California Governor Newsom issued an executive order on March 27, 2020 to impose a statewide moratorium on evictions. If you cannot pay your usual rent, the good news is that you cannot be evicted for now for not being able to pay. You have to follow the rules of the Governor’s executive order to be
If a 17 year old female has intercourse with, has a kid by, or is in a general relationship with a male who is 21 years of age, is there any legal wrong-doing under this assumption?
Suppose the parents of the female wanted to incorporate charges on the male for any one of these reasons?
What are the legal outcomes of this situation?
What rights do I have for a refund?
I purchased a hot air balloon ride online 5/30/2005. I have documentation that the charge went through on my credit card, and a confirmation from the company stating that I had 2yrs. to use the package. Now when I try to book the flight, no one at the company can find my info. and everyone I speak to says they'll call me back and never does. I can't speak with anyone when I call and don't know what I can do from here. If know one finds my info. and they let my package expire, what rights do I have for a refund?
I received a summons (with no court date) in late December 2009 for a lawsuit filed by a JDB, and I answered Pro Se with an Answer, Affirmative Defenses, Pro Se Notice of Appearance, and a Certificate of Service on the 31st of December. I mailed one copy via Certified Mail to the attorney for the plaintiff, and hand-delivered one copy directly to the courthouse, having them stamp my personal copy for my reference.
The case is from a credit card in which the last payment was made in June of 2005, more than 4 years prior to when the lawsuit was filed, meaning it was filed out of the statute of limitations for my state of California. I obtained proof of when the last payment was made via an old bank statement including the a copy of the check used to make the payment, which correlates to the information on my credit report from all three credit bureaus.
My questions are:
When should I initiate discovery in this case, and what are the time limits in California in which to do so?
I have prepared my First Request for Admissions and my Request for Productions to Plaintiff. I have combined these both in one legal document, but have read that it is advisable to stretch the discovery process out to the greatest extent possible by sending demand for admissions first then when the answers come in from that, send demand for production of documents.
Is this the best way to go about it, or is one collective document just as effective?
I don't mind sending two separate documents, I just want to be as efficient as possible while proving my case.
My prepared First Request for Admissions contains 9 admissions and my Request for Productions contains 16 document requests.
Is this with in allowed amounts for the state of California?
Are there any other papers I should file or time limits I should be aware of in this situation?
I really appreciate any and all help. Thank you very much for your input.