The Issue The issues in these cases are whether the Respondent, Kindred, Inc., d/b/a Raceway Café, should be disciplined for: in Case No. 98-5046 (DBPR Administrative Action Case No. CL-62- 980016), alleged failure to maintain a bona fide restaurant as required of special restaurant (SRX) licensees by Section 561.20(2)(a)(4), Florida Statutes (1997), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 61A-3.0141; and, in Case No. 98-5515 (DBPR Administrative Action Case No. CL-62-9800159), alleged failure to produce records as required of SRX licensees by Florida Administrative Code Rule 61A-3.014.
Findings Of Fact On or about June 26, 1998, the Respondent, Kindred, Inc., applied for a series 4-COP (consumption on premises) special restaurant alcoholic beverage (SRX) license and obtained a temporary 4-COP SRX license (number 62-09319) for the Raceway Café, located at 12670 Starkey Road, Largo, Pinellas County, Florida. The Respondent opened for business on July 2, 1998. On July 13, 1998, at approximately 1:30 p.m., DABT Special Agent Paul Cohen entered licensed premises to inspect and verify compliance with SRX license requirements. It was Cohen's impression that the Raceway Café had adequate service area (over 2,500 square feet) but that there were not enough seating and table settings to serve 150 diners at one time and that the Raceway Café was not a bona fide restaurant. Cohen left and returned at approximately 4:00 p.m. with an intern and a camcorder to video the premises and inspect in detail--i.e., count tables, chairs, plates, and eating utensils. The Respondent's sole owner, Marouane Elhajoui, was present in the premises at the time of the detailed inspection. The evidence was clear that Elhajoui knew the purpose of Cohen's inspection and completely understood the SRX requirements. (He had another SRX license for other premises.) Cohen first videotaped the outside and inside of the licensed premises. Cohen and the intern then counted tables and chairs and found that the licensed premises contained seating for a maximum of 122 people. Of these seats, approximately 80% were bar stools, and there was not enough table space to serve full- course meals at all 122 seats. Several of the bar stools were at the bar counter, which was cluttered with video game machines, and several cocktail tables were too small to accommodate full- course meals for all four or five bar stools placed at those tables. Elhajoui told Cohen about a grand opening celebration that had taken place on the premises on July 11 and 12, 1998. Elhajoui explained that restaurant tables and chairs had been removed from the premises and stored in an adjacent, empty storefront to accommodate a live band and dance floor for the grand opening. Elhajoui told Cohen that, if Cohen would wait, Elhajoui could replace the tables and chairs and have adequate seating in a matter of minutes. Cohen did not dispute Elhajoui's claim or ask to see the stored tables and chairs. He declined the request to wait a few minutes and Elhajoui's offer to replace the tables and chairs. Cohen testified to having no recollection of any conversation with Elhajoui concerning a grand opening, the removal of tables and chairs, or their storage in an empty storefront next door. While raising a question as to Cohen's truthfulness on this point, it could be that Cohen did not recall the conversation because he did not attach great importance to the circumstances explaining why there was inadequate seating at the time of his inspection. After Elhajoui told Cohen that there were more than 150 place-settings in the restaurant, Cohen and the intern were able to count only approximately 75 forks, 96 spoons, and 75 plates. Elhajoui testified that Cohen and the intern did not count either baskets or wooden plates also used to serve meals and did not count eating utensils in boxes in a cabinet under a counter in the kitchen. But Cohen specifically asked Elhajoui to show him all of the plates and eating utensils in the restaurant so that his count would be accurate and fair to the Respondent, and Cohen and the intern counted everything Elhajoui showed them. When Cohen told Elhajoui that he did not have enough plates and utensils, Elhajoui pointed to the "line" and asked if Cohen had counted what was there; Cohen indicated that he had counted those items. Elhajoui never specified any utensils in boxes in the cabinet under the counter. If they were there at the time, it is inexplicable that Elhajoui would not have made sure they were counted. Instead, upon completion of the inspection, Elhajoui read and signed without explanation or excuse an inspection report indicating that there were inadequate plates and eating utensils. It is found that Cohen's count was accurate. It can be inferred based on the facts on July 13, 1998, that the Raceway Café did not have capacity to serve 150 meals at one time at any time between opening on July 2 and July 13, 1998. No such inference can be drawn from the evidence after July 13, 1998. Besides alleging inadequate seating and place settings, Cohen also alleged that the Respondent was not operating a bona fide restaurant. The question whether the Raceway Café is a bona fide restaurant cannot be answered simply by counting tables and chairs and place settings. This allegation raises the more nebulous question of when can a bar be a restaurant, and when does a restaurant become a bar? Cohen based his allegation of "bad faith" on several factors. Starting from the outside, there was a temporary sign advertising drink specials but no food. (Elhajoui explained that the sign was owned and controlled by the shopping center and was advertising for the grand opening; he stated that it usually displayed meal specials.) A sign on the building seemed to describe the Raceway Café as a "Sports Lounge," but being (or having) a "sports lounge" may not necessarily turn a restaurant into a bar. There were neon beer signs in the windows, but they also are not uncommon in bona fide restaurants. Inside the building, there is a rather large bar, and Cohen perceived it to be especially prominent on entering the premises; but there are two other entrances that are not so close to the bar. Cohen was not greeted by a host or hostess or, he thought, any instructions regarding restaurant seating, which he considered normal in a bona fide restaurant; but Cohen overlooked a theme-sign incorporated in a parking meter which stood near one of the other entrances and invited customers to seat themselves. Cohen also overlooked a "chalkboard" used to advertise daily specials common in restaurants. Cohen also noted that there were three dart boards in the bar area, juke boxes, and more theme decorations (a Harley Davidson motorcycle in a corner of the licensed premises, and plans to hang a race car--or at least the side panel of a race car body--from the ceiling), but none of those things in themselves are incompatible with a bona fide restaurant. Finally, Cohen only observed food consumption on one of his visits. But his only extended visit was at 4:00 p.m. on July 13, 1998, and none of the other visits were during normal meal times. Cohen made no mention of the full meal menu that has been used at Raceway Café since its opening. In truth, Cohen's allegation of "bad faith" probably was influenced by his finding of inadequate numbers of tables and chairs and place settings. Cohen returned to the licensed premises on July 14, 1998, to serve DBPR Administrative Action Case No. CL-62-980016. He made no observations on July 14, 1998, that he could recall. Elhajoui and his witness testified without contradiction that the Respondent had enough seating and place settings to serve at least 150 meals at one time on and after July 14, 1998. They also testified without