fee waiver
I had already asked about a fee waiver, If a Plaintiff is represented by a private attorney who agrees to take their case for a late fee or attorneys fees, is it up to the attorney to pay the filing fees and
other costs with the understand they get a percentage of the judgement if any? Why would the court agree a fee waiver if she is represented by a attorney, who is most likely going to be paid hansomely at some point. My point is why should the city or state absorb the cost of the suit if the attorney is taking the case. In the past every attorney I have ever heard of has paid the up front cost of the suits, because he believes they will prevail in the end. Or am I wrong?
Re: fee waiver
I have NEVER heard of an attorney advancing costs of suit including filing fees. If you have heard of attorneys who will, go to them...I suspect you are in error.