I have received a letter from a debt collection agency in Australia and it is over an overdue paypal payment. Can they sue me and take me to court over 750usd paypal debt and win the case. Do they need solid evidence to sue me or the fact that paypal sold me their debt is solely enough? Can they linger the debt charge interest and sue me after 5 years for lots of money? Please help with some advise
I would do nothing until or unless they sue you. If they do,,they have to sue you in your home state. The logistics of it make it highly unlikely they will ever do that.
Lawyer malpractice
I hired an attorney for a closing on a property I bought last year. She was supposed to put both of my childrens name on the title of the home. She made a mistake and omitted one childs name. This allowed the other child to go behind my back and take out a loan on the property, doubleing the mortgage payments making it impossible for me to pay. I sued my daughter in court and won a judgement against her. The home ended up in foreclosure because I could not make the payments. I lost the rest of my equity in the home and made no profit on at all. I have no home, and all my investment is gone. Can I sue this attorney for malpractice because her mistake caused me to lose the home and all the equity I had put into it, I put 50K down, and lost all of it. My daughter has a court order to repay the 25K she borrowed, but the other half of that equity was lost once the home went into foreclosure. There was no profit due the fact that I got a year behind in payments, taxes and foreclosure fee's and attorney fees, and real estate agent fees. I paid this attorney to do a specific job for me and screwed up. She never showed up at closing, she sent a last minute replacement who obviously didnt know what she was doing.
Credit Card - PreTrial Conference?
I was given a Notice to Appear at a Pre-Trial Conference over a $2900 cc debt in Palm Beach County.
They state under Jurisdictional and Factual Allegations that i requested a credit card and used it to make purchases. They claim i will be unjustly enriched at their expense.
1. I never requested, inquired or received a credit card from Aspire.
2. I never made or attempted to make a purchase on an Aspire cc.
3. August 2003 was the last purchase according to their Transaction History.
4. The transaction history provided in the complaint was not for an Aspire cc.
5. 3 times they have reported this account to all three credit reporting agencies.
6. All 3 times i had them removed from my credit reports because they could not provide proof it was mine.
What should i do with this case?