For both custodial and non custodial cases; the COVID-19 protocols can make an otherwise clear visitation schedule, very confusing.
divorce law
Do I give up any legal rights , cutody etc., if I leave the home when asked to do so
garnished wages due to child support
My ex wife is having my child support payments garnished, I cant afford to take care of my home due to this problem. What can I do?
Lazy Partner in an LLC
I would like to know if there is any legal way to remove or reduce a partners share of ownership in a company (2 person LLC, delaware) where they are 52% owner but contributing almost zero of the effort (perhaps 3 hours a month) and put in zero $$$ to start it. For years has done nothing and now wants to draw their share of the profits (substantial) for doing no work at all. I've put in 90 hour weeks, year round, and the partner has ignored the company.
In the boilerplate agreement the ''duties of members'' states ''members shall devote such time to the operations of the company as they, in their sole diescretion, deem to be reasonably required to conduct the company business and to operate and manage the company property in an efficient manner. The members shall use their best efforts to manage the business and affairs of the company. The doing of any act or failure to do any act which may result in a loss to the company, if done in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the company, shall not subject the members to any liability to the company''
Do I have to just accept the fact that the partner can sit on their hands yet draw their share of hundreds of thousands out of the co?
Job offered and later withdrawn w/o reason given
I was employed by this company for one year in good standing, excellent first year eval and eligible for rehire when went on disability due to surgery after 6 months. I was told due to company policy were required to let me go, but when I was released back to work, would find me a position. Not so....finally after interviewing like any other applicant was hired over the phone contingent on my passing a background check again. I asked the director who offered me the 'contengent' position....''did I have a job for sure'' ...she stated, absolutely, she would be a fool to let some one with my experience get thru her fingers. She told me to contact human resource to start background check, etc....which I did and then a couple of weeks later no one will call me back and human resource states ''I am sorry we are not authorized to offer you a position at this time''. The only thing I can think of is I had just been on disability for a year, history of a bad back, maybe I am seen as high risk hire. But I think that is discrimination for sure....there is nothing other wise in my record. I am a nurse...I called and wrote administration with no response. Do I have any recourse? I just want to know why is all....I am a damn good Nurse ....