. Respondent left the South Pasadena Clinic around noon and went to IMC's Tampa Office where he was available for the balance of the afternoon. There he spoke with Dr. Sanchez, the INC Regional Medical Director, but Stroganow was not deemed to be a continuing problem. By 2:00 p.m. when no ambulance had arrived the Cares Unit called 911 for EMS to take Stroganow to an emergency Room. Upon arrival shortly thereafter the EMS squad again refused to transport Stroganow. The Cares team communicated this to their supervisor who contacted IMC Regional Office to so advise. At this time Dr. Sanchez authorized the transportation of Stroganow to Lake Seminole Hospital for admission. Although neither Respondent nor Sanchez had privileges at Lake Seminole Hospital, IMC had contracted with Lake Seminole Hospital to have IMC patients admitted by a staff doctor at Lake Seminole Hospital. Subsequent to his meeting with the Cares team Respondent received no further information regarding Stroganow until well after Stroganow was admitted to Lake Seminole Hospital. No entry was made on Stroganow's medical record at IMC of the meeting between Respondent and the Cares Unit. Respondent was a salaried employee whose compensation was not affected by whether or not he admitted an IMC Gold-Plus patient to a hospital.

Florida Laws (1) 458.331
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 02, 2011 Number: 11-002796RX Latest Update: Jun. 20, 2013

The Issue Whether Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.010 enlarges, modifies or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented, or is arbitrary or capricious, and thus constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Bayfront is a 480-bed tertiary hospital located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. In addition to serving as a teaching hospital, Bayfront is designated as a Level II trauma center pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes. Bayfront had a $3.6 million operating deficit in 2009 and a positive operating margin below one percent ($1.969 million) in 2010. Due to its financial strife in recent years, Bayfront has been forced to defer needed capital projects due to a poor liquidity position, inadequate borrowing capacity and insufficient cash flow. Tampa General is a major tertiary hospital that is designated by the state as a Level I trauma center. TGH also serves as a teaching hospital for the University of South Florida, College of Medicine ("USF"). TGH is located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Like Bayfront, TGH has also experienced significant financial challenges in recent years. For fiscal year 2011, TGH's budget reflected only a $7 million (one percent) operating margin. However, due to subsequent events, including Medicaid cuts and flat utilization year-to-date, TGH now expects to do no better than break-even, and may even incur a $4 million operating loss in FY 2011. This is significant because TGH has reached its borrowing capacity and must rely on its operating margin to build cash that will be used to fund needed capital projects and expenditures. Maintaining a positive and substantial operating margin is therefore critical to TGH's ability to replace equipment and infrastructure. St. Joseph's Hospital has served the Tampa area for 75 years and has approximately 800 licensed acute care beds. SJH offers a broad array of acute care services, including tertiary health care, serves as a comprehensive regional stroke center, and has been repeatedly recognized as a Consumers Choice hospital. SJH operates a Level II trauma center, and in 2010, treated approximately 2,700 trauma patients. SJH also has one of the busiest emergency departments in the state, with approximately 145,000 patient visits in 2010. Shands Jacksonville is an existing Level I trauma center. It is one of only seven such Level I providers in the state of Florida. Located in Jacksonville (Duval County), Shands treats approximately 4,000 trauma victims every year. Respondent Department of Health is the state agency authorized to verify and regulate trauma centers in the state of Florida pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.001 et seq. The Division of Emergency Medical Operations, Office of Trauma, oversees the Department's responsibilities with respect to the statewide trauma system. Intervenor Bayonet Point is a general acute-care hospital located in Pasco County, Florida. Bayonet Point is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Bayonet Point's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Bayonet Point was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Intervenor Blake Medical Center is a general acute care hospital located in Manatee County, Florida. Blake is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Blake's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Blake was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Although not a party to this case, HCA/Orange Park Medical Center ("Orange Park") is also currently in the process of applying for trauma center designation. Orange Park is located in Clay County, immediately to the south of Duval County. The Florida Trauma System For purposes of organizing a statewide network of trauma services, the Florida Legislature directed the Department to "undertake the implementation of a statewide inclusive trauma system as funding is available." § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. The statewide trauma network includes not just verified trauma centers, but all other acute care hospitals in the State, as well as ground and air emergency medical services providers, and "every health care provider or facility with resources to care for the injured trauma victim." § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. The network is premised on the basic principle that a trauma victim who is timely transported and triaged to receive specialized trauma care will have a better clinical outcome. § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. A trauma victim's injuries are evaluated and assigned an Injury Severity Score ("ISS"). § 395.4001(5), Fla. Stat. Patients with ISS scores of 9 or greater are considered trauma patients. § 395.402(1), Fla. Stat. Trauma experts speak in terms of "a Golden Hour," a clinical rule of thumb that postulates no more than 60 minutes should elapse from the occurrence of an injury to the beginning of definitive treatment. There is, however, no current consensus on what constitutes the "Golden Hour" for transport times. A 1990 Department study recommended travel time of 25-35 minutes as the outside range for optimal outcomes. A 1999 Department study favored a goal of 30 minutes transport time by ground, and a 50-mile radius by helicopter. By contrast, a 2005 study conducted for the Department used 85 minutes "total evacuation time" as "acceptable." Because of the necessity for rapid transport, key components of the trauma network are ground and air EMS transportation. It is important to get the trauma victim to the nearest trauma center as rapidly as possible, because "you can't do surgery in the back of an ambulance." Each EMS provider operates pursuant to Uniform Trauma Transport Protocols and inter-facility guidelines which give guidance for how, where and when trauma patients should be transported. Trauma centers are required to have numerous different kinds of physician specialists at the ready at all times. For instance, with respect to surgical services, a Level I trauma center must have "a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary (in-hospital) and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center when summoned." Further, in addition to having at least one "neurosurgeon to provide in-hospital trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center," a Level I provider must also have surgeons "available to arrive promptly at the trauma center" in 11 other specialties, including (but not limited to) hand surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery and plastic surgery. Level II trauma centers must comply with similar physician specialist standards. Not surprisingly, it is a constant struggle for existing trauma centers to ensure the availability of qualified clinical staff, technicians, specialty physicians and other personnel and resources necessary to continually meet the rigorous programmatic requirements of a trauma center. In general, trauma centers are not profitable due to the intensity of resources necessary to achieve an appropriately functioning trauma program, and the scarcity of such resources. The Challenged Rule In 1992, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J- 2.010, (the "Rule"). Respondent Department of Health assumed administration of the Rule in 1996, when the Legislature split HRS into two new agencies, the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Families. The Rule is a statement of need, sometimes referred to as "open slots" for a specific number of trauma centers allocated among 19 geographic service areas ("trauma service areas" or "TSAs") in the state. The current version1/ of rule 64J-2.010, the subject of this rule challenge, reads in its entirety as follows: 64J-2.010 Apportionment of Trauma Centers within a Trauma Service Area (TSA). The number and composition of TSAs shall be in accordance with section 395.402, F.S. The number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the maximum number set forth in the table below. Each trauma service area shall have at least one Level I or Level II trauma center position. The number of trauma center positions for each TSA is as follows: TSA Counties Trauma Centers 1 Escambia; Okaloosa; Santa 2 Rosa; Walton 2 Bay; Gulf; Holmes; Washington 1 3 Calhoun; Franklin; Gadsden; 1 Jackson; Jefferson; Leon; Liberty; Madison; Taylor; Wakulla 4 Alachua; Bradford; Columbia; 2 Dixie; Gilchrist; Hamilton; Lafayette; Levy; Putnam; Suwannee; Union 5 Baker; Clay; Duval; Nassau; St. 2 Johns 6 Citrus; Hernando; Marion 1 7 Flagler; Volusia 2 8 Lake; Orange; Osceola; 3 Seminole; Sumter 9 Pasco; Pinellas 3 10 Hillsborough 2 11 Hardee; Highlands; Polk 3 12 Brevard; Indian River 2 13 DeSoto; Manatee; Sarasota 3 14 Martin; Okeechobee; St. Lucie 1 15 Charlotte; Glades; Hendry; Lee 2 16 Palm Beach 2 17 Collier 1 18 Broward 3 19 Dade; Monroe 6 TOTAL 42 The trauma center will be assigned by the department according to section 395.402(4), F.S. Specific Authority 395.405 FS. Law Implemented 395.401, 395.4015, 395.402, 395.405 FS. History–New 12-10-92, Formerly 10D-66.1075, Amended 6-9-05, 12-18-06, Formerly 64E-2.022. A hospital seeking to establish a new trauma center must file an application with the Department. If a TSA has fewer trauma centers than the number allocated to the TSA in the Rule, the Department deems need to exist without reference to any additional analysis or data. Accordingly, if a hospital's application to establish a new trauma center complies with trauma center programmatic requirements, the Department will approve the application. As will be discussed in greater detail infra, the Department believes it is bound by the determination of need set forth in the Rule and that it does not have authority to deny an application that meets programmatic requirements so long as there is an "open slot" for a new trauma center within a particular TSA. Indeed, the Department has never denied an application that met the programmatic requirements when need existed under the Rule. History of the Rule In 1989, the Legislature directed HRS (DOH's predecessor) to submit a report by February 1, 1990, (the "1990 Report"). The 1990 Report was to include a proposal for funding trauma centers that "will result in funding of the number of strategically placed trauma centers necessary to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state." Ch. 89-275, § 6, Laws of Fla. The 1990 Report was to include "an estimation of . . . the approximate number and generalized location of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state . . . ." Id. The 1990 Report was prepared by the Committee on State-Sponsored Trauma Centers (the "1990 Committee"). Although HRS timely submitted the Committee's report to the Legislature on February 1, 1990, HRS indicated that it did not "fully support all of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the task force report." In its report, the 1990 Committee recommended the creation of 19 trauma service areas. The boundary of each TSA was drawn to include a "nucleus county" along with its sending (later referred to as "feeder") counties. A nucleus county was one that retained at least 90 percent of its resident trauma alert patients, but also included any county that had a retention rate greater than 75 percent (but less than 90 percent) if no contiguous county had the requisite 90 percent retention rate. Any county that retained less than 75 percent of its trauma alert patients was designated a feeder county. This feeder county was then grouped with the nucleus county that received a majority of the feeder county's outbound patients. After reviewing 1988 patient flow data and applying the above rules, the 1990 Committee created and assigned counties to 19 trauma service areas. Under the 1990 Committee's methodology, a nucleus county was a candidate for a trauma center, but a feeder county was not. Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report set forth the Committee's recommendation as to the number of trauma centers to be allocated to each of the 19 TSAs: Table 3.3 Recommended Trauma Service Areas and Number of Trauma Centers 1988 Number Treated 1988 Number Residing Recommended No. Trauma Centers Service Area ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ Min Max 1 1332 275 | 1166 223 2 3 2 489 117 | 452 105 1 1 3 815 185 | 701 152 1 2 4 1183 269 | 1011 226 2 3 5 2268 662 | 2566 546 2 3 6 869 138 | 877 143 1 2 7 1376 225 | 1286 190 2 3 8 3756 698 | 3329 592 3 4 9 3978 626 | 3709 552 3 4 10 2458 604 | 2222 507 2 3 11 1834 302 | 1665 290 3 4 12 1487 220 | 1433 218 2 3 13 1900 264 | 1810 247 3 4 14 687 105 | 698 102 1 2 15 1455 243 | 1386 236 2 4 16 2310 365 | 2233 371 2 3 17 476 73 | 436 75 1 1 18 4238 670 | 4204 652 4 5 19 7346 1370 | 6633 1176 6 7 Total 40857 7411 | 37817 6603 44 60 Table 3.3 indicates a total trauma center need ranging from 432/ to 60 trauma centers, although only 12 trauma centers were in existence at the time of the report. As the table reflects, the need estimate was apparently based on only one factor: the number of trauma patients residing and treated within each TSA in 1988. However, the 1990 Report indicates that members of the "number and location subcommittee" may have considered other factors in arriving at their recommendation: The study design formulated by the CHSPA called for identification and analysis of trauma patient incidence and patient flow for a one-year period based on the HCCB detailed case mix data. This data analysis effort alone, however, would not specifically identify the number of trauma centers needed in the state, nor their generalized location. The patient incidence and flow information needs to be considered in relation to the following factors in order to reach sound recommendations: . . . The injury severity level for which trauma center care is required; the minimum number of cases which should be treated at a trauma center in order to maintain skill proficiencies consistent with high quality outcomes; appropriate travel times from accident location to a trauma center; and, the existing level of facility resources available in an area upon which one or more trauma centers could be built. While information on certain of these points was available through trauma care literature and previous research, its applicability to Florida’s circumstances was not clear in all instances. Therefore, the Department sought recommendations on these issues from the committee and, especially, from the number and location subcommittee. The subcommittee’s recommendations, as ratified by the full committee, were integral to the development to the approximate number and generalized locations of state-sponsored trauma care throughout the state. However, no methodology was provided within the Report to show how the number of trauma centers was allocated among the TSAs based upon the data considered by the committee. The committee also cautioned that their estimate did not take into account other relevant factors or local conditions within each TSA that should be assessed before deciding how many trauma centers were in fact needed, including resource availability. As stated in the 1990 Report: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. Dialogue between the state and local/regional agency would be essential to making the decision on the number of trauma centers needed. The 1990 Report did not include data or analysis relating to factors such as the availability of physician specialists within geographic areas, existing trauma center patient volumes, patient outcomes, or the capacity and adequacy of existing trauma centers. Following receipt of the 1990 Report, the Legislature amended the trauma statute by adopting the 19 trauma service areas proposed in the 1990 Report. Chapter 90-284, § 5, at 2188-89, Laws of Fla. However, the Legislature did not consider the trauma service area boundaries to be permanent or static. Instead, the Legislature provided that: [t]hese areas are subject to periodic revision by the Legislature based on recommendations made as part of local or regional trauma plans approved by the department . . . These areas shall, at a minimum, be reviewed by the Legislature prior to the next 7-year verification cycle of state sponsored trauma centers. As part of the 1990 trauma statute amendment, the Legislature provided that, in addition to complying with the trauma center standards, a trauma center applicant must "be located in a trauma service area which has a need for such a center." Ch. 90-284, § 6, at 2191, Laws of Fla. In this regard, the Legislature directed HRS to "establish [within each service area] the approximate number of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high quality trauma services." Id. (emphasis added). This need determination, which must be promulgated via rule, was to be "based on the state trauma system plan and the [1990 Report]." Id.; § 395.402(3)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). However, the Legislature rejected the 1990 Report's recommended minimum of 43 and maximum of 60 trauma centers. Instead, the Legislature stipulated that there should be a minimum of 19 trauma centers (i.e., one trauma center in each service area) and "no more than" 44 trauma centers. Ch. 90-284, § 5, at 2189-90, Laws of Fla. In 1992, HRS promulgated rule 64J-2.010. The Rule adopted the column in Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report reflecting the "minimum" recommended number of trauma centers, and stated that "[t]he number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the minimum number set forth in the table.3/” The trauma center need allocated by rule 64J-2.010, which merely replicates Table 3.3, has remained unchanged since 1992 with the exception of TSA 18. Subsequent Developments In 1998, the Legislature directed DOH via a committee (the "1999 Committee") to prepare a report by February 1, 1999, (the "1999 Report") "on how best to ensure that patients requiring trauma care have timely access to a trauma center." In furtherance of this objective, the 1999 Committee was required to "study . . . the strategic geographical location of trauma centers . . . ." Id. In its report, the 1999 Committee recommended that "[t]he goal for timely access to trauma centers should be to assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center, either by emergency medical ground or air transport, within 30 minutes of beginning transport." As stated in the 1999 Report: There must be an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide in order to ensure timely access. . . [T]he ideal trauma system would assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center within 30-minute air or ground transport. The geographical locations of the 19 trauma centers either verified or provisional as of July 1998 are shown on Map 1 in Appendix F. The circles around each trauma center location illustrate a fifty-mile flight radius, which translates into an average 30- minutes transport time by helicopter for a trauma victim. Helicopter transport time is used for this illustration because air medical transport allows trauma victims to be transported further distances within the 30-minute timeframe. The 1999 Committee found that some areas in Florida were not within a fifty-mile flight radius of one of the 19 existing trauma centers, which meant residents in these areas could not access a trauma center within 30 minutes. In fact, at that time, only 80 to 85 percent of Florida residents were within 30 minutes of a trauma center.4/ The committee therefore concluded "Florida does not have an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide to ensure timely access to appropriate trauma care." As a result of its findings, the 1999 Committee "developed two additional criteria for use by the department: 1) the overall goal of 30-minute transport time to trauma centers, and; 2) its equivalent, 50 miles, for helicopter flight times." The committee stated that these access criteria "should be considered by [DOH] in developing administrative rules for the planning and development of additional trauma centers . . ." The 1999 Committee made no attempt to quantify the number of additional trauma centers that were needed statewide, or within each TSA, to achieve the 30-minute goal.5/ Nor did the committee seek to update the Rule (i.e., Table 3.3) using the 1990 Report's methodology. However, the committee cautioned that: [r]etaining the limit on the number of trauma centers was . . . essential in order to maintain a reasonable volume of patients who are trauma victims as well as to avoid conflicts between competing trauma centers for recruitment of key professional staff. The 1999 Committee recommended giving DOH the "statutory authority to assign counties to trauma service areas" and that DOH "conduct a review of the regional structure of the 19 trauma service areas and the assignment of the counties between these areas and make changes, if found to be appropriate." The 1999 Report offered the following explanation for this recommendation: The committee did recommend that authority to assign counties to trauma service areas should be given to the department. Current authority resides with the Legislature. Shifting this authority to the department will allow flexibility in the system to more quickly respond to changing needs at the local level. Consistent with the 1999 Committee's recommendation, the Legislature repealed the statutory provision that made the trauma service areas subject to periodic review and "revision by the Legislature." Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 164, Laws of Fla. This repealed provision was replaced with an amendment to section 395.402(3) that delegated to DOH the statutory duty to review and revise the TSA boundaries, which stated as follows: Trauma service areas are to be used. The department shall periodically review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas. These assignments are made for the purpose of developing a system of trauma centers. Revisions made by the department should take into consideration the recommendations made as part of the regional trauma system plans approved by the department, as well as the recommendations made as part of the state trauma system plan. These areas must, at a minimum, be reviewed in the year 2000 and every 5 years thereafter. Until the department completes its initial review, the assignment of counties shall remain as established pursuant to chapter 90-284, Laws of Florida. Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 163-64, Laws of Fla. (Emphasis added). In response to the Legislature's directive, DOH initiated a review of the service areas and prepared a draft report entitled “Trauma Service Area Study-Year 2000” (the "2000 Draft Study"). However, for reasons unknown in this record, DOH apparently never finalized that study, and it was received in evidence in draft form only. In the 2000 Draft Study, DOH noted that the "primary purpose" of the TSA review mandated by section 395.402(3) "is to determine if the 19 trauma service areas . . . continue to be rational service areas." Based on the 1990 Report's methodology, the draft study's tentative recommendation was not to change the trauma service areas, although DOH "should continue to study and review the trauma service areas . . . to determine if different county configurations might lead to more timely access . . . ." At the same time, after analyzing more recent data, the draft study recommended the allocation of a different number of trauma centers to TSAs 9, 10, 11, and 12 as compared to the Rule.6/ Additionally, the 2000 Draft Study made the following finding: Because of the substantial financial commitment made by a hospital to be a trauma center, patient volume becomes an important factor for a hospital in terms of being financially viable and having enough work for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills. The old adage of practice makes perfect is particularly applicable to those treating the seriously injured trauma patient. . . To meet [the American College of Surgeons] caseload recommendations, locating trauma centers in areas where skill levels can be maintained by trauma surgeons is an important factor. Furthermore, to recruit and retain well-qualified surgeons to work in a trauma center, it is important to have a sufficient number of patients to treat, especially to the surgeon. Thus, the 2000 Study emphasized that trauma centers must see enough patients to be financially viable and for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills, and referenced the American College of Surgeons recommendation that Level I trauma centers treat 600 to 1000 patients annually and Level II trauma centers treat 350 to 600 patients annually. The 2000 Study concluded: -No change in trauma service areas should be made at this time. This study found that minimal change occurred in those counties identified as nucleus counties. Furthermore, the relationship between nucleus counties and those identified as sending or "feeder" counties remains intact. -The 19 trauma service areas should continue to serve as the geographical basis for the allocation of the 44 authorized trauma center slots. -The 44 authorized trauma center slots in chapter 395.401 Florida Statutes [now section 395.402(4)(c) should remain as the maximum number required to meet trauma patient care demands. 2004 Amendments to the Trauma Statutes and the 2005 Assessment In 2004, the Legislature made substantial revisions to the trauma statute. Chapter 2004-259, Section 6, Laws of Florida amended section 395.402 to direct the Department to complete a statewide assessment of the trauma system by February 1, 2005 ("the 2005 Assessment"). § 395.402(2), Fla. Stat. The scope of this assessment was defined in paragraphs (2)(a) through (g) and subsection (3) of section 395.402. An appropriation of $300,000 was authorized for the Department to contract with a state university to perform the actions required under the amended statute. Ch. 2004-259, § 10, Laws of Florida. One objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "[c]onsider aligning trauma service areas within [sic] the trauma region boundaries as established in" section 395.4015(1). §395.402(2)(a), Fla. Stat. In a related 2004 amendment, the Legislature added a sunset provision that, upon completion of the 2005 Assessment, ended the statutory mandate to use the service areas created in 1990. See § 395.402(2) ("[t]rauma service areas as defined in this section are to be utilized until [DOH] completes" the 2005 Assessment) (emphasis added); § 395.402(4) ("[u]ntil the department completes the February 2005 Assessment, the assignment of counties shall remain as established in this section.") The obvious intent of the above statutory change was for the section 395.402(4) service areas to be replaced by the service areas DOH established or adopted once it had the results of the 2005 Assessment. "Annually thereafter" (as opposed to every five years per the 1999 version of the statute) DOH was required to "review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas . . . ." Ch. 2004-259, § 6, at 13, Laws of Florida (amending § 395.402(3)). Another objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "establish criteria for determining the number and level of trauma centers needed to serve the population in a defined trauma service area or region." § 395.402(2)(c), Fla. Stat. Based on these criteria, DOH was then to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated trauma system." § 395.402(2)(b), Fla. Stat. As part of this need assessment, DOH was required to consider the "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff," as well as the "[r]ecommendations of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force" and "the actual number of trauma victims currently being served by each trauma center." § 395.402(3), Fla. Stat. However, unlike the situation with the 1990 Report, the Legislature did not intend for DOH to rely on the 2005 Assessment indefinitely. To avoid this, the Legislature therefore required DOH to update the 2005 Assessment by annually reviewing "the requirements of paragraphs (2)(b )-(g) and subsection (3)" of section 395.402. This meant that each annual review, like the initial 2005 Assessment, had to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area or region" by, among other things, considering "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff." §§ 395.402(2)(b) and (3)(e). The need determinations resulting from these annual reviews would then have to be codified in a rule per section 395.402(4)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). The 2004 Legislature clearly intended for DOH to rely on the updated need assessments required by section 395.402(4), rather than the need allocation in the 1990 Report (which was incorporated into the Rule). This is evident from the fact that the 2004 Legislature repealed the provision that previously required DOH to establish need based on the 1990 Report. See chapter 2004-259, § 7, at page 14, Laws of Florida (amending section 395.4026(1)), which states in relevant part: Within each service area and based on the state trauma system plan, the local or regional trauma services system plan, and recommendations of the local or regional trauma agency, and the 1990 Report and Proposal for Funding State Sponsored Trauma Centers, the department shall establish the approximate number of state approved trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high-quality trauma services. The Using the guidelines and procedures outlined in the 1990 report, except when in conflict with those prescribed in this section, the department shall select those hospitals that are to be recognized as state approved trauma centers . . . [emphasis added] By repealing the statutory reference to the 1990 Report, the Legislature expressly required the