Asked in @US
Jan. 27, 2010
, 0 answers
How Do I Change a Name on a Birth Certificate Issued Abroad While in the Military?
I was born in a US Army military hospital in Munich, Germany while my father was serving in the US Army and my US mother was able to live there with him. Both parents are US citizens. My first name is misspelled by one letter (Scot, when it should be Scott). All other documents (i.e. marriage license, passport, Soc. security card, etc...) are Scott with 2 ' t's '. Any idea how I can get my birth certificate fixed. I am concerned that if something happened to me my family would have a tough time collecting benefits and such..........I also just have a Dept. of State, Foreign Service of The United States Of America, Certification of Birth with the incorrect spelling so going to a state bureau won't help. Thank you for your advise....Scott
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