We own two small retail stores. COVID has cut our sales by 50%, but we are paying 100% of the rent so the landlords are not sharing in losses (at least not for our space). These are not losses due to business decisions that normally would be the ownership of the tenant, these are beyond our control, impossible to have predicted, and a result of government action. Therefore, we feel the pain should be shared. If you disagree, we have no business to discuss as this question is not for you. We are trying to see if it's possible to navigate the law while also accounting for the pandemic and thinking outside the box and understanding the desperation of both landlords and tenants are in right now and the need to work together and share the pain.
Um... this platform is not for anyone to tell attorneys what to say. Did you know a our answers are available in google searches? That is a to say, they educate others, not just the person posting.
Just saying...
Contracts are ALWAYS negotiable and by definition, re-negotiable. If you're a good tenant, your landlord should want to work with you. They know it's not just you, and they'll have a very difficult time finding any new tenants right now if they choose to be intractable and maybe lose their current tenants.
That's not to say that they WILL want to work with you. Commercial landlord are sometimes big multi-national corporations.
I don't know them or their situation. But it doesn't hurt for you to ask for some abatement/deferment, given this pandemic crisis.
Yes, there have been multiple agreements to mitigage the impact of COVID when it comes to commercial leases... all the way from waiving 50% to 100% of a month or two ... to delaying 50% of the rent on an agreed upon future payment schedule. Every landlord and every tenant is different ... so, a free initial consultation by video call would be your next step. Shawn Jackson - Business Development Attorney.
Rental Aggreement
I have been renting at my current address for the past 2 years and 1 month. I have decided to move because of problums with the agency I'm currently renting from. I signed a 1 year least about 2 years ago and have been renting month to month every since. I gave the agency 2 weeks notice that I will be moving. Do I have to give them a full 30 day notice if my lease expired over 1 year ago?
A General Contractor orders some equipment for a project and has the equipment shipped to the sub-contractor warehouse (i.e. - the sub-contractor leases space in the warehouse - they do not own the warehouse or the property).
Does the General Contractor have the right to retrieve the equipment - that the GC ordered - from the sub-contractor's warehouse if the sub-contractor tries to keep the material that was delivered?
sealed records
If my J&S was sealed and conviction does not show up through WSP criminal history search, am I allowed to answer no to questions on job/rental applications regarding convictions?