Due to Covid- 19 I lost my educational enrichment business suddenly and had to refund my customers. My son went to a small Montessori school and they are closed as well. Can I stop the final two monthly payments because I have suffered sudden economic loss?
I'm not sure if you're asking whether you are legally allowed to stop the payments, or whether you are physically able to. (Remember your fourth grade teacher and the difference between "Can I go to the bathroom?" and "May I go to the bathroom?")
I don't know if you CAN stop the payments, without seeing the contract between you and the school and the bank. If you CAN do it, I would recommend stopping them.
Contractually, you probably owe all the money to the school, and by stopping the payments, you would be in violation of your contract. However, with this very uncertain issue, you're probably better off by stopping the payments, keeping the money in your own possession, and forcing the school to sue you, if they choose to. The alternative would be to let them collect the payments, and then you would have to sue them. It's better for you to keep the money.
In the end, if the school does sue you for the final payments, you may wind up having to pay. If it gets to that point, you should consult with an attorney to review your contract and your legal rights.
Domestic Violence
my husband came home drnk and we got into a fight I told my little cousins to call the police. He was arrested and spent 3 days in jail. We have all a supeona to show up at court we have went to counseling since then and I dont want him to go to jail what do I do if I dont want to testify aganist him. Or my little cousins who are under age dont even want to go nor do there parents want them involved but they have a supeona. Waht do we do?
my landlord controls my heat it is included in my rent its oil i have had problems with it running out and having nights with no heat as of the last three weeks i have had no heat she refuses to get any more telling me i use to much what are my right as a tenant and what action should i take next