contradiction that the signage advertised meal specials. Cohen returned to the licensed premises on September 2, 1998, to serve a notice to produce all records documenting gross sales of alcoholic beverages and food and non-alcoholic beverages (including source documents--i.e., guest checks) for July and August 1998. Production was required to be made by September 12, 1998, at DABT offices in Clearwater, Florida. Cohen made no observations on September 2, 1998, that he could recall. Elhajoui testified that he attempted to deliver the records on Monday, September 7, 1998, but that the DABT offices were closed for Labor Day. The next day, he telephoned DABT to advise that he had attempted to deliver the records and was told that DABT would be mailing him something he understood to be another administrative complaint. It is doubtful that such a conversation took place since there still were four days in which the Respondent could comply with the notice to produce. The Respondent never produced the requested documentation, and on September 30, 1998, returned to the licensed premises, to serve DBPR Administrative Action Case No. CL-62-9800159. Cohen made no observations on September 30, 1998, that he could recall. The Respondent produced documentation at final hearing establishing that 51.63% of its gross sales in July 1998 and 51.28% of its gross sales in August 1998 were food and non- alcoholic beverages. Based on all the evidence presented, it is found that DABT failed to prove that Raceway Café is not a bona fide restaurant except to the extent that its meal service capacity was inadequate from July 2 through July 13, 1998.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and Professional Regulation enter a final order imposing a $1,000 fine and revoking the Respondent's temporary SRX license without prejudice to obtain any other type license, but with prejudice to obtain the same type of special license for 5 years. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of June, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: Miriam S. Wilkinson Assistant General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of June, 1999. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 Joseph N. Perlman, Esquire Belcher Place 1101 Belcher Road, South Largo, Florida 33771 Joseph Martelli, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 William Woodyard, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent be found guilty of violating Rule 7A-3.15(1), Florida Administrative Code, and that its special license be suspended for three days. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 12th day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of April, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: James M. Watson, Jr., Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Grapevine Restaurant No. One, Inc. d/b/a Grapevine Restaurant 4320 14th Street West Bradenton, Florida Howard M. Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gary Rutledge, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, the Respondent, Boston's, Inc., was the holder of Beverage License No. 53-123, Series 6-COP SR. This license is issued to the premises known as Boston's, located at 100 Monterey Road, Stuart, Florida. The license held by Respondent is a Special Restaurant License originally issued in August 1957 to Frank and Mary Novacasa. By transfer of the license, Boston's, Inc., became the licensee on December 4, 1981. At the time of this transfer of the license to the Respondent, its president, A. Gerard Beauchamp, acknowledged by notarized Affidavit that the license required accommodations for serving 200 or more patrons at tables at all times. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1). On February 22, 1983, Beverage Officers White and Young conducted a routine inspection of the licensed premises. The officers discovered that the premises had been remodeled and that a new bar had been added, thereby reducing the available seating. By count, only 121 seats were available at tables, with an additional 18 to 20 stools being available at the bar. The manager on the premises also advised that an additional 10 to 15 chairs were located in a storage shed. On February 23, 1983, Beverage Officer White issued an official notice to the Respondent advising that it was required to maintain seating capacity at tables for 200 or more patrons. A compliance date of April 13, 1983, was indicated. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Officers White and Young conducted a compliance inspection on June 7, 1983. The physical layout of the premises remained as it had been on the earlier visit. A count of the seats available at tables revealed 114 chairs. An additional 24 stools were placed at the bar. At that time, Officer White issued an official notice to the Respondent, which was signed for by the manager, Norm Spector. That notice advised Respondent that the Division intended to file administrative charges against its license. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2).
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered revoking Respondent's Special Restaurant License No. 53-123, Series 6-COP SR. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Louisa E. Hargrett, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mark Shumaker, Esquire 1775 NE Fifth Avenue Boca Raton, Florida 33432 J. Reeve Bright, Esquire Florida Coast Bank Building, Suite 500 551 SE Eighth Street Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Gary R Rutledge, Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Howard N. Rasmussen, Director Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent's alcoholic beverage license no. 16-637 S, Series 4-COP, be revoked for multiple violations of the Beverage Law. DONE and ENTERED this 5th day of August, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of August, 1983.
The Issue Whether the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco is estopped from denying petitioner's application for a transfer of a special restaurant license.
Findings Of Fact In December, 1981, Applicant applied for transfer of alcoholic beverage license no. 23-02433, 4-COP SRX, a special restaurant license held by Charlies the Lakes Restaurant, Inc. & Willman Co.. DABT denied the application, contending that the licensed premises did not meet minimum seating or square footage requirements. (P-1, letter of denial dated April 8, 1982). The licensed premises, known as the Lakeside Cafe, is located at 6125 Miami Lakes Drive, Miami Lake percent, Florida. It has less than 4,000 square feet of service area and is able to seat less than 200 patrons at tables. (P-1, R-1 Stipulation of counsel) Applicant contends that since DABT granted a special restaurant license (4 COP-SRX) to the present and previous licensees, it is now estopped to deny the application. Although DABT has continuously granted such a license, license applicants have twice filed affidavits indicating that the licensed premises meets square footage and seating requirements. In 1976 and 1980 two separate applicants filed sworn affidavits stating that the licensed premises occupied 4,000 or more square feet of floor space and could accommodate 200 or more patrons at tables. On November 17, 1981, Applicant signed an agreement to purchase the licensed premises from the present licensee for $210,000.00. Under that agreement, the present licensee was required to transfer its interest in the beverage license to applicant. (P-3)
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Applicant's application to transfer license No. 23-02433, 4-COP SRX, be DENIED. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 16th day of November, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of November, 1982.
