I am in the process of filing out chapter 7 bankruptcy. I would like to keep my home and vehicle. I am confused as to how to fill out the forms so I don't lose my home or vehicle. I purchased my home last year in August. I am current on the mortgage. I am unsure as to how to find the market value and if I qualify for the homestead exemption. I own my vehicle with no payments, but it needs repairs. Can you help. I cannot afford an attorney. If you can't help me, do you know if I can get help with these forms from someone at bankruptcy courthouse?
You say you "can't " find an attorney? If you can't afford one contact legal aid/legal services. If the problem is you don't want to pay one, you may want to make the investment if your home is an issue. With the new law things are more complicated, so having an attorney or at least paying them for a consultation to answer your questions is well worth it.