Department of Insurance Claims Services Bureau - Request for Assistance
On 7/22/08 i had an auto accident caused by a Waste Resources truck (trash pick-up) that backed into my S-10 pick-up truck at a red light. I called my dad and he said to call the police. So after i called the police they tried to blame the accident on me saying i rear ended them. They then later admitted it was their fault. And the police wrote a report. I had contacted their insurance company and the manager of the Waste Resources company and he started giving me attitude and saying that i was lying. Thats when i contacted the police for the police report. I sent it into their insurance company and they later sent me a letter saying they would not pay for the damages. The estimate said it would be $880.34 for the total damages. So i contacted the Department of Insurance and they gave me a form to fill out. I contacted my insurance agent and he signed some parts. But what i need is advice on how to write out the Problem & Resolution.
#13. Briefly, describe your problem:
#14. What do you consider to be a fair resolution to your problem?
I want to know how to word it properly in the description of what happened. My agent told me its all about how you write it out.
please lend me some advice. thank you