What shall I expect at 341 : (1) my case dismissed (2) my case not confirmed (3) my case converted to Chapter7 (4) something else. I received a Notice about my "projected earnings" for the 341 meeting. I am very nervous and any help would be appreciated. I am a single women.
You need to get yourself an attorney. Chapter 13 cases are extremely complicated and most Chapter 13 cases filed by pro se debtors end up getting dismissed. At the very least, you need to consult with an attorney to find out whether converting to a Chapter 7 would be appropriate; if you have unprotected assets, or are repaying mortgage arrears, you might need to look into alternative sources of income, such as help from relatives, in order to fund the Chapter 13 plan rather than convert to Chapter 7, but only an attorney who carefully analyzes your entire situation can advise you on the best way to proceed. You will need to inform the trustee of your changed financial situation and ask for some time to consult with an attorney to figure out how to proceed.