The Issue Whether Respondent's beverage license should be suspended or revoked, or a civil penalty assessed, for alleged violations of Sections 562.13(3)(a)(1), and 561.20(7)(a)(3), 562.23, Florida Statutes and Rule 7A-3.19(2), Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 561.29, Florida Statutes, as set forth in Notice to Show Cause issued by Petitioner.
Findings Of Fact The Florida Voluntary Roadside Improvement Association (Association) was incorporated in 1951 as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Florida by the Circuit Court of Leon County. The general objects of the Association as set forth in its certificate of incorporation are to develop and carry out a program of voluntary mutual cooperation among businesses occupying lands adjoining highways of Florida, highway users, and others concerning highway utilization. Petitioner has issued beverage licenses to the Association in several business names since 1969 at several locations in Tallahassee. In November, 1974, a Series 11-C beverage license (club license) was issued to the Association in the name of 1221 Club located at 1221 Alabama Street, Tallahassee, Florida. The license was in effect at the time of the alleged violations set forth in Petitioner's Notice to Show Cause and is presently held by the licensee. (Petitioner's Exhibits 1, 2, Testimony of Schoenfeld) The Association has rented space in a building owned by Willie Bennett at 1221 Alabama Street for several years. When he first purchased the building some seven years ago, it was rented to Alberta Walker who was then operating a place of business known as the Psychedelic Shack under a beverage license issued by Petitioner. In October, 1974, on a plea of nolo contendere, she was sentenced to eight months in the Leon County Jail by the County Court of Leon County for a violation of the State Beverage Law and another offense. Her beverage license was cancelled in May, 1974. City utilities for 1221 Alabama Street have been supplied under a contract with Walker in the name of Psychedelic Shack since 1970. (Petitioner's Exhibits 6, 10, 12, Testimony of Bennett, Schoenfeld, Connell, Walker) On June 3, 1977, Petitioner's beverage officer, Gary E. Sams, took a paid informant, Nathan Jones, to the vicinity of the 1221 Club and instructed him to enter the premises and attempt to become a member of the club and purchase alcoholic beverages there. Some 20 minutes later, Jones came out of the club and had a membership card. On several later occasions during the month of July, 1977, Jones purchased beer and vodka at the club from Walker who was tending the bar. Although Jones relied on a recent memorandum prepared by Sams to recall the precise dates of the beverage sales by Walker, his testimony concerning the incidents is deemed credible. (Testimony of Sams, Jones, Simmons, Respondent's Exhibit 1) On July 14, 1977, Sams observed Walker go to the door of the club, insert a key and enter the premises. On July 18, he observed Walker take a key from her purse, give it to Theodore Simmons, who thereafter unlocked the door. On July 19, Sams served a subpoena duces tecum upon Walker at the club premises for cancelled checks and bank statements of her personal checking account during the period January through June, 1977. She expressed no objection to turning over the required documents and did so that day. Theodore Simmons, the president of the Association, voluntarily turned over checks from the Association banking account in the Second National Bank of Tallahassee, which were variously dated in May and June of 1977. Upon comparison of the two sets of checks, a handwriting expert employed by the Florida Department of Criminal Law Enforcement found that Walker had written many of the words and figures appearing on the face of the checks, but had not signed them. (Petitioner's Exhibits 7-9, Testimony of Sams, Deposition of McCarthy (Petitioner's Exhibit 13) The bylaws of the Association provide that the membership committee inquires into the eligibility of applicants and submits findings to the board of directors who then vote on membership. The bylaws further provide that the treasurer of the organization shall have charge of the funds and deposit all monies in Association bank accounts, make disbursements, and maintain the books. In fact, two former treasurers of the Association resigned from their duties because they were given no functions to perform and never saw any books of the Association or handled any of its monies. Both individuals had become members of the Association by paying a $1.00 membership and were unaware as to whether any vote had ever been taken on their membership. Although at one time, the Association contemplated creating recreational facilities across the street from its premises, all that was accomplished was a clearing of land. Several times, the membership was solicited for funds to assist families of deceased members. The primary function of the club was social in nature. (Petitioner's Exhibit 3, Testimony of Dixie, Allen) Both Theodore Simmons and Alberta Walker testified at the hearing. Simmons was president of the Association from 1975 until a few months ago. Walker has been a member since May of 1975. During the period that Simmons was president, the Association had officers but not a board of directors. The club did not have a paid manager or employee. The practice was for Simmons to make sales of beverages and snacks during the hours of operation, and sign checks prepared by Walker for payment of rent, supplies and other Association expenses. Although Walker was not a paid employee, she possessed keys to the establishment, kept the books, handled the monies and made the periodic deposits in the club bank accounts. Simmons was aware that Walker had been convicted of a beverage violation and testified that "I didn't start the club until she came out of jail." Although Simmons wasn't paid for his work at the club, if he needed money, he would routinely take some from the club receipts. Walker testified that Simmons was her "boy friend" for five years and that she spent a lot of time at the 1221 Club to be with him and because she was unemployed. She testified that she kept the books of the Association because Beverage Officer Sams had said in 1975 that it was all right to "work there" due to the fact that her criminal conviction had been for a misdemeanor; but that he told her in August, 1977, that a 1976 state law prohibited her working as a bartender, although she could continue to keep the books. At the hearing, Sams conceded that he had informed Walker that she could continue to maintain the books of the Association. Walker claimed that the reason the utilities for the premises remained in her name was that it would cost $300 to transfer the account to the 1221 Club. Her claimed reason for making the club bank deposits was that Simmons had no motor vehicle and that the bank was located on the route to her home. She admitted selling alcoholic beverages as a consequence of Sams telling her that she could work at the club. The reason she had a key to the premises was that the one used during her operation of the Psychedelic Shack still opened the lock on the door of the premises. Her reason for filling out checks for Simmons to sign was that he was nervous and a poor speller. (Testimony of Simmons, Walker, Sams)
