Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: Aug. 30, 2005
The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the intent to award a contract by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCF) or (Department) for programming and programming analysis support services for the Florida Online Recipient Integrated Data Access System (the Florida System) to Intervenor, Deloitte Consulting LLP (Deloitte), is in accordance with the governing statutes, rules, and policies applicable to the Department's procurement, and to the specifications in the Request for Proposals (RFP). It must also be determined whether the decision by DCF to disqualify the Petitioner, Unisys Corporation (Unisys), for allegedly being unresponsive to the specifications and terms of the RFP in a material way, is clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious.Petitioner failed to show a proposal sufficiently responsive to the Request for Proposal specs to be deemed responsive. Therefore, Petitioner could not have standing to attack the responsiveness of the other two vendors whom Respondent found responsive.