What are terms of fines payments for corporations?
For example: Court says: Corporation X must pay 100 millions to Corporation Y as fine.
What are terms of payment for Corporation X? Will corporation Y get full amount? How will it pay: 100 mln at once or piece by piece? Is there any standard? Or each situation is unique?
It would be great to get some information about it.
And do corporations have insurance for claims?
In civil litigation, as opposed to criminal or family court cases, the enforcement of money judgments is left to the parties who can attempt to execute on the judgment by directing law enforcement such as the Sherriff or a Marshall's office to lien, levy, and/or garnish the judgment debtors accounts or repossess property in which a perfected lien has been foreclosed upon.
I am not sure what you are trying to ask
Child support
Can I get a case in California moved to Fla, So I can dispute the child support being taken out of my check.
Can a petition for legal guardianship be filed through fax in IL?
I am in Illinois, my daughter turns 18 on 9/15/18. I was looking through my papers and for some reason my divorce from 2007 says I am to pay child support through June 1st 2019. I have no recollection of why but I think we decided that because we thought she would be in high school until then. She graduates in May of this year.
Is there anything I can do? Will a judge change the order? I am sure her mother wants the money. She starts college in September and I would like to spend the money towards that. (She is going to school on campus in another town)