I have tried to rent a home from 3 different rental MGMT companies and was refused because I draw unemployment right now. All of them said I had to have a job or be employeed and could be verified. Why will they rent to someone that draws disability that is verifiable, and they do not have a job, why can they not rent to me when my unemployment is verifiable? I understand that unemployment will run out, and disability does not. What I do not understand is all 3 rental MGMT companies said I had to have a job even though I had verifiable income. My question is Why is it fair that someone drawing disability can rent a home from any of the 3, and not have a job, why was I denied being rented to when I have verifiable income, but no job? Doesn't seem fair or right. That's why I feel like I'm being discriminated against please correct me if I'm wrong. All 3 even refused me an application. And I have a text message from 1 of these companies to prove what I just said.
I'm sorry for your frustrating ordeal. Your post remains open for three weeks, and at this point, you could try reaching out to Tennessee landlord-tenant attorneys. From a practical standpoint, L-T attorneys would probably have the best insight into your situation among all the practice areas you've selected to post under. As a general premise, most discrimination-based legislation is geared around protected classes and tends to be based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, marital status, or disability. Employment or non-employment is not generally a protected class under most legislative schemes. You could see if a landlord-tenant attorney could offer you insight or suggestions. Good luck
Tim Akpinar