Department to discontinue any reliance on the 1990 Report as a basis for allocating trauma center need. In addition, the 2004 Legislature imposed a moratorium on the submission of applications for new trauma centers in any TSA that already had one trauma center until the 2005 Assessment was complete, regardless of whether the Rule indicated a need for an additional trauma center within the TSA. § 395.4025(14), Fla. Stat. It is reasonable to infer that the imposition of a moratorium notwithstanding unmet need in several of the TSA's under the Rule indicates that the Legislature considered the Rule to be outdated and no longer valid. The moratorium therefore had the effect of maintaining the status quo until the Rule could be updated with a new assessment. The Department timely submitted its 2005 Assessment to the Legislature on February 1, 2005. The assessment itself was conducted by a group of investigators from the University of South Florida and the University of Florida. This group was assisted by a National Steering Committee "composed of recognized experts in the fields of trauma care and trauma system analysis " In its transmittal letter to the Legislature, DOH specifically noted that the assessment included a recommendation regarding “the number and level of trauma centers needed to provide a statewide integrated trauma system. . . .” In contrast with HRS' contemporaneous objections to the 1990 Report, the DOH transmittal letter identified no areas of disagreement with the 2005 Assessment. The 2005 Assessment included 5 "Recommendations", including: 3. Designation of additional trauma centers should be based on the need as determined by trauma region.7/ Deployment of additional trauma centers should take place based not only on the number of patients served per trauma center, but according to a concept of “trauma center capacity,” which would be determined by the staffing levels of medical specialists and other healthcare professionals. An annual regional assessment is also recommended to analyze pre-hospital resources, ICU beds, capacity, trauma center performance including trauma registry data, and other medical resources based on per population estimates to plan for response and improvements. (Emphasis added) Thus, unlike the 1990 Report (and the Rule), the authors of the 2005 Assessment recommended that the availability of existing resources should be taken into account in determining the need for new trauma centers. In evaluating need based on DSTF region, the 2005 Assessment identified an unmet need for only four more trauma centers in the state,8/ which "would provide access to a trauma center for 99 percent of the people in Florida." Given the 20 trauma centers in existence at the time, this meant that the total trauma center need was 24, which is substantially below the need established by the Rule of 42 trauma centers. This lower need determination was due in part to the fact that the 2005 Assessment took "trauma center capacity," and not just the number of patients served per trauma center, into account. According to the 2005 Assessment, the recommended four new trauma centers were needed in DSTF Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. However, the assessment concluded there was no need for another trauma center in DSTF Region 4 (Tampa Bay), which was found to have "adequate trauma center access at this time." This contrasts with the Rule, which purports to authorize five more trauma centers in the counties assigned to Region 4. In particular, under the Rule, there is a net need for two new trauma centers in Pasco County (TSA 9), two new trauma centers in Manatee County (TSA 13) and one new trauma center in either Citrus or Hernando County (TSA 6). The only legislative response to the 2005 Assessment was an increase in funding to trauma centers. Likewise, the Department has not amended the Rule to implement the recommendations contained in the Assessment. In 2008, the Department held rule development workshops in order for trauma system constituents to indicate whether trauma center allocations contained in the Rule should be changed. Pursuant to stakeholder requests arising out of the workshops, the Department began consideration of an increase in the maximum number of trauma center positions allocated to TSA 1 (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Fort Walton and Okaloosa Counties). Following numerous public workshops and hearings, the Department filed notice of its intent to amend the Rule to increase the allocation of trauma centers in TSA 1 from 2 to 3. However, the amendment did not become final due to matters unrelated to the determination itself and was withdrawn by the Department.9/ The January, 2011 TSA Report In 2011, a study was completed for DOH entitled "Florida Trauma Service Area Analysis" (the "2011 TSA Report") that relied on the 1990 Report's patient flow methodology for assigning counties to trauma service areas. However, this study did not take into account all of the section 395.402(3) criteria. The 2011 TSA Report disclosed this deficiency, stating: This study provides an analysis of TSAs and counties to assess retention of trauma alert patients within the county. Rules for designating counties as nucleus counties for trauma centers and counties for consideration for trauma centers were defined in analyses of TSAs conducted for the office of Trauma in 1990 and 2000. * * * This report analyzes hospital discharges by TSA from 2000 to 2009. Hospital discharge data from [AHCA] is used to analyze the county of residence and treating facility for all trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 9 or greater, as deemed by statute . . . . Other considerations required, by statute, in the assignment of counties to TSAs include recommendations of regional trauma system plans, stakeholder recommendations, geographical composition to assure rapid access to trauma care, inventories of available trauma care resources, transportation capabilities, medically appropriate travel times, recommendations by the Regional Domestic Security Task Force, and any appropriate criteria. These considerations are not integrated into this analysis of TSAs. (Emphasis added). Although the 2011 TSA Study used the same methodology as the 1990 Report, the 2011 TSA Study supports a different TSA configuration than the one established in the 1990 Report because patient flow patterns have changed since 1990. For example, in the 1990 analysis, the primary treatment county for Manatee County was Sarasota County. Because Manatee served as a feeder county for Sarasota (a nucleus county), it was grouped in the 1990 Report with Sarasota County in TSA 13. However, the updated information in the 2011 TSA study shows that the primary treatment county for Manatee County residents is now Pinellas (TSA 9's nucleus county), which requires that Manatee County be reassigned to TSA 9 per the 1990 Report's methodology. A similar shift in patient flow also dictates the reassignment of Hernando County from TSA 6 to TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Indeed, it appears that all of the counties in TSA 6 would have to be merged with other trauma service areas since Marion County, which was designated as TSA 6's nucleus county in the 1990 Report, no longer qualifies as a nucleus county. The Department maintains that its employees are continuously reviewing trauma volume, injury severity scores, population and other data and that this activity qualifies as the annual need and trauma service area reviews required by section 395.402(4). However, DOH has not established a need methodology by rule, policy or otherwise that it could apply to this data to quantify the number of trauma centers needed in each TSA. In the absence of an articulable need methodology, it is not possible to verify or replicate any assessment DOH may have done based on the data it claims to have reviewed. More significantly, the Department has itself acknowledged the problem of not having a methodology or process in place for conducting regular assessments. In its "2011-2015 Florida Trauma System Strategic Plan" (the "2011 State Plan"), DOH identified as a "threat" to the achievement of Goal 8 (Regional Trauma System Evaluation) the "[l]ack of effective evaluation criteria, tools and a systematic and periodic process to evaluate trauma service areas and apportionment of trauma centers." In furtherance of Goal 8, DOH also recognized the need to "[c]onduct a statewide comprehensive assessment of the Florida Trauma System access to care based on s. 395.402, F.S., the Western-Bazzoli criteria and other criteria to evaluate access to care and the effectiveness of the trauma service areas/regions." The specified timeline for this future assessment was "December 2011, with annual reviews thereafter as funding is available." On May 19, 2011, the Department's State Surgeon General signed an "Issue Paper" approving a "Florida Trauma System Special Study." This study is intended to "assist the department in developing a process and evidence-based guidelines to be utilized by [DOH] in determining the need for trauma center locations throughout the state." According to the Department's witness, Susan McDevitt (former Director of the Office of Trauma), DOH intends to use this study to develop a formula or methodology for determining the need for new trauma centers in the state. DOH determined this study was needed because the "trauma network has matured and changed" since 2005 when the "last comprehensive assessment of the Florida trauma system" was done. However, December 2011 is the earliest anticipated date for completion of this study, and DOH has no timeline for when this study may result in any rule amendment. As noted, the 1990 Report forms the basis for the configuration of the existing 19 TSA's as well as the need allocated to each of the TSA's within the Rule (with the exception of the reduction in Broward County). However, Dr. Lewis Flint, an expert in trauma surgery and trauma system assessment, credibly explained how Florida's trauma system has "matured and changed" since the 1990 Study was completed: Q. Now, Doctor, can you describe what changes there have been in the trauma system since the 1990 study was completed? A. Well, in 1990, there were fewer trauma centers than there currently are. I believe there were only about 12 designated centers in 1990. There are 22 now. The availability and the efficiency and quality of pre-hospital care has changed in a major way since 1990. We have far more advanced life support staff on ambulances than we had in 1990. We have far more plentiful air evacuation capability than we had in 1990, and the quality and efficiency of the existing trauma centers has changed in a major way as the centers have matured. So that the combination of greatly improved pre-hospital care and significant improvements in efficiency and in-patient outcomes in the existing trauma centers has meant that this system has matured into a very effective trauma system. It is not free of shortcomings, it is not an entire system yet. It has some holes in it, but the system as such has changed in a major way since 1990, such that it was our view at the close of the 2005 comprehensive assessment, that a decision about deployment of trauma centers that was based solely on distance and geography was not going to be an optimum method of determining how the system should be deployed. Whether or not the 1990 Report was valid when issued, its recommended service area configurations and need allocations have been rendered obsolete by the passage of time, changes in patient flow patterns, and significant advances in the trauma care delivery system since the Rule was adopted. Reasonable health planning requires the use of the most recent data available and systematic evaluation of the multiplicity of factors that determine the appropriate number and location of trauma centers in the state. No doubt that is why the Legislature directed DOH to conduct assessments annually. § 395.402(4). Here, the 1990 Report's recommendations were predicated on 1988 information that is now more than two decades old.10/ It is inappropriate to rely on 1988 data to justify the service area configuration or need allocation in 2011, particularly given the major changes and maturation of the trauma system since 1988. The 1990 Report (and rule) also fails to take into account criteria that must now be considered pursuant to the 2004 amendment to section 395.402. In particular, section 395.402(3) as amended, requires the DOH annual need and service area reviews to take into account Regional Domestic Security Task Force recommendations, transportation capabilities (including air transport), and inventories of available trauma care resources (including professional medical staff). The 1990 Report took none of these factors into account in making the need recommendations that were eventually incorporated into the Rule. Notably, had the availability of professional medical staff been factored into the analysis, need would likely have been reduced, as the 1990 Report itself observed, stating: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. (Emphasis added). Standing Petitioners TGH and SJH are located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Petitioner Bayfront is located in Pinellas County in TSA 9 (Pinellas and Pasco Counties). Intervenor Bayonet Point is also located in TSA 9, but in Pasco County. Intervenor Blake is located in Manatee County, in TSA 13 (Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties), adjacent to TSA 9. Petitioner Shands is located in TSA 5 (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties). Trauma center applicant Orange Park (a non-party) is located in TSA 5 but in a different county (Clay) from Petitioner Shands (Duval). As noted earlier, because of the intensity of resources that must be devoted to a trauma center, hospitals generally lose money in their operation. Specifically, in FY 2010 Tampa General's Level I trauma center had a $15.7 million net loss, while Bayfront's Level II trauma center had a $3 million net loss. Similarly, Shands lost approximately $2.7 million and SJH lost $8.3 million from the operation of their trauma centers in FY 2010. Of the 42 trauma center positions available statewide, the Rule allocates three to TSA 9 and three to TSA 13. Because TSA 9 currently has one designated trauma center (Bayfront) while TSA 13 has none, the Rule establishes a net need for two more trauma centers in TSA 9 and three more trauma centers in TSA 13. The Intervenors' pending trauma center applications propose to establish Level II trauma centers at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point in Pasco County, (TSA 9), and at Blake Medical Center in Manatee County (TSA 13). The filing of the Intervenors' applications triggered the application review process set forth in section 395.4025(2). Pursuant to this statute, the deadline for submitting a trauma application is April 1 of each year. § 395.4025(2)(c). The filing of an application triggers a 30-day provisional review period (which in this case is delayed until October 1, 2011, due to an 18-month extension request made by Intervenors). The limited purpose of this provisional review is to determine if the hospital's application is complete "and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center." Id. The "critical element" portion of the review is based on the trauma center standards and includes a review of whether the hospital meets the equipment, facility, personnel and quality assurance standards. Id. Any hospital that (i) submitted an application found acceptable in the provisional review (i.e., meets the trauma center standards) and (ii) is located in a TSA that has a need for a trauma center may operate as a provisional trauma center after the 30-day provisional review period has concluded. §§ 395.4025(2)(d) and (5). Based upon the facts of record, there is a reasonable probability that the Intervenor hospitals will achieve provisional trauma center status by October 30, 2011, (the end of the 30-day provisional review period that will start October 1, 2011). First, Intervenors' witness James Hurst, M.D. (who is assisting Intervenors and Orange Park in recruiting trauma surgeons and in the application process) testified without contradiction that the HCA applications would be complete and in compliance with the applicable trauma center standards by the extended October 1st application submission deadline. Second, both Intervenor hospitals are located in trauma service areas with a need as established by the Rule. As confirmed by Ms. McDevitt, if the applications meet the programmatic requirements as determined by the provisional review, and there is a need indicated by the Rule, DOH will approve the applications and award the Intervenor hospitals in TSA 9 and 13 provisional trauma center status. Likewise, it is reasonable to expect that the Orange Park application will be approved if it meets the programmatic requirements, given the available slot in TSA 5. Upon receiving the provisional trauma center designation, the EMS providers will be required to treat Bayonet Point, Blake, and Orange Park as trauma centers. This means that the EMS providers will have to revise their protocols to redirect the transport of trauma alert patients from other existing trauma centers to the new centers. See, Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.002(3)(g). A "trauma alert" patient is defined as a "person whose primary physical injury is a blunt, penetrating or burn injury, and who meets one or more of the adult trauma scorecard criteria . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.001(14). Pursuant to the DOH Trauma Transport Protocols Manual (which all EMS providers must follow), EMS providers must transport all trauma alert patients to the closest trauma center that is "within 30 minutes by ground or air transport or within 50 miles by air transport." As a result, any trauma alert patient who is closest to Bayonet Point, Blake, or Orange Park will have to be transported to one of those hospitals once they are designated as provisional trauma centers. A provisional trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents (the "northern Tampa Bay region"). Trauma alert patients from these counties would therefore have to be transported to Bayonet Point instead of to the existing trauma centers in Hillsborough (SJH and Tampa General) or Pinellas (Bayfront). Likewise, a provisional trauma center at Blake would become the closest trauma center to Manatee and Sarasota (the "southern Tampa Bay region") requiring transport of their trauma alert patients to Blake rather than to the Hillsborough or Pinellas trauma centers. In 2010, 669 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Bayfront from the counties in the northern and southern regions of Tampa Bay. This represents 42 percent of all the trauma alert patients (16 and over) transported to Bayfront. From the same area and during the same time period, 120 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Tampa General. All of these trauma alert patients would be redirected away from Bayfront and Tampa General and transported to the closer Intervenor trauma centers per the EMS transport protocols. The redirection of these trauma alert patients to Bayonet Point and Blake would substantially and adversely affect both Bayfront and Tampa General. In Bayfront’s case, the lost contribution margin caused by the annual diversion of even 400 trauma patients would reduce Bayfront's total margin by at least $2.3 million each year. Likewise, the yearly diversion of 120 trauma patients from Tampa General would result in an annual lost contribution margin and reduction in total margin in excess of $1 million. Notably, for both hospitals this represents the minimum potential loss of trauma patients and revenue as a result of the approval of the Intervenors' trauma centers. Annual losses in excess of a million dollars would be material to both Bayfront and Tampa General given the financial challenges both hospitals are already facing. Although physically located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County) SJH now receives trauma patients from Hillsborough, Pasco, Citrus, Hernando, and Sumter counties. If approved, the trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents and would likely result in the immediate loss of between 149 and 307 from SJH's trauma program. If the Orange Park trauma center is approved, it is reasonable to expect that all of Shands trauma patients originating from Clay County would instead be redirected to Orange Park. This would represent a loss of approximately 1,000 patients annually, or 25 percent of Shands current trauma volume. With fewer cases to absorb the high fixed costs of trauma preparedness, Shands expects that it would lose $3,400 per case, on a fully allocated basis, rather than the $665/case it now loses. Thus, whereas Shands' trauma center currently loses $2.7 million annually, that loss would increase to approximately $10 million per year. And on a contribution margin basis (where fixed costs are excluded) Shands will experience a decline in contribution margin of $6-7 million annually once the Orange Park trauma center becomes operational. In addition to the direct loss of trauma patients and corresponding revenue, it is reasonable to anticipate that the approval of new trauma centers in relatively close proximity to existing centers will result in increased competition for scarce surgical subspecialists currently associated with the existing trauma programs. Specifically, the opening of new trauma centers in TSA's 5, 9, and 13 are likely to increase the difficulty and escalate the cost of ensuring adequate on-call specialty physician coverage for the Petitioner's hospitals and to adversely affect their ability to retain highly skilled nurses, technicians, and other trauma program staff.

Florida Laws (16) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68395.40395.4001395.401395.4015395.402395.4025395.403395.405943.0312 Florida Administrative Code (4) 64E-2.02264J-2.00164J-2.00264J-2.010
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 27, 2012 Number: 12-000427CON Latest Update: Mar. 14, 2012

Conclusions THIS CAUSE comes before the Agency For Health Care Administration (the "Agency") concerning Certificate of Need ("CON") Application No. 10131 filed by The Shores Behavioral Hospital, LLC (hereinafter “The Shores”) to establish a 60-bed adult psychiatric hospital and CON Application No. 10132 The entity is a limited liability company according to the Division of Corporations. Filed March 14, 2012 2:40 PM Division of Administrative Hearings to establish a 12-bed substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds pursuant to CON application No. 10131. The Agency preliminarily approved CON Application No. 10131 and preliminarily denied CON Application No. 10132. South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Regional Hospital (hereinafter “Memorial”) thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing challenging the Agency’s preliminary approval of CON 10131, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (“DOAH”). The Shores thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing to challenge the Agency’s preliminary denial of CON 10132, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (‘DOAH”). Upon receipt at DOAH, Memorial, CON 10131, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0424CON and The Shores, CON 10132, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0427CON. On February 16, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order of Consolidation consolidating both cases. On February 24, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction based on _ the _ parties’ representation they had reached a settlement. . The parties have entered into the attached Settlement Agreement (Exhibit 1). It is therefore ORDERED: 1. The attached Settlement Agreement is approved and adopted as part of this Final Order, and the parties are directed to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Agency will approve and issue CON 10131 and CON 10132 with the conditions: a. Approval of CON Application 10131 to establish a Class III specialty hospital with 60 adult psychiatric beds is concurrent with approval of the co-batched CON Application 10132 to establish a 12-bed adult substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds in one single hospital facility. b. Concurrent to the licensure and certification of 60 adult inpatient psychiatric beds, 12 adult substance abuse beds and 30 adolescent residential treatment (DCF) beds at The Shores, all 72 hospital beds and 30 adolescent residential beds at Atlantic Shores Hospital will be delicensed. c. The Shores will become a designated Baker Act receiving facility upon licensure and certification. d. The location of the hospital approved pursuant to CONs 10131 and 10132 will not be south of Los Olas Boulevard and The Shores agrees that it will not seek any modification of the CONs to locate the hospital farther south than Davie Boulevard (County Road 736). 3. Each party shall be responsible its own costs and fees. 4. The above-styled cases are hereby closed. DONE and ORDERED this 2. day of Meaich~ , 2012, in Tallahassee, Florida. ELIZABETH DEK, Secretary AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 23, 2011 Number: 11-002603RX Latest Update: Jun. 20, 2013

The Issue Whether Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.010 enlarges, modifies or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented, or is arbitrary or capricious, and thus constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Bayfront is a 480-bed tertiary hospital located in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. In addition to serving as a teaching hospital, Bayfront is designated as a Level II trauma center pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes. Bayfront had a $3.6 million operating deficit in 2009 and a positive operating margin below one percent ($1.969 million) in 2010. Due to its financial strife in recent years, Bayfront has been forced to defer needed capital projects due to a poor liquidity position, inadequate borrowing capacity and insufficient cash flow. Tampa General is a major tertiary hospital that is designated by the state as a Level I trauma center. TGH also serves as a teaching hospital for the University of South Florida, College of Medicine ("USF"). TGH is located in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida. Like Bayfront, TGH has also experienced significant financial challenges in recent years. For fiscal year 2011, TGH's budget reflected only a $7 million (one percent) operating margin. However, due to subsequent events, including Medicaid cuts and flat utilization year-to-date, TGH now expects to do no better than break-even, and may even incur a $4 million operating loss in FY 2011. This is significant because TGH has reached its borrowing capacity and must rely on its operating margin to build cash that will be used to fund needed capital projects and expenditures. Maintaining a positive and substantial operating margin is therefore critical to TGH's ability to replace equipment and infrastructure. St. Joseph's Hospital has served the Tampa area for 75 years and has approximately 800 licensed acute care beds. SJH offers a broad array of acute care services, including tertiary health care, serves as a comprehensive regional stroke center, and has been repeatedly recognized as a Consumers Choice hospital. SJH operates a Level II trauma center, and in 2010, treated approximately 2,700 trauma patients. SJH also has one of the busiest emergency departments in the state, with approximately 145,000 patient visits in 2010. Shands Jacksonville is an existing Level I trauma center. It is one of only seven such Level I providers in the state of Florida. Located in Jacksonville (Duval County), Shands treats approximately 4,000 trauma victims every year. Respondent Department of Health is the state agency authorized to verify and regulate trauma centers in the state of Florida pursuant to chapter 395, Part II, Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J-2.001 et seq. The Division of Emergency Medical Operations, Office of Trauma, oversees the Department's responsibilities with respect to the statewide trauma system. Intervenor Bayonet Point is a general acute-care hospital located in Pasco County, Florida. Bayonet Point is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Bayonet Point's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Bayonet Point was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Intervenor Blake Medical Center is a general acute care hospital located in Manatee County, Florida. Blake is currently seeking to obtain designation as a trauma center. As of the date of the hearing in this matter, Blake's application for designation as a trauma center was not complete and Blake was in the process of developing the facilities and retaining the medical staff necessary to meet the standards and criteria required for its application to be deemed complete. Although not a party to this case, HCA/Orange Park Medical Center ("Orange Park") is also currently in the process of applying for trauma center designation. Orange Park is located in Clay County, immediately to the south of Duval County. The Florida Trauma System For purposes of organizing a statewide network of trauma services, the Florida Legislature directed the Department to "undertake the implementation of a statewide inclusive trauma system as funding is available." § 395.40(3), Fla. Stat. The statewide trauma network includes not just verified trauma centers, but all other acute care hospitals in the State, as well as ground and air emergency medical services providers, and "every health care provider or facility with resources to care for the injured trauma victim." § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. The network is premised on the basic principle that a trauma victim who is timely transported and triaged to receive specialized trauma care will have a better clinical outcome. § 395.40(2), Fla. Stat. A trauma victim's injuries are evaluated and assigned an Injury Severity Score ("ISS"). § 395.4001(5), Fla. Stat. Patients with ISS scores of 9 or greater are considered trauma patients. § 395.402(1), Fla. Stat. Trauma experts speak in terms of "a Golden Hour," a clinical rule of thumb that postulates no more than 60 minutes should elapse from the occurrence of an injury to the beginning of definitive treatment. There is, however, no current consensus on what constitutes the "Golden Hour" for transport times. A 1990 Department study recommended travel time of 25-35 minutes as the outside range for optimal outcomes. A 1999 Department study favored a goal of 30 minutes transport time by ground, and a 50-mile radius by helicopter. By contrast, a 2005 study conducted for the Department used 85 minutes "total evacuation time" as "acceptable." Because of the necessity for rapid transport, key components of the trauma network are ground and air EMS transportation. It is important to get the trauma victim to the nearest trauma center as rapidly as possible, because "you can't do surgery in the back of an ambulance." Each EMS