Filed bankruptcy April 1 2019. Refund issued Feb 29, 2020 captured by trustee. He's not returning my calls, so I'm curious about how long it may , or usually takes to get the money that the estate isn't entitled to. Is there anything in the statutes that outline this process?
Thank you
You will probably receive it within 30-60 days.
The trustee has an obligation to collect all non-exempt assets, which includes tax refunds for the year you filed a bankruptcy. But, only a potion of the refunds. The trustee is not going to return your call if you have an attorney. If you don't - contact the United States Trustee's office and file a complaint (but make sure you called, email or wrote several times before complaining). If you do not have an attorney, we have a Self-Help Center at the Bankruptcy Court - 602-682-4007.