Are there any legal ramifications that need to be considered if I have plans on creating a college student grant?
# I have Maryland selected for state. But I ultimately plan on not having it state restricted.
# The grant wouldn't be a large some of money, more along the lines of either $500.00 or $1,000.00.
# The grant will be restricted to college students within a particular job field.
# The essays / submissions should be released to me as part of the requirement.
# It would be nice to include school grade within as either a pre or post requisite.
There are too many legal issues that should be considered when creating a college student grant to simply start listing them here! If you would like to re-submit your question with a more specific question, you may receive a response. Otherwise, I would strongly suggest that you hire a Maryland lawyer who specializes in grants to lead you in the right direction.
Best of luck.*****The above is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client privilege.*******