A guide to parenting time in Michigan during COVID-19.
Spousal Support
What are the steps to have Spousal Support reduced or terminated?
individual contractor rights
My husband is an individual contractor within a gym. Everyone is being fired friday. They must be rehired before they are allowed to train anyone Monday. My husband was Personal Training Director, two months later they took that from him. Now he is being fired for no reason. They want to change what percentage everyone makes. He is a subcontactor and all contracts are prepared by him and signed by him, not the gym. What can he do? Does he have any legal leg to stand on or can the gym do what they want? Can they reduce his pay?
1990 case ! M9065947
The judge specifically stated that it is grounds for granting my request but He couldn't b/c the motion that i had written didn't have the write wording for him to do so. What or how do i need to say it next tyme?