Trauncy Laws
I have a 10 year old son who I pulled out of school a few weeks before school was out, because we were at the school at least every other day with complaints that his teacher wouldnt address. I am now getting visits from the police and social services. The police are saying they can take my kids I have 5 kids in all. Is this true? what can I do at this point to protect my family. I live in NM by the way. thank you for your time and any advice you may be able to offer.
Re: Trauncy Laws
[lawabby] Pulling your son from son served WHAT PURPOSE??
Unless he was being abused (and you should have submitted an abuse report were that the case), you've done yourself no favors here. And, you've certainly not helped the child.
The way to deal with school is not to hurt the child, but to address the system like an adult.
If it is a legal issue, then you address it properly. If it is a special education issue, there are pathways for that as well.
The teachers aren't the final arbiters of the way things are handled, you go in and talk with the principal until problems get straightened out. You don't yank the kid without a darned good reason.
At 10 years old, this is a pretty traumatic thing to do to HIM, even if you had the foresight to enroll him in another school...which apparently you didn't.
As you can see, it backfired and you now have the courts involved in your decision-making with respect to ALL of your kids, without having solved the problem at school.