provider operates pursuant to Uniform Trauma Transport Protocols and inter-facility guidelines which give guidance for how, where and when trauma patients should be transported. Trauma centers are required to have numerous different kinds of physician specialists at the ready at all times. For instance, with respect to surgical services, a Level I trauma center must have "a minimum of five qualified trauma surgeons, assigned to the trauma service, with at least two trauma surgeons available to provide primary (in-hospital) and backup trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center when summoned." Further, in addition to having at least one "neurosurgeon to provide in-hospital trauma coverage 24 hours a day at the trauma center," a Level I provider must also have surgeons "available to arrive promptly at the trauma center" in 11 other specialties, including (but not limited to) hand surgery, oral/maxillofacial surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, otorhinolaryngologic surgery and plastic surgery. Level II trauma centers must comply with similar physician specialist standards. Not surprisingly, it is a constant struggle for existing trauma centers to ensure the availability of qualified clinical staff, technicians, specialty physicians and other personnel and resources necessary to continually meet the rigorous programmatic requirements of a trauma center. In general, trauma centers are not profitable due to the intensity of resources necessary to achieve an appropriately functioning trauma program, and the scarcity of such resources. The Challenged Rule In 1992, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") adopted Florida Administrative Code Rule 64J- 2.010, (the "Rule"). Respondent Department of Health assumed administration of the Rule in 1996, when the Legislature split HRS into two new agencies, the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Families. The Rule is a statement of need, sometimes referred to as "open slots" for a specific number of trauma centers allocated among 19 geographic service areas ("trauma service areas" or "TSAs") in the state. The current version1/ of rule 64J-2.010, the subject of this rule challenge, reads in its entirety as follows: 64J-2.010 Apportionment of Trauma Centers within a Trauma Service Area (TSA). The number and composition of TSAs shall be in accordance with section 395.402, F.S. The number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the maximum number set forth in the table below. Each trauma service area shall have at least one Level I or Level II trauma center position. The number of trauma center positions for each TSA is as follows: TSA Counties Trauma Centers 1 Escambia; Okaloosa; Santa 2 Rosa; Walton 2 Bay; Gulf; Holmes; Washington 1 3 Calhoun; Franklin; Gadsden; 1 Jackson; Jefferson; Leon; Liberty; Madison; Taylor; Wakulla 4 Alachua; Bradford; Columbia; 2 Dixie; Gilchrist; Hamilton; Lafayette; Levy; Putnam; Suwannee; Union 5 Baker; Clay; Duval; Nassau; St. 2 Johns 6 Citrus; Hernando; Marion 1 7 Flagler; Volusia 2 8 Lake; Orange; Osceola; 3 Seminole; Sumter 9 Pasco; Pinellas 3 10 Hillsborough 2 11 Hardee; Highlands; Polk 3 12 Brevard; Indian River 2 13 DeSoto; Manatee; Sarasota 3 14 Martin; Okeechobee; St. Lucie 1 15 Charlotte; Glades; Hendry; Lee 2 16 Palm Beach 2 17 Collier 1 18 Broward 3 19 Dade; Monroe 6 TOTAL 42 The trauma center will be assigned by the department according to section 395.402(4), F.S. Specific Authority 395.405 FS. Law Implemented 395.401, 395.4015, 395.402, 395.405 FS. History–New 12-10-92, Formerly 10D-66.1075, Amended 6-9-05, 12-18-06, Formerly 64E-2.022. A hospital seeking to establish a new trauma center must file an application with the Department. If a TSA has fewer trauma centers than the number allocated to the TSA in the Rule, the Department deems need to exist without reference to any additional analysis or data. Accordingly, if a hospital's application to establish a new trauma center complies with trauma center programmatic requirements, the Department will approve the application. As will be discussed in greater detail infra, the Department believes it is bound by the determination of need set forth in the Rule and that it does not have authority to deny an application that meets programmatic requirements so long as there is an "open slot" for a new trauma center within a particular TSA. Indeed, the Department has never denied an application that met the programmatic requirements when need existed under the Rule. History of the Rule In 1989, the Legislature directed HRS (DOH's predecessor) to submit a report by February 1, 1990, (the "1990 Report"). The 1990 Report was to include a proposal for funding trauma centers that "will result in funding of the number of strategically placed trauma centers necessary to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state." Ch. 89-275, § 6, Laws of Fla. The 1990 Report was to include "an estimation of . . . the approximate number and generalized location of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure adequate trauma care throughout the state . . . ." Id. The 1990 Report was prepared by the Committee on State-Sponsored Trauma Centers (the "1990 Committee"). Although HRS timely submitted the Committee's report to the Legislature on February 1, 1990, HRS indicated that it did not "fully support all of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the task force report." In its report, the 1990 Committee recommended the creation of 19 trauma service areas. The boundary of each TSA was drawn to include a "nucleus county" along with its sending (later referred to as "feeder") counties. A nucleus county was one that retained at least 90 percent of its resident trauma alert patients, but also included any county that had a retention rate greater than 75 percent (but less than 90 percent) if no contiguous county had the requisite 90 percent retention rate. Any county that retained less than 75 percent of its trauma alert patients was designated a feeder county. This feeder county was then grouped with the nucleus county that received a majority of the feeder county's outbound patients. After reviewing 1988 patient flow data and applying the above rules, the 1990 Committee created and assigned counties to 19 trauma service areas. Under the 1990 Committee's methodology, a nucleus county was a candidate for a trauma center, but a feeder county was not. Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report set forth the Committee's recommendation as to the number of trauma centers to be allocated to each of the 19 TSAs: Table 3.3 Recommended Trauma Service Areas and Number of Trauma Centers 1988 Number Treated 1988 Number Residing Recommended No. Trauma Centers Service Area ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ ISS Level 9+ ISS Level 16+ Min Max 1 1332 275 | 1166 223 2 3 2 489 117 | 452 105 1 1 3 815 185 | 701 152 1 2 4 1183 269 | 1011 226 2 3 5 2268 662 | 2566 546 2 3 6 869 138 | 877 143 1 2 7 1376 225 | 1286 190 2 3 8 3756 698 | 3329 592 3 4 9 3978 626 | 3709 552 3 4 10 2458 604 | 2222 507 2 3 11 1834 302 | 1665 290 3 4 12 1487 220 | 1433 218 2 3 13 1900 264 | 1810 247 3 4 14 687 105 | 698 102 1 2 15 1455 243 | 1386 236 2 4 16 2310 365 | 2233 371 2 3 17 476 73 | 436 75 1 1 18 4238 670 | 4204 652 4 5 19 7346 1370 | 6633 1176 6 7 Total 40857 7411 | 37817 6603 44 60 Table 3.3 indicates a total trauma center need ranging from 432/ to 60 trauma centers, although only 12 trauma centers were in existence at the time of the report. As the table reflects, the need estimate was apparently based on only one factor: the number of trauma patients residing and treated within each TSA in 1988. However, the 1990 Report indicates that members of the "number and location subcommittee" may have considered other factors in arriving at their recommendation: The study design formulated by the CHSPA called for identification and analysis of trauma patient incidence and patient flow for a one-year period based on the HCCB detailed case mix data. This data analysis effort alone, however, would not specifically identify the number of trauma centers needed in the state, nor their generalized location. The patient incidence and flow information needs to be considered in relation to the following factors in order to reach sound recommendations: . . . The injury severity level for which trauma center care is required; the minimum number of cases which should be treated at a trauma center in order to maintain skill proficiencies consistent with high quality outcomes; appropriate travel times from accident location to a trauma center; and, the existing level of facility resources available in an area upon which one or more trauma centers could be built. While information on certain of these points was available through trauma care literature and previous research, its applicability to Florida’s circumstances was not clear in all instances. Therefore, the Department sought recommendations on these issues from the committee and, especially, from the number and location subcommittee. The subcommittee’s recommendations, as ratified by the full committee, were integral to the development to the approximate number and generalized locations of state-sponsored trauma care throughout the state. However, no methodology was provided within the Report to show how the number of trauma centers was allocated among the TSAs based upon the data considered by the committee. The committee also cautioned that their estimate did not take into account other relevant factors or local conditions within each TSA that should be assessed before deciding how many trauma centers were in fact needed, including resource availability. As stated in the 1990 Report: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. Dialogue between the state and local/regional agency would be essential to making the decision on the number of trauma centers needed. The 1990 Report did not include data or analysis relating to factors such as the availability of physician specialists within geographic areas, existing trauma center patient volumes, patient outcomes, or the capacity and adequacy of existing trauma centers. Following receipt of the 1990 Report, the Legislature amended the trauma statute by adopting the 19 trauma service areas proposed in the 1990 Report. Chapter 90-284, § 5, at 2188-89, Laws of Fla. However, the Legislature did not consider the trauma service area boundaries to be permanent or static. Instead, the Legislature provided that: [t]hese areas are subject to periodic revision by the Legislature based on recommendations made as part of local or regional trauma plans approved by the department . . . These areas shall, at a minimum, be reviewed by the Legislature prior to the next 7-year verification cycle of state sponsored trauma centers. As part of the 1990 trauma statute amendment, the Legislature provided that, in addition to complying with the trauma center standards, a trauma center applicant must "be located in a trauma service area which has a need for such a center." Ch. 90-284, § 6, at 2191, Laws of Fla. In this regard, the Legislature directed HRS to "establish [within each service area] the approximate number of state-sponsored trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high quality trauma services." Id. (emphasis added). This need determination, which must be promulgated via rule, was to be "based on the state trauma system plan and the [1990 Report]." Id.; § 395.402(3)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). However, the Legislature rejected the 1990 Report's recommended minimum of 43 and maximum of 60 trauma centers. Instead, the Legislature stipulated that there should be a minimum of 19 trauma centers (i.e., one trauma center in each service area) and "no more than" 44 trauma centers. Ch. 90-284, § 5, at 2189-90, Laws of Fla. In 1992, HRS promulgated rule 64J-2.010. The Rule adopted the column in Table 3.3 of the 1990 Report reflecting the "minimum" recommended number of trauma centers, and stated that "[t]he number of trauma centers in each TSA shall be in accordance with the minimum number set forth in the table.3/” The trauma center need allocated by rule 64J-2.010, which merely replicates Table 3.3, has remained unchanged since 1992 with the exception of TSA 18. Subsequent Developments In 1998, the Legislature directed DOH via a committee (the "1999 Committee") to prepare a report by February 1, 1999, (the "1999 Report") "on how best to ensure that patients requiring trauma care have timely access to a trauma center." In furtherance of this objective, the 1999 Committee was required to "study . . . the strategic geographical location of trauma centers . . . ." Id. In its report, the 1999 Committee recommended that "[t]he goal for timely access to trauma centers should be to assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center, either by emergency medical ground or air transport, within 30 minutes of beginning transport." As stated in the 1999 Report: There must be an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide in order to ensure timely access. . . [T]he ideal trauma system would assure that every trauma victim can be delivered to a trauma center within 30-minute air or ground transport. The geographical locations of the 19 trauma centers either verified or provisional as of July 1998 are shown on Map 1 in Appendix F. The circles around each trauma center location illustrate a fifty-mile flight radius, which translates into an average 30- minutes transport time by helicopter for a trauma victim. Helicopter transport time is used for this illustration because air medical transport allows trauma victims to be transported further distances within the 30-minute timeframe. The 1999 Committee found that some areas in Florida were not within a fifty-mile flight radius of one of the 19 existing trauma centers, which meant residents in these areas could not access a trauma center within 30 minutes. In fact, at that time, only 80 to 85 percent of Florida residents were within 30 minutes of a trauma center.4/ The committee therefore concluded "Florida does not have an adequate number of trauma centers distributed statewide to ensure timely access to appropriate trauma care." As a result of its findings, the 1999 Committee "developed two additional criteria for use by the department: 1) the overall goal of 30-minute transport time to trauma centers, and; 2) its equivalent, 50 miles, for helicopter flight times." The committee stated that these access criteria "should be considered by [DOH] in developing administrative rules for the planning and development of additional trauma centers . . ." The 1999 Committee made no attempt to quantify the number of additional trauma centers that were needed statewide, or within each TSA, to achieve the 30-minute goal.5/ Nor did the committee seek to update the Rule (i.e., Table 3.3) using the 1990 Report's methodology. However, the committee cautioned that: [r]etaining the limit on the number of trauma centers was . . . essential in order to maintain a reasonable volume of patients who are trauma victims as well as to avoid conflicts between competing trauma centers for recruitment of key professional staff. The 1999 Committee recommended giving DOH the "statutory authority to assign counties to trauma service areas" and that DOH "conduct a review of the regional structure of the 19 trauma service areas and the assignment of the counties between these areas and make changes, if found to be appropriate." The 1999 Report offered the following explanation for this recommendation: The committee did recommend that authority to assign counties to trauma service areas should be given to the department. Current authority resides with the Legislature. Shifting this authority to the department will allow flexibility in the system to more quickly respond to changing needs at the local level. Consistent with the 1999 Committee's recommendation, the Legislature repealed the statutory provision that made the trauma service areas subject to periodic review and "revision by the Legislature." Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 164, Laws of Fla. This repealed provision was replaced with an amendment to section 395.402(3) that delegated to DOH the statutory duty to review and revise the TSA boundaries, which stated as follows: Trauma service areas are to be used. The department shall periodically review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas. These assignments are made for the purpose of developing a system of trauma centers. Revisions made by the department should take into consideration the recommendations made as part of the regional trauma system plans approved by the department, as well as the recommendations made as part of the state trauma system plan. These areas must, at a minimum, be reviewed in the year 2000 and every 5 years thereafter. Until the department completes its initial review, the assignment of counties shall remain as established pursuant to chapter 90-284, Laws of Florida. Ch. 99-397, § 195, at 163-64, Laws of Fla. (Emphasis added). In response to the Legislature's directive, DOH initiated a review of the service areas and prepared a draft report entitled “Trauma Service Area Study-Year 2000” (the "2000 Draft Study"). However, for reasons unknown in this record, DOH apparently never finalized that study, and it was received in evidence in draft form only. In the 2000 Draft Study, DOH noted that the "primary purpose" of the TSA review mandated by section 395.402(3) "is to determine if the 19 trauma service areas . . . continue to be rational service areas." Based on the 1990 Report's methodology, the draft study's tentative recommendation was not to change the trauma service areas, although DOH "should continue to study and review the trauma service areas . . . to determine if different county configurations might lead to more timely access . . . ." At the same time, after analyzing more recent data, the draft study recommended the allocation of a different number of trauma centers to TSAs 9, 10, 11, and 12 as compared to the Rule.6/ Additionally, the 2000 Draft Study made the following finding: Because of the substantial financial commitment made by a hospital to be a trauma center, patient volume becomes an important factor for a hospital in terms of being financially viable and having enough work for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills. The old adage of practice makes perfect is particularly applicable to those treating the seriously injured trauma patient. . . To meet [the American College of Surgeons] caseload recommendations, locating trauma centers in areas where skill levels can be maintained by trauma surgeons is an important factor. Furthermore, to recruit and retain well-qualified surgeons to work in a trauma center, it is important to have a sufficient number of patients to treat, especially to the surgeon. Thus, the 2000 Study emphasized that trauma centers must see enough patients to be financially viable and for trauma surgeons to maintain their skills, and referenced the American College of Surgeons recommendation that Level I trauma centers treat 600 to 1000 patients annually and Level II trauma centers treat 350 to 600 patients annually. The 2000 Study concluded: -No change in trauma service areas should be made at this time. This study found that minimal change occurred in those counties identified as nucleus counties. Furthermore, the relationship between nucleus counties and those identified as sending or "feeder" counties remains intact. -The 19 trauma service areas should continue to serve as the geographical basis for the allocation of the 44 authorized trauma center slots. -The 44 authorized trauma center slots in chapter 395.401 Florida Statutes [now section 395.402(4)(c) should remain as the maximum number required to meet trauma patient care demands. 2004 Amendments to the Trauma Statutes and the 2005 Assessment In 2004, the Legislature made substantial revisions to the trauma statute. Chapter 2004-259, Section 6, Laws of Florida amended section 395.402 to direct the Department to complete a statewide assessment of the trauma system by February 1, 2005 ("the 2005 Assessment"). § 395.402(2), Fla. Stat. The scope of this assessment was defined in paragraphs (2)(a) through (g) and subsection (3) of section 395.402. An appropriation of $300,000 was authorized for the Department to contract with a state university to perform the actions required under the amended statute. Ch. 2004-259, § 10, Laws of Florida. One objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "[c]onsider aligning trauma service areas within [sic] the trauma region boundaries as established in" section 395.4015(1). §395.402(2)(a), Fla. Stat. In a related 2004 amendment, the Legislature added a sunset provision that, upon completion of the 2005 Assessment, ended the statutory mandate to use the service areas created in 1990. See § 395.402(2) ("[t]rauma service areas as defined in this section are to be utilized until [DOH] completes" the 2005 Assessment) (emphasis added); § 395.402(4) ("[u]ntil the department completes the February 2005 Assessment, the assignment of counties shall remain as established in this section.") The obvious intent of the above statutory change was for the section 395.402(4) service areas to be replaced by the service areas DOH established or adopted once it had the results of the 2005 Assessment. "Annually thereafter" (as opposed to every five years per the 1999 version of the statute) DOH was required to "review the assignment of the 67 counties to trauma service areas . . . ." Ch. 2004-259, § 6, at 13, Laws of Florida (amending § 395.402(3)). Another objective of the 2005 Assessment was to "establish criteria for determining the number and level of trauma centers needed to serve the population in a defined trauma service area or region." § 395.402(2)(c), Fla. Stat. Based on these criteria, DOH was then to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area to provide a statewide integrated trauma system." § 395.402(2)(b), Fla. Stat. As part of this need assessment, DOH was required to consider the "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff," as well as the "[r]ecommendations of the Regional Domestic Security Task Force" and "the actual number of trauma victims currently being served by each trauma center." § 395.402(3), Fla. Stat. However, unlike the situation with the 1990 Report, the Legislature did not intend for DOH to rely on the 2005 Assessment indefinitely. To avoid this, the Legislature therefore required DOH to update the 2005 Assessment by annually reviewing "the requirements of paragraphs (2)(b )-(g) and subsection (3)" of section 395.402. This meant that each annual review, like the initial 2005 Assessment, had to "[r]eview the number and level of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area or region" by, among other things, considering "[i]nventories of available trauma care resources, including professional medical staff." §§ 395.402(2)(b) and (3)(e). The need determinations resulting from these annual reviews would then have to be codified in a rule per section 395.402(4)(b) ("[t]he department shall allocate, by rule, the number of trauma centers needed for each trauma service area"). The 2004 Legislature clearly intended for DOH to rely on the updated need assessments required by section 395.402(4), rather than the need allocation in the 1990 Report (which was incorporated into the Rule). This is evident from the fact that the 2004 Legislature repealed the provision that previously required DOH to establish need based on the 1990 Report. See chapter 2004-259, § 7, at page 14, Laws of Florida (amending section 395.4026(1)), which states in relevant part: Within each service area and based on the state trauma system plan, the local or regional trauma services system plan, and recommendations of the local or regional trauma agency, and the 1990 Report and Proposal for Funding State Sponsored Trauma Centers, the department shall establish the approximate number of state approved trauma centers needed to ensure reasonable access to high-quality trauma services. The Using the guidelines and procedures outlined in the 1990 report, except when in conflict with those prescribed in this section, the department shall select those hospitals that are to be recognized as state approved trauma centers . . . [emphasis added] By repealing the statutory reference to the 1990 Report, the Legislature expressly required the Department to discontinue any reliance on the 1990 Report as a basis for allocating trauma center need. In addition, the 2004 Legislature imposed a moratorium on the submission of applications for new trauma centers in any TSA that already had one trauma center until the 2005 Assessment was complete, regardless of whether the Rule indicated a need for an additional trauma center within the TSA. § 395.4025(14), Fla. Stat. It is reasonable to infer that the imposition of a moratorium notwithstanding unmet need in several of the TSA's under the Rule indicates that the Legislature considered the Rule to be outdated and no longer valid. The moratorium therefore had the effect of maintaining the status quo until the Rule could be updated with a new assessment. The Department timely submitted its 2005 Assessment to the Legislature on February 1, 2005. The assessment itself was conducted by a group of investigators from the University of South Florida and the University of Florida. This group was assisted by a National Steering Committee "composed of recognized experts in the fields of trauma care and trauma system analysis " In its transmittal letter to the Legislature, DOH specifically noted that the assessment included a recommendation regarding “the number and level of trauma centers needed to provide a statewide integrated trauma system. . . .” In contrast with HRS' contemporaneous objections to the 1990 Report, the DOH transmittal letter identified no areas of disagreement with the 2005 Assessment. The 2005 Assessment included 5 "Recommendations", including: 3. Designation of additional trauma centers should be based on the need as determined by trauma region.7/ Deployment of additional trauma centers should take place based not only on the number of patients served per trauma center, but according to a concept of “trauma center capacity,” which would be determined by the staffing levels of medical specialists and other healthcare professionals. An annual regional assessment is also recommended to analyze pre-hospital resources, ICU beds, capacity, trauma center performance including trauma registry data, and other medical resources based on per population estimates to plan for response and improvements. (Emphasis added) Thus, unlike the 1990 Report (and the Rule), the authors of the 2005 Assessment recommended that the availability of existing resources should be taken into account in determining the need for new trauma centers. In evaluating need based on DSTF region, the 2005 Assessment identified an unmet need for only four more trauma centers in the state,8/ which "would provide access to a trauma center for 99 percent of the people in Florida." Given the 20 trauma centers in existence at the time, this meant that the total trauma center need was 24, which is substantially below the need established by the Rule of 42 trauma centers. This lower need determination was due in part to the fact that the 2005 Assessment took "trauma center capacity," and not just the number of patients served per trauma center, into account. According to the 2005 Assessment, the recommended four new trauma centers were needed in DSTF Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. However, the assessment concluded there was no need for another trauma center in DSTF Region 4 (Tampa Bay), which was found to have "adequate trauma center access at this time." This contrasts with the Rule, which purports to authorize five more trauma centers in the counties assigned to Region 4. In particular, under the Rule, there is a net need for two new trauma centers in Pasco County (TSA 9), two new trauma centers in Manatee County (TSA 13) and one new trauma center in either Citrus or Hernando County (TSA 6). The only legislative response to the 2005 Assessment was an increase in funding to trauma centers. Likewise, the Department has not amended the Rule to implement the recommendations contained in the Assessment. In 2008, the Department held rule development workshops in order for trauma system constituents to indicate whether trauma center allocations contained in the Rule should be changed. Pursuant to stakeholder requests arising out of the workshops, the Department began consideration of an increase in the maximum number of trauma center positions allocated to TSA 1 (Escambia, Santa Rosa, Fort Walton and Okaloosa Counties). Following numerous public workshops and hearings, the Department filed notice of its intent to amend the Rule to increase the allocation of trauma centers in TSA 1 from 2 to 3. However, the amendment did not become final due to matters unrelated to the determination itself and was withdrawn by the Department.9/ The January, 2011 TSA Report In 2011, a study was completed for DOH entitled "Florida Trauma Service Area Analysis" (the "2011 TSA Report") that relied on the 1990 Report's patient flow methodology for assigning counties to trauma service areas. However, this study did not take into account all of the section 395.402(3) criteria. The 2011 TSA Report disclosed this deficiency, stating: This study provides an analysis of TSAs and counties to assess retention of trauma alert patients within the county. Rules for designating counties as nucleus counties for trauma centers and counties for consideration for trauma centers were defined in analyses of TSAs conducted for the office of Trauma in 1990 and 2000. * * * This report analyzes hospital discharges by TSA from 2000 to 2009. Hospital discharge data from [AHCA] is used to analyze the county of residence and treating facility for all trauma patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS) of 9 or greater, as deemed by statute . . . . Other considerations required, by statute, in the assignment of counties to TSAs include recommendations of regional trauma system plans, stakeholder recommendations, geographical composition to assure rapid access to trauma care, inventories of available trauma care resources, transportation capabilities, medically appropriate travel times, recommendations by the Regional Domestic Security Task Force, and any appropriate criteria. These considerations are not integrated into this analysis of TSAs. (Emphasis added). Although the 2011 TSA Study used the same methodology as the 1990 Report, the 2011 TSA Study supports a different TSA configuration than the one established in the 1990 Report because patient flow patterns have changed since 1990. For example, in the 1990 analysis, the primary treatment county for Manatee County was Sarasota County. Because Manatee served as a feeder county for Sarasota (a nucleus county), it was grouped in the 1990 Report with Sarasota County in TSA 13. However, the updated information in the 2011 TSA study shows that the primary treatment county for Manatee County residents is now Pinellas (TSA 9's nucleus county), which