You've been looking forward to that trip to visit your West Coast friends ever since you booked the flight last fall.
But that was before anyone even knew of COVID-19's existence. As the virus has spread, so has your trepidation. And now there's a cluster of confirmed cases near your destination.
So you're thinking of cancelling your flight. But if you do, can you recover the money you spent on your ticket? After all, we're talking a deadly health menace that didn't exist when you booked the flight.
Because COVID-19 was unforeseen when you purchased the ticket, does that give you a reason to get a refund?
Unless you have insurance (and probably not even then), you might be out of luck. Just being nervous about traveling is not a valid reason for getting a reimbursement.
But as air travel has declined sharply due to coronavirus spread this year, airlines are responding by loosening their usual restrictions. Many airlines, for instance, are waiving the fee for changed travel plans — a typical change fee is $200 or more — if you do it by a specified date.
As of March 10, for example, most carriers were waiving change fees for all tickets purchased by March 31 for rebooked travel. The time limit for rebooking and the rebooked travel dates vary.
Airlines are also waiving change fees for previously purchased tickets for flights to specific global hotspots. American Airlines, for instance, is waiving change fees for all flights to Italy scheduled through April 24. The flights must be rebooked by that date for travel within one year.
Several airlines are offering full refunds, even for refundable tickets, for unflown flights to the Chinese cities Wuhan, Beijing, Chengdu, and Shanghai, as well as to Hong Kong.
People who invest in travel insurance when they fly may be disappointed to learn that epidemics or pandemics are not covered. But if you have travel plans and haven't booked any flights yet, there is one type of insurance policy that might provide peace of mind: a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) policy.
CFARs can be pricey, costing about 50% more than standard travel insurance, but you can cancel up to 48 hours of your departure time and be reimbursed 50 to 75 percent of the trip cost. Restrictions do apply.
Landlord is trying to make me pay the whole rent!!!
My lease agreement is up Dec 1. I am one of the rentees in a condo. One set of roommates were on a 6month lease once their lease was up they moved out. My other roommate was on year lease like myself, but got put out because her dogs attacked another neighrbors dog, so she moved out and now i am the only one in the house. As soon as both moved out i tried to help my landlord out by trying to find tenants, then i get a call from him saying that if I dont find someone I am responsible for the whole 1650 of which i only pay 425 a month is this fair?? any advice or reference would be helpfiul thanks.
I recently lifted a large keg of beer and twisted in an awkward way. I incurred a rt inguinal hernia and had surgery.
This was a new claim. This lifting of #130 keg has resulted in a re-aggravation of an old claim from 2001.[herniated disc] This was a pre existing condition. Do I seek treatment under my 0ld claim from 2001? I received treatment and pain shots in 2001,but opted not to have surgery. might need back operation now from this re-aggravation of this disc.