Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Filed: Dec. 05, 2016
These consolidated cases involve agency actions related to a “dune walkover”1/ (“dune walkover” or “Project”) proposed by the applicants, Texas Hold’Em, LLC, and Squeeze Me Inn, LLC (the “Applicants”). In order to construct the proposed dune walkover, the Applicants have filed: 1) an application for an Environmental Resource Permit (“ERP”); 2) an application for a letter of consent easement for the use of sovereignty submerged lands (“SSL Authorization”); 3) petitions for waivers from Florida Administrative Code Rule 62B-33.008(3)(c) and (d) to allow for completion and consideration of an application for a Coastal Construction Control Line (“CCCL”) permit (“CCCL Waivers”); and 4) an application for a CCCL permit (“CCCL Permit”).The Applicant demonstrated their entitlement to construct a dune walkover to provide access to the Gulf of Mexico, including issuance of an ERP permit, a consent to use sovereign land, a CCCL permit, and a CCL permit application timing waiver.