requires that Manatee County be reassigned to TSA 9 per the 1990 Report's methodology. A similar shift in patient flow also dictates the reassignment of Hernando County from TSA 6 to TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Indeed, it appears that all of the counties in TSA 6 would have to be merged with other trauma service areas since Marion County, which was designated as TSA 6's nucleus county in the 1990 Report, no longer qualifies as a nucleus county. The Department maintains that its employees are continuously reviewing trauma volume, injury severity scores, population and other data and that this activity qualifies as the annual need and trauma service area reviews required by section 395.402(4). However, DOH has not established a need methodology by rule, policy or otherwise that it could apply to this data to quantify the number of trauma centers needed in each TSA. In the absence of an articulable need methodology, it is not possible to verify or replicate any assessment DOH may have done based on the data it claims to have reviewed. More significantly, the Department has itself acknowledged the problem of not having a methodology or process in place for conducting regular assessments. In its "2011-2015 Florida Trauma System Strategic Plan" (the "2011 State Plan"), DOH identified as a "threat" to the achievement of Goal 8 (Regional Trauma System Evaluation) the "[l]ack of effective evaluation criteria, tools and a systematic and periodic process to evaluate trauma service areas and apportionment of trauma centers." In furtherance of Goal 8, DOH also recognized the need to "[c]onduct a statewide comprehensive assessment of the Florida Trauma System access to care based on s. 395.402, F.S., the Western-Bazzoli criteria and other criteria to evaluate access to care and the effectiveness of the trauma service areas/regions." The specified timeline for this future assessment was "December 2011, with annual reviews thereafter as funding is available." On May 19, 2011, the Department's State Surgeon General signed an "Issue Paper" approving a "Florida Trauma System Special Study." This study is intended to "assist the department in developing a process and evidence-based guidelines to be utilized by [DOH] in determining the need for trauma center locations throughout the state." According to the Department's witness, Susan McDevitt (former Director of the Office of Trauma), DOH intends to use this study to develop a formula or methodology for determining the need for new trauma centers in the state. DOH determined this study was needed because the "trauma network has matured and changed" since 2005 when the "last comprehensive assessment of the Florida trauma system" was done. However, December 2011 is the earliest anticipated date for completion of this study, and DOH has no timeline for when this study may result in any rule amendment. As noted, the 1990 Report forms the basis for the configuration of the existing 19 TSA's as well as the need allocated to each of the TSA's within the Rule (with the exception of the reduction in Broward County). However, Dr. Lewis Flint, an expert in trauma surgery and trauma system assessment, credibly explained how Florida's trauma system has "matured and changed" since the 1990 Study was completed: Q. Now, Doctor, can you describe what changes there have been in the trauma system since the 1990 study was completed? A. Well, in 1990, there were fewer trauma centers than there currently are. I believe there were only about 12 designated centers in 1990. There are 22 now. The availability and the efficiency and quality of pre-hospital care has changed in a major way since 1990. We have far more advanced life support staff on ambulances than we had in 1990. We have far more plentiful air evacuation capability than we had in 1990, and the quality and efficiency of the existing trauma centers has changed in a major way as the centers have matured. So that the combination of greatly improved pre-hospital care and significant improvements in efficiency and in-patient outcomes in the existing trauma centers has meant that this system has matured into a very effective trauma system. It is not free of shortcomings, it is not an entire system yet. It has some holes in it, but the system as such has changed in a major way since 1990, such that it was our view at the close of the 2005 comprehensive assessment, that a decision about deployment of trauma centers that was based solely on distance and geography was not going to be an optimum method of determining how the system should be deployed. Whether or not the 1990 Report was valid when issued, its recommended service area configurations and need allocations have been rendered obsolete by the passage of time, changes in patient flow patterns, and significant advances in the trauma care delivery system since the Rule was adopted. Reasonable health planning requires the use of the most recent data available and systematic evaluation of the multiplicity of factors that determine the appropriate number and location of trauma centers in the state. No doubt that is why the Legislature directed DOH to conduct assessments annually. § 395.402(4). Here, the 1990 Report's recommendations were predicated on 1988 information that is now more than two decades old.10/ It is inappropriate to rely on 1988 data to justify the service area configuration or need allocation in 2011, particularly given the major changes and maturation of the trauma system since 1988. The 1990 Report (and rule) also fails to take into account criteria that must now be considered pursuant to the 2004 amendment to section 395.402. In particular, section 395.402(3) as amended, requires the DOH annual need and service area reviews to take into account Regional Domestic Security Task Force recommendations, transportation capabilities (including air transport), and inventories of available trauma care resources (including professional medical staff). The 1990 Report took none of these factors into account in making the need recommendations that were eventually incorporated into the Rule. Notably, had the availability of professional medical staff been factored into the analysis, need would likely have been reduced, as the 1990 Report itself observed, stating: It was the full committee's feeling that the number of hospitals able to apply to be state-sponsored trauma centers would be limited by the lack of resources in the service area. For instance, the standards require that trauma centers have certain physician specialists committed to the facility for availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are not enough specialists available in any area of the state to staff more than a few trauma centers. The reality of the situation lead the full committee to believe that there cannot be a proliferation of trauma centers. (Emphasis added). Standing Petitioners TGH and SJH are located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County). Petitioner Bayfront is located in Pinellas County in TSA 9 (Pinellas and Pasco Counties). Intervenor Bayonet Point is also located in TSA 9, but in Pasco County. Intervenor Blake is located in Manatee County, in TSA 13 (Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSoto Counties), adjacent to TSA 9. Petitioner Shands is located in TSA 5 (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties). Trauma center applicant Orange Park (a non-party) is located in TSA 5 but in a different county (Clay) from Petitioner Shands (Duval). As noted earlier, because of the intensity of resources that must be devoted to a trauma center, hospitals generally lose money in their operation. Specifically, in FY 2010 Tampa General's Level I trauma center had a $15.7 million net loss, while Bayfront's Level II trauma center had a $3 million net loss. Similarly, Shands lost approximately $2.7 million and SJH lost $8.3 million from the operation of their trauma centers in FY 2010. Of the 42 trauma center positions available statewide, the Rule allocates three to TSA 9 and three to TSA 13. Because TSA 9 currently has one designated trauma center (Bayfront) while TSA 13 has none, the Rule establishes a net need for two more trauma centers in TSA 9 and three more trauma centers in TSA 13. The Intervenors' pending trauma center applications propose to establish Level II trauma centers at Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point in Pasco County, (TSA 9), and at Blake Medical Center in Manatee County (TSA 13). The filing of the Intervenors' applications triggered the application review process set forth in section 395.4025(2). Pursuant to this statute, the deadline for submitting a trauma application is April 1 of each year. § 395.4025(2)(c). The filing of an application triggers a 30-day provisional review period (which in this case is delayed until October 1, 2011, due to an 18-month extension request made by Intervenors). The limited purpose of this provisional review is to determine if the hospital's application is complete "and that the hospital has the critical elements required for a trauma center." Id. The "critical element" portion of the review is based on the trauma center standards and includes a review of whether the hospital meets the equipment, facility, personnel and quality assurance standards. Id. Any hospital that (i) submitted an application found acceptable in the provisional review (i.e., meets the trauma center standards) and (ii) is located in a TSA that has a need for a trauma center may operate as a provisional trauma center after the 30-day provisional review period has concluded. §§ 395.4025(2)(d) and (5). Based upon the facts of record, there is a reasonable probability that the Intervenor hospitals will achieve provisional trauma center status by October 30, 2011, (the end of the 30-day provisional review period that will start October 1, 2011). First, Intervenors' witness James Hurst, M.D. (who is assisting Intervenors and Orange Park in recruiting trauma surgeons and in the application process) testified without contradiction that the HCA applications would be complete and in compliance with the applicable trauma center standards by the extended October 1st application submission deadline. Second, both Intervenor hospitals are located in trauma service areas with a need as established by the Rule. As confirmed by Ms. McDevitt, if the applications meet the programmatic requirements as determined by the provisional review, and there is a need indicated by the Rule, DOH will approve the applications and award the Intervenor hospitals in TSA 9 and 13 provisional trauma center status. Likewise, it is reasonable to expect that the Orange Park application will be approved if it meets the programmatic requirements, given the available slot in TSA 5. Upon receiving the provisional trauma center designation, the EMS providers will be required to treat Bayonet Point, Blake, and Orange Park as trauma centers. This means that the EMS providers will have to revise their protocols to redirect the transport of trauma alert patients from other existing trauma centers to the new centers. See, Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.002(3)(g). A "trauma alert" patient is defined as a "person whose primary physical injury is a blunt, penetrating or burn injury, and who meets one or more of the adult trauma scorecard criteria . . . ." Fla. Admin. Code R. 64J-2.001(14). Pursuant to the DOH Trauma Transport Protocols Manual (which all EMS providers must follow), EMS providers must transport all trauma alert patients to the closest trauma center that is "within 30 minutes by ground or air transport or within 50 miles by air transport." As a result, any trauma alert patient who is closest to Bayonet Point, Blake, or Orange Park will have to be transported to one of those hospitals once they are designated as provisional trauma centers. A provisional trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents (the "northern Tampa Bay region"). Trauma alert patients from these counties would therefore have to be transported to Bayonet Point instead of to the existing trauma centers in Hillsborough (SJH and Tampa General) or Pinellas (Bayfront). Likewise, a provisional trauma center at Blake would become the closest trauma center to Manatee and Sarasota (the "southern Tampa Bay region") requiring transport of their trauma alert patients to Blake rather than to the Hillsborough or Pinellas trauma centers. In 2010, 669 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Bayfront from the counties in the northern and southern regions of Tampa Bay. This represents 42 percent of all the trauma alert patients (16 and over) transported to Bayfront. From the same area and during the same time period, 120 trauma alert patients (16 and over) were transported to Tampa General. All of these trauma alert patients would be redirected away from Bayfront and Tampa General and transported to the closer Intervenor trauma centers per the EMS transport protocols. The redirection of these trauma alert patients to Bayonet Point and Blake would substantially and adversely affect both Bayfront and Tampa General. In Bayfront’s case, the lost contribution margin caused by the annual diversion of even 400 trauma patients would reduce Bayfront's total margin by at least $2.3 million each year. Likewise, the yearly diversion of 120 trauma patients from Tampa General would result in an annual lost contribution margin and reduction in total margin in excess of $1 million. Notably, for both hospitals this represents the minimum potential loss of trauma patients and revenue as a result of the approval of the Intervenors' trauma centers. Annual losses in excess of a million dollars would be material to both Bayfront and Tampa General given the financial challenges both hospitals are already facing. Although physically located in TSA 10 (Hillsborough County) SJH now receives trauma patients from Hillsborough, Pasco, Citrus, Hernando, and Sumter counties. If approved, the trauma center at Bayonet Point would become the closest trauma center for Pasco, Hernando, and Citrus residents and would likely result in the immediate loss of between 149 and 307 from SJH's trauma program. If the Orange Park trauma center is approved, it is reasonable to expect that all of Shands trauma patients originating from Clay County would instead be redirected to Orange Park. This would represent a loss of approximately 1,000 patients annually, or 25 percent of Shands current trauma volume. With fewer cases to absorb the high fixed costs of trauma preparedness, Shands expects that it would lose $3,400 per case, on a fully allocated basis, rather than the $665/case it now loses. Thus, whereas Shands' trauma center currently loses $2.7 million annually, that loss would increase to approximately $10 million per year. And on a contribution margin basis (where fixed costs are excluded) Shands will experience a decline in contribution margin of $6-7 million annually once the Orange Park trauma center becomes operational. In addition to the direct loss of trauma patients and corresponding revenue, it is reasonable to anticipate that the approval of new trauma centers in relatively close proximity to existing centers will result in increased competition for scarce surgical subspecialists currently associated with the existing trauma programs. Specifically, the opening of new trauma centers in TSA's 5, 9, and 13 are likely to increase the difficulty and escalate the cost of ensuring adequate on-call specialty physician coverage for the Petitioner's hospitals and to adversely affect their ability to retain highly skilled nurses, technicians, and other trauma program staff.

