You should certainly have a competent attorney represent you. If you are at a special court-martial, a finding of guilty could result in a felony conviction which will be on your record for the rest of your life. You also could face up to a year in jail, reduction to E-1, forfeiture of pay and a bad conduct discharge. A good attorney can provide you with necessary advice about your options, assist you in trying to avoid a conviction or at least minimizing the sentence you may receive.
I hope this has answered your question. Please feelf ree to contact me directly at [email protected] or (757) 420-9321.
You should certainly have a competent attorney represent you. If you are at a special court-martial, a finding of guilty could result in a felony conviction which will be on your record for the rest of your life. You also could face up to a year in jail, reduction to E-1, forfeiture of pay and a bad conduct discharge. A good attorney can provide you with necessary advice about your options, assist you in trying to avoid a conviction or at least minimizing the sentence you may receive.
I hope this has answered your question. Please feelf ree to contact me directly at [email protected] or (757) 420-9321.