On May 16, 2019, President Trump proposed a new immigration system in which over half of all green cards would be allotted to highly educated and skilled immigrants and their families. Under the President’s proposal, the number of green cards approved each year would remain at 1.1 million, the same as now. However, the percentage of employment-based green cards would rise from 12% to 57%.
child support
My girlfriend just had a baby and since I am only seventeen and have no job can she go after my parents for support?
Personal guarantee on friend's line of credit
Hi, I gave a personal guarantee for
my friend's line of credit on his
existing business to build his credit.
He told me that he will not use that
money at all and told bank that I was
the president of the company and he
was a secretary. The bank gave him
$25,000 line of credit and he took it
out right away and used it all. Now
we don't talk to each other at all
because he lied to me. Is there a
legal way I can take my name out of
the loan? The bank says the only
way would be to transfer the loan to
his name but since he has a bad
credit they would not take my name
off the loan. What are my options?
arrested for fentanoyl
can you be arrested for having fentanoyl in your car without a prescription and can they seize your car