I filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy to save my home. The investors who own my mortgage got their lawyers to find away around it and now want me to sell my home in six months or they will foreclose. In the mean time I got a job making three times as much as I was at my last job. I can now pay my mortgage and the back payments that I owe. But I am still getting letters from the investors telling me that I must sell my home in six months or face foreclosure. If I am paying my mortgage and the back payments why are the investors still on me about selling my home ? Am I missing something here ? I am paying my mortgage and the back arrears so why are they so hell bent on me selling my home ? Lost in New Jersey !
You need to amend your plan and you will be OK.
Have an attorney review your chapter 13. If you have changed circumstances you should be able to get things modified.
It is simple, the investors want to cash out, but depending on your total circumstances, retaining the right type of attorney will probably solve the problem. Only a mortgage foreclosure defense and bankruptcy attorney has the expertise to prevent you from having more problems than you can possibly imagine. To properly answer your questions and address your concerns, the best way to handle this is with an in person consultation. You need to retain the best mortgage foreclosure defense and bankruptcy attorney you can afford. You should not be restricted by geographic factors. Pick the best lawyer you can find and remember one rule: a good lawyer is generally never cheap, and a cheap lawyer is generally never good so don't choose based on price.