If your policy of auto insurance had uninsured motorist coverage you may be able to obtain a payment from your own insurance company. Uninsured motorist law is very complicated. I recommend you retain a personal injury lawyer.
Stephen O'Keefe
Gibson + O'Keefe, Co., L.P.A.
6239 Wilmington Pike
Centerville, OH 45459-7108
937 643-0600 Phone
937 586-9495 Fax
Please note: this response does not create an attorney cleint relationship.
If your policy of auto insurance had uninsured motorist coverage you may be able to obtain a payment from your own insurance company. Uninsured motorist law is very complicated. I recommend you retain a personal injury lawyer.
Stephen O'Keefe
Gibson + O'Keefe, Co., L.P.A.
6239 Wilmington Pike
Centerville, OH 45459-7108
937 643-0600 Phone
937 586-9495 Fax
Please note: this response does not create an attorney cleint relationship.