I was placed on academic probation in January of this year due to not meeting academic requirements the year before because my GPA was at a 1.27 cumulative because I lost my grandparent thy year which rely affected both school and my health. After receiving a 3.3 GPA this spring and moving my cumulative up to a 2.17, showing great improvement, I was put on academic suspension due to withdrawing from some summer classes in order to change my major. The reason for my suing is because these classes I withdrew from were firstly mentioned to my academic advisor even before withdrawal as I made it clear that my math class which I had to take for my chemistry major is very difficult and therefore I would like to change my major to health sciences so I can drop both the math and physics classes related to the chemistry and instead pick up health science related classes and the academic advisor said yes. Now I am being suspended due to his misleading and this has caused me to lose both my education and work because I am an international student and work on campus. The academic advisor seems not to be taking any blame for this and it is affecting my education.
I sent mails to the academic affairs officer who decided to put me on suspension, two other academic affairs officers and also the president of the school. However, the president decided to have someone look at if but I am currently not in the country as I traveled for my great grandfathers funeral and would need to come in on my I-20 which I can only do if the situation is resolved which s why I need immediate help.
Hello. You ought not post private details of your personal issues on this, a public website. You should seek private attorney assistance for your needs. Your post is unclear. You should remove your post from this website. You may phone me re. attorney help. Some attorneys are available seven days for emergency legal needs. Many attorneys will confer initially at no charge. Then, if legal work is performed, some attorneys will provide a reduced fee for financial hardship. Some attorneys may also assist you in limited scope manner to conserve legal costs. All the best.
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