During these trying times, many people have found themselves dealing with creditors and debt collection agencies. But don't fret -- there are strong consumers laws that protect you from overly aggressive collection tactics. Here is a list of what creditors and debt collection agencies MAY NOT DO:
Question: How do you measure the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit of a pension plan in the situation where a particular benefit is earned at a specified age? For instance, if a named executive officer at age 40 is granted an award if he stays with his company until age 60, how should the company measure this benefit when the executive is age 50 and the normal retirement age under the plan is age 65?
Selling our business
We owned the business and property for 20 years in a c-corporation. We want to sell the stock only. What percentage would we be paying taxes on - also we are foreigners. When paying taxes - will that be on the entire amount that we get out (there are no more mortgages) or can we deduct of what we paid for the property 20 years ago? Thanks.
Expungement of fingerprints
If I was convicted of a felony in 1992, served my probation, released early; were my fingerprints expunged? When I was convicted the judge said after my satisfactory probabtion my records would be expunged. I am now trying to gey a job w/o telling them that, will they find my fingerprints from 1992? As I was fingerprinted for this job. I never actively sought out to expunge them, I thought it just happened?