Recommendation It is recommended that Petitioner impose a civil penalty against Respondent, Florida Voluntary Roadside Improvement Association, in the amount of $100, pursuant to the authority granted under Section 561.29(1)(e) and (4), Florida Statutes, for violation of Rule 7A-3.19(2), Florida Administrative Code. DONE and entered this 21st day of February, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Francis Bayley, Esquire Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building 725 South Bronough Tallahassee, Florida 32304 W. R. Phillips, Esquire Post Office Box 594 Carrabelle, Florida 32322 Charles A. Nuzum, Director Division of Beverage Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304
Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received, post- hearing memoranda and briefs, and the entire record compiled herein, thereby make the following relevant factual findings. At all times material to the allegations and charges in this proceeding, Respondent, Riviera Resort Hotel Associates, Ltd., was the holder of a valid alcoholic beverage license No. 16-615-S, Series 4-COP, located at 2080 South Ocean Drive, Hallandale, Broward County, Florida. On May 8, 1984, at about 9:30 p.m., Officer D'Ambrosia entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity with a confidential source (CI). Based on a telephone complaint, Officer D'Ambrosia was requested by his supervisors to conduct an investigation to determine if the complaint was meritorious. The main lounge in the licensed premises has a front and back entrance. The front entrance is through the main lobby and the back door leads to a parking lot. Upon entering the premises, Officer D'Ambrosia and CI approached the main bar. Sergeant Pat Roberts was at the main bar area as a backup officer. There were approximately four other patrons at the bar. Officer D'Ambrosia and CI made contact with the on-duty bartender, Tommy Brownyard. After Brownyard served them drinks and the three of them engaged in general conversation, CI asked Brownyard if he had the "stuff" and if the price of $80.00 was still the same. Brownyard affirmed, stating that it would be in three bags, a one-gram and two half gram bags. CI then turned to Officer D'Ambrosia and stated the price of two grams would be $160.00. Officer D'Ambrosia counted out eight $20.00 bills and laid them on top of the bar counter. Brownyard left the bar area and entered the men's bathroom. After two or three minutes, Brownyard left the restroom, walked back to the bar and approached Officer D'Ambrosia and CI. Brownyard placed what looked like a pack of Marlboro cigarettes on top of the counter. Officer D'Ambrosia spread out the eight $20.00 bills on top of the counter in a manner that Brownyard could see it and Brownyard picked up the money while facing Officer D'Ambrosia and counted it behind the bar. Brownyard placed the currency in his pants pocket. Officer D'Ambrosia picked up the Marlboro box, opened it, and pulled out three clear plastic zip-lock-bags containing a white powdery substance. After looking at the bags, Officer D'Ambrosia placed them back into the box and placed a box in his shirt pocket. Sergeant pat Roberts observed the transaction. The three plastic bags which Officer D'Ambrosia purchased from Brownyard contained cocaine, a controlled substance under Chapter 893, Florida Statutes. As stated, the lounge only had, at most, four patrons besides Officer D'Ambrosia, CI and Roberts. The conversation with Brownyard about drugs occurred in a normal tone of voice. Officer D'Ambrosia did not attempt to conceal the purchase of drugs at the bar. Before Officer D'Ambrosia and CI left the bar, they spoke to Brownyard about the best time to buy more cocaine. Brownyard stated that Thursday (May 10, 1984) would be good but that Officer D'Ambrosia or CI should first call. Brownyard said that if Officer D'Ambrosia or CI wanted one gram of coke, to call and say "Is the one girl in there tonight?" and if Officer D'Ambrosia or the CI wanted two grams of cocaine, to call and ask "If the two girls are tonight." Brownyard would respond yes or no to the questions. After Officer D'Ambrosia and CI left, Sergeant Roberts had a conversation with Brownyard. Brownyard told Sergeant Roberts that he worked "directly for the owners" and that he "ran the placed" apparently referring to the lounge. On May 10, 1984, at about 9:20 p.m., Officer D'Ambrosia and CI went to the licensed premises and took seats at the bar. Officer Olive had arrived about 15 minutes earlier to be the backup officer. Officer Oliva was seated at the bar across from Officer D'Ambrosia and CI with a clear view of both D'Ambrosia and CI. There were at most five unidentified patrons at the bar on that evening. Brownyard was attending the bar. Officer D'Ambrosia and CI greeted at bar and, after approximately ten minutes, Brownyard approached Office D'Ambrosia and CI and stated "Those two girls are here if you are interested." Officer D'Ambrosia affirmed and Brownyard told Officer D'Ambrosia and CI that the cocaine would be in 2 one-gram bags. Brownyard then left the bar and walked to the area of the men's restroom. After approximately one minute, Brownyard left the area of the restroom and walked back to the bar. Brownyard approached Officer D'Ambrosia and CI. Brownyard placed a matchbox on the top of the bar and looked at Officer D'Ambrosia. Officer D'Ambrosia placed $160.00 on the bar counter and picked up the matchbox. Brownyard picked up the money and, after counting it, placed it in his pocket. Officer D'Ambrosia opened the matchbox and noticed two clear plastic zip-lock bags containing a white powdery substance. Office Olive observed the transaction. The two plastic bags bought and received from Brownyard contained cocaine. The conversation with Brownyard about drugs occurred in a normal tone of voice and Officer D'Ambrosia made no effort to conceal the sale on the premises. On May 14, 1984, at approximately 9:15 p.m. Officer D'Ambrosia entered the Riviera Resort Motel. Officer D'Ambrosia walked to the bar and sat down. Officer Wheeler had arrived before Officer D'Ambrosia as the backup officer. Officer D'Ambrosia entered into a conversation with the on-duty bartender named Janette about Brownyard. Janette stated that Brownyard had been fired. Janette told Officer D'Ambrosia that Brownyard had been fired by Chi Che, the bar manager (Arturo Muniz). At approximately 9:45 p.m., a patron later identified as Benee Scola entered the bar. Approximately 15 minutes later, Janette received a phone call from Brownyard. Janette