I'm in Ocala, Florida
53, been fully disabled thru sociial security for 12-yrs. Have medicare with Humana supplement policy. I'm not poor, probably considered well off.
But, I'm 80% bedridden, especially since not being able to get my scripts filled, due to what they say is walgreens new "good faith dispensing" policy....
What I don't understand is another pharmacy did fill.
Discrimination against me I feel. Are I not protected by the ADA act?
My Doctor is so angry with these pharmacies playing God.
I can provide further info, in needed.
Now, I'm going to provide a link to a website. Its to cable show called a Comedy Central with Jon Stewart. I was interviewed by Ed Helms, Actor from "The Hangover" movie, which he was a golden globe. www.thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/50nc4g/mooning-glory
Would need much more information to give you a specific answer.
That said, the Walgreens policy is apparently an attempt to comply with federal regulations for controlled substances, and part of Walgreens' response to the policy or not is subject to discussion - some think it an overreaction. But in light of the very active prosecutions in this area, can't say that Walgreens is being irrational. A practical solution at this point is to use another pharmacy - seems like you've found one already.
As noted in one of a number of blogs & comments on this:
'Pharmacists DO have a professional obligation to refuse filling a prescription if they believe the medication is being abused and/or report the abuse to the proper authorities. That is nothing new. And for chronic pain patients, that is actually a good thing. What is new is Walgreens’ apparent over-reaction to some trouble they got into with the DEA last spring at a Florida Walgreens that was traced back to an influx of controlled painkillers being sold on the black market (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/12/business/walgreen-to-pay-80-million-settlement-over-painkiller-sales.html?_r=0).' @
Your question doesn't ask a question