I wish to place a FERPA block at my previous university, including a block of all directory information. If I apply to a school and don't mention the university with the block, can the school I applied to legally find out that I attended the blocked university? I will be applying for financial aid, I did not receive financial aid at the previous institution (though I applied for it), and I took out a private student loan to pay for the previous institution.
Thanks for the help
No, you cannot block any of that information from the other school.
From the U.S. Dept. of Education:
Disclosure of Education Records
A school must:
Have a student's consent prior to the disclosure of education records;
Ensure that the consent is signed and dated and states the purpose of the disclosure.
A school MAY disclose education records without consent when:
The disclosure is to school officials who have been determined to have legitimate educational interests as set forth in the institution's annual notification of rights to students;
The student is seeking or intending to enroll in another school;
The disclosure is to state or local educational authorities auditing or enforcing Federal or State supported education programs or enforcing Federal laws which relate to those programs;
The disclosure is to the parents of a student who is a dependent for income tax purposes;
The disclosure is in connection with determining eligibility, amounts, and terms for financial aid or enforcing the terms and conditions of financial aid;
The disclosure is pursuant to a lawfully issued court order or subpoena; or
The information disclosed has been appropriately designated as directory information by the school.