I am often asked about what a “Notice of Filing Report of No Distribution.” Almost all Chapter 7 debtors will receive such a notice in their Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case. It is an important document that has big implications for your bankruptcy.
if someone reaches up a woman's skirt and gropes her private parts...Is that a crime? This happened to my wife at work and her boss sent the guy home for the night with no disciplinary action. Needless to say, I am quite inclined to raise holy hell both in the civil and legal arenas if she has standing to do so.
Any response is greatly appreciated. Thanks and Godspeed.
Cigarette smoke
I live in an apartment complex in
Chantilly, VA. We just transferred
from another apartment in this
complex because of black mold, and
now we moved into one where the
neighbors smoke, and I can smell it
in our apartment. I have two little
children, and I really do not want
them to be exposed to the smoke.
Can I get out of my lease because of
this? We told the office about this
and they said they really could not do