advised Brownyard that Officer D'Ambrosia was at the bar looking for him. Brownyard told Janette that he would be at the bar in approximately 45 minutes. Janette relayed this information to Officer D'Ambrosia and at approximately 10:45 p.m., Brownyard entered the bar and sat down. D'Ambrosia and Janette approached and greeted Brownyard. Office D'Ambrosia asked Brownyard if "The two girls were around." Brownyard affirmed and stated that the price would be $80.00 per gram. Janette was in a position to hear this conversation. Officer Wheeler moved to a different part of the bar to get a better view of D'Ambrosia, Brownyard and Janette and to talk to Benne Scola. Brownyard asked D'Ambrosia if he was still interested in the "two girls" and Officer D'Ambrosia affirmed. Brownyard then obtained two matchboxes from Janette, who asked him (Brownyard) if one of the matchboxes was for her. Brownyard said yes. Brownyard left the bar and walked toward the men's restroom. Approximately two minutes, Brownyard returned and sat next to D'Ambrosia, placing a matchbox on top of the bar counter. The two clear plastic zip-lock bags containing cocaine were inside the matchbook cover. Officer D'Ambrosia pulled some currency from his pocket, counted out eight $20.00 bills and handed Brownyard the money below the bar counter. Officer D'Ambrosia picked up the matchbook, examined the contents, and placed it in his shirt pocket. Officer Wheeler did not see the exchange of money but observed the remaining portion of the transaction. On that evening, Chi Che entered the premises and set down two bar stools from Brownyard. Brownyard told D'Ambrosia that he had an argument with Chi Che about the liquor to carry at the bar and about accepting bad traveler's checks. After five or ten minutes, Chi Che left the bar. Janette asked Brownyard to watch the bar while she used the restroom. Brownyard agreed. Brownyard left the bar area after Janette returned from the restroom. D'Ambrosia states that Scola asked him (D'Ambrosia) if he knew where she could get some "blow." D'Ambrosia stated that she would have to talk to Brownyard. Brownyard returned to the bar and Scola approached him and asked about the going rate for blow. Brownyard stated $80.00 for a gram and $40.00 for a half gram. Brownyard said that he could handle a half gram right now. Scola agreed and handed Brownyard some currency. Brownyard took the currency, left the bar, existed the premises and returned approximately five minutes later. Brownyard handed Scola a small plastic baggie. Officer D'Ambrosia left the bar at approximately 7:30 and Officer Wheeler left approximately 15 minutes later. The conversations between Brownyard, Janette and Officers D'Ambrosia, Wheeler and Scola concerning the purchase of drugs occurred in normal tones of voice. Officer D'Ambrosia made no attempt to conceal the transaction. On May 18, 1984, at approximately 11:30 p.m., Officer D'Ambrosia entered the licensed premises in an undercover capacity. Janette was tending the bar. Officer Phillips was seated at the bar as the backup officer. Brownyard and Scola were also at the bar. Officer D'Ambrosia sat down and Brownyard approached him. D'Ambrosia asked Brownyard if he had any "stuff" with him tonight. Brownyard said "sure." D'Ambrosia asked if it was still the same price and Brownyard said "yes." D'Ambrosia said "OK." Brownyard left the bar and walked away from D'Ambrosia's view. About three minutes later Brownyard returned and placed a matchbox on the bar counter in front of D'Ambrosia. Officer D'Ambrosia pulled out four twenty dollar bills from his pocket and paid Brownyard. D'Ambrosia opened the match box up, lifted out a clear plastic zip lock bag containing suspected cocaine. Janette was in a position to see this transaction. Officer Phillips also observed this transaction. While tending bar, Janette spoke to Scola, "You want to go halves with me?" Scola stated that she would think about it since she had previously arranged a one half gram buy with Brownyard before officers D'Ambrosia and Phillips entered the bar. Janette later remarked that her boyfriend was later coming in with some medicine. Officer Phillips heard Scola and Janette discussing a cocaine deal. Janette told Scola it would be $35. Janette walked over to her boyfriend, Jeff Acosta, who gave her a small packet of aluminum foil. Janette gave the foil to Sonia and reminded her it was $35. Scola gave Janette two U.S. currency bills and told her to keep the rest as a tip. Janette gave Jeff the requested amount of the money. Scola later walked to the women's restroom. Officer Phillips later entered the women's restroom and observed Scola standing next to a toilet tank cover with an open packet of aluminum foil containing the suspected cocaine. Scola asked Officer Phillips to do a "line" with her, but Officer Phillips declined. Conversations at the bar area concerning the use of drugs occurred in a normal tone of voice. On May 25, 1984, at about 9:20 p.m., Officer Jenkins entered the licensed premises as a back up officer to Officer D'Ambrosia. At that time there were approximately six patrons in the bar area. Officer D'Ambrosia entered the premises approximately 9:25 and spoke to Janette about cocaine. Janette was told by Officer D'Ambrosia that the cocaine he bought from Brownyard was "poor quality" whereupon Janette allegedly admitted she was now dealing through her boyfriend Jeff. D'Ambrosia asked Janette if she would talk to Jeff about getting him some coke and she complied stating she would talk to him at about 10:10 p.m. when he (Jeff) entered the bar. D'Ambrosia approached and asked Jeff if he could get him an ounce and Jeff replied that he could. Later that night, D'Ambrosia and Jeff made a deal for one gram of coke that would be a sample for a future one ounce deal. According to D'Ambrosia, the purchase of one gram would take place on the next night, May 26, 1984. During that evening, Chi Che Muniz, the restaurant and lounge manager, entered the bar area. Officer D'Ambrosia approached Chi Che and told him that maybe Chi Che could pick up a woman if he did a couple of lines of coke. Chi Che refused. On May 26, 1984, at approximately 8:45 p.m., Officers D'Ambrosia and Jenkins entered the licensed premises. Shortly thereafter, Officer Aliva and Sergeant Roberts entered the bar. D'Ambrosia greeted Janette and had a general conversation with her. Janette asked D'Ambrosia if he had scored any cocaine and he reply "no." Janette stated that she would try and contact Jeff by phone because he had beeper. Janette made a short phone call from the bar and later told D'Ambrosia that she had left a message that he (D'Ambrosia) was at the bar. At approximately 9:30 p.m., a person later identified as Bill Hawkins entered the licensed premises. Bill approached Janette and told her that he was trying to locate some cocaine for her. Janette stated that she would buy a half from Bill for $35.00. Bill left the bar area and walked to