Video Royalties
I have a contract with a local company to pay me a percentage of net revenue on a documentary series I co-produced with them. They are supposed to provide me with reports and statements verifying the amount of my royalties. They have sent me a check with no supporting information. My request for this information has been sent to their atty. My right to object is stated in the contract and I fully intend to exercise it. My question is: If I cash the check they sent, am I indicating agreement with their statement? Is there any way that I could cash it and retain my right to object to the statement?
Thank you.
Re: Video Royalties
Yes. All you have to do is to write them a letter stating clearly that the encashment of the check is without prejudice to your right to obtain an accounting of the revenue under the applicable provisions of your agreement with the said local company and to claim the difference.
Re: Video Royalties
Yes. All you have to do is to write them a letter stating clearly that the encashment of the check is without prejudice to your right to obtain an accounting of the revenue under the applicable provisions of your agreement with the said local company and to claim the difference.