The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognizes that there are immigration-related challenges as a direct result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We continue to carefully analyze these issues and to leverage our resources.
Who pays collection fees on a insurance debt.
My medical insurance failed to pay the full amount on a claim. They later acknowledged it was their error and paid the claim. The debt went to collection without my knowledge. Now that the claim has been paid in full by my insurance the doctor's office is still requiring a collection fee and will not remove my name from collections. Is this legal or can I take them to court and force them to remove my name from collections.
temporary guardianship
I am going to have my god daughter for a couple of months due to her mother having ''issues''. My question is I would like to find a form stating that I am not responsible if something happens to her daughter like injuries death and so she can't sue me if something does happen. Thank you in advance
Harassment or just an annoyance?
In a divorce situation, is it harassment for an ex-wife to break into the house and steal pictures off a wall and make daily phone calls to the ex-husband re: how to dress the children, how often to play with the children, what rules he should have in the home, and how to manage his personal life, work, and parental duties? And, while making personal derogatory remarks re: his character, telling him he's a bad father, is ruining his children's lives, and continually threatening law suits and child support adjustments, questioning the children about their time with their father, and claiming she has a right to every detail of his life because of the children- when there are no merit to her claims or statutory grounds for her demands for him to alter his behavior?