the men's restroom. Officer Oliva went to the men's restroom. As Officer Oliva entered the restroom, he observed Bill changing clothes putting on a security uniform, complete with badge and night stick. Bill left the restroom and returned to the area. Bill told Officer D'Ambrosia that he worked part time as a security guard for Respondent on an as needed basis. At that time there were approximately 15 people in the lounge area. Bill Hawkins told Janette that the cocaine would be on the premises but that he would have to leave for a while to pick it up. Bill left for approximately 30 minutes and returned to the bar area. When he returned, he engaged in conversation with Bob Skirde. Janette later handed D'Ambrosia a small clear plastic zip-lock bag and asked D'Ambrosia to give it to Bill and tell him it was from me. D'Ambrosia complied with Janette's request. D'Ambrosia asked Bill if he had an extra half gram and Bill replied no that he could give D'Ambrosia "a nose full." Bill Hawkins then walked to the men's restroom where he found Officer Oliva who had previously arranged to buy a half gram of cocaine from Bill for $35. Bill asked Officer Olive to hold the door leading into the men's restroom while he did a line of coke. Officer D'Ambrosia observed Bob Skirde walk to the men's restroom and attempt to enter. Skirde was unable to enter the restroom inasmuch as Officer Olive was holding the door shut. Bill later approached Janette and asked her to get something to put it in. "Get me something." Janette handed Bill a napkin. Bill placed an object in the napkin, wrapped it up and gave it to Janette. Janette took the napkin and placed it in her purse. Janette later left the bar area and went to the restroom with what appeared to be the napkin she had received from Bill. Chi Che watched the bar while Janette was away. Officer D'Ambrosia states that he asked Janette "how was it?" and she replied "OK, but not as good as Jeff's." Later, Bill asked Officer D'Ambrosia to go to the men's restroom with him. Inside the restroom, Bill pulled out a clear plastic zip-lock bag containing suspected cocaine. Bill asked D'Ambrosia to do a couple of lines with him and he (D'Ambrosia) refused. D'Ambrosia asked Bill if he could purchase a half gram from him and Bill stated yes he would look into it. On June 1, 1984, at approximately 11:30 p.m., Officers D'Ambrosia and Jenkins separately entered the bar area. Officer Olive and Sergeant Roberts were there as back-up officers. D'Ambrosia talked to Jeff in Janette's presence about setting up a deal for an ounce of cocaine. Bill entered the premises and walked directly to Officer Jenkins. Bill and Officer Jenkins discussed cocaine and set up a deal for one gram to occur the next night at 7:00 p.m. On June 2, 1984, at approximately 7:10 p.m., Officer Jenkins entered the Riviera Resort Motel. Officer Jenkins asked an employee at the front desk if the bar was closed. The employee stated that it would be opened soon and suggest that she go to the patio bar. Sergeant Roberts was at the patio bar. Bill Hawkins called Officer Jenkins and they both walked to the patio bar. Janette was sitting on the patrons' side of the bar. At approximately 7:30 p.m., Janette left the patio bar to open the inside bar. Bill asked Beth, the patio bar attendant for a straw. Beth gave Bill a straw and stated that she knew Bill was not going to use it for his beer. Bill cut the straw to a length of approximately two inches and stated to Officer Jenkins "Let's go take care of business." Officer Jenkins and Bill walked to the inside bar. Janette was tending the bar and approximately two patrons were there. Officer Jenkins paid Bill $80 with money from her purse. Officer Jenkins extended the money to Bill over the bar counter and asked how the cocaine was packaged. Bill said "in a small plastic bag" and thereupon reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. Bill laid the wallet on the bar counter and pulled back a flap which exposed a small clear plastic zip-lock bag containing suspected cocaine. Later analysis revealed the substance was in fact cocaine. This transaction was observed by Officer Roberts. Janette later came over to Bill and asked "if he wanted to work as a bell boy tonight because the front desk had called her." Bill was offered fond and drink for his services of helping with the luggage of the guests at the hotel. On June 4, 1984, Officer D'Ambrosia entered the Riviera Resort Motel and talked to Janette, the on-duty bartender. D'Ambrosia asked why Jeff was not at the bar. Janette replied that she would call Jeff about 10:30 or 11 p.m. and tell him that Officer D'Ambrosia was there at the bar. According to D'Ambrosia, Janette acknowledged that Jeff was to sell him (D'Ambrosia) a gram of cocaine. Officer D'Ambrosia left the bar and returned at approximately 10:45 p.m. D'Ambrosia and Jeff talked about setting up a deal for an ounce. On June 5, 1984, at about 8:10 p.m., D'Ambrosia telephoned Jeff at the Riviera Resort Motel to reschedule the drug deal to January 8, 1984 at 11:00 p.m. On June 8, 1984, at approximately 8:45 p.m., Officer D'Ambrosia arrested Tommy Brownyard outside the Rodeo Lounge. A search of Brownyard's person produced a quantity of cocaine. Between 10:00 and 10:30 p.m., Officer D'Ambrosia, Jenkins, Oliva, Wheeler, and Sergeant Roberts entered the Riviera Resort Motel and proceeded to the bar area. D'Ambrosia talked briefly with Jeff. D'Ambrosia pulled $1500 from his wallet and showed the money to Jeff. Jeff told D'Ambrosia that it would take him approximately 10 minutes to get the cocaine and he (Jeff) left. Jeff came back to the bar area in approximately 15 minutes. Jeff was then carrying a short black leather jacket over his shoulder. Sergeant Roberts observed a large clear plastic bag with cocaine stuck inside the jacket. Officer D'Ambrosia and Sergeant Roberts placed Jeff under arrest. The weight of the cocaine was determined to be 28.18 grams. The Respondent's Defense When Bob Skirde became responsible for total management of the Riviera, he inherited a security agreement with a service operated under contract with "Chief Bill Heinklein." The service provided one guard stationed at Riviera for patrol seven nights per week from 10:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. This service was terminated with Chief Heinklein's company on March 15, 1984 due to a seasonal decline in the occupancy in the hotel and due to unsatisfactory performance by guards supplied by Chief Heinklein. William (Bill) Hawkins was hired by the "Chief" in January of 1984 and was terminated on March 15, 1984 because he was sleeping on duty while at the Riviera. Subsequent to terminating the relationship with Heinklein's company, Robert Skirde hired security on an as needed basis when heavy occupancy was anticipated such as the Memorial Day weekend. In this regard, Walter Patskanick was hired to provide security services during that weekend. During the weekend of