On May 17, 2019, the U.S. State Department announced that the family 2A category (spouses and unmarried children of lawful permanent residents) will become current for the first time in many years.
My dad died almost eight years ago and the attorney has not closed his estate. Is this customary?
Expungement/Criminal Background Check
Last year I was charged with retail theft, it was my first offense and the amount was under $150 so I got charged with a summary offense. I was photographed and fingerprinted I appeared before the judge and received an ARD, I took the classes and paid all fines and restitution. I have several questions I want to ask: 1.) Will this offense so up on a criminal background check? 2.) Would I even have a record at all? (b/c someone told me this may not give me a record) 3.) If this does show up on a criminal background check is there any way I could have it removed, expunged or pardoned?