At this point, many of you have probably heard Governor Cuomo state that he has enacted a 90-day mortgage relief program, whereby NY homeowners can skip making mortgage payments for up to 90 days, without penalty. THIS IS SIMPLY UNTRUE!
Follow up to 6/17/2007 question
I am still in litigation regarding the
fraud perpetrated by the lender and
trustee during my foreclosure sale. I
was lucky enough to find an attorney
to work on contingency, but lately I
am wondering what the heck is going
on. Most recently, the judge upheld
a demurrer which seems to sink my
case. Can someone look into this
case on the LASuperior court
un married child custody
my son's ex just dropped off his kids and said she could not take care of them anymore. They would like to make it legal is there paperwork available to make it legal without getting lawyers involved they don't have much money and they both agree to him keeping them