Florida Laws (16) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68395.40395.4001395.401395.4015395.402395.4025395.403395.405943.0312 Florida Administrative Code (4) 64E-2.02264J-2.00164J-2.00264J-2.010
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-002285 Latest Update: Feb. 01, 1988

The Issue The issues for consideration in this case are those promoted by an administrative complaint in which the Petitioner has accused the Respondent of violating certain provisions within Chapters 455 and 458, Florida Statutes, pertaining to licensure. This relates to the contention by Petitioner that Respondent has obtained his license to practice medicine in Florida by fraudulent means. These allegations are more completely described in the conclusions of law.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a licensed physician having been issued license number ME0043541. On or about September 9, 1983, Respondent submitted an application to the Board of Medical Examiners, now known as the Board of Medicine, seeking a license to practice medicine in Florida. This request was for licensure by endorsement. On the form application there is a section which refers to the applicant's medical education. It instructs the applicant to be specific and account for each year of the medical education calling upon the applicant to give the name of the medical school and the location. In response to this requirement, Respondent indicated that he attended the Universidad del Noreste in Tampico, Mexico, from July, 1977 to May, 1978; from July, 1978 to May, 1979 and from June, 1979 until May, 1980. He further stated that he attended Universidad Cetec, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from June, 1980 until May, 1981 and received a degree of doctor of medicine from that university on June 8, 1981. In submitting the application for licensure by endorsement, he did so under oath and in the course of signing the application he acknowledged the following in his affidavit and oath: "I have carefully read the questions in the foregoing application and have answered them completely, without reservation of any kind, and I declare under penalty of perjury that my answers and all statements made by me herein are true and correct. Should I furnish any false information in this application, I hereby agree that such action shall constitute cause for the denial, suspension or revocation of my license to practice medicine and surgery in the State of Florida. As part of the application process, Dorothy J. Faircloth, Executive Director to the Board of Medical Examiners, sent a letter to Dr. Traynor on September 30, 1983, requesting additional information. The text of that letter was as follows: Dear Dr. Traynor: With further reference to your application for licensure in Florida by you are required to provide to this office, in the form of an affidavit, a narrative report on all your activities relating to your medical education beginning with date of enrollment in medical school. Such report should include, but not be limited to, all classes attended (dates and name and location of institution) which were not conducted at the main teaching hospital of the medical school from which you received a medical diploma. You are also required to complete the enclosed form, providing additional information regarding your medical education and places of residence while in medical training. Upon receipt of the above requested material, you may be required to make a personal appearance before the Board for consideration of your application. The form referred to in the second paragraph of the correspondence from Ms. Faircloth is the form entitled: Attachment for Application for Licensure. Within that form it asks that the applicant "list all places of residence during medical school." This is broken down into various lines on the form requiring the applicant to state the city, state or country and the various period in which he resided in those places. A copy of the executed form offered by the Respondent on October 7, 1983 may be found as a part of Petitioner's composite exhibit 5 admitted into evidence. In the course of describing his residence, he refers to Tampico, Mexico in the period August, 1977 through July, 1978; August, 1978 through July, 1979 and August, 1979 through July, 1980. He then describes his place of residence during medical school as being Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the period July, 1980 through June, 1981. The attachment for application for licensure form then has a section which states "Medical Education: be specific. Account for each year. List all universities or colleges where you attended classes and received training as a medical student." In response to this request, the Respondent provided the same information which he had given in his initial endorsement application form described before. In swearing to the accuracy of those matters set forth in the Attachment for Application for Licensure offered on October 7, 1983, Respondent gave the same oath as related to the endorsement application form acknowledging the possibility of denial, suspension or revocation of any license which was received by the giving of false information. In reply to the first paragraph of the September 30, 1983 correspondence from Ms. Faircloth, Respondent offered a document entitled "Clinical Training." A copy of that document may be found as part of Petitioner's composite exhibit 5. That document states: CLINICAL TRAINING Kevin M. Traynor Aug. '77 - July '79: Basic science courses at Del Noreste; Tampico, Mexico August - Dec. '79: Del Noreste Hospital, Tampico, Mexico Pulmonary Ear, nose & throat Cardiology Ophthalmology Jan. - June '80: Del Noreste Hospital; Tampico, Mexico Traumatology (orthopedics) Forensic medicine Gastroenterology Dermatology July - Dec. '80: University Hospital; Cetec School of Medicine, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Neurology Infectious disease Endocrinology General surgery Jan. - June '81: University Hospital; Uni- versity Cetec School of Medicine, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Psychiatry Internal medicine OB-GYN Pediatrics By the representations set forth in the statement of clinical training which were made by the Respondent, the impression is given that all of his activities related to his medical education from the point of enrollment to the completion of his medical school training were conducted at the Universidad del Noreste and University Cetec and the hospitals affiliated with those institutions. Given that the Respondent is silent on other activities outside those settings, a reading of his explanation leads one to believe that he had no such activities. This is not a true depiction of his training in medical school. In this respect, the Respondent has misled the Florida Board of Medical Examiners in that the vast majority of clinical rotations which the Respondent participated in during his medical school education occurred during externships in the United States. In addition, Respondent, in his comments in the endorsement application form and in the Attachment for Application for Licensure form, has misled the Board of Medical Examiners by describing his residence in medical school as Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, in the period July, 1980 through June, 1981. He was not residing in the Dominican Republic until January, 1981. Respondent's domicile or official residence was in Tampico, Mexico, until the end of 1980. Respondent did not receive medical education in the sense of attending classes and receiving training as a medical student in affiliation with the Universidad Cetec until January, 1981. This is contrary to his representations about residence and medical education in which he describes his association with Universidad Cetec dating from July, 1980. Respondent had made an inquiry about being admitted to Universidad Cetec in December, 1980, and was given the impression that that request would be approved. Respondent's official acceptance by Universidad Cetec occurred on January 8, 1981. In referring to the activities related to medical education spoken to in the September 30, 1983 correspondence from Ms. Faircloth, the records reveal that Respondent did externship at St. Francis Hospital in Miami Beach, Florida from July 9, 1975 through November 20, 1979. He further did externship at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York, from January, 1980 through May, 1980, rotations involving medicine, pediatrics and surgery. In that same institution from June 30, 1980 through July 13, 1980, Respondent did a rotation in neurology. In the period July, 1980 through December, 1980, Respondent performed unofficial and uncredited externship at Kingsbrook. All of these activities occurred under the aegis of his status as a medical student at Universidad del Noreste. In the period February, 1981 through May, 1981, while at Universidad Cetec, Respondent did an externship at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in New York in hematology and renal and electrolytes. In April, 1981, as an extern at Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow, New York, Respondent performed a clerkship in urology. Under the circumstances in examining the places of residence during medical school, while Respondent may have been in official residence in Mexico and the Dominican Republic, his actual residence was in various locations within the United States in the periods described in the preceding paragraphs. Following his graduation, Respondent also participated in training programs at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center related to an elective in emergency services from the period August 10, 1981 through September 4, 1981. He performed an elective in the period September, 1981 through October, 1981 in the Division of Pulmonary Medicine at the Down State Medical Center which is affiliated with the Department of Medicine, AIE University of New York. From 1981 through June, 1984, Respondent was involved in an internal medicine residency at Jersey Shore Medical Center/Fitken Hospital in Neptune, New Jersey. Beginning in 1984 through June, 1986, Respondent completed a cardiology fellowship program in Jacksonville, Florida, at the University Hospital which is part of JHEP, a training program associated with the University of Florida medical school. In explaining why he has reported his residence in his medical education as commencing in July, 1980 at Universidad Cetec, Respondent indicates that he had been told by the dean of the medical school at Cetec, upon his admission there, that his enrollment would be back-dated to the beginning of the fall semester, or June, 1980. To this end Respondent paid Universidad Cetec $2,500 which represented a tuition payment for the seventh semester running from approximately June, 1980 to December, 1980. This payment for back-dating and credit for the seventh semester was made on April 23, 1981. There is no indication that those records were back-dated to show acceptance of a seventh semester under association with Universidad Cetec. Respondent did not undertake any clinical training in that period which could be credited, with the exception of his urology clerkship at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center in the period June 30, 1980 through July 13, 1980. He did not stand examination in any of the subject areas pertaining to his medical education in that seventh semester running from June, 1980 to December, 1980, having foregone the examination sessions given by Universidad del Noreste at the conclusion of that seventh semester. In the final analysis, Respondent did not accomplish anything toward advancing his medical education in the seventh semester running from approximately June, 1980 through December, 1980 as recognized by either medical school which he attended. There is evidence that part of the unofficial work done by the Petitioner in the fall of 1980 at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center related to dermatology and E.R. Even accepting the concept explained by the Respondent to the effect that both of the medical schools he attended would allow a student to stand examination in medical subjects at times not correlated with the performance of clinical clerkships, to the extent that the seventh semester unofficial clinical clerkships being performed are germane, they have not been credited. Respondent claims that the period from the end of the fall of 1980 was not crucial in that he had fulfilled enough weeks in clinical rotation to allow his graduation. In any event, Respondent did graduate, was certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, passed the FLEX examination and has been licensed in the states of Georgia and New Jersey. In explaining his response to the requirements related to his application for licensure in Florida to practice medicine, Respondent indicates that he was of the persuasion that he need only provide information pertaining to his clinical training as credited by the two schools he attended. This is not a fair reading of the requirements expressed in the correspondence of September 30, 1983, in which all activities involving the medical education are sought. This contemplates that specific information as to the exact nature and location of the externship rotations performed in the United States should be explained. Respondent failed to do this and what he did offer by way of explanation is misleading in that clerkships are set forth pertaining to experience in the period July, 1980 through December, 1980 associated with the Universidad Cetec which did not occur at that time because the Respondent was not enrolled at Universidad Cetec during that period. In addition, the statement about clinical training given by the Respondent would have one believe that the training occurred in the affiliated hospitals associated with the two medical schools he attended which is erroneous. The clinical training statement by the Petitioner does not coincide with his actual clinical training, an example being that during the period January, 1980 through June, 1980 while affiliated with the Universidad del Noreste, he says that he received training in traumatology (orthopedics), forensic medicine, gastroenterology, and dermatology when in fact the training he was receiving at that time at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center was in the fields of medicine, pediatrics and surgery. It appears that Universidad del Noreste gave him credit for those subjects he relates, but this was not the clinical training he was undergoing in that time sequence. During the period July through December 1980 where he indicates that he received clinical training in neurology, infectious disease, endocrinology and general surgery, the only official training he received was in neurology. It is debatable whether the requirements for establishing residence as described in the endorsement application form and the Attachment for Application for Licensure form sought the official residence, that is, his residence in the country where he attended medical school or the actual residence where externships were being performed as well as when he was actually at the university. In any event, if it was seeking the official residence, his information is misleading in that he describes his official residence as Santo Domingo in the period July, 1980 through December, 1980, when in fact his official residence was Tampico, Mexico. Respondent was given his medical license by the State of Florida on December 5, 1983, based in part upon the information as set out in the endorsement application form, the Attachment for Application for Licensure form and the narrative on clinical training provided by the Respondent. Before the occasion of the present administrative complaint, there is no indication that the Respondent has been disciplined by the State of Florida. At present, Respondent is practicing medicine in Florida and is a resident of Stuart, Florida.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.68455.227458.327458.331
# 10

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