Retaliatory Eviction
I recently won a U.D. Case as a pro
per Defendant. Ordered - Costs per
Memorandum of Costs.
Because at least one of my defenses
was ''retaliatory eviction'', California
Civil Code Section 1942.5 states:
f) Any lessor who violates this section
shall be liable to the lessee in a civil
action for all of the following:
(1) The actual damages sustained by
the lessee.
(2) Punitive damages in an amount
of not less than one hundred dollars
($100) nor more than two thousand
dollars ($2,000) for each retaliatory
act where the lessor or agent has
been guilty of fraud, oppression, or
malice with respect to that act.
(g) In any action brought for
damages for retaliatory eviction, the
court shall award reasonable
attorney's fees to the prevailing party
if either party requests attorney's
fees upon the initiation of the action.
(h) The remedies provided by this
section shall be in addition to any
other remedies provided by statutory
or decisional law.
Question is: Do I need to file a new
claim in order to be awarded these
damages, or do I just add them to
my memorandum of costs?