Can I be fired or found guilty for not doing a lie detector test?
No. Lie detector test results are not admissible in court. But anything you say before, during, and after the test is.I would need more details to answer the second question. If your job requires a TS clearance then it is possible that refusing a lie detector related to a clearance screening would result in getting fired. However, no one can force you to take one. One option is to work with an attorney to have a private polygraph done confidentially. Sorry if this is vague but I would recommend speaking with an attorney privately about the details.
Sue/Lien on Property
I owed homeowners maintenance fees, I have paid them, before I paid was turned over to attorney for collections, paid fees directly to maintenance company, attorney says will sue for his fee. Can he?
My daughter's father and I were never married and we separated 18 months ago. He has had 3 visits with her during that time that were each a week long, and has not tried to see her again since the first week of June, 2011. We just got child support established through Department of Revenue but have not gone in for custody or visitation.
My question is this... In the state of Florida can an unwed mother go into the courts to get a statement/certification of sole custody/legal decision making based on the fact that it has not yet been established otherwise? or does that automatically bring the father into the situation and give him the chance to establish his rights on my dime?
When her father and I were together we often talked about taking a Disney cruise with our daughter, like his sister had done for his niece when she was 4. Now that we are separated he is trying to stop that because it requires a passport and to get a passport without his signature I was told I need a statement of Sole legal decision making. Now my daughter WANTS to go on the trip we promised her and while I know kids survive broken promises I hate to be the one who does it to her.
rights of visitation
my husband and his ex wife who lives in another state (Missouri) had agreed upon visitation of their 2 children during their divorce. now she has decided that he can see them only when she wants to let him and he has to drive 500 or so miles to pick them up and drive the same amount to take them back, she will not meet half way. What are his rights and what should he do?