During these trying times, many people have found themselves dealing with creditors and debt collection agencies. But don't fret -- there are strong consumers laws that protect you from overly aggressive collection tactics. Here is a list of what creditors and debt collection agencies MAY NOT DO:
16 year old daughter
Does my 16 year old daughter have to see her father?
child support
I was granted court ordered child supporIt by the courts. My child's father works with the city, everytime that they send the wage garnishment papers to his job, his employer refuses to respond back to them. He is not paying me any child support and I find it real amazing that the city runs the child support agency and that is where he works and yet still they cannot get his employer which is the city to respond. I have received the medical cards from his insurance company, but no child support. What do I do now. I am absolutely sure that he works with the city and that to date he is still working, also that they have his current employment on file, which I gave to them. HELP!!!!!