The equal employment statutes affect all phases of the employment process, from the initial advertising of a job vacancy through the hiring, promotion, discipline, termination, and retirement of an employee. The rule remains the same at each stage of the employment process: an employer is prohibited from treating job applicants or employees differently on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or handicap.
distribution of assets
how long after a person dies must the beneficiaries get all that they are owed? Does the executor have all power because it has been more than 2 years since my grandmother died and my mother has not received all that she is owed and she is afraid to confront my uncle who is the executor.
guardianship of minor
how can a 23 year old residing in virginia get guardianship of his brother who is visiting from california and does not want to go back home
Suspended license - Public Defender VS. Private Attorney
I was told by the DMV that they will
go ahead and issue me a restricted
license once they receive my SR-22
(2-3days). Three weeks later, I drove
to school thinking this whole time
that I was issued a restricted license,
that it was in their system, and that
I'm just waiting for it in the mail.
There was a sobriety checkpoint on
my way home and I got cited for
driving under a suspended license all
along.This whole time I thought I
was issued a restricted license weeks
I was cited with driving with a
suspended license due to a DUI,
breaking the probabtion (Got a DUI 3
months ago) and now I have to
appear at court.
I owe so much money that i dont
have enough income to hire a private
attorney. Can a public offender
reduce charges just as a private
attorney can? I don't want jail time,
Can a public defender reduce that
charge just as equal as a private
attorney can?
My question is: Will I be better off
with hiring a private attorney and be
in debt than appointing a public
defender? I dont want jail time, and I
qualify for a PD.