May 26, 1984, William Dale Hawkins was at the facility and offered to "help out" in a conversation with Chi Che in exchange for food and drink. Bill Hawkins did not receive any monetary compensation for any services he provided. Employees Chi Che hired Tommy Brownyard as a bartender on February 19, 1984. His pay was $25 per shift. His employment application indicated that he had worked as an internal revenue service agent from January, 1976 until January, 1982. On May 12, 1984, Brownyard was fired by Chi Che for failure to observe company rules and policy. On April 1, 1984, Chi Che hired Janette Hawkins to work the patio bar. Her pay was set at $25 per shift. Her employment application, as did the application of Tommy Brownyard, indicated that she had never been convicted of a crime. Following May 12, 1984, when Brownyard was fired, Janette was transferred to the inside lounge to work as bartender. Respondent denies having any knowledge of any specific work being performed by Bill Hawkins on June 1, 1984. In this regard, the evidence revealed that Bill was not on Respondent's payroll and did not receive any pay on that date. Further, Respondent denies that Bill Hawkins was an employee at any time following his termination on March 15, 1984. Upon the retention of Robert Skirde as the general manager of the Riviera Resort Motel, he (manager Skirde) immediately started to refurbish the facility and to generally upgrade the facility to serve the tourist market and to attract international tourists. The facility increased its occupancy more than 200 percent above the occupancy level that existed while the prior operator, Lodging Unlimited, operated the hotel. Manager Skirde has completely refurbished the lobby; has renovated the plumbing; has recarpeted all of the villas; has painted selected areas of the facility to "change the theme"; has repaired the south side of the roof; has spent in excess of $12,000 in landscaping has published another brochure which is being forwarded to travel agencies and, as stated earlier herein, has retained the services of the Hallandale Police Department to rid the facility of derelicts. Manager Skirde has been in the hotel business in excess of 24 years and in Florida for more than 12 years in that business. He started his employment in the Industry with the Sheraton Hotel Chain and has worked at several large tourist hotels in the area before being retained by the Respondent. Manager Skirde is the incoming President of the HSMA, a trade association of hotels and motels. Respondent has installed an electronic device which can contact police during an emergency, as needed. While Respondent used Chief Heinklein's services to provide security at the facility, manager Skirde reviewed a log book which was maintained by the security personnel, a daily basis, immediately after he got to the facility each morning. During May, 1984, occupancy declined significantly at the hotel and, for that reason, manager Skirde cut back on security and other areas until the season picks up during mid- July, 1984. Prior to that time, there had been no evidence of any drug transactions either by employees or patrons, by management or other persons involved in the operation of the Respondent's facility. During manager Skirde's tenure, he has issued several memos concerning problems with security and other means of maintaining security at the facility. At his arrival at the facility each morning, he usually "walked the property off and has instructed all employees that they can contact him on a 24- hour basis if needed." Manager Skirde has a policy of prohibiting employees from being on the property after their normal work hours have ended. Additionally, manager Skirde has instructed employees to contact him at any hint of drug activity. Manager Skirde has never overheard any conversation regarding drug use on the premises of the Riviera motel. Manager Skirde has not seen any memo published by the Petitioner as to a drug educational program for licensees. Elvis Reyes, a resident of New York City, New York, is employed by DBG properties, the owner of the Respondent's facility as an internal security officer. As part of his duties as an internal security officer, Reyes visits various properties owned by DBG properties unannounced and, in that connection, visited the Riviera Motel on May 2, 1984. Part of his instructions were not to divulge his affiliation with the parent company. During Reyes' visit to the Riviera Resort Hotel on May 2, 1984, he was there for the specific purpose of trying to find drugs on the property, either through the use by patrons or the sale of drugs in the bar areas. When Reyes went to the facility, he visited the lounge on May 2 and while in the bar lounge, there were 3 people present, 2 of whom were bartenders and 1 patron. Reyes asked the bartenders and the 1 patron if they knew where he could get some "toot" or some "blow." On each occasion, Reyes got a negative response. Reyes returned to the lounge on May 3 and again tried to buy some drugs from both the on-duty bartenders and the patrons without any success. Mr. Reyes filed a report with his superior, a Mr. Fruitbind of DBG properties in New York City, and related to him that there was no evidence of drugs being used on the premises by either patrons or employees. (Respondent's Exhibit 5.) Dr. Robert Baer is the holder of a doctorate degree in Public Affairs and Administration and is employed at Nova University in Ft. Lauderdale. Dr. Baer has extensive educational training and experience in drug detection training and experience in the installation of security measures at hotel facilities. Dr. Baer served as a police officer with the Metro-Dade County Police Bureau from 1971 through 1977. He has served as an Officer in the Narcotics Unit and in the Organized Crime Bureau. Dr. Baer was received as an expert in these proceedings in surveillance, drugs and narcotics usage in hotels. Based on Dr. Haer's interview of Respondent's management team and the security service in force at the facility, he concludes that the security at Respondent's facility is at least average or better than average. His opinion was based on his study of the area which is a low crime area, the fact that police officers frequent the area in the lounge and they regularly are seen patroling the area. Based on the following reasons, Dr. Baer felt that security at the Respondent's facility was more than adequate: The security personnel are told not to go into the bar area; The Security Director goes into the bar on a daily basis; Brownyard was fired for dereliction of duties; There was a penetration study conducted by Internal Security Officer Hayes, and Management was unaware of any problems relative to drug usage by either employees or patrons.
The Issue Whether respondent's Rule 7A-3.15(3) (a) and (d), containing criteria for special restaurant alcoholic beverage licenses, constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.
