On May 17, 2019, the U.S. State Department announced that the family 2A category (spouses and unmarried children of lawful permanent residents) will become current for the first time in many years.
If the necessary information was
published and ran and a creditor
request payment over a year later is
the estate now responsible?
Dog was injured while I was Delivering a pizza to a home.
I was delivering a pizza to a customer who had ordered for delivery. As I was pulling into his driveway I noticed 2 large Great Dane dogs coming toward my car from my left side, between the house and my car. As I slowed to be sure not to hit either dog which continued to come closer to my car, I started hearing yelping sounds. I stopped and got out to notice another dog at the rear of my car on the right, and it had obviously gotten itself up under my tire and was injured. I never saw this 3rd dog, and I don't believe I should be liable for its vet bills, since the owner had invited me to his home to deliver food, and he failed to have his dogs out of the way of any possible accident, including his dogs coming at my car and getting hurt. Am I right that I am not liable since I was not being negligent or wreckless in any way?