My children are supposed to fly from
Maryland to CA for spring break but their pediatrician said that they felt it was not in their best interest with everything that’s going on with the coronavirus. The doctor even gave me a letter, since the father and I have already paid for the airline tickets. My ex threatened to file a contempt against me. Will I get in trouble If I do not send the kids?
The Court will expect you to follow the pediatrician's advice not to let your child board an airplane. You can provide make up time on another occasion when your child's life is not in danger. Talk with an attorney if you need further advice.
You will likely not be held in contempt, but may be required to provide him make up time.
If the visit is during the shut down, no. And right now, you can probably get a refund. Apply.
Government conveyance
Where the government is conveying a building to a private entity, what is the proper vehicle of conveyance (Special Warranty Deed etc.)?
Paternity Test
What does this statement mean? ''The probability of paternity, assuming a 50% prior chance, is 99.99%.'' This is on my son's paternity test, and his father says it means the results are inclusive and he's not the father! Even though it also states, '' (said father) can not be excluded as the father of (said child).'' I feel that if he wasn't indeed the father why isn't he contesting the child support and insurance court order. Thank you for any help clearing this up.
harrassmaent via phone
i have an ex boyfriend who continually calls me to harrass me. he calls my cell, my parents house where i am now staying, my friends cell phones, my mothers cell phone and brothers. He calls abot 10 times a day leaving nasty messeges. I also have his son with me which because of this behavoir I refuse to communicate with him to see his child. The baby is 16 months old. There is no court ordered child support or visitation. He has a history of domestic violence as well as mental abusiveness with me. I am concerned a restraining order will only make him more mad. He has threatened to call my parents work harassing them there to get them fired. I worry when I leave the house if he is waiting for me somewhere. I just dont know what to do.