My husband and I married each other in Africa. Under the law of the African country where we were married, it is lawful for a man to have more than one wife. Unbeknownst to me at the time we married, my husband was already lawfully married to another woman. . . .
careless driving
My son 18yrs old still has a provisional driver's license. He hit a parked car on a rainy day after turning a corner and stepping on the gas, the back of the p/u truck started to fishtail. as he corrected he hit the car. My question is if we go to the court date to explain the incident can this be reduced or thrown out because it was not careless driving but inexperience under these conditions in the pick up truck. I was told you can never argue a ticket on a provisional license. It can not be reduced or overturned. Can this be true.
Hello, I have a question about parental rights. I got divorced about 5 years ago, and in the divorce, I was awarded sole legal & sole physical custody of my daughter. My question is, if my new husband wants to adopt her, can he with only my consent? When I was awarded sole custody, does that mean that her biological father has no parental rights? (we are in the process of filling out stepparent adoption forms).
My boyfriend tonight was pulled over because his inspection sticker was not valid-- however, the date posted on the sticker for him to pass inspection was not yet expired. The police then saw an open bottle of vodka in his backseat (but he had not been drinking), then searched him and found 10 Vicodin. His court is tomorrow morning at 10am, what are the expected charges/penalties? He is 18.
Traveling Overseas
I am a permanent U.S. resident with a green card and I am from the country of Bosnia. I would like to travel to Spain for vacation at the beginning of June for one week. I don't have a passport. What would I need to travel safely to Spain and return to the U.S.?
Thanks in advance for your help,