Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida
Latest Update: Feb. 17, 1987
In this case, Appellant, Walt Buchholz, appeals under Section 137.013, Clearwater Land Development Code (Code), from the decision of appellee Clearwater Development Code Adjustment Board (DCAB) to grant the application of appellee Key Sand Associates, Ltd. (Key Sand or applicant) for a 55 foot variance from the applicable 90 foot height restriction under the Code to enable Key Sand to build a 145 foot high condominium building on Sand Key. An appeal hearing was held in the case in Pinellas Park on January 23, 1987. The parties asked for and received until February 2, 1987, in which to file proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. R. Carlton Ward, Esquire, of Clearwater, for Appellant. Kenneth E. Easley, Esquire, of Largo, for appellee Key Sand Associates, Ltd.Zoning variance appeal is not de novo. Only participants below have standing. Actual notice required. No evidence of no actual notice dismissed.