Findings Of Fact On March 12, 1981, DABT issued petitioner a special restaurant alcoholic beverage license, No. 23-4626 SRX, Series 4 COP. (P-2, P-3.) Under the authority of this license, petitioner operates a business at 49 Northwest Fifth Street, Miami, Florida, which serves food and beverages (alcoholic and nonalcoholic) to the general public. (Testimony of Saric; P-2, P-3.) By notice dated August 28, 1981, as later amended, DABT sought to suspend or revoke petitioner's beverage license or impose a civil penalty. As grounds, DABT accused petitioner of violating Chapter 561, Florida Statutes, and Rule 7A-3.15, Florida Administrative Code. It contended that respondent violated Rule 7A-3.15 between April 28 and August 5, 1981, by failing to "prepare any meals on the premises . . . and by failing to "maintain tables of adequate size to accomodate [sic] the service of 200 full-course meals in accordance with the number of chairs found at that table.
The Issue Whether respondent's alcoholic beverage license should be disciplined on charges that it operated its restaurant in violation of beverage rules.
Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to this proceeding, respondent conducted business as Oscar's Restaurant and Lounge (the "licensed premises" or "premises") at 901 Southwest Eighth Street, Miami, Florida, under a special restaurant alcoholic beverage license, No. 23-2059-SRX (Series 4-COP-SRX), issued prior to April 18, 1972. I. At 2:30 p.m. on November 8, 1979, when beverage officer Louis J. Terminello inspected the licensed premises, the kitchen area was not in use. The kitchen lights were off, no kitchen employees were present, and no food was being prepared. Although alcoholic beverages were being served to approximately three patrons in the bar section of the premises, no food had been served. (Testimony of Terminello.) Officer Terminello then asked Oscar Sarmiento, the on-site representative of respondent, to produce business records reflecting the purchases and sales of alcoholic beverages, food, and nonalcoholic beverages. Mr. Sarmiento replied that the requested records were not on the premises, that they were at the office of respondent's accountant, Mark Thaw. (Testimony of Terminello.) Respondent contends, without corroboration, that DABT, through Officer Terminello, had given oral permission to keep these business records off premises, at its accountant's office. Officer Terminello denied having given such permission. Taking into account the interest and bias of the witnesses, Officer Terminello's denial is accepted as the more credible and is persuasive. The fact that, before or during the time in question, DABT agents inspected respondent's records at its accountant's office does not, by itself, establish that respondent had permission from DABT to keep business records offsite. (Testimony of Terminello, Sarmiento.) Before leaving the premises that day, Officer Terminello explained to Mr. Sarmiento the requirements of special restaurant alcoholic beverage licenses and provided a written notice of deficiencies. (Testimony of Terminello.) At 2:30 PM. on December 5, 1979, Officer Terminello returned to the licensed premises to conduct a follow up inspection. The kitchen area was, again, not in use. A small amount of food was found in the refrigerator. The stove was cold. No food was being prepared or served. Silverware was insufficient to accommodate 200 customers. Several patrons in the bar area were being served alcoholic beverages by Guano Salas, the employee in charge of the premises. (Testimony of Terminello.) At 2:00 P.M.. on the next day, December 6, 1979, Officer Terminello returned to the premises and found a similar situation: the kitchen was not in use, no food was being prepared or served, and patrons were being served alcoholic beverages in the bar area. He then arranged to have another beverage officer, Leonard Del Monte, attempt to purchase an alcoholic beverage and a meal. At 3:00 P.M.., Officer Del Monte entered, ordered an alcoholic beverage, and asked for "something to eat." Juana Salas, the employee in charge, told him that he could go "down the street," that there were plenty of restaurants in the area. He asked for a menu but was net given one. Although there were patrons drinking in the bar area, none were eating or being served meals. (Testimony of Terminello, Del Monte.) At 5:30 P.M.. on December 7, 1979, Officers Terminello and Del Monte returned to the premises. Officer Del Monte, in an undercover capacity, ordered and was served an alcoholic beverage. He requested a menu but Ms. Salas told him that no food was being served. Other Patrons were being served drinks but none were consuming meals. (Testimony of Terminello, Del Monte.) At 4:40 P.M.. on December 11, 1979, Officers Terminello and Del Monte again entered the premises. Patrons were at the bar drinking but no food was being prepared or served. When Officer Del Monte ordered a meal, he was told that food was not being served because the kitchen was being disinfected. He ordered and was served an alcoholic beverage. (Testimony of Terminello, Del Monte.) During each of the foregoing inspections of the licensed premises, Officers Terminello and Del Monte remained on the premises for approximately 20- 30 minutes. (Testimony of Del Monte, Terminello.) Oscar Sarmiento, former owner of the licensed premises, testified that, to his knowledge (although he was not always on the premises) meals could almost always be purchased on the premises, that lunch could normally be purchased in the early and mid-afternoons. (Testimony of Sarmiento.) II. Prior to February 28, 1979, Oscar Sarmiento was the owner and president of respondent. On February 28, 1979, Elma Sarmiento, his wife, became sole owner and was elected president, treasurer, and secretary of respondent corporation. (Testimony of Sarmiento; R-3, R-4.) On February 28, 1979, Rene Valdes, a beverage license broker acting on behalf of respondent, filed with DABT forms indicating that Elma Sarmiento owned all stock of the respondent corporation and that she was elected president, treasurer, and secretary at the corporate director's meeting held on February 28, 1979. 3/ (In anticipation of the change in ownership, Mrs. Sarmiento had been fingerprinted by DABT on November 13, 1978.)(Testimony of Valdes; R-2, R-3, R-4.) III. By final order dated December 12, 1979, that portion of Rule 7A-3.15, Florida Administrative Code, which requires special restaurant licensees to "discontinue the sale of alcoholic beverages whenever the service of full course meals is discontinued" was declared an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority by a Division of Administrative Hearings hearing officer. Gainesville Golf and Country Club, Inc. v. Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, Department of Business Regulation, DOAH Case No. 79-1851R, affirmed, 402 So.2d 616 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). DABT concedes that this portion of Rule 7A-3.15 is ineffective 4/ and any evidence concerning violation of it "cannot be used as an indication that the licensee was operating in a manner not consistent with its alcoholic beverage license." (Challenge to the validity of Rule 7A-3.15 filed by DABT on April 27, 1982.)
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That DABT impose a civil penalty of $1,000 against respondent for the rule and statutory violations as described above. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 5th day of August, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of August, 1982.